HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-01088_Well Construction - GW1_20220107 828.622-7241 p,1 Feb 1619 05;43p Clearwater W9I1 Drilling VVEIGL CO SrIC�tUCTION�tF.CORI 19W'�a.1 Far Internal Use On y: 1,Y1r�1wontrattor Information: ---- 1✓IY l —-- — wATE 7 Niiti DvSt1UP1tON _ NO." 3n tVcll Colltraatlt Nainr/� h. L11 FL VC Well Cnntonclar ewifioatinn Number S. lTl ER C 51M11t+ fOt ma th 1' � a rQ IranM D1A l['JCIr S MATj6a1AL X 1 Y( ft, h. L' in. V n:npnny Name. [ ~16.INNER C IVC t1R TIrB G 1hOrma C tWed I0o DiA 2.Well Conslrnetinn Permit ft: c )1 J� f7R lY ft 7t/ ff• in. TALCI:NPSS 1.1 rt all applicrrWe well rnment.Minn lr!rmll.+•(Le.flfC:.C.onnfy,SMIe,Krrlancc,crcJ • 3.!Yell 11%(check well Ilse): SC Wa ter Supply'1velt: `��it� N O TO DAM _fiffEM0 ICE CHIC 6&S AT At. Agricultural Mtmicipallpublic U fr. tf_ N• (3cotherntnl(i.leating/Cooling Supply) esidential Water Supply(single) rt, W industrial/C,ommoreial Residential Water Supply(shared) Ia GROIri A RIAL 7iMr !Ra1 D A OUIg1 [tri^allnq - f4 � �1 Yon-H'nfer Supply Well: a ft.h4onitnring Recovery nja."or' ell: p, R. Aquifa-Rec[rargc QCroundwntcrRcmcd[atiun 19.$A[unrt;RnvELPnCie It IeaWe-� -Aquif,•rStorage and Reenver.y []Salinity Bnrtier " COX rya A r LACE"Erg IIiatl AquiferTcst QStnrinwaterDrainage h. ft. ` Sutwidenca Control rt• rt' L'xperimental Tcchttnlagy � ,.. . Geothermal(Closed Lonp) [3T(Accr 0. Rit.Li LOG sitat6 1 rrl kt rat"Ilse.■te. Cieothennal(Hctuinr aofin Rentm) ()tkler(ox lainundcrR7l Remarks)_ PROW it. fe t. A,flareVi'eil(.r)Completed:2_fn i- 0 well IOU f J ra.Well Lnrntlnn; r' ftril' .(he,crNamc Facility iDrf(+fgtplicablc) _ $� V, I�t ���f1 Ic Physir�.ni/A�dAf�csti,City,and Zip C,nn(y linreel identification No.01141 Sh.Latitude and longitude in dcgrtxshnimitesrsecaads or decimal degrees: (ii—11 fctd,one lWang is ruf cknt) G l 22.Cer Cation: ILL 1 6.Is(.4m)the wtll(c) Permanent or 13Temporar,y Sion fire of Certified Well Contractor Amo ,,�/ 1 y 1/mirtg ihrv,f%,rnr,1 he►ehp crmJ,that 1hr a il(a)rmr burr')cnnomr.Av1 in 00wrdnncr Z is Ibis A repair to An existing well: r3ves or No r•10r LSA tir'�rr:o7.C.4IfdJ m lSp NC.'AC 01C.'.fi?AD fY It Conslrnrn.ur Stnndarda m,d,hnt.t 0"A ix J- n:}rnlr,.rul n,rknooW icell cnnstrrn.Pimr it(rnnnohiatt art' .rpinin ON,narnrr.nrda a ennl,gf►htc areal has been pmtNdrf fn du well owner. r;uoir under C?1 remark,..rczd4n(or an,rfa!hard•afrhhfjnmt. 13.site diattlram or additional w•elldetaitsr R.rear GenprohefDPTor(`!need-I nn(►Geothermal Wells Having the same Vou may use Vic back of this pate to provide additiomtf well site derails c r well txmstnrctinn,only I CT%Ll is needed. indicate TOTAL NUMBER orwrilc constnidion details. You may also attach additional pages ifnecessaly. drili¢cl:___.._. �. -_- - ..... 3 M 1lr lls`T tGT>ti IONS 9.!fatal well depth below land surface: C 24a. 1'er AH•,We1H: Submit this fort within 30 days of completion of well b+"r no00pre e•rdr 11u 011 d y,dw riferdreranr fera,nnfR-3@7110'antf;(1ij..10R'l comMiction to the f01101ving; ill.Static water irvcl below top of casing:,��.t! __—.�._(ft.) Division of Water Resinirees,Information Processing Unit, ll�'nrrr hoc)l.t Alva cmlnl.tux• •'1 1617 iHLfl Service Center,Raleigh.NC 2'f(►"4617 111.Borehole diameter:0—(in.) 24h.For taiection VYdla: In addition to fending the form to die address in 24a i2.Well cnnstrnetinn method: f al nve,also submit one copy of this form+vilhin 30 days of complalnn of well _._.�.. - ----- ....(i c,mtKc-,rotary,cable,6irp:t push,,xc.) cnnshuelintt to the following: Division ofWater Resourcesi Underground Injection Contrat Program, fOR WATER SI,PP1,V WELLS ONLY: ^l t 636 Mail Service C.enmr,Ratelgh,ABC 27609-1636 1.1%.Yield(gpm) D Methad of test:—� Me. far Witter,Supply A TafecNon Wells: in uddil.lon to sunding the ibrm to the address(cs) above; also submitr one copy of this fort within 30 days of I3A.Illsinfecdon type:, Amount: comptction of%veil construction tp the county health department of the county where constructed. Fenn C W-1 North Cnnnlinn Dapanment of Envirdaturt:ral OnatRy-Division&Water Royaurees RevNet12-22 2016