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20071392 Ver 1_Year 4 Monitoring Report_20140225
",*V - Stem Iaim £ n�.� PROGRAM February 21, 2014 0 Eric Kulz �c,%� 1� Division of Water Resources �v 401 Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center ,-� C Raleigh, NC 27699 - 1650 � HR a �.V. Re: EEP Project Monitoring Reports Dear Mr. Kulz: Please find the enclosed monitoring reports for EEP projects, and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you very much for your assistance. Sincerely et� Lin Xu Aga I CDENR 1. ►a Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27649 -1652 % 919 -715 -0476 1 www.nceep.net t I - 1 3 c� '-- Cat Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration NCEEP Project Number: 71 Monitoring Contract Number: 004490 Monitoring Year 4 2013 Final Report AWL Submitted to North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources January 2014 rA -I- ' o'- titem s 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 DO FE DrENR - NNAMR OUALITY RECEIVED FEB 0 7 2014 Monitoring Firm EQUINOX ENViRoNM11.NrrAi, CONSULTATION a DESIGN 37 Haywood Street, Suite 100 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Phone: 828 - 253 -6856 Project Contact: Hunter Terrell Email: hunter @equinoxenvironmental.com FFR i C k "dart aJ VVATE� I 10 20 30 Cat Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration 2013 Monitoring Report (MY 4) Table of Contents Executive Summary / Project Abstract Methodology References Page 1 Page 3 Page 4 Appendix A. Pr, Figure 1 Table 1 a Table 1 b Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Appendices :)ject Vicinity Map and Background Tables Vicinity Map and Directions Project Components Component Summations Project Activity and Reporting History Project Contacts Project Attributes Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Figure 2 Integrated Current Condition Plan View Table 5 Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table 6 Vegetation Condition Assessment Photo Station Photos Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data Table 7 Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Table 8 CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Table 9 Planted and Total Stem Counts (Species by Plot with Annual Means) Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Sections with Annual Overlays and Photos Longitudinal Profiles with Annual Overlays Pebble Count Plots with Annual Overlays Table 10 Baseline Stream Data Summary Table l 1 a Monitoring Data — Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters — Cross - Sections) Table 11 b Monitoring Data — Stream Reach Data Summary Appendix E Hydrologic Data Table 12 Verification of Bankfull Events Monthly Precipitation Data Compared to 30th and 701h Percentiles for Macon County, NC Precipitation and Water Level Plots Table 13 Wetland Gauge Attainment Data Appendix F Wetland Boundary Delineation Data Wetland Determination Forms 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY / PROJECT ABSTRACT The goals and objectives stated in the Cat Creek Restoration Plan (NCEEP 2007) are as follows Project Goals • Provide a stable stream channel for the main channel and the unnamed tributaries to Cat Creek that neither aggrades nor degrades while maintaining their dimension, pattern, and profile with the capacity to transport their watershed's water and sediment load • Improve water quality and reduce erosion by stabilizing the stream banks for all streams by improving riparian vegetation • Improve aquatic habitat of the main channel and tributaries with the use of natural material stabilization structures such as root wads, rock vanes, woody debris, and a riparian buffer • Provide aesthetic value, wildlife habitat, and bank stability through the creation or enhancement of a riparian zone • Create contiguous wildlife corridor and provide diverse amphibian habitat with added topographic and wetland features • Provide shading and biomass input to the stream and mast for wildlife when vegetation is mature • Enhance wetland biochemical and geo- chemical processes over an extended area Project Objectives • Restore or enhance over 8,881 feet of Cat Creek and its tributaries • Restore a natural riparian buffer • Restore or enhance 7 97 acres of swamp forest bog complex wetlands • Plant native trees and shrubs throughout the site The monitoring year four (MY4) vegetation plot data indicates that the site averaged 393 stems /acre across all plots Although no interim criteria is established for MY4, the average number of stems is well above the MY3 interim criteria of 320 stems /acre and is on track to meet the MY5 success criteria of 290 stems per acre. However, plots 2, 7, and 10 stems /acre were 202, 202, and 121, respectively, which fail to meet the MY5 success criteria Of the planted stems recorded within the monitoring plots, nearly 10% were reported as dead or missing When planted and natural stems are combined, the average stem density is 1,425 stems per acre, which is well above the minimum established criterion, of note, the additional stems were predominately alder (Alnus serrulata) and silky dogwood (Cornus amomum) The site includes a diverse assemblage of 16 planted species of native trees and shrubs Planted species range from 2 to 7 per plot with 3 to 11 species observed when volunteers are included. An initial treatment of exotic invasive vegetation was performed in 2013, and isolated patches of high threat invasive plant species will be treated in winter /spring of 2014 Dominant invasive non - native plants include multiflora rose (Rosa multiora), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera7aponica), privet (Ligustrum sp ), and kudzu (Pueraria montana var lobata) Stream longitudinal profiles have remained relatively stable among monitoring years One area of bed scour and two areas of deposition were the only significant differences between MY3 and Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 MY4 longitudinal profiles Deposition from high winter /spring flows in early 2013 affected several of the monitored cross - sections Both XS -1 and XS -2 in the Swartwout reach showed deposition on the left and right descending banks, respectively, resulting in reduced bankfull widths and reduction in width/depth ratios and increased entrenchment ratios Similarly, XS -2 on UT1 had large deposits on both the left and right descending banks, resulting in a reduced bankfull width Stream issues identified during MY4 visual assessments were minimal and consisted of one area of degradation, one area of aggradation, one undercut area, one area of mass wasting, and seven bank erosion areas These unstable areas represent less than two percent of the project and are, with the exception of UT4, located within enhancement reaches Automated groundwater gauges were downloaded and checked for proper function on a monthly basis during the growing season Groundwater monitoring station data indicated that all 18 wells met and exceeded the eight percent hydroperiod success criteria during the MY4 growing season, including MW7 which failed to meet the success criteria the previous three years During normal rainfall years all groundwater gauges are expected to meet criteria Precipitation data, collected using an on -site rain gauge, indicated that June and July were above average rainfall months Based on the presence of wrack lines and crest gauge monitoring, two bankfull events occurred in January, and one between April and August of MY4 In December 2013, wetland boundary delineations were performed to confirm the boundary of wetland features on the project site A Level -Il Routine Determination method, as outlined in the USACE Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987), was used to identify wetland boundaries Data points within wetlands were co- located with wetland gauges in order to provide relevant hydrology data Using plant community and soil data characterized at data points, the interface of wetland and non - wetland plant communities and soils was identified and determined to be the wetland boundary A total of 9 06 acres of wetlands were delineated within the project site, including 7 64 acres of restoration and 1 42 acres of enhancement The MY4 wetland boundary delineation indicates a 1 09 acre expansion in total wetland area compared to the original baseline delineation of 7 97 acres The shift in acreage is a result of a 0 04 acre and 0 02 acre loss on the Swartwout and Cat Creek Preserve tracts, respectively, and a 1 15 acre expansion on the Parker tract The 0 04 acre loss on the Swartwout tract failed to meet the hydric soil field indicator The 0 01 acre loss on the Cat Creek Preserve tract failed to meet hydrology success criteria 3 of the 4 monitoring years Most of the expansion on the Parker tract was along the right and left descending banks on the upstream end of the tract, as well as several marginal areas along the periphery of previously delineated areas Summary information /data related to the occurrence of items such as beaver or easement encroachment, statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements, and data related to wetland boundary delineation can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the mitigation and restoration plan documents available on ESP's website All raw data supporting tables and figures in the appendices is available from EEP upon request Additionally, due to inconsistencies with previous thalweg stationing, the baseline thalweg data and 2010 aerial imagery were utilized to apply the corrected stationing for the project site Cat Creek Stream & Wetland 2 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 2.0 Methodology The stream monitoring methodologies utilized in MY4 replicate those employed during the previous monitoring year and are based on standard guidance and procedures documents (Rosgen 1996 and USACE 2003) Vegetation monitoring data were collected following the standard CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Level II (Lee et al 2008) Wetland hydrology was considered established if groundwater monitoring data indicated saturated soils within 12 inches of the soil surface for 8% of the growing season The growing season for the site was based on the Natural Resource Conservation Service (MRCS) data set for Macon County (NRCS 2011) Cat Creek Stream & Wetland 3 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 3.0 References Lee, M T, R K Peet, S D Roberts, and T R Wentworth 2008 CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4 2 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Biology NCEEP (North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program) 2007 Cat Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Macon County, North Carolina Restoration Plan Raleigh NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service) Accessed June 2012 Climate Analysis for Wetlands by County http //www wcc nres usda gov /climate /wetlands html Rosgen, D L 1996 Applied River Morphology Wildland Hydrology Books, Pagosa Springs, Colorado USACE (U S Army Corps of Engineers) 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines USACOE, USEPA, NCWRC, NCDENR -DWQ Wilmington District U S Army Corps of Engineers ( USACE) 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual Wetlands Research Program Technical Report Y -87 -1 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland 4 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables ` ''.3Pk 'a,,, �• :�• 1 , l :; � • y due � � f$ ,$ ,�-., ` ) `' c / �,' I t `� l •y r 4ej °� r 5 -k � � ^', �'�ti J!rf �r .'Jy � - .'4 w` , ; �M i;. _ -(\'` I �1��. -r- _�- •ti".� v %�- t l', + �� �4' � \,/ ( t jli �` e'Ca ' � f 4. 40 U4, A , � (.t e I j � 1 �: t•. � _ ! ) � / � ' ?i,. � dj { K1 � � Mo119�Bpriti�pt � � •a . I .� _ `r ..,\ .. V. • ` J' , r - �(µ Eo-`ji '�-� ` zsr ' '�'J�/ ( �.- �f �`yo,.. - �/ J 1, � � �.� �\ �1 1� � �:, e� w ) " amt % � �L� X � X' %r �`,v+ 11 .: / �i �,`�, �, o I - � . •••. i.'1 •\ , t i A�\t�. _ ! ` `, i tli F �)� � ,v:+'�t •.,r M � �, i�• •c��ad *' _,tea7 - I � ��.' .\ t i ! I _ � \ � f.�! !I ,/ JI•. rte. 1••$'v r 1 ^f, t ..-�% r ` 'eta "^ i \ !1 \1 , IJ �.�'1 r �� i %il ' llf l A9/ 4f/ '! v j. '\ •.•,�4 �i` _i'Jl �� ')r � t�•, •ter n f r, Apo'. ,, Cat Creek Stream t & Wetland Restoration Site ! ire 1 � r•Urfut' r ,, , ^, � � -�J, - � .' I, � - 17 �.. M r i l `> 1 r: ' i'I ( ti _ 6 I 's� d tgslrip S� r�• '`:Ti.r. /} ` Lt 't• e}S 4 _. �% ^.� / �. •� '.,, //•�' ��r r � � ,fv � �' yl �Jl Ir %'a Ii �4` - ry i1/ ( I 5 ; \\``� S I{.,..yr �','•1 .,.�.' � t I i •:'I, ''.t ` n•w$�. .- i - I',�[ \1(�I•Y:�, Uf,. .irk. •.�•1 ,r' � ,"yam %l t 7�� -+ �1'�' ' i �a - , F � {d,fPr park 1 _ •/;• '✓i ", ,. , J / I C I .. �C. !x � � � � > >,_�' •M••' f �/ �.,i nlii r i .!� % 1' -B( ��.�1 .. �.�% � �j (t 1._r J\ / •..� + , r / i / l nra , -..'b i / ) ,�� J tI i��}--ah Figure 1 - Vicinity Map �- Cat Creek Stream & EQUINOX ECO Stelll ,brc +ue J.f^ `Waver �rw,rrharua :prMY � � Y. ,4 �- CatCraex - a°., Wetland Restoration Site °•-' ° °•••• �'_ ellle t AM .�� -,� Stream Restoroon Slle - LY. C", Ooanly Project No. 71 0 0.25 0.5 Directions: Front Raleigh. proceed west on I-40 towards Knoxville, Mlles TN. Merge onto US -74 (Exit 27) toward Waynesville. Follow US- 74 to exit gl US -23 /US -441. Proceed south on US -441 for 17 miles Macon County North Carolina to Cat Creek Road e Turn left onto Cat Creek Rd. and follow -I mile to Ferguson Road. Tom left on Ferguson and continue -0.5 mile to 7.5 Minute Series Corbin Knob the bridge crossing Cat Creek. The project site is upstream and downstream of the bridge. Quadrangle Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables S =rvon Applicable • see Appendix B Fig 2 Stationing Was Realigned in MY to Acematel) Depict the Stream Reaches (Sec Executne gunman Page 2) -Station ur g Includes a 25 Foot Crossing IAcreage updated based on MY4 Wetland boundan delineation Cat C« gores] b. m en umma ions e S & RM et I and / ect o. 7 .abi la Pivlect Components Riparian Wetland (Ac)' Non - Riparian Upland (Ac) Buffer (Ac) BMP Gat Creek Mime am& etla /Bro ctNa 7d Project Restoration 4,066 Footage 764 Mitigation Component or Existing Restoration Approach or n Mitigation Units "Stationing BMP Elements Comment Reach ID Feet /Acres Level Ratio ® 1 Enhancement 11 2,454 Acreage, (SMUS/WMUs) ® ®® Preservation Lnestock inclusion Cat Creel, Upper HQ Preservation bur planting bank ffe w art, out 900 If E2 90011' El 2 5 1 360 00 ) - 09 +00 (X)+()() stabibiation to 3 1 I locations Ca[ Creek Loner 770 If R Pi 818 If 11 81800 09+(X) - 17 +18 0 0 2 Se anW out 6,6216 836 Cat Creek Upper Equipment crossing Ln estock esolusion Waldroup 14381f E2 14391f 251 57560 ••17 +49 32 +13 and W merle statons buffer plarittrus Lnestock exclusion Cat Creek Lover Cattlecrossmgand buffer planting and Waldroup 482 If EI 4821f El 151 32133 34 +37 -39 +19 latenngstations structure to proxtde I I I enhanced profile Cat Creek Parker 1750 If R P1 1871 If 11 187100 39}+19 -57 +90 Gradecontrol turbulent nnles to add habitat Cm Creel. Presen a 1765 If E 18791f 151 125267 599+24 78 +03 bufferplantmg and mx asn a species management Lnuffer entings UTI 100U E2 IIS If 251 4600 I(X) +00 101 +I5 buffer planting UTI 363 If R PI 458 If 11 45800 101 +15 105 +73 — — UT2 2101f R PI 381 If 1 t 381 00 200+00 203 +81 UT3 1651f R PI 294 If 1 1 29400 300+00 302 +94 UT4 110 If R Pi 244 U 1 1 24400 400 +00 - 402 +44 R 107 11 107 -- SW an W oul Livestock exclusion, Wetlands E 051 2 1 026 remora) of dram pipe planting R 5 88 1 1 5 88 Parker Wetlands E 025 21 0 13 — Presm a Wet lands R 0 69 I I 0 69 — — E 066 21 S =rvon Applicable • see Appendix B Fig 2 Stationing Was Realigned in MY to Acematel) Depict the Stream Reaches (Sec Executne gunman Page 2) -Station ur g Includes a 25 Foot Crossing IAcreage updated based on MY4 Wetland boundan delineation = Non - Applicable 1Acreage updated based on MY4 wetland boundary delineation Cat Creek Stream & Wetland A -2 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Cat C« gores] b. m en umma ions e S & RM et I and / ect o. 7 Restoration Level Stream (10 Riparian Wetland (Ac)' Non - Riparian Upland (Ac) Buffer (Ac) BMP Riverine Non- lbvenne��s® Restoration 4,066 764 Enhancement 142 Enhancement I X�ET,36)1 ® 1 Enhancement 11 2,454 Creation ® ®® Preservation HQ Preservation ® ®� Length/Area Total 1 8,881 906 0 0 0 2 Mitigation Unit Total 6,6216 836 = Non - Applicable 1Acreage updated based on MY4 wetland boundary delineation Cat Creek Stream & Wetland A -2 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Table 3. Project Contacts Cat Creek Stream and Wetland / Pro ect No. 71 Designer AECOM 701 Corporate Center Dr , Suite 475 Raleigh, NC 27607 Primary Project Design POC Ron Johnson (919) 854 -6210 Construction Contractor Fluvial Solutions P O Box 28749 Raleigh, NC 27611 Construction Contractor POC Peter Jelenevsk (919) 605 -6134 Planting Contractor Bruton Natural Systems, Inc P O Box 1 197 Fremont, NC 27830 Planting Contractor POC Charlie Bruton (919) 242 -6555 Seeding Contractor Fluvial Solutions P O Box 28749 Raleigh, NC 27611 Seeding Contractor POC Peter Jelenevsk (919) 605 -6134 Seed Mix Sources Mellow Marsh Farm, Inc 1312 Woody Store Road Stier City, NC 27344 (919) 742 -1200 Monitoring Performers (YO) - 2010 AECOM 701 Corporate Center Dr Suite 475 Raleigh, NC 27607 Stream Monitoring POC Ron Johnson (919) 854 -6210 Monitoring Performers (Y1) - 2010 AECOM 701 Corporate Center Dr , Suite 475 Raleigh, NC 27607 Stream Monitoring POC Ron Johnson (919) 854 -6210 Monitoring Performers (Y2) - 2011 Equinox Environmental Consultation & Design, Inc 37 Haywood Street, Suite 100 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Stream Monitonn g POC Steve Melton (828) 253 -6856 Ve tation Monitoring POC Kevin Mitchell (828) 253 -6856 Wetland Monitoring POC Win Taylor (828) 253 -6856 Monitoring Performers (Y3)- 2012 Equinox Environmental Consultation & Design, Inc 37 Haywood Street, Suite 100 Asheville North Carolma 28801 Stream Monitoring POC Steve Melton (828) 253 -6856 Ve etation Monitoring POC Kevin Mitchell (828) 253 -6856 Wetland Monitoring POC Kevin M itchell (828) 253 -6856 Monitoring Performers (Y4)- 2013 Equinox Environmental Consultation & Design, Inc 37 Haywood Street, Suite 100 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Stream Monitoring POC Hunter Terrell (828) 253 -6856 Ve etation Monitoring POC Hunter Terrell (828) 253 -6856 Wetland Monitoring POC Hunter Terrell (828) 253 -6856 Monitoring Performers (Y5)- 2014 St team Monitoring POC Vegetation Monitoring POC Wet land Monitoring POC Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 A -4 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Table 4. Project Attributes Cat Creek Stream and Wetland / Project No 71 Project County Macon Ph sto ra hic Region Blue Ridge Ecore ton Blue Ridge Mountains - Broad Basins River Basin IAtlle Tennessee River USOS HUC 06010202040010 NCDW Sub -Basin 04 -04-01 Within Fxtent of EP Watershed Plan Franklin to Fontana Planning Area W RC Class Cold % of Pro ect Easement Fenced or Demarcated 1001/. Beaver Activity Observed Dung Desi n Phase Yes Restoration Component Attnbutes Cat Creek UTl UT2 UT3 UT4 Drainage Area s nu) 36 09 05 02 02 Stream Order Third Second Second First First Restored Length feet -7389 573 381 294 244 Perennial or Intermittent Perennial Watershed Type Rural Watershed LULL Distribution Forest Pasture/Managed Herbaceous Other 70% 70% 50% 90% 20% 30'/0 301/. 50% 10% 80% 01/6 0° /a 01/6 01/. 01/6 Watershed Impervious Cover 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% NCDW AU /Index Number 2 -234 2 -234 2 -234 2 -234 2234 NCDWQ Classification C 303d Dsted No Upstream of303d Listed Segment No Reasons for 303d Listing or Stressor N/A Total Acreage oMasement 389 Total Vegetated Acreage within Easement 389 Total Planted Acreage as Pan of Restoration 20 Ros en Classification of Pre asting CA Cb4 Ros en Classification of As -Bwlt C4 C4 C C Cb Valley Type VII VII Vil VII VII Valley Sloe 00062 -0015 0023 0013 0013 0048 Valley Side Slope Range 15 -301/. 15 -301/6 15 -30% 15 -30"/0 15 -301/. Valley Toe Slope Range 2 -3% 2 -3% 2 -3% 2 -3% 2 -3% Cowardm Classification Trout Waters Designation No Species ofConcenn Endangered Fie No Dommant Sod Series and Characteristics Series Depth Clay% K T Nikwasi Reddies Nikwasi Nikwasi Udonhents >60 inches >60 inches >60 inches >60 inches >Winches 5 -180/6 1 -I8% 5 -I8% 5 -180/6 N/A 05-20 05-20 05-20 05-20 N/A 3 3 3 3 000 N/A N/A Item does not apph • stationing Includes a 25 Foot Crossing Cat Creek Stream & Wetland A -5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Prepared for rA Y En as emnt PROGRAM Project: Cat Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Year 4 Monitoring Macon County, North Carolina Sheet 1 of 3 Date December 2013 Notes: 1) 2010 Aerial Photo 2) Base Map Data Provided by AECOM. 3) Wetland boundaries updated using MY4 Wetland Boundary Delineation data Project Number NCEEP # 71 Prepared by EQUINOX ENV RONMENTAL aewwu� new � renew 2. lnteurated Utirrent Condition Plan View Dral't Prepared for I Project,: Cat Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration I Notes: l) 2010 Aerial Photo I Prepared by Ecosystem PROGRAM Year 4 Monitoring Macon County, North Carolina Sheet 2 of 3 Date December 2013 2) Base Map Data Provided by AECOM. 3) Wetland boundaries updated using MY4 Wetland Boundary Delineation data Project Number NCEEP # 71 EQUINOX ENVIRONMENTAL <sw<mnnex a e.<�sw Figure 2. Integrated Current Condition Plan View Draft L �� S•� y1! i Y M 'mow W .�� r�` #�! t Cat Creek (Parker) ,- R Longitudinal Prorile Reach_ — """" _ c .f hr I 4L f� \ 4 r '� . .. of : .♦ ::. ? LT 4 X .::..; :,...... Hsu - 2 ..► • J `, .� = ,.• ' , .. .�.. -- .._ . • -�" �, UT3'\ - / .. :`� —�_" ` • " • ' �"' "" ' � Legend Easement Boundary _.___ Stream Alignment '�� • ♦ ' a 1�' / / / /// �� Roads " ::: ' ^ • ! " —� Longitudinal Profile Begin /End f / ' nS Year 4 Conditions Vegetation Plots Cross Sections Lo Vane s I• Criteria Met MY4 4 Criteria Not Met MY4 Cross Vane Hook Root Wad .,. a Welland _ ,• teGa Megt MY4 Cat Creek (Preserve) �` Rock Sill / Control Points �� Criteria Not Met MY4 • Crest Gauges .�•�. . o Bank /Bed Conditions Bed Aggradation Bed Degradation Rain Gauge Photo Points Wetlands a �Bank Erosion Mass Wasting ' ® Creation - Undercut Vegetation Problem Areas Enhancement Restoration a - rn Preservation i ` Low Stem Density 0 165 330 ® Treated Invasives - Dense B MY4- Expansion Treated Invasives - Present ® MY4- Not Meeting Wetland Criteria Prepared for Project: Cat Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Year 4 Monitoring Macon County, North Carolina Notes: 1) 2010 Aerial Photo 2) Base Map Data Provided by AECOM. 3) Wetland boundaries updated using MY4 Wetland Boundary Delineation data Prepared by �' 1t� Sheet 3 of 3 ,Fosystem t EQUINOX FNV RONMFNTAL Date Project Number PROGRAM - ' December 2013 NCEEP # 71 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Table 5. Visual Stream Morphology Stabdity Assessment Cat Creek Stream & Wetland / Project No 71 - Cat Creek Assessed I.e th 7.389 feet Number Footage Adjusted % Numher Total Numberof Amountof %Stable, with with for Major Channel Channel Metric Stable, Number in Unstable Unstable Performing Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Category Sub-Category Performing As-built Segments Footage as Intended Woody Woody Woody as Intended Vegetation Vegetation Vegetation 1 Bed I Awadatton - Bar format ton /growth sufficient to significantly deflect I I 1 100% 1 Vertical Stability flow lateral) (not to include point bars) 2 Deeadation Evidence of downcuttmg 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run Units) 2 RiMe Condition 1 Text Riffle maintains coarser substrate 43 43 100% 1 Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth Mean Bankfull Depth a 1 6) 42 42 100% 3 Meander Pool Condition 2 Length appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of upstream riffle and head of downstream riffle) 42 42 100% I T halweg cent ering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 42 42 100% 4 Thalweg Position 2 Thalwegoentermgat downstream of meander bend (Glide) 42 42 100% 2 Bank 1 Scoured / Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or 7 194 990/0 6 80 990/0 scour and erosion Banks undercut /overhanging to the extent that mass wastingappears likely 2 Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are 1 15 100% N/A N/A N/A providing habitat 3 Mass Wasting Bank slumping calving or collapse 1 21 100% N/A N/A N/A Totals 9 230 98% 6 80 999/. 3 Engineered I Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs 21 21 100% Structures 2 Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 13 13 100% 2a Piping Structures lackmgany substantial flow underneath sills or arms 18 18 100% 3 Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does NOT exceed 17 17 100% 15% 15 Pool forming structures maintaining' Max Pool Depth Mean Bankfull Pool 4 Habitat Ratio ? 1 6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base -flow 14 14 I00% N/A - Item does not apply Cat Creek Stream & Wetland B -4 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Table 5. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Cat Creek Stream & Wetland / Project No. 71 - UT1 Assessed I e nath 573 feet Number Number Footage Adjusted % Major Channel Channel Stable, Total Number of Amount of % Stable, with with for Category Sub Category Metric Ps Number in Unstable Unstable Performing Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing As built Segments Footage as Intended Woody Woody Woody Intended as Intended Vegetation Vegetation Vegetation 1 Bed I Awadation - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly 1 Vertical Stability deflect flow lateral) not to include point bars 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run Units) 2 Degradation - Evidence of downcuttmg 0 0 100% 2 Riffle Condition I Texture/Substrate -Riffle maintains coarser substrate 7 7 100% 3 Meander Pool I Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth Mean Bankfull Depth >_ 1 6) 6 6 1001/6 Condition 2 Lenysh ap prop nate (>30% of centerlmedistance between tad of upstream nffle and head of downstream nffle 6 6 100% 1 Thalweg centenng at upstream of meander bend (Rim) 6 6 100% 4 Thalweg Position 1000/ 2 Thalweg centenng at downstream of meander bend (Glide) 7 7 2 Bank 1 Scoured /Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth 0 0 1001/6 N/A N/A N/A and/or scour and erosion Banks undercut /overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2 Undercut likely Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear 0 0 100% N/A N/A N/A sustainable and are providing habitat 3 Mass Wasting Bank slump mg calving, or collapse 0 0 100% N/A N/A N/A Totals 0 0 1000/0 N/A N/A N/A 3 Engineered I Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs 3 3 100% Structures 2 Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 2 2 1000/0 2a Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or anus 2 2 100% 3 Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does NOT 3 3 1000/ exceed 15% Pool forming structures maintaining - Max Pool Depth Mean F41H abita[ B Depth Ratio? 16 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 3 3 100% base -Flow N/A - Item does not apply Cat Creek Stream & Wetland B -5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Table 5. Visual Stream Morphology Stabdky Assessment Cat Creek Stream & Wetland / Project No 71 - UT2 Assessed Le ngth 381 feet Number Footage Adjusted % Number Total Number of Amount of % Stable, with with for Major Channel Channel Metric Stable, Number to Unstable Unstable Performing Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Category Sub Category Ps As -built Segments Footage as Intended Woody Woody Woody as Intennter ded d Vegetation Vegetation Vegetation 1 Bed 1 Aiigradation - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly 1 Vertical Stability deflect flow laterally not to include point bars 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run Units) 2 Dwradation - Evidence of downcutting 0 0 100% 2 Riffle Condition 1 Texture/Substrate - Riffle maintains coarser substrate 5 5 100% I Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth Mean Bankfull Depth ? 1 6) 4 4 100% 3 Meander Pool Condition 2 Leneth appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of upstream riffle and head of downstream nffle 4 4 100% I Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 4 4 100% 4 Thalweg Position 2 Thalweg centenngat downstream of meander bend (Ghde) 4 4 100% 2 Bank 1 Scoured / Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth 0 0 100% N/A N/A N/A and/or scour and erosion Banks undercut /overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2 Undercut likely Does NOT include undercuts that are modest appear 0 0 100% N/A N/A N/A sustainable and are providing habitat 3 Mass Wasting Bank slumping calving or collapse 0 0 100% N/A N/A N/A Totals 0 0 100% N/A N/A N/A 3 Engineered 1 Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs 2 2 100% Structures 2 Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 2 2 100% 2a Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms 2 2 100% 3 Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does NOT N/A N/A N/A exceed 15% Pool forming structures maintaining — Max Pool Depth Mean 4 Habitat Bankfull Depth Ratio? 16 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at N/A N/A N/A base -flow N/A - Item does not apply Cat Creek Stream & Wetland B -6 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Table 5. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Cat Creek Stream & Wetiand / Project No. 71 - UT3 Assessed Le ngth 294 feet Number Number Footage Adjusted Mayor Channel Channel Slade, Total Number of Amount of % Stable, with with for Category Sub Category Metric Performing Number in Unstable Unstable Performing Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing As -built Segments Footage as Intended Woody Woody Woody as Intended Vegetation Vegetation Vegetation 1 Bed 1 Awadatton - Bar formation/growih sufficient to significantly 1 Vertical Stability deflect flow laterally not to include point bars 0 0 I00 (Riffle and Run Units) 2 Deeradahon - Evidence of downcuthng 0 0 100% 2 Riffle Condition 1 Texture/Substrate - Riffle maintains coarser substrate 4 4 100% 3 Meander Pool I Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth Mean Bankfull Depth Z 1 6) 3 3 100% Condition 2 Length appropriate (>30% of centerhne distance between tail of upstream riffle and head of downstream nffle 3 3 100% 1 Thalweg centenngat upstream of meander bend (Run) 3 3 1000/0 4 Thalweg Position 100% 2 Thalweg centenng at downstream of meander bend (Glide) 3 3 2 Bank i Scoured /Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth 0 0 100% N/A N/A N/A and/or scour and erosion Banks undercut /overhanging to the extent that mass wastmg appears 2 Undercut likely Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear 0 0 1000/0 N/A N/A N/A sustainable and are providing habitat 3 Mass Wasting Bank slumping calving, or collapse 0 0 100% N/A N/A N/A Totals 0 0 100% N/A N/A N/A 3 Engineered 1 Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs 2 2 100% Structures 2 Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 2 2 100% 2a Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms 2 2 100% 3 Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does NOT N/A N/A N/A exceed 15% Pool forming structures maintaining" Max Pool Depth Mean F4H,b,,,,, Bankfull Depth Ratio> 16 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at N/A N/A N/A base -flow NSA Item does not apply Cat Creek Stream & Wetland B -7 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Table 5. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Cat Creek Stream & Wetland / Project No. 71 - UT4 Assessed Le ngth 244 feet Number Footage Adjusted % Number Number of Amount of % Stable, with with for Major Channel Channel Metric Number in Unstable Unstable Performing Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Category Sub Category Perform, ing rform' As -built Segments Footage as Intended Woody Woody Woody as Intended Vegetation Vegetation Vegetation 1 Bed I Aeeradation - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly 0 0 100% 1 Vertical Stability deflect flow laterally not to include point bars 2 Dearadation - Evidence of downcuttmg. 1 50 80% (Riffle and Run Units) 2 Riffle Condition 1 Texture/Substrate Riffle maintains coarser substrate 5 5 100% I Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth Mean Bankfull Depth 2 1 6) 4 4 100% 3 Meander Pool Condition 2 Lenigh appropnate (>301/o of centerline distance between tail of upstream riffle and head of downstream nffle 4 4 1000/0 1 Thalweg centenngat upstream of meander bend (Run) 4 4 1000/0 4 Thalweg Position 2 Thalweg centenng at downstream of meander bend (Glide) 4 4 1001/0 2 Bank I Scoured /Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth 0 0 1001/0 N/A N/A N/A and/or scour and erosion Banks undercut /overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2 Undercut likely Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear 0 0 100% N/A N/A N/A sustainable and are providing habitat 3 Mass Wasting Bank slumping calving, or collapse 0 0 1001/0 N/A N/A N/A Totals 0 0 1001/0 N/A N/A N/A 3 Engineered I Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs 2 2 100% Structures 2 Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 2 2 100% 2a Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms 2 2 100% Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does NOT 3 Bank Protection exceed 15% 2 2 100/ Pool forming structures maintaining` Max Pool Depth Mean 4 Habitat Bankfull Depth Ratio? 1 6 Rootwads /logs providing some cover at 2 2 100% base -flow N/A - Item does not apply Cat Creek Stream & Wetland B -8 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Table 6. Vegetation Condition Assessment Cat Creek Stream & Wetland / Project No. 71 Planted Acreage 20 Number of Combined % of Vegetation Category Definitions CCPV Depiction Planted Polygons Acreage Acreage 1 Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material N/A 0 000 0% 2 Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on M Y3, Stipple 6 010 <1% 4, or 5 stem count criteria Orangp Dots White Background Totals 6 010 <1% 3 Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small igiven N/A 0 000 0% the monitoringyear Cumulative Totals 6 010 <1% Easement Acreage 38 9 % of Vegetation Category Definitions CCPV Depiction Number of Combined Easement Polygons Acreage Acreage 4 Invasive Areas of Concern Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale) Cross Hatch 43 676 17% (Red - Dense(Yellow - Present) 5 Easement Encroachment Areas Areas or pomts (if too small to render as polygons at map scale) 0 000 0% Purple Dots White Background N/A - Item does not apply Cat Creek Stream & Wetland B -9 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitonng Year 4 of 5 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Cat Creek — Permanent Photo Station 1 Station 3 +65 - Downstream Cat Creek — Permanent Photo Station 2 Station 6 +30 - Downstream Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F B -10 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Cat Creek — Permanent Photo Station 3 Station 15 +98 - Downstream Cat Creek Stream & Wetland I Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Cat Creek — Permanent Photo Station 4 Station 34 +70 - Downstream B -I 1 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Cat Creek — Permanent Photo Station 5 Station 50 +20 - Upstream Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Cat Creek — Permanent Photo Station 6 Station 57 +36 - Downstream B -12 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Cat Creek — Permanent Photo Station 7 Station 61+43 - Downstream Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 UT4 — Permanent Photo Station 8 Station 402 +08 - Upstream B -13 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Cat Creek — Permanent Photo Station 9 Station 65 +80 - Downstream Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Cat Creek — Permanent Photo Station 10 Station 67 +88 - Downstream B -14 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Appendix C Table 7. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Cat Creek / Project No. 71 Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Survival Threshold Met? Tract Mean 1 Yes 71% 2 No 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 Yes 6 Yes 7 No 8 Yes 9 Yes 10 No 1 l Yes 12 No 13 Yes 14 Yes Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Vegetation Plot Data C -1 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2 Monitoring Year 4 — August 20, 2013 C -2 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Vegetation Monitoring Plot 3 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 4 Monitoring Year 4 — August 20, 2013 C -3 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Vegetation Monitoring Plot 5 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 6 Monitoring Year 4 — August 20, 2013 C -4 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Vegetation Monitoring Plot 7 Monitoring Year 4 — August 20, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 8 Monitoring Year 4 — August 20, 2013 C -5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Vegetation Monitoring Plot 9 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 10 Monitoring Year 4 — August 20, 2013 C -6 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Vegetation Monitoring Plot 11 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 12 Monitoring Year 4 — August 20, 2013 C -7 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Vegetation Monitoring Plot 13 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 14 Monitoring Year 4 — August 20, 2013 C -8 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Table•8. ,CV,SWegetatlontP_lotA 6tadata l aWireek PPi6jectAo. 71 Report Prepared By Hunter Terrell Date Prepared 11/5/2013 9 24 Database Name E uinox- 2013- A- CatCreek -MY4 mdb Database Location Z \ES \NRI &M \EEP Monitonn \Cat Creek \CC -MY4- 2013 \Data \Ve Computer Name FIELDTECH2 -PC File Size 156651776 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN)THOWbOCUMENT Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data Prol, Planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year This excludes live stakes Prol, Total Stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural /volunteer stems Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots Vigor b Spp Frequency distribution of vn or classes listed by species Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each lot, dead and missing stems are excluded ALL Stems by Plot and spp A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot, dead and missing stems are excluded PROJECT, SUMMARY Pro ect Code 71 project Name Cat Creek Description River Basin Little Tennessee Length(ft) Stream-to-Edge Width ft Area m Required Plots calculated Sam led Plots 14 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 C -9 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 Appendix C Table 9. Planted and Total Stem Counts (Spedes by Plot with Annual Means) EEP Proled Code 71. Proleet Name: Cat Creek Vegetation Assessment Data uirements by lu% uirements, but by less than 10% Falls to ttteet requirements, by less than 10% -nowt requirements by more than 10% Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 C -10 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Current Plot Data 2013) Annual Means lczmiii ICNE iii i iii IKOHMOE NEREEM i � MGM i i iii: i i iii• i �i i i i ii i ii i� i ii �� lilt I III I 91M., Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES)� Species count uirements by lu% uirements, but by less than 10% Falls to ttteet requirements, by less than 10% -nowt requirements by more than 10% Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 C -10 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Appendix D 2113 2112 2111 w 2110 C O CO 2109 w 2108 2107 2106 0+0( Stream Survey Data Cat Creek - Swartwout Cross - Section 1 - Riffle Station 11 + 16 0+05 0 +10 0 +15 0 +20 0 +25 0 +30 0 +35 0 +40 0 +45 0+50 0 +55 Station (feet) • As -built 2010 MY1 12/2010 MY2 5/25/2011 MY3 4/11/2012 —,0—MY4 4/1/2013 -- Bkf Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -1 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 1 — Riffle Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Cross - Section 1 — Riffle Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 D -2 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 1 — Riffle Downstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cross - Section 1 — Riffle Upstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -3 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D 2110 2109 2108 2107 c 0 2106 UJ 2105 2104 2103 0+0( Stream Survey Data Cat Creek- Swartwout Cross - Section 2 - Pool Station 12 + 86 0+05 0 +10 0 +15 0 +20 0 +25 0 +30 0 +35 0 +40 0 +45 0 +50 0 +55 Station (feet) - - As -built 2010 VlN'I 12/2010 MY2 5/25/2011 VIY3 4/11/2012 --O--Ml'4 4/1/2013 - - -= Bkf Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -4 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 2 — Pool Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cross - Section 2 — Pool Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 2 — Pool Downstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cross - Section 2 — Pool Upstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -6 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D 2110 2109 2108 w 2107 0 w 2106 W 2105 2104 2103 0+00 Stream Survey Data Cat Creek- Swartwout Cross - Section 3 - Riffle Station 13 + 50 0 +05 0 +10 0 +15 0 +20 0 +25 0 +30 0 +35 0+40 0 +45 0+50 Station (feet) As -built 2010 M)'1 12/2010 MY2 5/25/2011 ` MfY3 4/11/2012 —'O-- N1Y4 4/1/2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -7 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 3 — Riffle Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cross - Section 3 — Riffle Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -8 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 3 — Riffle Downstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cross - Section 3 — Riffle Upstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -9 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D 2078 2077 2076 2075 a� w G 0 2074 a� W 2073 2072 2071 2070 0+00 Stream Survey Data Cat Creek - Parker Cross - Section 4 - Pool Station 40 + 96 0+05 0 +10 0 +15 0 +20 0 +25 0 +30 0 +35 0 +40 0 +45 0 +50 0 +55 Station (feet) As -built 2010 MYI 12/2010 MY2 5/25/2011 Ml'3 4/11/2012 — O--MY4 4/1/2013 - -- Bkf Cat Creek Stream & Wetland 1 D I U Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 4 — Pool Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cross - Section 4 — Pool Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -I I Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 4 — Pool Downstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cross - Section 4 — Pool Upstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -12 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D 2076 2075 2074 w w 2073 a 0 tu 2072 W 2071 2070 2069 0+00 Stream Sur�c� Data Cat Creek - Parker Cross - Section 5 - Riffle Station 44 + 04 0+05 0 +10 0 +15 0 +20 0 +25 0 +30 0 +35 0 +40 0 +45 0 +50 0+55 Station (feet) —• — As -built 2010 MYl 12/2010 MY2 5/25/2011 - ` MY3 4/11/2012 " MY4 4/1/2013 - -- Bkf Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -13 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 5 — Riffle Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Cross - Section 5 — Riffle Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 D -14 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 5 — Riffle Downstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Cross - Section 5 — Riffle Upstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 D -15 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D 2076 2075 2074 2073 W w c .0 2072 v 2071 2070 2069 2068 0+00 Stream Survey Data Cat Creek - Parker Cross - Section 6 - Pool Station 45 + 06 0 +05 0 +10 0 +15 0 +20 0 +25 0 +30 0 +35 0 +40 0 +45 0+50 0 +55 Station (feet) - -As -built 2010 MY1 12 /2010 NIY2 5/25/2011 NIY3 4/11/2012 —,*—° MY4 4/1/2013 - - — - Bkf Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -10 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 6 — Pool Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Cross - Section 6 — Pool Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 D -17 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 6 — Pool Downstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cross - Section 6 — Pool Upstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -18 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D 2074 2073 2072 2071 w c 0 2070 ee a 2069 2068 2067 2066 0+00 Stream Survey Data Cat Creek - Parker Cross - Section 7 - Riffle Station 48 + 31 0+05 0 +10 0 +15 0 +20 0 +25 0 +30 0 +35 0 +40 0 +45 0 +50 0+55 Station (feet) As -built 2010 MY] 12/2010 MY2 5/25/2011 MY3 4/12/2012 —"G— MY4 4/2/2013 - -- Bkf Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -19 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 7 — Riffle Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 Cross - Section 7 — Riffle Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -20 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 7 — Riffle Downstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 Cross - Section 7 — Riffle Upstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -21 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D 2072 2071 2070 2069 v w c 0 2068 i 67 W 2067 2066 2065 2064 0+00 Stream Survey Data Cat Creek- Parker Cross - Section 8 - Riffle Station 51 + 17 0+05 0 +10 0 +15 0 +20 0 +25 0 +30 0 +35 0 +40 0 +45 0 +50 0 +55 Station (feet) • As -built 2010 NINA 12/2010 MV2 5/26/2011 MY3 4/12/2012 `--- N1Y4 4/2/2013 - - -' Bkf Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -22 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 Janua ry 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 8 — Riffle Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Cross - Section 8 — Riffle Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 D -23 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 8 — Riffle Downstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 Cross - Section 8 — Riffle Upstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -24 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D 2071 2070 2069 2068 a� w 2067 0 0 ro 2066 w 2065 2064 2063 2062 0+00 Stream Survey Data Cat Creek- Parker Cross - Section 9 - Pool Station 54 + 10 0+05 0 +10 0 +15 0 +20 0 +25 0 +30 0 +35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 Station (feet) As -built 2010 1VIY1 12/2010 MY2 5/26/2011 —.__ MY3 4/12/2012 MY4 4/2/2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -25 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 9 — Pool Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 Cross - Section 9 — Pool Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -26 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 9 — Pool Downstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 Cross - Section 9 — Pool Upstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -27 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D 2069 2068 2067 y 2066 e 0 ca v 2065 W 2064 2063 2062 0 +00 Stream Survey Data Cat Creek - Parker Cross- Section 10 - Riffle Station 55 + 48 0+05 0 +10 0 +15 0 +20 0 +25 0 +30 0 +35 0 +40 0 +45 0 +50 0 +55 Station (feet) - As -built 2010 MYI 12/2010 NlN'2 5/26/2011 MY3 4/12/2012 Ml'4 4/2/2013 - - -' Bkf Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -28 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 10 — Riffle Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Cross - Section 10 —Riffle Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 D -29 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 10 —Riffle Downstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Cross - Section 10 —Riffle Upstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 D -30 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D 2068 2067 2066 w 2065 c 0 ea a 2064 w 2063 2062 2061 0+00 Stream Survey Data Cat Creek - Parker Cross - Section 11 - Pool Station 56 + 22 0+05 0 +10 0 +15 0 +20 0 +25 0 +30 0 +35 0 +40 0 +45 0 +50 0 +55 Station (feet) As -built 2010 MYl 12/2010 N1Y2 5/26/2011 -` W3 4/12/2012 • MY4 4/2/2013 - -_ Bk' Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -31 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 11 — Pool Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Cross - Section 11 — Pool Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 D -32 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cross - Section 11 —Pool Downstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 Cross - Section 11 — Pool Upstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 2, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -33 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D 2111 2110 2109 w 2108 C O r+ C� 2107 W 2106 2105 2104 0+00 Stream Survey Data UT 1 Cross - Section 1 - Riffle Station 102 + 68 0+05 0 +10 0 +15 0 +20 0 +25 0 +30 0 +35 0+40 0+45 0 +50 0 +55 Station (feet) �— As -built 2010 NIl 1 12/2010 MY2 5/25/2011 – +– MY3 4/11/2012 -0- MY4 4/1/2013 - -- BkI Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -34 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data UT 1 Cross - Section 1 — Riffle Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 UT 1 Cross - Section 1 —Riffle Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 D -35 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data UT1 Cross - Section 1 —Riffle Downstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 UT Cross - Section 1 —Riffle Upstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 D -36 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D 21ox 2107 2106 w as w c 0 2105 a� W 2104 2103 2102 0+00 Stream Survey Data UT Cross - Section 2 - Pool Station 104 + 09 0+05 0 +10 0 +15 0 +20 0 +25 0 +30 0 +35 0+40 0 +45 0+50 0 +55 Station (feet) As -built 2010 MYl 12/2010 MY2 5/25/2011 MY3 4/11/2012 —Is— W4 4/1/2013 - -- Bkf Cat Creek Stream & Wetland I) -37 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data UT 1 Cross - Section 2 —Pool Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 UT 1 Cross - Section 2 —Pool Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 D -38 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data UT Cross - Section 2 —Pool Downstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 UT Cross - Section 2 —Pool Upstream Monitoring Year 4 — April 1, 2013 D -39 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 R 0 N 7 E b M O + L L 1 3a� + 1 r 0 � � C O U x a Q In e� ,., o� r In 1►, r. r. N N N N N N N (;aaj) UOIJUAala 1h� U N r F ti N 0 c a O c -� 0 s 3 a �O c 0 U _R Y 0] �v Y 07 p w. 8 � C � LU � x c N N Q WC, W 1h� N r F O s 3 �O Y 0] O N Q L 1 1 C O yr c N N Q s �O 11 s N N r F 3 :C L F 0 0 S R L F CI 0 0 m Q �O a r 0 0 N N N b c @ v 3 '^ w E V 0 yz Appendix D 2a R 2( 2072 2070 w c 0 R 2068 W 2066 2064 2062 • XS6 -P Cat Creek- Parker Longitudinal Profile Stationing 40 +35 - 57 +07 Average Bankfull Slope • • i ® 1 Stream Survey Data 2060 ' 1 1 1 >t�XO >t�XOo 96Y&o y�X00 soY*o s2�0 s9X190 s6Y*0 19 Station (feet) –�— As -Built 2010 Thalweg MY1 12/2010 • Bkf N'S Structures MV2 Linear (Bkf) Thalweg MY2 5/26/2011 Thalweg M1"3 4/12/2012 Thalweg MN 4 4/2/2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -41 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No. 71 Janua ry 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D 2115 2113 2111 2109 2107 w e 0 e� 2105 W 2103 2101 2099 2097 IO 1� O Stream Survey Data UTI Longitudinal Profile Stationing 101 +59 - 105 +53 ror�O ,ter O 10�X&0 10 0 jo p�O 10 0 losXOO 1OS O Station (feet) — +— 'As- Built2010 ThafwegMY112 /2010 ThalwegMY25 /26/2011 Th alweg MN 3 4/11/2012 — ThalwegMY44 /1/2013 • Bkf N'S Struc[uresM12 Linear(Bkf) Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -42 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No. 71 Janua ry 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data }.r yaJd',1 Cat�Cree 'kiStrea><n &Wetlana�7S: "•fit- )PebbleCount Summary " D50 Monitormg Year 4 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt /Clay sdt/clay 0 062 5 50% 5% Sand very fine sand 0 125 0 00% 5% fine sand 025 0 00% 5% medium sand 050 8 80% 13% coarse sand 100 0 00% 13% very coarse sand 200 19 190% 32% Gravel very fine gravel 40 2 20% 34% fine gravel 57 3 30% 37% fine gravel 80 3 30% 40% medium gravel 113 10 99% 50% medium gravel 160 6 59% 56% coarse gravel 223 3 30% 59% coarse gravel 32 4 400/. 63% very coarse gravel 45 4 40% 67% very coarse gravel 64 2 20% 69% Cobble small cobble 90 3 30% 72% medium cobble 128 13 129% 85% large cobble 180 14 139% 98% very large cobble 256 1 100/0 99% Boulder small boulder 362 0 000/0 99% small boulder 512 0 000/0 99% medium boulder 1024 0 000/0 99% large boulder 2048 0 000/0 99% very large boulder 4096 0 00% 99% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 00% 99% TOTALS 100 100% 1 99% Summary Data D50 11 D84 120 D95 160 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -43 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Unt Creek - sweulwout Pebble Count - Percent Cumulative Cross- Section 1- RIMe Stream Survey Data F: 1'i 11 - - z _ :O .1 1. Y a R m $ y, - - m y 0 0 , Pwtide size 4rn —X Brtk694010 -- Mi121610 --51Y2 5,261011 — MY36'21IOU lw J.� 90• 80• ro• r 60• Pebble Count - Percent Individual dD• l :o• :o• 10• cN. F: 1'i 11 - - z _ :O .1 1. Y a R m $ y, - - m y 0 0 , Pwtide size 4rn —X Brtk694010 -- Mi121610 --51Y2 5,261011 — MY36'21IOU —M iN 262013 CatCreek - Swartwout Pebble Count - Percent Individual Cross- Section 1- Riffle s( 't 6( 4( - 3( 2( Ag - >lt V G f4 eV r_,.' 4-1 ^^l -r �'z ON � 00 N NZ v, o � Paj -dde Size (min) C O d O •, ea -t QU ■As -Built 6'9 ?2010 El 1\1Y11212010 0 MY2 5,26 ?2011 ■MY3 6 11.1012 ■AIY 48 +20 +201 r L i r w v 04 A� 6 10 v A O� a 6b 6 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -44 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data CatiGq, kistreWetla�nd %ProjectNo 7 ;1� �n ` a,�._ ' Cat�Creeka.�Swa>rtv�iit Cross- Sectton�2�- ,�Pool� , �Petitile�Cou t�S ` *u�iary , ' D50 Monitormg Year 4 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt /Clay sdt/clay 0 062 39 390% 39% Sand very fine sand 0 125 0 00% 39% fine sand 025 7 70% 46% medium sand 050 14 140% 60% coarse sand 100 6 60% 66% very coarse sand 200 4 40% 70% Gravel very fine gravel 40 0 00% 70% fine gravel 57 0 00% 70% fine gravel 80 0 00% 70% medium gravel 113 2 20% 72% medium gravel 160 2 20% 74% coarse gravel 223 2 20% 76% coarse gravel 32 7 69% 83% very coarse gravel 45 7 69% 90% very coarse gravel 64 5 50% 95% Cobble small cobble 90 3 30% 98% medium cobble 128 3 30% 101% large cobble 180 0 00% 101% very large cobble 256 0 00% 101% Boulder small boulder 362 0 00% 101% small boulder 512 0 00% 101% medtmn boulder 1024 0 00% 101% large boulder 2048 0 00% 101% very large boulder 4096 0 00% 101% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 00% 101% TOTALS1 101 1 101% 1 101% Summary Data D50 0 062 D84 35 D95 71 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -45 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek- Swarhvout Pebble Count- Percent Cumulative Cross - Section 2 - Pool 100% – 90% r� 80% — - ZOO 60% y 50 %lz 40% v 30 %t OW 20 %= M 10% 0% CJ 00 � �,^. N N �r, `7 O 00 O �D N N �f 0'� �O G O •�+ N R — As- Bui1t6 /9/2010- 1%/1Y112 /2010 —NIY25 /26 /2011 —IVIY3 6/21/2012 —NIY4 8/20/2013 Cat Creek - Swarhvout Pebble Count - Percent Individual Cross- Section 2 - Pool 70% 60% 500 'C 400i� a 30°C a - - _ – 10% r4 Ir i 4f O O O r1 N `T Pai, ide Size (mm) ■ As- Bttilt 6/9/2010 ■ AlY112 /2010 ■ 1VIY2 5/26/2011 ■ lvIY3 6/21/2012 ■ MY4 8 /20/201 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -46 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat,CreekwStreamt &-�Wetlandl/ Project -No. 71 Cat,0vek - PSwaitvw�at � Cross- Sectlonr3 Rile POWICoaut Swiunary D50 Monitoring Year 4 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt /Clay sildclay 0 062 5 50% 5% Sand very fine sand 0 125 0 00% 5% fine sand 025 20 200% 25% medium sand 050 14 140% 39% coarse sand 100 3 30% 42% very coarse sand 200 4 40% 46% Gravel very fine gravel 40 2 20% 48% fine gravel 57 0 00% 48% fore gravel 80 1 10%. 49% medium gravel 113 7 69% 56% medium gravel 160 6 59% 62% coarse gravel 223 6 59% 68% coarse gravel 32 10 99% 78% very coarse gravel 45 9 89% 87% very coarse gravel 64 3 30% 90% Cobble small cobble 90 5 50% 95% medium cobble 128 5 50% 99% large cobble 180 5 50% 104% very large cobble 256 0 00-/. 104% Boulder small boulder 362 0 00% 104% small boulder 512 0 00% 104% medium boulder 1024 0 00% 104% large boulder 2048 0 00% 104% very large boulder 4096 0 00% 104% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 00% 104% TOTALS1 105 105% 1 104% Summary Data D50 87 D84 56 D95 130 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -47 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data ('at Creek- Swartwout Pebble Count- Percent Cumulative Cross- Section 3 - Riffle — - - -- — - -T, 100IRO - = 90% 80% Q -� "0 %i7 60% at ya�+ °io ,40 W 40%5d 30 %9 20 %a � - R 10%s C 0% V (-I W7 V� �!� -�I N T �D 00 \O PI r•1 I T f� 00 O b N N T 00 \D 00 If hl M V, O O O O p � N T —As-Built 6 /9/2010—h'1Y1 12/2010 °+ - n W2 5/26/201 1 14 —IVIY3 6/21/2012 — o—hiY4 8/20/2013 Cat Creek- Swartwout Pebble Count - Percent Individual Cross-Section 3 - Riffle `0% 60% 50 -A? .b 40 301 z i 2001 10% °/0 0 ('J v, Vi Ito -, CA rt 14 00 \-O N 4-1 Ito -r C:� 00 O �O N N rt 00 �O -T tp ON 00 N %0 b v! O O d O G Particle Size (mm) ■As -Built 6/9/2010 0 W1 12/2010 0 XIY2 5 /26/2011 ■ 1V1Y3 6/21/2012 ■ IVIY4 8 /20/201 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -48 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek Stream* Wetlandk /Project No., 71 Cat Creek - -- Parker- ��Cross.Sectfon�4 - �Pool- Petible,Countvgii mum ry D50 Monitormg Year 4 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt /Clay sdUclay 0 062 7 7% 7% Sand very fine sand 0 125 4 4% 11% fine sand 025 3 3% 14% medttun sand 050 4 4% 18% coarse sand 100 7 7% 25% very coarse sand 200 2 2% 27% Gravel very fine gravel 40 0 0% 27% fine gravel 57 0 0% 27% fine gravel 80 4 4% 31% medium gravel 113 9 9% 40% medn.un gravel 160 10 10% 50% coarse gravel 223 10 100/0 59% coarse gravel 32 15 15% 74% very coarse gravel 45 14 14% 88% very coarse gravel 64 10 10% 98% Cobble small cobble 90 2 2% 1000/0 medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 1000/0 very large cobble 256 0 0% 100 ° /a Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 1000/0 very large boulder 4096 0 0% 1000/0 Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0 °/U 100% TOTALS 101 100% 100% Summary Data D50 16 D84 41 D95 57 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -49 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -50 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Cat Creek- Parker Pebble Count - Percent Cumulative C ross- Section 4 - Pool -- - -- -- - - - -- — �' 100% Ir 90% 80% r 70% F' V d C 60% iz d 50% V a 40% > a 30% e U 20% 10% 0% 7 m Particle Size (mm) BAs -Built 6/9/2010 — - MY1 12/2010 °- MY2 5/26/2011 MY3 6/21/2012 MY4 4/2/2013 Cat Creek - Parker Pebble Count - Percent Individual Cross-Section 4 - Pool - . - o 70% 60% 50% 7 40 C d u 30% u a 20% 10% ILL' 0% O C - N M N O O O O 9 d m Particle Size (mm) ■As- Built 6 /9/2011 ■MY112 /2010 ©MY25/26/2011 ■ MY3 6/21/2012 ■MY4 4/2/2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -50 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek_Stream,& Wetland;/ ProjectWo. 71 Cat Creek -,Parker -- Cross4ectionES°- Ai81e Pebtile'Count Summary D50 Monrtormg Year 4 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt /Clay sdUclay 0 062 2 2% 2% Sand very fine sand 0 125 5 5% 7% fine sand 025 1 1% 8% medium sand 050 3 3% 11% coarse sand 100 8 8% 19% very coarse sand 200 1 1% 20% Gravel very fine gravel 40 1 1% 21% fine gravel 57 2 2% 23% fine gravel 80 2 2% 25% medium gravel 113 9 9% 34% medium gravel 160 5 5% 39% coarse gravel 223 9 9% 48% coarse gravel 32 16 X16% 64% very coarse gravel 45 11 11% 75% very coarse gravel 64 6 6% 81% Cobble small cobble 90 1 1% 82% medium cobble 128 5 5% 87% large cobble 180 6 6% 93% very large cobble 256 3 3% 96% Boulder small boulder 362 2 2% 98% small boulder 512 2 2% 100% medtun boulder 1024 0 0% 1 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% very large boulder 4096 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0% 100% TOTALS 1 100 100% 100% Summary °Data D50 23 D84 100 D95 230 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -51 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -52 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Cat Creek - Parker Pebble Count - Percent Cumulative Cross-Section 5 - Riffle - 100% 90% — 80% c m L F 70% L C � 60 % [i•. e u 50 40% > a 30% E U 20 10% 0% O O O N T 7 C1 Particle Size (mm) BAs -Built 6/9/2010 "" MY 1 12/2010 MY2 5/26/2011 _MY36/21/2012 MY44/2/2013 Cat Creek - Parker Pebble Count - Percent Individual Cross - Section 5 - Riffle - - - - - - -- - 80% 70% 60 50 40 c u `u 30% a 20% 10% h L L 0% O p N M V7 O O O O V m Particle Size (mm) ■As-Built 6/9/2010 ®MYl 12/2010 ® MY2 5/26/2011 ■MY36/21/2012 ■MY44/2/2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -52 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek Streamp &'Wetlands / Prroject No:,'7�1, Cat,Creek - ;,Parker,- Gros s- Section,6 =Pool` Pebble Count.Summary D50 Monitormg Year 4 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt /Clay stidclay 0 062 4 4% 4% Sand very fine sand 0 125 5 5% 9% fine sand 025 5 5% 14% medium sand 050 13 13% 27% coarse sand 100 10 10% 37% very coarse sand 200 7 7% 44% Gravel very fine gravel 40 0 0% 44% fine gravel 57 1 1% 45% fine gravel 80 5 5% 50% medium gravel 113 12 12% 62% medium gravel 160 13 13% 75% coarse gravel 223 11 11% 86% coarse gravel 32 10 10% 96% very coarse gravel 45 2 2% 98% very coarse gravel 64 0 00/0 98% Cobble small cobble 90 2 2% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 00/0 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0 °/U 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0 °/U 100% very large boulder 4096 0 00/0 100% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0% 100% TOTALS 100 100% 100% Summary Data D50 8 D84 21 D95 31 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -53 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -54 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Cat Creek - Parker Pebble Count - Percent Cumulative Cross - Section 6 - Pool 100% 90% 80% C 70% Z F u _ 60% e G. C W 50% is d a ,�°� 40% > C m 30% E 20% 0 10% O .N. N O — � N r, .t O O � 0p 1/ `O .-• N 0% 7 P O O Ci Particle Size (mm) —'—As -Built 6 /9/2010 MYl 12/2010 MY2 5/26/2011 T MY3 6/21/2012 MY4 4/2/2013 Cat Creek - Parker Pebble Count - Percent Individual Cross - Section 6 - Pool - 80% 70% 60% o 50% 40% 9 C V 30% d a 20% 01A 10% .1 0% O 00 O �O N N 7 00 O Y O p N M Vi O O O O cc Particle Size (mm) ■As- Built6 /9/2010 13MY112 /2010 ®MY25/26/2011 ■MY36/21/2012 ■MY44/2/2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -54 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek •Stream; &`WetlkndkJ-Project�No. 71 Cat Creek —Parker - ,Cross- Section,7 -Riffle Pebble, Count�Summary D50 Monitormg Year 4 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt /Clay sdt/clay 0 062 5 5% 5% Sand very fine sand 0 125 1 1% 6% fine sand 025 3 3% 9% medium sand 050 7 7% 16% coarse sand 100 11 11% 27% very coarse sand 200 11 11% 38% Gravel very fine gravel 40 0 00/0 38% fine gravel 57 2 2% 40% fine gravel 80 3 3% 43% medium gravel 113 13 13% 56% medium gravel 160 13 13% 69% coarse gravel 223 6 6% 75% coarse gravel 32 1 1% 76% very coarse gravel 45 0 00/0 76% very coarse gravel 64 3 3% 79% Cobble small cobble 90 1 1% 80% medium cobble 128 5 5% 85% large cobble 180 7 7% 92% very large cobble 256 5 5% 97% Boulder small boulder 362 2 2% 990/0 small boulder 512 1 1% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% very large boulder 4096 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0% 100% TOTALS 100 100% 100 ° /a Summary Data D50 95 D84 120 D95 220 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -55 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -56 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Cat Creek - Parker Pebble Count - Percent Cumulative Cross - Section 7 - Riffle - - — -- -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - -- 100% 90% 80% C F -- 70% 60% Gi 0 u 50% w u G. 40% > a / 30% E U 20% Zs 10% e 0% O O N Q 7 d m Particle Size (mm) — As- Budt6/9 /2010 MY112/2010 MY25/26/2011 MY3 6/21/2012 MY4 4/2/2013 Cat Creek - Parker Pebble Count - Percent Individual Cross - Section 7 - Riffle 70% 60% 50% 7 40 e V 30% u G. 20% j AL 10% 0% ao o It 10 O1 OD .o N N_ w h a oo 10 �d O p ^ N M V1 O O O O O O N Q 9 d CC Particle Size (mm) ■As- Built 6 /9/2010 MMY112 /2010 ®MY25/26/2011 0 MY36/21/2012 ■MY44/2/2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -56 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat,Creek Stream= &,Wetland,/ Project +No. 71 ,Cat Creek - Parker —�Crog §s= Secti6n- - Riffle Pebble Cotmt;SUwmary D50 Monitormg Year 4 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt /Clay sdt/clay 0 062 1 1% 1% Sand very free sand 0 125 2 2% 3% fine sand 025 1 1% 4% medium sand 050 9 8% 12% coarse sand 100 7 7% 19% very coarse sand 200 2 2% 21% Gravel very fine gravel 40 5 5% 25% fine gravel 57 7 7% 32% fine gravel 80 11 100/0 42% medium gravel 113 16 15% 58% medium gravel 160 10 9% 67% coarse gravel 223 6 6% 73% coarse gravel 32 4 4% 76% very coarse gravel 45 0 0% 76% very coarse gravel 64 2 2% 78% Cobble small cobble 90 0 0% 78% medium cobble 128 2 2% 800/0 large cobble 180 14 13% 93% very large cobble 256 2 2% 95% Boulder small boulder 362 4 4% 99% small boulder 512 0 0% 99% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 99% large boulder 2048 1 1% 1000/0 very large boulder 4096 0 0% 1000/0 Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 00/0 1000/0 TOTALS1 106 1 100% 1 1000/. Summary Data D50 94 D84 140 D95 240 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -57 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -58 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Cat Creek - Parker Pebble Count - Percent Cumulative Cross - Section 8 - Riffle - _ - - -- - -- -.—. 100% 90% 80 c R F' 70% L V r. 60% s' v 50 u a — 40% > 30% E 0 U 20 10% a� ^ 0% O N O V d m Particle Size (mm) �^As-Built 6/9/2010 MY1 12/2010 MY2 5/26/2011 MY3 6/21/2012 + MY4 4/2/2013 Cat Creek- Parker Pebble Count - Percent Individual Cross - Section 8 - Riffle - -- - - - - 80% 70% 60% 50% 9 40 0 u V 30% y a 20 0 or iuLd. Adel a 'fl M a 10% 0% a to V7 N O V V m Particle Size (mm) ■As- Built6/9 /2010 11MY112 /2010 13 MY2 5/26/2011 ■MY36/21/2012 ■MY44/2/2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -58 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek Stream& Wetland/ Project`,No. 71 Cat Creek - Parked- iCross= Section�9�- �P,00l Pebble ,CouneS`ummal y D50 Monitoring Year 4 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt /Clay silt/clay 0 062 1 1% 1% Sand very fine sand 0 125 3 3% 4% fine sand 025 0 0% 4% medium sand 050 8 8% 12% coarse sand 100 32 32% 44% very coarse sand 200 15 15% 59% Gravel very fine gravel 40 5 5% 64% fine gravel 5 7 11 11% 75% fine gravel 80 12 12% 87% medium gravel 113 7 7% 94% medium gravel 160 5 5% 99% coarse gravel 223 1 1% 100% coarse gravel 32 0 0% 1000/0 very coarse gravel 45 0 0% 100% very coarse gravel 64 0 0% 100% Cobble small cobble 90 0 0% 100% medium cobble 128 0 00/0 100% large cobble 180 0 00/0 100% very large cobble 256 0 0 °/U 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 1000/0 very large boulder 4096 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0% 100% TOTALS1 100 100% 1 100% Summary Data D50 13 D84 74 D95 12 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -59 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -60 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Cat Creek- Parker Pebble Count - Percent Cumulative Cross - Section 9 - Pool 100% 90% 80% a L F 70% C 60% f& e d 50 d L 40% > 30% E 0 U 20% 10% ^ ^ N M1 v O Z N 0% Z - T Particle Size (mm) � T-As- Built6 /9/2010 — MY112 /2010 MY25/26/2011 — MY3 6/21/2012 MY4 4/3/2013 Cat Creek - Parker Pebble Count - Percent Individual Cross -Section 9 - Pool 80% 70% 60% 50% e 9 40 G V 30% d a 20% I for 0% r� �D N N G N f7 R O A � O tA N N O V7 b ^ N b Y 01 V w. M O O V� 0 O C 7 L m Particle Size (mm) ■As- Built6/9/2010 ■MY112 /2010 0 MY2 5/26/2011 ■MY36/21/2012 ■MY44/2/2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -60 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek Streams &-Wetland',/ Proje0Nw'71 Cat Creek - Parker- Cross'- Sectiowl0 -Riffle Pebble Count'Summary D50 Monitoring Year 4 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt /Clay stldclay 0 062 7 7% 7% Sand very fine sand 0 125 0 0 °/U 7% fine sand 025 2 2% 9% medium sand 050 14 14% 23% coarse sand 100 8 8% 31% very coarse sand 200 1 1% 32% Gravel very fine gravel 40 4 4% 36% fine gravel 57 0 0% 36% fine gravel 80 5 5% 41% medium gravel 113 6 6% 47% medium gravel 160 4 4% 51% coarse gravel 223 7 7% 58% coarse gravel 32 5 5% 63% very coarse gravel 45 5 5% 68% very coarse gravel 64 6 6% 74% Cobble small cobble 90 7 7% 81% medium cobble 128 9 9% 90% large cobble 180 6 6% 96% very large cobble 256 2 2% 98% Boulder small boulder 362 2 2% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% mednurn boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% very large boulder 4096 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0% 100% TOTALS1 100 1000/. 1 100% Summary Data D50 15 D84 100 D95 170 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -61 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -62 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Cat Creek- Parker Pebble Count - Percent Cumulative Cross - Section 10 - Riffle 100% 90% tr 80% C W F 70% u c 60 % is e v 50 % is S 40% > W 30% E 0 U 20% 10% 0% 9 v CO Particle Size (mm) —As -Built 6/9/2010 MY1 12/2010 MY2 5/26/2011 —'—MY3 6/21/2012 MY4 4/2/2013 Cat Creek- Parker Pebble Count - Percent Individual Cross - Section 10 - Riffle -- -- 80% 70% 60% 50 V 40 C V a 20% i R. 10% 0% N VI if V; — ri 7 O 30 O N N Vi K O 00 O D N N O 00 O Y O V to Particle Size (mm) NAs -Bu0t6 /9/2010 OMY112 /2010 ®MY25/26/2011 ■ MY3 6/21/2012 ■ MY4 4/2/2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -62 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat -Creek, Streams &,�Wetlandi %FProjec'_t4 No.* 71 'Cat Creek- aP,arker -:Gros Sectioid�l4l� —Pools Petible +Co1,'i' 5u�ary D50 Monttormg Year 4 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt /Clay sddclay 0 062 6 6% 6% Sand very fine sand 0 125 0 0% 6% fine sand 025 18 18% 24% medium sand 050 13 13% 37% coarse sand 100 23 23% 60% very coarse sand 200 4 4% 64% Gravel very fine gravel 40 10 10% 74% fine gravel 57 6 6% 80% fine gravel 80 4 4% 84% medium gravel 113 7 7% 91% medium gravel 160 3 3% 94% coarse gravel 223 2 2% 96% coarse gravel 32 1 1% 97% very coarse gravel 45 1 1% 98% very coarse gravel 64 1 1% 99% Cobble small cobble 90 1 1% 1000/0 medium cobble 128 0 0% 1000/0 large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% mednun boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 1000/0 very large boulder 4096 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0% 100% TOTALS I 1 100 100% 100% Summary Data D50 074 D84 8 D95 19 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -63 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Momtonng Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -64 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Cat Creek- Parker Pebble Count - Percent Cumulative Cross - Section 11 - Pool 100% 90% 80% m r 70% E' � t e — 60% e d a o. —� 40% > m 30% E 0 U 20% — - 10% 0% L 5 Particle Size (mm) —i'As-Built 6/9 /2010 MY112 /2010 MY25/26/2011 — MY3 6/21/2012 MY4 4/2/2013 Cat Creek - Parker Pebble Count - Percent Individual Cross - Section 11 - Pool 80% 70 60% 50% 'o 9 40 c u 30% 0. 20% 10 % 03 JLII�. C6 0% N 1n V1 N 7 D OC — R O 00 O tO N N of 10 N M V'i 00 O a, Y O O O O O N V 9 d m Particle Size (mm) ■As- Built6/9 /2010 ®MY112 /2010 0 MY25/26/2011 0 MY36/21/2012 0 MY44/2/2013 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -64 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek1,Streamp &IWetlandj/ Rrdjec*No:.71 �+ b4-,,,Cnnss= Sectignd - �Ridle, whsle :Count?Sanimary D50 Monitormg Year 4 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt /Clay silt/clay 0 062 0 00% 0% Sand very fine sand 0 125 0 00% 0 °/U fine sand 025 5 50% 5% medium sand 050 10 100% 15% coarse sand 100 3 30% 18% very coarse sand 200 14 140% 32% Gravel very fine gravel 40 3 30% 35% fine gravel 57 3 30% 38% fine gravel 80 3 30% 41% medium gravel 113 5 50% 46% medium gravel 160 8 79% 54% coarse gravel 223 5 50% 59% coarse gravel 32 10 99% 69% very coarse gravel 45 15 149% 84% very coarse gravel 64 11 109% 94% Cobble small cobble 90 5 50% 99% medium cobble 128 4 40% 103% large cobble 180 1 10% 104% very large cobble 256 0 00% 104% Boulder small boulder 362 0 00% 104% small boulder 512 0 00% 104% medium boulder 1024 0 00% 104% large boulder 2048 0 00% 104% very large boulder 4096 0 000/0- 104% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 00% 104% TOTALS 105 105% 104% Summary Data D50 15 D84 51 D95 88 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -65 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -66 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 UT 1 Pebble Count - Percent Cumulative Cross - Section 1- Riffle 100% 90% 80% 70 %,.C°�. F 60% 50 %2 40%5 30 %w 20 %z L- 10% j 0% C M R 1O ON N X Vi 14 C O •� N R — As -Btd1t 6 /9/2010 -- 1V1Y112 /2010 —*— MY2 5/26/2011 —MY3 6/21/2012 --s.—MY4 8/20/2013 ITT 1 Pebble Count- Percent Individual Crow, Section 1- Riffle - 80% '0% 60% 500 O 4001* b 30°C 200 0. JA 10% IWAA "o 0 WJ WJ rl N R 'O 00 rl 'O N N WO R O 00 O �O N N �D N N Q rl �--I N � " r �O C1 N 00 kro b —4 R 00 NO d "i d O O .4 ..1 N I' W) O O •-� N O `T O Particle Size (min) L■As 6/9/2010 M MY112 /2010 ■ MY2 5/26/2011 ■1VIY3 6/21 /2012 ■ AIY4 8/20/201 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -66 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat,C><eek�Streame &ewltk andtfftoj VM.71- °IPT �1F Cross= Sectiori�2-Pool" " Pe lblile �Cou>dt�S�iuninaiy D50 Momtormg Year 4 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt /Clay sdt/clay 0 062 60 600% 60% Sand very fine sand 0 125 7 70% 67% fine sand 025 35 350% 102% medium sand 050 3 30% 105% coarse sand 100 0 000/0 105% very coarse sand 200 0 000/0 105% Gravel very fine gravel 40 0 000/0 105% fine gravel 57 0 000/0 105% fine gravel 80 0 00% 105% medium gravel 113 0 00% 105% medium gravel 160 0 00% 105% coarse gravel 223 0 00% 105% coarse gravel 32 0 00% 105% very coarse gravel 45 0 00% 105% very coarse gravel 64 0 00% 105% Cobble small cobble 90 0 00% 105% medium cobble 128 0 00% 105% large cobble 180 0 00% 105% very large cobble 256 0 00% 105% Boulder small boulder 362 0 00% 105% small boulder 512 0 00% 105% medium boulder 1024 0 00% 105% large boulder 2048 0 00% 105% very large boulder 4096 0 00% 105% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 00% 105% TOTALS1 1 105 105% 105% Summary Data D50 0 062 D84 0 062 D95 0 062 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -67 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -68 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 UT 1 Pebble Count- Percent Cumulative Cross - Section 2 - Pool — 100 % 90% 80% r r 70 %.0 60% a� 50 %m r` r 40 %u v 30%0% 20 %= R 10% O 0% u —As -Built 6/ 9/ 2010 - N11Y112/2010 -*- 1\/IY2 5/26 /2011 — Y3 6/21/2012 +h'IY4 8/20/2013 UT 1 Pebble Count - Percent Individual Cross - Section 1- Riffle 80% .0oo) 60% 500e r 4001* a 30 914C 200/ a 1000 d A o% N V� Of, h4 N N v) O 00 O O G Particle Size (inin) NM-Built 6/9/2010 ■ W1 12/2010 M MY2 5/26/2011 ■ BJY3 6/21!2012 ■ NIY4 8 /20/201 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -68 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Table 10. Baseline Stream Data Summary Cat Creek Stream & Wetland / Project No. 71 - Cat Creek Swartwout 926 feet Parameter Regional Curve Pre - Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design Monitoring Baseline Dimension & Substrate -Riffle IL AI. F4 Min Meaul Med I Max I SD N I Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Max I Min IMean Med I Max I SD N Bankfull Width (ft) 175 197 229 1 1 1 8 162 1081 1 1 7 126 Floodprone Width (ft) - - - 13320 >36 0 450 460 470 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 08 14 22 1 1 3 14 07 08 09 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 20 28 3 8 2 1 20 1 2 1 3 14 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft'- 16 7 283 403 15 3 224 79 99 118 Width/Depth Ratio 84 159 23 7 9 1 118 134 141 147 Entrenchment Ratio 1 6 4 3 6 9 28 1 >2 2 - 3 9 Bank Height Ratio 1 3 1 14 15 10 1 0 1 I 10 Profile Riffle Length (ft) - - - - - 61 0 742 949 Riffle Slope (ft /ft) 0 006 016 0 030 0 011 0 017 0 021 00111 0 017 0 020 0 013 0 019 0 024 Pool Length (ft) 57 237 [0 467 130 180 209 29 7 43 3 50 2 26 7 39 8 57 1 Pool Max Depth (ft) - - - - - 3 1 2 1 2 5 3 0 Pool Spacing (ft) 254 595 1089 79 5 88 2 97 0 110 0 126 0 134 0 76 4 106 9 141 1 Pattern Channel Belt Width ft - - 220 372 57 1 300 510 780 600 750 1000 Radius of Curvature (ft) 180 250 428 240 340 580 - - - Rc Bankfull Width (ft /ft) 1 5 2 1 36 - 2 1 - - - - Meander Wavelength (ft) 786 1071 1499 1070 1450 2050 2000 2540 3400 Meander Width Ratio 1 9 3 2 48 19 3 2 48 56 64 79 Trans rt Parameters Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb /ft' Max Part Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W /m2 Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification C4 - G4 E4 C4 C Bankfull Velocity (fps) Bankfull Discharge (cfs) - - - Valley Length (fl) 200 690 682 Channel Thalweg Length (ft) - 288 832 926 Sinuosity 1 01 - 1 06 144 1 20 1 36 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft /ft) 0006-0015 0 012 0 012 0 014 Bankfull Slope (ft /ft) - - - 0 013 Bankfull Floodplam Area (acres) % of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metnc Channel Stability or Habitat Metnc Biological or Other - miurmaiion mavauaoie Non - Applicable Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -69 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Table 10. Baseline Stream Data Summary Cat Creek Stream & Wetland / Project No. 71 - Cat Creek Parker (1,820 feet Parameter Regional Curve Pre- Eaasting Condition Reference Reach Data Design --tor Baseline Dimension& Substrate - Riffle LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Max Min Mean Med Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft) 185 260 21 5 180 21 4 244 Floodprone Width (ft) - - - 1400 2000 2800 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 22 25 1 8 12 13 1 5 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 3 8 - 26 1 9 22 26 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft'- 403 650 390 223 28 5 330 Width/Depth Ratio 85 104 1 1 9 139 163 213 Entrenchment Ratio 5 7 5 0 >22 68 94 107 Bank Height Ratio 1 4 10 Profile Riffle Length (ft) - 31 8 629 1168 Riffle Slope (ft /ft) 0 009 0 007 0 016 0 009 0 010 0 010 0 005 0 007 0 009 0 011 0 017 0 035 Pool Length (ft) 177 292 407 539 90 5 158 1 394 574 667 448 82 1 1 12 1 Pool Max Depth (ft) - - - - - - - 40 - 26 36 47 Pool Spacing (ft) 543 723 902 - 158 1 1470 1670 1780 990 1680 230 0 Pattern Channel Belt Width (ft) - - - 71 0 91 3 1180 40 0 680 1040 530 880 1250 Radius of Curvature (ft) 236 483 730 327 45 6 778 - - - Rc Bankfull Width (ft /ft ) 09 1 9 29 - 21 - - - - Meander Wavelength (ft) 820 2050 4840 1430119 0 2730 1850 2590 3450 Meander Width Ratio 27 3 5 45 6 7 9 0 12 7 2.9 4 1 5 1 Transport Parameters Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ftZ Max Part Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull Stream Power Transport Capacity) W /mZ Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification G4 C4 C4 C Bankfull Velocity (fps) Bankfull Discharge (cfs) - - - - Valley Length (ft) 2,150 142 1,480 1,120 Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 2,280 271 1,809 1,820 Sinuosity 1 06 190 1 22 1 63 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft /ft) 0 006 0 010 0 005 0 006 Bankfull Slope (ft /ft) - - 0 007 Bankfull Floodp lam Area (acres) % of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other - Information unavailable Non - Applicable Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -70 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Table 10. Baseline Stream Data Summary Cat Creek Stream & Wetland / Pro' ct No. 71- Cat Creek UTl 457 feet Parameter Regional Curve Pre - Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design Monitoring Baseline Dimension &Substrate - Riffle LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD I N I Min Meaul Med I Max SD N Min Mean Max Min Mean Med I Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft) 160 1 1 8 150 16 6 Floodprone Width (ft) 540 3320 >33 0 850 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1 3 1 3 1 3 08 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 22 2 1 1 8 1 6 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft'- 202 15 3 189 131 Width/Depth Ratio 1 1271 9 1 119 21 0 Entrenchment Ratiol I 1 1 34 1 1 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 >2 21 1 1 5 1 Bank Height Ratiol I I 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 - Proflle Riffle Length (ft) - - - - - 190 290 45 1 Riffle Slope (ft /ft) 0 009 0040 0 100 0 011 0 017 0 021 0 011 0 018 0 021 40 C 029 0048 Pool Length (ft) 99 130 162 130 180 209 275 40 1 465 19 3 330 49 1 Pool Max Depth (ft) - - - - - - - 28 - 2 1 23 27 Pool Spacing (ft) 434 688 91 7 795 882 970 1020 1170 1240 45 1 65 3 956 Pattern Channel Belt Width ft 220 372 57 1 280 470 720 350 490 550 Radius of Curvature (ft) 180 250 428 228 1352 543 - - - Rc Bankfull Width (ft /ft) 1 5 2 1 36 - 90 - - - - Meander Wavelength (ft) 786 1071 1499 990 1310 1900 129011550 1800 Meander Width Ratio 1 9 3 2 48 1 9 32 48 30 - Trans rt Parameters Reach Shear Stress (Competency) Ib /ft'- M ax Part Size (mm) M obilized at Bankfull Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W /m'- Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification Cb4 E4 Cb4 C Bankfull Velocity (fps) Bankfull Discharge (cfs) - - - - Valley Length (ft) 440 200 490 400 Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 470 288 581 457 Sinuosity 1 06 140 1 20 1 14 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft /ft) 0 021 0 012 0 013 - Bankfull Slope (ft /ft) - 0 015 Bankfull Floodp lain Area (acres) % of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat M etnc Channel Stability or Habitat M etnc Biological or Other - Information unavailable Non - Applicable Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -71 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Table 11a. A onitoring Data - Dimensional Morphology Summary (Diinenslodal Parameters - Cross-Sections) Cat Creek Stream, &iWetlandJ -Project No. 71- Cat Creek Swartwout (810 feet) *Cross- Section 1 Riffle *Cross - Section 2 Pool *Cross- Section 3 Riffle Dimension Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Record Elevation (datum) Used 2109 5 2109 5 2109 8 2109 8 21098 2106 8 2106 8 2107 0 2107 0 2107 0 2107 6 2107 6 2106 5 2106 5 2106 5 Bankfull Width (ft) 108 120 127 129 98 183 220 186 184 86 126 133 127 149 112 Floodprone Width (ft) 450 450 >1000 >1000 >100 0 600 600 >1000 >1000 >1000 450 450 >1000 >1000 >1000 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 07 06 06 05 05 1 09 08 08 07 11 09 09 08 06 07 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 12 12 1 1 10 10 22 27 2 1 22 2 1 14 15 14 14 14 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area 11 2 79 76 70 59 49 170 169 142 12 8 97 118 120 104 9 1 79 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 147 187 23 1 283 198 197 286 243 266 76 134 148 15 6 243 15 8 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 42 38 >7 9 >7 7 >10 2 33 27 >5 4 >5 4 >11 6 36 34 >7 8 >6 7 >8 9 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio - - 10 1 1 j 1 1 10 10 10 - - 10 10 10 Cross Sectional Area between End Pins (ft) - - 72 60 49 142 12 8 97 - - 10 4 92 79 d50 (mm) 050 1930 150 650 11 00 021 006 047 200 006 030 0 19 400 740 870 - nuormanon unavauaoie 'Elevation data was offset to match MY2 data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -72 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 i Appendix D Stream Survey Data Table Ila. Monitoring Data - Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross - Sections) Cat Creek Stream & Wetland / Project No. 71- Cat Creek Parker (1,672 feet) Cross - Section 4 Pool Cross - Section 5 Riffle Cross - Section 6 Pool Cross - Section 7 Riffle Dimension Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Record Elevation (datum) Used 20750 20750 20755 2075 5 20755 2073 1 2073 1 2073 1 2073 1 2073 1 2073 1 2073 1 2073 1 2073 1 2073 1 2071 1 20712 20712 20712 20712 Bankfull Width (ft) 249 260 313 322 314 244 24 1 260 255 24 1 28L 286 279 282 285 225 240 230 23 1 23 1 Floodprone Width (ft) 800 800 >200 0 >200 0 >200 0 1800 1800 >200 0 >200 0 >200 0 1600 1600 >200 0 >200 0 >200 0 — 2400 2700 >200 0 >200 0 >200 0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 12 1 1 12 12 10 12 1 1 1 1 10 09 17 17 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 15 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 25 25 30 31 1 30 1 19 1 19 20 20 1 19 1 33 33 33 34 35 26 27 26 29 28 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft2 289 282 382 376 326 282 266 278 258 227 479 480 45 5 445 439 330 348 333 335 335 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 215 23 8 256 276 303 21 3 21 7 243 253 25 6 168 170 171 179 186 153 165 160 160 159 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 32 3 1 >6 4 >6 2 >6 4 74 75 >7 7 >7 8 >8 3 5 6 56 >7 2 >71 >7 0 107 113 >8 7 >8 7 >8 7 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio - - 10 10 10 - - 10 10 1 0 - 10 10 10 - - 10 10 10 Cross Sectional Area between End Pins (ft2) - 1 382 376 326 - - 278 258 22 7 - - 45 5 445 439 - 364 365 335 d50 (mm) 036 0 14 044 170 1600 046 024 890 920 23 00 0 29 0 14 056 190 800 1 80 0 11 0 06 6 60 950 N/A Item does not apply Information unavailable Table l la. Momtoring Data - Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional P,arameteis - Cross - Sections) Cat Creek Stream & Wedaud / Project No. 71- Cat Creek Parker (1,672 feet) Cross - Section 8 Riffle Cross- Section 9 Pool Cross - Section 10 Riffle *Cross- Section 11 Pool Dimension Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY] MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Record Elevation (datum) Used 20684 2068 7 2069 2 2069 2 2069 2 2066 5 2066 5 2067 2 2067 2 2067 2 2066 1 2066 2 2066 4 2066 4 206641 2065 2 2065 2 2065 7 2065 7 2065 7 Bankfull Width (ft) 180 207 326 324 325 15 7 185 306 297 285 206 236 259 267 257 236 23 7 373 359 347 Floodprone Width (11) 1700 1700 >200 0 >200 0 >200 0 2600 2600 >200 0 >200 0 >200 0 1400 1400 >200 0 >200 0 >200 0 1400 1400 >200 0 >200 0 >200 0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 12 1 2 1 1 1 1 10 16 16 13 12 12 15 12 13 12 12 14 14 12 12 13 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 20 23 1 26 26 1 26 1 29 31 1 37 36 1 38 1 24 1 22 1 25 24 24 28 1 27 1 31 31 35 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ftZ 223 23 8 35 5 347 339 25 7 29 7 408 369 340 304 288 33 2 315 30 1 330 324 450 427 447 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 145 180 299 303 312 9 7 11 5 23 0 239 239 139 194 203 226 218 169 173 31 0 302 270 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 94 82 >61 >6 2 >6 2 166 14 1 >6 5 >6 7 >7 0 68 59 >7 7 >7 5 >7 8 59 5 9 >5 4 >5 6 >58 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio - - 10 to 10 - - 10 10 10 - 10 1 0 10 - - 10 10 10 Cross Sectional Area between End Pins (ft'- - - 355 347 339 - 408 369 340 - - 354 33 1 301 450 427 44 7 d50 (mm) —1-33—T 2 00 200 600 940 034 026 041 063 130 0 45 3245 730 2200 1500 0 18 005 036 1 130 074 Information unavailable -Elevation data was offset to match MY2 data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -73 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data Table 14 a. Monitoring.Data - DimensibnalaMbcphblogy,- Summary _ (DimensionaleParametert "s -.Cross = Sections) Cat CreeklStream & Wetland /° Prof "ect�Nb,.7�1Cat+CreekVTt1u '396 feet *Cross - Section 1 Riffle *Cross - Section 2 Pool Dimension Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Record Elevation (datum) Used 2107 9 2107 9 2108 6 2108 6 21086 2105 8 2105 8 2106 2 2106 2 2106 2 Bankfull Width (ft) 166 209 195 189 197 166 179 163 168 73 Floodprone Width (ft) 850 850 >1000 > 100 0 >100 0 2000 2000 >1000 > 100 0 >100 0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 08 08 08 08 07 08 06 07 07 1 3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 16 1 8 19 1 6 17 22 1 7 2 1 2 1 2 l Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) 13 1 15 8 163 154 143 12 1 11 1 120 1 115 98 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 210 275 23 3 232 27 1 21 8 289 222 244 5 5 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 5 1 4 1 >5 1 >5 3 >5 1 12 1 112 >6 1 >6 0 >13 6 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio - - 10 10 10 - - 10 1 0 10 Cross Sectional Area between End Pins (fl) - 163 154 1 143 - 145 127 98 d50 (mm) 0 19 2495 490 1500 1 1500 0 11 006 033 044 006 - Intormation unavailable 'Elevation data was offset to match MY2 data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitonng Year 4 of 5 D -74 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data 1 1: I 1 ...�. .... •.... •..� �mm© momOm�mOmmmOmOm���m00mm0m00���me • �� ��_�__ I I I 11 11 __ � 11' : 1 � 11 �� : 1 1 ®���0 I 1 1 1: 11 ®'' 1 I �______ I. /A Inlormallon does not ePPIY RI =ILfBe /Ru - Run /P- Pool /G- Gbde /5 =Scp SC- SII C1,, / S4 - Snd / G- Grevel / C = Cobbic / B - BouW, / Bc - Bedrock •PaccNagcs based on nflk and pool pebble counts Inm�annn una. allude Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -75 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix D Stream Survey Data --Tablellb. Jim Da , ,.,..;'.:,•, ::.,.. m�moem�mmoom�mmmom�m ©mo�mm ®oemmo ®mo :, mmmmmmm ®mmmmmmmmmo ®mmmmo ®�� ®mommmm�m ®m�m�mm ®mmmmm ®mmmom® ®mmom ®mmmommmm�m m ®�m�mmmm ®mmmmmmmomm ®mmom ® ®mmommmm�m _ ®�mmmmmmmmmmm ®® ®mom ® ® ®mo ®mtmtm. ®ommmmmm mmm ®mmmmm ®mmmm ®mmommmmmom, ® ® ®mmmmmmmm • mmmmmmmmm ®mmm ® ®mmomm ®mmo ®mtmtm.mommmmmm •: ����mmmmmmmmmmmm ommmm ommmmmommmmm� • mmm mmmmmmmmm® ®mmm® ®mmmm ®mtmmmmmmmmmm mmm ®mmm ®mmmm® ®mmm ®mm ®mmmmmtmm® ®mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmommmmmommmmmmmmmmm� mmm mm��m�mmm� ® ®mo��m� mom ® ® ®mmmmmmmm � � ®mmS o® ®®mmmmmm�� • • : �,. mmmmmm�omo ® ©mmmmmo�m ® ®���� ®���� ®mmmm mmmmmm�� ®m ®mmmmmo © ® ®� ®��MEN ® ® ® ® ®® ®mmm EMEM mmmmmmmmmmmsmmmmmmmmmmmmm tmtmtm . mmmmmmmm m®®®®®®®® m ®mmmmmmmmmmmmmm,mtmtm.mmmmmmmm , ,: . m® t�■®®® ®�mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm���m.mmmmmmmm Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 D -76 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 Appendix D Stream Survey Data WA Inr— I— d- -apply R P,MB /Ra =Rim /P= Pail /G= Glick /S =Rep X =511 Cley /SA =S d /G =Cre,el /C- Cnhblc /B =Bnalder /B,= Bedrock •Percem ages based on raffle and pool peMle coimi s Mrarmmion �mevadablc Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -77 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 = a � mmmm® ommmm�ammmm ®ammmm�ommmm ®o������ � • • mmmm® ommmm�ommmm�ommmm�ommmm ®o������ • • �����������ommmm�ommmm ®ommmm ®o������ ••' � -� � ®� ®��m ®�m��mmmmmom ® ®mmo ®m ®gym ©������. WA Inr— I— d- -apply R P,MB /Ra =Rim /P= Pail /G= Glick /S =Rep X =511 Cley /SA =S d /G =Cre,el /C- Cnhblc /B =Bnalder /B,= Bedrock •Percem ages based on raffle and pool peMle coimi s Mrarmmion �mevadablc Cat Creek Stream & Wetland D -77 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix E Hydrologic Data Appendix E Hydrologic Data Table 12. Verification ofBankfi ll Events Cat Creek Stream & Wetland / Project No.71 Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence Method Photo # (if available) No Events in 2010 No Events in 2011 3/29/2012 11/28/2011 Crest gauge & wrack Imes 1/23/2013 1/17/2013 Crest gauge & wrack Imes 4/2/2013 1/30/2013 Crest gauge & wrack Imes 8/20/2013 Unknown Crest gauge & wrack Imes Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 E -1 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 Appendix E 12.0 10.0 8.0 C O cv fl. 6.0 L a 4.0 2.0 0.0 Monthly Precipitation Data compared to A... anti Ill "" Percentiles for Macon Lounty, NU Jan -13 Feb -13 Mar -13 Apr -13 May -13 Jun -13 Jul -13 Aug -13 Sep -13 Oct -13 Nov -13 Dec -13 2013 Rainfall 30th Percentile ......••• 70th Percentile Hydrologic Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -2 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix E uu -1 Yreclpltation ana Water Level not Hydrologic Data 50 - - - -- I - ���_. - - - - -- - - -- - 100 Ma5d�mua uu m #-- o f,Go- n-- s�cuh_veD a..y_ts >..w1,a2u' t, c..1a_ 8.,.6 olduin Hdr 1OFxQ> m% µn"a } i! I oHn ; i 4 5 - =�� . -s- r `Goun`c1Su%f�aoe 5 0 35 e t� 1' ,r �.s� r ° ;4 quriem- �0 C fiA '` 1 Depth k -10 0 0 , e3 `M TWA _tn 25 Growing Season, 3 "N" - - - - �_ I - -200 20 LW- r `'x - - w - � ;, `Gro" mnglSeason -250 +�+ CL 1 5 G. q - '� 1y,l.�l �_ i L r � .._ 1 .-., -Y ry ry ♦ vc`�V ± � "9 L y'. - I"' - 10 � -350 0 5 f Y m � /� j^ '7 N � +I � ti t � 5� 4 -77 � S 1 �F �� SIB+ �`a rx� �p - - X00 00 .� r -450 M M M M M M M M CO) M M M M CO) M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M N �0 M M O. lT0 f�0 7 7 7 3 d 00 7 V O O d d d r N M O N M O N N N N N M r M r Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -3 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix G Hydrologic Data CC-2 Precipitation and Water Level Plot Cat Creek Stream &Wetland E -4 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 5.0 4.5 M m Da 1 2 ":r axr ic um #c of Cr on secr u tiv e ys >r 6 5 % ofHydroperiod During GrowingSeason :35.1 Ground 1-0. 0 5.0 4.0 0.0 3.5 Malfunction Required -5.0 :C , Depth ' ^Oa 10. 0 4) C 3.0 M L, C 0 -15.0 Beginning of 2.5 Growing Season . April -20.0 tJ 2.0 End of O Growing Season -25.0 �z October 17 1.5 CL 1.0 -35.0 0.5 -40.0 0.0 -45.0 M M r M r Cl) r M M M M M M M r r r M M M M M M M M r r r r Cl) M r r a > m > ca > a > > 7 > tT > > o o m u m a, u � a a X 7 7 Q z z 4 4 4 Ln N r N N O N I M r- 14 u9 M M 1` N � N r r M Cat Creek Stream &Wetland E -4 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 , 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix E CC -3 Precipitation and Water Level Plot Hydrologic Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 50 - - 100 Maximum #ofConsecutive Days >12" 42 % ofHydropenod During GrownngSeason 227% ' 45 Ground Surface 50 ' \a 0 0 40 3 5 ' ; Required -5 0 C Depth L. �. -100 � C � ea :.. 30 C -150 Beginning of 25 Growing Season ; 7 April 1 : ; -20 0 � CL 0 t� 20 ; End of O L Growing Season -250 ++ a October 17 L �+ 15 -300 y 0 1 0 -350 OS -400 00 .450 M T M M T T M T M Cl) M T T T M M T T M T M M T T M M M M M M T M T M M T T M T M M M T T T M M T T c c I c !C N W � o � cc c I M > C' 3' 7 I I a > 0 I n 7 0 v I 0 > I O > 0 I I 0 aaC9 N O Q Q Z 4 Q T in 0 N CO N cc n T -4 0o M r- O V CD M N T T N T N T N N N T T N T N N T T M Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix E UU-4 Precipitation and Water Level Plot Hydrologic Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -6 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 50 45 ' Maximum #of Consecutive Days >12" % of Hydropenod During GrowngSeason 186 100% _ Ground Surface 100 50 40 , 00 35 Required 0 C v Depth L 30 C 0 -150 Begmrnng of 2 5 G�ovnng Season ApFil 15_ -200 .V 20 ' ; End of 0 Growing Season -250 (L ' ' October 17 15 4 I �0 0 4) G 10 ' -350 05 _ a ,� ' ' - -400 r P 00 .450 M T M T M T M T M M M M T T T T M T M T M M M M M M M T T T T T T T M T M T M T M T M T M M M T T T M M T c c c a M M a CL rcc a > c > cc > a o I > > v tI o 0 0 v d I r v d N S C w 7r 4 G G CD N w N N N to M M N , N T N T T M Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -6 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix E uu -!) rrecipitation ana water Levei riot Hydrologic Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 E -7 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 50 - - 100 Maximum# ofConsecutrveDays >12" 186 % ofHydroperrodDunngGr ,,owmgSeas_on 100% 4 5 I — - ` —_ -- r "- - � - -- -' I Ground Surface 50 1 , ' 00 40 __ 35 _ h I 1 Re quired 'Depth -50 C ... _ ` L.. 30 tl p I I -150 2 5 innm of 8e9,- __ 9_ I Growing Season , I C C .V Y Apnl'15 ' I ' ' 1 -200 L 20 ; � 1 i End of 1 dr Wing Season -250 �'' 6dt66& 17 .0 15 fl. � � x .300 � y 10 a -350 os a moo � "': � � (• � � iii � t , f� y, , , r _ � j I (. � I I 0 0 .450 M T M T M T M M M M M M T T T T r T- M T M T M M T T M M r T M M T T M r M T M T M T M M M M T T r M T M r I �� I I I � -, U. `d,' 4 I > 10 t `° I I I 3� I I 3 I I I I Q r I I I Q z I I o N a', a', r in Of N t0 N �O 0 M pp M M O O N N of M N r N T N r N N N r T N r N r r M Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 E -7 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 0 o w � n s2 tro � A o � m 0C M CD5' 0 x m 0 0 n 3 n c C 17 0 ti d w � 0 CD w = N O 5 A n A tr V1 O 0 o 063 03 c � w m G7 m�m 'm &4 m v w O I�1 w� 0 L7 0 ra C c i c `C A� 0 a �s r A `C O a �a a m N Precipitation (in.) O UI O CII O CT O UI O 1 titan -13 G 15-Jan-13 0 29- Jan -13 0 12- Feb -13 26- Feb -13.` 12- Mar -13 inm' 0 26- Mar -13 I 9- Apr -13 23- Apr -13 7- May -13 21- May -13 4,Jun -13 18,Jun -13 2- Jul -13 16tilul -13 30- Jul -13 13- Auq -13 27- Aug -13 10- Sep -13 24- Sep -13 8-Oct-13 22 -0ct -13 5- Nov -13 00 19- Nov -13 to c 3- Dec -13 0 17- Dec -13 I 31- Dec -13 U1 O U1 O C11 O (71 O � O O O O O O O O O Depth to Groundwater (in.) A tr V1 O 0 o 063 03 c � w m G7 m�m 'm &4 m v w O I�1 w� 0 L7 0 ra C c i c `C A� 0 a �s r A `C O a �a a m N � O G 0 0 v Appendix E Hydrologic Data CC -7 Precipitation and Water Level Plot Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -9 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 50 4 5 - ' - Maximum #of Consecutive Days >12" %ofHydjr pe*btl!DdnngGr_ovwngSeason - -� " AL 41 222% ' Ground Surface 100 5 0 40 , , 00 Requtred � -50 C •L 35 - Depth C ' - :_. 30 M C -15 0 *;, F- -gmnmg of ; C M 25 Growing Season O CL A hl 15 -200 "V 20 End of O Growing Season -250 'w a , October 17 I 15 � _ ' ' a ' -300 d ' 1 - -350 1 r V t ' 1 05 X00 I, I 00 J ,p .450 M T M T M T M M M M T T T T M M T T M T M T M M M M M M T T T T T T M T M T M T M CO) T T M M M T-T M M T T I c I c I c I I I M, ) ,`a M 1 a a I I I I 1 I I > > > > > ; I I 4ai 1 Q I I U 0 I I r 0 0 m 1 m o 7 ?? U. LL 2 ? a 4 g ? ?? a a &? Q Q z o o s T I[1 01 N N CO N <O Of M N ^ T 40 N �10 co M P O O N N M (P T T N T N N T T N T N T T M Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -9 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix E UU -8 Precipitation and Water Level Plot Hydrologic Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -10 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 50 45 _ Maximum #ofConsecutive Days >12" % ofHydroperiod During GrowingSeason 186 100 %. 1 Ground Surface 100 so 40 - 00 3 5 � ' Regwred -5 0 Depth L C _ -100 :-. 30 M p -15 0 M25 Begin ning of Growing Season C �I CL April 15 -200 � V 2 0 ' End of Grow AjS ason 4" CL ; ; Octotier 17 -250 15 a moo 0 1 0 -350 05 ' -400 , 00 X50 M T M T M T M T M M M M T T T T M T M T M M M M M M M T T T T T T M T M T M T M T M T M M M T T T M M T I I C C 1 C I d I I I I Q L �o �a I a C I �Sa r I 1 I I > > > > > > I 3 d I m I " I 1^yi I I I o o m r I m m N C O D D W) ONE to N N N N M M ti N C4 r. N T N N T T M Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -10 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix E CC -9 Precipitation and Water Level Plot Hydrologic Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 •E -1 1 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 50 - Maximum #of Con seartnre Days >12" - - 186 100 45 % ofHydropenodDunngd-o_wingSeason - - - "— - -^'^"- - -- - - 0%1 - -- Ground Surface 50 r1A 40 , , 00 ' Requi -50 C 35 ; Depth red :.. � , L 30 3 C O ' -150 '0 of ' C 25 _Begmnin r GrgIng8eason 7 �'Apnl ^15� CL 'V _ \ -200 2 0 , - ; End of O O L ; ; Growing Season -250 r d ; ; October 17 15 ' O , -300 10 d -350 05 r ;� a _ 4 -400 ,j _ 00 .450 M r M l'9 r r Cl) r M� r M r M r M r (n M r r M r M r M r M r M r M r M r M r M r M r M r M r M r M r M r M M r r d V ti O O GOf uL uL g N 4 4 '? '? 4 4 4 0 0 Lt) N N N N O N M M II O N 1rf Of M ti r N N N N M Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 •E -1 1 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 Appendix E CC -10 Precipitation and Water Level Plot Hydrologic Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 E -12 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 50 45 - y 1 - _ Maximum #ofConsecutrveDays >12" ofFlydropenodDunngGrowing Season - 94 50$% ; 1 - - Ground�oe 100 5 0 40 ' 00 ' -50 Required 35 I , Depth ' -10 0 C_, 30 -150 C I M 25 Beginning of GrowngSeason _ -200 C G Apnl 15 L "V 20 - ' End of -250 0 L - - -- ` - --I- i _ , , GroHnng Season +� d ; October 17 -300 1 - / +�+ a 1.5 1 1 r I 1 -350 Q 10 -400 05 x -450 1 1 � , 1 00 _ X00 M T M T M T M T M M M T T T M T M T M T M M M M M M M T T T T T T M T M T M T M M T M M M T T T M M T T e o rd y ` m a a r R 3 > > > > m n r o o 4) 0) 4) u 7 g q z z o 4 4 T N N N N N O N F- N M O M r- CIO N N Of M r- T T N T T M Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 E -12 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 Appendix E C.C. -11 Precipitation and Water Level Plot Hydrologic Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 E -13 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 50 - - 100 Maximum #of Consecutive Days >12" 61 ; % of Hydropenod During Growing Season 33% ; 45 Ground Surface Malfunction `Gauge � 40 <� 00 35 Required -50 .0 Depth 100 :-. 30 3 C p ' -15 0 � .0 Beginning of ; C 0 M 25 Growing Season ' a .� April 15 ; , -20 0 L- 20 End of p L ; GrowmgSeason -250 +-' Q" October 17 r �- 1 5 ' ' �0 0 4) D, 10 -350 05 1100 00 115 0 Cl) M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M C c c a C C � > � c � 7 , , , , c > > > a rn a 7 7 3 G7 n N 0 > O O d d 4 4 410 `g� N to O 4 4 �? �? Go Q 4 4 N to N t0 N Of M Cl) N M M r M r N r N r N N N V- N N Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 E -13 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 Appendix E CC -12 Precipitation and Water Level Plot Hydrologic Data Cat Creek Stream &Wetland E -14 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Protect No 71 January 2014 Momtonng Year 4 of 5 50 45 40 � ' ' Maximum #ofConsecutrve Days >12" %ofHydropenodDunngGroHnngSeason 166 100 °� ; f GroundSurfaoe 100 50 00 � C 35 Growmg�Season Octobe�d;7 Required -50 F , •-: , Depth , L 4) C -10 0 :_. 3 0 3 C O .a Beginrnng of ; -150 C M 25 GronnngSeason C :L' April 15 C- -� -200 20 d -250 fl- 1 5 -30 0 C 10 -350 05 -400 00 .450 co) M M M M M M M M M M M M M Cl) M M M M M M M M M M M M eta m w d d i`a i`a a a M R > > > > > > > m ani u u 0 a�i a�i N 4 � � I � � ? ? N O Q Q VT � � 7o T T Q Q Q 1�r1 O�f M ^ two M N N N N M r M r M r N r N r N N N Cat Creek Stream &Wetland E -14 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Protect No 71 January 2014 Momtonng Year 4 of 5 � Growmg�Season Octobe�d;7 � F F , , , , 2014 Momtonng Year 4 of 5 Appendix E Hydrologic Data CC -13 Precipitation and Water Level Plot Cat Creek Stream &Wetland E -15 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Protect No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 50 45 40 I Maximum #ofConsewtNe Days >12" 186 ; °� ofHydropenod Dunng G�oHnngSeason 100% ; 1 Ground Surface �GaugeyMalfunction�)� 100 50 y 1 1 , , 00 ,i 1 1 1 G 3 5 Required -50 g Season I October 17 D "epth 1 4 � 1 , L C � Mt dM I I 1 1 -100 :.. 30 I , 3 C � O +, 1 - Begmrnng of 1 -150 C 25 - GroHnng�Season "a _ _ Apnl15 O "L � 1 -200 (; 20 1 , End of r Growin CL -250 t 15 C" -300 G 10 -350 05 -400 00 -450 M M M M M M Cl) M M M M M M M M M M M M Cl) M M M M M M M c 7 c -7-7 c M M M ea d 4 4 4 > M 1 , >� c is = , , , , 1 , c a tM a = 7 7 3 7 7 0 ? N w 0 4 4 T , n .. �' > > V d V V 0 0 01 02 4 4 4 0 v 0 4 N r M N N W N <D O) M T- N r N N h �- N CO r M M N O T r N N 1r9 Cf M N N r P r r M Cat Creek Stream &Wetland E -15 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Protect No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 g Season October 17 1 4 4 � 1 , , 3 � Year 4 of 5 s= w � CD C J CD CO w A 9 o R° w a. m a M 5' c x M a' 0 n c 0 E3 0 c �a w O c � a N' O �r A P Precipitation (in.) O O N N W W A A Cn O Ln O UI O 0 O 0 O N O 1,Jan -13 15,Jan -13 29-Jan-13 12- Feb -13 26- Feb -13 12- Mar -13 26- Mar -13 9- Apr -13 ---------------------- - / --- 23- Apr -13 n 7- May -13 A 21- May -13 A 4-Jun-13 18-Jun-13 W 0 2,)u l-13 0 16-Jul-13 = 30- Jul -13 13- Aug -13 C., 27- Aug -13 C 10-Sep-13 0 24Sep -13 8-Oct-13 22 -0ct -13 5- Nov -13 19- Nov -13 CL I— F , / 3- Dec -13 17- Dec -13 31- Dec -13 J� JL liJ W N N I& � in O 9 cn o to o cn o to o c o o ° Depth to Groundwater (in.) 0 cn � o 3° xx C'. a v a m S a 0 0 w � i o c vo 7 H f� G) o �- � m H V N O 0 47 o F o�� � .� vc � a ; a v a m S a 0 0 w Appendix E Hydrologic Data CC -15 Precipitation and Water Level Plot Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -17 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 50 Maximum #ofConsewtroe Days >12° ofHydropenodDunngGro�nnngSeason - - - - - - 186 100% - Ground Surface I I � Regwred 100 "Depth r I 1 , , � , eegmrnng of , 1 Gro�nnngSeason April _ � 1 End�of Growing Season 45 - � October 17 - a I I f , I 50 I � , 1 J U l♦` I f - 1 1 00 40 35 -50 C :.. _ -100 L 30 M C O -150 V C M 25 •a -ZO o O •v � 20 O d -25 0 = 1 5 C' 30 0 10 35 0 05 -400 00 .450 M CO) M M M CO) M M M r T M r M M M M M M M T T T T T M T Cl) T M T- M r Cl) M M M r T T r M r M T r r r r r r r S S da I S S I w r r I I I I & M > > 7 > > 7 7 I 41 I G1 I V I I I I V C C 61 ^ 1 I Gf T .4 M 4 O v 7 7 � 4 T 1n M N to N 10 Of M GOD N (0 M 0 OTf ti r N T N r N N N T r N T N r r M Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -17 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 , , Maximum #ofConsewtroe Days >12° ofHydropenodDunngGro�nnngSeason - - - - - - 186 100% - Ground Surface I I � Regwred "Depth r I 1 , , � , eegmrnng of , 1 Gro�nnngSeason April _ � 1 End�of Growing Season - � October 17 - a I I f , I I � , 1 J U l♦` I f - 1 1 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -17 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix E uu -16 Yreclpltanon and Water Level YIOt Hydrologic Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -18 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 50 400 Maximum# of Consecutive Days >12" 186 ; - ; %ofHydropenod During GrowngSeason 100% ; 350 45 ' 300 250 40 200 .. 35 150 v , , L '^ 100 d C Gfound Surfaos M :.. 30 so C - ++ 25 - Beginnmg,of Reqwred 00 C GrowmgSeason Depth -50 C Q April 15 , L .V 20 -100 CL 'End of -150 t l Growing Season ` a 1 5 October 17 -200 ' -250 1 0 ' - -300 05 r -350 -400 00 E -450 M M M M M M M M M Cl) M M M Cl) M Cl) M M M M M M M M Cl) M M M 0 d M M > > > > > > ani an � o 0 a�i m 7r �cc S`a`a 4 �N i (9 T 00 Q� 7T Q Q ucc i Of N i0 O M -7 pp M I-- O V 7 f r N N N N N N N N r M Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -18 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix E UU -17 Precipitation and Water Level Plot Hydrologic Data Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 E -19 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 60 - 100 Maximum# of Consecutive Days >12" 186 ; %ofHydropenbdDii-ringGrow+ngSeason 100% ; Ground Surface 50 50 MAW— 00 � Required -50 "L 40 Depth C , , -100 3 O -15 0 Beginning of C 3 M 30 GrowngSeason April 15 ; -200 a End of p Growing Season -250 r d 2 0 October 17 CL 300 0 1 0 �5 0 ' - -400 � 00 .450 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M d d = a R A 3 7 7 7 3 3 0a1 d V V O O d d d N t 'f � N M 4 0 Q W 4 4 N N C4 N t�0 4 M N r N N N Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 E -19 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 Appendix E Hydrologic Data CU-18 Precipitation and Water Level Plot Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -20 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitonng Year 4 of 5 50 45 1 Maximum #ofConsecutive Days >12" % ofHydropenod During Growing Season 22 119% ; Ground Surface , 100 50 40 00 35 1 Required -50 C :.. Depth 100 :.. 30 C O I -150 C M 25 Beginning of GrownngSeason Malfunction L .Ei April 15 \ 1 Gauge -20 0 � 20 1 End of O L Growing Season -250 d October 17 15 1 1 I - 1 I �0 0 � p 10 _ 1 1 � 1 1 1 -350 q 1 1 05 1 _ -40 0 IL 1Y 1 . 00 -0 50 Cl) r M r Cl) r M r M M r r M M M r r r M r M M M r M M M r r r M r M r M r M M M M M M r r r r r M M T c I C C . c r r r " 0 o o 0 r V d V m 7 7 4 4 � ? Q T7 N 4 N 0 N O N 0 M 00 N M M t : O V N Of r N N N N N N N N r T M Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -20 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitonng Year 4 of 5 Appendix E Hydrologic Data Table 13. Wetland Gauge Attainment Data Summary of Groundwater Gauge Results Cat Creek Stream & Wetland / Project No. 71 Success Criteria Achiewd/Nlax Consecutive Days During Growing Season (Percentage) Gauge m Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Yes /31 Yes /42 Yes /186 CC -1 Yes/ 35 Percent 16 8 Percent 22 6 Percent 100 0 Percent Yes /37 Yes /26 Yes /65 CC -2 Yes/ 16 Percent 20 0 Percent 14 0 Percent 35 1 Percent Yes /24 No/ 13 Yes /42 CC -3 Yes/ 8 Percent 13 0 Percent 7 0 Percent 22 7 Percent Yes /88 Yes /64 Yes /186 CC4 Yes/ 35 Percent 47 6 Percent 34 4 Percent 100 0 Percent Yes /50 Yes /52 Yes /186 CC -5 Yes/ 32 Percent 27 0 Percent 28 0 Percent 100 0 Percent Yes /25 Yes /18 Yes /61 CC-6 No/ 2 Percent 13 5 Percent 9 7 Percent 33 0 Percent No/ 12 No/ 12 Yes /41 CC -7 No/ 0 Percent 6 5 Percent 6 5 Percent 22 2 Percent Yes /39 Yes /65 Yes /186 CC-8 Yes/ 33 Percent 21 1 Percent 34 9 Percent 100 0 Percent Yes /186 Yes /186 Yes /186 CC -9 Yes/ 22 Percent 100 0 Percent 100 0 Percent 100 0 Percent Yes /97 Yes /72 Yes /94 CC -10 Yes/ 9 Percent 52 4 Percent 38 7 Percent 50 8 Percent Yes /27 Yes /40 Yes /61 CC -1l Yes /11 Percent 14 6 Percent 215 Percent 33 0 Percent Yes /50 Yes /46 Yes /186 CC -12 Yes/ 41 Percent 27 0 Percent 24 7 Percent 100 0 Percent Yes/ 118 Yes /186 Yes /186 CC -13 N/A 63 8 Percent 100 0 Percent 100 0 Percent Yes /26 Yes /65 Yes /186 C C -14 Yes /30 Percent 14 1 Percent 34 9 Percent 100 0 Percent Yes /88 Yes /73 Yes /186 CC -15 Yes/ 33 Percent 47 6 Percent 39 2 Percent 100 0 Percent Yes /139 Yes /186 Yes /186 C C -16 Yes/ 100 Percent 75 1 Percent 100 0 Percent 100 0 Percent Yes /117 Yes /186 Yes /186 CC -17 N/A 63 2 Percent 100 0 Percent 100 0 Percent Yes /23 No /4 Yes /22 CC -18 No/ 3 Percent 12 4 Percent 2 2 Percent 119 Percent N/A - Information does not apply Hydrology Success Criteria = 8% Cat Creek Stream & Wetland E -21 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitonng Year 4 of 5 Appendix F Wetland Boundary Delineation Data WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region PIJ,)x1151a. 41 (14 e t aglcoilir) t ", u r m- Sampling ogre I NI r a l! ? Ap0hcaiv0Aixx- , A, !s stole. -a L senrrAIN Palm do) nm'-11 torl5y S sry 5acum, Irvansnlp Range, Lm1dl9fm41Y1IM41e tenaCe erc.l. r", tit- I'�. Irfe 4.aca1 reliaf Iconca4e,00rnrr. mrol t �� 510pe(%l- Sulxegrm(LRROrMLRA)J'Y -21 r 1 Lill 4 4.Zir Lnng Wilim ••' a'pd 5ull Map Wit Nance NWI clamAicadan, Ale CtmallC l Iryivoog)e ColtdWrLS on the snet)pxa for this tune at yenrl Yrn Y Na (g no oxpfairl M Ram(rk5 ) Meve9er3m) 1-1 $al — orFryL1rob11Y ,IprlllcnrrtyUmur0ndt !Ve- Nmmnlcacumsarrei; p;i"Qnn Yc, ="- No Are VegamaWa J 50i ti' Or l -hoobp � "� naturally pro11/anetCA (II netrow. enpum tiny an sonars at Rarnmks ) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS — Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc 1ty #c{inyut vlxlafeleuu Pr �eqn? Yes )L Nu Is the Sampled Aran Ityriir;SdIYmtiam7 Yf., Nu within aWatlend7 Yes t No WC4WO Hyoralogy Wesam' Ye; No Ruiivks HYDROLOGY Wedmnd Hydra/agy InrbcatrirYr Senotwlio inak.alor�tmnm 114..11 Sit iW Prrninry Indcatars (mioinmm_ W�Itcd r_oyunad e1Y�cA all tlua uL'yjy1 _ Surface Sol Gecks 0881 _ Sixtom Water (Alt — TiuL AquuhL Planes (844) , Spinsely vegeta w CWr2n* Swluce last Flip wain Tnhtn IA21 — Igobgenr Sullde Oaw ICI) — Df=06 -4 Patimilb (0101 ' tiatwz%Wn JAM % Ociduee Rhiiosphwes tin trnny Room 101 _ Moss Phn Lines 10 16t _ VLYnr Makti (0 1) _ Pr WnLLof RetluLW Iran (C4J _ Dfy- Season WAIL+ Idble 1C:) _ Sixtrnorn Lwpo•n% 101) _ Ilecera hall Reductlw i to Tiled SWs (CGI _ Crayfish Our taws 1Ca) _ Cull VoVvxt, IBdy nmr fAuLk SwfaCL412)1 , SaIutalWn Vlsbk wr Aerh,l lrrmyery ICs) _ A11pt Mat w <:MI (134) ,�• Oaits 1Exiftit in Retnurks) swilled a stir Plains (D7) _ Inm urpu,aq roJ) GeaurxuPhic- Pusiliun (DZ) _ InimusWnvisi lemtA 111ImngetyIB71 _ stfuliowAquawd101) _ Vera SwIned Lw, om (09) , Ml fmipagraphic Relief (041 _ Agwlic Fauna (1i13) FAC Newtl Tesi,(DS) Field observations Surface hater i>reseeY7 Yes _ Nu = Depth 0ihes), Watef Tank Ptes&ir7 Yes �„- No ` DapUl (0:11e5), Saunatmn Prtacra? YeL ! NO Depth (nxtiasl' Welland HydittIM ihesent? Yes— No irtdir<Iw captht - e Da5or Ue Rec*'deo Bata (stream gauge moiinormr) wall Limit phaln, prtrrimr, nr,(xrdiomc), d nvalkrtin - Retmki US Army Corps of Cngrvws Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 F•azim Malmialns and hraamom - wysmn ? 1) F -1 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 VEGETATION (Four Strata) - Use scientific names of plants Sampling Point a US May Corps at Gigrreers �rellrtrn Mmmi t ni, and Fleomunt - VArshxl 1 n Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -2 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitonng Year 4 of 5 AbsOAlaa DOmaunt Indwor C nano Tact work at Tree Stratton (Plot stre. 1 %Camr 3Z f 1. t... \a. Is' � -, ✓ FAC ,wrbor rjt Lk Iro3ni 5po61o5 Thm Are 03L FACLV, ur FAC` �_ w Tcw1 HwNier a1 Don llcaro 5peeie5 Across All Swa: b_ rat 2. �. ... ti , . , lr I.. l _ I FAC O 3 C • 1�._�� .. to JZO—L- PISCLIi al Dat11IILh11 SrIeCL^t is /rAIN) m rinl Are081, FACW, or FAC: r Prevalence Index warfisheet. laud % Cm" oh 0. ldwaV IM rrnal C" 50% of load caves• --1 20% 01 Mill L1YIW B-_ oB sP8CleS 1*015100 K iii _ --3g 6404 Kr2� -2 Si SduintYShruh Strolwr 00 site- FACW spoons V1brJ15) t'ACspodes x3- FACU specas ,S K a - V7 UPI -tWiea Kb- CohrmnTu(MI; l(, (Al :10';_ 18) Prevuhatte WdaK - a!A- (. �t Y_ J 3 R.��1 K' 1 ✓ TAW _� A J. s — Hydrap"Ile Vdgetatim IrAftatofi r I - Rapid Tint fhr HydraphyUc Vegeiafloo a X 2 Dotninenc a Test is -50S& �r 3- Prevalence lnaeKis001 9 rwUl CIYun 110% at twee com k D 247E ul 101111 LWLr!{_ 4 IAarpholo jcal AdafttatmnS' (PMI.W? 5up1>ar1rrl9 '- herb Slunlnn (pint •Pi 5 i G data In Rsnarks fir an u separate She+dl 1_ /r .....► a r•••trf bG ✓ i u� _ RoblernakIlyaraphy lkvegetation'fEapF�ftn 11rKliostoruof hytiricsall anti wudund Ir)tir M nest tie presem, urdess disurtim orlrr V aw a 3, l- •. 1a , + 1 i • ., l� .. c _ ao! nitk ms at Four Vogotodan 5"0: Tree - Woody p10nt5,ekdidingWnes.3tri V5 con) ar Ita a in dlameer at brave he° ht (DOH), regardless at G T halghL a SepthnyShrub a Woody plart%, eKLludirlg vnrt less 9 Ilion 3 to OIIII urvi gFrctorllasn or i7ymi to 3 28 h is ml [till Horb- All hintnwirs Mot woodyl plen4 rslnrdle` , 14, 11 t °" • tool Cowo arsite and woody planes loss Ihvi 3.'2s R tall. 50% of wto Coat al IrAnl crrr.R; J WOady vino - All woody usuis grt'ater than 3 26 it In Woody I, V1nw 54rau,m IPIa pax I 2 3. 4 Hydraphytk 5 Vegetation Presents yes A— Poo - TOO Clymt 50%of10Iycomp 2t3%afanalcorer Rixriurks (hicludepiiatci iuRnl>Qr5 t>efa ar qt 0 separata shad, US May Corps at Gigrreers �rellrtrn Mmmi t ni, and Fleomunt - VArshxl 1 n Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -2 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitonng Year 4 of 5 SOIL SAmpiing Poem. .-') % Profile Descripdonr (Describe to the depth needed to downtien the indicator or cwdlrm the nLsenon of inrluaatom,► Cu Ira, M,erlx Rutfox FoglunR (Kirtumil C w 4lnont) `hi Coil, (Irrrrst► iti, i ynlit l:iT Fn RIIfC` Rnfr lfkG r `a hL lJ(F ,k. „ek S -a Yc 'r e. GCan enlratial D- Dopleum RM-Rixluud Maim, MS�LU!An*d Sand Greuit _ 'Lor_a1_Iwt_ I'L -Nine wring M.Waru_ ftydrlc Sort Indkworv. Indicators for Probiw atic Hy04c Sods', _ Htswral (A1) _ Dark b4AJaca (Sr) _ e cm Muck 010I (M4.RA 147) _ Hisar Epipedon IA21 _ Po"alue Dalaw Surt a (SB) (A1LRA 147, 1481 _ Coast Prairie Redax (A 16) _ Bieck HsS: Wk3i _ TNn Dark Sw }ace IS914MLRA 147 148) (MLRA 147,140) _ Hyt roger SU$de 4A4) _ Loaray Gie jerl ►Aamx ;F2) _ Plednlwll Fhwapinin Sa1N (I ;1 Fn _ Stratified Layers (A5) DeWed MaIrm (173) 4MLRA 180,147) s 2 tin 10100 (A I D! (LRR NJ RLKJox owk surface (rEl a Vrty 51riiw Dmk SUrfacr (TF 1 n = DeH4eted Below Dail 5urtuce IA 111 „ DeploW Dark Surface IF?) � 011wf (Cxpluln in Rwnutiml Tlnl.k D;ak SurfaU! tAl2) i Redux DLIx :Swjm IFS) _ S-;ndy Mucky Mrtlyal (S1) 4LRA N u Tian Mandnlly a WmLn. (F'121(LRR N. MLRA 147 148) MLRA 1301" _ ',.sfuly Glewil Maim IS4I _ Un3aa Swtsce (F 13) (MLRA 136. 122) lln rinttam ul kpmapmyaK % "atmtnn and _ "ndy Hrd,x (S9) _ Faedvewl Flmept un Suilu (F19L (MLHA 148) wuunnn trf[ DINY must 00 Farf,era _ Striplxd Matra (SW _ Rrd Parent Material LF21) Oi1LRA 127, 1421 unle . dvaurbcd of proMbmonc Rest rA ve Layer (Lt ouservad► 1}Tre lhpth lulcW%J Myd►rc Soil Present? Yee No krpntttle US Army Coq)s of Lrgrlaer5 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 k'nwrn Mourram and Nwamant - Vemrn 7 n F -3 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 I WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Eastem Mountains and piedmont Region I'rojcDSle < C.ItylCamny 's t ,t .� Sampling Date ) /r i 0.pIMIwnNTAner i' Strte wf .- Slurping PLNIY: ( zr z InVn>tlg ?tar15)- ,"'.� "Seldiink TErvrnrinp, Rug-, I,mxilorm Ilillt u;, nr•rnirr, ac )u _ nit,t,19 r. p4" s •`^ Lmnl tand (amcnou, cunrvnx, untne) t' e ^^•" Slopa 1%). t:J Suirmirmi(I13uarMLHA1 t (r RrJ IeL Luixl ' ;- S4'nint Dawn SWIM'tl lima N°irran, r } 't wn S r fPtVl clo5sll�trJotL r+ `U Ain rtrmtlr i Iw 111Y ltnit: of VW'7 Yu an No,_, (ir rin etilioin iti REMAIi LI Arnvcrymntan 1 4al 1 .orIfyduak* d SignifintiflycislLabed2 Are 'I nt.4Cirwn1uanCes, lYmeril? Yes? No Are Vetlutown .'s . ;,ul ,.-) , tr l lydrel0tjy�nulutaQy puahleour11c7 Ili nuc°du4 CX {NUin any anx tr5ln RennnrlS,l SUIYIMIAKY Uh VINUINGS - MUM site map snowing sampling point iocallons, transecls, Important tealures, etc H)dropinync Vegetation Preset%? Yes Nci Is the Sampled Area tfddde SW Proem? Yps K No within a Welland? Yes ND W&Und II/dfelDgy Pfe3EMI? Yes t+ r``o HYDROLOGY Vietland Hydrology Indicators, smon4my hlud ntaa frtdnitrwn D(tac tcymeun Dinintylilch=its frrinlili m at onr is mmlrm chock :il Ihnt nntalyll _ Scufam SW GAde. Wt;) Surface Yiater(A 11 _ into Apuahc PL^ms (014) _ SNtast4y VeVIlteti Concave Sonata 4881 . likJhWhierf &l0(Adl _ HydrngnntiullidCi)drF(CI) _ manngeP.tlaameIal01 Saturation fA3) _ OmdaM Itlnmsphon •. an Living RmI•. tCJ) _ 1.1os, tiltn Lure.(8261 Writai Marks (131) _ kownrn of Rnrtrtcrd lion (('a) _ bq-sub' Un Wrdrx lyd7 : 10) _! Seolnte»I DepoSns (82) _ Recpnl hum Rtlancuunm filled Snd•. fC L) _ GraylNsi 8lrrruws fceb _ Utia LKVfAlls 4831 _ flin lA ck horfixei (4r)) _ Satunurxr Vrsbb on Arad tmrlgrry IC% _... Adyal Mat at Cfwa (841 _ (Ylrer (1:xo.Nn In Hnrnorks) _ SWnten to Sv=ed PlurC. (DI) Iran LN4ro -J6 (851 _ C,u'irnQMl%ln Hrllrnn (DA kruraletifin V15AIe on AiMlal 41189Xy (a7) _ Sholkrty Atluxtsd I04 _ SVater S7WuLd Leas Sag) _ hlkroCgttxpapWc Read (D4) e Aquatic fauna (0131 - _ FAC.Neuaal 1'es; I05) — - - - - -- Flctd Observidtans Strfacu WmarPrasenO Yes_ No Y Depth Ifrtetres) Walcr TnUir Pwirra> Ya• ' ?(a_ Dgnh rmfies) Sa1uralM Present? Yes No _ Dgdh linatu y U Welland Hydrology Prmew Yes >� Ra hl a e(rndu�CagdP Lasr'rbe RiacrXCC -1 4puHle. nin itantig v&L imial phows pfwrlut5 nSPoCeon51 Y avall7dp 1 Rtvwikt U5 Arlr v Caps of Cortnorxs Ustam Whiulns ind rntamnni - Voisian :,o Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -4 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 VEGETATION (Four Strata) - Use scicmtifie names of plants. Sampbnq Polnu , � Z US At illy Cal ps'd Ulglfttrt� Lasipm Mrxthiorm liorl 11kunlunl - Varsran LO Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 A[solue Domindnl thtlrallm Dominance reAwroli Sheet iree Shnu vn II'�sstx.• Y W. I HIV l .SIIL�'eV Slatyi Wilb.Y Of Dutrurant 5prxfe. 1 r• r c Tha1NuO01 rACW,ot AC_ (n) ` itatll Nutrbn of Umnmmu J Spcim Aanis All Sims, 4 FlelGtlq el Llnntnhhl SI70GC5 'Sol, 5 - rhttl No 01711. FALW.ih FAf. tqB) 7 Prevdlence Index worksheet• = ltftnl Cevm rMlll A'. Covtx tit. fAillim tr, W% of I= alyu 20 N Of total arval, UllL 5Pet5e•. I`' 1 ti xc l . 30 l- t %fiRtLf� I S I (Plu:ut. S Ei4C.W`.�il•CIIt9 >. 2ua — 'J�1Fi pa A� - ✓ F� FAc s rie Iy ! 1 ! .^ n. e _ II r ODL FACU •,pecuy lri &4r loo rlizu UR ;.teems , 5= a 1 FAG Cdtntmtank, I ", fAl kLU le) FA GW Yravnlltn at Ireltr>' = 7. Lb wA = f b M)ttlOPhyIEC VogtataliMl Pntl CtAr)ni r _ t liapld'inst <nr H)htoahptr Yopmar,h lkttmtunco Ium rc'50%. 9 � i Plwnlmxu IrxMx w`5 of Intst co�v_I - Tul.d Cow r q 1 t � 91Y16 ul tUlril IYn4n i • to 530` rt m 0 IAorpitWugral Aanpulhurlu' iYlevdn mppamn Hmh Shalom (Ylm vtc, ` i ✓ f" u/ dola, et ttrhrrxks or ml n:epnrnW rJuicil Prtiltlmrloli_ IlyrLnplrylL. Vegrtmihn' fultwi 1 _ r• r r c , ,� '611rnlor, of riyaw snd torn wnCand hlcltaYi[iy tm,ts+ ea pntletu unN•sn drlutbed or pmhlm r- a _ s f n • t FAKAI Defln tMns of Four VeSelialtlon Strata ,t 0 Tree - Woody plenly. tntlu8ng vines 3 n, (r E, cm) or more in dLmrtmtel at beast tteigltt I01M) n•gun0mt;�,al t helglt a Soplingl5)wb- Wnoay jY'stis erchxirly vnn5 le:. 'I than 1 to QM ;auk "lot Ihnr or ttlpml is 3 713 II (t m) tall t p t f Mer0 - An plants, (Not Hass i = rolal LOwI of size aria woody pWfas lass awd 3 20 it tall Wilt, d Iota ccawrw 21Ytb N Imal ravm- Iy Wordy Vlnn Stnhm Ihhx Ftr .L) l i Woody virnl , All wvotly vuus ytt ulur awl a2s If in rtaWlx i i ilydrophytic A 4 Vegatahwl 1 present, Yes_ No - fetalCo.•ht w%d lmd cove. 20%ul Wlnl I. vn R�nuukv (atclude lkwlo ht.rnB�s here r✓ al u sRporale 5haet ) US At illy Cal ps'd Ulglfttrt� Lasipm Mrxthiorm liorl 11kunlunl - Varsran LO Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 SOIL Sarriong Pon, —yiL- PtofflaDescription. (Qescribe to tha pt" floodail to documant tho indicator or confirm the obarneo of indlcataml Ugnfl Mmn?, Rednx Fn vrtx fm!W - -0— Calaf i/llaf!.1► , Color tMewl fl awn linnlnrkL 0- B 11.0. f t= -, �� r 11 ape C•Calletyltreaaa Qs ledon, RM_ReWCed Maet. MS= 1A71,%s0 Sarld Gmuvs ILWc1116ry PI -1'0(0 Lrnn hl•Malnc, Hydncnc it lndicalow Indicators for Problematic Hydrlc Sods _ f11510 -03 (A1) _ Undi Svdm L (S7) _ 2 em Welt (A101 VALRA 1471 _ F6511c Eptptdan IA21 _ Pnlpidue de:ktw Surlanit (S6) (KLRA 147 188) Ccwst Prukm RL-Ikw (A16j _ Black KS119 fA31 _ thin Dam Sarlarl: (SNS (MLRA 147 t4AI RRLRA 147. 1461 _ It)OrogenSutflde4A4) _ 1onmy01ryerltAnllr JF4 _ Pwofnuru Rcmdpktnsoli-IIPl9l 5118111100 Ltlyers WR Y Dnpinlod t aInDr IV-i) 4ktLRA 196, 147) _ L cm Muck (Atli) ILRR IVf _ Pocdo- Dark 41sfno0 (rP,) Very Sf lbaf (Milk SLYIACG (TFl ?I _ Deplelecl Below Dark StMaco 1A1 1) _ IkrpinfW Dark SurinLO (r)i — Opus (E)gMn ai Reatfak9) s. Thick Dark Surfave, (At 2) ._ IiGxlnr Mptrr am '. I I Al Sandy Mucky Mineral t-1 1) (LRR W. _ Iran wnfpn re Ma'.Srl.', (r 1o) (LRR fd, MLRA 147.14M MLRA 136) _ Sandy GleyedMaelx (54) _ Umtx4 Surface IE'a31 (MLRA 136. 122) hrldrsmr -al nyllm"Ic wpwalmn and _ Sandy RedoxJS51 _ RteMldm n000laig Sots (1.19) (MLRA 146f wot:yM hyOmkW must be r<r wni. _ Suplped WVx (SO) _ Red Parem hialprial (0111 (MLRA 127,147) wires dnlwbtit ar tunhhumur Restr ctiw Layor ill observed) 1)w Unplh (inchor Il Hydric loll Presem? Yes? No — R,mwcka I_5 Arrm Carrr. r t E mjnorm Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitonng Year 4 of 5 E win lAwnralns and Rrclmml - Vnrxln 7dl F -6 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region n t'Igeet r 151rc t r n+ �✓ t 1� Gty1L ^alnl }, r` r Sionpi g Omu r' Apl.00 VOvnlel SanlplhlgPonu - 111*5IIg3I0rt4) Stu:Uun 7uwtlslrP Rrtl'+ge LdluSornl arllswe tatwe. err 11 I' r •110 15V" fowl renal Icolxave CptYrej� none)- ' " Slupc I'h). 5trora91bl tl RR ar M JtA! I t' k rJ I :a. *,,z k12-.U% L119. y + � Y ° °r, Datu ill yrd Mop 1-ina reams, . J • .v r t ry NVA C1556111MIllia, r e i✓ .51 Are contain; i h)tnosoglc wndticeK on the Brit ryptar for this ort1e at) "Dt i fey Nu (II n5 eaplein 41 Rwis$ s I .1%mvepawwrl Sol ) at ilyarniogy '1 ylnrilicamy dr=aimad+ AM- Narmal Chrurn5lattc(.,5'pr!aeM? YI,y t No Are VLKr-W Drr � Saq . nr 1yarMr�) - i rourally pradtmaeL7 IN needed eiplan any art' wefs in Renlmks ) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach sne map showing sampling point locations, transects, Important features, etc flytoWtIVIM blxltral an Pn-uxll l Yom. `Y No N drk. $ail Ikusor4 r 'o, �— Nn 15lltu SaMiad Aron 'y y � wlHdn a weltnMl7 Yes No Wolllmd I'te500 r YCS N9 ' ttlkuluks ttr • (`rr. t.. ) ss � , 1011,1 HYDROLOGY FV1111111Y 1"Oftata1411ar1t114111 t1 art4•IJUV 1 . 1.11K.Irl Mll 11141 1=111 I — 50411.1 Al 011do 1136) Surlam tVatat IA I I Truce Aqualn. Mures (al'1) _ SprW -I VegalnlLd CtiaLtw r Surlam lWJ ;f I (igh Walla Tt1W1• 4t*) I lybogeil Sullldc OJ4r (C i I Ulattage Pueaule (870) ,r Snttrawn (A3) 4„ Cidi& d Rhitosph'aes Orr Llvn4 Ruins (C3J _ Alass Trutt Lulrlx(816) _ 1Vatar MmVs (at) _ Prw ienwof Redut.ei) lion 4C4) _ 01pSot!ku1 Wain Tobb? IC2) _ Sadtnrllt OrpaslL& (tie) Rnaeld ittin Rt i lCUUn In ruled Silly (CGJ Cta)lril amlarn (Cal _ W1 Or•prats I01 _ Fiat Mi k SWInt1_ (C)) _ Saltunutxl Viuble oil Acu9tntagwy (C.9) _ Algal EN4 Or Lru• I (H4) _ Calwi ICxpLvn to Retr.Nits) Stunted CC Saes.'a:d Pea tx 1611 _ Iron 01'(m'4' 1`$14 Gailamptic 14rd'nn fOyl _ intindaaon "Ibit•, on A4rud Ilmil(1,YV (H 1) ��rLarrl 1.,.•,•r_u.r� ..,-In,.ler _ '1hlllktw Jkluilltrri ttlt) _ 1Vorur- 5tarlud Lero, AM � � _ Mkrwop07*11C R61 -i Ilno _ AquoiL I alrnn (0 13) _ F'AC Nrtttm! 1 ry (n1.) SwN.lcrWmrlPresetth f1.. No D4111linchesl., 'A'Aler TaLkr Pfesenl? Ve. Nu_,__, tJepnr U17uh %!. sane -oJan Prew9n? Yc-- No! Oajrin r Mhas! t Wetland Hydrology PrewM7 Yes_ W—Z- 011i4daSll'lpl�l�l'�t1I1R1'Lt1� D CIDP R8Car1]ed 0047 `WCRIm qa4¢! Rgaini.ln Walt and n$ rhnins prnVnllr t11'111`tdrtni! d avidlatih 11 rM11JJ a(, 6 t +oil, yr. +1t 1�- AI', I t I4 Renlnrk -1 (�v,� r <� I:JIr j(��'1td�fl ��rLarrl 1.,.•,•r_u.r� ..,-In,.ler .v.ww 1.._ t.k'11 �v, .pert" 1. r . � � i t ( .131.13 •> . u J Ir t.. _r --Vr I� l � s- 1'P�,rr i. I ,, II U•, Art", Carers al Crtgn+.:we Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Ea9fern Mauaallll, end P1walon1 - Wirsiall 2 D F -7 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 VEGETATION (Four Strata) — Use scientific names of, plants Sampling Point. Au• nlrtF. nrIInm7nl Intllt tlir Damnnanca Ust work+fiaal- 'irar Slr.num I'Pkn •crn ='rJ ) CgAY Sptsim.'t atu•. Idrmlxn rn GGnlmarX Sprxra; t' 1 'F� e - A fir,. - ti ` f,, At0 tAm Art, OHI,. PAr,W, ar FAr (A) rn rcrwlfdllnomof onmino A. NEW SpadnS AgrosS AA Strobel S' {H) Pet unt at ocminorn ,pales Thal fu OBL. FACW, at me O Q' /. (AM) lG =fatal cos r TON %Cbvt. (Y ►filacPr by 504E coklmll cover _L 20`c at 4ata9 coven I y OBL species wtl�lea;dl<131 sltrtwtl (Plot site I rACw species 12 . i . L It',! , i.{ ,1` ,tc i u a FA[: Spode, A?. 2 —' FACU sp,-tles X4- 3 LM apat:us X6. 4, Gdlumn rolnis IAl fBl Prrrr:(rlrn indu. = H?A = T _ 1 Raptd Test for Hydropl'yllc VegLixion 8' k - pownnnce restis.5o?u o Mmphcopimil Ataptuntim' (Pmvndo st p1mining �� 7_ z Total 7nX 5996 d torsi<avdr; !jrTb 4tawni (Ptnt slit ) nP torn ccclwornvur . data In Remarksorm c sirporotf ;heel) Ptoblornmic Hyaropbptlf, Ve im itrin` (Etfalnl 3 , rOw"COS01 11101% ballano Nrdand h3y1rologe 11%151 C�r) beptesent. unlpssdiswite satpronlennro_ 9. ?A ' ✓P' 1 —.L�f `SIT^ cKL tldtntbans of Faur Vegetation Strata` e True -Woody pants okclu*ng vines Z In Q 6 o n) or morn in dlarnew al breast holglx 100HI regardless (it r nrfghl a Seplingi5hrub- .'AoodTple+d.9, erttl.>frry vlltes, ros 9 titan 3 to DBK and peoter then at equsl to 3.29 11 11 t p rrq tell 1 t herb a All Itabaceaus bwnwuory) plmrtr regdrdlesv Irk 3 21111 i fowl coven of site, and gooey Wants than tell 504E of lotatcover F• 20% of iotai covor, Z U WAY vGtn- All vwuay vinra yraalu dun 3 28 b lu ��Y RV_ (Plot size 1 1 msgtn. 3 Nydrophytic w ag station Tatalcowlr Present? yes No 5r,% ry total cover 2n9r, tit intid 40wpr numberrn nut. or tm n 5alrelue elttll.•t.l 115 Array Corp%dt Frajmecrc Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitonng Year 4 of 5 Eastan1 A9au'cauls am Pledrntau -WNW 2.0 F -8 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 SOIL SalnpOng Point S f Pmtdo Dascnpiran• (Doscnbo to the depth needed to documm4 tho Indicator or omtfrnn the ab urt" of Mdicahw-.) ae{uh Millm kedix F P-tita g inxhr,! C I m 9r. Cohu Imam -Il 96 � or tfwtkvr Rlrrzrkc "�-' `1 i 7, vet. C.CnnLi4 mkin. D -Denle iai. RM- ULdULI'd lt=X. MSAta ACH2 SUM L,raer. hex.mttnt 11 .fkue IJA—. tA,t/:dna _ IW033 d1A I) Bede Eppedoo 4A2) Rluck IBSm (A31 It)docyun SIM& 04) _ Slmllnud Lnyva IASS7 _ 2 cm Mick {AI6) (I-RR f4) _ Dnpktu.d Debw Dmk Swims IA I I I _ Thick Dak ;tnfat r (A19) _ $nrdyNUryy IAnwA 13111LRR N. MLRA 147, 148) _ bmxiy Gklyrxl Mora IS41 Sontly Redo,( (55) _ Shipped It= 1561 I JP'r Depth jbclwf ) U5 Nniy Ct41r >nl Enom -w5 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 _ Dmk Surlixe (57) Pulywfue Rebw SurfaoL (58) (MLRA 147 148) _ Tign Dark Staface IS91(MLRA 147 1481 Lmuny GifyW MaUrx 4F?) D�plctadMc�x (I 31 RI'tfax Dark Smim.r_ (NJ Dapped Datk SURafe IF?) Redox Delnelsnms IFM _ imn fAdn(ptrx v' r.L asm IFVI (LRR W. MLRA 116) _ Umtnr °;ut;ya (1- I t) (MLRA 136 12x) _ Ptodmant Floodplmn Sells (1-111) UdLRA 1481 _ Roc Parant MMOFInl (1-71) a1ILRA 127, 147) Indicators for Problenralle Hydit Sc 2 cut Met* (A10I MRA 147) _ Qm!a Ptame Roctex (Aid) (MLRA 147, 148) _ Rudrrrnttt rload(xnm soft (I 191 (MLRA 11G, 147) _ Very Shallow Dari<Sutfoun (1 F171 Oliun (I_XIA.11I1 m Rrnudks) 4nnwniorsnt h)dr Itytmc vNewinn amt wmiand hytim"y nest. oe pre-sent, MOM e1S Med ar randemauc Hydrme Sod leresem7 Yes - 1. No I;mYmmm N'numirt-- r d Pladnrrrn - Varann 7 U F -9 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM — Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region r "rCIGIn _ rA i rr• Sdrrprn.J DO. j Apphcmnluvincr J-r' ;� r, Sure .-J/ Samplingpotm pfd*;" tmrarrlmrr{��� :�" 1 $colon Tewreildp Rtaiy3 WmrYvrrn Ittil-.Wo trsran r, rlt. )t i' /-LC�._ On 44n .-, Lu.hl tetel (ivnu&va Convex tame) 1, Ln.: Sage t`ZI' °1 Suaivynn II Rft at MI 11A), S V l✓ Let Z C ! l _ '4 941 Lm1 x ' 3J5? `'- -7 Datum —) A CIA Sol Map unit Nnrnn, -J , W 2 i I _ -- -___ INA -1 rlossCrafan $---10 . A fuerintuuCl"ftaatgr cantfllum(Htete cite iyoul lot dritsarne at )ew? Yes 1' Nn_ pt no eKplam in Rmarksl Arevrgsaaan •J Sad j =� urlyardiogy '-J s,gnllkomlyaswt6af+ Are'Nnmatlflicion incrrs'"prrnrm? Yrr• � 14n _ An: V09WIlk n N_ Sal r,11 tr riytaoiogy l -1 ttmeirdw prghtemmb'? (a (woopd, Rlalpm any rmwMrsm Rea ak-;'l SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing' sampling point locations; Iranseets, important features, etc }lylat"s,tc Vegetnaon Presanl7 Yns x Nn Is the Sampled Area Ilydrk. Sotlpres_1117 Yos No wittvn a WatlernP Ye4 h No Wntiaral I lyrkduyy Preswil? Yes Y Na Ranurl5 HYDROLOGY Rnmaly lnaicaters lmnrnum at nno r rnnunnn. chock nil that nnujyl s Surface Sea Cracks (88) _L Slaioce Water IA1) _ rniq Agiutlir NMI-. tR141 � Sparstdy VkgwffledCnnCOVe SLJICM (80) IVi Watet Table 1A21 _ Ity4m9on Sulfina Oam 101) � Dranege Pailerr9taWl ® Saauatmn (AJ) _ Di durxl Witymphmm on trrinl Route iC31 Moss john Utter (8111) _ Water Marks (8i) _ Pttr oMM of Reduced trim (C4) i Dry Seasan W tei lable (C71 _ Sadmila Deliauls 184 _ ltprwm Iran Rrduuum m Tiled nih (CGI _ C(ayh¢.ii Dutows (Ca) _ Dtut Deposits 163) _ Itun rhtcr Surf= (01 a Soltnoarm Visible on Aiulol hrwgery (C9) _ Algal Mal or Cnist (1341 _ 01ho IFlp:rn In RtYnurk,4 T xufvea at S tessed roar is (1311 _ lion Deposes 165) !; Gemini lW Poston (D4 F Iwitr aon Vlsible sn Appal Irrioporl' IB71 Shallow ACUbatd tD31 m IffteenSteYned Leaves (lls) _ Mwtnpoiltaphic Relml ID4) Agiadu, rlrunu (8131 _ FAC- Neutral Tt -A (D5j Stulace water lve - -tim? Ya"u } Nn_ Duptrt(ntfti!S) Waiit- toot- Prau"Vo Ya% A' No_ aqui(inches) Sawarilonpresenl? Ye, X No_ OLIVI (eHfik.) Welland Hydrology present? Yes No finclucim cadlwry bogie) W%piha Rr=dcd D.atu Itihcam tpluhw morthcringwell. Rena/ pnglas, prrNntts InVnrurml It rvALibk US Armf Corps rf Enalnees Vistern AMtimpats and ('teamnnl - Vontnn? o Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -10 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 VEGETATION (Four Strata) - Use scientific names of plants 5ampling Paint I t J Rom 5hiiw 1plat sae U 'N, com nriir! nLL h\antxs Of I)Rnm-im ypnw ITlnl Aml7Hl, FACW a FAt- r? (A) Tatnl Nilorbar of nantrmrx l ' Species Across All tinata SH> n - - fk-rcan[ of Gamrlolu Species b , That Are OaL, FACW, of FAC US i SA161 0 + Provolotlw IIWOiI warlttrratru Total COVIII ttnift'A t arero Niit[iN by 50A',Umtllevwu I ? Zo %a(toleicoVer % OBLgcJripa (7= !„ Stirib Sir lum I?Ina 7ri• S r FAUN Spedun x2= t _ c F� M U •" „ __ 1' r J FAG Spams a 3= 'D FACU spenes x 4 c J UPLSpcwas )15 ,i Coturref Taal, (Al (Hl a PrOt..tlOnClr rridex = F'!A = t _ I Rn& 1esi Icr Hydmplrjvt, V%t4nllnn N X 1 CommriCn -Im k 55". y _ 3 Provitonre Index I-. 13A' 7 D Total Gom eb _ 4 A(nrlllydopkml Annpllttam' IPmnoir aiW�rq Wk CA loud moo _! _ 2a% of tau oaVef in Od In Remark,, Of on 5ep.' rmu 5houl) 11nm SPMtfm IFiol r.1Sn PfabicirG'uG Hydroph)% Vegsxahoul' it'.xp1Pnl 1nd4 oe 17y(l c t by nnH 3 n c De p rserit, r1095s dtstu rofuc of pio h:aec: 4 �-� tJefintheris of Four Vegetxtlan Strata_ 5 �- IT TreO - Woody pIINF axzWinq Arlo %, f m 1; Ir rmt or maN In dortgrCrt 71 wkTA h4fghn p)tiH), m¢atrl - Of helgtr 8 sap3lnwslrub - %Vaixty plorLt i-xclamlO vile, 1C35 °,.-, own 3 ifs oBti,am greeter llran or equal rn 3 28 11 41 Ta M) rau ttr Here. Alnidibaet-ous t41on,Ywo4 yl pIFIILLS, fE-9ardle55 ialat Ginu of sue and woody pinrYS (� if= J 20 it fall ?(1'X ul irrifll etyrd D 5vit, at too" CMXT. C Woody vfu - At wuntTy v nos yl I.uu'f dwn S 211 fr w 'Anwy Veen Irlrrm 11 `11111 +m 1 )yt J t a H)drophync �, Vegalntlon - ki13l Crntfr PreseM7 yes No 4n4i, at a16mt lnVai 2U9h of Wad Lty" , Rlsnarks (hn:ludla p`iura rrarnlxv, here cr c� a SaRaraoo s pill ) U3 /vroy (°caps iX raajifttils F&Eaefil INJaT7ila15 1110 PIec111WU11 - VI.Ihw Z.0 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -I 1 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 SOIL Sempkng Point- e,F L1 Pm iW Description_ (Dest rme to t71e depth needed to doctura3 a the indicator or confirm tho abscnso of indlcatom) Dt1id1 Mnitra Rpdnx FM 1122 'flM1Ju',il.__ COIOr (MOISIJ 9. Colo( (mr,Krl 9 i art Lnr' ln.glrn hmm�tk't )Y/, %s t C `TYUe� C- COncenuadotl D-Deeladon R)/ =RLxiuceti Meini. rnS =hia .ked Sind Gmittr 11 malign PL -Pmt Lerrig hl -Mnai� Hydne Sail Indicatorn• MplIcatom for fkotilenlalk Hydrlc, Sat15�� _ I Ir,Iasoi (A71 _ Dmk Swfaee IS' I _ i chi IAids WO IMLRA 147) _ HiW EPipedon IAtI _ Palyvalue Hdrm Sufat:e (SG) (FAAAA 147 1491 Cxjasl PtehVc Redw 4A16), _ Black Hisd. (A3) _ That Onrk Surfitr . (S<i) Q11LRA 147,148) (MLRA 147 1461 _ Hyartw" Sullkle 04) _ 1 nnmy Giryva Mmnr IF1l _ PiLcimcm rbodplirt Sal.- Intl) _ Srratfibd Layers (A5) _ Ilapinlrul Munro Jr.!) (MLRA t30 1471 2 ac, Muck (A10) (LRR N1 ±, Rixloa D,U,ak wtlitcn IFG) _ Upy Shallow Dark Stul.icu FlT121 _ Oepleted Wow Dark Surface (Ali) _ I1C19wed Dark Stare (1'11 _ Qihm IExptarn m RmtAuk'i) _ Tl ick Dark Surloce (A112) _ rbAoK rlgpm•,�iom (1-9) Sandy t Ucky MillEfal (S I) (LRR N. _ Iron fMn'wrira W,,st' ^. (1`17) (LJRR N, PALRA 147,148) MLRA 1361 Sandy Gleyed 1Aalx (54) _ Irmbrit Surfuro ft't3) Q ILRA 136, 1Z21 `tndtrmw'.ai hyth.iphyCtvugmiaan and _ Satrdy Redoit (55), _ Piedmont Floodplom Sai6IF7J1 IMLRA 1460 rxdlnnd hydmk,gy mini be prccm, _ Satlpped Wi0irL1 (S61 _ Red ParerY Ata5mtt11F71I IMLRA W. 147) unluss dhowtbed lir ptabimunir Restdchve Layer Ir1 Ginumn type DOIAI (mchusl Hydrlc Soil Present? Yes No_ Rernnik. 115 Army Carat o1 V i-alu rims Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitonng Year 4 of 5 En dmn Mai tritium and rk- thnmii = Vasinn 7 0 F -12 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region 1'ruler.IGI,- r*' ti J t t tt l alyi'LrAmly C Sarnpiny We- f rr ' AfaptLdrWOW1119 f sinle, Samplm(rPoall - lmmtc)ulu'(5) "' - tirlrurFr Iwnn�litlr,ItmW I r5rl11rolru 111iblupo tol-Cm t& it t -* -�, I - Loral rullul Ir ravtivl convla nano) r� SrGiter)fuil ILRR cf MLRhJ 1 r- {. 11..% ' Lat1 �+ •, l `t ti G `r I unit T'' �'' O n 0.Twn -1 Scd Kip I Irel Norm IJ V "J. .. NYJY cs7 �frnunn, f�a . t Fail clink-Ac f (ryumftxJr- txilit[Wits url IN, ate typical for this Iilne of yaar7 Yi , No _ lV no r pi:rn in krxlizk�l,j An Vr rpSrafull r� „ Soil - (Jl k"doyy n % of Nllcarnly dIsTlnbed7 Nn `Nnrmm Cncrmn lmrll , tuwA!nI,' Yom, _ Nu _ t ArR Votpi.ahnn S,.1a _ , _ _ w 11yo Wogy Fr rivurelly prmbin iw; (II neadad, gepinm ,sly ntr am -,1n ktmvk , ) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transacts, important features, etc HydioMy9K Yeoulatlhll lYawnl; Yu, gNi_ Nq Is the Sampled Area tlydrM Soli NeseMR7 i`ot, No anhin o Watinnd7 Yes j� No Wudailld Holalogy Pre5rlTt7 Yn6 No HYDROLOGY I't mnry Indta+tai, (mlrimtnr ul LilI I tt lllgLf p sp6 _ Stelaco Yralar 011 HI(ln Walet Tahlo (A!) Ssinrm(nn IA3) ' _ Walat Ms+kS(Bll _ 5edlowm Deposit, (B:) _ T DNI Deposits (B31 _ /Vol Mat or rtu51 (m) _ rmn Deposlls iM: = IknuiLhulon VhWe,un A01,11 haary:ry (1111J _ Willer 5191neo Leaivs III% kquauc Twin (8131 13 that nipw Tnle Aqunllc Plmns (B I A) 1lydreuen sulfide Odor (Gil 4,1frlized Rhizostlriere%m Llutrlp Rgois (0) PrLkSe led of RLtdaLed flail (Gnl Ruclj" trun ReWellonln NILtd Soils (C6) Thn Mud* Sutfaca (C11 Collar (falpfsrl in Ranoutls) Stekicq walpt Fm7mill" Ya- _ Nu __ Oaplh pnylaS) Wa11T IWAI 131c. 17 Yes x Na GnrMes) _ Satu mI'ro5r-nI Ye, k Nn_ DurRl6nelies) (mcludaSCap10.nry61n;1n1 _ Dv5Li Rct wtkLod W" (stream !puggee montnrtrip vm1L amid phmos prm aus tree �{�i t 1 11 = Y US AmYr fops n Frgllmxa> _ 5121noo Sol *—idm 011) _' ipat'i0yV419onlRdComfivrS1111111cl iHBI Dranapti vnumc Mull _ Mnci: rrim I huts (H i61 _ Dry- Seaurn WatarTnlAe l(•7) _ Crayll•h BuTHrrr ILS1 _ SaWrallm WSiM en Aenat Imagery lGIl? _ SNlved or SSessed rinrtc(Dlp Getimorphlr Paeillor. (D71 _ Shallrtw Aqutwd (1713) _ NVWXopaprapri*, rW of t04) _ rAC- N@ulral Tesl (051 Welland Hydrology Pimssent? Yes ''" No W earl Mrruulaua and PL+d lvill - V1' +510112 fi Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -13 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 VEGETATION (Four Strata) — Use scientific namos of plants Samphng Point: r Abs uvt DOndttsit t1t8c8tur Dorninance re5t,warpshoot' rrroSlralm (PIOtStzv '�=� J Coy 5' SI�W., M"Ixr at Gnmrmn; bpoom ` l G �Ll -ihal Aar flHl • FAi W, nr rAr, 7. tovll Mifter,all Dtmtloat i i •I 5pecles Across NI Strni (N! d pwen1 w ountrunY 5110trr Mat Are oaL, I ACW, at PAC 10D Z (Aral I"MRtenCe Irddex *wItStwet Twnl5r, rawer It( Maly Irr 5' T ia1.11I,m'er so% d wtm cavnr � 5 2iyJ( QI lotn1 d'a'rn � OW speoes x •1 - sr n11nQ Wy(� S,t mxu (Plot s1io.,�1 ,ter i rACW rpoctea %2- E. �; X 08� PAC - pnrtri• x 3 - PArljf 5purten x n - 2. k I ° ,� �� I tS �J,(U j P !t ,..t tr r°) A �•z .. �t I(PI.W- 195 d T - - -- -- -j • , ,, , _ " td (.nlunm IoW's IA) lu) tfirllaHince Index = arA - L H tic VegMatlon Indxocors 7. I -Rapid Test tar Ilycrraphy'le vegcwuml B � 7 - tiomnara:e is i is >5DX 4 45 Crmx 3 - Rovefenne InW-K 613 0' -'craft 5D% at tonl wvc bZ 20W, d total rrvaa _ a _ Mnrplr doglcnl Ai7puaJUns' (Pttrndc 5np1lxuny Lf aG Snnlurn (Plat Stu r ) dw In Retnarksai (Ioa selm,mdslterl) u5l_ _ Pmtknutic Hydrophyt vcr_.eennn' rExp'nm) 1° �~ i tA• hualcat(us Of I it. wil and molund L dank not ,t c r ° , G c� e ,ma L4 °e4i Pl1t1� tepre5em utes tIdAw#u darpraUrmnor wildtfans O Four Va®elatian Strata lroo - WOSidy p ants uxtadtty vtnu. l ht I1 0 an) at 6 mac tod4imeter en I're2=1 hetL7I11(OP1i) reyarditiss ad 7 Ix3ptrl a, 5 SapllnWShrub - Woatry pttaiu• erdudrtB vuit9,'e.% Ilun 3 In DBI I ant) (pclamr than ai etpol m d 78 n 11 In rN tool, n rxro - AD hevac�arttg pion xo•1tri+j rylry rt'pnnuus, -, -and V4U -Taml c(wer 0 stN�S d taltp errlKn' p 71Y1d aI 10110 cowl ar5ize, Woody tftds It= than m A tail, QYttY.�Rn' alum (Plat v,c� � t + I Woolly vino -All nonuy vanr�ccpontar Ikon 3 75 tt m !!M Ix � - L I - -- Hydrpptryllc $ Ua(ptsiton = total errhl present? Yes No 60'6 at wal crmT ?(ips of renal Gryim Rarixffk. tlndude pMlo numbers hate man a separ812ShIRM) U., Army Cwpb at EagUlnrm. EaWin hintadnins mid l+sdrrnnl � Var -inn 7 (1 ' Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -14 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 SOIL Sarnpllng Point. 4 S ProRla Descnpuont (Describe to the depth needed to document the Indicalw or confirm the absence of Uwcaim ) Da3Ll1 IM7 N SMx Fvgw1j% frldtl l _calin Ila1nt57I— 5b — �j�F1'.- _1de— le+lt i Rltlhll)ty, Ll �I �• 1 P? _ ptf- 46' 75 L L "rye- C«Crna.e awion, D,Deoku{an, RM =Reduced Metnx MS =Maskeo send Gtalm °Lma orl Pl. -f"ate Linng MWairit Hydrlr Soil Ind=tnrs, lndkmU" for Problemultc Nydric Sods' _ H190501 (AI) _ Dvk Swf,,t m is 1) _ 2 un Mrak (A 101 (MLRA 1471 _ Hism Eppwive (A21 _ Nnlywilur R.tkaw Surlrsr 151!) (Ma.RA 147 1413) _ Coe 1 Pruun- RLdas 1A101 _ PII rk HktL (A3) _ I tm L\-uk Sentarn (;:91 (tALRA 147, 1413) 41dLRA 147, 1481 Hydrogen SLthda (A41 I emmy C Uycd Wmrx (F') _ Pleemnre Hultdpbr1 tiuh it Al _ WaUwd Ltrsas IA51 Depleted Mmix (h31 (MLRA 176,1471 _ 2 wi WLk (A10] (LRR N) _ Radex Dail, Surlaw if 61 _ Vnry btraw Gark burtaco Il F 1)) DeoiYwdfl- low Dail, 5uAate(A11) _ DepWudD.vkSllrtarVI"I _ all" (CxphtnmRomirkq) TIsLk Dade Surface IA 121 Redax Depressiotl5 (Fal _ 5nntr Mucky FAnwal [%11 MRR N. atei manganese Mosses tF 12) (LRR N, MLRA 147, 101 MLRA 136) 31 nvy (h-}rd Malrrx IS 41 _ umhit Surface Jr 131 (MLRA 178, 121) 'Ir4x<..ors of hyrorophyl% "elaw awl Fx nd) Redox (S5) _ Pl amwt n000plan Sdis (r 18) (MLRA 148) wLV.:rW hy0faiall) must be presLVn _ Stripper! Mulch (5111 RM Parom MalMol (Q1) (MI RA 127, 147) urdess dskubee, or prohinmalin i6S1rksivo Lvyw a w udl Gypr. Fmolt k Depth Illmho.t Soil Present° Yes (11th — Rernari:, In Army t,nrir ,d Lngmrw. Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Ea' Mocmtans and P1e4mona - Vemon ),S1 F -15 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Eastern Mountains and PiedmonbRegion Pn>lrzuSde. f tlytt ounly. Sampfing laaea AppllcnNlO mt r +� Z i r �� Slate Samp]rg Path, J b Irrm,hgatorlstu T T7 ✓a' rr &rhan lowmiltp rzrir n l.erttYmm IFtll5loln., tt�rau�, etc ). .j t,. , ,i �F' , . is luntl rulkrl ((xrnrm) 51inm., nu m) Suilu,gnrt (I Wk cc MI RAI. 1'� fi N I,tu J . t '� ri G, tai qt 1a) S , �5 0 5 'I Sri Mail troll Nnmo. U - ) J. s 1 Ai .Y I.Je s NVq Glasslllraavr, IS w• t Nr chmnnr (hyctralar -}c cnanpnnrtiS an ihn vIG fmirnl Irr I}r}, rfmr n(yr,(vd' Vn . Y NU _ `II np aif* >t In Ruwilial Art- ViVintwur 'I Suil f! - orHydmlorpr n% rgntlirrtNryptiUnhnrl" Ara 'NMnrt(;Ircintt5tantie5"pmsena7 Yes dC Nu An- vr9mumn rd Still of cr Hydm" rat if needad or slain any answers In Remarks ) i aurwnnnrctr ur rnrrumnuzi -owacn site map snnarmgtsampung potm Iocaoons, irensecrs, rmporliant rearures, etc Hyrhopriyllr V( lImrjnan I'resarl5 Yes A No M the Sampled Arno Hyarlr5dl Pmseta7 Vos No A` wrdirn o Ulelland7 Yes No Wallane Hyttrology Prasonr7 Yes V Na HYDROLOGY Prinaly tnoiratary Innninnm rd anar, ranukaa, drunk at that inrW _ Sttdacd Sal cracks-m6j _ 5urtace V7atar (Al) _ -True Ai(uerlk Plants IB14) _ Sparsely Vagelaten Cbn -.rve Surrace (Bh) H,gP Vlamr TatM (A.2( _ Hydrogen Sundo Odor (Cll _ Oravinge Pcoems (B(Oj Saturation (!mi) rbid(Ied RhLZOV .re50n Llvrrg Roars (CJ) Moss Phi Uoes (B]ol 1Varar A4vks (B1) _ Frew -Vice 01 Rnnueod Yon (r-p _ Dry Season Winer rnW%- W21 SCi1toete Depo5ts Ir121 ,e Recern Iron Reaacuan In rr1)adSolis ICG1 _ Ctayfim Blrrlrr -. (C8) (hill 0epnsd5 (83) _ Than Muck Suct4ce tC-I) _ Sauualiun Viuhki tin Arml Irrmgr ry (0) — Algal rdnl m Crust 041 _ other (CrpleW In Rtnerksl _ St ulued cc Strei ed Plain:, (01) o lean 0Lpuslty (➢5) Geuttrr:uptrk Pomllren 1D2) — Inund'+swil Visit* an Aed.J Irnageiy tB71 _ Shallaw Ayultard (03) _ Water-Stained Leaves (BG) _ MkiamcgWhlc R" (04) _ Aquatic Fauna IS 131 _ FAGNeutral Test (05) Sudnt P W ntct Prmone? Vta _ Nu X Oe Yh (Irrcttrl). Walcz 1 taro Prrvsrart? Yes X tta, 011pal (mc(ta3) �i- !waxamtn Prrnrml? vas V tin _ Oaryh (mctua)� f3 Wollorrd Hydrolo9y Present? Van No (Includes cardinry -Triune) DesulbeRecurdalDM(sveatngeuge nrxrtat�lgwell,ailtalphaM { Yrtt.(W511Ya{RCIIOnSl,dnvnitaWa iJ5ArinyCrrpsaIEngine r-, Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitonng Year 4 of 5 F- ran rAnumunn and "awnnnt- wren /o F -16 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 VEGETATION (Four Strata) — Use sclentilffc names of plants Sampling Point AtYSM O D�orntr'tte�Sr'g InIftiMot Dominance Test warkshoat Tres SMI (ptrn size t 1 4 CW01 �T �' _:�JwaA Nutmeat of Dmnumra Spa- t .>±rdL TIM Ann 0131„ FACW or FAC L'l (At 2 Tutd Number of Uomlttartl 3 Spinit . Aa s AS Saran (al 0 Vmrrm M Dominant $pea% 5 Ihot Am ORL FACW or rAC r_, VVUl 0 T Prevalence Index wwkshaet. S V �� h� Total C04LI Present? Yet+ No aR% iN :old crnrn, 7rA6 ul total cacr Itgm.ah;• (TrltAtde Ghat) twmhrag re or an o seyarale sheet) USMmy Qvir, ofttngtsjers I, a orn Mratni-aisdno Pwonwrl - Vetstun z4 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -17 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 7 t - i Wei I.UYL'1 rU1U 96 GIY/IY Uf lAtttlMr IA StYIE IY tatd coven ^ m% of Idal oovut ORL spockts x l - SaelmdSftrub Sunrum (Pk i slu3. ' t me W Wmitm x?- A Pbl rAC )pride, rte - 2_ '� It r o- .s•�y �r • ,r ! fJ� iW FACl1 spttlLx UFIsvoum A i.. •, t ...u.� �St,.irard' t V t ColunirTotttn: ,At fAl 5 c, Rt,bty Pt'r" S I0 V 9 —'T- Prevalene Fttdaa • 8M - T Hydropfrglfe Vegetation latdicabors a — I • Rand Test for Hydtnp1W Vtttlrtzttrn 9 7 Odrnnnrrw lost k s54R5 _ pa Total Covet _— ! P,CNdYslt.c indri r, s3�ty' 50%dtorte)crnnr ` '�� - z69S 011ual C9Vdr, �_ _ ArMmph000glc ,UAd.10alions'flsmv,dnsuppormIt Wart, Strmim (MM sue, T ' d-An In Rnmarfu5 w rm a suparoto shrof) 1. 1 - r r — Ptuhfernmic Hydrotthytm Vagoolgan" (FMIntry z 5"A_ — f f; 3 it ,...r . ,�' I D Ey „r Itildicnturs d hyntC wir mn vinitarn) hyTIrology mlrf 7 -fkw tf %vtl Le pre -em utdrys rLshatxtd or problomatc r Rlinillons of Fav Vegetation SVeta. 5 8 Tree - Woody plonm uouduae wren a In (l IS cm) at more In diriRwrn al taoasi 1%1411 (DISH) mgwdlrss 4 r - _ neigh 8 Saplingi'Shrub - Woody plorm oxckiding vnes, Wes; Ilion 3 In 00H and grnctrtr dtat at awril to 3 Re It Ii to ml Lill], t t, Herb -All tcstrucremtn Uron vxaotly) palms, rety3rdless - 1 anal cover of rare and woad} pions Itn s Innn 3 28 n lal 50% of Mal LY.rr _' • RYA of trial cover ?,o }Vl)Qyy_lrtra 9frntum IPyd szW � 0 ) Vlaady vrrw - A11 Y,DaB/ YIr+BS qRraler man 3 711 It rt I 1 z S V �� h� Total C04LI Present? Yet+ No aR% iN :old crnrn, 7rA6 ul total cacr Itgm.ah;• (TrltAtde Ghat) twmhrag re or an o seyarale sheet) USMmy Qvir, ofttngtsjers I, a orn Mratni-aisdno Pwonwrl - Vetstun z4 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -17 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 SOIL Sampling PaIr 5 17 d'fl Pro1He Duy(rlpuont (Describe to the depth noindod to docomorn the Indicator or confirm the Ab-Ame of inthcato(s 1 Depul MdRtK Rndw Frriturm t' t Ir - (Fluty _ n ,,kx -V S' ! �L 7 ru7R N H 5 - "ply tt s•� /1 f!► 0••®t �ilpe. C�COnr.emraoarh OeOdWcoon RIA- Radtxstl tdahlx fd5- A1alkrttt Strut Grrna rLuLLliet7 PL +Prae Li�trlt�. AI -Meelc Hydric Soil Ino(cator8 IndicaWs for Probbdmot(c Hyaric Stuts't _ H15nisal (A 1J _ ftltsuflaw (57) _ tfm 1`40 IA1(1) (MLRA 1471 _ Hisik EpipeUo'I (A2) _ PelyuoWe Ee�Wk SutfULe IS814MLRA 147, 148) Coest tr wlu Redo( IAl6) _ Blaa tllsill (Al) _ thm OUrk Surface (S4) (hLLRA 147.14BI (MLRA 147,1481 _ by Bogen Shclido (AH _ Loutny Cieyad M;Yjix (Ul _ Fleditum FL7tlaplakI Soils (f 19) _ S11aidw W ywJ51A.51 X Oeplated Matrix (1791 (MLRA 129,147) _ 2 cm Muck IAW) (LRR N) _ PcftK Dntkswiaco (F6) _ Very 5nallew nark Slxlata (TFV1 _ 0%knad Hdow Mark Sefrion (All 11 _ Deplezea Dark sulfuue (r?) _ Other fE(plan in Ramarks) _ thck Oar1 SudD6r (A171 _ Rv1ox DeprLWSiUns IF8) Sandy Mucky ksneral IS1I ILRR N _ Imn Mamptusr Atesves (r -12) (LRR N, MLRA 147, 148) "A 119) Sandy Giayed Malritt (541 _ (►mbnr SWtxl (1.13) (kt1RA 116,122) 'Indicators of hyultpnyilesr8uauen nrrl _ Sandy Redox (55) _ Piedmont Flooepea[n Sale (F191 (MLRA 148) weuend I1yt7rdogy must bopresem, _ ShµxPeo M911h fW Red PUrm tdatLitnl (F21) f111).RA 127,147) urdess dlstumdd or pmUluneUC. Resbocwm t.ayet Of abservod) ryr.� I,Hydnc Drpti (m -hurl. Sell Pronertt9 Yes No Rcmarks US Anry Crri>s or Engnuet s Canteen Mountains and nlddmnnt - Verstm 7 n Cat Creek Stream & Wetland - F -18 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Eastem Mountains and Piedmont Region I�lufer Usiw � Tee �C r p n I ° / /f / f Clycour(y /yi A SarmLrYJ Date, ApptLarllfOnnlci Nt ' ' siara Al G samplVRP4arlt '>P0 11T.m tryalar(s) ^r t11 ' 50CWn TcrAnhp Range I.afudwmg111slope armLU atel Floe lkrn La :af relief lcalcave,carnek,rwne), � 5lopeM), 42 Swit"itinILRRatMLRA) LICK LM' Long Daum, 4A083 SIXI tAIIP Our Name Ah Vvfft WWI LIOSSdk511011, An• clmubc t nyurWpglc alnclua/yti on Iln sta tY1.eL01 ten das IftrlO IN ye,n? Ycs NO 11111@ CxplRin in Remarks I Art, V.,yudllmn_sua /' .nityttd0yy ylgnlliLrornlydislullfed7 A♦e'NUnr2lClrwmsrances'IxesL YesLNU Art- Vryx,iInn N SaL at lydrdugy lif ffually prrdilernalle? 111 neLaded explain my/ a tismas of RumarRs } SUMMARY OF FINDINGS — Attach sito map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. HpUlollrytr Vagola[bn Wr754tN7 Yet No is dre Smnplad Area Hydrt 500rero5ert7 Yea No w illnaIvellair r Yes [Y Wo Wellaritl k)txology P'r.rWnr I Ye' _� NR RrmOrkz HYDROLOGY wedand HV&IAM Indicators Seeondafy (nalaatol5 nnirilinarn of tea reaormdl Ftlrrnlly Indknlar immlmisn Ib une a cLVlwfell; tltkLk a11.1110La0)7('d _ SLrfaca Sail Cocks (061 _ Sullorn Warm LAt) _, True lu1uMIc PlarYS LBI.1) S()arsely Yagalttted CanC1fW SuIlaLO IOal _X High Warar i alt0a (fir) _ 14ydtagla15u0'kle Com (c t ) Draifaga Pallwas (010) S91fx00on (AJI X pzrdlrud RhaaSpherc-. an LIVVIg RWnt (CJ) _ Mass Trim Lines 10101 _ [voter Marks (01) _ Prwgmm of Retimud [hill 1C4) _ DipSman We[& Id(11E (0) _ mig" mi Deposes 1021 _ Rarrra Iran Reduc=n in nikvl Sulh t(.6) _ Gaytien aurlaws ice) _ Drn Deposals IB3) _ Ihm Muck Swlor,4 K.7) _ Satuf ulian Youiala Lin Aarwl hrmyLyy (129) _ Algal kfat rr Cnrt JBAI _ briar (F cplam in Ro <.k .) _ Swmaa rr sire+5cd Run,. (111) _ IrOn Deposits (85) GLxlmmplac Ptxdlnn (W) IIIUABI100 Vabban AOrial Ilnd(Ilrry fall _ Shelkiw Ayuimd (03) _! Watrq 5i"m Lorlym 1891 _ McrnhylotRaplic Ralall (1),71 _ Aquatic Farina (013) _ FAC.Nwlild le 9 (MI Fldd 6bsarvahorrs $udarn Wnlm Pra..LVd? YI » Nit Deptif (Inches), Wnln1 I Abla prt-Awl I Yeti Na_ Depolpachest: tailw aorl Prim at! YL: X No _ r1Lym lulthasl Wealmtd Hydrology Prosent? Yes 'r— No Ilnrlfrdas cajillary fringol UL.eribt. ReLaded Data I50t.Wi gauge mordtonnrg v%vii aeml photo% jfrmnmi iwra;3amsl Q avatifibbs krrnark t15 Piny Corps IN Engtnters Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 rftler11 Nutinuillis al'4t picdt11N11— Ve15ful 2 it F -19 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 VEGETATION (Four Strata) - Use scientific namos of plants Sampling Point S,') - I AMOVe WtIinnnl InLtCntnt nonlinanco TeSt Vlorkaheel fircia StrNitlm [PICA Sim t i�lgIra ..r51.�cc� .fr! S to !( Number of Dattirwit Slimim Qat- ThillAfe0131..FACW,niW IAj - 7. Total Nuirbot of DtYnnuird SaLtiw/luow NI Sfmw J flit 4 Ptntrxrt rid Darrimrit SQacfas ��� e Ttsm Air OAL f-A� W, W, or , , W'36 r PrevaWf a Index vlmksheett �_- Ynlrlt Cryn,r TataI %Crrtnreh M1deldvhv- , t "Orb 011061 covati i l 20% Of Wild camr � OUL specia5 — K 1 - Sa, do r,t: I 1 ol fv artL i S' I ' FAL W SQPCleS r 2 = - /_ E d{ t n %' At. I At, species - 1 S41 M Ir '- 10 l obt rncu spales � A4- J We 57 f,Icu IFPLSpecies i5_ - 4 f��AtK _�- P&L LrMnnTWIE. fAl [f!1 - 5 5 ah �cVS S�. ti V A Provalomellidox =I3fA+ - T Hydraphyfic veg"on bftacalors A, _ 1 Napid lest for Hptropnylle VmyelAdan 7L° - t - uommamcoTestis >SD% 9 _ 3 Psr?nar±nce friwk rs s9 0' nl IrNal cover. l,f - 1 uL•1 Ciwc. 21yY 6f Inlnl CnYrl d MorQMloglcal Adsptauae4' IPrrnirfi;gippuitaiq - c1tilY3G Hrrti htrnttim IPta sue � t aa� In RemaiYa cu an a a,parmn sfineU 'TI I ReAkir Sn - a G �( f p4w _ Prohtenadr Hordl)I c Vurp.nlusn' (Fxpinm) 2- t vtfruS R �`+ -] D X 0%14 I 'INAN 1 Al f -5 r? �mw SGI 4 y nil^ _ FALL hc11M ar.VIgMfdMtulr6rdMPiatdnmi Dcfintbmn cif Folu Vegetation Strata h - a Troo - 'Noddy plains eAeludng yams 3 in, (7 b rntj ar 7 room in M131rie.er at tlteu4l holgid ID11M. regwdk -io at — hnl�ht A y SaplingNirub - %VOO.ty plrm;i mcludN vrms lass then 01,013H find LVitalnt Ilan rr INIIal In 3 2A b (1 10, ml tar herb -All 1"bauaua f Inn Woody) tAvIs rarWdfoss 0 100 - Tsai Cava 7'D M sits siad wtmrif phnts htis than 32911 tat 50% of tmsl rrnnr. Yltxrdv Vinn 4rrawrit (Platsf2r 3Ot t M of idal rarer , vine- NI witty vn*na grater Dian 3,29 it in bWoody 2, 3 4 - 5 Hydrophytic vogataNan - Total Cony, l Preeant7 yes .e No `AA-d Ir I Cover; 20% of tmil corwx Fieflk7di5, IIIhHudm pima rnmi _ nara or on a 4mvnratm 5 rni't l � I US ArmV Gaps of ❑lp ierm rasirrn Mainlnlm onrl Ploamam - VL(Ulfali 2 0 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -20 1�3 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 SOIL Sarnplaig Point L C i Pr011t8 DoecnPllom (Dnserlbe to the deplh needed to documanl the ouSLaWt or confmn the OSonce of indicators) DayllI Matrix Redm I L131U f, txlWsl r _ color J 9t, I n � _ Iwialn Rraarck. 0�-�f I�� -) 15 YK 114 FL I ypa, C_-t axnn nWil, G— Dopktunn RM- RcduLed Msula, MS- alw9wo Saito Gtaltis 'LoLal4un PL =Pram LJnt M -Mijob Nydr)c Sall Indicatory lndicalors for Problomaac Nydrtc Stals' _ I Iwct".ul IAII _ Dal Solace (57J _ I rtr. Muck (A101 (MLRA 147) _ I lhuc Elspeucal IN) _ Palyaai u! below Soo "ISIiJ (MLRA 147. 149) _ Cora Praino Itodna (A161 _ Mick Hriuc 03) _ 7lsn Daak S.Idoce )50) (MI-RA 147, 149) (MLRA 147. 1481 I lydtogim SUIldL (A4) Laanty Gleyed V.Xf q (t 2) _ IrindtnNU 1 halatrPm'Ws IF 151 _ Simi, reed Ltry�s IASI '� Deykied Menu (1 3) (MLRA 136 147) _ 7'r" IAILk (AW) (LRR N) _ Redox Dais Surletr (r6 _ Vary SI:Yft w Dnrk yudaro 111 17) _ IJe)'Jrt4d Hotew DmkSudnLU JAI 1) _ DLxdwed Dad Suilace In _ Qhot 4hKI nlnin Ramrvksh _ Thick Mok Sitdnce (A17) _ RLYk1x DepresslorLS (F8) _ Sansj Mul.ky Mnaral (Sl l (LRR N, _ km Mnru)nnt,& Masi -, (r12) (LRR N, MLRA 147, 145) MI-RA 158) s Sandi GILy?b Alairll (541 _ IItramr Surtaco (1713) (MLRA 138, 121) '1111 calot3 M hydroppi: vegoawa nrdl SandJrRedox (55) _ Feamonr Hwilplart Sa). (FISI (MLRA 141) waftin hydmlagyniusf be Ixes&a suippm h1n11IK 1551 _ knd F'srYd Mnlmnl (172)1 41ALRA 127, 1471 ulln»i9 rfsuul,eaut Vollkatylr: R941nclnm Laycr (II observed) Typ' Depth fircheq) Mydnc Sod Present" Yes No US M Ily Ccrin of Gtgl lulus Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 I Epstein tAiuruws alit) P _dnwi — Verson ' 0 F -21 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Eastem Mountains'ahel Pledmant,Regtan NrcjccwSOr_ P -A- (-. v ?'14 1 ik• C,o Ih Smrpirlrl 1?-A ,6 y AlydtcaiWOertrr- fJ C. ! r 10 stela sJa 511111nlmgFUmt SPA _ Irrxrrngzmil -) 'S !r,T P Nl 4, y 1 St."u t Tiwisillp, Rartge, wadtrxintiftope tetra -e erc-1 !y= 1_...,�il7L�_.� I0k:41001CwIL0dV, Lortyex rrmr)I J. }n -0 Slope Ift b Suhrr•giun (I RR v MLRA} „�, 1af� y �. t 1 a i'Sq `J lo CFtnnrn; 'I'D 52i1 M. ;r I tnn ffam41 .,a ._I/ ....� -r MVI f Itts511K,tttbn �" a �°I Me climatfr. J I"isogic uvivibait, and* see gpcM for Ihls ume or yaW Yes Plo III nri axpintn In Rmuirks,l AreVuyr.ttsnm1, a Sn6.J ooHyttrougy'r' slgnlicarItiYUtslurttod? Arerf&nmalCrrurnyAnLas'prrrfml! Ycs NO !ue vaytstulmi _.-" Sflll ur HytYUUyy nolftally pr"rtol>ie 1 (It nratrdatl, Rapryrt my in ;erjtr; In Rnm lrs.) SUMMARY OF FINUING51- Attacn sne map snowing tiyrxaphyllr vngrtatinn Ilrq" i Y., %� Na Hp3rir sod Present? Yea �� Na 'Mittamf Hydrology Prusonr'J Yes "t tta HYDROLOGY ifimary Ind,twvc Irrfnirmurt ct arat n require _ 5 owl VARRr (Ail _ Hlgn Water Table (A?) X Saluratten IA31 _ Waier"Its.JBT) _ 5aamrmt rmpnsra ltwa _ nnit nolmgs (a3) _ A11}a1 Alat(v C.nrA IS41 _ Imn naprislls (B5) _ InunWilarn Vt5bM en Arrtiall tm-,gmV (H J) _ Walef•54alnld Leavrs 1831 _ AquaW Fauna 1811) polntaccatton,5, transects, important features, etc Is ate Salnplod ARer Wrlhln a Wollanrrt Yas i NO IILCk a9 Rnti aupb) _ True Agtrfltc Pli , @14) _ Hydtggen Sul%je Odor (C11 X Oaidrzrd Rhtrusphcru, un Liviny Rouu IC3) _ Prtxserrce al ReduLmid Iran IC4) _ Remn Iron wfrmmkin fwnilea s4is (cel _ Thn Mwk Swim a (C7) _ Cthrr (rxplanl in Ra,whs) _ Surface Sod Cracks (0e1 5pmsely vegeuieed Concave surface (90) Dialange PILlteut5 (B10) _ Moss Tilm Llttes IS1e1 ON season Wotel TWO (C21 Craylis(I Buraws (C0) 5aitraaodt visible on Aerinl Imagary (C91 Starred or'&Wwd Mains (131) Gearrxaplue Posidan (04 Sha(iaw Aquino (03] ® MlrrompugyapPre Rebel Jodi _ rAC Netmal Test (D51 Sulow Worn present? Yes _ No—X— C"In llrichasJ lNeW lalifia p.mwW Yu No! 0ta)rlh Ilnchesl. Id =ILIat I'resert ? Yts X No— Depth [Inches); Vlottand Hydrology Prmcuntl Yes No Ilnclud� -c By trl r 13GSCra1a FLeaWdetl Data jstro,m (ywrp], rmnittnng vick aer(,'tl pH mz. ptrwrmr, nspc, 7,nnM) d Anwnbte 5f r nceni 4'b /nIJ7 - Pn,'1rd tWf - RFinnrAs r r4r- .. r✓�t,/ . ++Ya* v.t' ., �, rVr� �A rf�,I �, f�, eJ r�U r%Y .% G.a� rM io-�l fret. V i 05 Army Calls of tnglnrlcos Easter" Mourratns and Awrnpnt - vry^,um 7,11 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -22 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 e� 1 r, r VEGETATION (Four Strata) - Use scientific names of plants Sampling PUlnt. 1 (Pictsize .= I >t f .31r &Ir4.L. '? '? rW � 1 SqI � C� ThIll Aloe HL VA ut Fl�s rnm are oeL. rAt;�N ur me rAl 7 i` TOM NitMet Id Oomumw r 7 -� SpetfesAaom NI Slrnln Ir;) A Percent ul OattinatH S=12 ��,� ,� - --- Thnt Ate OQL, FACW ofFA.0 YL JAM) 1, r ol"mWonce IndOrt tworitshem itltPJ Cover Total % Laver nl, MIII11MV Jyj 5tFlS 111 ILTAl atvtu, _ 20%01 w1al camas � OHL ,p�stec x 1 - 5:4allnu15luua air drm lYiit 511e E7 4 FAM jPuin I.'5!3Ht rlt lq 5 (j,� FAC:.pr[it;, x3= : r}L+J PAC III ylyppr}c 4 c _ fi RP 10 c- UPL- 'Paces M ss ,1 cornus gvla dM - -1 r;eptmn latms (Al (B) 11 vbd ®4rn/n `A _ +ICJ —1 r� _jlL_ I"fV alencu indm - 81A a t. Hyifrophytia ve"aWn Irloamars 0 T trttpld -reit lot Fiydrapnyat. Vegelstcm 9 >t 2 DOmmoCtae lest 's .50% _. 3 Trovrtlence Index o s3 0' htY» od uNaI Gavel 3 7 Tnlnt t rrna 20%al tdml cn.� _ 4 Alarplml11gcal Adopimxnts" (Prmidu supprnmq rj Hnrh titiltuni (Pkil yin! 1 a dale nt ReotarkE m an a ..srimrnto- :tint tl I fA--,f 1 1 r,-r _ Ptob>:maa,. Hyfl"I]tFC Uagt911110ft' 11T.W.71) 2 -Apo_ J i't Slcv lc, 7 n r„�,, 'fWca Ots(it nyllrlc sail Laid nYlWnd hydralogy must 1. A ci s t�A.� i J�D� C 5n t'p}I�Ytth ..�— 5 MC bt9 ptesenl, uWess dr5tuttmd at ptntdumnth c�rty �f' S lid Dersrrcltarm or Few vagalnt on Strole 6 Tray- Woody plam., omr -ludi l vme5, 3 in, Ci,6 un) a 7 mire in diumilier oft oma5t IsaiSIN IpBHI rughfiffels U - -- iurgist n 9 SaplinIVShrttb - Woody planes eAell,drtg vims M -s dmn d In- ntw and qr"w dterl Of LgLW m 3 28 11111 14 _ mp roil, 11 Herb- AnlYatbacC+S is Gttm Woody) Wom5 mpartiltt5s 01 size and WaLdy plants Icss umn 12% it 1,111 -AL - Total Cum 50% d "S,L) umn 4fa :6A: 01 luml wvrx �� ytaldfv Vino- SIM I m Ii'v 57ce t7r , I wady Vb* - All vM;y times 4tuoter low. 325 n m I�ItL i 3 A 5 HydrophyUe U ; Art y f al , rf Fngnect Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Vllgatntlon Tnt,1i Cr Presettl7 Vca _ Ho !,G% d total wvatl 20% of Inlnl raxt Is 0010 or m a selortrsn J- xM ) CH91vn Mwiti mr. and YG•Ilstnru - vtta iom 2,51 F -23 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 SOIL SaMling Point S P$ ocpih HIOTIR — - ReAdUL 'e tuim 4indlecl coicy frinalsil _ _� iYGO Irn:• leaura Rpnnll h 0 -6 10"K Lt ? &20A LIlk 5` PZ b- I L I n`IR 4/� 1, S / �I /6 �_ PL 1 Typal C_Gonounumbn D- Deplmlon. RM•ReduLed MSVili MS_- Mrrha_d SM'd Gmn.i rltttaubn, PI- POMILido Nrkttmn Hydrte Sail en I tam. tndicaturs for PraWamatic Hyanc Solis 11151mai JAI) _ 04HIL Sutfr%kl (57) _ 2 unMuLk (Alb) CMU A 147) I uS1x. EpipUMn (0) _ VOirw 0.u! Below Surtm,e (581, WLRA 147, 146) Comm Prarta Rndok [A 16) _ l3i Lk+t :6r. (A3) _ Thin Dirk 5tutactr (56) (MLRA 147,146) (MLRA 147, 140) _ I lydt iVen Sulhd_ [PAJ Loamy flayed Mmlix (F2) _ Redtrtan Flutxiplatn S(N; (h ill) _ Suffilri if Uyam {AO) Y Deplettad WITIX (r3) (MLRA 136,14?) _ 2 on Aluck JA10) (LRRN) _ Idedat Mali Slnince (F6) _ VuySttniknv Itak S rf m (IT121 _ UepCLned Uehm Dark Sidi= (Al;) _ Ilepl U Oark SlataDe (171 _ Met Mwpz* m Rmnidt9) _ I hick Utrk Sisfnai (A17) _ Rvdox Depressktr>6 (r9) _ Sn" MmIry MiruTil (5)) CLRR N _ Ito MAanganL-A l4a5ses (rl2) (I-RR K !LIRA 141, 148) MLRA 136) _ Sanityaoyad M,mlx (54) Umlxt Surface (1-131 (MLRA 1]6.122) 'trulictunrn td hyttrctppi: vegelaotio and Antly Urdai (55) _ Platai am Rolldaleln Sots (rig) ("A 146) mAlund hydtalotJir rtNSI hit lyese tl, _ Strippad Matrix (Sb) _ Rai Paront Afawiial (F21J (MLRA 127,147) utitas dmubed tv rxrWvnAmK,. RestrIetive Layer (it Observed) Type Depth ptthesu Hyttric Soil PraseW Yes I. _ US Army Corps 01 Et girlth rs EaMcrn Maumnitr, aid Rednwni - Vixswn 7,0 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -24 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region PivierIF-Ain Cg4 Crtt K QYWOWWyr Al 5enlplinyoule. all 113 ApRtramr(wrnor NC f7E, P Snow 7 % �N samping polar. 5 7 hv,ega"sy P A Socuurk Taa'lldlt Rmg, L uldr(rml (lutvoph rorrncn, mt,) '� �Oa rijl tu�nl Iut .-I (twlx r a i!aIV a Ilrnn:J llpf)k' S'upe M, C3 Sutna(pan ILRR wAQRA)l t,a 35- 11$14 Lwly 13. 3.7 fi; f Dalurn 561 Map unt Nawr hi W,1' 1 NWi ditS�RLawxl Are dnnalic 1 tgwo"e- rongwwJ7 on mI nde lyplrla i I ll= arw• al your? Yet � Nu RI I o_e. )ahrl In Renwiks ) AIe Vogmo1llur Soil !" rx Hyviroblrl vglydlculwy dsaahed7 AIC'fJwnwl Cuclulwl� lee. ^pIr_salg? Yew '1r, No_ Are Veymululn Soil - , nr HydroblPr T nanlmpy probhxnaac? la rtmaW rapluel my arawer In Relnaftj SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transacts, Important features, etc Hymopyllc Vmjvul in Pm%LnV Yer K Nu is rho 1,amplad Arco Hydrtr Sail Pnnaia? Ye, k No within a Wadond? Yea No wownldHydrr4ogyPrmanl? RemarAs HYDROLOGY Uimpl y Incirmars frrJn man al gin is mrnuadi rlrnrlk NI IhM amilyi " SurTet.e Sall Cracks (86) m, Sufa:e Willer (Al I _ IIUo Arpnuc Ptvn -. (Ha41 _ SW!Idy Vr_III!UdeLl Con1JIVL SWhILe (BU) 104)1 Waler Table tA2) _ Hyormyn ;ulpaa Udor ICl) _ Druirr tie PUncarn 1010) Satualnay IA3) OslrtirnW Rtvzoq innrns on I" Rants IC31 _ Mp}S Trim Una% (a16) Wmer Walks (811, _ Pirm%enco of Rodocad Iran (C4) _ Day Sene,ml Walln Table 4C7) r S all neat Deposal (B2) _ Rac> nt tron RrWUCUOn in doa Sa3ti (CEI _ f nvifmh Hanvmr (C81 _ Daft Daijaslis (1331 _ Thn IA O Suf aw 1C71 _ Srrrmrhan Vniblo an Aannt Imagery IC5) _ Agar Mitt of CJU•,t 19 1) _ 011a3 (EApbin In Remarkgl _ Slanlrlil ra Smrza(J Plain-. IUi l _ Iran DWrovls (01) _ r,aomorp w Po rhxro (1)71 _ InunrJ.rwn Vi- ,'Wile on Mw it 6swyer) 1071 _ L hatl m kpillaro 0)3) _ Wraar 1;1runod I wnrn (6B) _ 1lttrolopognphlr Rohr IN) _ Aquas: (6131 _ FAC Nnu7M Imp I(35) Slrlarce Mar Irreser*7 Yea_ No Dal>th(incrics) 11 met Talk, preserrl? YaS No Ualm(alehe3) f, 52wuteWetl I'resatW t Yin Y rm _ Dulxh (etcll�i) � Weadrrd Hyttrobogy Presem7 Yes_ No ororrded Mira (haeanl yeu��yjp- nlarrworlll Well 1Y'net phoraS pinvdHl i IrTjpnfllanG)it ni<ibin 111JIVIA *l' WN Army k.ula al Laynersl Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Ensityn Mukrlllnns and PICdrIlu t - Vuslwl d 0 F -25 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 VEGETATION (Four Strata) — Use scientific names of plants' Sampling Point° =?'� ' ��� Ateti:%a Damm -l"I analculor Dominance Teatrimkshftci. ,ji, 2 DfmrufrxbT4r-a t -i W% rrae Snmrnl {Plot ruC• I I Sala 411>]/ .�; y�itrn;mt7 whfc `Mfg -W NumMrM DamrwfltS lux 4••. - nVAAl.091,FACN,ar0AC, / b IA) ncr� Pu (S X AC t at 54CIR 7 p �( t✓i1 t,1 = Problemmir tt aifhylfr V139111 san' (Erpialn) e c! 3 IML 'Ind�alaM TiNtd Number at pfmfriara d lfydtlr -Wi ma unrUerld h)dVmjy must A - C>Irfy y, pr�j1 f q r A be prMwif tmh„.w dsluilm or problemaik- Spr:elrl, Atnf•; , All Straw (al Tree - Woody plarvs r xt.Iumng rimes, Sim (M cml of r r11MYf In "tw4w a1 ♦Yana Wrghl (t )BII), fe(ptrdm at >, I� 8 PMUM 0 Dorau®It 5paCiaS ilia! Are 0aL FACIN, orrAC .1.a° f (A)w SatiMnglShrub - ftodyplants,excludingvines less llwl 3 to Deli nndquiller than or a ,ual to 7.28 n (t to 7, PreValer= Inda: Work, , 3S - Irnia1C4wm Talnl %Covelal 1411111M by _AYbof tonal cown I�r' Wh of lWal"MTn-7 OaL si tlaa rt - ` 6t+�1{I!$rIIl IP<ot s rr_ 12 I rACW specim lit. f* of FAG specs x 3 - 2 6�z FACU VeLira x4- J, )•�,Jh�trk !�/ ,i�IL'1C1vw �_ �rJ�(� UPI-species xS- CalumnTotrls 40%) 15) 5, F Piw alenu= Indox - QIA - r NyflrepbyllcVagabftmnl tors B t - RdPW T&u fair Hyrtro"Ic.Vngetallon Y ,ji, 2 DfmrufrxbT4r-a t -i W% Cavci 3 - Pre retoWn collar * 5311' _G-'rolal MV4n Iota cor"I I� W% tit IRa)coyenf slz tAalplu�lOpfrll Artv2uahrals'IPnINWC SI.�lpralllY� St �S1IDlyJiq (Plat sr�c ) Oau m RmnnrAs or an a wperato sllee9j t at 54CIR 7 p �( t✓i1 t,1 = Problemmir tt aifhylfr V139111 san' (Erpialn) e c! 3 IML 'Ind�alaM Well 1) s t d lfydtlr -Wi ma unrUerld h)dVmjy must A - C>Irfy y, pr�j1 f q r A be prMwif tmh„.w dsluilm or problemaik- Dallnitims e! Four Vegatation Stralu F, Tree - Woody plarvs r xt.Iumng rimes, Sim (M cml of r r11MYf In "tw4w a1 ♦Yana Wrghl (t )BII), fe(ptrdm at height. 8 p SatiMnglShrub - ftodyplants,excludingvines less llwl 3 to Deli nndquiller than or a ,ual to 7.28 n (t to rf> tall. t Nab- All herb�S Imftaruo(rj) pffirr, ttyian4esa nl - Total covet SQ X, at total euver_ 416 Tn56 19 ;rrq, end wv" Mains lass uwn 3.28 n tall fN tarot trncry t� um (Plal Sixr,, i At ) Woody Vine- All VMaly Vine-1 glMlcr Ihnn.3 r 811 in r 1 n•U v>�ron,rs is G - - 3, A s Nyrtrophytic -- �I`�— total Cover wit Vegetation Pieserd? Vas No ) of unaf ccmdw' �GXS ad IrYYtI rlveri — Remrsks (Inchwo ptmtn numbers here lit an n Saparmn 5tmeLl 05 Anly Corps of Fm(mfrr, Easrrefn t ulflinls find Avdmnm- Vraaon Y h Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -26 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Momtonng Year 4 of 5 1 i I SOJL Samptntg P01111 -SIP I Prordo Dasalpllan- (Dascnbe to the dopth nodded to document tho indicator or confirm tbo nbsimm of Indicntom) INVO1 IA" R4100K Flilrdwirm hx f es) C W_ (:ale lmnisi) 'r Imr toe Ymnue RummkS 0-6 /aV iTil a 40 7eSVk'1 /( 10 1: PL 6_!r- 1011 o lo`IR /+ _ a'1n F12 4,-1 b 10YR 4/;? 5$ _ HlslrhMthtt _ HISIIr Eplpedal 02i BLaek IIISIY W3) _ HyufuganSuIlkleIA41 511s1ilied Layers U5) t i rn Muck 4A 10) (LRR N) ,o UtVieled Belo% Owk Swfa. a (A111 _ Ill&* Dark Surtax IA12) _ SwdyWexyMlntsat(SIIILRRN IMLRA 147, 140) _ saltily Gleyed Ma lix (S4) _ Sandy Re din (SS) _ ShippodMaMlx(sQ Dep]1(n+ches) I)y Army Corps w F,rgnn�rs Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 _ Da* buAUCe 1571 _ PoPpolixi Be(arA Sunace 150) QNLRA 147, 140) fiin Dark Suface (SL) QALRA 147 140) Loamy G(dyea MmIx (f1) Depleted hialfix (1-3) RedoW Dark Sd1lal.12 I+b) Depleted Muk Srurace(f 7! _._. Redfu Depwlsians 4178) _ humfAanggnL-c )N1stiws It• 12) ILRR N 1NLRA 136) _ Units k^ Swface (riJ) (MLRA 130. 122) _ Pludmrsn fbariplu n Suits (F19) IMLRA 140) _ Rod Pureed Mauna 071) CMLRA 127 147) tndleMors for Problemsbc Hyalrfc Sc _ 2 cm Murk (AIM NLRA 147) _ C009 Prekie Reaox (AIG) MILRA 147,140) _ PiLiftnrtodnoodldwn;afls(ft9) QMLRA 1311, 147) _ Vuy Siwlluw Omk SudnLV (rF 171 _ Cum (Eipinue in Rrmnrits) 111dit"Iev- cd Il- )&OFlryd6 Vg0tinlon Jill) eaailad I ldn7(plly rruv no rumnl rri= diMwocu ur prMNGmnllr MydrwsouPresent7 Yes No_ Ea nirrn MnurMuns nnrt Plmirwril - Vnslnn ! 0 F -27 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM'— Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region R[rWMSdr. . Cott Gref1y At /O^ Sumpllnyaace• rZ�l B I3 APPIL&WOrrtlet f4c6EP S. -C SarnixirrgPunxS )o uwmaymur(s) iflTo 01t / Sncllnty Iirwremhp, Rnrzau Larn1I&m(hlI5WL Ierraw Nz.h fIVIAp 14 L[xsd[e-136(WI=VL• mttAmHorn) /ICh(g Sbrs_'l7)• SubegbnURRarI4tRA)I ILAN wt, '1511,53839 Lund $3•)775 Casual: N4D83 Soil IMpUrIll Nerve- NYAOaSsiucadon Ate cllmaac f hydrabr7c roodillai�• an this Nla lyplcnll I /ppQrrf Itirs erne al gent: Yu:{ No (II na, e[plsn m Remarks ) Ara VegLN.elbn Sall !� or Hyi6kw I vgnllf[.aWy HYlwtn.d7 /Vr'SJtflnw (;hcloflslnncevl)iese"17 Yes y Nn_ Ala VayLraaan Soli rN or HydrviM y n uItumby pnxldlnnrefc7 (u nv tled' expit al tiny ulkiwiats In Re"AS,l SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showdngjsarspling point tocadons,'transacts, Important features, etc Hyltmphvw VaVnam Pru. VIV Y. � Na Is Iho Sampled Arca Hydw Sail Prrisont+ Vrs 1 No withinaWatl=0 Y" M1 No Wululrxl f ysi[tngy Rrrrrrl f Yra , Na HYDROLOGY Wattand Hydra"y Imtieftars Somntinry_lrglrchtur5 (mlalnini of two (ttourt�A Wrnnry OrlrreatQS Itnrrmutn of_a_ne is raouaee. chock all Oust nonWl _ SufaCe's0ol r}OLAS IR61 _ Smlare Wales (Al I _ Tnin Arpmer. Ptanl -, (1114( _ Sparsely VegtxuuYJ Camew- S(alau laal Ro Wutm Table IA2) Hydrogen bt/fido Oaar (C1) _ Manage Pasterns (aim _ _ Swuaaan (AS) OxIslized Rlizosptamas an W nq Rnoh IrA _ Moss Trite. Lmea (0161 _ WrIal MarM9 (BI) _ Presarrn of hoot== am (Ca► _ �DrpSeawn Writer Tag)a (C2) _ Secrmmtt Depusib"187l _ Recurs, Imn Itallurtum mTifbd Snu;. (C6) _ Qthyfieh 13unben ;CO) _ Nils Oupatxs (031 ._ Trial Muck 5laface (('7) _ Sminisourt Yambd3 an Aerwil hnagety (C9) _ Algal ?Ant Q Cruet Ills) _ outer IErDIa1n (M1 Ramrrkcl _ Slunlod it Sarmied Plnm•i (07) _ Iran uma ,as (115) _ Grizma pmc Pa Aucin (D9) _ Itlmdmor; Viru to an Amr.J (migmy (p7) _ Shrrilm Acl urrnf (D3) _ Wa:a 5t fined 1 onLro -, (H9) _ Mrcmlapagrmphlr Renal (p /l _ AquallL Fnma I513) — FAC NatrrU Tm, (139) Reld Observallom* Slrinoe Water Presm7 Yes _ No_ Caput pnrtras). Vr.:.0 Taal Poem -.IV Yes_ No_ eLSrm Ilnctaad_ SalwmranPrLfmtt7 Yes _ No_ Omits llnrlm:)c Welland Hydrology Presenl9 Yes No (lyduatmLa an huuala Dascnbe RDbardatl fyatn 1'•tmnm rptrga, rnoMQrnq iad1. m.icll plwlos, (uevlol6 nspecr,lons) I avdlnasr Wrtualm l)ti Arr y Crum nl Engmeets Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 ESULMn Misiseelrls roan Po�dmna - Versolin 7a F -28 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 VEGETATION (Four Strata) - Use scientific names of plants Sampling Point: r;1Q trey 5v tPllx v71d 3D' Atrwiutu Domnant inE -wo wJtwil 7 Doamftance Test warkshect t Fr Pfe -a" 1'Q FA2 y Nutntmf of Dormant Specie-. y Tlltl Pan 094, FACW or FAI (AI Tolai Manher of Pommnaax Slxxir_s AYroc, All Strati S tit) Furcont of tiotnnain Species /► Q r A 5 that Pre OBI. FACW or FAC r JAM) r• Prevatarxo fildox work -Tool % Cam of 1101011ply Irr = Total CGIL9 031- .podati r I - 50`k, dlc`ctial cavo- _7tow 4f total cost, 2 32n!haf$hab $lfalunl (Plot •a n- + J 1 / PE FACW npwks 1 Fr � FAC species /t! FACV FACU3)uraea 3 UPL spL�s x ; - Cothim Total,,, (Al (9) s 5 6 P(LMr3ICM.'L Index - 9fA - fydrap ybc Vegotattpn Indicato(5` 7 6 t • Rapid Tr31 flit H)T*nphytir vegletalkni -- 2 Dominwco1!eit *,9V,, n �(i Tots1 C 1 • PievAlanco Indpc Is s; 0' YIl'I t( d; nu td 11 S 0 4 , My ila ral Arla mnn ( Pmvdo 51 Pp�l� Hrlt� SLmLT.! tPlut ,itl rintn m Rrymrksarttn i soparalLt sheptl • t glrjrJt SP pp 1, lt� %� F _ Probluriu>exe Flytlrnptrtec Vogglnl(nnt IErWael) ^ 3 Lltr L� e C q %S FA — �Inrbceca!T of ItrWtr -, till ord ae)land hyltraingy Il ust bit prmam ar(M-. dfsrult)(1d of pf01nen11111L 4 Definitlom of Fauf Vagellation strata 5 6 Tree - Woody pleas =Iudnp ewes, 3 In, Q 6 cfN a 7, It intha n het at broal hoylht (D9H) tegaidle55 Lif tll�n 9 0 SapllngliShrub- Woody ldaras mcludrig vines. kiss IRirt 3In, DDI drrd gemnr Ihrin r oqu4to 3 28 it ft 1U m) IN 71 total Cover��� Herb. An herba" -ous (im woody) padnls fNerdlL'95 of -Am tend woody plalas less than 3 28 It tall Ul's, at tat cuvel I AYA ca tmni riwff - -.al1� 2ro yYm SMim 1phx vzr gio ) Woody one -An Woilay .ve5 gteexi elnrt 1211 N in t In f rPCertblx �fati� ID 1fi j- 1 n a Nydrophybc Vegetation Prcteftt? YPS , Re W = ToIW Cb&r WX 1.1 Iota Covet _ l0k of wind cow _� 1 Remala:. Dn4nalu pharo ntimuLSS lienf rr nn o soltaete shFei ) 115 Anny Cp1pu of Lrlgmmm P iISWn MfIUIIIRnS told Piatinmlr Wnmon 1_d Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -29 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 W41,01111 Sampling Point. 51'10 Profile Desalptlon, (Descnbo to the dopih needed to document tlm Indicator of oonarm Om absence of tndlcators,t DLpti1 4/01"A Redox Fasales _ fitklri,— color tmalsil = Calm (I atut) ml,yl_ 7eaturF Ronxoks D -'/ IV If /of 10a 1-12 IDYK _ __— JaV .� �1 Pin �•, ;S€'� GCurxawadat D= Daplaoon RM- Ironttatn htntra MS- MawkLW S5rN1_ Gi_etn5 'Location, PL =Pow Loint, M -MWIK Hydrie Soil trrdleamrs tttdlemors for Problumatie Hydric Soils _ HISIVd (All _ Dark Surface (57) _ 2cm Mutt 019) OMLRA 147) _ tllsm Lti ptmea (At) POtpalua B&Ow SuAaGe 1581 (MLRA 147, 148) _ tint Praise Rerh1Y fAIit) _ 81aalt W51a; (A3) 71tin Dark Surface (56) (MLRA 147, 148) OMLRA 147, 140) _ ilyorogon SO= IAtI Loamy Glayed Meofx (1121 _ Rrabtsna Flurtdplakt Sots 41-19) _ 5lraiillyri I a)UM (AS) DtipWwd Matrix (F31 (MLRA 138,147) _ 7 ern Much IA1% (LRR N) , Redor Dailk Surace (F6) _ Very Slmaow Dark Sutfacu (rri, _ ncpkvccl HO►iw OakSLefaou (A 11) _ Depteted Dark &afnLa (F7) _ Ottlrr fGolam in Remo05) _ -1 h" Mix SLatore JAI ?I — Redox Deprnsstons IFa) _ Sandy Nkaky Wamr.111S11(LRR N, — Iron Matiganase Massns {F121 (LRR N. MLRA 147.148) MLRA 13110 _ 5endy GlLryvd Matrix IS41 _ tlmmic SUrtaco (F13) (Ml RA 136, 122) tlndcitrmr rd hyL4rap.tytfr ver- Utioxr am s 5orWy Redox (S5) _ ROdttwat rl000puri Solis IF 19) (MLRA 148) weliarrd Nydwilogy trim to picseM, s Sltitporl fAdtnx 1551 _ Rhd Parent IMILOnI (F21) pMLRA 127, 147) uNa,s nt lumcd orprubremtu,= RosOnctlw Layor Of observed) Depth Ittrhos)i ftytlrrc Soil Prescott Yes No _ Rrtratk,l u5fumy catpv M rngaatds Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Edwrn Mm annmR can Purefirtonl Vvfimn Y1r F -30 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Roglon p rrd{erlrata <-� 4 C if e c j l� edy)CONI nY -e' 1 ° I Fes' SaagAuty uaie, Applrnmltlymri 'left, P. _ Size NG SunwhvAPIMnt.:k lrym Ixjalni(q Jilt 1, P Socllnrt town, 11111, Nmnge. 1amtivrnl0iiNtp]L tuir,3W Mel ' ° sal fga/1 yLocalmlgl rxUT -Mm nCraex llevio1 flan slawvy�)' -y Siaeeglmr 1LRk el MI-RA) L'R�FIr� Leh a i' • aL07l twirl `• �_ • _$'! [ - Dduun,/ d$5 Sul Map ilnt NLrne A 1 K W 1 SI NVA classillcaiian Are clutotrc 1 I"ulagle I axlrons on the rW lyplctd Iry tluc emu at )vm7 You No _ 10 no eAplann In Ron,Irks I AIeVeg"i'llun r ,loll A OF1"oingy ^ I,LjnllliarslydauaaLd7 A111 'NatmalCin,lan5lnnerte[xt►,r)ml Ye, _Mi Ale Veil oliIii) Sail Or Hydrology t,swnlay proutsilak— 11 Item L e Mri urry answom In Rotor" I SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc, rlvar"yor. Vrgcullinn Pre I-"1° Yeti 1 Nu Is the Sampled Area Hyar" ;Sail Pra'aml? Ye, No within a Welland? Yes No Wathrul Hydrology Prmrrnt Yes Nu--.V- HYDROLOGY rrrmvy lndQ-ItgqS Inrnen` m aI mtL I`1 wituilla, gl]"k 81 mat nlXtyt _ Sulwe Soil crat" (Be) $rarjx it Wator JAI _, Iwe AgUUIIL PlnniS (814) _ Sp` finely Vegewwd Clneave Surr&A IBe) _ High Water IalteIA21 i Hydrog0n,5ulllde Mot (L11 _ CaerwgepulayrtStotal 5alurnlIM (A3) ; Godited Rnizaspruit05 rn I ivmq Rnm . lCJ) IALS: RIII1 Lines (BI O) wrnel Mark. (Fill _ liesencc of Radurad Iron 144) _ Or} Seeson Ytater Tatdlt 4r2l _ 5crflrrwfu fkl11o:-A% IB21 _ RLLisnt Von R11AUrilan In I dlnr Smty ICS) s c4iryftsh Bunorm (C81 _ tltfl oamso (83) _. Thn lArck Slalacn (Ctl _ Saturalfan Vi&Ve on Aerial Imager) (L VI Algal Mnl is CATS ID41 _ ovier (F>rpa rn in Rurmiksl _ Swirled Or Sdessad I'41nis 011 iron uaposrla (Fi61 u Gearmephic Pusillon ID21 _ In r irrean V rAhL- tin Atued tinagiay 157) ,� Shallow AglALvd 103) _ Wa%w $tamrxl I rave`; 4041 a N%aotxlpographle R1alr4 (04) _ Arli alic fauna 11113> rAC- Nailfal Tost 1051 Suilai.L lVnter rrestvrl9 ti,.— tw x i5epal(1101L, 1 NU1i:I TaOie ReS1111117 tle:_ Ne Depth(Pdles), Saluralton dtewlvrl Yer_ No Ctupdt (IIIG19S) Welland Hydrology [resent! Yes_ Na } IXIUdeS 013118IFY ftIrMi Lk*znnc Rmxadcd Daw (sue9nl gw9pi rrvonno(ngw /ail, aCrntplrr7lo`:, pttaveus Inspuc'Ioas) II rwaiatllu r [� �, I v ti4 ! I I� C.' C r A r�` 9.r. � u•/ I . � IrRnlalksl us Angry Cuba Of Grlirweta Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 J F at run 14midaim and Pk dnwul - Vi rSUn 2 0 F -31 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 VEGETATION (Four Strata) - Use scientific names of plants Samduria Point._ �a�il3 n True_ hum um (PlelSIZL A 1 ALrahlle Iwminal Ctnrs lspmmal law rIc nanllrurrim Task wwkshoet 1 fdlmbeir of Do"Miartspecies that Alp OSL rACH or rACI IAl 101131 Winner of Dfruillout Species ACIDS!, All Strata III) PWCOni 01 013minallLSpedes X33% that ArQOBLt FACW, or FAQ IAtOl Petwaiance Indent workshecl: TiXUI !K Cuvnr al rAurbprr by 7 + a n ' 7 raw Gwer SWSL Ci t of uwu, :?G%;71 ttaatw l Cr_{ OBL Species. 1 - S St U6 SYahtm fPltn Wae�_ d i FACW 3pHc3 -s r ?- 1 f4jQJ4 d J FAC specros .3- 2. (e". --R g y 01) sfslr js-a YEA -Z ,►t FACtl sperws . 41 - 3 ! IQ I- Nn' -lilt D % V UPL 5i7aa1s5 r5- GolurrrlToliwi IAI IB) 4, tAd ,Fat,S--42 'SI1='"-Q', �! Y ,ptAJ 5 �40l.J rtL d �_ a1, r g PcovvaWco Anoet =81A. ! "y" 60c Vegetation Indies ors T Roof" In H)Vimphyllo ylvoillm H R r 1•CkltrertaaCr, I es; is"50'ib �� . raldCarr PrQWmno Irxlnx h -13 n' WY1.rdielnlrrmx 0 20%Uf10I&Ctnr • . — M supporting anla RQmarkS aILM r^ I ifat Sim 1 --�'aI" m x rX1a Uatfl18IQ 51'�t�all au' �r a� f �r 1 ^ fa) r, _ Plahlmm�hc Fiyttr�hylt VQr7aratnn' (Gxpinin 'wknimr, nt hyrim w unit wetland hyorellm ntUsl 3 ySOGA 14 a Qrfl aV I•h hQr* =nr, tmla;- 0sluheo or Itmh(emoul; Vallinlolotris W Four Vegawftri SUeta Troa - Mody pin+vsv at"Ing vUILy 3 m (r 0 an) or 7 mpw m 012VIr tar 31 beast hefgh COBH). w9rudle' S W nova a 5spbaplsbrub- Weedy ptanis exchNrtgvtiL% ft_ss p' than 3 •t PNH AIM Iitaarer Mill) of orilsal m 3'26 II it ut, ml Ira 11 Herb- A)1 helbacecois Clan -Away) pitles, tLVIdh ss `0 i Inl - TaW ruvea of size, a1M 0100 fy p!ml% Insi Uwe 3 ?0 It tall rr�rr, 20% of URAI cavmr yMoth 1✓ Vim Slnutm Ifitx Site 1 woody vine - All noebr Votes gtealm 1ltart 3 20 it n hWN>f t o g 10 u a, Hydropignic 5_ Vageutuan k = ICttl Corm Praseet? yes No 504Eotuitstwiw "'I% ImalCQVtnt Z r2nryllRs^ ITnLArUniUlMrlrnttabt 'rshmartrfTraSaQaraltashQt�LI 11S Army Corral a Ellrf4 s Ftworn rrrrunazre antf ileahtlanl- vta9otl 2 a Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -32 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 SOIL Sampling F'Ul(1L 'S Vm-ti n noycii p1 en (D4saribu to ttvr depth needed m document Ilm in6cet*f w cwdirm the absence al Mdicators,l nutxn tR. +lx on +-, elm IM9101 Rudox f uutun & C y Y R .7]t�' . . � ` :_ i aR� s PL *TJpa GCmc6ntrtltr+n d -po k;twn, RM•luxluu. -u Muuu, MS- Mn:ae.n! Sund Grnru kataWw PL -Pure Lsinit, MuMbOix Itydric Sod Ird+cetnrs Indicators for Problevnstk Hydric Swis' y Mrrswanl (Alf _ n@rA Sucher+ (ti )) _ d em M.uclt IA161 RNLRA 147) M60L Eppcmoa (A2) _ PalyV4AID Mlow SO= (Se) WLRA 147, 1481 _ Cau6t kume Ralux (At L) fReck Iime (A71 _ Iran r7arA SlutncP IS91 (MLRA 147, 146) 41ALRA 147 1410 Mydrepen SUflde (M1 _ I ozrmy ("I4y111 Mnl+er Ih2) _ PWdmiin rimillllnin Sorh (r- -191 SeDWled La)Y45(A.51 fxpl fad "IX (1-11 4MLRA 126,147) ?an Whick 1A10) (LRR N) Rodw Linik SLrtncc (i 61 _ vuy Sl,sluaDurLSUrGrcr (1 121 Deplapa Behm Dark SuriacoiAl l) _ ngiMigd M.uk Sur(nco I'F7) _ DlUrr (Exiieel in RerieniS) TIUCA Witt StdlaeeiA121 _ laciox0e)xovionrrF01 Sandy MUCky Mfxual 1511 RRR N, _ IronWitri runs, Afa*= 1021 ILRR N. MLRA 147, 1481 MLRA 126) _ Sand) GILIod Mnilu IS41 _ Umtim `+udnu• 4V%J14MLRA 126,1221 '11711=11M Of 11Y410phyuL ft-gntuUar Mud „ Sandy RLMnx E55) _ Pniftwin+lmdphri Sals,ll 16) CMLRA 146) NL�Jr+d Irydialao nWS ijpt,JJL _ Suipped Mulrtr 1561 _ Rrd Par mi wiciiW (r21) OALRA 127, 147) uu1L5d draLzbeft Or piuMavnuniL Restrictive Layer 4d observed). Iypi- th, tx:pin lmLHasL tlyrinc Sall Presom7 Yes \ No Rflinuils US Ainiy Lrspc at Fngirscrn Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 I;.Wom rM.uvnms and Nofamm —Wrmwn 2 0 F -33 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - EastermMowtwins and Piedmont Region p a x p o ; = m C A 1 L fee qny Cuunty iJq &PA Snmpin6 tint- d Ii;'f o r P AppinanlM1Ownrr A0011 011 5161L- - sampf la Petal �.. utvr..5gnan(ly -1 ii it Saar A. TuyarniW, RafVe Lurdlan(hill.IL re tefwceetc)u ��° M1 Ltxilfr�7af Wncuve.cor.'It�.urals�)-T�7��• M"1 Slopei'Y+)- %Uegtm ILRR or fALRA }! o i, (A Lit - • s74 i's' Long ' +► `? 1 1 � ^Datum P Fr.`; So6 Map UritName, RtjC►r4St a NJMCtasdf nlron Am daiatk i lypk aglc nondaans on ft Sm t*9I for tors uan nt Vuar7'vfr. �! flit (II r St, rtplpin m Rpm xfrni) Me Vergainlion _ 5.11 r HyarclDgy � lrgndu:mlly drUfurtrrxlr Aea'NUmrt� Cucunstnrtctn,'pocarnte Vm r t1h Are Ver)gtalion 11 boo r' . at HyOTAg,gy " mthmrly pro6k,mwic-4 (11 ne -eded, ewh n a yarnwam in Rerrakt ) SUMMARY1017 FINDINGS - Attach site map Showing `sampling point locations, transects,.important features, etc, Hyc rdphylk Vctletallon 1'r -mmV Yes No is the Sompled ken Hytrlc Sall Pre5ara7 Yes No ulthin a Watlend4 Yes � No WeCand Hydrology Present? Yes No Rnmuk, HYDROLOGY Wetlmtd Hydrology radlcatws Socandaryinden mmc ornmu n n r mod lal 1 of arle r _Sudoce Soil Cnirk,(MI) Statace Wafer JAI) 15r;i MIN Table (A?I True Aquatic Plart15 'BI 41 Hyanogarl SWfide Oder (01 _ SparWl, vagt Ialao1`onraln -IW( t (111) _ Drainage Pa Lunn, JUIU) Safaaft% W) Ondrted RhImphams on I rvnq Rnedn 1(. 1) _ Mass Trtrtt Lrrm (016) _ V1Nde1 fAa*s(BI) _ Presence at Reduced Iron (C4) _ Ury-Stn zm Wut-STahle (L'71 _ Sedmem DepmUS (021 _ Remnt bon !)Baiaion to ftlian Soft 100 _ CruyfiKh Btntox, (CB) 00111 DeposnS (13-47 !_ _ 1 h W k Surincr- (CII _ Sa azaba VISI51e on Aami Imugray (C91 Algal Mat of Cnro IW) _ 011ter (EMpieot al Reaulks) � Shoed of Stressed PI-Ms (DI I _ Iran Depoclls (U$I Gaoonrplru Pos�ffw M2) _ Irrifloaaon VlFrllhtnn Anrcll ban" IB71 _ Sh9low AgAintl (D3J _ Winar Shined Lf ayes (99) _ (/ UDIDpagIlli' 1: Re11n1 (D4) _ Aquatic Fauna (013) _ VAC rdautrul test (05) Field ObserveMonst Surface Waer Prowl? Yes rW_ Dnplh fortm.h A WakerTdnIePmson17 !e5 X No_ Deplif.WJ .Si, 1h Saruart6a Prewnt'r Yns ?t t — Depth inshu d 0 vv Wetland Hyd -logy present? Yes— No OrtchrdeS C8D31ar Inn L''er-Axit q kro:mdrd Onto isaeuln gouge, rr¢vtronng well, aerial lilialos, pfeVlous impertionsi. It aya" o- Rorrr�rrr, US Army Cor(l5 of Enginom Ea5larn h1Dltrrimrr, ena Pkitlmenl - Vm -,.rnt in Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -34 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 r VEGETATION (Four Strata) - Use scientific Ramos of plants Sampling Palrst• !&F' 1 US Al 1171 L OV.. of F'.ngmers F a1larn Motmtains ant) Piofinao i- Version 2 I) Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -35 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Absolute Dotvtmrrl OrdkeHw Dmidilm a Test woMshoeo 1 rue stralu (Pto size 541.4 n., IF •� 1 % r4 1 .5101uS Imo, NWfOL4 a(DIY7rAC I � �_ of FAG Thal Are OBL rACW at FAC (AI 3 Torsi Number of Dondimni SpLnxls A=s AA Stan- y N; pereattaf 0oftiolw 5peoes Tho -Al.OBL rACW or rAC _A Ptovalenco irtdOw Tolal % Collor of flttontr tn• d 5.� - -- 6 7 �- Total (bums 5 WX id rnfnl Collar; 7 20'16 of 10IM cum 3 0aL spami x 7 = �t (per t;,a l FACYYrouw x z - n T fI1U Mw`tt%" 10 X, � FACsptxw:s x!. by _i' ci �• '*♦S �.o Y OqL FACU apacies x4. UPI s;Ife -den x 6 - Colaao TLYa6. (A) ID) PTevelence hider flrA 4 I� 7 Hydtophytie Vegetation bulicators B I - Raw Test ILV Hydraphytt VM meoen � 2 - Damunelrcc TOA Is .5096 5 _ 3 Wev�Iw.r�indeaiss34' ,� mal L[74 of irglll rrv,H lU - tnicouOVar M 20^•6 0(10471 mvm _ 4 MorpttologtcslAdaateuons' IPraviues *parong Herb Srtalum tPlol sigcc ,e I me in Ramos Or On a sepecme sD&AI 1 t: lP •lajy F Q 1 Uiyj. _ RoHHmatic Hydn:fpW rir, VgWtalan' (rWWn) 4r�r�ti5 K r4tti ,1� Fryf hraicnnrsarlydricwilondwoda7ndnyd "ymust be proserr, urinss drorbad or p Ifancm naftnifflons Of FOIO Vege"00" strat8 4 6 1 M - Woody piom excluding velum, 3,11, (16 Call or InoM fn dlatnotar of breast t *g111 QW0, r 1sidlessal 7 htogm, 9 SaplinWShtulr-Woody plerts, excluding vrna, Ims Ihar 3 M MH and ginatar Than m equal lu 3 28 tr (I TO "NI Tool C. Herb - Alt bnitwceo:is (non twedyl P�Wnm, dedpr(lWLa, of and tens Ihan 3128 b 'U silo, woody PTSnts rat. Ync . d {Plot size 5rH6 al Iranl Ldrwcr 7� 2M 01 Ictal cover Woody vats - All xooay rinvs yreaw [iron 3 28 It � i f ! `, heifift 2 3 d Hydimphytic 5 VegtlNion V pre"M' Yam NO Iof*cov, 50% of W121' LIWO r .%at total cvmr(� Rarnskm (IncLinO prdcro numtWf's IwnL ur an v mcpnrine s t ) US Al 1171 L OV.. of F'.ngmers F a1larn Motmtains ant) Piofinao i- Version 2 I) Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -35 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 SOIL Sampling Point �- ( e ce Prolta Desop W nbe to the d4�1 Itaedod to aticurawl ttta ruacatar arc rm t absen of Indicators Minh MOM (tabus! —. r'alur n RKlad Fet arm C_ Twg 7rtfiad_ ` 1 C�C.n . atretnn Daoa t RM=f iltxod fAHlt MS- Meshed sitar Quay. `Lountatc PL -Pare Llnl M -Maalx Mydtic Soil Indit ators Indicators far Problematle Hydex Soils N6tASW CAI) _ 0�71t StataG0IS7) _ 7 cm Muck 0101 R&RA 147) _ 4is.c Eplpedan (A21 _ PotivWue 6070 Surfaw (58) (MLRA 147, 146) _ SAW Prnhie Redoa KIN 829& Hryllc (") Thin Dark Stafam (591 (MLRA 147 146) �_ (MLRA 147,1481 Hyaro9on'Suffice (M) Loamy Myud Mdatr W2) _ tishmnl rinodpLit4 sGi . IF191 Stranthtd Layers IA5) oep mrM Mawit (p3) (MLRA 176. 147) _ 7 can Muds (Al o) (LRR NO _ Rcdox Dirk Swim) IFh) _ Vury Shallow 1>~rk Suread (1T12) _ _ 171 plcL J Ruby Dark Sufaw (All) _ naplatLd Dart 5enfaca U"7) _ Other (Ecptnrn in Remarks) rhlLk Oad; Surface 0171 _ fleduL Ddptrs.)ons 1"I _ _ Sandy Mucky herveral tS114LRR N. _ Imo Mangene a Mas5r-% IF121 ILRR N. k(LRA 147,140 M RA 1761 Su" ('ileydd Mateit (b41 _ limb riL Sluiaw WI. %1 UMLRA 178,122) ttHWcbras at erydroplrlw. vugalulon and _ Sartify Redox (5% _ Wcclmaru Floociploln Sacs iri 9) (MLRA 148) tvarand hydrology mreube pre5en4 _ _ Stripped Wait% 156) _ Red Pwu11 Minatxd IFCt) (MLRA 127. 147) untassdrAidand of problematic, Restrict w yer (if ob5er"M Ty n , p hrshLS) Hydot: Soil Pmsont7 Yes No Rtntuta 5' US Army frups of Fm4neer, Easlarn MDurdamn and Piedtllrtrtl - VotVan 2 0 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -36 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 WE It AND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Roglott :aunplmc} ualr _ - ApplK,ltby)'Afn- IIIYt!SIIljdcx l�1 � j _ �i I:Clldh IoAt b'll {I. r{JfllJt' __ Lma11a1nI (111NUW. SLYItiLL W 1 ,1 , _ . 7ill rclkl 1yurlL01V co1TAM Isrlei. 1 Ilk t Sion: 1'):). SuhrHOat ItkR ar M(.RAi J I ac • 'l� SW Mar, Urit Nam-, d Arc clink-11K ! lrookgL :Md n%Oft IN-- JILL IylKill lal thle 1.11MI W ylnl � Ve, . F` No _ pf nu, explain w Rerwii 5.1 ,at h Arr VOgi tahrx7 'T `JUG x . w HydluNtyy ylw0(m draly Uw"Alle, Are 'N(umal Cal :umttonce;' (Neser++ Yc'S } NI; Arr VrrK•lallnn l_i. Sall y5 cx HyWWagy IiquiMy (.(ouc Ildw 111 naeaw -q*-An any xtsxc+•:In IYcnala; I SIAMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing Sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hylrlxlhy{a. VlnpSnhan lvoraml'' YI ^. _ X W_. —.. Is Ilw SartIpNIAm G A HyuU: tial mrrsu -� Y� . ` 1w wlthil" a We al"r? V. '1 NO Wretlana Hymolrzly Frrnrr4 Y, N.1 HYDROLOGY waK" Hydrology Indicators. Seomtrtary uxscalnrs imlmnxm or Ion rnuuwtrctl Pmm�ry Inds nof; rmrvlrt,lm M Ixlr r. rmuemi um.: ul t lgt alIN, `ahracn tiM t l r.-; IH61 T- _ Slrta"rt W:nlr iAl l _ 1 rear Aytrrllr Ptmta ;B 111 _ ti[tAfvlly VaglaJftel C:vv'.en% tilrl:rn 115N; v tiyl 5h'akr T,rtle ih71 I"lydriwn suoue (3w, IC I; _ nraivagn Pai{nrn•: (8I0) r Sawitalxtfl IA3) _' pxNlcetJ RrhtuwhHF i.1 Lvu.J Routs (G31 _ &40Fi lllm I wez 181FI _ Wcau/ Wrat 1111 _ FieselweCA R-mytd Ilml1CAI _ Dry Swasp+ Willer 1nt'1e I1:'li _ "Mirilrml urpmuh. LB?, _ RLr:tol iron Relarrh :n in 7 tlFcl Not-, (('61 _ Cfayll nh ikVrr'v, ICU) _ lldl Deponls (831 _. TIYn Mlrx Sixlarr i1'r: _ S41U .-ano Vlamxl on hmul llrsxlefy (tbl _ Nc01 UAA u C1;151 (Ba) _ Ovwf (1' xplalr In lirmarx•.I _ SAL"Vo ul 511es5tJ FUM I D I I _ Itm ck!tw t� 165; _ ienrnaplx wwlxl lug? Inun dalwn V,e.We wi !u_7ml Ill .1w y 1 »l :. Shiskm Aytared (DJ I Waler 51:9ned Ledres IMI MWIUle{xxJWolk Relief (1311 j Aquats- Faith (B'�) (:AC twulral Teyl 051 FqW 0059rVJdonx: 11rl.t'i+ W.11Cf r'rrllfd'f Yr- NI: _ _ (%iylln IIRr. Viola IAM PfcrAvil'• Yom- No . rAmrl luSm .I $J1lxallon RmL111V Yt._ - No _ DtgNh IJxnr%E 'Natland Hydrology PresatV Yes _- No irx:ixins raplL•e�6.xlJ-. Fl. �_ Desnlbe Rectrta?d Darn (-4-elm gimp. Ioalxrrrlrq well aerxrl rrlaloS prav1,0511tiWLIIUnS). a dV4d le ', Relhllfa: :I', A.my t.olps Lf L ugrwIl Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No. 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Lslum K„ama.n anD Pt•alrtiml Vie+un r J F -37 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. January 2014 VEGETATION (Four Strata) — Use scientific names of plants. Semolina Point 115 Artily crup" LY Dginetaq Faslcyn Wwritins and P�cklraora - Version 2 a Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -38 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 A6whtlt• t DattIMMI Fatdlrulrr Oonvnancit Yost front, iEP_E Sirnh_ im I�I63izn, ) SL' �.:n'1:Ri " � 1 u' plumhr.7 d G=Mhnl SpU38S 1' Thai At OM 0ACW rr FAr_ IM � 2 IM3I Numhce cd Sperm" . Anto55 All Strata, 18) --.- 0 S Fh--rrnl d CnprMMV Speogs ThaAmOBL,Fr1CW orFAI,, IAIBI Pmvafeme Indefl wort siwet Tnlal 9%con 'o. MwIlply Ire it r Tcoal Crier SryK al toles ctnel 2D% n( I11101 mvrt C1HI *0t:IC 11 t = Si}trllnm'ShruU:�tmtum(Phi,rro J` } FAMS�ww X2z I fnlnNTj cl' .J X fyt'& I'aC;,pnrtos x a FACU ,pmus KAY _ 2- Iii 1A). 9r M- -9 ALL UPI dies K 5 - rdumn final.^ (A1 IB) s 5 Ptuvali.4rce Index t 11fA - 7 Hydrophybe Vegetation hrdicamrm I - Rapid T" lot I lyMaWia VPlWnhnl} fi 2 t 17ominanoe Tesiliq i50% 0 _ 3- PffvalencelrraeKt%S30' � i0G Cover — A - MXMIMPigicrilAdapimmitsl iPruvidnmgilxvwV a[Fi6 ul haul Dauer_ Hrm Neat u l fptpr .2n, y ftyN pl tOtcl currcr, dam In Remans or Elf a separate shem) ITl y l� j — hrMliatt" Hydreph)tsc VegC4mkln' (Lrphdt%) IIIdS£m dl IT)(h1G Sall RM WL1Wnd II)XII6bgy IElu91 1µ CiLl y.�� i} •+ y; ` ba pinr�wa, litiri55dl5Aln{atl Ot plOafallAillL ovartillOh6 at Few Vegetation StTa1a. 5, h Tree - VMody ptanm el%tudrrg Ows 3 at Q D ctn) M ;rare in ctarnete! ti hreaEr height =1q, rrgutdhs. of ! IKaml Sapangr5ttfub- VIUDdyprllil5 ev.lur9 gVS)t.n �ss Ihan 3 Mh OBII and C) vwer Ihim or v4phl In i 29 II f 1 IN Iall H ,n 11_ 1 00 • r s Ctwnr Herb -All hetbacLa3 -a itirt vmodyl pGmn, mgtrrdlr.. ar SIM dud V o d IGSn than 9 2911 o t a !D m y Nlnras t.,& ',D%.f weal U.e, 20 nr meat 4 > 20 IVoodv u 5Maum (Pb1 .Itc ) Woody vine -AD wtuxly vr)u lm.m r rnnn 3,78 it in I hillom 2, _ 3 E 5 `�-- Ilydropflyht V r TotalCm,r Present? Yes Rio 50%OfIM 1cmvr- &A cd lixal covar RLMhetts MCAraa photo Wien - Farr ar pn R snvan[a shrK.n,) 115 Artily crup" LY Dginetaq Faslcyn Wwritins and P�cklraora - Version 2 a Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -38 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 SOIL Sampling Puim Prellie Desaipllonl (t)BSCnDo io um depth needed to ducumeM the Indicotor at conlmn ilm o9sancn olirMecators Duvil r.1 mA $ F[Lylut Ld SctNnr j_ in"s* _'A. -Cot* (1 �l nr 1pawe Rmnark•, _ % - P y pinfr� 5-0I S ' lvpR- C�Cpn¢miirauyL O- DLp1eU(kl Fgd.Reatlaau 611mx MS= tA7sW1 timid [,rain• kaumut PL -?rare Lh6na 7tWMo6n H)rdric SW Indicators tndicatore tcir Probiarnatic Hydrlc Sails' _ HIM0601 (At) _ Omk Sufack kS7) _ /faiMuck fAH{) WLRA 147) _ Hisho EptptUCn (A2) _ fkllyitdije Below Sw(dcu (5NI IKLRA 147, 14B) _ 1.Naa Nmnr Rrtfoa IA16) _ BLn* HISW: (A31 _ 71dn O91k Suduee 4S9) JFARA 147, 146) (MLRA 147, 148) Hydwgo) Su111de (A4) LUWiIy Ginfed N1161A T4 _ Ptaftim"11 "00dp1t1111 SLd!r irlyl _ spaidieo Laytas JAS) '4 OLIA06d WAI(4 (1-31 (MLRA 136, 147) _ 1 (in Mu.k (A1i7) (I.RR N) _ RL'dnx Dalk Sulaw CTBJ _ Vrry Slvllaw DwkStsiSOr tT121 Depleted Below )aatk Stafn -t 1A11) _ OLpkALd Daik Sudure (1-7) _ Lnho (Lxpinm in Rnmalks) _ FllrkCIrk SthiecniA121 _ RcLklx Oeptisvolb 11'W _ Surcy Mucky Mnoral ISII (LNR n, _ bw M.vtgwwL -�r_ #Arises 1F12) (LRR N MLRA 147,146► MLRA 136) _ SandyGley,V Wirt.IS41 _ UmWtcSullaeeIF13)(MLRA136,122) 'Indr tnr-. athyaroilityacveli"mmnemu _ Sarkly Rudix (SS) _ Pw -dmor► Fbo blare Solis If 191 (MLRA 148) %icdand hydioktgy lrxt5t he tae5inl _ Slrgpod Minx tS6) RE+d Pe:omi Maroniii W71) QVILRA 177, 147) urleris UatuD'd u prlwic nosh. Restrictive Layer (If OOSe )- Ilpp Wpth linrhR ,I Hydric Sell Ptesern'7 Yes No Reph3lks I IR army L.lxllr 01 Empnr as Cat Creek Stream & Wetland Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Ensiom N<Lmlmrr. and M"Imran - Vmrinn ? Q F -39 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc January 2014 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM — Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region PrgocuSnF !!/ � r L:ayiY:ounty. SamlAry Date - AppxlnX)Anir r'�tLf : t l' Statn, AJ C sampurl Pdnr Iffir% igtititt(s): _ 11 ei Seeeiron frnsisiup, t�mgo. Lana form IhlMwe. lerraw. oc) Lucid ie1c4 (urmare, citrr rt thine ?. tr" � @ Slope 1'A) Swegrei (LRR or MLRA) Lat Sal Map Ural kanw %bil NWI Clas4.Lewfi Art, Ckfiall0 hNYokpc coMesonfs on IM sto typal to Its= ttoe of year? Y,-, —IL No _ lit nil, asIanin la Reinarks.l Ate wgetati rt —4— Sox! r . or Hyvaogy SWIlKaMly d,11,1 -000 A,, *Nor" Cocunis;Lwces' pieseiV Yrs No Ain.Vegetaoorl 1L. 5oa �_ Of Hyorol" h naauaty Ivoalemoc : ;It rieedea. eiiplatn arty answrs In 4einailis i SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing sampling point locations transetxs, important features, etc. flydopnytic VeyetftfI RL-went? Yei r Na Is the Swr4Md Arwa - - -._ —__ tq*IL Sod I"Iesent? Vft ��. No_. iAallllrl rr WMItelA7 Ye9 NO VhOaw Hyrbuloyy Present? Ye No--_ Rriacts ,: — HYDROLOGY Pilntaly IrlgIL19lik Imn turf of Ono n Immyed: check a1 thal avow _ Surber Sea Cracks (136) _ Suface Water (At) _True Aquallc Plants (814) _ Sparsely Vegelated CLYturva SuluLe 1881 A Hqi Wake Tablo (2l Hydrogon 5(atde Odor (Cl l _ Df ahLlgn Patterns, (81101 58turatkln (A3) MOM Rhizospheres on Uw)q Roots (C31 _ Mass Trrn Unes 1816) _Water Marli9(Bt) _Prdsanebat Rao4tW'hon(CAI _MV- Seasnn'Weler Table (C2)' _ Sedrnerc DePW ;B2) _ ReCent Iron Rc rwlion in filled SoK ir-61 _ rrayfish Brows (C8) _ nrllt OepositS (83) _ 11tvn Mwk SuHxo IC 1) _ Saorrawn yrsible on Aerial otvgery ICO) _ Algal Mat or Crud 1114) _ O&w (F iiplau+ in WffmvM.) _ SlurUtd or Strossod P1.Yils In 11 _ Iron Deposits (65) _ f- 0Qo n0g4w' NasNon 102) _ I"aeaon VV-abe on Awief enogmy (H7) _ Stmllow Aqutard (03) _ W"- Slanea Leaves (Ir) _ Mlr7r4opwpaphr Ratio ((?tl _ Aqu11K Fauna (813) _ FAC Neutral Iasi (115) SuddCL• Water Presew Yes No,AL_ oe w Un[hes) Water 1.� Piese tt? yes No _ Oepdi IlnrhLZl Satria"I Resent? Yes No_ Depth (Inchc -sl �_ Weiland Hydrolopy Present? Yes y No t1('fSCrdte RpCowd nala ( =narn %ILW,, mOnlrving wrq. mfull phoun, finnnow" irnprlkx s), a malihle US ArnvCahs W Enquuc+� F nSlrm lAr><Intvr iird Paiarn�nl Ylialn' D Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -40 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 71 January 2014 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 VEGETATION (Four Strata) — Use scientific names of plants Sampling Poinv, IA Allay Carps 01 Engineer. 6iFytmn 1pmmG�tls rind Piaatrmnt - Vcrsan20 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -41 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitonng Year 4 of 5 Intl_ I��It�ol Test wt L Tim Sn:num Qlkn site � -1 I- ,M Cmw w Nwr�er of Danrwnt Specirs Number at Spec TnetPoe OBL, rncw, or FAC (A) Tate$ Nurtitier of Dornlrwm Spettes Act ass lUl Sri nib, (0) Percent of Clain naw Species Mill Are OBL, fACW, or FAC ��� f/UUj PrawMnco Inax worksmootl e, 5 6 7 - Total Ctynx Taeal % Cover al Aluttlnly nv sr7ta rr! lot fW.1131 20% at total Corer 001. spas 52RtJ ,i` hLw (Plot mm• t rTaJm • fEf°tL -i Ts>i>\. X L rncwVooioL FAC speaas a 3 . FACU Sperdes It 4 - l Q law ;,-y fV6 5$ °R _ o8L S UPL speckib x5. 4 Cofulmt T°lafs aU (UI Prmlattnlce Inaw _ WA = u Hydro;MIR!e Vegelatillin tndlestms u i RapW Test for Hyoropl)tre Voriutsrvcm 2 Darnrinnce rest Is -50% r� 7 Tnrnl t — T Prevalence Inac�x Is 13 01 m,or "! 50 1 vnnl cover ern 20% of 1m�1 co%w 1 _ 4 Malpn rnelbrl5 (rnin tJ( Seppanmg MLL15onrum (Pitt 5a ) armor s rj dare m Rnmtalis rA nn a sEtpantm Shah) I i tF-2, 4 15 r •d � ,.J _ Pioldtnnnac Rorphytir. Ve�(lelatai`INpwod 3 in t( s �` rUMicmQS ri hymn sM an" weteinu hy"rigy rMisr 1 f {C CT1 • I �, AL Ur preLenk unless d• hirbad ai riniLfstmtir DOfhllrl Ml Few Vegetation SUate Tree —woody plurxs, exclwling rues, 3 lit. l7 0 r.m) Or more In dlatneter at t least hi3gitl (081 q, teyxidUgs d --F= t� �! °—� r ._ nMglq II 8 SaplinillSlimb -Woody plenty, exdUding,nnrs, kiss mnn T in n8H and nroater bran or emiol to 3 20 R Ci mF tall 10 I I Herb -An licrrbacuars Lnorwwo plants, requidess i rS �Q - Tram Cavm t V 1 0 CIO rind avodir Plants less than 3 28 1`1111111. 5M al Oat rover WanMV'rn5trnnmi (PlatsiH•_ I 20% or total cover VPOOtly urn° - All n+oaoy trines greater Ulan 3 28 h hr hn t 1 7_ t Hydrophytk u Vegetation - ratai (,over Present9 Yes X No 5D% CA MS Lorist M% of term riNM rtmiarks (Include ptrit o rwnbeis hrxr rr i a separate SPWAL) IA Allay Carps 01 Engineer. 6iFytmn 1pmmG�tls rind Piaatrmnt - Vcrsan20 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -41 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 January 2014 Monitonng Year 4 of 5 SOIL Sampltnq Point ap Profile Deswiptioni R)escnbo to the dopth needed to doctanam the indicate of coMitm the absence of fadleataiQ Drpnt Matrix Rvd'o!Fcufuat Jl L Color Inxosti _ WE I !Z 7S Calm (A nral) ]vt L� +111QL_ Reawlis i tEYR G %^ fz:lL Piz Surd 11; lavk ly tT C-Cw Leillattot 0 lellm WzRetti"d Maim MSOAakxod Saw Crams, k6cmrar PLaPae LVdn M- MERFIX h)Vft Soft Indcatora Indicators for Protrwmatic Hydric SolW _ HtstaGol (At) _ Dak Stafaw (S7) _ 2 cm WA [A1W VVILRA 1471 _ Hlsda Fptpedan IA4 _ Pciyvdlue Balaw Surface (Sit) (MLRA 147. 148) _ Coast Wairlo Radw IA181 _ Black Hlstr IA31l _ ThWOwk SuNaw (59! UNLRA 147,148) W"A 147, 148) _ HydrW SulSde 04) Laatrry Cl& jefd Melttt (F2) _ Pirtdmnra Flaudplaln Salk IF191 _ Strafdcyl Lnynra jAS) Depleted Maob (F7) (MLRA 158, 1471 _ 7 cm Muck (A70) ILRR M —X Redow Dark Surinat (Ffil _ Very Shaflaw Dark Surface f1r12) _ Depicted Below Dat4 Surface (A11I _ Deplatod Mirk Smince, (1:71 Od1er [EV do is Rernailis) _ Huck Onrk Surlace (Al 2) _ Rader Depmsdmr. (FNI _ Swidy Mucky Mineral (51) (LRR W. _ Iron lAangrgm m W r-, s (F16 (LRR N. MLRA147 1481 MLRA 136) _ S,vcly Gkyed MWix (54► _ Umtxic Suriacn IF191(MLRA 130,124 Yndidalas d hydta[Yrytr +egefaclmr UnU _ Sindy P stax ISS) _ Ptedmnrd Fk dplam SO, IF 119) (MLRA 14M wettatd IrJuratoay must be preserri, _ sevped Atdtra (Se) _ Rod Parent Matraml IF21) (MLRA 127, 147) ur83SS dlsluawd or prummrwtk Rnatrlctive Loyer 11 0 T)pa1 OBfghl }, HpdrfeSalPresent? Yore Nun t28frtiiks US"Carps rd Enlimrw, Lesion Nnunrais and PiOMnonl - V&SW 20 Cat Creek Stream & Wetland F -42 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 71 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 January 2014