HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-01027_Well Construction - GW1_20220107 - 828.o22-7241 P.1 Feb 1619 05;43p Clearwater Woll Drilling ••••• ;;,„„ WlRX'L CQNSTEtUCTION RECORD(G U1 For lntemal Use n y: - I.W C.ontrartor information: 7AES --- n -------�-- raoN r R Rltl'itON Well Cori nlI a''oor2r Name fr. ff, 4' cli Cnnmavf Certif,calinn Nunkher^Y ,t S. 1TER C r+ING forme welt ORL1�11 n P;� e 1/� [�Q PROM ro ofATt�t1ALIFi� ft, M enmPany Name i -&WNER C S NG QR 7ItBING eothorma s1�eA I ir. Tp DtA T11ICI:NPSS MA'tER1AL 2.Well Conntrnctinn P 1,)( Zermit A: s Lint nil eppliewhk wall rnn.rrn+dton parmltr(I.e.Ul(:County.State,Varlance,NO . ft., 3.NY01 Vie(check tvdl Ilse): WaterSapplyweil: N^ rtttc sas MAuL n AM ,_f+f/�T• Agricultural Imicipallpublic () ft. (leothcrntal(I.-Ieatias Cooling Supply) esidentiai Water supply(single) @- it. in. fndusiriallC,ornivercial csidential Water Supply(shared) "1& ROi1T F 7 MA L WMAZ �aA a MOUtts (rri^orlon tt• � Non-Wnter Supply VI ell: Monitoring Olkccovafy to. ft. giection e4: ft• —ft. — — DAquife•Recharge E3crotndwotcr Remcdiarinn 19,SaNO/CkAV�L pACI itewdks AquifcrStOrflgc Anti Recovery � RecnvcrSnlitlity f3atriet -PRAM tQ A 1 L f ACEMBMTMCT1iQ�3 Aqui ter Test [3StarmwatcrDrainago St ksiderim Control �• R' _ L•'riperimentai Tec)nlology Q �. Geothermal(Glowed Loop) OTtar:et Rti.t LOG ailac6 r -co 4t tite.ale. FRotrt ro la.. .�, r�l"-_.—.1--; Cicnthennal(Hearin oolinR Rea,n►) (hher(ex lain under fi21 Rcmwks} �- it_ it,dateuleq(s)COralifeted:Q _ 0 .a(Well IDI/, ✓ fr. 4-79 f+u.WcF1 i,nrndan: I:tttiliht+(lamerltalne Facility i ffifvP140ble.) 0' R. JAN 4 Pirirall Aedress,City,and?.ip fq ft. .-Ul•[ PrY n- w n,,.,,,,- 'n' •�1.RFMARICR t� �lUl"'J�'�r� ^i,�°.!;sli C:vnt(y Pnreol fdewiticntinn No.(PiN1 I -- Sh.Ibatitude nod longitude in dgVm-;/mintrtcs/seconds or deeimnl degrees: -— (i MVH field,one Inmong ir,naiTiNcntj t IC M cation: 3S'030�...y T� �i ,Y b.k(am)tfie wetl(s) crmnncnt or ©Trmporary Sipnn c ofCenifial WellContrnetor pate . 1 y.t4minh rots.Joan,I IrRtwhV t10rr1Jy that Air twdlfi): tom Aver:)c(MoNfred tit ar9Ylyda ice 7.1.this a rcPair to an existing welh Yes Or No v-igt 15A.V(',tr..02C A100 or MO NCAr t121.V000 Waft L:nnsrntrnnn Slnnrlarrlr m1r!Aral IT 1f761ri.v0repnir.,i11mrknnnmieellcon.Aracomnitifonnalinn and ciploint6eananegPhe tap)rnfih/tfrcaNlltncdh•+7pMt7�vlfar1trSWCIimHirr. Mpoor under+,21 raa+nrk.r cFcllnn err nn i1w hnck of rhi.%farm. 2.3.%iie foilgram or Addltionnl µvM decant: R.for Gmprobe/DPTor Closed-l.nnp Geothermal W011%having the same 1'4Ht may use the back of this pogo to provide additional well site demils or well txmstrtt:tinn,only i CrW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of writs ctmstniction drtails. You may also attach additional pages ifrteccssary. h.Total well depth beltrty land surlacc: `'►`v Ll ___(R'-i 24a. nr Aa M.' Submit title form%vithin 30 days of completion of well l Ar n+ulllplr H•rl1.c fl4r all n y+du•i/di(f'erant(ctnn+nla_3(n�7(!0 and i21nn'J construction to the following; 10.Static water itwt;l below top of rasing: - __- (ft.) Division of Water Restmrces,information Processing Voil#, !f w•aler heal lr nlvair cminp,+ter"•"l )617 IH>til Service Center,Raleigh,NC'274"4617 #i_tiorcholediemeter: .(in.) ?,ih.Four laiection Wells: In addition to=ding the form to the address in 24a 12.Well constnlelinn method:__,_• alcove,also submit one copy of[Iris form within 30(lays of compilcuoit of well 1 c.Well,rot.•st rank,direst hod: ....-,.�.�, etinstructiolt to the following: Division of Water Reamirces Underground hdattion Control Program, rOR WATER SUPM li WELLS ONLY, M36 Mail Servit*('enter,Rak*fi,14C 2109-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) 4 nRethod of test: ^111e. far W tit,yr CpnR(Y&TaiecHOn Wtils: In addition to Sanding the Ibrm to the addre.m(cs) above. also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of fib.Olsinfection type: Amonot: cnmptction of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. FarmCW-I North CarolinaMparimentoftin-trounicgentQlrniily-nivistnnofwaterRagnur s Revrsed2-222016