HomeMy WebLinkAboutTr Aband CY2004WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD, North Carofna Department of Environment and Natural Resourcess= Division of Water Oual ty Grairndwater,Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDMDUAL) NAME (print) : - OERTIFtCATION'#:l 2009 WELL CONTACTOR COMPANY NAME PHONE # STATE WELLCONSTRUCTION PERMIT# N/A ASSOC4ATEDINfApERM[t,# J N/A t - � tdapdfcable)='�`u .. t"at� a?-ft Re nIceble7-.•i£4';r_ 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): " ❑ Residential ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial 0 Agricultural 252-523-3620 Billy Ray Casper D.E.N.R. 1 Groundwater Section 2 Monitoring ❑Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑Other If OJfi,t tittuseX. EMW# 5 2. WELL LOCATION r -s +Topokt'grapclLngSettlrii f9: "Nearest Town. Pisgah Forest County: Transylvania Ridge ❑Slope El Valley K_vCWsr 4 Check of " } i the appropoate b box tjtide/Longltud&ofvaela Location 3 OWNER: Address' N/A D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section / N.C. Superfund Section 1636 Mail Service Center :(Street or Road Raleigh N.C.27699-1636 tityorTown '. _a • KState +Zip.Code 252-523-3620 (area code: phone numbe 4.-DATE PRII.,LFDX. 5. TOTAL DEPTH 6. DOES WELLiEPLACE{=XISTINGWELL ❑YES ❑� NO STATIC WATER LEVEL(Betow Top of Casing) N/A Ft " ° ("use t -if Above Top of Casing) C . ^3,�.,"•- � 8. TOP OF CASING IS 711.6' I Above -Land Surface' ,. ...i i p o gs•Tong ter`mioated aUor bebw land surface requires a • - variance;Irtaceordarioe WRh15A, . 2C Oi18=%' 9.•YIELD (gpm}; 0 ''MEfHOD'OF TEST: 10.;WATER, ZONES (depth):' 4'--8' 11. DISINFECTION. 12 CASING From, From'. From 13. GROUT FrOIrt From'. From 14_SCREEN 0' .:'-From; 4' 8 To To' To": - raj; From'. To From To 15. SAND/GRAVEL PAC 8' ;Froth' From From '- 16.'REMARKS:: 4' 3/23/04 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELLWAS CONSTRUCTED]NACCORDANCE'r"�" -;STANDARDS ANPTHATACOPYOFTHIS,RECORD HAS BEEN PRIDED TOTHE4VELL GNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRIJCZINQZHE)NEt 4j y4+.y {'.F�:A Submd)heoriginai to the Divion of WaterQuallty Groundwater Section,1636 Mali Semce C. 919) 733 3221,'wlhinl30 lOyi. • ` ` Tel To Tot? 8' Ft% F(4 Ft" 7 aterial iametert /8" in in Size FL Ft Ft:v nat Amount;; 'Chic7cness, or Wei pump N/A Material'' fill }Well will be pulled out and hole cemented up after getting water sample 'WAG-2C WELL -CON: degraeslminutV, ecol ) ,'�i :a UrCe a ❑ GPS ❑ Topo Map {C/Welf Flat -1 REVa17 WELLCONTACTTORy,CCMPANYNAME`�.-: b1C.„ q • WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 0 jCaroffetibitailetifotE *trey drandi4atura[Resources WELL CONTRACTOR (INDMDUAL) NAME fprtnt) STATE, WELLCON$TRUCTIONrPERMIT# �a ifap t. WELL USE (Check Applicable BoX)., r:, ❑ Residential ❑ Municipal/Public Q Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other 2. WELLLOCATION Nearest Town 3. OWNER: Address;; D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section / N.C. Superfund Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh Streetc`tRaad No j `` AA '" ... N.C. 27699-1636 or 252-523-3620 (area code -phone number) 4. DATE OR LLE 5. TOTAL DEPFkt 31; 8' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE';EXI$7It G 3 7. STATIC WATERLelowTop EVEL(BS 8 TOP OF CASING ISi Hove hand ,*Top of casino terminated ether 1$ow land s6rtacefeCir' 'variancetnaccordanceWith 15A'NCAC2C 0118:;.rk` 9. YIELD (gpm) 0 METHOD OFTEST': 10. WATER ZONES (depth}. 11. DISINFECTION Type: jN/A 12. CASING 3/23/04 Billy Ray Casper D.E.N.R. , Groundwater Section Division of .VVatet Quality; Groprlwa$r Section `CERTIFICATION tl: `PHONE #� 252-523-3620 2009 N/A 4 ASSO TED W PERMR N/A ate From- 0' From, ;From", 13'GROU From . From Frorn" 14. SCRE 1 6' r'From: 4' Toy ...From. To From - Tp 15.SAND/GRAVEL P,ACI 8' Fit Ft. Prom'- 4' To 8' Ft.?' nat FromTo From To 111111♦ Ft: 16. REMARKS " Well will be pulled out and hole cemented up after getting water sample ry t `,v aAr. d 4 ,yV MI.e RntI' d S;d i w e f iSTp'X ;1 D0 HEREBYCERFYThTvISTELL W/SCONSTINACCORDNn±3f#1SANCAC2C+WEU SARDS AND1BTA6004SRECOWilisSSENPROVIDEDTQ-. 10ENfwERI:P *-'R� pump 3 JvriountN/A .MMateria( sst. Steel Maria fill ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural, EMW#4 TopagraphiC/tre flatting Ridge ❑Slope ❑Valley �n(ChecktbiajPip�o Xia ,latitude/Longltade oftwe11 focatioi N/A }W4 GPS CLliNG LOG 8iiita6onttescri (% .{ SIGNATURE OF PER$otz CS)N5iRUCTtNG THEW Lt.4t, u. ,.m � xt rs r Submit the wfglnal to the DMsion of Water Qua$. Groradwater•&ec iort,1636 Mail Setvlce center �) No. (919)7333221t vlthin 30 days,.; „,,__u 1REV�07j LL•CONSTRI.)CTION ECORD _Section NoNt Carolina Pe sarbnent of.Envrconmerit and Natural Re`sources-Division of.water Quafdy.. GroundWaterSec6on WELL CONTF;AgTOR.(NDMDUAL} NAME'(pnnt). -{ Billy Ray Casper !CERTIFJCATION 2009 WELL CONTACTOR CIOMPANYNAME 0 D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section PHONE3,1252-523-3620 STATEW.E,�-•L�aCdeli�rRreaclet="s"rh.^��`N/A A$SOCIATEQWOPER�# 1N/AS r^ ..Mxr: i ad '�� 1. WELL USE (Chet( Applicable SAY:-4 ❑ Residential ❑ Municipal/Public Q Monitoring El Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑Other 2. WELL LOCATION:'^ • Nearest Town Pisgah Forest Ecusta Paper Mill reetNarne, NumbersCommunttty Sgbdnision, Lot No 7IpQode) 3 ^OWNER,: Address: Coun Transylvania D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section / N.C. Superfund Section 1636 Mail Service Center wa ltreetor RoadNi f. t01, =. Raleigh N.C. 27699-1636 . .+,-City or:Town 252-523-3620 ��, �� w:.0 tarea c9de=phone.nurhber) ,..-:JL 4. PAT EbRI!L;ED1 5.17:61AL DEPTFI r 6 DOES WELi.,R PLACE EX(�rSiWGWELI 7 ST%}TLCINATE VEL (Be16W Top;9fC$stng�, ,,.t Y 1 1 i6Atwve?opo(a.. 8 TOP OF CASING tS 1 1.6 1AbovgrLand Surface :,p of casing termmtnated aBor belowIand surface requtres a a Y ?variancefn'"a`Gordancewtth�i5ANCAC2C 0116' .` 9. YIELD (gpm}l1/2 pint 1 METHOD OFTEST1pump 10 WATERO , ES (deptF)):: 4-8' 11 DISINFECTION 12. CASING From: From'; 'From;; 13.'GROU From ' Frorn From; 14. SCREEI 0' 8' 4' To 1peth; From 4' To' From;. To From TO' 15, SAND/GRAVELP.AC To:' To s- To:s 8' From From Flom` 16. REMARKSs 4' 8' Ft F..' Ft? 3/23/04 er! YES 1N/A ¢e NO ena 7/8" m' "+ 0.01 nt'::34 sst. Steel tot; in a In Ft` Ft; FL' ize nat a'te iat fill ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural EMW# 3 opggraaph c/Land Set ng' ❑ Slope 0 Valley ❑� Flat peck the appropriatO. tatrttfde/Congdude of hell Copt on" N/A 5 {degieeysingun itesfseeontlsj 3 =.n' `afitUd `Oary,,.'9.i�`-,,.r"`t-�k�'.,Ry?T. ellOrlgide sOt]rca .4 ❑ GPS ❑Togo Map Well will be pulled out and hole cemented up after getting water sample. l)O HEREBY t.tR fFY't}tATtHIS `iI/ELL WAS CONSTRU(.TEDIN ACCgRMt�l TANDARDS AND THAT A COPY OF TAIS RECORD'NAS HEEN.pA0`IIDEQ To` .y „SIGNATURE OF PERSON, CstON$„UCT�1(dG„SHEWE3 Atr Submtthe oriylnat tolhe DMsion bt WaterQrrality, Grond uwater'Sc�Uvrrr SG36 Ma) *Ace[ r' - No. (919} 733:3221r within 30 days ` , _ � , _ � x ELt. CONSTRUCTION RECORD$ 'ws orth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Wa(erOuaf .Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (NDMDUAL) NAME (print): r' Billy Ray Casper CERTIFICATION! 1 2009 WELL CONTACTOR COMPANY NAMD.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section PHONE #I252 5233620 STATE WECLL CON$7'RUCTION PERMIT# NIA ' ASSOCWTEDWQ4PERMRA N/A 1. WELL USE (Check ApplicableBox) ❑Residential ❑Municipal/Public ❑✓ Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Wate Injection ❑ Othe 2 WELL LOCATION. T , Neatest Tirxn. `4-Pisgah Forest Cotinty:1Transylvania Ecusta Paper Mill .(Street Name,.Numbers, communitt, Subdvisior%Lot blo., Zip Code) 3. OWNER,; Address:; D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section / N.C. Superfund Section Raleigh .;-i--,E City or Town 252-523-3620 (area.code -,phone number) . . 4 DATE DRILLED 3/23/04 5. TOTALDEPT 14,p, 8 6. DOES WEREPLACE EX LLIS T7NGWELI t 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL (Below Top of Casmg) IN/A ¢ACoya7op of Gasuigl 8 TOP;,OFCASING $ I ? Above Land Surface' 'top of cast g terminated `at/orberow land surface requires a:. `variance In'acco dance with lSA NCAC 2C 0118 p ,,1 9. YIELD (gpm)(h1 2 pint -`;METHOD OFTEST: 10.`WATERZONES (depth); 4'--8' 11. DISINFECTION Type:ii1 12. CASING From:. Front From. 13. GROUL From From.; From 14.SCREE Froth :4' To: " From.,: To From Tc 15. SAND/GRAVELPAC 0 From; 4' To Ft, From,- To •, Ft. From; To'. FL 16. REMARKS..: Well will be pulled out after sampling was done and the hole cemented up. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY TNA�T nipfyS WELL WAS CO, IN ACCORDANCE WIFti 15A( DARDS ANo THAT'A OF THIS RECORD STANHAS BEEN PROVIDED Tt3 Vii, tkELL b 8' Toy ToT nat ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural lse, opographrc/Land:Setting Ridge ❑ Slope ❑ Valley g(Check theapproPnate;lwx) L'atdude/Longitude of well location EMW# 2 N/A degreaeslminutass(seconds) f _:I t 9�tgdudes trcas"l ❑GPS r 0'-_4' Black silty sandy clay w/ light brown silty clay. 4'_-8' Light brown silty clay moist. ,SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUOTIRIG THWE ELLy Ps Submit 11ie odglnal to the Dlwlsrof otWater Quafity:'Gtoundwater=Section, 163& Mall Service Ce^i No.`(919) 733 3221,,wl hln 30 days'_ ;; ^ C WEILCONUCfICNT' REV 0712001 WELD' CONSTRUCTION ;RECORD drift Carolina Departmenlof:Environment arid Natural .Resources='Division of Water Duality GroundwaterSection WELL CONTRACTOR (INDMDUAL) NAME '(print):'�: Billy Ray Casper TCERTIFlCATION': WELL CONTACTOR COMPANY (DAME . D E N R 1 Groundwater Section f J(ONE #052 523 3620 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMR# N/A ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT #„ I N/A ',>> t5.ed .. h (d appEcat>fe1 " t a' r i 2009 ], WELL USE (CAek A011Cabie Box) ❑ Residential ❑ Municipal/Public Q Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Wate Injection 0 Othe 2 WELL LOCATION Neareet To in :- County: Pisgah Forest Ecusta Paper Mill (Street Name 3: OWNER'; Address', HIM s, Community SabdMslon; io Transylvania o Zip Code) D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section / N.C. Superfund Section Raleigh - -114 s.-icily or Town 252-523-3620 (area: code- phone number) ; , 4 DATE DR LIED 5 TOTAL DEPTH 6. DOES WELOSEPLACE EX1SQNG WELL �Fi; ❑YES 7. ST4T(C;WATER LEVEL=(Be(oW'Top of Casiirtg)l N/A 3/23/04 13' 8 T _.. variance In. 27699-1636 Zip Code OP OF CASING S '.} .Abo a Land Surface" -*Top of casing terminatS atlor below"lan r4q e" d surface„t wires a �" aced danceWYth 15ANCAC'. 2C .0't18 1.6' , r ai 'x (use +dAbgJe tight teeth C 9. YIELD (gpm) 1/2 pint 1 �„METHOD OF TEST 10. WATER;zONES,(depth)i' 9'--13' 11.DISINFECTION 12. CASING ,.. From From Prom 13.'GRQU 0' From From. FronT 14.<SCREEI VON `I N/A To, - To". 9' From j9' To From I To From To 15 : SAND/GRAVEL PAC} Depth TO:+ To To From'' Fronm3 From-. 8' 13' 13' Ft Ft lame et 7/8" hi" kl tze nat pump N/A aterie fill ❑Industrial 0 Agricultural ?`irnrr,er listpse EMW#1 opographic/Land Setting ❑ Slope 0 valley {Check the appropriate tart t; a4dude Longdiide of t iell location N/A degreesltnlnutessec)nd4 GPS 0'--4' Black silty sandy clay w/ light brown silty clay. 4'--8' Light brown silty clay moist. 8'--12' Light brown silty clay w/ weathered rock wet. 12'--13' Light brown silty clay w/ weathered rock wet. LOCATION SKETCH F fr y low d nc m 1 the teectwn ifid dsiance in miles from at i2ast !wo ,State AloadsDr Cpunly Roads -,Include tt ,fuiin]iers and common road names_ , z:l:>.: 16 REMARKS Well will be pulled out and hole cemented up after getting water sample cv.tx0ONEREBYSERTIFYTkTAT,�THISW€LLWASCONSTRUCTEDINACCORDA'NCFrwrfwlskNCACZC WELLCONSTRI ,� „�,x STANDARDS, AND THATA`COPYQF TNIS'RECORD tIA$,�9 EN PROVIDED TO THE4VELL.OWNER.' Y' / 'Y r%IGNATUR O� PERSON-CONSi,2UCIING THE WELL Submit the odglnal to the Dhswn of Water Quality Groundwater Section:1636 Mali Ser ra.e Center - N6. (919> 733 3221,�withlrt 30 days ',, f1V;1;REY;07 North Carolina -Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality -Groundwater Section 1636 Mail Serive Center-Raleigh,NC 27699-1639 Phone No. (919)733-3221 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD WELL CONTRACTOR: Billy Ray Casper WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2009 1 WELL USE ( Check Applicable Box): Residential_ Municipal Industrial_Agricultural_ Monitoring_ x Recovery_ Heat Pump Water Injection_ Other If Other, List use 2.WELL LOCATION:(Show a skecth of location on back of form.) Nearest Town: Pisgah Forest Ecusta Paper Mill ( Road Name and Number, Community, Subdivision, Lot No.) 3. OWNER: D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section / N.C. Superfund Section 4. ADDRESS: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1636 5. TOPOGRAPHY: draw, slope, hilltop, valley, flat ( circle one) 6. TOTAL DEPT 8' DIAMETER: 1" 7.CASING REMOVED feet 8' diameter 1" 8. DISINFECTION:_ N/A (Amount of 70% hypochlorite used:) 9. Sealing Material: NEAT CEMENT bags of cement: gallons of water Other Sand cement bags of cement: gallons of water: Type materia Benseal w/ Sand Amount: 1/4 bag County: Transylvania EMW# 5 Quadrangle No. Well DIAGRAM: Draw a detailes sketch of the well showing total depth,and diameter of screen remaining in the well gravel interval,intervals of casing perforation and depths and depths and type of fill material used. 10. EXPLAIN METHOD EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL Poured down hole until it came out top of hole and stayed. 11. DATE WELL ABANDONED: 3/25/04 Landsurface 0' Benseal w/ sand 8' TO I do hereby certify that this well was abandoned in accordance with 15 A NCAC 2C, well construction standards, and that a copy of the record has been provided to the well owne Signature of person abandoning the well Date 25-Mar WELL LOCATION: Draw a location sketch on the reverse of this sheet, showing the direction and distance of wMflrto I two (2) nearby reference points such as road,intersections,and streams.ldentify roads with state Highway road i number. Submit Original to the Division Of Water Quality, Ground Section, One Copy to the Owner Within 30 Days From completion of Abandonm North Carolina -Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality -Groundwater Section 1636 Mail Serive Center-Raleigh,NC 27699-1639 Phone No. (919)733-3221 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD WELL CONTRACTOR: Billy Ray Casper WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2009 1. WELL USE ( Check Applicable Box): Residential_ Municipal_Industnal_Agricultural_ Monitoring_ Recovery_ Heat Pump Water Injection_ Other_ If Other, List use 2.WELL LOCATION:(Show a skecth of location on back of form.) Nearest Town: Pisgah Forest Ecusta Paper Mill ( Road Name and Number, Community, Subdivision, Lot No.) 3. OWNER: D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section / N.C. Superfund Section 4. ADDRESS: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1636 5. TOPOGRAPHY: draw, slope, hilltop, valley, flat ( circle one) 6. TOTAL DEPT 8' DIAMETER: 1" 7.CASING REMOVED feet 8' diameter 1" 8. DISINFECTION: N/A (Amount of 70% hypochlorite used:) 9. Sealing Material: NEAT CEMENT bags of cement: gallons of water: Other Sand cement bags of cement: gallons of water: Type materia Benseal w/ Sand Amount: 1/4 bag 10. EXPLAIN METHOD EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL Poured down hole until it came out top of hole and stayed. County Transylvania EMW#4 Quadrangle No. Well DIAGRAM: Draw a detailes sketch of the well showing total depth,and diameter of screen remaining in the well gravel interval,intervals of casing perforation and depths and depths and type of fill material used. Landsurface 0' Benseal w/ sand 8' TD 11. DATE WELL ABANDONED: 3/25/04 I do hereby certify that this well was abandoned in accordance with 15 A NCAC 2C, well construction standards, and that a copy of the record has been provided to the well owner. Signature of person abandoning the well Date 25-Mar WELL LOCATION: Draw a location sketch on the reverse of this sheet, showing the direction and distance of yiet14 two (2) nearby reference points such as road,intersections,and streams.ldentify roads with state Highway roai ldet number. Submit Original to the Division Of Water Quality, Ground Section, One Copy to the Owner Within 30 Days From completion of Abandoboiget 1T 7C_ — east 1 G icatioQ m North Carolina -Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality -Groundwater Section 1636 Mail Serive Center-Raleigh,NC 27699-1639 Phone No. (919)733-3221 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD WELL CONTRACTOR: Billy Ray Casper WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2009 1. WELL USE ( Check Applicable Box): Residential_ Municipal Industriat_Agricuttural_ Monitoring_ Recovery_ Heat Pump Water Injection_ Other_ If Other, List use 2.WELL LOCATION:(Show a skecth of location on back of form.) Nearest Town: Pisgah Forest Ecusta Paper Mill ( Road Name and Number, Community, Subdivision, Lot No.) 3. OWNER: D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section / N.C. Superfund Section 4. ADDRESS: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1636 5. TOPOGRAPHY: draw, slope, hilltop, valley, flat ( circle one) 6. TOTAL DEPT 8' DIAMETER: 1" 7.CASING REMOVED: feet diameter 8 1" 8. DISINFECTION:_ N/A (Amount of 70% hypochlorite used:) 9. Sealing Material: NEAT CEMENT Sand cement bags of cement bags of cement: gallons of water: gallons of water: Other Type materia Benseal w/ Sand Amount: 1/4 bag 10. EXPLAIN METHOD EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL Poured down hole until it came out top of hole and stayed 11. DATE WELL ABANDONED: 3/25/04 County: Transylvania EMWB# 3 Quadrangle No. Well DIAGRAM: Draw a detailes sketch of the well showing total depth,and diameter of screen remaining in the well gravel interval,intervals of casing perforation and depths and depths and type of fill material used. Landsurface 0' 1" Benseal w/ sand 8' TD I do hereby certify that this well was abandoned in accordance with 15 A NCAC 2C, well construction standards, and that a copy of the record has been provided to the well own, Signature of person abandoning the well Date 25-Mar WELL LOCATION: Draw a location sketch on the reverse of this sheet, showing the direction and distance of I t�..11 least two (2) nearby reference points such as road,intersections,and streams.Identify roads with state Highway road deification number. Submit Original to the Division Of Water Quality, Ground Section, One Copy to the Owner Within 30 Days From completion of Abandon'ne7ts m North Carolina -Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality -Groundwater Section 1636 Mail Serive Center-Raleigh,NC 27699-1839 Phone No. (919)733-3221 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD WELL CONTRACTOR: Billy Ray Casper WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2009 1. WELL USE ( Check Applicable Box): Residential_ Municipal_Industrial_Agricultural_ Monitoring_ Recovery_ Heat Pump Water Injection_ Other_ If Other, List use 2.WELL LOCATION:(Show a skecth of location on back of form.) Nearest Town: Pisgah Forest County: Transylvania Ecusta Paper Mill EMW# 2 ( Road Name and Number, Community, Subdivision, Lot No.) Quadrangle No. 3. OWNER: D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section / N.C. Superfund Section 4. ADDRESS: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C..27699-1636 5. TOPOGRAPHY: draw, slope, hilltop, valley, flat ( circle one) 6. TOTAL DEP18' DIAMETER: 1" 7.CASING REMOVED: feet diameter 01" 8. DISINFECTION:_ N/A (Amount of 70% hypochlorite used:) 9. Sealing Material: NEAT CEMENT Sand cement bags of cement: bags of cement: gallons of water: gallons of water: Other Type materia Benseal w/ Sand Amount: 1/4 bag Well DIAGRAM: Draw a detailes sketch of the well showing total depth,and diameter of screen remaining in the well gravel interval,intervals of casing perforation and depths and depths and type of fill material used. 10. EXPLAIN METHOD EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL Poured down hole until it came out top of hole and stayed Landsurface 0' 1" Benseal w/ sand 8' TD 11. DATE WELL ABANDONED: 3/25/04 I do hereby certify that this well was abandoned in accordance with 15 A NCAC 2C, well construction standards, and that a copy of the record has been provided to the well ow -r. 2 Signature of person abandoning the well / _ ru ,17 Date 25-Mar WELL LOCATION: Draw a location sketch on the reverse of this sheet, showing the direction and distance of two (2) nearby reference points such as road,intersections,and streams.ldentify roads with state Highway road number. Submit Original to the Division Of Water Quality, Ground Section, One Copy to the Owner Within 30 Days Rom completion of Abando least — =J idetijication. agent North Carolina -Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality -Groundwater Section 1636 Mail Serive Center-Raleigh,NC 27699-1639 Phone No. (919)733-3221 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD WELL CONTRACTOR: Billy Ray Casper WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2009 1. WELL USE ( Check Applicable Box): Residential_ Municipal_Industrial_Agricultural_ Monitoring_ x Recovery_ Heat Pump Water Injection Other_ If Other, List use 2.WELL LOCATION:(Show a skecth of location on back of form.) Nearest Town: Pisgah Forest County: Transylvania Ecusta Paper Mill EMW# 1 ( Road Name and Number, Community, Subdivision, Lot No.) Quadrangle No. 3. OWNER: D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section / N.C. Superfund Section 4. ADDRESS: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1636 5. TOPOGRAPHY: draw, slope, hilltop, valley, flat ( circle one) 6. TOTAL DEPT 13' DIAMETER: 1" 7.CASING REMOVED: feet diameter 13' 1" 8. DISINFECTION:_ N/A (Amount of 70% hypochlorite used:) 9. Sealing Material: NEAT CEMENT bags of cement: gallons of water: Other Sand cement bags of cement: gallons of water: Type materia Benseal w/ Sand Amount: 1/4 bag 10. EXPLAIN METHOD EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL Poured down hole until it came out top of hole and stayed 11. DATE WELL. ABANDONED: 3/25/04 Well DIAGRAM: Draw a detailes sketch of the well showing total depth,and diameter of screen remaining in the well gravel interval,intervals of casing perforation and depths and depths and type of fill material used. Landsurface 0' Benseal w/ sand 13'TD. I do hereby certify that this well was abandoned in accordance with 15 A NCAC 2C, well construction standards, and that a copy of the record has been provided to thewellowner. SLY <�Arp- Signature of person abandoning the well Date 25-Mar WELL LOCATION: Draw a location sketch on the reverse of this sheet, showing the direction and distance c two (2) nearby reference points such as road,intersections,and streams.Identify roads with state Highway ro number. ) 1, j to least lit' idetification 1` cc Submit Original to the Division Of Water Quality, Ground Section, One Copy to the Owner Within 30 Days From completion of Aban onrFent. North Carolina -Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division,x Water Quality -Groundwater Section 1636 Mail Serive Center-Raleigh,NC 27699-1639 Phone No. (919)733-3221 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD WELL CONTRACTOR: Billy Ray Casper WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2009 1. WELL USE ( Check Applicable Box): Residential_ Municipal_ Industrial_Agricultural_ Monitoring_ x Recovery_ Heat Pump Water Injection_ Other If Other, List use 2.WELL LOCATION:(Show a skecth of location on back of form.) Nearest Town: Pisgah Forest County: Transylvania Ecusta Paper Mill ( Road Name and Number, Community, Subdivision, Lot No.) 3. OWNER: D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section / N.C. Superfund Section 4. ADDRESS: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1636 5. TOPOGRAPHY: draw, slope, hilltop, valley, flat ( circle one) . 6. TOTAL DEPT 16' DIAMETER: 1" 7.CASING REMOVED: feet diameter 0 1" 8. DISINFECTION: N/A (Amount of 70% hypochlorite used:) 9. Sealing Material: NEAT CEMENT bags of cement: gallons of water: Other Sand cement bags of cement: gallons of water: Type materia Benseal w/ Sand Amount: 1/2 bag 10. EXPLAIN METHOD EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL Poured down hole until it came out top of hole and stayed 11. DATE WELL ABANDONED: 3/25/04 ELFMW# 4 Quadrangle No. Well DIAGRAM: Draw a detailes sketch of the well showing total depth,and diameter of screen remaining in the well gravel interval,intervals of casing perforation and depths and depths and type of fill material used. Landsurface 1" Benseal wl sand 16'TD I do hereby certify that this well was abandoned in accordance with 15 A NCAC 2C, well construction standards, and that a copy of the record has been provided to the well owner. Signature of person abandoning the well Date 25-Mar WELL LOCATION: Draw a location sketch on the reverse of this sheet, showing the direction and distance of weditR two (2) nearby reference points such as road,intersections,and streams.identify roads with state Highway road iWBtif number. 1- c Submit Original to the Division Of Water Quality, Ground Section, One Copy to the Owner Within 30 Days From completion of Abandonm North Carolina -Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality -Groundwater Section 1636 Mail Serive Center-Raleigh,NC 27699-1639 Phone No. (919)733-3221 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD WELL CONTRACTOR: Billy Ray Casper WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2009 1. WELL USE ( Check Applicable Box): Residential_ Municipal_Industrial_Agricultural_ Monitoring_ Recovery_ Heat Pump Water Injection_ Other If Other, List use 2.WELL LOCATION:(Show a skecth of location on back of form.) Nearest Town: Pisgah Forest Ecusta Paper Mill ( Road Name and Number, Community, Subdivision, Lot No.) 3. OWNER: D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section / N.C. Superfund Section 4. ADDRESS: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1636 5. TOPOGRAPHY: draw, slope, hilltop, valley, flat ( circle one) 6. TOTAL DEPT 20' DIAMETER: 1" 7.CASING REMOVED: feet diameter 0 1" 8. DISINFECTION: N/A (Amount of 70% hypochlorite used:) 9. Sealing Material: NEAT CEMENT bags of cement: gallons of water: Other Sand cement bags of cement: gallons of water: Type materia Benseal w/ Sand Amount: 1/2 bag 10. EXPLAIN METHOD EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL Poured down hole until it came out top of hole and stayed. 11. DATE WELL ABANDONED: 3/25/04 County: Transylvania ELFMW# 3 Quadrangle No. Well DIAGRAM: Draw a detailes sketch of the well showing total depth,and diameter of screen remaining in the well gravel interval,intervals of casing perforation and depths and depths and type of fill material used. Landsurface 0' 1" Benseal wl sand 20' TD 1 do hereby certify that this well was abandoned in accordance with 15 A NCAC 2C, well construction standards, and that a copy of the record has been provided to the well owner. Signature of person abandoning the well LE� Date 25-Mar WELL LOCATION: Draw a location sketch on the reverse of this sheet, showing the direction and distance of well to� tea two (2) nearby reference points such as road,intersections,and streams.ldentrfy roads with state Highway road idetifjcati number. Submit Original to the Division Of Water Quality, Ground Section, One Copy to the Owner Within 30 Days From completion of Abandonmen4 North Carolina -Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality -Groundwater Section 1636 Mail Serive Center-Raleigh,NC 27699-1639 Phone No. (919)733-3221 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD WELL CONTRACTOR: Billy Ray Casper WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2009 1. WELL USE ( Check Applicable Box): Residential_ Municipal_Industrial Agricultural Monitoring_ x Recovery_ Heat Pump Water Injection_ Other_ If Other, List use 2.WELL LOCATION:(Show a skecth of location on back of form.) Nearest Town: Pisgah Forest Ecusta Paper Mill ( Road Name and Number, Community, Subdivision, Lot No.) 3. OWNER: D.E.N.R. f Groundwater Section f N.C. Superfund Section 4. ADDRESS: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1636 5. TOPOGRAPHY: draw, slope, hilltop, valley, flat ( circle one) 6. TOTAL DEPT 20' DIAMETER: 1" 7.CASING REMOVED: feet diameter 0 1" 8. DISINFECTION: N/A (Amount of 70% hypochlorite used:) 9. Sealing Material: NEAT CEMENT bags of cement: gallons of water: Other Sand cement bags of cement: gallons of water: Type materia Benseal w/ Sand Amount: 1/2 bag 10. EXPLAIN METHOD EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL Poured down hole until it came out top of hole and stayed. 11. DATE WELL ABANDONED: 3/25/04 County: Transylvania ELFMW# 2 Quadrangle No. Well DIAGRAM: Draw a detailes sketch of the well showing total depth,and diameter of screen remaining in the well gravel interval,intervals of casing perforation and depths and depths and type of fill material used. Landsurface 0' 1" Benseal w/ sand 20' TD I do hereby certify that this well was abandoned in accordance with 15 A NCAC 2C, well construction standards, and that a copy of the record has been provided to the well owner. Signature of person abandoning the well Date 25-Mar WELL LOCATION: Draw a location sketch on the reverse of this sheet, showing the direction and distance two (2) nearby reference points such as road,intersections,and streams.Identify roads with state Highway number. r `_s w ieas-t" _ ecii etification_�- Submit Original to the Division Of Water Quality, Ground Section, One Copy to the Owner Within 30 Days From completion of Abe rtdontryent. m North Carolina -Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality -Groundwater Section 1636 Mail Serive Center-Raleigh,NC 27699-1639 Phone No. (919)733-3221 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD WELL CONTRACTOR: Billy Ray Casper WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2009 1. WELL USE ( Check Applicable Box): Residential_ Municipal Industrial_Agricu1tural Monitoring_ Recovery_ Heat Pump Water Injection_ Other If Other, List use 2.WELL LOCATION:(Show a skecth of location on back of form.) Nearest Town: Pisgah Forest Ecusta Paper Mill ( Road Name and Number, Community, Subdivision, Lot No.) 3. OWNER: D.E.N.R. /Groundwater Section /N.C. Superfund Section 4. ADDRESS: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1636 5. TOPOGRAPHY: draw, slope, hilltop, valley, flat ( circle one) 6. TOTAL DEP120' DIAMETER: 1" 7.CASING REMOVED: feet diameter 0 1" 8. DISINFECTION: N/A (Amount of 70% hypochlorite used:) 9. Sealing Material: NEAT CEMENT bags of cement: gallons of water: Other Sand cement bags of cement: gallons of water: Type materia Benseal w/ Sand Amount: 1/2 bag County Transylvania ELFMW# 1 Quadrangle No. 10. EXPLAIN METHOD EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL Poured down hole until it came out top of hole and stayed 11. DATE WELL ABANDONED: 3/25/04 Well DIAGRAM: Draw a detailes sketch of the well showing total depth,and diameter of screen remaining in the well gravel interval,intervals of casing perforation and depths and depths and type of fill material used. Landsurface 0' 1" Benseal w/ sand 20' TD I do hereby certify that this well was abandoned in accordance with 15 A NCAC 2C, welt construction standards, and that a copy of the record has been provided to the well owner. Signature of person abandoning the well Date 25-Mar D WELL LOCATION: Draw a location sketch on the reverse of this sheet, showing the direction and distance of wel Or two (2) nearby reference points such as road,intersections,and streams.Identify roads with state Highway road id ffic tion number. Submit Original to the Division Of Water Quality, Ground Section, One Copy to the Owner Within 30 Days From completion of Abandonment 5. TO,TAODEPJ1-1 ,trk 6: DOES WEL-12REPSACt'EXIST 61NE • — NO 12 16 7.STATICWATER LEvkifeetow--repsicca'siall N/A 8. TOP or,gt:frsINa.tiii#2.: AbO(ieTe) Cato . -f 0 '1Ab6Yee.1:61Id Sdif orkt? mising ate t< vartinCeibiCcOmei 11tAir" a .* ance 9. YIELD kgprr4:. HOD.oFTEST: , 10. ywr zpOEs.(deritn) 11. bISINfrE0i1614;ti;' 12. CAOING:::::::401.a5..... NOrth6arcillnitt.tp0artrnent of Ercvironinent and Natural Resources -Division Of Water Quardr;GroundWater Becton--; WELL cahiRACYckliNOPAD14tAilMAm4 Billy Ray Casper cgRyindATIoN 2009 WELL CONTACTOR COMPANY NAME D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section HONE #1252-523-3620 STATE WELL%6NSTRIlDTIoN PERATif::, N/A 1::ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT # 1 N/A 1. WELL USE (Check APPliaabli;136i)!. Residential 0 Municipal/Public El Industrial 0 Agricultural ELFMW# 3 Monitoring El Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Othe 2. WELL LOCATION„s47:riSeel4"*J:7":?4':""'" " . Nearest Town: Pisgah Forest Cciunty: Transylvania Ecusta Paper Mill Nerne,,Nurnb,ra,6ommunftyi,Sondlyision,-,t_ot Nptcztp Gode) 3. OWNER: Address: or EC21.-CV Raleigh N.C. 27699-1636 City-orTown 1252-623-3620 (area cede 'phone number) .0 Ridge E Slope b Valley n Rat itittidatanditilde<cif D. E.N.R. /Groundwater Section / N.C. Superfund Section 1636 Mail Service Center rmti.aPliiRt:Adegrens/rnIngtearnacondo) LattkiteAcinifitttcja 'IS 0 CPS 0 Togo Mn Etl$ tb jea 4 DATE, 15.1411-1E6P2 3/24/04 0 ha* DRILLING LOG State Zip Code; oniarionDescri 'on rib Black silty clay w/ light brown silty clay. light brown silty clay. 20' From To*, Froth To From TO.; iq:GROUT. From To From: Tok', .... . From To; 14. SCREEN,EN;kt" t L'-'3*-4-4 .: /.., ' -- i. t.s,:4-;:t.bestii.siifi,{ c Marna F1-.. From To i. in , Frorn To ; Ft. From To Ft: ... ...i., , 15.-§ANo/GRAys...(tAgs ;z:., .z.....'-‘v Depth ,. 0 N/A N/A N/A ,:,'10!cinciiii-rti:2.1 N/A 6-tie ateraI From „ From 16. REMARKS:.141 DP FIERPYXFFIFYIltitT ThIS WE-UV/id CdtiS7WaEOJN:AcC9PeNrrairtltai4Cf,.e201WE:IkC91,,CPON 0 0 Icr t6't-; Ft. FL:Ft. Ft. , Ft: Fi".• irttr in I FT t atena I 4,enecl911elaPi)rolmjete be )0 N/A itVekitOWVkaar 204,-0V-2-02,0 2%.13..02:1A2:47460,..ljj4j97,121 light brown silty clay. light brown silty clay. w/ some weathered rock. light brown silty clay. w/ some weathered rock gray in color. ,TvideATIC514?greErt litltg--0....0.4,7.c 7,,,o2rem4.4%, Ofid SthrkekrthileStOrhilleasi two '11212.t stite 91:.fOitilYYthads• fee Hole will be cemented up after soil samples are taken.(No casing or screen used ) iciAt Keeiko64i§ pikiitbEffiefilile,60N&Sbsrwt,4?0, 09;1STAND4 3/;1/24'j ..1.,:010yllt*l0l.t.4‘,00HrlSIGMA.JURE Op.PERSQNCONSTBUCVNGTMEWELL',00c,ive 4;DATE 2;Mkrtk..1C4'4,: - -44 "4q4,441? _ 024'4 SOrOt .01.005.,:ci;#1t *fit :cnohy;1-1G!*:(90!40(§ecuq),4936 Mali ?!..7e; • - -671760:163et 1:1 0 WELL CONSTRUCTION ' RECORD .r �lorih Carofma Department of Envtronm WELL CONTRACTOR OND1 aDUAL) NAME (print): °Billy Ray Casper WELL CONTACTOR COMPANY NAMEr STATEIlVELL CONSTRUCTION PERMFf# D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section N/A eriEandNatiira(.Reaourcea=Utvis ion 'ofWater Qua lity-ProundwaterSection CERTIFICATION #: PHONE #j 252-523-3620 2009 ;ASSOCIATED WO' PERMIT i1 1 N/A 1. WELL USEmCheck Applicable Boz) i ❑Residential ❑ Municipal/Public x ❑✓ Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑Other 2 WELL LOCATFON Nearest ToWn.- Pisgah Forest Ecusta Paper Mill (Street Name, Nu Coun Transylvania s, Cammun'tty Sul ision, lotNor ZtPcode)i 3 OWNER; Address -; D.E.N.R. /Groundwater Section / N.C. Superfund Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh SVeetorRoad N.C. 27699-1636 ,.•.Cd brTown 4 252-523 3620 are$_code 5 phone number) � 4. DATE DRILLED emu. 5. TOTALDEP -1 3/24/04 20' 6 DOES WELL: REPLACEEXIS7JNGWELL 7 STA'IQrWATER LEVEL (Betow Top$ot Ga"sr g) F (use„: 1Abave'Top of,Cern 8- TOP, OF CASINGS ,j 0 Above`f 9El'aurface' •"fop otcaslny terminatS atforbelowWid surracerequlres_a' , ` >va`riance In accordaaoe With tSA NCAC 2C 0116 t ,i` 9. YIELD (gpm) 0 ,METHOD OF TEST:" 10 WATER Zcr,ONES (depth): N/A ode 11 ' Di$INFECIION 12.CASING Frorni From. Enid( 13 GROU 0 N/A To To:; To: Fromm. 14.=SCREE To --From. 0 To? From To'; From To 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK, • `:'= Depth:.: Fromr; 0 To From`' To From. To' 16."REMARKS_ Ft; Ft Ft.'. Ft.* F&: Ft`.' Ft'f aerie el e 1N/A 'A)iiunt:ij N/A ateflal ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ter List Use Opograp .r.11:ancrpetting- D Slope ❑Valley ELFMW# 2 (Checkthe appropriate airtude/Lo_ngitude orWell location N/A grMee inn( te,s ebontls) • "" GPS ❑Togo Map ❑ Flat Black silty clay w/ light brown silty clay. light brown silty clay. light brown silty clay. light brown silty clay. w/ some weathered light brown silty clay. w/ some weathered rock gray in color. Hole will be cemented up after sol samples are taken. (No casing or screen used ) DO HEREBY Ctx t IFYTHAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WI[H 35ANCAC 2C WEI&CONtT �'ANDARDS,;ANU'T,}iA'1"IiCQPY OFTHIS:RECORD'ti!ISBEEN PRQVIDED'jOTHEWELI,�OWN£R, �" r4 .f� ,GNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL a y, Ik 3. 4f 1 T i 'r tit]%.Y ^t rsis :. &mlt ttje original to the Division of Water QuaLt GrouMwater Secdori, i636 Mali Servke Certber Rat No.`(919) 733 3223 wRNn 30 days. ' ' e .. ��'�` .. $ ' ON 699SB36. Qhone;ft" - `s fi%j GW-1 REV 07j2 LL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 4hCarosna DepartmentoE* onmenfNratraResuues-'msinoWaferwyaQusrva,rty= arourd� wr ate,rt Sect() WELL CONTATOR (INDhindAL) NAME; pnnt): `1 Billy Ray Casper `CERTIFICATION # WELL CONTACTOR COMPANYNAME D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section ,PHONE#252-5233620 STATE INELCCONSTRLICITON.PERMIT#' N/A 1'A$SOC TEDWQP€RMIT# 1 N/A 2009 1_WELL USE (Chec1C Apphcapie Box) :'- ❑ Residential ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural eCUstU Q Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Othe 2. WELL`LOCATION NearescTowht°' Pisgah Forest Coil 9 Inri' Ecusta Paper Mill eefName Numbers Community SubdMslon L 3. OWNER: AddYess' Transylvania No D.E.N.R. /Groundwater Section / N.C. Superfund Section 1636 Mail Service Center ocRd-adNo) ".. Raleigh rsnrc--ys,CityorTown 252-523-3620 ttrea.code.t"phone;number) 4 DATE DRILLtD 5 TOTALr[ EPT f + 20' 6 DOESWELTREP, ACE EXISTINGWEr 7 STATIC' 1 EVEL (B$OY TOP ofCastng) N.C. 27699-1636 e.,"ywxZi�Co 3/24/04 YES N/A .a/lbove Top ofCast 8 TOPGOF CAA$ G tSY 0 Above Land Surface` '� a li e F :SvariParoicetcMa-Aseln'y�oteirmainceateWditahtlor betow0.ian'tl Gs* urface rt quire 9 YIED (gpm0tMODOt1F6.TTs a"N/A 10. WATEEZONES (depth}, N/A 11. DISINFECT 12. CAS1N� From From'+ From,, '13 _GRI Froryrt x From' From': '.14.SCREE ..: From', 0 ter:, From; To',• From' tii- = 15. SAND/GRAVEL,-PAC ,. Depth To": To' To - From " From From 0 Ft.: FL' Ft FL Fi tame in e ate is E LFM W# ! ppographic/CcndSettin 2 Slope ❑valley ti2,iCheckpie appropriate tude%Lengrtude,of vtell)ocation N/A {degrees/minuterfeeco ids) xTkft' p 4 Ilude soitrc •: ❑ GPS DRIL (NSW ormat on DescnpSon- 0'--4' Black silty clay w/ light brown silty clay. light brown silty clay. 8'--12' light brown silty clay. 12'--16' light brown silty clay. w/ some weathered rock. 16-20' =: light brown silty clay. w/ some weathered rock gray in color. 16. REMARK$ jHole will be cemented up after sod samples are taken (No casing or screen used.) -A aer 4 A''w f s Y �^ W_...i5i.r1s 1 "1'z' `et p ,tx r T, ' NERk?X T1FYTFlgTTNISWELLWAS CONSTRUCTED INACCORDANCE, WITH 15ANCACZC WELLLONS UC1Ii NDARDS,ANDTNATACOIWOFETWSRECORDNAS6EENPROVIDEDTOTr�VW: OWNER,r->; a, :.,224I/ v3MalGHATURE: OF PER$O@LCON,STRUCFINGTHE omit the the orlgindC o'the Division of Water Quality,trorstdwater,3ethon, 1635 Ma (9f9) 733-3221;:WNNn30 days' ... :• :... 5/-2Y/e) ATE ELL CONSTRUCTION RECO `� t r North Carolina Departrnent of Erivrronmentand Natural Resoorces =Division of Water Quality -Groundwater Sech.. WELL CONTRACTOR pNDMRUAL)NAME.(pnftt) Billy Ray Casper CERTIFICAT10N#:1 WELL CONTACTQR COMPANY NAME D.E.N.R. / Groundwater Section PHONE #�252-523-3620 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# N/A ASSOCIATED WO PERMIT # N/A z.- .� ..a._ 'K..,. ,.�^�, .,.,_ ,. 2009 1. WELL USE (Chep1(Applicable Boz) -` ❑ Residential ❑ Municipal/Public p Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other 2; WELL•LOCATION, Nearer Town Pisgah Forest County: Transylvania Ecusta Paper Mill (Street Name Numbers Community Subd i&Ofl Lot No Zip. e+k h 3 OWNE Addre ss:1 S' D.E.N R. /Groundwater Section / N.C. Superfund Section 1636 Mail Service Center ; r .- ,;.. (Street er RoadNo) t t:iWt. . -.. ^. Raleigh N.C. 27699-1636 ,,. .. .._.. _ ...:., ,.:. ,, care,,..,,-.::,ni.. r.,.n>, 252-523-3620 ' afea.code - phone number) 4. DATE pRILLED,' 5. TOTALIDEPTH ,, 16' 6 DOES WELCREPL'ACE'EXISTING�WELL ❑YES N/A 3/25/04 7 STAT O WATER LEVEL tBeiow Top of Casmgf 5 s' r*kY3,.- �,1- ''fi .?a Ouse t ifAbove"Fopbt_. 1 n, v '. `"'fq. 8 TOP OF CASING IS 0 Above Land Surface' ,,Topofeasily terminated idiot bebw land surtacd equtres a va-:) anee innaccordance NWlth 15A NCAC 2C.011& `r. 9 YIELD {gpm)` 0 'METHOD OF.TEST 10 WATER ZONES (depth)) 11. DISINFEGTfON {Type I N/A f Amount? 12 CASING " ' 1(Vatl Thwiviess ne..rt, +* d-Diameter or` W lit From From From 13. GROUT' Ossettr- .From To. From,` To;; From To-• 14.'SCREgt From ^..-. O�To'. From1 To From To 15., SAND/GRAVEL PAC depth' :o•;i From' 0 To` From'` To'. From: To;; 16. REMARKS N/A deriaT.'' FL= Ftt: me er in Ize Ft. Ft. Ft.` Hole will be cemented up after sol samples are taken. (No casing or screen used.) HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED INACCORD NCE k3A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTR .. .c.. ,,.. fANDARDS.'AND THATA (:QPY OF TH15 RECORD tiAS,',9EEN PROVIDED TO TH ��f.LDWNER :,__ *�� w . N/A N/A in in in aterial Industrial ❑Agricultural er,'List Use ELFMW# 4 ToPogmPhidLarid Setbrtg ie Q Slope ❑ Valley ,, i:CheckthQapProPdatebux?�'' -� dde/Longitude of weli.localiofi *FomietioitDes'cripbon Black silty clay w/ light brown silty clay. light brown silty clay. light brown silty clay. light brown silty clay. w/ some weathered rock. LOCATION SKETi and 31[stance ki- y Ceun`Iy"Rods Ir comri onJ '/ /r —6/ c 32 tF 1GNATUREOFPERSQN:CONSTRUCTING THE(NEL' . . Yi:. 1 Sh Submit the ct Inal tote 0wislon of Water. Quality. Groundwater Secu4ce on,T636 Mail Ser C No. (9i9) 733 3221' within 30 days.;* 3 pf/C ° TE NC 27,690635, 1REV 07 1 Lnn trwil