HomeMy WebLinkAbout700 Hay river Rd.e WDENR 'North ,,Caroliha Department of EnVif0flment and Natural Resou'rte8 Division bf'Water Resourbes 'Water Quality Programs Pat McCrory Thomas A; Reeder John 'E. Skvarla,, III GOVO-mor Director Secretary February 26, 2014' Thomas-Alfe Hos&a1ify'LL' y C Box. 98239 Raleigh�,,NC 27624-9239 Subject: Buffer.'Determihafion Letter NBnOkl4-05 ' 6 WakelCounty Dcitenrri i nation Type* B u ffer, , Call Isolated or -E-1`P-, Call, '® .Neese (1'5A NCAC 2B 0233)' stop(K' El Tai;--Pamfic6 �(1 5-A NCAC :21B, 0259) El Ephdmercil/lhterniitteht/,Perehn, ial,'Cieterm-i nation, 'A ❑ Isolated 'WetlandDeteraiinatibn 'El -,.Votdarf (j$A NCAC 2B 0267) Throughout `700',,Hay-R!verRd' Proj, ct Name: ' Locatibn/Dir&ctions-d Pr6pertyis located at 7,60 Hay, kivef k1,JG- , ek-i.W. ,Subject Stream UT to,'Big, Branch ' Determination Date: Fgbriaaiy-,25,2014 Staff: jatfieg,Graham. Feature/flag I 'Not Subject Subject Start@ stop(K' SO Survey- US65' -'Topo 'A X Throughout Throughout X X Explanation:, The, feature(§)1isted4bove has or have, been located,on the&iil'slirvey of Wake County; North Carolina or,the,most'recent,copy of the USGS Topfoya �p hic map at a 1;24;OM�6�le. Eddh.feafiure ithatj§ checked "Not :Subj ect!" has. been determined notAo'be a- "stream or-4s not'Dresent on+the,p yopertVy ;, Fedfures that are checked ",Siibj6be''hayd4'beeri,,Iocated on the propert y 4nd'pd-§e§&charaqteri§ticstthat fiaVif y it to be, a strVdffi. There maybe other streams focated,66 your property that, do not sh�dWup § referenced ab6ve'but-,,§till, may be pri ffi6 fqJp considered - jurisdictional 'kMriffig toAhe 1US, Arr*,Qor-p-s,(5f, Effgine6rs arfd/ovto the Division of Water Resources (DWk). llfoni�hCar6fiha North Carolina DiV-i-si6O of, W4ter Resbyrces '1628 MaWService�Genter Raleigh,,NG27699-1628 Phone�(919) 791-4200 )rternet -ww cwa terquahtV or q Location, 3800 Baftdft Drive Ral6gh, 'NC 27609 Fax (919)788-7,1'59,' AwEqu lOpp6rtuni'lAffirrfiabVeActd,Employer ,-:'50%iR6q led/10% Post UlisumO,Paoer P I 700 Hay'RiverIRd Wake County,' February 26, 20.14 Page 2 of.2 This on -site determination shall expire five (5)years from the date of this letter. Landowners or`affected parties'that, dispute=a determination made byithe DWR or Delegated Local Authority may request a determination'by1he Director- An;appealz request must:be made,within sizty�(60),days of datcof this.letter�or from theAate the,affected party (including`downstream and /or adjacentownersj'.is,notified,,of this letter. A request for a determination by the Director'shall be .,referred to the Director in writing c/o Karen Higgins, DWR WeBSCaPe Unit; 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 2,_7,699.. This determination is,Analiand binding'unless, as,detailed above, you ask for a hearing:or appeal'within sixty (60) days: The�owner" /future,ow,iiers should notify th_e:Division of Water Resources (including, any other Local;tState, and Federal:Ageocies) of this decision concerning any future correspondences regarding the,subject property (stated above). This projeet:may "require a,Sectioti 404 /401• Perm itfor the'proposed activity. Any inquiries,should`be directedto.the Division of Water Resources (Central Office) at(919)- 807- 6300,,and'the US Army Corp`of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) at,(919) -554 -4884. If'you have'questions regarding ;this determination, please feel free,to contact James Graham at (919) 791-4200. cc: RRO /SWP FilerCopy R ctfully, Danny,S" ith,'Superv_isor Water ^Quality Section Raleigh, Regional Office '',• .:ham ► NOW CIA 1y. C - t MIMI 1'� Alt%� 1 VA y► �r �r j �1