HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8960916_Historical File_20211220ROY COOPER: Gaverizor E 1ZARM & f31 smiatmy BRIAN WRENN D December 20; 201 Q LDI Holdings, LLC, proposed permmittee Attn: Mr D. Logan 60 Gregory Road, Suite 1 Belvdle, NC 28451 NOR114 CARMINA. aW&W==kd Subject: PROJECT RETURN Starmwater moment Project No. SWS %0916 Owendon Plantation Brunswick. County Dear Mr. Logan: The Wilmington Regional Office received and accepted a State Stormwater Management Transfer Permit Application for the subject project on September 7, 2021 and requested additional information on November 18, 2021. A review of the information submitted on September 7, 2021 has determined that the supporting informs is not complete and the permit cannot be issued for the project as. proposed. A review of the file and deliv ery logs indicates that, as of this date, the mfwmahon requested on November 18, 2021 has not been received in this Office within the stipulated timeframe. Per the requirements, of Title 15A NCAC 02H .1045(4)(aXii) of the Stormwater Management Rules, this Office is hereby returning the subject application as incomplete as discussed with your attorney, Gary Shipman, on December 16, 2021. The $505.00 application fee has been forfeited and a new fee will need to be provided if you choose to resubmit this application in the fuiure. Two permit -modification packages were also sum tted on September 7, 2021. They were to be armed after the permit transfer and were intended todivide the current project area into two separate permits, Owendon Plantation and Seers Walk. These applications have also, been return- Check numbers 19216 and 18217, both in the amount of $505 have been returned to you. If you wish to pursue transferring this project, you :must reapply to the Division. Your application package must include a completed and signed application form; supplement form; signed: O&M agreement; application fee, signed, sealed and dated calculations; 2 sets of signed, sealed and dated site layout and grading plans with details; and any supporting documentation necessary to address the items identified in the latest request for additional information. Please note that this does not preclude you from obtaining and complying with any and all other .permits or approvals that are required for this development to take place, as required by any statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, whichh are imposed by any other Local, State or Federal government agency having jurisdiction. Please note that Permit Number SWVB 960916, issued on February 8, 2001, remains in full force and effect. until modified, renewed or transferred. Please be aware that the construction of any changes to the originally approved and permitted plans prior to the receipt of a modified permit isa violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. North CaroAha Depar"ent of Envftonmentat Quality I DbAsion of.Em W WheraF: and Land Resources �IF �� W&Wngtmn,NorthCarolina29405 ilkt'it ton rrai.Offtce �: 12T CarFfinal Drive E.,etensiort I �sr.s""r'arw'� go-� 910.7%72t5 State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 960916 Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Kelly Johnson at (910) 796-7215 or via e-mail at k.elly.p johnsonnr.gov.. Sincerely, Brian Wrenn, Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources DESlkpj: 'MStormwaterTermits & Projects\1996\960916 LDi202 12 return_project 960916 cc: N1r. Tim. Cllskscaies, PE, Paramoimte Engineering 122 Cinema Drive, Wilmington, NC 29403 Mr. Dori A. Owen, President, Owendon Plantation, current permittee . PO Box 204, Siler City, NC 27344 Brunswick County Engineering Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Department of Envi onmer t l WdIty I. DevlsfAn o1: F:o"j, lmnerat and. Land k-s� WR1m6ftgtdn &egionai office 11Di Cardinal [)rive: ExtemsTcm I i+lkilsning#ocr, North Carolina. Z84Q5 91a.79b MS MA 1'k :4� !rs 6 0, k F BLIZ BM S. NSM Srcreiary BRAN MENN A&WW November 18, 2021 NORTH CARGUNA jW Via email only: dlosan(R-)loeanhomes com LDI Shallotte Holdings, LLC, proposed permittee Attn: Mr. D. Logan 60 Gregory Road, Suite 1 Belville, NC 29451 Subject: Request for Additional Information / Notre of Inspection. State Stormwater bUnagement Permit No. SWS %0916 Owendon Plantation Rrunswich Counq Dear Mr. Logan: The Wilmington Regional O#1lce of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) received and accepted a signed Permit Transfer Application Form for the subject project on September 7, 2021. The successor - owner of the property has requested to transfer the permit without consent of the permit holder in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H.1045(l)(c) and G.S., 143-214.7(c5).. A preliminary depth review of the documentation submitted with the transfer request determined that the application is incomplete, and that additional information is needed. Since the transfer was submitted under NCAC 02H.1045(1)(c) and G.S. 143-214.7(c5), please provide the following documentation in a sing3e, hard cony submittal nark= to complete the application. File Review: 1. [,ompany Name [15A NCAC 02H.1045 Z a)]: The applicant is listed as LDI S,hallo� Hsr1dings, LLC. Is the inter►ded entity L�hallotte 179 Holdings, LLC? I do not see the applicant as an NC Corporation with the NC Secretary of State. 2. Signature Authority [15A NCAC 02H.1040(1)(a)]: In the case of a. limited liability ration KiC), the application must be signed by a er or company official as defined � 57D. The Articles of Incorporation for LDI Shallotte 179 Holdings, LLC does not list the managers. Please provide documentation that D. Logan has signature authority for the applicant. 3. Deed [15A NCAC 02H.I 045(2)(c)]: Please submit a copy of the deeds for the common areas and for the tracts that will become SSummers Walk. �Atli4xorr�, c3 �r� mf�� 4uatay n9� of Fiatrgv: k�tlr�eraE ear � .�-�� -0- � w �� Qc*nal v , 1V csrdkzMvjve Extcnsian 1 Wit gton Aiorth carvlina 84os z... Jr 910.7'ib.72l5 State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 960916 Page 2 of 3 4. Operation and Maintenance (O&M Agreement), [15A NCAC 02H. I 045(2)(d)]: Please provide a signed and notarized operation and maintenance agreement from the proposed permittee. The most recent version of -this form, which better clarifies the minimum requirements for maintaining these systems, is titled O&M EZ and can be found on the following website: or 5. Constructed Impervious Area [15A NCAC 02H.1045(2)(e)]: Since the project has been built, please provide documentation that the maximum allowedd built -upon area per lot has not been exceeded. The permittee's lot review records, tax records, aerial photos, and/or lot surveys can be used to demonstrate the allocated BUA has not been exceeded. Please submit a list of lot numbers, and the amount of impervious area that has been constructed on each lot to determine that all lots are within the permitted amount. Notice of Ins action On October 21. 2021, the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) inspected the subject project to determine the status of compliance with this permit. most recently issued on February 8, 2001. DEMLR file review and site inspection revealed that the site is not in compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit. A copy of the completed form entitled "Compliance Inspection Report" summarizing the findings of the recent inspection is attached to this letter. Please either address the Bowing items to demonstrate compliance with the permit or sign and submit the enclosed Schedule of Compliance that provides a timeline in which the following compliance issues will be resolved. If the proposed permittee would lflw to accept responsibility for resolving these items. please submit a new Section F of the application with that option selected. 1. Prior Notices of Violation and Recent Inspection: Copies of three Notices of Violations for this ggro act are enclosed. They were issued an October 28, 2004; February 4, 2005; and April 15, 20�5. They primarily discuss unpermitted piles having been installed in a low density project, swales that have been installed that are nut cut the plan, and concerns that the northern rtion of Fhase I drains to a pond on the adjacent parcel which is permitted under SW8 931110 lfGuy C Lee}. A pictorial summary is also enclosed Additional piippes were also found in the 2021 inspection as shown on the suniinary diagrams. These violattons must be addressed. 2. Permit Condition H (11) and 15A NCAC 021-LIGO O) effective September 1,1995: A copy of the certification for the most recent version of the permit could not be found in the file. Please provide a copy of the certification confirming the site has been constructed in accordance with the proved pplans. There is a 1999 partial inspection for Phase I on file. However, it appears that�additionalpipe s and swales were constructed since that date. These are documentd in the 2004 and 2005 NOW Please submit a final certification for the constructed pleases (Phases I and II). All of the requested information listed above should be received in this Office by November 30, 2021, or the application will be retirned as incomplete. If additioiml time is needed to submit the requested information, please email your extension request prior to this due date to the email address provided below with a justification and a date of when the requested information will be submitted, which shall be no later than 15 days past the original due date. Please note that only hva letters requesting additional information is allowed in the .State Stomrmwater Program for a toted of 30 days to submit the requesters addWonal information. # the information is not satisfactorily provided after either the second request or 30 days, the project will be returned If the project is returned and you wish to re -submit later, you will need to resubmit all required items at that time, including the application fee. Please note that if, upon review of the submitted information or upon a deficient compliance inspection of the project, it is determined that a maior modification to the permit is required to resolve the compliance issues, the transfer application will be returned as incomplete Upon the issuance of the modified permit, and the successful completion of any work: required by the modified permit and/or the restoration of the site to design condition, the applicant will need to submit an updated transfer application and a new fee to the Division to start the transfer process over again. North Carrala Dqm rtmtnt of a wkmacnW Quality t t)ivW= of DwW e+.ai aid Lmd Rmwimm 4VU gtr►ff O R U7 Cw*rW Dnw E ns4on n-g . *" C0rQbm 264M 910.796,,MS State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 960916 Page 3 of 3 Please reference the State assigned permit number on all correspondence. If you have any questions concerning this matter. please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at kelly.p.johnsonl7anedenr.gov. Sincerely, x Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer Enclosure.: Compliance bapection Rrpn-rt NOV, October 28, 2004 NOV, February 4, 2005 NOV, April 15, 2005 NOV Pictorial Summary Schedule of Compliance DES/kpj: G.\1\Stonnwater\Permits & Projects\1996\960916 LD\2021 11 addinfo CEI addinfo 960916 cc: Mun Clinkscales, PE; via email; €clinkscales@pwmnourte-eng com ?bfs..9my Scher: Lee Kaess: PLLC; via email, amynleelrarcorn ss. Mr. Doug Anw4 .Assistant General Counsel, sel, MC DEQ, via email; douglasanwPo dear. gov Ms. Christine Hall, IWiRO Stormwater Supervisor, via email; chnstine. halls wdenr. gov WiRO Stormwater Permit File RE— N�tfi e a [ie artnzent �f �rivironsacmtal Qua�itg Division of Energy %Cneral sand land Rau ces v Yv#MwVtan R99hMol Oiflce ,l27 Ordinal DrNeEronaion : JNib=gtmNorth Carolina 284o5 3; 'M.7%,7245 Attachment D Schedule of Compliance LDI Shallotte 179 Holdings, LLC has applied for a State Stormwater Permit Transfer for SW8 960916 for Owendon Plantation.. The compliance inspection by the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) on October 21, 2021, identified the following non -compliant items. As the incoming permittee, i understand that I will be transferred a non -compliant permit, and I agree to resolve these items to bring the project into compliance by (choose and insert a deadline prior to signing this form). Non -Compliant Items: 1. The final certification will be completed and submitted per Permit Condition II (11) and 15A NCAC 02H.10080) effective September 1, 1995. 2. The Notices of Violation from October 28, 2004; February 4, 2005; and April 15, 2005, will be resolved. 3. The additional pipes identified by the October 21, 2021 inspection will be addressed. DATE D..Logan, President dlogan@loganhomes.com (910)232-6720 C!j 7m TIM, 46" i.J -It, r f0 OL 0 N U rl m 0) (/ 00 •� J cn (U •� +J c 0 �- 3 -aO3 cn O O O 0 • O � � aJ m .N ;. C 00 (L) U N O E � c c � cn z0 G d cn o z m -v � n C C Ctam)� cu .C� 0 YIDCn I'- G m W r� r-A iI ■ .r Compliance Inspection Report Permit: SW8960916 Effective:02/08/01 Expiration: Project: Owendon Plantation Owner: Owen Ventures Inc County: Brunswick Region: Wilmington Adress: Owendon Dr City/State/Zip: Shallotte NC 28470 Contact Person: Donald A Owen Title: President Directions to Project: From Shallotte, take NC 179 south. Turn left onto SR 1145 (Village Pt. Rd.). Project on right. Type of Project: State Stormwater- Low Density Drain Areas: 1 - (The Mill Pond) (03-07-59) (C;Sw,HQW) On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 10/21/2021 Entry Time 10:30AM Primary Inspector: Caroline Dalis Secondary Inspector(s): Kelly Johnson Reason for Inspection: Routine Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater Facility Status: ❑ Compliant 0 Not Compliant Question Areas: State Stormwater (See attachment summary) Phone: 919-633-2638 Exit riime:11:30AM Phone: 910-796-7372 Inspection Type: Transfer Renewal page 1 Permit: SW8960916 Owner Project: Owen Ventures Inc Inspection Date: 10/2112021 Inspection Type Transfer Renewal Reason for Visit: Routine File Review Yes No NA NE Is the permit active? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file? Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file? Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file? Comment: Certification is needed. O&M from the incoming permittee is needed. Built Upon Area Is the site BUA constructed as per the permit and approval plans? Is the drainage area as per the permit and approved plans? Is the BUA (as permitted) graded such that the runoff drains to the system? Comment: Decision pending certificaiton. SW Measures Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans? Are the inlets located per the approved plans? Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans? Comment: There are unpermitted swales and pipes onsite. Operation and Maintenance Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? Yes No NA NE ❑ ❑❑■ ❑❑❑■ ❑❑❑■ Yes No NA NE ❑ N El El ❑ ■❑❑ ❑ ■❑❑ Yes No NA NE ■ ❑❑❑ Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or ❑ ❑ ❑ provided to DWQ upon request? Comment: page 2 Johnson, Kelly From: Mary Catherine Santos <msantos@loganhomes.com> Sent: Friday, October 8, 2021 9:56 AM To: Johnson, Kelly Subject- RE: [External] Owendon Plantation Stormwater permit (SW8 960916) CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spare_ That's great news. Thank you! is6- LOGAN HOMES MARY CATHERINE SANTOS PRE -CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 60 GREGORY ROAD, SUITE 1 BELVILLE, NC 28451 O 910 452 7175 C 910 232 6720 LOGANHOMES.COM From: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, October 8, 20219:55 AM To: Mary Catherine Santos <msantos@loganhomes.com> Subject: RE: [External] Owendon Plantation Stormwater permit (SW8 960916) Hi Mary Catherine, Yes, Tim submitted the two applications. The transfer is being processed. Once that is issued the two pending applications (1. Summer Walk and 2.) The rest of Owendon) will be accepted for review. Thanks, Kelly KtLLWDYIK,SOVV Xelly Johnson Environmental Engineer NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Phone: 910.796.7335 Note Change in Phone Number From: Mary Catherine Santos <msantos@loeanhomes.com> Sent: Friday, October 8, 20219:53 AM To: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.lov> Subject: RE: [External] Owendon Plantation Stormwater permit (SW8 960916) CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or �Irou verify. Send all urYpkftw }fl as an attachment to _port Spam.. Good morning Kelly, Tim says he's submitted everything you needed for this per our discussion a few weeks ago.. I just wanted to make sure you have everything you need and let you know I'm available to track down anything else you may need if you're missing something. Very much appreciate you copying those permits for me the other day and wishing you a great weekend. Thanks, NO L C� C� p! !� HOMES MARY CATHERINE SANTOS PRE -CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 60 GREGORY ROAD, SUITE 1 BELVILLE, NC 28451 0 910 452 7175 C 910 232 6720 LOGANHOMES.COM From: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 1:24 PM To: Mary Catherine Santos <msantos@losanhomes.com> Subject: RE: [External] Owendon Plantation Stormwater permit (SW8 960916) Sure. I will see you then. Here is the standard language I am supposed to send to you because of COVID: If you haven't reviewed a file with us before, please remember to: • bring a photo ID • wear a mask at all times • limit the number of individuals reviewing the file to no more than 2 people (1 person is preferred) • call me when you arrive so I can escort you into the office • leave all baps in your vehicle Kelly K44 JDhVZDIA, Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Phone: 910.796.7335 Note Change in Phone Number From: Mary Catherine Santos <msantos(@loeanhomes.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 1:19 PM To: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.y.iohnson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: [External] Owendon Plantation Stormwater permit (SW8 960916) CAUTION. External email. D❑ not click [inks or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to ort Spam.. Absolutely. Could I come by in about an hour? Thank you, Mary Catherine Santos 910-232-6720 msantos@loeanhomes.com On Sep 21, 2021, at 11:32 AM, Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov> wrote: If you want to come today I will be here until 5. 1 do need to put it on the schedule though because we share the file review space with several agencies and we try not to overlap people. Just let me know what time. Or, the space is open 10-12 tomorrow or any time on Thursday. Kelly K 41. DYlN1.SOw Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer 14C Division of Energy, Minera; and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Phone: 910.796.7335 Dote Change in Phone !dumber From: Mary Catherine Santos <msantos@lotzanhomes.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 202111:22 AM To: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Owendon Plantation Stormwater permit (SW8 960916) click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to R pori Sim I understand. May I swing by and take some pictures at your convenience this week and arrange for the copies to be made next week (when the office person is back in office)? <IMAGE001. PNG> MARY CATHERINE SANTOS PRE -CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 60 GREGORY ROAD. SUITE 1 BELVILLE. NC 28451 0 910 452 7175 C 910 232 6720 %QGANHOMES.COi4 From: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.eov> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 11:17 AM To: Mary Catherine Santos <msantos@loganhomes.com> Subject: RE: [External] Owendon Plantation Stormwater permit (SW8 960916) Unfortunately I do not know how to make it happen any sooner. I have a very full plate this week... I<.el UJ0hvw50vV Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Phone: 910.796.7335 Note Change in Phone Number From: Mary Catherine Santos <msantos loganhomes.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 20219:21 AM To: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Owendon Plantation Stormwater permit (SW8 960916) CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Repart Spam- Shoot, the only reason I suggested is because I met someone over at All Graphics a few weeks ago to make some copies of a super old stormwater file, but I totally understand not wanting someone to run off with it. I'm afraid taking a picture with my phone wouldn't provide the level of detail needed to zoom in and study it so I think your suggestion to have someone organize copies being made may make the most sense. I hate that she's out of town though! This is iust a shot in the dark, but there's not anyone else over there that would be able to organize that this week is there? If not, I totally understand, but just thought I would at least ask as I was hoping to have it before Friday afternoon. Thanks for your consideration, <IMAGE001. PNG> MARY CATHERINE SANTOS PRE-COMSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 60 GREGORY ROAD, SUITE 1 BELVILLE. NC 28451 0 910 452 7175 C 910 232 6720 From: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.o.iohnson@ncdenr.eov> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 20218:59 AM To: Mary Catherine Santos <msantos@loeanhomes.com> Subject: RE: [External] Owendon Plantation Stormwater permit (SW8 960916) Ms. Santos, Unfortunately we do not allow people to check out the files and bring them back. I am sure you wouldn't run off with it, but that is not the case with everyone. I can schedule a time for you to come see the file and make copies of whatever you want. We have a copier, but it is not large enough for plan -sized sheets. Most people just take pictures with their phone. Or, I can arrange to have it scanned. That is somewhat of a process. We have to organize the file into a standard order and then the copy place has to scan it. The girl who organizes the file is also on vacation this week. Just let me know what works for you. Thanks, Kelly I tU� iokwsow Kelly Johnson Environmental Engireer NC Division of Energy, Minera! and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drlve Extension Wilmington, NC 23405-3845 Phone: 910.796.7335 Note Change in Phone Number From: Mary Catherine Santos <msantos loganhomes.com> Sent: Monday, September 20, 20216:01 PM To: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: [External] Owendon Plantation Stormwater permit (SW8 960916) CAUTION: Externai email. Do not click links or open attadbneM unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Reovrt Seam: Good evening, I was actually wanting the files that were submitted by the previous developer. The one I attached in previous email appears to have been from 2001. So looking for any and all packages submitted prior to this year. I would be happy to meet at you at all graphics at your convenience or if easier for you I can pick up the packet for copies and bring it back. Let me know what works best for you. Thank you, Mary Catherine Santos 910-232-6720 msantos@loganhomes.com On Sep 20, 2021, at 4:24 PM, Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Ms. Santos, We currently have an application in review to transfer the permit from Owendon Plantation to LDI Shallotte Holdings, LLC. There has been quite a bit of discussion about a modification that will be pending once the transfer is issued. The permit will be split into two parts. One part will remain SW8 960916 and the other will obtain its own separate permit. As I understand it, the plan is to remove a portion of SW8 960916 from that permitted area and that area removed will become Summers Walk. The applicant submitted an application for Summers Walk to be processed after the transfer. However, that review is inter -dependent on a second application to modify SW8 960916 so that Summers Walk can be created. We did not receive that second modification package. There is a law firm representing Summers Walk. DEMLR counsel has raised this issue with Summer's Walk's counsel. That was a week or two, and I have not seen a resolution. Did you want to schedule a time to come see the file, or did you want us to arrange having it scanned? We have a contract with All Ways Graphics, and the cost is $35/inch. The file is approximately one inch (excluding the pending transfer and modification materials which would not be included because they are not approved.) Thanks, Kelly ,,LLW0h K,S0V%, Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Phone: 910.796.7335 Note Change in Phone Number From: Mary Catherine Santos <msantos@loganhomes.com> Sent: Monday, September 20, 20212:53 PM To: Johnson, Kelly <keily.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Owendon Plantation Stormwater permit External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verity. Send all lows email as an attachment to Report Span'. Good afternoon Kelly, I hope your week is off to a good start. I'm trying to locate any plans or modifications that have ever been submitted to you all for a subdivision by the name of Owendon Plantation in Shallotte. I've attached the stormwater permit application (which is all I have to work off of), but I was hoping to make copies of the plans that went along with any applications on file. I'm told there was at least one modification submitted for this permit. Would you kindly direct me to the appropriate party for this request? If I'm not mistaken, I believe you all are shut down to visitors right now. Would it be possible for me to pick these plans up from your office to copy at All Graphics or meet someone there to make copies? Thanks very much and hope you have a nice evening. Thanks, <IMAGE001.PNG> Mr' RY CIATHER.INE S► NTOS PRE -CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT COORDIiNATOR 60 GREGORY ROAD, SUITE 1 BELVILLE. NC 28451 0 910 452 7175 C 910 232 6720 LOGANHOMES.COM ?6WO-1ED Y�-M5 Johnson, Kelly From: Johnson, Kelly Sent: Friday, October 1, 2021 2:34 PM To: Hall, Christine Subject: FW: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk Christine, Here is an issue that we can discuss next week... We accepted the transfer application on 9/7/2021. They had submitted a modification package for half of the project that was going to split into two, but they were missing the application for the other half. That is still pending per discussion below. In the meantime, I need to get this inspected in support of the transfer. This issue is that the permitted plans are not on file. The permit was issued on 11/5/1996 and modified on 2/8/2001. The 12/1/2000 application cover letter indicates that they added 50 additional lots and modified the interior roadways from the original layout. It was 30% low density for 233 lots at 3,000sf/lot. The 2001 application indicates that the project is 84.24ac. Neither of these plan sets (1996 or 2001) are on file. There is an unapproved plan set on file from 2006. The total acreage on the unapproved 2006 plan on file is also 84.24ac. The 2001 permit references Area A and Area B which are not on the 2006 plan. But the 2006 plan lists five phases with 233 lots total without unsubdivided areas. Without an approved plan, how do I: 1.) Inspect for transfer. 2.) Modify the permit to split it into two if I don't know exactly what was permitted in 2001. Kelly K.e���0ho'sow Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Phone: 910.796.7335 Note Change in Phone Number WE B (,kq)lc T 0PTA%AJ coQ %6s ofi- e C vcy'" �4Q ftt&) oV ?L A/Us. From: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, September 9, 20214:13 PM To: Amy Schaefer <amy@leekaess.com>; Ansel, Douglas R <douglas.ansel@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk That is the purpose of the transfer. Transferring the permit to your client allows them to modify the permit and sign any necessary applications. Christine Hall, PE Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stormwater Program 1NIOd 30VT➢A �. ` ' ��"� a VNUSGPFx ENiRM'fE z Low I I i I im y o s 1 a uo n r_.• 1 / � I o N Ny € y< U) I r i ;� "• jy w Li � Q opQs ♦ ` �u _ m M EPE FZ. c CF I w U S m g ! ` Ram b -i€Pl ull 15 a ss ;Eg g• :g: e g I� — v1 #�;$ b_ try k syy a8i eg �gd 8a LLJ U � g 9 t EgEi a�gg :age sy� gm ,'jr`,E 3p5 g�� 3 � q � c;: � ng� a . X--/� � / � �JOt^ /// & i S $d k. d sill i - r ``x / xSIR N � al Lu cn =N a n 531. 1M �1 ` M10d 3'JY7'II� lONDSGPED EMRIINCE ry��y �W F —rr �. A 1 .1 9 L \ a `a 1 1' e al g a aka �a 4 \ / gg�$y� all E 4.1 p�gr�'Jw 9�p E yy +@}g iO3 �tl€ eC of Ali M1111 YYYY Y ' / pi e� i 4 I g 3�9 W 0 LLI < 1 a %-AEP o N Ss''� u� 0,UdiP6w � /ice 1 531V1s3 J6, 11I0d M 30Y =er�envot iarru2 � � \a-el-'� acx1n�j1 ,�.e�n CR1'd�c vrb QOOpDNA') __�� VNDSCMED FMPONCE(( f111M�1iC I 1; Rf°E Lii gz c0ZO 3 ° ' R �' Z. O RRR , map y� D Am /. rl 9 Y Z �1L mo \ ; W¢ , 04 gg 888 8 3 d 0 U s 44 Alit 1, .11 ll s�r�sa I 1NI. 3JrllIA --at, VS -am"md:xB —� 1 I UNeeCDPEO ENieHIC'c r I m N Z= `° e a i/ rn N D) mon f I g N W¢ ax TPr a a gY 2 S a - a � °z z_ UW O /\ 'Hill b �56 @@y7y �py: Y 6 gyp} GG p Yf b b ICY F qqI < < acl5d2 �/ i 53'W I11����' 1NIOd 3:WTN JIJ - aroa sxror aamia VMGSWEO ENIa M TZ �a 1 9 1 cv N� 1 1 1 i� a Johnson, Kelly From: Johnson, Kelly Sent: Thursday, September 9, 2021 2:29 PM To: Tim Clinkscales Subject: FW: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk Attachments: 2020-11-25 Final Decision Summary Judgment for Respondent.pdf Tim, We received the application to transfer the subject permit from Owendon Plantation to LDI Shallotte Holdings, LLC. That is on my list to review, and Christine brought me up to speed on the situation. I understand that after the permit is transferred, it will be modified. The permit will be split into two parts. One part will remain SW8 960916 and the other will obtain its own separate permit as discussed in Doug Ansel's 7/14/21 email below. In addition to the transfer application, we have also received a package for a new permit for Summers Walk. However, we have not received the package to modify SW8 960916 to remove the area that will become Summers Walk. These two packages are inter -dependent, and both must be submitted to move forward with the review of either modification after the transfer is issued. I will return the Summers Walk application to you so that it can be re -submitted when the modification package is ready. Please note that only the signed documents will be returned via mail. If you would prefer to pick up the entire package, please let me know. Thanks, Kelly 1- et w0kvuso L Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer NC Division of Energy, Mineral and land Resources Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive E,,dension Wilmington, IBC 28405-3845 Phone: 910.796.7335 Note Change in Phone Number From: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, September 9, 20212:27 PM To: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk Christine Hall, PE Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 910 796 7215 Direct: 910 796 7339 Email: christine.hall(@ncdenr.gov Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is sukjr^t [o itie North Carolir;, l'ubfrc Records Law and may be disclor ed to Altird parties. From: Ansel, Douglas R Sent: Wednesday, September 1, 20215:00 PM To: Amy Schaefer <amv@leekaess.com> Cc: Tim Clinkscales<tclinkscales@paramounte-ene.com_>; Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk Amy, The Department's expressed position has been that under NCGS 143-214.7(c2), a permittee can transfer a compliant permit to an HOA without its consent. This question was adjudicated in a 2020 decision from AU Lassiter issued on November 25, 2020. See the attached Order, specifically Conclusions of Law 6 to 12. While this case is currently under a petition for judicial review scheduled to be heard in March 2022, the Department's position remains the same. As we have discussed before, if passed in its current form, Senate Bill 389 would also create a new transfer requirement in statute for stormwater permits to the appropriate HOA entity. Hopefully this helps. Best, Doug Ioaglas R. Ansel Assistant General Counsel N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 919-707-8977 1Vliaiing Address: 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Physical Address: 217 W. Jones St. Raleigh; NC 27603 Douglas.Ansel@ncdenr.gov E-mail correspondence to and f orr. this address nczv be sub ject to the .Worth Corclina Public Records, Law and m!w be disclosed to third parties. From: Amy Schaefer <amy@leekaess.com> Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2021 1:44 PM To: Ansel, Douglas R <douglas.ansel@ncdenr.eov> Cc: Tim Clinkscales<tclinkscales@paramounte-eng.com>; Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall(a@ncdenr.eov> Subject: Re: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachrnent to Rgport �parn. Doug, Can the Owendon HOA refuse to accept their stormwater permit once it is split? My client does not want to be required to hold onto a stormwater permit for another property owner. Sincerely. Am-7 C. Sbbaefer Lee loess. PLLC 1'ost c 711i(V Rwl 4,5418 XVil:nirlgtoll, NC 281.O6 (910) 8 32-9257 0ifice: W10) 399444 ext. 101 1. LEE KAESS he iulonnaLun cn(itanwd irr Iln• a-rnai r =itlal i. pr .il ;�(i -...: r darn+:;1 it +, r,l+_tl 1br t ! :!rIalrt=,t r r•rrEy. li' yc+!.) ar.. lis•ithw IJr:: i!!ILTid d :,(.'.Ci!" ' V'l•J (7" 71.)lOy'�rC ls' a+y, l.k 1'C4})(+it5�}.�... }�.)1' l'L(rIIC.•I'J;�i 11ltti C-n.:, . I�: tl'l L'.1 �`i H:i Ci i l':`C1C::C.SrI, :�i!:' (jl;.;(:Ir.FSr�:'l' U.l �l!iw i'.!iUri ll:il: ill ll! .rni- fZ;iy. 7 :ic;u iu *.�. ( , ' �!x5ri Y pr.;,,: il• Ir.;. I' cr .'URL� :• cci.cd !lci : e-mail iu gnus, pi...i+: r nnl ;;r, lu rticnr tr:!tl:.!71i1!isiq a:; ue :,;n' li.utc,: ut: t.ss u►lus_n:+lint_ 1, l . .' ..�r;)+at(n�nar;t�xliatca. • On Jul 14, 2021, at 3:03 PM, Ansel, Douglas R <douelas.ansel@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Amy, The Wilmington Regional Office did receive an Express request from LDI Shailotte 179 Holdings LLC that will impact the currently approved Owendon P'anatien project permitted under SW8 960916. The permittee for SW8 96C916 is Owendon Plantation and the Declarant who recorded the restrictive covenants for Phase 2 is Owen Ventures, Inc. With a new entity being listed on the express request, the Wilmington Regional Office has found that this project, Summers Walk, is not currently eligible for the Express program as the current permittee is not the entity requesting the moaification and transfers cannot be processed through the Express Program (please refer to the stormwater fee schedule found at this link). In crder to proceed with the proposed project, the Region's recommended path forward that vaill hopefully provide as little resistance as possible from the current HOA is: 1. Transfer the current permit, SW8 960916, to the entity that parcnased the remaining project area, Phases 3 and 4. This can be accomplished under GS 143-214.7(6)) but will require the new owners to resolve any compiiarce issues. I understand there is a concern regarding whether the current sections are compliant with the current permit. Unfortunately, there is no way to get around addressing any compliance issues. The new owners may have to work with the HOA to resolve any compliance issues during this process. For instance, if there are concerns with overbuilding or other compliance issues in the constructed sections, Phases 1 and 2, the HOA may need to be involved at some point to revise and correct any restrictive covenants or grant access. 2. Once the permit is transferred to the new property owners, then they are able to modify t:ie permit to split the project area into two resulting in a permit for Phases 1 and 2 and a separate permit for the remaining project area, the proposed Summers Walk project. The modification will need to delineate a new project area for the original, constructed sections and demonstrate that the area still meets the requirements of a low density project urder the rules they were originally written. The remaining undeveloped half will obtain a new permit under the current 2017 rules as implied in the narrative provided with the Express Request. Both permit applications must be submitted to the Regular Program at the same time to be reviewed concurrently. We encourage you to determine the impervious area that has been constructed in the initial Phases of this project during this process to account for that impervious area accordingly so that you end up with two independently compliant permits. Once there are two compliant permits for the development, the permittee can apply to transfer the permit for Phases 1 and 2 to the HOA. The steps outlined above are something the Wilmington Regional Office is familiar with and have done on occasion as new developers take over unfinished projects. If your clients have questions about the process, Kelly Johnson in the Wilmington Regional Office can assist your client further. As discussed on our call last week, please also see the proposed 5389 (Section 4) with respect to future transfer requirements, as recommended by DEQ. Hope this helps your client to move forward with their project. Best, Doug Douglas R. Ansel Assistant General Counsel N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 919-707-8977 Mailing Address: 160i Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-160 l Physical Address: 217 W. Jones St. Raleigh, NC 27603 Douglas.Ansel&cdenn ovov ,;image001.png> L-mad correspondence to and from this add;~ess may be s,=.bi ct to the North, Carolina Public Records Law and inay be disclosed to third pa.• ies. From: Amy Schaefer <amy@leekaess.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 11:13 AM To: Ansel, Douglas R <douelas.ansel@ncdenr.eov> Cc: Tim Clinkscales<tclinkscales@paramounte-ene.com> Subject: Re: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk CAUTION. External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as art attachment to Report Spam. Doug, I wanted to follow up on this item and ask if you've had a response from Ms. Hall to put together an explanation of options. Sincere'. v, Amy ,C. Scbwker Lee Mess, PLLC 1'0st. 011ic'e 13or -0 8 Vt ilm.ington, NC 28106 Direct: (910) 832-9237 ()13ire: (910) 39943417 ext 101 t <image002.png> C'c;,..;ics•Rti;,'_ : 1�Ic.'_ic•cr: =iC.. ]a: �::Ef ins.. 1; :!i']alCa I•'L lE'lh :1� 1F ? ' ('lai/ .5... , ar l ,ail r._; oE�.Al.ly t`• : a;l. 7 <lie' .'lip' , t {7( I I t . 1 1 1 I'1'•' d11 L` i h � 1 :. 11 11 ♦ . dLe.l : ')}•`� .,, . f ' 'i,,•�� On Jul 9, 2021, at 11:44 AM, Ansel, Douglas R <doualas.ansel@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Thank you both for sending this information as well as the documents Tim provided. I have spoken with Christine Hall in the Wilmington Regional Office and she said that this is not a unique situation for them, so she is going to help me put together an explanation of the options that have been utilized in similar past projects. I'll get it sent over to you once it is finalized. Best, Doug Douglas R. Ansel. ,kssist:lnt Gcneral Coiansel N.C. Department of Environinental Quality meilepbo:ne: 919-107-8977 Mailing Address: 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Physical Address: 2117 W. Jones St. Raleigh, NC: 27603 Douglas.Anse lic-Dnederin gov <image001.png> E-mail correspondence to and front this address ;ncty h. e st.-Nect to the ,North Caroli:t^ Public Rec!;i-ds Law• and men.: 6e disclosed to third parlics. From: Amy Schaefer <amv@leekaess.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 7, 20212:18 PM To: Tim Clinkscales <tclinkscales paramounte-eng.com> Cc: Ansel, Douglas R <douglas.ansel@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk CAUTION: External email. Do not click rinks or open attachments unless you verify. Send all skislpicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Since: cly, ry C S-aefeF Ike Kacss. PI:I:C Post 0II 13oa t.5i8 \N'1'1mingt0TL C 28 !06 (910) 8.12 9257 1)i1"'ct (910) 399-�; z �f7 0111cv <image002.png> C_"nifia .16afit, Nofir,• ' The i•:ll1�aernai:iui> cotaailiccl :r:.liLis a-n1t:� •r��.�: �z! i s illitilcr,�c. a:.t, I,t[f i1;•:111' , �:uc� •. ....:d( rcr -:cr trlu r: it:r r . 1.1 a'' tai fr-m< u: t'.0 cuter (1 n _l i' u'. _1 :1 :.c" /SUt' . 1;' (.):.s itll.,1-,11 'Ilo1' Ill : 11 il• _L - u,::�nr•1iin11 `...� '1. :. •.., ..1_..-_. -i...;.1 _ txc'c1 ..:1111 i,,- `.i,,' v.l�n`11;1i:•. .... r'(l :'• .. �, On Jul 7, 2021, at 1:58 PM, Tim Clinkscales <tclinkscales paramounte- eng.com> wrote: Tim Clinkscales PE, PLS PARAMOUNTE ENGINEERING, INC 122 Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 OFFICE: (910) 791-6707 CELL: (910) 520-1991 FAX: (910) 791-6760 www.t)aramounte-enci.com From: Tim Clinkscales Sent: Wednesday, July 7, 2021 1:55 PM To: Amy Schaefer <amv@leekaess.com>; Ansel, Douglas R <douelas.a nsel@ ncdenr.eov> Subject: RE: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk Tim Clinkscales PE, PLS PARAMOUNTE ENGINEERING, INC 122 Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 OFFICE: (910) 791-6707 CELL: (910) 520-1991 FAX: (910) 791-6760 www.r)aramounte-eng.com From: Tim Clinkscales Sent: Wednesday, July 7, 20211:54 PM To: Amy Schaefer <amv@leekaess.com>; Ansel, Douglas R <douslas.ansel@ncdenr.aov> Subject: RE: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk Tim Clinkscales PE, PLS PARAMOUNTE ENGINEERING, INC 122 Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 OFFICE: (910) 791-6707 CELL: (910) 520-1991 FAX: (910) 791-6760 www.r)aramounte-eno.com From: Amy Schaefer <amv@leekaess.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 6, 20215:12 PM To: Ansel, Douglas R <douelas.ansel@ncdenr.eov> Cc: Tim Clinkscales <tclinkscales@paramounte-ene.com> Subject: Re: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk I sent a calendar request with our conference number. Please let me know if you don't receive the request. Thank you and I look forward to our call tomorrow. Sincerely, Amy C. Schaefer i..,c Kaess.1'i:L Post ( )liic•e llox , i I'S 28106 WM `' `y ! 2,". Direct (910) 3O`'-31 I? (Nlic'e <image001.png> •ir c: t; . ; 1: ` 11-av,cou"clel.aial inns-11d,_d 1 , lr -.:,' _t t�;,r _r 1 i r :il e: ::)r ,'.' enr .,1:n,t (u a •11! •it'a'"•1:,e of llli, .,.. f:!11`:'II(>ll lR B".-":".,.- :1' .. ._1,;:. t•L ::.�.lc .;.('.;.t..�.l ": i.. _.,1: ;'..'. ("::.a ". 76`d(ill ir: •�: ,:. , ...)f :. i. is � _r°•.c : �•ivc; .:. i, �._,... � r. r •'-c: •x,iF�,�i.� }; •r.vu On Jul 6, 2021, at 5:06 PM, Ansel, Douglas R <douglas.ansel@ncdenr.gov> wrote: 1:30 tomorrow would work great. Should I call you at your direct line then? Best, Doug Douglas R. Ansel Assistant General Counsel N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 919-707-8977 11 tailing .Address: 1601 -Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Physical Address: 217 W. Jones St. Raleigh, NC 27603 Douglas. Anselgmedenngov <itnage001.png> E-mail corr,spo .de; :e to a ,d f -oin this adds-.-.ss may s SOject to rite Nce•rth Carolina Pablic Records l..cnv and mtiv t:: discloso:l to third par' as. From: Amy Schaefer <amv@leekaess.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 6, 202112:12 PM To: Ansel, Douglas R <douelas.ansel@ncdenr.sov> Cc: Tim Clinkscales <tclinkscales@paramounte- ene.com> Subject: Re: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk CAUTION: External email, Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send aH suspicious email 7an attachment to ! eoort So2rn. Doug, Do you have any time tomorrow afternoon, say 1:30? C. ,Y aivfnr Lee Kaess, PLLC Post Office Box 15•1.8 Willing ton. PVC 28106 (910) 832-92.57 Direct (910) 399131U Office <image002.png> ti ,l rfr:,"E[`.: Ci.'.i ic:el_�::.fl ;or ::r. '........_,. f•� <x�i>. l �.: ::re !.... itvr ...,. rr rttn: fro v, dil. if_: `-i.:. (. rl.<'1O'�'`tc, _ .ti' f.V "_ ..'-i:..._ ..1. "T. L'ml is :11,}f� .:,�: i, f:, :'t;l` .. 5"i 1'C'. II] On Jul 6, 2021, at 9:04 AM, Amy Schaefer <amy@leekaess.com> wrote: Doug, I completely understand and thank you for speaking with us. I discuss with Tim and try to get a few times we'd be available. Amy sill(vic t. Amy C. Schaefer Lee Kacss, PLLC.' Post 011ic'c 11ox l.i 1,8 N,Vilrninly,tcxr, NC 28406 010) 832 925 1)lrect 01.0) '399-3'1 L 011tCC <PastedGraphic-4.png> Notice: The in`"..__t ci rr. cotnaiitc;l io-1 rt=:is.r-trtai! unit'. dr cr.r..•.. I .1 r.• Ilse. .t,..,. IC ;rl ar..; •-:.;�� or Lrl t,.il `.., I" •F`: n ti ;... aihi ..... �;_ f, .: it L .•:: r.:_::c=_;� :'.t:.:; r.t i': is ::_ar-. }.!; .t,,, . On Jul 2, 2021, at 9:09 PM, Ansel, Douglas R <douglas.ansel@ncdenr .gov> wrote: Ms. Schaefer, My apologies for not being able to schedule something this week. What is your availability next week to have a call? My schedule is currently most flexible on Wednesday and Thursday, if you and Mr. Clinkscales have time either of those days. Best, Doug Douglas R. Ansel Assistan - Gcmeral Counsel 10 N.C. Department of ,Environmental Quality Telephone: 919-707- 8977 Mailing Address: 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699- 160i. Physical Address: 217 W. Jones St. Raleigh, NC 27603 Doug] as.AnselL@..ncdenr. ROV <image001.png E-mail cor: espondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Lam, and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Amy Schaefer <amv@leekaess.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2021 1:22 PM To: Ansel, Douglas R <douglas.ansel@ncdenr .eov> Cc: Tim Clinkscales <tclinkscales@paramou nte-ens.com> Subject: Re: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk 'CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to R! EEgq Spare. Doug, 11 Please see attached. The permit is SW8 960916.To my knowledge the permit is still held by Don Owen, though the property nas been transferred to the HOA. I'm uncertain of his or the HOAs availability. I also think a call might be helpful if you'd be available. My schedule is flexible for the remainder of this week. I think it would be helpful to have out engineer, Tim Clinkscales, on the call as well and he's on this email. Thanks for the offer of assistance. Sin xrn ly, A .11 ;1-T f Lre Kass. I'LLC YosL Box l-.i dt 1t'iirnulgton, NC 28106 (91.0) 8R/2-9257 1)lI'4`i l (910) 9-3 11.1 % (XII-I( . <image002.png> Confide': tt:f•'.il,'%wC, it ;I, ri�i;_..;;.. ::t_cl r:x:•'°.c:. t1.ia: in' :nor. rl _or : 1:. 12 On Jun 30, 2021, at 12:54 PM, Ansel, Douglas R <dougla s.ansel Ca)ncde nr.go > wrote: Ms. Schaefe r, Happy to assist. I'll reach out to staff, but in the meanti me, I do have a couple backgro and questio nsfor you: • C a n 13 Y 0 u s e n d m e t h e d 0 c u m e n t s Y 0 u 0 r i g i n a I I Y i n c I u d e d i n Y 0 u r e m a i 14 t u 15 t f n 0 t 16 17 r t Y 18 Y b 0 u 9 h t p a r t 0 f a p r 0 p e r t Y u n d e r a I 0 W 19 t Y p e r m t 20 C 21 n Y 0 u s a Y Y 0 u If 22 0 p t h e r e m a i n d e r 23 24 R n a c c 0 r d a n c e w i t h t h e 0 r i g i n a I p e r m i t 7 If it's easier to have a call to discuss, let me know and I'm happy to set someth ing up. Best, Doug 25 Dougla s R. Ansel Assista nt General Cowise N.C. Depart ment of Envi ronmen tal Quality Teleph one: 9 19-707- 8977 Mailin 9 Add res s: 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27 699- 1601 Physic al Addres s: 21.7 W. cones St. Raleigh NC 27 603 Doggla s.Ansel &ncde nr9ov__ <image, 002.png 26 E-:naffs correspo nderce to azld from this address ma�- be subject ?o the Nord? Caroli r a Pvb is Records Lcrw and mau be ds,:lose d io third nartt_s. From: A my Schaefe r <amvP leekaes s.com> Sent: W ednesd ay, June 30, 2021 12:43 PM To: Ans el, Douglas R <douala s.ansel ncde nr.eoV> Goebel, Christin eA <Christi ne.Goe bel@N CDENR. GOV> Cc: Tim Clinksca les 27 <tclinks cafes arp amo unte- eng.co m> Subject . Re: [Extern al] Brunsw ick County Owend on Plantati on/Sum mers Walk LAUTio N: Exter I nil erjn�,�oli. Do not dick links or j open attachm a ents unless you verity. 't Send all suspicio us email as an attachrn ent to Repar i t— pam_ I Thank you for connec ting us to the correct divisio n counse I. 28 Amy Sent from my Verizo n, Samsu ng Galaxy smartp hone Get Ou tlook for Androi d From: Goebel, Christin eA <Christi ne.Goe WON CDENR. GOV> Sent: W ednesd ay, June 30, 2021 12:32:0 7 PM To: Am Y Schaefe r <amvg leekaes s.com>; Ansel, Douglas R <douela s.ansel ncde n r.9ov> Cc: Tim Clinksca les 29 <tclinks cales ap ramo unte- eng.co m> Subject : RE: [Extern al] Brunsw ick County Owend on Pla ntati on/Sum mers Walk Ms. Schaefe r- I'm an Assista nt General Counsel for DEQ and represe nt the Division of Coastal Manag ement, not the Division Of Energy, Mineral and Land Resourc es, which handles stormw ater 30 issues. I've copied in my fellow DEQ Asst. GC Doug Ansel who may know better who you should talk to. Thanks - Christy From: A my Schaefe r [mailto: am I eekaess .com Sent: W ednesd ay, June 30, 2021 12:15 PM To: Goe bel, Christin eA <Christi ne.Goe be_ON CDENR. GOV> Cc: Tim CI i nksca les <tclinks 01 cafes ap ramo unte- eng.co m> Subject : [Exter nal] Bru nsw ick County Owend on Plantati on/Sum mers Walk c11U no N: Exte r j nal email. I Do not click links or open attachm ents unless you verify. Send all auspicio us email , as an I attachm ent k to Repor t S :,am. Good afterno on, Hope all is well in Raleig h. I am emailin g to request 32 your assista nee and advise on a project in Bruns wick County .I attache d a few relevan t docum ents but basical ly my clients purcha sed partof a propert y under a low density permit and want to develo p the remain ing area. It doesn't look like the origina 1 permit was ever transfe rred to the HOA 33 and we'd like to split the permitt ed propert y. We tried connec ting with the local NCDE Q represe ntative s but have not revived a respon se. Can you provid e any guidan ce on how best to approa ch this develo pment? I copied our project engine er on this email and we'd be glad to 34 discuss or provid e you with any additio nal inform ation you may need. Sincere ly- C; SC12a efer 1. .:e K.Ic,ss. P11.0 Post. (:?lire Box lv i 18 NV IIIIin Alo n. NC `8t 06 (i) i0► 832 9257 Dire.• M 0) 31,17 ( 171-hI : <imag e003.p ng> <Owenden 2001.06.03.pdf><Owenden 1996.12.02.pdf><Owenden 2000.03.03. pdf> 35 Burd, Tina J From: Burd, Tina J Sent: Thursday, September 9, 2021 9:43 AM To: 'D Logan' Subject: SW8 960916- Owendon Plantation The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (Stormwater Section) accepted the Stormwater Permit Transfer Application and $505.00 fee for the subject project on September 7, 2021. The project has been assigned to Kelly Johnson and you will be notified if additional information is needed. Best Regards, Tina Burd Administrative Associate II Wilmington Regional Office Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service Phone 910-796-7215 NCDEQ Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 z:�:f ME _ y Email correspondence to and from this address i- subject to the North Carolina Pubiic Re -cords Law and may be disclosed to third paruas. Website: htta://deg.nc.goy/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/stormwater Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-ig, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. To accommodate these staffing changes, all DEQQoffice locations are limiting public access to appointments only. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. SOSTD: 2192353 Date Filed: 5/13/2021 4:06:00 PM Elaine F. Marshall State of Nord, Carolina North Carolina Secretary of state Department of the Secretary of State C2021 133 02993 Limited Liability Company ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION Pursuant to 157D-2-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby submit these Articles of Organization for the purpose of forming a limited liability company. 1. The name of the limited liability company is: LDI Shallotte 179 Holdings, LLC (See Item 1 of the Instructions for appropriate entity designation) 2. The name and address of each person executing these articles of organization is as follows: (State whether each person is executing these articles oforganization in the capacity of member, organizer or both by checking all applicable boxes.) Note. This document must be signed by all persons listed. Name Business Address Capacity Robbie B. Parker PO Box 4548, Wilmington, NC 28406 ❑Member ❑■ Organizer ❑Member []Organizer []Member ❑Organizer 3. The name of the initial registered agent is: D • 1. Logan 4. The street address and county of the initial registered agentotFce of the limited liability company is: Number andStreet60 Gregory Road, Suite 1 city Belville Ste: Nr, Zip cote: 28451 County: Brunswick 5. The mailing address. if different from the street address, of the initial registered agentoffice is: Number and Street City State: N& Zip Code: County: 6. Principal office information: (Select either a orb.) a. ❑� The limited liability company has a principal office. The principal office telephone number: The street address and county of the principal office of the limited liability company is. - Number and street: 60 Gregory Road, Suite 1 city:Beiviue Smote. Zip .. 28451 county. Brunswick I -3EP 09 2021 The mailing addressif different from the street address, of the principal office of the company is: Number and Street: City: State: Zip Code: County: b. ❑ The limited liability company does not have a principal office. 7. Any other provisions which the limited liability company elects to include (e.g.. the purpose of the entity) are attached. 8. (Optional): Listing of Company Officials (See instructions on the importance of listing the company officials in the creation document. Name Title Business Address 9. (Optional): Please provide a business e-mail address: tonymokmkeess.com The Secretary of State's Office will e-mail the business automatically at the address provided above at no cost when a document is filed. The e-mail provided will not be viewable on the websile. For more information on why this service is offered, please see the instructions for this document. 10. These articles will be effective upon filing, unless a future date is specified: This is the 12th day of May , 2021 Signature Robbie B. Parker. Organizer Type or Print Name and Title The below space to be used if more than one organizer or member is listed in Item #2 above. Signature Signature Type and Print Name and Title Type aridi'nnt Namc an Ttt3�_ NOTE: I. Filing fee is $125. This document must be filed with the Secretary of State. SUMMERS WALK TOWN OF SHALLOTTE BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NC STORMWATER DESIGN NARRATIVE Prepared For: LDI Shallotte 179 Holdings, LLC 60 Gregory Road, Suite i Relville, NC 28451 Prepared by: PAa,AM(DUTk**;TE E "Cal 1 N E E R 1 IV C3 , 1 N C. 122 Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 NC License P C-2846 Project #20459.PE :S:EP09 2021 .yau',yu `' V\ CARo JULY 2021 s �; C �'• 5 l V 4 S � ww''l.Q' .• l +'Z C Design Narrative Soils Map USGS Map Calculations Misc. SUMMERS WALK TOWN OF SHALLOTTE BRUNSWICK COUN T Y, NOR T H C AROLINA Project #20459.PE Table of Contents Page SUMMERS WALK TOWN OF SHALLOTTE BRUNSWICK BOUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Project #20459.PE DESIGN NARRATIVE LDI Shallotte 179 Holdings, LLC proposes to construct a residential neighborhood off Pine Lake Drive near the intersection of Pine Lake Drive and HWY 179 (Bricklanding Road) in the Town of Shallotte, Brunswick County. As a result, please find this design narrative, plans, and supporting calculations. The property is located at a latitude and longitude of 33.946767' &-78.404875" (Deed Book 04624 Page 0187). The property drains to The Mill Pond (C;Sw,HQW;15-25-2-11-(1)). According to the NRCS Soil Survey of Brunswick County the soil across the site consists mainly of Murville mucky fine sand (Mu), Leon fine sand (Lo), and Torhunta loamy fine sand (To), with traces of Mandarin fine sand (Ma), Tomahawk loamy fine sand (Tm), Foreston loamy fine sand (Fo), and Baymeade fine sand (BaB). Also, the Soil Survey lists 3.5 acres of Water (W) across the site. The Summerwalk project will be a low -density permit with 24% impervious. The project will have curb and gutter with lot line swales that either flow into ponds or existing wetlands. All the ponds on the site are for the Town of Shallotte stormwater requirements. All piping is either between ponds or to capture off -site stormwater from either Owendon Planation or adjacent wetlands. All the lot line swales meet the low -density threshold of 100 feet in length. The area for the stormwater boundary is 61.51 acres with 14.76 acres of impervious. The breakdown shown in the corresponding spreadsheet. As discussed with NCDEQ staff, the land (project) in question is part of the SW8 960916 mod (Owendon Planation). Per emails and conversation with state legal counsel, we are submitting the permit in LDI Shallotte 179 Holdings, LLC name without the HOA signature. An email and final decision summary is provided as part of the transfer package. Immediately upon approval of the transfer, the acreage within the Owendon Plantation HOA, land not held by LDI Shallotte 179 Holdings will be transferred to Owendon Planation HOA. A stormwater inspection was performed on the existing neighborhood, and all swales were stabilized and per the plans on file at NCDEQ. For the modification, we have determined the area once permits are split that allows both to meet the low density requirements, with Owendon being the 30% per its approved permit and Summerwalk 24% per the current rules. For the Owendon permit, we used google earth to calculate the impervious of roads, sidewalks and amenity site, in addition, we checked lots to verify below the 3000 sf/lot as in the original permit. This is also shown in a provided spreadsheet for the Owendon permit. The area for the Owendon modification totals 29.90 acres with 2.44 acres from LDI's property. To meet this 30%, land on LDI Shallotte 179 Holdings, LLC is part of the stormwater boundary for the Owendon permit. Page MAINTENANCE Contractors shall be responsible for periodic inspection and maintenance of all indicated erosion control devices. In addition, inspection and any necessary maintenance will be required immediately following any significant storm event. Any erosion control measure that fails to function as intended shall be repaired immediately. Upon completion of construction and the establishment of stabilized ground cover, the property owner shall be responsible for any ongoing site maintenance. Page 7 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL SPECIFICATION PART1-GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENT A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. Contractor shall take every reasonable precaution throughout construction to prevent the erosion of soil and the sedimentation of streams, lakes, reservoirs, other water impoundments, ground surfaces, or other property as required by State and Local regulations. B. Contractor shall, upon suspension or completion of land -disturbing activities, provide protection covering for disturbed areas. Permanent vegetation shall be established at the earliest practicable time. Temporary and permanent erosion control measures shall be coordinated to assure economical, effective, and continuous erosion and sediment control throughout the construction and post construction period. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Related Sections —The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. 01011— Existing Underground Utilities 2. 01015 — Special Conditions for this Contract 3. 01070 — Shop Drawings, Project Data & Samples 4. 02200 — Earthwork, Excavation Trenching, and Backfilling 5. 02230 — Site Clearing 6. 02240 — Dewatering 7. 02485 — Seeding General Areas 1.4 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Contractor shall be responsible for prevention of damage to properties outside the construction limits from siltation due to construction of the project. The Contractor will assume all responsibilities to the affected property owners for correction of damages that may occur. Erosion control measures shall be performed by the Contractor, conforming to the requirements of, and in accordance with plans approved by applicable state and local agencies and as per the erosion control portion of the construction drawings and these specifications. The Contractor shall not allow mud and debris to accumulate in the streets. Should the Contractor pump water from trenches during construction, appropriate siltation preventative measures shall be taken prior to discharge of pumped water into any storm drain or stream. Page 7 PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Open mesh biodegradable mulching cloth. 2.2 Fertilizer shall be 10-10-10 grade or equivalent. 2.3 Lime shall be dolomitic agricultural ground 1 limestone containing not less than 10 percent magnesium oxide. 2.4 Phosphate shall be 20 percent super phosphate or equivalent. 2.5 Provide grass seed mixture as shown on the plans. 2.6 Silt fence shall consist of non -biodegradable filter fabric (Trevira, Mirafi, etc.) wired to galvanized wire mesh fencing and supported by wood or metal posts. 2.7 NCDOT Class B stone for erosion control. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CLEARING A. Clearing and grubbing shall be scheduled and performed in such a manner that subsequent grading operation and erosion control practices can follow immediately thereafter. Excavation, borrow, and embankment operations will be conducted such that continuous operation. All construction areas not otherwise protected shall be planted with permanent vegetative cover within 7 working days after completion of active construction. All slopes shall be planted within 14 calendar days after completion of such activity. 3.2 STABILIZING A. The angle for graded slopes and fills shall be no greater than the angle that can be retained by vegetative cover or other adequate erosion control devices or structures. All disturbed areas not to be paved and left exposed will, within 14 calendar days of completion of any phase of grading, be planted or otherwise provided with either temporary or permanent ground cover, devices, or structures sufficient to restrain erosion. All slopes steeper than 3:1 shall be planted or otherwise provided with either temporary or permanent ground cover, devices, or structures sufficient to restrain erosion within 7 calendar days. 3.3 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Whenever land disturbing activity is undertaken on a tract, a ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion must be planted or otherwise provided within 7 calendar days on that portion of the tract upon which further active construction is to being undertaken. B. If any earthwork is to be suspended for any reason whatsoever for longer than 7 calendar days, the areas involved shall be seeded with vegetative cover or otherwise protected against excessive erosion during the suspension period. Suspension of work in any area of operation does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the control of erosion in that area. Page 7 PART 4 - CONSTRUCTION PHASE 4.1 PRACTICES A. Avoid dumping soil or sediment into any streambed or watercourse. Backfill for stream crossings shall be placed dry and compacted to minimize siltation of the watercourse, where applicable. B. Maintain an undisturbed vegetative buffer where possible between a natural watercourse and trenching and grading operations. C. Avoid equipment crossings of streams, creeks, and ditches where practicable. PART 5 - SEDIMENT CONTROL FEATURES 5.1 GENERAL A. All devices (silt fences, retention areas, etc.), for sediment control shall be constructed at the locations indicated prior to beginning excavation on the site. All devices shall be properly maintained in place until a structure or paving makes the device unnecessary or until directed to permanently remove the device. 5.2 DESIGN APPLICATIONS A. Mulch shall be used for temporary stabilization of areas subject to excessive erosion, and for protection of seed beds after planting where required. 1. Jute, mesh, etc. should be installed as per manufacturer's instructions. B. Silt fences shall be used at the base of slopes to restrict movement of sediment from the site. C. Riprap shall be used at the proposed outfall pipes as indicated on plans. D. Establish vegetative cover on all unpaved areas disturbed by the work. 1. Preparation of Seedbed. Areas to be seeded shall be scarified a depth of 6 inches until a firm, well -pulverized, uniform seedbed is prepared. Lime, phosphorous, and fertilizer shall be applied during the scarification process in accordance with the following rates. a. Lime — 2 ton per acre b. Nitrogen —100 pounds per acre C. P2O5 — 200 pounds per acre 2. Seeding. Disturbed areas along roads and ditches shall be permanently seeded with 10-20 pounds per acre of centipede during the period from March through September. Seeding performed during the period from April to August shall be temporarily seeded with 40 pounds per acre of German Millet. The permanent vegetative cover will be over seeded at the earliest possible time as specified above. 1 Mulch all areas immediately after seeding. Mulch shall be applied and anchored as specified hereinbefore. Page 7 5.3 MAINTENANCE A. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all temporary and permanent erosion control measures in functioning order. Temporary structures shall be maintained until such time as vegetation is firmly established and grassed areas shall be maintained until completion of the project. Areas which fail to show a suitable stand of grass or which are damaged by erosion shall be immediately repaired. 5.4 REMOVAL OF SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES A. Near completion of the project, when directed by the Owner's agent, the Contractor shall dismantle and remove the temporary devices used for sediment control during construction. All erosion control devices in seeded areas shall be left in place until the grass is established. Seed areas around devices and mulch after removing or filling temporary control devices. END OF SECTION 02410 Page 7 SOILS MAP ( ( ! & _ _ _LE: _ M.E-e _ I ,� _ _ _a _a __ _ _ _a I I 9_aaa §o kk a � \ \ § �_ /f )E kd § �■§ � § & ~t ) � § § k § rt §�` \ § � � _ § \ .� � $ � e _ � §o _ _§ o C�D� ¢ § § z � )k _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OD_ _ mame OOBF.& § \ \ » ! C G Z W W J a �o v a E 12 3 Q y a E Z N _ O O t) O L N F- m a``0i c'�mm CD LM �r E y y �rnmo f0 U rm N _= y E N � > o c > m O o t �� a:3 NE8 a m E H y g o p U E E20 E c N = N w'E8 O p y CL aoi `y-p N CRft Co (DvmiQ E aEi 8.20 ° r can o y co q ENmp Ey E m C a , 2�SO aLOi E mc'i«a° y a ° R aE o Ua y p E_>m E� Um ° y°-p g N ° m� m a N Z Q U y C CD m C U C y m> y 4 "O O p m Ca zE Qi Q �n `�o y H) c� fa mrn °.mN.°- �. w E m wcoLM iu an d E ° p S 2� y >'E E � W � 8 N = �1 � o aci N t 0CL CL(a 'S O C m 2 8 > = T U d EC NN p NO _N (a d E S g fn 3 C.i m O yy O. II Q m my F O CO co) N — ❑ M pp, m n _m my W �N(qq G W L U CL c° CA a U ❑ Z co p C Z J 0 Q W C CL � m a m a m ��r N V m G ^ C O C a O va ILL C Q a m m U U❑ 2 Q � o �o❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ a C, m a m O G D m v❑ O m U z m a a m m v N O O N N w if 0Z B's _r 0 �z �o Z 0 Hydrologic Soil Group —Brunswick County, North Carolina Hydrologic Soil Group Crews Tract Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI BaB Baymeade fine sand, 1 to 6 percent slopes A 1.3 1.2% Fo Foreston loamy fine sand B 3.2 3.0% Lo Leon fine sand AID 32.2 30.9% Me Mandarin fine sand B/D 8.9 8.5% Mu Murville mucky fine sand A/D 38.3 36.8% Tm Tomahawk loamy fine sand A 5.6 5.3% To Torhunta mucky fine sandy loam A/D 11.2 10.8% W Water 3.5 3.4% Totals for Area of Interest 104.1 100.0% USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Surrey 7/9/2021 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group —Brunswick County, North Carolina Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long -duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (AID, BID, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink -swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, BID, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. Rating Options Aggregation Method. • Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff. None Specified Tie -break Rule: Higher Crews Tract LISDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 7/9/2021 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 USGS MAP c 0 4-1 cu Cl) W C) cu cu ,It :3 U) 04- OL MS Ail &VAIV7V14S. 14- 0. U) r_ 0 U) U) a) Cc CN O co q 04 U) C) C'l S R�/�(� US_trEOMTM[x1of1HEWM04 SNALLOME QUADPANGLF Y�1Y�7 u.s.GEaaautsuAVEv `'IS70p0 xoRrxuAowu-SMMSwNNwuNn a.s-Ysx=sum 'qav . J . / ��-♦ �T —_A.�. Yam al 7 � •' �_� � (I�� ' �'. .K, `ti6, % l l x a -d !_ lirvY"MM6` • �. ! ''1 �' s SITE LOCATION Y {YYYj {:A:. e ,yy 4 + ,'f •r. - _-.r- w 1 r+� f.. �' :. i 1-^ � * .. . - - .. .,,.i:. i' � 1 - - .. ' r .. t • - iA ge _ r• w �` R i\�S 5 lg' it r ' :cse6 fi 9 - '•glgl ` � - ; ��3' Sri !'� . 1 �67LgY 15_. ' - r�w .. r 5 Sra• � - ����-�r.��G'7 �{ 1 iY..�a•,'+ i. �, . � i ,nL 1�11 5 5t tlst5, x5y'�;.r3;,t i. � .. -- 5 ,.,'_.:�,••--; 5'¢ _ __l -. .r.as...wa. asrsaws.raxasw.Y .a � SCN.6 r1A GOq x�rww-� ...,,.,......+..wa-..........+...., wa . 0 .a„sxwos. ___ _ � ,S-..,:P-=�—==...,.-lr.-._:•a .� ,w,-a�a..__we n.x... +_ w.. .w, r X A, r wan...... +, uao R.R.x s.+'•r a, as 'nm.,r�.i,�� wMnM SIMLLmH IO CALCULATIONS Summerwalk pARAMouNTE E N G 1 N E E R 1 N G, 1 N G. Impervious Allocation as per 8/1/21 Total Pro act Area 61.51 Total Impervious Area Allowed at 24% 14.76 Lot Count Acres Total Lots 145 Sidewalk 49,600 114 Pump Station 500 0.01 Amenity 13,500.00 0.31 Roads 145.900 3.35 Total Impervious Area 14.76 acres Total Impervious Area (Lots) 9.95 acres Future Impervious Area 0.00 Y y E m= _ E c rn �p U J eq U U LL LL a a VI VI N O O O m n O 10 W O O O E E s 012 n � n .a 12 ! Q II II e W m n II U U LL LL as wV1 n .i O O ti N W tooa00Oa± n W N O O O O O > > 0 0 zz E E O W II It N N a Z II Ic aaio Lu s U U U U U Q Ln LL a UI W NM O O b O �'11n 06`c; J -MN �O O1 W W ry 0 b 0 000 0 0 E E II IV n M12 O II W Lu a II m tnoE �uu`u U U LL LL a Q LA Vl o a o 0 n w voioa .a0 n2,0 00 �2 0 0 zz E E PROJECT: Summers Walk VARIABLES: GIVEN: SWALE CALCULATIONS C = runoff coefficient i = rainfall intensity Ad = area draining to channel b = channel bottom width channel side slope (z:1) d = depth of flaw in channel n = channel roughness coefficient (Manning's) A. = channel wetted area $ae Table i = 750 in/hr b= 3 ft z= 3 n = 0.02 Channel Design Depth = 1 It Valavabw= 2.5 fps APPLICABLE EQUA71ONS: Qd..Ip= CiAd Ax=bd+zd` P = b + 2d(1+z 2)v2 P channel wetted perimeter R= channel hydraulic radius S = channel longitudinal slope Qd-gn= runoffflowingtochannel Qecnsi= channel flow capacity Veiwamia= maximum allowable velocity to prevent scour Vacwe' channel flow velocity (for 10-year storm tc=10min) (Grass) (Table 8.05d) V-W1= (1.49/n) R" S "' Qacwai= V acweAx (must meet or exceed Qdapg, 9/6/2021 Page 1 of 2 CALCULATIONS: RUNOFF I I I I CHANNEL SWALE # 1 G 1'4d@Wgl, Length Inv In linv Out S d 1 P6 P R I V..I..! some! dcquatc Capacl, ining or Check Dam required? acres (0t) (ft) I (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft) s (ft) (fps) (c%) (YIN) Y/N) 2-1 1.858 :.:>2 7.25 160 4637 4500 0.0091 0.50 2.25 6.16 0.37 3.64 8.18 Y Y 2-2 1.109 0-63 5.24 161 4659 4500 0.0105 0.40 1.68 5.53 0.30 3.45 5.80 Y Y 2-3 1.500 0.67 7.54 151 4659 4500 0.0105 0.48 2.13 6.04 0.35 3.82 8.14 Y Y 2-5 4.624 G.. 1 14.22 600 4775 4225 0.0092 0.70 3.57 7.43 0.48 4.38 15.62 Y Y 3-0 1.313 Q 30 2.95 180 4800 46.00 0.0111 0.30 1.17 4.90 0.24 3.02 3.54 Y Y 4-1 1.258 064 6.03 151 46.63 45.06 0.0104 0.45 1.96 5.85 0.33 3.66 7.17 Y Y 4-2 0.865 0 68 3.76 149 46.04 45.06 0.0066 0.40 1.68 5.53 0.30 2.73 4.59 Y Y 4.3 0.926 00 4.86 145 46.03 45.00 0.0071 0.45 1.96 5.85 0.33 3.03 5.92 Y Y 4-4 1.180 5.22 160 45.98 45.00 0.0061 0.45 1.96 5.85 0.33 2.81 5.50 Y Y 4-5 0.689VQ�7 3.51 193 46.01 45.00 0.0052 0.40 1.68 5.53 0.30 2.43 4.09 Y N 4-7 2.372 11.21 145 46.33 45.00 0.0092 0.60 2.88 6.79 0.42 4.02 11.59 Y Y 4-8 1203 6.50 145 46.33 45.00 0.0092 0.45 1.96 5.85 0.33 3.44 6.73 Y Y 5-0 3.6097.58 275 46.60 44.00 0.0058 0.55 2.56 6.48 0.39 3.06 7.82 Y Y 5-1 1.082 4.87 146 46.30 45.31 0.0068 0 445 1.96 5.85 0.33 2.96 5.79 Y Y 3.729 2.991 2,226 1-1 0.23 It.43 60 310 41.92 41.00 0.0030 0.70 3.57 7.43 0.48 2.49 8.89 Y N 1-2 0,24' '02,4: 5.38 188 42.50 41.92 0.0031 0.60 2.88 6.79 0.42 2.33 6.72 Y N 13 4.01 847 44.00 4280 0.0014 0.60 2.88 6.79 0.42 1.58 4.56 Y N 1-4 1.136 0;63 . 5.37 118 46.62 45.00 0.0137 040 1.68 5.53 0.30 3.94 6.82 Y Y 15 0.781 -.0,72` 4.22 138 46.61 45.00 0.0117 0.35 1.42 5.21 0.27 3.38 4.79 Y Y 15 0.668 0,54 2.81 200 46.61 45.00 0.0081 0.30 1.17 4.90 0.24 2.57 3.01 Y Y 1-7 0.925 (73 5.06 130 46.61 45.00 0.0124 0.40 1.68 5.53 0.30 3.75 6.29 Y Y 1-8 1.343016 6.65 138 46.61 45.00 0.0117 0.46 1.96 5.85 0.33 3.88 7.59 Y Y 1-9 1.483A-77 8.56 128 46.64 45.00 0.0128 0.50 2.25 6.16 0.37 4.31 9.69 Y Y 1-10 0.308 ;57•: 1.32 100 48.98 48.15 0.0083 0.19 0.68 4.20 0.16 1.99 1.35 Y N 1-11 0.498Q:56 • 2.09 130 48.70 48.10 0.0046 0.30 1.17 4.90 0.24 1.95 2.28 Y N 1-12 0.7141043.27 120 48.45 48.00 0.0038 0.37 1.52 5.34 0.28 1.97 3.30 Y N 9/6/2021 Page 2 of 2 VI V1 W O O O U U LL LL Q Q Vf U1 rl rl O O O` rl Of 40 0 o O1 0) n O O O O O 2 Z Pi n EE 3s II 0 II m II �¢ II J m Z m II n E d U,09 U C(�� Q Q LL w V) VI o O It N W f'1 O O O O O N J O_ O_ � n E E n�4 II � II II J m z n 3 n E ° f N a- 3 0 0 0 Li U LL LL Q a V) N N O O Vf V1 � 60 � 7 O_ O Z Z n E E J II � II � II J 4 2 CL E 00.9 UU Q V N O t0 W O O " n V V EL EL �Qp Q U7 l!1 .P 0 ooerntioo N in m O_ o_ 7i n E E II C S ¢ d Ln < - to V) pLn ,pp Nn 0 0 6` n N m N N O OO'� Of n m m o o N N N r W nol oo �.y OI lD m O O O O 00 O O N^ .ti 0 N O O z 'z O O E E E E O J II O II le II m II II m II Q II II Q 7 II II uj J m N 11 n W J 0rno 0 II w m 2 n } NoE � m o UUj UUU U LL LL Q V1 N n O O N N n mO O O n U LL LL mQ V7 En O O O T ti N O1 O m N O O V )0§6 C; E |� /wLn \kB)Zo \\ �§! .; . m - LL,0§ ■uuu §j§)§)§§ ECL ,0 �§ . �u F A SLY ¥/atA j\\)Zo E .0 "P ! lu a w �2{ E §3A ■u #2Ln §k\k§0a0 // � .0 ce .; . lu 0 ) \ . kf( i||| §§£ ■(y ALA» §\`\ / ) /# mW )§§§§§ §j10 000 § r •■� •, !• e«2 e12cu \/)(§§{ E|§ !i■J�J §§A ■JLD uJ /6 §\§000 2 )$) � z 9w m N 66 U V Q Q N (A ^rn r i 'oo 0 ci n non 2 cu 3 CL N O E o V U U. Owendon Plantation p.ARA MouNTE E N G 1 N E E Ft 1 N G, 1 N C. Impervious Allocation as per 8/21/21 Total Pro ect Area 1 29.90 Total Impervious Area Allowed at 30% 1 8.97 Lot Count Acres Total Lots 1 97 Sidewalk 5,050 1 0.12 Pump Station 500 0.01 Amenity 9,700.00 0.22 Roads 84.230 1 1.93 Total Impervious Area 8.96 Total Impervious Area (Lots) 6.68 acres Future Impervious Area 0.01 acres SOSro: 2192353 Date Filed: 5/13/2021 4.06:00 PM Elaine F. Marshall State of Alorth Carolina North Carolina Secretary of State Department of the Secretary of State C2021 133 02993 Limited Liability Company ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION Pursuant to §5713-2-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby submit these Articles of Organization for the purpose of forming a limited liability company. I. The name of the limited liability company is: LDI Shallotte 179 Holdings, LLC (See item I of the Instructions for appropriate entity designation) 2. The name and address of each person executing these articles of organization is as follows: (State whether each person is executing these articles oforganization in the capacity of a member, organizer or both by checking all applicable boxes.) Note: This document must be signed by all persons listed. Name Business Address Capacity Robbie B. Parker PO Box 4548, Wilmington, NC 28406 ❑Member O ❑ rganizer ❑Member []Organizer ❑Member ❑Organizer 3. The name of the initial registered agent is: D • 1. Logan 4. The street address and county of the initial registered agent office of the limited liability company is: Number and street 60 Gregory Road, Suite 1 city Belville State: NQ Zip Code: 28451 County: Brunswick 5. The mailing address, if different from the street address, of the initial registered agentoffice is: Number and Street City State: NC Zip Code: County: 6. Principal office information: (Select either a orb.) a. ❑] The limited liability company has a principal office. The principal office telephone number: The street address and county of the principal office of the limited liability company is: Number and street: 60 Gregory Road, Suite 1 City; Belville State: Zip code: 28451 County: Brunswick The not1jazoWiess, if different from the street address, of the principal office of the company is: Number and Street: City: State: Zip Code: County: b. The limited liability company does not have a principal office. 7. Any other provisions which the limited liability company elects to include (e.g., the purpose of the entity) are attached. S. (Optional): Listing of Company Officials (See instructions on the importance of listing the company officials in the creation document. 9. (Optional): Please provide a business e-mail address: tonya@kmkaaffi.com The Secretary of State's Office will e-mail the business automatically at the address provided above at no cost when a document is filed. The e-mail provided will not he viewable on the website. For more information on why this service is offered, please see the instructions for this document. 10. These articles will be effective upon filing, unless a future date is specified: This is the 12th day of May , 2021 Signature Rabble B. Parker, OrganlzN Type or Print Name and Title The below space to be used if more than one organizer or member is listed in Item #2 above. Signature Signature Type and Print Name and Title Type ariid—Pnnt Name an Trtd it NOTE: 1. Filing fee is $125. This document must be filed with the Secretary of State. I� ly1 h111111111111111111111lr L62 p�of Dead. i��e �:25 , �,� ss y� robd Rev Ck$ Ck Cash Refund Cash 16 Finn*- p Portim of document are Illegible due to oondltlon of orwel. f7 Doaano contain aeaie verified by ori(pnal irnta me d that cannot be reproduced or 000ied. Brenda K. Clemons Register of Deeds 05-M2021 12:07:26.080 Brunswick County, NC NC REVENDi STAMP: $1600.00 (#755454) This instrument prepared by BaxleySmithwick PLLC, licensed North Carolina attorneys, WITHOUT OPINION ON TITLE. Delinquent taxes, I any, to be paid by the closing attorney to the Brunswick County Tax Collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds. NORTH CAROLINA SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: $1,800.00 Tax Parcels 21300038, 2130003806; and 2130004105 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK THIS DEED, made this the day of MW 2021, by and between ERNEST G. CREWS and wife, DONNA T. CREWS, of 56 6 Bertha Court SW, Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469, parties of the first part, hereinafter referred to as Grantors; and LDI SHALLOTTE 179 HOLDINGS, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, of 60 Gregory Road, Suite 1, Belville, NC 28451, party of the second part, hereinafter referred to as Grantee; WITNESSETH: THAT Grantors, for a valuable consideration paid by Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, in fee simple, all those certain tracts or parcels of land being more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A incorporated herein by reference. In accordance with NCGS Section 10"Il7.2, the mailing addresses of Grantors and Grantee are as stated above. The property herein conveyed does not include the primary residence of Grantors. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tracts or parcels of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to Grantee in fee simple. AND Grantors do hereby covenant with Grantee that Grantors have done nothing to impair such title as Grantors received, and that Grantors will warrant and defend the title FILE: FCR RE-SISTRATICH r- ] - TII:; .Jl-' 29 AM 9: 17 t:Js:.: € .. "161a::uld REMSTC I W BEERS 8RUH5lk1CS U-611TY. N.C. MASTER DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR 01YENDON PLANTATION Prepared by Mason H. Anderson The Anderson Law Firm Attorneys at Law SWatte, NC 29459 111 HA: NIARKIOIVENDON.AiD:7/20J98 'S'ACi - �)L-F Vitt-voL%MbC-116 a `_ 6 , �. SEP 0 9 202 l INDEX - " •, , .. i :; : , FOR MASTER DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR OWENDON PLANTATION Definitions ... .................................. Plan of Development TheDevelopment Plan ..................... _.......................... _.................... „„..„..»..»_...... 6 TLe Water and Sewer Systems...........„ .............. .......................................7 .-............__..-7 -....»......„..........................-..........-..-- property Subject to this Master Development Plan ...................... .... ..................... --................. - ........ 7 Mutuality of Benefit and Obligation .„.-----_ .............. ».............. „............... ..................... ..g Property Rights in the Common Areas Occupants and Easements of Enjoyment in the Common Areas. .................... . .............. Titleto the Common Areas -..... _...... _........ _... ..... ............... „............. _.......... _........ _._..8 » Limitation of Occupants' Easements .»..........................._.............. „........ Easement for Governmental, Health, Water, Sanitation and Emergency Services_... --........................... ...................„.._....._........... .................................. 10 Easement for Declarant ------------ .... ......... .................. ... .10 Changes in Boundaries; Additions to Designate Common Areas ............................. _....10 Casementsfor Utilities ............. -................. -........... ...................... -••- ................ _.....11 Maintenance Easement ..„..»........... ............... _...... „........ ............... -................................11 Environmental Easements ..... .................. „.. Encroachments....................••--.._„........._................„. .............. .... »..........�.........:;; _... Membership, Voting Rights and Turnover Membership......... _-........ ......... ............................... ..... ..................... „. 12 VotingRights_ ............................................ „............................... „........ „...............•........12 Turnover............... ........... .......... ....... -...... ... ..................................... ...........14 Covenant for Assessments Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligation of Assessments.......................................14 Purpose of Assessmettts.............. .--------- -----.------- _.-------------------------- ---- -_-.--------- - -15 Date of Commencement of -Annual Assessments% Due Date; AssessmentPeriod .......... _...... _.......... -........ -............................. ............• 16 Basis and Amount of the Annual Asses sment... -..... „.................... _.._.........„.... ...„....... 16 Special Assessments ......... ....•-- ---_._..._--._..._.._.-------......._...._..._._-..._------- 17 Change in Basis of Maximum -Amount of the Annual Assessment...„-„..._..-.„.._..__.... Is Dutiesof the Board of Directors.- ...... ........ -.......... ».................... » ........ ............ -- ........ . 18 Effect of Non -Payment of Assessment: The Personal Obligation of the 0%%mcr; The Lien; Remedies of the A,ssocialion; Late Fc= Resale Certificate _........ -........ _........... ................... Is Subordination of the Lien to Mortgages ...... _......... -„........ ............ „........ ........ _..__........ 19 Maintenance Owner's Responsibilities..__....--............._.........................................,..........___._....._-.__-20 AssociationResponsibilities ................... ................................. _...... ............. ....- ........ ..... 20 Insurance and Casualty Losses Property and Casualty Insurance ................... ................ ............ .......... ..._...... _............. _ 21 Premiums.............. ...................... .... ... ......... -........ .................................. ...................... .. 22 Damage or Destruction to Common Areas..........................._.........................................22 Condemnation Condemnation of Common Areas............................................................_..........---.----• 22 Administration of the Common Areas Management. ...... ............ ..............................................-.....--------....._............................ 33 Dutiesand Powers-_. . .. . .. . . .... . .......... . .......... . ...... . .......... . . . . ....... . .. . . — — --- - --------- 23 Agreements................ ........... ....... ........................... .................................... ............ _. 23 Restraint on Transfer• ................. __.................................. _.-................ ............................. 24 Rulesand Regulations ._................................................................... .'_............_.........24 Architectural and Landscaping Standards ----------- _....................----------- --.----_-_---------_-_-_---_-. 24 General Prohibitions TemporaryStructures ............. _........ _............................ ........................................ -......... 25 Completion of Structures ..................................... ...,..__-.._................__....._..__.......__ 25 Pets.........................................................................................._.................................. ....... 25 StorageReceptacles .... ............................. _.......................... _................ _-- .................. .26 Maintenance of Unoccupied Lets ..... ....... .......................... -.......... _ .................... __.. .... _26 Offensive and Illegal Activities --_.........------------------------------ ................................_.... 27 Repairor Removal of Buildings .... .......................................... ..................... .......... _.._ .27 OutsideBurning_ .......... .................. _... .......... -................... ................................................ 27 Divisionof Lots.. - - - -_.._.....................................................................................27 Motor Vehicles and NoiseLevel......................................................................................28 AdditionalRules ..... .................... ........................... »................ ........ .... ........................ ..... 28 Signs...... ..... _... ---•...... -................................................_..............., .............................. 29 Antennas------_ ........ _........ .......... _...... _.................. ........ ...... __....... ----- ........ _ ..... 29 Salesand Construction Activities................._...................................._......_._.._.._._........29 Enforcement Use............................................»........................................................_...-----..................... 30 Rulesand Regulations ...... ............ _...... ........ ................. ......... .................. ........ ................. 29 Invalidation........................................................... _... _............... _.._................................. 30 Priority of Land Use Documents .... ................. ................ ....-.._........... _�.....____.- -- ---30 Duration._ ..................... ....... ..... .................................................................. ..... ............ 30 Amendment.... _...... _............ _................................... ....................... ..... ............ ...._....... 31 Enforcement-IGeneral..................... -...... _.................... _............ .._....... - ............ ..........31 Inierpretations......._ .......................................... ...................... ................................... ..... 32 Severtbility-.......... ................................................................................................. 32 NoTrespass .___.......... _._...... ......... .................... ...................... _................ _..................... 32 Notices..................... ....... ............. ............ .......... .......... _.............. .............. ..... _..__........... 33 Working Capital Contribution..................................................................................................... 33 Construction...... _.................... ................»..................................................................................... 33 . 7 � �. L' :;,1 I :..) 0 I,t. t J 0 I MASTER DECLARATION OF COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR OWENDON PLANTATION This Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Owendon Plantation is trade this M day of _, 1999. by Owen Ventures, Inc., a North Carolina corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Declarant" or Owen. RECITALS Owen is the Owner of apprwtimately 84.24 acres of property which is hereinafter referred to as The Property located in Shallotte■ North Carolina. Owen desires to subject The Property to the provisions of this Master Declaration and to develop The Property under the pmject name of Owendon Plantation and to provide for a method for the administration and maintenance of The Property; and Owen intends to provide a Club House, Swimming Pool, and Walling, Biking, and Nature Trails to be owned, operated, and maintained by Owendon Plantation Property Owners Association. Inc., a non-profit corporation created by the Declarant; for the purpose of owning the Common Arras and carrying out the maintenance function as contained in this Master Declaration; and r It is anticipated by Owen that the Common Areas shown on the various maps of The Property subject to this !hater Declaration will be conveyed by Owen to Owendon Plantation Property Owners Association, Inc.; and i -VI,.)„ Owen desires: (1) to provide for the preservation of the values and the amenities in the community subject to this Master Declaration and for the maintenance, repair. replacement and administration of the Common Areas and the facilities located thereon and (2) to establish the classes of persons entitled to use of the Common Areas and their respective rights and obligations relative to such use and the payment of their respective shares of the costs of maintenance, repair, replacement and administration. NOW, THEREFORE, Owen does hereby declare that all of The Property together with any Additional Property which nuty hereafter be added by amendment to this Declaration shall be held, transferred, conveyed, occupied and used subject to the following Easements, Covenants. Conditions, Restrictions, Liens and Charges which shall nm with the title to the real property and which shall be binding upon all and inure to the benefit of all of the parties having any right, title or interest in the above described properties, their heirs, successors and assigns. ARTICLE ONE DEFINITIONS The following words when used in this Master Declaration shall have the following meanings. "Articles" means the Articles of Incorporation of Owendon Plantation Property Owners Association, Ipc., a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit I. 2. "Assessment" shall mean an Owners share of the common expense or charges as established by the Association. 3. "Association" or "Property Owners Association" (P.O.A.) shall mean the Owendon 2 0 Plantation Property Owners Association, Inc., a not -for -profit corporation whose purpose is to administer The Property which is subject to this Master Declaration. 4 "Board" or "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of the Association. 5. "Bylaws" shall mean the bylaws of the Association, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 2, 6. "Common Areas" shall mean all real and personal property: (a) designated and shown lu writing and/or on a plat by the FJcclatant as Common Areas; (b) conveyed to the Association for the use and benefit of the Association; and (c) held by Owen for the benefit of the Association. Such real property may include for example, roads, driveways, walkways, hike trails, nature trails. club house, swimming pool. any rights•Df way reserved to the Association, open spaces (both landscape and natural), lagoons, lakes, or ponds and drainage areas. Nothing contained in this definition shall limit the type of personal property which may be owned by the Association and constitute Common Areas. 7. "Common Expenses" shall mean all expenditures made by the Association in carrying out its duties together with all funds assessed by it for the creation and maintenance of reserve funds under this Master Declaration. a. "Declarant" shall mean Owen Ventures, Inc.. a North Carolina Corporation with offices at Shallotte. North Carolina, its successors and assigns. The Declarant may assign or pledge any or all of its rights reserved under the land use documents through an assignment or an instrument of conveyance or assignment. 9. "Double Wide Manufactured Home or "Mobile Home" shall mean a structure, transportable in one or more sections, which is built in a factory on a permanent chassis and 3 deigned to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing. heating, air-conditioning, and electrical system contained therein. 10. "Modular Home", "Modular Single -Family Residence" or "Modular Single -Family Detached Residential Building' shall mean a dwelling made up of several pieces (or "modules") which are manufactured in a factom transported to the building site, and placed on a permanent foundation. 11. "Site Built Home" shall mean a dwelling that is constnicted on the building site and is built on a permanent foundation. 12. 'Master Declaration" shall mean this document which includes the Covenants. Conditions and Restrictions for Owendon Plantation together with all amendments which may be filed in the office of the Register of Deeds, Brunswick County, North Carolina. 13. "The Property", "Development, or "Project" shall mean the property described in Deed Book 1058 at Page 964 (Map Cabinet 17, Page 88) of the Brunswick County Registry together with all improvements located or constructed thereon. 11 shall also refer to any Additional Property which may hereafter be made subject to this Master Declaration. 14. "Dwelling" shall mean the Single -Family Detached residential building on the Lot. 15. "I.ot" shall mean a space on the earth's surface to be used exclusively for a Single - Family Detached Dwelling. A parcel of land shall be deemed to be a Lot rather than a Dwelling until the improvements constructed thereon are sufficiently complete to reasonably permit habitation thereof. Upon completion of the building. the parcel and the improvements shall collectively be considered a Dwelling for purposes of this Master Declaration. 4 16. "Member" shall mean every person or entity who is an Owner of a Lot situated in the Development provided that any such person or entity who holds interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation shall not be a h1ember. 17. "Occupant" shall mean any person including without limitation any Owner, guest, invitee, lessee, tenant, renter or family member of an Owner occupying or otherwise using a Dwelling within the Development. 18. "Owner` shall mean the record Owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of the fee simple title or contractual equitable title to any Lot in The Project; provided however. notwithstanding any theory of the mortgage, "Owner" shall not mean or refer to the mortgagee, unless and until such mortgagee has acquired title pursuant to foreclosure or in any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure. An Owner is also a Member and these temts may be used interchangeably in this document. 19. "Person" shall mean a Natural Person, Corporation. Partnership, Association. Trust. or other legal entity, or any combination thereof 20. "Rules" shall mean any and all regulations of the Association promulgated by the Beard pursuant to its power under this blaster Declaration or any other land use document. 21. "Supplemental Declaration" shall mean a Declaration filed by Owen or any other Developer for it series of lots located in the Development establishing Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for those particular lots and specifying the type of home required for that phase of the Development. I 5 t1�1.1966 ARTICLE TWO PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT Section 1. THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN- Owen is planning and is in the process of constructing a Detached Single -Family Residential Subdivision. It is contemplated that the property will be developed in phases and that each phase will have specific architectural and space requirements. Any phase may include Modular, Site Built, or Double -Wide Manufactured Homes, but any one phase shall be limited to only one type of home. 71c specifics will be set out in a Supplemental Declaration for each phase. The Supplemental Declarations shall be subordinate to this Master Declaration. Each Supplemental Declaration shall specifically identify, by lot number and plat reference, which lots are covered by it. The Supplemental Declaration shall set forth the additional Covenants and Restrictions as ilia Declarant deems appropriate for such areas, including the type of home to be used in the phase; provided. no provision contained in the Supplemental Declaration shall be inconsistent with the provisions of this Master Declaration. A non-profit Pmpeny Owners Association is being formed simultaneously with this Master Declaration and it will ultimately own, manage and maintain the Common Arras of the Subdivision which will include the Clubbouse, Swimming Pool. Walking, Biking, and Nature Trails. lakes, ponds. and drainage areas. The Propeny Owners Association will collect the foes necessary to carry ouf these functions in a reasonable manner and in addition, it will have authority to enforce the provisions of this Declaration. The construction of ilia Clubhouse, Swimming Pool and Walking. Biking, and Nature 6 U9v; Trails, which will constitute a part of the Common Areas, will be keyed to the number of Dwellings in the Development with constntction to commence on all of these items not Iater than the commencement of construction or placement of the �Dwelling Unit in The Property. Section 2. THE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS: Water is being provided to the Community by Brunswick County and sewer is being provided to the Community by the Town of Shaliortc. Water and sewer most be obtained from these sources; however, a private water well may be used for irrigation of landscaping an the lots, but for no other purpose. Should such a private well be used for this purpose, its location and housing must by pre -approved by the Declarant and, after turnover, by the Property Owners Association, Section 3. NOTICE: Every purchaser of a Lot shall purchase and hold title thereto with notice of Declarant's Plan of Development as herein set out. ARTICLE THREE PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THIS MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Section 1. APPLICABILITY: This Master Declaration shall apply to the property described in Deed Book 1058 at Page 964 (Map Cabinet 17, Page 88) of the Brunswick County Registry. New areas may be added to the subdivision and subjected to this Master Development Plan by the Declarant rby: (a) Fling a map showing the perimeter of the area being added together with an amendment to this Master Declaration incorporating the new area. (b) Any new area which is added to the Development pursuant to this Article mast be 7 •, , , 5 +� u located contiguously to The Property presently constituting the subdivision as above described. ARTICLE FOUR MUTUALITY OF BENEFIT AND OBLIGATION 77me Restrictions and Agreements set forth herein are made for the mutual and reciprocal benefit of each and every Lot or Parcel to which these Restrictions are made applicable and are intended to create mutual. equitable servitudes upon each of said Lots in favor of each and all of the other Lots therein; to create reciprocal rights between the respective owners of all said Lots, to create a privity of contract and estate between the grantees of said Lots, their heirs, successors and assigns. and shall operate as Covenants running with the land for the benefit of each and all other Lots in the subdivision and their respective Owners. ARTICLE FIVE PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE COMMON AREAS Section I. OCCUPANTS' EASEMENTS IN THE COMMON AREAS: Subject to the provisions of Section 3 and any additional provisions of tlris buster Declaration, every Occupant shall have a permanent and perpetual easement for the use and enjoyment of the Common Areas and each Easement shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with title to every Lot for the Occupants of such Lot. Such Easement of Enjoyment shall include, but not be limited to, the Occupants right of ingfess and egress over the streets. roadways and walkways over the Common Areas for the purpose of access to the Occupant's lot. Section 3. TITLE. TO THE COMMON AREAO: 'Ilse Declarant may {but is trot obligated to) retain the legal title to the Common Areas until it j�:,fpbNVX-,OPAin&i�ertiesa1�� subject to this Master Declaration_ Notwithstanding any other provision herein, however. the Declarant hereby covenants for itself, its successors and assigns that it will (not later than the time it has closed the sale on 90% of its property subject to this Declaration) convey by Warranty Deed, at no cost to the Association, and the Association for itself, covenants that it will accept a conveyance of all of the Common Areas free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except for this Master Declaration. Section 3. LIMITATION OF OCCUPANTS' EASEMENTS: The rights and easements of use and enjoyment created hereby shall be subject to the following: (a) The right of the Association, in accordance with its Articles and Bylaws, to borrow money for the purpose of maintenance, repair and improvement ai the Common An= and in aid thereof to mortgage such properties. (h) The right of the Association to set specific charges for the use and maintenance of the Common Areas; and (c) The right of the Association as provided in its Articles and Bylaws to suspend the enjoyment rights of any Occupant for any period during which any assessment on his Lot remains unpaid or for a period that may be determined by the Board of Directors for any violation of this Master Declaration. the Associatiods Articles, Bylaws or published Rules and Regulations; provided, however, that the right of an Occupant of ingress and egress over the street% shad not by abrogated; and (d) The right of the Declarant and the Association to dedicate or transfer all or any part 9 of the Common Areas to any public agency, authority or utility for such purpose; and (e) The tight of the Declarant. without approval of the Association or any Owner, to add to or delete part of the Common Areas and to dedicate easements and rights -of -way over the Common Arras in accordance with the terms of this Master Declaration; and W The tight of the Association to adopt and enforce, at any time, Rules and Regulations governing the use of the Common Areas and all facilities situated thereon. Any Rules and/or Regulations so adopted shall apply. until rescinded or modified. the same as if originally set faith at length in this Master Declaration. Section 4. EASEMENT FOR GOVERNMENTAL HEALTH WATER, SANITATION AND EMERGENCY SERVIt_FS. A non-eaclnsive Easement is hereby granted to the appropriate governmental authorities and to the appropriate private organizations supplying health, sanitation, police services and any emergency services such as fire, ambulance and rescue services, for purpose of Ingress and egress over the Common Areas. Section S. EASEMENT FOR DECLARANT The Declarant reserves to itself. its successors and assigns over, th mugh, under. and across the Common Area the right of temporary roads, utility services and drainage systems as are necessary in its sale discretion for the proper development and administration of The Project. Section 6. CHANGES IN BOUNDARIES; ADDITIONS TO DESIGNATED COMMON AREAS Declatant expressly reserves for itself and its successors and assigns the right to change 10 and realign the boundaries of any designated Common Areas within the Development, and to make additions thereto. Section 7. EASEMENTS FOR TILITIES: There is hereby reserved for the benefit of the Declarant. the Association, any public utility or governmental unit providing services in the Development, and their respective successors and assigns an Easement upon, over. under and across (a) all of the Common Areas and (b) all land located within 10 feet of any Lat line, as shown on all plats of record, for the purpose of installing, replacing, maintaining and operating all utility lines and drainage channels. Section g. MATNTENANCE EASE114EiNT: The Declarant reserves for itself and the Association and their respective agents and employees an Easement to eater upon any Lot for the purpose of mowing, removing, clearing. cutting or pruning underbrush, weeds, stumps or other unsightly growth and removing trash therefrom so as to maintain reasonable standards of health, rare safety and appearance within the Development_ This reservation shall not impose any duty or obligation upon the Declarant or the Association to perform any such action Furthermore, the Declarant hereby reserves for Its benefit and that of the Association an Easement, but not obligation, to enter upon any unimproved portion of any Lco which is located within thirty (30) feet from the waters edge of any lagoon, pond, water course and waterway, whether natural or man made, within the Development for the purpose of maintaining such area and keeping the area clear and free from unsightly growth and trash and the maintenance of reasonable water quality standard. 11 097� Section 9. ENVIRONMENTAL EASEMENTS: Declarant reserves for its benefit and the Association and their respective agents and employees an Easement on, over and across all Lots for the purpose of taking any action necessary to effect compliance with environmental rules. regulations and procedures promulgated or instituted by the Board of Directors or by any Govemmental Entity, such Easement to include. without limitation, the right to implement erosion control procedures and practices, the right to drain standing water, and the right to dispense pesticides and herbicides within the Development. Section I0. ENCROACHMENTS: No encroachment shall be erected upon any pond. lagoon or other body of water within or adjacent to the Development unless specifically pre - approved by the Declarant. or the Property Owners Association after Turnover. ARTICLIZ SIX MEMiBERSHiP VOTING RIGHTS AND TURNOVER Sectinn 1. MEMBERSHIEP. Every person or entity who is an Omer of a Lot shall be a Member of the Association. provided that any such person or entity who holds an interest merely as security for the performance or an obligation shall not be a Member. Section _2. VOTING RIGHTS: The Association shall have two (2)'classes of voting membership. (a) Class "A" Class "A" Members shall be all those Owners as defined in Section I of this Article with the exception of the Declamni. Class "A" Members shall be entitled to one vote for each Lot 12 is tl in which they hold the interest required for membership by Section 1. When more than one person holds such interest in any Lot, all such persons shall be Members and the vote for such Lot shalt be exercised as they among themselves determine, but in no event shall more than one vote be cast with respect to any Lot. 71te Bylaws may establish procedures for voting when the title to a Lot is held in the name of a corporation or more than one person or entity. (b) Class "B" The Class 'B' Member is the Declarant. The Class "B" Member shall be entitled to three votes for each Lot in which it holds the interest required for membership by Section 1; provided that the Class "B' membership shall cease and become converted to Class "A" membership on the happening of the earlier of any of the following events: L When the total votes outstanding in the Class "A" membership equal the total votes outstanding in the Class "B" membership; or 2. At any earlier time that the Declarant, in its sole discretion, voluntarily converts Its Class "B" to Class "A" membership; or 3. On July 1, 2010, if not sooner converted under (1) or (2). From and after the happening of the earlier of these events. the Class "B" member shall be deemed to be a Class A' Member entitled to one vote for each Lot in which it holds the interest required for membership under Section 1. Notwithstanding any provision in paragraph (1). (21 or (3) of this subsection (b) to the contrary, the Declarant shall have the right to appoint the Board of Directors (who need not be members of the Association) until the occurrence of either of the following events. (i) Ninety days after the Declarant no longer holds the title to 25% of the Development; 13 or 00 The Declarant relinquishes its right described in clause one of this sentence. Upon the occurrence of either (i) or (ii) in the preceding sentence, then the existing members shall be obligated to elect the Board and assume control of the Association. Section 3. URNOVER: Within ninety (9a) days after the happening of the events described in paragraph (b) (1). (2) or (3) of section two of this Article Six, the Association shall conduct a special tneeting of the membership. hereinafter called the Turnover Meeting, for the purpose of electing officers and directors, provided, however, that so long as the Declarant is Owner of one Lot governed by the Association, the Declarant shall be entitled to appoint at least one member to the Board of Directors. ARTICLE SEVEN COVENANT FOR ASSESSMENTS Section 1. CREATION OF THE LIEN AND PERSONAL OBLIGATION OF ASSESSMENTS: Except as hereinafter more fully provided, the Declarant, for each Lot owned by it (exclusive of the real estate sales office serving the Development) which is subject to this Master Declaration, hereby covenants and each Owner of any Lot by acceptance of a deed therefore. whether or not it shall be so expressed in the particular deed of conveyance, shall be deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association: (1) Annual Assessments and (2) Special Assessments for capital improvements and Other assessments to be fixed, established. and collected from time to time as hereinafter provided. The Annual and Special Assessments. together with such interest thereon and costs of collection thereof as hereinafter provided, shall 14 It J also be the personal obligation of the person who was the Owner of such property at the time when the assessment fail due. Each Member expressly covenants, by acceptance of a deed, that liens may be placed against the Owner's Lot for nonpayment of assessments. Section 2. PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENTS: The assessment levied by the Association for Common Expenses shall be used exclusively for the general purposes of promoting the recreation, health. safety. welfare. common benefit and enjoyment of the Owners and Occupants of the Development and maintaining the Development and improvements therein, all as may be more specifically authorized from time to time by the Board of Directors. The Compton Expenses to be funded by the annual assessments may include but shall not necessarily be limited to the following: (a) management fees and expenses of administration; (b) utility charges for utilities serving the Common Areas; (c) the cost of insurance Coverage as the Board of Directors determines to be in the best interest of the Owners, (d) the expenses of maintenance, operation and repair of the Common Areas as tbese facilities are described in the Definitions Section of this Master Declaration; (a) any ad valorem or personal property taxes assessed or levied against the Cwnmon Areas, (f) all expenses associated with providing security services to the Development; (g) the establishmertt and maintenance of a reasonable reserve fund for maintenance, repair and replacement of the Common Areas to cover emergency, repairs as a result of cam allies which are not covered by insurance and to cover unforeseen operating contingencies or deficiencies arising from unpaid assessments; and (h) such other expenses as may be determined front time to time by ilia Board of Directors or the Association to be Common Expenses. 1S r Section 3. DATE OF COMMENCEMENT OF 'ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS'- DUE DATE: ASSESSMENT PERIOD: The Annual Assessment provided herein for Class "A" Members shall commence upon conveyance of a Lot to a Class "A" Member. Once the assessment period has commenced, the assessments shall thereafter be due on the first day of every assessment period as this term is defined in the Bylaws of the Association. There is no commencement date for assessments for the Class "B' Member. i Section 4. BASIS AND AMOUNT OF THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS: The total Annual Assessments shall be divided among the Lots as follows: The Class 'A' Members shall pay an Annual Assessment. which beginning in the year 1998 (of pro testa part thereof) shall be $250.OD for each Lot. The Board is granted the right to assess a larger amount based on the actual casts in carrying out its duties for the year 1999. The Annual Assessments for each Lot commencing in the year 2000 may be increased in proportion by the greater of 113% Of the assessment for the previous year or by the percentage increase, if any, for the then current year in the Consumer Price Index (ALL URBAN CONSUMERS (CPI-U). 1992-1984 = 100, as published by the U.S. Bureau of Statistics). When the Club House, Swimming Pool, and Walking. Biking and Nature Trails. which are part of the Common Areas, are added by the Declarant, the limitation on assessment increase will be waived in order to allow these extra charges to be included in the annual budget. Once these additional charges are absorbed into the r Annual Assessment, the amassment cap shall apply to future years, unless some additional common facilities requiring adjustment is added, in which evenrthe cap will be waived for the year of such addition. The cap on assessments shall terminate upon Turnover to the Association 16 as described in Article Six Section III of this Master Declaration. Until the time of Turnover, the Class "B" Member (Declarant) shall not pay any Annual or Special Assessment; however, the Declarant shall pay the difference in cost between the sum of all Annual Assessments collected from Class "A" and the actual cost of operation of the Association. After Turnover, the Declarant shall be obligated to pay 20% of the Annual Amr-wrtent on any Lot owned by it. Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary in this Master Declaration, the Declarant may at any time continence paying assessments as to Lots owned by it and thereby automatically terminate its obligation to fund deficits, but at any time thereafter the Declarant may again elect to follow the procedure specified in the preceding sentence. Section S. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: In addition to the Annual Assessment authorized by this Article Seven, the Board may levy in any Assessment Year a Special Assessment, applicable to that year only, for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of any construction or reconstruction, unexpected repair or replacement of a described capital improvement upon the Common Areas including the necessary fixtures and personal property related thereto, or for other purposes deemed appropriate by the Association.. The due date of any Special Asses-rnent under this Article shall be fixed in a resolution authorizing such assessment. The Declarant shall not be obligated to pay a Special Assessment levied on any Lot owned by it. 17 .l 8 Section 6. CHANGE IN BASIS OF MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT: Subject to the limitations of Section 4 and for the periods therein specified, the Board may change the maximum and basis of the Assessment fixed by Section 4 for any such period, provided that written notice containing a copy of the newly adopted budget outlining the Assessment change is sent to all Members at least thirty (30) days in advance .of the effective date of the adopted change_ Section 7 DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tice Board of Directors of the Association sb211 prepare a toster of Members and Assessments applicable thereto which shall be kept in the office of the Association and shall be open to inspection by any Member. Written notice of the Assessments for each Assessment Year shall be sent to every Member. 'lire Association shall, upon demand at any time, furnish to any Member liable for an Assessment a cettiFicate in writing signed by an officer of the Association setting forth whether the Assessment has been paid. The certificate shall be conclusive evidence of payment of any Assessment therein stated to have been paid. Section 8. EFFECT OF NON-PAYMENT OF„ASSESSMENT: THE PERSONAL OBLIGATION OF THE OWNER: THE LIEN: RFME131ES OF THE ASSOCIATION- LATE FEES: RESALE CEAFICATE: If an Assessment is not paid on the date when due (being the date specified in Section 3 and Section 5 hcrcof), then it shalt become delinquent and shall, together with interest thereon. become a continuing lien on the property which shall bind such is property in the hands of the then Owner, his heirs. devisees, personal representatives and assigns. 'Fite personal obligation of the then Owner to pay such assessment, however, shall remain his personal obligation for the statutory period. Provided, however, unless the Seller obtains from appropriate officers of the Association at closing a certificate attesting to the fact that all Assessments are paid and presents such certificate to the purchaser at closing, the purchaser shall be conclusively presumed to have assumed such past due Assessments and shall also become forthwith liable therefore. The Owner requesting the certificate shall pay to the Association a reasonable sum to cover the costs of examining records and preparing the certificate. If the Amens is not paid within thirty (30) days after its due date. the Assessment shall bear interest from the date of delinquency at the rate established by the Board of Directors not to exceed the nmximum legal rate of interest. and the Association may bring an action at law against the Owner personally obligated to pay the outstanding Assessment and/or bring an action to foreclose the lien against the Property; and there shall be added to the amount of such Assessment all costs of collection, including, but not limited to, the cost of preparing and filing the complaint in such action, the cost of any and all attorneys' fees incident to collection whether or not suit is brought, including auomeys' fees on appeal. In the event a judgment is obtained, such judgment shall include interest on the Assessments as provided above and a reasonable attorneys' fee to be fixed by the Court, together with costs incident to the action. In addition to the foregoing remedies. the Hoard of Directors may assess a "late Fee" of ten percent (10 0). compounded annually, on the delinquent Assessment fCii each Annual or Special Assessment which is more than ten (10) days delinquent, for the purpose of helping to 3.9 defray collection costs. Section 9. SUBORDINATION OF THE LIEN TO MORTGAGES: The lien far the Assessments provided for in this Declaration shall be subordinate to the lien of any mortgage now or hereafter placed upon an Owners property subject trs assessment unless such Assessment is secured by a Claim of Lien that is recorded prior to the recording of such mortgage. ARTICLE EIGHT MAINTENANCE Section I. OWNERS RESPONSIBILITI& , Maintenance and repair of Lots, together with all improvements thereon and all lawns, landscaping and grounds shall be the responsibility of the Owner. Each Owner shall maintain his Lot in a neat, clean and sanitary condition. Such responsibility shall include the maintenance and care of all exterior surfaces of all Dwellings and other structures as well as lawns, trees, shrubs, hedges, grass and other landscaping. Each Owner shall also be obligated to pay for any costs incurred by the Association for carrying out this responsibility if the Owner fails reasonably to do so. Except for the Declarant, no Owner Am11 decorate, change or otherwise alter the appearance of any portion of the exterior of any Dwelling or the landscaping, grounds or other improvements unless such decoration, change or alteration is first approved in writing by the Property Owners Association. r Section 2. ASSOCIATION RESPONSIBILITIES: Unless otherwise provided, the Association shall maintain and keep in good repair the Common Areas, including any improvements or structures located thereon. No diminution or abatement of assessments, fees 20 or charges, however, shall be claimed or allowed by any Owner by reason of any alleged failure of the Association to take some action or to perform some function required to be taken or performed by it under this Declaration. In the event the Board determines that any Owner has failed or refused to carry out his duties under this Article, the Association may take such action as is necessary to restore the property to the conditions required under this Article. Entry upon any property for this purpose r by the Association, its agents or employees shall not be deemed a trespass. Etteept In emergency situations, however, the Association shall give such Owner fifteen (15) days notice prior to its wary on the premises to perform such work. This tight in favor of the Association shall not, however, impose any obligation upon the Association to undertake any particular corrective action. In the event the Association does, however, take any corrective action as regattas any property, the Owner thereof shall promptly reimburse the Association for all costs and expenses incurred in such corrective action. ARTICLE NINE INSURANCE AND CASUALTY LOSSES Section 1. PROPERTY AND CASUAL7Y_1N5URANCE: Property and casualty insurance on the Common Areas shall be maintained through the Association is an amount equal to the maximum insrirable value thettrof. The Association shall also purchase such other insurance as may be necessary on the Common Areas for the purpose of properly protecting the Association. The Association may also purchase liability insurance cnvering the Association's Directors and Officers. 21 Section 2. PREMIUMS: The premiums for all insurance policies purchased by the Association shall be deemed to be general expenses of the Association and shall be paid by the Members through the Annual Asmms+ents as provided in this Declaration. Section 3. DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION TO COMMON AREAS: Should any part of the Common Areas be damaged or destroyed, the Association shall cause it to be repaired or replaced if the insurance proceeds, together with available reserves, are sufficient to do so. if the Board determines that these funds are insufficient and, therefore, a Special Assessment is necessary to complete the repair or replacement, then the Members of the Association shall be given notice of the amount of the Special Assessment and an opportunity to vote on the question. The Special Assessment shall be imposed by the Board unless 60% of the total Association membership votes against the imposition of such Special Assessment. ARTICLE TEN CONDEMNATION CONDEMNATION OF COMMON AREAS: Should any portion of the Common Areas be taken through eminent domain or conveyed by deed in lieu of condemnation by the Association, the award of proceeds made or collected by the Association shall be disbursed or held as follows; (a) to the extent practical, in the discretion of the Hoard, the funds shall be used for the replacement o, the condemned facility on some other part of the Common Area; (b) if replacement at some other location within the Common Area is not feasible. then these funds shall be added to the reserves held by the Association; or (c) should the Board deem the funds not necessary for addition to the reserves, then these funds shall be disbursed on a pro-rata basis 22 to the Membership of the Association. ARTICLE ELEVEN ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONINION AREAS Section 1. MANAGEMENT. The Association, subject to the rights of the Declarant and the rights and duties of the Owners as set forth in this Declaration, shall be responsible for the exclusive management and control of the Common Areas and all improvements Iocated thereon. Sec ion 2. DUTIESANDPOWERS: The duties and powers of the Association shall be those set forth in (a) Chapter 55A of the Notch Carolina General Statutes as it applies to non- profit corporations, (b) this Declaration, (c) the Bylaws and (d) the Articles of Incorporation of this Corporation. Should there be conflicts or inconsistencies between any of these documents then the order of authority shall be the General Statutes, this Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Master Declaration to the contrary, as long as the Declarant shall own any Lot in the Development, the Association shall not, without the consent of the Declarant. borrow money or pledge, mortgage, or hypothecate all or any portion of the Common Areas, Section 3. AGREEMENTS: All agreements and actions lawfully authorized by the Hoard of Directors shall be binding upon all Owners, their heirs, successors and assigns. The Association may perform its duties and responsibilities through its Hoard of Directors and further shall have the authority to delegate to persons of its choice such duties as may be determined by the Board of Directors to be expedient. The Board shall have ti►e power to employ such 23 managers. agents and employees as necessary in its discretion to carry out its functions under this Declaration. In addition, the Association may pay for and the Board of Directors may hire and contract for such legal, accounting and other professional services as are necessary or desirable in connection with the operation of the Development or enforcement of this Declaration or the Bylaws or the Rules and Regulations of the Association. Section 4. RESTRAINT ON TRANSFER: lire shares of the Owners in the funds and assets of the Association cannot be individually assigned, hypothecated or transferred in any manner except to the extent that a transfer of ownership of a Lot also transfers the membership in the Association which is an appunenance to such Lat. Section 5. RULES AND REGULATIONS: The Association, acting through its Board of Directors, may make and enforce reasonable rules and regulations governing the use of the Lots and Conurton Areas. These ntles and regulations shall be consistent with the rights and duties established by this Declaration. ARTICLE TWELVE ARCHITECTUTtAL AND LANDSCAPING STANDARDS Architectural and Landscaping Standards as applied to each phase shall be contained in the Supplemental Declaration for that phase; however, the following zrilcirnurn standards shall apply in all phases: 1. A front yard setback of not less than 20 feet; 24 .y _- {'i1J 2. A rear yard setback of not less than 20 feet, with the exception of Lots 1-4 and 57-60 inclusive in Phase 1 and Lots 62-64 inclusive in Phase II shall have a minimum setback line of 30 feet; 3. A minimum side yard setback of 8 feel; and 4. Them shall be a minimum of a 10 feet vegetation buffer along all perimeter lots which are Lots 1-3. 5-9, 14-27 and 57-60 inclusive in Phase 1, Lots 62-78 inclusive in Phase II. Lois BS-163 and 174 in Phase III and Lots 175-181 in Phase IV. 11 ARTICLE THIRTEEN GENERAL PROHIBITIONS Section 1. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES: No temporary house, trailer, tent, garage, or other building shall be placed or erected on any Lot or Parcel, provided. however. that the Association may grant permission for any such temporary structure for storage of materials during construction. No such temporary structure as may be approved shall be used at any time as a dwelling place. Section 2. COMPLETION OF STRUCTURES: Once construction or improvement is started on any Dwelling, it must be substantially completed in accordance with the plans and specifications as approved within six (6) months from the date of ctnnmencement. r Section 3. PETS: No animal. livestock, bird, or poultry of any kind may be raised, bred, or kept on a Lat. However, a reasonable number of generally recognized house pets tray be kept 25 .:l • 1 1 1 t l i I. i `i �� subject to rules and regulations adopted by the Association through its Board of Directors. Such house pet ar pets must be kept solely as domestic pets. No pet shall be allowed to snake an unreasonable amount of noise or to become a nuisance. Upon written request of any Owner of a Lot, the Board of Directors of the Association may conclusively determine, in its sole and absolute discretion, whether, for purposes of this Section 3, a particular pet is a generally recognized house pet or if such pet is a nuisance. The Board shall have the right to require the Owner of a particular pet to remove it from Tice Property if it is found to be a nuisance or in violation of this restriction. The Board shall have the further right io fine any Owner of a Lot (not to exceed $50.00 per violation) for the violation of these restrictions by himself or any Occupant of his Lot. All Lot Owners shall be liable to the Association for the cost of repair of any damage to the Cbmmon Area caused by the pet of such Owner or of an Occupant of such Ownees Lot. Any such fine or cast of repair shall be added to and become a part of any assessment next coming due against the Lot under the Master Declaration. Section a. STORAGE RECEPTACLES: Every fuel storage tank and receptacles for asl=, lash, rubbish or garbage shall be buried below the surface of the ground or screened to the satisfaction of the Declarant and, after Turnover, the Property Owners Association. Section 5. MAINTENANCE OF UNOCCUPIED LOTS: All unoccupied Lots shall be well -maintained and no unattractive growth or accumulation of rubbish or debris shall be pennitted. All unoccupied Lots shall, at a minimum, be mowed or bushhogged at least once during the period commencing with September I and ending with October 15. Should the Owner 26 .IL 1 � •J I i • •1� `� j l� of a Lot fail to mow or bushhog his Lot as required, the Association is hereby granted the right to enter the Lot and perform this work. IMe cost of such work shall be paid to the Association by the Owner. Any such cost shall be added to and become a part of any assessment next coming due against the Lot under the Master Declaration. Section 6. OFFENSIVE AND ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES: No noxious, offensive or illegal activities shall be carried on within the Development nor shalt anything be done that shall be or become an unreasonable annoyance or nuisance. ' Section 7. REPAIR OR REMOVAL OF DINGS: Any building which may be destroyed in whole or in part by fire, windstorm or from any other cause or act of God must be rebuilt or all debris removed and the Lot restored to a sightly condition with reasonable promptness; provided, however, that in no event shall such debris remain longer than three (3) mantim Section H. OUTSIDE BURNING: No outside burning of wood, leaves, trash, garbage, or household refuse shall be permitted, except in accordance with a validly issued burning permit from Brunswick County and the Declarant or the Association. Section 9, DIbSION OF LOTS: Prior to conveyance, the Declarant may change lot boundary lines as it deems expedient. Thereafter, no Lot sltall,be subdivided or its boundary lines changed by its Owner except with the written consent of the Declarant, or the Property 27 Owners Association, after Turnover. The Declarant may also create a modified Lot by the sale of two or more adjacent Lots to one party, followed by the construction thereon of a Dwelling Unit in such a manner as to require the total Lots to he treated as one modified Lot in order to meet the set back and side line requirements without the necessity of replatting. The Restrictions and Covenants herein apply to each Lot so created. Section 10. MOTOR VEHICLES AND NOISE LEVEL: No motorcycle or motorbike shall be used on the streets except for the purpose of coming to or from the state highway to a particular Lot. No dirt bike, go-cart, or similar vehicle may be used within the Development at all under any circumstances. All molar vehicles operated in the Development shall have quiet mufflers. Further, no person shall operate any motor vehicle in the Development unless he holds a valid drivels license. There shall be no outside storage or parking upon any Lot or the Common Arras within The Property of any motor home, trailer (either with or without wheels), tractor or truck (other than private standard size pick-up trucks). or boat. No Owner shall repair or restore any motor vehicle or boat of any kind on or within any Lot or other portion of The Property, except (a) within enclosed garages, or (b) for emcrgcncv repairs. and then only to the extent accessary to enable the movement thereof to a proper repair facility. Section I i. ADDITIONAL RULES: The Declarant, until Turnover, and thereafter the Board of Directors of the Association. may establish such additional rules and regulations as may be deemed for the best interest of the Owners in the subdivision: 28 lull 1 !, •� n _ ^'• �� -• �• � ti J U Section 12. SIGNS: Except as permitted in Section I4 of this Article and except as may be required by legal proceedings, no signs or advertising posters of any kind (specifically including for sale or for rent) shall be maintained or permitted on any Lot or any improvements lomted on any Lot within The Property. Section 13. ANTENNAS: No satellite antenna, off -the -air television antenna. or multipoint distribution service antenna of more than forty (40) inches in diameter shall be allowed or placed on any Lot. Satellite antennas, off -the -air televisions antennas. and muldpoint distribution service antennas of forty (40) inches or less in diameter shall be placed or screened so they will not be visible from the street and, to the extent possible, from adjoining properties. Such devices shall comply with such additional reasonable architectural guidelines adopted by the Declarant. or the Association, after Turnover. These rules may not be used to prevent. unreasonably delay or unreasonably increase the cost of antenna installation, maintenance or use, or preclude reception of an acceptable quality signal, in violation of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Section 14_ SALES AND CONSTRUCTION AenyITIES: The Declarant, its agents, employees, successors and assigns may maintain such Facilities and carry on.such activities as may be reasonably convenient or incidental to the completion, improvement and sale of Lots within the Development Including. without limitation, the right to install and operate construction trailers, sales offices, sighs and model Dwellings. The right to maintain such facilities and carry on such activities shall include the right to use Dwellings as models and to use any Dwelling as 29 an office for the sale of Lots and related activities. ARTICLE FOURTEEN ENFORCFINENT Section 1. USE: No Lot subject to this 164aster Declaration shall be used except for residential purposes unless otherwise allowed herein. Section 2. RULES AND REGULATIONS: The Board of Directors is specifically granted the power to pass rules and regulations for the purpose of enforcing this Declaration. Section 3. INVALIDATION; Invalidation of any one or more of these covenants or restrictions by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any other provision, which shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4. PRIORITY OF LAND USE DOCUMENTS- This blaster Declaration shall take precedence over conflicting provisions in the Articles of Incorporation or the Bylaws of the Association and the Articles shall take precedence over the Bylaws. Section S. DUAAT1ON: This Master Declaration shall affect and run with the land and shall exist and be binding upon all parties and all persons claiming under them until December 31, 2020, and shall continue in full force and effect thereafter until a majority of the Owners have, by written vote. agreed to amend or terminate them. 30 i Section 6. -AMENDMENT: The Declarant may not unilaterally make any amendment or modification to this blaster Declaration which will change or alter the Plan of Development, T}te Declarant, however, reserves for itself before Turnover and, thereafter, the Association, the right to make an amendment or modification which will not affect the Plan of Development. Should any such modification or amendment, however, attempt to change or alter the Plan of Development, such modification or amendment shall be null and void. Further, this right to amend by the Declarant or the Association shall not render these Covenants or Restrictions purely personal to the Declarant and the benefits and burdens shall remain mutual and reciprocal to all Ownets. The Plan of Development may only be altered, modified, or changed by a written document executed by the Declarant together with the owners of a majority of the Lots then owned by persons other than the Declarant and will only become effective upon recordation in the Brunswick County, North Carolina, Public Registry. Section 7. ENFORCEMENT -- GENERAL Failure of an OwnerlOccupant to comply with a provision of this blaster Declaration or a provision in the Bylaws. Articles of Incorporation or Rules and Regulations of the Association shall provide the Association with the right to bring legal action at law or in equity, including, but not limited to, an action for injunctive relief, damages, or a combination thereof against the Owner. All costs and expenses incurred by the Association in terminating or resolving a violation of this Declaration. inclusive of attorneys' fees (whether or not litigation is instituted) and Coup cons shall be the 31 vii+ 92 responsibility of the Owner determined by the Association to be in violation. Collection of such atlameys' fees, costs and damages may be enforced by any method described in this Master Declaration providing for the collection of Annual Assessments, or by civil action to collect the debt. Section 9. -INTERPRETATIONS In all cases, the provisions of this Master Declaration :shall be construed together and given that interpretation of construction which, in the opinion of the Declarant or the Board of Dirtetors, will best effect the intent of the general Plan of Development. The provisions of this Master Declaration shall be given full force and effect notwithsianding the existence of any zoning ordinance or building codes which are less restrictive. Section 9. .3EVERABILITY: Whenever possible, each provision of this Declaration shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid; however, if the application of any provision to any person or property shall be prohibited or held invalid, such prohibition or invalidity shall not affect any other provision or the application of any provision which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application and to this end, the provisions of this Declaration are declared to be severable. Section 10, 140 TRESPASS: Whenever the Association or the Declarant and their respective successors, assigns, agents or employees are permitted by this Declaration to enter upon or correct, repair, clean, maintain, preserve or do any other action within any portion of the kka t r' Development, the entering thereon and the taking of such action shall not be deemed a trespass. Section 11_ NQInCES: Notices required under this Declaration shall be in writing and shall be delivered by hand or sent by United States Mail, postage pre -paid. All notices to Owners shall be delivered or sent to such address as has been designated in writing to the Association or, if no such address has been so designated by the Owner, at the address of the Owner's Lot. All notices to the Declarant shall be delivered or sent to the Decimaurs train off ce in Brunswick County, North Carolina or to such other address as the Declarant from tirne to time may notify the Association. ARTICLE FIFTH WORKING CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION At the closing, each Class A" Member shall make a $IOO.OD per Lot contribution to the working capital of the Association. This initial contribution is not a pre -payment of the regular motthly or Annual Assessment. ARTICLE SIXTEEN CONSTRU 'PION When construing these Covenants and Restrictions, the parties agree that they shall be construed as beneficial community rules and that any ambiguity shall be resolved in favor of liberal enforcement by the Courts. 33 -• n- n • 1' t 4 t. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Master Declaration together with Covenants. Conditions, and Restrictions has been signed and executed by the Declarant the day and year first above written. v +Se;.reta'ry.-Treasurer STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK OWEN VENTURES, INC. By: Owen, Press ent 1. 1� A +r,,ds bw, Notary Public do hereby certify that'j->a.,, A IDc.Wq personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is Secretatyfrreasurer of Owen Ventures, Inc., a North Carolina Corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President. sealed with its corporate seal and attested by him as its Secretary/Treasurer. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the L day of 1998_ Notary Public My Commission Expires: p-10 ;1 .Ht _2-21z- 71r oosi ' STATE OF NOR7I71 CAROLINA COUNTY OF 11RUNSWICK r Thel'ongoing(urannexed)Ccrtificrte(s)ofrC� lJ` Nolarycies) Public is (arc) Certified to be Correct. This Instrument was filed for Registration on this Day of in the Hook and Page shown tin the First 12agc hcrco. . ROBER J-ROBII ON Registernt Exhibit 1 STAB of I NORTH -Department of The CAROLINA Secretary of State To all whom these presents shall come, Greetings: j, ELAIIYE+; Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina. do hereby certify the following and herein attached to be a trite copy of ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF OWENDON PLANTATION PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION. INV the original of which was {fled in this office on the 29th day of June. 1998. JN 1P77?MW WHBRSOF. I Nacre hereaato sir nsr hand and affixed ray official sent, of the Vti v ill Raleigh, this 29th day of June, 1998. 5ecrempy of State 0 F LED ij lit J. 1.1J ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AllIft OF EFf E-1ANE 5ECRETAWOFSTA7E OIVYENDON PLANTATION PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. W RTHCAR"A ilia undersigned, acting as incorporator of a non-profit corporation under Chapter 55A of the North Carolina General Statutes, does hereby adopt the fallowing Articles of incorporation for such corporation. ARTICLE I NAME , The name of the corporation (hereinafler called the Association) is OWENDON PLANTATION PROPERTY OVPNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. ARTICLE II PURPOSE Tile primary purposes for which the Association is formed is to carry out the functions as set nut for the Association in the Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Reservations for Owendon Plantation. ht furtherance of such purposes, ilia Association shall have the power to: (a) Perform all duties and obligations of ilia Association as set forth in the Master Declaration for Owendon Plantation Property Owners Association, Inc. applicable to the development and to be recorded in the Public Records of Brunswick County, North Carolina; (h) Affix, levy, collect, and enforce payment by any lawful means of all charges and i asscsshncnts pursuant to the terms of the Master Declaration and pity all expenses in connection therewith, and all office and other expenses 1ncidetrtal to the' conduct of the business of the Association+ including all licenses, taxes or governmental charges levied on or imposed against 1 the property of the Association; (c) Acquire (by gift. purchase or otherwise), own, hold and improve, build upon, operate, maintain, convey, sell. tease. transfer. dedicate to public use, or otherwise dispose of real and personal property in connection with the affairs of the Association; (d) Borrow money and, subject to the consent by vote or written instrument of 55% of each class of members. mortgage, pledge, convey by deed of trust, or hypothecate any and all of its teal or personal property as security for money borrowed or debts Incurred; (e) Dedicate, sell, or transfer all of any part of the common areas to any municipality. public agency, authority, or utility for such purposes; (f) Have and exercise any and all powers, rights, privileges that a non-profit corporation organized under Chapter 55A of the North Carolina General Statutes by law may now or hereafter have; (g) Retain a management entity to perform any of the services or duties set forth above or in the Declaration. 'fhe Association is organized and shall be operated exclusively for the purposes set forth above. 'the activities of the Association will be financed by assessments against members as provided in the Declaration. and no pan of any net earnings of the Association will inure to the benefit of any member. ARTICLE III r WMAT10111 Tire period of duration of the Association shall be perpetual. 2 ARTICLE IV LIK 12 3 F; TG 0 5 9 u NAME OF INCORPORATOR The name and mailing address of the incorporator is: Mason H. Anderson P. 0. Box 345 $hallotte, NC 28459 ARTICLE V AI&NAGEINENT The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board of Directors; a President and a Vice President. Prior to turnover as defined in the Master Declaration, she 13natd of Directors will be appointed by Owen Ventures. Inc., the Developer of Owendon Plantation. Neither the officers or the directors need be members of the Association. After tumover, both the officers and directors must be members of the Association (or an officer of any corporate member). The officers shall be elected at the first meeting of the Hoard of Directors each year. The names of the officers who are to serve until the first election are: Name Oliice Donald A. Owen President Charles Hudson Vice -President Kerry Owen 5ecretaryfrreasurer ARTICLE VI INITIAL BQARD OF DIRECTOR$ 'The number of persons constituting the first Board of Directors of the Association shall be three (3); and thereafter, the membership shall consist of not more than rive (5). The names 3 0 iK 1 2 3= :'I: 0 9 9 9 and addresses of the persons who sltali serve as Directors until the first election are: Name Addresses Donald A. Owen P. O. Box 204 Siler City, NC 27344 Charles Hudson P O. Box 204 Siler City. NC 27344 Kerry Owen P. O. Box 204 Siler City, NC 27344 ARTICLE V11 BYLAWS 'Fie initial Bylaws shall be adopted by tite Board of Directors. Thereafter. the Board of Directors shall have the power to alter, amend, repeal or adopt new Bylaws provided such action and the resulting Bylaws are not inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation or the Master Declaration. ARTICLE V11I These Articles may be amended at any annual meeting of the Association. or at any special meeting duly called and held for such purpose, on the affirmative vote of a majority of cacti class of voting members existing at the time of, and present in person or by proxy at such meeting. 7'lie procedure for proposing an amendment shall be as set out in N.C.G.S. Section S5A-10-[31. ARTICLE IX MEMRERSIIIP AND VOTING RIGHTS Section 1. hiemhershi : Every person or entity who is an owner of a Lot or Dwelling 4 I23S Pi; GGl� subject to the Master Development Plan shall be a member of the Association, provided that any such person or entity who holds an interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation %hail not be a member. Sectinn 2. Voting Right: The Association shall have two classes of voting membership: (a) Class "A" Class "A" Members shall be all those Owners as defined in Section 1 of this Article with the exception of the Declarant. Class "A" Members shall be entitled to one vote for each Lot or Dwelling Unit in which they hold the interest required for membership by Section I. When more than one person holds such interest in any Lot or Dwelling Unit, all such persons shall be members and the vote for such Lot or Dwelling Unit shall be exercised as they among themselves determine, but in no event shall more than one vote be east with respect to any Lot or Dwelling Unit. Tltc Bylaws may establish procedures for voting when the title to a Dwelling Unit or Lot is held in the name of a corporation or more than one person or entity. {It} Class OR' (i) 'Ibe Class "B" Member is the Declarant. 'lire Class "B" Member shall be entitled to three- votes for each Lot or Dwelling Unit in which it holds the interest required for membership by Section 1; provided that The Class "B" membership shall cease and become converted to Class "A" membership on the happening of the earlier of any of the following events: 1. When the total votes outstanding in the Class "A" membership equal the total t votes outstanding in the Class '13" membership; or 2. At any earlier time that the Declarant, in its soTe discretion, voluntarily converts its Class "B" membership to Class "A" membership. :�il2 i i�i�lril7� 3. On July 1, 2010, if not sooner converted under (1) or (2). From and after the happening of the earlier of these events, the Class "13" Member shall be deemed to be a Class "A" Member entitled to one vote for each Lot or Dwelling Unit in which it holds the interest required for membership under Section 1. ARTICLE X DISPOSITION OF ASSETS ON DISSOLUTION On dissolution, the assets of the Association shall be distributed to an appropriate public agency to be used for purposes similar to those for which the Association was created. In the event such distribution is refused acceptance, such assets shall be granted, conveyed, and assigned to any nun -profit corporation, association, trust, or other organization organized and operated for such similar purposes. ARTICLE X1 INITIAL REGI�'TERED AGENT 773e address of the initial registered office of the Association is Owen Ventures, 50 Ellington Road. Chatham County, Siler City, NC 27344, and the Initial Registered Agent of the Association is Donald A. Owen at such address. ARTICLE XII PRINCIPAL OFFICE 71ic address of the principal office of Cite Association is 50 Ellington Road. Chatham County, Siler City. NC 27344, t ARTICLE X11I EFFECTIVE DATE The effective date of this corporation shall be upon filing with the Office of the Secretary of State of North Carolina. 6 RK 1 238 IT 1002 ARTICLE XIY INDEMNIFICATION OF DIRECTO Each Director and Officer of this Association shall be indetnttified by the Association agairisl all costs and expenses reasonably incurred or imposed upon him in connection with or arising out of any action. suit or proceeding in which he may be involved or to which lie ntay be made a party by reason of his having been a Director or Officer of this Association, such expense to include the cost of reasonable settlements (other than amounts paid to the Association itself). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned incorporator has executed these Articles of Incorporation on this6! -day of , 1998. (Seat) i+~ n H. Anderson i1 } `?itT-1-V STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY ��OpF BRUNSWICK 1. f1}�1LlQ- ig . 2661-4 fi. Notary Public, do hereby certify that MASON H. ANDERSON personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein set forth. WITNESS my hand and official seal this th ay of+ „L' 1998_ My Commission Expires: Notary Public 7 Exhibi r 2 ;`1K 12 1 o; 'G 10 0 3 BYLAWS OF OWENDON PLANTATION PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. A Non-Pmfit Corporation ARTICLE I Name and Location NAME AND LOCATION: The frame of the Corporation is Owendon Plantation Property Owners Association, Inc. The principal office shall be located at Owendon Plantation. North Carolina, but meetings of Members and Directors may be held at such places within the State of North Carolina as may be designated by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE 11 A'IEETINGS OF MEMBERS Section 9: ANNUAL MEETINGS: The first annual meeting of Members shall be held within ninety (90) days after Turnover of the Association by the Declarant. Subsequent annual meetings shall be held on the same day of the month of each year thereafter at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. If the day for the annual meeting is a legal holiday, the meeting will be held at the same hour on the next clay which is not a legal holiday. Sectign 2-- SPECIAL MEETINGS: After Turnover, special meetings of Members may be called at any time by the President or by two (2) Members or the Board of Directors or upon written request of Members who are entitled to vote fifty-one (51 %) of all votes of the membership. 1 Section 3: NOTICE OFMEETINGS- Written notice of each meeting of Members shall be given by, or at the direction of, the Secretaryjrreasurer or other person authorized to call the meeting, by mailing a copy of such notice, postage prelmid, at least fifteen (IS) days. but net more than tinny (30) days, before such meeting to each Member entitled to vote thereat, addressed to the Members address last appearing on the books of the Association, or supplied by such member to the Association for the purpose of receiving notice. Such notice shall specify the day, hour and place of the meeting and in lite case of a special meeting, the purpose of the meeting. Seclinn 4: QUORUM; The presence at the meeting, in person or by proxy. of Members entitled to cast 25% of the votes of the membership shall constitute a quorum for authorization of any action, except as may otherwise be provided in the Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation, or these Bylaws. if a quorum is not present at any meeting, the Members entitled to vote thereat shall have the power to adjourn the meeting from time to time, witliaut notice other than announcement at the meeting, until a quorum is present. Sec -an 5: PROXIES; At all meetings of Members, each Member may vote in person or by proxy. All proxies shall be in writing and Filed with the Secrelarymeasurer. Proxies shall he revLvable, and the proxy of any Owner shall automatically terminate an conveyance by him of his property subjeetrto the aESEcSITIent. 2 11 ARTICLE III hA ! HOARD OF DIRECTORS: TERN] OF OFFICE; REMOVAL Sectinn 1: NUMBER: 77te affairs of the Association shall be managed by not lew than two (2) nor more Man five (S) Directors. prior to Turnover as described in ilia Master Declaration. the Directors shall be appointed by Owen Ventures, Inc.; after Turnover, they shall be duty elected by the Members of the Association from among the Members. SLctitm 2: TERM OF OFFICE: Prior to Turnover. Directors shall serve at the pleasure Of Owen Ventures, Inc.; after Turnover, they shall serve one (1) year terms and until their successors are duly appointed or elected, as the case may be. Sectinn 3: REMOVAL: After Turnover, any Director may be removed from the Board. with or without cause, by a majority vote of the Members of the Association. in the event of death, resignation, or removal of a Director, his successor shall be selected by the remaining Members of the Board and shall serve for the unexpired term of his predecessor. ARTICLE IV BOARD OF DIRECTORS; MEETINGS Sectinn 1: REGULAR MEETINGS: Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held annually, at such place and hour as may he fixed from time to time by resolution of the Board. 3 0 Section 2: SPECIAL A?EETINGS: Special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held when called by the President of the Association. or by any two (2) Directors, after not less than three (3) days notice to each Director. Section 3: QUORUM: A majority of the Directors shall constitute a quorum for the trtns;ictinn of business. Every act performed or decision made by a majority of Directors preftnt at a duly held meeting in which a quorum is present shall constitute the act or decision of the Board. ARTICLE V BOARD OF DIRECTORS; POWERS AND DUTIES Section I: POWERS: The Board of Directors shall have the power to: (a) Adopt and publish rules and regulations governing the use of the Common Areas and facilities including the personal conduct of the Members and their guests thereon, to establish penalties for infractions of such rules and regulations. (h) Suspend the voting rights and right to use of the Common Areas of any Member during any period in which such Mernber is in default in the payment of any assessmen: levied by the Associat:on. Such rights may also be suspended after notice and hearing, for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days for infraction of published rules and regulations. W Exercise on behalf of the Association, all powers, duties and authority vested in or delegated to the Association and not specifically reserved to the membership by the Declaration. Articles of Incorporation, or by other provisions of these Bylaws. 4 Ll - *I ? J A i�il 1 l) V 1 (d) HUnploy a manager, independent cntnractnrs_ and such other errtployeee as they tray deem rieceswry. and to prescribe their duties. Section 2: DUTIF,S: It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to: (a) Supervise all officers. agents, and employees of the Association and see to it that their duties are properly performed; (b) I=tx the amount of the annual assessment against each Lot or Dwelling. ;n advance of each annual assessment period; (c) Send written notices of each assessment to every Owner subject thereto in advance of each assessment period; and (d) trnreclose the lien against any property for which assessments are not paid within thiny (30) days after the due dale, or to bring an action at law against the Owncs personally obligated to pay the same; (e) Issue, on demand of any person, a certificate setting forth whether or not any assessment has been paid. 71te Board may impose a reasonable charge for the issuance of such certificates, (0 Procure and maintain liability and hazard insurance on all property owned by the Association as it may deem appropriate; (g) Cause all officers or errtplayees having fiscal responsibilities to be bonded, as it may deem appropriate; r (h) Cause all property owned by ilia Association to be maintained- 5 ARTICLE VI OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES Section .1: ENUMERATION OF OFFICE& The officers of the Association shall be a President and Vice President, who shall at all times be members of the Board of Directors. and a Secretary/Treasurer and such other offices as ilia Board may from time to time by resolution create. . Sectinn 2• ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The election of officers shall take place at the organizational meeting of each new Board of Directors as the first order of business of the new Board. Section 3: TERM: Each officer shall hold office for a term of one (1) year unless he shall sooner resign or shall be removed or otherwise disqualified to serve. Provided, however, that he shall continue to serve until his replacement is duly elected. Section 4: SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS: The Board may elect such other officers as Ilia affairs of the Association may require, each of whom shall hold office for such period, have such autharity, and perform such duties as the Board may. from time to time determine. Section 5: RiSIGNATION AND REMOVAL: Any officer may be removed from nfTicc by the Board at any time with or without cause. Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board, the President, or the Sceretaryrrreasurcr. Such resignation ri Ua 1 2 38' P61 009 shall lake effect on ilia date of receipt of such notice or at any latter time specified Therein_ :Ind unless otherwise specified (herein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. Soclion 6: VACANCIES: A vacancy in any office may be filled by appointment of the Board. 'Ilia officer appointed to such vacancy shall serve for the unexpired term of the officer lie replaces. 0 Seclinn 7: &4ULTI>PLE OFFICES: No person shall simultaneously hold more than one of any of time offices, except in the case of special offices created pursuant to Section 4 of this Article. Section 8: DUTIES: The duties of the officers are as follows: (a) President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors; shall see that orders and resolutions of the Board are carried out; and slmall sign all leases, mortgages, deeds, and other instruments. (b) Vice President: 'time Vice President shall act in the place of the President in the event of his absence, inability, or refusal to act, and shall exercise and discharge such other duties as may be required of him by the Board. Cc) Secretary/treasurer. The SecreiaryfTmasurer shall record the votes and keep the minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the Board and of tho Members; keep the corporue seal of the Association and affix it to all papers so requiring; serve notice of meetings of the 7 a L .i u 1i1 1 G 1 U Hoard to Members, keep appropriate current records showing the Members of the Association together will, their addresses. Also, The Secretary/Treasttrer shall receive and deposit iu appropriate bank accounts all funds- of the Association and disburse such funds us directed by resolution of the Hoard of Directors; shall sign all checks and promissory notes of the Association; shall keep proper books of the accounts shall cause an annual audit of the Asvociation books to be made at the completion of each fiscal year, and shall prepare an annual budget and :statement of income and expenditures, a copy of which documents shall be delivered to each Member, and a report which shall be given at the regular annual meeting of Members. ARTICLE VII ASSESSMENTS As more fully provided in the Declaration. each Member is obligated to pay to the Association annual and special assessments. All annual assessmen ts shall be paid as designated by the Board of Directors. Any assessments not paid when due are considered delinquent. Interest, costs, and reasonable attorneys fees for collection shall be added to the amount of any assessment due. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for assessments by nonuse Of the common properties or abandonment of his property. Delinquent assessments and costs shall constitute a continuing lien on the property which generated the assessment until paid. a ail'f 238 PC, 101 i ARTICLE Vlll BOOKS AND RECORDS; INSPECTION The hooks, records. and papers of the Association shall be subject to inspection by any Member upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice. The Declaration. Articles of Incorporation, and Bylaws of the Association shall be available for inspection by any Member at the principal office of the Association, where copies shall be made available for sale at a reasonable price. ARTICLE IX I CORPORATE SEAL The Association shall have a seal in a circular form having within its circumference the wards: OWENDON PLANTATION PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS Prior to and after Turnover, these Bylaws may be amended by the Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting. ARTICLE XI FISCAL YEAR The fiscal yeaTtof the Association shall be the calendar year, except that the first fiscal period shall begin on the date of incorporation and shall end on December 31st of the year of incorporation. 9 IIIIIfIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�II p P� un -2�RW Brunewie County, NC Reg1a er of Deed8 page 1 of 5 SS �� `4 rots Rev rrt Ck $ k # Ceah Refund COih FinancE G Portions Ot d00U1rlent are llieglble due to oondkion of original. K; Dmxry t contain aeWls verMad by original inshumentthat cannot be reproduced orcoaled. Brenda M. Clemmons Register of Deeds 05-21-2021 12:87:26.969 Brunswlok County, NC NC REVENUE STAMP: $1800.00 (#756484) This instrument prepared by BaxleySmithwick PLLC, licensed North Carolina attorneys, WITHOUT OPINION ON TITLE. Delinquent taxes, if any, to be paid by the closing attorney to the Brunswick County Tax Collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds. NORTH CAROLINA SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: $1,800.00 Tax Parcels 21300038, 2130003806; and 2130004105 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK 8f ` THIS DEED, made this the If day of MW 2021, by and between ERNEST G. CREWS and wife, DONNA T. CREWS, of 58 6 Bertha Court SW, Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469, parties of the first part, hereinafter referred to as Grantors; and LDI SHALLOTTE 179 HOLDINGS, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, of 60 Gregory Road, Suite 1, Belville, NC 28451, party of the second part, hereinafter referred to as Grantee; WITNESSETH: THAT Grantors, for a valuable consideration paid by Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, in fee simple, all those certain tracts or parcels of land being more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A incorporated herein by reference. In accordance with NCGS Section 105-317.2, the mailing addresses of Grantors and Grantee are as stated above. The property herein conveyed does not include the primary residence of Grantors. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tracts or parcels of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to Grantee in fee simple. AND Grantors do hereby covenant with Grantee that Grantors have done nothing to impair such title as Grantors received, and that Grantors will warrant and defend the title Tim Clinkscales From: Amy Schaefer <amy@leekaess.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 6:27 PM To: D Logan; Mary Catherine Santos Cc: Tim Clinkscales; Tonya Raines Subject: Fwd: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk Attachments: 2020-11-25 Final Decision Summary Judgment for Respondent.pdf Good evening, Please see below emails for the written response of NCDEQ regarding the transfer of the stormwater permit. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss further. Sincerely, Amy C. Schaefer Lee Kaess, PLLC Post Office Box 4548 Wilmington, NC 28406 Direct: (910) 832-9257 Office: (910) 399-3447 ext. 1014 SEP 0 9 2021 : v Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this e-mail transmittal is privileged and confidential intended for the addressee only. If you are neither the intended recipient nor the employee or agent responsible for delivering this e-mail to the intended recipient, any disclosure of this information in any way or taking of any action in reliance on this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the person transmitting the information immediately. Begin forwarded message: From: "Ansel, Douglas R" <douslas.ansel@ncdenr.sov> Subject: RE: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk Date: September 1, 2021 at 4:59:49 PM EDT To: Amy Schaefer <amv@leekaess.com> Cc: Tim Clinkscales <tclinkscales@paramounte-ene.com>, "Hall, Christine" <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.eov> Amy, The Department's expressed position has been that under NCGS 143-214.7(c2), a permittee can transfer a compliant permit to an HOA without its consent. This question was adjudicated in a 2020 decision from AU Lassiter issued on November 25, 2020. See the attached Order, specifically Conclusions of Law 6 to 12. While this case is currently under a petition for judicial review scheduled to be heard in March 2022, the Department's position remains the same. As we have discussed before, if passed in its current form, Senate Bill 389 would also create a new transfer requirement in statute for stormwater permits to the appropriate HOA entity. Hopefully this helps. Best, Doug Douglas R..Ansel Assistant General Counsel N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 919-707-8977 Mailing Address: 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Physical Address: 217 W. Jones St. Raleigh, NC 27603 Douglas.Ansel(a-)ncdenr.gov E-mail correspondence to andfrom this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may he disclosed to third parties. Transfer Application Completeness Review Checklist - Short Version Permit#: I Project Name: OCA'D bN `�Lq ,1T,gT I o Project County/Location: � ni Su�►c K• l� Per r LAA-A. i G * Permit Expriation Date*: Proposed Permittee Type & Documents Needed: Date Delivered to WIRO: BIMS Received/Accepted Date: 9 2d BIMS Acknowledged Date': *If w/in 6 mo, STOP - needs renewal first. ,Exception: only new Permittee is submitting. ®Property Owner(s) ®Purchaser ®Lessee F-1HOA ®Developer ®Viable? ®Viable? ®Viable? ®Viable? ®Viable? ®Deed ®Purchase Agmt ®Lease ®Election Minutes nNot Subdivided: Deed 1:150% Sold List (only if HOA doesn't sign) ®Subdivision: Common Area Deed ®Common Area Deed in HOA's Name ®Deed Restrictions Recorded Current Permittee Signed Application? Y ,rflb MPE Certification If not, Dissolve No Longer Owns N ®BUA/Lot Summary Property/Not Living 1:30&M (if HOA Signed Application) Proposed Permittee Signed Application? N -�—Vda -- Papena.,ork �� Applicationl`� EaFee: EQ$505 (within 6mo) Check#(s): $ ( 5 (P Deed Restrictions, if subdivided: EIPE Certification Project Narrative Easements, Recorded (2017 Rules) MO&M on File (unless new one from HOA) oEiectronic Copies NOTES: 'Enter BIMS Acknowledged Date on this Sheet r EMAILED ENGINEER DATE: REVIEWER NAME: K(ELL-1 G:WQ\\\Reference Library\Procedures\Checklists\Completeness Review Checklist 2020 0131 �4PPLJcA'�z) l� 17. c� i��i4 IS AT7Ac4eb rIJacJS �r �F-T4(L-5 . PARAMO-0 NT__E E N G I N E E FZ 1 N G. 1 N C. N N pis �'„ 2� til y y0 0" -�M Z H r 4 �"� Ci i 14 Q c.' 4 man N Oo ? O W CN V O V , G v 1 V %0 �- - G1 V O% O � hj — L E T T E R n F T R A 1V A M r T T e r To: NCDEQ Land Quality I Date og.o6.21 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Summers Walk —State SW Transfer A ± Christine Hall, PE Project No. 20459•PE e are sen ® Originals r.rhe following items:1 ❑ Correspondence ❑ Prints ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Calculations ❑ Plans ❑ Specifications ❑ Other as listed below Quantity Date Dwg. No. Description 1 Original and Copy of Transfer Permit 1 SOS info for LDI179 Shallotte Holdings 1 DB 4624 PG 187 (Property Deed) 1 DB 1238 PG 958 (Master Covenants Owendon Plantation) 1 Stormwater Narrative 1 Latest Permit 1 State Attorney Memo and Final Decision judgement 1 $505 Check 1 CD of Submittal Package Issue Status 0 For Approval ❑ As Requested U Construction [j Bid ❑ For Your Use ❑ For Review and Comment ❑ Approved as Noted ❑ See Remarks ction Taken ❑ No Exceptions Taken ❑ Make Corrections Noted ❑ Amend & Resubmit ❑ Rejected - See Remarks ❑ Approved as Submitted ❑ Other emarks: Cc: Signed. Tim Clinkscales, PE PLs SEP 0 7 2021 I Hall, Christine From: Ansel, Douglas R Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2021 3:03 PM To: Amy Schaefer Cc: Tim Clinkscales; Hall, Christine Subject RE: [External] Brunswick County Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk Amy, The Wilmington Regional Office did receive an Express request from LDI Shallotte 179 Holdings LLC that will impact the currently approved Owendon Planation project permitted under SW8 960916. The permittee for SW8 960916 is Owendon Plantation and the Declarant who recorded the restrictive covenants for Phase 2 is Owen Ventures, Inc. With a new entity being listed on the express request, the Wilmington Regional Office has found that this project, Summers Walk, is not currently eligible for the Express program as the current permittee is not the entity requesting the modification and transfers cannot be processed through the Express Program (please refer to the stormwater fee schedule found at this link). In order to proceed with the proposed project, the Region's recommended path forward that will hopefully provide as little resistance as possible from the current HOA is: Transfer the current permit, SW8 960916, to the entity that purchased the remaining project area, Phases 3 and 4. This can be accomplished under GS 143-214.7(cS) but will require the new owners to resolve any compliance issues. I understand there is a concern regarding whether the current sections are compliant with the current permit. Unfortunately, there is no way to get around addressing any compliance issues. The new owners may have to work with the HOA to resolve any compliance issues during this process. For instance, if there are concerns with overbuilding or other compliance issues in the constructed sections, Phases 1 and 2, the HOA may need to be involved at some point to revise and correct any restrictive covenants or grant access. 2. Once the permit is transferred to the new property owners, then they are able to modify the permit to split the project area into two resulting in a permit for Phases 1 and 2 and a separate permit for the remaining project area, the proposed Summers Walk project. The modification will need to delineate a new project area for the original, constructed sections and demonstrate that the area still meets the requirements of a low density project under the rules they were originally written. The remaining undeveloped half will obtain a new permit under the current 2017 rules as implied in the narrative provided with the Express Request. Both permit applications must be submitted to the Regular Program at the same time to be reviewed concurrently. We encourage you to determine the impervious area that has been constructed in the initial Phases of this project during this process to account for that impervious area accordingly so that you end up with two independently compliant permits. 3. Once there are two compliant permits for the development, the permittee can apply to transfer the permit for Phases 1 and 2 to the HOA. The steps outlined above are something the Wilmington Regional Office is familiar with and have done on occasion as new developers take over unfinished projects. If your clients have questions about the process, KellvJohnson in the Wilmington Regional Office can assist your client further. As discussed on our call last week, please also see the proposed 5389 (Section 4) with respect to future transfer requirements, as recommended by DEQ. Hope this helps your client to move forward with their project. Best, Doug Douglas R. Ansel Assistant General Counsel N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 919-707-8977 Mauling Address: 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Physical Address: 217 W. Jones St. Raleigh, NC 27603 Douglas. Ansel&cdenr.Qgov E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the Nor`h Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Amy Schaefer <amy@leekaess.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 11:13 AM To: Ansel, Douglas R <douglas.ansel@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Tim Clinkscales <tclinkscales@paramounte-eng.com> Subject: Re: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk CAUTION: External email. R")o not c11zk- oinks or open e`stachrrat:s unless you verify. 5�a,e Ga ip suFpl°pus e;t . r a,r7 at[od=errtto Report Spam. Doug, I wanted to follow up on this item and ask if you've had a response from Ms. Hall to put together an explanation of options. Sincerely, Ann C. ech aeJ,e . Lee Kaese, PLLC Post Offlice Box 4548 Wilmington, NC 28406 Direct: (910) 832-9257 Office: (910) 3 99-3 447 ext. 1014 LEE KAM The information cont:aim;d i7 this:; mail ..r tusmittal is privileged and con-OdQntial intcndod iOr tiic ddresw:; only. ff; ou .-No naither Ole inv:nded rccipi nt no; the craployce or .:gent r.:sponsible for deliv.;rina :Lis e-rn iil to tics: intendod recirzin, _;-• discle• -ua,; of this in;irrmaton in ::��s w: v or taking of any a ctio{i in relianc,, on this information is :•trictiy prohibited. If ou'r,>L e recriv-d this e-rrail in ei'rar. ph, .;Se nc:iit• th,, per,,on Aun n-itunL� the iniormation immediately. On Jul 9, 2021, at 11:44 AM, Ansel, Douglas R <douelas.ansel@ncdenr.eov> wrote: Thank you both for sending this information as well as the documents Tim provided. I have spoken with Christine Hall in the Wilmington Regional Office and she said that this is not a unique situation for them, so she is going to help me put together an explanation of the options that have been utilized in similar past projects. I'll get it sent over to you once it is finalized. Best, Doug Douglas R. Ansel Assistant General Counsel N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 919-707-8977 Mailing Address: 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Physical Address: 217 W. Jones St. Raleigh, NC 27603 Douglas.Ansel@ncdenr.gov <image001.png> E-Hoar' correspondence to and -om this address rnav be subject io the No?1h Carolina Public Records Law and .r ov be disclosed to third ,parties. From: Amy Schaefer <amv@leekaess.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 7, 20212:18 PM To: Tim Clinkscales<tclinkscalesC@paramounte-ent;.com> Cc: Ansel, Douglas R <douelas.ansel@ncdenr.sov> Subject: Re: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk CAUTION: ExtwWemat Go not dick Nnks or open atrAess YMVertiY. Sere aft VJSPki%M0ff,A0 as on all Khmerit to Rat Sin. Sincerely, Amy C. Schaefer Lee Kaess, PLLC Post Office Box 4548 Wilmington, NC 28406 (910) 832-9257 Direct (910) 3 99-3 447 Office <image002.png> C' niid,r:nd pity No ic,;: Thy inh�llrutian cora?:in4J in Clu-ni_:il tr,..relritfal i . - i ll ; :i ::rr.; e nfi '..,, ,I in.� �ded ;ir neither th(t lr m&--d ;CClini•�-,Tn nor th,, enirlo. .: OI' " , n::C; i":' risible ii (" 11� :"li', ti115-lIliill to1:L lnlcC id '.'eCip0.'Oi. :iv disclobUr?, of tals inllttrin;;Jttion :n aiiy i%t --. ` or Glh.ln'`. J:"WIN, a,, :Ori '.n --�[La?c,) or•. �-- tii Inior-nliiilli(l l;i s:ClL't1Y (.)r(ll]Ihlt :ii. lt�_��.'`ll i1Clt' rc�:erv:: this e-Lrail 'lr error, p- ,sc �xi y the t .• lnflrmatlor'fY1 On Jul 7, 2021, at 1:58 PM, Tim Clinkscales <tclinkscales paramounte-ene.com> wrote: Tim Clinkscales PE, PLS PARAMOUNTE ENGINEERING, INC 122 Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 OFFICE: (910) 791-6707 CELL: (910) 520-1991 FAX: (910) 791-6760 www.r)aramounte-eng.com From: Tim Clinkscales Sent: Wednesday, July 7, 2021 1:55 PM To: Amy Schaefer <amy@leekaess.com>; Ansel, Douglas R <douglas.ansel@ncdenr.eov> Subject: RE: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk Tim Clinkscales PE, PLS PARAMOUNTE ENGINEERING, INC 122 Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 OFFICE: (910) 791-6707 CELL: (910) 520-1991 FAX: (910) 791-6760 www.paramounte-eno.com From: Tim Clinkscales Sent: Wednesday, July 7, 2021 1:54 PM To: Amy Schaefer <amv@ ieekaess.com>; Ansel, Douglas R <douslas.anse1@ncdenr.eov> Subject: RE: [External] Brunswick County Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk Tim Clinkscales PE, PLS PARAMOUNTE ENGINEERING, INC 122 Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 OFFICE: (910) 791-6707 CELL: (910) 520-1991 FAX: (910) 791-6760 www.oaramounte-eng.com From: Amy Schaefer <amv@leekaess.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 6, 20215:12 PM To: Ansel, Douglas R <douglas.ansel@ncdenr.eov> Cc: Tim Clinkscales<tclinkscales@paramounte-eng.com> Subject: Re: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk I sent a calendar request with our conference number. Please let me know if you don't receive the request. Thank you and I look forward to our call tomorrow. Sincerely Amy C. Schaefer Lee Kaess, PLLC Post Office Box 4548 NVilmington, NC 28406 (910) 832-9257 Direct (910) 399-347 Office <image001.png> irr_ ,..1..wr ce.... ....._ in iris .:il ._... i ival is p.i-.;I._ j .!, i w.,, . _ ssc,: on1` ii nl .i:.2=L:1Li.tr t'•., '.:lf,Pl1 ..-,C1 r%cli' . PL`:'t:l... - 1!(i. .; ( r. rlt " sp I',; i!:: ' T �ii ;!1;; ii?�'.'1tiItiC� C ia'?::;rlt.::il",' C`?:.Ct1i;il'.' Oiiil!S Ctl "_i ..i1J's i'i ".'"�' �"v`_ (::.;�: ll^, L• �a��':':. '" 1 ` 1 i..'l'_•,�G ;➢it !.:a:� rn�os:r::,..�y� t- strict •,� r� : io:_, 17 ;;-'! _t •.', li � Cr .,11 1.1.. r( 111iti7'. arc . il(`ri. ,i?yin 'Ay. On Jul 6, 2021, at 5:06 PM, Ansel, Douglas R <douelas.ansel@ncdenr.Rov> wrote: 1:30 tomorrow would work great. Should I call you at your direct line then? Best, Doug Douglas R. Ansel Assistant General Counsel N.C. Department of Environmental Quality T eiephone: 919-707-8977 Mailing Address: 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Physical Address: 217 W. Jones St. Raleigh, NC 27603 Douglas.Ansel a,ncdenr.gov <image001.png> E-mail correspondonce to and from this address may be subject to the ,North Carolina Public Records Law, and may° be disclosed to third parties. From: Amy Schaefer <amv@leekaess.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 12:12 PM To: Ansel, Douglas R <douRlas.ansel@ncdenr.sov> Cc: Tim Clinkscales<tclinkscales@paramounte-ene.com> Subject: Re: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk I CAUTION: Exter yal emM. Do riot c➢ dk Finks Oar open atiach¢nents unless you I 1 verify. Zend all suspicious email as an artachrnePrt to Report Spam. Doug, Do you have any time tomorrow afternoon, say 1:30? Sincerely, Lee Kaess, PLLC Post Office Box 4548 Wilmirgton, NC 28406 (910) 832-9257 Direct (910) 399-34447 Office 6 <image002.png> Confiuentiality notice: Ili, iniormation contained in this, -mail trailsmitv:1 is rrhx iLgcd and con;i&ati;+i int,.ndcd ter the address;,, only, if you are n: ith„ r th:: intended recip car aor the : nl lo;: (J or kQ,. ni responsible for tic1h.:i7n this it the in:;nd j I' i' r g hi �-m:� a am - disclosure of this information in any v,. %- or v .in of any ac ion in relian:u on This information is strictly p:-ohibitod. Ify;k-i hae� reeei%,A this c-in'-J] in error. p1c.-lio notify th:: pe."son lraw%hitting the inflonnation itmin,Aiately. On Jul 6, 2021, at 9:04 AM, Amy Schaefer <amv@leekaess.com> wrote: Doug, I completely understand and thank you for speaking with us. I discuss with Tim and try to get a few times we'd be available. Amy Sincerely, Amy C. Schaefer Lee Kaess. PLLC Post Office Box 4548 Wilmington, NC 28406 (910) 832-9257 Direct (910) 399-3447 Office <PastedG ra ph i c-4. p ng> C Trx 1 this c- t:::_ .r_. i>: 1:ivi. _ i irtcr,..,.. ,c: ti:...;J..,__. _ ; c:,a' •;ol . 'e :i�itl., :1w ,amj' cl c; e-;:1_'.I .c t: in[c...^,l cc. ;;li :.nv3i •cI<.;_ !r.::. t` k :oforrr-I : :.Y er' :;ar .-�:r actie:l 1, k, ..;.n• 00 ",JF is sti'.,. 'O�l.11?'"i.,, . '., 1_,�,;'�._ :'CG::.::'I iit' ; •ndil in. errc:, 1J::_tdC l!0"i' `.f:t : 31 :,,:_i;.l`A lr., n� _',1T3`•.nEi On Jul 2, 2021, at 9:09 PM, Ansel, Douglas R <douslas.ansel@ncdenr.eov> wrote: 7 Ms. Schaefer, My apologies for not being able to schedule something this week. What is your availability next week to have a call? My schedule is currently most flexible on Wednesday and Thursday, if you and Mr. Clinkscales have time either of those days. Best, Doug Douglas R. Ansel Assistant General Counsel N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 919-707-8977 Mailing Address: 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Physical Address: 217 W. Jones St. Raleigh, NC 27603 Douglas.Ansel@ncdenr.gov <image00 I .png> E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may he disclosed to third parties. From: Amy Schaefer <amv@leekaess.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2021 1:22 PM To: Ansel, Douglas R <douglas.ansel@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Tim Clinkscales <tclinkscales@paramounte-ene.com> Subject: Re: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk CAUTIGN: Eyterr�7rl emaii Uo not eck links or epen attach e„ts m4ess you vet sfy. Send all susnicious email, as are aMi hment to R porgy Spam. Doug, Please see attached. The permit is SW8 960916. To my knowledge the permit is still held by Don Owen, though the property has been transferred to the HOA. I'm uncertain of his or the HOAs availability. I also think a call might be helpful if you'd be available. My schedule is flexible for the remainder of this week. I think it would be helpful to have out engineer, Tim Clinkscales, on the call as well and he's on this email. Thanks for the offer of assistance. Sincerely, Amy C. Schaefer Lee Kaess,l'LLC Post Office Box 4548 Wilmington. NC 28406 (910) 832-9257 Direct (910) 399-3447 Office <image002.png> �'ctt:i:ieniiali� rvotic•;.: Li c:.I;: rrraion ciDnt:i!-xd 4, th''s n. ii tra tstrit�: i L nrivia�-,U' a_ i ccnti; :ntie;.l in;�n fc: � for t.- s dre:,. ; only. ..-',you ::,;ith r .c r--ci,t::..it ,o oz -.; for d,1:vcri:t•-: --ti ; e-mail i,r _,i of this n.;t[:)t' lit 14 orCf 07'17 t�. t -de an —r i:aie.t i .-i.ricdN aut...A ., civ:d.iliac-t_::tilhe!ror,r., s.. ,Cti a-_ t:... n rr.;n:.i ,.;tir, z i- ;-• . ti.a.�aeiv. On Jun 30, 2021, at 12:54 PM, Ansel, Douglas R <douelas.anselna ncdenr .eov> wrote: Ms. Schaefer, Happy to assist. I'll reach out to staff, but in the meantime, I do have a couple background questions for you: • Can you send me the documents you originally included in your email to Christy? I'm assuming they include a copy of the permit, but if not, do you know the permit number? • Is the permit held by your client or by some other entity/individua I? If it's a third party, do you know whether they are still around/availabl e? • You mentioned you only bought part of a property under a low - density permit — can you give me some clarity about the extent of your clients ownership of the property underlying the permit? • When you say you'd liked to split the permitted 10 property and develop the remainder, are you looking to modify the permit to changethe original permitted development or are you looking to build in accordance with the original permit? If it's easier to have a call to discuss, let me know and I'm happy to set something up. Best, Doug Douglas R. Ansel Assistant General Counsel N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 91.9-707- 8977 Mailing Address: 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699- 1601 Physical Address: 217 W. Jones St. Raleigh, NC 27603 Douglas.Ansel@ncdenr. gov <image002.png> E-mail correspondence to and from tics address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and m.av be disclosed to third parties. 11 From: Amy Schaefer <amv@leekaess.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2021 12:43 PM To: Ansel, Douglas R <douglas.ansel@ncdenr .gov>; Goebel, Christine A <Christine.Goebel@NC DENR.GOV> Cc: Tim Clinkscales <tclinkscales@paramou nte-ens.com> Subject: Re: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk CAUTION- Extern -A emad. Du not click iin ki or open attachments uniEw yM verify. Send all nr*cir us email as an attachme �t to Report Spam. Thank you for connecting us to the correct division counsel. Amy Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Get Outlook for Android From: Goebel, Christine A <Christine.Goebel@NC DENR.GOV> Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2021 12:32:07 PM To: Amy Schaefer <amv@leekaess.com>; Ansel, Douglas R <douglas.ansel@ncdenr .eov> Cc: Tim Clinkscales 12 <tclinkscales@Para mou nte-eng.com> Subject: RE: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk Ms. Schaefer - I'm an Assistant General Counsel for DEQ and represent the Division of Coastal Management, not the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources, which handles stormwater issues. I've copied in my fellow DEQ Asst. GC Doug Ansel who may know better who you should talk to. Thanks - Christy From: Amy Schaefer fmailto:amy@leekaess. com] Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2021 12:15 PM To: Goebel, Christine A <Christine.Goebel@NC DENR.GOV> Cc: Tim Clinkscales <tiinkscales@paramou nte-ene.com> Subject: [External] Brunswick County - Owendon Plantation/Summers Walk CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment ItoFeill! '.-Y M l f 13 Good afternoon, Hope all is well in Raleigh. I am emailing to request your assistance and advise on a project in Brunswick County. I attached a few relevant documents but basically my clients purchased part of a property under a low density permit and want to develop the remaining area. It doesn't look like the original permit was ever transferred to the HOA and we'd like to split the permitted property. We tried connecting with the local NCDEQ representatives but have not revived a response. Can you provide any guidance on how best to approach this development? I copied our project engineer on this email and we'd be glad to discuss or provide you with any additional information you may need. S inc.=ly, Amy n Lee Kaess, PLLC Post Odic,., Box 4548 Wilmington. NC 28406 14 (910) 832-9257 Direct (910) 399-3447 Office <image003.png> <Owenden 2001.06.03.pdf><Owenden 1996.12.02.Ddf><Owenden 2000.03.03.pdf> 15 a , For DEQ Use ONLY Reviewer. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Request for Express Permit Review submit: Time: Confirm: FILL-IN all the information below and CHECK the Permiks) you are requesting for express review. Call and Email the completed form to the Permit Coordinator along with a completed DETAILED narrative. site Plan (PDF file) and vicinity map (same items expected in the application acka a of the project location. !Tease include this form in the application package. • Asheville Region Alison Davidson 828-296-4698;alison.davidsonCr�ncdenr.vov • Fayetteville and Raleigh Regions -David Lee 919-191-4204; david.)eep-ncdenr-gov • Mooresville and Winston-Salem Regions -Paul Williams 336-776-9631; Daul.e.willlams(&ncdennpov • Washington Region -Lyn Hardison 252-948-3842 or Ivn.hardison8mcdenr.aov • Wilmington Region -Cameron Weaver 910-796-7265 or cameron.weavel0ndenr.Qov NOTE. Project application received after 12 noon will be stamped in the following work day. Project Name: SUMMERS WALK County: BRUNSWICK Applicant: D LOGAN Company: LDI SHALLOTTE 179 HOLDINGS, LLC Address: 60 GREGORY ROAD SUITE 1 City: BELVILLE, State: NC Zip: 28451-_ Phone: 910-791-6707, Fax: _ _ Email: MSANTOS@LOGANHOMES.COM Physical Location:OFF OF BRICK LANDING ROAD AND PINE LAKE DRIVE IN SHALLOTE related to this Proiect SW SW SVV NPDES _ N?-r=S _ '.VQ :,,Q E&S _ E&S _ Other Project Drains into THE MILL POND waters - Water classification C,SW (DWR Surface Water Classifications Mao) Project Located in LUMBER River Basin. Is project draining to class ORW waters? N, within ''Y2 mile and draining to class SA waters N or within 1 mile and draining to class HQW waters? Y Engineer/Consultant: TIM CLINKSCALES Company: PARAMOUNTE ENGINEERING, INC. Address: 122 CINEMA DRIVE City: WILMINGTON, State: NC Zip: 28403- Phone: 910-791-6707, Fax: 910-791-9760, Email: TCLINKSCALES@PARAMOUNTE-ENG.COM PLEASE PROVIDE ESTIMATED INVESTMENT AND EXPECTED EMPLOYMENT, IF AVAILABLE �S $ # JOBS mo+ �(� SECTION ONE: REQUESTING A SCOPING MEETING ONLY E C � Q V t ❑ Scoping Meeting ONLY ❑ DWR, ❑ DCM, ❑ DEMLR, ❑ OTHER: JUN {0 2021 SECTION TWO: CHECK ONLY THE PROGRAM (S) YOU ARE REQUESTING FOR EXPRESS PERMITTING ❑ 401 Unit ❑ Stream Origin Determination: _ # of stream calls - Please attach TOPO map marking the areaffique Ions ❑ Intermittent/Perennial Determination: _ # of stream calls - Please attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification ❑ Isolated Wetland (_linear ft or _acres) ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization ❑ Minor Variance ❑ Major General Variance ® State Stormwater ❑ General ❑ SFR, ❑ SFR < 1 ac. ❑ Bkhd & Bt Rmp, ❑ Clear & Grub, ❑ Utility ❑ Other ❑ Low Density ® Low Density -Curb & Gutter _ # Curb Outlet Swales ElOff-site[SW (Provide permit #)] ElHigh Density -Detention Pond 1 # Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Infiltration _ #Treatment Systems ElHigh Density -Bio-Retention _ # Treatment Systems El High Density -SW Wetlands _ # Treatment Systems El High Density -Other 1 # Treatment Systemsl ® MOD:❑ Major ElMinor ElPlan Revision ❑ Redev. Exclusion SW 8960916 (Provide permit#) ❑ Coastal Management ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ❑ Land Quality ❑ Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with acres to be disturbed. (CK # & Amt. (for DEQ use)) SECT'0, i THREE - PLEASE CHECK ALLTHAT IS A?PL)CABLF TO YOUR PRO, ECT (for both scopinci and express meeting •epuesi) Wetlands on Site ® Yes ❑ No Buffer Impacts: ® No ❑ YES: _acre(s) Wetlands Delineation has been completed: ® Yes ❑ No Isolated wetland on Property ❑ Yes ❑ No US ACOE Approval of Delineation completed: ® Yes ❑ No 404 Application in Process w/ US ACOE: ❑ Yes ® No Permit Received from US ACOE ® Yes ❑ No For DEQ use only Fee SDlit for multiple Dermits: (Check # 1 Tefal Foe Ammint A SUBMITTAL DATES Fee - ----------------- SUBMITTAL DATES Fee CAMA $ Variance (❑ Maj; ❑ Min) $ SW (❑ HD, ❑ LD, ❑ Gen) $ 401: $ LQS $ Stream Deter,_ $ NCDEQ EXPRESS June 2019 SUMMERS WALK Express Stormwater Narrative Project Narrative: LDI Shallotte 179 Holdings, LLC is proposing the construction of a single family neighborhood just south of the existing Owendon Plantation (SW8 960916). Our project will consist of 145 single family lots, with the goal of a new permit for this site. The original Owendon Planation would be at 30% impervious per the permits and the new section would be at 24%. I am copying the property attorney, since we have discussed options for the stormwater and need to vet with her as part of the conversation. The stormwater will be low density with curb outlet swales at the 24% impervious threshold. 9RZ-3:u—Inm FNPIOIIFJ Irmo `.CWIIOJ }YJLI1SNIl1IH „4••,,, O SII596Z ON `H'Tml q Ld w�v[Q wfi) (d (D:A.L (mr) HyIpTIFZ-IS 30 NMOS i RIIS`avou3xME)Ui0D9 mre¢•�!F�y, 'e�sAmaa nT s90110x fiLT 7i3[M '"'a'"'"'�, xnr�n sI vNlns l ` '1_> a smo �.T.�rnpYlId2i`dd NF'dam IR,INMdorniaQIIH,LSI w 'CMd gg i L ga NULWI1Z LSNUJ 21U:q U'dWHT32I ION Nf)ISHQ 7,2 VfUj-M SUCj JUo �RIIefit ell uR, I I a i ash991 p Is s kwd it OD CGD QD qyII 1 LL , Is is is Q a e°-lu g a s :� R� R g eg E ° 6� w-fig 10 / Ism 1111 €g ;W 9�H�ss t[[�gggp� +� ;Bill R. $!9 d - I €s eY. $$m & YR Yg�3lcUM � �e 3i z �$w figi ulft g Of < .•wu.,,-,y'.1 '%,,, r• R a € e6�6 palp L�g3 fs. € d 7 1F. $ gE !$ii e 8 dual41 Bi a1 93R $ Eb pp £ is Us I � is ��!!c�'�g�`E �R s�°x��[Y��C����i�� \ .... J✓', 6 S �qaS&enG�3 � e� §e°[$�'dA K Y Y^ aI�'�!w | -r-39 •� �;cs: / 7 Sop, � � o Tr k $ ) w / IL k ° ) ■ § q 7 0 o a . 5 2 ii C:i ii o � ) c g - 2 U) _2 U ƒ k � � � J ! 2 ' � \ c _ k CD U) z & ( U � | a Weaver, Cameron rom: Tim Clinkscales <tclinkscales@paramounte-eng.com> Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2021 10:10 PM To: Weaver, Cameron Cc: Norris, Kellie E; Hall, Christine; Amy Schaefer Subject: [External] RE: Express Request -Glendale Arbors Attachments: USGS MAP CREWS TRACT.pdf, Express Stormwater Narrative Summers Walk.pdf; MDP-2.0 SITE PLAN ZONING.pdf, REQUEST FOR EXPRESS form FINAL Summers Walk.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Cameron Enclosed is another project, it is off of Bricklanding Road in the Shallotte area, as stated in the narrative we are looking to break up the permit into 2 sections, so if just need assistance on how to do this Thanks and good night Tim Clinkscales PE, i LS PARAMOUNTE ENGINEERING, INC 122 Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 OFFICE: (910) 791-6707 CELL: (910) 520-1991 FAX: (910) 791-6760 www.paramounte-enci.com