HomeMy WebLinkAbout19970506 Ver 1_Year 5 Monitoring Report_20140304I� -C) -�o' ('P Year 5 (2013) Monitoring Report Deep Creek Watershed Structure 5D Mitigation Project Dinkins Bottom Wedand Mitigation Site Yadkin County, North Carolina October 2013 ~- {tiiAR } 'i_ui� Prepared for: "R wels-1k �1%1-^- .�,�usJ US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Prepared by: Yadkin Soil and Water Conservation District PO Box 8 Yadkinville, NC 27055 In cooperation with: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Page 1 of 6 Year 5 (2013) Monitoring Report Deep Creek Watershed Structure 5D Mitigation Project Dinkins Bottoni Wetland Mitigation Site Yadkin County, North Carolina October 2013 Prepared for: US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Prepared by: Yadkin Soil and Water Conservation District PO Box 8 Yadkinville, NC 27055 In cooperation with: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Page 1 of 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 Project Overview I I Pi oject Goals mid Obtccuves 1 2 Project Location 2 0 Monitoring Success Requirements 2 1 Wcthtnd Hydrology 2 2 Wetland Vegetation 2 3 Rcici cnce Photogi aph Points 2 /1 Mmntcn,lncc mld Contingency Plans 3 0 Year 4 Monitoring Results 3 1 Hydi ology Assessment 3 2 Vegetative Assessment Appendix 1 - Figures Appendix 2 - Monitoring Data Appendix 3 - Reference Photographs List of Appendices List of Figures Figure 1 - Project Vicinity Map Figure 2 - Topographic Map with Locations of Wells, Plugs and Vegetation Plots Deep Creek Watershed Structure 5D Dinkins Bottom Wetland mitigation Site Page 2 of 6 Year 5 of S monitoring Report November 2013 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 10 Project Overview 'hhc Dccp CI ccl. Mitigation Plotcct (Site) Is located In Yadkin County, No! Ili Carolina within the northern Inner Piedmont, Eco- Region of the Yadkin Rivcl Basil (USGS HUC 03040105) The Site consists of duce separate mitigation piotec.ts (Dinkins Bodoni Well,lnd Restoration, Ca!I Shoi c Su cam Restoration and Effie G West SLrCaln Enhancement Sites) that we, c a coulponcuL of the mitigation plait to address wcdand and sti cam unpack I esulting 11 om the construction of the multiple- purpose Structure 5D The Structure 5D is part of the Deep Creek Watershed Work Plan that was approved for operations on January 31, 1958 The piotcct was autllourcd through the Walcrslied Protection and Flood PI evention Act - Public Law 83 .566, as anicndcd (US U S C 1001 -1008) The protect sponsors weie the Yadkin Soil and Water Conservation District Mid Yakin County Bomd of Commissioncls Structure 5D is a multiple -put pose sti ucturc that was designed lot flood pl-cvention and municipal /Industl ial water supply in the Deep Crcck Watershed The Sti ucturc 5D is located oil South Deep CI eck illnlle(hatcly up5tl cans Irom old US 421 and has a ell alnage area of 25 01 Scfuai e miles (sq ill) Tlic sure ounclillg land use consists of lot estlancl, cropland, grassland, and miscellaneous or built -up land Appi oximately 12 7 acres (ac) of seasonally satui atecl bottonnl uid hm clwood habitat were inundated due to the pernlmleilt pool of Structure 5D Both stream and wetl,uld mitigation issues were addressed within this ploect 1 1 Protect Goals and Objectives 'hhc following mitigation goals were established within the Deep Creek Watch shed to Compensate 101- tile unavoidable loss of seasonally saturated hat clwood habitat ai cas I Restore apps oxinlatcly 16 8 ac of wetland 2 Imps ove water quality b }' lllcl Cd ',lllg 11Ut11Cilt 1 ClllOVal dill ti all ',lot Illat1011 rl', R'C11 a', I cmoving ,ediment and possible t0 \1C. malCl gals, 3 Enhance wildlife habitat thloughl the uluCa ',Cd SlolagC of Swlace and subsullace Storage This report serve', as the Year live (2013) annual monitoring report of the live year monitoring plan lot the Diiiki n,, Bottom NA7clland Restoration site of the Deep Clecl, Mitigation Plotcct 1 2 Project Location The Dinkins Bottom Wetland Restoration Site Is located southeast of the town of Yadkinville, appi oxllllately 14 [Miles dowllsti calll of StrucLui c 5D Tlic pl otcct is located in the Yadkin -(Pcc Dec Rlvci Basin, Catalog Unit 03040105 with a watershed land use dominated by rural pasture land and lot est The M Ca Selected for I estol ation IS a 26 ac ti act, which included 16 8 Suitable for wcthuld r cston ation and 9 2 ac Ion upland hardwood habitat, Cducatlon ti ail',/bo,u dwalk, and gl avel access roads and parking lots Page 3 of 6 Hydi is Soil boundaries within the protect area were determined in the field by Bill Woody, NRCS Soil Scientist, Salisbury, NC The dominate soil mapping units per the Yadlun County Soil Survcy within the 16 8 act c pi otect area cite Augusta sill loam, Chewcicala sill loam, Auld WChadl CC silt loam The i einainin,, 9 2 aci cs consist of State line sandy loam and \A/lchham line sandy loam, 7 to 12(,00 slope, ci odcd To access the site from Charlotte, North Carolina, take Interstate 77 North for approxnnately 62 miles to exit 73A (US -421 South) Follow US -421 south to exit 249, Baltimore /Dinluns Bottom Road and turn right al the cncl of tlic exit tamp onto Dinkins Bolcom Road Take Dinkins Bottom Road apps oximately f tittle, site on ii-lit Please i cf eI to Figure 1 for a location neap of the pt, otecL site 2 0 Monitoring Success Requirements Annual nlonitoi nng will consist of collecting hydrologic and vegetative data to assess the project success based on the restoration goals and objectives The site will be monitored for live ycals (beginning in 2009) with in annual monitor ung repot L submitted to the corps within 30 days of the Illollltorling activities 2 1 Wetland hydrology Wetland hydrology attainment, will be momtoi ed in accordance to the United States Army Corps of Enginceis (USACE) (2003) standards as stated in the mitigation pl�un (2005) The targctwedand hydi ological success ci itei ion is saturation or inundation for aL least 5 percent. of the growing "Cason un the lower landscape (Iloodplain) positions To achieve the above hydiologic success ci itei ion, gi oundwatcl levels nnust be within 12- inclies of the ground surface for 10 consecutive days which is 5 pet cent of the March 15- Octobei 30 gn owing season 2 2 Wetland Vegetation Planted vegetation will be Inonitoted foi live yeai s following a stela counL protocol, which consists of counting woody stems within [lie established vegetation plots To achieve vegetative success ci item la the average number of planted scents per acre must exceed or meet 320 sLCms /act c aftei llle thud yeal of monlLoling, 288 stems /acre alter lour years, and 260 stems /acic alter the lilth ycal of pt, otcct monitoring 2 3 Reference Photograph Points PCt ulanent photogn apinc reference points established along the wetland will be used to suppoi t the qualitative visual assessments for the annual monitoring and subjectively evaluate success of vegetation and hydrology 2.4 Maintenance and Contingency Plans POlClltlal pi oblcm areas, such as unsuccessful vegetation establishment of hydra ology attainment will be evaluated clut ing the annual nnotuLoi nag I1, during the ttinual review of the wetland area, Page 4 of 6 a IaulurC is noted, the ai cas will be evaluated and discussed with appi oprlate personnel to dCterminc it rcmcdial nlalntcnanCC mcaSU1 CS au c 1 cquu cd to 1 CSOlvC flit pi oblcul II rcnlcchatlon of all at Ca is I cqun ccl, a pn oposal will be Subnnttcd 101 the nettled woi k 3 0 Year 5 Monitoring Results Results from the 2013 wedand monitoring effort indicate that the Dlnluns Bottom Site is meeting mitigation goals in all pi oposcd areas 3 1 Hydrology Assessment Eight g1 oundwater monitoring gauges are located on site We installed the #8 well in February of 2012 Automated gauges have been installed and arc progiammcd to download water levels daily These gauges will be used to report hydrology success ciiteria foi all upcoming monitoring years Gioundwater monitoring iesults from the 2013 monitoring ycai indicate that seven of the eight gyounclwatei gauges (1,2,3,4,5, 7 & 8) achieved the wetland success criteria of saturation for 10 consecutive clays (5%) during the gyowing season Gauge 6 clicl not meet the wetland success (I 1tC11a Howevci , topogl aphiC Consti amts may be contl ibuting to tic lack of wetland hydl ologlc success it tills gauge Please refer to Appendix 2 for wetland monitoiing data and a summary table of the wetland criteria attauuncnt 3 2 Vegetative Assessment The 2013 vegetation monitoring i esults indicated that the Site is meeting vegetative success ci 1teria 'I,hc avciage site density is approximately 826 plaltccl steins per acne, v\,Bich exceeds the year live goal of 260 planted steins per acre There is an average of 413 live plaided stems per plot There was a concern of too manly Sweet Gum in plots 8 and 9 so we pei formed a liack & squii t method in the fall of 2011 & 2012 in ordci to than some of these unwanted species The results should sliow up in the 2013 Stein Count Please refer to appendix 2 for inoie detailed information on the 2013 vegetation data In summary, the Dinkins Bottom site has met the wetland and vegetation mltigation goals foi inonitoriilg ycai 5 The backgrouI (I lIlfornlatlon provided 111 (his report IS referenced form the uutigatlon plan Please refer to Appendix 2 IoI more detailed data tables an(I plots for monntoi iug yeal- loin ald Appendix 3 for representative photographs Dc.ep Cicd. Watcislic,d Stiuctuic 5D Mitigation Pnofect Ycai 5 of 5 Monitoring Repoit Dinkins Bottom Wetland mitigation Site Novembei 2013 Page 5 of 6 APPENDIX 1 - FIGURES Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map Figure 2.Topographic Map With Locations of Wells, Plugs And Vegetation Plots Dcep Gcck Watei died Stiuctuie 5D Mitigation Piojcc.t Duil,uiti Bottom Wetland Mitigation Site Page 6 of 6 Yca15 of 5 Momtoi mg Repoi t Novembei 2013 DINKINS BOTTOM Customer(s): YADKIN COUNTY FINANCE OFFICE 9istrict: YADKIN SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Date: 11/17/2011 Field Office: YADKINVILLE SERVICE CENTER Agency: Assisted By: Dennis Wiles State and County: NC, YADKIN N Legend County Boundary F"') � �- J Roads s — Streams O ❑ Water Bodies 175 0 175 350 525 700 NwFeet Feet Deep Creek Miti,,ation Site Dinkins Bottom Yadkin County, NC r 84 Lt b �Sn t 6..T � .. *4' . 4. Sri �:�. , T !: • ` - ;5 a � � � 1'•,.. ���V�Y.17"• i" � Y �1•, i r O ' ti v 1V E ral r ice. � y.: T lv_ :y. .•fir � ,,z e . .0 - e L i ®,, P • y r. hj + to . ! 'xi Is V xw �+ �•,�.; � %'`'�S-� '��Af i�' + s. � _, .� '°' 'ry �` . � , i7 a 37i: =tSSi ' r t r. -',L s L -. + .� -.c., - �{.__. •i . -�Tf a i, y '� $ 9- a� F.� O"+O J. . ^O� Well Locations )0 0 100 200 300 400` a Feet Feb. 8 2012 P6 06� APPENDIX 2 m MONITORING DATA Wetland Success Criteria Summary Table Groundwater Guage Plots Vegetation Summary Table Summary of Groundwater Gauge Results for Years 1 through 5 Criteria Achieved Gauge 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 GWG 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes GWG 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes GWG 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes GWG 4 Unknown Yes Yes Yes GWG 5* No No Yes Yes GWG 6 ** No No No No GWG 7 Yes Yes Yes Yes GWG 8 N/A N/A Yes Yes Automated gauges have been installed and will be used to report hydraulic success in the upcoming years * Reference Site ** Groundwater gauge is located in the upland area of the wetland Yadkin County, NC Deep Creek Watershed Wetlands Mitigation Site Site 5D Monitoring Well 1 709 Reading's 2013 Water Levels Deep Creek Watershed, Site 5D 708 Wetlands Mitigation Site Yadkin County, NC — Average Ground Elevation (705.2') 707 — 12Inch Depth Start of Growing Season —Water Level Elevation 13 Manual 706 Q) LL C O wv 705 704 703 702 3/1 3/15 3/29 4/12 4/26 5/10 5/24 6/7 6/21 7/5 7/19 8/2 8/16 Date Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -N RCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings Reading's Start of Growing Season Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -N RCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings Yadkin County, NC Deep Creek Watershed Wetlands Mitigation Site Site 5D Monitoring Well 2 709 2013 Water Level Deep Creek Watershed, Site 5D 708 Wetlands Mitigation Site Yadkin County, NC Average Ground Elevation (705.2') 12 Inch Depth 707 Water Level Elevation Start of Growing Season ❑ Manual Reading's 706 LL C O d w 705 704 703 702 3/1 3/15 3/29 4/12 4/26 5/10 5/24 6/7 6/21 7/5 7/19 8/2 8/16 Date Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -N RCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings Start of Growing Season Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -N RCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings Yadkin County, NC Deep Creek Watershed Wetlands Mitigation Site Site 5D 709 Monitoring Well 3 2013 Water Levels Deep Creek Watershed, Site 5D Wetlands Mitigation Site Yadkin County, NC 708 i 707 I Start of i Average Ground Elevation (705.85') 12 Inch Depth Water Level Elevation ❑ Manual Reading's Growing Season d 706 v _c c 0 m w 705 704 703 702 3/1 3/15 3/29 4/12 4/26 5/10 5/24 6/7 6/21 7/5 7/19 8/2 8/16 Date Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -NRCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings 2013 Water Levels Deep Creek Watershed, Site 5D Wetlands Mitigation Site Yadkin County, NC i I Start of i Average Ground Elevation (705.85') 12 Inch Depth Water Level Elevation ❑ Manual Reading's Growing Season Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -NRCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings Yadkin County, NC Deep Creek Watershed Wetlands Mitigation Site Site 5D LMonitoring Well 4 708 Average Ground Elevation (706.6') 12 Inch Depth Water Level Elevation ❑ Manual Reading's 2013 Water Levels Deep Creek Watershed, Site 5D Wetlands Mitigation Site Yadkin County, NC I ❑ � 707 Start of i Growing Season 706 v v LL C 705 0 .2 W 704 703 702 3/1 3/15 3/29 4/12 4/26 5/10 5/24 6/7 6/21 7/5 7/19 8/2 8/16 Date Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -NRCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings Average Ground Elevation (706.6') 12 Inch Depth Water Level Elevation ❑ Manual Reading's 2013 Water Levels Deep Creek Watershed, Site 5D Wetlands Mitigation Site Yadkin County, NC I ❑ � Start of i Growing Season Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -NRCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings Yadkin County, NC Deep Creek Watershed Wetlands Mitigation Site Site 5D Monitoring Well 5 Reference Site 711 Deep Creek Watershed, Site 5D Wetlands Mitigation Site Yadkin County, NC Average Ground Elevation (708.6') 12 Inch Depth Water Level Elevation c Manual Reading's 2013 Water Levels 1 710 709 Start of Growing Season v 708 v LL C O a+ R W 707 706 705 704 3/1 3/15 3/29 4/12 4/26 5/10 5/24 6/7 6/21 7/5 7/19 8/2 8/16 Date Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -N RCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings Deep Creek Watershed, Site 5D Wetlands Mitigation Site Yadkin County, NC Average Ground Elevation (708.6') 12 Inch Depth Water Level Elevation c Manual Reading's I O Start of Growing Season Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -N RCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings Yadkin County, NC Deep Creek Watershed Wetlands Mitigation Site Site 5D Monitoring Well 6 711 Average Ground Elevation (708.6') 12 Inch Depth Water Level Elevation o Manual Reading's 2013 Water Levels Deep Creek Watershed, Site 5D Wetlands Mitigation Site Yadkin County, NC I i 710 T_ I i j i o I 709 i Start of Growing i Season v LL LL 708 c ra W 707 706 705 3/1 3/15 3/29 4/12 4/26 5/10 5/24 6/7 6/21 7/5 7/19 8/2 8/16 Date Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -NRCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings Average Ground Elevation (708.6') 12 Inch Depth Water Level Elevation o Manual Reading's 2013 Water Levels Deep Creek Watershed, Site 5D Wetlands Mitigation Site Yadkin County, NC I i I i j i o I i Start of Growing i Season Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -NRCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings Yadkin County, NC Deep Creek Watershed Wetlands Mitigation Site Site 5D Monitoring Well 7 709 708 707 v 706 LLa) 0 705 C w 704 703 702 3/1 3/15 3/29 4/12 4/26 5/10 5/24 6/7 6/21 7/5 7/19 8/2 8/16 Date 2013 Water Levels Deep Creek Watershed, Site 5D i Wetlands Mitigation Site Average Ground Elevation (705.6') Yadkin County, NC � -12 Inch Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -N RCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings Depth Water Level Elevation ❑ Manual Reading's � i i i ❑ i 1 I I i I i I i i sta ri_of Growing Season Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -N RCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings Yadkin County, NC Deep Creek Watershed Wetlands Mitigation Site Site SD Monitoring Well 8 710 709 708 707 v LL C 706 - 0 a+ W 705 704 703 3/1 3/15 3/29 4/12 4/26 5/10 5/24 6/7 6/21 7/5 7/19 8/2 8/16 Date I 2013 Water Levels Deep Creek Watershed, Site 5D Average Ground Elevation (706.9') Wetlands Mitigation Site Yadkin County, NC 12 Inch Ground Depth Water Level Elevation i ❑ Manual Reading's I i -Star Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -N RCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings t.of__ Growing Season I Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -N RCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings Yadkin County, NC Deep Creek Watershed Wetlands Mitigation Site Site 5D Deep Creek Water Elevation 712 710 708 706 2013 Deep Creek Water Levels 100 feet Downstream from Dinkins Bottom Bridge Top Bank Elevation (706.2') Stream Bottom (Approx. 694.4') Deep Creek Water Elevation 704 i IA Q a) Li c 0 702 � v W 700 698 I 696 694 692 3/1 3/15 3/29 4/12 4/26 5/10 5/24 6/7 6/21 7/5 7/19 8/2 8/16 Date Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -NRCS Solnist Levelogger Gold Readings Yadkin County, NC Deep Creek Watershed Wetlands Mitigation Site Site 5D Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -MRCS Rainfall Data from Weather Stations Yadkin County Rainfall Data 12 2013 Rainfall Amounts 10 Deep Creek Watershed Wetlands Mitigation Site Yadkin County, NC 8 COOP Precipitation (in) c c --E—COOP Monthly Totals 6 Davis Station Rainfall (in) 0 —Davis Station Monthly Totals c .M z 4 2 i } 0 3/1 3/15 3/29 4/12 4/26 5/10 5/24 6/7 6/21 7/5 7/19 8/2 8/16 Date Yadkin County SWCD and USDA -MRCS Rainfall Data from Weather Stations Dinkins Bottom Stem Count for Planted Species Arranged Type = Shrub or Tree P = Planted T = Total ,Appendix 2 - Monitoring Data Current Data (2013) Species Common Name Type Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 4 Plot 5 Plot 6 Plot 7 Plot 8 Plot 9 1 Plot 10 P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T Acer negundo Box Elder T 4 15 3 3 2 3 2 6 4 Acer rubrum Red Maple T 2 2 5 5 6 4 2 2 15 Alnus serrulata Tag Alder T/S 1 5 Betula n►gra River Birch T 2 2 1 D►ospyros v►rg►n►ana Persimmon T 1 2 3 3 2 1 3 Frax►nus pennsylvan►ca Green Ash T 10 10 21 21 22 22 10 10 45 45 37 37 19 19 33 33 29 29 7 7 Gled►ts►a sp Locust T 1 L►qu►dambarstyrac►flua Sweet Gum T 2 2 11 19 18 20 8 42 39 7 L►r►odendron tul►p►fera Tulip Poplar T 1 1 1 Nyssa aquat►ca Water Tupelo T 2 2 1 1 Platanus occidentals Sycamore T 2 2 2 9 22 1 3 7 Prunus amer►cana American Plum T 3 Pyrus sp Pear T Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak T 4 4 5 5 12 12 5 5 6 6 3 3 8 8 3 3 2 2 4 4 Quercus m►chaux►► Swamp Chestnut Oak T 8 8 5 5 6 6 5 5 3 3 7 7 7 7 2 2 3 3 Quercus n►gra Water Oak T 4 4 2 2 4 4 1 1 Quercus phellos Willow Oak T 5 5 9 9 15 15 3 3 6 6 4 4 10 10 3 3 3 3 10 10 Sal►x n►gra Black Willow T 1 1 1 7 Ulmus sp Elm T 1 1 4 1 Wild Cherry T 1 1 2 Plot Area (acres) Species Count Stem Count Stems per Acre 0.05 5 9 5 12 4 10 4 12 4 10 6 13 5 12 4 11 4 10 4 10 31 40 42 66 55 79 23 58 60 98 57 112 45 66 40 105 36 100 24 44 620 800 840 1320 1100 1580 460 1160 1200 1 960 L3 140 2240 900 1320 800 2100 720 2000 480 880 Type = Shrub or Tree P = Planted T = Total ,Appendix 2 - Monitoring Data APPENDIX 3 ® REFERENCE PHOTOGRAPHS t'� f i H , - y �, s I L � r y. Ipp"7 41'- W�,, 4� ' 1,!p PV PA;i Y . -Z jr f � C t { � -• Vii: lv;, '` •' { � � ` � d ',�,. '*` l Ipp"7 41'- W�,, 4� ' 1,!p PV PA;i Y . -Z jr Ax rti r. W9.145 b kA t IT P-L !K 1121 1 „V AT. LY lie Al r - A, i Pik '44 77, � 4P • -Awn 1AN, M! __ ,i I - , i /, i;� �. � _,�i -` i r /'' -'' - �' /7M ,,, : �., q Y � � i � .: rF� i�}�, �' �a4c .�� ;�. i.i �' •�' �`1.� i i ' �q �� ,� � � � {�� z j H:. l/ •*'� _ � . °i;. ,*.' '1' y, �, �:: ,t _���. ♦ i/' - -� % � y,+- ICJ _ - ��� - � 1 ' r = �1 :� r,' ��•� 1. �J � �.- , 1 .,i ,� '',` - _V �v.- f � �... jt-r`t " � Aj Ix je Ova