HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140167 Ver 1_Application_20140220Coi•ps Slibmittal Cove►• Sheet Please provide tlie follo�viug info: 1. Project Natue: TIP No. BD-5114Y - Replace Brid�e No. 135 on SR 1215 over Sha�v Creek 2. Natve of Property Owner/Applicaut:_Nortli Caroliria Depai�tuient of Trauspoi1ation NCDOT) 3. Name of Consnitant/Agent: *Agent authorization needs to be aUachcd. 4. Related/Previous Action ID nuiuber(s): Site Address: N/ 5. Subdivision Name: 6. City: Henderson 7. County: �Hender: 8. Lat: 35.32769 N Long: -82.52006 W (Decimal Degrees Plense) 9. Quldr�ngle N�me: Horse Shoe (35082-CS-TF-024) 10. Waterway: Sliaw Creek (DWR Class: WS-IV) 11. Watershed: Frencli Broad River (HCU: 06010105) 12. Requested Action: X NatiomvidePermit# 14 General Permit # _ Jurisdictional Determination Reqttest Pre-Application Request Tlie following infoimation will be completed by Corps offlce: AID: Prep�re File Polder Assigu uumber in ORM Begin D�te Authorization: Section 10 Section 404 Project Description/ Nature of Activity/ Project Purpose: Site/Waters Name: Keyw�ords: � � ��s �4�j.�� �� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPART`MENT OF '1 RANSPORTATION PAT MCCRORY GO\TR\OR FeUiliary 19, 2014 Mr. Lori Beck���itl�, NCDOT Regulatory Project Manager U. S. Army Corps of Engiueers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-2714 ANTHONY J. TATA secker,�ar NcnoT Sttbject: Natiouwide 14 Pertnit Application TIP Project No. BD-S ll 4Y Replace Bridge No. 135 on SR 1215 over Shaw Creek Henderson County WBS Element No. d5360.1.25 (llWQ Minm� Permit Fee $240.00) Dear Ms. Beckwith: The North Carolina Depai�tment of Transportation (NCDO"I') is proposi��g to replace the subject bridge. The existing 25' W s 41' L steel beam and timUer bridge needs to be replaced due to deterioration and iusufficieut width. The }�roposed replacemeut stnicture will be a 30' W x 60' L x 24" D cored slab bridge widi vertical abutments on a 75 degree skew. The new bridge will be phased constracted slightly do�vnstream of the existing biidge in order to maintain h�aftic on this dead end road during construction. The project will also reqaire a cuLvert e�tension and tlie reloc�tiai of a �vet ditcli adjacent to the roadway. I have enclosed a PCN, Rapanos Jurisdictional Determinatiou Form, SHPO forms, a vicinity map, a USGS topographical map, plan sheets and photographs. The North Carolina N�tural Heritage Program lists 30 species �vith federal status for Henderson County that are knowu from curreut records or were known to occur in the couuty histoiically. One species, �vliite fi•ingeless orchid (Platniithera integrilnbin) is a caudidate species and is known from historical records. The bog hutle (Gl}ptemys nnrJrlenbergii) is listed as threatened due to si�uilarity of appearauce �vitli the nortliern bog tartle. Seven species, Indiana bat (�ll��otis sodalis), Appalachian elktoe (Al�snri�lonto rnvenelim�n), swamp pink (Helonias bidlnln), sinall whorled pogonia (Lrotrin medeoloides), bunched an�owhead (Sngiltrn•in fnscic�dnlo), mountain sweet pitcher plattt (Sarracenin joy�esii) and white irisette (Sis�n•inchr�un dicl7olonrlun) are listed as threateued or endangered. The small whorl pogonia and the Indiana bat have no current records, but are known from historical records. Hendersou Couuty is not currently recognized as an Indiaua bat county by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Seivice. Pouneenih Uivision OOicn 'I'elephone: (828) 53G-21d1 253 \Yebs�er RoaA, Syh�a, North Curolina 28779 Fas: (328) 586-dOd3 BD-5114Y — Henderson Page 2 February 19, 2014 There are no federally tiueatened aud endangered species records Iisted in the North Carolina Natural Heritage Datab�se for the Shaw Creek watershed. The only federally threatened or endangered species listed witivn a four mile radius of the project is the Appalachian elktoe in tlle Mills River. Shaw Creek is too small and lacks the habitat to support mussels. There are records for the Appalachian elktoe downstreTm witliin die Mills River; however, these records are approximately 4.5 miles from the project site and lie iu a tributary of the French Broad River. Given the limited scope of tlie project and the distance to known records, any impact to the Appalachiau elktoe or its Itabitat �vould not be expected. The terrestrial habitat in the vicinity of the bridge crossing lias been highly disturbed finm the bridge, road iutersection, railroad, and private residences. Ripariau habitat iu the vicinity of tlie project is cauposed of a fe�v trees aud slu•ubs, mai�itained lawns, aud has been heavily iuipacted by the railroad, w�hich p�rallels the streaui. Swamp piiilc aud mountain sweet pitclier plaut are associated �vidi wedands. Bunched arrowhead is considered a submergeci aquatic plaut thlt is associated with veiy low flow seepage areas. Wetlands and seeps are lacking at the bridge site. White irisette habitat is found on mid-elevatiou slopes �vitl� open dry to mid-moisture oak- hickoiy forest The habitat is typically ou rocky steep teriaiu with sl�allow soils. Tlie habitat at tlte bridge site lacks tlie chai�acteristics reqaired by tl�e wliite irisette. Small whorled pogonia habitat is considered variable in Nortli Carolina. Typically, it occurs in open, dry, deciduous �voods with acid soil. However, it is also luiown to occur in a variety of habitats in North Caroliva, iucluding on slopes along streams. It is also luiowu to occur in rieh, mesic forest in association witli white pine and rhododendron. The area to Ue affected is not cl�aracteristic of the open, d�y deciduous forest or n�esic forest �vith white pine and rhododendron. The stream is not along a slope, but tlu•ougli relatively flat terrain. The nearest sivall whorled pogonia record shown in the database is for Tra��sylvauia Counry several miles upstream of the project. Due to the limited scope of this project and tl�e proposed BMPs, tlie potcntial for adverse impacts to do���ustream aquatic habitat is uiinimal. Terrestrial haUitat does not appear to be cliaracteristic of any of the listed terrestrial species and l�as beeu highly disturbed in the viciiiity of tlie project. There were no threateued or endangered species abserved duriug tlie field scopiug process. For these reasons and those discussed �bove, �ve recommend a determination of "no effect" for threatened and endangered species. This project was reviewed Uy the NCDOT's Human Environment Unit in 2013. It �vas determiued tliat no suivey was required for historic architectuce; however, au archaeological survey �vas conducted ���ith a determination of no effect (see attaclied forms). Design Staudards in Sensitive Watersheds (l5A NCAC 04B .0124) will supersede all oflier sediment aud erosion control requiremenls on this project. The construction foreman will review BD-5114Y — Henderson Page 3 February l9, 2014 all erosiou control measures daily to eusiire sedimentation avd erosiou controls are beiug effectively controlled. If the devices are not functioning as intended, they will Ue replaced immediately �vith better devices. Iiupaets to Waters of the United 5tates Shaw Creek is a Class WS-IV wateitivay and is shown on the USGS topogr�phic map as a pereiwial stream. The chamiel is well defined with a subshate oY cobble, gravel, heavy sand/silt and is approsunately 14-16 feet in «�idth. Tlie stream has sufficient flow to siipport fish aud other aquatic life. Shaw Creek flows approsimately 2.6 miles fi�om the study area to the French Broad River. 1'he Fiench Broad River meets tlie definitia� of a Tiaditional Navigable Water (TNW). Shaw Creek is a Relatively Permanent Water (RPW) aud is under thejurisdiction of the U.S. Arnry Corps of Eugineers. I�� order to construct the project, it will be necessaiy to impact waters of tlie United States in the French Broad River Basin (HUC 06010105). Specifically, NCDOT is requesting to replace Bridge No. 135 widi aiiodier spanning structure. Listed below is a suinmlry of tlie proposed impacts. Site No. Esistiug Condition Proposed Couditimi Net Station Ln acts Site 1 24" x 45' CMP 30" s 60' CMP 15' Site lA Pree Flowing Stream Impervious Dike and Plow 80' Diversion Site 2 Free Flowing Stream Wet Ditch Relocation 110' (Wet Ditch— 110') Site 2A Free Flowing Stream Impervious Dike and Flo�v 120' Diversion (If required) Site 3 25' W s 41' L 30' W s 60' L x 24" D 0' Timber Bridge Cored Slab Bridge Site 3A Free Flo�ving Stream Iuipeiviotis Dike aud Flow 50' Diversion Total Permanent Stream Lnpact — Culvert �xtension 15' Total Permaueut Stream I�upact — Cha�u�el Relocatiou ll0' Total Tempm•a�y Streaiu Iuipacts for Lupe�vious Dilce aud Flow Diversions 250' Permits Requested NCDOT is hereby requesting autliorization under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act to proceed with tlie construction project outlined above. By copy of tliis letter, I am asking Ms. Marla Chambers, Western Region NCDOT Coordinator, of tlie North Carolina Wildlife Resources Convnission (NCWRC) to couuuent directly to you concerning the 404 Nationwide Permit request. I am also requesting authorization under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act from the North Carolina Departuient oi� L;nvironment aud Natur�l Resources (DENR), Division of Water BD-5114Y — Henderson Page 4 Pebruaiy I 9, 2014 Resources (DWR). In addition, I aui asking Ms. Chambers and Mr. Ben DeWit, Roadside Enviromnental Ficld Operations Engi��eer (NCDO"I'), to comment directly to me concerning this permit re�uest. If you have any qaestions or need additional information, please contact me at (828) 586-2141 or Mr. Josh Deyton, PE, at (828) 488-2131. Your early review and consideration will be greatly appreciated. Siucerely, �� ✓���� ,% Mark S. Davis Division 14 Environmei�tal Supervisor �nclosures cc: Ms. Anry Cl�apman, Division of W�ter Resources — DENR, Raleigli Mr. Kevin B�rnett, Division of Water Resources — DENR, Asheville Mr. Jason Mays, Biologist, US Fish and Wildlife Seivice, Asheville Mr. Marla Chambers, Western Region NCDOT Coordivaror, NCWRC, Albemarle Mr. Josh De}�tai, P�, Division l4 Bridge Management Engineer, NCDOT Mr. Ben DeWit, EI, Roadside �nvironmental Field Operatious Engineer, NCDOT o�oF warEq pG h y > � O_ � �Y �--'_ Offce Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Construction Notificatiou (PCN) Form A. Ap >licnut Iuformation 1. Processiny 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: � Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or General Pennit (GP) number: 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by lhe Corps? ❑ Yes � No 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): � 401 Water Quality Certifcation - Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certifcation - Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this notification solely for the record For the record only for DWQ 401 For the record only for Corps Permit: because written approval is nol required? Certi(ication: ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No 1f. Is payment into a miligation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation � yes � No of impacts? If so, altach the acceptance lelter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. 1 g. Is lhe project located in any of NC's twenly coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h ❑ Yes � No below. 1 h. Is lhe project localed within a NC DCM Area of Environmenlal Concem (AEC)? ❑ Yes � No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Replace Bridge No. 135 on SR 1215 (Turley Falls Road) over Shaw Creek 2b. County: Henderson 2c. Nearest municipality / town: Horse Shoe 2d. Subdivision name: NA 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or slate gD-5114Y - WBS No. 45360.1.25 Project No: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: North Carolina Department of Transportation 3b. Deed Book and Page No. N/A 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if Mark S. Davis, Division 14 Environmental Supervisor applicable): 3d. Street address: 253 Webster Rd. 3e. City, state, zip: Sylva, NC 28779 3f. Telephone no.: 828-586-2141 3g. Fax no.: 828-586-4043 3h. Email address: markdavis@ncdot.gov Page 1 of 11 PCN Form - Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, specify: 4b. Name: NIA 4c. Business name NIA (if applicable): 4d. Street address: N/A 4e. Cily, stale, zip: N/A 4f. Telephone no.: N/A 4g. Fax no.: N/A 4h. Email address: N/A 5. AgenUConsultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: N/A 5b. Business name N�A (if applicable): 5c. Slreetaddress: N/A 5d. City, sta[e, zip: N/A 5e. Telephone no.: N/A Sf. Fax no.: N/A 5g. Email address: NIA Page 2 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (lax PIN or parcel ID): N/A 1 b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Latilude: 35.32769 Longilude: - 82.52006 (DD.DDDDDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) 1 c. Property size: NA acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to Shaw Creek proposed project: 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: DWR Class: WS-IV 2c. River basin: French Broad (HUC 06010105) 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the exisling conditions on the site and lhe general land use in the vicinity of ihe projec[ at the time of this applicalion: The landscape is a mosaic of forest and residential housing (subdivisions). The immediate vicinily of the bridge is maintained as grassed landscape with some brushy riparian area on the west side of lhe bridge. The general land use in the area is single family residences. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: N/A 3a List lhe total estimated linear feet of all existing slreams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: N/A 3d. Explain lhe purpose of the proposed project: The purpose is to replace a functionally obsolete limber bridge with a new 30' W x 60' L x 24" D cored slab bridge on existi�g location. 3e. Describe lhe overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: The erosion and sedimentation control measures will be installed. The impervious dike an flow diversion will be installed as needed to divert flow around work areas. The project will require the extension of one culvert under SR 1215 and the relocalion of a wet ditch adjacent to the roadway. The old bridge deck and abutmenls will be removed and the new bridge will be installed. The bridge surface and approaches will be repaved. Track hoes, dump trucks, cranes, paving equipment, waler pumps, diversion pipe, various hand tools will be used to accomplish the work. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdiclional wetland or stream delerminations by the Corps or State been requesled or obtained for this propeAy / project (including all prior phases) in the past? ❑ Yes � No ❑ Unknown Commenls: N/A 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made? ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final 4c. If yes, who delineated lhe jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consullant Company: N/A Name (if known): N/A Other: N/A 4d. If yes, list the dates of lhe Corps jurisdictional determinalions or State determinations and attach documentation. N/A 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or oblained for � Yes � No ❑ Unknown lhis project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help f le" instructions. N/A Page 3 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes � No 6b. If yes, explain. N/A Page 4 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version C. Proposed Impacts Invenlory 1. Impacts Swnmary 1a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all lhat apply): ❑ Wetlands � Streams - tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on lhe sile, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ — non-404, other) (acres) Tem orar T W1 ❑ P � T N/A N/A � Yes ❑ Corps N/A ❑ No ❑ DWQ W2 ❑ P Q T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Total wetland impacts N/A 2h. Commenls: N/A 3. Stream Impacts If lhere are perennial or inlermiltent stream impacts (including lemporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this queslion for all stream sites impacted. 3 a. 3b. 3 c. 3 d. 3 e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact Slream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream lenglh Permanent (P) or intermitlent DWQ — non-404, width (linear Temporary (T) (INT)? other) (feet) feet) S1 � P❑ T Culvert Extension UT to Shaw Creek � PER � Corps � 15' ❑ INT � DWQ S1A ❑ P� T Flow Diversion UT to Shaw Creek � PER � Corps 1 80' ❑ INT � DWQ S2 � P❑ T Wet Dilch UT to Shaw Creek � PER � Corps 1 110' Relocation ❑ INT � DWQ S2A ❑ P� T Flow Diversion UT to Shaw Creek � PER � Corps 1 120' (If Needed) ❑ INT � DWQ S3 � P 0 T Bridge Shaw Creek � PER � Corps 16' 0 Replacement ❑ INT � DWQ S3A ❑ P� T Flow Diversion Shaw Creek � PER � Corps � 6' 50' ❑ INT � DWQ 3h. Total Permanenf Stream and Tributarv Impncts — Cuh-ert �stensim� IS' Totnl Permnnent Strc�m and Tributary Tmpact— Chniuiel Rclocntion I l0' Total Tempm•nry Strenm Lnpacts — Impen�ious Dilce anU Rlow Dicersion 250' 3i. Comments: Page 5 of 11 PCN Form — Versian 1.3 Deceinber 10. 2008 Version 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, esluaries, tributaries, sounds, the Allanlic Ocean, or any other open water of lhe U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number — (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or Tem ora T 01 ❑ P � T N/A N/A N/A N/A 02 ❑P❑T 03 ❑P❑T 04 ❑P❑T 4P. Totnl open w,iter imp;icfs N/A 4g. Commenls: N/A 5. Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake conslruction ro osed, then com lete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacls (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID proposed use or purpose (acres) number of pond Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P2 SC Tot�l 5g. Comments: N/A 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: N/A 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): N/A 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): N/A 5k. Method of conslruclion: N/A 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually lisl all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation, then you MUST fill out Section D of fhis fonn. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Other: Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Bufferimpact number — Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) or for Stream name mitigalion (square feet) (square feet) Tem orar T im act re uired? B1 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A ❑ Nos N/A N/A 62 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No B3 ❑P�T ❑Yes ❑ No 6h. Total bidfer impacts N/A N/A 6i. Comments: N/A Page 6 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version D. hnpact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. The bridge is being replaced wilh another spanning slructure lhat is longer, which increases lhe hydraulic capacily through the bridge opening. The culveR extension is the minimal lenglh necessary to meet NCDOT design standards. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize lhe proposed impacts through construction techniques. In sUeam work will be pertormed in the "dry" using impervious dikes and pipe lo divert the water around the work area. Appropriate BMPs according to the approved erosion and sedimentation control plan will be installed on ihe project prior to construction to minimize impacts to downstream aquatic resources. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the projecl require Compensalory Mitigation for ❑ Yes � No impacts lo Waters of the U.S. or Walers of lhe State? 26. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps ❑ Miligation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigalion option will be used for lhis project? ❑ Payment to in-lieu fee program (NCEEP) ❑ Permiltee Responsible Mitigalion 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: N/A 3b. Credits Purchased (altach receipt and letter) Type N/A Quantity N/A 3c. Comments: N/A 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval lelter from in-lieu fee program is altached. ❑ Yes 4b. Slream mitigation requested: linear feet 4c. If using slream mitigation, stream temperature: ❑ warm ❑ cool ❑cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): N/A square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4g. Coaslal (lidal) wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4h. Commenls: N/A 5. Cornplete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. N/A Page 7 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will lhe project result in an impact wilhin a protected riparian buffer that requires ❑ Yes � No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, lhen identify lhe square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate lhe amount of miligation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impact Total impact Mulliplier Required mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 N/A N/A 3(2 for Catawba) N/A Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: N/A 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigalion is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, penniltee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in-lieu fee fund). N/A 6h. Comments: N/A Page 8 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does lhe project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified � Yes � No wilhin one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, ihen is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. Comments: NA ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of fhis project? N/A % 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Managemenl Plan? � Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: Project is covered by individual NPDES Permi[ No. NCS000250. ❑ Certified Local Government 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Slormwater Management Plan? ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program � DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local govemmenPs jurisdiction is this project? N/A ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of the following locally-implemented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW apply (check all that apply): ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: 3c. Has the approved Stormwaler Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Review ❑ Coastal counlies ❑ HQW 4a. Which of the following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply � ORW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑ Other: 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been attached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does lhe Stormwater Management Plan meel the appropriate requirements? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of lhe 401 Unit submiltal requirements been mel? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 9 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 Decernber 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or lhe � Yes ❑ No use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmenlal document pursuant to the requirements of the Nalional or State ❑ Yes � No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to lhe above, has lhe document review been finalized by lhe Slate Clearing House? (If so, allach a copy of lhe NEPA or SEPA fnal approval lelter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: N/A 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Weiland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is lhis an after-lhe-fact permit application? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of ihe violation(s): N/A 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in � Yes � No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. The project is for the replacement of an existing obsolete timber bridge on a secondary road. The road is not being upgraded. Therefore, the project would not be expected to result in any siginificant secondary or cumulative irnpacts. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate trealment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. NA Page 10 of 11 PCN Fonn — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or � Yes � No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with lhe USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act � Yes ❑ No impacts? ❑ Raleigh 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. � Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Crilical Habitat? North Carolina Natural Heritage Database and onsite investigation during the field scoping process. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this projecl occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes � No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? N/A - There are no marine or estuarine habitats in the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will lhis project occur in or near an area that lhe state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having hisloric or cultural preservalion � Yes � No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? The project was reviewed by NCDOT's Human Environment Unit in 2013. It was determined that no survey was required for historic architecture; however, an archaeological survey was conducted with a determination of no effect (see attached SHPO forms). 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will lhis project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? � Yes ❑ No 8b. If yes, explain how projec[ meets FEMA requirements: Project was coordinated with NCDOT Hydraulics Unit and FEMA — NC Floodplain Mapping Program. Sc. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determinalion? NC Floodplain Mapping Program Mark S. Davis Division Eirvironmeutal Supervisor �� .. � . ��� � ,�t� _� ApplicanUAgenYs Signature Date AppliCBnVAgOnPs Printed Name (AgenCs signature is valid only i( an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) 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Labels Name: Bridge No. 135 Coordinates: 035.3276930° N, 082.5200659° W � �."��R�h} + 4 'i ` ��� 5 1 � 1 , �I •..�� t%��5�. ���� � Y• ' _ - � t i, . � � : � „x. ; i -��.} �f � j���, ' q1, j �,r ,- � � I rt ��..' � ` * ' ; _ /�"` s� �'��; . 's ds l +A � qisl . • � '�'1��} ' ,,. _ '•' .T;,: y ,r',�. : .� ; . � a �l..i .y �'.� . ^ . �- � � ��' `' '�' ; �•a _ '� ,� � . , �:�., �,�: , � � �'�' ` �:: ,`�„ �.. �., f w�%`� �� I Y,� •i �� ; fi� 1 -�. „� k'j . ,^l...'� _ � 1�. . (� � � . � �' ��X� �� . � �, � 5��. . i . t ! I ` ' � r'�� �. �� . � � � � r . YI Y i ,��, ���.� ,�. Bridge No. 135 on SR 1215 ��� _ � � over Shaw Creek Printed:Feb 19, 2014 WARNING: THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. All informalion or dala provided (whether subscribed, purcfiased or otherv�ise distribuled) is provided as is, wilhou[ any warranties, including the warranlies o( merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. Henderson County and its employees make no warranties or �juarantees, either express or implied. Use of the informalion or dala subscribed, purchased or otherwise distributed, whalhar in hard cnnv nr dinilal media. shall he af ihe user's nwn rick. TIP Project No. BD-5114Y Bridge No. 135 on SR 1215 over Shaw Creek Henderson Coiuity /ii' /. f!�,s / •- Laoking Soutli ' >.k� ��, 7 ,=- g, ' ,� -� � � � ' �e� ,��..:-.kr .r . . _ . �—_ �� . �, +:�_ .. :.�.E.. �: . _ Y ' . �e Looking North TIP Project No. BD-Sll4Y Bridge No. 135 m� SR 1215 ovej• Sliaw Creelc Hcnderson Coiu�n� •'�--�-��� a. . , . - . � s - . .._ +� _��i .� ' , ,,�y-�.-�. �, , '`' ` '� ;: �*r ;_ - �.'�„►-.� � ax �"�' ��,-j �1 � �' � ti ��.f�� �� �. .� ` �y'� �+"`q � � P� +£'", � :{, e �;1, �V y`r '�;��'!�M 1 � ~�t "" ^' ' �k`'�k„�'^� ��b n .�}.r �'r -. , ,.. � ..v'� �-i� `.•� � � �Y.t . ti Y ?y� `s�' � '+��„' ;5�� . .I �� 'r . .4. � rj.. • � . i �C� „� Y �.. ,•�I � ��� ,��'2: � � X �-. i:�, � :r, 4�� . � `„� �:,, �; i t� � �"1��: ; -. � , I r,.x ' . .+r . : -- • ., �; . :�..r , -i � . � ���,,: �.� . . . . � �:�.�. � 3t i�.: . � ;�'"'k � "�' d t � , � � - .�� r� , � �h� ri.� ..� �� ; � �,.':. �rYi„ �! ,.{. t �,, . . . 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LookingJDownstream — West TIP ProjectNo. BD-51]4Y Bridge No. 135 on SR 1215 over Siia�v Creelc FIenderson Com�ty '�-..�> - .: s; .I �.'I. h ' � � L1 t� � i � 6 'p3��' e � _ .,,�/ •��I. . �Ylhf � :•,��K _ ..(C s . . . .i :. . . ..:. , .. . . �....i r . .. .: ._. . . _.....: _ . . . . . - �. y. _ Unnaiued TributTry to Sha�v Creel< `;�_;s •-:y ;• z �,,. i., r �� yk`�;z,,..=i•Nil:F+��tiS�/Z: :; ,�: � ._ , ': ,�.,� ,� ,� y� . TM -., ' A� �;, F )� ��.� r ri� 4���c� 'o . .i.. -.iy JT� � � v Y. �t� --. ,�� .ea Y. "' '.... .Y;:il:f v.,. " �..� �+, di..,.�. _ _. "• I. " � � �� . t__'i.y.4 i,- ���r F ,5 ��i �,v,�JPhTai �F+,� { - . _ /:� �� . _ 1'..��i�. � r-.- .. „CY� ;4`� r `'S:. '"�,. °;4'�I �` �, i 'rr . . .. ,,,, � � �'�'?�� lra4, � .—�• k-r<� � ,' , '�'}� r ��-y*n�' !�iiV��t�1� ' i..F � E� -r � s ' ��� v7��6r�: .z � `.�3 �f_' � . � �., � t ' j. y��( <��`�� : � �✓��i.Y ✓Y- . -_ J �41 ':.iC_� �y ) r� '` �. �'` �� v f � '}��� _ �} � � � ' � ( �"< �t ,� 4�� ��-�M�.� ' A .� y . � �y � �. � �ti . '. , � � � -`"d�. � � `-.. y . .. . : x „��y-3^� ' � Y' 3 .' d. • wC ' : �c 3 .�� r_ �-:: ' , � .,, � �:� �`; � �, _1':r. �i _ �N'Ci��l. ./� _ Y•. �..'_"` �n . �" il�` J_. � 24" Culvert to be Replaced/rYtended TIP Project No. BD-Sll4Y Bridge No. 135 on SR 1215 over Sl�aw Creelc Heuderson County r—'---'''Q � a � ��s~'. �v � � � __ ��,� 4 � .�,�_ � �- =�- � Wet Ditch Adjacent to Roadway Looking South (\Uet Ditch to be Rel«c_�_��:�,! ��_ . �,-� AVcstl NO SURVCY REQUIR�D TORM PROJECT ITi1�ORMATION P��oject No. BD-5114Y WBS No.• 45360.1.25 Prajec7TrnckingNo. (/nlenml UseJ ; AH )12-08-0029 L--- Co,nrry: Henderson Docunre�rt ����� 49' �� SFP 1 I 2012 F.A. No: F':arding: X State Federal Ferferal (USACB) Perurir Regrrir•ed? X Yes ❑ No Peru,ir 7j�pe: NA ����S��i�' 1C P,•ojectDesc,iprio,�: Replace Bridge No. 135 on SR 1215 (Turley Falls Road) over Shaw Creek (presumed no off-site detour planned). SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURC�S I2�VI�W Briefdescriptioir ofrevrew nclivitie,s, resul/s ofreview, mrd cor,cl��sions: HPOWeb reviewed on 23 August 2012 and yielded no NR, SL, LD, DE, or SS properties in the Area of Potential Effects (APE). Henderson County current GIS mapping, aerial photography, and tax information indicated a partly wooded APE with cultivated fields and cleared residential parcels (viewed 23 August 2012). Several houses dating to the second ha�f of the twentieth century stand in the APE. Constructed in 1965, Bridge No. 135 is neither included in the NCDOT Historic Bridge Survey, nor representative of any distinctive engineering or aesthetic type. Google Maps "Street View" confirmed the absence of critical historic structures or landscapes in the APE (viewed 23 August 2012). No architectural survey is required for the project as currentiy defined. BriefL'aplrnin(iori of tivhy !he �rvailable nrfoiwintrai provr�les a relinble bnsis for rensortnbly prerlicti�rg �irar drere nre rro e�nirtennJied i,isror;c proper[ies in �he APE: APE e�ends 300 feet from each end of the existing bridge (N-S) and 100 feet to either side of the SR 1215 (Turley Falls Road) center line (E-W) to encompass proposed construction. County GIS/tax materials and other visuals support the absence of significant architectural resources. No National Register-listed or - eligible properties are located within the APE, including the Federal permit area. Should any design elements, including detour improvements, of the project change, ptease notify NCDOT Historic Architecture as additional review may be necessary. SUPPORT DOCUM�NTATION see �rc��hed: loeation map FINDING BY NCDOT CULTURAL RESOURC�S YROr�SSIONAL NO SURVEY REQUIRED — Historic Structures .)Vo Suney RryuinA"form�or Afina' T nnrpwmriuu Por je<u ns Qiml fcAin tlie 100] Progrmnrnmic Ag� ezmrnl. NCDOTArdimrolup� & HivaNc ArdiOeauie G�onpv �� 0 � � � � 6 � � � � � � � .�% CJ � � � � N M �i: a� rn � .` m v- � 0 0 i � 0 i � Projec! Trncking A'o. (GUer�ial UseJ 12•08-0029 NO PRCHISTORIC OR HISTORIC PROPERTIES PR�S�NT/AFFECTED FORM PROJ�CT INP'ORMATION Projecl No: BD-SI l4Y {VBS No: F.A. No: 45360.1.25 na Federnl (USdCE) Pe� mit Required? Projec! Descriptron: Comity: Hendcrson Docmnenl. Miuimum Criteria Sheel Fimdhig: � Slale ❑ Federal � Yes ❑ No Permi�Type: TVA, Attaclmicut G Tl�e projecl ca!!s for the repincentenl o/ Bridge No. !35 on SR L215 (Tta•!ey Fnl(s Rond) orerShmv Creek in Henderson Cautty. Tlie rn clmeological Ar en of Po1enlin] EfJecls (dPE) /or the projecl is deJined ns a 400 foo! (121.92 ni) lo�tg corri�(or rmmn�g 200 feet (60.96 m) no�7h tnt�( 200 feet (60.96 �n) soud� cdo�ig SR 1215 fi om eid�e� end o/ Bridge No. 135. The em i�ir/or is �ppro.crmnlel�� 100 fee! (30. A3 nt) wide e.rtending 50 feel (]5.29 nt) on eilliei• sicle ofS2 1215 f•o�u iis present center. SUMNIA2Y OF TINDINGS The Nortl� Cm oli�in Deparhnenl of Trnnspo�7crlio�t (NCDOT) rerieued the subjec! projecl nnd �(eter�nined: ?,rchaeology � There are no Natioual Register-listcd or Study Listed properties within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ No subsurface nrchaeological investigations �rc rcquired for tl�is project. � Subsurface investigations did not revcal Ihc presence of any archaeological resources. ❑ Subsurface inves�igations did not reveal the presence of any arch�eologicll resources considered eligiUle for the National Register. ❑ All ideutified Archaeological sites Located within the APE h�ve beeu considered and TII compliauce for archaeological resouroes �vith Section 106 oF Ihe N�tional Historic Preservation Act au�i GS 121-12(a) has beeu completed for this project. � There are uo historic properties present or affected by this project (Altnch an�� noles or docrroie�us ns �reerle�� •.T'o Hlslodr Propeitles P�esent "/onn Jor SfirmrTruitipoHntlon {SoJcus as [JuolhcAin l4e 1007 ProgrxvnmuNc Agracnic�rr. �A'CDOTArchueolae�' � [lisroiic drd�irccNre Groups 12-08-0029 SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RGSOURCES RLVIL�V Brief tlescri�lion oJ revreu� nctivilies, resu!!s of rerie�v, m�rl corrclusrons: Bridge No. 135 is �vest of Hendersouville, east of tl�c French Broad, and just south of U.S. 64 in the centrnl portion of Henderson County, North Caiali��a. The project area is plotted near lhe enstern edge of tl�e Hoisc Sl�oe USGS 7.5' topog�aphic qua��angle (Pigure 1). A map review and site 6Le scarch w�s condncted Tt the Oftice of State Archaeology (OSA) on August 9, 2012. No previously recorded arcliaeological sites have been ideiui6cd witl�iu or adjaceut to tl�e APE, but two known sites (31HN35 and 31HN45) nre within n nulc radius of the bridge. In additiou, no existing Natio��al Register of Historic Places (NRHP), Slate Study Listcd (SL), Locally llesignated (LD), Determined Eligible (DE), or Surveyed Site (SS) properties are �vithin or adjacen� to the archneological APE. Topographic mnps, USDA soil survey maps, aerial photographs (NC One Map), and historic maps (North Carolina maps �vebsite) were utilized to gage environmental factors that may have conlributed to historic or prel�istoric setllement williin the projec� limits and to assess Ihc level of g�ound disturbance. ,4n arcl�aeological field aud recoiuiaissance suivey �v�s conducted on August L5, 2012, to help assess the projcct aren. Bridge No. 135 and SR 1215 cross Shaw Creek north to south. Shaw Creek ruus to thc uorthwcst and empties into Ihc Frencl� Broad River. A stream couFluence with Brightwater Brancl� is just outsidc of tl�e Af'E to the wesl of tlie bridge. The majority of the project area is situnted within die Shaw Creek floodplaiu, but a small portiou is fouud along a sueam terrace at the nortl�er�i end (Figure 2). At tl�e time of tlie reco�waissance, standing water was present in the Floodplain near the creck. On the eastside of SR 1215, the project area is made up of resideutial properties (Figw e�s 3 and 4). While to the �vest, the APH is composed of a cultivated field ii� the uoi�thwest aud a wooded Lot to the southwest (Pigure 5). Growid disturbance includes bnried utilities aloug the easfside of tl�e road and wide ditches, �vhich oceupies mucl� of the APE in the i�oitl�east, uorth�vest, and southwest quactrant SR 1215 is also elevated on earthen embaiilauent on its approach to the bridge within the floodplain. Overall, it appears tl�at gound disturbauce varies from Iigl�t to lieavy. Tlie USDA soil survey uiap i��dicates that t�c APE is composed of tln�ee soil types (Figiu�e 6). The floodplaiu is made of Codorus loam (Co) to Ihc south of the creek and Comus fine sandy loam (Cu) to the north. Codorus lo�m is moderately well drnined to somewhat poorly drnined on slope of less thnn 2 perceut It is subject to ti�equent Flooding with a high water table al I to 2 ft (30 to 60 em) bclo�v thc surface. The Comus tine sandy loam is �vell draiued �vith slope of less than 2 percent as welL It also frequently floods but for only bricf periods. Its seasonal high wnter t�ble is gcnerally 30 in (7S cm) belo�v the surface for 2 to 6 months out of the year. The final soil rype is Elsinboro loam (EnB), �vhich is loc�ted on Ihe norlhern strenm terrace. It has a slope of 0 ro 3 percent nnd is well dr�ined. All Ilvec soil serics are ideal for prehistoric and historic settlemeul activities due to being well drained, nearly level, aud elose ro fresh water and are considered high probability soils for yielding archaeological sites in Henderson Cowrty. For these reasons, a field investigation was recommended. Very little prcvious arcl��cological work has been carried out in the viciniry of thc bridge with nearly all of it by tl�e Uuiversity of Nortli Carolina al Chapel Hill (UNGCH). Their invesligations in tlie Slia�v Creek drainageway were conducted in 1965 and 1966 as part of die Cherokee Archawlogical Projcct. This project iucluded large-scale sui�veys and satvage cxc�vatio�us, as well as u�teusive iuvestigations of late prel�istoric and historic Cherokee sites throughout the south�vestern region of the state. Thcy idei�tificd t�vo sitcs (31 HN35 and 31 HN45) just east of the current project area. Site 31HN35 is � sm111 prehistoric site located on a beuch along a ridgc slope. Ils date o£ origin aud eligibiliry for tl�e NRHP has yet to be deternnued. Site 31HN45 is rcported to be located approsimatcly 70 m(230 ft) a�vay fi�oiu the bridge. It is a rather large site that is sihiatcd on the slream terraee overlooking tl�e crcek. lt consists of lithic debitage and ceramics from au unidentitied period, and ils eligiblc has also not been deternuued. °iA'o HLrorir Propenies Prrseet "fnmiJm',tlinw� Tmnapnnoiion Pr jecs nv [1¢a[iJied in Ihe 200] Nognnminllr Agreenrenl. T'CDOT dn-haeolog�� � Hi.ronc ArrAimcnn�e Groups 12-08-0029 Although more testing is need in the Shaw Creck arca before auy conclusio��s can be drawn ou the predictability of sites in this portion of the county, it is very likely UNGCH investigated the project area with negntive results. Ho�vever, no record could be found of the area covered by UNGCH along Sha�v Creck. A historic map revie�v was also conducted for ihe projcct �rca prior to ficld work. 1'he earliest maps to depict the area with any great detail are the L892 aud 1905 USGS Pisgah topographic maps (Figw�es 7 and 8). Both maps fail to sho�v a road, crossuig, or structures over Shaw Creek within the vicinity of the cun�ent bridge. Other early 20th ceutury maps provide no uew oi� sig�vficant information either. It very unlikely for �ny significant former striichue to be encom�tered within the APE. Tl�e archaeological field investigation consisted of hvo shovel test placements (STPs) north of tlie bridge (see Figures 2 aud 6). Tl�e fu�st STP �vas placed in the northwestcrn quadraut in the cultivated field witl�in the floodplaiu (see Figure 3), wlvle the sccond �ves excavated along dic stroam ten�ace in the ��ortheastern quadrant (Figure 4). The upper soil laycr is simil�r in both STPs. It is a browu (lOYR 4/3) saudy Loam thTt extends befween 30 and 50 cu� (12 and 20 iu) belo�v the surface. ln tl�e i�orthwesl, this is followed by a strong brown (75YR 4/6) Ioamy clay subsoiL To the northeast, the second layer is a yellowish brown ( I OYR 5/4) silty clay Loam tl�at exteudcd al lcast 75 cm (30 in) below the surface. Botl� STPs yielded negative results for cultural material auci/or deposits. No STPs were placed in tl�e southem quadrauts since very little undisturbed properties are preseut. A wide aud deep ditch occupies most of the southwest, while buried utilities covered most of the soutl�east. From tius survey and ii�spectiou of the project area, it appears veiy unlikely for any sig�iificaut arcl�aeological sites to be i�upacted 6y the proposed bridge replacement. Tlie defined archaeological APE for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 135 is located on the Shaw Creck floodplain aud its uorthern sUeam terrace. The archaeological subsin face investigatiou identitied no archaeological sites within the APE. In addition, the historic mTp review identified uo Ivstoric structures in thc viciuity of thc bridge. As a resnit of tliese investigations, it is unlikely for siguificaiit and intnet nrch�eologic�l deposits to be encountered within tl�e project Iimits. As long �s impacts to Ihe subsurface occur �vithin the dc£ncd APE, no fiuther archaeological work is reconuncndcd for thc replacement of Bridge Na 135 in Henderso� Counry. If cons�ruction should affeet subsurCace areas beyond Ihe defined APE, fiuther archaeological coi�sultatiou nugh� be necessary. SUYYORT DOCUM�NTATION See attached: Map(s), Previous Survcy Info, Pholos, Correspondcnec, Phatocopy of notes from survey. Signed: •�, .. �,� ° a�:`s . , r , .,`>"�:=�„_w�„�o.�....,�,.-,. 8/30/12 C. Damou Jones Cidfural Resources Specialist, NCDOT ..A'o HisroncYrop���fies Vroaen!"Jonu Jor S1i�ror TrmupoHUflwi NvjecG os Qursl(prAin rhe 1007 Proyrommulirdyreem�v. �PCDOZ.irrhueologr.F FIL(arir dreAilecnire Grovps Date , , , iz-os-ooz� � • ' 1 . .:�. '�! •,\,—, � � \. ' � �: ' � " ti�c 1 Z'�i �:, .� ( :, r �i �.E. � � �- r(� �, ! h Une Mile Rarlius (�liaded) � �f r /�' { ; ; � � . 1 % `� � ;,. �/ �ro�mti Prc�ect fUea �' i ��, `` l -' �li ` ` � � ,8 �\' , ,� l � �, i . , � � � �. . / �fh,Ar+uOiS `�� 5:��� � � �' / � � i i, �j � i 11J :i. ; � �/�� � ' •4 . � � � ` .�til � i �\. � M ` 5l � . � N } � _ /. (� . ` �,/� i�l ..��. 1 ,.'�• ..�v .�.''��. � a�' . � tfl�ll � `I (1 1 / � � t^a \ - - ♦ � � � � �.. i � �1 I �1K �,�x �.�i • I . � � , � .� 3 di , � •/ � � I , 1 1 r ,n �� ,4 ' t/� . �'. ' + ��� t�' ,7i1 V /� l� ��= � r,,�< � . .� + ( I �1? � /� r�li --.... '{` o�j� /l� /� � 1 �l \ ''11�`I'j JF�Ilil i7` `..,� j � � �7 f.. ! 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I . _ . � ,�,y}> � I .". �,\ �i� 1r 31 . h�r'. , _..� .',/`4 .�/U��rQN-�?dnl..4 �� � �R/!- 1 � V�,:� f f �i II. � � ` �` �fl � v� . � 'C� l (, � C_ �„ � �4 ` � �, '• � � �A� -i, � ' ' ;i Hoi ; � , �/''' ��1 ���. � � \� \" � ��14h"f �ff.� i117�'',��� e � `���j ��4lr�'r�< ...\� �.i' f� ( �' e d � f .4 .i t i 1_ USG57.5h1inuteGuadianylaf:lap � � � Nwse SAoe, f!C N Mdes � 'l. '�� 0 4,O�h7 � .; ��� � F � Feet 0 I ,OCA] ilenAarson Ceunly S Meleis Pigure 1. Topographic Setti��g o£Project Area, Horse Shoe (19(5, photorevised 1991), NC, USGS 7.5' Topographic Quadrangle. •11'o Histmir Properties fb'eam�l "J'aon fm� hliria' Transpnnnlimr N'olt �'I� usQveliJied in llie?00l Pragrunininrir dyrrnn�vri. iA'CDOTdrehoroingr& Hirmrir.brldlearnreGmups � I2-OS-0029 i 1\ � . ,4�, y� a ' \"\� � . '� � � ��. ,� \ � �: t,�T �' � , � \�` 1 l . I / ��\\\tl.� ��,�. � I \ L � �M h � I� ,�, '��` ' �3 �.x'�� �t; ;.: . � �t. w � ,�.� � i , I , � . „ '�• ��a,�'� .. , :i,,� . , � �, n � _.�� ��� �. ' � Y • ��� ,: ��� � (!� ` r��.� `�' �t {tii, -1 ���\ � • !:, ' �`4 . o'r! ,� �'� � � ,� '��� 5 k ; � ., �,��; \ `��;,;' . �"� � � -� � , ._ � E�idge 13 � i � �.:-:�,:�- ��i� Pro�ect Area �� �„�K ���y�y ""`� 1 � �I',6�7a�" F9 � `� � ��� ,�:,��'.� ; �`' \ �s�' � r � . ,�'{F 1. �.��� a Y �� ��� - � � % -f S�M�"'�� A �,k � � . v'_ . i�.s++;' �c�� 4; - ._ r Kt . , . �y�� . � . ,, ` � ��- � �"` ; `�.���" � � . - �. . �7;: .,� � � � ; i - , �' . --�F : " .,�' J�, I/� j/i �•. ,�.''' '. ;. � � (� � 4, '�Y f- � �''` ��, . ` {� -I�' ,ti `-z �?' .. ���-t ,� :s �' �. �\�g ��� �, '� � �a -� '� sr � ` w � � t�%f/, �. .�.�� �' ' 4 v y � �'1r' �~ . � V. , �/ ��f C�f'.. . J��.� _ i �r � f � !� � + .,� I -, . i .' ! �' , , � � �� � � �--J �- .� r ,� � `; �, , � ,�,;; ,f � s , ; �= , _ �.� . `�,��1�.�.�� ;� . �,, ;� � r i� � � . (tn ) � _ � ' � , .. _ . . �, � _ .1t_'` � ' L,�.:. I ` �, +� S7Ps `` '_.e •'�,� �� _ Con[our at 2 feet .,' � ���� � ' �� 0 2� N � S ��� � �'-- Feel .� � r_,0 P t ifenJe�son Coe�nty Meleis 5 ;ure 2. Aerial photo�raph of the APE showiug development, laudforms, and STPs within the project area. ••,Ab Hiclmir Po'npe�lir.c Pnsen!"/omi f r Alinoi� Trm� �onariau H�ajectsas QnaliJieAin Ihe d001 ProS�'��mnmlie.IR�++�i«'��t. 8'CDOTArrLncoloyy.l' H"sroncdrrLilrann�eGi'aups 5 11.-OS-0029 �i �t �, e — „ � - - -- ���� � ". � " � a „ � � � � 1�. t � 5 � �� � � � � �� � � 1�� j t; ` '.<<� , 1 s� �I � , : , ,. , � , , ��� � � ; 5 � � � ,�,i � � :,� �� _ �; .;; ., 'r '1; �S � , � J � �� �t� � � r . t} . � ^-: f n �'� ; . .•f � y� -, � �`f � - � ' t 4�� �� , �'h� l � 1 �. � � , '. . �5 �S � � 1 . . \ " � -� ( /� � V �b �` i� .�:� 1 j�- 0 �.i : Il 4 r 1 -d i�l / J ,. ' � '':^ K � . _ r,:p� t °-.� �f �r y Y� . F . S� Y .,, .. -1_ 5 S . �' � ^ � y � �: �� � 9 w���' � �s �k..��y g � ��'.�'S�^��x ° -� �e��� .y �y. � �.r` r! �y _ - � v�`s 3 -"�'� - �y ,�y(a-�'L. �f'',y'�w . . . ' �_- - •y._ Ty'-. K � - . l� ������ �. .���1": .... . . .. . '�;�t ^[%.+ ��" J . . , . . -. "' . .,:. . . . . ....�_ _nb. ! . - ..-: -. .l . Figure 3. Gcucr�I Vicw of thc residcntial property in the southe�st quadrant, facing soudicnst. ,i !� � ' ' ;:. a �,, . ---rl � ) �{ '• � �,� � .� � f,' j � I Cll�l �� ��q� � �� ���� , 1 � _1 .'�� P� �� I .i�R �, ,,; r , ,r�,, ��, ,, �� ,1�� � � �� �' ( , i I� ) � � I�r i/ � � � � D' � � ' 1j'. � `n 1 ii � �1 �I i I� Ir�� 1(I I'- �� ��g � ��. , ���. � I� � G, � �l � .�� � � � n�l�� �� � 11 ��r�'��� � i la� �!.1 �f>iRl;.'� i ;. .. �.' 1� � ,. l� A� � � ����� �d. ��� : rr � i,, � i�, � ,n t ;�� �l' ��' r,� ` p, , I i.�,l, „ � - � i. 1 � r ���. �� :) � I�; 1 � . � . i � . �' � �iiJ � � i . 1 ll�` _ . �, � � �` r . i .. 1 � � � � ��, i 1 2 i �':' � � � I � � i . �'-z a li'�l� {"i i .. .�`I�� �� `<s)x � . 1 }��1 � n I� F�� '� - °.< � �A `�� � I� �` . ��I� t -s f . � ��i��i�� _ � r � 1 � T..,z.� � t� l'. ��i\ ��iw 1�;, ,�p �^3i ` t� ti ' r, 4u � 0 p:�ll� �_; � :r , ,?�l `eA `d' �:9 �, e- a v � � , , -� t �� e , _ ,� a, * . � 1 , � . : , . � �: � :r_,�. � � � , , ' ,, , � � ' �1 ,'� �,: � ' ' „ a � � � � a� ., ')� � i ��' � �����?r .�Iq'r �,.':��.., �� - �}�� �j . " < t �y����' ' �� �St .. � 1 �i . I a�Cf � � 4�, � { '..� . ,� - r i�.! i '.i t` �s�. s.: Y�i�•�yr ": : r.: F �i �, .� - � - ..v°s \� •. p ' '�iZv'sF l`: :t4."�Y ,L.. / 4 t�. i � I � 1 .s ;- ' _ �i t �9 I{ .1 -Y: q�� P�'l_.�. � 1�J. . 1 i;! I l rl ,'? �, s T \� � .� �-' � � Y , � ; �� � � � , � q -�- < ._ ::. , � r < IS -i � �y 111 _ � 4 4 "` � i�: •- . , � C � I t� � . �� . 1. • � �- � - ��.v � � �a 'ii ,.;'ilj.. ` �.;F w., yF .. Figure 4. General View of Ihe stream terrace on the re,iden�ial property in the uortheast quadranl, faeing south�vest. ••�A'o i/islorle Pr�perlirs Prrseni "fonnfm' dlinm� Tr�m�rpononm� H'nJen, as Qnnlped in Ihe 20097'roSrnnnnntie.l3reenin�t. A'CDOT,trehaeolog� & Hivmir drd�irerNre Groups � Figure 5. General View of thc cultivatcd t7cld iu thc uortl�west quadrai�t, facing northwcst. .',\'o Hisroiir Prapeilirs Rreszrrt"form fm'.4/lnor' Trz�neparmtlwi P vjerlr nrQunlifird in tAr M07 R'ogramnmli¢ dgreernrnl. NCOO7drrh�ieologr �£ [/ISrone Arehiteanva Groups n � L� �� � .i i _ . . ,�' -�� -� �� 1..--, - � . [ � � �y�� , _ � ,. � �, � �x..+� ,� , ' ,� � �;�� „ ,,,`,_ z , � � [�iidge 135 . tiY� �f'lo)uCI Afea ;�y ��'R,r �\ k'� { . �' ��y.��•�_s.�.� .. �, . �iWT«�1i� � ��1. . :��. _' .n ' �7'q4 1 ♦ , l . . •,.. �ti� _ . G'. \ - x, :w, � afF�'� s• !_', � �'`y . _� � b ` ^�'"R � .•t ♦. �� � �� '�� . .,� �', � '�' �t, ` _ '.' ' ri,�R .F ; �` + ,%'. � . � - , r. . ;� .. 4 �, ` , �' i�.! _, 'f� ��• � ' . ��� i � � �. ..!: � �,j � ' � y'iir ♦ + I i. r � i. `�� ,_ ' � � ` , � :.�° . rk'..�- fu;f •ii r � ' � e . .AoP,i � 1 _ � ,�` -'• 0 12-OR-0029 , • +4 • � �i �( .� � . z �� :_.y.� �, _ . iK ,__. ✓ y ,'�bl ■ ��-,� .i � ;� '� � .f '� ��t� !� `I , ' '��' j • .+ . . {� y. •., ,� . . `- ��� f��#`'} '!4' ,.,..- .� a..� - e,� 4 � �:�fi7'..� .5-�i'�-t.'�', �� '�� _ t� ��� �► STPs ( o zon r� '�..�7�, � � _ � �— Feel 0 50 VV ' _ E Nende+son County Meters g Pigure 6. Aerial photograpli of the APE sl�owiug developmei�t, soils, aud STPs within the project aren. ..,1'0 /femacYroPm>ierPmsent"fom�JbrAliunr 7lnncpminvlmr Pral+�-u us Quu(lpeAin Ihe 5007 Proyn'nnmmiirdgreemuar. A'CDOT.brhnrolo�l' �e H/slair.7reAirezhne Gr'mrps g ia-ox-ooz9 i � '�. . ' .�. .;;. ,,; . � �1 _�:� _ �.��}�\ f� . � ��� � _, �__ f-! �� i��t-�,:, 5��� e� j�,� �- � ,,� ' . ' ��' � _ ,. -- — , I f ' . `- , `'; '�`rr� ',,.� ��`�.�, . �� � � ,.,, . . _, _ �_ � �;_. . ;�' �, �� ' j�• ,� ��� „i I , � '` Project;Area � � � �.���r�; a:�(:�f�f 1�!1_� :, � �: , � , , Figurc 7. 1892 USGS Pisgnh topognphic mnp showing thc project area. '� i ` '� . �; � • ,-i � %I i' i 1 ' � . ..,/,^, II, `\ . �� `� + //�' ;i �!%� -r.rl� . �� t� � \, ��� 1�;---j' � � • �o� 7 r ��. „;;'~�.. � ' ,fl,}.����,ls� �� -, ,��7•��-'`�,� '; t.: Project Area . 1 `,, '' , . "�O i:��c��� �l �C`: f\�:�` ��..y _;`' � `� . . - � ,' �. , ..,' � . . .\ � \, \ 'q�`�/� ____`a U'l � . �. i�J . ' - _ 'l � q � 1 � C 1�` �� ��'�.�.'.14.�.�.,t r�'/t'" � � �,_-,. �� ��-a , � ; . t C+ e � � ` �� ; �"' , i ; ,..: —: , , �% � � � Figurc 8. 1 •: <- � .: „ „ � j .. ,� +.17� �i � ,•; � r �r1'�� �;�'�'��' I���-f,: . ►�. �: ISGS Pisgah topogrnphic mnp showiug the project area. � i! i; I� „1)� ,� , .�.(� .A'o t/Broric Propenlus P�erenr "J'om�Ja�,llireor Trm� Pmialimi H'ol�'�/� ��s Quu//firAiu rhe 2007 Proyrimimnr[cdy.mernrni. NCDOT drelrncoingr ft Niqortic Arehirecma• Grovps 9 Atfachmeni G: Lnw/f�linimal Impact Bridge Project Dafa Sheet � TIP NO BD �11M1Y z WBS Elomant No. 463G0,1,2G 9 .Coun Henderson 4 'Rtld(�a Numbof A40195 Ooxilpllon Oridgo111�5o�MShaY�Cree�cOn 6 SRI215 6 �Ilasln Pcencl�Broad 7 Classifiwllon WS•N 8 Slroam 31N G50 9 Typo Petenn�al 1D .Sizo 1'L Supoisimcluro: Tlm6er flooron I TypB o�ms SobsWCWro:£.OTS: ExIs11n0 Slmcluro Tmber Capslllmbet Aites Q Va�. � � Cls. 12 Slie 41' 19 Sull. RaIInU 28.7 1A Typo 2A'CoredSlab 16 Praposod Slniclum Sizo 55' 16 IUSACE (LF) 0 �� Stroam ,��COWQIm�acis�LF) 0 18 ��USACelmpacls (AC) WA i9 WoUeuJs �'NOn4041mpacls(AC) WA 20 �.CAtdAlmpacls�SF) -WA 21 HCDW4BUIlo�slmpacls�3F) 0 42 UulforAppllcalon RaqWred (41N) Ab zJ S�ato Slo�mwafoi Pormil Re ulred (YIN� �b 2n �ilaLll21 tlone 26 78E Spoclo9Prosent None 28 Blo Co�cluslon �b ENect 27 hloialoilum �Typo � WA 28 �Dafos WA 29 Nalivolllatcliory t1�� �0 TroulSpoclosPmsonl Rme 3f 7roul Walms Troul Condlllonsp'IN) �o 34 WflC Roviowor D. fdcHcray 3� CAh1A AECS WA 34 Es»nllal Fldi Hablla( None 35 Hav.�O onhiu WA 30 USCO Pormil WA 37 HlslodcPro oillos Ro 98 Nchaoolo0��� Ro:nurcos Ro 39 T�16a1 Lands W� 40 A Rosources N'A Ai G�q�LWCP�howurcos NA AR Wlld and Scoulc Olvor WA 43 Fadaral!lends WA Ad ' TVA�Aroa Yes 45 FEM11A Uuymtl Nu q8 FEh1A floal Sludy Yes 47 US7s Ilaz Idals WA d8 '�.ROloCalOOS Naro A9 lAT 35° 19' 44.6" � Loor110n .40N0 BZ'3P11.8' 61 ProJeUCOmluonls Comploled by, / l�^-- , ' (1///(S�� �ate: , J � / / /� ��i� pAte; � 1 .� �.J Dlvlslon LnvlronmonlalOfficor APPROVCD JURISDICTIONAL DETCRDIINA9'ION !'ORDI U.S. Ariny Corps of Engineers This tbrm should be completed by Collo�ving the inshuctions provided in See�ion N of the JD Form Ins�n�etional Guidebook. SECTION I: BACICGI20UND IN!'ORIIIATION A. REPORT COINPLCTION DATG �OR APP20VED JU2ISDICTIOYAL DGTF.RDIINATION (JD): B. DISTRICT OFFICC, f ILE NADIC, AND NUDII3ER: C. PROJECT LOCATIOY AND BACI{GROUND INROR\IATION: TIP No. BD-51 IAY - Bridge �o. 135 on SR 1215 orer Sha�v Geek Stnte: NC Coun�y/parish/boroueh: Henderson Citg: FlenAcrsonrille Center coordinntes of sitc Qa�/long in degree decimal lonna�): Lat. 3i.32769° N, Long. -82.52006° R'. Universal'fransvere b]crentor. Naine ofnearest waterbody: Shmv Creek (D1VR Class: \VS-IV) Name of neares['I'raditionnl Narigable \Vnter (TNN) Into �rhich the aquatic resource flows: F'rench Broad 2i��er Name of �catershed or Hydrologic Uni� Code (HUC): 06010I05030010 � Check if map/diugr¢m of re��ie�v nren nnd/or polen�inl jurisdic�ional areas is/,ve tivnilnble upon request. ❑ Check i1 other sites (e.g., ofisite mitigution sites, disposal sites, e�e...) nra nssociated �sith this nction nnd nre recorded on a difterent 1D form. D. RF.VIG�1' PCRFORDIED ROR SI'fE EV.\LUA'I'ION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLI'): � Office (DesA) Determination. Date: February 19, 2014 ❑ Field Determination. Da�c(s): SECTION II: SUi�1\fAR]' O� RINDINGS A. RHA SEC'I'ION IO DETGR�IINATION OI' JURISDICTION. Tlicre Aro iw "rim�igable irn�ers ojNre U.S." n•ithin Rivers nnd I Inrbors Ac[ (RHA)jurisdiction (as defined by 33 CPR part 329) in tlie revie�v nren. �ReqrriredJ ❑ R�a�ers suhject to the ebb nnd Flo��� of thc tidc. ❑ lVaters are presen�ly used, or have been used in the pnst, or may be susceptible for use ro transport in�crs�nte or 1'oreign commerce. Esplain: B. CR'A SCCTION 404 DETERDIINATION OF JORISUIC'I'ION. There Are "iro�ers o(the U.S.'� wi�hin Clenn \Vater Act (C\VA) jurisdiction (as defined by 33 C�R pnrt 328) in the revie�c arei�. �Required� (. �Vnters ofthc U.S. n. Indicnte presence o(wnters of U.S. in rerie��� nren (check nll thnt npply): � ❑ 'IT\Vs, including territorial sens ❑ \Ve�lands a�lacent to'fv\Vs � Rclntivcly permanenl �vaters' (RPNs) �hat Ilo�v direcUy or indircetly into TNNs ❑ Non-RPAVs thnt flo�v direclly or indirec�ly into TNVVs ❑ VVetlands directly ubuttinG RP1Vs �hat ilo�v directly or indireetly into TT'VVs ❑ Wetlands adjacent to but not directly nbut�ing RPAVs ihat tlo�e directly or indireclly into "IT�VVs ❑ VVetlands adjacent ro non-RPR's that Ilow directly or indirecUy into TNVVs ❑ Impoundmen�s ofjurisdiction�l �vnters ❑ Isolated (in�ust�te or intrastate) �caters, including isolnted �vetlnnds b. Identify (estimnte) size oPwnters of the U.S. in tiie review nrea: Non-o�etland o-ntcrs: 200 lincnr fect �vidth (ft) and/or acres. VVetlands: acres. c. Limits (bound�ries) ofjurisdictiou based on: Est�blished by OHVV�1: Elevation of estnblishcd OHWbI (if kno�vn): . 2. Non-reg�Jnted �rnters/wetlm�ds (check if npplicnble):' ❑ Potentiallyjurisdictional �caler, and/or �cetlnnds a�ere assessed �cithin the revie�v aren nnd determined to be notjurisdictional. E�pinin: � 6oscs chzcked below shall be suppotled by completine the appmpriu�a scctions in Scc(ion III below. ' Por purposes of Ihis lomi, an RP\V is defined u a tribulaq• 16ai is not a 7N\\' nnd thn� ty�pically ilo�cs yearmund or 6ns conlinuous Oow nt le.�sf "seasonally° (e.g., [ypicnlip 3 months). ' Supporling dacumen(nliun is prssented in Sec�ion III.P. SECTION lll: C11'A AIVALYSIS A. TMVs AND N'ETLANDS ADJACENT 7'O TNR's The ngcncies will nssert jw�isdiction orer "PN��'s and �retlnnds ndjncent to TN\Vs. If tlie aquatic resource is a TN\1', mmplefe Section III.A.I nnd Section II I.D.I. only; if the nquntic resom�ce is n�vetland adjacent to n TNR', complete Sections II I.A.1 and 2 mid Section III.D.1.; otherwise, see Secfion III.6 below. 1. TN�V Identit}� TN\\': Summarizc rn�ionnle supporting detennination: 2. AA'etland adjncenl to TN�1' Summarize mtionale supporting conclusion fhat wetlnnd is "n�jncenP': B. CHARACTCItIS"17CS OP' TRIBUTAR\' (7'HAT IS NOT A TN�V) AND ITS ADJACENT \\'E'fLANDS (IF AN]'): This secfion summ�irizes informntion regnrding chnrncteristics of the h�ibutnry nnd its ndjneent �veHnnds, if nny, nnd it helps determine �vhether m� not Uie standards forjw�isdictimi est�blished under Rnpanoshnve been met. The ngencies will nsser[ jurisdiction over non-nnvigable tribufaries of TNR's where the tributaries are "relnticely permnnent waters" (RPR's), i.e. h�ibutnries fiiat typically Oow }�em�-round or hm�e continuous Oo��� nt least sensonnlly (c.g., typically 3 months). A���cUnnd that direclly nbuts nn RP\1' is niso ji�risdictionnl. If ihe nquntic resom�ce is not n'I'N�V, but hns yenr-romid (peremiinl) ilow, skip to Section III.D1. If the nquafic resource is n wetlnnd directly nbntting n tribufnry �riHi perenninl Oow, skip to Section III.D.4. A wetlnnd �hn[ is ndjncent to but ihnt docs not directly abut nn RP�V requires n significnnt nesus er�luation. Cm�ps disiricts nnd CPA regions �eill include in lhe recm�d any avnilable inPormntion thnt documents the e�istence of n significnnt necus behreen a rclntirelc permnnent h�ibutnry thnt is not perem�inl (nnd its ndjncent �retlands iCnny) and n irnditionnl nm�ignble wnter, eren H�migh n significnnt nexus finding is �wt required as m m�tter oPlaw. If the wnterbod�' is not nn RP�V, or a wetlnnd directly nbutting nn RPR', n JD ���ill require ndditionnl dntn to determine if the wnter6ody hns n significant nesus with n TNR'. If Ihe tributary has ndjncent wetlnnds, ihe significnnt nesus ecaluntion must consider tlie tributary in combinntion �vith nll of its ndjncent weHnnds. This significant ne�us evnluntion thnt combines, for mrolytieal purposes, the tribut�ry ond all of its ndjncent wetlnnds is used whether the review m�en identificd in the .ID request is the tributm�y, or its adjnceut �vetlnnds, or bot0. If the,ID corers n h�ibutnry ��'ifh ndjncent wetlands, complete Section III.RJ tor Ihe tributary, Section I11.B.2 for nny onsite wetlands, nnA Section III.fi.3 (or all weHands ndjncent to thnt tributnry, both onsite and otfsi[e. The determinntion �rhether n significnnt nesus ezists is determined in Section IILC below. L Chnracteristics of nmi-TN�Vs tl�nt ilow directly or indirectly into TN�V (i) Genernl Ares Conditions: Nn�er,hed size: Pielc List Drainagearea: Picl<List Avecaec annual r�infnll: inches Avcrnge annual sno���fall: inchcs (ii) Physicnl Chnrnctcristics: (a) Rclationship wi�h "fNVV: ❑ Tribu�ary (lo�vs directly into 7T�1V. ❑ Tributary tlo�vs through Picic List tribWnries beforc entering'INV1'. Projecl �vatcr are Pick List river miles from lN\V. Projcct �vaters art Pidc List rivcr milcs from RP\V. Prolecl �ca�ers are Picl< Lisf ncrinl (straighQ miles liom TN\V. Prolect �catees are Piek Lisl nerinl (straighQ miles tiom RPN. Project ���aters cross or serve as slnte bound�rics. Eaplain: . Identifv Flo�v route to TNVV`: . Tributery siream order, if F:no�vn: ' Notc thni the Instmctional Guidebook coNains nAditional inibrmation ecenrding scnles, difches, �cashes, and e�osional �ealures gencmlly and in the arid VA'cs�. ` Flow routc cnn bz describeJ by idenlifyine, c.g., Icibu�np� a, �chich Ilo��s �hrouJi lhe cecie�c areq to Flo�r into t�ibu�aq� b> �chich Ihcn Ilows into'1 N\4. (b) General Tribut�n° Characle�islics (check all �hat apph•): Tributnry is: ❑ Natural ❑ Arlificial (mm�-madc). Gsplain: . ❑ Manipulated (man-altered). Explain: "Il�ibutnry properties ���i�h respect to lop uCbank (eslimate): Average �vidth: Iccl Aaera�e dep�h: feet A��cragc sidc slopes: Pick Lisf. Primarp �ributaq� subslrate composition (chcck nll Ihat apply): ❑ Silts ❑ Sands ❑ Concrele ❑ Cobbles ❑ Gravel ❑ Muck ❑ Bedrock ❑ Vegelation. Type/%cover: ❑ Other. Explain: . Tributnq° condition/s�nbility [e.g., highly crodine, slouehing banks]. Bspinin: Presence of run/rillle/pool complc�cs. Esplain: . Tributary geomelrv: Pick Lisl "fribWaq- gradient (approsim�te �verage slope): % (c) �lo�v: TribWnq� prorides for: Picic Lisl Estinmte average number of tlow evenls in rerie�c aret�/yeac Piek List Describe tlo�v rzgime: . Othcr informntion on �uration nnd volumr. . SurCace Oo�v is: Pick List Chnrncleristics: Subsurface Oo�r: Pick Lisl. Bxplain flndings: ❑ Dye (or ofher) test performed: . Tributarr has (check all tha� apply): ❑ Bed and bmiks ❑ OHVVA46 (check all indicators Ihnt �pply): ❑ clear. na�ural linc impresscd on the bnnk ❑ changes in Ihe chnracter of soil ❑ shelving ❑ vegeialiom m�ttcd doo�i, bent, or absent ❑ leaf litter disturbcd or wnshed mvuy ❑ sedimentdeposition ❑ �cater staining ❑ o�her (list): ❑ Uiscontinuous OHN�9.' Bxplain: . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ the presence oF litter an� debris destmction ol terrestrial rcgetntion the presenee of �crnck line sedimen( sortin� scour multiplc observed or predic[ed Flo�v evenls abrupt change in plan( communit}, If facto�s olher than �he OI IAVM �vere used to detenuine laleral exten� of CAVAjurisdiction (eheck nll thnt npply): ❑ High Tide Line indicuted by: ❑ Mean High 1Vnter binrk indicnteA by: ❑ oil or scum line along shorc objects ❑ survey to avnilnble dulum: ❑ fine shell or debris Acposits (foreshore) ❑ physicnl markings; ❑ physicnl mnrkings/characteristics ❑��ege�a�ion lincs/chnnges in vegztntion types. ❑ tidal gauees ❑ o�lierQist): (iii) Chemicnl Clinrnctcristics: Characlerize tribulaq� (e.g., �vnter color is clenr, discolored, oil�� tilm; �va�er quality; genernl �va[ushed chnrne[eristies, etc.). Explain: . Idcntify specific pollutants, if kno�vn: . °A natur,il or man-made discontinuity in the OH1YM does not nzeessnril}� severjurisdic[ion (e.g, �chere Ihe stream lemporeril}� Ilo�c> underground, or �rherz the OI I\\'bl hns 6ezn removed b}' developmenl or noricuhurnl practices). Nhere there is a hreaA in Iht OH\l'\�I limt is unrelmcd lo Ihe �va�cr6od�'s Oo�c regime (e.g., �lo�c over a rock oulttop or Ihmugh a culrert), �he agencics e�ill look �ix indicalor of Ilo�e nhovz and belo�c �he brenk. 'lbid. (iv) I3iologicnl Chnrnctcristics. Channel supporfs (cliecic nll thnt apply): ❑ Ripnrinn corridoc Chnracteris�ics (type, arerage ���idth): . ❑ \\'etland fringe. Characterislics: . ❑ Hnbitnt for: ❑ Federally Lisfed species. E�plain findings: . ❑ Fisl�/spao�n areas. 8splain tindings: . ❑ OO�er enrironmentally-sensi�ive species. F.�plain findings: . ❑ AquaticAvildlife divcrsi�y. Expinin findings: . 2. Chnrncteristics of wetlands adjncent to non-TNR' fhnt Oow directly m� indirectly into TN�V (i) Ph,ysical Characteristics: (n) General VVetland Characteristics: Properties: R'etland sizc: ncres Netland q�pc. Gsplain: . Nctl�nd qunliq�. H:�plain: . Projec� ���eUnnds cross or serve as stata boundaries. Gxplain: (b) General Flo�v Rela�ionshio �vith Non-TT'\V: 1=1o�v is: Pick LisL 8xpinin: . Surface Flo�c is: Pick List Char.icteristics: . Subsurfncc flo�v: Pick List. Esplain findings: ❑ Dye (or other) tesl pedonned: . (c) R'etland Adinccncr De[erminntion �cith Non-TN11': ❑ Directly abutting ❑ Not diractly abutling ❑ Discrc�c ���ctlnnd hyArobgic comiectioo. E�pinin: ❑ I:cologicnl connection. E�plain: . ❑ Separated by bemi/barricr. 8xplain: . (d) Prosimih� (Relationshinl to TN�1' Prolect wetlands are Piele List rirer miles from TNVV. Project �ratcrs nrc Pick Lis[ nerinl (straighq miles from T'NN. Plo��� is from: Pick List. Estimate approximatc loca�ion of �vetland ns �ci�hin the Pick List Floodplain. (ii) Chemical Cliarncteristics: Characterize �setland systzm (e.g., �va�er color is clenr, bro�vn, oil tilm on surfnce: �4n[er qunlity; genernl �vntershzA charnctcristics: c�c.). Bxplain: . Idcn�ih• spccific pollutmits, if kno�so: . (iii) Biologicnl Charncterisfics. R'etlnnd supports (chede all tlint apply): ❑ Riparinn buffec Chnrncteristics (�ype, average �vidth): . ❑ Vegeta�ion lype/percent covec F.�plain: . ❑ I Inbitat foc ❑ Fedzrally Listcd spccics. Gspinin tindings: . ❑ PisWspn�cn nrens. E�plain findings: . ❑ Other cm•ironinentnlly-sensitive species. Esplain findings: . ❑ Aquatichvildlife diversity. Esplain lindings: . J. Chm�ncteristics of nll �retlands ndjacent to the tributary (if nny) All �vetland(s) bcing considcred in �he cumuletire analysis: Pick Lisf Approximntely ( ) acres in tolol are 6eing considered in the cumulati��c analysis. Cor c�ch �vetland, specify Ihe I'ollo�ving: Directh• nbuts? (YM) Size (in aeres) Directh� abuts? (YMl Size (in neresl Summarize overall biological, chemictil and physical time[ions baing pedomied: . C. SICNICICANT NEVUS DCTERVIINA"f10N A significnnt nesus nnnlysis will nssess the Oow characteristics and funcfions oPthe h�ibutnry ifself and tl�e (nnctions perPormed by any wetlands adjncent to Ihc h�ibidnry to defermine if ihey signilicantly n(fect We chemicnl, plp�sical, and biologicnl integrih� ofn 9'N1V. �or ench of the following situntions, n signifcnnt nesus esisfs if tl�e tributnrv, in combination �rith nll of its ndj�cent �reHands, has more than n speculntivc or insubstnntinl e(fect an ihe cheiuical, pliysic�l mid/m� biologicnl integrity of n'1'N1V. Considerntions when eroluating significant ne�us include, but nre uol limited to the rolume, durntion, nnd frequency of the Oo�r of �rnter in �he tributnry nnd ils prosimity to a TNVV, and the functions perfm�inecl by the tributary and nll its ndjncenl o�etlnnds. It is not npproprinte to detenuine signilicnnt nesus based solely on niq� specific threshold of distnncc (e.g. between n tributary nnd its ndjncent wetlnnd m� behreen n tributm�y nnd the TM1'). Similm�ly, the Pnct nn ndjncent wetland lies within or outside oPa tloodplain is not solely determinntive oPsignificnn� nesus. Drmr cannections bet�reen the fenhires documented nnd H�e effecfs on the T��V, ns identiPed in the Rnpnnns Cuidnnce nnd discussed in the Ins�ructimml Cuideboolc. P'nctors to consider include, fa� ecmnple: • Does tl�e tribulary, in combin�4ion �sith its adl���ent �re�lnnds (ifnny), have the capacily to cnrp� pollutnn(s or tlood �vaters to iN\Vs, or to reduce �he amount of pollWUnts or Flood �i�ters renchino a TNR'? • Does tlie tribulaq�, in combinntion �rith i�s ndjacent �re�lands (ifany)� provide hnbilat nnd lifccpcic support Cwiciions for fish and oiher species, such as feeding. nesting. spnwning, or rearing yow�g (or speci�ti that nre przsent in the 7N\1'? • Does the Iributap�, in combinntion �si�h i�s ndjncent wotlands (if any), ha��e the cnpnci�y to transfer nutrients nnd organic carbon Ihnt suppod do�riu�ream foodwebs? • Does the tributaq�. in combination �ritli i�s adjacent ���ellands (ifnny), hnve other relationships m the physical, chemicnl, or biological integrity of the "I`N1V'? Note: the nborc list of considerntions is not inclusire nnd other funetions observed or laio�rn to ocew� should be docmnented below: L Significnnt nesus lindings for non-RPR't6at lins no adjacent wetlnnds nnd ilows directly or indirectly into TN�Vs. Gxplain findings of prescnce or absenec of significnn[ nexus belo��•, based on �he tribulaq° itscif, then eo lo Seciion IILD: . 2. Significant necus findings Por non-RPR' nnd its ndjncent �retlands, where tlic non-RP\V Oows directly or indirectly into '1'M1's. Explain findings of presence or abscnec ofsignificant nexus belo�v, based on the tributary in combinaiion �vith nll of its adjacent �vetlands, then go to Section III.D: . 3. Significnnt nexus findings Cm� wetlnnds ndjncent to an RP1V but thnt do not directly nbul the RPAV. Esplain findings of presence or absence ofsigniticnnl ne�us belo�c, based on the tributaq� in combination �vith nll of its adjncent ���etlands, then go to Section III.D: . D. DCTERDIINATIONS O� dURISDICTIOYAL I� INDINGS. THG SU6JCCT �1'ATERS/�VETLANDS AR[: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): l. TN�Vs nnd Adjncent R'etlnnds. Check all Ihm apply and provide size es�imates in revie�r area: ❑ TN1Vs: linenr feet widtli (ft), Or, �ems. ❑ \1'eUtmds acijncent to TT\Vs: acres. 2. RP1Vs tlinf flow direcllv m� indirecth� into TN�Vs. �"fributnries of 7'N\\'s �chere tribularies typicnllp tlo��� year-round are lurisdietion�l. Provide data and ra�ionale indienting Ihnl tributan� is perznninl: 7herc is n�rell-defined channel and the strenm is sho�vn ns n perenninl stream on the USGS [opogrnhic map. ❑ Tributaries ofTT'\V o1iere tributaries have coNinuous Flo�r "sensonnlly" (c.g., typically ihree months ench ycar) are jurisdietionnl. Da�a supporting this conclusion is pro��ided a� Seclion III.R. Providc ra�ionale indicating Ihnt tributnq� tlo�vs seasonalh�: . Proridc estimates 1'or jurisdictionnl �vntcrs in Ihc rzvie�v area (check all that apPl>'): � 'fributnrr �va(ers: 200 linear feet �cidth (ft). ❑ O�her non-�setland �vtllers: acrzs. Identity [ype(s) of �vaters: . 3. Non-RP\Vss H�at ilow dirccth� or indirectly into TN�Vs. ❑\Vaterbody Ihnt is not n TNN or an RPAV, but flo�es dircctly or indirectly into a TN�A', and it has a signiilcanl nexus with n TN\V is jurisdietionnl. Data supporiing ihis conclusion is provided at Seetion IILC. Providc estinmtes forjurisdictional �rntcrs ��-ithin �he revie�v t�rea (chcck all that applr): ❑ 'I'ri6Wary �saters: linear feet width (ft). ❑ Olher non-���elland �vaters: acres. Iden�ify q�pe(s) of �caters: . 4. �Vetinnds dircetly abutting an RP\Y thnt ilow directly or indirectly into TNNs. ❑\Vctlnnds direc�ly nbut RP\V nnd thus arejurisdictional v�s nci,lacari �vetlands. ❑VVetlnnds directly abulling nn RP�V �ehcrc Iributaries typically Flo�v year-round. Providc dnta and ratiunnle indicating �hn� tributarp is perennial in Sec�ion III.D.2, above. Proride eationale indica�ing thnl �veiland is directly abutting an RPN: . ❑ Ne�lands direc�ly abuttine nn RPAV �vhere �ribumries typically tlow "se2conelly." Provide data indicating thnt tributary is seasonnl in Scetion I[IB and n�tionale in Seciion III.D.2, abo��e. ProriAc rationale indicn�ine that wetland is direcUy abutting an RP1V: . Provide nerenge estimates for jurisdielionnl ��°etlnnds in the revie�c nre�: acres. 5. \Vetlands ndjncent to but not Airectly nbutting nn RP�1' thnt Flow directly or indirectly into TM1's. ❑ lVeUnnds �hnt do nol directly ahw an RP1V, but �chcn considered in combina�ion �ci�h the tributary �o which they are ndjaccnt and ���ith similarly situnted ndjneent �cetlands, have a significnnt nesus �vith n'CNVV nrejurisidictional. Dnta supporting Ihis conclusion is prorided a� Sec�ion IILC. Provide acreage estimntes for jurisdic�ional ���etlands in the revie��� area: acres. 6. \Vetlnndsndjncent fo non-RP�Vs ihnt Ilow direcHy or indirec�ly into TNR's. ❑ 1Vetlands adjacent to such �rnters, nnd hnre �vhen considered in combination �vi�h �he tributaq� to which �hey nrc adjacent and �vi�h similarly situn�ed adjacent �cetlands, hnve n signitieam ne�us �eith n 7TVV are jurisdic�ionnl. Da�n suppohing this conclusion is proviAed at Scc�ion III.C. Provide estinmtes torjurisdictionul �vetlnnds in thc rcrie�v area: acres. 7. Impoundmenfs ofjurisdictional wnters.' As a gtnernl rule, thc impow�dmenl of u jurisdictionnl tribulary remains jurisdictional. ❑ Demons�rntc thn� impoundment ���as cre�tzd froin "walers of �he US.," or ❑ Demonstrate �hn( �cn(zr inec�s Ilie criteria for one of the rn�egories presented nbove (L6), or ❑ Dcmonsira�e that u�ater is isola�zd �vith n ne�us �o commerce (see B below). 6. ISOLATfD �INTERSTATC OR INTRA-STATC� �5'ATERS, INCLUDING ISOL�YPCD \VCTLANDS, 7'HE USE, DEGR.IU.\'PION OR DESTRUCTION OR \1'HICII COULD AF�EC'I' INTCRSTATE CO\Ii\IP;RCC, INCLUDING ANl' SUCH \\'ATCRS (CH6CIC ALL THAT APPLl'):10 ❑�vhich arz or could be used by intersta�e or foreign Vavelers tor recreutionnl or other purposes. ❑ �iom ���hich fisli or shellf sh nrc or could be takzn and sold in inlerstale or forzign conmrerce. ❑�vhieh nre or could 6e used for industrial purposes by industries in interstate commerce. ❑ Interstate isolated wa�ers. E�plain: . ❑ O�her f:�crors. Bxplain: . "See Footnote # 3. '�1'o comple�e Ihe mmlysis rcler fo lhe Aey in Sec�ion III.D.G of tlie Inslruclional Guidebook. 10 Frim� lo nsseriinQ or declining CR'A jnrisdiclion based snlelp nn Ihis cntegmy, Cm�ps Distriets n�ill elerate Ilie aclinn lo Cm�ps and GPA HQ for rrrie�� ronsistrnt ��ilh Ihe prucess describcd in Ihe Corps/EP:1 d/euiornud�un Regnnliug C0:1 Ae7Jnrisdicliai Fnllmriug Rnpmms. Idenfify watcr body nnd sunnnnrizc rntionnlc suppm�ting detcrminntion: Proaide estimates 1'or jurisdictional ���aters in lhe revie��� area (check all tha� npply): ❑ Tributary �vaters: linear feet ���idth (ti). ❑ Other non-«°e[Innd �eaters: acres. Idcn�ify typc(s) of �vaters: . ❑ \Vetlands: acrzs. T. NON-JURISDICTIONAL \5'ATERS, INCLUDIYG �VCTLAYDS (CHECI<ALL TIIAT APPL]'): ❑ If poten�ial �reilands �verz assessed ���itliin the cevie�v area, thes-e areas did no[ inzet �he critcria in the 1987 Corps of Engii�eers \Vctland Dclineation b]anual and/or approprinte Regional Supplemenls. ❑ Revie��� nren induded isolnted �vn(crs ���ith no substnnlinl nc�us to inters�ate (or foreign) commerce. ❑ Prior �o the Jan 2001 Supreine Court decision in "SII:INCC; the revie�v area �could hnve been reguln�ed based solelv on Ihe "�4igrntop• 13ird Rule" (MI3R). ❑ R'a�ers do nol meet Ihe "Significanl Nesus" slnndard, where such n finding is required for jurisdiction. Explain: . ❑ Othee (explain. if not covered nbove): . Proride ncrcngc es�imates for non-jurisdic�ionnl �vatcrs in thc revie�v arza, �vhere �he sole potenlinl basis ofjurisdiction is Ihe ndBR ti�ciors (i.e., presence of mignriory birds, presence of endangered species, use ot �vater for irrigated aericullure). usin2 bes� professionnl judgmen� (check all that apply): ❑ Non-�relland �eaters (i.e., rivers, streams): linear feet �vidlh (R). ❑ Lnkes/ponds: acres. ❑ Other non-���etland �va�ers: acres. List type of aqualic resouree: . ❑ lVeflands: acres. Provide acrengz estimntzs for non-jurisdie�ional �vaters in the revie�v area thal do not mee� tlie'Significant A'exus" slandard, ���here such a f nding is required for jurisdiclion (check all �hat apply): ❑ Non-�cctland �cntcrs (i.c., rivcrs, streams): lincar fcc�, �vidth (li). ❑ Lakcs/ponds: acres. ❑ Olher non-�seUund �calers: acres List �ype of nquatic resouree: . ❑ \Vc[landx acrcs. SGCTION 1\': DATA SOURCES. A. SUYPORTING UA'fA. Datn reriewed Cor JD (checl< all that apply - chcckcd items shall bo i�icluded in case file and. �vhere checked nnd requcstcd, nppropria�cly reference sourees belo�v): � Nlnps, pinns. plo�s or plat submittcd by or on bchalf of �hc npplicanUconsul�anc Augus( 2013 ❑ D. �a sheets prepared/submittecl by or on behalf of the applieant/consultnnt. ❑ Of2ice concucs �viih duta sheets/delineaiion reporl. ❑ Ofiice does no[ concur ���ith dntn shzcts/Aelinen[ion rcport. ❑ Dnta sheets prepnred by tlre Corps: . ❑ Coq>s navigable �vaters' study: . ❑ U.S. Gcological Survcy Hydrologic A�las: . ❑ USGS NI ID dnta. ❑ USGS R nnd 12 digit FIUC maps. � U.S. Geologicul Survey map(s). Cite scale R quad name: 1/2d,000; I lorse Shoc ❑ USDA Naturnl Resources Conservntion Sen�ice Soil Sun•ey. Citation: . ❑ Nntional n-etlands inventoq� mnp(s). Cite nnme: . ❑ StnteA.ocfll wetlnnd invenlory mnp(s): . ❑ FE\�fA/FIR\4 maps: . ❑ I00-year P'loodplain Eleralion is: (National Ceodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) � Photogrnphs: � Acrinl (Namc R Date): Henderson Counq� GIS, P'e6ruaq� 19, 2014 or � O�hcr (Nninc �@ Da�c) Junc 6, 2012 ❑ Przvious detennina�ion(s). File no. and dn[e of rzsponse letter. . ❑ Applicable/supporting case Imv: . ❑ Applicnbic/supportin@ scicntitic litcmtum: . ❑ Othcr infom�ation (plcasc spccitj°): . D. ADDITIONAL COnIDIGNTS TO SUPPORT JD: �. 41 H il H H� ah �,; � � � � � � U W O � � � � � � � A � V � � (O, V GRAPHIC SCALGS 2L0. 1�0. 0 20 40 ,,, ll� PLANS 20 10 0 20 40 `I7`TI ��- � PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) `1�11� � PROFILE (VERTICAL) S`��'1�1'][�1E', �F 1�����T �[ �C�IZC��,I 1,�1� T�I��IS[Cfl1�,7 �F �II�CyI[�I1Z�K\�'� HEI�DERS01� COUI�TY LOCATIOl�': BRIDGE N0.135 OVER SHAW CREEK OTI SR IZIS (TURLEY FALLS ROAD) TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING, AND STRUCTURE � NC GRID NAO g3 � BEGIN T/P PROJECT BD-5114Y � -L- STA.10+00 � 10 SR 1214 . ___-_____. i �, � � : �j / � � DESIGN DATA ADT 2013 = 560 ADT 2035 = 1340 T = 7°/u V = 35 MPH FUNC CLA55 =LOCAL (,; BEGIN BRI�GE �,�� . . -L-STA.11+96.83 '�\... � ... ' � � � — � — _ L- 5 R 1215 - - - - - (iURLEY FAllS ROAD) i� I I w� a U 3Q N ; PROfECT LENGTH LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT BD-5114Y = 0.064 MI LENGTH STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT BD-5714Y = 0.012 MI TOTAL LENGTH OF TIP PROJECT BD-5114Y = 0.076 MI END BRI�GE �- ST0.14+59.V �� . _i___"_ __` _ .. IQ��4 `END T'IP PROJECT 6D-5/14Y � -- -Zr S7A.14+00 - ' PreynrM /n fle Offlcz Of: T'AUGHN C�' MELTON U18-F PdTI'O.\' AI'E. d5IlEI'lLLE .CC, 28806 F0,4 iHE NOk7H CPfiOLlNA ONLSIO,l OF HIGN�lAYS iaiz sr.i.��n.aren srcanunors REECE SCHULER, PE RIGHT OF 11�3}' DATE: P�o�ccr c.�cr.v�n MAY 9, 2013 qqRON CARVER, PE Pfl0/£C! D£SIG.\' f.\'Gl.\'E!ft LGTTING DATE: FEBRUARY 27, 2014 'C1Or `o","`: JOSH DEYTON, PE nn�sms » - ewi�ct' eusac�t �,C.� BI D-5114Y 45360.1.25 BR2�1215(3� �� �� a �:ri_nn1So YaugY�SMeilon o rc^ t+���', .-n�. e,.- _ _C �ii �.o. Ashe Ila ° • i,nn � ' .. zi= o�P�;m`,o<<�� Hl'DRAULICS Lh'CLYGLX „ �� >`a°,�.afE $Serq:;> ��': i SEAL � E i, 3151i � ":;,rf� i cinC:o2o;` rE`•,;,,,Bl,a�f.+ ROADI!'A3' DESIGN E�\'G7NEER 264f0 Dff9SION OP H!GlfIVA1'S srrtrE or xoarx c��noi.m.� pf MOIj/! 0 �a� ' o' I ° C' 'ol ,``\_/G'1 4 , f, ' �Y PA1Y0�4 EXIST. GROUND �� CT � GRADE TO THIS LINE � � � -L- i � 70'-0" �h— I I � GRADE � , POINT 1�„ � � ��� W U TYPICAL SECTION NO. 1 ' 7'-0" WITH GUARDRAIL \ EXIST. GROUND T� GRADE TO THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 2 � USE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 1 -L- STA. 10+00 TO -L- STA. 11+96.83 (BEGIN BRIDGE) -L- STA. 12+59.17 (END BRIDGE� TO -L- STA. 14+00.00 USE TYPICAL SECTION N0.2 -L- STA. 11+96.83 (BEGIN BRIDGE) TO -L- STA. 12+59.17 (END BRIDGE) FnOIECL AfFf�Fl�CF NO. SHFFi 110- eo-siim z [pADI/AY �ESIGII PAYEIf£R �FSIGtI f1:Gl`:ffR E::G!"EE¢ ge•e(�,.,��Rai:••,, :.°Q(HCaRO(�s ?2�Dff55i01 ✓': :2�Q�(f.:$b�.!9: ` =a SEAL �' = = j4 sEti �' `- ' - Y6560 = _ �i�J1 ° '=, 9t: A�GIxtCP.;v F '� i//y`hi.iP/� ,� �FCE�„°d�sG?e• .�'�I�� NL `Q"; a Cz� cz - -- - - --- - - --- - ----- - - -- � - ,. I � „,� - - -- --------------' L������CU� ���_�Wedging Deiail 4 w.+r� , 3, � _ A�La' �•1H. Detail Showing Method of Wedging PAVEhIENT SCHEDULE PflOP. APPFOX. 3" ASPHALT CONCRETE SUFFACE COOFSE, C1 TYPE S9.58, AT AII AVEflAGE PATE OF 168 LBS. PEfl S0. Y0, I!! EACH OF TI'10 LAYEFS. PPOP. VAP. �EPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE SU$flFACE COUFSEM1 TYPE 59.58 C2 BE PLACED IIlELAYEflS lOT�TOLEXCEE�p1S0�� IU.�EPTH1 DEPTH. TO E� PpOP. APPflOX. 4" ASPHALT COt1CFETE 6ASE COUPSE, TYPE B25.OB, AT F1! NVEFAGE FATE OF 456 LBS. PEH 5�. Y�. PFOP. VAF. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCFETE BASE COUFSE TYPE B25.OB Ez AT Atl AVEPAGE PATE OF 110 LBS. PER �0. YD. PEA 1" OEPTH. Tb 9E PIACED It! LAYEflS 11�T 1E55 THAI! 3 IN �EPTH Ofl GflEATEF iHAI! 512'" I11 DEPTH. T EAflTH IdATEFIAL U EXISTItIG PNVEM11Et1T 1Y PFOPOSEO 4YEDGIIIG (SEE APPROPFIATE DETAILS) IIOiE: PAVE4ENi EOGE SLOVES APE 1:1 UIILE55 SIIDiIII OTHEPM1ISE z � NAD 83� SRS 2007 1r. asri eiev.- zn�.ev ro sa �ya 5 27' S4" I2' E SY6Y-- -B�_ 510.5�00.00 iN pASE OF P9 Cli05S'IG 9CN ) i �� C$' �e ��t i ti ; ti i �trl -L- �]3.62 55]0' LT � -l- +4L34 ' _�- +80 gq;GNiWAiEF FEAL ESiAiE ]61T LT � 4].04' LT PNES111EHi5. LLC � 54' lT ed W pOiPL 6]B � y SPECIAL 2' Ni BASE _L- +25 �¢' h � 5' Di1��� 60' LT �_ LF r SEf OETAII A 51 .? E-E E� _s-- 30 TGF QO�`' c _______________ ______ 7 ,�� _ � 1 � � i r(:.=[£� F/LS l,ri'� SR ------__ ____-_______�_____ aso n-z � ' �'„a=%_ _ �,.."` IRE;_°'( »�u' - � NN , � ' AE A .sm, a. 1llZ eI� /� � / � � ' .. � i L,..._.]0 �� �� DATUM DESCR I PT I ON .Q 4� RT �� �� rne �acnuzeo coa�ouiue srsiEU oEVeioaEO ras.nis cau�ec� �� i 45' RT I� � IS BASEO 0.V THE FAiE PLA.E COOB�IIIAtES ESIA9JSHE� BY `/ II(��l fOFl VO!W�FNI '950llS BP2" O �� XIIH NA� 83RSflS 2041 SiAIE PllhE G91� [OUl01NAIES GF 34 ]6' RT / I;p�i1HI1:G: 591695.81651ft1 EAS111fG: 950➢1.56291(fl [pqa�Yt� N.B&H111eLL o? pROPOSED hld[ / ELEVAi10'1: 1115.B41f11 oe e�I vc <os p CONCRETE Ftlll/. 1HE AKH0.GE C0�9R.[0 G91� FACI09 USEO 0'1 INIS FN61EL1 \ � 16900'19 10 GAI�1 IS: 0.99984780 � iNE ILL. L0.�flEfli Glil� BE0.HIIIC N'A . � � LOCRLIIEO NOFIZA4IAL GAOU!10 �I94N(E FR04 N '49pU5 BL-1' i0 -L- SiAl1�4 IS � M1ll LIkEAA �Il4N9fGIS AFE LOCOLI2E0 HDAIZO'IiAt DlSidtiCES BL-1 N 59I649.6195 E 950350.1537 EL 2115.56 YERiI[AL �AiuU USEU IS NA4� 89 BL-2 N 592895.8165 E 950371.5628 EL 21I5.84 BL� N 593V0.9790 E 950442.4101 EL 219.79 BM fl N 592598.6820 E 950377.1222 ELEVATION = 2117.81' -BL- STA. 5+00.00 CULVERT HYDRGULIC DATA OESIGN OISCHFRCE = l9 CFS OESIGN FREOUENCY = 25 YRS OES/G/! M% ELEVATION ° 2N2d FT BASE DISCHPRGE = 30 CFS BASE FREOUEIICY = l00 YRS BASE MJ/ ELEVA7/ON = 2/l3b FT OVERTOPPIIlG DISCHMGE = 40 CFS Q✓ERTOPPl1/G FREOUENCY= l00 + YRS �lERTOPPING ELEVATION = 2/I9S FT 10 11 BFIGxIFaiEfl FEAL ESiAIE \ I!NES➢lEIIlS. LLC '�. BEGIN BRIDGE o0 npPt sBa � -l- STA.11+96.83 O .1_ <g5 _�_ � pg � 90.00' LT ��, 25.Bd' Li �DO NOi SET� � � 4P LT �DO NOi SEn �- =20.98 12 -L- 40'� �\ \ Ai-0 0 DITCH B SPECIAI CUT BASE �ITCH � e✓no _�dq N�mal � i GeorA l.� 2� �c� a`_. d � F�O o,:n c_;:..: B 1.Gn. � = I F�. un�d = � fi. � oiu�e,_ ,Go,'� Fi6a. a_ i Fi. ' FROl.1 -t- SiA ID+65 TO ST0. ➢+)5 LT� I L- +H6 DDE FSi. = 2]1 CY k 4)'lT / ` IICGS l.,OII.�iL4�Er� /TUE/ O � I � 3 � � -�- �p 9YFON O.DOn1cIG I I m. 09 41l PL 00 I -�- CU 1N� N NOTE: "o I l�'I N220 �6 �NCIDENiALfAILLAPPROX25FT �r43b'(RTI � AT EACH TIE IN TO PROVIDE A I D 5'43'46.5' E? \ 4 Sh100TH TR4NSIilON TO THE � y�� � T = 71.79' �� E%ISTNG ASPHALT PAVEh1ENT I R=/��y vxoiccr PevEae:ce r:o. sn[n r:o. tiN��c�FO[i.'- .•oQ�HGaObi%s,, ����Q.o�CSS%01,,�s°i ` �e�4C5L0y'4 : _'> SEAL �' __ en SEa! `': c ' i 26960 = ' )19I1 � °.9�: ��CINfCQ,Fb¢.-' •� FdL�XI;e'�Oj• �fCE��i�s�PJ`� ,���tPy�v'B6p`�OQ. S«CH SHOlq1.G iEIA➢Oi:SNiOf iA�'EVGRViiDIH i0 Ei�DGE\'LOiH _1 _ /� ��, /� 4^..ii , � + ^� _ ____` Pla_ _ "�+.""��4...�� RErq�N V�� Tn „ � � -� i � � FJ � �w� �'- ��-_ END PROIE[7 DETAIL B STA. IA+OD.00 SPECIAL CIfT BASE ORCH �D CONSTkUCTION V+-���� s.a:i L- STA. 14+2500 A�\\ r:._.i ��.'r s�.�n z.� p ti�ovc� o:a { c. � �\ �. a.J �r,�. o= i w. L� e = x r�. �_�p FROlA -L- STA 14+50 TO SiA 14+]5 lT. nnc Fsr = on cv OESIGN DISCNPRGE ° 750 CFS F� DESIGfJ FREOUENCY = 25 YRS OESIGN M�% ELEVATlOII = 21/2.7 FT � BASE DISCHARGE _ 1240 CFS BASE FREOUE!!CY = l00 YRS BASE M7 ELEVATION = 2I14.30 F7 OVERTOPPl1l6 OISCHPRGE = 1835 CFS d✓ERTOPPING FREOUEIlCY = SCO+ YRS OVERTOPPING ELEVATION = 2l159 F7 � lA%5 = 2/08A F7 DATE OF SURVEY ° �-Z9-�3 � Y/S.ECEVATION Ar OATE OF SUMEY = 2�ON F7 I IIII � �� �II II f-' 13 14 � IvOFVAIID!i 10 BE SNO�II 0'1 PLAf.S IFEC PAS SEQIO'1 149]6 USED1 w=,v�� o'zmorca . r5o....._or. r.eaz.�cr ??..YC....... ce". .._zuz.i_....... eos+rnx� o_�n>Ca........1240....._.a�.e. rrew v....100.YG_ c�a•.......�I1930........ b:x�o:o'�a�o'scn.w ....IB35._.__wts. nea r SOO.Y,(�.!. ue•....._2115.9, . . ........ Y OIFAIO:iN: G.i1k5 Ai -6 SI�. q�9 �P AI llE P.C!DMIY (UIifAPE AODITIONAL CSOA4AiKK1 ANO CO�I%liAT10115 �rv0£CtD�v �..._.. _ .. ................ _ ... .. . ........ _.. Dn = 2.l mi' ..._...._.._ ._.. _..... .... FflO�A USGS PUPAL REGflE55q.V EOUAl10l5 FOF flEG 01 2 PFA. USGS S 9 2009: Si8 ._., 0 PBBA �K 5}p Cf5 SRY 550 CFS O2 , N/A , OQ = 550 cfs ... . . ... . . .. 0 ]9BA'�� �2i CiS ...SAY 150 Cf5 0�� N/P_ . On...:.�50 cfs . . ..... .. . . . ..... 0 di9A 6�ICf5 SAT 650 Cf5 0,� N/A Oy : B50 cfs . ...... . . .... 0 515R°O q91 CF$ SAY 1000 CFS__ _ ON 1210 Cf , Ory = 1240 Cfb q 199A°''' 192i CFS SAY 1400 CFS Oyq :, N/A Op. ? I50� cfs .... __ .._.. ._ .__ .... �LCIIR RVtLY5I5 I,U ffi l! E FFO (( liftl I Y$C Vi CdUilY1 .. .... .... .... ... x „L,�, r tm ia � 5- r . . ... ._. ._. _.. Y ��:i119V9/559"�I-�1 Llfi .... _ . .. ._. ..__ .._. ��}IR fCf9lU� L�£ �%�] eHJt�£M X[N fMO�lllr� rs.sosc.=r,Itilil�lra9r,P''vPT�. ❑ _ . ... ...... _..... ....... YS = 5 t [R.tiYlO.. N�)/5 ti IOAf° � p= Il9 R . . . ... .. .... ._. .. . ... ._ __.... PCM I6l1�Nt .. .... . ...... .._. . . .... ...... .. r ._.. r faiu R air.P �r�. ❑ . ...... .. .. ..._ .. _ .. ..... .. Ys�.n=59(tttT paD��.-A/55P IJIP ❑=1t9f�.. 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