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20071226 Ver 1_More Info Received_20070813
~~- ~22~ _~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ti~~~ P~ ~~~~P~ ~~__ ~r ~~Zm f~ 2N~Z o ~~oa zy$~ o~Tmy c raZ N Z'" v 5z m z~ z~ ~~ ~ ~ tib c° a ~ z m j ~° N w ~a ~ r ~ t.a ~ ~. Dutchman's Creek °~-i22`° Golf Course and Residential Development Gaston County North Carolina Joint Application Form and Supporting Documentation for NATIONWIDE PERMITS THA T REQ UIRE NOTIFICATION TO CORPS OF ENGINEERS & NCDENR Prepared Fnr J. Edward Kale, III Dutchman's Creek Development, LLC 1400 Harding Place, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28204 Prepared By: Leonard S. Rindner, PWS Environmental Planning Consultant 3714 Spokeshave Lane Matthews, NC 28105 (704)904-2277 *Subject to verification by the USACE July 13, 2007 (with corrections 8-11-07) Page 1 of 10 Office Use Only: Form Version May 2002 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. D '1 -' ~ ~ a. l.c (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) I. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: X Section 404 Permit ^ Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ^ Section 10 Permit Isolated Wetland Permit DWQ X 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: 29 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written. approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ^ 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (verify availability with NCWRP prior to submittal of PCN), complete section VIII and check here: See attached 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ^ II. Applicant Information ~~~~~ D 1. Owner/Applicant Information ~ J. Edward Kale, III AUG 1 3 2007 Dutchman's Creek Development, LLC 1400 Harding Place, Suite 1.00 y~a~os7A~ Charlotte, NC 28204 Telephone Number: 704 335 41 12 Fax Number: E-mail Address: 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Leonard S. Rindner PWS Company Affiliation: Environmental Planning Consultant Mailing Address: 3714 Spokeshave Lane Matthews NC 28105 Telephone Number: 704 904 2277 Fax Number: 704 847 Ol 85 E-mail Address: Irindner(~carolina.rr.com Page 2 of 10 III. Project Information 4. Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by l7-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Dutchman's Creek Golf Course and Residential Development 2. T.LP. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): Location County: Gaston Nearest Town: Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): See attached location map 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): 35.3575°N, 81.0288°W (WGS84/NAD83) USGS MOUnt Holly (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Property size (acres): + 500.09 Acres +/- 7. Nearest body of water (stream/rjver/sound/ocean/lake): UT of Dutchman's Creek 8. River Basin: Catawba (Note -this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Undeveloped woodland, former agricultural areas very disturbed; heavy over rg owth. 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Proposed residential and golf course development. Mount Holl Page 3 of ] 0 Y 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: Road crossings and minor wetland and stream impacts for site preparation. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USAGE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. Preliminary wetland and stream evaluation and delineation was conducted in conjunction with project planning. Modifications were made to the initial concepts to minimize impacts to jurisdictional streams and wetlands. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. Additional impacts are not expected. If additional impacts are necessary they will be applied for ~propriatel~ V. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: Proposed permanent impacts to streams and wetlands are primarily limited to road crossings and minor impacts to unimportant intermittent channels for site preparation. Page 4 of 10 2. Individually list wetland impacts below: Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on map) * Type of Impact Area of Impact (acres) Located within ** ] 00-year Floodplain (yes/no) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet) *** Type of Wetland R NWP #29 .18 no >50' PSSIA!! 5 NWP #29 .005 no < 50' PSS1A!! 9 NWP #29 .15 " 10 NWP #18 .10 Yes " 11 Excavation**** 0.0 Yes 600' PSS1A/PEM1C **** The developer is requesting to excavate approximate 0.5 acres of formerly disturhed farmed wetlands to create an irrigation lake in the floodplain. *** The developer is requesting excavation of approximately .5 acres of disturbed wetland in the flo<xlplain to excavate for an imgation pond. The existing wetland appears to be formerly farmed wetlands in very early succession. Mitigation is proposed. * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to hoth structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), orFEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are availahle through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at http://www.fema.gov. *** List a wetland type that hest describes wetland to he impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, heaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) Indicate if wetland is isolated (determination of isolation to he made by USACE only). List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: +/- 12 acres (wetlands, streams) Total area of wetland impact proposed: +/-0.45 acres 3. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts below: Stream Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact* Length of Impact (linear feet) Stream Name** Average Width of Stream Before Impact Perennial or Intermittent'? (please specify) 1 NWP 29 60' UT of Dutchman's 6' Perennial 7 NWP 29 130` 6' Perennial 8 NWP 29 90' 6' Perennial 5 NWP #29 139' 3' Int. Unimp. 6 Bridge 0 8' Perennial 2 Bridge 0 SO' Perennial Page 5 of 10 3 NWP #29 145' 3' tnt. Unimp. 4 NWP #29 60' 3' Int. Unimp. 12 NWP #29 60' " * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.usasgov. Several Internet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.lopozone.com, www.rnapqucst.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts 280 linear feet -Perennial Stream 404 linear feet -Unimportant Intermittent Streams Total Stream Impacts - 684 linear feet Sewerline crossings are proposed by directional bore. If impracticable due to bedrnck, the crossing will be constructed in accordance with NWP #12 IISACE and NCDENR Conditions. 4. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.) below: N/A Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Name of Waterbody (if applicable) Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc.) * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 5. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ^ uplands ^ stream ^ wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: Page 6 of 10 • VI. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability ofthe project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. Over 97% of all the streams will not be impacted by the proposed projects. The design of the golf course has been planned to incorporate streams and wetlands into the design of the golf course as hazards. The project has been planned to avoid perennial streams to the extent feasible, except for unavoidable road crossings. Permanent impacts to streams wetlands are limited to road crossings and minor impacts to prepare the site. The site plan was adjusted to the extent feasible to cross creeks at strai hg t segments and are as Rerpendicular as feasible. Abridge is proposed over a perennial stream and Dutchman's Creek. There are no proposed direct discharges into any stream from the golf course. Plunge pools are proposed at small golf course discharges to decrease velocity over the buffers adjacent to streams. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/strmgide.html. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) Page 7 of 10 { of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. Impacts are limited to road crossings and minor wetland and intermittent stream impacts to for site preparation. Almost 97% of all streams and wetlands are preserved. The overwhelming majority of the remaining wetlands and streams are preserved within common open space and/or along rear or side property lines. 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCWRP at (919) 733-5208 to determine availability and to request written approval of mitigation prior to submittal of a PCN. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: NA Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet):- Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): 2801inear feet perennial stream Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): .50 acres Amount ofNon-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): VII. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) NA Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federaUstate) funds or the use of public (federaUstate) land? Yes ^ No X If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether aNEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ^ No ^ If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ^ No ^ VIII. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) NA It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Page 8 of ] 0 Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Neuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ^ No ^ If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (square feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 3 2 1.5 Total * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. If buffer mitigation. is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration /Enhancement, Preservation or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0260. IX. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. The proposed development area of the project is significantly less than 24% impervious and is subject to local WS Watershed Protection regulations. In addition a bio-retention facility is proposed for the clubhouse and maintenance area. The Stormwater management requirements will be administered by Mount Holy X. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. The treatment technolos?v that will be used is th Advantex tricklinu filter system as manufactured by Orenco, Inc. followed by sand filters and UV disinfection. Tablet type chlorinators will be installed for redundancy on the disinfection. Constant monitoring of the effluent turbidity will be provided. The system has been approved by NCDENR subject to approval of 404/401 permit. XI. Violations (required by DWQ) NA Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ^ No X Page 9 of 10 • Is this an after-the fact permit application? Yes ^ No X XII. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules-• (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and ~`1}reatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). /l~ Applicant/Agent's Signature Date Page 10 of 10 ~ 'rrr-«lir~rr Irtc•nrnf~ tt~~ttrur~>~~~n~~tzt` Cyr«ttp, ~`..1~.. ~ `. ~__ _.__ -- _ __ _ ._ --- -- , ~ ~ [ ~,i?!'I . , ! I ,i'i ',l 'I I~F li„? II,'.1ILC:~i'i~l ^u)i'll I = ,~~I: ~Ll; .~ _''r: '11; ~ ~~ ~ll~\' 1 ~, it J/~ "~~lr. Laun:u~l ~. }~in~~nar. I'11~'S ,~ I-I~ ~~~~>hash.i~~a I:~f '4lau~ia~~.y, 1~~ . ?,~ 1~~~~~ }~a: I)uu~luuans (;real; t)aar Leu: 'l'hi~ lrnar aut.h~~rizas l.r~niar<I S. King{nc~r, 1'~~'ti as ~nir ii,7ri'~; ,z;ant in n.att~~!, r~~1.u~~~l ~~, 1~'.nri~ of tl~a l~S. and ~~'`atai:~ ;il N~irtli Car~,liua l~,r ~Itc' r~~~crauc~~~l r~rujE~ct ~,iia. `I~l~i~. inrlucias intar-1a~:in~;~ti~it1~ t_hr lh;it~°il St;tta5 :1rm~:•C.~n~~~, ~,1~ f~:n~;iurars an~3 tlir:'~~urtl~ i:u<~~in~, I)al~artma~u ~7( Natural Kc~ti~.,i_u-~~r~. Sinccrrl~; I)ut~~hman5 <;r~calti I)r~~elc~j~i~u~nt, 1.1.C t::u-~~liua 1nc~mrc~ h9,tnat;~trtent (ir~n~p, 1.1_C: _, ~' .~ ~s .~ i ~ J. 1~,c3warci~Kalc•, II,C~ Priruipal%M~mhrr/Mana~;e'r J f~: l< / n~~a I~[~ ii I.ti~l_~f(~ !)I:1~I~:LU!'11l,ti'I ttHt)KI'_kA[,I. ~S~ti~,'as.l?i~il:h'"i ~ 1~:<<il!"rl l~i~:~~'~E't'~E, <<»~;~ i f?~~i~ o.~stem ,~. PRD6RAM .ruty Z, Zoo? D 1 - 12. ~- (P Ed Kale Carolina Income Management 1400 Harding Place Charlotte, NC 28204 Project: Dutchman's Creek County: Gaston The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is willing to accept payment for impacts associated with the above referenced project. Please note that this decision does not assure that [he payment will he approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact these agencies to determine if payment to the NCEEP will be approved. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the issued 4114 Permit/401 Certification/CA1V)[A permit within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the permits to NCEEP. Once NCEEP receives a copy of the permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the required mitigation in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. The amount of the In Lieu Fee to be paid to NCEEP by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed at www.ncecp.net. Based on the information supplied by you the impacts that may require compensatory mitigation are summarized in the following table. Catawba 03050101 Stream (feet) Wetlands (acres) Buffer I (Sq. Ft.) Buffer II (Sq. Ft.) Cold Cool Warm Ri avian Non-Ri avian Coastal Marsh Impacts 0 0 300 0.50 0 0 0 0 Credits 0 0 b00 1.0 0 0 0 0 Upon receipt of payment, EEP will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. If the regulatory agencies require mitigation credits greater than indicated above, and the applicant wants NCEEP to be responsible for the additional mitigation, the applicant will need to submit a mitigation request to NCEEP for approval prior to permit issuance. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers dated November 4, 1998. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 71h-1921. PE cc: Cyndi Karoly, NCDWQ Wetlands/401 Unit Steve Chapin, USACE-Asheville Alan Johnson, NCDWQ-Mooresville Len Rindner, agent File R~stor' ... ~ ... Pao Du,~ Stag ~~ ~ ~'~'~ North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-04761 www.nceep.net ~4 1 ~E ~r rr ,, r ~,f ~',~ {~~ ~~-' .~. ~~ ~' l~ 0 '~"' U C .~.+ m ~_ ', ~ 4 0 (V t~1 -,~,r t 1 '. .- ~ eD ~ 1 ~ ~ -` .. _. _ •` - •. . _ f f ,~~ .l 7 ~ {. , ,. u ~ ~ ?.; i _... ~ f . 1 f .~ y +~ -4 .- I 1 .i 1 r ~I u - I ~JJ 1 r ~~ ~ I ~ 7.ti, 1 -e ~ -,. .. ~ ! 1 ~ ~,~ j ~ c e ~'v_ { ! ! ~ J ''~ \,_ ...~ ti~ ti i~ ~ f ~l. 7~~~ r ti '=-~ i ~ nr : ~~ t.~ "~ ~ ~j+ ,y G~5 ~ I I ~ 1 it 4 4 ~ - ~ ,: rr ~. Fl u i 1 i~ ~ ~~ g ~1. w ,~ ~ -- ' 4 ti _,_ t , \ d 5.} ._ _.. f~"' ~ -..._ ,~^,/r ~ ._.,.~--+~ ~"",+-..,~ i'~ I i III f i 1 1 M~'.~. jfp r t ~ ` 3 _. . _ vt ~~ A~ 1 ~I 7I y _ I I +~.. ~ ~~ ~ t "`4r.. ~ I t "' I 1 1 ~, ,..s` .662 _ _ ''.~ , r^ ~ 1 ! ~' '.. ;~ ~1.., + .. '`r ~i ~ (.`L.. },.'t- r ~ ~ ~ ~ 'fir ~ 1 f I ~ t ~ n ~ t ,,~ , ,~ }, _. + ,n jf I ~ i4 -~ .- tl.. .~ .I •~ly ~~ i~ titi`ti ,,~ ~-. 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" •� '. , H,. � �,y, n A ,N P • � F TI y M.. �r .p a �+ �er �p • k vc. a. fit I or ���. jr Ail �a N J K�.. r •` 7 C 4 ,tfi� � I� 1 ° � ,C a ILa r j .. 1] y ,e0. •� 7 + t.l .Cr � nY '" ,�� 1 t �SY � iia • '. w+ !wy ,tfi .:: '" 'B o r „eer P ro .t, _~ a R~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ DUTCHMANS CREEK SUBDIVISION STREAM CROSSINGS A WETLAND ~ FULL SITE PLAN ~ OASTON COUNTY. NORTH CAROLBIA PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION A. Perry, P.E. .~ ~~~ itosd Bels1~4 (010) E64-1216 ourcw~ a~ o~vno.~r, uc ,.~ ~. a.,~ ,~ auw.orre, nonn~ c~nolw+ u2w A ~~, ' S't ~ I / 73RIR3173R / 10YY/ . ~R0101 ! KL a uic ro cci / O I 0 I Q ~I>< R~ 1 2~Po ro >, YdR10N [ . AN ILL k RIIC 1 • a ro ea / 1 _~JS~ l SEE SHEET 6 OF 25 ~ . -. ::~~ ,, ANN ® ~~.~~~ C ~• ~~ ~~ ~~ ` ` ~ O m ,,, MA .s ~ . , ,% a iRi ro Ra I ~ / w~ ~ ~ ~ I YM.~OMR RMIIII GRIIICN rl •~ ~~ • w~ c. ti,.. a fen ro ~R1 ~ ~~ PRA ~~ .~!' ,~ ~, (~ -~ ~e ` ~, ////// ~ ~ W / \ / i \ 9 W J ~~ - . -~ Crag A. Perry, P. E. Civil Engineering 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 Raleigh, NC 27606 gyp` RD" INDEX 1 t -. __-- I I - ~. ~. jNMMRiR id1Y R W N • 1I~IIIR111 [ R11 ~ M t10 ® ro11lRro ~a ~ __- / _~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ I ~ ie..awn nncwnRiR~ SEE SHEET 10 GOLF COURSE R.I:~ro~ I i ~ 1 I /i ~ 1 ___--- 8 ~ P ' ~ ^ ~~ ~ ARA"" 0.0 A / ~1 \ ~~ ~4.,~ ~ ~ -3 O ~. ~e ~ _ ~ C __ __~: ~J`i' 0 '7/- V ` ~ ` L.I /~ ~' ~ INDEX ~ ~~~ ~ W ~ / ~~ ~ ~ I~ DUTCHMANS CREEK INDEX SHEET 1 FIGURE 2 of 25 --- = _- ~"_ OHE~~ SEE SHEET 9 OF 2S . _ Crag A. Perry, P. E. ~ DUTCHMANS CREEK Civil Engi~,eering INDEX SHEET 2 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 Raleigh, NC 27606 FIGURE 3 of 25 ~/ ~/ ~ ' ~ .~ ~ ~ - ,~ .* g _ ~ ~.~ \ _ -.' ~ r,wwr -_ _. - - - ~-_. _ - - ~ INDEX 3 F~ -- ~ ~" ~. - - ~- .~ - ~ OHF -- F' i - _~ ~~ ~ \ rrnr ~ rya . - ' ~~. ~ry~,~ ~ C~ [O~ AREA ~C" ..i ~ ~HE^+ 4_ '~- ``"^- ~. 0.915 AC. ~ ~ -""'+. s= -- ~' ~.~.~a .~ -..,~ ~h~~`. _, ~ ~ 6 II ~ ! ~ ,\ ~_ ` ~U \ ~ .e '' REA 'NN ,~ ; ;1 -~ 5 Q ~ ~ ~ ° \ . ,~~ I ./ , ` , o , x \ i ~ SEE SHEET 17 OF 25 ~ ~/ [~ ~ ~,~~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~, x /` / rrmro / ~ O i ~. ~ r i ~ ~-~ / ` / ~~ ~ \ \ / ~~~ ' ~ SEE. SHEET 13 OF 25 ~~ \~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n~c in a 0. 5 AC. SANDY FOi~ ~~ _ \ r ~ / Crag A. Perry, P.E. DUTCHMANS CREEK Civil E~gi~,eeTing INDEX SHEET 3 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 Raleigh, NC 27606 FIGURE 4 of 25 ~ ~ ~ ~I .~ ~ [~ , J ~/~ ~ ~ INDEX 4 ~. ~ i~ ~~ o~ '-~' ~ 10 ~ ' ~ SEE SHEET 19 OF 25 ~~R _ __ _~ ~sy ~ ~ l.. c. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~._ -.~ ~~~ ~ .~~ ~ ~ i ~ ti , `, `~ ~~•~ SEE Si-IFFY 24 OF 25 M 'NN \ Ens \ \ _ ~ ,;~ ~~ ~~ ~ o~ ~p ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ 0 1 ~ ~~~ ~ -'~ ~ z. O 's smMOxi ~ S, ~ ~ ~ 1 ~~ ~ ~~ ~ \ 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~'' n / ~\ \ O Chi . 18 A ~J ? '~ dsv +- _ i /~, ,,,~ 1 I' / ~ AREA "AW / . ,~/~~.~~~~ 0.679 AC. ....y~ fi).. ~ ®__ 2 ~. / vs _ k~~'"'"~ SEE SHEET 20 OF 25 ~. ~~ rraiem ar~n \ 1" N~ua w~ r'"'~ ww~m~i" SEE SHEET 22 OF 25 Crag A. Perry, P. ~'. DUTCHMANS CREEK c2zvi EngtineeTing INDEX SHEET 4 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 Raleigh, NC 27606 FIGURE 5 of 25 _----~ ~~ ~ /O? ,t ~~ `~ ~ \ ~~~ t r \ i ~ ~ INV. 626' TOW 633.6 0 635 ~ N \ ~; ~ ii I ~ ~ s - _ _--__ . ~- s '~_ 15+0 32 .F 96, ~S,x ,~ ~~ 635 ~~v ~/ /~. d ~ ' ~ ~ ~/ ~~ ~ x ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~/f ~~, _ --~~~' ~ 14 ~~_~-~~ ~~ ~ `W _ -- - W 635 t~ f-' Y ~~ r - INV.625.5'___~ I 635 TOW 633.' ~~_ PROPOSED WALL RIP RAP- 1 \ 18' x 11.7' ` 1 ~: 1 J 40 20 0 40 80 120 STREAM IMPACT ±60' SCALE. IN FEET Crag A. Perry, P. E. DUTCHMANS CREEK Civil Engineering CLUB HOUSE DRIVE PLAN VIEW 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 STREAM CROSSING 1 Raleigh, NC 27806 FIGURE 6 of 25 TOWu G~ lu 45' ROW 6' 18' EOP 6' ELEV: TOW d 54" RCP ~~Gd __ __ Id RIP RAP OUTLET DESIGN SPECIFICATION PIPE SIZE: LINEAR FEET: SLOPE: HEADWALL THICKNESS: lu =UPSTREAM INVERT: Id =DOWNSTREAM INVERT: Gu =UPSTREAM INVERT: Gd = DOWNSTREAM INVERT: TOWu =UPSTREAM -TOP OF HEADWALL: TOWd = DOWNSTREAM TOFOF HEADWALL: ~ ELEV. =CENTERLINE ELEVATION: RIP RAP APRON LENGTH: Crag- A. Perry, P. E. Civil Engineering 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 Raleigh, NC 27806 54" 32' 1.56 1' THICK 6 26' 625.5' 627' 626.5' 633.6' 6 33.6' 639.3' 18' DUTCHMANS CREEK ROYAL TROON DRIVE STREAM CROSSING 1 SECTION FIGURE 7 of 25 -c--e-ti-N-a--~~t"-~ l mac` ~~~ t~ r~ ~~ ~ ~ PRACTICE RANGE 1 _, FOREBAY BIORETENTION i CELL - 10,800 ~F. i ~ `~ 60 30 0 60 120 180 SCALE IN FEET Crag A. Perry, P. E. DUTCHMANS CREEK Civil Engineering BIORETENTION CELL 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 B M P ~ 1 Raleigh, rrc 27606 FIGURE 8 of 25 I J ~I I ~ i ~ )fS~ y J / Iy/ 635 _ v - ~t w -- ~__-- J 1 ~• 'i- - ~i ~l 1 630 /~ ~ ~ ~ = 625 ~ _I I \ /~ ~- -_ .615.5' ~~-~, ~, ~a ' \ -I-j--- - ~~ 3g~v ~ ~ ~" ~ ` r a , t~ ,~- ~` ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ 625 ti ~~ .,-- __ ~ -~._ s -- ~ ,, . .-- 5 s --`- : -, 8~ ~ .~' ~ ~ 630 . ~+ _ . ~ S ~ti, ~" ~, ~ -630 ~ ~. S`~~~ ~ 4 ~ 63.5 ' ` ~ ~ ~ goo w ' ~ _ 1!~a -- ~~ ~ ~ .~.. ~ - -- -- -- _ 1 ~ - ~ ~~ ~~ 625 y ~ --- ~ ~-- 640 f --- w _\ ,, ~~a• - - _ 41-~-ij~ _ _- `'~ - ~-- S __--_ _------. ~ II~"if. ~~~,A~ - -- --- -- -- -- .-- .- -- - - -- - ~~~ 6~~i ~~ ~~ I ~~ \~ ~ ~~ 40 20 0 40 80 120 STREAM IMPACT = 130 LF SCALE IN FEET Crag A. Perry, P. E. DUTCHMANS CREEK Civil Engineering ROYAL TROON DR. PLAN VIEW 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 STREAM CROSS 1 N G 7 Raleigh, rrc 27sos FIGURE 9 of 25 TOW u GU lu 50' ROW 6' 20' EOP 6' ELEV: I 2 1 r- DESIGN SPECIFICATION PIPE SIZE: LINEAR FEET: SLOPE: HEADWALL THICKNESS: I u =UPSTREAM INVERT: Id =DOWNSTREAM INVERT: Gu =UPSTREAM INVERT: Gd =DOWNSTREAM INVERT: TOWu =UPSTREAM TOP OF HEADWALL: TOWd =DOWNSTREAM TOPOF HEADWALL: ~ ELEV. =CENTERLINE ELEVATION: RIP RAP APRON LENGTH: Crag A. Perry, P. E. Civil Engineering 5048 Anent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 Raleigh, NC 27806 _TO W d Ga Id RIP RAP OUTLET 72" 87' 1.91 1' THICK 617' 615.5' 618' 616.5' 624' 622.5' 635' 24' DUTCHMANS CREEK ROYAL TROON DRIVE STREAM CROSSING T SECTION FIGURE 10 of 25 ', ~ _ \ • __ • ~ __ \ /. • • \ s • • '` ~ 1 •, , . ~ • ~ ~ ~• • • • •• • ~ • INV. 636' •~ r _ .. •.. STOW 639 ROY,4~ TR -- -~ r_ 6 43 ' -~ v ~, w _~ ice' /v ''W ~ / V 24~00~ - ~_ /~ ~s ,~~~ / i s ~° '~ s 641 5 - 3, is X64 _. ~~ ~a ~~ `'~'~ OON DRI~~ .641 643 _ _ ____ -w _~ __ 27+00 ~- v ~ v ~ 4 - __'~--~__~-_-_8+a~ ~_ _ - S - S --_ S .-~. S ~. __ S ~~S - - - - -~ ___. ~'~ S _ ~' S ~~: ~0~~ 639 6 41 643` • • = INV. • M. ~ ~ • ~ v,.•\ ~ ~ •.• •/ ti~ • • • ~ • '~ +~ • • ~ ~~,.!` I • _~ ~• ~•• ;, ~~ •~ • • +~ • STREAM IMPACT = 90 LF WETLAND IMPACT ±0.18 AC 50 25 0 50 100 150 SCALE IN FEET Crag A. Perry, P. E. Civil Engineering 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 Raleigh, NC 27606 DUTCHMANS CREEK ROYAL TROON DRIVE PLAN STREAM CROSSING 8 FIGURE 11 of 25 50' ROW 6' 20' EOP 6' --~ ~ EJLEV: I 2 1 ~ TOW u Gu lu 54" RCP DESIGN SPECIFICATION PIPE SIZE: LINEAR FEET: SLOPE: HEADWALL THICKNESS: IU =UPSTREAM INVERT: Id =DOWNSTREAM INVERT: Gu =NATURAL GRADE UPSTREAM Gd =NATURAL GRADE DOWNSTREAM: TOWu =UPSTREAM TOP OF HEADWALL: TOWd = DOWNSTREAM TOP OF HEADWALL ~ ELEV. =CENTERLINE ELEVATION: RIP RAP APRON LENGTH: Crag A. Perry, P. E. Civil Engineering 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 Raleigh, NC 27806 .TOW d RIP RAP OUTLET Id 54" 6 4' 1.56% 1' THICK 6 36' 635' 637' 6 36' 641.5' 640.5' 644.5' 18' DUTCHMANS CREEK ROYAL TROON DRIVE STREAM CROSSING 8 SECTION FIGURE 12 of 25 ...~..~ ~ ^.._.. _. ._ ~ _ ~ , 10d SF O~ WETLAND IMPAC \ ~' ~ 6 40 ~ INV. 627 6 45 ~ _ TOW 634.5' ~„ ___ _ ~- _ _ T_~~ _ - -_ _-_ ~~~- ~W ~W w ---w _ ~l Imo. ~~W .-- _ _ -- ° ' ~/5', -' ~ ~~ ``~~~ INV. s~3:~' y S ,~ ~~~ + ~w~ ~ ~ 640 ri645 ,5~- ~ ~5p ~ TOW ~~ i j~~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ + rn f \. ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~: ~ \ ~ 40 20 0 40 SO 120 STREAM IMPACT = 139 LF SCALE IN FEET Crag A. Perry, P.E. DUTGHMANS CREEK Civil Engineering ROYAL TROON DR. PLAN VIEW 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 STREAM CROSSING 5 Raleigh, Nc 27sos FIGURE 13 of 25 50' ROW 6' 20' EOP 6' ~ ELEV: 2 1 ~- TOW u Gu lu 30" RCP DESIGN SPECIFICATION PIPE SIZE: LINEAR FEET: SLOPE: HEADWALL THICKNESS: lu =UPSTREAM INVERT: Id =DOWNSTREAM INVERT: Gu =NATURAL GRADE UPSTREAM: Gd = NATURAL GRADE DOWNSTREAM: TOWu = UPSTREAM TOP OF HEADWALL: TOWd =DOWNSTREAM TOP OF HEADWALL: ~ ELEV. =CENTERLINE ELEVATION: RIP RAP APRON LENGTH: Crag A. Perry, P. ~'. Civil Engineering 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 Raleigh, NC 27606 TOW d Gd RIP RAP OUTLET 30" 105' 6.19 1' THICK 633.5' 627' 634.5' 6 28' 637' 630.5' 6 43' 10' Id DUTCHMANS CREEK ROYAL TROON DRIVE STREAM CROSSING 5 SECTION FIGURE 14 of 25 ,\ \ `\ 64 X640 635 ~ ~ 6~+ 635 645 O 633.5' .650 ""_ ~v w -w --v ~ - ~""'- 58+00 59+00 -- ,~ ~ _ - ~~ I- f' ~I °° ~f ' jy~ I` H 1 _~' y u - ~~- pu .- -- _~_--- s -- s -_. i ~.~' ~i• ~/~ /.'s r •~ 0 /~~ ~~ 645 s :~ 64 ~- I .,~ ~ ~ N tS~ a~ ~ a ~ t EPHEMERAL CHANNEL IMPACT ONLY I I f 'i I ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ i '. ~I ~ ' I I ~~ (,, '~ -, ~~ V ~ "~~ v S _~`~~ S ~ j \~~ ~V \~. / / f ~! ,~ \. ", _ s ., ~~ . ,\ s WV. 635.5'` ~ ~ \ s ~ s'%oo ~ ~ ~. ~ s \ \ . ~~ TOW +639 ~~ ~ ~ ~. \~ ~ `'' ~. \ s \~x\\~ ~ ,~ \ ~~ ~ \ f\\ ~ \ \~~~\ \\ ~. ~ ~ t- ~ ~ ~ ~' s~'x \ \ \\ ~'~~~~ ~~ ~~ `~ 60 30 0 60 120 180 SCALE IN FEET Crag A. Perry, P. E. DUTCHMANS CREEK Civil Engir~,eering ROYAL TROON DRIVE PLAN 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 STREAM CROSSING 5 B Raleigh, NC 27808 FIGURE 15 of 25 50' ROW 6' 20' EOP 6' ~ ELEV: I 2 TOW u 1 r- TOW d Gu 30" RCP Gd U RIP RAP~OUTLET DESIGN SPECIFICATION PIPE SIZE: 30" LINEAR FEET: 98' SLOPE: 5.61 HEADWALL THICKNESS: 1' THICK i~ =UPSTREAM INVERT: 635.5' Id =DOWNSTREAM INVERT: 630' Gu =UPSTREAM INVERT: 636.5' Gd =DOWNSTREAM INVERT: 631' TOWu =UPSTREAM TOP OF HEADWALL: 639' TOWd = DOWNSTREAM TOPOF HEADWALL: 633.5' ELEV. = CENTERLINE ELEVATION: 64S' RIP RAP APRON LENGTH: 10' Id Crag A. Perry, P. E. DUTCHMANS CREEK civil Engineering ROYAL TROON DRIVE 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh {919) 854-1215 STREAM CROSSING 5B SECTION Raleigh, NC 27606 FIGURE 1fi of 25 i ~ ~ ~' f ~ % i J ~ ~ , 1 I _ ~ a D4T ~RIDGiE ~ ~. {~ : t ~4' VVID~ ~ ------~- ~_ `-- I ~ ~ RpYA~. .: ~ ~ ~~ ~ i ~~, o ~ E j ~ ~ . ` f ~ ~ ~ 60 30 0 60 120 180 SCALE IN FEET Crag- A. Perry, P.E. DUTCHMANS CREEK Civil Engineering ROYAL TROON DRIVE PLAN 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 STREAM CROSSING 6 Raleigh, NC 27608 FIGURE 17 of 25 -~.. ~'• i J/~ '~ /j ''~~ .~' >•• ~ EIO~ETENTlON f( ~~ / ~ r` + ~ ~~A/ rJ l~ ~~ ~ ~/~~~ ~~ X l~`~ ~ ~~ _. ~ `/ -, 1 ~ \, \ ~~ ~, ~ G~LI= J` ~~~ ` MAINTENANCE \~ AREA \'\'~' ,X ~~ ~~ i t~t I~ i 60 30 0 60 1z0 180 SCALE IN FEET Crag A. Perry, P. E. DUTCHMANS CREEK Civic Engineering BIORETENTION CELL 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 B M P ~ 2 Raleigh, NC 27606 FIGURE 18 of 25 { r } ~r _ / ~ /~/ ~ f r,^ ~ ,~; /, ,_ \ / ~ ~ / / /~ f ~ ~. / ,8 ., ~ /~~~ i / ! ~ ,~ _~~ ~ . `,. /%~r / GOLF CART ~ ~ r. ~ ~~ ;`, \ ~ ~; y~; ~ ~ , BRIDGE ~, \ !~ L ~ ~~ / ~'~~' ,~ , .._ _ - _, ~ y= ._. / ~• ., ' RlTtJF~ Bf~QE TO ' ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. -- / __ ~. 1 mss. ~ ~ I ~ I u ' , f~ '_"" FL ~`'~, \ ~ ~~~1 ~ ~I ~ ~ CIy ;'11 , ~F,., ~ ,~~ ~; it ~. - ~ ;~ ~~ ,,/ ;. ,,y ~ i~ ~ , ~~ ~ _.~ I j ~ I ~,, 1 ~ ! ' ~ 100 SO 0 100 200 300 SCALE IN FEET Crag A. Perry, P. E. DUTCHMANS CREEK Civil Engineering DUTCHMANS CREEK BLVD. PLAN 5048 Anent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 STREAM CROSSING 2 Raleigh, NC 27606 FIGURE 19 of 25 ~/. w _._..--- w ~ ~ 43+OD ~-- ~, --- S -- .- . _~ ~ ~ __ ..~ 11 ~• N t ~~ ' ~. ~~ ±145 LF UNIMPORTANT INT. STREAM IMPACT 1 NOTE: THIS CROSSING HAS BEEN DESIGNED & APPROVED BY GASTON CO. AS PART OF THE EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN FOR THE WASTEWATER SYSTEM. yC~ \1~ ~\ ` \ w m a ~a ~« / ~I / f!1 40 20 0 40 80 120 ~, SCALE IN FEET 'rag A. Perry, P. ~'. Civil Engineering 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 Raleigh, NC 27806 DUTCHMANS CREEK 10' ACCESS ROAD STREAM CROSSING 3 FIGURE 20 of 25 v 10' GRAVEL ~~ ELEV: TOW u Gu lu 1 TOW d Gd ---------------------~ I d RIP RAP OUTLET DESIGN SPECIFICATION PIPE SIZE: LINEAR FEET: SLOPE: HEADWALL THICKNESS: I~ =UPSTREAM INVERT: Id =DOWNSTREAM INVERT: Gu =UPSTREAM INVERT: Gd = DOWNSTREAM INVERT: TOWu =UPSTREAM TOP OF HEADWALL: TOWd =DOWNSTREAM TOPOF HEADWALL: ~ ELEV. =CENTERLINE ELEVATION: RIP RAP APRON LENGTH: Crag A. Perry, P. E. Civil Engineering 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh {9i9) 854-1215 Raleigh, NC 27606 18" 85' 2.94 1' THICK 607.5' 605' 608.5' 606' 610' 607.5' 614' 10' DUTCHMANS CREEK 10' ACCESS ROAD STREAM CROSSING 3 SECTION FIGURE 21 of 25 0 -~ II N ~ GK pRIVE uw s32' CR4~~~~ TOW X37.5' (~ R W) ._~___ ._ - - - - .- - - _ .._ - - w _-- w w ---- --- w ~`- 55 L _._.- w 27+00 ~ --'-- .~-_ S ---- S ------ S c S `-- S - _ - y'~ n ~~• 635' ~ ._--- __-- _ ~---~-- CL'" --231:.83 a TOw 6~ ~ i •28 22" E ~., - Q~ -~- J O J - w --_ w _____ ~ _?8+00 LOW P ~. - ~ --- ~6 4~--_ - - •~ i in 5 `T - - ~ ---- S -_._.-- S -i -- "_" - I ~~~ N ~ V ~i~ -I- CJl O ~ -~ ~S ` S>•F~ ±75 LF UNIMPORTANT INT. STREAM IMPACT 40 z0 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET 'rag A. Perry, P. E. Civil Engineering 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 Raleigh, NC 27606 DUTCHMANS CREEK CROOKED STICK DRIVE PLAN STREAM CROSSING 4 FIGURE 22 of 25 TOW U Gu I~ 50' ROW 6' 20' EOP 6' f ~ ELEV: 2 1 (- DESIGN SPECIFICATION PIPE SIZE: LINEAR FEET: SLOPE: HEADWALL THICKNESS: lu = UPSTREAM INVERT: ld = DOWNSTREAM INVERT: Gu = NATURAL GRADE UPSTREAM: Gd =NATURAL GRADE DOWNSTREAM: TOWu = UPSTREAM TOP OF HEADWALL: TOWd = DOWNSTREAM TOP OF HEADWALL: ~ ELEV. =CENTERLINE ELEVATION: RIP RAP APRON LENGTH: Crag- A. Perry, P. E. Civil Engineering 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 Raleigh, NC 27808 ,TOW d Id RIP RAP OUTLET 30" 55' 5.45% 1' THICK 635' 632' 6 36' 633' 6 40.5' 637.5' 641.5' 10' DUTCHMANS CREEK ROYAL TROON DRIVE STREAM CROSSING 4 SECTION FIGURE 23 of 25 ~~ ~ ~ ,h ~ cq -_ ~ i /~ _ ~ - ~ ~ i ,. _ ._ _ ~ _ ~ ,, ~,. __ \ _ 1 ~~~ ~_ t -- ~ k '. \ S .. _. L ._ `~''= ,~ r )- ~ ~ - ~ c ~ . ~ ~ o a, ~ WETLAf~ID PF3ESERVED ~. / v ~ ~ ' ~ ~ -: \ ~_ ~ ,~ .~--~ : ~ =~_-_. ~ ~~ i ~ _ / / .. \ ~\~. ~ 4' / '' \ ' / ~ ~ -~ I ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~- _ ,. ~`~ ~ _ / / , ~ ~ ~ ~/ ~ J ~/ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~. WETLAND IMPACT 0.15 AC `~ Q / ~ ~ ii l ~ // / / ~~ ,, / l~ ~ ~ ~' .., ~ - ~ -` , ---__ -- 1 _~ . ~ _L_____L;_----~ - -----1-- SCALE: 1" = 50' DUTCHMANS CREEK DATE: 5125 / 07 WATER QUALITY CONTROL ~IC~URI= 2-`l of 2~ FOR HOLE 8 ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~` ~ \ ~` ~~ h i.,~,~ ~.. ,`~` ~\. _.«~ ~ ~ `, PROPOSED WETLAND EXCAVATION ~~;. .. ~~ k'i r i 1~"~ ~ } .11 , '~\~ i ~ t 1 ~~~,~1 ~~ ` ~ PROPOSED POND ; `~ r .` : \ ! ~'~ _ \ ~ a I ~ ~1~ J F q`l~ ` , ~ 1 ~ ` ..` a _.~ ~ '~ ` ; r ~ / ' ~ r.. `~ Iii ~ ~ / \ E .. ... ~ ~ \ \, ..._ ~ \ ~; .,. . _ _. _ _ _~ !mss ~,~ '~ i/ ~ ~(~• ~ j ~ i .,5 i ,. \ `~A. ~ r ~1. sy 7 _.._ ___ _-- ~,~~ ! ~ ~ ~ ±0.10 AC WETLAND IMPACT NWP#1$ ` ~~ 200 100 0 200 400 600 SCALE IN FEET Crag A. Perry, P. E. DUTCHMANS CREEK cZZZa En9z~e~n9 WATER QUALITY CONTROL 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 WETLAND AREA W L ~ 2 Raleigh, NC 27606 FIGURE 25 of 25 SHEET 2 SHEET 10 SHEET 3 0 -._ SHEET 4 SHEET 5 ~, SHEET 9 DUTCHNIANS CREEK SITE PLAN AND SHEET LEGEND FOR WATER QUALITY C4NTR4L SHEET 6 SHEET 7 SHEET 8 SCALE: 1" = 1000' DATE: 5125 107 SHEET 1 NOTE: ALL CL G JACENT TO STR AM. BAI ~~'"=! ,~~~ ~~ < < f, ~/ AND WETL`A, ~SSll~1 B~~ ~ ~ ~ , ~'' --~,'-~ C `~ ~ J ~ _ ` ~~ ~~ ~ ~'~ r\/~` ~ ~'~ F ~ _ GOLF~AR~C ~ ~ \~ , ~, . ~ /.PATH ~ ,, i ` ~ ~ ~ ~ -- '' ~ - ~ ~ ~ ter a~rr 1 ~ ~ . ~/ r ~ ` -,.. !' ~~. ` -:„-=._ ~. ~ `-.mil, ~ ~ ~ `. i~ 'l ~ -i ,~ ~ =,-.l. .- ^ -^ -~ ~.. ~ 1 , , ---- .,..~ ~... / ~t 1 ` \i - i WO~}Q BRIDGE ~" ~ `- tip` LEA IN ~.!.,._ ~ ~ _,~ t - _ 1 r ~ `~~__',' ~ ~~' : ~ ,~ ~ ~ it t j ~ • ~ _ ~ L 1 ~ ~ (~..~ ~ \ ~~ / / .~ ~\ i ~!, -f-L ARIN ~\ ~ \~ .!+-;--~' , ~rooo MIDI 1~.~.~;! _ ~ ,~:~~~ ~\ ~ ~, MIT .~ ~`. ~~l ~ ~ ~ ~ D UTC H MAN S CREEK SCALE?1 ~? za°o? CREEK CLEARING LIMITS FOR HOLE PLAY AND BRIDGE CROSSINGS SHEET A NOTE: ALL CLEARIN J CENT TO ST AM BANKS AND WETLAND GS SHAL~Ir BE -ACCOMPLISH HAND °`~~ n / r x per,` ~ WS ~1 ~ ..`~ ~ ~ ~~r ~~"r^-~_ ~ r / T~ ~- ~ ~ 1 ~ /; ~ ~ ~ -~( ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ r FA ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ , I , > > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ . '~ 'fi'r ''` ~,,, ~ ~ -, _. J' 1' _ r ' ~' r t, \ ~ \ , ~ ~ _ ~ _ -'~"I ~ ~ _ _.. - ~ ` J / /~ J / l ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ X\ 1 ~ } 1. ~ _'~' SCE I ry~G ~ ~ l ~~~ ~ ~ j l ,~ 't~ \ -~. ~ ~ ~ ~ '` / ~ ~ SS 1~ ,%/-f ~ ~:~'~ \\ ~~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ (fi'b' WU~ ~ ~ ~ i~ ',/ 1 DUTCHMANS CREEK SCALE 71'?20 ? CREEK CLEARING LIMITS FOR HOLE PLAY AND BRIDGE GROSSINGS SHEET B N4~F.. AkL LE~f3JNG AJA `S-T#~FArt~1KS- `~~ ~ i ~ ~, -` ~ ,~ ~ -- --AC M ~S H ED ~B ~ _ ~- ~- ' ~ ' ~ 7 - -~ (' ! / ~~ ~~ 1 ~ ~.~ !.~ ~ , %~~~ / ~7`j ~ Ca ~ 1~1tQOD BR1Dd~j y // \ -. ~e\~ ~ `- X~ ~i f-- ~ / // ~ (16'v17iD~,~r~i~~'~'` ~ 1 \ \i ~ \ - ,.. ~j .. ~ ~ ~ ~ , ,..~ , ~ \ ~_ ` ~ ~~ i ~ ~ / G~LF~ DTI ~J ~ `~ ~,,-'~ ~ - ~.~~;- /> l `~ I ~ `~ ~~ f ` AR (,ICI J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -'~ Si ~,t ~~~%~ ~'~ ~' ~ 4 11 ~ ~''~ , t tti ~ J I ~i ~ rIf + ~~,I C ~ ~~~, f ~ ~ ,., ki1S ~ t 1 ) ~ 1, ~, f ~... ~ 4 I ~ ~ '~ _-. '~ ~ •• 1 / ~ r J j w~~~ $ 1~~~ ~~~ ~ ,'1 .~rA~) Z ~ ~ ~ \ ~~~ f 1~, r i J '" `~`' - ~~ / ` (1'0' ik11i g).~ _~ i D UTC H MAN S CREEK SCALE:~1'? 200 CREEK CLEARING LIMITS FOR HOLE PLAY AND BRIDGE GROSSINGS SHEET F NOTE: ALL CLEARING AJACENT TO STREAM BANKS AND WETLAND CROSSINGS SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY HAND CLEARING LIMITS - _ __ _ - ,}' ~, - --f if sir ? i~r; ~ \ ~ , J •` ~` ~ ~ / // ~~ / ~ ~, t , ~ 1 ~~ _ _ ~ ~. ti_~_ 1___ ____s_ ~ . __._4~ _ _.4__ _~_ _ __.~__ ~_~_~.._ __---^~~ _~_~L GOLF CART PATH - t~' ~ DUTCHMA~JS CREEK r ~y1 CREEK CLEARING LIMITS FOR HOLE PLAY AND BRIDGE CROSSINGS DATE: 7/ 27/ 07 SCALE: 1 "=2Q0' SHEET E ~r~~~~~ f Q ~ J ~'`~ ~-~~: ~, ,~ ' f ` .f, ~ / ~ ) I ~' ~IJTCHMANS CREEK DAT~E~5I25 07 WATER QUALITY CONTROL FOR DRIVING RANGE SHEET 2 i J !~ ~~ ~i // J I DUTCHMANS CREEK DATEE~S/ 25 / 07 WATER QUALITY CONTROL FOR HOLE 2 SHEET 3 DUTCHMANS CREEK DATEE.5/25 07 WATER QUALITY CONTROL FOR HOLE 4 SHEET ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ 7i - ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~` ~ ~ \ ~ l N 111~PACT\ ~~ ~ ~ \ `/~ \\ ~ ) Il~\ k / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ soi) s.~. = p~~ ~ ~. DI ~TUR~EDIV~1I~AND / ~ ~ / /~/ ~ ~~ ~ , ~ %~ '/ / j /' /~ ~~ / / ~ • ~' ~ 1 _ _ ~ _~~ /._ %~. r .~~ ~~ ~ f v ~ ^, 1 ~~~~ ~i~~ ~~~ ~~ \ ~ __./~ L ~_ `'iJ i~,T,''" ~ -•- ^i~ ' / i --~ ~~ ~./ ~,~ ,- /, i / i ~ -~ ~ / ~ ~, ~, i~ ~ ~ / ~~ ~~ ~ ~ L DUTCHMANS CREEK ~ WATER QUALITY CONTROL FOR HOLE 8 SCALE: 1" = 6Q' DATE: 5/ 25 / Q7 SHEET 5 DUTCHMANS CREEK WATER QUALITY CONTROL FOR HOLE 11 SCALE: 1 " = 50' DATE: 5/ 25 / 07 SHEET 6 C,9 ~ C,9~ C9~ _. , C,9 O C,9~ _ C9 C9 9i1' \ \ \ DUTCHMANS CREEK DATEE.5/25 07 WATER QUALITY CONTROL FOR HOLE 11 SHEET 7 ~~_- ~ A (\ ~ \ \ v ~' ~ PROPOSED WETLAND EXCAVATION ~__ . ....._._.~ 1 ~, . [_ ~'. ~~~. ` ` ~ ~ ~\\ .., ~ ~`\'~ ~ ~ ~~ u.. , ` ~` '~~ ~. ~~ ,.' \\\ \ ` ( i ~ \ ~\ ~ • ~~~ ~ .~, ~. i)~ :! 1 i F, i ~ ~ O ~ ~, C r,. ~ ~ ~ / ..,-~ r ~ ~., ; ; ,.. ~; ~,> .' PROPOSED POND ti ~~'N/.~ r ~~ ~ r ~. , ~. 1. ) ~' 7771 ~^,, \ \` ,~, ,, ;: ~;! ~~ , ._ _ a • . `, ~• `~ ---~ \~ ~J ' S ~ - ~/ _ _-.. . . K. ,._ ~ __. n~^ ' ,I ~ t ~ ±0.1 Q AC WETLAND IMPACT NWP#18 SHEET 8 200 100 0 200 400 600 SCALE IN FEET Crag A. Perry, P. E. DUTCHMANS CREEK Civil Engineering WATER QUALITY CONTROL 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 WETLAND AREA W L - 2 Raleigh, NC 27606 FIGURE 25 of 25 \ / f ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ' BRIDGE I fI i ~ ~ ~ , , r,, STREAM AND WETLAND PRESERVED ' I ~ i ~- ~ ~ :A, _ `~ ~~ ~, .. ~, ~ ~ \~ t ~ ' ~- ~ 1 ~`' ~ ~ ~~ '` 0' ` ~ o ~ / \ '~ ~ ' \ '~ ~y ~ ,~ ~ _., r ~ ~ ~ (~( ~ ~ / ~ , ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 1 ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 1 I ~ ~ tl l\ ~ \ 1 NO1 PACTS ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~. ~ / ~ 1 ~ ~ \ ~ ~ i I ~ ~, '~ ~ ~ I \ DUTGHMANS CREEK DATEE~7/ 30 / 07 WATER QUALITY CONTROL FOR HOLE 16 SHEET 10 ~#~ ~~'I' t a EI~i'iF~tl` ~~~`~ ~: ~~ ~'--B` PRATE BIT. ~ ~ _ . ~ ~~-~ (~ ~~. PLAN VIEYY DU 1 Ct i1~#V~ Ct~~~~ DATE: 5/25107 EXTENDED WATER CONTROL STRUCTURE DETAIL SHEET ~ ~ E~ PfiF~E {~~"-I~~+1. ~x R~*--~3 ~E .,i C ~ ~ _.._.-~ (~ r :C7 ~ J PLAN r~ ~ .._ - .......~..._........~.-.._._._._.._...._. ~.... ..Y.~_.__.w__ ._.. t r~ ""'fem. r.t.nr7l~u ErJt~ aEC.TUJN Ci~~a ENI) WnL`L~''~~.,,,, '.,_. ~, ~ ~ .. , V ~ ~"yTM~ . i ~ m ~ G" C~I~AVEI_ UN FILTi:F2 F`~BRIC ~'~~~~ ~ _ ~i, *~ ~~ -w ' - ~' I ~"' 11JT ~FtM~;'171A'f~E: frlF' f3A1' 1~1 it SECTION A-A ~~r~r size a e _.~.~.._, ~ ..~_~ F_. c.~.. wr,.._1iir~ app ini rrnis`` Q ~ m ....._ .~ ~.....__ _,_ ._. ;iG"._..~._.., '1.A~ M 16' 3 1 j2' __ 2 __ 2' 9 1/2' ~'~ ._.._ ~~33._....___.._.__.._.- ~ N _.._.,._ ~. __.__ -~ U'r ._a N "~ _ _ .~___ ___ ~W _ ..____..?d~~ ~_~_ 17'_ tq'~ 2 1/2' f 1/2' ,1' 9` 5 1/2~ . ___ _ ._.'~ 1: N~~ \1 ~~~ ~ ~ \\ Zy r . ~~ ,, ~ ~ ? ~ ~`~~ _- ~\ ~ ~ _ _ . `` 804. 1\+ ~ _ ~~ ~~ `~, bo`` `\ ~~ 10' BERM 624 ~ ~ 624... ~~ 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET GROUND ELEV. 603+ ~ STREAM ~ STREAM BOTTOM ____ ELEV.=601.8'+ 30" MIN. S=0.5~ ~ 18" HDPE TO PUMP STATION INVERT ©CL TO HOLDING POND ELEV.=596.8'+ Crag A. Perry, P. E. DUTCHMANS CREEK Civil Engineeri~,g STREAM CROSSING FOR 50 RaleightNC 27606 ad Raleigh (919) 854-1215 IRRIGATION LINE J 1 ~5~'~ R01iV) J ~~ ~' 60 LF UNIMPORTANT STREAM IMPACT I II 1 ~ I 361 ~ 362 360 ' 1 ' I ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~, 60 30 0 60 120 180 I~ SCALE IN FEET i Cra A. Perr P. E. DUTCHMANS CREEK 9' ~~ civil Engineering BUILDING PAD W/STREAM 5Q48 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 ~~~~ Raleigh, NC 27808 OR WETLAND a i i i i i ii ~ 371.. ~~~~' ~ ; 372 ~~"- ,~ ~ i L ~ - ---~J ~--------- i ~ f ,~ ~\ ~ ~~~ n~ ~~~`~ . ~+~--_ ~ ___' ~~ ` `, i j ~ ~ ~ ~, ',GTE"~', ~ i~ ~, i L~ ~~- ~ i ~; V A ~ ~,,,~ ~ ` T.' 1''~---- ~ ~ - -,-~ ;. ~ ~~ ~i r ; , , i i I rL7~~ \ ~~ \ ~ ~ ~~ i ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~7~ ~' ~ ~, ;L~--- - ~ ~~ ,~; ~ : -' ~,-~ • s ~- r ~ ~ ~,;% ~~~ ,~: i~, ~~ Z7A ,\ ~* i 60 30 0 60 120 180 SCALE IN FEET Crag- A. Perry, P. E. DUTCHMANS CREEK Civil Engineering BUILDING PAD W/STaEAM 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 OR WETLAND ~,j. Raleigh, NC 27806 i ~ ~ -- .._.., ~~ 295 ~ ~ ! ~v f~ ~/ ~~~~ %// / / / -~ i ,~ ~. i ~ / i' ~ _ l `~ ,._ ~,,- ~ y-, _ -_ a ,~ ~ `~ _ ~~~ ~ 298,E ~r DRIVEWAY BRIDGE TO ACCESS HOUSE SITE ON #297 ~~ ~_ .` ' ~ ~•-~' 2~ i ~ -```` _~,_+_,, /) 60 30 0 60 120 180 SCALE IN FEET Crag- A. Perry, P. E. DUTCHMANS CREEK Civic E~gineerting BUILDING PAD W/STREAM 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 Raleigh, NC 27606 OR WETLAND ~, ~, i ~~ ~ I I ; --- ~~~ `~ '~ ~ ~, i ---- _~~~ ~ 1 ~, ' ~ ~ ~, 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,~ ~ ' -- - -- ~ ~~ I I ,~ ~, , ~~ J It) 1 J ~~ ~~ ~~~ r~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~w ~ ,; i , ~ 60 30 0 60 120 180 SCALE IN FEET Crag A. Perry, P. E. DUTCHMANS CREEK Civil Engineering `" BUILDING PAD W/STREAM 5048 Avent Ferry Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 Raleigh, NC 27606 OR WETLAND _... ~~ --____ -1 ~...~ ~ ~~ ~ ~. 60 30 0 60 120 180 SCALE IN FEET Crag A. Perry, P. E. DUTCHMANS CREEK civil Engineering BUILDING. PAD W/STREAM 5048 Avent Ferrq Road Raleigh (919) 854-1215 Raleigh, NC 27606 OR WETLAND 190 /~ Dutchmans Creek Wastewater Treatment for Reclaimed Water Introduction Wastewater collection and on-site treatment are proposed for the entire Dutchmans Creek development, which will initially consist of approximately 375 single family residences, a clubhouse with restaurant, swimming, tennis and other amenities. The development will include a golf course that will afford an opportunity to reuse the treated wastewater for irrigation. The developers desire to promote a "green concept" for the Dutchmans Creek community, and the beneficial reuse of wastewater will be a key feature of their master planning and marketing programs. The treatment technology we plan to use will meet the limits of 10 ppm BOD and 5 ppm TSS, and turbidity less than 10 NTU. The bieie treatment system will be the Advantex trickling filter system as manufactured by Orenco, Inc., followed by tertiary sand filters and UV disinfection. Tablet type chlorinators will be installed for redundancy on the disinfection. Constant monitoring of the effluent turbidity will be provided, with automatic diversion to the reject pond if the 10 NTU limit is exceeded. Irrigation Areas Fully treated wastewater will be discharged to the reclaimed water holding pond, The treated wastewater will not be enough by itself to meet the irrigation demand for the golf course. The total maintained grass area (the "playable surfaces") will be approximately 150 acres, and additional areas of roughs and common areas can be added that can be used for disposal areas during the wet weather months when the fairways and greens may not need inrigation Process Narrative The design approach that we propose for the Dutchmans Creek will comply with the 15A NCAC 02T .0900 Rules for Reclaimed Water Systems, and the treated wastewater will be used by the in-igation system for the golf course. The sewer collection system will be a Septic Tank Effluent Pumping (STEP) system followed by a recirculating aerobic trickling treatment process, tertiary filtration, and ultraviolet and chlorine disinfection. The STEP collection system and Recirculating AerebiE Treatment Units will be products of Orenco Systems, Inc., based in Sutherlin, Oregon. Orenco has an established successful history in manufacturing components for these types of on-site systems, and has an excellent reputation for research and development in small community wastewater systems. They maintain their own technical engineering staff that assists with and reviews the design of projects using their equipment, and they will not furnish equipment for systems that they cannot approve. The following narrative describes the basic concept: Each single family residence will have its own "interceptor tank" that pumps to the collection system. The "interceptor tank" is basically a septic tank that has a pump and filter chamber at one end. The raw sewage enters the tank via a standard riser assembly, and as it flows across the tank, solids settle to the bottom, and scum and grease rise to the top. The water that enters the pump and filter basin can only enter from the intermediate "clear" zone that is at the approximate halfway depth in the tank. A set of tubular plastic filters prevent any solids larger than '/-inch from reaching the pump chamber. The filters also provide a substrate for micro-organisms that further reduce the strength of the wastewater. Depending on the flowrate, 40% to 60% of the BOD can be removed in the interceptor tank. Because the solids have been removed, small multi-stage vertical turbine submersible pumps can be used to pump .the effluent. These pumps are usually '/2 or 3/4 horsepower, and have low flow -high head characteristics. The pretreated effluent from the interceptor tanks is pumped through small diameter plastic piping to the treatment units. The pipe can be PVC or HDPE, and will be buried with at least 30 inches cover. It is anticipated that the largest size needed for a trunk main will be 4-inch diameter. The discharge pumps are controlled by float switches that connect to a control panel for each tank. The control panel is typically mounted on the exterior foundation wall of the building served by the pumps, and has audio and visual alarms for high water level and pump failure. The floats will be set to provide 24 hours emergency storage in the interceptor tanks in case of power outage. For smaller clustered units such as the cottages and villas, and for commercial buildings such as retail shops and offices, one interceptor tank may serve more than one building. Tanks can be furnished in different sizes, and the usual criteria would be to limit the velocity across the cross sectional area to 1 ft. per minute. For larger users, such as the restaurant and clubhouse, two tanks in series may be used. Grease traps will be required for all commercial kitchen facilities. The treatment system would be the Orenco Advantex system. The process is fundamentally the same as a recirculating sand filter (RSF), except that instead of a sand bed, the wastewater trickles over strl~S sheets of synthetic textile fabric that hang vertically in fiberglass enclosures. The synthetic fabric supports more biomass per cubic foot than a sand filter, and because the fabric is suspended in air, more oxygen is available to the aerobic micro-organisms. If higher strength waste is present, blowers can be added to increase the oxygen transfer rate. (reference technical literature from Orenco provided in the Appendix). Typically, blowers are not sized to provide a calculated oxygen transfer rate, but ventilation fans are used to keep fresh air moving through the treatment pods. Just as with an RSF, the wastewater from the STEP collection piping first enters a recirculation tank at the head of the treatment works. At this point, the fresh wastewater has virtually no solids or grease, and the BOD is usually less than 140 ppm. The fresh wastewater mixes with the water already in the tank, which has already passed through the Advantex units a number of times. A usual design recirculation ratio is 4:1. In actual practice, the recirculation ratio will normally be higher due to the fact that the development will rarely be 100% occupied or produce wastewater flows as high as the estimated demands. This will result in less odor and lower BOD, but may require the operator to add lime to the recirculation tank periodically. The water leaving the Advantex units will have concentrations of both BOD and TSS less than 5 ppm. A diverter float valve (RSV-Recirculating Spliter Valve) in the return line to the recirculation tank will control whether treated effluent is discharged. If the recirculation tank is not full, then the return flow from the treatment units will go into the tank to be recycled again thus continuing to "polish" and reduce the strength of the wastewater. If the recirculation tank is full, then the return flow will go to final filtration, disinfection and discharge. Following the b+elegic~l- initial treatment process, the wastewater will be pumped through a pressure sand filter. The pressure filter will be a conventional backwashable pressure filter, as manufactured by the Neptune Benson company of Warwick, Rhode Island. The filters will have a filtration rate of less than 4 gpm per square foot of filter area, and the backwash will be returned to the reject pond and then back to the head of the treatment system. Disinfection will consist of Ultraviolet Light, with tablet chlorinators for redundancy. The treated effluent will be very high quality and will meet all of the requirements for Reclaimed Water. Although the turbidity limit could not be guaranteed by the b+ele~+~4 treatment process alone, it is very likely that it will be achieved, and that the tertiary filters will be very lightly loaded. The fully-treated disinfected effluent will be discharged to the reclaimed water holding pond, which is sized for 30 days storage capacity. This water will be used for irrigation of the golf course. The irrigation requirements are much higher than could be satisfied solely by the treated wastewater, and the plan is to construct one or two holding ponds that will be filled by withdrawal from a stream on the property. The irrigation pumping system will be designed to take water from either the reclaimed water holding pond, or the creek water holding pond, but not both at the same time. (Note: I recommend that you put that the reclaimed water will be used only during the hours of 6 PM -6AM for additional public awareness) Modular Expansion The Dutchmans Creek project will likely be expanded to include new commercial areas and future additional development. For this reason, the wastewater treatment system is designed to exceed the initial demands. The system is designed to be expanded in a modular fashion, with new biological treatment systems added as the demands increase with build-out. The treatment system as designed will have a capacity of 300,000 gallons per day, but will have area for more treatment modules if needed. All that will be required for future expansion is the construction of additional holding ponds.