HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-01175_Well Construction - GW1_20220121 <..-Pr iit:Form- NNTLL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Intmnat Use Only: 1.Well ContractorWormaiion: 14:WATER - '�%• 1 FROM TO DBSCRIPTi01l M o 15.OUTER CASING(for.multi-wsedweDs ORI�� Rule NCrlellCc- —mrCardfic�an\uaaa NES5 MA DLiniZTEK TffiCKTt�t7AL I:FtOM TO � Cayi3 ts_ \. 26.INNERCAGORTFIB Gt eatLermaYr3o5TEa7aL FROM TO DiAn'lETP.R .�,.Tvell ConstroLlon Permit#: - 4 ft. ft. � ie UIC C"*-StaiK mr etc) 1 :rt alt IIRalicIIble off arsavctia.-.perrnitr{ 3.Well Use(check:Well use): 17.S nrnmErEx Si.oTSrLE TffiCcnvEss nrnT>;Riai. Water Supply Well: FROM To 1 ivlunicipallPulr&e � � � -Agricultural CTaotne_yal(Heatng/Coolmg Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) ft- ft. usnial/CoLnercial Residential Water Supply(shared) is.GROTIT �Iad MaT[�i. En»�c�tss�T�ona:avtomv-r FROM TO t Irri ulna ft "�y fL Non-Water Supply Wen: ft Moaitoring Recovery - Injection W aw tt Agiuffe R.-h-ge GroundwaterRemediation }� 14.SANDItYR2AVELPA.CK ff ble Salmi Barrier rRohi TO nAquifar storagge and Recovery tY fz tt Aq �Test DStotmwater Drainage M Experi-eatal Technology — Subsidence,Control zD.DRFLE3FIGLOG attach additlmtal slueets if n ��: e. a swe:eta) Geothe yak(Closed Loop) Tracer FROM To nESCR�ON(ccla' ' Geoteetmal(Heasiag/CoolingRetuin) fisher( plaiaunder(r2lRemaiks) ft: t ft ft Well M# d.Dale We (s)Completed: . - M f Y 5a.Well Location: ft. ft --� fir, i i�1 hl to Y 1 � xs ft xcuiw:Q '1 e FacuityIDA(ifapplicable) It � p r.-.-s,Ci y and Zip 23.REhUPM `auWty i Parcel IdentlfirationNa.{PIl� 5O.Latitude and longitude in degreeslminutestsu cords or decimal degrees: 22.Certifiration: N W S i_ tune of Cetdfiad Well Contractor Date ri.L<(are)tttePsF (s) eimanent or Temporary igning thisform l luoebn eerily rhar the ueQ(s)was(were)constructed in and a t a vrrall Yes or�No 15.4?VCAC O�C.010Q or ISANCAC QIC.OZQQ ilrelt Constnrctiaa Sondards and that a s,Is this a-p to existing copy of ihrs retard has been pravided to the well owner. if t_• rstra 1iffr.irrjdrrmatia. expLsPn ilienature of he ar or u e back a`tr'.irjorra. 23.Site diagram or additionaiweIl details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or Well &For Getigrabzl73l of Chart-Loo the sazz?e p Geotlierrna!Wells having construction details.You may also attach additional gages ifnetxssary construction,O'►y 1 GV-1 isnecdea LidicaL TOTAL IvRIMBERofWells SUBNIlTTALINSTRUCTIONS drilled: 9.Total well depth below laud surface t l5 ( } 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well J For multiple weQs Gt yl d rs j ru;, =; ..at�-3 ga2QF1'IIrd?(a}IQQ I construction to the following: 1 (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, io.Static water level below tog Of e2stng I627-Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276991617 If4tRler IEL'P1 Zr IIDa:'e arSJ.y t5£"-,. ii.Borehole diameter Cam) 24b.For In€ectien Wells: In addition to sending the fora to the address in 24a r y above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion Of well 12.Well construction method: construction to the folloWiag (i e.auger,mtan,r ble,dzect a<:ti e=7 V Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONZY: 2636 Mail Service Center,Ralelgh,NC 276991636 iieihad Of tut ?Ac For WVater Snnoiv&Inieetioa Wells: In addition to sending time form to (13a.Yield(gpm) I the address(cs) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days Of r, t Completion of wall constriction to the county health department of the county 13b.IIisinfeetian type: �'y' offirt where constructed. r�.,,tmaDeoaii�tAtofEnviroamea�Q�ty-DivssionofWaterResoutas Revised 2 22 2016