HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-01320_Well Construction - GW1_20220124 WELL CONSTRUCT 1ON RECORD forirandi UseON.LY: Ms Form cam be nazi W single or multiple wc8s 1.WeR Contractor Information: John Eisenman PRO" n1+YSL'itlp!ttOX t���i.It t"tt!'RRrttC8CR1 Nam 4439A NC well C'otrtatctor Cenifmstii3n Ntirrlter f5�O1 t:M,C 4 1Eitr "nT�` is'Ra* '`'tleteble FROM I To PLAIMr.TER THICKINW5 stATEMAI. SAEDACCO Inc 0 fL 20 fL 211 SCE-40 PVC cAl"scull.Kass [6."I E •C 1 G+OR Lt IN+ : rimzt`t7+re �uti v. ; t7R01I TO DL4Att?TERI THIC MSS MATFRAL 2.Well 05nustrugtinn Permit IN.. (r fa 1.iasAJlr.�g,iit-ablr.ureJP pemaiaa ie.;r.C'ouaars.5rs'ar,t'tlrJttrMV',Ir�[iPt7�er,�.l �+ ia. 3.Nvd1 Use(check well slim).' Water Well: MO M TO - . . 01-049TElt_.,v RMS M T11"n iI nituml ills micipab'llablie 20 ft. 35 (L 2^ in 010 SCH-40 PVC 043jeothettlnil(HeatingCool tg- Supply) OResidtntiai Water Supply(single) fL ft, Rx, 77 0Ittdua0allcctnimen:ial C Residetfltsal Water tpts-(slwmd) �oht Tn . nt��trairt. � � �tTat>~n OD&AMOUNr` ❑lnip n 0 fL 1 15 fL Portland Pour Noe-MraterSuppli well: rt. rL Mmonitm ln" ❑Rot nrrt} - — it - Ig]'c on Well: rt. ft. ClAquircr-RccharF l CrratlRdtstilt r Rettuxliation W, ANt} TA_ `fllf tl" ttte 4 . ittAY, t, MAgttefer SloMe and lt,teovers' Qsadinity,flareicr 35 0. 18 M SAND #2 t7AyttifcrTest QStOMMturrDmio;lga l7Prg rdmmil Technology QSstbsid=e Control >Ylt�lt11,1311taf "� 'cH`xdditi ' iihesirfti" s�rr,•'s.,_ x. OGeothetrtatl(Closed Loop) [Tracer YROM 170 D�stTittrtt� toisr.fiirdnc��xn+rci:_ �,��_ 0Gootitc Mi tRLA Ctvoli Return) OOtimt( iu ulider#211 Rema&Lj 0 iL 35 tr, silt(sand clay iL fL 4.11ate W0ll(s)Completed: 12-23-21 WeUID#MN-3 tt. fL a.� t 11 I a,�atttt6: rL ft -2 4 2C�' Antioch Food Mart ft. (14 FwilfttMwmrNam F GMV tDl:(if app1ic3b1e3 T.. --fL _ �,,., n.•�..,. �.. «.«a .����� 2940 US-64, Morganton, NC, 28655 F9ttsical.Aditss.City.and Zip Burke Bentonite seal from 15I-181 010144,' Prrts9lj3aiiitlfllipiiNo (PINI ilk l:Rtlhttl> and langitude in degreeNmilttlwWwwads or decimal degr ew. 23.Ccetil'eeatiten: titttelt fdpltl;l'�Ltl7nue ls;:td(ICiesdy IV 12/27/2021 w' __.. __. ...r sigmidrC 6.Is(;IIY)the well(s): WN-1manent or aTemporar}' 114 xlgab, alr�r fur„iL cif iru.MS ,y'?e. `:r 7i4 r s!,,manwied an=,WMirr w with 15A Ar Aef)„. '< =Y l Eris ;:'t,Oslo)Weil t znfinerfm Sa2aarkwds midt{t� a 7,is this R rel air to an existing well: :Ales or K'No !U4 hrEa JNQOI'"�4 rn MW\tr)l d 01M 41 this at a re�i r fill pme*,ri()Nn well ec wnr17f4n iiaformnit,n taid e splaht the o-laWre of die repair undiT r2f retmarkv sft-ivr or xm Lye hca;h rtf 1A&farm 23.Site dtWom or additiutlal well detalls: You may use The bactz of this 11692 to protlide additional it°dl site d%dis or well 8.Number of welly coustrurted• i constmcdon detitils. You olay also allach*Mliottal pages if It MS . For Arafoj*i*al m Err"MI-WAtar a rp6-MIS ONLY w1rh dir same emrsftedow.yolt Egan submir emue form. ��il MTTAL I N,SUDC PIM 9.Total well depth bekw land surface: 35 (ft,l 244L For AEt Wellsr Submit this form i%ilbin 10 darts of cotttrttgion of well For m,"hi dr.wear fimvff ifr prbi 11 dJ*reau(exampfe-,t90W'and 2@ ftgyr Cnn%uucftn to the fotlPM og-. 10.Static water level beloul top of rashly;, a) Division of Water R'esaurco6 lafurmstion Vroetwoittg 1101L ),mower lruiel lxsrhove rrasin.;,sate" " 1617 Mail gee iec Center,ltaleig}t, YC 276911-1617 11.Bgrrhnk I)iametcr:S.2511 ;n,} 24b.Fat•jgjapa W ells ONLY: In addition to sending live faint to flee address ill 24aabove. also submit a coo-'of this farm t1itltin 10 dms of completion of treil 12,Well vortstritcflon method. HSA LVIlstniction to the follmVia ge (Le.mWr.nmare.cable.direct,push.et-..) RH•Ision of Water Resources.underground InjMton Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY; 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigli,VC 2 649-1636 13;1 11eld Wm) method of test; tic:Fur Water Sue&&lip ectioa wells: Also submit one copy of this fortes within.30 days of cotpletion of 131r.111sinliyxlnn tt Amount: tvctl construction to the coupe} heAh dcpadumnt of the Cmmly axbcrc constructed. Fenn G lr-t .'4"h Carahm t k mmm or£mammuw and Nattteal ttecnawag-Ditir as of tiljter ReuUMILet iced Ate�P t i