HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181543 Ver 1_SAW-2008-01497 RAI-signed_20181116Strickland, Bev From: Hair, Sarah E CIV CESAW CESAD (US) <Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2018 5:14 PM To: doug.mcmillan@ymcatriangle.org Cc: Bodnar, Gregg; Mairs, Robb L; Ron Cullipher; Maxi O Barbour; Connell, Brad Subject: [External] Proposed Roosevelt Cove subdivision application Attachments: SAW -2008-01497 RAI-signed.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Good evening, This email is to notify you that the Corps has received a copy of the application and DCM bio report for the following project: Corps Action ID: SAW -2008-01497 Project Name: Taylor Tract/YMCA of Triangle/Roosevelt Cove County: Carteret We intend to process this proposal through the programmatic general process (PGP 291). However, additional information is required in order to process this request. Please see attached application incomplete/request for additional information (RAI). Please note, I will be in the office Monday -Wednesday of next week, and then out for the Thanksgiving holiday until Monday, November 26. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Liz Hair Regulatory Project Manager Wilmington District US Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Sarah.e.hair@usace.army.mil 910-251-4049 1 Srares uti P REPLYTO ATTENTION OF: Regulatory Division DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 November 16, 2018 SUBJECT: File No. SAW -2013-02417; Information Request for Proposed Residential Subdivision (Roosevelt Cove)/Including Discharge of Fill Material into waters of the U.S. (WOUS), located at 1824 Salter Path Road, Indian Beach, Carteret County, North Carolina. YMCA of the Triangle, Inc. Attn: Douglas McMillan 801 Corporate Center Dr., Suite 200 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Doug.McMillan&ymcatrian lg e org Dear Mr. McMillan: This letter is in reference to your Department of the Army (DA) permit application received October 31, 2018 submitted to the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers (Corps) for the road construction associated with a proposed residential subdivision, on an approximate 21 -acre parcel, within waters adjacent to the Bogue Sound, located at 1824 Salter Path, Road in Indian Beach, Carteret County, North Carolina. A review of your application indicates it to be a candidate for Federal authorization pursuant to the CAMA-Corps Programmatic Permit process for construction activities that receive authorization from the State of North Carolina. Accordingly, the administrative processing of your application will be accomplished by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management. Comments from Federal review agencies will be furnished to the State. This letter further notifies you that your DA permit application is insufficient to fully evaluate your proposal. The application contained insufficient information regarding avoidance and minimization measures to the aquatic environment. Additionally, the application did not contain a mitigation statement/plan. Recall during our May 29, 2018 pre -application meeting that we discussed all three items listed above. Compensatory mitigation is required for the unavoidable impacts to the aquatic environment. Please see below for further explanation on each item: 1. Avoidance: Please provide additional information describing why this particular site was selected for your project. You may want to reference the presence, quantity and quality or function of wetlands and/or waters of the US, the presence of any federally -listed -2 - threatened or endangered species or their critical habitat, state listed species, or other natural or regionally important ecosystem resource factors that may be significantly impacted compared to other available parcels of land which would meet your project purpose. Please provide information about these factors for each alternative site considered, including the preferred site. Discuss these factors in combination with the other factors listed in your application to describe why each site was not found to be a practicable alternative, and/or the least environmentally damaging alternative, and describe/justify the geographic scope used to determine potentially suitable sites. 2. Minimization: Minimization includes alternate site plans and other steps which would reduce impacts to on-site waters of the United States (WOUS). Please further describe alternative site plans and minimization steps considered to further minimize the impact of your project on aquatic resources. This includes information regarding alternate site configurations that were considered such as reducing the size of the associated infrastructure so that more impacts are avoided (i.e. use of bridges over wetland crossings, or size of the road crossings) and/or reconfiguring the location of the proposed infrastructure. Additionally, it is worth noting that the previous authorization dated July 9, 2009, allowed for approximately 0.21 acre of wetland fill associated with the proposed infrastructure, while this current proposal is for nearly 0.5 acre of wetland fill. The proposed design reduces the number of lots, however the wetland impacts are double that of the 2009 permit. Also, the wetland impacts associated with proposed lots 11 and 12 are not necessary for access, as there are usable uplands on each lot for a dwelling and associated amenities. As such, the proposed plan does not exhibit adequate minimization. 3. Compensatory Mitigation: An appropriate compensatory mitigation plan is required to fully offset unavoidable impacts to WOUS in accordance with 33 CFR 332 - Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources. The application does not provide a mitigation statement or plan. Once the mitigation proposal is determined by the Corps to be appropriate, the mitigation plan must contain the elements described at 33 CFR 332.4(c)(2) through (c)(14). Additionally, please note the preference for purchasing mitigation bank credits to offset impacts at 33 CFR 332.3(b). If mitigation bank credit purchase is not proposed, the justification for utilizing other forms of mitigation should be provided. The Corps requests that the applicant provide the requested information within 30 days of the date of this letter. If no response is received by then, the application may need to be withdrawn. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this request for additional information, please contact Liz Hair at the above address, by phone at (9 10) 251-4049, or by email at sarah.e.hairgusace.army.mil. -3 - Sincerely, Liz Hair Project Manager Wilmington Field Office Regulatory Division Electronic Copies Furnished: Mr. Greg Bodnar—NC-DEQ/DCM Mr. Robb Mairs-NC DEQ/DWR Mr. Ron Cullipher-The Cullipher Group, P.A. Mr. Max Barbour -Hyde Investors, LLC