HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC220143_ESC Approval Submitted_20220120kOY COOPER Governor MICKAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Dkector Slavic Chinch Y� � � F �.�LLE t FORTH CARQLINA • Environmental Qualttj, August 12, 2019 LETTER OF AI?PRO-VAL MODIFICATION1 A.ttenhon: N asily Zhushma, president 7541 Lawyers Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28227 RE: Project dame: Slavic Evancrel"c chu.�� Acres Approved, 6.28 -ff-%. - I Vroject 1D: UNION-2019-040 County: Union, City: Hamby Badge Address: Mill Grave Road River Basixz: Yadkin-PeeDee stream Classification-, othe� Submitted By: Slavic Church Emanuel h Site Develop-me-nt 'a Date Received by LQSAugust I , 2019 Plan Type: Revised Dear fir. shma: - 'his office has rev'4 ie�;-red the sub,�ect erosion and sedimentatinn rnflfrnl I�,� r��.�. �Te f�.d the pian �c� be acceptablev►dth mod�.ca�.ar.s and hez�eby issu� th�� ��t�er of Appi[oval With Modifications, The Modifications Required for Approval are fisted on the, attached page. � T`�s lan approval three (3) dears follo�ng the d��e of approval, -if no laild-disturbing �ctiv� has been und%�,_Lshall expire requiredTitleed byTitle I SA NCAC 4-B .0 129* t3' a,en, as is Please be aware that your p-rojeet wij1 be covered by the NPDE - S Cmnstruction S�tor�nwaier General Pemut NC�O 10044 (Canstruction Activities) enclosed with the letter for your initial dated August 1, �. 2�9. Please became familiarwithallexequixements at�d candi.tzo:r� of #bus pmj.permit e�� in order to �.chi.ev� com�a�i�ic�. Title 15A NCAC 4B.01 18(a) requires that a copy of the approved erasion, Control�a.�. be on fide job site. Also:, -�his letter eves the notice requ�.red �� �.�. 113-A--61-1(a) of aUr .x� �i � at the �� spe���an �� suze com�Iiance with approved plan. g f penodic North Carolina's Sedinaentation Pollution control Act is Performance- exlstn.� nat�ra�. r�sou�rces and ac�j ��apg ProPert'es- If, fo��a�in� the-' o��n-�edrequiring prOtec�oxl of bcarnm.ancement of this project, the erosion and sedimentation control plan is inadequate to meet the requirements of the Sedirnentation:- 1; h North Cardiftia } I Dive l ort Of Energy, and Land Resources '� i Letter of Approval with Modifications Slavic C_ft'Uxeh_ Emanuel August 12,2019 gage 2 of 3 Pollufion control Act of 1973 (North Carolina General. Statute 113fis-,51 ffirough 66), this offfice may require revisions to the plan and.implementation of the revisions to umure compliance vviffi the Act. Acceptance and approval ofthis plan is cc�nditiQne�. upon. your compli�.ce wi�. Federal anc�. ��ate water qmuality laws, regulations, and rules, In addition,, local city or county or"ances or rules may �.��� aP�1y to this hand -disturbing activity. This approval does - not supersede any other pennit or appraval. Please note that this approval is based in dart on the accuracy of the in -formation- provided in the Fm_'ancial Responsibility Farm, which you provided. You are requested to ale an amended foam. if there is any change inn the information included on the form, In addition, it would be helpful if you notify this office of the proposed starting dale for this project. Please got us ff you plan. -to ha�re a preconstruction conference. Your cooperation 'is appreciated. ly) s C stopher -raybeal Assistant Rqioaal Engineer hand Quality Section Enclosures: Certificate of Approval Modifications Required for Approval G. LC_. Attention: Galard C. Moore:, PE 3031 Sp -,ring Fancy Lane Indian Trail, North Carolina 2.8079 lnspection Department :,;: Letter of Approval with Modifications Slavic Church Emanuel August 12,, 2019 Page 3 of 3 MODIFICATIONS REQMRED FORAPPROVAL Project Name* Slavic Church Emanuel Project ID-W TJNJ0N_,,_`-2.."019-040 cou v: � f N-Iodifications A m Incorporate -the West NCG I Ground 5mb a -non and Maten,*aI.N Hmd.i Incarpoz-ate the latest NCGO I Self inspect' Com,ments an Bath _CN, COO I requi'rements can be found on the submitted to the Division of Lamed Qalahry. DEQ web n and shr lidsh fufurt sediment plans