HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-01057_Well Construction - GW1_20220107 Feb 1519 05:43p Cleetwater Well Drilling 828-622-7241 P 1 WELL CONSTRUCTION REC0". {GW..11 �For internal Use Only: 1 lI Contractor information: 14.W TEONE5 — "" 'rntON1% , DESCRIMON Well('rntmaqur Nam ft. NC Well Cnntractor Certification Number L(XITF.R CASING for mtilti•casW V-11hillOR LPIER if a titabte TO DIAMETER TIIIl7rNPB9 M AULL g., ft. in. C nmpnny Namc ^ ( i y;/ 16.LKNER CASING OR TUBING ifigmal elosed-Imul 2.Well Construction Permit#: ')' , 'VJ1 (-Jl/�tl To ountErEtt THICK I MA•t ML i.l rr ali oppliv zhie well cnwiructlrtr parmitt(l.e.INC C.otfroy,3tatrti Yartauca,cut.) ft. fL n• ft 3.Well Ific(check well list): �t 7.SCREEN LVater SupplylVeli: ro nuMeTtsR suorsas TxtcKNrss MATERIAL Agricultural Municipalftli c Q ft. tr. G—hernial(i.•leating/Cooling Supply) JResideftlial Water Supply(single) O, tt in. Industrial/Commercial Residcrnial Water Supply(shared) IS.GROUP !Fri^ati0a FROM TO MATERIAL EMMACEME7ir34F. D&AMOUNT Vnn-11'nter Supply W,11: Monitoring Recovery tr. tc Injection Well: ft. R. Aquifer Rechaf E3nrolindwatcr Remediatinn 19,SANIMRAVEL PACK f a licable Aquifer Storage and Recovcp Salinity 1311trier FROM I To MATERIAL FItIrLACENIMT MUllon AquiterTest ©SmrmwatcrDrainage f A. Lxperimental Technology [3Subsidenre Control ff. n• Geothermal(Closed Loop) Tracer 20. MULLING LOG attach adds onalahee 'if ." FROM TO DESCAI%tON mkrr.turtaep.wWmtkt ratq�fu.ete.) Genthennal(Heatin ooling R.catm) Other explain under#21 Remarlrs) d,DateVl'et!(s)Completed. Well ID# fe. A-;V ft. /k--L— Welt Location: j9fT It. A4AA4K - &:lcililyt'(lanct)lame Faeili y iDi!(ifarplicabtc) Ph 'ral Address,City,and Zip 21.REMARKShl Coumy Parcel W-mification No.?PBS) A - Sh.Latitude nod longitude in degrees/minntes/secands or decimal degrees; "s r,.,t,.•., ..,.;,, . (ir well field, ne la[gong is sufficient) 0 v- 6.Is(are)lhcwelt(s) Permanent or OTemporary gnoturcafC.enfrud WellCimtmetor Date I?v..t}min$di t harts,I herwhv cwtify than the twill(%)was(ire l amvmt.Yul in accnrdonce ?.1a tills a rrpair to an existing well: OYcs or 10 x•ith 1SA.Ri:'AC7 A2C.?/OU ar 1JA.YCAC 02r.•J1TD0 Well C:'onrtnnrrwt 5tandoeda mud that a 1;'tlrfr is n rcpair.�!l ra+tknnwa udl.;oarrrrxtiwt infnrmatiun me capJ?in the woure.orrhv enpt,ofllat retord has hrem proMed lrt r/u:well owner. r wi it under G?/rcmnrkt.rcrnnn or na 11n:hark of lhls jam,. 23.Site diagram or additional well death: R.Fnr GeoprotwMPT or Closed-Lonp Geothermal Wells having the same Vou may use file back of this page to provide additional well site details or well constructinn,only I GWA is needed. lixticatu TOTAL NUMBER nfwrps constructiDn details. You may also Minch additional pages if necessary. drilled:—._. -- -----•- ���� 9IQibtlTTnT,IrSTRLIGTt�NS 9.Total well depth irelow land surfocc: (R�) 21, to All Welts: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well Mc,f muNple-ell r liv ali deprArjdi�crert(eramole-3@10wand seal.1001 construction to the following: 10.'Static water level below top of cssimg- (ft.) Division of VWoter Resources,Information Processing Unit, 1/'surer lm.'.!It above coring.uu"--1 i617 Mall Service Center,Rateigh,NC 27699-1617 li.Borehole diameter. �(in.) 21b.For IRlectiQp Wells: in addition to sending the form to Ole address in 24a � �J almve,also submit one copy of this forth within 30 days of completion of well I2 Well construction method! "=-"� construction to the following: (i C.aogm,rotary.C.*lc,direr posh,etc.) Division of Water Resources,Underground injection Control Program. Fa R WATER SCPPLY WELL 3E S ONLY: 76 Mait Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) .3(JT Method of test: 24e.Ivor Witter SuDniv&ipiecti•on Welts: In addition tin umdmg the form to Me address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Disinfectian type: Amount: _ completion of well construction to the county health department of the ctlunty where constructed. I ann GW-1 North Camtinn Dcpnnmcnt of tin.irrinmrntal Quality-Division of Water Rmloarces Revered 2 22-2016