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GW1-2022-01085_Well Construction - GW1_20220107
Feb 1519 05:43p Clearwater Well Drilling 828-622-7241 p•1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Internal Use Only- 1, ilContrartorI ibrmation: I P.1� iK �s _ �14,W TER ZONES SVell Contradix Nalnt FROM Tn DESCturrlON VC:Well CnntraAor Ce�rtifigcation NtTtrer f s.OUTER CASING for ma1(i•cased waft OR Li?Il3t a ]kabte \ � txAtrrtaT R 'eIIICKNt3 MATER L 1111���SL�111 lll.���///Illlll i1 }Tj./_`�_Jj g, ft. an. Cnmpnny Na„a I ^ 16.LNNBR CASING TUBING - O"(,.[J tttormat elealddoo 2.Well Construction Permit 9: 1.�._._, FROM I To DIAMETER TRICIOWS MATERIAL idw all olyrlicahle we11 cnnrtntatar µrmiGt(f.e.111C,Caaaty,Stale,Varlam•e,ct:.) .. ft• h• in. 3.WIN Iric(check well use): n•. Ih. i - Water Supply Weli: 17.SCRBEN FROM Agricultural to rat MCfM st T=r, TRICuxtrss MA7&RIAL �]Mrmicipal/Puhlic () R, fL in. Geotherntal(Heating(Conling Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) q• f in. htdusiriaf/C,ommercial Residential Water Supply(shared) &GROUT IRiantion FPW TO ATl;IitAL sMM.ACE E#TM OD1kAWV0tJW Non-R'nter Supply Wr.11: ft. [!AqUif,.,rStqr8I;C ring Recovery ft. fr- -�•--`aka Well: - ft. R. Aquifer Rmcbargc QGrotmdwater Rcmcdiation Ig•SAND/GkAV1;L PACK Ie ieable MdRcravcry E]SalitlityBarrier trRt►M TO MA 1AL FItt1LACEMB(VTb1L7upa Tcst 0-stnnRwaterDrainagemental TechnologySubsidence Controlmal(Closed Loop) 0Traccr 20.DRILLING LOG attach a,iditiodalsheets ifneeessaTO Dr.SCRIrrION eator.harsa®.scghvck t ratn Aw.etcdrmal(Hearin Coo[inR Renurn) Uther(ex lain under 821 Rcm trks} ft. fr LIU0 r. 4.Date Rrell(s)Cnnn eted: ` "ZA WCII iDY ft. fLCt �• 1 Su.Well LncaHnn: -Awe ' AliSWa EradV) .00L� �' r e Ptcilih:'t%werlHaamme Facility[DO(ifapplickble) ll. R �`,) ` ..f __:I.'i• Ph- I Addreas•City d 7.iP r— R. rL 202 � n 5 r 21.REMARKS CatnuY Parcel fdcn6f(cetion No.(P1N) :'`t 4 I I0%v Sh.Latitude and lonRitudr in degrees/minutes/seconds or dccinut degrees: 6"wDll fictd one lattlong ix sutrldcnt) t2. a anion: 6.Is(are)the wells) Permnnent or ©rfemporary si c ofCc lificd Well Cantmctor Date 13v,tllmiag dN.r.;%rem,f hrwhv crnj&rhal thr nrJ x)mar riren j crmsrruMa!in acnnrdance 7.1s this a repair toanexis8ngweft: E3Ycs or No with LIANCACO2C.0100or13A.YCACO2C.0200MOC..unrtmrnonVaxdaedr Mid Ama f"'f/dr i.,a repotr,ill tna kna nrr ur11 uoaunnrian irtformanwa eri""the luvvre rf the copy nll/rfc hrrnrrl hoe APQ7 f1MWrkhf M the m!i/nwJier. r•!,70ir under 1:11 remake sccrran or na llie hark of this farm. 13.Site diagram or additional well details: &For Geoprohe/OPT or Dosed-Iwmp Geothermal Wells having the same, 1'ou may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well mnsiniction,onit i GWI is needed. indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages ifliocessary, drilled:— .— ` �UIIME[Ul,I&M-1.1t:TT�NS 9.7rotal well depth below land surface: v T00 2 Fur M1111WE" h IA'art d•lrthr iftfiferert(eromolc-Jo100'amf 2@1001 ta. fQY� ells: Submit Otis form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: , inane wetter level below top of caning: Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, IJ xalr!'icrc115'erlvlrncQ.rhlg,rRW ' 1617 Mail!Service Center,Raleigb,NC274"-1617 ( 11.Borehole diameter:�:Y��(in.j 2tb.For IniccNon Wells: LI addition to sending the form to the addnoss in 24a I Well construction method: 1 V±" allove,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 6 C.align',rotary.nelblc,direct Ptah.etc,) construction to the following: [11'3a. R WATER Rl;PM.V WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources.Underground injection Contra)Program, n , 1036 Mail Service Center,Rale4h,NC 27699-1636 Vicki(gpm) Method of test: Ili 11c, Far Water SuM &iaketion Wei: In addition tosending ahc form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of b.Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well constiuction tD the county health department of the county where constructed. Forni CW.I North Cnmtina tVPnrtmem of 1in%ininmentnl Quality-Division of Water Resanrcaa Rrviseel2-22-201 b