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GW1-2022-01098_Well Construction - GW1_20220107
Feb 1519 05;43P Clearwater Well Drilling Y v �� I I 828-622-72'41 P'1 WE" TION I2EC0. GW-a. Pnr lnternn}Use n y: t,Wjt'TtICn��a<MT10formatfon,:� - T _ �� /1 vy 'c,7iTrim n etrrwN I\AC rnoN Tn Well(ll(:ontraaot Name ft. fb e11 Cnn1r.+ttor Vocliliificp7�tti�ny"Ni/ntler^ /Q(n� S. 1TfER C 4tNC► for a ---� PROM TO D1A ICKN MA��/t ft, to, I in. L/ Cnatpnny Name rib.t1YNER C 1NG Ott f119 G tltttrtaa etttaad Ioc TA DiA TAICIKN 5 MATEIUAL_,_,_ 2.Well Contttrnctinn Permit B: ft. R, (n- ldtt all arly1w75le well rtmenndlon parinits(Lc.(Il[:CettMy,Slolg l4rrinncc,cu.,) •• ft. �ft, in, 1 Well ifir.(cheek well Ilse): _s,CrR-a Wit ter Supply\ven: ^ 1o�i to DA bratMH jute sss uI. Agricultural �Municipolt'Pubtic () R. ft_ in. 0cothernial(I.Teating1cooling Supply) wizidential Water Supply(single) R, ft. in. Industrial/Cntnmcrcial Residentiat Water SoMly(shared) -1& Oipl A L i TM _!rr at D AUNT 7 e. ate _h ft. �� tt �tnn-�1'nfer Supply Will- ft. tl4nniloring ®Recovery njcctinn cal: (I. R- Aquifer Recharge C3Croundwater Rcmcdiarinn tt►SA[ID/GkAYEL PAC f[s l aWe� :AquiferStoragcandKccnvcry 13SalinityBarrier OK �,_ .- g—ORNTMI` 11 Aquir'cr Tcs( [3St ninwatcr Drainage ft. _ ft. - Experimental Technology Sumidencn Control o• n' ___ Gcothettnal(Closed Loop) OTraccr RILLT LtJG aittttL f ltarCl FROAr TO etdltr, k( rala else ate, , Geothermal lHcatinpJCoolinR R.ea,etl (hher'(explain war 621 item ks) fe_ (e //�— 4,oate U'ell(s)Completed:Its -l 3 d I Well IDNr,,.� tt. tt. f.. R. Su.Well I.nrn"An: V.1d th;'()ttmer Hmnc Facility inil(if aiiplic:+blr) _ Phv�sirrd A�ddrresJ,, .icy,and Zip h, V` W�(yIS�I� i.REMARKS r""TA tl - C,nnty Parcel(dentificittion No.(PTN) Sh.Latitude and longitude in degrees/mini tests0fulds or decimal degrees: - (i;stBl!field,one.ignn is ls ftnicnt) o r Pert nra 31 iq -SIP V L- / _ ?7, cetifiatweurtnvnor Datefi.is(am)thewetl(s mnnent or ©Temporary XFplaitl J yajywng thee•.Awnt.l hrtAehvrmrlhtilhtrt Ihr ovdl(..)wvrf A4wv)crmomrIM lit actvtrdnncr J.Its chi!:A repairm An existing mall: Oves or0 rilh 1.SA.vI::At.:02C.000 or lSpNG,1r 02.•.h1B0 Well e'-'-slrnrnr Srnnrlardg nnrl/1tm.T /,r'thlv;varepair..illmttknnwnweltvonsinlannitt(nrmotioaa! th;•nnnrrtnrrhe top),g11itch•c•nro/hog hem pml-NeWto1ALwC(lowner. re;.wir under C?tremarksseem,"oronriot had-nfthA./ornt' 23.Site diagram or additional hailda tilst R.Ivor GeoproheMPTor Cfowd-1 onp Geothermal W01A having the came V tat may use the batik of Ibis page to provide additional well site details nr well mmirtetinn,only i Gib'-1 is needed. fndimte TOTAI.NUMBER of wrlis constnirAinn details. You may aise attach additional ptiges ifneeessnty. driHul•_—.._. _______..... �'" �;��'g)��,�R1.fCTIONS <i.1 otat west deptA below land surface: ✓ ._- OR-) yla• f4J,A11 W&-' Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well 1%rr atilliple weiie ms oll d rths l/rldrercnt consMiction to the following: Ill.Static water levttl below top of casing: ... __.- - (ft.) Division of Water Restnirces,Information Prormieg Un(l, IJ'WahyIan!Itabovaewing•fix, •(" 1617 Mail Service tenter,Raleigh.NC274"4617 1 i_Borehole diameter: u (in.) 24h.For Infeetian Welts: In addition to sending the form to the addren in 24a 12 LYcif roastrnctine method: nlrnvc,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well J c.Well onst idle m tposit,v9c.l — Construction to the following Division ofWater Resources,Underground Injection Comm)Program, M- R WATER:+r,'PPt.V W I.L.R ONt.Y: i636 Mail Service('enter,Raleigh,NC 276".1636 t3a.Yield(gpm) Method of sect: Lit. 1 Qr Watt r SppDiv&iiniecNon Wells: In addition to sanding the Ibrm to t the nddress(c. above. also submit one copy of thi!: form within 3n days of tth.Disinfection type:,.r Amount. completion of wdt consutuction to the ctnmty bealth depattment of the county where constmcted- Frio riw.I Noah Cnwlinn ncrnnmcat of tin irrinmrcrnl!)panty-nmimrr,of Water Rosnurcec Revised^s-22 Iol 6