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GW1-2022-01120_Well Construction - GW1_20220107
Feb 1519 05:43p Clearwater Well Drilling 828-622-72A 1 P 1 WELL CONSMU-,CTION R—BCORR{GW-1) �For internal Use Only: 1,WclI CAintrairlor Inf,rm - \ll/�f� 14,W T ZONES r1i0a7 Tn DESCRIPTION Well fbntracll�ot�hrRme IL ft, ...E ..(S.L .._ ell Cnntmelpt Catificn• n Nitmticir M?,tn1TER CASING for melded wells OR LI?iER Ua e C(( ( �HROM M D1AMCfLR_ Tllt Q"s MATERIAL akiK (:nmpnny Name ~)6.LNPIER CASING OR TltAlNG dtpra.alclauld-lao 2.Well Construction Permit#: "iamx To ouaILTEA in• THILINcss MArFRUL iAst all 1111grlicw5fe well mnrintelinn parmitr(tc.1/IC;.C.olrrxy,Smle�1441•ranc4!,ere.) fr• R• n. k• in. 3.Well Ific(cheek well ilse): �lasC N WaterSupplylvell. FROM TO DIAMBTFat s[AT. Tn1r.Iuvrtss T1tRu1L, Agricultural E)Municipot(puhtic Q R, ft. in.. Geothermal(ETeating(Cooling Supply) esidentiai Water supply(single) rt. fl. in. indusiriallCommercial Residential Water Supply(shared) -IS. ROl)r p MATERIAL EMPLAC BIVEM TN M AMOUNT tar{^ation .�• ft. Ft.. Nnn-�1'nter suppiv W'ril: - rAquifer Recovery tt, fr injection fl. It. gc QGroundwater Remcdiatinn e and RcrovcrS Salinity Currier FROKNT1/Gkt1 ALfe cCMBNTMrns f3SmnnwatcrDrainage n. n• _ Experimental Technology Subsidence Control tl n Geothermal(Closed Loop) 13Traccr 20.DRIi.LINC LOC irNaeh sdd onalslltats I Reetniva FROM TO DE3 dolor.hardwis,ollffieck IM,itralm In.eted Ccothennal(HcatinVCooIiLjt Return) flOther(explain under B21 Remarks) / tt ft. a_ d.dateWell(s)Cnmpleted' ! I�1— WelllD# �Srt. (t. / .ria Well i,ncatlnn: O It. F:Icilifi:'Owner#lame Facility IDil(ifoliplicAlr.) ft' ft. Pli i d Address,City,Ind Zip • fc• ai. B r'C 2l.REMARKS _ ' ...___...___ILL_ CaontY parcel idcmitlenlion No.(PINE) -qb.I,atitude nod longitude in degrees/minuteslsecondsordecimnl drgrecs,- 022 (i�well field,one tntnnng in suRleicnt) , 19 3 ll �2,Ce (' lion} Q3 / -I / b `( �a `// stc7loi 6.Is(arc)the wells)&—Permnnent or ©ITempnrory ::ignntur.of C.rrtificd WAl Contrm or Date ltv.rrFminl;rlrtr Chrm,1 herrhvicerrl)y that the iwdll(y)was(wwr)ermanter`u1 ht actrirdonce ?.1n this arepairman existing well: Oves or CNo r�.r1rMASCA..'02C.0100ar13ANCAC07C'.02001Te11Crnr/ntenanStandardsemdthata ft'lhia is:>repair.fill OW11101va ovIr emsfrnction i*imalinn oat'sprain the tuinn'e nriha znpp gflkc record Doc hear pmvidad In 111e well MWA•r. rr,•rotr under✓N remark'scrr/on arum Me hard of fijbf ami. 73.5itc diagram or additional pcll'deWJis: R.Par GeopmheMPT or Closed-Lonp Geothermal Wells having the same 1'ou may use the back.of this page to provide additional well situ details or well amstnictinn,only I CAV4 is needed. hidicatc TOTAL NUMBER of,,ells construction'details. You may also attach additional pages if neeessery. driliuL______... UIRMEaAl.1 STR 7.IrOtat well depth below land surface: (R.) 114% L011AVA,We)i9; Submit thi< form-within 30 days of completion of well For nrnhipre wen.,liq all r6.prla ifdffewnt(esaniple-9(g110w acid z@ l00l canslntetian to the following: ' I0.Stotic Witter level Mew top of easing. LQ (It.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing!loll, 1j'iralrrirrr.!I.eihnpeCrtrinp,lilt " i 1617EIail Service Center,Rategh.NCIT4"-1617 Rarcholedietnetcr: / (in.)L 2tb.For Iwicction}'Zeus In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a i Z Weli construction method: T above,also submit one copy of this jfmm within 30 days of eompletJon of well construction to the following: 0c,mtge^,'arty.ail+le,OireCt[RISK,�•te,) T—� !'OR W,#TF R S1:PPt_1'WF.I.LS ONt Y: Division of Water Resources.Underground Injection Contra]Program, 1636 Mail Service Gunter,RA fth,NC 27699-1636 134.Yield(gpm) /D Llethod of test: 2+1c. Igor Witter Sppely&i kehot Well;: In,addition to sanding the form to the Mdress(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days nr t3h.Olsinfection type: ,Amount: completion of%vcll construction to the coitnty health department of the county where constneted. Id.mu(1M'-I North Cnrnrinn Dcponment of viwirdnmcntnl ouality..Division of Water Rorotircmc Rrvifted 2 22 gal b