HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-01103_Well Construction - GW1_20220107 Fol) 1519 05;43p Clealwat©t•Well Drilling 828-622-7241 PA • .VIA.. MELG CQ��lgUC�FOIV jl�It {G'W�I.) JFnr intcrrtnt U.only; ' i.w Crtntrartnrinfotmatfnn; J_„__________ --- _,•-,__-- '�VIIONES � -- PR(►K tVtl!t:o1ntr1ar(rx Nam Tne ft. fl, ft. NC well ennntm�Nor Certi&cntionn Numbs, r o �'I IS,Q1C)TFR C CIIVCs fOr Rent fitrs a ww.l OR LNBR tf a r 1om fl. fh f � R. V t_`nmpnnyNamr. mfilt C mr QR 1liR MA L -- 7A nu 771 1-Well Well Constriletion Permit m 001711 nppliroMrtoeitmostmierinailnrmils ffi?.IN.,CnuMy,Sole,Yarinnrr.,elr..j-� — _,• - _...- i' 3.lye)I1Ge(chech well list): TYetor SnpplX Weli: 1ti' n e t' US MAT r Agriculhtral tmicipaVPtthlio - CrerxNcrntal([ieatiug/Conling gupply) Rtgidentint Water Supply(single) inMtstriat!(ommercinl Residential Water Supply(shared) '1a C 01ff � ~ •� may, p� A 11 T Nt!Aqui ;%scr 5npitlywr.11: Recoveryila Rechat¢c [3flroundwatetRernediatian " RAVRLPAC �i[u k b Mlini (inaier "PRox fcr SroraAc and ttcrtrvcy D, ty terTts( r1StnnnwatcrDrainage Lxperiu:ental Tcelmolaxy f J3i sidcncc Contrnt DCcntherm-I Pmd Lnop) [)Twnecr RILi. .LOC ch - CicntGcnnal(Rcatin Pit(17R PJCoolint;Rcarnrl (filter cX lap in ottdor f121 Rcmnd:s) rr, tc _ C 7 o _ t _ Sa_Wc11 i,nrnHnn: ft (t.I,, sLL i S� 1 Z i (`(1( t'fYiCP p'1 n SlQS tr. SU�tii^]1S�.E i.tcil' luster?Tarr. raci{ityIm(Ifappllcahir) �"�11�71..i UCH , __�`-�Q�'.S_�__ •U � G ,._T", � �•�'f�-=F `�����T� � _.._ Physienl Address,Ciq%and Zip - 'S0 C1 Canmy Pnttol[dcntifieatinn No.(PfN) --- - —. , `_—'-. Nil.1.alitudc find tnnRltiuteinm drgreec: : - U _ (i;we:)1 freLl,one taMn'rt iFsuiT,aant) fl ( ;CZ �; fieanAn; 6,s(are)the wells) crmonent or [I1Temporary ;plip are nr0milfit-d Wall Corttrnaor Date ,�,/ l; .rlpnin8 ilrl!•.l•,rgr,I hrrrhPrnrtl�!rhnt Ihr lim-R A)trar(Wim")rromermMi0 Ft)ni'+.W0,1!rt.r 7.1,this A repair to nn existing well: rjYrs or (�Nri wdrh I.SA.'4'C X'azc.alna M JA,Yl:AC(l)(-',B?I1D A'erl{;ineln,r>inlr SrnadarA.c mot rhnr t: iJ7hft iv)rr 7ir..Alto',A•nntt�»varlLstn..tn,climto mminaafid niltrb,• Cr. fifliftrrrnnthophrenprnrtitm10rkm'. Under. ,� r (�• � ,rnl„r,•gflhc n i ,r^xnrrmder f71 remarks evom fit(mdn!hnrkaffl)k(trill. )'L Site diagnm or additional Well details; R.Imr GmprobefilRT or CAmd-Loop Geothermal Wellx havink the stoic 1'+>u nley iisr.me Nick of this page to provide addillon it well tlito deteik or tuell Mns,nn:rinn,onl.I M-1 is needed, hulictno TOTAL NUMBIRR rif wells am9trvraion(lenils. You may also atteeh additional pages If nxacsnry, driiietir•,._i. 9.7rnlnl well depth below land surface: 5U� ____(R,) 1h, �np ran xY ; Slllnnit thi9 saran 3011in 30 days of Cotnnlrlinn of hell l rotaltipteIreOltli,ralitl.rr1tVf&ffr.rant(<imnph•-d(11Or1'AInddSCatnn•)' cnnatfUciinnto(hcfotlotring; 1(I,9tn6t waterltwcl l►etnn top of sorting: v (R.) Division of Water ReffilwomA information Prnresnien Vail, Vmwirrla+all+'i ,nac'aving,Ime t 1617 MaR Senke Center,Raleigh.NC 276".9 5 17 11.Rorchotedlnmetcr: "` 1 1n. -- —---( ) 2.4h.Tor Infection Wells: In addition to 9cndjng the forttt to Ute aAArald in 24n iZ Well rontnictloR method: j ubnve,also suhmh one copy of this form within 30 days of completlon of well (t c.logo:•,rnrnry,r;tt+b �-- corsstruetinn m the following ,dircee tnuh, Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Central Program, fYN2 WATG.R Sf;PM V WF.i,T S 76;t6 Mail Servim.Center,RAtetgh,NC"949-11636 132.Yield Win) � ml ethmi of test: `�..,—� Ile, In addition to mending the farm in the, address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days oil: I ih�plstnfrrtinn type, Amount: _ r-+nipletion of twit cnnstrucdon to thc'eonnty health depanment of the txmunty whnrc cnnslmemd. r•,un,C;w.I North l nm)fnn T)cpnnmeru.of t o.•ircinmrnmm C,tn�llty-Divismn of Water Ramurecs Revig6A �2_201 b