HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0004230_Monitoring - 11-2021_20220104Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number #* WQ0004230 Name of Facility:* A Place at the Beach III Homeowners Association, Inc. Month: * November Year: * 2021 Report Information Type* Upload Document* GW-59 11-04-21 GW-59 WQ0004230. pdf PDF Only 3.13MB Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address:* victor.perez@vriamericas.com Name of Submitter: * Victor Perez Signature: Date of submittal: 1/4/2022 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Saunders, Erickson G Is the project number correct?* WQ0004230 Is the monitoring report accepted?* - Yes NO Regional Office* Wilmington Accepted Date: 1/19/2022 Facility Name:T- Permit Name (if 1 Facilitv Address: Well Locatiortl Site Name: Please Print Clearly or Type County & ' A0QC:Sf._ v1-1kL I Telephone #:Zgk -3sq- No. of Wells to be Sampled: Well Identification Number (from Permit): I — For Grouridwater Treatment Systems Well Depth, ft. Well Diameter: in- Check Orm 0 Influent (98) Screened Interval: ft. to — ft. 0 Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level: ft. below measuring point. I Measuring Point (M.P.) is: ft. above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation in ft.: Gallons of water pumpedfgailed before sampling: Date sample collected: Field analysis: PH-0),Ji , Specific Conductance ' uMhos Temp. �OC, Odor — , Appearance DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT &NATURAL RESOURCES WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER PERMIT #,- EXPIRATION DATE - Non -Discharge NPDES TYPE QF PERMInEQ OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon —Remediation:Infiltration Gallery Spray Field — Remediation: ary Distributor —Land Application of Sludge NQT_E Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. is sample analyzed: LaboratoaName- PARAME_TERS (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered —YES No and field acidified COD mgA Nitrite (NO2) b5 mg/1 Coliform: ' MF Fecal Nitrate (NO3) as N 1 mg/l Conform:MF Total 1100ml Phosphorus- Total as P vciu mgA lNote: Use MPH meflwd for highly tut -- -Id samples) Dissolved Solids: Total mg1I Orthophosphatp,_,. All - Aluminum mg/l mg/I pH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium IT) TOC mg/1 Ga - Calcium mw Chloride LO-S mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Arsenic mg1I Chromium: Total mg/I Grease and Oils mg1I Cu - Copper mglI Phenol mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Sulfate mg/I Hq - Mercury mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos K - Potassium mg/l Total Ammonia mg/I Mg - Magnesium mgll TKN as N mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I — YES __Nov NI - Nickel' IT) Pb - Lead- M Zn - Zinc'- ACq mmonia.N"it._-_,:­in_ 0J1___mg/ Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) ORGANICS: (GCGC/MS,HPLC) (Specify test and method Jf. Attach lab report.) Report Attached? Yes _� (1) No — (0) VOC method #= method# - method#= TIN glocanagel no ac ,Please Print Clearly or Type Facility Name: TN I T&t . Permit Name (if different): Facility Address- c — County C€ n't'act Perso��J �S + Telephone #l; S [r Well Location/ Site Name: No. of Wells to be Sampled: ',Yell ldentific Lion Nun (from Permit): 12 For Gmundt+yater Treatment Systerns Well Depth* ff. Well Diameter in. Check C€I€:: Q Influent (98) Screened Interval: _ ft. to ft. 0 Effluent (99) Depth to dater Level: ft. below measuring point. Measuring Point (M.P.) is: ft. above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation in ft.: Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling: S Date sample collected Field analysis: pH—n 44 , Specific Conductance ' uMhos Temp. �j -C, Odor - - , Appearance DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT % NATURAL RESOURCES WATER OUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE: Non -Discharge UlC_ INPDES iYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon Rernediatim Infiltration Gallery Spray Field Rernediat : :_f otsry Distributor Land Applicafw. of Sludge __ tither: NNTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: - rs t f Certification No. PQRAMETEREj (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES NO and field acidified COD mg/l i oliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrite (N0 ) aS li 'l mgll Nitrate (NO3) as N mgll Coliform. MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P 2d_ mg/l (Note: Use MPH method for highly tut - Jd samples) Dissolved LAO Ortilo�3�ii�sp atp JF Solids: Total mg1I Al - Aluminum mg/I pH (when analyzed units Ba - Barium m I Oc - _ mg/l Ca - Calcium Mgt[ Chloride l mg/l Cd - Cadmium rn911 Arsenic mg/l Chromium: Total rrlg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Capper mg/l Phenol mg/l Fe - Iron Mg/1 Sulfate mg/l Hg - Mercury mgA Specific Conductance uMhos K - Potasslum ,� �A mgil Total Ammonia mg/l Mg - Magnesium g/I TKN as N mg/l Mn - Manganese mJl - YES_ lf£1 Ni - Nickel mg/l Pb - Leap mg/l Zn - Zinc mg/l Ammor,Ia IN'A` _ .;eR mg/l Other (Specify compounds and Concentration Units) ORGANICS: (GC,GC/MS,HPI_C) (SPecify test and method #. Attach lab report.) Report Attached? Yes —t-11) No (0) VOC method # method : method # Please Print Clearly or Type Facility Name: r _ TU Merit Name (if different): Well Locationi Site Name: V,lell I itlfi tion i''�lumber (from Permiti: �For Broundw iter Treatment systems Well Depth: _ - -- ft. Well Diameter* I. _in.Check One- 0 Influent {98} Screened Interval: ft. to 0 Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level: it. below measuring point. Measuring Point (M.P.) is: - ft. above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation in ft.: Gallons of water purr edfbailed before sampling; gate sample collected: Field analysis: pH , Specific Conductance ' uMhos Temp. °C, Odor . Appearance DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GWLJNDWATrR SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER EXPIRATION ri I NPDES TYPE QF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ° Lagos Rernedtafion; Inlillratlon Gallery Spray Field I=temediation: yR tary Distributor Land Applica+ rr of Sie ge Other __ _ NQ_TE: Values should reflect dissolved and . colloidal concentrations. Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: 1 Certification No. � 10 PARA111UERR (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES NO and field acidified COD Coliform: M1= Fecal mg/l I 1100ml Nitrite (NC) as }" i Nitrate (NO,4) as N mg/1 ®0nT g/l Celiforrrl: M1= Total 1100ml Phosphorus. Total as P `Aj ml (Note. use MPH method for highly ItWld Samples) Dissolved Solids: Total mg/1 Orthcphospha}p . _ _ Al - Aluminum mg/1 pH (where analyzed) _units Ba - Barium m 11 mag ll TOO R. mg/l Ca _ Calcium rmg/I Chloride 1,0 mg/I Cd - Cadmium m Arsenic mg/l Chromium: Total mg/1 Crease and Mils mg,11 Cu - Copper mall Phenol mg/l Fe - Iran mg/l Sulfate rrlall Hg - Mercury mg/l Specific Conductance uMhQs K - Potassium m l Total Ammonia mg/l Mg - Magnesium m 1 TKN as N mg/1 Mn - Manganese mg/l YES I Noi Ni - Nickel mgtl Pb - Le r' t mg/l Zn - Zinc mg/I AI r)f71{irii 3. f1- - :- t1 l other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) ORGANICS: (GC,GC/MS,HPLC) (Specify test and method #. Attach lab report.) Report Attached' Yes_c,_—_(1) No -- (0) VOC : method # method # Emo=K; r-A;It_s_t r tier- HMA I PUN Please Priem Clearly Or Type Facility Name: Permit Dame (if different): Facility Address: CS'�L mat € 0 - t # [=eft rqkm nty Contact Perso om CLVL � Telephone k4 Well Location! Site Name: - No. of Wells to be Sampled: ''veil Identification Number (from Permit}, For t�rnttttdrv�terTreatment �ystt Well Depth: ft, Well IJiartteter: in_ Ch kottec 0 Influent (98) Screened Interval ff. to ft. 0 Effluent 99 Depth to Water Level: �—ft. bmeasuring asuring point_ } Measuring Point (M.P.) is: ft. above land surf e. Relative M.P. Elevation in ft.: Gallons of water purre ailed before sampling: Date sample collected. 1 Feld analysis: pH , Specific Conductance - uMhos Temp- - ° . Odor - Appearance DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RMII' : EXPIRATION DATE: Non-Dj=harge_ roI ' UIG I NPDES TYPE QF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon Rernediation: Infiltration Gallery Spray Feld Ttemediallon: Rotary Distributor Land Appfleat;crr of Sludge -- Other -- NOTE—' Values should reflect dissolved and . colloidal concentrations. Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: Certification No. �t PARAMETERS (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES 1+10 and field acidified COD rig/l Nitrite (NCB ) aS I � mgll Goliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N rrlg/l Coliform: MF Taal /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P ? rngll (Note-, Use MPN method for highly tw-.-id samples) Orthophosphatp ,___ m I Dissolved Solids: Total _ _ mg/I Al - Aluminur mgll pH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium mgA. T OC �,05 _ -kas mgA Ca - Calcium l Chloride _- - �j rrlgl Cd - Cadmium- ra l Arsenic - mg1l Chromium: Total ml Crease and Oils m ll Cu - Copper mtgl'I Phenol mgll Fe - Iran mgA Sulfate mgA Hg - Mercury _ m gA Specific Conductance uMhas K - Pctassiurn m gA Total Ammonia Mg - Magnesium mgATKN as N rmg/ gi Mn - Manganese mgll YES . MCI Ni - Nickel mgA Pb Lea m Zn - Zinc mgl Ammonia ', -.in 011 1719I1 Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Urns) ORGANICS: (CC,GC/MSfHPLC) ('Specify test and method #. Attach lab report.) Report Attached' Yes ±f (1) No (0) VOC : method #bC- 1s, : method = : method a