HomeMy WebLinkAbout19970506 Ver 1_Year 4 Monitoring Report_20140304Lenuel Chamberlain, Chairman Bobby J. Matthews, Vice - Chairman Jo R. Linville, Secretary- Treasurer 0 F+ — (D'� _--, 0 (p Van Hemric, Member Grady Shore, Member Yadkin Soil and Water Conservation District December 11, 2013 Ms. Sue Homewood 585 Waughtown Street Winston - Salem, NC 27105 Dear Ms. Homewood: We have enclosed copies of the 2013 inspection reports for the Dinkins Bottom and Effie West/Carl Shore mitigation sites for the Deep Creek 5D project. This is the final report for Dinkins Bottom site. We have one additional year for the Effie West/Carl Shore sites. Please let us know as soon as possible if you need any additional information for this proj ect. We appreciate all of your help throughout this entire project! Thank you, Jason Walker District Director Yadkin Soil and Water Conservation District Ltvl R O - VVATFF - Veliand�_ St9gr. . !r a:aci� 209 East Elm Street ♦ PO Box 8 ♦ Yadkinville, NC 27055 ♦ 336 - 679 -8052 ext.3 q -1 -off YEAR 4 (2013) Monitoring Report Deep Creek Watershed Structure 5D Mitigation Project Carl Shore ,Stream Restoration And Effie (Jr. West Stream Enhancement Yi1 <lkul G'01111t1' X61 th 011-oliml November 2013 Prepared for: t IS Ariny Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage 'tirade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Prepared by: Yadkin Soil and Water Conservation District P. 0. Box 8 Yadkinville, NC 27055 In cooperation with: I1SDA Natural Resources Conservation Service 1 YEAR 4 (2013) Monitoring Report Deep Creek Watershed Structure 5D Mitigation Project Carl Shore Stream Restoration And Effie G. West Stream Enhancement Yadkin County, North Carolina November 2013 Prepared for: US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Prepared by: Yadkin Soil and Water Conservation District P. O. Box 8 Yadkinville, NC 27055 In cooperation with: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Project Overview 1 1 1 Protect Goals and Objectives 1 12 Project Location 2 2 0 Monitoring Success Requirements 2 2 1 Morphologieal Parameters and Channel Stability 2 2 1 1 Dimension 2 2 12 Pattern and Profile 3 2 13 Substrate 3 2 3 Reference Photograph Points 3 2 4 Maintenance and Contingency Plans 4 3 0 Year 4 Monitoring Results 4 3 2 Stream Assessment 4 List of Appendices Appendix 1 - Figures Appendix 2 - Monitoring Data Appendix 3 - Reference Photographs List of Figures Figure 1 - Protect Vicinity Map Deep Creek Watershed Structure 5D Mingation Project Carl Shore and Llfie G Wcst Stream Mitigation Sites 2 Year 4 of 5 Monitoring Report Novcmbei 2013 10 Project Overview The Deep Creels Mitigation Project (Site) is located in Yadkin County, North Carolina within the Northern Inner Piedmont Eco- Region of the Yadkin River Basin (USGS HUC 03040105) The Site consists of three separate mitigation projects that are a component of the mitigation plan to address wetland and stream impacts resulting from the construction of the multiple- purpose Structure 5D The Structure 5D is part of the Deep Creels Watershed Work Plan that was apps ovcd for operations on January 3, 1958 The project was authorized through the Watei shed Protection and flood Prevention Act - Public Law 83 -566, as amended (US U S C 1001 - 1008) The project sponsors are the Yadkin Soil and Water Conservation District and Yadkin County Board of Commissioners Structure 5D is a multiple- purpose structure that was designed for flood prevention and municipal/industries water supply in the Deep Creels Watershed The Structure 5D is located on South Deep Creek immediately upstream from old US 421 and has a drainage are of 25 1 square miles (sq mi ) The surrounding land use consists of forestland, cropland grassland, and miscellaneous or built -up land Approximately 15,000 linear feet (11) of stream were inundated due to the permanent pool of Structure 5D. T lus included 10,000 if of South Deep Creels and 5,0001f of unnamed tributaries Both stream and wedand mitigation issues were addressed within °this project 1 1 Protect Goals and Objectives The following mitigation goals were established within the Deep Creek Watershed to compensate for the unavoidable loss of streams 1 Restore approximately 1,437 If of stream along Carl Shore, 2 Enhance approximately 351 if of stream along Carl Shore, 3 Preserved approximately 883 if of stream along Carl Shore by fencing out livestock from accessing the stream project area, 4 Enhance approximately 585 If of stream along Effie G West, and 5 Improve floodplain and streambank vegetation along Carl Shoic and Effie G West The Carl Shore and Effie G West stream channels were designed and constructed as B -type channels In- stream structures, such as rootwads, log vanes, and cross vanes were used to control streainbed grade, reduce stress on streambanks, and promote bed form sequences and habitat diversity Strcambanks were stabilized using a combination of erosion control matting, seeding, and livestakes A total of 1,437 if of stream was restored, 351 If enhanced, and 88311 preserved within the Carl Shore site and approximately 585 if was enhanced along the Effie G West site This report serves as the Year four 2013 annual monitoring report of the five year monitoring plan for the Carl Shore Stream Restoration Site and the Effie G. West Stream Enhancement site of the Deep Creels Mitigation Protect Deep Creek Watershed Strructurc 5D mitigation Protcct Year 4 of 5 Monitoring Rcpoi t Carl Shore and Effie G West Stream Mitigation Sites November 2013 3 12 Project Location The Carl Shore Stream Restoration Project and the Effie G West Stream Enhancement Project are located west of the Town of Yadlunville The projects are located in the Yadlun -Pec Dec River Basin Catalog Unit 03040105 with a watershed land use dominated by rural pasture land and forest Carl shore is a second order streann with an approximate drainage area of 3 69 square miles Effie G West's unnamed tributary is a first order stream with an approximate drainage aica of 0 53 square miles To access the site from Charlotte, North Carolina, take Interstate 77 North for approximately 62 miles and lake exit 73A (US -421 South) Take exit 263 (US -21) toward Jonesville /Statesville and turn left onto US -21 at the end of the exit ramp Take US -21 approximately 15 miles and turn right onto Longtown Road Approximately 1/2 mile down Longtown Road turn right onto Ireland Road The Carl Shore strewn Restoration Project will be on your right approximately 0 7 miles down Ireland Road The Effie G West Stream Enhancement Project will be on your right approximately 12 miles down Ireland Road Please refer to Figure 1 for a location map of the project sites 2 0 Monitoring Success Requirements Annual monitoring will consist of collecting the morphological and vegetative data to assess the project success based on the restoration goals and objectives Specifically, the success of the site will be assessed using measurements of the stream channel's dimension, pattern, profile, substrate composition, permanent photographs, and vegetation sampling The sites will be monitored for five years (beginning in 2010) with an annual monitoring report submitted to the corps within 30 days of the monitoring activities 2 1 Morphological Parameters and Channel Stability Streams often demonstrate some level of initial adjustment in the several months that follow construction and some change /variation subsequent to that is also to be expected Over tune this variation should demonstrate maintenance around some acceptable baseline with maintenance of or even a reduction in the amplitude of variation There should be no trend toward aggradation or degradation over the course of the five year monitoring period 2 1 1 Dimension Cross - section measurements should indicate little change from the as -built cross - sections, however, sonic change is natural and expected Any changes that occur will be evaluated to determine whether the adjustments are indicative of movement toward an unstable condition or whether it is natural and something to be expected The following thresholds will be considered indicators of instability if 1) W/D ration increases by more than 10 to 15 percent,2) BHR increases by more than 25 to 30 percent, or 3) change in stream classification (for example a change from a C/E to a F/ G) Deep Creek Watershed structure 5D Mitigation Protect Year 4 of 5 Monitoring Report Carl Shore and Effie G West Stream mitigation Sites Novembci 2013 4 2 12 Pattern and Profile The Channel's profile should not demonstrate any trends in thalweg aggradation or degradation over any significant continuous portion of its lengd -i Annual measurements should indicate stable bed features with little change from the as -built ranges Riffle /Pool facets and pattern features should illustrate minimal adjustments over the five year monitoring period Although a pool cross - section may experience periodic infilling due to watershed activity and the timing of events relative to monitoring, the majority of the pool cross - sections need to be maintained over time and the rates of lateral migration need to be minimal The following thresholds will be considered indicators of instability if 1) facet slopes increase by 50 percent, 2) Riffle /Pool bed feature spacing shifts are greater than one bankfull width, and 3) the longitudinal profile water surface slope increases by more than 20 percent 2 13 Substrate Substrate measurements should indicate the progression towards, or the maintenance of the known distributions from the design phase The D50 and D84 should coarsen over the live year monitoring period Generally riffles will cont,,un coarser material and the fines will deposit in the pools Fluctuations in the substrate composition may occur over the five year monitoring period Any change should be evaluated as to wheather is a localized change or something larger out of the project area The following threshold will be considered a cercern 1) the D50 increases by 30 percent and 2) the substrate composition has an increase of silky and /Or sand by more than 50 percent 2 3 Reference Photograph Pomts Pci manent photographic reference points established along the channels will be used to suppoi t the qualitative visual assessments for the annual monitoring and subjectively evaluate channel aegradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation and effectiveness of erosion control measures Reference photographs looking upstream and downstream were taken at each photo point Subsequently, assessments following the year one survey should capture the same reference photograph Deep Creek Watershed Structure 5D Mitigation Project Year 4 of 5 Monitou ng Report Cai 1 Shore and Lffic G West Stream mitigation Sites November 2013 2 4 Maintenance and Contingency Plans Potential problem areas, such as streambank instability, aggradation /degradation, or unsuccessful vegetation establishment will be evaluated during the annual monitoring I1, during the annual review of the strewn reach, a failure is noted, the areas will be evaluated and discussed with appropriate personnel to determine if remedial maintenance measures are required to resolve the problem 11 remediation of an area is required, a proposal will be submitted for the needed work 3 0 Year 4 Monitoring Results Results from the 2013 stream monitoring effort indicate that the Carl Shore and Ellie G West sites are maintaining vertical and lateral stability with minimal bank erosion Although some areas are illustrating minor erosion, visual assessments along the channel indicated that there are no mayor advancements toward instability within the sites 3 2 Stream Assessment Cv/Sholc Slrearri RcsioraLlon Overall, the present stream dimensions along Carl Shore appear to be stable The average bankfull area is 35 9 sq ft of the surveyed cross - sections, the proposed was 47 Oft The average surveyed mean bankfull depth is slightly lower (1 48 ft) than the proposed 2 1 ft The surveyed bankfull widths and depths lead to an average Wrdth/Dcpth (W /D) ratio of 18 02 with a sinuosity of 1 24 The thalweg profile appears to be stable, and was characterized by well- defined riffle and pool features The average water surface slope and the average bankfull slope were very similar for the surveyed reach, 0 0058101, and 0.0033ft /ft The substrate analysis illustrates a diverse and stable substrate material and available habitat with little fine deposition occurring Based on the above defining stream dimension characteristics from the 2013 monitoring year, the stream was classified as a B4c The log structures are stable and functioning as constructed Deep Creels Watershed structure 5D Mitigation Project Year 4 or 5 Monitoring Report Carl Shore and Elfic G West Stream mitigation Sites November 2013 r Elric G Wcsl Streian Enku2cemenl Based on the current stream dimensions along Effie G West,, the enhancement, area appears to be stable The average bankfull area (16 25 sq IL) and the average mean banklull depth (0 1 18 It) of the surveyed cross- secuons are both within the proposed ranges of 114-17 3 IL and 0 79 -1 24 It, respectfully The surveyed ban1dull widths and depths lead to an average Width/Depth (W /D) ratio of 12 6 with a sinuosity of 123 The thalweg profile appears to be stable, and was characterized by well - defined riffle and pool features The average water surface slope and the aveiage banldull slope were very similar for the surveyed reach, 0 0145ft /ft and 0 0152 ft/IL, respectively The substrate analysis illustrates a diverse and stable substrate material and available habitat, with little fine deposition occurring Based on the above defining stream dimension characteristics from the 2013 monitoring year, the stream was classified as a B4 In summary, the Carl Shore and Effie G West, sites have met the stream mitigation goals for monitoring year 4 The pattern, profile, and dimension of the restored channel and the two streams appear to be maintaining vertical and lateral stability with stable structures and minimal bank erosion A few problem areas were observed, such as moderate bank erosion and beavei damage at. Shore site (7 beaver were removed) However, these areas of stream instability do not appear to be trending towards instability These areas will continue to be monitored closely for shifts in IuLure monitoring years The background information provided in tlus rcporL is referenced Irom the mitigation plan Please refer to Appendix 2 for more detailed stream data tables and plots for monitoring year four and Appendix 3 for representative photographs Deep Creek Watershed Structure 5D Mitigation Protect Carl Shore and Effie G West stream Mitigation Sites Year 4 of 5 Monitoring Report November 2013 APPENDIX 1 - FIGURES Figure 1. Project Vicuuty Map Deep Creek Watei stied Structure 5D Mitigation Protect Carl Shore and Eific G West Stream Mitigation Sites 0 Year 4 of 5 Monitoring Report November 2013 Ai V Effie G. West ' - Stream/River % 1,000 500 0 1,000 PROJECT VICINITY MAP MEMEMENER— �Weet DEEP CREEK WATERSHED STRUCTURE 5D STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT 1 inch = 1,000 feet CARL SHORE AND EFFIE G. WEST STREAM MITIGATION SITES YADKIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA to N 0AVIE FORSYTH FIGURE I NOVEMBER 2010 r Irb 1 `1 7i toz 0 Carl Shore ee Ilk .4 LEGEND. R CE RD—if Project Location Ai V Effie G. West ' - Stream/River % 1,000 500 0 1,000 PROJECT VICINITY MAP MEMEMENER— �Weet DEEP CREEK WATERSHED STRUCTURE 5D STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT 1 inch = 1,000 feet CARL SHORE AND EFFIE G. WEST STREAM MITIGATION SITES YADKIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA to N 0AVIE FORSYTH FIGURE I NOVEMBER 2010 Carl Shore Site IIW �'w F Effie West Site Site Location Map 4r OP APPENDIX 2 - MONITORING DATA Longitudinal Plots Cross- Section Plots Pebble Count Plots Deep Creek Watershed Structuie 5D Mitigation Pioject Year 1 of 5 Monitoring Report Cail Shoie and Effie G West Stream Mitigation Sites November 2010 i Carl Shore Site Stream Mitigation )eep Creek W/S r• Yadkin County, NC i:� . .. �� "!F •'S. sJ' t�'' Pit .v to (�,• ..a€ �C. C f0! T;ai• ±.�"' z s � r1y �i�, �. �r',� 'iii. •Wr Legend �„ z.• � 4*r`� '� i Vii. *. � � - A Survey Hubs ;j X- Section Points Photo Locations FAI �, ►' V AN XV ITi �} C� r .YYS a� a L '100 IS s t . 1 �.� T. j 1'� 3 Et M.f s fif.� 10 r ¢� Oz �. AAA. a • A ,�•r ; �� R ' -Ti Y 200 300 400 Feet - -�— -- -- n� ; T FAI �, ►' V AN XV ITi �} C� r .YYS a� a L '100 IS s t . 1 �.� T. j 1'� 3 Et M.f s fif.� 10 r ¢� Oz �. AAA. a • A ,�•r ; �� R ' -Ti Y 200 300 400 Feet - -�— -- -- .., - .• e• .1. h Effie G. West ment Stream Enhance Yadkin County, NC •�r ���"' °L't -' \) \t�IT /•. `:t . i..[F wp 't4,.y.` -r „r�t�+ LEGEND cations Photo LO 1 i `3s. r�� .. - t.. �yi._ � � ✓� +� �' yip e - :Y Syr.- . f q• -. \!. a .. S , \_ •� 1 1 \ 'A (rt i1jO1 tT- Y1f��'/4 'l, R �ti'G �y _ ,a \� - '1Y'`, ♦_ .. � �� C ,i ,��? -T•" � .�Y, \. ..ail tO v�c �ki i ?n .iii ) 1� ) ';� - •_t _ -'- ] - t - 1 \' \ .� ' - _ EA 874 - -- n -- - - - - e Carl Shore Mitigation Site 0 Longitudinal Profile 872 z 2013 Monitoring Year A 870 - 1 ` v o 868 - - o fD A A v A. A 3 A ♦ A. � 866 - - ._ A: o, o. u 864 o— Thalweg —a —Water Level m 862 ♦ Bankfull -- - - F• Cross Section Locations j I rD 860 v 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Q i Yadkin County, NC Carol Shore Stream Mitigation Site Deep Creek Watershed 877 876 875 874 873 872 871 870 869 868 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 X- Section #1, STA 2 +19, Riffle Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep -10 Nov -11 Aug -12 Aug -13 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft2) 48.35 45.74 27.2 19.9 Bankfull Width (ft) 28.15 27.5 23 20.9 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.72 1.66 1.18 0.95 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 2.86 2.67 1.88 1.32 Width /Depth Ratio 16.37 16.57 19.5 22 Entrenchment Ratio 1.69 1.64 1.35 1.2 Stream Type B 64a B3 Sinuosity 1.24 1.25 1.25 Channel Materials D50 size in mml 15 22 90 Yadkin County, NC 877 876 875 874 873 872 871 870 869 868 867 Carol Shore Stream Mitigation Site Deep Creek Watershed 866 -- -- i- - - --- - -- . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 X- Section #2, STA 2 +52, Pool Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep -10 Nov -11 Aug -12 Aug -13 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft') 57.92 58.1 52.6 54.8 Bankfull Width (ft) 26.85 26.5 26 25 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 2.16 2.19 2.02 2.19 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 3.68 3.63 3.55 3.42 Width /Depth Ratio 12.43 12.1 12.87 11.4 Yadkin County, NC Carol Shore Stream Mitigation Site Deep Creek Watershed 878 877 876 875 874 873 872 871 870 869 868 867 866 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 X- Section #3, STA 5 +77, Riffle Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep -10 Nov -11 Aug -12 Aug -13 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft2 48.66 48.48 34.2 35.2 Bankfull Width (ft) 27.65 28.5 22 23 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.76 1.7 1.55 1.51 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 2.74 2.92 3.1 2.51 Width /Depth Ratio 15.71 16.76 14.2 15.2 Entrenchment Ratio 1.77 1.93 1.7 1.2 Stream Type B B4 B4 Sinuosity 1.24 1.25 1.25 Channel Materials D50 size in mm 13 45 44 Yadkin County, NC Carol Shore Stream Mitigation Site Deep Creek Watershed 870 877 876 875 874 873 872 871 870 869 868 867 866 865 864 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 X- Section #4, STA 6 +01, Pool Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep -10 Nov -11 Oct -12 Oct -13 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft2) 47.1 41.85 46.8 47.9 Bankfull Width (ft) 29.98 27 28 27 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.57 1.55 1.67 1.77 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 3.41 3.42 3.64 3.64 Width /Depth Ratio 19.1 17.4 16.8 15.3 Yadkin County, NC 873 872 871 870 869 868 867 866 865 864 863 0 Carol Shore Stream Mitigation Site Deep Creek Watershed 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 X- Section #5, STA 10 +52, Riffle Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep -10 Nov -11 Aug -12 Dec -13 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft') 37.94 30.44 41.6 23.2 Bankfull Width (ft) 25.76 25.3 30 17.5 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.47 1.2 1.39 1.33 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 2.57 2.31 2.83 2.58 Width /Depth Ratio 17.52 21.08 21.6 13.2 Entrenchment Ratio > 2.2 2.98 2.6 4.4 Stream Type C C4 C4 Sinuosity 1.24 1.21 1.22 Channel Materials D50 size in mm 11 10 13 Yadkin County, NC Carol Shore Stream Mitigation Site Deep Creek Watershed 873 872 871 870 869 868 867 866 865 864 4 ._� . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 X- Section #6 , STA 10 +90, Pool Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep -10 Nov -11 Oct -12 Dec -13 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft2) 47.42 34 28.8 34.2 Bankfull Width (ft) 43.97 43.3 44 31 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.08 0.78 0.65 1.1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 3.3 3.07 3.21 2.76 Width /Depth Ratio 40.71 55.64 67.7 31 Yadkin County, NC Carol Shore Stream Mitigation Site Deep Creek Watershed Pebble Count - Carl Shore Site, Riffle - X- Section # 1, STA 2 +19 100 90 c s 80 70 w 60 50 E 40 0 30 20 10 0 0 100.0 4111f c t 80.0 70.0 w d 60.0 m 50.0 = 40.0 v 30.0 20.0 10.0 N Co! "Nes Boulder, Bedrock Particle Size (mm) Pebble Count - Carl Shore Site, Pool - X- Section # 2, STA 2 +52 Sands Gravels cobbles Boulde S Bedrock Particle Size (mm) 9 Im Yadkin County, NC Carol Shore Stream Mitigation Site Deep Creek Watershed III 4 C t 80 70 w d 60 2 50 40 U 30 20 10 0 0 100.0 41x( c 80.0 = 70.0 d 60.0 m 50.0 40.0 U 30.0 20.0 0.0 0 Pebble Count - Carl Shore Site, Riffle - X- Section # 3, STA S +77 , .. Cobbles Boulders Bedrock Particle Size (mm) Pebble Count - Carl Shore Site, Pool - X- Section # 4, STA 6 +01 Me cobbles Boulders Bedrock Particle Size (mm) Ills] Yadkin County, NC 100 90 c t 80 r L 70 w d 60 2 50 40 U 30 20 10 0 0 100.0 "11111 c t 80.0 w L 70.0 t� d 60.0 50.0 40.0 U 3 0. 0 20.0 Carol Shore Stream Mitigation Site Deep Creek Watershed Pebble Count - Carl Shore Site, Riffle - X- Section # 5, STA 10 +52 Sarin Gra;ei_ Cobbles Boulders Bedrock 10.0 0.0 n Particle Size (mm) Pebble Count - Carl Shore Site, Pool - X- Section # 6, STA 10 +90 ail Sands Gravels Cobbles Boulders Bedrock Particle Size (mm) oo Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site August 29, 2013 X- Section #1 - Riffle Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep-1 0 Oct -11 Aug-1 2 Aug-1 3 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft2) 17.15 16.06 12.8 14.8 Bankfull Width ft 17.65 22 16 17 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 0.97 0.73 0.8 0.87 Bankfull Max Depth ft 1.96 1.75 1.57 2.2 Width/Depth Ratio 18.2 30.1 20 19.5 Entrenchment Ratio 1.93 1.95 2.5 2.35 Stream Type B4 B4 B5 Sinuosity 1.3 1.4 1.25 Channel Materials D50 size in mm 25 mm 19 mm 0.7 mm Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site August 29, 2013 0 min Iva rl. III . , N 1i1111111 �I:: l 1 0.2 104 malls mini, so on r■0 min EN i° n6..sC.C� iiiiiiion ■■■■■■■■■■■■ m■m■■■■■mm■m m■m=■■■■■mnm ■■■ ■■■■■■■■ one non an omnmm■■■■■ ■ soon ml.■'n.n .■i 11�■■� onmroiiiii ■ ............ 886 885' 0 Effie G. West Site - Pool Cross Section #2, STA 3 +29 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 X- Section #2 - Pool Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep-1 0 11 -Oct Aug-1 2 Aug-1 3 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft2) 16.77 11.6 18.8 16.8 Bankfull Width ft 13.89 11.5 15 12 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 1.21 1.01 1.25 1.4 Bankfull Max Depth ft 2.26 2.07 1.85 2.43 Width/Depth Ratio 11.45 11.4 12 b _57 Entrenchment Ratio 3.15 3.35 2.87 Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site August 29, 2013 X- Section #3 - Pool Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep -10 Oct -11 Aug -12 Aug -13 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft') 16.77 10.8 15.6 19.5 Bankfull Width (ft) 13.89 15 15.2 15.4 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.21 0.72 1.03 1.27 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 2.26 1.56 2.19 3.5 Width /Depth Ratio 11.45 20.8 14.76 12.13 Entrenchment Ratio 1 3.15 1 1.91 2.3 2.2 Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site August 29, 2013 895 894 893 892 41 V91 w c 0890 m 89 888 887 886 885 0 Effie West Site - Riffle Cross Section #4, STA 6 +50 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Station in feet X- Section #4 - Riffle Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep -10 Oct -11 Aug -12 Aug -13 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft') 14.58 10.03 11.4 13.9 Bankfull Width (ft) 16.85 12.5 13.8 11.9 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.87 0.8 0.83 1.17 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.33 1.17 1.38 1.69 Width /Depth Ratio 19.4 15.6 16.6 10.2 Entrenchment Ratio 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.2 Stream Type B4 B4c B4 Sinuousity 1.3 1.4 1.21 Channel Materials D50 size in mm 32 mm 19 mm i 11 mm Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site August 29, 2013 XIII ME MEM = i:ell :� chi: €iron 111:�I • E:E� =_IIIi i:�Ei:'-' =. �E���II1� E€ °:I11� = == E €::C�� °: EE�IIN 1 NO MEN 11HIM11 MEN 1111101111111 I'll 111111111E111 111111Ili ' ' ; ®® E1lliii��® l�I�ai��E��llll® IE_�iI1IlI��i�E����II��sEglllil � ®E=E�1111 ®���illll� �E111I11��E €�!lIII ®E �E6�Ill1�= �E��IIII ��E�€ Ili! ��' E�9IiII��E�lli11 ®�E��lilll�i9E ®Illli�= SEE €IIII � 1 ' ®EEEEeei�E�SEI�eeE�i�il� M E�aEEEIi €iE =E= - 1 1 1 1 11 111 1111 Ffi;r West -R;f a Particle Size(mm) Total ## % Cum. Cumulative (finer than) X- Section =1 Sgt/Clay 0.062 10 9.1 0.062 S N.ery Fine 0.062 -0.12 7 15.5 0.125 A N Fine 0.125 -0.25 10 24.5 0.25 Medium 025 -0.50 17 40.0 0.5 D Course 0.50 -1.0 23 60.9 1 Very Course 1.0 -2.0 12 71.8 2 G R A v E L Very Fine 2 -4 14 84.5 4 Fine 4 -5.7 3 87.3 5.7 Fine 5.7 -8 5 91.8 8 Medium 8 -11.3 1 2 93.6 11.3 Medium 11.3 -16 1 9.1.5 16 Course 16 -22.6 0 94.5 22.6 Course 22.6 -32 3 97.3 32 N7ery Course 32 -45 1 98.2 45 Verb' Course 45 -64 98.2 64 Small 64 -90 98.2 90 e Small 90 -128 1 1 99.1 128 e Large 128 -180 0 99.1 180 Large 180 -256 1 100.0 256 o ° Small 256 -362 100.0 362 Small 362 -512 100.0 512 Medium 512 -1024 100.0 1024 ` Large -Vry Lrg 1024 -2048 100.0 2048 Bedrock X2048 1 100.0 1 3000 Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site August 29, 2013 •, , E6111i1����1�ill® ��ail�l��e6e !llii�16'S���61i��e��iE1111 ® 6611l I��E�i�Ili� 'aiE��llll�lSEB�i11i��IN U EE Ili 1 1 �� 11� rmC�' %'�EE I i6 � -eE ! :� ® 11i - - ■�E _ ® :� - - -•1 - -• ►ice E ■:a �� - -�11: -- I -BE. lil Mpg III iii�III MOR ■ II 111 .1 1 6E:1 p ►,, 1: �::e = m ■61Im1: 2: � =1� °■EE :1 ! � E ■ ■Ill���i�a�lll■�e ®E5:ill 111/110111 ■i��■ mill il� ■: 3■ ■1111: =Ell el E� 1 :1 =° - 6 1: MEN ■..11..:J6��11.a edE ■■:161��_6�Ill. i� ■g.e6:..-- Ee��li! 1 1 D■ ._W ■■ D ■ o ■ ■III : 'm! E.91111m�E_ ■'E,Ilic��ee�111 e:E =�llli 11 m '�1e111�6�l.l 1 1 ® ill H M= MEN �lllli� E @IIlII� " �:�BII�i� :EE6�1C�1 1 1 111111111 M■ __ ■ ...___ .� --0I1 - e■:... - - -e .... 1 1 :6�llll��e��lllla�E�11111�� E�!llRM1111: 111M11E 111 - 1 1 1 / 11 111 1111 Effie West -Pool X- Section =2 Particle Size(mm) Totals %Cwn. Cumulative (finer than) Silt Clay <0.062 20 19.S 0.062 S A eery Fine 0.062 -0.125 12 31.7 0.125 Fine 0.125 -0.25 11 42.6 0.25 N Medium 0.25 -0.50 13 55.4 0.5 D Course 0.50 -1.0 16 71.3 1 Very Coarse 1.0-2.0 14 S5.1 2 G R A V E L Very Fine 2 -4 9 94.1 4 Fine 4 -5.7 4 9S.0 5.7 Fine 5.7 -S 1 99.0 8 \Medium 8 -11.3 1 100.0 11.3 \Tedium 11.3 -16 1 100.0 16 Course 16 -22.6 100.0 22.6 Course 22.6 -32 100.0 32 Very Coarse 32-45 100.0 45 Very Coarse 45 -64 100.0 64 0 e Small 64 -90 100.0 90 Small 90 -128 100.0 128 6 Large 128 -180 100.0 180 Large 180 -256 100.0 256 o L D Small 256 -362 100.0 362 Small 362 -512 100.0 512 \tedium 512 -1024 100.0 1024 Large XryLrg 1024 -2045 1 100.0 2048 Bedrock >2048 1 100.0 3000 Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site August 29, 2013 ., , ���EE6lIli�EEllll����ae ��llE����E !�9iI��E���lIIl�E�i�Ellil ��ilil���® �EElliiil��iiiilll�i ®iEEI;III�EEi_�EEIII�E�iEE�III 11 ��E6"• • :��i���lIII��EE:IIII��EEE1::ll I:JEEEI:I�eI:�E =EEII: .1 1 ::: �El €E =0sE ■ 3•�EE= MI :'� °II - -EEESEall I .... ...7 11 ■ 111 -- ... - --• 1 1 �eEEF.:::�,= �EEE��7��EEE3�: CO EI�:C CEE EE:1'.: ■�e:E C■: � ®Elllll���_ EEE' II��iEEllll ®�aEEi!III ®E�EElIa���E�alElll ��iillll� '- �EEEIIII��EiEilll ®�Eili;ell�EEiiEEa::�EEEEEEiII IEEE p B EE =E_'; E ""gB:: EE= : 1 E611= =E =:E I �E_= -!:: :E_EE9 : :: : =_E. � EE eEa�0�J5EEE�EII��CEEE I SEE °I;a =1�iEEEEEEa::EEEEE�I =� 11 ® EEe��II��EEEiIaI�e�Egill il ® ®EEE1sa1I�EE ® ®EE�9!�EEEEEI�iI 1 1 1 1 11 111 1111 Effie West -Pool Particle Size(mm) Total= 4o Cum. Cumulative (finer than) i X- Section #3 Silt'Clay <0.062 20 20.0 0.06211 S A N D Very Fine 0.062 -0.125 14 34.0 0.1251 Fine 0.125 -0.25 21 55.0 0.2511 \Tedium 0.25 -0.50 20 15.0 0.5 Course 0.50 -1.0 1 16 91.0 111 VervCoarse 10. 0 -2.0 4 95.0 211 G t'ervFine 2.4 3 9S.0 4i Fine 4 -5.7 1 1 99.0 5.71 R A V E Fine 5.7 -S 1 100.0 8 \Tedium 8-11.3 100.0 11.31 \Tedium 11.3 -16 100.0 161 Course 16 -22.6 100.0 22.61 L Course 22.6 -32 100.0 321 Very Coarse 3245 100.0 45 Very Coarse 45 -64 100.0 64% c Small 64 -90 100.0 901 0 e Small 90 -128 100.0 128' e Large 128 -180 100.0 180; Large 180 -256 100.0 256 o Small 256 -362 100.0 3621 D Small 362 -512 100.0 5121 \Tedium 512 -1024 100.0 102411 LareeXry Lrg 1024 -2045 100.0 204811 Bedrock >2048 100.0 1 300011 Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site August 29, 2013 = N =111 0 �ii!®_ ���iill��e:° �ill���r6i :�il��9�■eeEl�Eiie��teii -1:11 CCC ®eii -� 8 ! ■ _ : .��o ■r :i: gE ■�1BiEEEE ■eEEEE1t • 1 1 ��EoE�ii��� ®Ei:laE :i��= a ■EEo.ii 1 1 I���5low!I -iE�E_eiil���FE-E_Eii! 1 1 0000 �: •- -:3:1: - e: �111411i ®oESE ®EE1.i �� -�Eii 11 ::■ ®= iiieo :lElsii :� ®�== ■_ ■e Iii e� E ■N: :I - •0000 ::. =e "�C -� : 11 onE' :i� @E11���il Mi mill!!! 11 1 1 11 111 1111 Effie Rest -Riffle Particle Size(nun) Total ii % Cum. Cumulative (finer than)' k- Section = 4 Sflt'Clay <0.062 1 0.9 0062, S N'ery Foie 0.062-0.125 11 10.3 0.125; A N D Foie 0.125 -0.25 26 32.5 0.251 Medium 0.25 -0.50 2 34.2 0.5' Course 0.50 -1.0 6 39.3 1 Vern Course 1.0 -2.0 10 47.9 2 G R A V L L N'ery Fine 2 -4 2 49.6 41 Fine 4 -5.7 1 50.4 5.7 Fine 5.7 -8 3 53.0 81. Medium 8 -11.3 6 58.1 11.31 Medium 11.3-16 7 64.1 16 Course 16 -22.6 10 72.6 22.6 Course 22.6 -32 3 75.2 32 Very Course 32 -45 4 78.6 45; Very Course 45 -64 15 91.5 641, SmaU 64 -90 4 94.9 90 0 e B Small 90 -128 2 96.6 1281 Large 128 -180 4 100.0 180; Large 180 -256 100.0 2561. o ° Small 256 -362 100.0 362 i Small 362 -512 100.0 512; Medium 512 -1024 100.0 1024 Large-Vrv_ Lrg 1024 -2048 100.0 2048 Bedrock >2048 100.0 3000 Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site August 29, 2013 Stream Channel Classification Stream Name: Wbkf Effie G. West Site - Cross Section # 4, Riffle Basin Name: Deep Creek W/S 0.16 Drainage Area 276 Ac. 0.43 S .Mi. Location: Yadkin County, North Carolina GPS 36 8'21.824" N 80 462.166" W Observers: K. Kroeger D Wiles L Calloway 8/28/2313 Bankfull WIDTH Wbkf 11.9 Ft. D16 0.16 Maximum DEPTH dmbkf 1.69 Ft. % Gravel D35 Mean DEPTH Ddkf 1.17 Ft. Bnkfl. X- Section AREA (bkf) 13.9 Sq. Ft. Width / Depth Ratio Wbkf / Dbkf 10.2 % Sand D16 0.16 Maximum DEPTH dmbkf 1.69 Ft. % Gravel D35 WIDTH of Flood -Prone Area Wfpa 26 Ft. 10 % Cobble Entrenchment Ratio ER 2.2 mm Ucc 0 % Boulder Channel Materials D50 19 mm. mm Water Surface SLOPES 0.020 Channel SINUOSITY K 1.21 D95 100 mm Stream Type B4 47 % Sand D16 0.16 mm N 42 % Gravel D35 0.5 mm 10 % Cobble D50 11 mm Ucc 0 % Boulder D84 50 mm 0 % Bedrock D95 100 mm Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Enhancement Site Septemeber 29, 2013 893 892 Effie West Site 891 Longitudinal Profile • 890 889 '• —Channel Bottom —Water Surface -6— Bankfull 888 - �— Cross Section 887 v w c 0 886 4 • Y u' 885 884 883 882 881 880 879 200 300 400 S00 600 700 Station in feet i '1 t+f !t t 1 Among d s�,x1 �'na ,G � : • ..� S' rA t � P �, / r / C Via. 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