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GW1-2022-01089_Well Construction - GW1_20220107
Feb 15 19 05:43p Clearwater Well Drilling 828-622-7241 P•1 WELL CO�NST1<tUCT10N RECORD fGW.-1) Tor Intcfnni Usc Only: 1,Well C intractor information: I 14 WATER ZONES — ►it01 Conora�ix Name rteoK To DESCRIPTION Well Cnnnaetar Certification Numiier I 1S OUTF,R CASING formuttbpsed221 OR LIVER lfn lirxhle 0 1n 1��1/l (� /'I, —PROM TO DfA LR MEMO- MATERUL .1 It�/ 11�JJJ� 1 `/�/li (0 1 Cnm)t+,ny Name v i t \ I _O 1/ /1� 16.rNNER CASING OR TUBING thormd closed-loop) 2.Well Construction Permit#: U'J of C0 "r Rox I TO I ouMCTFst L TItIC:Ness NIA i.).rt all appflcahle well canutueliaa permits(l.e.MG.Coaaly,Stale,Vartanev,etc) Et. k. in. 3.Well ilia(check well rise): n. h. in. - Wa ter Supply Weil: 17.SCRUB N FROM Agriculhrral �MtmicipaUPuh)ic ( n, ro ft- DIAMEM SLOTSIZE TnrcrcNttss MA (A TEAL Geothermal(Bcating%Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) ft. ft. Industrial/Commercial Residential Water Supply(shared) I&GROtfr Irtiaotion FROM TO MATE 1At rsT7PP.ACEME`tT. Eructo&AMOuNI' Nnn 11'nter Supply Wr.11: I ft. ft - lvlonitoring Recovery fr. ft. injection Well: ft. R. Aquifer Recharge E3Grmmdw¢ter Rentcdiation A SANr11GRAVEL PACK tifeanliculdel .Aquifcr Storage lmdRecovery DSalinityBarrier FROM TO MATFJ F7tt FIX CEMiiNTMLTllIva Aquifer Test QStormwater Drainage. Experimental Technology [JSuhsidcncc Control fa tr. Geothermal(Closed Loop) ©Tracct 20.DRILLING LOG Winch Midi anal newsa TO D ION r, wW,oektrpe,ar>•tnstu,etc) Cieatherntal(Hearin oolinR(�Rca,rn) 0t6er(explain under$21 Rcmarf } FROxEt. ft d.pate'%'ell(s)Completed: —/ Lai-a�Well IAfl Su.Well location: rya �- ��Ielc� l�P.in �(7prr. I acilih:'�lutTcr}tamc Fa7lity[Dif(rfapplicablr.) a, ft , k)0,& R. k. -JTN--7 2o2g �. physical)Addrms,City,and Zip f4 R r'n i e't I 21.LtEMARNS County Parcel Idemif cation No.(P[Nt ch.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minuteslsecondsor decimal degrees: (iPwollfield,onelatNingksutiietent) D a t ficnli n 4tV 6.Is(arc)the well(.$)i X6Pcrmnnent or ©ITempor•ary signnlure nrcenir�l ctl imtrnctor Date ���""lll !ry aflmutg tlod'..rm.1 here-AV crHlj):that the ttvdl(4 xar(were)cTmomeAvl in acchrdancr 7.It this a repair to an existing well: oves or No udrh PIA 4'!_"Af.'02C.0100 or*15A BCAC 02C,'.0200 WellC�nrlrtrctirur Mandardi and that a /,t'rhfcirnrdmir.,011+n+tkrmwnxcl/aoearrurianinformalFaaA tnpp nflllif rr"Imil bas,hem providedin the well nwiter.ellnwiter. mpair under A21 rema&*.V(rrlalr ttr as tin:bor•k nJlbn.fnrnt. 23.Site diagram or addit)onnl welt details: R.For GcoprohelDPT or Closed-lamp Geothermal Wells having the same Vou ntey use the back of this page to provide additional well site demils or tuell w.nstnirtion,only 1 CTW i is needed. frtdicote TOTAL.NUMBER of teens uxstruction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. driHul: [1II�i iTAI.INSTR IUJOAIS 9,TOW well depth below land surface: '[ ,(R•1 2,11% for All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well Pnr tatrhiplr e•elk lift all dopfhr ifdi,fferonr(crampl�d(n?1!!0'and fir.100') construction to the following: Ill,Static Water level below top of easing: ( 0 () (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, V"eah t•1-4 Is Above caving. ,At,",^t 16171Mail Service Center,Raleigh,MC 17490-1617 I I-florehole diameter: U I la (in.) Z11h.For laieclion tWIr- In addition to sending the form to due oddregs in 24a I2.Nell constrnetlan method: above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of complexion of well (i e.Anger,mt;uy,cable,tires ptab,etc.) construction to the following: Division ofWater Resources,Underground Injection Contra)Program, [13a. OIL WAT CR SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Ratelgh,NC 27699-1636 Yield(gpin) liethod of Peel: 21c. IP(rr Y1'ater Sunot}&faiecHan Wells: Jn:rddilion to sending the form mthe oddress(es) above; also submit one copy of this forth within 30 days of 3h.Disinfection type: Amount: _ _ completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where wroquticted. Donn 0W.I Nonh!nrc+lrnn t�cpnnment of lin.irnnmrcml gaality-Division of Water Rogaurces Rrvisal2 22-20I6