HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140175 Ver 1_Application_20140224��, �'� ��: .. °� �� : �� �� STATE OF N�RTH �AR�LINt� DEP'ARTIviENT C�F TE�.AI'�ISPORTATION PAT Iv�cCR.CJ�.Y P. CJ. Box 25241, Raleigh, NC 2761 I-�2�� TOI'�1'Y �'ATA GQVEf�:NQR P�-iOI�JE: 9l �-733--�52Q SECRETARY t�ctober � , 201 � Tasha McCormick R.egulatory �pecialist Asheville R:egulatory F�eld tJf�ce U.S. .A,.rm� Corps of Engineers-�'UViln�i�gton District � 51 Pattor� Avenue, R.c�am 208 A.shevllle, North C�r�lina 288Q 1 Subject: �J'ationwide Permit # 14 R:-5525, Summit Meadow Lane �atauga Cc�unty, North +Carc�lina Prc�ject Nurr�ber: 43�'61,3.1 (DWQ Pez�mit �'ee: $24�J) I�ear Ms. McCarmick; The NC Department of Transpar�tation is scheduled �c� �rade, drain, base and pave Summit M�adow Lane 1n Watauga ��unt�. Some c�f the roadway will be place c�n new alig��n►ent. The purpos� of the proje�t is to pro�ide access ta the pr�pc�sed Blovvi�ng R.ack F'ost Acute Care Facility. N+CDC)T will be responsible for cQnstruc�ion of th� access road only. The hosp��al construction will fall under a differer�t cc�ntract administered by others. Total project l�ngth is approximately 0.48 miles. Impervi�us surface area �ill incr�ase by �.baut fl.7 acr�s. This project will requ�re the installatzo� Qf �ne wet pxpe and will require wetland impacts as shc�wn belo�r: Stream Impacts: St��ion Existin� I'�e�v t�ha�n�l �ipr�.�s Temporary 'To�t�l Imp�:cts 1'�umb►er Pi e Size �m acts ft. I�r� �rcts fi. I?e��v�t�r�r� ft. at t�nis �tatic�n -L- 16-�-301 None IO2 10 4C� 152 Pe�-manent Fill/Ri�rap Impacts = 112 feet 'I't�t�l rv'ect �m acts = 152 f�ee�t 1 Bedrock is pres�nt at this location so pipe �urial is unlikely. This stream does nc�t drain �o any ather surface r��vater. The �tream just goes underground down slc�pe st� this �vill r�ot b� an aquatic life passage issue. �. U. �3ox ZSU, �. WtLKF�so�c�, N�: 28�5� PHCJNE {336) 66�-91 l I F�x (336) E�6?-4549 � �s. Tasha McCormick R-5525, Watauga Page 2 Fcbruary 4, 2C114 The i�stailation of the above noted v,�et �ipe will require temporary devvatering. Az� im�ervic�us dil�� wi�l be constructed upstream of the propose�. �i�e ta create a sma�� pc�ol. �lean vv�,ter will iempt�rarily b� pumped ar piped araunc� the constructton are� and ��rill be dischar�ed downstream. Any dirty water located inside af the ccar�struction areas w111 b� pumped inta a silt bag if ne�essary. C�nce the new pipe is �� p�lace, the lmpervious di�e will be removed and precanstructior� streambed elevations �will �e restored. The �wet pipe at static►n 1��30 carrie� an un�amed tributary to th� IV�iddle �ork �outh F'or� �evv �.iver (�lass WS-IV +) xn the New R.�ver Basin. T'h�s project v�rill have no effect on an� feder�lly li�ted endangered p�ant or animal species. �ultural resaurce �v�r� has been cc�mple�t��.. �Vetland im �cts area t�bulated belc�w: Perman+�r�t Fill i� St�ation I'�urr�ber '�Vetlands facre�l -Y2- 11 �+-4� — 11 +80 It. --Y2- 12+00 — ] 2+50 rt. Miti�ation 11 t1 �m�aact'�'otal �VTe�han��ed +�l�ar�n� i� Ta►tai Ir�pacts �Yetlands �acres) (��cres� �1 ! 1� li C1�71 Stxeam mitigati�►n should not be require�. f�r this �rajec� because this surface water is not hydraulically conr�ected to the Midc�le Fc►rk �c�uth Forl� New River. The stream g+�es underground pr�or tc� reaching it and dc��s not appear tc� resurface. T`he prc�pc�sed p�pe vvill nc�t alter the qua.lity or clear�lir�ess t�f the water �ntering the �vetland. E�en if` it did the wetland would �lter it. Stream flow vvi11 not be altered. Bug and fish passage is re�.Ily noi relevant since ihe stream doesn't dump into any other surface vua�er. There is na buglfish passage ihere n�w. Wetland mitigati�n should not be re�uired since the project zmpa�ts are bel�tiv {�.l acres. �torm��vater Mana�ement Plan sheets 4 and 5 have �een updated and shc�w th� revi�e� �raina�e d��i�ns agreed upon by Lou�s Berger and NCDC)T Hydraulics Engineers. .Also �itached is the stormwater �nanageme�:t plan for the �hestnut Ridge Acute �are Fac�Iit�. The last item is the Storm�rater I�►�1ana�ement plan in excel format. �e have cc�mpleted the �eneral project infc�rmat�on sectia�, the �nvironmental summary section and t��e PFSFs, En�rgy D�ss. sectrc�r�. The prc�ject narrati�e is located in the general project information section, Please iet me kno� if �ou need anything else. The ��-oj�ct impa�ts a�� not sign�ficant ir� pature ar�c� shc�uld n�t remc�ve or degrad� �xi�ting wat�r quality us�s. Pipe sizes us�d will be t��e mini�nut� nec��sary to cr�ate a safe road�vay. By utilizing the er�sio� control m�asures outlined in the atta.ch�ent,� t� thz� applicatic�n, dc���v�stre�m r Ms. Tasha McCormick R--55?5, �V"atau�a Page 3 February 4, 20 � 4 water quality standards will be pratected. CJverall water qualit�y in th� area w�11 be improv�d by paving the existing ABC travel lanes, AI1 apprc►priate BIViI's vvill be us�ed during construction. Attached is a Preconstruction Notification Form, plan sheets alang with �h� I��RT':R and wetland data forms. B� copy of thi� electrc��.ic letter, it is requested t�iat Mrs, Marla �ha�nbers with the N�rth Carol�na Wildlife Resaurces Commissian cvmment directly t� yc�u cor�cernin� the 4Q4 Nat�an�vide Per��it application wx�h a cop5' sent to me. �3y copy of this electronic �etter, it is requested that t�l� �ivzsion �f �W'ater C�uality, 4Q1/��etlands �CJnit, is�ue the appropr%ate permit for constructior� of this prc�j ect. It is r�quest�d that any cornments related ta the 401 certification be forwarded d�rectly �o me wi�h a copy sent tc� the iJS Army Corps of Engineers. �We would li�e tc� begin ea�struction as soan as poss�ble. If further infor�nation is required, pl�ase Iet me know. Your early review and con�ideration will be appreciated. Sin�erely, �eath Slaug�iter Division En�rxronmental C�f�cer �� �. � �, � R�chard �par�s, CE(� Appaiachian �2.�giona� Healthca�re System Enclasures cc: I�Iarla Chambers, NC�'VR.0 Amy Chapman, I)ivision of Water Quali�y Sue Homewaad, Il�ivision �f Wa��r Qua] ity Joe Laws, �'E, Division Project Manager �-Ieath Slaughter, Di�isic�n Environmental CJfficer Chase Threlk�ld, Ro�dside Env�rc�nrrlental �'i�ld CJperations Techni�iar� C�� � � ���i' .. .� ,..--" ..� . p Office l.lse 4nly: . � ��H *�,� �' Carps actic�n I D n+a. t ! a��,����.�r.�.,,���� � ����:,�., DWQ praject no. i r � � t ���,:� �:.�� �������-�� Form Versian 1.3 Dec 1� 20(J8 Pr�-�onstruction �at�fi�ation P�I� �or�m A. A licant I��formation 1. P'racessing 1a. Type{s} c�f approval sought from the Cc�rps; ��ection 4�4 Permi� Q Sectian 1 Q Permit 1b. Spec�fy Nationwid+� Permit (�iWP� number: 14 or General Permit (GP} number: 1c. Nas the �iWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ❑ Y�s j� No 1d. iype�s) of �pprovat sought fram the DWQ (check all that apply): �j 4U1 V1later Quality Certifieation �- Regul�r [� Ncan-4Q4� .lurisdictionai �eneral Permit ❑ 401 V1J�ter Quality Ce�tificatiQn -- Express ❑ Riparian Suffer Autht�rization 'I e. Is this noti�c�tion sole�y for the record For the recard only for DVi/Q 40�1 For the record c�nly for Cor�s Permit: bec�us� written �pproval is nat required? Certifrcatian: C] Yes (� Na Q Yes � N� 1f. Is payment into a mitig�tican b�nk or in-lieu fee proc�ram praposed for mitigat'ton ���s ��� of impacts? if so, attach the acc�ptance letter frc�m mitigation bank ar in-fieu fee program. �g. Is the praject lacated in any nf NC's twenty coast�l cour�ties. Ifi yes, answer 1 h ❑ Yes � Nc� below. � h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Are� c�f Envirc�nmental Concern {AEC}? �] Yes (� No 2. Project Inform�tic�ra 2a. Name of praject: �ummit Meadaw Lane 2b. Caunty: Watauga 2c. Nearest municipality i town: Blowir�g Rock �d. Subdivision name: 2e. NCD(JT only, T.l.P. or state R-5525 WBS: 437��.3,1 praject no: 3. 4wner Information 3a. Name{s} �n Record�;� Deed: NGDtJT 3b. aeed Book �nd Page Nc�. 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if �pplicab�e): 3d. Street address: 8Q'i �tatesviile Ro�d 3e. City, state, �ip: Narth Wilkesbora, NC 28�59 3f. Telephone no.: 33�-903-92tJ2 3g. F�x no.: 336-667-4549 3h. Em�il address: hslaughter c,ncdot.gov Page 1 of 10 PCN Farm -- Version 1.3 Decer�ber 1 �, 2008 V�rsic�n 4. Applicant lnfarrnation {if dif#erent from awner) 4a. Applic�nt is: ❑ Agent }� CJther, specify: Co-a�plicant 4b. Name: Richard Sparks, CEC) 4c. Business name Ap alachian Re ion�l Heal#hcare S stem {�f applicable): � � y 4d. Street address: 336 Deer�ield Raad 4e. City, state, Zip: Boone, NC 286�7 4f. Telephone n4.: 82$-262-43U1 4g. Fax no.: 4F�. Email address: jmahor�ey��apprhs.org 5. AgenfilConsultant Infarmation f if applicable) 5a. Name: Tom Di�hiara 5b. Business name i�� �PPlicable}: 5c. Street address: 5d. City, state, zip: 5e. T�lephane no.: 5f. �ax no.: �g. Email �ddress. The Lauis Berger Group, Inc. 412 Mount Kemble Road Mc�rristown, New Jersey 0?962 973-4{�7-1 t�00 tdichiar��lauisberger.com Page 2 of 10 PCRi Form -- Version 1.3 December 1 �, 20a8 Version B. Project lnformati4n and Prior Prcaject Nistory � . Property I�ientification 1�. Property identification no. {tax PIN or parcel I��: 1 b. �ite ct�ordinates (in decimal degrees): �atitude: 36,'149�7 Longitude: - 81.659�C� {DD.DDDDDD) {-D�,C7DDDIJD) 1 c. Pro�erty si�e. 68 acres 2. Surface V1laters 2a. Name of nearest body af water {stream, river, etc.} to t�T to Middie Fc�rk Sauth Fork New Riuer proposed project. 2b. Water Qu�lity �lassification of nearest receiving water: 1NS-1V + 2c. F�iver basin: New 3. Prc�jeci Description 3a. Describe the existing canditians on the site and the general �and use in the vicinity of the project at t�e time of this apptication: Unp�ved private drive on the outskirts c�f Blowing Rock. General lar�d �se wt�uld be forest�d areas with a sm�ll urb�n area nearby, Acute Care Facility site is a grassed field. 3k�. �ist the tatal estimated acreage of all existing wetl�nds on the property: 0.�7 acres 3c. List the total e�timated linear feet of aJl existing stre�ms �intermittent and perennial� on the praperky: � 3QO linear feet 3d. �xpl�in ihe purpose af the pr�pased praject: Upgrade ra�dway far acce�s ta new acute care facili�y. 3e. Describe the c�verall project in detail, including the type of equipmen# to be used: See �ttached cover �etter. 4. Jurisdicti�►nai Determinations 4a. Nave jurisdictional wetland or s#ream determinatians by the �orps c�r �tate been reque�ted or obtained fc�r thfs praperty I project (including all priQr phases} in the past? �'Yes [� i�o [� �lnkn+�wn Comments: 4b. lf the Cr�rps made the jurisdictional determination, wha� type of determination was made? ❑�reliminary � Fin�E 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? AgencylCc�nsultant Campany: �c�uis Berger Name (if kn�wn}. Justin Baker t�ther: 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictianal determin�ticans or St�te determin�tions and �ttach doeument�tion. unknawn 5. Project Hist+�ry 5a, Nave permits or certi�cations been requested or abtained for � Yes � No Q Unknown #his project (inc�uding all prior phases} in th� past? 5b. If yesi exp[ain in det�il according to "heip file" instructions. 6. Future Project Plans ��. is this a phased project? � Yes �] Nc� �b. lf yes, expiain. Hospit�l �nr�ll st�r� cc�nstruction �r��and 4114. Nca additi�►n�l 4b4 imp�cts �re expected. Hospital construction will not hav�: any DC�T involvment. P�c�e 3 of 1a P�N Form -- Vers�on '1.3 C�ecember 1 a, 2C1�8 Version �. Prc�posed Impacts lnventory 1. Impacts Surnmary '! a. Which �ectians were completet� belaw for your project �check ali that applY): � Wetlands � Streams - tributari�s [� Buffers [� �pen V1/aters ❑ Pand Construction 2. Viletland Impacts I�f there are wetland imp�ct� proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetl�nd impact T number -- ype Qf �urisdiction Type af �mpact Type of wet[and Forested (Corps - 404, 14 Are� c�� impact Permanent {P} or tif knawn} C�WQ — ncan-404, other) (acres} Tem ora T 1N1 � P❑ T Fiil/mec clearin � Yes � Carps g � N a � D111/Q 0. �4 W2 � P Q T Fill (� Ye� � Carps [� No J� D111/C� 0.�3 W3 d P 0 T [�} Y�s Q Corps Cj No Q DWQ �� � �, Q �- � Yes [� Carps (� No ❑ DVilQ �� � P � �- [� Yes [� Corps ❑ No � aWC� iN6 Q P Q T ❑ Yes Q�orps ❑ �Jo ❑ DWQ 2g. 'I'ot�� wetland �mp►acts �.0? 2h. Cc�mments: 3. Stream lmpacts If there �re perenr�ial or int�rrr►ittent stream impacts �including temp�rary irnpacts} pr�posed on the site, then cc►mpCete this qu�stion for al1 stream �ites impacted. 3a. 3b. �c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type c�f jurisdictic�n A,ver�ge Impact number - {PER� or �Gorps - 444, 1(J strearr� length Permanent (P} or iniermittent DWQ -- non-4Q4, width (linear Temporary �T) ti NT)? other} (feet} feet) Pipin�, F�iprap & UT #� to Middle � PEf� � Cor s S1 � P� T Dewaterin Fork �outh Fork �..� � 1 ��� � New River � � j� DWQ S2 P T ❑ PER [.� Corps (� ❑ [� INT [� DWQ S3 P T �] PER ❑ �orps � ❑ Q INT ❑ DUVQ S4 P T ❑ PEI� Q Corps ❑ ❑ [.] INT ❑ LJWQ �� � P � .� [� PER ❑ Corps � INT [� DWC� s�i P T C� PER D corps D D � ��T (� c�wQ 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts 3i. Commer�ts: 1 a2 pipe; 'I Q riprap; �0 dewatering Page 4 af 14 PCN Form -- Version 1.3 December � C�, 21��8 Version � 4. �lpen Water Impacts lf there are praposed impacts tc� I�kes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic C�cean, ar any Qther open w�ter c�f the U.S. #hen individually list afl open water impacts belaw. �a. 4b. �c. 4d. 4e. CC�pen water N�me ofi waterbody impact number — (if applic�ble} Type of imp�ct UVaterbc�dy type Area af imp�ct {acres) Perrnanent (P} or Tem c�ra T c� 1 [] P ❑ T c�� [�PC�T o� [����r (�4 ❑ P [,� T 4f. Total o�►en water impacts 4g. Gomments: 5. pond or Lake Construction !f ond or lake construction ro osed, then cam I�te the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d, 5e. Weiland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts �fee#} tJpland Pond IC� Proposed use ar purpose (acres� number of pond Flc�oded Fifled Excavated Flooded Filled �xcavated Flooded P� PZ Sf. Total 5g. Comments: N1A 5h. Is a dam high ha�ard permit required? Yes No I [� � f yes, perm�t I D na. 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): 5j. Size of pand watershed �acres}. 5k. Methad of cc�nstructic�n: 6, Buffer tmpacts {for DV11Q� ff project wili impact a pratected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then indivic�ually Iist al{ bufifer impacts b�iaw. If an im acts re uire miti a#ion, then �u MUS1' fil! ou� Section D of this f�rm. 6a. � Neuse � Tar-Parnlico � Uther. Project is in which pro#ected basin? [� C�tawba ❑ Randlem�n 6b. 6c. 6d . �e. 6f. 69 - Buffer impact , number — Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P} car fc�r Stream narne mitigati�n (squ�re fe�t� (squ�re fe+�t} Tem ora T im act re uirec�? B 1 P T � Yes ❑ � Q No �� P �r D ��� D D � Na B 3 P T � Yes � ❑ � No 6h. Total buffer impacts �i. Comments: Page 5 of 1 �Q PC�J Forrn — Ver�ion �1.3 �ecember � 0, 2U�}8 Versicrn [3. lmpac# Justification and M�tigation '� . Avoidance and Minimization 1 a. Specificaily describe measures taken to av�aid or minimize the p�rc�posed impacts in designing project. The pipe iengths are the minimum needed ta imprc�ve roadway. 1 b. Specifically describe measures #aken to avoid or minim�ze the prc�posed impacts through construction techniqu�s. A11 appropri�ate BMP� wil! be used dur-ing construction 2. Compensatc�ry Mitigation f+or Impacts tb Waters af the U.S. or V1Jater� caf the 5tate 2a. Does the project require Compensaiory Mitigation fc�r [� Yes � No impacts to Waters of the U.S. ar Waters of the State? 2b. If yes, mitigatian is required by �checl� ail that apply). ❑ I�WQ C] Car'ps �] Mitigation bank 2c. If yes, w�ich mitigation �ption wiil be used far this ro'ect? � Pa}�ment to in-lieu f�e program P 1 [� Permittee Respc�nsible Mitigatic�n 3. Camplete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. N�me of Mitigatian Bank: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt �n� letter) TYpe Quantity 3c. Cr�mments: 4. Ccamplete if Making a Payment �o In-lieu Fee Program �a. ApproWal letter from in--lieu fee program is attaehed. � Yes 4b. Stream mitigatian requested: linear feet 4c. if using stream mitigation, stream temp�rature: ❑ warm ❑ caol ❑cc�1d 4d. Buffer mitigation requested {DiNQ anly): square feet 4e. Ripari�n wetland mctigation requested: acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigatic�n requesied: ��res 4g. Gcaastal �tidal} wetland mitigation requested: �cres 4h. Comments: 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigatian Plan 5a. if using a permittee responsible mitigati+an pl�n, provide a descriptian c�f th� propc�sed mitigation plan. Page b of 1 � PCN Farm -- Vers�on 1.3 December � 0, 2�08 Versic►n � 6. Buffer Mitigation �State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules} -- required by DWQ 6�. Will the prc�ject result ir� an imp�ct within a protect�d riparian bu�fer t��t requires Q Yes � hJti buffer mitigation? �b. !f yes, then identify the squ�re feet of impact to each zone af the rip�rian buffer that requires mitigation. �alculate the amount of mitigation required. �c. 6d. 6e. �a�� Reasorr for impact Tota1 impact Muitiplier Required mitigatian (square feet} �square �eet} Zc�ne � 3 (2 fit�r Catawba} �c�ne 2 1.5 �if. Ta�tal buffer rr�itigatic�n required: f�g. if buffer mitigatian is required, discuss �nrhat type of mitigatic�n is prc�posed {e.g,, payment ta private mitigatic�n bank, permittee respansible riparian buffer re�tor�tion, payment in�o an approv�d cn-lieu fee fun�}. 6h. Comments: Page �7 of 1� PCN Form — Versian '! .3 December 1{?, 2�?�8 Versi�n E. Stormwater Manag�ment and Diffuse �law Plan �required by C}1�//Q) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does the project include or is it adjacent ta pratected r�iparian buffers identified � Y�� ��� with►n one of the N� R�panan Buffer Protectian Rules . 1 b. if yes, then is a diffuse flow pian included? If no, explain why. Cot�ments: �] Y�� [� �° 2. Stormwater Mana ement Pfan 2a. What is the over�ll percen� imp�rviousness of this project? 8.7 °Io 2b. Does this proj�ct require a Stormwater M�n�gement P1an? � Y�s Q No 2c. !f this project DCC:��S N�JT require � Stc�rmwater Management Plan, explain why: 2d. If this project DC�ES require a Stormwater M'anagement Plan, then pravide a bri�f, narrative description caf the pl�n: Roadway will be treated according to the NCDt)T BMP N1anu�i. Tv�va detentic�n pands witl be constru�ted and maEnt�ined by the acute care f�cility. Ple�se refer tc� the cover letter and stormwater mana�ement plan f+�r additic�na! infc�rmation. Q Certified L.c�cal Government 2e. V1/ho wiil be r�spansible for the review of the Stormwater Man�gement Plan? ❑ QWQ Stormw�ter Progr�am j,� aWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified �r�ca1 Governrnent Stormwater Review 3a. In which lc�ca� gavernrnent's juri�di�tion is this prnject? �1/A ❑ Phase 1{ 3b. V1lhich of the fol4awing loca{ly-implemented stormwater management prc�grams � h1SW aPp�Y icheck �ll that apPly): ❑ USMp ❑ iNater �uppl�r Watershed C} C}ther: 3c. N�s the aPproved Stormwater Man�g�ment Pl�n with prnof of �pprc�vaf been [� Yes Q No afitached'? 4. DWQ Stormwater pro ram Review [� �o�st�l counties [� H Gt1N` 4a. Vllhich af the follc�wing st�te-implerr�ented stormwater management progr�ms apply Cj p�� (check �II thctt �pplY): Q �essic�n Law 2C�(�6��4� [] Other: 4b. Has the approved Stormw�ter Management Pf an rrvith proof c�f approval been attached? [� Yes ❑ No 5. DWQ 4�'� Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Daes the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requ�rements? � Yes ❑ No 5b. H�ve ali of the 4U1 Unit submittal requirements been rr�et'? ��r��, ��� Page 8 c�f 10 PCN Form — Versit�n 1.3 becember 10, 2008 Versic�n �. �upplementary lnfflrmation 1. Environmentat Documentation �DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Dcaes the prqject involve an expenditur� of pubiic {federa!/state/laca!) funds or the � Yes [� No use o�f public f federalistate} land? 1 b. !f yau �nswered "yes" to the above, daes the project require preparation c�f an environmental docum�nt pursuan� ta the reauirements c�f the Nationa{ or State [� Yes j� No �North Carolina} Envircanrr�ental Policy A�t (NEPAiSEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to the abov�, has the document review b�een fin�liZed by the 5tate Clearing House? (lf so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA fin�l �pProval letter.} Q Yes �j N�► Cc�mments: 2. Vic�lati�ans (DWQ Requirement� 2a. Is the sit� in violatian of DV1lQ Wetland Rules �� 5r� NCAC ZN .05fl0), Isol�ted INetl�and Rules (15A NCAC 2N .1300}, DWG2 Surface Water r�r Viietland Standard�, Cj Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .C�20�}? 2b. Is this an aft�r-the-fact permit �pplication? Q Yes � No 2c. If you answere�d "yes" ta ane c�r both of the �bove questions, pravide an expl�natian of the violatic�n{s): 3. Cumula#ive lmpacts �[JWQ Requirement� 3a. Will this project (based c�n past and re�sonably anticip�ted future imp�cts} resuit in ��,�� ��� additiana! development, �rvt�FCh could imp�ct nearby dawnstream w�ter quality? 3b. If you answ�red "yes" to the aboue, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative imp�ct analysis in ac�ord�nce with th�e mast recent DWQ policy. If you answered "�o," pravide a short narrative description. 4. Sewage Dispasal {DWt� Requirement} 4a. C�early detail the ultimate tre�tment methods and dispositian (non-discharg� or dis�harge) af wastew�ter gener�ted frc�m the propc�sed project, ar av�ilable capacity of the subject f�cility. N/A Page 9 af � U PCCJ Form -- Versic�n �.3 L�ecember 1 C}, 2008 Version ., 5. Endang�red �pecies anci Designated Critica! Habitat {�Ct�rps Requirement} 5�. Wil! this project occur in or near an area with federaily protected species o� � Yes j� No habit�t? 5b. Have you checked with the U�FWS concerning �ndangered �pecies Act ���� �� impacts'? � [� Raleigh 5c. If yes, indicate the USFW� Field t�ffic� you h�ve cantacted. � Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to �et�rmine whether your �ite would imp�ct Endarrgered ��ecies or Designated Critic�l N�bitat? G1� and visual c�bservation �. Essential Fish i�abi#at �Corps Requirement} 6a. Will this project occur in or ne�r an area designated as essen#i�l fish habitat? � Yes J� �lo 6b. UVhat data sources did you use to determine whether your site wc�uld imp�ct Essen#ial Fish Habitat? WRC will camment 7. Histaric ar Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requiremen�} 7a. 1�il1 this projec� c�ccur in or near an area that the state, federal ar triba� gavernments have designated as having historic or cultur�l preservation ��,�� � NQ s t a t u s � e. g., N� t i o n a� N i s� o r i c T r u s t d e s i g n a t i c� n o r � r o p e r t i e s s� g n i� c a n t i n North C�rolina history and archaec�IngY}? ib. 1Nhat dat� sources did you use ta determine whether your site would impact histaric or archeological res�urces? Praject submitted to HEU � 8. Flood Zone Designation {Corps Requirement) 8a. Wili this project occur in � FEMA-de$ignated '! fl0-�ye�r floodpl�in? � Yes � Na� 8b. 1f yes, expiair� how praject meets FEMA requirements: H�C-R,�S mode! cleared. 8c. What source(s} did you use to make the floodplain determinatic�n? r�cfloodmaps J. Heath Slaughter 2/�I�14 � ApplicantlAgent's Printed Name �pPiicantlAg�nt's �ignatur C��te {Agent's na#ure is valici anly i� an authc�rization !e from the applicant is rovided. � �.�. �.� �� �.�- ��..� ��� s ti �.. � � �. � �� � � � , �� .�......�-�.- � ����,� t�,� � ���� � �� `������. ��'s°��'' ���'" ` �. ��.. � ��... �r^- � � � � �� � o ' � t`ec�. �, �- � ��e... �� `�u �r �f �' �'(� G c� - a��' � � �:���.. � ��.�. � Page IQ of 1� PCN Farm -- Versican 1.3 Dec�mber 1 C}, 24�8 V�rsion 0' SC A L E 10 0 ' 50 ' It e m Da t e De s c r i p t i o n Fi t z p a t r i c k E n g i n e e r i n g G r o u p , P L L C 19 5 2 0 W e s t C a t a w b a A v e n u e Su i t e 3 1 1 Co r n e l i u s , N C 2 8 0 3 1 70 4 . 9 8 7 . 9 1 1 4 70 4 . 9 8 7 . 9 9 3 8 ( f a x ) CJ K WD R Ca v e o C o n s u l t i n g E n g i n e e r s 18 2 1 C u m b e r l a n d A v e n u e Su i t e 1 0 0 Ch a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 3 - 6 0 0 3 70 4 . 3 4 8 . 3 0 9 7 70 4 . 3 4 8 . 3 0 9 8 ( f a x ) Th e L o u i s B e r g e r G r o u p , I n c 10 0 1 W a d e A v e . Su i t e 4 0 0 Ra l i e g h , N C 2 7 6 0 5 91 9 . 8 6 6 . 4 4 0 0 91 9 . 7 5 5 . 3 5 0 2 ( f a x ) Pr o p o s e d D r a i n a g e A r e a s 0' SC A L E 40 ' 20 ' It e m Da t e De s c r i p t i o n Fi t z p a t r i c k E n g i n e e r i n g G r o u p , P L L C 19 5 2 0 W e s t C a t a w b a A v e n u e Su i t e 3 1 1 Co r n e l i u s , N C 2 8 0 3 1 70 4 . 9 8 7 . 9 1 1 4 70 4 . 9 8 7 . 9 9 3 8 ( f a x ) CJ K WD R Ca v e o C o n s u l t i n g E n g i n e e r s 18 2 1 C u m b e r l a n d A v e n u e Su i t e 1 0 0 Ch a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 3 - 6 0 0 3 70 4 . 3 4 8 . 3 0 9 7 70 4 . 3 4 8 . 3 0 9 8 ( f a x ) Th e L o u i s B e r g e r G r o u p , I n c 10 0 1 W a d e A v e . Su i t e 4 0 0 Ra l i e g h , N C 2 7 6 0 5 91 9 . 8 6 6 . 4 4 0 0 91 9 . 7 5 5 . 3 5 0 2 ( f a x ) Bi o r e t e n t i o n B a s i n Co m p u t a t i o n s & D e t a i l s It e m Da t e De s c r i p t i o n Fi t z p a t r i c k E n g i n e e r i n g G r o u p , P L L C 19 5 2 0 W e s t C a t a w b a A v e n u e Su i t e 3 1 1 Co r n e l i u s , N C 2 8 0 3 1 70 4 . 9 8 7 . 9 1 1 4 70 4 . 9 8 7 . 9 9 3 8 ( f a x ) CJ K WD R Ca v e o C o n s u l t i n g E n g i n e e r s 18 2 1 C u m b e r l a n d A v e n u e Su i t e 1 0 0 Ch a r l o t t e , N C 2 8 2 0 3 - 6 0 0 3 70 4 . 3 4 8 . 3 0 9 7 70 4 . 3 4 8 . 3 0 9 8 ( f a x ) Th e L o u i s B e r g e r G r o u p , I n c 10 0 1 W a d e A v e . Su i t e 4 0 0 Ra l i e g h , N C 2 7 6 0 5 91 9 . 8 6 6 . 4 4 0 0 91 9 . 7 5 5 . 3 5 0 2 ( f a x ) Bi o r e t e n t i o n B a s i n Co m p u t a t i o n s & D e t a i l s LOCUST TREE 3 0 ' SIGN PIN 2829-92-0463 SERVICE - BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY UNITED STATES NATIONAL PARK HW 1 3 EXISTING R/W EX IST IN G R /W R/W MON R/W MON EXISTING R/W R/W MON 209.88'S 72°44'56" W PIN 2818-54-4035 DB 1631 Pg 636 SYSTEM APPALACHIAN REGIONAL HEALTHCARE 1 1 PIN 2818-54-4035 DB 1631 Pg 636 SYSTEM APPALACHIAN REGIONAL HEALTHCARE S 47°58'20" E 81.83' S 2 9°4 7'19" E 7 7.3 7' E XIS TI N G R/ W 60.00' EXISTING R/W R/W MON R/W MON R/W MON R/W MON R/W MON N 12 ° 0 4' 5 1 " W 7 1. 7 7' S 42°14'09" W N 14 °3 6 '0 9 " E 9 0 .5 0 ' L =97.33' R =245.00' N 52°09'32" E 53.81' E XIS TI N G R/ W EIP 63 .79 ' N 81°43 '56" W S 37°49'11" E 19.93' EIP 25.40' N 59°56'57" E E X IS T IN G R /W S 46°50'27" W63.68' N 37°19'33" W 140.00' E X IS T IN G R /W N 0 5 ° 5 1' 3 8 " W 3 3 3 . 0 7 ' R/W MON EIP R/W MON EXISTING R/W EIP S S SS T S S T S T T 36" WD 36" W D 15" R C P GR GR G R B S T G R 6' CONC CONC G R 1 2 " C M P 12" H D P E END UNKNOWN 18" CMP 6" CURB 36" WD NC HWY 321 53' BST 48" C&G 30" C&G 30" C&G 48" C&G 48" C&G 48" C &G 48" C&G CONC ISL CONC ISL 18" C MP MTL OHW EL=3445.6' 18" R C P 18" OUT=3416.24' 18" IN=3416.95' TOP=3421.50' 18" C M P 18" C MP 18" OUT=3412.56' 18" IN=3412.97' TOP=3419.48' 9' X 6' C U L V E R T 18" R CP 18" RCP 18" RCP CONC FLUME CONC FLUME CONC FLUME 18" OUT=3420.72' 18" IN=3421.11' TOP=3425.48' 18" OUT=3419.49' 18" IN=3419.55' TOP=3424.65' 18" CMP 12" C M P 12" OUT=3421.13' TOP=3423.93' 18" OUT=3416.47' 12" IN=3416.96' TOP=3422.52' 18" RCP18" RCP 1 8" CM P18" OUT=3423.62' 18" IN=3423.82' TOP=3428.07' 18" C M P 12" CMP 12" RCP 30 " C M P INV=3407.68' MTL MTL INV=3411.15' INV=3411.60' 6' X 4' CULVERT INV=3415.52' INV=3413.93' WELL BST BST INV=3416.78' INV=3410.78'RIP-RAP CONC FLUME 12" OUT=3420.33' TOP=3422.68' 18" OUT=3414.47' TOP=3421.17' INV=3416.08' RIP-RAP INV=3413.86' INV=3425.10'INV=3426.25' INV=3416.52' INV=3418.33'STN HW INV=3419.33' 107"x103" CMP BM-1 INV=3410.02' 1 2 " C M P OUTLET BURIED PIPE INLET & E D MIS T E N R D. 2 0' B S T -EL- 18" OUT=3424.64' TOP=3428.44' 18" OUT=3420.53' TOP=3423.93' S S S S SS S S S S S SS 18" OUT=3419.56' TOP=3423.56' 18" OUT=3421.55' 18" IN=3421.59' TOP=3426.54' INV=3406.31' INV=3406.58' INV=3406.83' INV=3406.80' CULVERT2- 12'X12' PIN 2818-44-3066 DB 173 PG 906 EDGAR L FOREMAN, JR PIN 2818-44-6195 DB 1297 PG 595 JAMES & PHYLLIS LESTER PIN 2818-44-8352 DB 376 PG 811 ZERUBBABEL INC PIN 2818-54-1533 DB 210 PG 5 ALPEN MOTEL PROPERTIES PIN 2818-54-3497 DB 1079 PG 444 SCOTT P MCINTOSH UNKNOWNEND GRAVEL DRIVE G R A V E L D R I V E GR AVE L DR IVE 12-15-20133406.88' WATER ELEV= U.S. HWY 321 VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/W EXISTING R/W PIN 2818-53-7659 DB 1476 Pg 379 BARBARA LENTZ WRIGHT 12" CMP 8 " H D P E BILLBOARD PIN 2818-54-4035 DB 1631 Pg 636 HEALTHCARE SYSTEM APPALACHIAN REGIONAL INV=3408.82' OF NEW RIVER SOUTH FORK MIDDLE FORK 1 2' 1 2' 12'12' 2'-6" C&G2'-6" C&G 2 '- 6 " C & G 2 '-6 " C &G N A D 8 3 / N S R S 2 0 1 1 -L- POT 11+51.38 END BRIDGE -Y1- PT Sta. 21+74.07 -Y1- POC Sta. 13+52.59 -L- POT Sta. 10+00.00 = -Y1- PCC Sta. 19+97.95 -Y1- -Y1- -Y1- 15+00 12' 12' . 0 4 . 0 3 . 0 2 . 0 2 . 0 3 . 0 4 .03 .04 .00 .01 .02 .02 .'12'12' +90.00 12'12' 12'12' 11'11'11'11' SIGNALPROP. HOLD EXIST. EOP 50' DWY TO BLOWING ROCK TO BOONE 1 2' 1 2' 1 2' 1 2' .0 -L- PC Sta. 27+23.94 -L- PC Sta. 25+33.78 -L- PT Sta. 26+31.57 -L- PC Sta. 17+49.84 -L- PT Sta. 20+44.92 -L- PT Sta. 23+81.97 -L- PC Sta. 21+28.31 25+00 2 0 + 0 0 -L- PT Sta. 16+66.66 -L- PC Sta. 15+35.67 -L- PT Sta. 14+07.02 -L- PC Sta. 11+84.07 1 5 + 0 0 . 0 6 . 0 5 . 0 2 . 0 4 . 0 3 . 0 2 . 0 3 . 0 4 .0 5 .06 .05 . 04.0 . 06 .05 .04 .03 .02 .01 .01 .02 (Typ.)17.5' (Typ.)17.5' (Typ.)17.5' .00 . 0 5 .0 6 -Y1- PC Sta. 10+00.00 HOLD EXIST. EOP 11'11' 11'11' TO MATCH EXIST. 100' TAPER 11'11' VAR. WIDTH PAINTED ISLAND 11'11' + 5 0.0 0 +50.00 CONC. ISLAND REM. EXIST. (MATCH EXIST.) 150' LANE SHIFT +00.00 (50:1) TO MATCH EXIST. 200' LANE SHIFT +00.00 110' RT TURN/TAPER 110' STORAGE & EXIST. EOPHOLD 12' 12'12' +50.00 EXIST. EOPHOLD 11'11' +00.00 +25.00 TO MATCH EXIST. 75' TAPER REPAT E N AL '0 51 SBG SBG +00.00 TYPE TL-2 GRAU 350 TYPE III TYPE III TYPE TL-2 GRAU 350 AT-1 GRAU-350 PROP. 5' SIDEWALK PROP. 5' SIDEWALK P R OP . 5 ' S ID E WALK HOLD EXIST. EOP 12' 12' 12'12' STRUCTURE RETAIN EXIST. 100' LANE TAPER PATHWAY (BY OTHERS) FUTURE MIDDLE FORK (Typ.)17.5' -Y1- POC Sta. 12+25.00 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION -Y1- POC Sta. 21+00.00 END CONSTRUCTION -L- POT 10+49.00 BEGIN BRIDGE -L- POT 10+30.16 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION BEGIN TIP PROJECT No. R-5525 + 4 0 . 0 0 + 5 0 . 0 0 E N D S B G B E G I N 2 ' - 6 " C & G DETAIL FOR TRANSITION SEE SHEET 2-E 2'-6" C&G +33.33 150' LT TURNLANE STORAGE CR R E V IS I O N S ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. REGISTERED ENGINEERREGISTERED ENGINEER PLANS ROADWAYL B 1001 Wade Avenue, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27605-3322 THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 16003 SEAL DE A N D.H TAFIELDE N GINEER LAN OISSEFORPNORTHCAR O LIN A 0'100'50' 1/ 2 8 / 2 0 14 G : \ C K E P r o j e c t s \ C K E 2 1 0 0 4 L i m i t e d S e r v i c e s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e s \ R - 5 5 2 5 \ R o a d w a y \ P r o j \ R 5 5 2 5 _ R D Y _ 0 4 _ P S H . d g n 2 : 5 4 : 4 7 P M G : \ C A D D \ P l o t \ C K E 2 1 0 0 4 \ C K E 2 1 0 0 4 _ r d y . t b l R-5525 HYDRAULICS SEAL 032134 P ROFESS IO NA L CARO LI NANORTH E N ER INEG STREBOR RE T L AW +23.94 -L- 30' LT +84.07 -L- 60' 6 0 ' EXIST. R/W 40' RT +79.74 -L- 40' LT 30' LT +84.07 -L- 30' LT +07.02 -L- 30' RT +07.02 -L- 30' LT +35.67 -L- 30' RT +35.67 -L- 30' RT +66.66 -L- 30' LT +66.66 -L- 30' LT +49.84 -L- 30' RT +49.84 -L- 30' RT +44.92 -L- 30' LT +44.92 -L- 30' LT +28.31 -L- 30' RT +28.31 -L- 30' RT +81.97 -L- 30' LT +81.97 -L- +31.57 -L- 30' LT 30' RT +33.78 -L- 30' LT +33.78 -L- 30' RT +31.57 -L- 30' RT +23.94 -L- 98' LT +62.00 -L- 98' LT 40' LT +36.00 -L- 30' RT +12.00 -L- 92' RT +30.00 -L- 71' RT +50.00 -L- 37' RT +00.00 -L- 103' LT +50.00 -L- 96' LT +00.00 -L- 86' LT +50.00 -L- 60' LT +85.00 -L- 60' LT 30' LT +15.00 -L- 110' RT +50.00 -L- 100' RT +00.00 -L-93' RT +50.00 -L- 95' RT +15.00 -L- 55' RT +50.00 -L- 61' RT +50.00 -L- 30' LT +52.00 -L- 30' LT +83.00 -L- 90' LT +50.00 -L- 65' LT +50.00 -L- 51' LT 30' LT, +39.00 -L- 70' LT +00.00 -L- 115' LT +50.00 -L- 90' LT +00.00 -L- 90' LT +50.00 -L- 105' RT +50.00 -L- 100' RT +30.00 -L- 110' RT +00.00 -L- 125' RT +00.00 -L- 80' RT +50.00 -L- 70' RT +50.00 -L- 65' RT +50.00 -L- 65' RT +25.00 -L- 75' RT +00.00 -L- 70' RT +50.00 -L- 45' RT +15.00 -L- 55' RT +75.00 -L- 50' RT +00.00 -L- 60' RT +00.00 -L- 70' RT +00.00 -L- 105' LT +20.00 -L- 155' LT +20.00 -L- 165' LT +90.00 -L- 120' RT +50.00 -L- 40' RT 30' RT 105' RT +15.00 -L- 130' LT +25.00 -L- PL. LT +74.09 -L- PL. LT +80.93 -L- PL. RT 35' RT, +45.00 -Y2- PL. LT 35' LT, +45.00 -Y2- PL. RT +78.84 -L- 100' LT +85.00 -L- 70' LT +25.00 -L- 62' LT +00.00 -L- 30' RT +65.00 -L- AUEAUE AUE AUE 269' LT +98.89 -Y1- 188' LT +86.75 -Y1- 127' LT +00.05 -Y1- 89' LT +38.68 -Y1- 60' LT +20.00 -L- 30' LT +20.00 -L- 30' LT +20.00 -L- 60' LT +20.00 -L- 62.06' N 2 8 ° 5 4 '4 "E . 0 6 . 0 5 . 0 4 . 0 3 . 0 2 C R 0414 0423 0439 0410 0411 0412 0413 0417 0419 0420 0421 0422 0424 0427 0431 0432 BDO BDO BE PLACED IN JS NO RIP RAP TO 0416 REMOVE RETAIN RETAIN RETAIN RETAIN EST. 5 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 1 TON CL B RIP RAP REMOVE PLUG 18" CSP 15 " C S P CB CB CB CB CB15" CSP CB CB 18 " 3 0 " 15" 3 0 " C S P CSP15" 0442 0441 0440 EST. 7 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 2 TON CL B RIP RAP REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE EXIST. DI EST. 16 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 5 TON CL B RIP RAP W/ 15"CSPSLOTTED DRAIN 15 " 15 " C SP 0444 0443 CB 2GI 15" CSP 3 0 "30" 2 4 " CB 2GI 0426 0418 W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 15" CSP W/ 2 ELBOWS W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 15" CSP W/ 1 ELBOW W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 15" CSP W/ 2 ELBOWS W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 30" CSP W/ 1 ELBOWW/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 18" CSP W/ 1 ELBOW 15" TBDI TBDI TBDI TBDI EST. 316 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 104 TONS CLASS B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL A, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH EST. 158 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 52 TONS RIP RAP SEE DETAIL A, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH EST. 26 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 9 TONS CLASS B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL A, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH EST. 237 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 78 TONS RIP RAP SEE DETAIL A, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH EST. 210 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 70 TONS CLASS B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL B, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH EST. 184 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 61 TONS CLASS B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL A, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH 0404 CB CB0403 CB CB 0402 0401 CB 0405 30" 30" 30" 30" C SP 3 0 " C S P 30" W / SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 15" CSP W / 1 ELBOW TOP LOWER EDGE OF EXISTING 11'X11' RCBC IS TO BE BEVELED 45° ALONG ENTIRE WIDTH OF UPSTREAM FACE RETAIN EST. 105 SY PSRM SEE DETAIL C, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH LIDW/SLABTBJB 3 0 " C S P 30" CSP 0438 EST. 60 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 28 TONS CL I RIP RAP RETAIN RETAIN PSH JB w/MH CB 0430 0429 0428 1 5 " CB CB 15" 0447 0446 0445 PSH CB15" 3 0 " SPRING CHANNEL FOR END OF DEFINED 4 MATCHLINE -L- STA 27+50 SHEET 5 DETAIL SHOWING BRIDGE/PAVEMENT RELATIONSHIP 12 ' 12 ' 12 ' PI Sta 15+00.82 D L = 997.95' T = 500.82' R = 4,752.75' PI Sta 20+86.11 D L = 176.12' T = 88.16' R = 1,507.00' Se = EXIST.Se = EXIST. CURVE DATA FOR -Y1- PI Sta 11+80.93 D L = 98.83' T = 53.87' R = 100.00' PI Sta 13+26.75 D L = 76.93' T = 48.41' R = 50.00' Se = 0.02 Se = 0.02 CURVE DATA FOR -Y2- PI Sta 13+09.06 D L = 222.95' T = 129.48' R = 175.00' PI Sta 15+98.22 D L = 130.99' T = 67.04' R = 250.00' PI Sta 18+99.97 D L = 295.07' T = 154.61' R = 400.00' PI Sta 23+56.66 D L = 233.02' T = 232.83' R = 100.00' PI Sta 25+95.29 D L = 225.86' T = 114.89' R = 500.00' CURVE DATA FOR -L- Se = 0.06 Se = 0.05 Se = 0.04 Se = 0.06 Se = 0.06 SEE SHEETS S-1 THRU S-18 FOR STRUCTURE PLANS SEE SHEETS 6 THRU 8 FOR PROFILES TYPE TL-2 GRAU 350 TYPE TL-2 GRAU 350 AT-1 TYPE III TYPE III U . S . H W Y 3 2 1 SBG SBG -L- POT 10+49.00 BEGIN BRIDGE -L- POT 11+51.38 END BRIDGE -L- POT 11+62.38 END APPROACH SLAB -L- POT 10+36.30 BEGIN APPROACH SLAB NOTE: ALL DRAINAGE PIPES, UNLESS SPECIFIED, ARE ASSUMED TO BE RCP CLASS III. 6 0 ' - 4 " ( C L E A R R D W Y) 4 ' - 8 " 19 ' - 8 " -L- - Y1- DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS C C C C C F F C C C C F C C F C C C C C F C F C F C F C F F C C C C C C C F F C C F F F F F F F C C C C CC C C C C C C C C P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P EIP EIP EIP EIP EIP EIP EIP EIP 60.14' 6 5 .9 9 ' 2 0. 0 0' TI E 135. 61' 839. 24' T R E E N U R S E R Y T R E E N U R S E R Y SOI L D RI V E S OIL DR IVE SOIL DRIVE PIN 2818-63-1103 DB 234 Pg 770 CYNTHIA WRIGHT KENNETH WRIGHT & wf. TRACT "A" PB 12 Pg 155 WW WW TBM: NO. 5 REBAR ELEVATION 3630.09' G A T E B A R N 2 4 N 2 9°0 8'4 5" W 2 0 5 . 3 9 ' N 0 4 °4 1' 4 1" E 4 15 .8 9 ' S 2 6 °0 4 '13 " W 3 2 4. 11' S 6 5° 2 1' 5 0 " E 2 6 7 .6 5 ' S 2 6 °0 2 '0 9 " W PIN 2818-54-4035 DB 1631 Pg 636 SYSTEM APPALACHIAN REGIONAL HEALTHCARE 3 DB 1560 PG 713 PARCEL 2818-52-6737 WATAUGA MEDICAL CENTER INC. 2 DB 1560 PG 713 PARCEL 2818-52-6737 WATAUGA MEDICAL CENTER INC. 12" C MP BY-12 BY-5 GR N U R S E R Y T R E E PIN 2818-53-7659 DB 1476 Pg 379 BARBARA LENTZ WRIGHT PIN 2818-53-6309 DB 623 Pg 275 KENNETH WRIGHT P IN 2 8 2 9 - 9 2 - 0 4 6 3 S E R V IC E - B L U E R ID G E P A R K W A Y U N IT E D S T A T E S N A T IO N A L P A R K R E V IS I O N S ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. REGISTERED ENGINEERREGISTERED ENGINEER PLANS ROADWAYL B 1001 Wade Avenue, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27605-3322 THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 16003 SEAL DE A N D.H TAFIELDE N GINEER LAN OISSEFORPNORTHCAR O LIN A 0'100'50' 1/ 2 8 / 2 0 14 G : \ C K E P r o j e c t s \ C K E 2 1 0 0 4 L i m i t e d S e r v i c e s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e s \ R - 5 5 2 5 \ R o a d w a y \ P r o j \ R 5 5 2 5 _ R D Y _ 0 5 _ P S H . d g n 2 : 5 4 : 5 0 P M G : \ C A D D \ P l o t \ C K E 2 1 0 0 4 \ C K E 2 1 0 0 4 _ r d y . t b l R-5525 HYDRAULICS SEAL 032134 P ROFESS IO NA L CARO LI NANORTH E N ER INEG STREBOR RE T L AW 30' RT +00.00 -L- 30' LT +97.61 -Y3- 30' RT +40.00 -Y3- 30' LT +40.00 -Y3- 6 0 ' 6 0' 60' 30' LT +00.00 -L- 30' RT +87.84 -L- +87.84 -L- 30' LT 30' RT +26.87 -L- +38.56 -L- 30' LT 30' RT +80.98 -L- 30' RT +74.63 -L- 30' RT +77.13 -L- 30' LT +77.13 -L- 34.57' LT +76.55 -L- 30' RT +86.95 -L- 30' LT +86.95 -L- 30' RT +61.24 -Y3- 30' LT +26.87 -Y3- 30' RT +26.87 -Y3- 30' RT +35.72 -Y3- 30' LT +35.72 -Y3- 30' RT +97.61 -Y3- 30' LT +51.51 -Y3- 20.28' LT +80.03 -L- 92' RT +30.00 -L- 58' LT +00.00 -Y3- 64' LT 30' LT +06.00 -Y3- 50' LT +50.00 -Y3- 45' LT +00.00 -Y3- 30' LT +61.24 -Y3- 36' RT +86.00 -L- 44' RT 30' LT +32.00 -L- 40' RT +00.00 -L- 40' RT 30' RT +56.00 -L- 42' LT 30' LT +06.00 -L- 38' LT +50.00 -L- 38' LT +00.00 -L- 36' LT +50.00 -L- 41' RT +50.00 -L- 80' LT +35.00 -L- 50' LT +00.00 -L- 50' LT +50.00 -L- 45' RT +30.00 -Y3- 50' RT +50.00 -Y3- 50' RT +25.00 -Y3- 65' RT +80.00 -L- 50' RT +50.00 -Y3- 65' RT +40.00 -Y3- 60' RT +50.00 -Y3- 60' LT +80.00 -Y3- 50' LT +40.00 -Y3- 50' LT +35.00 -Y3- PL. LT +87.99 -L- 55' RT +30.00 -L- 80' LT +25.00 -L- 70' RT +25.00 -L- 40' RT +00.00 -Y3- 50' LT +50.00 -Y3- 40' LT +00.00 -Y3- 134' RT +75.00 -L- 130' RT +58.00 -L- 44' RT +20.00 -L- 30' RT +82.00 -L- 12' 12' -L- POT 11+51.38 END BRIDGE 2 '- 6 " C &G 2 '- 6 " C &G N A D 8 3 / N S R S 2 0 1 1 12'12' 12 ' 12 ' 2 '-6" C&G 2'- 6 " C & G 2'- 6 " C & G .03 .02 .0 3 .0 2 .0 1 .0 0 .0 1 .0 2 .0 3 .0 4 (T yp .) 15 .0 0 ' +57.50 -DWY1- POT Sta. 11+18.94 -DWY1- PT Sta. 10+55.94 -L- POT Sta. 32+05.82 -DWY1- POT Sta. 10+00.00 = -L- PC Sta. 32+77.13 -DWY1- PC Sta. 10+15.63 -L- PT Sta. 31+74.63 -L- PC Sta. 30+38.56 30+00 -L- PC Sta. 15+35.67 -L- PT Sta. 14+07.02 - Y3- P T St a. 2 0 + 9 7. 6 1 -Y3- PRC Sta. 18+35.72 -Y3- PC Sta. 14+26.87 .02 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .06 .05 . .05 .06 (T yp .) 17 .5 ' .0 4 (Typ.) 15.5 ' 2 0 + 0 0 1 5 + 0 0 -L- PT Sta. 28+87.84 . 0 2 .01 2'-6" C&G 2 '- 6 " C&G 2 '- 6 " C&G R=20' R=50' R=20' R=41' R=15' R=30' 12 ' -Y3- +65.43 -L- POT Sta. 29+26.87 -Y3- PC Sta. 10+00.00 = P R OP . 5 ' S ID E WALK -Y3- PT Sta. 12+61.24 R=20' 2 4' -Y3- POT Sta. 22+00.00 -Y1- POC Sta. 12+25.00 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION -Y3- POT Sta. 21+28.00 END CONSTRUCTION -Y3- POT Sta. 20+82.79 25.06' LT. END CONSTRUCTION -L- POT Sta. 35+54.88 43.14' RT. END CONSTRUCTION .06 . 0 5 . 04 . 03 . 02 (T yp .) 17 .5 ' 35+ 00 2 '- 6 " C&G 2 '- 6 " C&G R=30' P R OP . 5 ' S ID E WALK -L- PT Sta. 34+86.95 R=20' 2 4 ' -L- POT Sta. 36+50.00 -L- POT Sta. 35+92.00 END TIP PROJECT No. R-5525 CR CR SPRING 0511 0513 0514 0515 0520 0501 0502 0503 0504 0505 0506 0507 0508 0509 0510 0512 0517 0518 BDO BDO BDO BDO REMOVE CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB 15" CSP DI 15" 15" 15" CSP18" 2 4 " 15" 2 4 " 15" 18" 2 4 " 24" CSP 15" C S P 1 8 " CSP 15" W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 15" CSP W/ 1 ELBOW W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 15" CSP W/ 1 ELBOW W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 18" CSP W/ 1 ELBOW W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 15" CSP W/ 1 ELBOW EST. 105 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 35 TONS CLASS B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL A, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH EST. 210 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 70 TONS CLASS B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL B, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH CB CB 0516 0519 CB CB CB CB CB CB CB 15"15"15" 15" 052115" 0522 0523 15" 15 " 0524 0525 15 " 0526 15 " EST. 368 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 122 TONS CLASS B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL A, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH BY OTHERS18" CSP EST. 58 SY PSRM SEE DETAIL C, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH OTHERS DI BY EST. 158 SY PSRM SEE DETAIL C, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH EST. 210 SY PSRM SEE DETAIL C, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH 2 4 " C S P 24" C S P W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 18" CSP W/ 1 ELBOW 5 PI Sta 10+38.35 D L = 40.31' T = 22.73' R = 35.00' CURVE DATA FOR -DWY1- MATCHLINE -L- STA 27+50 SHEET 4 CURVE DATA FOR -L- PI Sta 25+95.29 D L = 225.86' T = 114.89' R = 500.00' PI Sta 31+33.44 D L = 125.31' T = 66.58' R = 150.00' PI Sta 33+44.23 D L = 209.82' T = 115.72' R = 200.00' Se = 0.06 Se = 0.06 Se = 0.06 PI Sta 11+73.90 D L = 273.79' T = 173.90' R = 175.00' PI Sta 17+58.14 D L = 408.84' T = 278.48' R = 235.00' PI Sta 20+22.52 D L = 261.89' T = 134.02' R = 500.00' Se = 0.04 Se = 0.03 Se = 0.02 CURVE DATA FOR -Y3- NOTE: ALL DRAINAGE PIPES, UNLESS SPECIFIED, ARE ASSUMED TO BE RCP CLASS III. DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS SEE SHEET 6 THRU 8 FOR PROFILES C F C F C F C F C F C C C C C C F C F C F C C C C C C F F F F F F C C C C C C C C C C C C F C F C F C F F C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 3405 3405 3410 3410 3410 3 4 10 3410 3410 3410 3410 3410 3410 3410 3410 3415 3415 3415 3415 3415 3 4 1 5 3415 3415 3415 3415 3415 3415 3415 3415 3 4 1 5 3415 3415 3415 3 4 2 0 3420 3420 3420 3420 3420 3420 3420 3420 3 4 2 0 3420 3420 3420 3420 3420 3420 3420 3 4 2 0 3420 3420 3420 3420 3420 3420 3420 3420 3420 3420 3420 3425 3425 3425 3425 3425 3425 3425 3425 3425 3425 3430 3430 3430 34 30 3430 34 30 3430 3430 3430 3435 3435 3435 3435 3435 3435 3435 3435 3440 3440 3440 3440 3440 3440 3440 3440 3440 3440 3440 3440 3440 3440 3440 3 4 4 0 3445 3445 3445 3445 3445 3445 3445 3445 3450 3450 3450 3450 3450 3450 3450 3 4 5 0 3455 3455 3455 3 4 5 5 34553455 3455 3460 3460 3 4 6 0 3460 3460 3460 3460 3460 3460 3460 3460 3460 3460 34603 4 6 0 3465 3465 3465 3 4 6 5 3465 3465 3465 3470 3 4 7 0 3470 3470 3470 3470 3470 3470 3475 3475 3475 3 4 7 5 3475 3475 3475 3475 3480 34803480 3480 3480 3 4 8 0 3480 3480 3480 3480 3480 3480 3480 3480 3485 3485 3485 3485 3485 3485 3485 3490 3490 3490 3490 3490 3490 3490 3495 3495 3495 3495 3495 3495 3495 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 35003500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3505 3505 3505 3505 3505 3505 3505 3510 3510 3510 3510 3510 3510 3510 3515 3515 3515 3515 3 5 1 5 3515 3520 3520 3520 3520 3520 3520 3520 3520 3520 3520 3520 3520 3525 3525 3525 3525 35 25 3525 3530 3530 3530 3 53 0 3535 3535 3535 3535 3540 3540 3540 3540 3540 3540 3540 3545 3545 3 5 4 5 354 5 3550 35503 5 5 0 3555 3555 3560 3560 3560 3560 3565 3565 3570 3570 3575 3580 3580 3580 3585 3590 359035953600 3600 3 6 0 5 LOCUST TREE 3 0 ' SIGN PIN 2829-92-0463 SERVICE - BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY UNITED STATES NATIONAL PARK HW 1 3 EXISTING R/W EX IST IN G R /W R/W MON R/W MON EXISTING R/W R/W MON 209.88'S 72°44'56" W PIN 2818-54-4035 DB 1631 Pg 636 SYSTEM APPALACHIAN REGIONAL HEALTHCARE 1 1 PIN 2818-54-4035 DB 1631 Pg 636 SYSTEM APPALACHIAN REGIONAL HEALTHCARE S 47°58'20" E 81.83' S 2 9°4 7'19" E 7 7.3 7' E XIS TI N G R/ W 60.00' EXISTING R/W R/W MON R/W MON R/W MON R/W MON R/W MON N 12 ° 0 4' 5 1 " W 7 1. 7 7' S 42°14'09" W N 14 °3 6 '0 9 " E 9 0 .5 0 ' L =97.33' R =245.00' N 52°09'32" E 53.81' E XIS TI N G R/ W EIP 63 .79 ' N 81°43 '56" W S 37°49'11" E 19.93' EIP 25.40' N 59°56'57" E E X IS T IN G R /W S 46°50'27" W63.68' N 37°19'33" W 140.00' E X IS T IN G R /W N 0 5 ° 5 1' 3 8 " W 3 3 3 . 0 7 ' R/W MON EIP R/W MON EXISTING R/W EIP S S SS T S S T S T T 36" WD 36" W D 15" R C P GR GR G R B S T G R 6' CONC CONC G R 1 2 " C M P 12" H D P E END UNKNOWN 18" CMP 6" CURB 36" WD NC HWY 321 53' BST 48" C&G 30" C&G 30" C&G 48" C&G 48" C&G 48" C &G 48" C&G CONC ISL CONC ISL 18" C MP MTL OHW EL=3445.6' 18" R C P 18" OUT=3416.24' 18" IN=3416.95' TOP=3421.50' 18" C M P 18" C MP 18" OUT=3412.56' 18" IN=3412.97' TOP=3419.48' 9' X 6' C U L V E R T 18" R CP 18" RCP 18" RCP CONC FLUME CONC FLUME CONC FLUME 18" OUT=3420.72' 18" IN=3421.11' TOP=3425.48' 18" OUT=3419.49' 18" IN=3419.55' TOP=3424.65' 18" CMP 12" C M P 12" OUT=3421.13' TOP=3423.93' 18" OUT=3416.47' 12" IN=3416.96' TOP=3422.52' 18" RCP18" RCP 1 8" CM P18" OUT=3423.62' 18" IN=3423.82' TOP=3428.07' 18" C M P 12" CMP 12" RCP 30 " C M P INV=3407.68' MTL MTL INV=3411.15' INV=3411.60' 6' X 4' CULVERT INV=3415.52' INV=3413.93' WELL BST BST INV=3416.78' INV=3410.78'RIP-RAP CONC FLUME 12" OUT=3420.33' TOP=3422.68' 18" OUT=3414.47' TOP=3421.17' INV=3416.08' RIP-RAP INV=3413.86' INV=3425.10'INV=3426.25' INV=3416.52' INV=3418.33'STN HW INV=3419.33' 107"x103" CMP BM-1 INV=3410.02' 1 2 " C M P OUTLET BURIED PIPE INLET & E D MIS T E N R D. 2 0' B S T -EL- 18" OUT=3424.64' TOP=3428.44' 18" OUT=3420.53' TOP=3423.93' S S S S SS S S S S S SS 18" OUT=3419.56' TOP=3423.56' 18" OUT=3421.55' 18" IN=3421.59' TOP=3426.54' INV=3406.31' INV=3406.58' INV=3406.83' INV=3406.80' CULVERT2- 12'X12' PIN 2818-44-3066 DB 173 PG 906 EDGAR L FOREMAN, JR PIN 2818-44-6195 DB 1297 PG 595 JAMES & PHYLLIS LESTER PIN 2818-44-8352 DB 376 PG 811 ZERUBBABEL INC PIN 2818-54-1533 DB 210 PG 5 ALPEN MOTEL PROPERTIES PIN 2818-54-3497 DB 1079 PG 444 SCOTT P MCINTOSH UNKNOWNEND GRAVEL DRIVE G R A V E L D R I V E GR AVE L DR IVE 12-15-20133406.88' WATER ELEV= U.S. HWY 321 VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/W EXISTING R/W PIN 2818-53-7659 DB 1476 Pg 379 BARBARA LENTZ WRIGHT 12" CMP 8 " H D P E BILLBOARD PIN 2818-54-4035 DB 1631 Pg 636 HEALTHCARE SYSTEM APPALACHIAN REGIONAL INV=3408.82' OF NEW RIVER SOUTH FORK MIDDLE FORK 1 2' 1 2' 12'12' 2'-6" C&G2'-6" C&G 2 '- 6 " C & G 2 '-6 " C &G N A D 8 3 / N S R S 2 0 1 1 -L- POT 11+51.38 END BRIDGE -Y1- PT Sta. 21+74.07 -Y1- POC Sta. 13+52.59 -L- POT Sta. 10+00.00 = -Y1- PCC Sta. 19+97.95 -Y1- -Y1- -Y1- 15+00 12' 12' . 0 4 . 0 3 . 0 2 . 0 2 . 0 3 . 0 4 .03 .04 .00 .01 .02 .02 .'12'12' +90.00 12'12' 12'12' 11'11'11'11' SIGNALPROP. HOLD EXIST. EOP 50' DWY TO BLOWING ROCK TO BOONE 1 2' 1 2' 1 2' 1 2' .0 -L- PC Sta. 27+23.94 -L- PC Sta. 25+33.78 -L- PT Sta. 26+31.57 -L- PC Sta. 17+49.84 -L- PT Sta. 20+44.92 -L- PT Sta. 23+81.97 -L- PC Sta. 21+28.31 25+00 2 0 + 0 0 -L- PT Sta. 16+66.66 -L- PC Sta. 15+35.67 -L- PT Sta. 14+07.02 -L- PC Sta. 11+84.07 1 5 + 0 0 . 0 6 . 0 5 . 0 2 . 0 4 . 0 3 . 0 2 . 0 3 . 0 4 .0 5 .06 .05 . 04.0 . 06 .05 .04 .03 .02 .01 .01 .02 (Typ.)17.5' (Typ.)17.5' (Typ.)17.5' .00 . 0 5 .0 6 -Y1- PC Sta. 10+00.00 HOLD EXIST. EOP 11'11' 11'11' TO MATCH EXIST. 100' TAPER 11'11' VAR. WIDTH PAINTED ISLAND 11'11' + 5 0.0 0 +50.00 CONC. ISLAND REM. EXIST. (MATCH EXIST.) 150' LANE SHIFT +00.00 (50:1) TO MATCH EXIST. 200' LANE SHIFT +00.00 110' RT TURN/TAPER 110' STORAGE & EXIST. EOPHOLD 12' 12'12' +50.00 EXIST. EOPHOLD 11'11' +00.00 +25.00 TO MATCH EXIST. 75' TAPER REPAT E N AL '0 51 SBG SBG +00.00 TYPE TL-2 GRAU 350 TYPE III TYPE III TYPE TL-2 GRAU 350 AT-1 GRAU-350 PROP. 5' SIDEWALK PROP. 5' SIDEWALK P R OP . 5 ' S ID E WALK HOLD EXIST. EOP 12' 12' 12'12' STRUCTURE RETAIN EXIST. 100' LANE TAPER PATHWAY (BY OTHERS) FUTURE MIDDLE FORK (Typ.)17.5' -Y1- POC Sta. 12+25.00 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION -Y1- POC Sta. 21+00.00 END CONSTRUCTION -L- POT 10+49.00 BEGIN BRIDGE -L- POT 10+30.16 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION BEGIN TIP PROJECT No. R-5525 + 4 0 . 0 0 + 5 0 . 0 0 E N D S B G B E G I N 2 ' - 6 " C & G DETAIL FOR TRANSITION SEE SHEET 2-E 2'-6" C&G +33.33 150' LT TURNLANE STORAGE CR R E V IS I O N S ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. REGISTERED ENGINEERREGISTERED ENGINEER PLANS ROADWAYL B 1001 Wade Avenue, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27605-3322 THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 16003 SEAL DE A N D.H TAFIELDE N GINEER LAN OISSEFORPNORTHCAR O LIN A 0'100'50' 1/ 2 8 / 2 0 14 G : \ C K E P r o j e c t s \ C K E 2 1 0 0 4 L i m i t e d S e r v i c e s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e s \ R - 5 5 2 5 \ R o a d w a y \ P r o j \ R 5 5 2 5 _ R D Y _ 0 4 _ P S H . d g n 2 : 5 7 : 18 P M G : \ C A D D \ P l o t \ C K E 2 1 0 0 4 \ C K E 2 1 0 0 4 _ r d y . t b l R-5525 HYDRAULICS SEAL 032134 P ROFESS IO NA L CARO LI NANORTH E N ER INEG STREBOR RE T L AW +23.94 -L- 30' LT +84.07 -L- 60' 6 0 ' EXIST. R/W 40' RT +79.74 -L- 40' LT 30' LT +84.07 -L- 30' LT +07.02 -L- 30' RT +07.02 -L- 30' LT +35.67 -L- 30' RT +35.67 -L- 30' RT +66.66 -L- 30' LT +66.66 -L- 30' LT +49.84 -L- 30' RT +49.84 -L- 30' RT +44.92 -L- 30' LT +44.92 -L- 30' LT +28.31 -L- 30' RT +28.31 -L- 30' RT +81.97 -L- 30' LT +81.97 -L- +31.57 -L- 30' LT 30' RT +33.78 -L- 30' LT +33.78 -L- 30' RT +31.57 -L- 30' RT +23.94 -L- 98' LT +62.00 -L- 98' LT 40' LT +36.00 -L- 30' RT +12.00 -L- 92' RT +30.00 -L- 71' RT +50.00 -L- 37' RT +00.00 -L- 103' LT +50.00 -L- 96' LT +00.00 -L- 86' LT +50.00 -L- 60' LT +85.00 -L- 60' LT 30' LT +15.00 -L- 110' RT +50.00 -L- 100' RT +00.00 -L-93' RT +50.00 -L- 95' RT +15.00 -L- 55' RT +50.00 -L- 61' RT +50.00 -L- 30' LT +52.00 -L- 30' LT +83.00 -L- 90' LT +50.00 -L- 65' LT +50.00 -L- 51' LT 30' LT, +39.00 -L- 70' LT +00.00 -L- 115' LT +50.00 -L- 90' LT +00.00 -L- 90' LT +50.00 -L- 105' RT +50.00 -L- 100' RT +30.00 -L- 110' RT +00.00 -L- 125' RT +00.00 -L- 80' RT +50.00 -L- 70' RT +50.00 -L- 65' RT +50.00 -L- 65' RT +25.00 -L- 75' RT +00.00 -L- 70' RT +50.00 -L- 45' RT +15.00 -L- 55' RT +75.00 -L- 50' RT +00.00 -L- 60' RT +00.00 -L- 70' RT +00.00 -L- 105' LT +20.00 -L- 155' LT +20.00 -L- 165' LT +90.00 -L- 120' RT +50.00 -L- 40' RT 30' RT 105' RT +15.00 -L- 130' LT +25.00 -L- PL. LT +74.09 -L- PL. LT +80.93 -L- PL. RT 35' RT, +45.00 -Y2- PL. LT 35' LT, +45.00 -Y2- PL. RT +78.84 -L- 100' LT +85.00 -L- 70' LT +25.00 -L- 62' LT +00.00 -L- 30' RT +65.00 -L- AUEAUE AUE AUE 269' LT +98.89 -Y1- 188' LT +86.75 -Y1- 127' LT +00.05 -Y1- 89' LT +38.68 -Y1- 60' LT +20.00 -L- 30' LT +20.00 -L- 30' LT +20.00 -L- 60' LT +20.00 -L- 62.06' N 2 8 ° 5 4 '4 "E . 0 6 . 0 5 . 0 4 . 0 3 . 0 2 C R 0414 0423 0439 0410 0411 0412 0413 0417 0419 0420 0421 0422 0424 0427 0431 0432 BDO BDO BE PLACED IN JS NO RIP RAP TO 0416 REMOVE RETAIN RETAIN RETAIN RETAIN EST. 5 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 1 TON CL B RIP RAP REMOVE PLUG 18" CSP 15 " C S P CB CB CB CB CB15" CSP CB CB 18 " 3 0 " 15" 3 0 " C S P CSP15" 0442 0441 0440 EST. 7 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 2 TON CL B RIP RAP REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE EXIST. DI EST. 16 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 5 TON CL B RIP RAP W/ 15"CSPSLOTTED DRAIN 15 " 15 " C SP 0444 0443 CB 2GI 15" CSP 3 0 "30" 2 4 " CB 2GI 0426 0418 W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 15" CSP W/ 2 ELBOWS W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 15" CSP W/ 1 ELBOW W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 15" CSP W/ 2 ELBOWS W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 30" CSP W/ 1 ELBOWW/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 18" CSP W/ 1 ELBOW 15" TBDI TBDI TBDI TBDI EST. 316 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 104 TONS CLASS B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL A, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH EST. 158 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 52 TONS RIP RAP SEE DETAIL A, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH EST. 26 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 9 TONS CLASS B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL A, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH EST. 237 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 78 TONS RIP RAP SEE DETAIL A, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH EST. 210 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 70 TONS CLASS B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL B, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH EST. 184 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 61 TONS CLASS B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL A, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH 0404 CB CB0403 CB CB 0402 0401 CB 0405 30" 30" 30" 30" C SP 3 0 " C S P 30" W / SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 15" CSP W / 1 ELBOW TOP LOWER EDGE OF EXISTING 11'X11' RCBC IS TO BE BEVELED 45° ALONG ENTIRE WIDTH OF UPSTREAM FACE RETAIN EST. 105 SY PSRM SEE DETAIL C, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH LIDW/SLABTBJB 3 0 " C S P 30" CSP 0438 EST. 60 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 28 TONS CL I RIP RAP RETAIN RETAIN PSH JB w/MH CB 0430 0429 0428 1 5 " CB CB 15" 0447 0446 0445 PSH CB15" 3 0 " SPRING CHANNEL FOR END OF DEFINED 4 MATCHLINE -L- STA 27+50 SHEET 5 DETAIL SHOWING BRIDGE/PAVEMENT RELATIONSHIP 12 ' 12 ' 12 ' PI Sta 15+00.82 D L = 997.95' T = 500.82' R = 4,752.75' PI Sta 20+86.11 D L = 176.12' T = 88.16' R = 1,507.00' Se = EXIST.Se = EXIST. CURVE DATA FOR -Y1- PI Sta 11+80.93 D L = 98.83' T = 53.87' R = 100.00' PI Sta 13+26.75 D L = 76.93' T = 48.41' R = 50.00' Se = 0.02 Se = 0.02 CURVE DATA FOR -Y2- PI Sta 13+09.06 D L = 222.95' T = 129.48' R = 175.00' PI Sta 15+98.22 D L = 130.99' T = 67.04' R = 250.00' PI Sta 18+99.97 D L = 295.07' T = 154.61' R = 400.00' PI Sta 23+56.66 D L = 233.02' T = 232.83' R = 100.00' PI Sta 25+95.29 D L = 225.86' T = 114.89' R = 500.00' CURVE DATA FOR -L- Se = 0.06 Se = 0.05 Se = 0.04 Se = 0.06 Se = 0.06 SEE SHEETS S-1 THRU S-18 FOR STRUCTURE PLANS SEE SHEETS 6 THRU 8 FOR PROFILES TYPE TL-2 GRAU 350 TYPE TL-2 GRAU 350 AT-1 TYPE III TYPE III U . S . H W Y 3 2 1 SBG SBG -L- POT 10+49.00 BEGIN BRIDGE -L- POT 11+51.38 END BRIDGE -L- POT 11+62.38 END APPROACH SLAB -L- POT 10+36.30 BEGIN APPROACH SLAB NOTE: ALL DRAINAGE PIPES, UNLESS SPECIFIED, ARE ASSUMED TO BE RCP CLASS III. 6 0 ' - 4 " ( C L E A R R D W Y) 4 ' - 8 " 19 ' - 8 " -L- - Y1- DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS C C C C C F F C C C C F C C F C C C C C F C F C F C F C F F C C C C C C C F F C C F F F F F F F C C C C CC C C C C C C C C 3420 3430 3440 3445 3450 3455 3455 3460 3460 3460 3460 3465 3465 3465 3 4 7 0 3470 3470 3475 3475 3475 3480 3480 3480 3480 3480 3480 3480 3485 3485 3485 3490 3490 3490 3490 3495 3495 3495 3495 3500 35003500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3505 3505 3505 3505 3510 3510 3510 3510 3515 3515 3 5 1 5 3515 3515 3515 3520 3520 3520 3520 3520 3520 3520 3520 3520 3520 3525 3525 3525 3525 3525 3525 3530 3530 35 3 0 3530 3530 3530 3535 3535 3535 3535 3535 3535 3 5 3 5 3540 3540 3540 3540 3 5 4 0 3540 3 540 3540 3540 3540 3540 3540 3545 3 5 4 5 3545 3 545 3545 3545 3 5 4 5 35503550 3 5 5 0 3 5 5 0 3550 3550 3 5 5 0 3555 3555 355 5 3555 3555 3555 3 5 5 5 3560 3560 3560 3 5 6 0 3560 3560 3 5 6 0 3560 35 6 0 3560 35603560 3560 3 5 6 0 3 5 6 0 3565 3565 3 5 6 5 3565 3565 3565 3565 3 5 6 5 3570 3570 3570 3 5 7 0 3570 3570 3570 3 5 7 0 3575 3575 3 5 7 53 5 7 5 3575 3575 3575 3 5 7 5 3 5 7 5 3580 3580 3580 3 5 8 0 3580 3580 3580 3580 3 5 8 0 3580 3580 35803580 3 5 8 0 3 5 8 0 3 5 8 0 3 5 8 0 3 5 8 0 3580 3585 3585 3 5 8 5 3585 3585 3 5 8 5 3585 3585 3 5 8 5 3 5 8 5 3585 35 8 5 3590 3590 3 5 9 0 3590 3590 3590 3590 3590 3 5 9 0 3 5 9 0 3 5 9 0 3 5 9 0 35953595 35 9 5 35 9 5 3595 3 5 9 5 3595 3 5 9 5 3 5 9 5 3 5 9 5 3 5 9 5 3 5 9 5 3595 3595 3 5 9 5 3 6 0 0 3 6 0 0 3600 3600 3600 3 6 0 0 3600 3 6 0 0 3600 3600 3 6 0 0 3 6 0 0 3 6 0 0 3 6 0 0 3 6 0 0 3 6 0 0 3 6 0 0 36 00 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3605 3605 3 605 3605 3605 3 6 0 5 3 6 0 5 3 6 0 5 3605 3605 3605 3605 3 6 0 5 3 6 0 5 3 6 0 5 3 6 10 3610 3 610 3610 3610 3 6 10 3 6 10 3 6 10 3610 3610 3610 3 6 1 0 3610 3 6 1 0 3 6 10 3 6 10 3610 3 6 15 3 6 15 3 6 15 3615 3 6 15 3615 3615 3615 3 6 15 3 6 15 3 6 15 3615 3615 3615 3 6 1 5 3 615 3 6 15 3 6 2 0 3 6 2 0 3620 3 6 2 0 3 6 2 0 3620 3 6 2 0 3 6 2 0 3 6 2 0 3620 3620 3620 3620 3620 3 6 2 0 3620 3620 3 6 2 0 3 6 2 0 3620 3620 3 6 2 0 3 6 2 0 3620 3 6 2 0 3 6 2 0 3620 3 6 2 0 3620 3620 3 6 2 0 3625 3625 3 6 2 5 3 62 5 3625 3625 3625 3625 3630 3 6 3 0 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P EIP EIP EIP EIP EIP EIP EIP EIP 60.14' 6 5 .9 9 ' 2 0. 0 0' TI E 135. 61' 839. 24' T R E E N U R S E R Y T R E E N U R S E R Y SOI L D RI V E S OIL DR IVE SOIL DRIVE PIN 2818-63-1103 DB 234 Pg 770 CYNTHIA WRIGHT KENNETH WRIGHT & wf. TRACT "A" PB 12 Pg 155 WW WW TBM: NO. 5 REBAR ELEVATION 3630.09' G A T E B A R N 2 4 N 2 9°0 8'4 5" W 2 0 5 . 3 9 ' N 0 4 °4 1' 4 1" E 4 15 .8 9 ' S 2 6 °0 4 '13 " W 3 2 4. 11' S 6 5° 2 1' 5 0 " E 2 6 7 .6 5 ' S 2 6 °0 2 '0 9 " W PIN 2818-54-4035 DB 1631 Pg 636 SYSTEM APPALACHIAN REGIONAL HEALTHCARE 3 DB 1560 PG 713 PARCEL 2818-52-6737 WATAUGA MEDICAL CENTER INC. 2 DB 1560 PG 713 PARCEL 2818-52-6737 WATAUGA MEDICAL CENTER INC. 12" C MP BY-12 BY-5 GR N U R S E R Y T R E E PIN 2818-53-7659 DB 1476 Pg 379 BARBARA LENTZ WRIGHT PIN 2818-53-6309 DB 623 Pg 275 KENNETH WRIGHT P IN 2 8 2 9 - 9 2 - 0 4 6 3 S E R V IC E - B L U E R ID G E P A R K W A Y U N IT E D S T A T E S N A T IO N A L P A R K R E V IS I O N S ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. REGISTERED ENGINEERREGISTERED ENGINEER PLANS ROADWAYL B 1001 Wade Avenue, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27605-3322 THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 16003 SEAL DE A N D.H TAFIELDE N GINEER LAN OISSEFORPNORTHCAR O LIN A 0'100'50' 1/ 2 8 / 2 0 14 G : \ C K E P r o j e c t s \ C K E 2 1 0 0 4 L i m i t e d S e r v i c e s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e s \ R - 5 5 2 5 \ R o a d w a y \ P r o j \ R 5 5 2 5 _ R D Y _ 0 5 _ P S H . d g n 2 : 5 7 : 2 3 P M G : \ C A D D \ P l o t \ C K E 2 1 0 0 4 \ C K E 2 1 0 0 4 _ r d y . t b l R-5525 HYDRAULICS SEAL 032134 P ROFESS IO NA L CARO LI NANORTH E N ER INEG STREBOR RE T L AW 30' RT +00.00 -L- 30' LT +97.61 -Y3- 30' RT +40.00 -Y3- 30' LT +40.00 -Y3- 6 0 ' 6 0' 60' 30' LT +00.00 -L- 30' RT +87.84 -L- +87.84 -L- 30' LT 30' RT +26.87 -L- +38.56 -L- 30' LT 30' RT +80.98 -L- 30' RT +74.63 -L- 30' RT +77.13 -L- 30' LT +77.13 -L- 34.57' LT +76.55 -L- 30' RT +86.95 -L- 30' LT +86.95 -L- 30' RT +61.24 -Y3- 30' LT +26.87 -Y3- 30' RT +26.87 -Y3- 30' RT +35.72 -Y3- 30' LT +35.72 -Y3- 30' RT +97.61 -Y3- 30' LT +51.51 -Y3- 20.28' LT +80.03 -L- 92' RT +30.00 -L- 58' LT +00.00 -Y3- 64' LT 30' LT +06.00 -Y3- 50' LT +50.00 -Y3- 45' LT +00.00 -Y3- 30' LT +61.24 -Y3- 36' RT +86.00 -L- 44' RT 30' LT +32.00 -L- 40' RT +00.00 -L- 40' RT 30' RT +56.00 -L- 42' LT 30' LT +06.00 -L- 38' LT +50.00 -L- 38' LT +00.00 -L- 36' LT +50.00 -L- 41' RT +50.00 -L- 80' LT +35.00 -L- 50' LT +00.00 -L- 50' LT +50.00 -L- 45' RT +30.00 -Y3- 50' RT +50.00 -Y3- 50' RT +25.00 -Y3- 65' RT +80.00 -L- 50' RT +50.00 -Y3- 65' RT +40.00 -Y3- 60' RT +50.00 -Y3- 60' LT +80.00 -Y3- 50' LT +40.00 -Y3- 50' LT +35.00 -Y3- PL. LT +87.99 -L- 55' RT +30.00 -L- 80' LT +25.00 -L- 70' RT +25.00 -L- 40' RT +00.00 -Y3- 50' LT +50.00 -Y3- 40' LT +00.00 -Y3- 134' RT +75.00 -L- 130' RT +58.00 -L- 44' RT +20.00 -L- 30' RT +82.00 -L- 12' 12' -L- POT 11+51.38 END BRIDGE 2 '- 6 " C &G 2 '- 6 " C &G N A D 8 3 / N S R S 2 0 1 1 12'12' 12 ' 12 ' 2 '-6" C&G 2'- 6 " C & G 2'- 6 " C & G .03 .02 .0 3 .0 2 .0 1 .0 0 .0 1 .0 2 .0 3 .0 4 (T yp .) 15 .0 0 ' +57.50 -DWY1- POT Sta. 11+18.94 -DWY1- PT Sta. 10+55.94 -L- POT Sta. 32+05.82 -DWY1- POT Sta. 10+00.00 = -L- PC Sta. 32+77.13 -DWY1- PC Sta. 10+15.63 -L- PT Sta. 31+74.63 -L- PC Sta. 30+38.56 30+00 -L- PC Sta. 15+35.67 -L- PT Sta. 14+07.02 - Y3- P T St a. 2 0 + 9 7. 6 1 -Y3- PRC Sta. 18+35.72 -Y3- PC Sta. 14+26.87 .02 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .06 .05 . .05 .06 (T yp .) 17 .5 ' .0 4 (Typ.) 15.5 ' 2 0 + 0 0 1 5 + 0 0 -L- PT Sta. 28+87.84 . 0 2 .01 2'-6" C&G 2 '- 6 " C&G 2 '- 6 " C&G R=20' R=50' R=20' R=41' R=15' R=30' 12 ' -Y3- +65.43 -L- POT Sta. 29+26.87 -Y3- PC Sta. 10+00.00 = P R OP . 5 ' S ID E WALK -Y3- PT Sta. 12+61.24 R=20' 2 4' -Y3- POT Sta. 22+00.00 -Y1- POC Sta. 12+25.00 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION -Y3- POT Sta. 21+28.00 END CONSTRUCTION -Y3- POT Sta. 20+82.79 25.06' LT. END CONSTRUCTION -L- POT Sta. 35+54.88 43.14' RT. END CONSTRUCTION .06 . 0 5 . 04 . 03 . 02 (T yp .) 17 .5 ' 35+ 00 2 '- 6 " C&G 2 '- 6 " C&G R=30' P R OP . 5 ' S ID E WALK -L- PT Sta. 34+86.95 R=20' 2 4 ' -L- POT Sta. 36+50.00 -L- POT Sta. 35+92.00 END TIP PROJECT No. R-5525 CR CR SPRING 0511 0513 0514 0515 0520 0501 0502 0503 0504 0505 0506 0507 0508 0509 0510 0512 0517 0518 BDO BDO BDO BDO REMOVE CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB 15" CSP DI 15" 15" 15" CSP18" 2 4 " 15" 2 4 " 15" 18" 2 4 " 24" CSP 15" C S P 1 8 " CSP 15" W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 15" CSP W/ 1 ELBOW W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 15" CSP W/ 1 ELBOW W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 18" CSP W/ 1 ELBOW W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 15" CSP W/ 1 ELBOW EST. 105 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 35 TONS CLASS B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL A, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH EST. 210 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 70 TONS CLASS B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL B, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH CB CB 0516 0519 CB CB CB CB CB CB CB 15"15"15" 15" 052115" 0522 0523 15" 15 " 0524 0525 15 " 0526 15 " EST. 368 SY GEOFABRIC EST. 122 TONS CLASS B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL A, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH BY OTHERS18" CSP EST. 58 SY PSRM SEE DETAIL C, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH OTHERS DI BY EST. 158 SY PSRM SEE DETAIL C, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH EST. 210 SY PSRM SEE DETAIL C, SHEET 2-A BERM 'V' DITCH 2 4 " C S P 24" C S P W/ SLEEVE GASKETS ROD & LUG CONNECTOR 18" CSP W/ 1 ELBOW 5 PI Sta 10+38.35 D L = 40.31' T = 22.73' R = 35.00' CURVE DATA FOR -DWY1- MATCHLINE -L- STA 27+50 SHEET 4 CURVE DATA FOR -L- PI Sta 25+95.29 D L = 225.86' T = 114.89' R = 500.00' PI Sta 31+33.44 D L = 125.31' T = 66.58' R = 150.00' PI Sta 33+44.23 D L = 209.82' T = 115.72' R = 200.00' Se = 0.06 Se = 0.06 Se = 0.06 PI Sta 11+73.90 D L = 273.79' T = 173.90' R = 175.00' PI Sta 17+58.14 D L = 408.84' T = 278.48' R = 235.00' PI Sta 20+22.52 D L = 261.89' T = 134.02' R = 500.00' Se = 0.04 Se = 0.03 Se = 0.02 CURVE DATA FOR -Y3- NOTE: ALL DRAINAGE PIPES, UNLESS SPECIFIED, ARE ASSUMED TO BE RCP CLASS III. DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS SEE SHEET 6 THRU 8 FOR PROFILES C F C F C F C F C F C C C C C C F C F C F C C C C C C F F F F F F C C C C C C C C C C C C F C F C F C F F C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C