HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120080 Ver 1_Baseline Monitoring Report_2014012112 () © O D UNDERWOOD MITIGATION SITE LL_m - /Af RQUALITY Chatham County, NC ` "@��'d � '"er_iranch . DENR Contract 003268 NCEEP Project Number 94641 Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report FINAL Data Collection Period: December 2012 - February 2013 Draft Submission Date: March 5, 2013 Final Submission Date: May 7, 2013 Prepared for: �Y psystei I NCDENR, EEP 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1652 RECEIVED mAy 1 0 2013 NC ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Prepared by WILDLANDS ENC) NE=RINC, Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 1430 S. Mint Street, # 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 P - 704- 332 -7754 F - 704 - 332 -3306 Kirsten Y. Gimbert kgimbert @wildlandseng.com UNDERWOOD MITIGATION SITE Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................. ............................... 1 1.0 Project Goals, Background and Attributes ......... ............................... 3 11 Project Location and Setting ................................. ............................... 3 1 2 Project Goals and Objectives ................................. ............................... 4 13 Project Structure, Restoration Type and Approach .... ............................... 5 14 Project History, Contacts and Attribute Data ............ ............................... 6 2.0 Success Criteria .................................................. ............................... 6 21 Streams .............................................................. ..............................7 22 Vegetation ......................................................... ............................... 8 23 Wetlands ........................................................... ............................... 8 24 Schedule and Reporting ........................................ ............................... 8 3.0 Monitoring Plan .................................................. ............................... 9 3 1 Stream .............................................................. ............................... 9 3 2 Vegetation ....................................................... ............................... 10 33 Wetlands ......................................................... ............................... 11 4.0 Maintenance and Contingency Plans ............. ............................... 11 41 Stream ............................................................ ............................... 11 42 Vegetation 11 ....................................................... ............................... 43 Wetlands ......................................................... ............................... 12 5.0 As -Built Condition (Baseline) ............................. ............................... 12 5:1 As -Built /Record Drawings ................................... ............................... 12 5 2 Baseline Data Assessment .................................. ............................... 13 6.0 References ....................................................... ............................... 15 APPENDICES Appendix 1 General Tables and Figures Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map Figure 2a -c Project Component /Asset Map Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contact Table Table 4 Project Information and Attributes Appendix 2 Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 5a -c Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 6 Morphology and Hydraulic Summary Longitudinal Profile Plots Cross - Section Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Substrate Plots Stream Photographs Appendix 3 Vegetation Plot Data Table 7a -c Planted and Total Stem Counts (Species by Plot with Annual Means) Table 8 a -b CVS Vegetation Tables - Metadata Table 9 a -b CVS Vegetation Tables - Vigor by Species Table 10 a -b CVS Vegetation Tables - Damage by Species Table 11 a -c CVS Vegetation Tables - Stem Count by Plot and Species Vegetation Photographs Appendix 4 As -Built Plan Sheets EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Underwood Mitigation Site consists of two separate areas (Harris Site and Lindley Site) located in western Chatham County within the Cape Fear River Basin (USGS Hydrologic Unit 03030002) The upstream area is located along Clyde Underwood Road just west of Planfield Church Road (Harris Site) and the downstream area is located southwest of Moon Lindley Road between Johnny Lindley Road and Bob Clark Road (Lindley Site) north of Siler City, North Carolina The adjacent land to the stream and wetlands is mainly used for agricultural purposes The project goals established were completed with careful consideration of goals and objectives that were described in the Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priorities (CFRBRP) and to meet the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program's (NCEEP) mitigation needs while maximizing the ecological and water quality uplift within the watershed The following project specific goals established in the mitigation plan include • Restore and stabilize stream dimensions, pattern, and profile, • Establish proper substrate distribution throughout restored and enhanced streams, • Improve aquatic and benthic habitat, • Reduce nutrient loads within the watershed and to downstream waters, • Further improve water quality within the watershed through reductions of sediment, bacteria, and other pollutants, Decrease water temperature and increase dissolved oxygen concentrations • Establish appropriate hydrology for wetland areas, • Restore native vegetation to wetlands and riparian buffers /improve existing buffers, and • Create appropriate terrestrial habitat These objectives were achieved through restoring and enhancing 9,155 linear feet (LF) of perennial and intermittent stream channel and restoring, enhancing, and creating 13 84 acres of riparian and non - riparian wetland The stream and wetland areas were also planted with native vegetation to improve habitat and protect water quality Pre - Construction Site Conditions The Underwood Mitigation Site is located in the Carolina Slate Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Province (USGS, 1998) Approximately 6o% of the land in the project watershed is forest, 39% is classified as managed herbaceous cover or agricultural, and the remaining 1% Is split between unmanaged herbaceous and open water (MRLC, 2oo1) The drainage areas for the Harris Site and Lindley Site are 1,051 acres (164 square miles) and 3,362 acres (5 25 square miles) respectively Prior to construction activities, the streams and wetlands on the Harris Site were impacted by cattle grazing, which led to stream bank erosion and Instability The Lindley site was used for row crop agriculture and the streams were straightened and deepened and much of the riparian vegetation was removed Related degradation includes declining aquatic habitat, loss Page i Underwood Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL of forest, degraded riparian buffers, loss of wetlands, and water quality problems related to increased sediment and nutrient loadings Tables 5a, 5b, and 5c in Appendix 2 present the pre - restoration conditions in detail Restoration Approach and Implementation The mitigation project is intended to provide numerous ecological benefits within the Cape Fear River Basin While many of these benefits are limited to the Underwood Site project area, others, such as pollutant removal and improved aquatic and terrestrial habitat, have more far - reaching effects Expected improvements to water quality and ecological processes are outlined below in Section 1 2 as project goals and objectives The design streams and wetlands were restored to the appropriate type based on the surrounding landscape, climate, and natural vegetation communities but also with strong consideration to existing watershed conditions and trajectory The designs were developed to correct incision and lack of pattern caused by channelization, bank instability caused by erosion and livestock access, lack of vegetation in riparian zones, lack of riparian and aquatic habitat, and depletion of hydrology for adjacent wetlands The project includes stream restoration and enhancement as well as wetland restoration and creation Based on a May 18th letter and subsequent conversation, the o 42 acre portion of NRWs that was previously a pond will be considered creation However, the rest of NRWs will be considered restoration Figure 2 and Table 1 present the restoration, creation, and enhancement mitigation components for the Underwood Mitigation Site The final mitigation plan was submitted and accepted by the NCEEP in September of 2011 Construction activities were completed by Land Mechanics Designs, Inc in November 2012 Planting and seeding activities were completed by Bruton Natural Systems, Inc in January 2013 The baseline as -built survey was completed by Stewart- Proctor Engineering and Surveying, PLLC between December 2012 and February of 2013 There were no significant deviations reported in the project elements in comparison to the design plans A few structures were either eliminated or adjusted slightly based on field conditions Field adjustments made during construction are described in detail in section 51 Appendix 1 provides more detailed project activity, history, contact information, and watershed site background information for this project Monitoring Baseline monitoring (MY -o) was conducted between December 2012 and February of 2013 The first annual monitoring assessment (MY -1) will be completed in the fall of 2013 The streams and wetlands will be monitored for a total of five years, with the final monitoring activities conducted in 2017 The close -out for the Underwood Mitigation Site will be conducted in 2o18 given the success criteria are met As part of the closeout process, NCEEP will evaluate the site at the end of the fourth year monitoring period to determine whether or not the site is eligible to closeout following monitoring year five If the site is meeting success criteria, NCEEP will propose to the interagency review team (IRT) to proceed with the closeout Page 2 Underwood Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report—FINAL process If the site is not meeting success criteria, then NCEEP will close it out or amend the contract to cover an additional two years of monitoring Monitoring will consist of collecting morphological, vegetative, and hydrological data on an annual basis to assess the project success based on the restoration goals and objectives The success of the project will be assessed using measurements of the stream channel's dimension, pattern, profile, substrate composition, permanent photographs, vegetation, surface water hydrology, and groundwater hydrology Any areas with identified high priority problems, such as streambank instability, aegradation /degradation, insufficient groundwater hydroperiod, or lack of vegetation establishment will be evaluated on a case -by -case basis The problem areas will be visually noted and remedial actions will be discussed with NCEEP staff to determine a plan of action A remedial action plan will be submitted if maintenance is required 1.0 Project Goals, Background and Attributes 1 1 Project Location and Setting The Underwood Mitigation Site consists of two separate areas located in western Chatham County within the Cape Fear River Basin (USGS Hydrologic Unit 03030002) as shown in Figure i The upstream area is located along Clyde Underwood Road just west of Planfield Church Road (Harris Site) and the downstream area is located southwest of Moon Lindley Road between Johnny Lindley Road and Bob Clark Road (Lindley Site) north of Siler City, North Carolina The adjacent land to the stream and wetlands is mainly used for agriculture purposes The Harris Site of the Underwood Mitigation Site is located within three tracts of land The first is an 84 acre tract owned by Mary Jean Harris (Deed Book 05E, Page Number 0102) A conservation easement (Deed Book 3.578, Page 495) was recorded on 7 68 acres of this tract The second and third tracts include a 46 4 acre tract owned by William Darrel Harris (Deed Book 673, Page Number 532 and Deed Book 632, Page 796) and a 47 2 -acre tract also owned by William Darrel Harris (Deed Book 972, Page Number 0977) A conservation easement (Deed Book 3.578, Page 507) was recorded on 3.8 44 acres of these tracts The Lindley Site of the project is located within two tracts of land The first is a 3.5o -acre tract owned by James Randall Lindley (Deed Book o6E, Page Number oo98) A conservation easement (Deed Book 3.579, Page 3.o67) was recorded on the 5 34-acre project area within this tract The second is an 82- acre tract owned by Jonathan Marshall Lindley (Deed Book 73.6, Page Number 0707) A conservation easement (Deed Book 73.6, Page 707) was recorded on the 6 29 -acre project area within this tract The South Fork of Cane Creek (North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) AU No 3.6- 28-5) is the main stream of the project and has been classified as Class WS -V, NSW waters Class WS -V waters are water supplies which are generally upstream and draining to Class WS- IV waters which include waters used by industry to supply their employees with drinking water or as waters formerly used as water supply These waters are also protected for Class C uses The Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) classification is a supplemental classification for waters Underwood Mitigation Site Page 3 Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL needing additional nutrient management due to being subject to excessive growth of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation (NCDWQ, 2011) A local watershed plan has not been developed at this time for the Cane Creek watershed, the 14 -digit HUC in which the project is located The goals for the Haw River watershed, which includes Cane Creek, discussed in the 2oog NCEEP planning document CFRBRP are focused on the Jordan Lake nutrient strategy which calls for reductions in nutrient loads to the lake The lake was designated as nutrient sensitive waters (NSW) by the NC Environmental Management Commission (EMC) in 1983 The NCDWQ determined that the Haw River arm of the lake was failing to meet its designated uses in 2006 due to exceedences of chlorophyll -a (chl -a) and pH standards The entire reservoir is now on North Carolina's list of impaired waters under Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act The specific goals for the watershed are continued restoration and preservation work, promotion of healthy riparian corridors, improvements to "aquatic conditions" and benthic habitats, and, because it is part of the Jordan Lake watershed, reductions in nitrogen and phosphorous loads to help meet established nutrient reductions for the lake The 51 cattle, dairy, and poultry operations within the watershed are implied to be a mayor stressor to aquatic resources by the CFRBRP Directions and a map of the Underwood Mitigation Site are provided in Figure 1 12 Project Goals and Objectives The Underwood Mitigation Site was designed to meet the over - arching goals as described in _ the mitigation plan (2011) The project addresses multiple watershed stressors that have been documented for both Cane Creek and the Jordan Lake watersheds The following project specific goals established in the mitigation plan include • Restore and stabilize stream dimensions, pattern, and profile, • Establish proper substrate distribution throughout restored and enhanced streams, • Improve aquatic and benthic habitat, • Reduce nutrient loads within the watershed and to downstream waters, • Further improve water quality within the watershed through reductions of sediment, bacteria, and other pollutants, • Decrease water temperature and increase dissolved oxygen concentrations • Establish appropriate hydrology for wetland areas, • Restore native vegetation to wetlands and riparian buffers /improve existing buffers, and • Create appropriate terrestrial habitat The design features of this project were developed to achieve multiple project objectives The stream restoration elements were designed to frequently flood the reconnected floodplain and adjacent riparian wetlands This design approach provides more frequent dissipation of energy from higher flows (bankfull and above) to improve channel stability, provide water quality treatment through detention, settling, and biological removal of pollutants, and restore a more natural hydrologic regime Existing, restored, and created wetlands were key Underwood Mitigation Site Page 4 Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL components of the design incorporated to better meet goals described above The project objectives defined in the mitigation plan (2o11) are as follows • Construct stream channels that will remain relatively stable over time and adequately transport their sediment loads without significant erosion or aggradation, • Construct stream channels that maintain riffles with coarse bed material and pools with finer bed material, • Provide aquatic and benthic habitat diversity in the form of pools, riffles, woody debris, and in- stream structures, • Add riffle features and structures and riparian vegetation to decrease water temperatures and increase dissolved oxygen to Improve water quality, • Construct stream reaches so that floodplains and wetlands are frequently flooded to provide energy dissipation, detain and treat flood flows, and create a more natural hydrologic regime, • Construct fencing to keep livestock out of the streams, • Raise local groundwater table through raising stream beds and removing agricultural drainage features, • Grade wetland creation areas as necessary to promote wetland hydrology, and • Plant native tree species to establish appropriate wetland and floodplain communities and retain existing, native trees were possible 13 Project Structure, Restoration Type and Approach 131 Project Structure Please refer to Figure z for the project component /asset map for the stream and wetland restoration feature exhibits and Table 1 for the project component and mitigation credit information for the Underwood Mitigation Site 232 Restoration Type and Approach The design streams and wetlands were restored to the appropriate type based on the surrounding landscape, climate, and natural vegetation communities but also with strong consideration to existing watershed conditions and trajectory The designs were developed to correct Incision and lack of pattern caused by channelization, bank instability caused by erosion and livestock access, lack of vegetation in riparian zones, lack of riparian and aquatic habitat, and depletion of hydrology for adjacent wetlands The project Includes stream restoration and enhancement as well as wetland restoration and creation Restoration of dimension, pattern, and profile was Implemented for all or portions of SFl, SF3, SF4, SF4A, and UTs as shown on Figures za — zc The project also includes stream enhancement on seven reaches classified as either Enhancement I (El) or Enhancement II (Ell) All stream restoration and El reaches (all or portions of SF3., SF3, SF4, SF4A, and UTl) were constructed as C type streams according to the Rosgen classification system ( Rosgen, 1996) The specific values for the design parameters were selected based on designer Underwood Mitigation Site Page S Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL experience and judgment and were verified with morphologic data form reference reach data sets The design width to depth ratio for most of the reaches is approximately 12 The expectation is that the streams will narrow over time and classify as E stream types in some locations and, therefore, resemble the C/E morphology of the references A design width to depth ratio of 14 was used for SF4 to raise the invert of the restored channel and improve adjacent wetland hydrology The design channel slopes of the restoration and El reaches range from o 0034 to 0 0141 Each of the design reaches were reconnected with the existing floodplain (Priority 1) The restored channels were designed to have an entrenchment ratio of greater than 2 The sinuosity for the restored channels was designed to be near 1 2 The proposed project also included restoration, enhancement, and creation within six distinct wetland zones, four riparian wetland zones (RW1, RW2, RW3, and RW4) and two non - riparian wetland zones (NRW1 and NRW2) as shown on Figures 2a — 2c Within the riparian wetland zones, in- stream structures were used to raise the channel grade and any unstable banks were regraded, seeded, and matted This approach was implemented to decrease the drainage effect on the surrounding historic wetlands and restore a natural flooding regime Wetland areas were also disked to increase surface roughness and better capture rainfall to improve connection with the water table for groundwater recharge RW1 was restored by raising the bed elevation of UT2 RW2 was restored through a combination of grading in the creation zone and raising the bed elevations of SF1 RW3 was restored and created using a combination of grading in the creation zones and raising the bed elevation of SF3 RW4 was restored and created using a combination of grading in the creation zones, plugging and filling several floodplain ditches, and raising the bed elevation of S174 and SF4A NRW1 was restored and created by removing the dam creating the farm pond, which restored a natural hydrologic regime to the entire wetland area NRW2 was enhanced by planting native vegetation Based on the previously mentioned (Executive Summary page 2) May 18th letter and subsequent conversation, the o 42 acre portion of NRW1 that was previously a pond will be considered creation However, the rest of NRW1 will be considered restoration All wetland areas were disked using agricultural disking equipment to increase surface roughness and better capture rainfall with the intention to improve connection with the watertable for groundwater recharge 14 Project History, Contacts and Attribute Data The Underwood Mitigation Site was restored by Wildlands Engineering, Inc (Wildlands) through a full - delivery contract with NCEEP Tables 2, 3, and 4 in Appendix 1 provide detailed information regarding the Project Activity and Reporting History, Project Contacts, and Project Baseline Information and Attributes 2.0 Success Criteria The stream restoration success criteria for the Underwood Mitigation Site follow approved performance criteria presented in the NCEEP Mitigation Plan Template (version 1 o, 11 /20/2oog) and the Stream Mitigation Guidelines issued in April 2003 by the USACE and Underwood Mitigation Site Page 6 Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report—FINAL NCDWQ Annual monitoring and quarterly site visits will be conducted to assess the condition of the finished project for five years for the stream areas and wetland areas, or until success criteria are met The stream restoration and El reaches (SF1, SF3, SF4, SF4A, UT1, and UTz) of the project have been assigned specific performance criteria components for stream morphology, hydrology, and vegetation The Ell reaches (SFz, SF3, UTz, UTiA, and UT1B) will be documented through photographs and visual assessments to verify that no significant degradational changes are occurring in the stream channel or riparian corridor The wetland restoration, enhancement, and creation sections will be assigned specific performance criteria for hydrology and vegetation These success criteria are covered in detail in the following paragraphs 21 Streams 211 Dimension Riffle cross - sections on the restoration reaches should remain relatively stable, however, as sediment moves through the project reaches, fluctuations of the riffle bed elevation over time are expected These fluctuations should be temporary and will likely correspond to storm events Riffle cross - sectional ratios (width -to -depth ratio, depth ratio, and bank height ratio) should fall within the parameters defined for channels of the appropriate Rosgen stream type If persistent changes are observed, these changes will be evaluated to assess whether the stream channel is showing signs of long term instability Indicators of instability include a vertically incising or aggrading thalweg or eroding channel banks Changes in the channel that indicate a movement toward stability or enhanced habitat include a decrease in the width -to -depth ratio in meandering channels or an increase in pool depth Remedial action would not be taken if channel changes indicate a movement toward stability 2 1 2 Pattern and Profile Longitudinal profile data forthe stream restoration reaches should show thatthe bedform features are remaining stable The riffles should be steeper and shallower than the pools, while the pools should be deep with nearly flat water surface slopes The relative percentage of riffles and pools should not change significantly from the design parameters Adjustments in length and slope of run and glide features are expected and will not be considered a sign of instability The longitudinal profile should show that the bank height ratio remains very near to 1 o for the majority of the restoration reaches 213 Substrate Substrate materials in the restoration and El reaches should indicate a progression towards or the maintenance of coarser materials in the riffle features and smaller particles in the pool features 214 Photo Documentation Photographs should illustrate the site's vegetation and morphological stability on an annual basis Cross - section photos should demonstrate no excessive erosion or degradation of the banks Longitudinal photos should indicate the absence of persistent Underwood Mitigation Site Page 7 Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report—FINAL bars within the channel or vertical incision Grade control structures should remain stable Deposition of sediment on the bank side of vane arms is preferable Maintenance of scour pools on the channel side of vane arms is expected Reference photos will also be taken for each of the vegetation plots 215 Bankfull Events Two bankfull flow events in separate years must be documented on the project within the five -year monitoring period Bankfull events will be documented using a crest gage, photographs, and visual assessments for physical evidence such as debris lines 22 Vegetation The final vegetative success criteria will be the survival of 26o planted stems per acre in the riparian corridor along restored and enhanced reaches and within the wetland restoration and creation areas at the end of the required monitoring year (MY -5) The interim measure of vegetative success for the site will be the survival of at least 320 planted stems per acre at the end of the third monitoring year The extent of invasive species coverage will also be monitored and controlled as necessary throughout the required monitoring period (MY -5) 23 Wetlands The final performance criteria for wetland hydrology will be a free groundwater surface within 12 inches of the ground surface for 7 5 percent of the growing season, which is measured on consecutive days under typical precipitation conditions These success criteria were determined through model simulations of post - restoration conditions and comparison to an existing reference wetland system If a particular well does not meet these criteria for a given monitoring year, rainfall patterns will be analyzed and the hydrograph will be compared to that of the reference well to assess whether atypical weather conditions occurred during the monitoring period 24 Schedule and Reporting Monitoring reports will be prepared in the fall of each year of monitoring and submitted to NCEEP Based on the NCEEP Monitoring Report Template (version 1 2 1, 12/01 /2009), the monitoring reports will include the following • Project background which includes project objectives, project structure, restoration type and approach, location and setting, history and background, • As -built topographic plans of mayor project elements including such items as grade control structures, vegetation plots, permanent cross - sections, groundwater gages, and crest gages, • Photographs showing views of the restored Stream Site taken from fixed point stations • Assessment of the stability of the Stream Site based on the cross - sections and longitudinal profile, where applicable, • Assessment of the stability of the Wetland Site based on groundwater gages and vegetation plots, Underwood Mitigation Site Page 8 Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report—FINAL • Vegetative data as described above including the identification of any invasion by undesirable plant species, • A description of damage by animals or vandalism, • Maintenance issues and recommended remediation measures will be detailed and documented, and • Wildlife observations 3.0 Monitoring Plan Annual Monitoring will be conducted for the monitoring parameters as noted below for five years for stream and wetland assessments beyond completion of construction or until performance criteria have been met 31 Stream In order to ensure the streams on site meet regulatory stream success criteria, stream dimension, pattern, and profile will be monitored annually for five years for restoration and El reaches (SF3., SF3, SF4, SF4A, UT3., and UT2) Geomorphic assessments should be performed following guidelines outlined in the Stream Channel Reference Sites An Illustrated Guide to Field Techniques (Harrelson et al , 1994), methodologies utilized in the Rosgen stream assessment and classification document ( Rosgen, 1994 and 1996), and in the Stream Restoration A Natural Channel Design Handbook (Doll et al, 2003) 311 Dimension In order to monitor the channel dimension, a total of two permanent cross - sections were installed along SF1, five on SF3, four on SF4, three on SF4A, two on UT2, and two on UT2 Cross - sections were located at representative riffle and pool sections on each monitored reach Each cross - section was permanently marked with rebar pins to establish its location Cross - section surveys will be performed annually and will include points measured at all breaks in slope including top of bank, bankfull, edge of water, and thalweg 312 Pattern and Profile During the as -built survey, six separate longitudinal profiles were conducted on project streams, 874 LF on SF1, 2,3.2o LF on SF3, 1,429 LF on SF4, 866 LF on SF4A, 515 LF on UT3., and 418 LF on UT2 The beginning and end of each longitudinal profile have been established such that they are able to be located either through field identification or with the use of a GPS unit Each longitudinal profile survey following the initial as -built survey will include re- surveying the same profile The location of bedform features, in- stream structures, water surface, bankfull, top of bank, and permanent benchmarks will be collected during each survey Data will be processed in CAD and analyzed using RiverMorph and Microsoft Excel Stream pattern was assessed and ranges of pattern parameters were defined for SF3., SF3, SF4, SF4A, UT1, and UT2 Stream pattern assessment will not be conducted in subsequent monitoring years unless issues in the profile and dimension indicate that pattern might be changed Underwood Mitigation Site Page 9 Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL 313 Substrate A reach -wide pebble count was conducted in each restoration and El reaches (SF3., SF3, SF4, SF4A, UT1, and UTz) for classification purposes A wetted perimeter pebble count was conducted at each permanent riffle cross - section to characterize the pavement Subsequent sampling will be performed annually at the same locations for the duration of the monitoring 314 Photo Reference Points A total of 46 permanent photograph reference points were established within the project streams and wetland areas after construction Photographs will be taken once a year to visually document stability for five years following construction Permanent markers were established so that the same locations and view directions on the site are monitored each year Photographs will be used to monitor stream restoration and enhancement reaches and and wetland creation, restoration, and enhancement areas as well as vegetation plots The photographer will make every effort to maintain the same view in each photo over time The representative digital photo(s) will be taken on the same day(s) the surveys are conducted 315 Bankfull Events Six crest gages were installed on the site, one on SF1, one on SF3, one on SF4, one on SF4A, one on UT1 and the other gage on UT2 The crest gages were installed onsite in a surveyed riffle cross - section of the restored channels at a central site location The gages will be checked during each site visit to determine if a bankfull event has occurred since the last visit Photographs will be used to document the occurrence of debris lines and sediment deposition as evidence of bankfull events 3 16 Visual Assessment Visual assessments will be conducted along all reaches each year to obtain qualitative geomorphic data Each visual assessment evaluation after the baseline survey will include re- evaluation along the same profile 32 Vegetation Planted woody vegetation was monitored in accordance with the guidelines and procedures developed by the Carolina Vegetation Survey -NCEEP Level z Protocol (Lee et al , 2oo6) to monitor and assess the planted woody vegetation A total of 42 vegetation plots were established within the project easement areas (zg at the Harris Site, 13 at the Lindley Site) using standard 10 meter by 10 meter vegetation monitoring plots Vegetation plots were randomly established within the planted corridor of the streams and wetland restoration areas to capture the heterogeneity of the designed vegetative communities The vegetation plot corners have been marked and are recoverable either through field identification or with the use of a GPS unit Reference photographs at the origin looking diagonally across the plot to the opposite corner were taken during the baseline monitoring Subsequent assessments following baseline survey will capture the Underwood Mitigation Site Page zo Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL same reference photograph locations Species composition, density and survival rates will be evaluated on an annual basis by plot and for the entire site Individual plot data will be provided and will include diameter, height, density, vigor, damage (if any), and percent survival Planted woody stems will be marked annually as needed, based off of a known origin, so they can be found in succeeding monitoring years Mortality will be determined from the difference between the baseline year's living planted stems and the current year's living planted stems 33 Wetlands Fifteen groundwater monitoring gages were established throughout the wetland restoration, creation, and enhancement zones The gages were installed at appropriate locations so that the data collected will provide an indication of groundwater levels throughout the site To provide data for the determination of the growing season for the wetland areas, two soil temperature loggers were installed in representative areas within RW3 and RW4 A barrotroll logger (to measure barometric pressure used in the calculations of groundwater levels with well transducer data) and a rain gage were also installed within the wetland areas on both the Harris and Lindley Site All monitoring gages will be downloaded on a quarterly basis and will be maintained on an as needed basis Refer to the as -built plans in Appendix 4 for the monitoring gage locations within the Underwood Mitigation Site 4.0 Maintenance and Contingency Plans Any identified high priority problem areas, such as streambank instability, aggradation/degradation, lack of vegetation establishment, or failure to meet groundwater hydrology success criteria will be evaluated on a case -by -case basis The problem areas will be visually noted and remedial actions will be discussed with NCEEP staff to determine a plan of action A remedial action plan will be submitted if maintenance is required 41 Stream Stream problem areas will be mapped and included in the Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) as part of the annual stream assessment Stream problems areas may include bank erosion, structure failure, beaver dams, aggradation /degradation, etc Appropriate remedial actions will be determined with NCEEP correspondence A proposal of work will be submitted if remediation of an area is required 42 Vegetation Vegetative problem areas will be mapped and included in the CCPV as part of the annual vegetation assessment Vegetation problems areas may include planted vegetation not meeting success criteria, persistent invasive species, barren areas with little to no herbaceous cover, or grass suffocation/crowding of planted stems Appropriate remedial actions will be determined with NCEEP correspondence A proposal of work will be submitted if remediation of an area is required Page 1i Underwood Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report—FINAL 43 Wetlands Wetland problem areas will be mapped and included in the CCPV as part of the annual wetland assessment Wetland problems areas may include planted vegetation not meeting success criteria, persistent Invasive species, barren areas with little to no herbaceous cover, grass suffocation /crowding of planted stems, or wetland hydrology not meeting success criteria Appropriate remedial actions will be determined with NCEEP correspondence A proposal of work will be submitted if remediation of an area is required 5.0 As -Built Condition (Baseline) The Underwood Mitigation Site construction and as -built surveys were completed between December 2012 and February 2013 The survey included developing an as -built topographic surface on both the Stream and Wetland Sites The survey also involved locating the channel boundaries, structures, cross - sections, and monitoring features such as photo points, vegetation plots, groundwater gages, and crest gages For comparison purposes, the baseline monitoring divided the reach assessments in the same way they were established for design parameters SFi, SF2, SF3, SF4, SF4A, UTi, and UT2 51 As -Built /Record Drawings A half size as -built plan is located in Appendix.4 with the post - construction locations and alignments for the project A record drawing has also been provided to NCEEP as a separate document that indicates any significant field adjustments made during construction that were different from the design plans Minimal adjustments were made during construction, where needed, based on field evaluation On SFs, there was a lack of wetland grasses on site that were planned to be used as sod Therefore sod mats were not installed as designed along SFi. On certain locations along SF3 and SF4, pool depths were constructed shallower than designed due to existing bedrock found on site Bedrock was also discovered within the banks along SF3 Sod mats were used as bank revetments in lieu of root wads and /or brush toe in these locations where shallow bedrock inhibited rootwad /brush toe installation along the streambanks The original design along SF4A proposed using constructed riffles at the tail end of shallow tangent reaches During construction, it was determined that additional grade control was needed Therefore, constructed riffles were installed at the head and tail ends of each tangent reach to provide adequate grade control On UT2, log sills were added at the downstream end of each constructed riffle to provide additional grade control to the bed which was raised in place More specific changes include • On SF2 at station 301 +50, a rock vane was installed Instead of a log vane due to bedrock in the stream bed, • On SF3 at station 420 +00, a J -hook structure was originally designed, but was not built A brush toe was constructed at that bend, • At the downstream end of UT1A and UT1B, constructed riffles were not installed due to a lack of need for grade control in those locations, Underwood Mitigation Site Page iz Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL • The drainage berm on the south side of SF1A was not installed It determined to be unnecessary due to floodplain grading, • Constructed riffle on SF3 at Station 420 +8o was not installed due to the presence of coarse native bed material, • Constructed riffle on UTs at station 514 +90 was not installed Existing bedrock features were found to be providing adequate grade control, and • Profiles, specifically on SF4 are slightly different than proposed profiles During construction, the thalweg was over excavated to create a narrow, low flow zone for improved habitat during baseflow conditions The following sections further detail the as -built conditions in comparison to the design plans 52 Baseline Data Assessment 5 2 1 Morphological State of the Channel Morphological data for the as -built profile was collected in December 2012 and January of 2013 Please refer to Appendix 2 for summary data tables, morphological plots, and stream photographs Profile The baseline (MY -o) profiles closely match the profile design parameters The plotted longitudinal profile and related summary data can be found in Appendix 2 On the design profiles, all riffles were depicted as straight lines with consistent slopes However, at some locations (e g SF3 sta 411 +00 to 411 +70) on the as -built survey riffle profiles are not consistent in slope due to rock and log riffle features installed during construction for habitat variability The as -built profile reflects the installation of log and rock sills with micro -pools interspersed in the riffle Some of the pools were not excavated as deeply as designed due to shallow bedrock preventing excavation to the design depth In addition, the as -built survey includes only one maximum pool depth point rather than two deep pool points shown on the design profiles Dimension The baseline (MY -o) dimension numbers are closely matched to the design parameters with the exception that UT2 was left wider than was originally planned during design During construction of this Es component stream, a decision was made to raise the bed as planned but to not fill in the channel to narrow it Filling in the channel would have required placing fill around remaining mature trees on the top of one or both banks and adding fill to a live stream channel The result was that the bed of the channel was raised so that the stream is connected to its floodplain, adjacent riparian wetlands are hydrated, mature trees remain along the tops of both banks but the channel is wider than designed and the cross sectional area is somewhat larger than designed Summary data and cross - section plots of each project reach can be found in Appendix 2 Underwood Mitigation Site Page 13 Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL Pattern The baseline (MY-0) pattern metrics fell within the design parameters for all six reaches No design changes were made to any alignments during construction Pattern data will be evaluated in monitoring year five if there are any indicators through the profile or dimensions that significant geomorphic adjustments have occurred Sediment Transport As -built shear stresses and velocities are similar to design parameters and should reduce the risk of further erosion along all three restoration reaches Prior to and following restoration, reaches SF1, UT2, and SF3, classified as gravel bed streams Reaches UT1, SF4, and SF4A classified as sand bed channels prior to construction, but each had a significant gravel component to its substrate compositions as well After construction these reaches also classified as gravel bed channels The as -built condition for each of these reaches indicates a significant increase in substrate particle size (Table 5a-5c) The substrate data for each constructed reach were compared to the design shear stress parameters from the mitigation plan to assess the potential for bed degradation The shear stress and calculated for the constructed channels are generally within the allowable range, which indicate that the channel is not at risk to trend toward channel degradation 52 2 Vegetation The baseline monitoring (MY -o) vegetative survey was completed in January of 2013 The baseline vegetation monitoring on the Site resulted in an average of 692 planted stems per acre, which is greater than the design density required There was an average of 17 stems per plot Please refer to Appendix 3 for vegetation summary tables, raw data tables, and vegetation plot photographs 5 2 3 Photo Documentation A total of 46 permanent photographs locations were installed and photographed by Wildlands These photographs can be found in Appendix 2 5 2 4 Hydrology Bankfull events have been observed on UT1, SF2, SF3, SF4, and SF4A following completion of construction The bankfull event occurred following the installation of crest gages, but was also evidenced by wrack lines Crest gage data logs will be included in the Year one monitoring report Page 14 Underwood Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report—FINAL r 6.0 References Doll, B A, Grabow, G L, Hall, K A, Halley, J, Harman, W A, Jennings, G D, and Wise, D E, 2003 Stream Restoration A Natural Channel Design Handbook Harrelson, Cheryl C, Rawlins, C L , Potyondy, John P 3.994 Stream Channel Reference Sites An Illustrated Guide to Field Technique Gen Tech Rep RM -245 Fort Collins, CO U S Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station 61 p Lee, Michael T, Peet, Robert K, Steven D , Wentworth, Thomas R (2006) CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4 o Retrieved from http / /www nceep net /business/ monitoring /veg /datasheets htm Multi - Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium (MRLC), 2001 National Land Cover Database http / /www mrlc gov/nlcd_php North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 2005 Cape Fear River Basinwide Water Quality Plan http / /h2o enr state nc us /basinwide /draftCPFApril2005 htm Rosgen, D L 1994 A classification of natural rivers Catena 22 169 -199 Rosgen, D L 1996 Applied River Morphology Pagosa Springs, CO Wildland Hydrology Books Rosgen, D L 1997 A Geomorphological Approach to Restoration of Incised Rivers Proceedings of the Conference on Management of Landscapes Disturbed by Channel Incision Center For Computational Hydroscience and Bioengineering, Oxford Campus, University of Mississippi, Pages 12 -22 Schafale, M P and A S Weakley 1990 Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, 3rd approx North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Raleigh, North Carolina United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines USACE, NCDENR -DWQ, USEPA, NCWRC United States Geological Survey (USGS), 1998 North Carolina Geology http http / /www geology enr state nc us /usgs /carolina htm Wlldlands Engineering, Inc (2011) Underwood Mitigation Site Mitigation Plan NCEEP, Raleigh, NC Underwood Mitigation Site Page 15 Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report—FINAL APPENDIX 1. General Tables and Figures 0 30�� 080 Hydrologic Unit Code (14) r EEP Targeted Local Watershed �,✓' 03030002050050 lami ntc Count} Allanifffi' Lounty Cltatbatn Coilnt� (.ha l)i C.ounq too 03030002050070 03030003070010 -' Undley 81% (� I• Hants Sibs 03030002050090 VN I ►itV 03030003070020 03030003070030 Directions: } The subject project site is an environmental restoration site of the The two locations of the proposed NCDENR Ecoysystem Enhancement Program (EEP) and is stream and wetland mitigation sites j encompassed by a recorded conservation easement, are located in western Chatham County but is bordered by land under private ownership. Accessing the along Clyde Underwood Road just west site mayrequire traversing areas near or along the easement of Planfield Church Road (Upstream Area) boundary and therefore access by the general public is not and southwest of Moon Lindley Road permitted. Access by authorized personnel of state and between Johnny Lindley Road and Bob federal agencies or their designees /contractors involved in Clark Road (Downstream Area) north of the development, oversight,and stewardship of the restoration Siler City, North Carolina (Figure i). site is permitted within the terms and timeframes of their defined The sites are currently used for agriculture roles. Any intended site visitation or activity by any person and are within the Cape Fear River Basin outside of these previously sanctioned roles and activites (HUC 03030002). requires prior coordination with EEP. ,��`'►�r,�I� ±f Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, &?:9§P R'C0AN ?GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esn China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community Figure i. Project Vicinity Map 1 W I L D L A N D S Underwood Mitigation Site ENGINEERING 0 0.625 1.25 Miles NCEEP Project No. 94641 I I I I I Monitoring Year o Chatham County, NC Figure za. Project Component /Asset Map W I L, D LAN D S Underwood Mitigation Site - Harris Site ENGINEERING 0 1 SO 300 Feet NCEEP Project No. 94641 i i i I Monitoring Year o Chatham County, NC Figure 2b. Project Component /Asset Map Underwood Mitigation Site - Harris Site w*w,, W I L D L A N D S 0 175 350 Feet NCEEP Project No. 94641 ENGINEERING 1 I I Monitoring Year o Chatham County, NC Figure zc. Project Component /Asset Map W I L, D LAN D S Underwood Mitigation Site - Harris Site 0 175 350 Feet NCEEP Project No. 6 1 ENGINEERING I I I I ( � 94 4 MonitoringYearo Chatham County, NC Appendix 1 General Tables and Figures Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No 94641) Monitoring Year 0 * Note that lengths do not match stationing because channel sections that do not generate credit have been removed from length calculations Nitrogen Nutrient Phosphorous Stream Riparian Wetland No1 -Riparian Wetland Buffer Offset Nutrient Offset Type R RE R RE R RE I Totals 4,661 2104 92 N/A 1 1 02 N/A N/A N/A Project Components Existing= �Eootage (LF) / Restoration or Restoration Restoration Footage Reach ID Acreage Ac) ,Q roach E wv_a_lent / Acrea a Ac " MiU anon Ratio Streams SFl 100 +00 - 773 Priority 1 Restoration 874 11 108 +74 SF2 300 +00 - 302 N/A Enhancement Level II 302 25 1 303 +02 532 N/A Enhancement Level 11 359 25 1 S173 400 +00 - 1,499 Priority 1 Restoration 1,586 11 421 +20 152 N/A Enhancement Level I 153 1 5 1 SF4 800 +00 - 1450 Priority 1 Restoration 1429 11 900 +00 - 0 Priority 1 Restoration 257 I 1 SF4A 908 +66 609 N/A Enhancement Level I 609 151 500 +00 - 1,463 N/A Enhancement Level II 1,468 2 5 1 UPI 520 +38 452 Priority 1 Restoration 515 11 UT.IA 700 +00 - 524 N/A Enhancement Level 11 511 25 1 705 +11 UTIB 600 +00 - 660 N/A Enhancement Level If 652 251 606 +52 UT'2 0 +004+18 421 N/A Enhancement Level 1 418 1 5 1 Wetlands RW I N/A 125 N/A Restoration t 25 1 1 045 Creation 045 3 1 RW2 N/A 050 N/A Restoration 050 1 1 263 Creation 263 3 1 RW3 N/A 1 33 N/A Restoration 1 33 1 1 395 Creation 395 3 1 RW4 N/A 365 N/A Restoration 365 1 1 Restoration 075 1 1 NRW I N/A 120 N/A Creation 045 3 1 NRW2 N/A 034 N/A Enhancement 034 2 1 Component Summation Stream (linear Riparian Wetland Non - Riparian Wetland Buffer Upland Restoration Level feet ) (acres acres (square feet acres Rivenne Non- Rivenne Restoration 4,661 1376 1 54 Enhancement - Enhancement 1 1,180 ° Enhancement II 3,292 Creation - Preservation awl High Quality Preservation amp itd(N." BMP Elements Elements Location Purpose/Function Notes BR = Bioretention Cell, S F= Sand Filter, SW = Stormwater Wetland WDP = Wet Detention Pond, DDP = Dry Detention Pond, FS = Filter Strip, S = Grassed Swale LS = Level Spreader, NI = Natural Infiltration Area, FB = Forested Buffer * Note that lengths do not match stationing because channel sections that do not generate credit have been removed from length calculations Appendix 1. General Tables and Figures Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No.94641) Monitoring Year 0 Mitigation Plan September 2011 September 2011 Final Design - Construction Plans July 2012 July 2012 Construction November 2012 November 2012 Temporary S &E mix applied to entire project area' November 2012 November 2012 Permanent seed mix applied to reach/segments November 2012 November 2012 Bare root and live stake plantings for reach/segments January 2013 January 2013 Baseline Monitoring Document Year 0 Monitoring - baseline) March 2013 March 2013 Year I Monitoring 2013 December 2013 Year 2 Monitoring 2014 December 2014 Year 3 Monitoring 2015 December 2015 Year 4 Monitoring 2016 December 2016 Year 5 Monitoring 2017 December 2017 'Seed and mulch is added as each section of construction is completed Appendix 1. General Tables and Figures Table 3. Project Contact Table Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No 94641) Monitoring Year 0 Wililla�nds iE fipering; Inc. 5605 Chapel Hill Road, Suite 122 Raleigh, NC 27604 Nicole Makaluso, PE 919 851 9986 Construction Contractor Land Mechanic Designs, Inc. 126 Circle G Lane Willow Spring, NC 27592 Planting Contractor Bruton Natural Systems, Inc P O Box 1197 Fremont, NC 27830 Seeding Contractor Land Mechanic Designs, Inc 126 Circle G Lane Willow Spring, NC 27592 Seed Mix Sources Green Resource, LLC Nursery Stock Suppliers Bare Roots ArborGlen, Inc Live Stakes Foggy Mountain Nursery MOnitotin P- QrFf ■r ■� Wddlands Egg' %neering,,Inc Stream, Vegetation, and Wetland Monitoring POC Kirsten Gimbert 704 332 7754, ext 110 Appendix 1 General Tables and Figures Table 4 Project Baseline Information and Attributes Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No 94641) Mondonna Year 0 U Unknown APPENDIX 2. Morphological Summary and Data Plots APPENDIX 2. Morphological Summary and Data Plots Appendix 2 Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table So Baseline Stream Data Summary Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No 94641) Harris Site Monitoring Year 0 NSA Not Applicable 'Design Parameters based on revised Shields Diagram 'Channel was dry at time of baseline survey Slopes were calculated using the channel thalweg 'As Built pattern measuremeants fell within the design ranges therefore the design parameters set are still applicable i Appendix 2 Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 5b Baseline Stream Data Summary Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No 94641) Harris Site Monitoring Year 0 a - r - 9pre•Restoratton Condition Reference Data — Dest n - #' SF9 -, UTa -€ SFg u/s ofUTa SF3 d/z otUTa Uh Parameter / Ga a Lon Branch UT.to Cane Creek Min '"Max' Min Mate Mm Max�Miny �Max� #Mm °, Max �Min� Max Dimension and Substrate Riffle Bankfull Width(ft) 159 9. K14 186 82 118 2B2 18O 207 Flood cone Width (ft) 486 141 o+ 40+ 5o+ o o0 Bankfull Mean De th 2.8 o8 09 25 115+ 09 Bankfull Max De ih 2 4 is 2 9 1 5 2 3 Bankfull Cross sectional Area (ft) nla 28 9 7 2 34 6 B 5 10 7 27 5 171 9 6 Width /De th Rado B8 v38 7g 131 Entrenchment Rabo 31 v.6 4+ 459- Bank Hei ht Rano 1.6 1.9 a5 D o(mm) 47 Profile Rifflelen th(ft) - RiffleSlo a(ft/ft) 0030 0OSao o0 00078 0o14a ..8 0210 Pool Len th (ft) n/x 9 _ Pool Max De th (ft) — _ - — PoolSpacing (ft)- — — Pool Volume (ft) Pattern As BtnhJBaselme t SFB UTa .1� Min Mex Min Max 126 0 02 116+ 1o8 r8 0 �5v 1.0 Tg 8 w6 018 0 LB o Bo - 00 0 26 53 ,. 166 B 1 715 Channel Beltwidth(ft) I n/a 51 1 ao6 1 3t 59 6o So 77 1 54 1 9- 1 54 90 1 32 1 S4 1 54 91 32 54 30 Radius of Curvature (ft) 27 205 83 a6 87 21.3 27 v 1 Sa 31 So 22 30 31 16 v 1 5 2 3 3 a 3 2 3 Rc Bankfull Width(ft/ft) 46 26 272 70 Bo 3 162 7 66 3 19a 4 So 96 77 227 3 218 5 126 3 216 S 1 7 3 1:g 5 v6 3 nB S 75 3 t29 5 Meander Length (ft) Meander Width Ratio Substrate Bed andlTransportParis meters Ri %/Ru%IP% /G%IS% n/a - - 037 — .081.211. 6 21 6120 8 o o /o 16 /a 316 9171.7 /z 6 SC %I5a %IG % /C%/B %/Be% afi 66/40 8x(74 02/97 4218° N /A/N /A/11610 312 56 d16 /d d o /d84/d d2ao 2Z 127 034 0 6 — Reach Parameters 035 052 Reach Shear Stress (Com tent )lb/ft" Max pan size (mm) mobdrzed a[bankfull Stream Power (Capacity) Winn' Additional Drama eArea (SM) nla a% o16 <1% 2.4 o28 227 <1% <a% 036 <a% n% Watershed im ewiouscover Eshmate( %) E4 E/G C /E4 C/E C C C C4 CS CS Ros en Classihcabon Bankfull velont (fps) 37 IB7 LM 30 34 3 z 41 33 B1 u4 2o6 2 B1 8 815 8 03 Bankfull Dischar e(cfs) z-7 5 �ivoa � � . ... .......... ONFF re ression D USGSextra olation v`�`Ra — �'.� inns O Mammn s — 2183 - Valle Len th - ua6 a 7 xo 2v '038 Channel Thalwe Len "(ft) : 2 2 5muosi 'ft) 004 004 0006 no56 oo8 0041 0075 Water Surface Slo (ft/ft)' Bankfull Slo (fVft) ( ) Data was not provided N/A Not Applicable 'Design Parameters based on revised Shields Diagram 'Channel was dry at time of baseline survey Slopes were calculated using the channel thalweg 'As Built pattern measuremeants fell within the design ranges, therefore the design parameters set are still applicable Appendix 2 Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table Sc Baseline Stream Data Summary Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No 94641) Lindley Site Monitoring Year 0 NIA Not Applicable 'Design Parameters based on revised Shields Diagram 'Channel was dry at time of baseline survey Slopes were calculated using the channel thalweg 'As Built pattern measuremeants fell within the design ranges, therefore the design parameters set are still applicable P-- Rest- .mbon'Cond;bon Reference Renoh Data Den -n Ai Bwlt/Bfisebne r SFy SFA Lon �Bmnch UTtto Cane Creek SFp SFA! SFy SFA. i Parameter s t Ga e. M!n MBX MI'n iMaxM(n �Maxi�[Min' Max Mfn Msz� �Mm'� �M Mm Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) 1B6 148 186 82 tx8 vo tao 2 6 1 Flood rone Width (ft) x57 x9 4 So. 4O. 5o. 000. o xv8« 201. 00 2v3+ Bankfull Mean Depth 2 7 t 6 x 3 .9 .9 Bankfull Max Depth 40 x9 x9 x5 x7 a3 a7 3. Bankfull Cross sectional Area (ft') nla 497 16 9 a5 0 34 6 85 10 7 S3. 1B ° 9 5 W!dth/De th Ratio 6 9 6 3 7 9 a3 8 7 9 x3 t 24 0 Ito 210 27 Entrenchment Ratio 35 a 9 3 4• 4 59� Bank Hai ht Ratio 14 v8 Lx v5 x 6 0 t2 7 t. D o (mm) 03 0 8 Profile Riffle Len (ft)l 41 79 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) _ — 0 0048 0085 oxo8 0 0x93 o t. o2 8 0 0001 0 a2xo Pool Len th (ft) n/a — 54 a8 21 79 23 Pool Max Depth (ft) — — - _ ° Pool S aan (ft) ^ — — - — — 6 ss Pool Volume (ft') Pattern' Channel Beltwidth(ft) N/A N/A 6o So 77 Bx x36 44 74 8x x36 44 74 Radius of Curvature (ft) NIA N/A 16 87 27 46 76 15 4a 46 76 25 41 Rc Bankfull width (ft /ft) n/a — 5 3 -7 2 8 x 7 2 8 3 3 Meander Len Lh (k) N/A N/A 66 t9s 29 96 191 327 x03 x77 19x 3x7 x03 x77 Meander Width RanO 3 4 6 1 7 Substrate, Bad and Trans ort Parameters R,WRu %IP961G96/S% SC % /Sa % /G % /C % /B % /Be% J�IYi ot310 6/S.3lxox 207/1208 C 12114/4417v 62�- dx61d d5a /d84/d dxoo NIA /NIA/o x71 8/o - N /A/. 1108/20 162 I62 — — - 0;2 063 — 04S9 Reach Shear Stress(Com eten )Ib/ft'� n/a Max art size(mm) mobilized at bankful _ Hawn Stream POwer (Ca an )W /m' Additional Reach Parameters DraMClassification a (SM) 26 x 4 0 28 5x6 00 5 t6 00 rv1O Watershed lm a us Covte( %) <1% <x% — — <x% a% C5 Rosecation E E5 GE CIE4 CS C C Bankf (f S) 5x6 6Bankfull a (cfs) 67 ao 2 214 6 204 Dress!on a3 59 sagailmmmw O USGolahon n/a - — I' la d i91M @ ".t.Yt ilia ?BI nnin s - 0 Valle Length (ft) — 868 1yx 866 Channel Thal Len hIft) 60 0 — — 1 x t1 Sinuosi (ft� 2 Water Surface Slope (ft)ft) D 003 oo,B 0004 005 00 4 0033 ° o067 Bankfull clo e(ft/h) — 006 00 4 ( -) Data was not provided NIA Not Applicable 'Design Parameters based on revised Shields Diagram 'Channel was dry at time of baseline survey Slopes were calculated using the channel thalweg 'As Built pattern measuremeants fell within the design ranges, therefore the design parameters set are still applicable Appendix 2 Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 6 Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross - Section) Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No 94641) Harris and Lindley Site Monitoring Year 0 Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Longitudinal Profile Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SH Monitoring Year 0 602 600 598 596 v o S94 W 592 590 588 I � ♦ ♦ A♦A V� A ♦♦ e♦ I 1♦ L A& AA A X X }� 10000 10100 10200 10300 10400 10500 io600 10700 Station (feet) —o—TW (MYo - 1/2013) 0 STRUCTURES (MYo - 1/2013) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYo - 1/2013) 10600 10900 11000 LBKF /LTOB (MY0- 1/2013) Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Longitudinal Profile Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) UT2 Monitoring Year 0 6o5 604 -� — — — — — — 603 �� — — - -- -- 602 ♦ ♦ v 600 o A ♦ — — 599 - w 598 ♦ 597 -- Ln Ln X x _ 596 — 595 0 50 soo 150 zoo 250 300 350 400 45 0 Station (feet) - LBKF /LTOB (MYo �Izoi3) 0 (MYo- 1/2013) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYo - 112013) Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Longitudinal Profile Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) UT1 Monitoring Year 0 578 577 576 575 574 573 0 v 572 w 571 570 569 68 ♦ a • - - ♦ — - ♦ - ♦♦ _ ♦♦ m • ♦ a ♦♦ o H X X ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ 5 51520 52620 51720 51820 51920 52020 Station (feet) —s TW (MYo- 1/2013) • STRUCTURES (MYo- 2/2023) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYo- 1/2013) LBKF/LTOB (MYo- 1/2013) Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Longitudinal Profile Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF3 Monitoring Year 0 58o 578 ♦ l • — — ♦♦ ♦A L ♦ ♦ AA- A A � ♦♦ ♦ ♦i ' ♦ �♦ 574 - - - - - -�' -� , - -- ♦- S72 _ o "A ♦ v w 570 ♦ 568 — — — tn X X X X X - X - -- 566 -- — — 564 39900 40400 40900 41400 41900 Station (feet) —+—TW (MYo - 1/2013) ♦ RBKF/RTOB (MYo - 1/2013) • STRUCTURES (MYo - 1/2013) LBKF /LTOB (MYo - 1/2013) Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Longitudinal Profile Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF4 Monitoring Year 0 544 — - --- 542 S40 Y 538 c 0 Y w S36 534 532 530 80000 80200 80400 80600 80800 82000 Station (feet) - 4 —TW (MYo- 2/2023) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYo- 2/2023) • STRUCTURES (MYo- 2/2023) 82200 81400 LBKF /LTOB (MYo - 1/2023) Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Longitudinal Profile Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SMA Monitoring Year 0 544 542 ♦ � - - - - - &A — - 540 — -� - — ♦♦ • A, Y _ ' Q1 v 538 - 4L aA e A ♦ ♦ ' d o ` > �A w 536 - 534 n n tn X X X 532 530 90000 90100 90200 90300 90400 90500 90600 90700 90800 90900 Station (feet) tTW (MYo- 1/2013) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYo - 1/2013) 0 STRUCTURES (MYo - 1/2013) LBKF /LTOB (MYo - 1/2013) Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF1, Cross - Section 1 (Riffle) Monitoring Year 0 River Basin Cape Fear Watershed HUC 303002050050 XS ID 1 Drainage Area 132 acres Date 1/22/2013 Field Crew DT, AT Summary Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) Station Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft2) 5.6 Bankfull Width (ft) 8. Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) 596.5 Flood Prone Width (ft) o+ Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) 1.0 Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) o. W/D Ratio 12.8 Entrenchment Ratio z.z+ Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Stream Type C Station Elevation Station Elevation 1.49 595.21 4.6 1 7.2 1 1:1.44 595.61 13-34 .6o 1S.22 1 595-49 15-70 .47 16.66 .11 18.o0 594.63. 18.65 594-59 19-44 .46 20.14 s94.46 20-34 594-47 21.10 594.68 21.87 594-55 23-I .o 24.28 2 24.81 s9s.. 61 2S.72 SgS.65 28.36 33.65 2 39-14 8 4.00 1 8 596.oi Cross - Section 1: View Upstream (1/2212013) SF1 Cross - Section 1(Riffle) Station 104 +44 5975 597 s96 .s 596 w 5955 S95 w 594.5 594 593.5 593 5925 0 10 t MYo- 1/2013 Cross - Section 1: View Downstream (1/22 /2013) 20 30 40 50 Station (feet) - Bankfull Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF1, Cross - Section 2 (Pool) Monitoring Year 0 River Basin Cape Fear Watershed HUC 303002050050 XS ID 2 Drainage Area 132 acres Date 1/22/2013 Field Crew DT, AT Summary Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) 4. Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ftz) 12.8 Bankfull Width (ft) 11. Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) N/A Flood Prone Width (ft) N/A Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) 1. Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) o. W/D Ratio 12.8 Entrenchment Ratio N/A Bank Height Ratio 1.2 Stream Type N/A Station Elevation Station Elevation 1.76 .1 41.16 7.61 595.28 44.83 14.38 595.29 47-SO 8 17.48 .1 18.2 .1 19-31 4.87 20.2 4.78 21.27 594-58 23-01 4.26 z.8 593.52 z 1 26.12 593 z1 27-49 -20 28.32 593.22 29-13 z .74 0.10 594-34 30-98 4.86 2.04 .1 33.22 4 77 35.27 596.12 36.42 596.10 8.2 •77 Cross - Section z: View Upstream (1122/2013) SFi Cross - Section z (Pool) Station 104 +64 597 597 596 - 596 w 595 2 595 y 594 i 594 - 593 593 592 0.00 3.0.00 MYo -2/2c i 20.00 30.00 Station (feet) -Water Surface Cross - Section z: View Downstream (1/22/203.3) 40.00 Bankfull Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) UT2, Cross - Section 3 (Pool) Monitoring Year 0 River Basin Cape Fear Watershed HUC 303002050050 XS ID 3 Drainage Area 78 acres Date 1/22/2013 Field Crew DT, AT Summary Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) 600.2 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft2) 24.2 Bankfull Width (ft) 15.0 Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) N/A Flood Prone Width (ft) N/A Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) 2. Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) 1.6 W/D Ratio 1. 5 2 Entrenchment Ratio N/A Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Stream Type N/A Station Elevation Station Elevation 0.93 599-93 12.77 600.20 2.6.88 600. 1. 5 2 600. 4.2. 1 6.17 qq8.00 8.18 597-56 40-52 597-51 42..1 .7 43.21 8.4 45-13 0 47-04 600.21 48.21 600. 1 2.1 600.1 8.8 0 68.02 599.85 Cross - Section 3: View Upstream (1/22/2013) UT2 Cross - Section 3 (Pool) Station 200 +51 603 6o2 6o1 Z 600 - o u 599 w 598 597 5g6 o.o0 10.00 20.00 -4-- MYo- 1/2013 30.00 40.00 Station (feet) -Water Surface Cross - Section 3: View Downstream (1/22/2013) 50.00 6o.00 70.00 Bankfull Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) UT2, Cross - Section 4 (Riffle) Monitoring Year 0 River Basin Cape Fear Watershed HUC 303002050050 XS ID 4 Drains a Area 78 acres Date 112212013 Field Crew DT, AT Summary Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft2) 13.6 Bankfull Width (ft) 16.6 Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) 611.6 Flood Prone Width (ft) zoo+ Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) 1.1 Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) 0.8 W/D Ratio 20. Entrenchment Ratio 2.2+ Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Stream Type C Cross - Section 4: View U stream (112212013) UT2 Cross- Section 4 (Riffle) Station 200+87 603 602 -- I v w 600 c 0 m _ 599 w 598 597 6 59 0 Cross - Section 4: View Downstream (1122/2013) 10 20 30 40 5" Station (feet) �— MYo- 112013 — Bankfull J J I I i WIMM Cross - Section 4: View U stream (112212013) UT2 Cross- Section 4 (Riffle) Station 200+87 603 602 -- I v w 600 c 0 m _ 599 w 598 597 6 59 0 Cross - Section 4: View Downstream (1122/2013) 10 20 30 40 5" Station (feet) �— MYo- 112013 — Bankfull J J I I i Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF3, Cross - Section 5 (Riffle) Monitoring Year 0 River Basin Cape Fear Watershed H_UC 303002 50 _ XS ID S Drainage Area i,oS6 acres Date i/22/2013 Field Crew DT, AT Summary Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) 576.8 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft2) 30.5 Bankfull Width (ft) 2 . Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) 579.1 Flood Prone Width (ft) zoo+ Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) 2. Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) W/D Ratio 12. Entrenchment Ratio 2.z+ Bank Height Ratio Stream Type C Cross - Section s: View Upstream (1/22/2013) SF3 Cross - Section 5 (Riffle) Station 402 +86 580 579 - - 57B d m 0 576 - — i w 575 574 573 0 10 20 t- MYO- 4/2012 Cross - Section 5: View Downstream (1/2212013) 30 40 50 ao Station (feet) Water Surface - Bankfull 70 Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF3, Cross - Section 6 (Pool) Monitoring Year 0 River Basin Cape Fear Watershed HUC 303002050050 XS ID 6 Drainage Area 1,056 acres Date 1/22/2013 Field Crew DT, AT Summary Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) 575.0 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft2) 30.5 Bankfull Width (ft) 19.7 Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) N/A Flood Prone Width (ft) N/A Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) 2. Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) 1.6 W/D Ratio 12. Entrenchment Ratio N/A Bank Height Ratio 1.o Stream Type N/A Station Elevation Station Elevation O-S3 S74.86 11.16 574.66 6.27 .1 02 6o.07 574.22 66.4 72.0 6q.47 S71.19 70.88 71. 72.4 70. 73.48 572A6 74-77 S72.95 7.0 7.0 77-45 .8 80.12 S7S.29 82.z .6 87.14 575.87 93-45 575-83 10.8 7.7 Cross - Section 6: View Upstream (1/2z/2o12) SF3 Cross - Section 6 (Pool) Station 4o8 +8i 579 578 - 577 - 5j6 I 575 a 574 - - 0 573 . w 572 571 - 570 569 568 0 10 20 30 40 5o 6o Station (feet) �- MYo -4/2012 - Water Surface Cross - Section 6: View Downstream (1/22/2012) 70 8o 90 100 110 Bankfull Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF3, Cross - Section 7 (Riffle) Monitoring Year 0 Summary Data Cape Fear 303002050050 20.6 7 M 1,056 acres 6• 1122/2 200+ DT, AT Summary Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft2) 20.6 Bankfull Width (ft) 16. Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) 6• Flood Prone Width (ft) 200+ Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) 2.2 Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) 1.2 W/D Ratio 1 Entrenchment Ratio 2 -2+ Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Stream Type C Cross - Section 7: View Upstream (1/22/2012) SF3 _. Cross. Section 7: View Downstream (1/22/2012) Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF3, Cross - Section 8 (Pool) Monitoring Year 0 River Basin Cape Fear Watershed HUC 303002050050 XS ID 8 Drains a Area i,oS6 acres Date 1/22 12013 Field Crew DT, AT Summary Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) 2• Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft2) 28.0 Bankfull Width (ft) 1 Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) N/A Flood Prone Width (ft) N/A Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) 1.0 Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) 1• W/D Ratio 1 Entrenchment Ratio N/A Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Stream Type N/A Cross - Section 8: View Upstream (1/22/2013) SF3 Cross- Section 8 (Pool) Station 413 +97 578 577 - - — - - - - - 576 -- — — -- 575 — — 574 v w 573 0 572 _v w 571 570 - — 569 — — -- 566 - - 567 " 0 10 20 30 - -- - —+— MYO-4 /2012 Cross - Section B: View Downstream (1/22/2013) 40 50 00 N .... �- Station (feet) — Water Surface — Bankfull .o f_ _E Cross - Section 8: View Upstream (1/22/2013) SF3 Cross- Section 8 (Pool) Station 413 +97 578 577 - - — - - - - - 576 -- — — -- 575 — — 574 v w 573 0 572 _v w 571 570 - — 569 — — -- 566 - - 567 " 0 10 20 30 - -- - —+— MYO-4 /2012 Cross - Section B: View Downstream (1/22/2013) 40 50 00 N .... �- Station (feet) — Water Surface — Bankfull .o Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF3, Cross - Section 9 (Riffle) Monitoring Year 0 Summary Data Cape Fear 2• 303002050050 19.0 9 MHUC i,o56 acres 1/22/2 013 200+ DT, AT Summary Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) 2• Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft2) 19.0 Bankfull Width (ft) 1 Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) Flood Prone Width (ft) 200+ Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) 1.8 Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) 1.2 W/D Ratio 1 Entrenchment Ratio 2.2+ Bank Hei ht Ratio 1.0 Stream T pe C Station Elevation Station Elevation 18.46 2. 1 6 .00 1 o6 4 .88 2. 1. 8 6.41 7o.6 7.81 7o.6 6o.64 70.72 62. 2 7o.87 6 1.82 67.20 2.4 7.1 2. .14 2.0 6. 2 1.6 11 . 8 1. 1 .8 2.20 579 577 575 I v 573 c 0 w 571 II w 569 567 I� 565 0 Cross - Section 9: View Upstream (1/22/2013) SF3 Cross - Section 9: View Downstream (1/22/2013) 20 40 bo �� - -- Station (feet) Surface - Bankfuil t MYo 4/2012 I ,o Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) UT1, Cross - Section 10 (Riffle) Monitoring Year 0 River Basin Cape Fear Watershed HUC 303002050050 XS ID 10 Drainage Area 230 acres Date 1122/2013 Field Crew DT, AT Summary Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) .0 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft2) 10.5 Bankfull Width (ft) 12.6 Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) Flood Prone Width (ft) 100+ Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) 1. Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) o.8 W/D Ratio I .1 Entrenchment Ratio 2.2+ Bank Height Ratio 100 Stream Type C Cross - Section 1o: View Upstream (1/22/2013) UT1 Cross - Section 10 (Riffle) Station 517 +63 sn 576 575 574 0 w 573 W 572 571 570 0 10 t MYo- 412012 20 30 40 Station (feet) — Water Surface Cross - Section io: View Downstream (1122/2013) 50 6o 70 — Bankfull Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) UTI, Cross - Section 11 (Pool) Monitoring Year 0 River Basin Cape Fear Watershed HUC 303002050050 XS ID 11 Drains a Area 230 acres Date 1/2z12013 Field Crew DT, AT Summary Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) 573.8 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ftz) 17.7 Bankfull Width (ft) 14.2 Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) N/A Flood Prone Width (ft) N/A Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) 2.6 Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) 1. W/D Ratio 11. Entrenchment Ratio N/A Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Stream Type N/A Station Elevation Station Elevation. 0.00 575-07 S7.o8 .62 1.27 574.6L_ 66.12 573.65 6.84 574.28 12. 18.17 574.26 zo. 0 74• 22.27 574-58 23.65 74.07 24-43 573.69 2q.10 2.4 2.0 -2S.48 26.11 S71.14 26.84 571.29 28.6 571.22 28.8 1.7 0.2 2.0 31-S' 72.4 2.28 72.6 34-30 573-13 35.76 8 16.96 573.62 38-40 1. 8 8.22 1 Cross - Section 11: View Upstream (1122/2013) UTl Cross - Section 11: View Downstream (1/2 212 013) m 576 - - 575 _ o 574 '> 573 w 572 571 570 0 6o 70 0 10 20 30 yO 5 Station (feet) -Water Surface - Bankfull t MYo- 4/2012 Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF4, Cross - Section 12 (Pool) Monitoring Year 0 River Basin Cape Fear Watershed HUC 303002050050 XS ID 12 Drainage Area 3,362 acres Date 1/22/2013 Field Crew DT, AT Summary Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft2) 74.4 Bankfull Width (ft) Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) N/A Flood Prone Width (ft) N/A Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) 2.2 W/D Ratio 14.9 Entrenchment Ratio N/A Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Stream Type N/A Cross - Section 12: View Upstream (1/22/2013) Cross - Section 12: View Downstream (1/22/2013) SFr, Cross - Section 12 (Pool) Station 804 +83 546 544 542 540 538 _v w 536 534 532 530 0 10 20 30 40 50 6o 70 80 go 100 110 120 130 240 150 16o Station (feet) —+— MYo- 1/2013 — Water Surface — Bankfull Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF4, Cross - Section 13 (Riffle) Monitoring Year 0 River Basin Cape Fear Watershed HUC 303002050050 XS ID 13 Drainage Area 3,362 acres Date 1/2212013 Field Crew DT, AT Summary Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) 539.6 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft2) 49.5 Bankfull Width (ft) 2 Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) S42.6 Flood Prone Width (ft) 200+ Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) W/D Ratio Entrenchment Ratio E2.2 Bank Hei ht Ratio Stream Type 544 542 540 0 538 W 536 534 532 Cross - Section 13: View Upstream (1/22/2013) SF4 Cross - Section 1:t (Riffle) STA 8o5 +o1 Cross - Section 13: View Downstream (1122/2013) o 10 20 30 40 50 6o 70 8o 90 loo 110 120 Station (feet) —� MYo- 112013 —Water Surface —Bankfull Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF4, Cross - Section 14 (Pool) Monitoring Year 0 River Basin Cape Fear Watershed HUC 303002050050 XS ID 14 Drainage Area 3,362 acres Date 1 /22 /2013 Field Crew DT, AT Summary Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) .8 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft2) 7o.6 Bankfull Width (ft) 38.7 Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) N/A Flood Prone Width (ft) N/A Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) 74.62 Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) 1.8 W/D Ratio 21.2 Entrenchment Ratio N/A Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Stream Type N/A Station Elevation Station Elevation q.SI 41-30 74.62 538.ig 86.08 86 8 2.01 1 537-12 97-35 536.o3 105.86 534-31 107-39 6 110.09 533-95 123.87 .28 117-80 536.5o _119-83 121.1 .8o 122.11 .8 142.o6 537-98 155-72 .1 15 .81 .18 544 542 540 w 538 v g 536 _w 534 532 530 528 Cross - Section 14: View Upstream (1/22/ZO13) SF4 Cross - Section 14 (Pool) STA 811 +57 Cross - Section 14: View Downstream (1/22 /2013) 0 10 20 30 40 50 6o 70 80 go 100 110 120 130 140 150 16 Station (feet) —+— MYo- 1/2013 — Water Surface —Bankfull Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF4, Cross - Section 15 (Riffle) Monitoring Year 0 River Basin Cape Fear Watershed HUC 303002050050 XS ID 15 Drainage Area 3,362 acres Date 1/22/2013 Field Crew DT, AT Summa Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) Station Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ftz) 51.2 Bankfull Width (ft) 27.6 Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) S4o.8 Flood Prone Width (ft) zoo+ Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) 3.2 Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) 1. W/D Ratio 1 . Entrenchment Ratio 2.2+ Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Stream Type C Station Elevation Station Elevation o.16 .6 7.30 537.58 .6 63.2S 1 81.05 537.68 81.7 1 S37. 6 82.67 537-56 85.:Lg 536.64 88.42 .o o. .10 94.22 4. 97-70 .14 101. .10 104-52 536.44 106-gs S37.23 108.12 .4 109-79 537.68 125-01 537.61 13S.99 538-78 Cross - Section 15: View Upstream (1/22/2013) SF4 Cross - Section 15 (Riffle) STA 812 +23 S43 - 541 539 S37 0 0 i 535 v w 533 531 529 Cross - Section 15: View Downstream (1/22/2013) 0 10 20 30 40 50 6o 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Station (feet) -�- MYO- 1/2013 - Water Surface - Bank-full Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SMA, Cross - Section 16 (Riffle) Monitoring Year 0 River Basin Cape Fear Watershed HUC 303002050050 XS ID 16 Drainage Area 637 acres Date 1/22/2013 Field Crew DT, AT Summary Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) 540.4 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft2) 20.4 Bankfull Width (ft) 23.7 Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) 542.8 Flood Prone Width (ft) zoo+ Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) 2. Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) o. W/D Ratio z . Entrenchment Ratio z.z+ Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Stream Type C Station Elevation Station Elevation 15-30 40. 22.]6 540.70 25.52 28.12 10 7 4b y. s S 4� Cross - Section 16: View Upstream (1/22/2013) SF4A Cross - Section 16 (Riffle) STA 902 +44 543 542 541 540 v 539 _v 538 537 536 535 0 20 20 30 Cross - Section 16: View Downstream (1/22/2013) 40 50 6o 70 ao Station (feet) t MYo- 2/2013 - Water Surface - Banktull Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SMA, Cross - Section 17 (Riffle) Monitoring Year 0 Summary Data Cape Fear 303002050050 17.5 17 MeArea 637 acres 1/2212013 200+ DT, AT Summary Data Bankfull Elevation (ft) Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft2) 17.5 Bankfull Width (ft) 1 Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) Flood Prone Width (ft) 200+ Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) 2.1 Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) 1• W/D Ratio 11.0 Entrenchment Ratio 2.2+ Bank Hei ht Ratio 1.0 Stream Type E v w c O I � _v w 543 542 541 540 539 538 537 536 535 534 533 532 Cross - Section 17: View Upstream (1./22/2013) SF4A Cross - Section 17: View Downstream (1122/2013) Lo 0 10 20 30 40 50 00 Station (feet) - + -MYo- 11201.3 Water Surface - Bankfull Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Cross - Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF4A, Cross - Section 18 (Pool) Monitoring Year 0 River Basin Cape Fear Watershed HUC 303002050050 XS ID 18 Draina a Area 637 acres Date 1/22/2013 Field Crew DT, AT Summary Data' = Bankfull Elevation (ft) s36.9 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area ft) 22.9 Bankfull Width (ft) 16.o Flood Prone Area Elevation (ft) N/A Flood Prone Width (ft) N/A Max Depth at Bankfull (ft) 2.8 Mean Depth at Bankfull (ft) 1. W/D Ratio 11.1 Entrenchment Ratio N/A Bank Height Ratio l.o Stream Type NIA Cross - Section .8: View Upstream (1 /22/2023) SF4A Cross - Section 28 (Pool) STA go6 +87 Cross - Section 28: View Downstream (1/22/2023) 542 — - 540 — 538 — — w 0 536 w 534 532 530 0 20 20 30 40 50 6o 70 80 go loo 110 120 230 Station (feet) —MYO- 2/2023 —Water Surface — Bankfull Eta -- Cross - Section .8: View Upstream (1 /22/2023) SF4A Cross - Section 28 (Pool) STA go6 +87 Cross - Section 28: View Downstream (1/22/2023) 542 — - 540 — 538 — — w 0 536 w 534 532 530 0 20 20 30 40 50 6o 70 80 go loo 110 120 230 Station (feet) —MYO- 2/2023 —Water Surface — Bankfull Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF1, Reachwide Monitoring Year 0 1 1261 4LI 11. ne O.zz 0.z o 6 edium 0.z O o. oo 6 arse o. z.0 6 Coarse z.o z.o 6 i.: WINE Very Fine 2.0 2.8 z z z 66 1)A31 }'r ?i ? ?? Very Fine 2.8 4.0 66 ;?Ijussill.ui� ;_.g �1 Fine 4.0 i i i 6 z z 68 Fine 8.0 z Medium 8.o zz. 3 z z z 6 1•••1's`^ ?31 Medium 11. z6.o z z 2 z '(a ;x 1!1).} Coarse 16.o 22.6 z z z 6 . Coarse 22.6 z S 5 7 Very Coarse 32 45 7 7 7 8 ;} ?=g _• Very Coarse 45 64 7 7 7 go Small 64 W 4 4 4 94 Small go 128 3 3 : Lar a 128 18o i3 i i z z zoo Medium I S12 102 100 Large /Very Large 3.024 2048 100 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 f 12048 zoo Total 62 40 102 zoo zoo :iii ?i's'ai3 �i 3� e3 ?3 }33 ?. Reachwide Channel materials (mm) V silt /clay siltlday silt /clay 46.6 ioo.o 256.0 SFz, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution zoo — r 90 ve obbl I r 80 � 70 v 60 E So v' � 40 u a. 30 o_ 20 zo i 0 0.02 0.3 z za zoo i000 20000 Part icle Class Size (mm) �— MYo -z /2023 SFz, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 10094 good 8094 c 709b — — a 6094 m 50% — V � 4094 - — > 3094 — v 3094 — _ -- 094 p� �(p�' by yO�y Otj O' O' Particle Class Size (mm) 0 MYo -21202 3 � Diameter (mm) P Particle Count S SFi Reach Summary Particle Class D ass P Percent min m max R Riffle P Pool T Total P Percentage C Cumulative SILT /CLAY S Silt/Clay 0 0.000 o o.o62 2 26 0 0 6 66 6 6 6 6 fne o o.o6 z o o.zz 6 6S I 1 :iii ?i's'ai3 �i 3� e3 ?3 }33 ?. Reachwide Channel materials (mm) V silt /clay siltlday silt /clay 46.6 ioo.o 256.0 SFz, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution zoo — r 90 ve obbl I r 80 � 70 v 60 E So v' � 40 u a. 30 o_ 20 zo i 0 0.02 0.3 z za zoo i000 20000 Part icle Class Size (mm) �— MYo -z /2023 SFz, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 10094 good 8094 c 709b — — a 6094 m 50% — V � 4094 - — > 3094 — v 3094 — _ -- 094 p� �(p�' by yO�y Otj O' O' Particle Class Size (mm) 0 MYo -21202 3 � silt /clay siltlday silt /clay 46.6 ioo.o 256.0 SFz, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution zoo — r 90 ve obbl I r 80 � 70 v 60 E So v' � 40 u a. 30 o_ 20 zo i 0 0.02 0.3 z za zoo i000 20000 Part icle Class Size (mm) �— MYo -z /2023 SFz, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 10094 good 8094 c 709b — — a 6094 m 50% — V � 4094 - — > 3094 — v 3094 — _ -- 094 p� �(p�' by yO�y Otj O' O' Particle Class Size (mm) 0 MYo -21202 3 � icle Class Size (mm) �— MYo -z /2023 SFz, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 10094 good 8094 c 709b — — a 6094 m 50% — V � 4094 - — > 3094 — v 3094 — _ -- 094 p� �(p�' by yO�y Otj O' O' Particle Class Size (mm) 0 MYo -21202 3 � SFz, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 10094 good 8094 c 709b — — a 6094 m 50% — V � 4094 - — > 3094 — v 3094 — _ -- 094 p� �(p�' by yO�y Otj O' O' Particle Class Size (mm) 0 MYo -21202 3 � Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Substrate Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SH, Cross - Section 1 Monitoring Year 0 Cross - Section 1 Diameter (mm) Particle Cross - Section i Summary D35 = 15.1 Count 23.3 Particle Class 66.8 D = 143.4 Di.0 = 256.o 50% Class Percent min max Total Percentage Cumulative SILT /CLAY JSilt/Clay 0.000 o.o62 Very fine o.o62 0.125 3 Fine 0.125 0.250 3 hpC�� Medium 0.250 0.500 3 Coarse 0.5 1.0 3 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 3 3 6 xxE =3 - 1313_ 1? Very Fine 2.0 z.8 6 l Very Fine 2.8 4.o z 2 8 1, Fine 4.0 5.7 1 1 9 I 3 II Fine S.7 8.0 6 6 15 �14r, Medium 8.o 11.3 7 7 22 Medium Coarse 11.3 16.o 15 15 37 -� 1 _? 3H333 ' 3• 16.0 22.6 1z 12 49 Coarse 22.6 32 12 12 61 Very Coarse i 32 45 12 1z 73 9 Very Coarse y 6 10 10 8 Small Small 64 go go 128 8 3 8 3 91 94 Large 128 18o 3 3 97 Lar e 180 z 6 100 Small 256 362 loo � Small 362 512 100 i Medium 512 1024 100 Large/very Large/very Large 1024 2048 100 BEDROCK 113edrock 1 2048 >2048 1 100 Totall 1o0 1 100 100 Cross - Section 1 Channel materials (mm) Da6 = 8.4 D35 = 15.1 D5. = 23.3 DB = 66.8 D = 143.4 Di.0 = 256.o Cross - Section i Individual Class Percent 10% Cross - Section 1 3044 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 -- • — .....- 70% So% 50% 40% 3o °A 20% 10% 044 silul Ii I go Ve obbt Ild r B d c'. 80 70 � 6o i - 50 _ft 40 20 — 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 loo 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 2/2013 Cross - Section i Individual Class Percent 10% 3044 3o% 70% So% 50% 40% 3o °A 20% 10% 044 a�3 yti otih 0 c0 ti ti yti yrOry �0 2ti �� �v cO yti0 y�0 ry�rO ��ti by yoy ryo�����0 O' O' Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYo - 2/2013 Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) UT2, Reachwide Monitoring Year 0 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count UT2 Reach Summary 100 silt /clay silt /clay RD_silt ass Percent .z min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative SILT /CLAY JSilt/Clay o.000 I o.o62 20 50 70 70 0 90 Very fine o.o62 0.125 70 Fine 0.12 0.250 1 1 1 1 Medium 0.250 0.500 w E V 80 70 50 71 Coarse 0.5 l.o 71 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 71 =ii =3 n } == i';iiiziix3 == �;1R���� 8 }�3i'zls }i�i3 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 - - 1 =} Ve Fine 2.8 4.0 71 i331 }�E i Fine 1 zip. _ . 3_„.a }i,i .o j R, pi si,ii7'ix;3x =' iljlulttl ?jisi;: „`3i Fine Medium 8.0 8.0 1 1 1 40 30 20 10 11. - 1 7z := i = 3= 3ii33?s33 Medium 11. 16.0 3 1 3 ii Coarse 16.o 22.6 z 2 z = ;?i}3 =�I7•7� i i _: • l• l :_ I r Coarse 22.6 z 3 -- 3 80 ,j ll Ve Coarse 2 4 1 1 1 81 '3 Ve Coarse 4 64 4 4 4 8 i == 'M = :.:: � Small 64 0 7 O -I 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 2000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) - - MYO- 2/2013 7 7 2 `Z } }' �IH Small 0 128 5 5 Lar a 128 180 3 3 loo ar a 18o z 6 loo 11111-arge/Very Small z 6 62 zoo Small 62 12 zoo Medium 12 102 100 Large 1024 2048 zoo BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 1 >2048 1 1 1 1 loo Totall 50 1 50 1 zoo 1 100 1 zoo Reachwide Channel materials (mm) UT2, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution /clay 100 silt /clay silt /clay RD_silt 58.6 .z s80.o 100% 90% 8o% 70% a 6o% U 50% v 40% v 30% 20% 30% o% UT2, Reachwide Ind ividual Class Percent ro9 tiy0 O y oh ti ti 0 y 0 yti ti0 ry �o ,5ti �h fit,. �o x,-. ��0 ryyb 3�ti yyti �oyMryo�O �09�0 00 o Particle Class Size (mm) ■MVO- z /zo13 UT2, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90 ve obbl uld r w E V 80 70 50 - - - - j d 40 30 20 10 -r - - - — -- -- O -I 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 2000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) - - MYO- 2/2013 100% 90% 8o% 70% a 6o% U 50% v 40% v 30% 20% 30% o% UT2, Reachwide Ind ividual Class Percent ro9 tiy0 O y oh ti ti 0 y 0 yti ti0 ry �o ,5ti �h fit,. �o x,-. ��0 ryyb 3�ti yyti �oyMryo�O �09�0 00 o Particle Class Size (mm) ■MVO- z /zo13 Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Substrate Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) UT2, Cross - Section 4 Monitoring Year 0 Cross - Section 4 Diameter (mm) Particle Cross - Section 4 D = 23.3 Count Summary Particle Class 70.2 :D= FD 107.3 90 min max Class Percent Total Percentage Cumulative SILT /CLAY [Silt/Clay 0.000 o.o62 1 1 1 E Very fine o.o62 0.125 1 Fine 0.125 0.250 1 5 Medium 0.250 0.500 1 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 c 1 z.o 2.8 - 1 z.8 y.o 1 1 z il34.0 :3s^7x-nag} 5.7 z Kne i, }3"�,gig 5.7 8.0 z z y S.o 11.3 7 7 11 11.3 16.0 1z 1z z3 cila'1 gniimg =$i16.0 Coarse zz.6 22.6 3z d20 11 12 34 46 j3ry 3�"ei ? „• ? > "g•uii£i Very Coarse 3z 45 20 66 �1)B ai31141,1 ti Ve Coarse 6y 1. 81 " its Small 64 go 11 11 92 3' gigi jig: r:��i??.• Small i`i Large go 128 6 6 98 128 180 z z 100 Lar a 180 2S6 I- 100 6o 256 362 100 lSmall Small 362 512 100 512 1024 100 Medium Large/VeryLarge 1024 2048 100 BEDROCK JBedrock 2048 >2048 100 Totall ioo I loo I loo Cross - Section 4 Channel materials (mm) Di6 = i2.g D = 23.3 D, = 34x3 DB = 70.2 :D= FD 107.3 90 100% 90% 80% c u 70 % a 6o% �Iv 50% 40% > 3o°h v 200A 10% 0% Cross - Section 4 Individual Class Percent 0. �0ry, o q 0y ti ti 0 w y 0 titi ,sO ;” b „ uh .- 90 "% X00 �yrO gyro �1ti �0tia ryow0 Moto Particle Class Size (mm) - -- ■MYo- 212013 Cross - Section 4 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 - -- -. i. I* sl u I 90 obbl E I r B d c 80 - 70 v '- I- 6o E 50 V I W 40 W o. 30 I III 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 loo 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) — —MYO- 2/2023 100% 90% 80% c u 70 % a 6o% �Iv 50% 40% > 3o°h v 200A 10% 0% Cross - Section 4 Individual Class Percent 0. �0ry, o q 0y ti ti 0 w y 0 titi ,sO ;” b „ uh .- 90 "% X00 �yrO gyro �1ti �0tia ryow0 Moto Particle Class Size (mm) - -- ■MYo- 212013 Appendix z. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF3, Reachwide Monitoring Year o SF3, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% ZD 70% — — o_ 60% 50% — — — — v' 40% 30% - -- — 20% 20% °% oy'� ', 0ryy oy h 1 0 W b 11 1,o 1ry1b �ti by �W c° yry0 y'° ryy�0 �y'Y y1ti 1oyW ry0�� �Q�O o' o• Particle Class Size (mm) 6 MY0 -z /2023 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count SF3 Reach Summary Class Percent min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative SILT /CLAY Silt /Cla 0.000 o.o62 7 7 Ve fine o.o62 0.22 18 7 25 z z Fine 0.22 0.2 50 2 4 6 9P�o Medium 0.2 50 0.500 4 0 Coarse o. 1.0 z 5 4 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 i i 2 46 �' °Iii'• "I I�I{I£�li�•i 6 ii� 1. Very Fine 2.0 2.8 :,.;:3a:'•�jil „� II > Ve Fine 2.8 4.0 46 iI:_Ii��•;3II �� Fine .o 6 Fine 8.0 iiI &111111 �I�•I Medium 8.o ii. 1 z 3 0 iii�Il II ' j 'I,i� Medium ii. 16.o 4 9 5 i�a Coarse 26.0 22.6 4 z 6 6 6 }II •� III � Coarse zz.6 z 8 8 8 7 '•�1� I I �� . ery Coarse z 7 So Iii���l�; I I•-I Very Coarse 4 6y 3 8 Small 6y o 7 7 7 0 Small 0 228 3 Ii�• " "..\i" Lar e 228 280 z z z Lar a 280 z 6 Small 2S6 62 2 i 2 6 Small 62 22 6 Medium 22 ioz 6 Large/Very Large cozy 2048 96 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >204 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) SF3, Reachwide 0.08 D = Pebble Count Particle Distribution D u = 200 Da 67.2 D = I Duo = 9 0 obbl I r �. � t3c Bo I d 60 V0 S I I 8 4 a y 200 Total 60 40 200 200 200 SF3, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% ZD 70% — — o_ 60% 50% — — — — v' 40% 30% - -- — 20% 20% °% oy'� ', 0ryy oy h 1 0 W b 11 1,o 1ry1b �ti by �W c° yry0 y'° ryy�0 �y'Y y1ti 1oyW ry0�� �Q�O o' o• Particle Class Size (mm) 6 MY0 -z /2023 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count SF3 Reach Summary Class Percent min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative SILT /CLAY Silt /Cla 0.000 o.o62 7 7 Ve fine o.o62 0.22 18 7 25 z z Fine 0.22 0.2 50 2 4 6 9P�o Medium 0.2 50 0.500 4 0 Coarse o. 1.0 z 5 4 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 i i 2 46 �' °Iii'• "I I�I{I£�li�•i 6 ii� 1. Very Fine 2.0 2.8 :,.;:3a:'•�jil „� II > Ve Fine 2.8 4.0 46 iI:_Ii��•;3II �� Fine .o 6 Fine 8.0 iiI &111111 �I�•I Medium 8.o ii. 1 z 3 0 iii�Il II ' j 'I,i� Medium ii. 16.o 4 9 5 i�a Coarse 26.0 22.6 4 z 6 6 6 }II •� III � Coarse zz.6 z 8 8 8 7 '•�1� I I �� . ery Coarse z 7 So Iii���l�; I I•-I Very Coarse 4 6y 3 8 Small 6y o 7 7 7 0 Small 0 228 3 Ii�• " "..\i" Lar e 228 280 z z z Lar a 280 z 6 Small 2S6 62 2 i 2 6 Small 62 22 6 Medium 22 ioz 6 Large/Very Large cozy 2048 96 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >204 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) SF3, Reachwide 0.08 D = Pebble Count Particle Distribution D u = 200 Da 67.2 D = I Duo = 9 0 obbl I r �. � t3c Bo I d 60 V0 S I I V 40 I u a 3O 20 10 I I 0 0.02 0.2 2 20 200 2000 20000 Particle Class Size (mm) tMYO- 2/2023 L- SF3, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% ZD 70% — — o_ 60% 50% — — — — v' 40% 30% - -- — 20% 20% °% oy'� ', 0ryy oy h 1 0 W b 11 1,o 1ry1b �ti by �W c° yry0 y'° ryy�0 �y'Y y1ti 1oyW ry0�� �Q�O o' o• Particle Class Size (mm) 6 MY0 -z /2023 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count SF3 Reach Summary Class Percent min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative SILT /CLAY Silt /Cla 0.000 o.o62 7 7 Ve fine o.o62 0.22 18 7 25 z z Fine 0.22 0.2 50 2 4 6 9P�o Medium 0.2 50 0.500 4 0 Coarse o. 1.0 z 5 4 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 i i 2 46 �' °Iii'• "I I�I{I£�li�•i 6 ii� 1. Very Fine 2.0 2.8 :,.;:3a:'•�jil „� II > Ve Fine 2.8 4.0 46 iI:_Ii��•;3II �� Fine .o 6 Fine 8.0 iiI &111111 �I�•I Medium 8.o ii. 1 z 3 0 iii�Il II ' j 'I,i� Medium ii. 16.o 4 9 5 i�a Coarse 26.0 22.6 4 z 6 6 6 }II •� III � Coarse zz.6 z 8 8 8 7 '•�1� I I �� . ery Coarse z 7 So Iii���l�; I I•-I Very Coarse 4 6y 3 8 Small 6y o 7 7 7 0 Small 0 228 3 Ii�• " "..\i" Lar e 228 280 z z z Lar a 280 z 6 Small 2S6 62 2 i 2 6 Small 62 22 6 Medium 22 ioz 6 Large/Very Large cozy 2048 96 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >204 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) p,b = 0.08 D = o.n D u = u.o Da 67.2 D = z56.o Duo = >zog8 Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Substrate Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF3, Cross - Section 5 Monitoring Year o Cross - Section 5 Diameter (mm) Particle Cross - Section 5 Summary D35 = 1s 3 Count 20.7 Dg = 49.7 D = 73.1 Dio Particle Class Class Percent min max Total Percentage Cumulative SILT /CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 6 J! 70 Very fine o.062 0.125 1 1 1 6 Fine 0.125 0.250 6 hP�o Medium 0.250 o.Soo 6 Coarse o.5 1.0 1 1 7 Ver y Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 ?): ,3111 � Very Fine 2.0 z. z z ? „; Very Fine i13i3i ? )mild ni' ' z1” Fine } : '` z.8 4.0 4.0 5.7 1 4 1 4 15 Fine ;; Medium 5.7 8.0 8.0 11.3 5 6 5 5 zo 25 Is'.i:j' `, $}3: 3 ?„ 3„;j3j § ?l Medium 11.3 16.0 12 11 36 igxli !xl ?ill ?'} 22.6 20 18 5S Coarse 16.0 i 65 33s33ii93g.i 13 Coarse 3x i iii 3" 22.6 32 12 11 81 3,1 jli Very Coarse 32 45 17 1 S 6 12 11 z Ve Coarse d'= Small 64 go 9 8 100 i i ? ?:........, Small z go 128 2 50 v loo "` Large g 128 180 i 100 Large 180 z 6 100 Small 256 362 100 362 512 40 100 Small 512 1024 100 Medium 1024 2048 100 Large/Very Large/Very Large BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 loo Totall iio loo loo Cross - Section 5 Channel materials (mm) D�6 = s.e D35 = 1s 3 D, = 20.7 Dg = 49.7 D = 73.1 Dio Cross - Section 5 Pebble Count Particle Distribution loo i i - — �♦ go - ave obbl r 8 d 80 J! 70 w i I >- 60 i 2 50 v i 40 a 30 20 10 I � O 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) [7—:�MYO- -/2013 Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Substrate Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF3, Cross - Section 7 Monitoring Year o Cross - Section 7 Diameter (mm) Particle Cross - Section 7 Summary D = 25.7 Count 354 Particle Class 80.3 80 115.x 180.0 I Class Percent min max Total Percentage Cumulative SILT /CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 o.o62 1 0 Very fine o.o62 0.125 1 2 2 2 Fine 0.125 0.250 1 1 3 yPC�O Medium 0.250 0.5oo 3 Coarse o.5 1.0 >- 3 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 1 4 3 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 4 I IIj§ gpl� �JN 1.1 �IrI3 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 1 5 6o Fine 4.0 5.7 5 I} }m ??t# ` Fine 5.7 8.o z z 7 1 IIlgl ?' I Medium Medium 8.0 11.3 11.3 16.o 3 7 3 7 10 17 II= i3 } ;' 31 11113 1 Coarse 16.0 22.6 12 16 12 16 zg 45 I3 21 II§ Coarse 22.6 32 �I3�:� 1'•I 31 ')g73 I� 31Ig'3 B.. Very Coarse 32 45 17 17 62 #3%3313'13 iI 33° Very Coarse 4S 64 14 76 "iii iii€ 3131 'sll s33111s Small 64 go 1 12 12 1 88 Small go 128 10 10 98 1�:�z::3s1 iil Large 128 180 z z 100 . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lar e .. 18o z 6 100 Small 256 362 100 362 512 100 Small 512 1024 loo Medium Lar e /Ve Lar e 1024 2048 100 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 1 10o Total 100 100 1 100 Cross - Section 7 Channel materials (mm) D :6 = 25.2 D = 25.7 Do= 354 DrD= 80.3 80 115.x 180.0 Cross-Section Cross - Section 7 Individual Class Percent 100 °.6 _ - - -_ 90 % - - - 80% - JO% - - `v a 6o% - - -- LJ 50% 40% v , > j0% — - - - 20% — __ — - -- - - - - - -- — 10% 0% 'ti0 0 - 04,� titi5 ti5 05 ti ti 0 a h 0 titi ti0 ry �o .fro �„h 30�+ oo o ryt�° toti ti "` ryo1„ �oo�O 0 0 0 Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYo - 2/2013 Cross - Section 7 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 - �- I go veI obbl r B d c 80 I 70 >- 6o Ej 50 v I c 40 u a 30 20 I �I 10 tt _LL 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) YO-2/20-13 Cross-Section Cross - Section 7 Individual Class Percent 100 °.6 _ - - -_ 90 % - - - 80% - JO% - - `v a 6o% - - -- LJ 50% 40% v , > j0% — - - - 20% — __ — - -- - - - - - -- — 10% 0% 'ti0 0 - 04,� titi5 ti5 05 ti ti 0 a h 0 titi ti0 ry �o .fro �„h 30�+ oo o ryt�° toti ti "` ryo1„ �oo�O 0 0 0 Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYo - 2/2013 Appendix z. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Substrate Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94643.) SF3, Cross - Section 9 Monitoring Year o Cross - Section 9 Diameter(mm) Particle Cross- Section Summary 6.g D, o = Sys Count 55 3 D = 983 D,o = Cross - Section 9 Particle Class Pebble Count Particle Distribution Class Percent min max Total Percentage Cumulative 100 ♦ . - �- SILT /CLAY Silt /Cla 0.000 o.o6z 5 go rave obbl I r Very fine o.o6z o.1z5 5 B d cc Fine o.1z5 o.z5o z z 7 SP�o Medium o.z5o 0.500 7 v '- Coarse o.5 1.0 7 60 Very Coarse 1.o z.o 3 10 ? So ;:ii> •i ;- '•• =:3'_: gVery Fine i,13'£,1�:- ��i•i�g9 }„��� Very Fine z.o z.8 1 z.8 4.0 1 11 11 v c V 40 i ?ml�?:� z z 13 a 30 i)•;�i�1i Fine 13$•.�. ?�liiill � 3.3' y.o 5.7 i i���i� �'�;j� Fine i i) i�3?'x i 'li� Medium 5.7 8.0 5 8.0 13..3 9 5 9 3.8 z7 20 — 1 10 — }')�� Medium 3.1.3 16.0 1z 3.z 39 1},$1�3� S•3.: Coarse 16.0 zz.6 18 18 00.02 100 1000 3.0000 �. Coarse zz.6 3z 10 10 67 0.1 1 10 i��:i is i•�,.�.I Very Coarse 3z 45 10 10 77 Particle Class Size (mm) ;l� Very Coarse 6 1z 1z 8 t MYo- zlzol3 �� ;�����`•\ Small go 1z8 4 4 98 1oz4 zoy8 Large •,' }i }�i5ics } } }a� }��� 3.3 1z8 180 z z 100 zoy8 >zo48 Cross- Section 9 100 180 z 6 100 100 100 Individual Class Percent Small z56 36z 100 100% Small 36z 51z 100 Medium 51z 1oz4 100 90% Boob - Lar e /Ve Large c v 70% — - 6o% iD 50`%b v 40% a 3oOA c _ 30�Ib 10% 0% O�7, hry4, ,y(.� 0(� 1 'Y 0 H q'r y`o ry �O �'L �yh faN p�0 h1� 1Q0 ,tic.�o ,��p'l• yq'Y h0,,.b ry0O �DO�o 0 0 0' Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYo- 112013 Cross - Section 9 Channel materials (mm) Di6 = 6.g D, o = Sys DB = 55 3 D = 983 D,o = 3.80.0 1oz4 zoy8 100 BEDROCK Bedrock zoy8 >zo48 100 Total 100 100 100 Cross - Section 9 Channel materials (mm) Di6 = 6.g D, o = Sys DB = 55 3 D = 983 D,o = 3.80.0 Appendix z. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) UT3., Reachwide Monitoring Year o Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count UT1 Reach Summary D = o.z6 D, = 0.3 Da = 26.9 Dqs = na D,o = Class Percent �,�o max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative Ve SILT /CLAY Silt /Cla o.062 8 r 1 1 1 Very fine o.o62 0.125 5 6 11 11 26 Fine 0.125 0.2 50 8 16 z4 z o Bo yPC�O Medium 0.2 50 o. oo y 4 Coarse o. 1.0 1 1 1 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 -.3 °� • Very Fine 2.0 2.8 3: i i•�x ?9 I Ve Fine 2.8 4.0 z z z 7 1 z Fine .o 1 z Fine 8.0 3 z 5 64 60 Medium 8.0 11. 3 3 67 -I' Medium 11. 16.o z 1 3 0 Ir 3 if Coarse 16.0 22.6 to 40 to 10 80 Coarse zz.6 z 13 8 8 88 I��� )93, ��'' Very Coarse z y 4 y z # Ve Coarse 6y z z z y Small 6 0 3 7 V iiii�'� ;iii; •::.�::::: I ±�'�" °•• Small o 128 Large 128 180 1 1 1 6 � c 40 UTi, Reachwide Lar e l8o 2S6 z z z loo Individual Class Percent Small 2S6 62 loo 100% Small 62 lz loo g0% - Medium lz loz loo B0% 3o Large/Very Large lozy 2048 loo c ° 70% i BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 12o4 a 6o% 50% — - -- — 10 > 30% 2C:% o% - 10 — - Obi yr(z o,YC, Oy 'r 0' O' •L 0 h h 0 titi ti� ry �o ,�'L �5 �b �O x,10 yO0 ryy�o ��'Y yy'l 10,1•Nry0q, NO,� Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYo- 2/2023 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) Di6 = 0.07 D = o.z6 D, = 0.3 Da = 26.9 Dqs = na D,o = 256.o Ve obbl r Bo v >- 60 8 loo Total 65 40 loo 100 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) Di6 = 0.07 D = o.z6 D, = 0.3 Da = 26.9 Dqs = na D,o = 256.o UTl, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 — 9 0 Ve obbl r Bo v >- 60 V � c 40 i m a 3o i 10 10 — - 0 0.01 O.1 1 10 300 1000 310000 Particle Class Size (mm) —� MYo- 2/2013 � Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Substrate Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) UT1, Cross - Section 10 aA-- i4 —,,..- v_nr n Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF4, Reachwide Monitoring Year 0 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count SF4 Reach Summary 0.36 D °= 63 pe 102.5 Dgs = 320.7 Dioo = Class Percent min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative ve SILT /CLAY Silt/Clay o.000 o.o62 z g r Very fine o.a62 0.125 3 6 6 is Fine 0.125 0.2 50 5 6 11 a 26 Medium 0.2 50 0.500 z 16 i8 18 SPao Coarse o. i.o Ve Coarse 2.0 2.0 i i i 6 g7 3i�a ?r- ,i ?`?j�•3t; 3�3 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 i z 1 ,})xi•��'g' } � Ve Fine 2.8 4.0 i i i 48 Fine 1 z 3 0 .o Fine ?i�b��.l.��•. '� Medium 8.0 8.o i i z z z 6 iz. 3 i 4 4 ?)3�'?g ) ��jxI•• Medium ii. 16.o 3 z 5 61 3i)� ?=9-999• 33�� Coarse 26.o 22.6 z z z 6 22.6 4 z 6 6 6 i3�Coarse ; Very Coarse z A64 i i z z i very Coarse 4 i 6 6 77 � Small 64 o 5 8z ;;iii: }i`y��.; Small o 128 y i 5 8 • ••�� "•' Large iz8 18o i 4 y i SF4, Reachwide Lar e 18o 2S6 z z z Individual Class Percent Small 256 62 3 3 6 Small 62 zz 40 i 6 i00% Medium iz zozy 6 go °b Large/Very Large cozy 2048 96 c So% V 70% BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 q a y ioo W Total 52 50 30 a 60% - O v 50% a 40% zo v 30% s 20% i io zo% O% 0 o.oi Off', hryy o y O4� �r 'Y U� B .>y ,rho �ry�0 ,�'4 wy (zb o�0 h,}� ry0O ryC.}o 'b'L yy'L Particle Class Size (mm) tMYo- 2/2023 0 0 1O,LPryOy,O kO9�o Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO -z /2023 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) Ds6 = 013 D = 0.36 D °= 63 pe 102.5 Dgs = 320.7 Dioo = >2048 ve bl I r 8a I 70 I " ar '- 60 E � So V ioi ioo ioo Reachwide Channel materials (mm) Ds6 = 013 D = 0.36 D °= 63 pe 102.5 Dgs = 320.7 Dioo = >2048 SF4, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution ioo 90 ve bl I r 8a I 70 I " ar '- 60 E � So V V 40 i u a`, a 30 i zo io 0 o.oi o.i a io ioo i000 i0000 Particle Class Size (mm) tMYo- 2/2023 Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Substrate Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF4, Cross - Section 13 Monitoring Year 0 Cross - Section 13 Diameter (mm) Particle Cross - Section 1 Summa ry 3 D = na Count 29.1 D8 = 70.5 ve obbl I r B d c D,o = Particle Class Class Percent min max Total Percentage Cumulative SILT /CLAY t /Cla 0.000 o.o62 2 2 2 Very fine o.o62 0.125 2 7E, Fine 0.125 0.250 1 1 3 Med ium ..250 0.500 3 Coarse o.5 1.0 3 3 6 Ve ry Coarse 1.0 2.0 7 7 1 pi ?xia3 " ? ?13. Very Fine 1"' =i �•�•!�'� Very Fine 2.0 2.8 2.8 4. 0 1 3 1 3 14 17 ? ?, Fine 4.0 5.7 17 Fine 5.7 8.0 1 1 18 Medium 8.0 11.3 7 7 2S Medium 11.3 16.0 8 8 33 =3: �;) "; 1, • •3 � Coarse Coarse 16.0 22.6 12.6 32 8 13 8 13 41 53 Very Coarse Very Coarse 32 4S 45 64 1 15 13 1 66 81 ~;;•3; i;i; 'si:33 Small 64 90 10 10 91 Small 9 0 128 6 6 97 Z ZZ, Large 128 180 z 2 99 ZM ::....._ ::......:::.. Lar e 180 z 6 1 1 100 Small 256 362 100 362 512 100 Small 512 1024 100 Medium 1024 2048 100 Lar e/Ve Lar e BEDROCK 113edrock 2048 1 >2048 Particle Class Size (mm) loo Totall 101 100 100 Cross - Section 13 Channel materials (mm) D16 = 3.6 D = na D, = 29.1 D8 = 70.5 ve obbl I r B d c D,o = 256.0 Cross - Section 13 Individual Class Percent 10045 90 °r6 - - -- - - - - - - c 70% — - - -- m N6o% - - - 600 — -- – – – 400 – – – – – v – v300/6 - - – c 20°.5 – – - -- – - - -– – -- 0% �� tih tih oy h ti h 1ti ti� ry �ti �y �u �0 1ry� 1�o ryyy ��ry ytiry �0ti?, ryo0'e 0 0~ Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYo - 2/1013 I Cross - Section 13 Pebble Count Particle Distribution loo — I1 90 ve obbl I r B d c 8o 0 70 a, > 6o I.. so c 40 u I a 30 20 ! I _ _! 00.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) 0 MYo- 212013 Cross - Section 13 Individual Class Percent 10045 90 °r6 - - -- - - - - - - c 70% — - - -- m N6o% - - - 600 — -- – – – 400 – – – – – v – v300/6 - - – c 20°.5 – – - -- – - - -– – -- 0% �� tih tih oy h ti h 1ti ti� ry �ti �y �u �0 1ry� 1�o ryyy ��ry ytiry �0ti?, ryo0'e 0 0~ Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYo - 2/1013 I Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Substrate Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SK Cross - Section 15 Monitoring Year 0 Cross - Section 15 Diameter (mm) Particle Cross - Section 15 Summary D = 16.o Count 35.6 D8 = 104.5 D = lna D,00 = Particle Class B d c Class Percent min max Total Percentage Cumulative SILT /CLAY Silt/Cla 0.000 o.o62 8 8 8 yeryfine o.o62 0.125 2 2 to Fine 0.125 0.250 to Medium 0.250 0.500 3 3 13 Coarse 0.5 1.0 13 Ve Coarse 1.0 2.0 5 17 1. Very Fine iai a k' i . ry 2.o z.8 1 1 18 3.. Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 1 19 Fine Fine 4. o 5.7 5-7 8.0 3 3 3 3 2z 25 i.� Medium 8.0 11.3 4 4 29 6 6 35 Medium 3k 3�1 3 11.3 16.0 16.o 22.6 8 B 43 j Coarse ' Coarse 22.6 32 5 5 48 Very Coarse 32 45 8 8 55 Very Coarse 6 12 12 6 :: ;:;;a:;:;•;;:;; Small 64 90 12 12 79 \ :, Small 90 128 13 13 gl `(i'i "''' Large i 128 180 4 4 95 18o 2q6 5 loo :.....:..:.:....:.. Small 2 56 362 loo Small 362 512 loo 512 1024 loo Medium 1024 2048 loo Lar e /Ve La r e BEDROCK lBedrock 2048 1 >2048 loo Totall 103 loo loo Cross - Section 15 Channel materials (mm) D 6 = 1.6 D = 16.o D o = 35.6 D8 = 104.5 D = lna D,00 = z56.o i Z00% 900A 80% 70% 0 60% U 50% 400b v :a 30% 1096 20% 0% Cross - Section iS Individual Class Percent lb �w y l y1 ,yam ry, b '> _', b" Oj ,y1° , ryy _, ' 4h' 0 -•, �. o h o• O' O' Particle Class Size (mm) ■MYO- 2/2013 Cross - Section 15 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 200 lit/ I 90 —vel bbl r B d c 70 6o 0 E 50 V m 40 ` T.. .._ 20 20 0 0.01 0.1 1 20 loo loco 20000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO-2/2023 i Z00% 900A 80% 70% 0 60% U 50% 400b v :a 30% 1096 20% 0% Cross - Section iS Individual Class Percent lb �w y l y1 ,yam ry, b '> _', b" Oj ,y1° , ryy _, ' 4h' 0 -•, �. o h o• O' O' Particle Class Size (mm) ■MYO- 2/2013 Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF4A, Reachwide Monitoring Year 0 Reachwide Diameter (mm) Particle Count SF4A Reach Summary Bo% o.iz 7096 Particle Class UDD100 yq.o go �avel i obbl r ass Percent 3094 zo94 1094 — — 70 min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative SILT /CLAY Silt/Clay o.000 o.o62 y 3 3 3 29 1 F Ill o.o6z o.3z 7 33 38 38 6 o.3z o.z o 3 3 3 o.z o o. oo z 6 8 8 >— m o. 3.0 3 48 3.0 2.0 z z y z ��� Ve Fine � . Fine z.o z.8 2.8 y.o 3 3 3 3 z z z z 6 5o li •���a�:3�? Fine 6 )a ��• ! •�a � Fine 4.0 8.0 4 4 60 c u 40 33 }�� t� i Medium 8.o u. z z z 62 i��3g3j'I ( Medium 3'a 33. 36.0 3 3 6 m 30 - tli 1' !r��;•;�� � � ' Coarse 36.o 22.6 7 7 Coarse 22.6 z 8 8 8 7 Coarse z 6 8 �i �• � 10 � i. Ve Coarse 4 64 9 Small 64 90 6 6 6 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 3000 10000 `Small 0 3z8 —� M— Yo- zlzoa3 -, ••*' "i Lar e 328 380 Lar e 38o 2r6 loo loo SF4A, Reachwide Individual Class Percent Small 2;6 6z 3 3 3 loo 1 Small 62 3z 300 Medium lz 3024 300 Large/Very Large 1024 2048 300 C a, BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 12046 300 a Total 62 40 102 N m v A i v v c 0% (p .y4) h 1 0 1. 0 y'r y� .y'k uh fps" p0 ,Yry� ,yQO ,14b ,�('1ti y1ti tiyh O(� 0 0' h0'YN ryOp� NOpb ry 09 Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO•z/m13 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) SF4A, Reachwide silt /clay Bo% o.iz 7096 loo UDD100 yq.o go �avel i obbl r 400,4 36z.o 3094 zo94 1094 — — 70 >— m 6o � U 5o c u 40 m 30 - zo 10 - _- 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 3000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) —� M— Yo- zlzoa3 -, loo loo Reachwide Channel materials (mm) SF4A, Reachwide silt /clay Bo% o.iz 7096 loo UDD100 yq.o go �avel i obbl r 400,4 36z.o oo9i SF4A, Reachwide Bo% Pebble Count Particle Distribution 7096 loo 6094 go �avel i obbl r 400,4 Bo 3094 zo94 1094 — — 70 >— m 6o � U 5o c u 40 m 30 - zo 10 - _- 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 3000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) —� M— Yo- zlzoa3 -, oo9i go96 Bo% 7096 6094 5096 400,4 3094 zo94 1094 — — Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Substrate Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SMA, Cross - Section 16 Monitoring Year 0 Cross - Section 16 Diameter (mm) Particle Cross-Section 16 Summary :.a D = 7.2 D, = iz7 Count 33.1 D = 50.6 p,o = 90.0 Particle Class 90 — Class Percent ve min max Total Percentage Cumulative r B d c i. SILT /CLAY Silt /Cla 0.000 o.o62 y Bo Very fine o.o62 0.125 y Fine 0.125 0.250 z z 6 yPCY� Medium 0.250 0.500 6 Coarse o.5 1.0 3 3 9 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 z z 11 Very Fine Very Fine ,• 2.0 2.8 5 2.8 4.0 6 5 6 16 zz 70 t Fine 1 4.0 5.7 8 8 30 ��)�� i� =�3• Fine 5.7 8.0 7 7 37 Medium 8.0 11.3 7 7 44 li�� 3c "tji, Medium u.3 16.0 16 16 60 III 3ylf�i�a��1� Coarse 16.o zz.6 12 12 7 z 22.6 z 11 3 11 8 3 � 60 .�1� 3 -;x'i z 10 3 4S 10 93 ���;� ' � Ve Coarse y 6 6 6 i,��' =��i:•iia3ta��; Small 64 go 1 1 100 Small go 128 100 Large 1z8 180 8 100 100 Total 100 Lar e 180 2S6 100 Cross - Section 16 � 50 Individual Class Percent Small 256 362 100 Small 362 512 100 100% I Medium 512 lozy 100 ]Large/very Large lozy 2o48 100 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >204 a v uyo a v v a 3o 0% �O�ryh �ti Hy b4 �O yeti ryyb Oryh OD ryry� ��1 �o,�,N ryOW� ��ro M1,yO h�0 Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYo- z /zo13 Cross - Section 16 Channel materials (mm) p,b = :.a D = 7.2 D, = iz7 DB = 33.1 D = 50.6 p,o = 90.0 zoob 1096 90 — ve obbl r B d c i. Bo I 70 — - � 60 8 100 Total 100 100 100 Cross - Section 16 Channel materials (mm) p,b = :.a D = 7.2 D, = iz7 DB = 33.1 D = 50.6 p,o = 90.0 Cross - Section 16 7o°rb Pebble Count Particle Distribution 6096 100 5096 yo9b - 3096 zoob 1096 90 — ve obbl r B d c i. Bo I 70 — - � 60 � 50 � V uyo a 3o I zo � 10 o 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 loo0 l0000 Particle Class Size (mm) +MYo- z /zo13 go96 8o9b 7o°rb 6096 5096 yo9b - 3096 zoob 1096 — Appendix 2. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Substrate Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) SF4A, Cross - Section 17 Monitoring Year 0 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count Cross - Section 17 Summary min max Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative SILT /CLAY JSilt/Clay 0.000 o.o62 0 Very fine o.o62 0.12S 6 6 6 Fine 0.125 0.250 7 7 13 5 Medium 0.250 0.500 11 11 24 Coarse 0.5 1.0 3 3 27 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 7 7 4 , sl ;i d ,•{ i 1.. Very Fine ??3 =iai, ^= ', Very Fine I;II; ?xii ; 11 Fine u�xj•? ? ii ?P?313i =ice a=u:= iai Fine ?I.i Medium Medium 2.0 2.8 4.0 5.7 8.o 2.8 4.0 S•7 8.0 u.3 z 3 3 6 4 z 3 3 6 4 36 39 42 48 52 u.3 16.0 12 12 64 Coarse 16.0 22.6 7 7 71 Coarse 22.6 32 8 8 79 Very Coarse 32 45 10 10 89 Ve Coarse 6 70 2 Small Small ica .'` ?"_ ?? ? := Large 64 go z z 94 9 o 128 328 18o 6 6 Soo Soo "3 ::`:i83:ii?3? Lar e 180 z 6 Soo Small 362 Soo Small 512 Soo Medium �re L36 lozy Soo Lar e /Ve zo48 100 BEDROCK lBedrock 2048 >2048 1 1 loo Totall Soo I loo Soo Cross - Section 17 Channel materials Inn D,6 = °3 p = 1.4 D5. = 9.4 D8 = 379 D = 95.4 D_ Cross - Section 17 Individual Class Percent 300% 90% 8045 c 70% - v 0 6o% cj SO% — 40% — 30% 20% — 30% 0% 0��011y 01� 0(� h 1 0 =x h 0 11 ,yiO 1� �1 wy 10" C0 hry0 1V 1011, 10w0181b Particle Class Size (mm) 0 MYo- 3/1033 Cross - Section 17 Pebble Count Particle Distribution Soo • _I 90 Ve obbl r B c Bo — I 70 '- 6o — E 5o v c 40 a 30 i 20 I 30 _ I o 0.03 0.1 1 10 loo 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) —0 -MYo- 2/2013 Cross - Section 17 Individual Class Percent 300% 90% 8045 c 70% - v 0 6o% cj SO% — 40% — 30% 20% — 30% 0% 0��011y 01� 0(� h 1 0 =x h 0 11 ,yiO 1� �1 wy 10" C0 hry0 1V 1011, 10w0181b Particle Class Size (mm) 0 MYo- 3/1033 Stream Photographs (Harris Site) Photo Points — looking upstream (01/22/2013) Photo Point 1— looking downstream (01/22/2013) Photo Point 2 — looking upstream (01/22/2013) Photo Point 2 — looking downstream (01/22/2013) Photo Point 3 — looking upstream (01/22/2013) I Photo Point 3— looking downstream (01/22/2013) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs ELM C.>7W iW =�IW I Photo Point 4 — looking upstream (01/22/2013) Photo Point q— looking downstream (01/22 /2013) Photo Point 5— looking upstream (05/17/2012) �ry ',� 11� .j• �Y J Zi P Photo Point 6 — looking upstream (01/22/2013) Photo Point 5 — looking downstream (05/17/2012) ✓ t ��'M t PIG _� t Photo Point 6 — looking downstream (01/22/2013) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 7—looking upstream (01/22/2013) I Photo Point 7 — looking downstream (01/22/203.3) Photo Point 8 —looking upstream (01/22/2013) I- I ® &M Lk:}I Photo Point 8— looking downstream (01/22/2013) F_ Photo Point 9 — looking upstream (01/22/2013) Photo Point 9 — looking downstream (03./22/2013) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs St I ml I 1 Iw 'I In Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs t qf z • F Photo Point 3.3 — looking upstream (2/22/2013) @%kW&&ktv d 1 t. 6: -. •p �1i� F �l � ^•��_ i � x.4.,1 -� y' f NOW 't a Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 19 — looking upstream (01/22/2013) Photo Point 20 — looking upstream (01/22/2013) Photo Point 19 — looking upstream (01/22/2013) � D Photo Point 20— looking upstream (01/22/2013) Photo Point 21— looking upstream (1/22/2013) Photo Point 21— looking downstream (1/22/2013) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 22 — looking upstream (1/22/2013) I Photo Point 22 — looking downstream (1/22/2013) 5 W15 7 v Photo Point 23 — looking upstream (1/22/2013) Photo Point 23— looking downstream (1/22/2013) i ;�!4 nil ._, Photo Point 24— looking upstream (01/22/2013) I Photo Point 24— looking downstream (01/22/2013) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 28 — looking upstream (01/22/2013) Photo Point 28 — looking downstream (01/22/2013) Photo Point 29 — looking upstream (01/22/2013) r Photo Point 30— looking upstream (01/22/2013) Photo Point 29 — looking downstream (01/22/2013) - x VIN f 'r ry Ifs � t Photo Point 30 — looking downstream (01/22/2013) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs . !X 7 r, •��s }` S.._. SI 'Yi!R Fes,.. ,. � .. Photo Point 31 —looking upstream (02/12/2013) Photo Point 33. — looking downstream (02/12 /2013) yr- ... � '� ,° �y '-. i ;� � v * A y 4. _ ♦v. ' " e i� tt - ' ' d VIC ti F A/ G S Y .Y Photo Point 34— looking upstream (02/12/2013) Photo Point 34 — looking downstream (02/12/2013) � ti.. =.i.. - .. '+ J f .A Jr 4 IT'. {, 1^ ` � :.i. �T j '. � �S6 . -�tt�f f•. Y �,�,.;., •S : J�—�� x+i rc S`. c s a� � '�: ra �� � c Photo Point 35— looking upstream (02/12/2013) Photo Point 35— looking downstream (02/12/2013) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 36 — looking upstream (02/12 /2013) I Photo Point 36 — looking downstream (02 /22/2013) I Photo Point 37— looking upstream (02/12/2013) Photo Point 37— looking downstream (02/22/2023) Photo Point 38— looking upstream (02/12/2013) I Photo Point 38 — looking downstream (02/22/2013) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 39 — looking downstream (02112/2013) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Stream Photographs (Lindley Site) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs n Photo Point 43 —looking upstream (01/22/201-. n r U � q v l i ! 1 QQ _ T .i ♦ '.. ��� -f5 4 � T k. � �$� f ���� � W - `.�. f, ��r`i)S4`•.` - i tit :•f'j+F�W � .��.�� i. G t.4�.. Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs �t k'/i} �{��?37 5 ,pp y k+ 3'` l 'tire' 4 t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . r L`iy' ��4, `,�%1 i'•+ti P *Z.,,Qiys Y a' i �aI ./ hpK w,e t�yl t -'�✓' :+ 7 'y` N'i f ,.� x -�-} • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a .a i -{ l �ll�0i f fi f Ike. _ err — }•' }. 1.R. i.. 3 7 Photo Point 48 — looking upstream(Ol/22/2013) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs APPENDIX 3. Vegetation Plot Data APPENDIX 3. Vegetation Plot Data Appendix 3 Vegetation Plot Data Table 7a Planted and Total Stem Counts (Species by Plot with Annual Means) Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No 94641) Harris Site Monitoring Year 0 Name Type =Shrub or Tree P = Planted T = Total Tree Species Count Stem Count ii Appendix 3 Vegetation Plot Data Table 7b Planted and Total Stem Counts (Species by Plot with Annual Means) Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No 94641) Harris Site Monitoring Year 0 Type =Shrub or Tree P = Planted T = Total Current Data (MYo- 1/2013) I Annual Means Species Common Name Type Betula ni r0 river birch Tree Plot 16 Plot 17 1 Plot 18 Plot 19 1 Plot 20 Plot 21 Plot 22 Plot 23 Plot 24 Plot 25 Plot 26 Plot 27 Plot 28 Plot 29 P T P T P T P I T J P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T z 2 1 1 2 z 1 1 1 1 2 8 Current Mean P T Corpus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 6 6 2 z Frawnus enns lvanica Linodendron tub i era green ash tuli tree Tree Tree z 2 1 2 1 z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 Platanus ocodentatis Americans camore Tree 1 1 2 2 1 1 6 6 2 Quercus michauwi Quercus o oda Quercus hellos swam chestnut oak Cher bark oak willow oak Tree Tree Tree 2 2 2 z 6 z z 6 6 1 6 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 z 2 1 2 z 1 8 2 8 S 2 2 6 1 2 6 1 1 z 1 z z z BE 8 Sabxserncea sd willow Tree 2 z z Plot Area (acres) Speue!s= Stem Count Stems per Acrel 00247 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 '19 19 18 18 1 17 1 17 1 3,7 17 1 -17 1 16 1 16 1 21 1 21 1 18 1 18 1 15 1 15 1 17 17 17 1 17 1 16 1 16 1 18 1 18 1 24 1 24 1 1 Z62 6 2 9 729 1688 1688 1688 688 688 1688 1 64816481 85o 85ol 85o[7291 72 6071 6o7 L6881 688168816881648 1648 1729 1729 2 2 6^2 1 698 Type =Shrub or Tree P = Planted T = Total Appendix 3 Vegetation Plot Data Table 7c Planted and Total Stem Counts (Species by Plot with Annual Means) Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No 94641) Lindley Site Monitoring Year 0 Type =Shrub or Tree P = Planted T = Total Current Data (MYo- 1/2013) Annual Means Species Common Name Type Plot 30 Plot 31 Plot 32 Plot 3 Plot 34 Plot 35 Plot 36 Plot 37 Plot 38 Plot g Plot 40 Plot 41 Plot 42 Current Mean P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T Betula ni ra river birch Tree z z 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 4 4 4 Corpus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 2 z 2 2 1 1 2 z 4 4 1 1 z 2 1 1 4 4 1 1 Fraxmus perinsylvanica green ash Tree 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 10 10 4 4 1 1 1 1 Linodendron tuli i era tuh tree Tree 1 1 2 z 1 1 4 4 z 2 Platanusoccidentabs Americansycamore Tree 1 1 1 1 5 5 6 6 4 4 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 z z Quercusmchauxu swamp chestnut oak Tree 4 4 6 6 3 3 2 z Quercus o oda cherrybark oak Tree 4 6 6 3 1 1 z z 2 2 6 6 2 z Quercus hellos willow oak Tree 6 6 2 z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Salixsencea silk willow Tree z 2 6 6 1 1 1 1 Plot Area (acres) Species Count Stem Count Stems erAcre 00247 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 p8iol �891 22 18 18 z2 22 2 2 1 1 20 20 1 1 1 1 20 20 1 1 20 20 1 1 1 1 0 893. 1 729 z 8911 8911 1 1 93j- 1 6o7 I 6o7 I 810 I 810 1 769 6 6 9 1 769 1 810 1 810 1 526 1 526 1 810 I 810 I c26 I r26 698 6 8 Type =Shrub or Tree P = Planted T = Total Appendix 3. Vegetation Plot Data Table Ba. CVS Vegetation Tables - Metadata Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No 94641) Harris Site Monitoring Year 0 Report Prepared By Alea Tuttle Date Prepared 2/11 /201315 02 database name Underwood MYo- cvs -ee -ent tool-v2 3 o mdb database location ��WILDNCSVR�ProjectslActiveProjects�ooS-02125 Underwood Mitigation FDPJMorntonn Baseline Morntonn lVegetation Assessment DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT ------------ Metadata This worksheet, which is a summary of the project and the project data Plots List of lots surveyed Vigor FrequencV distnbution of vigor classes Vigor b S Fre uenc distribution of vigor classes listed by species Dama a List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot Stem Count by Plot and Spp Unknown PROJECT SUMMARY------------------------------------- Project Code 94641 Project Name Underwood Mitigation Site Description Stream and Wetland length (ft) n/a stream-to-edge width (ft) n area (s m) Plots (calculated) .Required Sampled Plots z Appendix 3. Vegetation Plot Data Table 8b. CVS Vegetation Tables - Metadata Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No 94641) Lindley Site Monitoring Year 0 Report Prepared By Alea Tuttle Date Prepared 211112013 IS o6 database name Underwood Wo- cvs -ee -ent tool -v2 3 o mdb database location l�WILDNCSVR�ProjectslActiveProjectsloo.5-02125 Underwood Mitigation FDPIMonitorm lBaselme Monitonn �Vegetation Assessment DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT --------- - -- Metadata This worksheet which is a summary of the project and the project data Plots List ofplots surveyed Vigor Frequency distnbution o w orclasses Vigor b Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species Dama e List o most re vent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent o total stems impacted by each Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot Stem Count by Plot and Spp Unknown PROJECT SUMMARY------------------------------- - - - - -- .• Project Code 94641 Project Name Underwood Mitigation Site Description Stream and Wetland len th (ft) n/a stream-to-edge width (ft) n/a area (s m) Required Plots (calculated) ,Sampled Plots 1 Appendix 3. Vegetation Plot Data Table 9a CVS Vegetation Tables - Vigor by Species Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) Harris Site Monitoring Year 0 vi or Species CommonName 4 3 2 1 o Missing, 2 eetula nl ra river birch 91 0 0 4 496 100 TOT Corpus amomum silky dogwood 10 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash 51 Quercus michauxu swamp chestnut oak 72 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak 78 Quercus phellos willow oak 4 Salixsencea silky willow 16 brnodendron tuli i era tuli tree z Platanus ocndentabs Americansycamore so6 TOT I i 1 496 vi or Count Percent 0 0 0 1 o 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 496 100 TOT 496 ioo Notes Vigor Scores 4 Excellent 3 Good z Fair s Unlikely to survive year 2 Dead Appendix 3. Vegetation Plot Data Table 9b. CVS Vegetation Tables - Vigor by Species Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) Lindley Site Monitoring Year 0 vi or Species CommonName 4 3 2 i o Missing 2 eetula ni ra river birch 33 0 0 4 244 loo TOT Corpus amomum silky dogwood 20 Fraxinus perinsylvanica green ash 3 Quercus michauxn swamp chestnut oak i5 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak 53 Quercus phellos willow oak 19 Salixsencea silky willow 22 brnodendron tuli i era tuli tree i 8 Platanus ocadentalis Americansycamore 3 TOT I 1 244 vi or Count Percent 0 0 0 i o 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 244 loo TOT 244 100 Notes Vigor Scores 4 Excellent 3 Good 2 Fair i Unlikely to survive year 2 Dead Appendix 3. Vegetation Plot Data Table lOa CVS Vegetation Tables -Damage by Species Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) Harris Site Monitoring Year 0 _kI mac, F O eetula ni ra river birch 91 Corpus amomum silky dogwood 10 Fraxmus pennsylvanica green ash 51 Linodendron tuli i era tuli tree z Platanus occidentahs Americansycamore 1o6 Quercus michauwi swamp chestnut oak 72 Quercus pagoda cher bark oak 78 Quercus phellos willow oak 4S Salixsencea silk willow 16 TOT 496 Damage Count Percent Of Stems No Damage 1 496 100 TOT 496 100 Appendix 3. Vegetation Plot Data Table 10b. CVS Vegetation Tables - Damage by Species Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) Lindley Site Monitoring Year 0 0 eetula ni ra river birch 33 Corpus amomum silk do wood 20 Frawnus pennsylvanica green ash 3S brnodendron tuli i era tuli tree 8 Platanus occidentahs Americansycamore Quercus michaun swamp chestnut oak 1 Quercus pagoda Cher bark oak Quercus phellos willow oak 1 Salixsencea silky willow 22 TOT 244 Damage Count Percent Of Stems No Damage 244 ioo TOT 244 100 0 Appendix 3. Vegetation Plot Data Table 11 a. CVS Vegetation Tables - Stem Count by Plot and Species Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) Harris Site Monitoring Year 0 oh o o� o o°) OR y `Qy , 0 y OO O O O O O O O O O p mac. ^a Q .. .. .,� .x v% %00 OOy�Y OOy� OOHS 0 r 4 w w V. w h� ci Betula nl ra river birch 35 10 4 2 1 2 2 3 1 7 9 3 1 3 S 3 6 Corpus amomum silky dogwood 2 1 2 2 Fraxlnus pennsylvanica green ash ig 8 2 1 2 1 4 4 1 3 4 1 1 briodendron tuli i era tuli tree 7 1 2 2 z Platanus ocadentalis Americansycamore 8 8 6 3 4 1 4 S -17 4 Quercus michauxu swamp chestnut oak 17 3 4 7 3 1 2 6 2 2 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak 20 1 1 1 2 Quercus hellos willow oak 1 6 M20 1 2 1 SalixSencea silk willow 6 2 2 1 TOT 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 16 Appendix 3. Vegetation Plot Data Table 11 b. CVS Vegetation Tables - Stem Count by Plot and Species Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) Harris Site Monitoring Year 0 0 o Oy Oy^ O� O ~� Ory Oryy Oryry O41 O O~y Ory O~^ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O F w w w � �n •n w .r w vy. w <o �o to to ro 'o �o ro ro to co <o <o 'c O� �� ��. Cr Cr Cr Oi v. 0i 0i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8, 0 0 0 0 0/ vl- Betula ni ra W river birch 6 18 •a 3 .t 3 .t 3 .K z '% 1 F "-.I 3 < 4 F < z < S 1 3 - 1 z - 1 - 8 Corpus amomum silk dogwood 8 z 4 6 z Fraxlnus enns lvanlca green ash 2 14 2 1 1 2 1 4 4 1 Linodendron tull I era tull tree 20 11 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 z Platanus ocadentalis Americansycamore 68 16 4 3 7 4 3 z 1 6 3 3 z Quercus michauxit swamp chestnut oak s5 16 3 3 z 6 z 8 z 1 z 5 4 z Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak S8 16 4 z z 3 z 6 z 1 1 S 4 8 TOT Quercus phellos Salixsencea willow oak silky willow z 10 14 4 z 3 z S 29 6 18 1 1 1 17 1 17417 1 i 16 z 21 1 18 3 z 15 3 17 17 16 z 18 z 2 Appendix 3. Vegetation Plot Data Table 11 c. CVS Vegetation Tables - Stem Count by Plot and Species Underwood Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 94641) Lindley Site Monitoring Year 0 O H N O'-j V` �O ^ W � O M N O OO� � OO eO O� O� O O O O O O O O O O O O O S Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q river birch 33 11 2 1 2 S 1 4 Betula ni ra Corpus amomum silk dogwood 20 10 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 9 reen ash 715 10 1 10 4 1 1 Fraxmus perinsylvanica Linodendron tuli i era tuli tree Americansycamore swamp chestnut oak cherrybark oak 8 39 1 53 4 13 '13 2 3 4 1 4 1 6 3 6 1 4 2 1 8 z 1 3 2 1 6 6 1 1 1 2 3- 2 2 Platanus occidentalis Quercus michauxn Quercus pagoda willow oak Iq 9 2 6 2 3 1 1 1 Quercus phellos silky willow 22 7 z 6 1 1 Salixsencea TOT 2!� 20 22 18 22 2 1 20 19, 1 20 1 20 1 Vegetation Photographs (Harris Site) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 3: Vegetation Plot Data — Vegetation Photographs Vegetation Plot 7 (01/22/2013) I Vegetation Plot 8 (01/22/2013) Vegetation Plot 9 (01/22/2013) Vegetation Plot 10 (01/22/2013) Vegetation Plot 11(01/22/2013) I Vegetation Plot 12 (01/22/2013) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 3: Vegetation Plot Data — Vegetation Photographs Vegetation Plot 13 (01/22/2013) Vegetation Plot 14 (01/22/2013) Vegetation Plot 15 (01/22/2013) I Vegetation Plot 16 (01122/2013) �- OP Vegetation Plot 17 (01/22/2013) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 3: Vegetation Plot Data — Vegetation Photographs Vegetation Plot 18 (01/22/2013) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 3: Vegetation Plot Data — Vegetation Photographs Vegetation Plot 25 (01/22/2013) Vegetation Plot 26 (01/22/2013) Vegetation Plot 27 (01/22/2013) 1 Vegetation Plot 28 (01/22/2013) I Vegetation Plot 29 (01/22/2013) I Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 3: Vegetation Plot Data — Vegetation Photographs Vegetation Photographs (Lindley Site) Vegetation Plot 30 (01/22/2013) 1 Vegetation Plot 31 (01/22/2013) I Vegetation Plot 32 (01/22/2013) Vegetation Plot 33 (01/22/2013) Vegetation Plot 34 (01/22 /2013) I Vegetation Plot 35 (01/22/2013) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 3: Vegetation Plot Data — Vegetation Photographs Vegetation Plot 36 (01/22 /2013) Vegetation Plot 37 (01/22/2013) Vegetation Plot 38 (01/22/2013) 1 Vegetation Plot 39 (01/22/2013) Vegetation Plot 40 (01/22/2013) I Vegetation Plot 41(01/22/2013) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 3: Vegetation Plot Data — Vegetation Photographs Vegetation Plot 42 (01/22/2013) Underwood Mitigation Site Appendix 3: Vegetation Plot Data — Vegetation Photographs APPENDIX 4. As -Built Plan Sheets 10 A L� Y 0. Underwood Mitigation Site Chatham County, NC Cape Fear River Basin CCataloing Unit Vicinity Map Not to Scale To Clyde Underwood Road access: 0 BEFORE YOU DIQI CALL 1 -800- 632 -4949 N.C. ONE –CALL CENTER fl'8 THE LAWI From the intersection of US 64 and Artbur Teague Rd, travel north approximately 3.25 miles to the intersection of Silk Hope Rd. Turn right on Silk Hope Road. After going north approximately 0.3 miles, turn left onto Silk Hope Liberty Rd. Travel west approximately 1.8 miles and turn right on Plainfield Church Rd. Travel north approximately 1.1 miles and turn right onto Clyde Underwood Rd. The temporary construction entrances will be located approximately 0.15 miles on the right and 0.25 miles on the left of Clyde Underwood Road. To Moon Lindley Road Access: Leaving the intersection of Plainfield Church Rd and Clyde Underwood Rd, travel north on Plainfield Church Rd. approximately 0.5 miles and turn right on Johnny Lindley Rd. At the intersection of Johnny Lindley Rd and Moon Lindley Rd, turn left. The construction entrance will be on the left in approximately 0.25 miles. for North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program rb-19- En4aon' PROGRAM RECORD DRAWING ISSUED MAY 6s 2013 RECEIVED �.4 AY 1 0 ?_ 013 NC ECOSYSTEM ENHAMICEMENT PROGRM.11 SheetIndex Cover Sheet Legend Stream Overlay Overview Stream Overlay Plans Wetland Overlay Overview Wetland Overlay Plans Planting Tables Overlay Planting Project Directory Engineering. Wildlands Engineering, Inc License No. F -0831 5605 Chapel Hill Road Suite 122 Raleigh, NC 27607 Nicole Macaluso, PE 919 - 851 -9986 Surveying: Stewart Proctor Engineering and Surveying, PLLC 322 Chapanoke Road, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27603 Herbert Proctor Jr., PLS 919 -779 -1855 0.1 0.2 1.0 -1.1 1.2 -1.18 2.0 -2.1 2.2 -2.8 3.0 3.1 -3.3 Owner: Ecosystem Enhancement Program NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1652 Guy Pearce 919- 715 -1157 Contractor: Land Mechanic Designs, Inc 126 Circle G Lane Willow Springs, NC 27592 919 - 639 -6132 DENR Contract No. 003268 EEP Project No. 94641 ipft WILDLANDS ENG�� +EENiNG 5605 CWP J Hill R.ud, auiro 122 R Th. N(' 71607 Tcl: 919.851.9986 F... 919.851.9987 Firm Lw—No. P-0831 oP-FE88jo'•�y �: os /� /r3 7L •.7 SEAL 'ro b ® �1 b � r U ® 0 �U e DO 0 i REACH ORGINS F� Reach Latitude Longitude UT 2 N 35" 48' 03.53" W 79" 24' 03.73" SF 1 N 35'48'05.05" W 79" 24' 10.08" SF IA N 35'48'08.81" W 79° 24'09.9D" SF 2 N 3S" 48' 24.94" W 79" 24' 06.04" SF 3 N 35'48'27.95" W 79'24'06.91" UT I N 35° 48'37.68" W 79" 24'26.44" UT IA N 35" 48'44.41" W 79" 24' 17.20" UT IB N 35'4843.07" W 79" 24'23.09" SF 4 N 35'49'50.67" W 79" 22'59.63" SF 4A N 35'49'45.25" W79-22'50.37- RECEIVED �.4 AY 1 0 ?_ 013 NC ECOSYSTEM ENHAMICEMENT PROGRM.11 SheetIndex Cover Sheet Legend Stream Overlay Overview Stream Overlay Plans Wetland Overlay Overview Wetland Overlay Plans Planting Tables Overlay Planting Project Directory Engineering. Wildlands Engineering, Inc License No. F -0831 5605 Chapel Hill Road Suite 122 Raleigh, NC 27607 Nicole Macaluso, PE 919 - 851 -9986 Surveying: Stewart Proctor Engineering and Surveying, PLLC 322 Chapanoke Road, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27603 Herbert Proctor Jr., PLS 919 -779 -1855 0.1 0.2 1.0 -1.1 1.2 -1.18 2.0 -2.1 2.2 -2.8 3.0 3.1 -3.3 Owner: Ecosystem Enhancement Program NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1652 Guy Pearce 919- 715 -1157 Contractor: Land Mechanic Designs, Inc 126 Circle G Lane Willow Springs, NC 27592 919 - 639 -6132 DENR Contract No. 003268 EEP Project No. 94641 ipft WILDLANDS ENG�� +EENiNG 5605 CWP J Hill R.ud, auiro 122 R Th. N(' 71607 Tcl: 919.851.9986 F... 919.851.9987 Firm Lw—No. P-0831 oP-FE88jo'•�y �: os /� /r3 7L •.7 SEAL 'ro b ® �1 b � r U ® 0 �U e DO 0 i S1��cl " s-1 `I ®al ].,b Niimbn: 'Ip15'lt_I25 F� Pmj«e Erypnm: \1131 " y L> —Rv: JTL ]wr E� Re.�sions t1 p 01 COVER 9-1 SHEET S1��cl " s-1 `I ®al LEGEND kt� WILDLANDS en+GinifFR• +(: i 10 +00 — — --r— — — As -Built Channel Centerline (Restoration) " NVILDLANDS Wetland Restoration �•� ENGINEERING, INC. r As -Built Channel Centerline (Enhancement 1) F.Awtl Reetontxm ar. 1TL '0.00 denim — P L E C PAY Una clkaea ar pry -- — --+— — --- 1M00 As-Built Channel Centerline (Enhancement II) (hp.e Hw It— S.H. i.. wl�yla w : err Conservation Easement E>dchny Power Pals is As -Built Channel Centerline Tel: 914R5I,9VM. Fe.- 919151 99117 Fmmua,�.., rnMn -s -- Proposed Channel Centerline Proposed Root Wads + A6 -Built Bankfutl Welland Creation Proposed Bankfull �I As- BuiRContour // — Proposed Major Contour - Proposed Log Vane `Cll'/R�, ��0�'FE88j�•z /y ® Zone 4 Permanent Seeding Outside Easement — SEAL — Proposed Minor Contour As -Built Constructed Riffle ihen Proposed Constructed Riffle 1NE�a �, — As -Buifl Log Vane ! 4 M AC,h; 1 Proposed Log Sill 1 I 1 As -Built Log Sill Proposed J -Hook As- BuiltJ -Hook �7 As -Buirc Rode Vane Proposed Drainage Berm V As -Bain Root Wads Qj Proposed Brush Toe Protection f 1 ® As -Built Brush Toe Proposed Sod Mat rti As -Built Rip Rap .tea ;:� .� eeeee fU� Q id eeeee As -Built Sod Mat � eee �y a Q% M� pU i " Zone 1 - Streambank Planting Zone Wetland Restoration 1� �umea w5.mine ar. 1TL Zone 2 - Floodplain Planting Zone wetland Enhancement r� clkaea ar pry is + Zone 3 - Wetland Planting Welland Creation �I Q LEGEND ® Zone 4 Permanent Seeding Outside Easement - ihen //�T NOTE: FEATURES IN RED INDICATE DEVIATION w �, FROM DESIGN PLANS. 7 I PL —p ld ld ld ld ld ld ld ld A A BEGIN UT 1 STA. 500 +00 A ro ld ld ld ld ld ld ld ld ld ld ld ld PL PL—PL—PL —PL I END UT STA. sos +so.20 zo 9 I � BEGIN SF 1 STA. 100 +00 I SF 1A STA.200 +00 -PL -PL STA. 20 ld PL��PL PL a SHEET 1.10 D.w I(- 6.2017 V� I of ]&Num6o.: (*54)2125 (� Pg-E.O.— Nm.m sb BEGIN UT 1B m STA. 600+00 �J \ Rev�eions \ m � % SHEET 1.13 �I SHEET 1.14 SHEET 1.11 D SHEET 1.3 / CE 3J �30 — D � �CE�CE�CE V \ 3J CL SHEET 1.2 BEGIN UT 2 STA. 0+00 U , I I3 m U I 6- LP P L _-4 — c �J \ _ BEGI UT 1A �+\ END UT IA \ Jlm /u END SF 2 STA. 705 +24.08 J L iHEET 1.5 STA. 303 +01.55 SHEET 1.12 END UT 1 I / STA. 520 +38.20 I SHEET 1.9 n mn SHEET 1.6 m STA. 201 +69.99 SHEET 1.7 SHEET 1.8 CE D � m y /CE � GE CF m SHEET 1.4 �_ n —_ CE CE CE —Cl CE CE _ m 1 �ld �� m l d l d ld �'J l d END SF1 Ao 3o���a� a STA. 108 +74.10 END SF 3 STA. 421 +19.99 END UT 2 BEGIN SF 2 9 STA. 4 +17.87 STA. 300 +00 BEGIN SF 3 l d d STA. 400 +00 L T PL PL PL a ld a p I L _ PL a � � a I 0' 100' 200' 300' 400' I HORIZONTAL) WILDLANDS ENG(NEER�NG W5 Chvpd Hill Rad. Ruin 122 R�kiXn Nc nao7 Tcl: 919.851.99X6 U Fr 919.X51.99-7 F'va Li.o.m No F4W31 = SEAL �' c u U0 �I W O cl P. P. >~ co D.w I(- 6.2017 bj ]&Num6o.: (*54)2125 (� Pg-E.O.— Nm.m sb D.-8, JTL _ C6atad e.: 7µl{ � Rev�eions �I STREAM OVERLAY OVERVIEW ,� ii,ecl v \ WILDLANDS ENG�NEFRiNG WILDLANDS ENGINEERING! INC. Eanloginl Restoration Senices 56115 CL<pkF id g H' /l.. R m.d F , * c 1_2 Nr6w Y. i8C 519986 Fa: e91985999 F Liu No F0831 Q %i CARS iii CE G E C CE CE \ = =r*os/�h3 4 .7 -- CE SEAL �. / A SHEET 1.16 G- X02 END SF 4 STA. 814 +28.75 O! yv CE CE CE CE �0 � 90 SHEET 1.18 r \ 4A SF END � \ b \ STA. 908 +66.44 m % 30 �C I •@ BEGIN SF 4 � a STA.800 +00 p ® cq m SHEET 1.15 J � w U n m a Iw U m SHEET 1.17 )lay 6,.'013 Job Numbs: W5.02125 J Prvjnt Engineee NNMI BEGIN SF 4A Q Jn e� D °u 0, JTL STA.900 +00 cm JRft �� / F� Revtstons 0' 50' 100' 150' 200' Q STREAM d l d (HORIZONTAL) OVERLAY �— l d l d l d— OVERVIEW A Sheet 44 101 r r r BEGIN UT I 0+00.00 605 600 595 590 4— 0 +00 W U I •dry 0 +50 1 +00 �. � �_ �__ WINOW-1 605 tv WILDLANDS ENGINEERING WILDLANDS ENGINEERING, INC. Emlogipl Restorarion Services SKIS ki R C HiB r, Slim 1 ?Z akieb, \C C .9986 600 T<1: 91').851.4986 t SEAL 595 '���` M.' M A�'���`• I i I . . I i . . I I ! I . . I I I I . . I 1 590 1 +50 2 +00 2 +50 3 +00 3 +50 4 +00 4 +17.87 b CE E -� CE 0. 2. 4. 6. 8. - CE CE 2 (VERTICAL) �� _ CE --- CE 6� 0' 20' 40' 60' 80' b CE CE 603 601 (HORIZONTAL) 600 602 END UT 2 601 STA.4 +17.87 4 +00 \ZOOQ )SSING ) � 30 � 30) 3O 3C D — NOTE: CONSTRUCTED RIFFLES WERE MOVED OR NOT BUILT DUE TO WORKING AROUND EXISTING TREES. LOG SILLS ADDED FOR ADDITIONAL STABILITY, LOG J -HOOKS AT 3 +75 & 4 +05 REMOVED IN LIEU OF LOG SILLS. 601 i6b 30 t3 r 0 ez E P-1 c v a q� r7 Dam: Star 4.201 I Jab numb.: 005 -02125 Vml.et F:no••..r. �em< STREAM g OVERLAY PLANS c:qi Sheet }ICI {� :i o 2 �YEPI 595 590 4— 100 +00 fiiiiiiii�l T 600 595 590 100 +50 101 +00 101 +50 102 +00 102 +50 103 +00 103 +50 104 +00 104 +50 BEGIN SF 1A \60 J STA. 200 +00.001 /" o � III �"O \ 4 o 603 ScP 1 602 SF 1A SEE SHEET 1.5 I \ CE C CE 1 CE / \so BEGIN SF 1 STA. 100 +00.00 FORD CROSSING r � rr ,rr r rr f i v `6p' 602 3 so a� 30 J �y . 2ol� 0 `597 104+00 J \ \ l 595 Z m 33 NOTE: DUE TO LACK OF SUITABLE SOD MATERIAL, BANKS WERE MATTED, AND ADDITIONAL LIVE STAKES AND JUNCUS PLUGS WERE INSTALLED. WILDLANDS ENGINEERING 5lAIS C T m l_2 U No. Fa 919.tlN. F P'um Limnee a18J1 x�SH OQ:'FE88 /0 � /�i =�EAL _gyp �y 9L �i a O a > r Q P-, Dac: 81ay 6, :01J J.e \umf.e.: Iq5- 11?I ?5 (� P.J- Erydneer. •b D.— By. ,TL W i� R-Wowe °3 0' 2' 4' 6' 8 (VERTICAL) 0' 20' 40' 60' 80' —1 c��y M b 44 STREAM OVERLAY OVERVIEW Sheet 13 (HORIZONTAL) 104 +65 105 +00 o� Ln (- O r F- Cn LLI Z 2 1 Al �C C 105 +50 106 +00 106 +50 J 107 +00 107 +50 108 +00 fly 59� 596 59T 596— -TL- NOTE: DUE TO LACK OF SUITABLE SOD MATERIAL, BANKS WERE MATTED, AND ADDITIONAL LIVE STAKES AND JUNCUS PLUGS WERE INSTALLED. t�92� 108 +50 108 +' cli END SF 1 STA. 108 +74.10 WILDLANDS ENGINEERING WILDLA"DS ENGINEERING, INC. Ew0.gic+l Restoration Sen ices NAS CluPel Hi0 R.ud, Sure 1'__' A.Icigll. 0:,.2� p•. �faa /0. �,i t: os/rh3 •i=;s= SEAL r a° H a �b > r Q ro, P b i-1 d oae: nhya,.mo Job N—b.: 1105 -0;125 PA. EMi— NMM s b D.— Ry: JTL 51 K1;AM OVERLAY 0 2' 4' 6' 8' P4 PLANS (VERTICAL) bl Sh-1 0' 20' 40' 60' 80' �1 (HORIZONTAL) yqA�F u u L:L 600 595 11 200+00 / r BEGIN SF 1A STA. 200+00.00 PROPOSED T ALWEG - AS -BUILT THALWEG 200+50 201+00 600 595 590 201+50 201+69.99 END SF 1A STA. 201+69.99 E CE CE — CE C —595- iMT cr) r z; 0 00IN AD to 6.1 0-- U 595 SF 1 SEE SHEET 1.3 :70 co 01 NOTE: DUE TO LACK OF SUITABLE SOD MATERIAL, BANKS WERE MATTED, AND ADDITIONAL LIVE STAKES AND JUNCUS PLUGS WERE INSTALLED. DRAINAGE BERM NOT NEEDED DUE TO GRADING. -F rn L0 45 4, 1100, Ay 4p yoo C7- WILDLANDS E.01.EER-G WILDLANDS ENGINEERING, INC. Emlogical Restoration S- 5605 Chapd it, 122 JV�NC 2767 a 0 F— 919.851.9997 , Li— N. F-0931 '%J11111111" CA,?O!iii 04A01 SEAL ar &it I Ca, 4P li U0 E E 1p Niq 6, 2017 Job Number: 00542125 l3re iTi. ", By: IMH RcrWom 71 STREAM OVERLAY ol 2' 4 6- 81 PLANS (VERTICAL) Sheet 0. 20' 40' 60' 80, 1.5 (HORIZONTAL) U� P L 30 APL - J EL BEGIN SF 2 1 STA. 300 +00.00 CL a 580 575 mmmmmmm NNEMENEENE ■■■■■■■■ ■�■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ - ■■�■ ONE ■■■■■ /■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■v■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 580 575 570 570 400 +00 400 +50 401 +00 401 +50 402 +00 r CE \ CE CE - CE C CE � CE � CE GE CE CF 582 Lwi \ �F n m EXISTING 9' X 6' CMP r ti 581 h0 w �588�� 5118 n � U/ BEGIN 0+3 REACH 1 / / 587 586 578 m I 0 STA 400 +00.00 585 580 58'T �� 579 302 +00 577 576 _ - Q 576 4 CP 579 lF =577 _ 577 t1; ap1 578 • ._ , 579 , ENDSF2 c1 C STA. 303 +01. 1.SSy m b79}- y18t "� w sso m m \ 519 I n r 30 m O — 30 L� -3�- O PL —PL= 30 30 Q �j P L — P 30 L 30 —7 f —PL v — P L r �0 PL��0 a NOTE: DUE TO LACK OF SUITABLE SOD MATERIAL, BANKS WERE MATTED, AND ADDITIONAL LIVE STAKES AND JUNCUS PLUGS WERE INSTALLED. LOG VANE WAS CHANGED TO ROCK DUE TO BEDROCK IN THE STREAM BED. J a I 7 dr- 0' 2' 4' 61 8' 10, (VERTICAL) 0' 25' 50' 75' 100, mmmmd (HORIZONTAL) WILDLANDS ENGINEERING WILDLANDS ENGINEERING INC 13 14 1 RE6toMt- Scnim 5605 Cah .'Hill R—d, Swim IJ1 Adcigh NC 2760; Td: )1' Fy- 919 51.9997 =SEAL �• Q C) b� Q1 9 rn � 1~ � a C CJ f3 v E Cf) Cfi N CFA Dne: biny b, -`OIJ JabK..: 1105.IL'] ?5 Pmjeal E, pi—. \'NN Drawn By: ITL Chadad E..: J-11 STREAM p4 OVERLAY PLANS e� Sheet /j� 1.6 580 575 570 seo WILDLANDS ENGINEERING WILDLANDS ENGINEERINGf INC. Ecological Restoration 575 Fen ices WS C1 pd HIR R�.d, �ni,e 122 Raklgb.I�C Z/fiR: Td� 919.R51.99P6 F..: 91985199r Li— N. F-0831 570 SEAL 7� — 565 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I 1 I I I I I i I I I I F 565 402 +00 402 +50 403 +00 403 +50 404 +00 404 +50 405 +00 405 +50 406 +00 406 +50 407 +00 407 +50 408 +00 408+50 7 cF DO x cF Ory 0' 2' 4' 6' 81 10' � (VERTICAL) C-2 00 \ CF 0' 25' 50' S 75' 100' \ (HORIZONTAL) 2 CE CE CE CE CF CE CE CE CE CE CE CE 577 576— w raj M S)� U Fy I m y1�/ ✓a 577 U 575 I yob �\ \`\ m FORD CROSSING F� J ka c�13 U � 41 >ti � M CFA .b l —u.: JTL chn&d k, JNH C% R-Wo. k� 1 l STREAM OVERLAP' PLAITS c� 1o/ 580 580 ON WILDLANDS ENGINEERING WILDLt�N ENGINEERIEsNG! INC. Eanlogir+ toranon 575 575 Senicex 56115 C1uPe1 Hill R.vd, SNIe 1'_T Rekigh.NC• n6o; I AS -BUILT THALWEG ra: 9iv.as,.99e6 Fxa: 919.851.998^ Firm Li.mu N. F-PM31 CARD J`�th �G 570 570 PROPOSED THALWEG SEAL 565 I I ! I 565 408 +50 409 +00 409 +50 410 +00 410 +50 411 +00 411 +50 412 +00 412 +50 413 +00 413 +50 414 +00 414 +50 415 +00 415 +25 GE / 7 G 0' 2' 4 6' 8' 10' (VERTICAL) � +4 0' 25' 50' 75' 100' . ..4 cn U (HORIZONTAL) F_y `� cz I N �crs ; a CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE G I CE CE CE cc 574 415 1A _, �-_. - {.�,..r4 p ' .: \ L � / ' _ CSI `• 573 574 _! \. \ / / C3i 1 57 573 2 CD 5 + / ° — — 572 57 / 4 / O Job Numb.: Project Eegm— N im Un. B� ] TL JA H /i e eJ Rcrixionx C3 _Z r., —� 515 V 5;3 F" D s \ _ �_ -- ._ — -- '3 — 572_ S7 5 :)74 - - - - - - - 573_ _ ._ - __ ,, , 30 30 STREAM OVERLAY 3� 30 3O 30 30 30 30 3 30 PLANS 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0 e� st,eel NOTE: ROOTWADS CHANGED TO SOD MATS DUE TO ROCKY SOIL. L8 SOD MATS CHANGED TO BRUSHTOE DUE TO ADD MORE STABILITY DUE TO UNCONSOLIDATED MATERIAL. 575 I PROPOSEDTHALWEG 570 ✓ ( I - 570 AS -BUILT THALWEG ? 565 I 565 560 415 +25 415 +50 416 +00 416 +50 417 +00 417 +50 416 +00 418 +50 419 +00 419 +50 420 +00 420 +50 421 +00 421 +19.99 575 WILDLANDS ENGINEERING WILDLANDS ENGINEERING, INC. Ec°IuRical Restoration Senices W5 Chapel Hill Rd. Suite I'_3 Ralelkdl. NC' '2'16DT Tel: '/1'/.851.9956 Faa: 91v1W' — NoF R Fim Li X11 Z• o�1,ha y :ss 4r SEAL UT 1 SEE SHEET 1.12 CE — — 5772 2 CF Oe 2' 4e 6e 8e 10' 9d W 573 C. (VERTICAL) CEI i /'�.•`'6� -570 0' 25' 50' 75' 100' C 572 C' (HORIZONTAL) \ e� cF F sss \ In Ok, }� r an 5>0 J \. : V�c, 572 > 7 571 — -' 570 \ �.� / S\ 1�i I END REACH 1 .•� \ 420 +pp - 1 � / I BEGIN REACH 2 SF3 _ LJJ ^ / END UT 1 \ X568 Z ° / ' I STA. 520 +38.20 568 55 _ / � � � � � 577 � 5it I 571 571— \� 5� 1 � 8O � s 5T2 d0 p 5 S >0 D s' b \ - '573 so NOTE: BRUSHTOE AND ROOTWADS CHANGED TO SOD MATS DUE TO ROCK IN SOIL. \ �0 LOG J•HOOK CHANGED TO BRUSHTOE DUE TO LACK OF AVAILABLE MATERIAL. A END SF 3 STA. 421 +19.99 ry U old � U W STREAM OVERLAY PLAINS shed a9 Jab Number: RRS4025 Rajm E.O. NbIM Lhavn Be: JTL Checked By: JN'H Recisions STREAM OVERLAY PLAINS shed a9 Gam/ �m � GE / m G GE \ GE / G� GE / GE / m / GEC \ GE w WILD LANDS ENGINEERING 0' 2' 4 6' 8' 10' (VERTICAL) WILDLANDS 0' 25' 50' 75' 100' EN EI I.gk 1R mi INC. (HORIZONTAL) SMS Clued Hill C r O- 122 Td: 914.951.9986 NF. N. F. 919.851.99r Firm Liernu N. P-0971 CARS 04- •FESB��•� /yam t• Os /ohs SEAL INS Al.I MPG��`� E LIT 113 SEE SHEET 1.13 m/ ce . 1 VOL _ 503 +p0 / 3 c > < 30 oo. BEGIN UT 1 STA. 500 +00.00 — I I 130 30 30 30 30 30 ld ld ld ld ld SO Sc / �j �O �j �O 30 / SO 30 30 30 ld Id ld ld ld --� a I D n 2 r Z T cn O J t O O NOTE: CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE WAS REMOVED BECAUSE THE BED WAS STABLE IN THIS LOCATION 6 b � cp a � C v cu ee Ea m r~ m � D­: M.- 6,2013 Job N..te Wsm -'125 PT-j— C.O.— L o . B�: xmm JTL Ch-ke B. -: JWH R-6io- .1 Q STREAM OVERLAY .—I PLANS c� 9 .1 Slno � 191® O t/ h Q co ) ,-100 s �U �Q � U 1 I J \ Q, r m UT 11 SEE SHEET 1.14 UT 18 U 1 SEE SHEET 1.13 \ c m . m G� •� / J ` m 4 / C'� 00 I / y13 CUL' m 1 @ 48.. \ CF\ CF Cf � C SO 00 \ SO%0 �C \C) SID \ zJ \m V 150 40 m 5, t N car Q k NOTE: CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE WAS REMOVED BECAUSE THE BED WAS STABLE IN THIS LOCATION v . rm 1� t� r4 W 1« � Q v � O Ea ►: h U] Ute: hl-b, 2017 01 2' 4' 6' g' 101 WILDLANDS (VERTICAL) Projm Et O.— NMN . ey�A11 0' 25' 50' 75' 100' WILDLANDS ENGINEERING, mI II somt ChnUd Br: JN'H Sen•ica WS CU 111i8 Rind, 8,dte 122 PXigh.NC 27507 1'A 114.851.9985 F— 919.851.9987 Fi— Li— N. P-0831 SH ! C"Ro -'/,. � SEAL !n0jp;r INKY:• �� " M.1 PLANS 150 40 m 5, t N car Q k NOTE: CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE WAS REMOVED BECAUSE THE BED WAS STABLE IN THIS LOCATION v . rm 1� t� r4 W 1« � Q v � O Ea ►: h U] Ute: hl-b, 2017 JwN —b .: IW4 125 1� Projm Et O.— NMN . ey�A11 Umm� 1h: JTL 1� /� ChnUd Br: JN'H Rer%ions STREAM OVERLAY PLANS pil Shec1 }}IIC�II 1011 580 575 570 565 580 ON WILDLANDS ENGINEERING WILDLANDS ENGINEERING, INC. 575 Ecological Reatoranon Sen ices 5M5 Ch.PeI Hitl R,wl, Suia I'_2 Rakla, NC' 2U Tcl, 919.851.9986 Fss: 919.851.998; Firm Li— N. FA831 0 8 8 fto�% 570 SEAL; 565 560 I I I I I I I i I ' 1 ' ' I ' ' 1 1 ' I 1 1 1 560 515 +23.27 515 +50 516 +00 516 +50 517 +00 517 +50 518 +00 518 +50 519 +00 519 +50 520 +00 520 +38.20 CE CE CE CE CE N t 0' 2' 4' 6' 8 10r (VERTICAL) 0' 25' 50' 75' 100' (HORIZONTAL) v ld� b � O a cl a Ch-k d 8.: 1µ H C� Re.isions STREAM OVERLAP' PLANS f3 +r* Slmet 1.12 0' 4' 8' 12' 16' 20' (VERTICAL) 0' 25' 50' 75' 100' (HORIZONTAL) iiiiiiia t WILDLANDS ENGINEERING WILDLANDS ENGINEERING, INC. Emlopm] Ratmlion t re� 56115 CI.,I Hill RMd, Sure 123 Pilk'Kh, NC n60i TO 919.851.9986 Faa: 919.851.9987 Fbm Li— N. F"31 •�iF SEt AML N Wo, 4�Gl a� ` Ge GE \ CF / CF CF GE CF CF � � CF GE / Ct; CF BEGIN UT 1B GE / 604'00 CE STA.600 +00.00 e G GE Li E CE CE CE / f.. ` _ U �-� -J 60g *00 r. �0 . ~ p r W U so / •� P J so �. Fe U �G v UT 1 SEE SHEET 1.10 END UT 1B f-1 STA. 606 +60.20 e 3D 30 30 30 SG LQ Poo U �. 506+00 / U �7 Dnc bby 6,!017 VIob Numbm: (05 -02125 PI P.4- ERRincm NNM • PPCgI V.— Hy: ITL Cbaied R.: INN Rcrisions �I STREAM OVERLAY PLANS s 0 SI-1 "Ll IIC�II 1.13 IIC�II 0' 4' 8' 12' 16' 20' (VERTICAL) 0' 25' 50' 75' 100' (HORIZONTAL) d \ BEGIN UT 1A STA. 700 +00.00 `.2 Cdr U" �j \ �J \ 3 I 11 U i I LU i UT 1 U SEE SHEET 1.12 END UT 1A I STA.705 +24.08 U °o CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE I d T Oa,00 as \ 701 +00 702 +00 703 +00 d �— 3C 30 � 3J �ilv 30 30 3J 30 3C 3� 30 30 30 3� 3� -- go \ U �d \ \ V �d \ J IL . � 7 / CSt� m I WILDLANDS ENGINEERING INC.I 5605 C ,l Hill Ruud, Suin 1 22 Raleigh, NC' 276(r T<L 919.851.9986 J:_ 919.851.9987 Fhm U.— N. F-0831 ! CAR110'/,/// 4 SEAL i�G•;r 1�•`l``� 11111 \\ Q CIOsb .b >� O a s21 c� W � 9 Q � I 1 i \ • D.<: A6y 6,'_013 lob Numb.: 0054CI25 - (b Pmj- E.O.— NU11 U.— By: Che<k<d 6•: in JwH s 1eb1� 1, tS Rerj .— w STREAM OVERLAP PLANS I b I Sheer 1.14 545 545 WILDLANDS ENGINlEEING WILDLANDS ENGINEERING, INC. Ecological Restoration I $CrnICCY 540 540 5615 Ch. 0 Hill R-d, SWI. 122 I I I Rai la i. nc nm7 I AS -BUILT THALWEG Td: 912851.9986 Faa: 919.851.9987 _ _ . _ . I - Fiim License No. F-0831 CARO ,� ��•iE88jO ��S �� or/� /�E i :sue PROPOSEDTHALWEG _�: SEA 535 11 535 _ r 530 - 530 800 +00 800 +50 801 +00 801 +50 802 +00 802 +50 803 +00 803 +50 804 +00 804 +50 805 +00 805 +50 806 +00 806 +50 807 +00 0. 8. 4' 6' S' 10' I(VERTICAL) LU 0' 25' 50' 75' 100' (HORIZONTAL) w*� I 541 ,4 Q R 73 E l^ 804 +00 590_ 7 BEGIN SF 4 GE STA.800 +00.00 538\ GE U I \ 5D ^- 8p7.p0� bnos6n2rs 6 00� "' l' iy'l. � J bNumber Fmjnt Enain \bI.N 1TL D - _ 806 +00 CTc�Yed Br IW'H y " 0 542 I3 540 C \ \ \\ 539 ryA �I STREAM OVERLAP' PLANS so 543 30 Sheet 30 30 30 30 ---'� 30 30 30 1 3 -30 90 30 ao 0 Fy 1.15 ��saa � 545 W WILDLANDS ENGINEE KING _ i I WILDLANDS ENGINEERING, INC. 540 F.rological Rntorallon Sen ka — _ — SMi Qvki Hi0Ro.d,07, 1_'2 x,l]lab. xc — - — — — — 9986 i<I: LIY.8i1.99LK i F.a: 91Y.851.YYN7 1i Liaosc Via. F V31 PROPOSED THALWEG �. OQ`.FESS�p,`y 535 SEAL � - f \� Fyc /NEi�-. Jh AS -BUILT THALWEG 530 I I 525 807 +10 807 +50 808 +00 808 +50 809+00 809 +50 810 +00 810 +50 811 +00 811 +50 812 +00 812 +50 813 +00 813 +50 814 +00 814 +28.75 1 CE CE 542 �� sQ CE CE CE b � °4 €� 44 ® �° e b. ea3 'F9 W eke v� 541 CE r CE 540 E CE o E Q R r 539 .. ---- -� - ---- -_ --- E CE CE CEi ` (7 �E a,y, O cl � I= .s, � C!l CFa 535 \ END SF 4 —� st STA 814 +28.75 7 A / 35 o� 536' k� �' rn 53 ® Sys Is eZ7xn b� / [Aw. Flay 5.'_'013 Job X —b— WS -0 2125 P.4 —E.— NM ,aNIJTL s0� o _ � 535 534 . % \ . b t3rwn By - o — 533 O cb•.6n1 e. JWH Revia,om n I � A _ SF 4A -\ END SF 4A 30 SEE SHEET 1.18 STA. 908 +66.44 164 STREAM 8. / ���// OVERLAY (VERTICAL) P11.A11' a7 0' 25' 50' 75' 100' (HORIZONTAL) �j 1 y m 4-4 1.1}}IIC�II 6 i O- O- 545 545 f PROPOSEDTHALWEG 540 I 540 AS -BUILT THALWEG 535 535 I 530 530 900+00 900 +50 901 +00 901 +50 902 +00 902 +50 903+00 903 +50 904 +00 904 +50 905 +00 WILDLANDS ENGINEERING 5605 Qup<1 Hill Ruud, Suirc L'2 Rakip1, NC' 27th Td: 91'9.8`I.9986 Fss 919.8_ 1.998' Fi Li—No F-V.31 CARS t: O�JY /t3 y =SEAL 7:7� , ' a ro a a F C3 17 �" Ea D<I<: Mw 6, 7013 Job Numb.: 005-02125 PNjM EnRlneer NMM JTL STREAM OVERLAY 2- 3 PLANS . b 1.17 b � U0 0 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' (VERTICAL) 5 25' 50' 75' 100' �d�J E!Tsiiiiiiiiiiiil (HORIZONTAL) J-yy a ro a a F C3 17 �" Ea D<I<: Mw 6, 7013 Job Numb.: 005-02125 PNjM EnRlneer NMM JTL STREAM OVERLAY �1 PLANS 1.17 545 540 535 545 I 540 AS -BUILT THALWEG 535 I I I I PROPOSED THALWEG 530 530 905 +00 905 +50 906 +00 906 +50 907 +00 907 +50 908 +00 908 +50 908 +66.44 SF 4 ti 4A 6 +66.44 WILDLANDS ENGINEERING WILDLANDS ENGINEERING INC. Ecologial Reatoratlon Sen Ica SfA15 Clu�l Hill Rawl, 8ui¢ 122 R,I�R, Nc• n,or F— 919..851.998, F N 919 i . o F Li�mee Fvm I. N. F-0.871 yCAlppl Z: Og/Y /t3 4• :7% *SEAL 0' 2' 4' 6' B. 10' (VERTICAL) O' 25' 50' 75' 100' (HORIZONTAL) 0° b � U �U v NOTE: CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE WAS ADDED AT TAIL OF POOL ON SF 4A a a a R� Q E a M � C� U� l� Proj- F.nai— \MN s cy L — Hy. JTL cl—W Hy: JW-R R-ISiona A 161 Q ISTREAM OVERLAY 1418 L PL —p ld ld ld ld d—ld._— ld�ld ld—ld_ —ld- lC " I d ld ld ld v PL PL PL —PL I T T I e I SHEET 2.6 a U a CF \ J m i \ a� �J `\ m G / L i m LIT 1--i� 37 41 PL PL PL /—I d ;D RW 2 M NN EN i i SHEET 2.3 SF to NRW 1 CLYDE UNDERWOOD ROAD fJ SF 2 V A4 RW 2 ld_—ld I �Z ld a r i RW 1 ' ' n C L,PL ' PL a 4 PLC^ NRW 2 UT ie 6 j I cF 30 PL —PL UT 1A c� I m U I SHEET 2.5 SF 3 CE SHEET 2.4 CF RW 3 CF — CE CE CE — CE l , V J e�7 �. \ dJ ' LL LL m 30 c y/ F C 3� � RW 3 30 30r, — 30 30 n ld� jd TPL PL I PL T"' ld_ n n O 100' 200' 300' 400' I HORIZONTAL 1 WILDLANDS I. i'HEE RING .NAS C'hapd 3110 Rort. 1Wi. 12: RddR4%'C 7:607 Td 91Y. 11.9436 91'1.8519w" 1•'mn I.iaen.e \u. F -11031 1 ��R�'�'� = SEAL %�O �'V 1NE�Q'•�:Jy 0 .r ko Ind A J 0 U r. Cd , J O a. b t I>_i. bhv 6, 1013 J.A. �uv.b�r 005JL'733 Pmjn. E+ NXIM L4— By (FL Chnkw By )tPEI Resini- 0 WETLAND OVERLAY OVERVIEW P wl 2.0 WILDLAN13S / n*C| = F­ 919851,9987 CE SHEET 2.8 SO SF 4A LU CL 0 (HORZONTAL) OVERLAY d Id OVERVIEW r / ~�U u� '� � | U .1 | i r I I 30 3D 30 D CE 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' (VERTICAL) !!5mmmmmmmmd 20 4 HORIZONTAL 3D 3D kt WIL,DLANDS �NG�N�fkiNC: WILDLANDS ENGINEERING, INC. NC r.17 T:a�lugical Rnuxarum SMIC ('halKl lldl Nad 17ii,. I__ "Eel, 91')N$1.99`�h Pna 919x;1 aiK; Plan Ll.eme G. P�4vA CAR-'// :*-SEAL �• INS � U oz U Q pU' cl ox V c cl L b id Q 0 WETLAND OVERLAY PLANS "1 2.2 .NCI Ilnwn It.. I1'1. cnN�ruti.- Iwv R-ki —, b id Q 0 WETLAND OVERLAY PLANS "1 2.2 �C4 c / �0 'oo CE -i• _o CE NRW 1 0, 25' 50' 75' 100' 2 (HORIZONTAL) EDGE OF OLD POND C, OLD DAM THAT WAS REMOVED DURING CONSTRUCTION ---- Ce CE CE ---7Z-CE m 30 X30 30 - 30 1 30 1 \ 90 RW2 SF 1 Lu ul SF 1A RW2 uj 0 rn 595 r$7 5g6 597 Fg 0 r?7 C- Ct T e�l iI w ipm WILDLANDS WILDLANDS ENGINEERING, INC. W (h—1 I till R—d W 27147 Td Fmm Lk— N., F-)1 o_r CA,?O"iii Sa SEAL U 00!!i4 u � U 11", n , 20,1 1,," F N%Ill Cf—kr,l 11, R-rw., CC WETLAND OVERLAY --4 PLANS ihecl 2.3 � W WILDLANDS ENGINEEkING 2- 4- lo' ........... WILDLAINDS — (VERTICAL) ENGINMERZ��,'!NC. i,cobg cal 0. 25' 50 75' 100' Jmim SW; (1 - I—� (HORIZONTAL) F- 919A519987 N,. F4MA RWV3 CF LLJ CE — CE — CE — CE — CE — CE — CE — CE CE — E CE CE 76 CE — CE — CE — CE — CE — CE — CE — c xA C A)? -SEAL ,�w G U0 o 5 U cq3 P-4 ;01 1-- —� I' 1 "02125 ).bN—b-, 005 ........... HY. Jfl. WETLAND OVERLAY PLANS She 2.4 W - U CF CE CE CE CE CE CE -- w - - - - -- - -- - -- CE M -� CE � S 3 :� CE t 573 � CE t t 513 - - - - - - _• t s J `j 1 CIS I / I � � S . i 1 { Q 414*00 415_ `- 413 �/ / /�L� 572 \`` �� `•� ` �/ \� ,I /' % 'J' S� �' L, 572` � ;�• ���� �.\ 41S / SF 3 " 572 \. 571 / S�2 572 \ \ 572 i4 WILDLANDS E.G- N E Efts O WILDLANDS / 0' 20 40' ENGINEERING INC. ul r-1 gkal Reatun6. (HORIZONTAL) '4—* ae K�kigll NC ki Hill Rind , 1 m Td: 919A51.99h'' m Fu 91� N,, F ; I F-vm I.w. ��� 1'JVI31 .I C A ss,o.liti m ^SEAL 0 7 w 'iM.t MA\��� rn \m �-- CE �- CE ----- CE \ — J o{ �\ v CE \ CIO U� U0 s Q 4 v Fy M G! �a U \ 1' 571 ` • �. _ Q wka EOSinw: __. \MM TL S _ 573 ~- ZL5 �p73 - - - - - ZL9 - 572 - - - - - - - - - - - 517 Sj� ` \ 'a cnKtaaer 1 \ 4 _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Re9mioo. \ 3C 30 30 3C 33 33 -�� 04 33 3 30 571 — v WETLAND g OVERLAY RW 3 v PLANS e��E �r- Sheet w 2.5 G�\ NRW 2 �/ \ G m G� \ G4, / m ce GE L) m of / I fl v m / G� G w WILDLANDS Er�GiN FFRi r�� 2' 4' 6' S' 10' VERTICAL WILDLAN DS 0' 25' 50' 75' 120, ENGI � ERING� INC. HORIZONTAL 56111(k.kWNI, I.:r IT.I: 9, AS T.Afr F.,919x51.99Yf� Fn. 419x5I.99N� CARO ��p�'FE88 %0•��y ?: os/�h3 •t t�- =SEAL � v m/ ce / UT 1 0 w U 13G 3J U 1 X590 U 1 w U ld ld ld ld '3G d ld ld l 30 h �J 58 w' 7jJ i8g �) 587 8 . 5909 � -ap / ' 1 � S8g / ' 33 37 -' I I I ld I ld I ld UQ U o Z .�M Z U 0 qU i J _cl Q+ N u �z G r+ i y,�..ml,� w5•m1u m. IievW- C� imI i-I WETLAND �s OVERLAY ®, c�ly PLANS sh- 2.6 • rl �' CE G CE ,35rF -- / � CE -CE �_ 30 ' 37 0' 25' 50' 75' 100' HORIZONTAL l$;, WILDLANDS EFI tiINf Ewir�(; WILDLANDS ENGINEER INC. rw,logicaI R! ntING 4irn tlmicw 5w. (lwFd1101fstl Sun. 1.2 Wkia6, \C YM17 F.. 919A51.9 FaI 919A51, 111 Fvm I..�. +ue \o. 1''atlJi �Q'.FESS�O,I�y =SEAL NL %O�•.,•INE•• �J 4) cn U V.z U O .is U G a cis cl M � d ga b c v I1..1 b6�6, :; --- ........._.. -00.nnss ��.c �um� N. Fw ,,: .11'mm ...1 I'—ur. In. JWH WETLAND �s OVERLAY PLANS --4 c� •.r 2.7 V 1 SF 4 — CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE 5p1 C ' Lu W o . 47 > Z 538 C) 5 / 538 5- �J � Slo �U 8� S�eW I � r Rw 4 U W U f/ W U U / 8 U 539 co U SF 4A U I r., LW E CE CE CE CE \ O� n� 538 S3) �w • � 533 m �n m �1G. m so' m o I I m I n m I O m m I n m n lib WILDLANDS E.01. EE RI 0 WILDLAINDS ENGINEERINGI INC. Gcolopial Ratonvm, ttrrvim SM5 ('Mpel11111 c r m 1 Td 911 A5 .9 M7 Tei. 919.851.9"', T pQ:��iSB %�y ?SEAL O 1Nfc�P: Jb � U o Z! nblo � � U q U a cis u oa b G i 51 'm! J�p\ Mr. q fl.tZi P'1 Prvp Firs4m: \51 \I I,nwn Nr. JU •e.a y: I'--Br 1Nl1 Rc.w!um C/C WETLAND P, OVERLAY PLANS CIS sh- L. [) 0' 25' 50' 75' 100' � HORIZONTAL i . r Planting Slunmary Table Wetland Planting -Zune3 Acres 20.1 App, Ind Species Name Ma% lktit Indiv. Indiv. # of Taml Species Coniston Name S i Spacilrg Type• Caliper SlreNm Spacing Stems Ik � � Size Size Snlic srrieea Quercur Cherrybatk Oak 12 h. R WILDLANDS Canopy 612 ft. 1700 Camu.s agnda Sit. L 0.25'• -1.0" Shmb 68 fi. Ilfq Qurrru., phrllnc Linndendron Tulip Wplar i20. R ENGINEERING WILDLANDS 612 ft. 13IXI Planru.e rulipijem 8ft. R Canopy 68ft. UR1U rcfJenralic Qurrcua phelln.c Wgluw Oak I20. R 0.8 " -L0" Canopy ENGINEERING, INC. 130!1 Brtu /u nigra Planrus Sycannrc I'_f1 R 0.25 " -1.0" Canopy 612 ft. ?'YU Qurrcu.c cridrnruli.s g0. R 0.?5 " -I.U" Canopy 68ft. Ecological Restotalion mirhau Berulu niAnt River Buch 12 ft. R 0.:5 " -I.0" Canopy (+120. IUMI Fraxinus gnrrc�us Swalry Chestnut I'ft. R QS " -L0" Canopy Seances UW prnngxlvunira »ich »urii oak PLANTING ZONES: Fra.rinus (}een Ash 120. R O.S" -I.D' 5fi05 NZII nc n6or'" 122 R. 612 ft. IAOU pin rile» Tel: 91Y.85, 9916 saNOlal IB$BB a Fr r: 919.851.9987 Firm Livmu N. F•ORSI Zone 1 - Sireambank Planting Zone CARo l/� ® Zone 2 - Floodplain Planting Zone OQ� FE68j0 •T: Oy/Y /t3 4� :7 =SEAL � =par {`Q;. W W W W Zone 3 - Wetland Planting Zone /�l7 �i�C��I i IAAG����� ® Zone 4 - Permanent Seeding Outside Easement CND � • a y VEGETATION TABLES Planting Slily® Tade Sfnambank Planting •Zane 1 Acres 7.9 Species Corrmnn Name Mex L4u1 M1Gn.Size Svatum Indv. #of Total Spring Type• Spoiog Stems Ilts Salix nigru Black Willow 8f1. L 0.5 " -IA "cal. Shnrb 28 fi. G62 Comur Sgky Wgwuod Bft. L Shrub ' -$R. 1324 Salix serireu Silly W glow B 0. L OS " -1.0" cal. Shmb 2 -8 0. 1724 lunru.c rffusu. Soft Rush•` 50. P herb Suholal hAIJU 0 • L = Live Stake; P = Herh scenux Plug; R = Ban Rnor •• Sall Ru,ch.,hall be installed at theme fa ceatnbank only na all rexmratinn rrache.c Planting Slmulla Table P'loodplain Plaraing• Zone 1 Acres 18$ Due blay 6.' -'013 Max Unit fob Number: M5 -0.123 Pl•n E.,irum `11N Species Conran Name L = L -e Stake; P = Herbaceous Plug; R = Bare Root s D.- B`� JTL rbr� Cbaied B. JWH 1� 1� Revisions PLANTING TABLF,S t Sheet •L =Live Stake;P= Herharrau.c Plug; R =Bare Rom 3o® Planting Slunmary Table Wetland Planting -Zune3 Acres 20.1 App, Ind Species Name Ma% lktit Indiv. Indiv. # of Taml Species Coniston Name S i Spacilrg Type• Caliper SlreNm Spacing Stems Ik � � Size Size Snlic srrieea Quercur Cherrybatk Oak 12 h. R O.S' -I.0" Canopy 612 ft. 1700 Camu.s agnda Sit. L 0.25'• -1.0" Shmb 68 fi. Ilfq Qurrru., phrllnc Linndendron Tulip Wplar i20. R 0.'3 " -L0" Canopy 612 ft. 13IXI Planru.e rulipijem 8ft. R Canopy 68ft. UR1U rcfJenralic Qurrcua phelln.c Wgluw Oak I20. R 0.8 " -L0" Canopy bl +2 ft. 130!1 Brtu /u nigra Planrus Sycannrc I'_f1 R 0.25 " -1.0" Canopy 612 ft. ?'YU Qurrcu.c cridrnruli.s g0. R 0.?5 " -I.U" Canopy 68ft. IJW mirhau Berulu niAnt River Buch 12 ft. R 0.:5 " -I.0" Canopy (+120. IUMI Fraxinus gnrrc�us Swalry Chestnut I'ft. R QS " -L0" Canopy 612 ft. UW prnngxlvunira »ich »urii oak Fra.rinus (}een Ash 120. R O.S" -I.D' Canopy 612 ft. IAOU pin rile» saNOlal IB$BB a Planting Slunmary Table Wetland Planting -Zune3 Acres 20.1 App, Ind Species Name Ma% lktit M1Bn" Indiv. #of Total Species Coniston Name S i Tom• Caliper Stratum Sparing Stems Ihs nd .I � � Size Snlic srrieea Sgky Wglow Sh. L 0.25 " -1.0" Co,opy 680. IIW Camu.s Silky Dogwood Sit. L 0.25'• -1.0" Shmb 68 fi. Ilfq Qurrru., phrllnc Wgbw Oak 80. ft 0.3 " -I.0" Croupy 68 fi. 12W Planru.e Sycamore 8ft. R Canopy 68ft. UR1U rcfJenralic Brtu /u nigra River Birch Bft. R 0.3 " -1.0" Canopy 68 fi. IS()U Qurrcu.c SwartQ Chestnut g0. R 0.?5 " -I.U" Canopy 68ft. IJW mirhau Owls Fraxinus Green Ash 8ft. R U.?S " -1.0" Canopy 680. 1!fN1 prnngxlvunira SuMotal 9b0U 0 Permanent Seeding Outside Easement - 2nre 4 Acres 4.6 App, Ind Species Name Stratum Comm�n Nrune Density Dote H1a /arrel Auve:,r L'rerar" uem raueesrae 4B nd .I Perll®renl Seeding - 2ore 1, 2, & 3 Acres 3 37$ A �� d S Species Name S Slroton C Canon Name ( (De Te la See - Zore 1, 2, & 3 Acres 37$ Approsed Species Name Slrolum Common Name Density Dao (Ihs /octet Aug 15- Seralrrrrralr Herb Rye Grain I4U May 1 May I - Srmria imliru Herb Gemmn MOlet 50 Au I$ Y S x F vM1 0' 50' 100' 150' 200' W I L D L A N D S ENGINEERING (HORIZONTAL) WILDLANDS ENGINEERING, I I INC SAS %7u FM Rd Sure 122 Raleigh 7.0 2]607 y Tc1 9198519986 y y y F- 9198519W y y y F— L—.. N F-0871 y y y y y yy y yy y y yy y y yh• y yy y y y \� y y y y y y y y 'h' y y y `h' y y y ` \ \\ .�� CAROI�I'�i y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y OQ' ��6`s1O. _� -SEAL 'y •.9 y y y y y y 'hv y y `hv y y y y `h' y S E A L 9' _ y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y v, y y vv y y y y y y y y y `✓ y y y y y y y y y y y Wo rA JN Jq� y `h' M M xq pv, , y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y r, y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y vv y y y ry y y vv y yy y y yJ' y y r, y y y `h' yy y y y 'Y yy y y •Y d' y y 'V y y y y y `Y y y y y 'h• y y y y y y y `h' y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y -✓ y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y yy y y y y y y vv y y y y y y y •V y y y y �• y y y y y ��� y y y y y y y SF 1 b .v y y y y yy y �� r/ r y y y yy yy yy y y y y� y y y y y y y y (sMil P4 A y y •y y y y y y y y y y lJ vv yy y y y y yy y y y � W W W W W y 'V y y y .V y •h' �� I W W W W W W F� 'Fv y y y y +' y y •Y ��`\\;� W W W W 1 W W W W W � � � S F 1 A yy V W W W W �X), W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W .✓ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Dale M.v 6 2325 W W W Job E. WS -02325 W W W W W W W Fpm- - Cvglnccr \"MM Fy Unml Rr JTL W W W W W W W W Chnhd Rv �µH W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ReSISio}I5 UT 2 W W W W W W W \\ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W PLANTING W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W I W W W W W W d P L F L � $heel P L P L 3.1 I� I fi I--1 d— Id,-Id a i � —ld--T _j 7k a i r r J W W W d W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W a PL — PL —APL__ — PL —APL FARM r ——A PL_PL PL PL PL UT1- v r r r SF 3 —7 PL — PL UT 1B W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 1. /J WW W WW W`11WW W W. r &0�04 WILDLANDS ENGINEERING Mm 6 'HU r WILDLANDS wls H2II5 ENGINEER NC INroG/ PmJatE__ o n EmI.V;: l s ey D.—H, HAa Chapel Fh➢R. Same122 RaWgh.M Y]6W F. 919 8519986 Fu 9198519997 �O r vn� L�a�ue C BJI F N. IF 0 �CARQ Ro.ISions 2�o`�c�/blt3�y '.y9 SEAL v r r cc �— PLC —PL ,® b � UT 1A ld I r r r r N �i z G P .-ti H M N w 'p Dm Mm 6 'HU r Job Number wls H2II5 r F� PmJatE__ VM11 s ey D.—H, JTL (Tnhed H.- IN H E3 Ro.ISions ' r — PLANTING 7 e� Sheet r 0' 100' 200' 300' 400' I (HORIZONTAL) oY �1 11 D Ij n W W W W W W y y W W W y W W W W W y W W W W W y W W W W W W W W y W W y W W I L D L A N D S W W y W W W W y W W W W y W 't' W y y W `t' W W W W W W W W W W ENGINEERING W WWW WWW WW WWW yWW WW WyW WWW WW WyW yWW WW WyW WWW WW WW WWW WWW WW Wy W W W W W yW W W W W W WW WW W W y W W W W yW WW y W W WW W W W W W WW W W y W W W W W W W W W W W y W 1:1Vti11�1.L'LAN INC W W W W W y W W W W W W y W W W W W W y W W W W W W y W W W W W W y W W W W W W y W W W W Ccologlcal Resto.tiun W y W Sen — W y W W y W W W W W W W y W W W W W W 5685 W W W W y W W W W y W W W y W W W W W W W W y W W W y W y W W y W C e HARud9m le 122 y y W R k, h rC 2D7 W W g 9198519986 W y W W y W W W W W W W y W W W W W W W y W W W'y W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W `t' W W W W y W 'f' W W W W W W W W W W W y W W W Fum G 9198 \lo FINJI W W W W y W W W W W W W y W W W W W y W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Wr.WWW'y WWWWy Wy WW WWW WW WW WW WWWWy WW WW WWWWy WW WW yWWWy WW W`Y WWW Wy WW.4.41 yWW WWW yWW WW WW WW yWWWV. WW WWW W W WWWWWW'L yWWW'U WWy `\ \ \�CARO, W `t' W W W W W W W W W W W W y WW J, WWWyWWWyyWWWWW` t' WWWyyWWW` t'WWWWyWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWy WW WWV,WWWWWWWWW WW WW WW WW WWW`I'W W W W WWWWW 'in FSEALQ -�4�� W WW yW WW y. yW WW WW WWWW'V WW WW WWy WW WW yW WWWWW WW WW WWW WW yW WW WW WW't'WW WW`1 WyWw WW'Y WW yW WW WW WW'V y,W WW WWw WWW V,W WW WW WW`Y / /�OM'MP P \\"o yW WW WW WW WyW WW WW WW WWWWWWW W WWW y�W WW Wy WW yWW WW WW Wy WW WWWW W WWW W`t' WW WW WW WWW yW Wy WW WW W yWWW WW WWW WW WW WW / /Illll��� W W W y W W W y W W W W y W W y W W W W W y W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WW y W W W W W y 'y W W W y y W W W W W W W W W W W W W y W W W y y W W W W y W W W y W W W W y W W W W y W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W y W W W y W W W y W W W W y W W W y W yyWW W W WWWW y W WWWW W W WW WWW W W yWWW W W W WW W W W WW W W W Wy W W W Wy W W W W WW W y W W W W y W W W W W W W W W y W y W W W W y W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W y W W W W 'y W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W y W W W W W y W W W W W W y W W W W'y W W 'Y W W W y W W W W W y W W W W W W y W W W W W W W W W W W y W W W W W y W W W � W W W n W W y W yWWW y W W WWWW W W WyWW W W Wy W W W W W W W W WWWW W W WWWW W y 41 -V W y W W W W W W W W W W W W W y W W W y W W W y W W W y W W W W W W W W W W W y W W W y W W W W W y y W W W y W W W W y W W W y W W W W W W W W y W W W W W W W W W W y W W W y W W W W W W W y W W W y W W W W y W VL y W W J W W `t' y `t' W y W ��/�/�� W W W l/'� W'Y y W W W W W y W W W W y W 'Y W y W W W W y W W W y W W W `V W W W `t' W W W y W W W W W W W W W W SF 4 W W W W W W W W y W W W W W W •t� !� y W W y W W W W W W W W W W W W W r,W W W W W yW W W a.J W W SF 4A WW yW WW WW yW W WW WW W W W y W y W J W W W cf Dalc bfa, 6 Job Vumba U5 U2725 Rgy Ennr \m • 1 L n— tl. JTL �� Chcctd BY J.11 PLANTING Sheet 0' 50' 100' 150' 200' 44 (HORIZONTAL) 3.3