HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3220102_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20220131UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WAXHAW DOWNTOWN CENTRAL PARK GIVENS STREET WAXHAW, NORTH CAROLINA UES PROJECT No. 2530.2100003.0000 UES REPORT No. 1850597 PREPARED FOR: Alfred Benesch & Company 2539 Perimeter Pointe Parkway, Suite 350 Charlotte, North Carolina Phone (704) 521-9880 PREPARED BY: Universal Engineering Sciences 2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 250 Charlotte, NC 28273 (704) 583-2858 March 22, 2021 Consultants in: Geotechnical Engineering • Environmental Sciences • Construction Materials Testing • Threshold Inspection • Geophysical Services • Building Inspection • Plan Review • Building Code Administration LOCATIONS: Atlanta, GA UNIVERSAL- • Charlotte, NC • DC Metro, VA , ENGINEERING SCIENCES 03 • Daytona Beach, FL Consultants In: Geotechnical Engineering • Environmental Sciences • Fort Myers, FL ■ Fort Pierce, FL Geophysical Services • Construction Materials Testing • Threshold Inspection • Gainesville, FL Building Inspection • Plan Review • Building Code Administration ■ Jacksonville, FL • Miami, FL March 22, 2021 • Ocala, FL • Orlando, FL (Headquarters) Alfred Benesch & Company • Palm Coast, FL Panama City, FL 2359 Perimeter Pointe Parkway, Suite 350 Pensacola, FL Charlotte, NC 28208 • Rockledge, FL Sarasota, FL • Tampa, FL Attention: Mr. Jon Wood • Tifton, GA ■ West Palm Beach, FL Reference: Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Givens Street Waxhaw, North Carolina UES Project No. 2530.2100003.0000 UES Report No. 1850597 Dear Mr. Wood. Universal Engineering Sciences, LLC (Universal) has completed a geotechnical exploration for the above referenced project in Waxhaw, North Carolina. The scope of our exploration was planned in conjunction with and authorized by you. This exploration was performed in general accordance with Universal Proposal Number 1833717 and generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. The following report presents the results of our field exploration with a geotechnical engineering interpretation of those results with respect to the project characteristics as provided to us. We have included soil and groundwater conditions at our boring locations and geotechnical recommendations for site preparation, foundation design and pavement design. The site was found to be generally suitable for the proposed development construction following typical site preparation procedures presented in this report. We appreciate the opportunity to have worked with you on this project and look forward to a continued association. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you should have any questions, or if we may further assist you as your plans proceed. Respectfully Submitted, UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES NC Certificate of Authorization No. F-0515 N.C. License No. 44443 2520 Whitehall Park Dr., Ste. 250, Charlotte, NC 28273, (704) 583-2858 — www.UniversalEngineering.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION...........................................................................................................................I 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION....................................................................................................................................1 2.1 GENERAL............................................................................................................................1 2.2 GEOLOGY........................................................................................................................... 1 3.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES....................................................................................................2 3.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICE......................................................................................2 3.2 LIMITATIONS.......................................................................................................................3 4.0 FIELD EXPLORATION...............................................................................................................................3 4.1 GENERAL............................................................................................................................3 4.2 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST (SPT) BORINGS..................................................................4 5.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS.....................................................................................................................4 5.1 GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE...............................................................................................4 5.2 GROUNDWATER.................................................................................................................. 5 5.3 SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER LEVEL..............................................................................6 6.0 LABORATORY TESTING...........................................................................................................................6 7.0 GEOTECHNICAL ASSESSMENT..............................................................................................................7 7.1 EXISTING FILL.....................................................................................................................7 7.2 RESIDUAL MOISTURE SENSITIVE SOILS................................................................................7 7.3 RETAINING WALL BACKFILL.................................................................................................8 7.4 BRIDGE STRUCTURE........................................................................................................... 8 8.0 SEISMIC SITE CLASSIFICATION............................................................................................................8 9.0 FOUNDATION DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................9 9.1 GENERAL............................................................................................................................9 9.2 ALLOWABLE NET SOIL BEARING PRESSURE.........................................................................9 9.3 FOUNDATION SIZE.............................................................................................................10 9.4 BEARING DEPTH...............................................................................................................10 9.5 BEARING MATERIAL..........................................................................................................10 9.6 SETTLEMENT ESTIMATES..................................................................................................10 10.0 SLABS-ON-GRADE....................................................................................................................................11 11.0 PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................................................13 11.1 GENERAL..........................................................................................................................13 I 11.2 PAVEMENT SUBGRADE PREPARATION................................................................................ 13 11.3 ASPHALT "FLEXIBLE" PAVEMENTS...................................................................................... 13 11.4 CONCRETE "RIGID" PAVEMENTS........................................................................................ 14 11.4 PAVEMENT MATERIALS......................................................................................................14 11.5 PAVEMENT PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS........................................................................ 15 12.0 SITE PREPARATION.................................................................................................................................15 12.1 GENERAL..........................................................................................................................15 12.2 STRUCTURAL FILL.............................................................................................................16 12.3 ACCEPTABLE FILL.............................................................................................................16 12.4 COMPACTION RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................................... 17 12.5 EXCAVATED SLOPES AND FILL EMBANKMENTS................................................................... 17 12.6 EXCAVATIONS................................................................................................................... 17 13.0 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES..............................................................................................................18 13.0 CLOSURE.....................................................................................................................................................19 LIST OF TABLES Table I: Groundwater Measurements.................................................................................6 Table II: Laboratory Methodologies.....................................................................................7 Table III: Flexible Pavement Design................................................................................... 13 Table IV: Rigid Pavement Design....................................................................................... 14 Table IV: Lateral Earth Pressure Parameters (Level Backfill).............................................18 APPENDICES APPENDIX A SiteLocation Map.............................................................................................. Figure A-1 Boring Location Plan.......................................................................................... Figure B-1 Profile1.............................................................................................................. Figure B-2 Profile2.............................................................................................................. Figure B-3 BoringLogs........................................................................................................ Figure B-4 KeyTo Boring Logs............................................................................................ Figure B-5 APPENDIX C GBADocument............................................................................................................. C-1 Constraints and Restrictions......................................................................................... C-2 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park UES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 Waxhaw, North Carolina March 22, 2021 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The subject property is an undeveloped ±9.9-acre site located to the southeast of the intersection of Givens Street and S High Street in Waxhaw, North Carolina. We understand proposed construction will include parking areas, a multi -purpose event pavilion, an amphitheater, various water features, athletic areas, a rope bridge, public recreation amenities and bridge structure for maintenance vehicle access. We have assumed for the purpose of this proposal that building construction will consist of typical structural steel framing, reinforced masonry construction, and/or wood framing with column loads up to 30 kips and exterior wall loads of up to 5 kips per linear foot (klf) and that cut/fill depths required to reach final site grades will be about 8 feet. Should any of the above information or assumptions made by UES be inconsistent with the planned development and construction, we request that you contact us immediately to allow us the opportunity to review the new information in conjunction with our report and revise or modify our engineering recommendations accordingly, as needed. Universal requests the opportunity to review the final site and grading plans and structural design loads to validate all recommendations rendered herein. Without such a review, our recommendations may not be applicable, resulting in potentially unacceptable performance of site improvements for which Universal will not be responsible or liable. Depending on the finalized details of the development, alterations to the recommendations provided herein and/or additional field work may be warranted. No site or project facilities/improvements, other than those described herein, should be designed using the soil information presented in this report. Moreover, UES will not be responsible for the performance of any site improvement so designed and constructed. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 GENERAL The site is located on the south side of Givens Street to between S Broad Street and Church St in Waxhaw, Union County, North Carolina. The is generally undeveloped and heavily wooded, however there is evidence of past site work in the portion of the property along Givens Street near borings B-01 and B-02. A sanitary sewer easement runs parallel to an unnamed creek along the eastern parcel boundary. The site generally slopes downward in a west to east direction to the unnamed creek. No other structures or drainage features were observed during our geotechnical exploration. 2.2 GEOLOGY The project site is located in the south-central portion of the Piedmont Physiographic Province (Piedmont) of North Carolina within the Carolina Terrane. The Piedmont is a relatively broad strip extending from central Alabama across Georgia and the Carolinas into Virginia. Rocks of the Piedmont occur in belts that are some of the oldest formations in the United States. The rock types are primarily metamorphic gneiss and schist with some granite intrusions. u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park LIES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 Waxhaw, North Carolina March 22, 2021 The major portion of the bedrock in the Piedmont is covered with a varying thickness of residual soil that has been derived by chemical decomposition and physical weathering of the underlying parent rock. Residual soils developed during the weathering of this bedrock consist predominately of micaceous sandy silts and silty sands, which grade to clayey silts and clays with nearness to the ground surface. The thickness of the residual soils can vary from only a few feet to in excess of 100 feet. The boundary between the residual soil and the underlying bedrock is not sharply defined. Generally, a transition zone consisting of very hard soil to soft rock, appropriately classified as "partially weathered rock" (PWR), is found. For engineering purposes, "partially weathered rock" is defined as any residual soils which exhibit blow counts greater than 100 blows per foot. Within the transition zone, large boulders or lenses of relatively "fresh" rock that are generally much harder than the surrounding material often exist. The irregular bedrock surface is essentially a consequence of differential weathering of the various minerals and joint patterns of the rock mass. 3.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES 3.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICE This report presents an evaluation of site conditions on the basis of geotechnical procedures for site characterization, with special attention to potential problems that may impact the proposed development. The recovered samples were not examined, either visually or analytically, for chemical composition or environmental hazards. We would be glad to provide you with a proposal for these services at your request. The services conducted by Universal Engineering Sciences during our geotechnical exploration are as follows: • Drilled thirteen (13) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings within the proposed development areas to depths ranging from 10 to 30 feet below the ground surface (bgs); • Performed two (2) Seasonal High -Water Table (SHWT) estimates within the proposed water features near borings B-04 and B-05. This included two (2) borings extended to a depth of 15 feet in the central areas of the proposed water features with a temporary 15-foot standpipe piezometer in each; • Secured samples of representative soils encountered in the soil borings for review, laboratory analysis and classification by a Geotechnical Engineer; • Measured the existing site groundwater levels after a period of stabilization post -drilling; • Assessed the existing soil conditions with respect to the proposed construction; • Prepared a report which documents the results of our exploration and analysis with geotechnical engineering recommendations for site preparation, foundation design and pavement design. 2 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina UES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 March 22, 2021 3.2 LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Alfred Benesch & Company and their affiliates, successors, and assigns. This report should aid the architect/engineer in the design of the proposed commercial structure. The scope is limited to the specific project and locations described herein. Our description of the project's design parameters represents our understanding of the significant aspects relevant to soil and foundation characteristics. In the event that any changes in the design or location of the structures as outlined in this report are planned, we should be informed so the changes can be reviewed and the conclusions of this report modified, if required, and approved in writing by UES. UES cannot be held responsible for problems arising from changes about which we are not informed. The recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the soil borings performed at the locations indicated on the Boring Location Plan and from other information as referenced. This report does not reflect any variations which may occur between the boring locations. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until the course of construction. If variations become evident, it will then be necessary for a re-evaluation of the recommendations of this report after performing on -site observations and/or testing during the construction period and noting the characteristics of the variations. All users of this report are cautioned that there was no requirement for UES to attempt to locate any man-made buried objects or identify any other potentially hazardous conditions that may exist at the site during the course of this exploration. Therefore, no attempt was made by UES to locate or identify such concerns. UES cannot be responsible for any buried man-made objects or subsurface hazards which may be subsequently encountered during construction that are not discussed within the text of this report. We can provide this service if requested. Borings for a typical geotechnical report are widely spaced and generally not sufficient for reliably detecting the presence of isolated, anomalous surface or subsurface conditions, or reliably estimating unsuitable or suitable material quantities. Accordingly, UES does not recommend relying on our boring information to negate presence of anomalous materials or for estimation of material quantities unless our contracted services specifically include sufficient exploration for such purpose(s) and within the report we so state that the level of exploration provided should be sufficient to detect such anomalous conditions or estimate such quantities. Therefore, UES will not be responsible for any extrapolation or use of our data by others beyond the purpose(s) for which it is applicable or intended. For a further discussion of the scope and limitations of a typical geotechnical report please review the document attached within the Appendix, "Important Information about This Geotechnical Engineering Report' prepared by GBC. 4.0 FIELD EXPLORATION 4.1 GENERAL The field exploration was performed with an ATV mounted CME-550X drill on March 11, 2021. Horizontal and vertical survey control was not provided for the test boring locations prior to or during our field exploration program. UES personnel located the borings on site by using the provided site plan, existing on -site landmarks, and by using a handheld GPS device. The boring locations should be assumed approximate and accurate to a degree of the methods described. If more exact locations are desired, a professional surveyor should be engaged to have the borings located in the field. 3 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park UES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 Waxhaw, North Carolina March 22, 2021 4.2 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST (SPT) BORINGS Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings were performed in general accordance with the procedures of ASTM D-1586 (Standard Method for Penetration Test and Split -Barrel Sampling of Soils). The SPT drilling technique involves driving a standard split -barrel sampler into the soil by a 140-pound hammer, free falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler 1 foot, after an initial seating of 6 inches, is designated the standard penetration resistance, or N-value, an index to soil strength and consistency. All borings were advanced using hollow stem auger drilling techniques. SPT sampling was performed continuously on approximate 2-foot intervals to a depth of 10 feet, and on 5 feet intervals thereafter. The SPT tests were performed using an automatic hammer as opposed to a manual hammer driven by a cat -head. The automatic hammer has a higher efficiency than a manual hammer, thus yielding lower standard penetration resistance values (blow counts). We recognized this and account for it in our evaluation. However, the raw field -recorded blow counts, and the reported consistency/relative density terms based on those field -recorded values, are presented on the boring logs without correction factors applied. 5.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 5.1 GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE The results of our field exploration and laboratory analysis, together with pertinent information obtained from the SPT borings, such as soil profiles, penetration resistance and groundwater levels are shown on the boring logs included in the Appendix. The Key to Boring Logs, Soil Classification Chart is also included in the Appendix. The soil profiles were prepared from field logs after the recovered soil samples were examined by a Geotechnical Engineer. The stratification lines shown on the boring logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types, and may not depict exact subsurface soil conditions. The actual soil boundaries may be more transitional than depicted. A general summary of the soils encountered at our boring locations is presented below. For detailed soil profiles and sample descriptions, please refer to the attached boring logs. Surface Materials: Topsoil was encountered in thicknesses ranging from approximately 3 to 6 inches at all boring locations. Additionally, variation in topsoil thickness can occur due to the motorized drilling equipment traversing and disturbing the boring locations, previous site utilization and/or topographic variations. Therefore, variations in topsoil thickness should be anticipated throughout the site during stripping operations. Topsoil is generally considered to be a dark colored surficial material with a high organic content and is generally unsuitable for structural and pavement support. UES has not performed any organic content tests on these soils nor evaluated their agricultural and/or horticultural properties. A layer of crushed stone associated with a former driveway was visible beneath the surface grass near borings B-01 and B-02 adjacent to Givens Street. Existing Fill Soils: Beneath the surface materials at borings B-02 and B-03, existing fill soils extend to approximate depths ranging from 2 to 4 feet bgs. These soils generally classified as firm Lean CLAY [CL], Elastic SILT [MH], and Sandy SILT [ML] soils and Il u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina LIES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 March 22. 2021 exhibited N-values of 5 blows per foot (bpf). Additional considerations for these fill soils are outlined in the Geotechnical Assessment section of this report. Residual Moisture Sensitive Soils: Beneath the surface materials or existing fill, residual moisture sensitive soils of the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina were encountered and extend to boring termination depths ranging from approximately 2 to 12 feet bgs at all boring locations. These soils were classified as firm Fat CLAY [CH], very soft to stiff Lean CLAY [CL] and soft to stiff Elastic SILT [MH] soils exhibiting N-Values ranging from 1 to 14 bpf. These soils are considered moisture sensitive for their propensity to become difficult to work when wet and/or exposed to repeated construction traffic, particularly when construction takes place in the wetter times of the year. Special considerations regarding these soils are presented in the Geotechnical Assessment section of this report. Residual Soils: Beneath the residual moisture sensitive soils, residual moderate to low plasticity soils of the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina were encountered. These soils extend to depths corresponding to boring termination depths or the approximate depths where partially weathered rock (PWR) was first encountered within all borings. These soils were generally classified as medium dense silty SAND [SM] and soft to stiff Sandy SILT [ML] soils. These residual soils exhibited N-values ranging from 4 to 25 bpf. Partially Weathered Rock: Partially Weathered Rock (PWR) was first encountered at depths of approximately 17 feet bgs at boring locations B-12 and B-13. For engineering purposes, PWR is considered any residual material exhibiting an N-value of greater than 100 bpf. 5.2 GROUNDWATER Groundwater was encountered in several borings during our geotechnical exploration after the borings had been allowed to stabilize for a period of at least 24 hours after drilling operations were completed. Depending on the final site grades, and based on the measured depths to groundwater encountered during our geotechnical exploration, temporary and/or permanent dewatering of the site is not anticipated for the majority of the site. However, water was encountered near the unnamed creek in the vicinity of the proposed bridge. Therefore, temporary groundwater control will be required during the construction of the bridge. It should also be noted that fluctuations in groundwater levels throughout the year are common in this geology, primarily due to seasonal variations in rainfall, surface runoff, proximity to adjacent bodies of water and other factors that may vary from the time the borings were conducted. A summary of the stabilized groundwater measurements is presented in Table I and the measured water levels at the boring locations are shown on the individual boring logs in Appendix B. It should also be noted that the similar geology in the region often produces small natural springs which may not be visible during our site visits, and may become apparent during construction. Recommendations for the remediation of any natural springs encountered can be provided during construction by the Geotechnical Engineer during construction. 5 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina LIES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 March 22, 2021 TABLE I - GROUNDWATER MEASUREMENTS Boring ID Depth to Groundwater ft. B-04 4.7 B-05 14.7 B-12 4.1 B-13 2.5 5.3 SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER LEVEL In order to estimate the seasonal high water level at borings B-04 and B-05, many factors are examined, including the following: • Measured groundwater level • Drainage characteristics of existing soil types • Current & historical rainfall data • Natural relief points (such as lakes, rivers, wetlands, drainage features,etc.) • Man-made drainage systems (ditches, canals, retention basins, etc.) • On -site types of vegetation • Review of available data (soil surveys, USGS maps, etc.) • Redoximorphic features (mottling, stripping, etc.) Based on the results of our field exploration and the factors listed above, we estimate that the seasonal high groundwater level within boring B-04 corresponds with the groundwater measurement of approximately 4 feet bgs. Additionally, the seasonal high groundwater level within boring B-05 is likely approximately 12 feet from the existing ground surface. It should be noted that the estimated seasonal high water levels provided should be considered accurate to approximately ±%2 foot and do not provide any assurance that groundwater levels will not exceed these estimated levels during any given year in the future. Should the impediments to surface water drainage be present, or should rainfall intensity and duration, or total rainfall quantities, exceed the normally anticipated rainfall quantities, groundwater levels might exceed our seasonal high estimates. Further, it should be understood that changes in the surface hydrology and subsurface drainage from on -site and/or off -site improvements could have significant effects on the normal and seasonal high groundwater levels. 6.0 LABORATORY TESTING The soil samples recovered from the test borings were returned to our laboratory and visually classified in general accordance with ASTM D 2487 "Standard Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes" (Unified Soil Classification System). If necessary, select representative soil samples were evaluated with additional laboratory testing to aid in determination of general engineering characteristics of the site soils. The results of these tests are shown on the boring logs in Appendix B where performed. A summary of the type of tests performed is shown in Table II. 0 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina LIES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 March 22, 2021 TABLE II LABORATORY METHODOLOGIES Test Performed Reference Grain Size Analysis ASTM D 1140 "Amount of Material in Soils Finer than the No. 200 (75 - (#200 wash only) lam) sieve" Moisture Content ASTM D 2216 "Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil by Mass" Atterberg Limits Determination ASTM D 4318 "Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils" 7.0 GEOTECHNICAL ASSESSMENT The following geotechnical design recommendations have been developed on the basis of the previously described project characteristics and subsurface conditions encountered. If there are any changes in these project criteria, including building locations on the site, a review should be made by UES to determine if modifications to the recommendations are warranted. Once final design plans and specifications are available, a general review by UES is recommended as a means to check that the evaluations made in preparation of this report are correct and that earthwork and foundation recommendations are properly interpreted and implemented. Based on the results of the fieldwork, laboratory evaluation and engineering analyses, we have identified the following potential constraints to the development of this site including the presence of shallow weathered rock, as well as wet and moisture sensitive soils. However, we believe with proper planning and execution, as well as performing the site preparation measures presented herein to address the wet soils on -site, the site can be adapted for the proposed structure and associated improvements. 7.1 EXISTING FILL Existing fill consisting of Lean CLAY [CL], Elastic SILT [MH], and Sandy SILT [ML] soils were encountered in borings B-02 and B-03 to depths ranging from approximately 2 to 4 feet bgs. These soils, in their current state, appear to be suitable to remain in place or to use as structural fill elsewhere on site. If these soils are to remain in place, we recommend that they be proofrolled in a manner outlined in the Site Preparation section of this report to determine their suitability to remain in place. It should be noted that these soils are considered moisture sensitive and are difficult to work when wet. As such, their suitability to remain in place will be influenced by prevailing weather conditions, final site grades and construction practices at the time of construction and some undercut may be necessary. 7.2 RESIDUAL MOISTURE SENSITIVE SOILS The results of our geotechnical exploration identified the presence residual moisture sensistive soils at the ground surface to depths ranging from approximately 2 to 12 feet bgs. These soils are typically difficult to work when wet, and can lose strength when exposed to moisture intrusion and repeated construction traffic. Depending on final site grades, we anticipate that some moisture modification and/or some undercutting of these soils may be necessary during 7 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park UES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 Waxhaw, North Carolina March 22. 2021 construction. The depth and extent of undercut required will depend on the final site grades, the prevailing weather conditions and construction practices. We recommend that site grading operations take place in the warmer, dryer months of the year to reduce the delays or additional costs associated with extended drying times and/or importing soils. Proofrolling these moisture sensitive soils during construction, and prior to fill placement, in the manner outlined in the Site Preparation and Grading section of this report should be done to determine their suitability to remain in place. Additional recommendations for remediation of any unstable soils observed during construction can be provided in the field by a qualified engineer from UES during construction. If final site grades necessitate the excavation of these soils to achieve design grades, these soils are generally suitable for reuse as structural fill with the exception of retaining wall backfill. The index properties of these moisture sensitive soils in this region generally do not meet the requirements for wall backfill. 7.3 RETAINING WALL BACKFILL The on -site soils are generally fine grained and do not meet the typical qualifications and requirements for use as retaining wall backfill, either modular block or cast in place concrete. We therefore recommend determining a source of select engineering backfill that meets the qualifications and requirements of the retaining wall design documents once those are finalized. Universal can provide specialized laboratory testing services to confirm that the index properties of the import materials are suitable for use as wall backfill. 7.4 BRIDGE STRUCTURE The bridge structure to be the maintenance vehicle access to the park has not been finalized. If a culvert type structure is selected, we estimate that undercut ranging from 6 to 8 feet deep within the culvert foundations will be required to provide adequate support if bearing elevation is near current grades. We recommend that the resulting excavations be backfilled with washed stone fully encapsulated in a woven geotextile (Mirafi 500X or similar). Alternatively, stabilization of the very soft and wet clay soils encountered at the surface could be performed by incorporating surge stone into the subgrade. In this alternative, surge stone would be placed over the subgrade and forced into the clay soils by traversing the surface with a tracked piece of equipment or by pounding the stone in using the bucket of a track hoe. Stone should be added to the subgrade in layers and fully incorporated into the wet clay soils until an unyielding subgrade is achieved. This work should be performed under the observation of the Geotechnical Engineer or his authorized representative. Depending on the type of structure selected, and the loads involved, an intermediate or deep foundation system such as rigid inclusions or piles could be considered. Universal can assist in the selection of the foundation system once more detailed drawings are available. 8.0 SEISMIC SITE CLASSIFICATION The project site is located within a municipality that employs the 2015 International Building Code® (IBC). As part of this Code, the design of structures must consider dynamic forces resulting from seismic events. These forces are dependent upon the magnitude of the 8 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park UES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 Waxhaw, North Carolina March 22. 2021 earthquake event, as well as the properties of the soils that underlie the site. As part of the procedure to evaluate seismic forces, the Code requires the evaluation of the Seismic Site Class, which categorizes the site based upon the characteristics of the subsurface profile within the upper 100 feet of the ground surface. To define the Site Class for this project, we first interpreted the results of SPT soil borings drilled within the project site and estimated appropriate soil properties below the base of the borings to a depth of 100 feet, as permitted by Section 1615.1.1 of the Code. The estimated soil properties were based upon our experience with subsurface conditions in the general site area. Based upon the SPT N-values recorded during the field exploration, the subsurface conditions within the site are consistent with the characteristics of a Site Class "D" as defined in Table 1613.5.2 of the Code. 9.0 FOUNDATION DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 9.1 GENERAL The following recommendations are made based upon our understanding of the proposed construction, and experience with similar projects and subsurface conditions. The applicability of geotechnical recommendations is very dependent upon project characteristics such as improvement locations, and grade alterations. UES must review the final site and grading plans to validate all recommendations rendered herein. Additionally, if subsurface conditions are encountered during construction, which were not encountered in the borings, report those conditions immediately to us for observation and recommendations. In general, if soft and/or unsuitable soils (i.e. organic debris, etc.) are present, we recommend complete removal and replacement with suitable compacted structural fill. The selection of an adequate remediation method will greatly depend on weather conditions prior to and during construction. Remediation methods may include, but are not limited to, selective undercut, moisture conditioning, variable lift thicknesses, an increase of compaction requirements or complete removal and replacement with properly compacted structural fill. 9.2 ALLOWABLE NET SOIL BEARING PRESSURE The finished floor elevations of the proposed commercial structure were not provided at the time of this report. Localized undercutting of foundations and slabs -on -grade may be required where soft/loose and/or wet soils were encountered in our borings. Undercutting may also be required if unsuitable material not encountered in this geotechnical exploration is encountered during foundation excavation and slab -on -grade construction. We recommend all slab subgrade and footing excavations be thoroughly evaluated by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to concrete placement at the time of construction. Provided our suggested site preparation procedures are followed, we recommend designing shallow footing foundations for a maximum allowable net soil bearing pressure of 3,000 pounds per square foot (psf). The allowable net bearing pressure is that pressure that may be transmitted to the soil in excess of the minimum surrounding overburden pressure. The allowable bearing pressure should include dead load plus sustained live load. e✓ u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina UES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 March 22, 2021 9.3 FOUNDATION SIZE For continuous wall foundations, the minimum footing width should comply with the current local building code, but under no circumstances should be less than 12 inches. The minimum width recommended for an isolated column footing is 24 inches. Even though the maximum allowable soil bearing pressure may not be achieved, these width recommendations should control the size of the foundations. 9.4 BEARING DEPTH The bottom of all foundations should bear at a minimum depth of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent final ground surface or deeper as required by the governing building code for frost penetration, protective embedment, and resistance to seasonal moisture changes. We recommend stormwater and surface water be diverted away from the building exterior, both during and after construction, to reduce the possibility of erosion beneath the exterior footings. 9.5 BEARING MATERIAL Foundations of structures not associated with the bridge%ulvert at the creek crossing should bear on newly placed and tested fill or residual on -site soils. The bearing level soils should be of a suitable moisture content, unfrozen, free of organics and debris or loose material If undercutting is required during project construction, the newly over -excavated area should be backfilled using a crushed stone fully encapsulated with geotextile fabric (Mirafi 140N or similarly approved fabric), flowable fill, or lean concrete if deemed to be unsuitable for bearing as determined by the foundation inspection at the time of construction. This inspection should include the use of the dynamic cone penetrometer test for assessing the strength of bearing conditions. Foundation concrete should be placed as soon as possible after excavation. If foundation excavations must be left open overnight, or exposed to inclement weather, the base of the excavation should be protected with a mat a couple of inches of lean concrete. Footing excavations should be protected from surface water run-off and freezing. If water is allowed to accumulate within a footing excavation and soften the bearing soils, or if the bearing soils are allowed to freeze, the deficient soils should be removed from the excavation prior to concrete placement. 9.6 SETTLEMENT ESTIMATES Post -construction settlement of the structures will be influenced by several interrelated factors, such as (1) subsurface stratification and strength/compressibility characteristics of the bearing soils to a depth of approximately twice the width of the footing; (2) footing size, bearing level, applied loads, and resulting bearing pressures beneath the foundation; (3) site preparation and earthwork construction techniques used by the contractor, and (4) external factors, including but not limited to vibration from off -site sources and groundwater fluctuations beyond those normally anticipated for the naturally -occurring site and soil conditions which are present. Our settlement estimates for the structures are based upon adherence to our recommended site preparation procedures presented in this report. Any deviation from these recommendations could result in an increase in the estimated post -construction settlement of the structures. Furthermore, should building loads change from those assumed by us, greater settlements may be expected. 10 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park LIES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 Waxhaw, North Carolina March 22, 2021 Due to the moderate to low plasticity nature of the surficial soils following the compaction operations, we expect the majority of settlement to be elastic in nature and occur relatively quickly, on application of the loads, during and immediately following construction. Using the recommended maximum allowable bearing pressure, the assumed maximum structural loads, and the field and laboratory test data which we have correlated into the strength and compressibility characteristics of the subsurface soils, we estimate the total vertical settlement of the proposed structure to be on the order of 1 inch or less. Differential settlement results from differences in applied bearing pressures and the variations in the compressibility characteristics of the subsurface soils. Assuming our site preparation recommendations are followed, we anticipate differential settlement of less than inch. 10.0 Slabs -On -Grade Structural loading information was not available at the time of this report. We therefore have assumed a floor load of 150 pounds per square -foot (psf). The near surface existing fill and residual moisture sensitive soils encountered in all borings are generally comprised Lean CLAY [CL], Elastic SILT [MH] and Sandy SILT [ML] soils with N- values ranging from 1 to 14 bpf. These soils, in their current state, generally appear suitable for support of slabs -on -grade and pavements. However, due to variability of the near surface N- values across the site, some reworking and/or undercut of the near surface soils is warranted to reduce the risk of differential settlement of the slabs -on -grade and/or pavement sections. Additionally, the near surface soils throughout the site are generally considered to be moisture sensitive and can be difficult to work with when wet and can lose strength when exposed to moisture intrusion and repeated construction traffic. Depending on final site grades, we anticipate that moisture modification and some undercutting of these soils will be necessary during construction. The depth and extent of undercut required will depend on the prevailing weather conditions and construction practices. We recommend proof -rolling these soils in the manner outlined in Site Preparation section of this report during construction, and prior to fill placement, to determine their suitability to remain in place. Additional recommendations for remediation of any unstable soils observed during construction can be provided in the field by a qualified engineer from Universal during construction. Conventional floor slabs may be supported upon on -site soils approved by the Geotechnical Engineer or recently placed fill compacted to the guidelines outlined in this report. The floor slabs should be structurally isolated from other foundation elements or adequately reinforced to prevent distress due to differential movements. For the slab design, we recommend using a subgrade modulus (k) of 100 pounds per cubic inch, which can be achieved by compacting the subgrade soils as recommended in this report. A polyethylene vapor retarding membrane of at least 6-mil with joints lapped a minimum of 6 inches is required between the base course or subgrade by the North Carolina Building Code (NCBC) for structures not meeting the exceptions listed in Section 1907.1 of the NCBC. However, we recommend a vapor retarding membrane of 10-mil thickness or more with joints lapped a minimum of 12 inches. 11 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park LIES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 Waxhaw, North Carolina March 22, 2021 In order to provide uniform support beneath any proposed floor slab -on -grade, we recommend that floor slabs be underlain by a minimum of 4 inches of compacted aggregate base course material. The aggregate base course material should be compacted to at least 100 percent of its modified Proctor maximum dry density. Open -graded crushed stone, such as No. 57 stone may also be used; however, it is our experience that open graded crushed stone can collect water during periods of rain and cause saturation and softening of the subgrade soils prior to placement of the floor slab concrete. Therefore, construction sequencing/timing, and the season in which the stone is placed, should be taken into consideration. The crushed rock is intended to provide a capillary break to limit migration of moisture through the slab. If additional protection against moisture vapor is desired, a vapor retarding membrane may also be incorporated into the design; however, specific conditions that mandate its use vary between municipalities, building codes and site conditions. Factors such as cost, special considerations for construction, and the floor coverings suggest that decisions on the use of vapor retarding membranes be made by the architect and owner. Based on the subsurface materials and the intended use of the structure, we recommend the use of a vapor retarding membrane. Vapor retarders, if used, should be installed in accordance with ACI 302.1, Chapter 3. The precautions listed below should be closely followed for construction of slabs -on -grade. These details will not prevent the amount of slab movement, but are intended to reduce potential damage should some settlement of the supporting subgrade take place. Cracking of slabs -on -grade is normal and should be expected. Cracking can occur not only as a result of heaving or compression of the supporting soil, but also as a result of concrete curing stresses. The occurrence of concrete shrinkage cracks, and problems associated with concrete curing may be reduced and/or controlled by limiting the water to cement ratio of the concrete, proper concrete placement, finishing, and curing, and by the placement of crack control joints at frequent intervals, particularly, where re-entrant slab corners occur. The American Concrete Institute (ACI) recommends a maximum panel size (in feet) equal to approximately three times the thickness of the slab (in inches) in both directions. For example, joints are recommended at a maximum spacing of 12 feet assuming a four -inch thick slab. We also recommend that control joints be scored three feet in from and parallel to all foundation walls. Using fiber reinforcement in the concrete can also control shrinkage cracking. Some increase in moisture content is inevitable as a result of development and associated landscaping; however, extreme moisture content increases can be largely controlled by proper and responsible site drainage, building maintenance and irrigation practices. All backfill in areas supporting slabs should be moisture conditioned and compacted as described earlier in this report. Backfill in all interior and exterior utility line trenches should be carefully compacted. Exterior slabs should be isolated from the building. These slabs should be reinforced to function as independent units. Movement of these slabs should not be transmitted to the building foundation or superstructure. 12 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina LIES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 March 22, 2021 11.0 PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 11.1 GENERAL We understand that a combination of flexible asphaltic and rigid concrete pavement sections will be used on this project. Traffic loading data was not provided at the time of this report. Therefore, we have prepared the following pavement design based on our experience with similar soils and projects, and an assumed CBR value of 3 percent. Design procedures are based on the AASHTO "Guide for Design of Pavement Structures" and associated literature. The materials recommended for the pavement design are referenced to the North Carolina Department of Transportation's (NCDOT) January 4, 2019 Pavement Design Procedure — AASHTO 1993 Method. Based on the subsurface conditions, and assuming our grading recommendations are implemented as specified, the following presents our recommendations regarding typical pavement sections and materials. 11.2 PAVEMENT SUBGRADE PREPARATION Site grading is generally accomplished early in the construction phase. Subsequently as construction proceeds the subgrade may be disturbed due to utility excavations, construction traffic, desiccation, and rainfall. Therefore, we recommend proof -rolling and re -compacting (as required) the upper 1-foot of subgrade immediately prior to placement of the Aggregate Base Course (ABC) base course. If unstable soils are encountered which cannot be adequately densified in place, such soils should be removed and replaced with structural fill or additional ABC stone. Prevention of infiltration of water into the subgrade is essential for the successful long-term performance of any pavement. Both the subgrade and the pavement surface should be sloped to promote surface drainage away from the pavement structure. Additionally, all vertical surfaces to be in contact with asphalt should be tack -coated prior to paving. 11.3 ASPHALT "FLEXIBLE" PAVEMENTS The following pavement sections as listed in Table III are based on a 20-year design life for 100,000 equivalent single -axle loads (ESALs) 18 kips and are based on a variety of vehicle configurations including passenger vehicles, tractor -trailers, garbage trucks and HS-20 fire trucks. If anticipated traffic information is changed from the previously outlined design criteria, additional pavement section calculations should be performed to develop the new design sections. TABLE III FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT SECTIONS Service Level Material Thickness (inches) Aggregate Base Coarse Stone NCDOT ABC) Hot Mixed Asphalt Intermediate Course (NCDOT 119.00 Hot Mixed Asphalt Surface Course S9.5 Light Duty 6 --- 3 Heavy Duty 8 2 2 13 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina LIES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 March 22, 2021 11.4 CONCRETE "RIGID" PAVEMENTS The use of concrete for paving has become more prevalent in recent years due to the long-term maintenance cost benefits of concrete compared to asphaltic pavements. Proper finishing of concrete pavements requires the use of appropriate construction joints to reduce the potential for cracking. Construction joints should be designed in accordance with current Portland Cement Association guidelines. Joints should be sealed to reduce the potential for water infiltration into pavement joints and subsequent infiltration into the supporting soils. The concrete should have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi at 28 days and a 28-day flexural strength of no less than 550 psi. The concrete should also be designed with 5 ± 1 percent entrained air to improve workability and durability. All pavement materials and construction procedures should conform to NCDOT or appropriate city and/or county requirements. Specimens to verify the compressive strength of the pavement concrete should be obtained for at least every 50 cubic yards, or at least once for each day's placement, whichever is greater. Concrete pavement may be used in the loading dock areas, driveway entrance aprons, truck turn -around or high truck traffic areas. Additionally it is recommended to be used underneath and at least 10 feet in front of the dumpster pad enclosure. Large front -loading trash collection trucks and loaded tractor -trailer trucks frequently impose concentrated front -wheel loads on pavements during trash removal and/or turning. This typically results in rutting of, and ultimately the failure of, the pavement system in these high traffic areas. Therefore, we recommend that the pavement in trash collection areas, at least 10 feet in front of the dumpster pad enclosure, and any areas to receive sustained loaded truck traffic consist of a Heavy Duty rigid pavement section as described in Table IV below. TABLE IV RIGID PAVEMENT SECTIONS Service Level Graded Aggregate Base (GAB) Minimum Pavement Thickness Heavy Duty 6 inches 7 Inches 11.4 PAVEMENT MATERIALS The aggregate base course should consist of ABC stone meeting the gradation specification of NCDOT. This base course should be compacted to at least 98 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by the Standard Proctor compaction test (ASTM D698, Method C). To confirm that the base course has been uniformly compacted, in -place field density tests should be performed by a qualified engineering technician, and the area should be methodically proof - rolled under his evaluation. In addition, all asphalt material and paving operations should meet applicable specifications of the Asphalt Institute and NCDOT Roadway Design Manual. All materials and workmanship should meet the requirements of NCDOT Construction Manual. Also, sufficient tests and inspections should be performed during pavement installation to confirm that the required thickness, density, and quality requirements of the specifications are followed. 14 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park UES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 Waxhaw, North Carolina March 22, 2021 11.5 PAVEMENT PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS Our experience indicates that an overlay may be needed in approximately 8 to 10 years due to normal weathering of the asphaltic concrete. Additionally, some areas could require repair and maintenance in a shorter time period. The performance of the flexible and rigid pavements will be influenced by a number of factors including the actual condition of subgrade soils at the time of pavement installation, installed thicknesses and compaction, and drainage. The subgrade soils should be re-evaluated by thorough proof -rolling immediately prior to base placement and paving and any unstable areas undercut or repaired as required to achieve stable soils. This recommendation is very important to the long-term performance of the pavements and slabs. Areas adjacent to pavements (embankments, landscaped island, ditching, etc.) which can drain water (rainwater or sprinklers) should be designed so that water does not seep below the pavements. This may require the use of french drains or swales. Use of extruded curb or elimination of curb entirely, can allow lateral migration of irrigation water from the abutting landscape areas into the base and/or interface between the asphaltic concrete and base. This migration of water may cause base saturation and failure and/or separation of the asphaltic concrete wearing surface from the base with subsequent rippling and pavement deterioration. For extruded curbing, we recommend that an underdrain be installed behind the curb wherever anticipated storm, surface, or irrigation waters may collect. In addition, landscape islands should be drained of excess water buildup using an underdrain system. Alternatively, we recommend that curbing around the landscape sections adjacent to the parking lots be constructed using full depth curb sections. Light duty roadways and incomplete pavement sections will not perform satisfactorily under construction traffic loadings. We recommend that construction traffic (construction equipment, concrete trucks, sod trucks, garbage trucks, dump trucks, forklifts, etc.) be re-routed away from these roadways or that the pavement section be designed for these loadings and thickened in order to provide acceptable performance throughout the lifecycle of the pavement section. 12.0 Site Preparation 12.1 GENERAL After required erosion control measures have been put in place and site clearing/stripping operations have been completed, strip/demolish the proposed construction limits of surface vegetation, topsoil, and other deleterious materials within and 5 feet beyond the perimeter of the proposed building and pavement areas. Demolition should include complete removal of all above and below grade foundations and other improvements. Existing underground utility lines within the construction area should be located moved as necessary. Provisions should be made to relocate interfering utilities to appropriate locations. It should be noted that if underground pipes are not properly removed or plugged, they may serve as conduits for subsurface erosion which may lead to excessive settlement of overlying structures. The site should be graded to direct surface water runoff away from the construction areas. Positive drainage of improved areas should be maintained during construction and throughout the design life of the project. 15 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park UES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 Waxhaw, North Carolina March 22, 2021 Proof -roll the subgrade using a heavily loaded, rubber -tired vehicle (i.e. fully loaded dump truck) making a minimum of 8 passes in each of two perpendicular directions under the observation of a qualified Geotechnical Engineer of their representative. Proof -rolling will help locate any isolated zones of especially loose or soft soils. Any areas that deflect excessively under proof - rolling or that are deemed soft/loose or wet should be undercut, as directed by a geotechnical engineer or their representative, and backfilled with a select fill or stone. Material for replacement of loose, soft, organic, or wet soils is typically a graded aggregate base, No. 57 sized crushed stone, compacted structural fill, or geogrid. All undercutting should be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer to confirm that all unsuitable materials are removed and to prevent unnecessary undercutting of suitable materials. If site preparation work is performed during the rainy season, special care should be taken to maintain positive drainage from the building pad and paved areas to drains or ditches around the site. Unexpected wet periods can also occur in North Carolina during the "dry" season. Such events can raise water tables to levels above seasonal highs without the associated high temperatures to evaporate ponded water. Therefore, the contractor should practice wet weather means and methods for earthwork during the "dry" season as well. Groundwater and surface water control, use of granular fill material and aeration are the normal means to accommodate wet weather construction. All fill materials that are excavated from below the water table should be stockpiled for a sufficiently long period to allow drainage. 12.2 STRUCTURAL FILL Once the site has been stripped and prepared, place fill material as required to meet finished grades. The recommended criteria for soil fill characteristics (both on -site and imported materials) and compaction procedures are listed below. The project design documents should include the following recommendations to address proper placement and compaction of project fill materials. Earthwork operations should not begin until representative samples are collected and tested (allow 3 to 4 days for sampling and testing). The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content should be determined. 12.3 ACCEPTABLE FILL • Imported fill and on -site material satisfactory for structural fill should include clean soil material with USCS classifications of (GW, GM, SW, SP, SC, some ML, some CL). The fill material should have a Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) Maximum Dry Density of at least 100 pcf, a maximum Liquid Limit (LL) of 40 and a Plasticity Index (PI) of 20 or less. • Imported fill and on -site material with a Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) Maximum Dry Density of less than 100 pcf will be subject to higher compaction requirements. • Organic content or other foreign matter (debris) should be no greater than 3 percent by weight, and no large roots (greater than'/4 inch in diameter) should be allowed. • Material utilized as fill should not contain rocks greater than 3 inches in diameter or greater than 30 percent retained on the %-inch sieve. • Based on the results of our soil test borings, the onsite fill and residual soils can generally be reused as structural fill in their present state. The near surface very clayey SILT (MH) soils are sensitive to moisture and are generally difficult to work with during the wetter 16 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina UES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 March 22. 2021 months of the year. If these soils are wet, they may exhibit longer than normal drying times. During wet months, care should be taken to "seal off' the soils prior to any significant rain fall. We recommend that the contractor be equipped to control moisture by both wetting and drying the soils. In addition, heavy construction equipment (trucks, lifts, lulls) with large tires may significantly deteriorate the consistency of onsite soils if operated during wet soil conditions. Care should be taken to prevent deterioration as best as possible. Additionally, variations in soil types of the existing fill should be anticipated. 12.4 COMPACTION RECOMMENDATIONS • Maximum loose lift thickness — 8 inches, mass fill. Loose lifts of 4 to 6 inches in trenches and other confined spaces where hand operated equipment is used. Loose lifts of up to 12 inches are permitted for mass fill if full sized rollers such as a CAT 815 compactor are use. • The grading contractor is responsible for managing lift thickness and uniformity of compaction. • Compaction requirements — 95 percent of the maximum dry density and 98 percent within the upper 12 inches as determined by the Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) compaction test. • Soils with a Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) Maximum Dry Density of less than 100 pcf should be compacted to 98% or more of its Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) Maximum Dry Density. • Soil moisture content — within ±2 percent of the optimum moisture content to obtain minimum compaction level. 12.5 EXCAVATED SLOPES AND FILL EMBANKMENTS All fill placed in embankments should be uniformly compacted to a similar requirement as discussed previously. It is difficult to compact soil at the face of slopes. Therefore, it will be necessary to construct the slopes outside their design limits, and then cut them back; leaving the exposed face well compacted. This is very important to the performance of the slopes and we advise special care be used. Also, existing grade that will underlie new fill embankments should be benched in order for soil compaction to be accomplished in a horizontal plane. The benching will tie the new fill into the existing grade and reduce the potential for slippage or slope stability failure at the interface of existing grade and new fill embankment. We recommend that the face of slopes and embankments be protected by establishing vegetation or mulching as soon as practical after grading. Rainwater runoff should be diverted away from the crest of slopes. It is very important that all factors associated with slopes be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications. Construction of the slopes should be monitored by the Geotechnical Engineer through daily field reports for the slopes. All slopes should be constructed at a minimum ratio of 3(H):1(V) unless a global stability analysis has been performed. UES has not been informed of any such conditions. 12.6 EXCAVATIONS Excavations should be sloped as necessary to prevent slope failure and to allow backfilling. As a minimum, temporary excavations greater than 4 feet depth should be sloped in accordance 17 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park LIES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 Waxhaw, North Carolina March 22. 2021 with OSHA regulations (29 CFR Part 1926) dated October 31, 1989. Where lateral confinement will not permit slopes to be laid back, the excavation should be shored in accordance with OSHA requirements. During excavation, excavated material should not be stockpiled at the top of the slope within a horizontal distance equal to the excavation depth. Provisions for maintaining workman safety within excavations is the sole responsibility of the contractor. 13.0 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES Basement walls and earth retaining walls must be capable of resisting the lateral earth pressures that will be imposed on them. Shear strength testing was not performed on the soils sampled during this exploration. However, based on the material types and our experience, the earth pressure coefficients detailed below are recommended. Walls that will be laterally restrained and not free to deflect or rotate (i.e., basement walls or loading dock walls tied into existing slabs on grade) should be designed using the "at -rest" (Ko) earth pressure condition. In addition, tank walls that would be damaged by movement should also be designed for at -rest pressures. Walls that are not restrained (retaining walls) and can tolerate the required movement can be designed using the "active" (Ka) earth pressure condition. A third condition, the "passive state" (Kp) represents the maximum possible pressure when a structure is pushed against the soil and is used in wall foundation design to help resist "active" or "at -rest" pressures. The earth pressure coefficients used in the design will depend upon the type of backfill used. Imported No. 57 stone or approved free draining granular soil typically is suitable for use as backfill within the "active" zone of basement walls. Soils with Plasticity Index values greater than 10 (PI>10) should not be used for backfill behind the walls within the "active" zone. Additionally, soils with high mica content should not be considered for use as backfill behind the walls within the "active" zone. The active zone is typically modeled by an area extending rearward one foot from the base of the wall footing and then extending upward toward the ground surface at an inclination of 45 degrees plus one-half of the internal angle of friction (450 + 0/2). Based on the results of our geotechnical exploration, we recommend the lateral earth pressure coefficients listed in Table V be used for design purposes. TABLE V LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE PARAMETERS (Level Backfill) Internal Moist Unit Earth Pressure Coefficients Friction Weight, At - Material Group Symbol Angle y Active Rest Passive (pcf) Ka Ko Kp Silty SANDs (SM) 28 115 0.36 0.53 2.77 Sandy SILTs (ML) No. 57 Stone 36 120 0.26 0.41 3.85 18 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park LIES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 Waxhaw, North Carolina March 22, 2021 Passive earth pressure of the soil adjacent to the footing, as well as soil friction at the footing base, may be used to resist sliding. Because significant wall movements are required to develop the "passive" earth pressure, the total calculated "passive" pressure may be reduced by one-half to two-thirds for design purposes. A coefficient of 0.35 could be reasonably assumed for evaluating allowable frictional resistance to sliding at the foundation (concrete) -soil contact. The design bearing pressure for the retaining wall foundations should correspond to the value provided earlier in this report. The recommended earth pressure coefficients assume horizontal backfill and that constantly functioning drainage systems are installed between walls and soil backfill to prevent the build-up of hydrostatic pressures and lateral stresses in excess of those stated. Even though groundwater was not encountered, wall drainage is very important because of the potential for infiltration of surface water and water from other sources (leaks, irrigation, etc.). In addition, damp proofing should be applied to the outside of below grade walls. If a sufficient drainage system is not installed, the lateral earth pressures should be computed using the buoyant weight of the soil and the hydrostatic pressure due to the water must be added to the earth pressure to estimate the lateral earth pressure for design. A water collection system consisting of 4 to 6-inch diameter, slotted, corrugated polyethylene tubing per ASTM F405 (Standard Specification for Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings), surrounded by at least 12 inches of No. 57 stone can be used. Completely encapsulate the aggregate with drainage geotextile such as Mirafi® 140N or equivalent. These pipes should then discharge by gravity to a lower lying area of the site beyond the building and pavement limits, or to a sump with a pump. Special care should be taken while compacting the backfill behind below grade and/or retaining walls. Over -compaction of backfill behind retaining walls may result in the buildup of excessive lateral pressures, and potential structural distress. To avoid over -compaction of the backfill behind walls, we recommend that the backfill within 5 feet of the wall be compacted with small hand operated equipment to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density of the standard Proctor as determined by ASTM D698. Heavy compactors and large pieces of construction equipment should not operate within 5 feet of the embedded wall to avoid the buildup of excessive lateral pressures unless the walls have been designed to accommodate these forces. We recommend that the retaining walls be backfilled with materials deemed suitable by the retaining wall designer. Typically, sandy soils found in this region have been used satisfactorily as retaining wall fill. The majority of the soils near the surface at this site may not be acceptable for backfill for MSE retaining walls due to the percentage of fines appearing to be greater than 35%. Once soils to be used as retaining wall backfill have been identified, we recommend that testing of the soils be performed as specified by the retaining wall designer prior to commencement of wall construction. 13.0 CLOSURE Our interpretation of the site soil and groundwater conditions is based on our general knowledge of the area and the subsurface borings performed. As we currently understand it, using conventional construction practices and standard methods of surficial stripping and removal of surface materials and topsoil, excavation, proof -rolling, compaction, selective undercut and replacement with the structural fill should adequately prepare the site. 19 u Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina LIES Project No.: 2530.2100003.0000 March 22, 2021 An important aspect of the success of the construction process is the transfer of information between all concerned parties to start of any activities on -site. As such, UES strongly recommends that a pre -construction meeting be held with the following representatives in attendance at a minimum: General contractor, site (earthwork) contractor, civil and structural engineer, underground utility contractor, a geotechnical engineer and materials testing technician. At this meeting, UES would describe in detail the geotechnical considerations that would impact the construction process and future serviceability of the improvements. 20 u ENGINEERING SCIENCES 0 3 � mRoad a< s 9n[i ° Z de°ee4 a � \ ` Spanish oaks m \\ QatpwaY ,3o NC 16 S\axnavJ ! r r h r Da r f• r n� a�parkway Waxhaw i a �nOrive �a� a 3 1 l � ale R. Wisackola d 4 Park r ne \ 61y ne Mi11 Road Soothcliff Drive 22 F o h\ o Southbrook WaxhGw g a, a Meadows z - o , 1 P�Orrp haw.ryarVi^ °J `'° N Road '� apace Street^ price Street ° Howie Mine Road —' v Monroe Subdivision l .Waxhaw- est North Main Siree .�. union ce a_xhaw Highway x� NC75 Monroe Suhdivision � � cafdwell streeta d, m A dkema^�s � axhaw-H19hWay o �Givens5ireet hP ,rl Mills Street, ef,^P � °�' 0 0 o "°� % tynn street A P a � h Q D P o r F H9h ROc P O 5ta on Drive grbor Drive SITE LOCATION es"ee` rOrNe \,,\ �poad a _rp�anP ti� � St`a o da - A n KaY \\ a Southern Estates q Waxhaw Farms Road m O W`x+Qo hH� o a m 7 a s � a O O 1 BASEMAP: Open Street Map 2020 5, m'Roaa � f J UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Givens Street Waxhaw, North Carolina SITE LOCATION PLAN REFERENCE: Open Street Map 2020 DRAWN BY: RB DATE: 3/22/2021 CHECKED BY: DATE: SCALE: NTS PROJECT NO: 2530.2100003.0000 REPORT NO: 1850597 FIGURE N0: A-1 ENGINEERING SCIENCES �-v_.LJI n Os rwJa/ 1M'prrwJ6�� yIL� 2 30,5E JI - • 57ri — NA7 vv —NW3 (FW rM A4� Y es n/>n 4 O B-02 2 f+xv"^.' sass \` /. 1 g B-06 3 _ ----- N J� B-09 _Nw oa xr- 6 ia✓ of I 0 z �s ,wsJ B-04 l ' ❑ � i0 � w " � I 26• �b i B-07 B-03 27 AT ND 7 d4W1 i — I 24 _„o�i�£�•.N ro„n _ ., 7 23 �•y, � Bs.ti`,,„ 1 � 0 r.t �r 3a l"1dr6 .s,r.•a J,froVTmJ � I � •--` r r" .roroln � LL =B10 2 —2 B-08 21 1 �' f 20 19o- \ f° — °rs,5e 17B-11� ssw„ — - O?1" 9B 05 <,, --- 10 t 15ar�� °' - wr 60PU`BLIC B-13�ERVIP85� ar mara.r.. 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FnGf ' OB B66/]J Mama APPROXIMATE STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING LOCATION �BASEMAP: Master Plan Update 1.12.2021, Alfred Benesch & Company UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Givens Street Waxhaw, North Carolina BORING LOCATION PLAN REFERENCE: Master Plan Update 1.12.2021 Alfred Benesch & Company DRAWN BY: RB DATE: 3/18/2021 CHECKED BY: DATE: SCALE: 1:150 PROJECT NO: 2530.2100003.0000 REPORT NO: 1850597 FIGURE No: B-1 GENERALIZED SUB -SURFACE PROFILE B-01 B-02 B-03 B-04 B-05 B-06 B-07 0 MC% Depth N-Value MC% Depth N-Value MC% Depth N-Value MC% Depth N-Value MC% Depth N-Value MC% Depth N-Value MC% Depth N-Value 0 0.3 0.3 0.5 - i 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.3 0.3 20.3% 12 25.1% 8 20.9% 8 19.9% 9 20.3% 4 22.3% 9 24.4% 7 CL ML CL CL MH CL 2 2.0 z 2.0 2.0 >00 2.0 z 2.0 2.0 2 MH 28.2% 10 17.0% MH 6 29.6% MH 14 39.0% CL 11 19.3% MH 2 30.7% 9 31.4% MH 11 4 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4 28.8% ML 9 36.9% CH 5 27.1% MH 14 30.5% MH 7 21.0% 6 28.5% MH 8 26.2% MH 12 6 6.0 6.0 6.0 MH 6.0 6.0 6 34.2% 9 37.6% MH 5 28.1% 17 33.7% 4 27.3% 12 30.4% ML 11 23.8% ML 10 $ 8.0 8.0 ML 8.0 8.0 8.0 $ 33.0% 8 34.7% 4 31.0% 23 36.7% MH 5 39.4% 8 32.5% ML 12 23.2% ML 8 10 ML ML 10.0 10.0 10.0 10 Explanation: _ BT BT BT 2 H 0_ ML LU 0 12 12.0 12.0 12.0 12 B-01 Boring Number Borehole ML Lithology N (Blows 14 13 7 6 7 14 MC% Per Ft.) ML ML 15.0 15.0 R = Auger Refusal BT BT BT Boring Terminated 16 16 <24HR Water Level Reading 17.0 17.0 1 +24HR Water Level Reading 18 18 ML ML 11 6 20 20.09 20.0 20 BT BT Topsoil ® Fat CLAY Lithology Graphics IN SILT ISMS NOTE: This subsurface profile is provided for graphical representation of the boring logs only. Actual horizontal and vertical stratigraphy may be more gradual than indicated on this subsurface profile. Vertical Scale: AS SHOWN Horizontal Scale: NOT TO SCALE Universal Engineering Sciences, LLC 2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 250 Charlotte, North Carolina GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina PROFILE NO:1 PAGE NO: B-2 JOB NUMBER REPORT NUMBER 2530.2100003.0000 1850597 LU 0 C 1 C 2C 2t 3C B-08 B-09 B-1 0 B-1 1 B-1 2 B-1 3 MC% Depth N-Value MC% Depth N-Value MC% Depth N-Value MC% Depth N-Value MC% Depth N-Value MC% Depth N-Value 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 24.1% 6 27.5% 8 26.8% 5 18.5% 3 37.0% 2 34.0% /M /cL/ 2.0 2.0 2.0 M// M1 MH 2.5ft. 29.9% 8 35.9% 1!M 10 24.4% 8 29.0% 9 53.4% 4 44.1% 9 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.1ft. /CL� /MCL/T 27.9% ML 10 31.5% 11 27.7% 7 27.1% 1 19.0% 6 15.5% 5 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 29.8% 7 46.1% 9 27.8% M, 8 40.6% 13 21.3% 6 23.6% 12 ML ML 8.0 /M1 8.0 32.7% 44.9% it 29.2% M 7 39.8% 11 22.2% 25 28.2% 11 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 BT BT BT BT 12.0 21 1 3 17.0 17.0 50/2" 50/4" SM 22.0 sm 50/4" 50/11, SM 27.0 27.0 �pKi 50/2" snn 50/2" 30.0 30.0 BT BT Lithology Graphics FA7,� Topsoil Elastic SILT IN SILT Silty SAND Partially Weathered Rock GENERALIZED SUB -SURFACE PROFILE 0 im 15 1 Explanation: B-08 - Boring Number Borehole _� N (Blows 20 Lithology MC% Per Ft.) AR - Auger Refusal BT = Boring Terminated <24HR Water Level Reading 25 1 +24HR Water Level Reading ce NOTE: This subsurface profile is provided for graphical representation of the boring logs only. Actual horizontal and vertical stratigraphy may be more gradual than indicated on this subsurface profile. Vertical Scale: AS SHOWN Horizontal Scale: NOT TO SCALE Universal Engineering Sciences, LLC 2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 250 Charlotte, North Carolina GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina PROFILE NO:2 PAGE NO: B-3 JOB NUMBER REPORT NUMBER 2530.2100003.0000 1850597 C c C I c cc qj PROJECT NO.: 2530.2100003.0000 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES BORING LOG REPORT NO.: 1850597 PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina CLIENT: Alfred Benesch & Company LOCATION: SEE ATTACHED BORING LOCATION PLAN REMARKS: BORING DESIGNATION: B-01 SHEET: 1 of 1 G.S. ELEVATION (ft): * <24HR WATER TABLE (ft): i >24HR WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: 3/11/21 DATE FINISHED: 3/11/21 DRILLED BY: CG2 Drilling TYPE OF SAMPLING: ASTM D 1586 DEPTH (FT.) S A M P E BLOWS PER 6" INCREMENT N (BLOWS/ FT.) W.T. S Y M BO L DESCRIPTION 200 0 (1/0(1/0LL MC 0 ATTERBERG LIMITS K (FT./ DAY) POCKET PEN. (tsf) pI 0 TOPSOIL 3" 5-6-6-7 12 20.3 FILL - Stiff Black And Red LEAN CLAY With _x Trace Organics And Topsoil CL 2. 3-5-5-7 10 28.2 RESIDUUM -Stiff Red And Tan SILT With Trace Mica _x ML 5 _x 2-4-5-6.......9.. 28:8.. ..... 3-4-5-7 9 34.2 _x RESIDUUM -Firm Red And Gray SILT 3-3-5-6 8 ML 33.0 10 RESIDUUM -Stiff Tan, Red And Black SILT WITH SAND _x ML 5-7-6 13 15 ........... ....... ... ......... .................. ......... ............... ........ .................... ..... ........................ 17.12 RESIDUUM -Stiff Black And Brown SILT WITH SAND _x ML 3-5-6 11 20 ___________________�4 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered C C C I C cc qj PROJECT NO.: 2530.2100003.0000 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES BORING LOG REPORT NO.: 1850597 PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION BORING DESIGNATION: B-02 Waxhaw Downtown Central Park SHEET: 1 Of 1 Waxhaw, North Carolina CLIENT: Alfred Benesch & Company G.S. ELEVATION (ft): DATE STARTED: 3/11/21 LOCATION: SEE ATTACHED BORING LOCATION PLAN a <24HR WATER TABLE (ft): DATE FINISHED: 3/11/21 REMARKS: i >24HR WATER TABLE (ft): DRILLED BY: CG2 Drilling DATE OF READING: TYPE OF SAMPLING: Mud rotary, SPT DEPTH (FT.) S A M P E BLOWS PER 6" INCREMENT N (BLOWS/ FT.) W.T. S Y M BO L DESCRIPTION 200 0 (1/0(1/0LL MC 0 ATTERBERG LIMITS K (FT./ DAY) POCKET PEN. (tsf) pI 0 TOPSOIL 3" 4-4-4-4 8 1 25.1 FILL -Firm Red And Black SANDY SILT With Trace Trace Organics And Rock Fragments And_x 2 Topsoil ML 3-3-3-5 6 17.0 FILL -Firm Reddish -Brown ELASTIC SILT _x MH 4. RESIDUUM -Firm Tan And Red FAT CLAY With 5 2-2-3-4 5 Sand 83.4 36:9 73 39 _x CH 6.0 RESIDUUM -Firm Tan And Red SANDY SILT 2-2-3-2 5 MH 37.6 _x 80 RESIDUUM -Soft Orange And Tan SANDY SILT 2-2-2-2 4 ML 34.7 10 RESIDUUM -Firm Tan, Orange And Black SANDY SILT _x ML 3-3-4 7 15 ........... ....... ... ......... .................. ......... ............... ........ .................... ..... ........................ RESIDUUM -Firm Tan SANDY SILT ML _x 2-3-3 6 20 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered 9 UNIVERSAL 3 ENGINEERING SCIENCES SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS SYMBOL DESCRIPTION No. of Blows of a 140-lb. Weight Falling 30 N-Value Inches Required to Drive a Standard Spoon 1 Foot WOR Weight of Drill Rods WOH Weight of Drill Rods and Hammer Sample from Auger Cuttings Standard Penetration Test Sample Thin -wall Shelby Tube Sample (Undisturbed Sampler Used) RQD Rock Quality Designation Stabilized Groundwater Level Groundwater Level at time of Drilling NE Not Encountered GNE Groundwater Not Encountered BT Boring Terminated -200 (%) Fines Content or % Passing No. 200 Sieve MC (%) Moisture Content LL Liquid Limit (Atterberg Limits Test) PI Plasticity Index (Atterberg Limits Test) NP Non -Plastic (Atterberg Limits Test) K Coefficient of Permeability Org. Cont. Organic Content G.S. Elevation Ground Surface Elevation RELATIVE DENSITY (Sands and Gravels) Very loose — Less than 4 Blow/Foot Loose — 4 to 10 Blows/Foot Medium Dense — 11 to 30 Blows/Foot Dense — 31 to 50 Blows/Foot Very Dense — More than 50 Blows/Foot CONSISTENCY (Silts and Clays) Very Soft — Less than 2 Blows/Foot Soft — 2 to 4 Blows/Foot Firm — 5 to 8 Blows/Foot Stiff — 9 to 15 Blows/Foot Very Stiff— 16 to 30 Blows/Foot Hard — More than 30 Blows/Foot RELATIVE HARDNESS (Limestone) Soft — 100 Blows for more than 2 Inches Hard — 100 Blows for less than 2 Inches KEY TO BORING LOGS UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM MAJOR DIVISIONS GROUP TYPICAL NAMES SYMBOLS GW Well -graded gravels and gravel- N GRAVELS CLEAN sand mixtures, little or no fines Poorly graded gravels and w 50% or GRAVELS omore of GP gravel -sand mixtures, little or no 6n N J coarse fines GM Silty gravels and gravel -sand- fractionO ) (D retained on GRAVELS silt mixtures 0 :E- No. 4 sieve WITH FINES Clayey and Z_ , GC gravels gravel- 0 Q -a sand -clay mixtures c CLEAN SW** Well -graded sands and gravelly m SANDS SANDS sands, little or no fines U 5% or less SP** Poorly graded sands and Qo More than passing No. C' 50% of 200 sieve gravelly sands, little or no fines U coarse M fraction SANDS with ** SM Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures passes No. 12% or more 4 sieve passing No. O 200 sieve SC** Clayey sands, sand -clay mixtures Inorganic silts, very fine sands, M L rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands x NSILTS AND CLAYS Inorganic clays of low to .N Liquid limit CL medium plasticity, gravelly p 50% or less clays, sandy clays, lean clays U) o QL Organic silts and organic silty J N O O Z clays of low plasticity 0 a) W « Inorganic silts, micaceous or Z_ w MH diamicaceous fine sands or Q rOii silts, elastic silts lY � c� Q W O Z 0 SILTS AND CLAYS CH Inorganic clays or clays of high plasticity, fat clays LL E Liquid limit greater than 50% o OH Organic clays of medium to o high plasticity o Ln PT Peat, muck and other highly organic soils 'Based on the material passing the 3-inch (75 mm) sieve ** Use dual symbol (such as SP-SM and SP-SC) for soils with more than 5% but less than 12% passing the No. 200 sieve PLASTICITY CHART 60 50 CH or OH x 40 w 30 g OH or MH a 20 CL rOL 10 ML or OL 6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 100 LIQUID LIMIT C C C It C cc qj PROJECT NO.: 2530.2100003.0000 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES BORING LOG REPORT NO.: 1850597 PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION BORING DESIGNATION: B-03 Waxhaw Downtown Central Park SHEET: 1 of 1 Waxhaw, North Carolina CLIENT: Alfred Benesch & Company G.S. ELEVATION (ft): DATE STARTED: 3/11/21 LOCATION: SEE ATTACHED BORING LOCATION PLAN a <24HR WATER TABLE (ft): DATE FINISHED: 3/11/21 REMARKS: i >24HR WATER TABLE (ft): DRILLED BY: CG2 Drilling DATE OF READING: TYPE OF SAMPLING: Mud rotary, SPT S S A BLOWS N Y ATTERBERG K POCKET DEPTH M PER 6" (BLOWS/ W.T. M BO DESCRIPTION 200 0 MC 0 LIMITS (FT./ PEN. (FT.) P INCREMENT FT.) (1/0(1/0LL DAY) (tsf) E L PI 0 TOPSOIL 6" FILL -Firm Reddish -Brown SANDY LEAN CLAY 2-3-5-4 8 83.7 20.9 34 16 With Trace Organics _x CL 2. Stiff Reddish -Brown ELASTIC SILT _x 4-6-8-9 14 MH 4.0 29.6 RESIDUUM -Stiff Red And Tan ELASTIC SILT 5 6-6-8-8.......14. ... MH........ .................. ......... ............... 27:1.. ..... _x 6.0 RESIDUUM -Very Stiff Red, Tan And Black 4-7-10-10 17 SILT 28.1 _x ML _x 10-13-10-11 23 31.0 10 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered C C C It C cc qj PROJECT NO.: 2530.2100003.0000 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES BORING LOG REPORT NO.: 1850597 PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina CLIENT: Alfred Benesch & Company LOCATION: SEE ATTACHED BORING LOCATION PLAN REMARKS: BORING DESIGNATION: B-04 SHEET: 1 of 1 G.S. ELEVATION (ft): * <24HR WATER TABLE (ft): i >24HR WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: 3/11/21 DATE FINISHED: 3/11/21 DRILLED BY: CG2 Drilling TYPE OF SAMPLING: ASTM D 1586 DEPTH (FT.) S A M P E BLOWS PER 6" INCREMENT N (BLOWS/ FT.) W.T. S Y M BO L DESCRIPTION 200 0 (1/0(1/0LL MC 0 ATTERBERG LIMITS K (FT./ DAY) POCKET PEN. (tsf) PI 0 TOPSOIL 6" RESIDUUM -Stiff Brown And Gray LEAN CLAY 2-3-6-7 9 19.9 _x CL RESIDUUM -Stiff Black, Gray And White LEAN 7-6-5-4 11 CLAY With Gravel 39.0 _x CL 40 RESIDUUM -Firm Gray ELASTIC SILT 5 2-34-5.....7.. MH........ .................. ......... ............... 30:5........ ..... _x RESIDUUM -Soft Gray And Orange ELASTIC 2-2-2-4 4 SILT 33.7 _x MH 2-2-3-4 5 36.7 10 RESIDUUM -Firm Gray SILT ML 2-3-3 6 15 ........... ....... ... -.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 1.5 Boring Terminated ........ .................... ..... ........................ No Groundwater Encountered C C C It C cc qj PROJECT NO.: 2530.2100003.0000 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES BORING LOG REPORT NO.: 1850597 PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina CLIENT: Alfred Benesch & Company LOCATION: SEE ATTACHED BORING LOCATION PLAN REMARKS: BORING DESIGNATION: B-05 SHEET: 1 of 1 G.S. ELEVATION (ft): * <24HR WATER TABLE (ft): i >24HR WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: 3/11/21 DATE FINISHED: 3/11/21 DRILLED BY: CG2 Drilling TYPE OF SAMPLING: ASTM D 1586 DEPTH (FT.) S A M P E BLOWS PER 6" INCREMENT N (BLOWS/ FT.) W.T. S Y M BO L DESCRIPTION 200 0 (1/0(1/0LL MC 0 ATTERBERG LIMITS K (FT./ DAY) POCKET PEN. (tsf) PI 0V, TOPSOIL 6" 2-2-2-2 4 RESIDUUM -Soft Reddish -Brown ELASTIC 20.3 _x SILT With Trace Organics MH 2. 1-1-1-3 2 19.3 RESIDUUM -Very Soft Reddish -Brown And Black SANDY ELASTIC SILT _x MH 4. RESIDUUM -Firm Red ELASTIC SILT With 5 1-24-4 6 Trace Organics 21:0 _x MH 5-6-6-7 12 27.3 _x RESIDUUM -Firm Red And Orange SILT 2-4-4-5 8 ML 39.4 10 2-3-4 7 15 ........... ....... ... —.—.——.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—. 1.5 Boring Terminated ........ .................... ..... ........................ No Groundwater Encountered C C C It C cc qj PROJECT NO.: 2530.2100003.0000 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES BORING LOG REPORT NO.: 1850597 PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina CLIENT: Alfred Benesch & Company LOCATION: SEE ATTACHED BORING LOCATION PLAN REMARKS: BORING DESIGNATION: B-06 SHEET: 1 of 1 G.S. ELEVATION (ft): * <24HR WATER TABLE (ft): i >24HR WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: 3/11/21 DATE FINISHED: 3/11/21 DRILLED BY: CG2 Drilling TYPE OF SAMPLING: ASTM D 1586 DEPTH (FT.) S A M P E BLOWS PER 6" INCREMENT N (BLOWS/ FT.) W.T. S Y M BO L DESCRIPTION 200 0 (1/0(1/0LL MC 0 ATTERBERG LIMITS K (FT./ DAY) POCKET PEN. (tsf) PI 0 TOPSOIL 3" 3-4-5-8 9 22.3 FILL -Stiff Reddish -Brown ELASTIC SILT With _x Trace Organics MH 3-4-5-7 9 30.7 _x T1 A n RESIDUUM -Firm Red, Brown And Tan 5 2-3-5-6 8 ELASTIC.SILT WITH SAND. With Trace Mica..... 28:5 _x MH 60 RESIDUUM -Stiff Tan And Red SILT WITH 3-5-6-7 11 SAND With Trace Mica 30.4 _x ML 8.0 RESIDUUM -Stiff Tan, Black And Red SILT 3-5-7-7 12 WITH SAND 32.5 ML 10 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered C C C It C cc qj PROJECT NO.: 2530.2100003.0000 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES BORING LOG REPORT NO.: 1850597 PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina CLIENT: Alfred Benesch & Company LOCATION: SEE ATTACHED BORING LOCATION PLAN REMARKS: BORING DESIGNATION: B-07 SHEET: 1 of 1 G.S. ELEVATION (ft): * <24HR WATER TABLE (ft): i >24HR WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: 3/15/21 DATE FINISHED: 3/11/21 DRILLED BY: CG2 Drilling TYPE OF SAMPLING: ASTM D 1586 S S DEPTH A M BLOWS N Y M 200 MC ATTERBERG LIMITS K POCKET (FT.) PER 6" (BLOWS/ W.T. BO DESCRIPTION 0 (1/0(1/0LL 0 (FT./ PEN. P INCREMENT FT.) DAY) (tsf) E L PI 0 TOPSOIL 4" 2-3-4-5 7 24.4 RESIDUUM -Firm Reddish -Brown And Black LEAN CLAY With Trace Organics And Rock _x Fragments 2. CL 6-4-7-14 11 31.4 RESIDUUM -Stiff Red And Black ELASTIC SILT With Trace Organics 4 . MH 5 4-5-7-10 12 26:2 RESIDUUM -Stiff Red ELASTIC SILT _x MH 6.0 RESIDUUM -Stiff Tan And Orange SILT WITH 3-5-5-7 10 SAND 23.8 _x ML 80 RESIDUUM -Firm Tan, Orange And Red SILT 3-3-5-7 8 WITH SAND 23.2 ML 10 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered C C C It C cc qj PROJECT NO.: 2530.2100003.0000 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES BORING LOG REPORT NO.: 1850597 PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina CLIENT: Alfred Benesch & Company LOCATION: SEE ATTACHED BORING LOCATION PLAN REMARKS: BORING DESIGNATION: B-08 SHEET: 1 of 1 G.S. ELEVATION (ft): * <24HR WATER TABLE (ft): i >24HR WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: 3/11/21 DATE FINISHED: 3/11/21 DRILLED BY: CG2 Drilling TYPE OF SAMPLING: ASTM D 1586 DEPTH (FT.) S A M P E BLOWS PER 6" INCREMENT N (BLOWS/ FT.) W.T. S Y M BO L DESCRIPTION 200 0 (1/0(1/0LL MC 0 ATTERBERG LIMITS K (FT./ DAY) POCKET PEN. (tsf) PI 0V, TOPSOIL 6" 2-3-3-6 6 RESIDUUM -Firm Reddish -Brown ELASTIC 24.1 _x SILT With Trace Organics MH 3-4-4-7 8 29.9 _x 4.0 RESIDUUM -Stiff Tan And Orange SILT 5 2-4-6-8.......10. ... ML........ .................. ......... ............... 27:9........... ..... ........................ _x 60 RESIDUUM -Firm Red And Tan SILT _x 2-3-4-6 7 ML 29.8 _x 3-3-5-7 8 32.7 10 H Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered C C C It C cc qj PROJECT NO.: 2530.2100003.0000 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES BORING LOG REPORT NO.: 1850597 PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina CLIENT: Alfred Benesch & Company LOCATION: SEE ATTACHED BORING LOCATION PLAN REMARKS: BORING DESIGNATION: B-09 SHEET: 1 of 1 G.S. ELEVATION (ft): * <24HR WATER TABLE (ft): i >24HR WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: 3/11/21 DATE FINISHED: 3/11/21 DRILLED BY: CG2 Drilling TYPE OF SAMPLING: ASTM D 1586 S S A BLOWS N Y ATTERBERG K POCKET DEPTH M PER 6" (BLOWS/ W.T. M BO DESCRIPTION 200 0 MC 0 LIMITS (FT./ PEN. (FT.) P INCREMENT FT.) (1/0(1/0LL DAY) (tsf) E L pI 0 TOPSOIL 4" 3-4-4-7 8 27.5 RESIDUUM -Firm Red And Black ELASTIC SILT With Trace Organics And Topsoil MH 2. -Stiff Red ELASTIC SILT x 3-4-6-7 10 RESIDUUM 40 35.9 RESIDUUM -Stiff Red ELASTIC SILT 5 3-5-6-7.......11.. MH........ .................. ......... ............... ...90.0......31:5......62.....29.. ....... _x 6.0 RESIDUUM -Stiff Red, Tan And Black SILT _x 3-4-5-7 9 ML 46.1 _x 3-5-6-7 11 44.9 10 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered C C C It C cc qj PROJECT NO.: 2530.2100003.0000 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES BORING LOG REPORT NO.: 1850597 PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina CLIENT: Alfred Benesch & Company LOCATION: SEE ATTACHED BORING LOCATION PLAN REMARKS: BORING DESIGNATION: B-1 O SHEET: 1 of 1 G.S. ELEVATION (ft): * <24HR WATER TABLE (ft): i >24HR WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: 3/11/21 DATE FINISHED: 3/11/21 DRILLED BY: CG2 Drilling TYPE OF SAMPLING: ASTM D 1586 DEPTH (FT.) S A M P E BLOWS PER 6" INCREMENT N (BLOWS/ FT.) W.T. S Y M BO L DESCRIPTION 200 0 (1/0(1/0LL MC 0 ATTERBERG LIMITS K (FT./ DAY) POCKET PEN. (tsf) PI 0V, TOPSOIL 6" 2-2-3-4 5 RESIDUUM -Firm Red ELASTIC SILT With 26.8 _x Trace Organics MH 2-3-5-5 8 24.4 _x 4.0 RESIDUUM -Firm Red And Tan ELASTIC SILT 5 2-34-5.....7.. MH........ .................. ......... ............... 27:7.. ..... _x 60 RESIDUUM -Firm Tan SILT 3-3-5-6 8 ML 27.8 _x 8.0 RESIDUUM -Firm Tan, Red And Black SILT 3-3-4-6 7 ML 29.2 10 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered C C C It C cc qj PROJECT NO.: 2530.2100003.0000 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES BORING LOG REPORT NO.: 1850597 PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina CLIENT: Alfred Benesch & Company LOCATION: SEE ATTACHED BORING LOCATION PLAN REMARKS: BORING DESIGNATION: B-1 1 SHEET: 1 of 1 G.S. ELEVATION (ft): * <24HR WATER TABLE (ft): i >24HR WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: 3/11/21 DATE FINISHED: 3/11/21 DRILLED BY: CG2 Drilling TYPE OF SAMPLING: ASTM D 1586 S S DEPTH A M BLOWS N Y M 200 MC ATTERBERG LIMITS K POCKET (FT.) PER 6" (BLOWS/ W.T. BO DESCRIPTION 0 (1/0(1/0LL 0 (FT./ PEN. P INCREMENT FT.) DAY) (tsf) E L PI 0V, TOPSOIL 6" 2-1-2-2 3 RESIDUUM -Soft Tan And Black SANDY 18.5 ELASTIC SILT With Trace Organics _x MH 2. RESIDUUM -Stiff Gray And Black SANDY 3-4-5-6 9 ELASTIC SILT With Trace Organics 29.0 _x MH 4. RESIDUUM -Stiff Tan, Gray And Orange 5 4 5-6 7.......11.. SANDY ELASTIC SILT .... ......... ............... 27:1.. ..... MH 6C _x RESIDUUM -Stiff Brown, Tan And Orange 9-7-6-9 13 ELASTIC SILT 40.6 _x MH 7-5-6-6 11 39.8 10 1.0 Boring Terminated No Groundwater Encountered c C I C cc i PROJECT NO.: 2530.2100003.0000 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES BORING LOG REPORT NO.: 1850597 PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina CLIENT: Alfred Benesch & Company LOCATION: SEE ATTACHED BORING LOCATION PLAN REMARKS: BORING DESIGNATION: B-1 2 SHEET: 1 Of 1 G.S. ELEVATION (ft): DATE STARTED: 3/11/21 * <24HR WATER TABLE (ft): DATE FINISHED: 3/11/21 i >24HR WATER TABLE (ft): 4.1 DRILLED BY: CG2 Drilling DATE OF READING: TYPE OF SAMPLING: ASTM D 1586 S S A BLOWS N Y ATTERBERG K POCKET DEPTH M PER 6" (BLOWS/ W.T. M BO DESCRIPTION 200 0 MC 0 LIMITS (FT./ PEN. (FT.) P INCREMENT FT.) (1/0(1/0LL DAY) (tsf) E L pI 0 TOPSOIL 4" 1-1-1-1 2 37.0 RESIDUUM -Very Soft Gray And Black SANDY _x LEAN CLAY With Trace Organics CL 2-1-3-4 4 53.4 _x 4.1 5 _x 2-24-4.......6.. 72.9......19:0.......28......12.. ....... 2-2-4-6 6 21.3 _x RESIDUUM -Medium Dense Gray SILTY SAND 6-12-13-18 25 SM 22.2 10 RESIDUUM -Medium Dense Gray SILTY SAND SM 6-7-14 21 15 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK- When Sampled Becomes Gray SILTY SAND With 50/2" 50/2" Gravel SM J 20 N J i 50/4" 50/4" 25 ........... .................. ... ......... .................. ......... ............... PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK- When Sampled Becomes Gray SILTY SAND With ` Gravel 14-50/2" 50/2" SM 30 J Y- Boring Terminated c C I c cc i PROJECT NO.: 2530.2100003.0000 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES BORING LOG REPORT NO.: 1850597 PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION Waxhaw Downtown Central Park Waxhaw, North Carolina CLIENT: Alfred Benesch & Company LOCATION: SEE ATTACHED BORING LOCATION PLAN REMARKS: BORING DESIGNATION: B-1 3 SHEET: 1 Of 1 G.S. ELEVATION (ft): DATE STARTED: 3/11/21 * <24HR WATER TABLE (ft): DATE FINISHED: 3/11/21 i >24HR WATER TABLE (ft): 2.5 DRILLED BY: CG2 Drilling DATE OF READING: TYPE OF SAMPLING: ASTM D 1586 S S DEPTH A M BLOWS N Y M 200 MC ATTERBERG LIMITS K POCKET (FT.) PER 6" (BLOWS/ W.T. BO DESCRIPTION 0 (1/0(1/0LL 0 (FT./ PEN. P INCREMENT FT.) DAY) (tsf) E L PI 0 TOPSOIL 3" 2-1 -WO H 1 34.0 RESIDUUM -Very Soft Brown And Black WOH SANDY LEAN CLAY With Trace Organics _x CL 2. 1 RESIDUUM -Stiff Brown, Gray And Black 2-3-6-4 g 2.5 44.1 SANDY LEAN CLAY With Trace Organics _x CL 5 2-2-3-3.......5.. 15:5........ RESIDUUM -Medium Dense Gray SILTY SAND 4-6-6-8 12 SM 23.6 3-5-6-9 11 28.2 10 _x 3-5-8 13 15 ........... ....... ..........:.... ......... .................. ......... ............... 17.0 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK -Very Dense Gray SILTY SAND With Gravel 50/4" 50/4" SM J 20 N J i PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK -Very Dense Gray SILTY SAND With Gravel 50/1" 50/1" SM J v 25 ........... ....... ... r� PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK -Very Dense Gray SILTY SAND With Gravel 50/2" 50/2" SM 30 J Y- Boring Terminated ENGINEERING SCIENCES r- Geolechnical-EngineePing RePOPI --) Geotechnical Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific needs of their clients. A geotechnical-engineering study conducted for a civil engineer may not fulfill the needs of a constructor — a construction contractor — or even another civil engineer. Because each geotechnical- engineering study is unique, each geotechnical-engineering report is unique, prepared solely for the client. No one except you should rely on this geotechnical-engineering report without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it. And no one — not even you — should apply this report for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. Read the Full Report Serious problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical-engineering report did not read it all. Do not rely on an executive summary. Do not read selected elements only. Geotechnical Engineers Base Each Report on a Unique Set of Project -Specific Factors Geotechnical engineers consider many unique, project -specific factors when establishing the scope of a study. Typical factors include: the client's goals, objectives, and risk -management preferences; the general nature of the structure involved, its size, and configuration; the location of the structure on the site; and other planned or existing site improvements, such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities. Unless the geotechnical engineer who conducted the study specifically indicates otherwise, do not rely on a geotechnical-engineering report that was: • not prepared for you; • not prepared for your project; • not prepared for the specific site explored; or • completed before important project changes were made. Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing geotechnical-engineering report include those that affect: • the function of the proposed structure, as when it's changed from a parking garage to an office building, or from a light - industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse; • the elevation, configuration, location, orientation, or weight of the proposed structure; • the composition of the design team; or • project ownership. As a general rule, always inform your geotechnical engineer of project changes —even minor ones —and request an assessment of their impact. Geotechnical engineers cannot accept responsibility or liability for problems that occur because their reports do not consider developments of which they were not informed. Subsurface Conditions Can Change A geotechnical-engineering report is based on conditions that existed at the time the geotechnical engineer performed the study. Do not rely on a geotechnical-engineering report whose adequacy may have been affected by: the passage of time; man-made events, such as construction on or adjacent to the site; or natural events, such as floods, droughts, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctuations. Contact the geotechnical engineer before applying this report to determine if it is still reliable. A minor amount of additional testing or analysis could prevent major problems. Most Geotechnical Findings Are Professional Opinions Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. Geotechnical engineers review field and laboratory data and then apply their professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ — sometimes significantly — from those indicated in your report. Retaining the geotechnical engineer who developed your report to provide geotechnical-construction observation is the most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions. A Report's Recommendations Are Not Final Do not overrely on the confirmation -dependent recommendations included in your report. Confirmation - dependent recommendations are not final, because geotechnical engineers develop them principally from judgment and opinion. Geotechnical engineers can finalize their recommendations only by observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. The geotechnical engineer who developed your report cannot assume responsibility or liability for the report's confirmation -dependent recommendations if that engineer does not perform the geotechnical-construction observation required to confirm the recommendations' applicability. A Geotechnical-Engineering Report Is Subject to Misinterpretation Other design -team members' misinterpretation of geotechnical-engineering reports has resulted in costly problems. Confront that risk by having your geotechnical engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team after submitting the report. Also retain your geotechnical engineer to review pertinent elements of the design team's plans and specifications. Constructors can also misinterpret a geotechnical-engineering report. Confront that risk by having your geotechnical engineer participate in prebid and preconstruction conferences, and by providing geotechnical construction observation. Do Not Redraw the Engineer's Logs Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a geotechnical-engineering report should never be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings. Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Give Constructors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can make constructors liable for unanticipated subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give constructors the complete geotechnical-engineering report, but preface it with a clearly written letter of transmittal. In that letter, advise constructors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report's accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with the geotechnical engineer who prepared the report (a modest fee may be required) and/ or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A prebid conference can also be valuable. Be sure constructors have sufficient time to perform additional study. Only then might you be in a position to give constructors the best information available to you, while requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Read Responsibility Provisions Closely Some clients, design professionals, and constructors fail to recognize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disciplines. This lack of understanding has created unrealistic expectations that have led to disappointments, claims, and disputes. To help reduce the risk of such outcomes, geotechnical engineers commonly include a variety of explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled "limitations; many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers' responsibilities begin and end, to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. Environmental Concerns Are Not Covered The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to perform an environmental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical study. For that reason, a geotechnical- engineering report does not usually relate any environmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated environmental problems have led to numerous project failures. If you have not yet obtained your own environmental information, ask your geotechnical consultant for risk -management guidance. Do not rely on an environmental report prepared for someone else. Obtain Professional Assistance To Deal with Mold Diverse strategies can be applied during building design, construction, operation, and maintenance to prevent significant amounts of mold from growing on indoor surfaces. To be effective, all such strategies should be devised for the express purpose of mold prevention, integrated into a comprehensive plan, and executed with diligent oversight by a professional mold -prevention consultant. Because just a small amount of water or moisture can lead to the development of severe mold infestations, many mold- prevention strategies focus on keeping building surfaces dry. While groundwater, water infiltration, and similar issues may have been addressed as part of the geotechnical- engineering study whose findings are conveyed in this report, the geotechnical engineer in charge of this project is not a mold prevention consultant; none of the services performed in connection with the geotechnical engineer's study were designed or conducted for the purpose of mold prevention. Proper implementation of the recommendations conveyed in this report will not of itself be sufficient to prevent mold from growing in or on the structure involved. Rely, on Your GBC-Member Geotechnical Engineer for Additional Assistance Membership in the Geotechnical Business Council of the Geoprofessional Business Association exposes geotechnical engineers to a wide array of risk -confrontation techniques that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with a construction project. Confer with you GBC-Member geotechnical engineer for more information. GErmGEOTECHNICAL BUSINESS COUNCIL 41 oftheGeolmnfe imalBmin—A..s iatian 8811 Colesville Road/Suite G106, Silver Spring, MD 20910 Telephone:301/565-2733 Facsimile:301/589-2017 e-mail: info@geoprofessional.org wwwgeoprofessional.org Copyright 2015 by Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA). Duplication, reproduction, or copying of this document, or its contents, in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, except with GBA's specific written permission. Excerpting, quoting, or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of GBA, and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review. Only members of GBA may use this document as a complement to or as an element of a geotechnical-engineering report. Any other firm, individual, or other entity that so uses this document without being a GBA member could be commiting negligent or intentional (fraudulent) misrepresentation. CONSTRAINTS & RESTRICTIONS The intent of this document is to bring to your attention the potential concerns and the basic limitations of a typical geotechnical report. WARRANTY Universal Engineering Sciences has prepared this report for our client for his exclusive use, in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices, and makes no other warranty either expressed or implied as to the professional advice provided in the report. UNANTICIPATED SOIL CONDITIONS The analysis and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from soil borings performed at the locations indicated on the Boring Location Plan. This report does not reflect any variations which may occur between these borings. The nature and extent of variations between borings may not become known until excavation begins. If variations appear, we may have to re-evaluate our recommendations after performing on -site observations and noting the characteristics of any variations. CHANGED CONDITIONS We recommend that the specifications for the project require that the contractor immediately notify Universal Engineering Sciences, as well as the owner, when subsurface conditions are encountered that are different from those present in this report. No claim by the contractor for any conditions differing from those anticipated in the plans, specifications, and those found in this report, should be allowed unless the contractor notifies the owner and Universal Engineering Sciences of such changed conditions. Further, we recommend that all foundation work and site improvements be observed by a representative of Universal Engineering Sciences to monitor field conditions and changes, to verify design assumptions and to evaluate and recommend any appropriate modifications to this report. MISINTERPRETATION OF SOIL ENGINEERING REPORT Universal Engineering Sciences is responsible for the conclusions and opinions contained within this report based upon the data relating only to the specific project and location discussed herein. If the conclusions or recommendations based upon the data presented are made by others, those conclusions or recommendations are not the responsibility of Universal Engineering Sciences. CHANGED STRUCTURE OR LOCATION This report was prepared in order to aid in the evaluation of this project and to assist the architect or engineer in the design of this project. If any changes in the design or location of the structure as outlined in this report are planned, or if any structures are included or added that are not discussed in the report, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the conclusions modified or approved by Universal Engineering Sciences. USE OF REPORT BY BIDDERS Bidders who are examining the report prior to submission of a bid are cautioned that this report was prepared as an aid to the designers of the project and it may affect actual construction operations. Bidders are urged to make their own soil borings, test pits, test caissons or other investigations to determine those conditions that may affect construction operations. Universal Engineering Sciences cannot be responsible for any interpretations made from this report or the attached boring logs with regard to their adequacy in reflecting subsurface conditions which will affect construction operations. STRATA CHANGES Strata changes are indicated by a definite line on the boring logs which accompany this report. However, the actual change in the ground may be more gradual. Where changes occur between soil samples, the location of the change must necessarily be estimated using all available information and may not be shown at the exact depth. OBSERVATIONS DURING DRILLING Attempts are made to detect and/or identify occurrences during drilling and sampling, such as: water level, boulders, zones of lost circulation, relative ease or resistance to drilling progress, unusual sample recovery, variation of driving resistance, obstructions, etc.; however, lack of mention does not preclude their presence. WATER LEVELS Water level readings have been made in the drill holes during drilling and they indicate normally occurring conditions. Water levels may not have been stabilized at the last reading. This data has been reviewed and interpretations made in this report. However, it must be noted that fluctuations in the level of the groundwater may occur due to variations in rainfall, temperature, tides, and other factors not evident at the time measurements were made and reported. Since the probability of such variations is anticipated, design drawings and specifications should accommodate such possibilities and construction planning should be based upon such assumptions of variations. LOCATION OF BURIED OBJECTS All users of this report are cautioned that there was no requirement for Universal Engineering Sciences to attempt to locate any man-made buried objects during the course of this exploration and that no attempt was made by Universal Engineering Sciences to locate any such buried objects. Universal Engineering Sciences cannot be responsible for any buried man-made objects which are subsequently encountered during construction that are not discussed within the text of this report. TIME This report reflects the soil conditions at the time of exploration. If the report is not used in a reasonable amount of time, significant changes to the site may occur and additional reviews may be required. ENGINEERING, SCIENCES