HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-01001_Well Construction - GW1_20220107 828-622-72:41 P.1 f*rh 1519 05;43p OIAalwAtAl Wali Drillin(3 ••••�•y, :;_ X.CO�S�TION�tEe,-O iGW�a) Fnr Inlcmnt Uqc sty, • t.VYr.1tC;nntrannrAnfntmalhln; �.,...---. __•__:- __...._.�.--..-- �Vr.I1 t:rn,IrxuK Natne 1•_• f►, _ O' _.____-., - -•—_-..._...-- PY W:well ranimmR,t'ettifieMiro,Ninitto' Ij tt1IR ifate— _ P I. Ot„ 4 l ]�-�t 1 1 d M�61 C t►� M _...-- 7A :!.1Ve11 Cnaxtt•netlon Permit#: f�, k, 1n. 00 rrlr nlytHmnfc,talfcmtnntn.inn pi+tmdr 11.1t,OR,'. 3.Weil ifse(chech wrlS file): - WttcrSa pl>1,Y Wcl1: Agriadtaral �vttmieipti11P1thlic (? �- n, tn, -�_-- CClKhnl'nlal{i.•JentiligCnn1lttgStfppty) tgidentinl WxterSnppiy(eingle} t(. _,tw f induslriallQommerci JoResidemiat Water Snppl;l(shared) O11T 1. P f p �rtlnntion Nnn-11':vtr tiup11N�V!'elic tt" _ _.._- A4nnflotin Rct:avety p. rr_ _ -.•�-- n�rctinn CII: -- -� f - �- ft• it. Agnil'a fi:Chntgr, �firaundwnecr Rrmediatien •19, t N" VBi. �� ..� ,LAC T11�[TItO_1!-� ... AguifcrSforagemldttecavm)' [)SnlinityVintrim mtolt L"1(prrinlemal Tcchnnittgy �iSubsidcnu7 Cnntrnt -�� ft" ,._._ _.. CK:ntbermal(Ciased I.anp) LU OGOC lee,e+s] C;ennlrnnal(Hcatin tin RcS,pi (htwr CXAlin undat f17.1 Rtmxd:s) P6tIN _ 4_ilatcUVetl(a)Completed: ,��;,[.�l.Well IDl/._.-r---._--_.�...�. �.1L J �• .. __..Y_..... Su.Well i.nralian: f.tcilitl;`(k.nerlfamn Rna11yfD11(if q,pllcahlr.) r .- t'1lvsianlAAArc.ce,f:ityand.Zip U rrcrt�v`^ y� zi wS-AAKiS 4,vG I V I I'onnly ` 1,nrcol idcnlifinntic,n No.(Ptrt) - ---- �- Nb.Latitude anti tonpllmdt in degreepltninatosmecnnds ordreimnt tirgrcrs: '- (i;neli fir.Id, .1n0ow is Alai.-few) � t ;12,i(;ertifl on, 6,)s(arr.)the wtll(.4) trmanent or Orrmpornry g r.orCettHiaf WettCnlitmaror Dntt �X .•.vimini"Ohs'";,rim J hrrrl!ptvnrify rhm life am.11f)avit aam:J mpup trlpvf at drrntAlLm.r %•to till.a repair to ant:xtvting well: 1lrs nr No x:qh l.tt v'C`,tr.'o2f..!/1tNl fir 1.fA NCAC d1C.'.B?00 R'e1l nnttn,ainu SlnadaOt and that,: if flr,ivn repnir..fiN,n,tknnnm u.,Jl.rna.r,rdiae irljo,roartlrnrra",r'pfnif Ow n rna i oribo ;r'P1'oph!t rlyprif hoe hfto p11Dt4di d Oro IAL Wril Awlfrr. n;MIr nndrr r,l f rr.C�N.L.t setYlenl oP mt lfn:hart liflhf;••f+no. 2;i,Lute tNARram or pdditlotml lveil dM01t11: R.l%fir CrnnrobefllPT or C.titaed-l.,onp 6QWhermm Well%bavimt the same 1'nl,n1ay uw+file hack of lhis page to',prnvide addidonill Weil Aite delnik or well ,>t,nvinn:tinn.onl�1 CsW-t is needetl, ilKfiRntc CQ'fAl.NtJMB1 R nf+ariLc con9tnirtinn defails. YOn may 11190 attach t}dtift1aT181 ItAQCR IfflttCEbPflty, `'•T41AI waitdeptk Imlow land surfit.cc, T5-----_--_-_--M) ;104. f er AM WtiA: Vibmit tills fb m witiiin 30 dBys of compictian of it-ell f•�rmajlnptc ,OfclivMidrtin1follcrenteamnjph dn7rlt?'nwIl@loW) 1'1111atf11C1in11tothe following; l p,SlAtic watmievtl t low..tap of tn,iing: _. _ (ft.) I)ivIsinn elf Water RemureeA,iRfnrmation Prtxeemg Unil, 11'evttrr 6ncllritivton vpring•toe�''•/^�t 1617 Mmq Smkc Center,RAtdgh.NCj76"-Ifi17 11.Ilarchale dlpmrtcr:_-_ Ve In. ---( } ;t•lA"Tar IwMerlow we la: to addition to sanding the fottt►io dtc tiddfesiti in 24n xl+nve,also wfunh onto copy of this form within 30 days of eomplegolr of wolf I?.1Vrti cnnatnlctinn Method- -- ---- -�_ cammictinn m the follorAni 0 c.Rage:••romf)••r,�1.{e di,'eetinu11,c1e•) ►`M w.�rrti�i,Prr v wFt r otvl.w: ---- -----' -- Division of Water Rtaotlrcea,Undergrownd 011joction•Contm)hgrnm, 7 rim tYtan,4ervf m Ccntcr;statelgh,NC 274'106.11636 1.s-Yield(gDai) ��_ _Imetbad of test:( 2-le, Rnr H`pf T Suep1►-&(R12SMAR We 19: In uddRlon to Sontling the ibtnt in div riddress(es) nhnvo.. 0I50 submit one Copy a till$ fban wiQlin 30 days of t 1h,lrfslnn:Ction type. AmnRnt:, r,.npletion of,yell emmacdon to file'courtly"in dtpanmrM of tnc munty whore cortatmeted. t'W,t NoaJ,t;nmtinn117epnnmcni.of t:u�knnmrr;tnl t;ls;tnty^Qivicu,n nP Water Rastairms RretteA?.�'l-2M6