HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131200 Ver 2_More Info Received_20140303Strickland, Bev From: Devane, Boyd Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 11:10 AM To: Strickland, Bev Cc: Cranford, Chuck Subject: FW: Did I get the O &M agreements? #13 -1200 Attachments: TIEC OnM PERVIOUS PAVEMENT.PDF; TIEC OnM BIORETENTION.PDF Bev, please file this letter and attachment in LF, thanks. From: David Odom [ mai Ito: davidodom Ca)odomenaineerina.com] Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:57 AM To: Devane, Boyd; Scott Roach Subject: RE: Did I get the 0 &M agreements? Here they are. From: Devane, Boyd [ mailto:boyd.devaneCd)ncdenr.aov] Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:55 AM To: David Odom; Scott Roach Subject: Did I get the 0 &M agreements? I don't see it and I can't remember if you sent it and I lost it. Permit lltimber: _ (to be Provided by D11 T) Permeable Pavement Operation and Maintenance Agreement Project name: Tryon E nestrian Center I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP(S). 711-Lis maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately, "These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. At all times, the pavement shall be kept free of: Debris and particulate inatter through frequent blowing that removes such debris, particularly during the fall and spring. Piles of soil, sand, mulch, building materials or other materials that could deposit particulates on the pavement. - Piles of snow and ice. - Chemicals of all kinds, including deicers. The permeable pavement will be inspected once a quarter. Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: The perimeter of the Permeable pavement The surface of the Permeable Pavement Observation well Potential problem: Areas of bare soil and /or erosive gullies A vegetated area drains toward the Pavement. How to remediate the problem: Regrade the soil if necessary to remove the gully, then. plant ground cover and water until established. Regrade the area so that it drains away from the Pavement, then plant ground cover and water until established. Trash /debris present Reprove the trash /debris. Weeds Sediment Rutting, cracking or slumping or damaged structure Water present more than five days after a storm event Do not pull the weeds (.ray pull out media as well). Spray therm with a systemic herbicide such as glyphosate and then return within the week to remove there by Land. (Another option is to pour boiling tinter on thorn or steam them.) Vacuum sweep the Pavement. Consult an appropriate: professional. Clean out clogged underdrain pipers. Consult an appropriate professional for clogged soil subgrade. Educational sign Missing or is damaged. Replace the sign. Form SW401- Permeable Pave€3re €it O &i 4- BDinodihcatio €rs2/24/2014 Page l or') Permit Number: (Io he provided by DJi'R) acknowledge and agree by my signature below that l am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. 1 agree to notify DWR of any problems with the system(s) or prior to any changes to the systems) or responsible party. BMP drainage urea or ID: Drainage Area 44 Pervious Concrete BAIP drainage urea oi• I: D:Drainage Area #5 Pervious Concrete BAIIP tlroinage area or LD:Drainagre Area 96 Pervious Concrete B1llIP drainage area or' I D: Btl %(P drainage area or I.D: Print name: Jeff Brown Title: Project Manager Address:2659 Sandy Plains Road Tryon NC 28782 Phone:828- 980 -4400 Signature: Date: / Note: 'Clte legally r•esporisible party sliould not be a hosneowriers association Grrtless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. Form SW401- Permeable Pavement O &M- BDinoditications2 /24/2014 Page 2 of 3 Permit Number; (lo he pros lded kt) ( IFR) 1, rip ;cam -, a Notary P«blic for the State of C- .__.._..._._.. ._.._._._, County of .PC 4, do hereby certify that personally appeared before nee this AiC It- day of ►^_ & ,.._..__.�, .__ w4 ._ and acknowledge the dLle execution of the forgoing permeable pavement maintenance requirements. Witness my nand and official seal, SEAL MARK E WOODBRIDGE Notary Public, North Carolin County Polk My Commission Expires lone 09, 2018 My commission expires 4wc-1 CFO XOA� Form SW401- Perweable Pavernient O&M- BI)iiiodifications2 /2 1/2014 Page 3 of 3 Permit 1Vurnber: _ _ (to he provieled by D07Z) Bi.oretention Operation and Maintenance Agreement Project nanie: Tryon Equestriag Center I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP(S). This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP(S). Important operation and maintenance procedures- - Immediately after the bioretention cell is established, the plants will be watered twice weekly if needed until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). - Snow, mulch or any other material will NEVER be piled on the surface of the bioretention cell. - Heavy equipment will NEVER be driven over the bioretention cell. - Special care will be taken to prevent sediment from entering the bioretention cell. - {once a year, a soil test of the soil media will be conducted. After the bioretention cell(s) is established, I will inspect it once a month and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. RMl' element: Potential problems: How I will remediate the problem: The entire 13MP Trash /debris is present. Remove the trash /debris. The perimeter of the Areas of bare soil anti /or Regrade the soil if necessary to bioretention cell erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one -time fertilizer application. The inlet device: pipe, The pipe is clogged (if Unclog the pipe. Dispose of the stone verge or swale applicable). sediment off- site. The pipe is cracked or Replace the pipe. otherwise damaged (if applicable). Erosion is occurring in the Regrade the swale if necessary to swale (.if applicable). smooth it over and provide erosion control devices such as reinforced Wrf matting or r.iprap to avoid future problems with erosion. Stone verge is clogged or Remove sediment and clogged covered in sediment (if stone and replace with clean stone. applicable). F'orni SW401- Bioretention O&M-Rev.3 Faye 1 of4 BMP element: Potential problems: HOW li will remediate the roblein: The pretreatment area Flow is bypassing Regrade if necessary to route all pretreatment area and /or flow to the pretreatment area. gullies have formed. Restabilize the area after radin . Sediment has accumulated. to Search for the source of the a depth greater than three sediment and remedy the problem if inches. possible. Remove the sediment and restabilize the ?retreahnent area. Erosion has occurred. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to prevent future erosion problems. Weeds are present. Remove the weeds, preferably by band. The bioretention cell: Best professional practices Prune according to hest professional vegetation show that pruning is needed practices. to maintain optimal plant health. Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one -time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if a soil test indicates it is necessary. Tree stakes/wires are present Remove tree stake/ wires (which six months after pjanting. can kill the tree if not removed). The bloretention cell: Mulch is breaking down or Spot mulch it there are only random soils and mulch has floated away. void areas. replace whole mulch layer if necessary. Remove the remaining much and replace with triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum depth of three inches. Soils and /or mulch are Determine the extent of the clogging clogged with sediment. - remove and replace either just the top layers or the entire media as needed. Dispose of the spoil in an appropriate off -site location. Use triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum depth of three inches. Search for the source of the sediment and remedy the problem if ossi.ble. An annual soil test shows that Dolomitic lime shall be applied as pH has dropped or heavy recommended per the soil test and metals have accumulated in toxic soils shall be removed, the soil media. disposed of properly and replaced with new planting inedia. Foriii SW401- Bioretentlon O&M-Rev-3 ['age 2 ofi•4 BMP element: Potential roblerns: How 1. will remediate the problem: The underrdrain system Clogging has occurred. Wash out the u.nderdrain system. (if applicable) The drop inlet Clogging has occurred. Clean out the drop inlet_ Dispose of the sediment off -site. The drop inlet is damaged Repair or replace the drop inlet. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the NC Division of Water carnage have occurred at the Quality 401, Oversight Unit at 919 - outlet. 733 -1 786. Form SW401- Bioreteiitiort O &M -Rev.3 Page 3 of 4 I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible For the performance of the maintenance procedt €res listed above. I agree to notify DW R of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the syste €n or responsible party. BAV clrainage area or ID: Bio Retention CeI I ft 1 BMI' drainage area or ID: Bio Retention Cell 42 BMP drainage area or ID. Bio Retention Cell #3 BtL1P rlr-ainage circa or ID: Print name: Jeff Brown Title: Project Manager Ad& Phony Signa Date: Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. a Notary Public for the State of County of do hereby certify that �..____ -. personally appeared before me this t--- day of � r• _, 243 It-/, and acknowledge the due execs €tion of the forgoing bioretention €maintenance requirements. Witness my band and official seal, to RK E woODBRI GE �C ; rlotasy Public. north Carolina Polk County v r My Commission Expires I SEAL My commission expires OQ zz0 Form SW401- E3ioretention I&Ivi -Rev. 2 Page 4 of 4