HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-2553 Kinston Bypass INTERAGENCY MERGER PROCESS MEETING PACKET FOR CONCURRENCE POINT 2A: Bridging Decisions and Alignment Review Kinston Bypass Project Lenoir, Jones and Craven Counties, North Carolina STIP Project No. R-2553 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION February 2014 Interagency Merger Process Team Meeting Concurrence Point 2A: Bridging Decisions and Alignment Review Kinston Bypass Project Lenoir, Craven and Jones Counties, North Carolina STIP Project No. R-2553 WBS Element No. 34460 PURPOSE OF THE MEETING The purpose of this meeting is to present information to the Interagency Merger Process Team (Merger Team) to obtain concurrence on Concurrence Point 2A: Bridging Decisions and Alignment Review. It is anticipated the meeting format will include: an initial office meeting with the Merger Team to review preliminary recommendations for natural systems being crossed by Detailed Study Alternatives field meeting(s) with the Merger Team to review natural systems of special interest (sites to be identified during the initial office meeting) a possible follow-up office meeting with the Merger Team to summarize decisions agreed to during the field meeting(s) and to obtain concurrence PROPOSED ACTION The proposed action (proposed project) is designated in the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) 2013-2023 Draft State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as project number R-2553 and is proposed as a four-lane, median-divided freeway with full control of access. The proposed project extends from US 70 near LaGrange (in Lenoir County) to US 70 near Dover (on the Jones and Craven County line). The project vicinity is shown in Figure 1. PROJECT HISTORY In addition to the STIP, the Kinston Bypass is also identified in the City of Kinston Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) adopted by the City of Kinston on August 20, 2007, endorsed by the Eastern Carolina Rural Planning Organization (RPO) on August 27, 2007, and adopted by the NCDOT on February 6, 2008. The Kinston Bypass is also included in the 2011 CTP update. In 2008, the North Carolina Interagency Leadership Team (ILT) established the Kinston Bypass project as a Geographic Information System (GIS) pilot project as a means to test and evaluate streamlining the project development process by utilizing GIS data for alternative development, alternative analysis, and selection of the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA)/Preferred Alternative. Merger Meeting Packet for CP2A 1 STIP Project R-2553 NEED FOR AND PURPOSE OF THE PROPOSED ACTION In October 2010, concurrence was achieved on the need for and purpose of the project which is shown below. Project Need Address traffic congestion, capacity deficiencies, and through-traffic delays on US 70 between LaGrange and Dover. Project Purpose The purpose of the project is to improve regional mobility, connectivity, and capacity for US 70 between LaGrange and Dover in a manner that meets the intent of the North Carolina Strategic Highway Corridors Plan. DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES As a result of the January 16, 2014 “CP2 Revisited” meeting, all northern bypass alternatives were eliminated from further consideration. Outcome of this meeting also included the addition of a new alternative for detailed study: the Upgrade Existing with Shallow Southern Bypass alternative. This leaves 12 Detailed Study Alternatives remaining for evaluation in the State Draft Environmental Impact Statement (State DEIS), which are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. CONCURRENCE POINT 2A MEETING APPROACH Per coordination with the Merger Team at the Merger Informational Meeting on November 21, 2013 and at the “CP2 Revisited” Merger Meeting on January 16, 2014 a conceptual approach for information to be presented and used for the facilitation of the CP2A Merger Meeting was agreed upon. This approach, which is presented in Exhibit 1, included reviews of natural system crossings based on proposed structure size and natural system connectivity and quality. The goal of this approach was to make the “easy” and most of the “medium” CP2A decisions with the data now available and to make preliminary recommendations for the “hard” decisions which would be revisited once detailed field studies and designs are prepared for the LEDPA/Preferred Alternative. Exhibit 1: GIS Pilot Project Approach for CP2A HydraulicLowQualityLowQualityHighQualityHighQuality RecommendationLowConnectivityHighConnectivityLowConnectivityHighConnectivity Pipeslessthan72"PreLEDPAPreLEDPAPreLEDPAPreLEDPA SingleBarrelBox PreLEDPAPreLEDPAPreLEDPAPreLEDPA Culvert DoubleBarrelBoxDecidePreLEDPADecidePreLEDPADecidePreLEDPA PreLEDPA CulvertonIndividualbasisonIndividualbasisonIndividualbasis TripleBarrelBoxDecidePreLEDPADecidePreLEDPA PreLEDPAPostLEDPA CulvertonIndividualbasisonIndividualbasis BridgeLengthPreLEDPAPostLEDPAPostLEDPAPostLEDPA Merger Meeting Packet for CP2A 2 STIP Project R-2553 The matrix shown in Exhibit 1 prompted considerable discussion at both the November and January merger meetings, as to how the CP2A process would work for this pilot project. Team members requested clarification so that decisions could be made in context of a proposed approach. Therefore, an outline is shown below details the proposed approach to CP2A, and how it fits into the merger milestone process. NCDOT-Proposed Approach to CP2A for the Kinston Pilot Project Kinston is one of three projects identified for the use of GIS during the scoping and planning process. With CP2A approaching, the intent of the outline below is to clarify how CP2A decisions will “fit” into the merger milestone process for this pilot initiative. An Interagency Letter of Intent (LOI) signed in December 2012, states: “The scope of the initiative includes determining the practicality of using GIS to identify issues of significance and eliminating detailed alternatives for selection of preferred alternative/LEDPA for agreed-upon pilot projects.” In the spirit or the LOI, below is listed an outline approach to CP2A decisions in the context of overall merger milestones (starting after CP2): 1. Generate GIS-based data and subsequent analysis of natural systems. 2. Develop minimum hydraulic recommendations based on engineering considerations. 3. First CP2A meeting: Office review of all crossings of remaining Detailed Study Alternatives a. Make the “easy” decisions on pipes and culverts. i. Pipes under 72” ii. Culverts b. Establish any sites of interest that the team would like to see in the field before any preliminary decision is made. 4. Second CP2A meeting: Field visit to look at sites of interest. 5. Make decisions on any remaining bridge lengths and culvert sizes & extensions. a. Possibly a third CP2A meeting if necessary. 6. Sign a CP2A Concurrence Form which indicates that these decisions are PRELIMINARY and can be revisited post-LEDPA - after a preliminary design and field delineations are completed, and updated impacts are quantified. 7. Based on preliminary CP2A decisions, generate cost and natural resource impacts for each crossing site. 8. Include relevant site cost and impact data into the summation for each remaining Detailed Study Alternative, so that the SDEIS (and eventual LEDPA decision) reflects a reasonably-accurate cost and impacts assessment for each alternative. 9. Publish a SDEIS, hold public hearing(s), and accept comments on the document. 10. Merger Team makes a CP3 LEDPA decision based on the inter-agency agreement to make this decision based on GIS-level data, as well as a developed range of alternatives. 11. Complete stream and wetland delineations in the field (for the LEDPA design). 12. Complete a Best-Fit preliminary design on the LEDPA alternative, continuing to avoid and minimize impacts as practicable. 13. Based on the Best-Fit preliminary design (which may change previous crossing locations and/or highway elevations depicted at CP2A) and the updated stream and Merger Meeting Packet for CP2A 3 STIP Project R-2553 wetland locations and boundaries: Establish whether it is appropriate to “Revisit the CP2A decision” for any sites. 14. As part of the normal CP4A Minimization approach, revisit any CP2A decisions as applicable. Update design and impacts. 15. Publish a SFEIS which describes the project and the preferred alternative (LEDPA). Receive comments. 16. Select the recommended alternative and publish the ROD. HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS SUMMARY Table 1 lists the drainage area identification number and size for the 166 crossings that were evaluated for the 12 Detailed Study Alternatives. This evaluation resulted with: 119 drainage areas requiring a structure less than or equal to 72 inches 34 drainage areas requiring a box culvert 18 single barrel box culverts (2 of which are existing) o 14 double barrel box culverts (2 of which are existing) o 2 triple barrel box culverts (both of which are existing) o 13 drainage areas requiring a bridge (4 of which are existing) Figures 3, 4, and 5 show the locations of the drainage areas which correspond to structures less than or equal to 72 inches, locations requiring box culverts, and locations requiring bridge crossings, respectively. First Filter: Minor Crossings Table 2 provides a summary of the crossings by Detailed Study Alternative and also includes a classification of the minor and major crossing types. Only structures greater than 72 inches will be identified and evaluated within the State DEIS. For these structures, NCDOT proposes to accept the hydraulic recommendation, which removes 119 structures from further analysis, which leaves 47 structures for consideration. Second Filter: Single or Double Barrel Box Culverts Crossings Table 3 shows a summary of the 32 proposed structures for the drainage areas which require a box culvert with single or double barrels. NCDOT proposes to utilize the minimum hydraulic single and double barrel box culverts unless there are specific sites which the Merger Team identifies for field visit based upon natural system quality and/or connectivity. This filter removes 32 structures from further analysis, which leaves 15 structures for consideration. Triple Barrel Box Culvert or Bridge Crossings Table 4 shows a summary of the 15 remaining proposed structures for the drainage areas which include a triple barrel box culvert or a bridge. NCDOT proposes to utilize the minimum hydraulic triple barrel box culverts and bridge lengths for sites with low quality and low connectivity unless there are specific sites which the Merger Team identifies for field visit based upon natural system quality and/or connectivity. Bridge Maps have been created for the 13 drainage areas requiring a bridge, which show the functional designs plan and profile view. Information also shown includes floodway boundary, 100 Year Flood Fringe, 500 Year Flood Fringe, and predictive model stream and wetland locations. Copies of the Bridge Maps are included in the Appendix. Merger Meeting Packet for CP2A 4 STIP Project R-2553 Additional Data Due to the size of the project study area and the large amount of sites being crossed by Detailed Study Alternatives, information included in the CP2A Merger Meeting Packet will be limited with only summary information provided. For more detailed information on each site, NCDOT has established an FTP site for access by the Merger Team. Remote quality assessments were performed by NES for all stream crossings requiring box culverts or bridges. The results of these assessments have been organized into folders and can be found at the FTP link below. Upon accessing the FTP site, there will be a folder corresponding to each site being crossed by the Detailed Study Alternatives. Each folder contains a remote quality assessment report and map figures. Photos are also included for some sites. Crossing Site Impact Data is Forthcoming Typically a detailed impacts table is provided within the CP2A Merger Meeting Packet; however, given that this data is incorporated into the interactive presentation for the merger team: this information is not critical to initiating the CP2A Merger Meeting process and therefore will be provided prior to or at the initial office meeting with the Merger Team. CURRENT PROJECT SCHEDULE Concurrence Point #2A – Bridging Decisions Early 2014 Distribute State Draft EIS Early 2015 Corridor Design Public Hearing 2015 Concurrence Point #3 (LEDPA) 2015 Distribute State Final EIS 2016 State Record of Decision 2016 Right of Way Acquisition 2020 Construction 2023 Merger Meeting Packet for CP2A 5 STIP Project R-2553 FIGURES Kinston Bypass GREENE STIP Project No. R-2553 COUNTY Figure 1 £ ¤ Project Study Area with PITT 258 903 COUNTY Detailed Study Alternative Corridors 123 February 3, 2014 Grifton Legend Study Area Southern Detailed Study Alternatives Upgrade Existing Detailed Study Alternatives 11 US Highway NC Highway State Road 58 GTP 55 Local Road Railroad Stream/River La Grange UP_SB_1000Foot_Buffer £ ¤ 70 55 Waterbody Global TransPark (GTP) Kinston 55 Municipal Area WAYNE £ ¤ County COUNTY 70BUS 903 £ ¤ 70BYP CRAVEN COUNTY ¯ 11 02.5 Dover Miles 55 £ ¤ 70 Cove 55 City 58 11 This map is for reference only. Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, DUPLIN Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, COUNTY Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, £ ¤ USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. 258 903 41 Virginia Tennessee JONES North Carolina 11 COUNTY South LENOIR Carolina Georgia COUNTY Kinston Bypass FIGURE 2: DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES STIP Project No. R-2553 February 3, 2014 PITT COUNTY Upgrade Existing Upgrade Existing 903 US 70 Shallow Bypass 123 US 70 Alternative 258 Alternative Grifton 11 258 R e s 903 u 258 e N 903 123 123 55 11 11 58 58 58 55 70 55 70 La Grange 55 70 70 70 55 55 Kinston 70 258 55 70 258 55 55 58 58 11 11 11 BUS Alternative 1 Alternative 1 SB 70 903 BYP 70 e u N e CRAVEN s u e N 11 COUNTY 70 55 58 Dover Cove 55 City 70 11 JONES Southern Bypass Alternatives COUNTY 258 903 LENOIR 41 DUPLIN COUNTY COUNTY 258 58 258258 903 258 258 903 903903903 123 11 123 123123123 11 11111111 58 58 58 5858 55 555555 55 70 7070 7070 70 70 7070 70 55 55 5555 55 258 70 707070 70 55 55555555 58 58 58 58 58 11 258258 111111 11 258 258 Virginia Alternative 12 Alternative 11 Alternative 31Alternative 32 Alternative 35 Legend Tennessee Kinston JetportWaterbody 258 258 258 258 903903 258 903 903 903 North Carolina 123123123 123 123 Upgrade Existing Detailed Study AlternativeMunicipal Area 111111 1111 Southern Detailed Study AlternativesUS Highway 58 5858 58 58 555555 5555 70 70 Not To Scale 70 70 70 Study AreaNC Highway 3 South Carolina 70 70 70 70 70 CountyProject R-2719A 55 55 5555 55 258 258 70 7070 7070 258 55 55 55 55 5855 58 58(Under Construction) 5858 111111 11 11 258 258 Georgia Alternative 65 Alternative 63 This map is for reference only. Sources: Alternative 51 Alternative 36 Alternative 52 CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, Pitt County, Jones County, Kinston Planning Department, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. Kinston Bypass STIP Project No. R-2553 GREENE COUNTY Grifton Figure 3 <=72" Pipe Locations PITT COUNTY February 3, 2014 11 Cr Legend GTP 78 <=72" Pipe Crossing ! Study Area 58 Alternative Alignment Stream Railroad 36 US Highway La Grange 1, 1(SB), 11, 12, NC Highway 31, 32, 35, 36, 55 55 51, 52, 63, 65 State Road 402 1(SB) ! 1, 1(SB) ! ! 404 Local Road 403 11, 12 1, 1(SB), 11, 12, County 31, 32, 63, 65 !18 17 Kinston CRAVEN COUNTY All Corridors! £ ¤ ! Global TransPark (GTP) 16 11, 12 405 !! 15 14 70BUS ! 401 13 110 Waterbody LENOIR COUNTY 31, 32 9! ! 8 ! ! ! 7 ! ! ! ! 5 1 (Upgrade Existing) 199 3 £ 11¤ !!166103 !102 Floodplain ! 410 138 ! ! ! ! 409 ! ! ! 70BYP 114 301 323 302 113 ! Floodway ! ! 324 159 ! 170! 115 ! 325 1, 1(SB), 12, 32, ! ! Municipal Area 171 107 108 ! ! 162¯ ! ! 198 35, 52, 63 ! 327 160 161! 306 ! ! ! 11, 12, 31, 173 328 ! 117 194 32, 63, 65 200 ! ! 012,000 322 109 ! ! ! 310 ! ! 315 164 165 ! 35, 36, 51, 52 ! Feet 63, 65 314 321 ! ! !309 ! !! 174 11 320 ! ! 141319 ! 317 318 142! ! 411 111 49 1(SB) 51, 52! ! 316 50 ! 143 ! 414 ! ! 137!! 413 51 Dover ! ! ! ! 158 ! 55 11, 12, 31, 32,! 195 196 135 197 144 341 156 ! 134 ! ! 155 51, 52, 63, 65 ! ! 178 145 ! 153 ! ! 181 152 ! 133 179 ! 342 151 !£ 146 !¤ 12, 32, ! 348 148 ! ! 344 343 ! ! 347 ! 70 !! ! ! 35, 52, 63 ! This map is for reference only. ! 120147 346 349 345 Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, 11, 31, 36, 51, 65 350 ! 131 55 351 All Corridors ! Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, 352! ! ! Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, 130 t 129 12, 32, 35 ! 11, 31, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, ! 52, 63 USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. 36, 51, 65 ! 128 JONES COUNTY 11 58 ! 123 122! Virginia 124 126 ! ! ! ! 127 Tennessee 125 North Carolina 35, 36 South Carolina Georgia £ ¤ Kinston Bypass STIP Project No. R-2553 GREENE COUNTY Grifton Figure 4 Existing and Proposed Culvert Locations PITT COUNTY February 3, 2014 11 Legend Existing / Proposed Structure GTP # * ! ( Single Box Culvert / # * 58 ! ( Double Box Culvert / # * ! ( Triple Box Culvert / Run Study Area Alternative Alignment 1, 1(SB), 11, 12, Stream La Grange 31, 32, 35, 36, 37 Railroad 51, 52, 63, 65 55 55 US Highway NC Highway 1, 1(SB), 11, 12, State Road 31, 32, 63, 65 Kinston 1, 1(SB), CRAVEN COUNTY All Corridors£ ¤Local Road 11, 12 11, 12 70BUS 407 County 406 # * # * LENOIR COUNTY # * 12 ! ( 1(SB) 6 # * ! ( !Global TransPark (GTP) ( 104 2 # * # *! ( 408 # * 105 35, 36, 51, 52 Waterbody 201 303 1 (Upgrade Existing) 304 £ ¤ Floodplain 31, 32 70BYP 1, 1(SB), 12, 326 # * Floodway ¯ 32, 35, 52, 63 11, 12, 31, # * # * 12, 32, # * Municipal Area 32, 63, 65 307 # * 172 311 35, 52, 63 # 116*# * # *312 11308 012,000 63, 65 313 # * Feet ! ( 118 # * 48 ! ( # * 55415 Dover 112 # * 202# * # *11, 12, 31, 32, # * 416 51, 52, 63, 65 136 51, 52 339 #157 #* * # * 154 176 # * £ ¤ 180 # * 177 # * 70 This map is for reference only. 150 132 Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM, 11, 31, 55 All Corridors Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, 11, 31, 36, 51, 65 35 36, 51, 65 th u Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, 12, 32, NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, 52, 63 58 USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. JONES COUNTY 11 Virginia Tennessee North Carolina 35, 36 South Carolina Georgia £ ¤ Kinston Bypass STIP Project No. R-2553 GREENE COUNTY Grifton Figure 5 Existing and Proposed Bridge Locations PITT COUNTY February 3, 2014 11 GTP Legend 58 ! Proposed Bridge Crossing Maintain Existing Bridge ! Structure Study Area Alternative Alignment La Grange All Corridors Stream 55 55 Railroad 1, 1(SB), 11, 12, Global TransPark (GTP) 31, 32, 35, 36, 51, 52, 63, 65 County Kinston CRAVEN COUNTY £ ¤ 11, 12 Waterbody 70BUS 1, 1(SB), 11, 12 LENOIR COUNTY Floodplain ! ! 35, 36, 51, 52 £ ! ¤ 106B Floodway 106A 70BYP 4 1(SB) ! ! Municipal Area 167 1 (Upgrade Existing) 31, 32 1, 1(SB),12, 32, 305 ¯ 139 35, 52, 63 ! 163 012,000 140 11 ! ! 63, 65 Feet 1, 1(SB), 11, 12, ! 31, 32, 63, 65 11, 12, 31, 110 ! 32, 63, 65 175 !Dover 55 12, 32, 11, 12, 31, 32, 119 35, 52, 63 51, 52, 63, 65 £ ¤ ! 51, 52 70 149 This map is for reference only. Sources: CGIA, NCDOT, NCDENR, NCFPM 11, 31, 11, 31, 36, 51, 65 55 All Corridors Craven County, NCDCM, NCEM, Lenoir County, 12, 32, 35 36, 51, 65 Pitt County, Kinston Planning Department, 52, 63 thw u NCOneMap, NCWRC, NCSHPO,EPA, USFWS, 58 USDA, NRCS, DWQ, ESRI and URS. ! JONES COUNTY 11 121 Virginia Tennessee North Carolina 35, 36 South Carolina Georgia £ ¤ RECENT MEETING MINUTES SNC TATE OF ORTH AROLINA DT EPARTMENTOFRANSPORTATION PMCAJ.T AT CRORYNTHONY ATA GS OVERNORECRETARY MINUTES FROM THE MERGER INFORMATIONALMEETING ON NOVEMBER 21, 2013 To:Project File From:Ted Devens, PE Date:February 5, 2014 Subject:STIP Number R-2553, Kinston Bypass, Lenoir County, North Carolina A Section 404/NEPA Interagency Merger Process Team (Merger Team) Informational Meeting was held at 10:30 AM,Thursday, November 21, 2013in the NCDOT Century Center Complex Structure Design Conference Room. Those in attendance are shown on the attached sign-in sheet. Purposes of Meeting The purpose of the meeting is to provide a project update to the Merger Team including the identification of a new alternative, review the new 2012 Kinston Travel Demand Model and 2012 Traffic Forecast, and to discuss the next steps in the Merger Process. Merger Meeting Summary Tom Steffens initiated the meeting with introductions. Ted Devensthen reviewed the agenda and corresponding meeting presentation. Major discussion points are shown below. With regard to the new alternative (Upgrade Existing US 70 with Shallow Bypass), it was noted that NCDOT has spoken to the local officials and business community about this new alternative and to date all feedback has been supportive. When discussing the new 2012 Kinston Travel Demand Model, it was requestedthat additional information be provided at the upcoming CP2 Revisited meeting including general breakout of the type of traffic (local, through, freight, etc.).Additionally for this meeting, it was requested that when discussing amount of traffic being “drawn” from existing US 70, clarification be provided to better elaborate on what is “significant”and how it is relevant when discussing meeting the Purpose and Need for the project. With regard to potentially eliminating alternatives at the upcoming CP2 Revisited meeting, the following was suggested: MAILING ADDRESS:T: 919-707-6000LOCATION: ELEPHONE NCDOTFAX: 919-250-4224CC,BA EPARTMENT FRANSPORTATIONENTURY ENTERUILDING PDEA1000BRD ROJECT EVELOPMENT AND NVIRONMENTAL NALYSISIRCH IDGE RIVE W: EBSITE 1548MSCRNC 27610 AIL ERVICE ENTERALEIGH ://..//E CONNECTNCDOTGOVRESOURCESNVIRON HTTPS RNC 27699-1548 ALEIGH /P/. MENTALAGESDEFAULTASPX R-2553: INTERAGENCY MERGER TEAM INFORMATIONAL MEETING MINUTES November 21, 2013 Page 2of 3 The same level of information will need to be prepared and presented for existing o Detailed Study Alternatives (DSAs) and the new alternative (Upgrade Existing US 70 with Shallow Bypass). Impact information presented at the November 2011 CP2 meetingshouldbe o provided for the 17 DSAsand for the new alternative(Upgrade Existing US 70 with Shallow Bypass). Applicability of the travel demand model and traffic forecast to the DSAs should be o discussed as well as a review of the model assumptions included in the previous and 2012 travel demand models. This information should also be included in the Merger Packet. Given the recent coordination with FEMA regarding impacting Hazard Mitigation o Grant Program (HMGP) properties, if any preliminary corridors were eliminated at CP2 due to impacting a HMGP property, they should be reconsidered as a Detailed Study Alternative. If alternatives were eliminated at CP2 using the results of the 2009 Traffic Forecast o they should be reevaluated per the 2012 Traffic Forecast and reconsidered as a Detailed Study Alternative. A discussion was then held on CP2A and how the Merger Team wanted to address the fact that since this is a GIS Pilot project, certain information that is typically available at CP2A will not be available. Given bridge lengths aredirectly related to impacts and overall cost, which will o ultimatelybe used to select the LEDPA/Preferred Alternative, it was suggested the project should have a CP2A meeting rather than having a combined CP2A/4A meeting. This recommendation was based upon the Merger Team suggesting that initial bridge limits could be set now with the data available as long as NCDOT would be open to reevaluating bridge lengths after the LEDPA/Preferred Alternative has been selected and more detailed information will be available. It was noted, given this is a pilot project; NCDOT will be flexible and consider additional stewardship efforts following the selection of the LEDPA/Preferred Alternative. For the purposes of evaluating DSAs within the State Draft Environmental Impact o Statement (EIS) NCDOT will continue to work with members of the Merger Team to develop specific methodologies and approach for holding CP2A. This will include a matrix depicting areas where straight-forward decisions can be made now and specific areas where decisions needto be made regarding culvert versus bridge (which may require site visits at CP2A). For CP2A, known areas requiring bridging will have approximate lengths; however, following the selection of the LEDPA/Preferred Alternative, specific bridge lengths will be reevaluated. Notes taken onthe screen during the meetingare attached. Given it was determined a CP2A meeting will be held and concurrence will be o requested, the Concurrence Form will be prepared to document the methodology used to make the decisions which will be adequate for evaluating the DSAs in the State DEIS. R-2553: INTERAGENCY MERGER TEAM INFORMATIONAL MEETING MINUTES November 21, 2013 Page 3of 3 Next Steps NCDOT will continue to work with members of the Merger Team to develop specific methodologies and approach for holding CP2A. Action Items NCDOT will schedule the CP2 Merger Meeting and prepare/distribute the Merger Packet. After CP2,NCDOT intends to move directly to a series of CP2A Merger Meetings. Minutes Prepared by Kory Wilmot, URS. If there are any questions or edits, please contact Chris Werner, URS Project Manager, at (919) 461-1470 or christopher.werner@urs.com. Participant comments or edits on these draft minutes are welcome until February 20, 2014, at which time final minutes will be prepared and distributed. R-2553: INTERAGENCY MERGER TEAM INFORMATIONAL MEETING November 21, 2013 Conceptual Group Agreement @ 11-21-2013 Merger Informational Meeting PRE-LEDPA “LOW-LYING FRUIT” DECISIONS Less than 72” pipe – has pipe at ALL crossings Single Barrel Recommendation – stays single barrel unless other factors apply At LOW/LOW locations – go with minimum recommended hydraulic crossing LESS EASY PRE-LEDPA DECISIONS Decide on CULVERT vs. BRIDGE Establish ESTIMATED bridge length at each location of a bridge -Use for NEPA analysis: impacts and cost estimating -Opportunity to discuss specific features – floodplain pipes, etc. GENERATE A SIGNED CP2A FORM (with decisions appropriate for NEPA document) POST-LEDPA REVISITS (at CP4A – which could include CP2A revisits) Revisit a specific bridge length if earlier assumptions prove to be changed CP2 Packet Prep Apply new traffic model and assumptions to all alts Explain new travel demand model Viability to pass through FEMA buy-out properties Make sure no earlier alts were removed because of FEMA Any same scrutiny to new/old alts (EJ, etc) SNC TATE OF ORTH AROLINA DT EPARTMENTOFRANSPORTATION PMCAJ.T AT CRORYNTHONY ATA GS OVERNORECRETARY MINUTES FROM THE DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES(CP2 REVISITED) CONCURRENCE MEETING ON JANUARY 16, 2014 To:Interagency Merger Process Team & Other Meeting Attendees From:Ted Devens, PE Date:February 4, 2014 Subject:STIP Number R-2553, KinstonBypass, Lenoir County, North Carolina A Section 404/NEPA Interagency Merger Process Team (Merger Team) Meeting was held at 1:00 PM,on Thursday, January 16, 2014, in the NCDOT Century Center Complex Structure Design Conference Room. Those in attendance are shown on the attached sign-in sheet. Purpose of Meeting The purpose of the meeting was to present information on the recently developed Upgrade Existing US70 with a Shallow Southern Bypass alternative and to review the Travel Demand Model and Traffic Forecast Updates. NCDOT proposes toobtain Merger Team Concurrence on the addition of the Upgrade Existing US70 with Shallow Southern Bypass as aDetailed Study Alternatives Carried Forward (DSAs),and to remove all northern bypass alternatives from further consideration. Merger Meeting Summary Tom Steffens (USACE) called the meeting to order and completed introductions. Ted Devens (NCDOT) then reviewed the purpose of today’s meeting and turned it over to Chris Werner (URSCorporation). Chris Wernerreviewed a slideshow presentation (see attached slides) that went over the development of the Upgrade Existing US 70 with Shallow Southern Bypass Alternative and reviewed the results of the Travel Demand Model and Traffic Forecast Updates. The following is a summary of the major discussion points regarding the presentation. It was questioned if full control of access would be incorporated into alternatives utilizing portions of existing US 70. The response was all alternatives would include full control of access for new location sections as well as the upgrade existing US 70 sections. MAILING ADDRESS:T: 919-707-6000LOCATION: ELEPHONE NCDOTFAX: 919-250-4224CC,BA EPARTMENT FRANSPORTATIONENTURY ENTERUILDING PDEA1000BRD ROJECT EVELOPMENT AND NVIRONMENTAL NALYSISIRCH IDGE RIVE W: EBSITE 1548MSCRNC 27610 AIL ERVICE ENTERALEIGH ://..//E CONNECTNCDOTGOVRESOURCESNVIRON HTTPS RNC 27699-1548 ALEIGH /P/. MENTALAGESDEFAULTASPX R-2553: CP2 REVISITED CONCURRENCE MEETING MINUTES February 3, 2014 Page 2of 3 A question was asked about impacts to Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) properties that the Upgrade Existing and Upgrade Existing with Shallow Southern Bypass would both have. It was stated that NCDOT has been coordinating with the State Hazard Mitigation Office (SHMO) and with FEMA Region IV aboutthis issue. There is a defined process through a Memorandum of Agreement between FHWA and FEMA regarding the use of HMGP properties for which the impacts are quantified and a case is made as to why it is necessary to impact the properties. Through this process the SHMO makes a recommendation to FEMA who can grant permission for the impact to the HMGP properties. Based on the current information presented, the SHMO has signaled their willingness to support the use/impact to these properties should one of these alternatives be chosen.Mr. Chris Crew, the State Hazard Mitigation Officer was in attendance, and attested to this.It was also noted for the record -that no previous alternative has been eliminated because of HGMP properties. Patrick Flanagan withthe Eastern Carolina Rural Planning Organization, reported that the Upgrade Existing US 70 with a Shallow Southern Bypass alternative has the support of the local community. He also stated that after seeing the results of the traffic forecast and model that the community leaders understand the need to remove the northern alternatives from further consideration. With regard to the general publics’ thoughts on eliminating the northern alternatives, Mr. Flanagan noted the public never really had an overwhelming preference regarding northern alternatives, southern alternatives, or improving existing US 70. Outcome of theabove discussion, resulted with the Merger Team achieving Concurrence Point 2 (Revisited): Detailed Study Alternatives Carried Forward as described on the attached Concurrence Form and shown on the corresponding figure. Summary of the attached agreement includes eliminating the northern alternatives and the addition of the Upgrade Existing with Shallow Southern Bypass alternative. Next Steps A discussion was then held on the approach for moving forward with Concurrence Point 2A. As a GIS Pilot project, field studies and detailed design/analysis will only be performed on the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA). As aresult, data and information currently available is not as detailed as the information provided at CP2A for a typical project. The discussion centered on how the team would be making bridging and alignment review decisions. It was generally agreed to by the Merger Team that an approach allowing for Pre-LEDPA decisions to be made on the more straight-forward sites would suffice. With regard to the more complex sites and those requiring bridges, it was agreed by the Merger Team that preliminary recommendations or decisions for evaluation within the State Draft Environmental Impact Statement would be acceptable. This approach will allow for an opportunity for reevaluation of the more complex sites and those requiring bridges post-LEDPA once field studies and detailed design/analysis data is available. It was noted that a meeting has been scheduled for later this afternoon to further discuss the details of the above described approach for facilitating the CP2A meeting. A portion of the Merger Team scheduled to attend includes USACE, NC Division of Water Resources, US Fish and Wildlife Service, NC Wildlife Resource Commission, and NCDOT; however, the meeting is open to all Merger Team members. R-2553: CP2 REVISITED CONCURRENCE MEETING MINUTES February 3, 2014 Page 3of 3 Action Items URS will provide NC Division of Water Resources a copy of the Screening ICE. CP2A information should include a list of proposed major hydraulic structures by alternative. CP2A information should include an aerial map of proposed major hydraulic structures. NCDOT will inform the public of the CP2 Revisited meeting outcome. NCDOT will prepare documentation of the CP2A approach developed for the GIS pilot project. Additionally, the Merger Team suggested project issues encountered as a result of the GIS pilot project should be documented and included in the State Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Minutes Prepared by Kory Wilmot, URS. If there are any questions or edits, please contact Chris Werner, URS Project Manager, at (919) 461-1470 or christopher.werner@urs.com. Participant comments or edits on these draft minutes are welcome until February 20, 2014, at which time final minutes will be prepared and distributed. Concurrence Point 2 RevisitedJanuary 16, 2014 TravelDemandModelTraffic ForecastUpdates DetailedStudyAlternativesCarriedForward STIPProjectNo.R2553 KinstonBypassSTIPProject#R2553 KinstonBypassSTIPProject#R2553KinstonBypassSTIPProject#R2553 DetailedStudyAlternativesCorridorMap ExistingUS70 KinstonBypassSTIPProject#R2553KinstonBypassSTIP#R2553 R-2553 Kinston Bypass1 Concurrence Point 2 RevisitedJanuary 16, 2014 KinstonBypassSTIP#R2553KinstonBypassSTIP#R2553 KinstonBypassSTIP#R2553KinstonBypassSTIP#R2553 KinstonBypassSTIP#R2553KinstonBypassSTIP#R2553 R-2553 Kinston Bypass2 Concurrence Point 2 RevisitedJanuary 16, 2014 UpgradeExistingUS70w/ShallowSouthernBypass Upgrade Existing US 70 Shallow Bypass Upgrade Existing US 70 KinstonBypassSTIP#R2553KinstonBypassSTIPProject#R2553 Table1:November17,2011500FootCorridorImpactsforDetailedStudyAlternativesandNew2013UpgradeExisting70ShallowBypassAlternative Corridor(N=NorthernBypass,S=Southern Bypass) LengthStructuresUtilitiesCensus 130,26543133211411123832711862215290123,357,061$ 124.7 129,968222461*1261123102916652242262143,327,720$ 1ShallowBypass24.6 165,2461111811311322168433151211335506185,813,508$ 2(N)31.3 176,7491121341132216940388121183617207,842,338$ 5(N)33.5 138,23416432122263625612196216178,619,492$ 11(S)26.2 139,167119931122163622512154243173,487,390$ 12(S)26.4 132,75521591321197322532124168176,948,230$ 31(S)25.1 133,6883194131118832222283195167,327,685$ 32(S)25.3 149,01411443121139346416928195,362,670$ 35(S)28.2 147,047115312203838341691203,417,101$ 36(S)27.8 136,1941652123636313312469186,972,385$ 51(S)25.8 124,5981200212263526138396158,368,291$ 52(S)23.6 149,7481611051211111176353091111279343191,071,783$ 53(N)28.4 161,2511613731111117732382111126454213,100,612$ 56(N)30.5 170,8371401111573940471126304243,964,586$ 57(N)32.4 163,2291102111176433321011279156227,836,748$ 61(N)30.9 146,3935316511123173423312124233188,090,545$ 63(S)27.7 145,6375213311123403127612133204197,219,836$ 65(S)27.6 LowestValue 124,5982410011157271181831123,357,060.55$ HighestValue 176,7493316313321413263322383434041241335617243,964,585.57$ Average 147,426284116811112253629252180239189,015,811.37$ Median 146,3932811641112113630912169216188,090,544.77$ Notes: 1.)Forcomparisonpurposes,impactswerecalculatedbasedupon500footcorridors,eventhoughallcorridorsincludeportionsofupgradeexistingUS70andpossiblyportionsofFelixHarveyParkwaywhichiscurrentlyunderconstruct ion.Morerealisticimpactswillbepreparedforall DetailedStudyAlternativesinfuturestagesoftheproject. 2.)Fortableclarity,ScreeningCriteriawhichresultedwithzeroimpactsareshownasblank. 3.)AcopyoftheDataDictionaryisavailablewhichsummarizeshowthepriorityandnonprioritydatalayerswereassimilatedresultingwithonedatalayerforeachofthescreeningcriteria. *Churchidentifiedwhichwasnotincludedinpreviouslyobtaineddatalayer. KinstonBypassSTIP#R2553KinstonBypassSTIP#R2553 UpgradeExistingUS70withShallowBypass UpdatedCorridorMap TravelDemandModel TrafficForecast UpgradeExistingUS70with aShallowSouthernBypass 2040 KinstonBypassSTIPProject#R2553KinstonBypassSTIPProject#R2553 R-2553 Kinston Bypass3 Concurrence Point 2 RevisitedJanuary 16, 2014 ΈØ¨§ΉKinstonTravelDemandModelΈÆ•∑ΉKinston TravelDemandModel. SignificantChange:Modelisbasedon6,200GTPjobsinyear2040 AllKinstonBypassforecastspriorto2012weredeveloped basedonthismodel. KinstonBypassSTIPProject#R2553KinstonBypassSTIPProject#R2553 Baseline:UpgradeExistingUS70 10K 7K 36K 27K 40K 42K30K 57K 38K • 27,000vehiclesmovingto/fromorthroughKinstoneachday KinstonBypassSTIPProject#R2553 • Upto57,000vehiclesalongUS706lanesneeded N3:VeryDeepNorthernBypassN2:DeepNorthernBypass 36K36K 42K 42K 27K27K 38K38K 43K 40K 42K 40K 30K 30K 28K 38K 57K57K 36K 36K 27K 27K 46K46K • Bypassdrawsonly3,00010,000ADTfromUS70,howevermuchofthisislocaltrafficwestofKinstontocentraland northernKinston •• US70strugglesasa4lanehighwayBypassdrawsonly3,00011,000ADTfromUS70 • • LightertrafficinNEKinston US70strugglesasa4lanehighway •• 19%trafficisdrawnfromexistingUS70toaVeryDeepNorthernBypasswhencomparedtotrafficvolumesfor19%trafficisdrawnfromexistingUS70toaDeepNorthernBypasswhencomparedtotrafficvolumesforUpgrading UpgradingexistingUS70 existingUS70 R-2553 Kinston Bypass4 Concurrence Point 2 RevisitedJanuary 16, 2014 N1:ModeratelyDeepNorthernBypassS2:DeepSouthernBypass 42K 42K 57K 33K 38K 27K 40K 22K 30K 36K36K 13K 42K 27K27K 38K 40K 42K 30K 57K 38K 30K 21K 45K •• Bypassdrawsonly9,00012,000ADTfromUS70Bypassdraws11,00024,000ADTfromUS70 •• US70strugglesasa4lanehighwayUS70functionsacceptablyasa4lanehighway •• 21%trafficisdrawnfromexistingUS70toaModeratelyDeepNorthernBypasswhencomparedtotrafficvolumes42%trafficisdrawnfromexistingUS70toaDeepSouthernBypasswhencomparedtotrafficvolumesforUpgrading forUpgradingexistingUS70existingUS70 S1:ModeratelyDeepSouthernBypassProposed:Alternative1SB 42K 43K 42K 57K57K 29K43KTBD 38K38K 21KTBD 40K40K 21KTBD 30K30K 36K36K 12KTBD ADTalongbypass 27K27K ToBeDetermined (TBD) • Bypassdraws17,00028,000ADTfromUS70 •• US70functionsacceptablyasa4lanehighwayThisAlternativeisexpectedtodrawthemosttrafficfromUS70 •• 49%trafficisdrawnfromexistingUS70toaModeratelyDeepSouthernBypasswhencomparedtotrafficvolumesExistingUS70isexpectedtohavelesstraffictocentralKinstonthanotheralternativesandfunctionacceptablyasa forUpgradingexistingUS70 4lanehighway KinstonBypassSTIPProject#R2553KinstonBypassSTIPProject#R2553 R-2553 Kinston Bypass5 Concurrence Point 2 RevisitedJanuary 16, 2014 CP2Revisit:RevisedCorridorMap UpdatedCorridorMap AlternativeMax.DiversionCentralADT %Diversion KinstonBypassSTIP#R2553KinstonBypassSTIPProject#R2553 KinstonBypassSTIP#R2553KinstonBypassSTIP#R2553 R-2553 Kinston Bypass6 TABLES Table 1. R-2553: Drainage Area Summary for All Hydraulic Crossings Drainage Area (DA) acressq. mi. Crossing IDDetailed Study Alternative(s) 11.170.0011, 1 (SB), 11, 12, 31, 32, 35, 36, 51, 52, 63, 65 27051.101, 1 (SB), 11, 12, 31, 32, 35, 36, 51, 52, 63, 65 35.430.0081, 1 (SB), 11, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65 429,76046.51, 1 (SB), 11, 12 512.40.011, 1 (SB), 11, 12 61660.251, 1 (SB), 11, 12 713.20.021, 1 (SB), 11, 12 842.90.061, 1 (SB), 11, 12 91.610.0021, 1 (SB), 11, 12 101.760.00211, 12 119.990.011, 1 (SB), 11, 12 1217732.771, 1 (SB), 11, 12 131.610.00211, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65 143820.5911, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65 155330.8311, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65 161380.2111, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65 171210.1911, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65 182.490.00331, 32, 63, 65 483,2585.091, 1 (SB),12, 32, 35, 52, 63 492.490.0031, 1 (SB),12, 32, 35, 52, 63 5011.70.011, 1 (SB),12, 32, 35, 52, 63 51110.011, 1 (SB),12, 32, 35, 52, 63 10244.80.071, 1 (SB) 10338.30.051 1044740.741 1051,1461.791 106A1,728,00027001 106B900.141 1073.230.0051 1089.40.011 10924.60.031, 1 (SB) 11035,95756.11, 1 (SB) 1111810.281, 1 (SB) 1121,6212.531, 1 (SB), 12, 32, 35, 52, 63 11319.50.0335, 36, 51, 52 1146.310.00935, 36, 51, 52 1158.520.0135, 36 1162,5543.9935, 36 1171.760.00235, 36 1186661.0435, 36 1191,670,717261035, 36 1203.230.00535, 36 12120,54432.135, 36 Page 1 of 4 Table 1. R-2553: Drainage Area Summary for All Hydraulic Crossings (cont.) Drainage Area (DA) acressq. mi. Crossing IDDetailed Study Alternative(s) 1223060.4735, 36 1231650.2535, 36 1249.990.0135, 36 1253.820.00535, 36 12629.30.0435, 36 1273650.5735, 36 1282480.3835, 36 12956.10.0835, 36 1301920.335, 36 1311160.1835, 36 1321,4592.2735, 36 1332.930.00411, 31, 36, 51, 65 13419.30.0311, 31, 36, 51, 65 13512.70.0111, 31, 36, 51, 65 1362,0703.2311, 31, 36, 51, 65 13739.50.0611, 31, 36, 51, 65 138210.031, 1 (SB), 11, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65 1395,8249.1063, 65 1401,683,200263063, 65 14117.40.0263, 65 1421520.2311, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65 1433.670.00511, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65 1443.080.00411, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65 1451130.1711, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65 1465.870.00911, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65 14717.90.0211, 12, 31, 32, 51, 52, 63, 65 14812.60.0111, 12, 31, 32, 51, 52, 63, 65 14927,96843.711, 12, 31, 32, 51, 52, 63, 65 1501,2611.9711, 12, 31, 32, 51, 52, 63, 65 151690.111, 12, 31, 32, 51, 52, 63, 65 15297.20.1511, 12, 31, 32, 51, 52, 63, 65 15359.50.0911, 12, 31, 32, 51, 52, 63, 65 1541,7922.8012, 32, 52, 63 155490.0712, 32, 52, 63 1561420.2212, 32, 52, 63 1575590.8712, 32, 35, 52, 63 1582510.3912, 32, 35, 52, 63 15925.50.0331, 32 1608.220.0131, 32 161470.0731, 32 16244.20.0611, 12, 31, 32 1631,683,200263011, 12, 31, 32 Page 2 of 4 Table 1. R-2553: Drainage Area Summary for All Hydraulic Crossings (cont.) Drainage Area (DA) acressq. mi. Crossing IDDetailed Study Alternative(s) 1646.170.00911, 12, 31, 32 16514.80.0263, 65 1661.320.00211, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65 16731,16848.711, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65 1701.020.00151, 52 17153.90.0851, 52 1723,1624.9451, 52 1731.170.00151, 52 1746.310.00951, 52 1751,676,800262051, 52 1761,2031.8851, 52 1776721.0551, 52 1782.20.00351, 52 1791540.2411, 31, 51, 65 1801,5042.3511, 31, 51, 65 1810.440.000635 1946.460.0163, 65 1957.780.0111, 31, 36, 51, 65 1963.370.00511, 31, 36, 51, 65 1976.90.0111, 31, 36, 51, 65 1983.370.00551, 52 1993020.4735, 36, 51, 52 2001280.2063, 65 2011,7862.7935, 36, 51, 52 2022,2783.5651, 52 3011600.251 (SB) 3021600.251 (SB) 3031,0751.681 (SB) 3041,0881.701 (SB) 3051,728,00027001 (SB) 306270.041 (SB) 3071,3182.061 (SB) 3089471.481 (SB) 30960.011 (SB) 310530.081 (SB) 3119221.441 (SB) 3129021.411 (SB) 3137811.221 (SB) 31420.001 (SB) 315250.041 (SB) 3161410.221 (SB) 317250.041 (SB) Page 3 of 4 Table 1. R-2553: Drainage Area Summary for All Hydraulic Crossings (cont.) Drainage Area (DA) acressq. mi. Crossing IDDetailed Study Alternative(s) 318160.031 (SB) 319530.081, 1 (SB) 320170.031, 1 (SB) 32190.011 (SB) 32250.011, 1 (SB) 323140.021 324140.021 3251410.221 3261,7542.741 3271730.271 3285250.821 3391,0881.7011, 31, 36, 51, 65 34134121.011, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65 34234215051, 52 343770.1251, 52 3441790.2811, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65 3451460.2335, 36 3461500.2335, 36 3471570.2535, 36 348660.1035, 36 3492680.4235, 36 350290.0535, 36 3513310.5235, 36 3521200.1935, 36 4011410.221 4021610.251, 1 (SB), 11, 12, 31, 32, 35, 36, 51, 52, 63, 65 403290.051, 1 (SB), 11, 12, 31, 32, 35, 36, 51, 52, 63, 65 4041920.301, 1 (SB), 11, 12, 31, 32, 35, 36, 51, 52, 63, 65 40510.001, 1 (SB), 11, 12, 31, 32, 35, 36, 51, 52, 63, 65 4066401.001, 1 (SB), 11, 12 4076721.051, 1 (SB), 11, 12 4087171.121, 1 (SB), 11, 12 4092620.411, 1 (SB), 11, 12, 31, 32, 35, 36, 51, 52 41000.001, 1 (SB), 11, 12, 31, 32, 35, 36, 51, 52 411700.111, 1 (SB), 12, 32, 35, 52, 63 4133900.611, 1 (SB), 12, 32, 35, 52, 63 41400.001, 1 (SB), 12, 32, 35, 52, 63 4151,5172.371, 1 (SB), 12, 32, 35, 52, 63 4161,4852.321, 1 (SB), 11, 12, 31, 32, 35, 36, 51, 52, 63, 65 Page 4 of 4 Table 2. R-2553: Hydraulic Crossings by Type Minor Crossings Single Barrel Double Barrel Triple Barrel Total Major (<=72" Pipe)Box CulvertBox CulvertBox CulvertBridgeCrossingsTotal Crossings Detailed Study AlternativeDescription Upgrade Existing US 70 Alternative 13565241752 Upgrade Existing US 70 with Shallow Southern Bypass Alternative 1 (SB)37105232057 11Southern Bypass Alternative4364141558 12Southern Bypass Alternative4465241761 31Southern Bypass Alternative413303950 32Southern Bypass Alternative4234131153 35Southern Bypass Alternative3936121251 36Southern Bypass Alternative3835021048 51Southern Bypass Alternative3156021344 52Southern Bypass Alternative3257121547 63Southern Bypass Alternative3934141251 65Southern Bypass Alternative3833041048 Note: Drainage areas which correspond to structures <=72 inches are considered minor crossings. Only drainage areas requiring structures greater than 72 inches will be identified and evaluated within the State Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Crossings reported are based on functional design alignments for the mainlines, Y lines, ramps, loops, and service roads. More detailed information regarding stream impacts will be included in the detailed impacts table which will be provided prior to or at the initial office meeting with the Merger Team. Table3.R2553:PreliminaryHydraulicStructuresSingleandDoubleBarrelBoxCulverts HydraulicMinimum DetailedStudyAlternativeCrossingIDSystemName 1 (TypeandSize) 1,1(SB),11,12,31,32,35,36,51,52, 26'x6'UTtoWhitelaceCreek 63,65 2 5'x6'UTtoFallingCreek 1 104 2 12'x8'UTtoNeuseRiver 1 105 35,361186'x6'UTtoNeuseRiver 11,12,31,32,51,52,63,651508'x6'MottSwamp 12,32,35,52,631578'x6'UTtoMillBranch 51,521768'x6'Whitley'sCreek 51,521776'x6'UTtoWhitley'sCreek x6'UTtoFallingCreek 1(SB)3038' 1(SB)3048'x6'UTtoFallingCreek 1(SB)3088'x6'UTtoNeuseRiver 1(SB)3117'x6'UTtoNeuseRiver 1(SB)3127'x6'UTtoNeuseRiver 1(SB)3137'x6'UTtoNeuseRiver GumSwamp 11,31,36,51,653398'x6' 1,1(SB),11,124066'x6'UTtoWhitelaceCreek 1,1(SB),11,124076'x6'UTtoWhitelaceCreek 1,1(SB),11,124086'x6'UTtoWhitelaceCreek 2 9'x6'UTtoFallingCreek 1,1(SB),11,12 6 2 6'x6'MillBranch 1,1(SB),12,32,35,52,63 112 35,361166'x6'WhitelaceCreek 35,361326'x6'StrawberryBranch 11,31,36,51,651365'x6'TraceySwamp 12,32,52,631546'x6'StrawberryBranch 51,521728'x6'WhitelaceCreek 11,31,51,651806'x6'StrawberryBranch UTtoWhitelaceCreek 35,36,51,522015'x6' 51,522026'x6'Whitley'sCreek 1(SB)3075'x6'UTtoNeuseRiver 13266'x7'RivermontTributary 1,1(SB),12,32,35,52,634155'x6'GumSwamp 1,1(SB),11,12,31,32,35,36,51, 4165'x6'GumSwamp 52,63,65 Notes: 1.Alldimensionsinfeet.Culvertsizeshownaswidthxheight. .enotescrossngwtexstngmaoryraucstructure.xstngcuvertstructureszemeetsorexceesyrauc 2DiihiijhdliEiilidhdli mnmumszeetermneusngcontrutngranagearea.xstngstructuresassumetoeretaneanextene iiididiibidiEiidbidddd asneee.nmumyraucengtrecommenatontoerevsteoowngseecton. ddMiihdlilhdibiidflliLEDPAli Table 4. R-2553: Preliminary Hydraulic Structures - Triple Barrel Box Culverts and Bridges Existence of Stressors Detailed Study Habitat Wetland Hydraulic Minimum Crossing IDSystem NameExisting Route Aquatic Function AlternativeConnectivityWidth (Feet)(Feet) Wetland Functions (Streams) 1 12UT to Falling CreekUS-701, 1 (SB), 11, 12No Wetland-Not AssessedYesLow- Triple Box 12x10 1, 1 (SB), 12, 32, 35, 1 48Tracey SwampUS-70YesYesLow700 Triple Box 7x7 52, 63 121 (N. Service Rd.) 2 121 (WBL) 4Falling CreekUS-701, 1 (SB), 11, 12NoYesNeutral575 2 121 (EBL) 121 (S. Service Rd.) 2 405 (WBL) 106ANeuse River 2 405 (EBL) US-701NoYesNeutral3000 2 315 (WBL) 106BUT to Neuse 2 316 (EBL) 2 158 (WBL) 2 110Southwest CreekUS-701, 1 (SB)NoYesLow200 167 (EBL) 167 (S. Service Rd.) 119Neuse RiverN/A35, 36NoNoHigh45003800 121Southwest CreekN/A35, 36NoNoHigh1300945 139Whitelace CreekN/A63, 65No Wetland-Not AssessedYesLow-85 5480 (N. Ramp) 5590 (WBL) 140Neuse RiverN/A63, 65NoNoHigh3800 5760 (EBL) 2140 (S. Ramp) 11, 12, 31, 32, 51, 52, NoNoHigh9201025 149Southwest CreekN/A 63, 65 163Neuse RiverN/A11, 12, 31, 32NoNoHigh23003691 167Falling CreekN/A11, 12, 31, 32, 63, 65NoYesLow1900390 175Neuse RiverN/A51, 52NoNoHigh31003480 305Neuse RiverN/A1 (SB)NoNoHigh82007115 Notes: 1. Existing triple barrel box culvert in place. Existing structures are assumed to be maintained and lengthened as needed. 2. Existing dual bridge structures at crossing locations 4, 106, and 110 are assumed to be maintained (and widened as needed) for purposes of preliminary hydraulic analysis recommendations. Structure condition and replacement evaluations, along with associated changes to minimum hydraulic length recommendation, will be revisited following final LEDPA selection. 3. New location crossings consist of dual bridge structures, unless otherwise noted. Minimum hydraulic length recommendations for new crossings were set based on floodway limits when applicable, or otherwise set based on a minimum 10' offset from top of bank. APPENDIX