HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200689 Ver 1_Updated Plans_20220202Strickland, Bev
From: Jake McLean <jmclean@wildlandseng.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 2, 2022 1:46 PM
To: Eplin, Tamera; Christopher Grubb; Fuemmeler, Amanda J CIV (US); Homewood, Sue;
Leslie, Andrea J; Goudreau, Chris J.; Williams, Lori A; Etchison, Luke; Hamstead, Byron
A; susan_cameron; Laura_Fogo; Derek Martin; gangloffmm@appstate.edu;
hcwatershed@gmail.com; Fox, Graham; jason_mays@fws.gov; Latham, Tim
Cc: Jonathan Hartsell; Andy Hill; Angela Allen; Gail Lazaras; Erin McCombs
Subject: [External] RE: Ward's Mill Dam Removal
Attachments: Sept2021_photoapproaches_WMDf_2.1.21 pdfR.pdf; Phase 2 Concepts for WMD
9.10.21f_2.1.21.pdf; Ward Mill Dam Final Plans 1.5.21_sealed.pdf
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Hi everyone,
We are gearing up to complete Phase 2 of the dam removal effort in the next month or so. During this phase we plan to
stabilize the left stream bank and utilize material from the mid -channel bar that is currently present upstream of the
dam. The details are provided in the attachments.
I wanted to make sure that you all knew our intentions to implement this phase within the permitting requirements
established. Our approach is consistent with the design plans and those plans stated that additional details would be
provided at this stage which are attached in the form of a pdf markup sheet and photographs that correspond to help
explain the details.
I am available to run through questions or review permit requirements or details of the approach with permitting
agencies based on this plan. We will be working in the wet and diverting flow away from the work area where relevant
to reduce sediment input. The nature of moving material from the middle of the channel and relocating it to the
channel edge requires instream work and will stir sediment which is mostly sand and gravel at this point and is not
anticipated to create significant or prolonged turbidity. During the placement of non -riverbed material (soil) precautions
will be taken to mitigate input of sediment into the flow. We will be reseeding, matting, and livestaking the project
upon completion of the grading work. Work is being performed by Wildland Construction (for those of you that don't
know, we started a construction company 2 years ago lead by Riley Lecka, formerly of North State Environmental who
has significant experience with dam removal and river restoration). Myself and/or my (Engineering side) coworkers will
be onsite and representing the Project management team and ensuring the successful completion of this phase of work.
Please let me know what follow-up, if any, you would like to have by the end of next Tuesday so that I can plan
accordingly and coordinate with you. The target start date has not been set, but please indicate if you would like to be
notified or designate a point of notification within your agency once the scheduling of this work is complete. The actual
work dates will depend on weather and other factors and is anticipated to have a duration of 1 week.
From: Jake McLean
Sent: Wednesday, May 5, 2021 8:44 AM
To: tamera.eplin@ncdenr.gov; Chris.Grubb <Chris.Grubb@watgov.org>; Fuemmeler, Amanda J CIV (US)
<Amanda.Jones@usace.army.mil>; sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov; Leslie, Andrea J <andrea.leslie@ncwildlife.org>;
chris.goudreau@ncwildlife.org; lori.williams@ncwildlife.org; luke.etchison@ncwildlife.org; byron_hamstead@fws.gov;
susan_cameron@fws.gov; Laura_Fogo <Laura_Fogo@fws.gov>; Derek Martin <martindjl@appstate.edu>;
gangloffmm@appstate.edu; hcwatershed@gmail.com;'Graham.Fox@watgov.org' <Graham.Fox@watgov.org>;
'jason_mays@fws.gov' <jason_mays@fws.gov>; Latham, Tim <tim.latham@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Jonathan Hartsell <hartselljonathan@gmail.com>; Andy Hill <Andy@mountaintrue.org>; Mimi Caddell
<mcaddell@wildlandseng.com>; Eric Neuhaus <eneuhaus@wildlandseng.com>; Angela Allen
<aallen@wildlandseng.com>; 'Gail Lazaras' <glazaras@americanrivers.org>; Jordan Hessler
Subject: RE: Ward's Mill Dam Removal
The USFWS crew has locked in the week of May 10-14th to be onsite doing the 1st phase of dam removal. Removal will
likely start on the 12th or 13th as they will be traveling Monday, setting up Tuesday and starting the work pad on Wed.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Also, please notify Jonathan and! if you are planning to visit the site and on what day. As you all know there is limited
room for parking, etc. and although the Wards have there shots we would like to be able to know who is going to be
visiting the site and have the potential to be able to manage this to the degree necessary (set up enough lawn chairs ;).
Jake McLean I Senior Water Resource Engineer, Project Manager
0: 828.774.5547 M: 828.545.3865
Wildlands Engineering, Inc.
167-B Haywood Road
Asheville, NC 28806