HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-01117_Well Construction - GW1_20220107 Feb 1519 05A•3p Clearwater Well Drilling 828-622-724 1 P WExrL Cp�TSTRUCTION 12FC�RD{GW�a.� For Inlcmnl Use Only: t,Well Con tractor Information: K Nei) i4 W TE AMES ---- At Tn AE9 RII'P1bN Well C:ontraacclot Milne fit. fit. It. vCWell Ointractor Certification Nrnnber f IS QUTERCA3ING tarmotNtasedwrolis &Tff ORLiYF.R !fa e p/ �(� �D { _PRi1rA M1 A1 Ft TIIIMEBS MATERIAL C�� 1 t\'i CampnnyNamc C1 l ER CABIN OR'f1iRiNC thorwattctoeed-tau 2.1 Well Construction Permit M. C l�f ` a 1 K To DIAmLMM rAIM"NEss MATVAIAL i,i.c1 all nlryrlicnble well cnnrlrNclinli parrnat(i.e.INC.Conroy,Sra7r,Y.rrlance,crr._) _ ft•. h. in. 3.W01 Ilse(check well tise): AI7.SCItB N WatcrSapplyllteN: TO AAM87rR SLOt. TnlCKNg4a 1tA ut. AgriculttiralMtmic)pal/puhl'tc (? (t, ft. in Geothan I(Eleating/Cooling supply) PResidential Water Suppilr(single) h, ft tnduslriallCommercial Residential Water Supply(shared) g GROUT Irtl^atlDn NROIa'1 TO MATERL#L. LANPL7ICE £Yratn'flt D&AMOUNT Non rt„ fie. �� 1\Ymftr Supply Neil: MonitotingIQRconvery t�. fr- Iniccti�n Wdr: Aquifer Recharge E3Groundwator Remediation f9,SAMl/G11A.YELPACK fa Ic .AquiferStoragc and Pccovery E33alinity13arricr PRoltl[ TO MA I L B{1trCACEMBtVTMCFItOn Agt»ferTcsi [IStorinwaterDrainage r n- Lxperimental Technology [)Subsidence Control fit n^ Geothermal(Closed Lrrap) 13Traccr _xb.DRILLiNG LOG atlaeh tiddidanoldiaiftifumse FROIvr DEli itiFt'ION cube. gphaakt ralna etc f 80colliennal(Reatin oolin Retum) Uther(ex lain under_i121 Rcmark-S) '� tt. \TO 4,Date Well(s)Cotapleted: �-5-Z_Well ID3l � `� R. 1 it lSZ[N u_x- 7o ' tt. Eft. 2 - 5a�w,rt1 i.nraCR f! d inc - �har ilih:rr mnnerrHaame//]] Facility IDtl(ifitlplicAVr..) n �r4Ad [JI Phys' ,f rccs, .ty,end Vp rf JAN 1. kV-Do parcel Identification No.(PiNI 5b-LRti tittle and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees, (ir sw11 fie)d,one latflang is sufiiefcnt) , 1 1 �2. Gcation: ®� ��t loll N UO) CD 3� -�0• Z1 6.1s(are)the well(S)permanent or ©ITcmporary Si mar nfCmifiedv✓et cmvuCO Date 12v,rl}mlag Nux.,`nrm,7hervrhrrxrrlfj+Thal the arll(,) was(irer')crmrurrcred hr aumrdmree, ?•isthisArepairtoan existing well- Oyes or 10 No :�:111MA.tiC,tCOW.monorIM AMC n2C.l1204 Well Conswirruar9andoed.rrradAma fr'rhlr;x a repair.fill ra known trill eansrrucraarr aTfhrmalion andcxplam Ow rewire nfjhu Lnlflr r+flhEc reamIAao been PMilideAlh Me wall rtMler. rr�plr rnldcr A2 l rrmnrks scrr0ut sane the hack njlhis'.farnt. 1.3.Site diagram or additional well deMits: R.Por GeoproheMPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same )'oil may use..(lie back of this page to provide additional well site details or well conslnrction,only I GW-1 is needed. fridicato TOTAL NUMBER of-,vrlls congtntelinn details. Yott may also attach additional pages if riccemaly. drMdd!_-^_._- $l l A[,jtj§jR111 YOiVS 9.T0121 well depth below land surfacc: 9 J __(R.► q,Ly )For Afl WNk: Suhmit this fotrn 1vi(hin 3(l days of completion of well 7 rr nrrdrrplr x•Nl.rlivalideplltr jdrj/er err t'rrnmplc-J3(nit/p'(r�'oad a[ZiOQ) conslnietilm to the follMing; 10.8tPtlle wathr level below top of easing:_ 1(1 V (fit.) Division of Water Resourees,Information Processing Unit, !j'arjlerh-mr!ist hunecaving.Inc "•.. 1617 A1siA Service Center,Ratetgh.MC274"46117 it_Borehole diameter: lX l(in.j z&h,Fnr Iwiertion Yells: Lt addition to sending the form to the adlImm in 24a 12 Well construction method: -1 alrove,also submit one copy of this'form within M days of comple ort of well -----------dirt,;t pttait, ernnstruction to the following: (i c.anger,reMq.c,•illc, sKe,) ErORWATER7,8tCPP1-VWF.I.LS f3Nt Y: Division of Water Braources,Undelgrealid Injection Control Program, f, t636 Mail service Center,Raleigh,14C Z7699-1636 y Method of test: 2 tc. r yVatcr Sppety&Fn)ectiori Wells: In addition tosundmg the form mthe oddress(cs) above, also submit one copy of this forth within 30 days of _,_,��w Amount, completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constrnctt5d, 1'nrm Ow.I NorlbQmlinnDeportmentoftin.irnnmcntalQuality-DivisionofWaterRosonram { Rwfoe12222016