HomeMy WebLinkAboutCl CY2004WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 298340 North Carolina - Department of Environment and Na ?y,f��e- oral Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section A , \YELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) 5� i/%0- LIP I ( I lY 1�i r \YELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/ if applicable CERTIFICATION M o 3 PIIONE is fPY)'37-2997 ASSOCIATED \VQ PERMITH if nnnlicablc 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential B Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: /7(7e--'o,a(e- kA%eJon Cove "J. (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER. .SDe Address tin rlC\t\CS.k. P -- — (Street or Route No.) �eQ at�iVPwAV wC Zip Code OliA City or Town State I ( )- Area code- none number 4. DATE DRILLED °y s TOTAL DEPTH: ,262o County Clay 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES Cl NO 8"--- 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: /r° IT. / (Use "✓' if Above'fop of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS / EF. Above Land Surface• •Top or rising terminated at/or below land .':dace requires a v.riunee In accordance with ISA NCAC 2C .0119. 9. YIELDrPnr„1 __/S ME'iunn(IF TTiSI /`ir 10. WATER ZONES (depth): z70 I I. DISINFECTION: Type //77/71 12. CASING: Depth From 0 To Front %3' To From To 13. GROUT: Depth From To .2- Diameter Ft. Amount Itc- Wall Thickness or Weight/IT Material SD�zf /VG Ft. Ft. _ Ft. tMatf al �1etbod i-r/N4d GS/4-�C From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From To Ft. in. From To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size From To Ft. From To Ft. Slut Size Material in. in. Material Topographic/Land setting DRidge ❑Slope OValley ❑Plat (check appropriate box) ' Latitude/longitude of well location Ns3tOb'4.0"Wc67 V9'941-) (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:UUPS❑Topographic map (check bor) PEPTI( pI_ILLINQLI,JG From TO nnrnation Dcsaiptioil —/5— �s -orb 4. CH- .t, ,Lc_ O 0 } om LOCATIONiKH -;Et- Show direction arid 0;gtance in mites f ] at1Psst two State Roads or County Roams. `'•"O e tlg=ad numbers and common road names. r'a'' t o 16. REMARKS: 1 DO I IEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WI111 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF 1111S RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER �=c�— Z z 6 a 9 SR NA RE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING TIIE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Ceentµerl Ralclgh, C 276g9-1636 Flame No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater S2ti4 r, ,n CERTIFICATION li i/'I"8 wFLL CON TRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) j(}yVt P.s` WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME IM l>'\.O�\( C 11,/1 ASSOCIATED WI) PERNITLIS STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION 1't:RAtITB if in dicablc) if sl plic9blc) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential 0 Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: ){A‘)Q Str S i t t County Cie A �r 1, E t-ro\ ; COUP (Sure Name. Numbers. Community. Subdivision. Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNERC (aCt Address es e-Uslat} n& (Street or Route No.) nLgQ PyrarskewN QC2 402 City or Town Stale Zip Code ( )- Alta code- Phone number - 4. DATE DRILLED —S-OC1 5. TOTAL DEPTH: f - ---- 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES El NO ❑ 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: SO ` FT. (Use "r" if Above Top of Caning) 8. TOP OF CASING IS I FT. Above Land Surface• •Top or using terminated oVor below land surface requites ■ ..rl.nre in accordance with ISA NCAC 2C.011R. 9. YIELD (gptnl _. S _ METHOD OP i PST A g_ 10. WATER ZONES (depth): PHONE II ft`7^) -2 ;7 Topographic/Land setting ❑Ridge ❑SlopeIley ❑Plat (check appropriate box)• Latitude/longitude of well location A135°2' get) 1283C37'17 e (degtees/minutet/second,) Latilude/longitudc source:UGPSC_ITopographic map (check bo t) rn-r1-I PRILLINQIOG Tl4• . Front To Fnmiaticnr Dc cri nion l � II. DISINFECTION: TypeViSr-i'1 `01\9\-t 12. CASING: Depth`� Diameter I Front PD To ' fC 1 Ft. LD, h From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Ma(9ial Method }l b—t-rrssu✓ p Front r> To ,DF1 Ft. c, Q 3- 1..+: —•»- From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slut Size Material Front To Ft. in. m. Front To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. Amount L1 Wall Thickness or Weight/Et. Matctial 0 N fV tzt ry- LOCATIQNSISa11 Show direction niid distance in mites tR"Rist two Slate Roads or County Roads. I:'rdc tcctoad numbers and common road names. 16. REMARKS: I DO I IFREI3Y CERTIFY THAT TI IIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WH71 ISA NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF 'FIBS RECORD I IAS BEEN PROVIDED TO TILE WELL OWNER j— 5_��_ DATE (2-2, Y7fiztA SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING TIIE WELL Submit the original to the Uh Isloo of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center REV- gh, C 27699-1616 Phone Nu. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. 299103 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) LARRY F. JONES CERTIFICATION N 3295 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME CHEROKEE WELL DRILLING AND PUMP COMPANY, INC. PHONE # 1828) 837-8008 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT', ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT', (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential Ea Municipal/Public 0 Industrial ❑ Agricultural 0 Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: HAYESVILLE County CLAY LANCE COVE RD TO COUNTRY SIDE LN (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: TOM GOTTLIEB Address 116 SUNFLOWER CIRCLE (Street or Route No.) ROYAL PALM BEAt FL 33411 City or Town State Zip Code ( 561 ). 236-9351 Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 07-01-2004 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 625' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO El 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: ISS' FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 1 FT. Above Land Surface` *Top of casing terminated aUor below land surface requires a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): 10 METHOD OF TEST AIR 10. WATER ZONES (depth): 590' I I. DISINFECTION: Type CHLORINE Amount 100 PPM 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0 To 150 Ft. 6 1/8' SDR 21 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material From 0 To 20 Ft. CEMENT From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From To Ft. in. Method GRAVITY Topographic/Land setting ]Ridge ❑Slope ❑Valley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location 3503.902N/8350.810W (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:KlGPSOTopographic map (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOO - From To Formation Description 0' TO 80' SAND 80' TO 100' RED CLAY 100' TO 120' BLACK DIRT 120' TO 150' GRANITE 150' TO 625' GRANITE Slot Size Material in. From To Ft. in. in. I5. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: C- LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from atr e' st = two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road - numbers and common road names. L,rwce caDVE fLp I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT • COPY OF T tS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER �.. ! 7-i-D SIGN 'URE v' PERSO COt, CTING THE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW- I REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print)8NZ were)? CERTIFICATION #.3J (7Y WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME �J'r/4Sa/Ptt L)R/CL//✓6 ZINC. PHONE If IZ 7y -- 66 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT% (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential Er-Municipal/Public [7 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: LU9RNE County CI //R wAire oA ic DR. t-C'RNC- NC 775 (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER:Dr7V//D MILLER Address /52 //17W. kNo(_ I g u (Street or Route No.) evARAlc 28909' City or Town State (22)- 359-9364' Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 7-13 -Cie/ 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 3 2 S r Zip Code 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: (S FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 02 FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in aeardaase with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): METHOD OF TESTIP 10. WATER ZONES (depth): /40 11. DISINFECTION: Type Td 12. CASING: Amount 7 E Wall Mites! 3 opographic/Land setting £rdge ❑Slope OValley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location fia4Cn 967 wo P3 St 77/ (degredminutet/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From - Tq AFoSO CD8 lion Pe;9-Bien&.d CLAY °'/.wits Erg ✓ Rae* 60/Ator/e/C/C4 c2J, iE Xgcft ArAi/C2 coo T-C/7P c-k "/A/Jn as/@v %?,ak ices— o a s 5 ---- n?tC aS-.2-2S LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road 7 Depth Dice � orWight/Ft ;ten: numbers and common road names. From To 35 Ftt " t" Fro .3.5" To f7 Ft <; %Y ,C'D/?2?T.S pvC From To Ft 13. GROUT: Depth Material From ` 2 To C9 Ft CC-PVC-w r- From To Ft 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft in. in. From To Ft in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. Method OROWi' 16. REMARKS:_ - I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION ST S. AND THAT A COP THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER '�` 41- � SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL 7- /3 - Dq DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) LARRY F. JONES CERTIFICATION f 3295 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME CHEROKEE WELL DRILLING AND PUMP COMAPNY, INC. PHONE S (828) 837-8008- STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) 299646 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential El MunicipaVPublic ❑ Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: HAYESVILLE MCCLURE POINT County CLAY (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: DARRELL LAIL Address 1342 BEECH CREEK RD (Street or Route No.) ROBBINSVILLE NC 28771 City or Town State Zip Code ( 828 )_ 479-8028 Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 07-13-2004 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 585 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO El 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 120 FT. (Use "N if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 1 FT. Above Land Surface* 'Top or casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in accordance with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): 20 METHOD OF TEST AIR 10. WATER ZONES (depth): 540' I I. DISINFECTION: Type CHLORINE 12. CASING: Depth From 0 To 70 Ft. From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material From 0 To 20 Ft. CEMENT Amount 100 PPM Wall Thickness Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material 6 1/8" SDR 21 PVC From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From To Ft. in. From To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: Method GRAVITY Slot Size Material in in. p Material y Topographic/Land setting ®Ridge ['Slope OValley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location 3511.835N/8407.472W (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:RIGPSOTopograp c map (check box) --_.- DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0' TO 40' RED CLAY/SAND 40' TO 70' RED CLAY/GRANITE 70' TO 585' GRANITE (-v HARD GRANITE LOCATION SKETCH '=' Show direction and distance in miles from at-1•east two State Roads or County Roads. Include throad, -- numbers and common road names. tv -' CO o I DO I IEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT Al PY OF THIS/TORE) S BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER SIGNA !'' OFPr e N CO ST 713_011 NG TILE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-I REV. 07/2001 NC V UHNEN MWO WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Nnlllgyal Reesour s - Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACfOII (INDIVIDUAL) NAME/((pprrint)r Ellie/ _ eCL WELL CONTRACI.Ott COMPANY NAME /! / //a'% 299704- - Groundwater Section CEn IIFICATION W �jti-5> ruone e ( Y.37 -(`/C7 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION rERMI rM ASSOCIATED WO ramie (if applicable) (if applicable) I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential LB' M1luuicipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural 17 Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ tienl Pump Water Injection ❑ Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: (--1-)4/1' E (surd Name, Numbed. Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) County 3. OWNER: C! a,"Eva/ il(C7-- Address Pc. /336 (Street or bottle Ho.) ! (AYFSV/LtE Nc. .28964 City or Town Stale Zip Code Area role- rlrone number 4. DATE DRILLED %"/C-cr 5. TOTALO1- 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 8 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: _5-0 FT. (Use "+" If Above Tap of Casino) 8. TOI' OF CASING IS / IT. Above Land Sul face• •Top of wine lennin•lea •Vor below land our lore requites • valance In •ccordsnce with ISA NCAC IC .011a. 9. YIELD (gpm): /2- METHOD OF TEST /?- - 10.1VA"1'ER ZONES (depth): /`l3 1I. DISINFECTION: Type /iT1/21 12. CASING: ' Depth Diameter From L To //7/ Ft. 625— Prom To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth .0ated From C Amount kyi.p Wall 'I hickness or Weight/It Material .S.t / /� C. 1'o n . Ft. t2/ / •,r9Gl //kilted FNom To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. hi. hi. Croat _ To Ft. in. in. IS. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Et. Front To Ft. 16. REMARKS: Topographic/Land setting Midge ❑Slope ❑Valley ❑Flat (check ippropdnte box) Latitude/longitude of well location N39° 59 ',3S-reooP3° n CE-x (dev entin lnute✓eecond e) Latitude/longitude source:❑CPS❑Topographic map (check box) PEPTll PA! LIIIQLQ2 From To Formation Description C -/C2 C7t a- /n ,p2d L Gti7 LQCAT + sETc)1 Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and coiunon road names. CD I DO HEREBY CERTIFYTIIATIIIIS WELL WAS CONSTIWCfED IN ACCORDANCE WI711 ISA NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTIIUCI ION STANDARDS, AND TIIAJ;A COPY OF TIIIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO TILE WELL OWNER SIC tIATUItE OI' PERSON CONSTRUCTING TIIE WELL DATE Submit the nI Iginal to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Flame No. (9191733Jill, wRhin JO days. OW -I REV. U7/2001 NC NOR EN NWO WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 299760 North Carolina - Department of Environment and Nalyral Resouttf es - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACIOit (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (mint) f?T,/ /eecC WELL CONTRACT Olt COMPANY NAME CERTIFICAIION0 onei- PIIONE N IaUd'l S92-25S) STATE WELL CONS f RUCTION PERMITM ASSOCIATED WI) PF.RMI IN (if applicable) (If applicable) I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ ►teat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other ❑ If Other, List Usc 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: 7� e✓�; %E County /SC/y ALT / �-C �.. (Sunet Name, Number, Community,Subdivlelun, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: /1%f1 Address ca $uo w I N/ ' 44' 7-2 )(sot (Sheet or Route No.) m,9alnr4,36(4/41 City or Iown Slate Zip Code ( )- Atra rode- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 7 -' 7- 05' 5. TOTAL DEPTII: tc' ' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES U NO 1- 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: / D FT. (Ore "+" If Above 'lop of Coxing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS / rt. Above Laud Sus face •Ibp or mini terminated annr briar Rand outface requiter a inn lance In accordance wilt ISA NCAC 1C .RI IR. 9. YIELD (grit,): 025` METHOD OF TEST /%,"L- ID. WATER ZONES (depth): .2 3 0 11. DISINFECTION: Type 4/77/ 12. CASING: From h Mont 7Sl Front GROUT: Front 0 Front 12 SCREEN: From_ Amount l`f C-4.- Wall Thickness or Weight/Ft. Material ,/8'S' .S/ee / 13. Material ewod Ft. /rJY� )�/ lie.sr�� To PE, Ft. �??7`c'71: /— // csc yr -e. 14. Depth Diameter Slot Size Material .ro Ft. in. In. From 'To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVER. PACK: Depth Size Male,m l Front To Fl. Depth Diameter To 7-5— FL To /9/ Ft. 100 To FL Depth To /'2. Front To Fl. 16. REMARKS: Topographic/Land selling ❑Ridge ❑Slope ❑Volley ❑Fla( (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location 7 , ,U35°O0 .3b'-8' icy' Oil D9, 9'2% (deareex/mInuln reconda) Latitude/longitude sourcc:❑OPS❑Topographic map (check box) PEP Tll 1211JLL1N0I,OQ From To Formation Description 0 — /C c-/4 y C) LOCATION SKCTCIi-- Show direction and distance in miler?ronl idcast two State Roads or County Roads. Ini;ludellic road numbers and common road names. I DO IIFRFBY CERTIFY TUAT'111IS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND TITANA COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER nj SIGNATUIU1 OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING TIRE WELL DATE Submit the or Iglnal to the Division of Water Qunllly, Groundwater Section,16)6 hall Service Center - Raleigh, NC 77e00_I616 Phone No I919I7),I-]2Il. within )U dnvs. OW -I REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD a0e014 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (pilot) CHRISTOPHER L DICKEY CERTIFICATION 5 2261 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME CHEROKEE WELL DRILLING AND PUMP COMPANY, INC. PRONE 5 (828) 837-8008 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ASSOCIATED WQ PERMITS (if applicable) (if applicable) I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential I MunicipaVPublic ❑ Industrial 0 Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: HAYESVILLE BROOKS COVE County CLAY (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: ROBERT BOND Address 1995 COPPER CREEK RD (Street or Route No.) MURPHY, NC 28906 City or Town State Zip Code ( 706 )- 898-1880 Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 08-24-2004 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 225' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO El 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 25 FT. (Use "+^ if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 1 FT. Above Land Surfaces 'Top of casing terminated al/or below land surface requires • variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0115. 9. YIELD (gpm): 50 METHOD OF TEST AIR 10. WATER ZONES (depth): 200' II. DISINFECTION: Type CHLORINE 12. CASING: Depth From 0 To 178 From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material From 0 To 20 Ft. CEMENT Amount 100 PPM Wall Thickness Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material Ft. 6 1/r SDR 21 PVC Method GRAVITY Topographic/Land setting ❑Ridge ❑Slope ®Valley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0' TO 20' SANDSTONE 20'TO 100' BROWN SAND 100' TO 140' SAND/SOFT SLATE 140' TO 180' DARK BLUE SLATE 160' TO 178' DARK BLUE SLATE 178' TO 225' SLATE From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: LOCATION SKETCH -O Show direction and distance in miles from atrleas( two State Roads or County Roads. Include t1 oad numbers and common road names., /'� I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL -IV -- CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND $AT A C SIG ATU CONSTRUCTEIN ACCORDANCE WITH 15 CORD ....:. l EEN PJJ V ID F ' ERS St CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Ma 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. NCAC 2C, WELL TO THE WELL OWNER DATE lee Center - Raleigh, NC GW-1 REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD C\-)2 3 0 2 3 3 2 North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Divi io of Water Quality - Groundwater Section 3 0 S�5 WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME `(print) / r l rat / / CERTIFICATION # WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME c/ Ck. in,n�M, f I/V 'CCl/ /!. rr /� PHONE # id)7ij 3782 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# r1Y A ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential C] MunicipalPublic ❑ Industrial 0 Agricultural ❑ Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATIONKatie • / Nearest Town: r--(a es✓r`lI be County G a94 Ma hcs6ri Cave Reit (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: o 1in Address klOn treet or out No.) esvo/fe 1�.� or Town 'State gt5 c a`fzip code ( )- Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED II L/ _ c. V 5. TOTAL DEPTH: / € 7 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO Ei 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 3 C) FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS j . Q FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of casing terminated at/or below bad surface requires a variance in accordance with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): 3 0 METHOD OF TEST 14 tR 10. WATER ZONES (depth): / 7 C I I. DISINFECTION: Type Cy Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth„in iameter or Weight/Ft. From a To i5 ?1 Ft. GrY( 5aiAI From To Ft. From To Ft. Material pt/*e 13. GROUT: Depth Material ,Method From 0 To D.,b Ft.v air/ From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: Topographic/Land setting ❑Ridge OSlope Walley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DRILLING LOG Formytion Description DEPTH From To d� �s /r- V s- t!�- 7 t17 — LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and common road names. n I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTR�TANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER j SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center -Raleigh, N 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2(101 V HIT / In IIU WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 3 0 C " ;; e,' North Catalina - Department of Etivitomment and Malutal Resoutces - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CON I RACfOR(INDIVIDUAL)NAar,EE 7 (piing nth S `r, Strpn CERTIFICATION) 2jOV WELL CON IItACI OR CUanrANY NAME i�li l�C•C C.L. VA RCi1)1✓15 PHONE a $J&)Sri STATE WELL CONS I R UCI ION rum I s ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT, (if nl'lrlicnblc) (if lipidicnble) I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential LTV Municipal/Public ° hldusnial ° Agricultural Mmlitoriug ❑ Recovery LT heat pump Water Injection 0 Other ° If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: IPSV:i/P County Clan (SuedNV 1) - le.„ 1 1 (Sweet Name, Umbels, Community, unity, Suhl nlar, Lou No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER:)4611 V,telt'\OPr c� Address I3�D.I�j (Simi a Houle No.) {�C1/4_1Y1r7FG'1 Cif? City or loon Stale Zip Code C )" Area cede- rhnne number 4. DATE DRILLED 12-D3-D*I 5. TO [AL DEPTH: aoS' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL/ YES LT NO M 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top or Casing: (°f") Fr. (Dee "4- If Above Top of Cooing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS L IT. Above Lend StuFace •1 re nl c solo/ Iertnlnated Minn below land outface requh ee a e Wince In accordance with ISA NCAC 1C MIN. 9. YIELD (gpnl): ' METIIOD OE TEST A IU. WATER ZONES (depth): II. DISINFECTION: TypeWt\ri,PQy)Pk Amount IS 12. CASING: Wall 'thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material Ftolt C To 555' FL (:,,J sOr QV C rum Erma To Ft. 13. GRUUf: Depth Material Method From 0 To aC) ' Ft. por;-lair‘c� k fvsSt tClo hum To It. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Ftont To Ft. in. in. Front To Ft. in. in. IS. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Mnletial lions 'fo Ft. Front To Ft. Topographic/Lend setting °Ridge G13tbpe [Walley UFlat (check apprnpdale boo) Latitude/longitude of well location Nz D'7" f•)83o '//' (dearees/mlmri arrecnml•I Latitude/longitude source:°OPS°Topogiaphic neap (check boo) llR1LL1N(L_LUC 'orn)ation Description Dim From To Io Jo - to' 'w - a05 ^r %a air" ccn LOCATION SKh:LC11 Show direction and distance in miles from a1'ast two State Roads or County Roads. Include ELeyosd7 numbers and common road names. w o ry *9 16. REMARKS: 1 DO I IFREDY CERTIFY THAT MIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONS1 RUCI ION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF TIIIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO TILE WELL OWNER SIGNATURE OF I'L'ItSON CONSTRUCTING 771E WELL .3-6Y DATE Summit the m Iglnal to the Ulrblon of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall Sernlce Center - Raleigh, NC 17699-1636 Plume No. (919) 733-3221, 111h1n 30 tiny I. OW -I REV. 07/2001 V 11VNF.R WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Euvirornitent and Natural Resources - Division of Water WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAaIE (print)Cr) V1V 5 IS. (.): \ Co el WELL CON IRACI OR COMPANY NAME Ifif1, I) t2( Iot7i( dtlil:rt STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERDtITH (if applicable) Quality -OtoundwaterSeUiWi ? roe - CERTIFICATION Il..24JV(/ PHONE a Jilt) `s-57—Z`)`17 ASSOCIATED WC) PERMIT" (If applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Dux): Residential IJ— Municipal/Public U Industial U Agricultural U Monitoring U Recovery D Item Pump Water Injection U Other U If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATIN: n/ Nearest Town: I-11-1IP<v; tie County (Sued Name, Numb it. Community. Subdivision. Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER:R4y it/70.S AP,C Address v -i' 43J Pir)QXj (Shed or Route No.) L' City or 'Wan Stale Zip Code Airs code- Mnne number 4. DATE DRILLED 1- 30 - C> l 5. TOTAL DEPTIh aq5' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTINO WELL/ YES U NO LT- 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL ()clew Top ofCnsing: $0FT. (We"+"If MUM lop of Ching) 8. TOP OF CASINO IS I FT. Above Land Sur face* •Top of wing ter mingled st/or beiuw land art fact regale to a valance In accordance with ISA NCAC 1C .011a. pp 9. YIELD (gpnt): 5 METIIOU OF TEST 1-t R- IU. WATER ZONES (depth): I I. DISINFECTION: Type1nii‘ Ntl(Arc 12. CASINO: Depth From 0 To n15' Front To From To 13. GROUI: Depth From b To 21)' From To 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Ftonr To Ftin. in. Front To_ Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/6'I3AVEl. PACK: Depth Size Material Diameter Ft. ( a5 Ft. Ft. Arnomlt 1S Wall 'I Irick:less or Weight/Ft. Material SDI21 Ng" Material FL irtc‘-lo r,nd. Method Ft. Front To Ft. Front 'to Ft. 16. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 11115 WELL WAS CONS 'TRUCIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISA NCAC 2C, WILL CON RUC3 ION STANDARDS. AND TIIAT A COPY OF TINS RECORD IIAS BEEN PROVIDED TO TILE WELL OWNER „AA/LA, � % 3o i_ -e?" _ SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONS.' RUCTINO THE WELL DATE Submit the a,lglnal to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section,163611LII Service Center -Raleigh, NC 17699-1636 Plume Nu. (919) 733-3221, Wlthhl 30 dap. OW-1 REV. 07/2001 Topographic/Lnnd setting DRidge gaggpe °Valley Uflat (check appropriate bat) Latitude/longitude of well location nl Sc° I ' 23 `t war 991S'74' (deareeafminntea/aecondi) Latitude/longitude source:DOPSOTopographic imp (check boa) J2RJLLIA GLVQ or4ration Description PJ:L UI Flow To D — its' I d - Qs�rytS�'' Yc)t — rrr"tS ' Cr a C r' 9 vs Arn LOCATION SKELC11 t �O J cfiZ err Show direction and distance in miles from atiast two State Roads or County Roads. Include We roar numbers and common road names. ,,,drt WELL, CONS'l'ItUC'UON RECORD 300',"55 IJof1 11 Cm ldil, ntll I /rpllctlt of IijtviIIiiiiilcIuI unit Notion' Itraotlices - Division of Wale! tlunlily - (hoailwnlcl Srctinn Mini CI II III ICA X,,24/04 SCi ttFl.l, ClrNllUl.l OltCllnl l'AN1'IJAPII[ M .L1 Q{�Jt'1` t�-�7 --' PIIUNF. X �� 7-294? A5a(IC'IAl VD WI) I'E.IU111X - 1YF1.1.lI1NIIlACIUII (INIrIlI11UA1,)NAME (plug JGYY\Cc.6 �• L^ 71p ('ode 2. \\' P I itI.t'CA I It Ii : \\ I lenlrsl lo,vn'��)Q(4Q .0tA V\wsrz Rd P,..t. krn, (Strrrl tbiue,[[ii ('rnnnn e',. Sunn Stagily 'nI . I •n Iin , 71p 1'.Ir) AIIItres _-t.t.l3 a IJI I\l- (Slirrl n, Ilnnle )1t,) c)!'a S s-+O(_f1t r it) rn Ia'.n $Inie Arr. r.-I. I loll. mmolr, NM I I I i:l I I_`_%°LA___-__.__. S. WI Al nrrin' _30;1_ 6. Nor: will. J;,:rl.Al'll I'XIS IHID W1:I.I.1 PISS IL NO Its 7. S I A I IC \\'AI EIt I IiVEL NcIuw 1. (thr ill A:r.rlinl n10I;,,pl l' 1 8 l01' Of t'ASIIJI I IS i _ 1-1 Alnive I and .Mince' •I r p rl r•,l.p In min•I d.U.,l 1t•Inn lend .nll.re writ.* In loon I,, *nonfinite n111115/I NUM' i',IIJIIl I'.:.1 A\A Ill. AVA 1 PIt 70116S (arlllb) — --- ------ — SIAIF.\\EI.1.l'ONSI lt11-11014 1'EI1n11 innpplivnhlr if npplit nidr) I. \\'PI 11ISP ICbruk Applicnlilr Nosy Itrsidrnihii ijVl,luoiripal/Public U holunllinl I 1 Agliatllutnl Ell.' htonitnliug Li Rrcuvuly 1_I 11ra1 fumy %Vairl lijccliun U Odin L) IPUlhcl, List Use 4J1t__— 'fopogltil,hidl.;uld sl'lliuj�:. 1idµe I [Slur, 1.1vnilry Liim l Clerk Igqn,.p life Lo.) ntiluddlongitude of well Inrnlinn I I. PISIN ITU I Iltil: Tvpc n� � �E Aliii'llol 15 12. l'Atil I Jt is \\'nil l hirkurc+ I) -pill Uinmrlrl trt \Vriphlifl. hlnlciinl Ilom___0__ to _Ica 1t _(ps?$___ Il pill In — It Dom I It. 11. (HMO I: Peril' bloirlinl Method Ilrni__,) to .2DI It. pnf_iCtnn't?( El+S[J cc Prom ii H. — I4. SCItpuIJ: Ilrplh Uinmrtel Slot Sin" hinirtinl Flinn( 'l o I.I. III. III . _ Mont--- - Iii it in. . in. IS. SAKI)/(IItAVPI. l'ACF.: Ivplh II,'III I I' _ It Flom(,_ Io_ II. e3! st' Sir , LA sr s'_23'' pleprerdullnut.agr•nn,l. ) LnliluddItnlgilude soutcc:LII;I'S11I min); npbic tdle<k Mn) - - - 1)):1_Ill CIVIL All i I.I II) Mom 'Jo �I'tit lnalion Ncsciirlioo - lb' _v' R0' GD - 30c,' Sivc Lbdrl inn SE 0 La rn Cr. sd rr' —'V "O LUCA 1014_5F,Ii>_I l'l l 3 I; Show dilection and distance In miles lionl�ylcn� Iwo Stole Roads or County Pond,. Inc lodge loS nulubeli and commonroad Itniltca. N Z PO I II' I'.PII'i CP It 111 }' 11IAI Jill:: Will. \VAS I't INS I ill ICI M) IN ACCOI(I )ANCII W 1111 1 SA NCAC IC, CONS I RUC I ION SI AIJUNtDS, AND'I I IA I' A COPY or 'I in:; I(ECOI(U IIAS BEEN i'I(UVIUL)U'►U'II IC WELL OWl IIill .,Y__ 4 vy SIR;NA ILIM!OIIVEItSONCONSIIWCNNOIIIEWELL DMI! Submit the nl ll;lual to the NI Non or \Vole' f)onihpi Giowltlienler Section, 16.16 Mill Service tenter lining?, is 11 REV. 1;(a9 tor, Phone No.t7IQ) 71111,nitlibi IIIda)4. IIIIIII li row) WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 300882 IVFI.I, CON IRACIlnt(NNlVIDUAL)NAME lrrinll 3CYIi61S Ift (A;;:ASO( . W FI.I, CON! ItAC! OE COME/SOY NAME k1��C (.i,C IL �f''t�IvA5 North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Uivisiun of Water Quality - (hound wnter Section CF.R I IF ICA' ON -401( rlltNE N Ish-1 Yi 7- 2(;5 7 S I A I F IN I.1. ((MS I IRA ION rF hail l N ASSOCIAl El) IVO rERatl1 N (if null( slide _ (ifn licnblrl I. !II,'MU I. R'i i 1. (ISI: (Cbrck Applicnbie itii )' Ite idrnlinl 111- Municipal/I'nblic U Induntlinl I Agricultural U Monitoring LI Rcruvety U I lent Pump Water Injection U Other U If Oilier, List Use 1. Avil.1.IucAiR)IJ: Ne1al cs11t 1 trwi )41,4QSbl� ('uunly-(iftl4 `11 (Sltrrt N.M., Numbr,r, Crnun nn ill. Sulvli, irlom, 1,n Ito, i il, heir) 1. (I\VtJER � (f 2 Terra F'trntAin j Addhres JB 92 CSh nit S.-__g d.._ (. litrl -_1+ uucSSzx _ _DEL—__3C546_- -- v' If, Sint.lip('ode Aar, r,-I.. F I'-n• number •1. PAIFPull .IFI)5'-17-G�( 5. lmint Prprn. y)5: 6. POPS Wrl.l. PFI't.n(11 rsls t intI wi i I.? YES U NO U- 7. S I A 1 I I: NYA I Tilt I (EVIL Below "fop of t'asiup, (p'.. tut. "t" If Abinv i iqr ar Un.inpl 8 111I' 1lr l',\SIIJi I IS _ i - I'l. Alice hull 5urfacc• • Ip of r.iit'r tnn'I,,.lyd .Om hrinn WO 'nitre nyn6 to t, lour. In sun; June .till, ICA NI'A(' rl' Itl Ip. V. 1IN P (rpm)' _ _ hlplllt)U LIE IESI 14Iif (I. \VA I Pit LUNE. ; (arplh): 11. PISIIIITCIION:1)reL;1,-\ `t`qPJs nnu'tlnt 15 12. CASH l is Wall thickness I ''-pull 1)innieirr or \1'cight/FI. Mnlcrial hum C• lu 1(Y' FL(c,JS SDC7L OvC rloln"Io It. Ilom to Ft. - _--- — 13. UI(Ut)I: Drplh t,WeIliat Method From ( ' .far .)(1_ It Prsi 11tt.,1ri .?.if•'cSc Elvin 'I o Ft. 14. SC'duel: Urplh Diameter Slot Size Mnlcrinl Horn In It in. in. Ilonl__-- _-- •ko Et. in. --_- in. IS. SAIJP/DRAW' (.PACE.: I'rpill Sin. Mnlri nl From li' 1rt. limn to It. Ili. REMARKS: 'fopuprnphit/Land'rlli ig Ultidge LkHtgtr [_'Valley Ullal (rlirrk 'rn 'nnln'r ha.) Latitude/longitude of well locnlirrrt (ilrptrWmhn'vt'...nn?) toot. -.. Lotilude/longitude sourcc:U(11'51J I upltgrapt lie 'il.p (clrck Mr) J11:111j1 VR11_L111131,1 From To Formation Description fl - I t l'H d C. 4 10 - cif -Scot C 5 ( , E- r cr. jrrl_UA[lUL�1;I;:LL') cGi Show dlrerlion and disiaiice in miles Il ows I Ir z4., two Stale Roads or County Roads. IncludfWe via -0 Cc O Z numbers and common toad unmet'. E1�E N tV r 0, I PO I li RI'IIY CFR I UY 111A1 111111 WELL WAS CONS I ItUC1 FD IN ACCORDANCE WIl 1115A NCAC 2C, WEI L CONS I RUC I ION 5IANDAI(PS, AND 111A f A COPY OF l HIS ItECUIW HAS BEEN PROVIDED.' U 111E WELL UWN[R 5-- /'7-1,c/ SIUNA I lull! UI' l'FItSON CONS IRUCI INU 1111.1 WELL VA I It Submit the or 10111 to the DIrivinn of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1616 Mall Service Center - Ilnlrlkb, NU VW'? 1611. I'hnnr Tin. (QIel'1J1.1221, oltldn 30 dad,, (1W-1 REV. 07/21101 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) CHRISTOPHER L. DICKEY CERTIFICATION If 2261 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME CHEROKEE WELL DRILLING AND PUMP COMPANY, INC. PHONE # (828) 837-8008 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT!! (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential EII Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural ❑ Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: HAYESVILLE FIRES CREEK County CLAY (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: WENDELL BARLOW Address P.O. BOX 615 (Street or Route No.) ANDREWS, NC 28901 City or Town State Zip Code ( 828 )- 321-5872 Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 07-26-2004 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 345' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 20 FT. (Use "*" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 1 FT. Above Land Surface* 'Top of easing terminated atior below land surface requires a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): 2 METHOD OF TEST AIR 10. WATER ZONES (depth): I I. DISINFECTION: Type CHLORINE Amount 100 PPM 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0 To 21 Ft. 6 114" .188 STEEL From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0 To 20 Ft. CEMENT GRAVITY From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: Topographic/Land setting ❑Ridge ❑Slope ❑Valley ®Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location 300131 (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:OGPS0Topographic map (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To FormationDescription 0' TO 15' SAND 8 GRAVEL 15' TO 345' GRANITE 0 O t ?m Cs% L i LOCATION SKETCH -A— Show direction and distance in miles from at least'Z� rn' ram" two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road n' numbers and common road names. r` 0 2 I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS W L WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WI CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, r a TACOY Oe rills RECOO HAS BEEN PR(rIDED TO THE WELL OWNER 7 a6-t L/ tit GNATURE 0 ' ERSON COPISTRUCTI • G THE W II I5A NCAC 2C, WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-I REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION ► ECtl►tU 301201 Nall, Unlvlina - Derailment of 1!nvimnmeot and Natural Rewwccn - Division of W nlcr duality - Lln,undwntct Section S,An,C�S Will. Cl/rJ 11lAC1 UII (IN 0I PIIIIIAL)nnnlrpl hrV a-W;iCC4/1 cr,tllrlcA I Cagac tt rLL CON I ItACI Olt COMIAN V NAMGyg�Q,.[_.-1-�--\� dr1,t`:‘A5 SIAIE R E1,r (11NS I ;MCI ION 1'EItM11 N ASSIIC'IA I Ell WI) rEllnll I N it n • dicnldc if n dicnbirl I. W1;1 I, IISI' (Chuck Appliculle Ilan)' Itr^.idrntinl I V htaulcipnl/public Cl Indunhinl I l Ap•liculhnnl U t�hmiiuling U Itccovcly L1 Ilcnl Pomp Wale' Injection U Utltei U 110liter, List Use 2, A1'p.Ll. I tUCA li431.1: Ijcnl esl l own[_(L2S,_1n,Zh_._ _Ol-._.l�auuly-[,1�}�, .�� broncin Rcr - --- (Corr! thistle. Nmnl•rn, l ammw�il ). `•r�LJir idol,.l1l nl Ili•, fir 1'r.ir) ). u11 Nr•It _k;Charj.-_JVVI_C 1C)(a\d__ nlhuicss 9 o eic2A, t - (Snret in Voile No.) _Ara sstow_n_ A/c_ Z590a_ (ii)' or Im'n Solt, lip (bdr /urn r.•Ir. IL�.iv timber d. IIAIFDIM .l1:1 5. II)FAl. UPI'1II:- 9Q1.. ._ 6. DUES 1VP1.1, 111,1'IAl'II.IIXIS IINU wi.i Id YES U NO h.1- 7. SIAIIC11'AllitI.LVISLliclo(vopofl•:aingt(vO_11. (the " r'• II ALnvr l op nl I'n.inp) P. IOI' OI" (-r1SINU IS _ 1 _. El. Above I nod Bodice' • I op of r.,lnp In min.ItJ al/v. below Inn; .ml.rr rrgnk,.. .nlurrr In monism, 15A NI'AI' H'. Ill III. V. YIN 11(PPM)• 1 _._611•.1IIUI)in, 1Fsl.tAr jj 11. 11'n I FR /LINES (depot): -__-- rumor. N tt2 1411--i'r Lupogrnphicll,and rrltinl: Liltidge I re IT Valley Lillat (clink .ppngnlnle hn•) 1 nliluddloogilullc of well Ivcnlirnl 035-62-1ZS- t 85'S "I(c Lnliludefloagilude soulcc:l7Ut'SUT olnq;lnphic Illnll (chuck I -in) I)):L1111 UitILi,11)t)L(II) plum 'fo rioimation I)csaipliuu V a - 10' C;l. __11c) - QD ' .SOns- I A GO - S 10' (1,revA, e- II. DISIrInCIIUN:T)pc• il >o11g15 Alll'olu(_l-h 12. CASIN(;: Wall lbirknrss Drplll i l)iniocicl tic 1Vrigbl/11. tvintnial nom p To- tO I _ Fluty, si7.c2L ,1)\I( floor Iv H. now I o 11. _ _-- --- -- I). liRt1UI: Iteplll tIfF11nl Method Ruin (2 To o1Q' I I. QI j ckvi - 4(.C3$at . Plow to Pt. - ---. —c 14. SCREED: I)rpdn Diameter Ski Size Matelinl Plin___.I.a1:1 in. -- - in. Plum_—_--- I a__. It _in. io. 15. SANU/titAVPI, l'AUL: Nrpnl Size Mainint hum I,' It. Mont Ta Pt. 16. REMARKS: _—__ j iI FE 1:;) FE I I4) [ I1UIlikIII'i Liltlll'1'111A'l h itSWELLWA,(OI qL ILDINACCURDANLPI(q I5ANCAC2C,WELL cUNsIRUCNUNSIANDAIU)S,AND II1ATACOPY 1II11SIt&EBtwUIIA52QtNED'luhillWELL UWNPR II l7- 0Cj LUCAIIVI4_Sk L.IC)t Show dircelion and distance in miles hunt nl Iract two Stale I(oads or County Ron Is. Include the tend timidity; and communion(' lino es. c C C "oy cl y �r�-rn a�� o rn c qO gc r1 s �rn x - m� IX o IUNAIIMP, DEITltttfll ,7ti14101/4.01:l sVftLL DAZE not the I};lnal to the Illrhlun of Wafer I)unlily, lll.ndVYitter Section, 16361NNl S(nice CU1Vr1 REV. 27r? 16161'hour rlo.(91e)7J112ZI,n1(hh1111d:1)c, NC ✓ 1)11N / /I 2. WELT I OCAIJUI'J: lien; csriSVi ("ounl), C1Cni tslrrrl Nninr, thunlar+, t'ununnnllp, 5u1•Ji+i+loq I nl l in_ 711r 3. Addlres __t99 1/erS R�------ (Slirelu, Ilmrle Inn l Rayewi1Le_ Ncz ±1PE.t lip l Jy o, In,vn Code Slate Ain rr4- !Ingle unnd•rr C 4. I)AI P. UI111.1 IW3 9n_ 5. lUfALNp.P1Fit. _1 (. (DUES %VEIT.ItP.I'l Alt FXISIINU \VEI.1:/ YES 13-1-110LI- 7. SIAlICWATERLEVELIlclow Top ofl'nsinp,t._50: II Above lip nt t'n.inp) A. l III' (IF CASINO IS I jr!. Above I and lace' r I rI• rl t •dnp 1,,,,,1n.Iril allot hrinn loin got l.rt t eolith r. • • ul.nrt In •rt,n du+tt nitlr I+A NUAI' It: ,III In. v. 1WI I) from): _ ._N11111101)11E IESI_fl[k.—_— Itt. WATER ZONES (dcplit):-------- j�� II. 111$INI'P.0 IIUIJ:'f}'pc "`"'1`f-' SJ_-eS Amount Will "I hickncss 12. CASINO: I lrpllt Uimncict of \Vriyld/PI. hlnlcl ial honk1oil Q 1'1 C¢ _SS c,01 PnnOM_ _ill__—_ I1.__—---- flunl To _-1'1. r hlglrrti9l Method I), lillUll f: 1 o (� -j l Role _ _f1. 14. SCREEN: 4: Irrplll Uimucter Slot Size Welild ly, fl. __iu. __ in. fo_.- - I1"-- in. ----- 15. SAIJU/611AVll. 'TACK:prp:iile Idnlrt inn fnrlI% To It_ Ili. ltLNlAItl:S: -- I PO 111JRf11Y CH fIVY I IIAI IIII S WIl1.L 1V CUNSI RUCI W Id S I ANUAIN/S, ANU l 11A Lg�' �� o , ( 4p�1 .EWfrn IsnwcnC2C•WELl. lI' u II?I It 14 UM}' OM -FUG Ill II, AS 1Ian MOVIULU10111E WWELLOWIICII J U -G r JI �e III! WLLLh UAII! sItnNAWUIll )1'I'III�SUEKVIs113941tflj w►;►,►, (;UNstRucrION ►t► Ct)itu 301202 Notlh 0uohm' - I)rpaloncnl of P.nvilouurcul and Nulwal Ilenomccs- Uivisiun of Wale, Qualify - Uhonudwnlcl Section \\ cenllrlcnllurl�� DLO � VIEl.()CON IµACtllit (INIiJVttlUUAI.) NAME (p,ho1�J-On2N.S--- Sam runny. s Allt rM' 1,S. u -- — u FIE, CUNntnClOlt CtInIPAfJYNAn1E. _ 1 C_ ��I1 of ASSUCIA I PIl WI) I*ERI1tl11 N S rhlF.v\F.LL hUNSI old( IIICI ION I'F.IN111M ---- ifn rrlicnble if n • lilt k A 1' I I rn) Ilrridrulinl I I luuieilnd/Iuhlic IJ /ndunllinl IJ Ayliculuunl Ll I. \\'1'I.I, IISP. (Cher pp ten r e II , Plonitol lug LI Recovety 1_I I lean rump \Vnlrl Injection U Other LI If Other, Lisl Usc Topolpnphiell.nmd rettilig IJlthlge IL!fgre LiVolley (JEW (rhrrlt •ppnnnlnlr hn•) I nliluddlu .Bole of well localimi y w $3° v_4' 2S >tz(_er r l ... (d!p+ernJndnnlyd..rnmi+) Latitude/luuµiludc nowcc:DI II'SF.I fupu);Inphic ul,p (chrcb hot) Patti UKILLII!U TOO Pouf To Pmurativu Ucsaiption nt i 1-L :1212r p o m — iden11u1l_SKILI.cl reCte Show ditecliun nod distance iu miles Ii%nl Iwo Stale hoods or County Bond+. Iticitu�! the numbers and common road nnnlcs. riD Plae Oen✓C c.11vrch Submit the el Ipinnl to Ilse I)hislun ul 11'nl'r I)unlily, GI oundlrrlfer Section, 1636 Mali Service Center, P hrIgh , nu I 2767? 16.11 floors No. (911/) 7Jy 1221, ulllllu all da}+. NC l II II) li cUNSTKuc'1'ION ItEctntu 3 0 4 0 2 6 14,4 tit Cnudina - Derailment railment of Puvinruulcnl and Datum' Itesoutees - Division of V/nler Quality lhuuudwnlct Section 11E1,1,CONI ItACI011 IINNII%'IUVAI.J NAME. (plug 1GwiHr ?. t Ar)I\F )in CEIIIII ICA I ION 11020VU WELL CON I MCI flit COnil'AN1 NAME Lvate_ ' Cy')�(1 C1 r,11`�h j r11omlr, ! j9-r6) S'S 7-0)997 SIAIE WELL CANS I IONA ION FERMI IN ASSOCIAI E.11 WI) l EIIMI III l if nl'iiicihlr) --_ (Ifnppiicnlrk) I. \Vlii-I, USL' (Chrrk Applicable Ilu,t) Residential ILVPluniripnl/i'ublic U Jodunuinl 1:1 Aguicuhtnnl Ll hlouiluting Ll Itecovriy LI Hell I'Inup \\ier Injection U 011ie! U If Other, Lisl Use 2. \\'FLl, I DCAIIUN: Hem est.1own:fLayPe-,\L, 1e Comtq•Clf(i S%'tOke_cI5e. . .. -_-.. ISitrr1 Nnnir, Nand n•, l'onummily, 1$rlLJivielon, I o(I ln_ lip ('wlr) 1, l t 1V 111.11:� 12y1n( _Styr. LYE Addles% Si Lz fuseul Ofu2L (SI,rr1 in IOntle No-) E}nyllz tiC z$ao(f - Cil)'u, Ina, $lair lip I'oil, Arta r,-In I Iwo, nmul r, .1. DM I r. NW l 11. HUD _" CA:Qy5. IDFA1. NISI'TII: 30.5- 6. DOES \\'PLI, RI!I'LACI! PAS \Viil.1.7 YES L I Nu Id- 7. SIAIIC \\'AIIi1( I.EVFL, Delon, Top of ('using (II.e"1- If Above -lop of Potion) 8. I I II' OI° ('ASINU IS j _ -_ " 1 I. Above I nod SwIhce' • 1rp of •.,Inr trnnln.Ird nl/o, Lrinn Iu,J .m I.re •rqule• n •.,Nunn h• .crmdnrte null, I5A NCAI' IC.111 In. N. YIIU I)Moo). _t5.---_AIRIIIOI)(Ip'IESI'Aia_ Ill. \VAI Lit ZONES (drplh): - — I I. 1'ISIMJEP.(: IIUD: I wArl\144 rx(10 JS Amount \S 11. CASINO: Wall Iltidurs, Irplh Diameter or WcighUl'l. f 1nletial flout p lu gO ` fl.L2ia' S%C,ZL ii)_vC flnm 'fo II. 1"tom Tu 1'l. II. URUUI': Depth Material �.. flom� To.�v It psis -(or.� -_-- I'1(1,11 Io El. _-- 14. SCREEN: DepthDintncter .•Iv1.,ve Mu nfenl 1-toot 'l o I i. Hi. Mot___—_--- •fo ---__ IT in. 15. SAND/uitAVl i.l'ACF.: irplli Sire floe(-__ Iil _I'1.__ Vrot❑ To II. ---Nicurntl _ �; Psa,ts< — wloke_ iu. blr,Irtinl 16. I(LiIAIIKS: 'fupogtnphidl and ?cllinJ; Ultidge 1.ISIope 10-17-nllry 1_)flnl (rii rk pgn,gnln4 bm) Lniilude/luugilude of well location ( lap,ern/nJnuln'noennd•) Lnlihole/longitudc soutce:L P 11'SUTopn(pnplic asap (clerk Mon) ultlu.uu; LOU fvtlnalion I./en-14,1km MULL I,o111 In c) - lb' �(n 7 - )1 q �ckklbL Sf3 n e o' - 3 0 S' C=r�,z Lue/vfI.VIt_sI:ELIII o u Show di,cclion nod distance in miles lium al Ict t' C) two Slate Ronda or Comity Roods. Include the ton'I Itlllnh,ci nod CO111111011 load newel. mo,+-11: so2, m IDUIII'I(PII1'uritlIflIIIAI7illSW11.1,WAS CODS TR(ICIPI)INACCUI(DANCEWIlll I5A NCAC2C,WELI. CONS-1IWCI ION SEAWARDS, AND I IIAT A CUP 1' UP 'IBIS I(ECURD IIAS BEEN I'RIUVIDED'I U 111E WELL OWNER /0 - py-D9 SIUNAI 11111! OF RUCIINU Tut: WELL DM I! Submit the tit I);luni to the 1)11 Non of 1Cnter Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 pill Service Center - Vain gh, tIC ••r • „I,,. ,.9rinut VVE1.1, CON I I(ACI OIL(INUIVIIIUAL) NAME (pt INN f lr✓ K- VVE I,I. CON ILIA C I On UI rnI FAN V NAME a%//er e CC e, .A0'On WELL CONS'I'RUC'I'!UN ItECUItU NotCnndina - Nepal Intent of Euvinnuneul and lit Jai Itcnogcen - DIVISION of Wnler Quality - Olouidwnlct Section CFRl a tutlhurt Nit Yet? rilulir N lgel--?SSJ S I A I E %%ELI, CONS I IIIICI ION FERMI IN ASSOC'IAl F.I) WI) PERM! IN it n • diuddrl .E..r-...., r, (if nppliotlrlr) I. \l'ELI, 11SE (Cheek Applicable Ilea): Ilesidrnlinl 1-✓f`luniripnl/l'ulrlie U Indunitlel C1 Agtieuhutnl L1 t t'uitllning U Itccuvely U Ileaf l'uugr Wald Injection LI Ulllcr U If Other, Linl Use 2. A' f I,I, I OCAI It ',III. I lrni co iownt._, n4, f.ce/#1 e ('t,unty der l/ (Gnrrl Uncut. Number•. Ilnnnuv,il), Subdi,i+lnn. loll In ,) ip 1'r.dr) ponoT)f7 ()W\'IJUlt hh'' f• iei fir' Atlticcs ..3J�' OoUrn 0A5S _-CrK. R.& (Sllrrl it Ilonle flu) _ E aysSJt11t ALL- z%xi 0 (-it) 'of iv, n Slnle Tr ('ode ( )- nrrn r dr. anon- an„ihrr 4. I)AIL•.InuuED 5 a7-°I 5. I(lIAl.1)1'1'1l1.__-722._--_.__ 6. DOES WELL HEN ACI! I!XI511111I WEl 1.7 YES Li NO 1-1' 7. S I A FIG WA! lilt LEVEL Ucluw'l i p of racing. 2 0 _I (I.hr•l• Ir/onor 'hpof I'n,inpl 8. l I )1' (II' CASING IS I'"1'. Above I nod Sullhce• • Irp nl r.•Inr !null I .Ihn hrinn 1.11111 tors• trgulrn. ,.rbnn In .rem donut nIth 15A NUM IC irlin. v. YIN I)(ppm): _ME.111uunf'l:r:f//,'r 10. WA I LIt ZUNJIS (depth): /75 II. ItiSltdhf.CIlull: -I pc /fTir— Amnon( tkl'r;,/0' 12. CASIIIli: Wilt'Ihick,esN 1)rpllt Uinuhef r co Wright/Ft.hlnted:II from 0 To c2' fl. 6-2S 10421 wG floor 'Ib I'1. I1 o m--- 1J. (;IUJUF: Ilout__() loon l o I'I. 'Iitpngnyrbic/l .and 'clliuL Ultidgc I.ISlnpc IIIVnllry I_Il lal (' Irek .pp,nprl.o- hn.) l.nlitude/lougitude of well Inrnlian / N3S ° 0 4/'0 y . / ' " w o�3 N tt(S/ Y S/ a (drillerdndnnl t'r-"mtIt LIIIII111IC/IVIIg11111Ie notlicC:Llt i l'SUI I opuglnphic nlnp (rheck Im.) DIALED. DIM.1,UIt) Litt.; flour tO rotulntiottIJcscliplinn O—0 C`:. — eZ0.-/ZL 1.1.2.CA11014 KI I C7I Show direction nod dislance in miles limo al Icn'l Iwo Stale Roods or Comity Ronds. Include Ills Fond numbers nod cmumtml toad motel. O ' I L f 1. rr --o I lerili h Orlin iclbud CD :) -00 c1rl -0(--. r ;r`_, 3 CC, W O to 0 C) 14. SCREEN: I Ir1t h Uinturlet Slot Sire htnledal flout to II. iii. in. I'n,ul_-- __--. To -,--- fl. in. in. IS. SAt1D/UItAV FT 1'AC1:: Urrlll Site hhurlinl flow_ fo IT flort_ Tu fl. I (i, IU!hlr\ILLS: DU IIERf11Y CER I IN* 11IAT 11115 WELT, WAS NUCLEI ICI ED 114 ACCORDANCE WflIl I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONS IRUCIION SIANUAIU)S,ANDMATACUI'YUP . ItliCUIWIIASBEEN I'ItOVIDED101IIE WELLUWIIER 7 D / SitUTAIlllll!UfPERSON CUNSIDUCI1t1U11IL'WELL 1JA11! Submit the of it:Ina! to the I)It Moo of \}'tiler IJul1I11), (:ruuitdlroter Section, 1636 Moll Sendce Center- H1111, gh, (I(. roc 11 ll rr I It I4n/) WELL CONSTRUCTION JECvItu 304030 Notch Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural ►tenouu/lccs - Division of Willer Quality - Uurundwaler Section WELL CONI IUCIOIn (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (rho /'"Cfy jleec e- CFIIIIEICA-I ION N 2903 moue N LC2n 83)-•ii9? W ELL CON I ItACI Olt COMPANY NAME S ITl E WELL CONS I RUCIION PERN11 N ASSOCIAI Ft) WO 'PERDU IN if nrmikuble) -_. (ifnpplienbld %%7<//.er I. WELL USE (Cheek Applicable lion): Residential I tthuticipal/Public U Indunitinl U Agticultulal U Mount.' ing LI Recovery LI heat Pump \Valet Injection U Other LJ If Other, List Use 2. W I I.L L( )CAI -ION: Near cst lown. /G S0//e County C-4 �ne Of Give /e (Sure! Nnnte, 1'IomLm, l mmnunny, Snhdininlun, lnl Ito., 71p Grlr) 3. ()WNNIt: Le07Y°/'l ,Lwr/e Address 15444 }}err)`iS Aikgiill (Sneer or haute No) y(2(t_nq arri&A- .305g2- City m own Slnle Zip Code ( _)- Arrn rode- fhmm number d. DAIEDRILL El) /0'"o7-aV 5. IDFAL I)F1'llL___ 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTINU WELL? YES U NO N' 7. STATIC WA! LIt LEVEL Below Top of Casing: _Sv_.__FI'. (Ow "re If Above l rap .it ('n,'1p) A. T(11' OE CASINO IS / IT. Above I.nod Sullace• •l rp e1 fining In minnled ill/nr below Iuul ran lore requites • alone In accordance nllh 1SA NCAC 1(17.IIt IN. 9. Y 1) (gone): _._ . hIE111UD OF IFS 1 Ill. \VAl ER ZONES (depth): 390 I I. DISINEFUHUN: Type fi7-f% 12. CASINO: I halt Dinn,elcr Aunt v To lip Et. 6-:?s' floral /510 To .26y FL5c4to PUL Flom r769' 'Iu .ZS'3" IL 'it, nee! 13. URUUI: Depth Material Method Amount g46ry9 Wall l Ilickness or Weight/IT Millen:! S404,2I �vr, From To It. It pm 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Sire Matelinl Fronk To Ft. Iron( lo It. IS. SAND/URAVE.I. PACE:_ Depth Size Material ill. _ hi. 111. Ill. Fumy Ta From To 16. REMARKS: El. It. "Iopogtnphic/Land setting Ultidge USlupe [IValiey Ur bit (rhen, nppr(pllnle bar) Lntitudcflongilude of well loca)ion ,v3y°55'Sl-S" wo83° SY /0.1 • (drineen/ndnutrthernndt) Latiludellongitude source:[) il'SU Itipuginpllic map (check Ion) J)lill11 VItIl UUQL.U�; Pwnl 'lu 1'otnalimlllescription O-02So G! 2/6- ¥as' Ufay 4e- L LCAilULSIsG1_C) Show diteclion and distance in miles horn at least two Stale (toads or County Roads. Include the toad numbers and comma road mica. I DO I IE WINY CER HEY 11IA'I'I111S WELL WAS ('ONS11tUC1 El) IN ACCORDANCE WITI1 ISA NCAC 2C. WELL CONSI ItUCI ION S IANDAItDS, AND II IAT A COPY OF THIS IIS RECORD HAS DEEM I'ItOVIDED'10 TI IE WELL OWNER A etcp <0 -07-aii SIGMAILIItE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTINU'[IIL WELL DAIS Submit Ilse III Ightal lu the Division of %Paler ()tidily, Grutmdnaler Section, 1636 lloin SenIce Center - Raleigh, NC -- - -...-. _. ,... _. t, n.I-- ,I• .r...._ (1W_I lot V (17/)1I01 //c II II 111 li vVEL,A, Ct)NST1(UCl'ION atECuttt) 304025 Nut Ih Cnullina - Drpallnmid of Ilnviluunicul and IJnlulal ltesulnccs - Division of Wnlcr Ilunlily - Ulouudwnlcl Scctiou WEI.I, CON I ItAC I VIt OWN VINUAL) HAM: (p.lot)-3nvieLe s IS , Lo \ 4Gl('1 CFIt I If ICAUVN N a ybb<i MI W ELI, CON I IUCI UII CII'AN1• NAIIF j[Y1i1�( \x�1 �1L J I r11ONF s j4141 cc 7- 2d)!7' S I A I F. wELI, CONS I PIMA ION I'ElUti111/ lif nrldir tt Ir) _— (if npplicnlrlr ASSOCIA IFNI WI) 1'EItMI II I. \VI:I.I, IISF (Cbrck Applicable II,.,Q Itesi,lrtitlnl Aµticulhunl LI Itlouilming LI Itetawety IJ heal Pinup l\'nlet Injection U Ulllci lJ IfUlher, Lim Use 2. WH I. I (ICA I )11: Nral csl l ow.r�nkjg SVI\'l,o Couuty..�G11_____—_ SMOke_ RiSG'I i (Bird Name. Nanil rl t, tomnnwiq, Sublli.initm. I nl I In„ 71p Cwle) 3. ll\V(Jlll: -Sc(Irigs Srti.11'l Adlhess 3?' ke Liu e(ft) _vim (Sn eel or Rotor Nn) ;ll Rare s 'f ALL_ 2 `10(y I — ('ily of I omit $Inge 71p Cud. ( ) Arr. r .l• I'hnnr number 4. UA l F. Until Pi )JQ�1 - t'11 - o�\ 5. 1 I) FAL. Nii' i i l:__ 2D 5.'__ 6. IJUES \VIII, Ill?rl.Acli. EXIS1'1NU WEI.1:i YES LI NU N1-1- 7. SFAlIC\\'A1EltLEVELIlelowI'ot.ofC:•ing:._SO'.._ ._I (11•e "I"Ir Above lop of I'n•inR) B. 1 I)I' OI' l'ASllfli IS __ 1_ -_-__ 1 1'. Above I and Sullilcc• • I rp nl t•dtr Ito nln•Ird .I/.r brion tuna nn l•rr ergolrn •.,ln,er h. octet dente ”Ill; 1SA NCAC )/'ill In. V. 1 INI l)(11'1l1): _i5_h1E111U1)U1:1I;,`iI •ti� I(I. \VA I bat 7. )IJI'.S (tieplll): II. IiISINFECIION: 'fype 'h P iictS Alumna lO 12. CASINO: Wall Illirknc.^.7 Nrplh Dinulricr of \\'cigbllll, h1nlclial Dr?L P)/c Mont Q 'I-o -ter I'I.__Cpr o___ I'I. hum 'Iv PL_... ._. 13. liRoilI': Prigll bbuclial 1-1lull 0 'fu ' i't. PoL la9>d.- _ I'Ilull lo' 14. SCREEN: Ucpih Diameter Slot Sire lion(_ IlomfuI I. IS. SAIJU/UIIAVNI.PACK: Nrplh Bonk fn fl. Elton It,. (REMARKS: Melted 4 t c ctLc_ M1lnlrlinl 111, ill. hi. in. Stir t~lnirlinl fopai,riglhic/I,:vld sclliu); Ulli lge LWlopc LiVallry LII Int (rherk ggvoprinl. Imo Lnliluddlungilutle of well Iocnlinn ( Itgi reed mini lrt', rand.) -_- Loliludellougiludc mitec:Ll1 )I'SU I-(rpuglnphic neap (check han) 111tKLI.UIt; LOU � i'onnal�iunIlcscripliun i_1' -6 MILL LI Bout 'lu ID' 101 — 3 h 3b (— 9rr,S ' acf..) rr Ll2CA1:wf S .iuiut $e� Show i itcclion and (isiauce in ulilrs livia Iwo Slate Roods or County Roots. Include lI.€ road uuudrem and cominon wad nauirs. l I DO 111'lll:all' LEE l it Y I I IAT'1111S WEI.I, WAS CONS i ItU 1IJ.0 III ACCORDANCE WIII 115A NCAC 2C,1'JELL CONS I RUC' ION 5IANUARDS, AIJU'111A r ACM or RECUT W IIAS BEEN I'IIUVIUEU 1 U'fl THE WELL UWIIER 1 ✓ \ 11 A ),r ni-2,I Z I SniNA l01(1! OE PERSON GUNS I RUCIINU'11W WELL //, / -, c7 DAI II Submit the of IgInnl to the Division of 1Ynle% I)mllhy, GI oulldtrater Section, 1616IA*11 Stoke Center - Itnlrlgh, NC •r.., I not% owino% II IIIII It WELL CONSTRUCTION RECOltl) Notlh Cat olina - Depal talent of liuv it oiutent and flu lat nl Resout ccs - Division of Water Quality - (h ound watcl Section 3 ,,,x /etc. CellIIriCAIION 290% lVrl.l.CON urnclrllpmnculunl,)NnaIF (pi !MI terix �,� $;1)-.?yy7 ll puma: nrt.l,amnRAC loncunlrnnrNnnlr . �L' nSSOCIA Iran wQ I'ERMI.1$ Slnlr,wrLl,CONS Iable (11VI'F.IlMllp ifn1likable if n , Jlicuble ..... - . I. WELL USE (Chick Applicable Box): Residential El—Municipal/Public U Industrial U Agticultulal U ftioniloting U Itecuvety O Iteat I'mup Water Injection U Oilier U If Other, List Use 2. W ELL I.()CATIOJ ' Topographiclmnd selling Nuatestfawn: iYeyTTe.Ifiil/e ('ounl) G/!"/—_—_ Ultidge Mimic I_IValley UIlat � GsDW J . _. __. -. __ ._ (drcrk .pproprl.le bn)) A(' - -- Latitude/lon itude ofwell location ($Ireri IJanrt, Numbs+ l onunnrlily, Sal rhrinlon, loll , Zip Cade) 'Vi? D3 //. � �� Gd08.3o u7�r� f(,( (Ylrprce ✓nJ nulyda.rn m l+�) 1. OWNI:It:_/�//en ®4i✓n / — — 5620._LA0 di (Irk DL— Lntiludenutlgilude!murcc:U(11'SOTupoglnpl,icunp nddlcss J (clink brtn) fleeto. Route Na) u1tILL11lh-I,UIi Pa(_m �i- El 3'-i-990---._ Rasa. .Fiona '1.o Formation Descnptiun City m 1 or. rt Sl,le Zip Code (.. DOES WFLI. REPLACE EXISTING WEI,1,7 YES LI NO Ha 7. SIATIC1VA1lilt LEVEL Below Top ol'Casing: _ Q_ _ —I'1' — (Oar -1-II Above lap of mainµ) A. 1 UP Cl' CASING IS _ f____._- ET. Above I.nnJ Sur lace• • 1 up of min, In tolneleil nl/ne brio., land nu lore lrsnit vs a 1.111nre In *eon dane ”Ill. 154 RCA(' rI RI IL Q. YIN 1(rpm): _-,J__-_h1E111012OFTFSI_di/ —_ - nl. WA TER ZONES (depth): ° -- -- -- LUCIVilDN_Sr,Llcat Type 7» Amount _Z��C"/ 511ow dhectioll and distance in lades limn al lead 1 I. DISH,' N?CI"IUN: /� all •I Maness two Stale Roads or County Roods. Include the toad 12. CASING: RhWeigh/Et. Oepl1, Diameter or Wciglll/Il. htntcl ial INIIIhe19 and common load names. hoot__ 0 To X Ft. a,.?s= SO/ld1 pv IrlC tI'l. ) nn �ro -- r r��-; Flom_- Tn rt. — — p `'.:_ Method 'G 0CD 17. IiRUUh: Drp(I, bdctinl l z / Ft. /r)`�u-- o- /'r�Ja. �- cis -=', I'mm O To — r�°. 1'nnn 'fo It --- -v 0-i i 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Sire Mntetinl r,r_', in. G? -:* lit oin From_ u__ Ft'— in. in. Jr l 15. SAND/URAVEI. I'ACIC: Mulct inl Drplir Sire V0034 floatto Fl. Ftom To 1'1. 16. REMARKS: I DO I IFRFRY CERTIFY MAT 1111 S WELL WAS CUNSNtNC2ED IN ACCORDANCE WIIIt I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSI ItUCI ION S [AWARDS, AND 1IIAT ACOPY OF THIS IUiCUI(U HAS 131.104 PROVIDED'fl1 HE WELL OWNER le SIGN/Cl ORE OF I'FRSON CONSIRUCIINO THE WELL DM E Subunit the of Igiunl to the division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mill Service Cent er1 ItLIVgh, NC WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resourcess- Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) FR2/JZ T• VtcreR CERTIFICATION #31 75 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME B9013 Lit Cad— D QJCLIUA =KC. PHONE # )74'S-14 4a STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential B Municipal/Public 0 Industrial ❑ Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCH ON: Nearest Townayc-SViu.e County 0-$.9 Voi LekFmutate:- ,Z P99 1 (Street Name, Numbers, Cammtmity, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: 1/450,9 irga3ORE-- Address Vo( LQkcsfrkeac .D12 (Sant or_ 1Moute No.) 2 7 961/ site y�(.cf NC City or Town State Zip Code MO- (MO —sal o Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED /0 .4-1- O 6. DOES WELL REPLAC EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO 5. TOTAL DEPTH: IS — Z.9 cr— 37 7 ctq 641 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: GO FT. 69 L 65 (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS -(- 2. FT. Above Land Surface' %- Z 2 Z O 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in accordant with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD(gpm): l METH() OFTEST `8i& 10. WATER ZONES (depth): v{ 11. DISINFECTION: Type NMI Amount (7 O Z. 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Pt Material From 76 To C. S Ft Lit • / St STEC-c. Front (pS To 4.1 S Ft (a t/ S' SDR ?( PVC From q S To+2 Ft. Co r/4 SOR 2 Z5 PVC 13. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 2.0 To C) Ft Cf 4 ad,vrs. C,2.iv711 From To Ft 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft in in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. Topo d setting ORidge ®S)ope OValley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude pf well location N.y°K�_SS5 w 0$3 4b.SZ2 () Latitude/longitude source: PS❑Topographic map (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description o ) 5 Btmoa Ct,ar tuu)TE tic 225 0225 - Z6.5 LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and common road names. RECEIVED I DENR } DWQ AQUIFER PROTECT ICNSECTION OCT 2 6 ;'.,H 16. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUE IED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRtrf ION STAND.9)tDS, „THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER ARttri SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 ere V / 2' 0' SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSIRUCI INU Tile WELL D '1B Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Sectlon,1636 Mall Service Coder- Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. 019) 733 3221, is Man 30 days. OW -I REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Tenn 45112 Nottlr Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CON TRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) A- &N tA)i (SO \1 CER77FICA7ION 0 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME (ylrll er kiC it pf, i(rNS 1110NE P f ) STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMTI II ASSOCIATED WI) PERMIT0 (if nppliemhte (if nmdicnble) I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential Municipal/Public ❑ Indushial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Mrnriloring ❑ Recovery ❑ Iteat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: tte . C.5-V, I I C- County_[ %Q/ Di Fa_ 1._ (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: Rt.CKI QC Address a.3 F; r1_Crk etc\ (Sheet or Route No.) Uc y-eso Ile .()(.- g90_9: City or 7-own Stale Zip Code Area cote- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED I V MAL) 5. TOTAL DEPIT1. ' A. y5 ' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES U NO ILY 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 30' )-)', (Vre "r" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOI' OF CASINO IS _1 IT. Above Land Surface• • Jop of taring letndnaled Mier below land tan fare requli ea a variance In ■ccorduae with ISA NCAC IC.01111 9. YIELD(gprn): f METHOD OF TEST 10. WATER ZONES (depth): — . 30' I I. DISINFECTION: Type -14 b).et Amount R 12. CASING: Wall-IMekness Depth Diaijieter or WeiµhUEL Material Fr oar 6 To /JS'O' Ili, /Cf sae 2 / `J✓L Front To II Front To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material Method Front D To 76 1/4 EL Por-1-4,-cd PvnV) From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Matetinl Nos r To Ft. in. in. Flom To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVE1. PACK: Depth Size Molehill Front To Ft. Front To Ft. Topogrn .e/Land setting ❑Ridge ttI Lope ['Valley UFla1 (check appropriate boa) Latitude) longitude of well location N 3 r°0 3'tt6" W83'43'tt8" (degrees/ndn uteyreen ads) Latitudefloogitude source:❑OPSOTopograpbic neap (check boa) attILLIN LOQ PEP Tll From To 6 %�' I -- J60' /'(cr 2i/Sr Form ption Description LOCATION SEETCIL Show direction and distance in miles from at least two Slate Roads or County Roads. Include the toad numbers and CO11n1100 road names. 16. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TIIIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, ND TI IA'f A COPY OF TI ITS RECORD 11AS BEEN PROVIDED TO TILE WELL OWNER e up) V I, II I/I /f WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD C12.v zoill /I Not lit ('aiolina - Department of Envinnnneut and Nnttl�d Resume-5s- Division of Water Quality - Oloundwalcl Section 1VELI, CON IIORCI Olt (INI'IVIm7AL) NAM E (win() jam) q// .4," c—c i-J- Celli IEICAlIION n �/6.f 1VEI.I. CON IItACIOi( COSIrANII NAME > '/'-`/c7' ruoNH n 15.&1?.?7-255) S IATE \VELI. CONS I III CI ION FERMI I t/ ASSOCIA 1-EI/ WI) FEIth11TM if nl'plicntde)__ - (if nnulicnblc) I. \VI'1 I. (ISE. (('her( Applicable Ifos): Residential Itt—Municipal/Public Ll Industrial El A)picultuial O AlonilnrMg ❑ Recovery IJ Iteal I'mnp Wald Injection Ll Other Ii IU011icr, List Use 2. WEI I.I ()CATION: / I ear est Town: nets v,.//t County ($hrrl Nmne Numl•rl,, l'nnnnunily. Sul'lns Binh. I of lb,. /iv ('our) 3. OW1WItj-C)'e 2%i'ur�•,I A(Mr uss 12,0-- `�-%t)r1`Py-C, 1/.f \A__.._._ (Snrrl or Huuir Ns ) thi v e_s Li )e_tiL �>10- ti- n!) m t o n Slur Sir ( ...te — -_-_- I- -) _-------------_..-- Arrn i Ir- rhonr mmnbr, •t. DAII'.DPII.Irt'//y1_ o _—_-- 5. IVIAL NfI'lll:____ (. liMES Wft.l, RI:rt Aril E\IS1-RJ(; WEll.7 }'Ifs 11 NO 1 7. S FA 11C \VAITtt I EVEI. Below Top of('asiug: /1S-TfT. Mgr "" ' If Ahove liar of Cn+ing) 8. 'FOP Of ('ASINI; IS /- _ FT Above lam! Stufilcc• •'Ire or roving In,ulnnled nl/nr Wow tutu nr, leer (mils re v e,leure In .rent dent Ith 15,1 NCA(' IC.911n. 9. YIFAA) (ppm): _/ y _MEIIIODOFTESL criPti W. WA Hilt ZONES (depth): i/0 !SEAM RSA I 1G11 Show direction and distance in unites flow al Ic .I Iwo Slate Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and common road ❑amen. Topographic/Land scllinl; L]Itidge [ISIope OValley IJFIaI (rlirrk nppmrr int.: tun) Latitude/longitude of well localion NisOf'06•/' 6Vdr/:57 i6.,Z (drgrrrs/mimdre's.rnndi ) LnlihulrlluugiluJe source:CJGPSOI upogiaphic snap (check Mu) )2�I'Ill P-WI-1,I11U LU(; from "fo founation I/escriplinn (} — II. DISII1lECIION: 'fypc_,'i'J Amount%-frr, 12. CASING: Wall'Ihic(ncss Depth Diameter or Weight/El Mntclial from (Z To s'S Pt. -!u SDr7)✓C Flom To II. Ft oar --- TO Pt. 13. (ROD I : Depth Meth! Method I'nnnfo r/L" fl. rGr` 4;/r7 se -PS -role, How 'Io 11. _ 14. SCREL'11: Depth I)imncicr from To ft. io. Ilnr__--_ Ill __--- It in. 15. SANN/UitAVIil. PACK: 1 irplh Sire lion' In fl. Boar To fl. 16. REM ARES: skit Silr Malcl inn in. in. Mata inn 6Ty 0 t 1110 IlpRpltV (TR11FV l ilA ['I IIIS WELL WAS ('(INS7)(I1Ul lii) IN ACCORDANCE WWI 15A NCAC 2C, WEIA. CONS I RUCI ION S IANDARDS, AND I I IAT A COPY Uf'11)IS RECORD 11AS BEEN PROVIDED TO TI IR WELL OWNER '�✓�Ja� �!%�.� // /S -0 J/ SIGNAI11111i(IfI'PItS(INCOWL Itt)CllugIIIL'WELL DAIR C. Bohan( the nl Iglual to the IOil a u111'nter Quality, Crurnnllynter Section, 1636 kln11 Service Center- Raleigh, N(; 27677 Inc Phone No. (71ti) 733-3221, nlllrhi II) (In . OW -I REV. 07/2001 7It' v IIII /II II WELL CONSTRUCTION ItEco►tu 3 0 5 le 8 No11h Cal Mina - Drparinu•ul of kiivituunlcnl and Natural Resources - Division of Wain- Quality - (houmhvntcr Section VPEl.1, CON I WWI Olt (Nun'runnI.) r+An1E (prhrr) G eS VvL P..—th.i15�1q cennrlcnlluNx<'_yDy I% EL(. CON I I(ACI Olt COairANS NAME ;U@s- t Ajell Efictn9 mad1_�1-z ty roue+E x q� _ASS(ICIA I El/ WI) i'ERpli lx tAle WELL CONS nun.HHONrF.nnnrx_ If n liadde tQ is r r..a. -wn...nil fa,........`.-, ... . ,n1 I. \V1:.1.1, I ISE. (Check Applicable !tux)! Residential I1/R111tnicipal/Public U Industrial Ll Aglimilluial L1 ttouitoririg U Recovery U I teat Pump 1Vatcr Injection Ll Other U If ()filet, List Use 2. WPIT I OCA-IIOIJ: Nelr est To n'n:-J-IY1.Er5��Lc.�e ('molly CS Ca/ ��r_ . :Ur- +fat (Suer! Noma, Nmohel, Cnmulnnily, Subdivision, 1 of (Jo., 7i1 ('tole) r 3. (nVNt:lt:___( C- ._ _— H00U11 Addiess (nf lne tal Lle net e.1,V (. (Slrrrl or Poole. No) 113 FPS ter_ si_ (U_UleLo 6 4 3 0.53 City co Iron Slntr 7.ip 1,}nlc 1_ )- Aron r.an I'h,•na nnmbrt •I. PAff'. PRn I 110_11:_ 5.-I(IIAl.1)1;1'1.11! 0 ,226~ 6. DONS WI'1 I, REPLACE EXIS1l14(1 W'E1.1.7 YES I.) NO I_1 7. S lA IIC WAlllt I EVEI. Below'fnp orCasinp: (11m"1"IFA1.ove Imp n1 Posing) 8. ll)1' OF ('ASINI; IS I I"I'. Above Lurid Surfrcc• •Top of redng Inndnnlyd el/or orlon Nod lot lore If galr et vn [nice In Irrol dnae nllll 15,1 NCAC IC All In. 9. I'ililI)(pplll):.___flIII111(11) T:Sf-Alk Ill. WA FI It ZONES (depth): II. UISIIJPI 12. CASING: From D how From 13. OitCU I': front-d from 14. SCREEN: hum Ilom 15. SANP/Cl( I'mnl_ faun l l)pograpllic/1 mnd selling LJitidge LISIopc WA/alley LJflat (check oppuanlnte has) Laiiluddlon ilude of well location A/35°0i 16" UJS3`'i4'52 ° (deg enhiii natrdcr.ronds) Latitude/longitude source: LIU PS❑ fopogra ph is map (check MIs) n.LL' lll UrtILLlr_,c L0 3 from 'DI formation Description 0 -- (Q' 1 1_I 1 s' _ 0705, CI IUN: Lilei14.11.1;Cd _3 Aunmul __LS_ VralI 'I hie towns (Tilt I(inlnrlrr of WrighL'I I. Itinlerial '1 i 1 Ka I L�os.�-`>7---sD.[21 pyc To It. _&..nj a a IT! Show ditcelion and distance ill miles flow at least two Slate Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and co111111o11 road 11annICs. To 1'I Perth Material Method I u :v_i_ I C Ui Ch n _Vare S3_ r _ fo LI. Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Io H. _-- in. ---- iii fo I. in. --- in. AVI'I. PACK.: --- Drplll Sire f.lnktinl 16. Itlil TAltKS; To fl. To 1'l. J DO IIfRpll'i (FP, I IFV I11AI 71115 WRLI, WAS (1)IISIRIIC(PI) IN ACCORDANCE WI711 I5A IJCAC 2C, WEI,I. CONS I R(JC1 IONS IANNARDS, AND 'I IIA u A COPY Of'11115 ItECUIW 11AS BEEN PROVIDED 'IO11I11 WELL O'rVNER n SIGMA IIMF (II: I I.It;ONCONSIRUCI1t4U111p WEI,I, DAZE Sullnli( the of IRIuvI to the PhIrian of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall Service Center- Italel(;II, NC 17GT; I(11, Ptnnlc No. (rlin)i11 3221 ullhhl III da)1. 1:1V_I IrUI/ 111+vuu NC lJ OIt1l I? N3 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 306462 North Carolina - Department of Envitotimeut and Habitat Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME Quint) (imps 2 11., II.�.\SOYA CERTIFICATION S.2 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME FINI1i Qf 1n)Q.1( C7f111,/15 PHONE#fk7c)S7-244i STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential I.U-Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: N-14yt'SV County (Jo/ S7r'.ent4Pt( set) .., D-, .t .i,Nc' r'Ceel:ll (Street Name; Numbers, Community. Subdiviitlat, Lot No., zip Code) 3. OWNER: WIN s) \--\op\G\r%h Address 5550 NE .tnfe ISA )2 I (Street or Route No.) Wtllt$f04 Ft 326/6 City or Town State Zip Code ( )- Area code- (hone number 4. DATE DRILLED Q- I6-pt\ 5. TOTAL DEI'Tll: 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL') YES ❑ NO ❑ 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: hG (Use "+" If Above'rnp or Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS IT. Above Land Surface' •Top of casing terminated stror below land sot face requites • entente In accordance with ISA NCAC IC .at IS. 9. YIELD (gpm): IC) METHOD OF TEST 4 ,2 30. WATER ZONES (depth): II. DISINFECTION: Type V1414 he�llriks Amount 16 12. CASING: I Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material Front To Ft. From To Ft. Front To FL 13. GROUT: Depth Material Method Front 0 To ,aO' Ft. QDI'Nrnss ?TeSSure_ From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Frotn To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. Front To Ft. Topogniphic/Land setting ❑Ridge ['Slope laValley ❑Flatz'i:; (check approptiate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degieea/minulesfseconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topogtaphic map (check boy PEPTl; I21U1,LINO LD_Q Front To Formation Description P> - /U 0 r —1 cV U 1.In Show direction and distance in miles fromit lease`; f two Stale Roads or County Roads. Includrtl e road& numbers : nd common road names. ✓e 1 GCATION SKRTctt -� Docorm•/r9 creel(' e`luslr re .ffnM e ✓ CDyp 16. REMARKS: 1 DO JIFREBY CERTIFYTIIAT1111S WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15ANCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO TILE WELL OWNER /-2_/5 -ot/ SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division or Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall Service Center - Raleigh, NC OW -I REV. 07/2001 305101 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Drpat Intent of Environment and Habitat Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONI RACI.Oit (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (pint) , cry. cece CEnI !PICA-1ION Nay PHONE N (8J%-2551.. WELL CON I HACI Olt COMPANY NAME STATE WELL CONS FNMA ION MIMI I// ASSOCIA'I El) WI) rE1tMrIN irn t 'fleshly (if allicnblc) \VELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential 13"—Municipal/Public U Industrial ❑ Agricultural Monitoring U Recovery U I teal Pump Water Injection ❑ Other CI If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: efV://e-- Comity (Sheet Name, Numbera. Community, Subdivision, Lot No., lip Cale) 3. OWNlIt: D4°t 4/*-ro4,T Address SO i 5evgrd lvs- (Street or Route No.) ___C ealr wa Ee c EL- 337Lt City or loon State Zip Code ( )' Ate% code- Phone number - O 4. DATE DRILLD,ZED //- 5, TO FAL I)EI'TI I: /Z2 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL'? YES U NO 11".. 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 3 Ef. (We "+" If Above lop or teeing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS / FT. Above Land Sur lace' •Top of Casing lennlnated alter beton land tot tare ieq oh es a violence in accordance nith RSA NCAC IC .011N. 9. YIELD(gpul): /2. METIRID OF'fEST 10. WATER ZONES (depth): _7.2 I I. DISINFECTION: Type 12. CASING: From 0 From I tom 13. CROUP Utom 0 T'opographie/Land setting ❑Itidge USlope OValley UFlat (check appropriate boa) Latitude/longitude of well location , 4)3C°0V 06:'O -wd off' VI (degteea/minutea/aecnnda) Latitude/longitude sourcc:UGPSUTopograplic neap (check box) F4PT71 FRILLING LOU From '1'u Formation Description O -f %t"r'e, / I troll To a_ I rt. To Ft. To Ft. Deptho. f1ntc)c4 To � FL C d Diameter G- Al tiottlil C9a Wall iltickitess or Weight/Ft G,terial ee/ /crehvd I1Gre- From To F1. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. From To FI. in. _ in. 15. SAND/GRAV El. PACK: Depth Size Material Front To It. From To Ft. LacMj41 CI=1S31 Show direction and distance in miles Gout at least Iwo State Roads or County Roads. Include the toad numbers and common road names. 0 O Er' C) 0 16. REMARKS: 11)0 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSIRUCI I I) IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONS1 RUCI ION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COI'Y OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO TI LE WELL OWNER //—Uz-o4' SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DALE Subunit Ilse on Iglu al to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Sectiot1,1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (vl9) 733-3211, within 30 days. OW-1 REV. 07/2001 11/ WE'LL CONSTRUCTION RECORD) 305107 Not di ('ntolina - I )cpnl linen! of linvilumncul nod Ihaw ;II Hest -fluxes - Division of %Valet ()'onlily - CoolnehvaIer Srdinn WEI.I.. CON IIL(cl Olt (INUII'IUIIAL) NAMI. (puhd).....,.L�W(fls Pt L Arlon, CFI(nrll'A null N:%`/Uqi Rri.l. CUN I I(ACI(Pit CONr,tNI' NAME fro T LA3L\A cjuA tli--) rit(INEMLl=J�15J_2t/li SIATE R'ELI, ('ONSI IIII('1111N FFatMIIfASSOCIA'IEU WI) r r.Itr111/I lif:I tiClld) ...,. (ifngiIknblcl I. W EI I. USE (Check Applicable Ilox) Itraidential I(yMonicipal/Public Ll Lldloshinl ❑ Ag'icollutal LI Mouiloting LI Fennel), L I Heal Pomp AVair( Injeelinn ❑ Oilier IA Ifolflcr, List Ilse 2. AV1:I I,1OI-AIIOR N('alcc( Ill van:lqq _tk.PSS'Lue,.. st/rGY>l 1'ounly C_I01- I$bvl I Imur, t: vn1//1•^1., CIo'Imnnmilly. ,^•uldi, i.ion, I n1_I in lip I'..dr) 3. I\ I I: I c J f 1- !IL'()_( AdtI,).` ICI. t1:1,0._I: �I P F)- C-1`11C 1.r11 et or Prnlr I1 ) ii 3 fesfe, 31Lett Lnrnel,(, 6,1-_°5 ;1 rn, . r I. •'11 Slut, tip Cod, - Ayr,' r.. I' l l d NAIL DPW I I D-it- 5. TOIAI I'I:I'I11: 1LDS1 _ 6. UIIPS N'Fr I, P1:11.A('I' lf.Alsl IN(i \VMI.I.7 'ITS II NO nil. 7. SI'i\TIC1CAICltIF1'I!I.!Iclaw1opof(':Trial:: (pD( I:E. (I ... -I" it -Alpine hp Of (nail•c) F I' 'I' (It' ('ASI I(I IS I I I. Abu%r l.gild .r,fit nicer •lrp nlr•.h,p te, etI,ntr,I n('•n Mlnn InnJ ..n lvr' I •t lance In !urn! clanre nlih IC .v NC A/' le Ill In. v.'liF1.D(ppt1l):_.30.__MEIIIODOf•1PNIjN.;4 __. 10. IVA I I It it )NFS Werth). 1I. NISIDITCI1(1N:l,prj\A-\ _yd_\eAtwood )5 12. ('ASIIJLi: W01 tin I)r rill UimurIei m C; ri);bl'I1. Mnirli: l Fiom U.. "fo 1_/.D2/�' II. 6,, 75 _S/ 2.. 10I;'_C __- horn ./.Qci' .Io__C 3Q_I II.lp._-Q . :../,.5.(- _c_ske_f him, fo Pt 13. (MOO I : 1'7111 plliclinl Method I-i ntll—_-C�---- III_ _ 0 - 11_pC(.1<_ Cf7'/1'I :IN eSri( Ile___ now _ Io 1t- I I. S('It F.FII- Ilriok Dinnlrlrr SII•i Mir. iir VInlrlin] Item 'In Ii. in. in. flew "In It. in. in. IS. ,SArIUr'l;ItA\'1:1.I',\('I:• I'rl,lh r,irr r.bdri inn I tow ll• II. Iioii, To 1.1. 16. It l' i.l r\ R I; S: Topoginphic/Larld selling LIRinge LISIorr ELPt<lloy Mkt (cheek npprnprin4 luau) L.alilvdc/Ioug 11tle of neIl location „ W 5.3°9. 12 (drpICrdt a n11r� od') LatiludcllougiluJc sonice:LJf IPSEt11gnI)aapllic map (rhrck I"n) Inil_Ul 1JRILLlIJL1 U)I i From "In Formation Ur.liplinn -C) I O Lag, - - La — l/c5' LQC-AIION_S.ICIICI( C. Show tin ecliun and distance in miles flow et len tw) Stale Roads or County Ronda. Include line wild IIIII fibers and common load I)aineg. I DU I II:I.1:II'i (l:R I II:Y -I IIAT'11113 R'FI.I, WAS ('I ll ls I It1ICI CI) IN ACCORDANCE Will! I SA IJCAC 2C, WEI1, CONS I ROdI II )N S lAIJPAIWS, AND 111A f A COPY OF'11115 RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED 10 'HIE WELL OP:I IEP S 5\ SIGMA Ult.l? I A: I'FItsi IN C YNS IRUI_'I IN(i 1111! Wlil.l, DAl It Submit (hr 1✓1 (gival to the Ph islnn of \roll' I)ualilt', l:rutuutwidcr Seclluu, 1636 Mail Service Center- 27t,,,., Ic• •'II .;.I. r., ("I")711"21, 9,li bill 'p,l..,'. • 1 UN. 1 11 11 1/ 1 11 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Notts Carolina - Depadmenl of Enviioumen! and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - (itoundwaler Section WELL CON I RACI'O It (Inn I VI OVAL) NAM E (pr hot) iQwI CS \ 1 cL C Elt TIFICA LION pstNQy WELT. CON I ItAGIOlt COMPANY NAME _Mai e_c \A54..\] C, 11 r hq PIIl1NP. p f -.ifd 5t 37- 97 STATE WELT. CONS I HOC! ION PERMI IV ASSOCIATED WQ mom p if nlgdicnble) 'if n »licable I. WELL (1511 (Check Applicable Do.): Residential li.l--"-Municipal/Public O Industrial C1 Agricultural U Monitoring LI !tecovcly U I!cat Pump \Nader Injection ❑ Other U If Other, List Use 2. WELL IOCAIION: Neat est'Uin 45\/t')P- County�-1Q1I (Sheet triune, dumber,. Community, mnnoity, SuhdivNon. lot 110., lip ('ode) 3. O\V Nlit: yyy)LI r) Qin Add:ccss �1> 2-_Ghatr_ A (Snerl or Route Nod �s(ii)ke NC, ZS390y- City rr I own Store lip Cole ( )- Arro ride- Thane number 4. DATE DRILL(a - f>r-i 5. TOEAI. DEP IL'-2gs-------__ 6. DOLES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL/ YES LI NO U 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL IlclowTop of Casing: ____ ► 1', in (tier '4"If Above lap of Citing) B. TOP CIE CASING IS ]1 E. Above Loud Slit face •1 op or IrnnlnMed nt/or hrlon hind ins lore reinter, it valence In aerordnrze nllh 15A NCAC IC .MIe. 9. YIELD (gpm):_5_-ME111000F ESTA;e to. WATER ZONES (depth): —� I. DISINIECIION:Type,n�-1nYp-t(0tSAmount lc) 12. CASING: Wall Thickness I)rptll Diameter or -\Vciglit/Ft. Mntcl sal rnnn E7 To got rt. (.QScatc al 4liir Itom To 1:1 Flom To Topographic/Land selling Ultidge Ed -Slope OVallcy lJflat (check npproprinle hoe) Latitude/longitude of well location 51/ 35°OF09"J1V.33r3 i lv (deg ren/nr i mrlr dsecond+) Latitude/longitude soulce:OGPSO fupographic map (check box) 1JLCU1 NULLING LO( from '1'o ,i'ornlalion Description - I el lb- 'is' 7'6- ausr r LW /111 1_SY4LGII Show direction and distance in miles limn al least Iwo Slate Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and couu loii toad names. 13. GROUT': I)rpth Mnlctiat Method I'mm b To 9 rh.�o rt .rynL � 7t-P5<are Prom— To I t. f 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Maletinl trout_ To Et. in. in. Prom___-- .II) _._.. El. in. ------ ill. — 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depll, Size Male, inn trout To EI. Rout To Et. 16. REMARKS: coO V lfcjc+ 0- I DO IJEREliV CERTIFY IIIAT 11IIS WELL WAS (1NS11tIICIF.D IN ACCORDANCE WI11I ISA NCAC 2C, \VEI.I, CONS] RLIC1 ION STANDARDS, AND TIIAI' A COPY OP'II ITS RECORD IIAS BEEN PROVIDED '10111E WEI.L OWIIER �_.'` I mil, /f �f IIU 305100_ 1/- i& - o y SIUNAI IIItw, t )1' I'EItSUN CONS I farm WELL DA11! SnIIIIIIt the ut Iglual Ill the Ills ilk!' of Water Quality, Groundwalet Section,1636 Mall Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699 I616 Plume Na. (910) 731"1221, w Ithbl 111 days. GW-1 REV. 01/2001 112 • afth lc. WI Al DUI'I -IC /0,'---- 6. I)01:S VVFI1. It!:I'I A('R I:NI S1lNO VVI.I.I1 ITC; i I II t( 1-1' 7. S I A IIC WAAI!It I.EVGI_ Ileloly'fop of ('acing: ___ p l'• (11e•'1•'i rAbmr Hp or rn-Imp)- 8. WI' (tf ('ASINt1 IS / ri-. Above I.nnd ,glints • 1 r•p rf r.dnp Irr ni bnlril nlL,r Mon Iona •ntl.rr Iequhn • c•, 6nrr In Afro, diner Hill, IRA NCAI' jl•,III IR. V. VINI.D(yowl _/.1,__MII111012(JIJSI. % —__ III . \VAII It ✓.01JI[S (tl. plli): _ 0 _ -_- _- - II. DISU11 FL I ION1vpe/5'7 Alurnaii %yc /2 12. CASUAL Wall II,i-I'nrss I) -pa, Dinn,clrt or Wrighl,'Ft. ALllrriail Front 9 To �+i i'i ,.ZJ - ,SeN,Z I p2dC I tom 'fo fl - - - Fr ni _-- fo I:! 11. 131101/I: Itrplli hlnlcllill b)rlhnd Ploni_Q o II 0ll/%'i/ 1;ef ✓i Irwinto IrI. IA_ S(-ItNf•N: Irplll I)innmier SlotSi,-c M1lairtinl Flom To I -I. in. iu. .-__--- Ioot Iit 1`I...___-__.. in _... in. IS. SANI>,:OILAvlll.l'A(K I trl lh Si,r Mainha Ilnm I o PI. Er,ru l t' Il. 16. RI:AtAItl.S: \YELL CONS I7tUC'r1ON ►tE COtti1 305105 Thoth ('alnlirt:1 - I )ry,aiIr cii! of Nnvirsnuncut and Nnl n:d Itesontcr.a - Division of WW1 Quality - (honndanler Srclion {PE1.1, CON II(M.1011 (INUll'l l)11,V 1.)NAalf (pilot)7rx _/(14c e- I: EIt11L ICAMill MR ti °.1 WPri.l, CON I itAl'1 Olt CnalrAN V NAME /1_11;77er 1•IIONC n4,1,7? fr2-zf5;2 S I Al 'PELF. ('I!NS IIfIll.I ICON I'F:ItaM11N __ _ .___-.---_AS.SOC:__._M ED WI) i'ERPII'Ill i,111,hc al Jt1 pi,04211:11c21;lcl .' I. \VI:I I, IJSE (Chick Applicable Hot): Residential U iMtrriicip:d/Public LI Guhisnial I I Agticullutal CI l.Ioniloring I..I Recovery LI Ileat Pump Walri Injection LJ nutlet 1.1 If011ict, List Ilse 2. Wit I I It('AIlo ll' // // Ilea: cc( Town: a/elv i/le_-._.__ ('ounly C / ,J _ Topoprnpliic/Land srllinp ------ Llltidgc 1-!.Slope LlVallr fret Cree c. (tfimk flitter hie bo.) ($lirr111•inr Ihonirit Cl nmuuuih', S"I kin% o I Ili, Tip I he) I- rttililddloilgtllltle of well location C/ Al35°aq i I g ' WS3`30'll r, 1. ( )1CtJt It �7e� � G �n T�I veito/1 • (drgrrrdm nlin.c'(•rnn l.) Addre s 1.30 A _ / / G LnliludcJlouy,ilude sumce:(J(71'SCl l opo)napllic rnap ( br Im I!rulr Nn) (cLrck Lr<) lL -yt2 5).LIli,(.'[ _2 'J CLj _ ))EClJI URILLlt11 L(11; ril¢,,r lr-.tn smlr ry, Lod?. Errnn To Formation llrs-notion 1 )- Air, n•dr nnmba 0 •1. 11AII:DI'.11II:I) /l c»-0Y &, xiZ CTr"`/ LQCM IV t SY.I 1_C7l Show direction and distance in miles Gum nt least two Stale Roads or County Ronda. Include the mad nuu tieiq and common road names. IP(tIIEEFH'i(TR11f1'111AI11(ls\VI'II,\\'AS('ONSlltill,'IFDIflACCORDANCE 1v1111ISAIJCAC2(',INN I. CONS I RU('l 1OIJ S I AIJIARDS, AND'1IIA I. A COP'! OF 171IS RECORD IIAS BEEN PROVIDED 70'111E WELL OW11EP.. /4Cc itJAl llONOpI'I'RSON(:ONNI'MCI It4(i11I11 WIULI, DAIS Submit Ile or ig11191 Io the I)Itislim or \Vote' Oualily, (:touudn'aler Section, 1(1( Mall Sex dce Criifrr- Itnh9)'h, tic ,,, ,: tcir. rb tut, r:o. (m In) 711Am. nibin 10 d„•;s' (il'r-1 REV. 111/211111 1?'LLI, (()NSIILU(,'IIUN itII,WItU Howl Unrnlin:, - Dept linen! of Hnvilumnent and Daiwa! Resumers - Division of Water Quality - (Jionndwate: Section 1VELI. CON I ICACl Olt (INl)ICl m1AL) NAME (print)— G/7 eec tVEl.i• CON I It.\CI nit (' nnrrANE NAME-- //J Wet- Celt I IFI('Al 11/N more n ff'4i fJ)-Z r2 SIAJE tc EI.I, CONS 111,CIION VERMIN ------------- ASS(1CIA1F.1l WI) PERM! IN if nr ,Iic:Jdc if r dicalt) %YrI I. IISI? (('bock Applicable Jinx)' Residential LI—'Atunicipnl/Public LI bldusltial 17 Ayricullural LI Monitoring L.I Itecnvcry I_I lien! Primp \Valet Injection LI Oilier Ii 1FO11ier, List Use 2. Wrl I. I I nA(l01/1:/ Denied Tn wit /1/yet (/e // 5411) yet teat; (Slirrl Ilenir, Ih ml r,. l'nnunnn hfilibulilkion, lot Ito. Tp 3. (I\\'rII R Ty Geed Adtltecs _37(10 Nt✓ tr.', fir hand flu ) . Cif) PI Il'' IT SW, --- l'nnnly Z v Llr I'ni . )- A,rn ri.a._ rh„n. lin,nl Tl d. It;1Il:. NRII.I fit //-o -'0y 5.-fllf,'\I,1)1:1'Hi: ('. NT.'S \\'1:11. RCN A('B I:SIS NIJ( Wll l.7 Yl.'; H Nu I-I--- 7. S FA HU 1.1'A1lilt I FVF1. Pelee: 'l p of (':r:it;p _. d _I' F. (Ibr"I•' If Ahmt 1, s. of I'noinp) H. 'II II' OF ('AS111(; IS; / FT. Alwyn] and Sulfate* 'a rp or rndnp In ndnairnn ni/,. hrinn Intl Tut l.rr, Ie,ril,r, n .nl.nrr In lirrmrinurc ollh I!.\ N('AC IU.nl In. Q. YIN!) (rpm): _/•S1___N1E1HOD DI' 'IEST /SZ' Id1. \1'A'l'IR 2,011 :S dr,h i ----- I I. NISIIJI'IY:.1II)N: 1\pc j%/7 Aneroid ��(c� Show direction and distance in miles Goon nt Ica;t 12. CASINO: Wall IhitLoess Iwo Siale Roads or County (toads. Include the toad Ilrpllt Diameter or Weight/Ft. ?Amnia; numbets and coi111r1u,n toad !Mlles. limn D Tn)§�ffG._..2J� a_ea-r wG funit__---_ To Il. hart__--- fnrl._ _ 13. GROU I: I lrplll Iart-ij l „Method horn -..-0 .Io02a__._ I'I. /'1mil ci --ell(rc^_e— •foiroprnphie/land rrrl!inh L'Ridge LISlopc CIVnlley IJil:d It boric nisnolaino- boy) Ltdilude/Iungiludc of well location /✓35°D3' 4-7,r W 83°'t7'22 (I leg ire dm i n i o n' a m n n,. h) Lalilodcllouyiludc sourcc:LlOPM hiprlprnpllic map (check M,.) R41_T11 DRILI.IIJ( ; Lou from 'RI Lot nedirm Ncseriplion (11 305104 _CZ 0 r horn in _ I'I. I.1. S(RF):IJ: North Dinn,clrr Slot Si:- tUalrtinl slow '1n I, in. in. ern Ta FI. i I n. IS. SANNL(;RAVi:LI \(f:: Ir rth Si,c k hoer in! from 10 _-- It. Flom ---------_-- To II 16. IINTA111:S: 1dtQAi 1QL1_rfU (I ( 1- I II) I I I:R1-11'i ('hit I IFy 111AT'I 1 ris Wpt I. WAS i •OIJS IIN ICI79) RI ACCORDANCE Will( I SA IJCAC 2C, WEI CONS I RUCI INN STANDARDS, AND 111A [ A COI'Y 01:'111IS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED"! 01111i WELL OWNER SRUJAI(IRENEI''ESN 4CONSf1(NcntJolue WELL DAIF Subulif the nt Iphnnl to tar VII Blau of \Valor I )unMi1E, GI oondtvater Section, 1636!,fnll Service Cenlcr- RnielpIm, N(: 27h7" Ini, 1'Ir,ur lfr. ("In) 7t3 )_'.`i, a ttain !II 0(,:,- ()IV I rrnv litrn,r,I /4 tl'D WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Not tlr Carolina - Dcpatmneut of Envirmune,t turd Nattual Resources - Division of Water Quality - Grou water 1 io WELL CONTRA CI011 (INUIVIUVAL) NAME (pilot)Section WELL CON IREn ACI Olt COairANY NAMI`1 aaC___ `tea SPATE WELL CONS IItNCI ION IERMIUN rnone "Igo) g7`+' -�9) if n + ilicnble ASSOCIATED WO PERM] IN 'fat riicnble I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential fieMunicipal/Public U Indust' inl ElAgilcuilulal ElMonitoring ElRecovery LiHeat Pump Water Injection Li Other ElIf Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Vlettitce_Nio Nearest 'fown:�yrall ___ nuttily_ (Skeet Nine, Number; Conununisy Subdivision, lot No., Zip Code) 3, 0 WNlUt:,3_Qe_lautC I Address �2_0 S tLln v ± 2,,±C (� (Skeel (It Rowe tJo.) " ----- krAry2_SSLI I /( 7 $ (Q E/1 City to I owes Slate Zip Code--- Art, rode. Phone nnuiber 4. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEI'TIL_3' - 6. DOES 1VE1I. REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES U NO k]- 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: _SCpl )rl 8. TOP OPCASING IS (ore "4--IrAbove lop of Coxing) IT ove Len •'i'np oft, rliR lei oiln,trd id/or below hind int bite requli eor • Sol theevulture In ,crordance will, 16A NCAC ICAIM 9. YIELD (grim):jO METIIOD OF TEST 11412 10. WATERZONES (depth): II. DISINFECTION: Typc}4w Ifl Alumna_LS __ 12. CASING: Wail Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/ELWeight/ELMntetial To_l�9! ELleI25 <1)c 1 pllr Front Q 1'1011To 11. From To Ft._ 13. GItOUIt Depth Anterial Fronr-�__ To_a i FI. Front_ To Et. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Fiorit To NJaicrinl Ft. in. in. Hoot To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: in. Depth Size Material From To Ft. Front To It. 16. RENtARKS: CERIIFICALIONN_^%i�oj✓ Topographic/Land setting Ultidge 11a31ope ❑Valley UFIat (check spproptinle box) Latitude/longitude of well location " r t o 4: (deven/minniex/reconds) Latituddlongitude source:CIGPSUTopogiaphic map (check box) MI, NQ LUV Formation Pesciiptiun )J1<1'_1.1 1 Flom To JALCAIIDnucil Show direction and distance in miles flow at leas two Slate Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and common road navies. I DO HEREBY Y CERTIFY MAT 1111S WELL WAS CONS 1'I UCI ED IN ACCOIWANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONKS I RUCCIION S FAANNDDAA1JWSS AANDD THAT A COPY OF MIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO TILE WELL OWNER 6 Ste^ SIUNA') ORE (11'ITItsou CONS'1'RULSINC) TILE WELL UA'1Lr Submit the of lulnal to the Division of Warr Quality, Groundwater Section, 16J6 Mall Service Center -Raleigh, NC 27649-1636 Phone No. (919) 733 3221, nIIhilt 31) daps, OW-1 REV. 07/2001 NC IN1li WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Neil' Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section CERTIFICATION H WELL CON TRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL.) NAME (print) MICR/ wu (SON WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME 1ll.11ef tniCu.,<5 ASSOCIATED WI) PERMIT/I STATE WELL CONSTRUCTIUN PERMIT (Tapp l;cal le) (if npplicnbte) carmsmimmw //II I) 3�5112 PHONE M I ) I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential II'Municipal/Public 0 Industrial D Agricultural D Monitoring ❑ Recovery U Heat Pump Water Injection U Other U If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: Het>/&I-VIl I C County_[lQ'/ Ci K4 r r (Sheet Name, Number., Community. Subdivision. Lot No., Zip Ciwle) 3. OWNER• KrL(C./ 2f C Address .2:3 �{_ F; t"e-$C-rk RA (Sit eel or Route No.) k�ct1-e.,t Ile AJC-_2_S`It'`i City or Town State Zip Code Aura code- Nome number 4. DATE DRILLED I(/z3/o1-1 5. TOTAL DEPTH: _-2-95' / 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES U,NO I 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 10-f' t (the "I- if Above Top of Gating) 8. TOP OF CASING IS _ L FT. Above I.nnd SinFace flop of rasing ter min aced atleer below land rot lace requites a vatlance In accordance with ISA NCAC 1C .at IR. 9. YIELD (gpm): 1X ME I OD OF TEST !! r 10. WATER ZONES (depth): `LW — ). 70' tropogrnykitiLand setting DRidge lope UVallcy OFlal (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location N35'b3'46"WS3`43'# (degreeJm inutei/aeconde) Latitude/longitude sourcc:DGPSOTopograpbic map (check box) 12jtJLL1NU_LOSI Form lion Description II. DISINFECTION: Type 12. CASING: From 6 Depth To bier Amount IR Wall 'thickness Dinr peter or WcighUFL Material Ft. ( SD.2 21 _pv(i From To Fl. Front 13. GROUT: From a To Depth \ To 2b Ft. Material Method I:. Pori- pore From To El. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Frorn To Ft. in. From To FL in. 15. SAND/GRAV El. PACK: From Eforn To Ft Depth To Ft. Slot Size Material in. in. Size t,tntetial PEPU1 From To 6 Iris Ion - Ifo' /, t 2 L/6' LOCATION ZEE' �1 Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and common road names. 16. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY 11IAT TIES WELL WAS CONST'IUICIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, /AND THAT A COPY`O� CORD IIAS BEEN PROVIDED TO TILE WELL OWNER C� / z SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING TTIE WELL D IL Submit the orlehrnl to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall Service Cnwf t Ita'Vg07 N001 //C 1/ II IIIII It WELL CONSTRUCTION JtECOH1) zo5ttt No(Ih ('aiolina - I)epallinen! of Fnviloulneid and Natu's! Renourc5s - Division of Water (lunlily - (iloundwnlei Section V WELL CONIILYCIOIt (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (p.Ln)Carr ✓1 eC (2ERIIEICA1ION ft WELL CON I RAC' (IIt COnrrANY NAME 0/7/4/7 - rumor, M ospvi-Rif) S FATE WYELI. CONS I MICA ION PERM! I U ASSOCIA I F.n WQ FF.Ithii I N II n'plicnble `�I cnblcl - I. 1YP1 I. USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential 1 I'Atunicipal/Public ❑ Indusllial IA Apr indium! U Monihning ❑ Itecoveiy LI heal Pump W:der Injection ❑ Other O Il Other• List Use 2. AV Ft I. I OCAIIUN:// Ideal est IInvu• [7 e3 v, 4:- Comity C f /e5 C/ , . /C2 (Sltrrl 7111111P, Nnmbret, Community, SnhJirittinu, I nl Il(1.• rip ( n Ir) O e ",,o Addles 12.9.5 t.11 4i,,._IIEJ'\c1.__.. (Slrtrl I thoot. No )/ t+nv2S)11)P /VC_ z(16-1c' — --- Cily nl 1o,.(n Stmt. lip Coat t )- Arn r(ver- I'honr immbet 4. uAfl'.mot I1'U_//'/Z_ 0V 5.-IOIAI, i)III'LII:— 6. 1OFS WRLI, REM MT EXISIINO WEI.1.7 YE; 1 7. SFA1ICWAIER. IEVEILBelow Topof Casing: - /_G3.T._P1. (lhr "I" If Ahoyof ('n:iup) 5. TOE Of ('ASINO IS _--/___ F1'. Above Land Smthcc• •'I 'p of r•dne Iry minntt,l •t/nr Inlnn Innd nit Inre ninth rr • n•1 l Hoct In Ham dmre with 1SA NCAC IC 111111. Q.'CI F!!)(ppmmm):/_-MIiTNOUOF IESI _i__r — 10. WATER ZONES (depth): 9 /0 II. uhslulE.CTIUN:T}pe /7TH Antonia -1/-ft.79 Wall 'thickness or WcighUPI. Material 12. CASING: Neplli Diameter From C To ,S'S 1'l. -i-( Prom To Flom to 13. (WOW': Depth Flom _To Prone fo 14. SCRIilifl: Drpth Uimncler Mom To __PI. iu. Plnitl-----_-- To 1't._ 15. SANILGItAVPI,PACK: I trpth Sive Horn In H. 1'r111❑ 16. Itlit.lARKS: Method _esfv.r Slot );ire Male in! h lamclint 'Popogrnpltic/I"attd setting C1Ridge LISIope CIValley IJllai (rhrrk nppl nprinte hot) Lnliludellongilude of well location 4)isec;06•/ wegJ'`S/'3.,c (rirprere/mintnedsP:nnd. ) Laliluddloupiludc source:LIGPSLlropogiaphic map (check hos) Plitt U_BILI"ILC LO i- from To Founalion Dcscliptinn —� CT� _mac- R*0 _Crecy,-ie- L4CA1 I9t15Y,li:I (�;�1I������� Show di'ectton and distance in miles front at iea•1;l two Stale Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and couunou road names. I DO I IERF NY CLR I IFY 111A I.it IIS WIl I. WAS t nh+SI RI ICI P.D 111 ACCORDANCE WITH ISA NCAC 2C, WELL CONS I RUd1 ION S IANDAIRDS, AND 111A F A COPYOPOf lilts hIS RECORD IIAS BEEN PROVIDED 10 T11E WELL OWNER ..��r'012/7 1�L`L `,C' C/'/iv0 Ji SIur1AlUlt1(II'PI'ItS(INCOIJSIHUCIIND11111WELL DAIS Submit the of IgInal to the 1)IYWon of Witter Duality, GIoandsvnler Section, 1636 Mall Service Center- Raleigh, NC.: -- ..-. .-.. (1W_I it it (11/70(11 1111II / li WELL CONST1tUC'I'ION ui+:couu 3 0 510 8 Noi lit ('atolina - Nepal nicul of him itunwenl mid NnluLd Itesonrccs - I)ivi.^.iou of Water ((utility - Otonudwaler Section ' \\'Ft.LC(ON I I(ACI ORI)NIiI CI1rPAi.) NAME (p,ln) c&V\,CeS �1' l,�i,��Sy�l CEIIIIricAI tort xjioY \V FI,l, CON MAC' OR COMPANY NAME )-(/t,c1eC l +^)(L1 ciclho r11UNr, M pug) S 1-A I F. \\'ELI, CONS 11il'C I ION I'F.1151I I N ASSoCIAI EI) WI) 1'1..10111 M lif n�•Irlicnbl n icatic I. IA' El I, III (('heck Applicable Ilea) Residential It1/Rtunicipal/Public Ll Agiiculnual U Rloniroi ing LI Recovety U Heat I'unu, (Valet Injection U Oilier U If Other, List We 2 WELI, I OCAIIOII: "cal ect fown:_Oy\lQS 131.e_ ('nnnly-C caj ___- t1 r_ 'cL,00t__ lad, 1 IS (ler? N+nr, Nurnl•rrt, (lmmmnily, Sntidivi^inn• I nl Ili, , 7ir ('our) I ' D 1 1.I,arar•R: C�li_f--- — f tic Adult CSC i.nr )1€ It ( e'lep Ce Tit C. (Snrrl m Polk. No.) ll3 Fps Eer 51 S. Ccrk,_eL' a f,-A 3 053 I City or loran Slnlr Zip ('ode Aim r•.I rlr•.nr 'HMI tier 4. PA IT Intl] I ff)1L_JCt_- O(4 5. I OFAT . PEl'I II:0-.2U67.. 6. NOES VVlI I, ItEI'I.A('R. EXIST II4O W111.1.7 YES LI NO U 7. SIAlIL WW1 fitI1VRI,IlclotvTop or(*acing (Vie "I"If Al,ove I rip of rmleg) R. l OP OF l'ASIN17 IS ) 1 1'. Ahlna• I.nnd Smtncc' • Iop of toiler Inndnnlyd elfin triton Tend nnlnrr Irrinlrel I rn lento In error dance (dill 15A N('A(' IC 11118. 9. YN?ll)(Jl)1):_3U _Ru:nRn)OFTEST iC 10. WATER U_1NES (depth): II. UISINII;CTIOrd: 1)1,01{11 Hie Amount 1 S 12. CASING: Wall Ihi( korai 1 \rplh tyionrclrr of \YcighUfl. hlaletial 1sum Q-_I., i_KO I't.-iD,25_SDI 21 ,?YYC. nom To Ft Ptnm To 1`I. 13. (Ut(IUI.: Prpth Rlnlclial MethodI roll( 0To a� f(.Gif1a,h_�--y�Y=�i(r�- Flom 'In ft. H. SCltfft1: Prpth Diameter Slur Si;e R1alctial Pt tint To It. iu. ill. it'. Topographic/Land selling, Ultidge LlSlopc IlPfallry Lillnl ((heck erprnpriehe hot) Latitude/longitude of well location A/35`OI'I6tt W83`44'52" (dkgrrrdwinuirt'trcnich) Latintde/loigitudc source:UOl'SU I opographic m:qi (check NIT) PEl1.Ul UItiLl,11_I(J-L Uti Flom To Emulation Nest riplinu Q - -to' (0'r_I(61 /s - t7o$ 1tom To 1.1. in IS. SAND/GItAVEI. I'ACL: Pr pill Mont 'Io Ftnun To 16. RF IAIZLS: - Sir r•itiri In] Il. It. LQQAtIU(J Show direction and distance in miles lions al least two Stale Roads or County Roads. Include the toad numbers and common load names. I PC I IFRFIll' CI:R I1EV "I I IAI. l I llS WEl 1, WAS COI IS I RIICI liu IN ACCOIWANCE WI11I I5A NCAC 2C, Wil.l, CONS I ItOCI ION S I Ar,nnRDS, AND l IIAI' A CI 11'S OR l l llS IlECOIt) IIAS BEEN PROVIDED TO'r1IR WELL O('.'t 1ER - LA L QD ` /7- /9- DC/ SIt;NAIMtn IIF1'lE:;ONCONS IRUCIIN0'lilt!WELT NAIlt Snhnritlhe in 'gloat to Ihe•IN\idlon of Orator-Op;dily, Gt-oundn•nler Section, 1616 AlallService Center -1talei0, NC (!1,1 I rri(V 11-/nflnl l!l' IIII NI H \VELE CONS't'RUC'J [ON RECORD North (':nMimi - 1 )cpar horn! of PIivitoiiiiwllt unit N;lllitlll Rcao cen - Nivl.ritlll of \Vatei (tunliiy - ( irlrrrnrdwalct ;r.ii ill \ \ 111 wELI, CON 11(ACI011 iINPIVIDIIAL)NAn1E. (piing JS,A\ryla5 \L w.31,1.{L — cennrlcnln)IIn_I{vU- vvELL CON lnoel Olt (-nnlrnnvN,lnu.1'V��\_\at-Lti).a._5IV A \)iC----- riuNr n Lis-) ii57___�6_7 slArt;wel,!.IIINsnn in oNrr:unuln____ __.__.—.—__-- AssociAl En wl) i EItMI t n ---- cif n)•Idicd,lr) Of nyrlicnble \\'I:I I. 1ISP (llrrrk AI lic:IiIr Ilox): ItreidrNinl ILL—Municipal/Public LI biluntlial 1.1 Aw,ricullula! L1 Monitor ing E. I Rrcovely II I leaf Pinup \V:det Injection LI Oilier 1..1 If Other, List Use___-" 2. WI:II"ItnA-I1011: E7! ' Iteheel!ln•rn:1�Atiosy it.Et_.SCGrarPCourtl' Cia9. l .tier! ttrittit., 11und ^r., l unuuih, .rr I li i<ion, I ,III , 7ie 1'odr) Adds.'. C011,1c ll4 . lG.11. f P t'_.l�o J-- u[_. (^Teri! is Ilntlr 110 ) JI s ceI,ct (.•,i ('ih r 10,11 Slur ;III t n.lr I )- .114\IP Dltil 1 PD I1- Icl-QC1 ...__._ s. li_HAl plI'1II• 1iscit- 6. l'ImES \VI'1 I. null ACP P.\ISI lNU wt i.l'1 'i I! S I I lit) ILL, 7. S I A IIt' \Yr\ Il'It I.I.VP.L Rclow I op of (':error: jar)(.._ El'. (U.r"1"if Al,,,vr I, q, rl 1'n<irn) IL l I rp (11- CASINI; IS 1 __. LI. Abner I and Sutlncc' • Irp 11 (-r.lny Innr hrntrd nt''n Irrlon Inn l mt Inc trgrd<n n Ftlnnrr In errnldurrr nllh IL\ N('AC it' 11110. V. l'IP1.11(1'Pnr): _. Q__—h1EI11000P'lESI 1� Ill. WA l IT 7.11NPS )0531 TupI' rapllic/Land sclting I IKidgc 1_I>lopn 19 ny 1II'lti (clmrk Al rn pt iir lin!) Lalilut(dloi,ilidc of will lncalion „ 3_5 °OI11A1 3c4I 32 (dr r l er<hui nn lr v'<rOnl d.) Lalitidc/IouYiludc soulce:ti(II'S❑ I (portaPbic nngr (clock N..) I)E11ill ultILIJIat1IIh1 hom 'flr Ponunlinn Ur liplirnl 1(_ lls / _345.5/01E �jcr — _ O rn jr LUCA IION_51 I IS) t i \\`\ c ete.i� \iri nut 1 S Show dileclion and d1s(nnce In miles horn nl Ica 1 I . ('A l(11'C I Ion: I . 'r tw1Stale Roads or County Itnnds. Iidud^ Ills to. 1 12. l'ASRIU Wall l,4.knran in�plb Di:nurtct of \,ril�hr'Ph P.tntclial um rhos and communion(' nnnlcs. I-how__�%_--- I-"_�./D�I! _F. L_ir,dS _SA .,?/- _,42k'-G---- nom_j0c%_'In_CSD:Fl.f2,_D _ !OS_ _3%U'C-_/ Ilan) to IL----_ --- ---- _-----._ 13. NMI I: !'rplll rInlrlinl Method now fn_.mac_--Irl.-f"cl_f_.(Cre_JJ_ .:ix e sccIF'_ fllgrr In II. 14. S( RII'N: Urj'lli I Iinnrctrr SI1,1 Sinn MalrlinI horn •I 11 - --- I t. in in. Ilan) 'It, I'I.___.___ in. ___.. in. I:_ S,Atl) IRAA'PI.I'A('I:: I lrplll ,r:i:r Minn I'd Ilanla Ilo11I II' I -I. 16. Rft.tAltl:S: _ ----- — 11)O I11 1U 11'i l'PR I II'Y 111;\l '11115 R'1'I I. WAS ('t 111S I RI ICI EI) IN ACCOIMAl10E \Vllll I $A NCAC 2C, W EI I. CONS I ItUCI I1111 S I-A111)AR )S, AND l IIA I' A COPY VI' MIS RECORD 1IAS BEEN PROVIUED'IO'fill? WELL OP:1II:l! SIGMA1111W UI:PEIit; I r11 COFt IlUll'IINU llli? WELL UAII. Submit the m 1),III'll lu the Ill) idiot of W:ttet 1)inl((r, Groom! titer Section, 1636 Blnll Scrcice Cvnlrr- Itn11,1101, TIC (iAV-1 It P.V.I1woo 1 -fir `V I/ II i1/II 305106 WELL CONSTRUCTION ItECOI4I) North Carolina - Dcpal Intent of I nvitomncul and Natural Itesoutces - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Secliun WELL CON I ItACI Olt (INDIVIDUAL.) NAM E (pr arp jy,rrrr Kam._— ^'G)-`� CFR11E1CAI ION n,02gQ �f WELL CON IRACtOlt COMPANY NAME 1Z1a12C \ •')4jI Arl,\,n� Forme, a 1V1/1It/ 97 STATE. SVELI, CONSI InICI ION I'EIID11Tp ASSOCIATE,(( WI) 1'ERAIIU rrdn dicnldc tin n dicablc I. \VEIT. USE (Check Applicable Nos): Residential 1i.1---Monicipal/Public O Industrial ❑ Agricultural LI Monitor Mg LI Recovei y U Ileat Pump Water Injection O Other LI It -Other, List Use 2. W'EL1. LOCATION: Nearest Town: 10 SV I1leer ComityCr�a( ` eixessi (Sneer Nmnq Jlnnba,, Crnnnuniiy, SubJivirion, lot Na., Yip Crole) 3. OV; NI It 12-r Add;css A6,2-L C-im & y A,- (Sir eel or Poole No _Jt yCSt2111e tiC- 2$g9y- City < I l eon Stale Yip Code At en code- Phone number 4. DALE. VitnIEl'ii- k(a -ntI 5. TOFAL DEPFIE_ y5'----__..--- 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING \VEI.1.7 YES U NO Li 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Caring: -_-Q.___FT. (Vile "+" If Above lop of ('ring) 8. TOP 01' CASING IS -__I __ Ff. Above Land Surface •l rp of tnrinr Irnninnled nl/or brinn land rn,Ieee I enukes t rnimte In •ceordulte n1111 ISA NCAC 1C .111 In. 9. YIELD (gpm): —5 ME IIOD OF TEST_ IU. WATER ZONES (depth): 11. DISINITCTION:'1ypeSisl�at5 Amount L' 12. CASING: Wall 'thickness Depth Dinutcler or Weigle ft. Material From 0 To qO' Ft. (o a:6 SXQt _ )vc from To FI. ftoltl To It. 13. GROG I: Depth Material Method Flom b To ao' PL 1ayiI ?re Sure Flom ToFt. --- -.-- 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Flom To Ft. in. _-__—_ ill. in. in. ------ 'fopograpiir/land selling ❑Ridge filSltpe OVaIIey Ullat (drtrk ippropriale bo t) Lntitu(cllongiludo of veil Inca lion ,'i/35"01'!79"11533"51 S (dryer/to innirt rrnm),) Latitude/longitude sour ce:OGPSOI opoglythic map (check hex) PIULLI11U.LU( )fIu1 From 'fo - tot Ib - 'i5t - aus' irony------- Fo-_---ft. I5. SAND/GRAVEl. PACK: Drplh Flory Tyr Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: Size Material 'urn alum Description Li/QUINN Si_claciI Show direction mld distance in miles from nt least Iwo Slate Roads or County (toads. Include the road numbers and cone Ion road names. I DO IIWItl'II( CFR CONS) RUCI ION S TIEY'I11AT 1111S WELL WAS CONSFR(ICI ED IN ACCORDANCE WIIII 15A NCAC 2C, WELL. TANUARDS, AND TITAT A COPY OF "I111S RECORD IIAS BEEN PROVIDED TOTIIE WELL OWNER i. SIUNAI1IItl? Of ITRS(IN CONS IRUCIINGTIIII WELL //- /6D=OS DA111 Subunit the of iglus► to the Dhision of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Critter - Raleigh, NC nt.:..In.r..,.. GW-I REV.02/21)01 II II !! t /i WELL :ONS'E7RUCTION RUi:COR((1 305105 Notth l':nnlina - 11r(,atlmrnl of F111411rinnrul 1111t' Iii1311:11 Ite5o111Cr3 - Divikiu11 of Wahl (1nnlily - (ilonud ,vnlel Srclion \I'Fl.1, CON I IIArlU1t (INIIIPIIi1/Al) NAP11: (pi lid) feat Rk-C- CF.I I II ICA 111)11 Hill0-� R'FI.I, FUN I ItAt-1 Ott Cl tnlr.triv NAM1II! /E( r` //er ruutr n fy22I fn-rzcs-2 SI Al F: WELL CONS11114rtloN mum Ito it nl•rlic able) - �ifn�jtlicn6lc ASSUCIA.1rn W1) I'F.It111Iln I. \Vh1 111SIi ((:heck Applicable Iloa): lte idrwial 1 1hluniripal/I`ublic 1.I Indnslli:d I 1 Apiicullulal CI Itlouilu!iiR I I Itrcoveiy l_I Heal Pomp \V;Ari Injection LI UII1ei I1 Ifonic', List Use 2. AA'PI I oCAIIOII' _. /(�.---. (nnnh. (-/4 /.. Idralcsl only aye) ' -V.//- Fret Cree/c (�Irrrt 1:oi ir, IJm u4r.., t u nnwnily. I li.irirn, I I Of,. i Ir 1'(4r) 3 nWtll'R .__./7ulcieih TL'ry'✓1J6/1 Adhes. _ 6/in0A f11--.—_-- (Snrrl n1 11n11r Iln.) I Hre -2 �,I 10 _,('i 2_1). r L j t'in` at In'nn Stmr 7ipCode 1 ) Arrn ri•dr- I'Iv.nr ninnbrt •1. NAIl'. DPW I'n/7v C. C. lnhAl.111'1'1 C. DOES \\ IT1. It1'1 I \('F. 1:A1;1IfIU \V1'I I.7 YES 1-I IJU I-1� 7. S VATIC \VA I Fit l.FVFI. Uelin; 'hp of U:ring: PT. (1 I.r"1"if Abo.r 1(ir of Poring) (',ASING IS _ / FT. Above I-nud Sinlacc' . 1rp i tnthn beton Innil an lure rraui rr anlnnrr ht Arrni dour n`11, 15A NCAI' 21'.111 In. Q. YIFID(Ipm) 11 NI I11000I Il ,T- ,./ --_-- 111. \VAll1P i ONES (depth): 'Fopogrnphic/I.:u1d sctliult LlRitige I.ISlupe LIValley 1 II h1 (clink nrinopiinir hn') Lnliludc/luogiludc of well n 4,35°04' IS u1133`50'll hurtful, (driver dminulrr rnmd.) LntiluJcllungiludc soutcc:L1(d'S11 fupo)tlaplii: Map (chrtIt Mn) J)FV(Jn Nunn I(i1J)II Flom To Fonnalion I )cscIiptinll 0 Cleo - _ as as LQGA:LIVIJ-SKIL:l01 I I. UISINII (' I ION Tcpe_- Annnnil !y� /J Show dileclion and distance in miles flout nl lenI 12. CASIN(_i: W; ll lbickncss Iwo Stale Roads or County Roads. Include the load Di tali Nianlctrl or weight/At. f.hdriial numlrets and common toad names. Ftuni D To yC Ft. ..2J� Sii1/1.21_ ".././"G flow To Il..---------- Ffont To Ft 13. GR11II I:/� I1rl•�lllt nlrtial b)othn i 1 toni_ ui2,/� I I. / nc u�Plcui, lloltt lh It. 14. S('RI'IiIJ: Nrplh Nianicicr Slot Sire Rlatrli:il Flom Tn Etin. ill. I'ifm I 171..----_--Ill. -.- in. 15. SANI)itiltA\'fl. PACE: llrrih Sire binlri inl How 1 v _-- I I. Ili. RLRJARI;S: 0 -171 1110IIPI'ftti cfR1IfV111A1 II11SWIT 1,WAS COI ItiIRIJCIEs)IllACCORDAIHC1iWlll1I5ANCAC2(',WEl 1. CONS I RUCI ION S 1A1II1AIt1)S, AND'I l IA t' A CUI'Y OF 11115 RECORD IRS IIEEN PROVIDED'10111E Val 1, OWI IfiP. 1/—'O/JO t ICIIn it Ifni. t I'fIC;UN ('OIlS I ItUCJIN(;'I1111 WI?LI, 1Al11 Submit the in 10111l to the 1)l ;slim of 1Vnlr1 t )unlilp, Citnnitla'nter Section, 1636 Mall Service Lenin' - 1!nlrlph, NC _ . -. _.._. _...... ftW-I I11W. 117/20'11 nr N II IlI I? Min vYEI,a, CONS'L'JtUC ION itECoxu I4otth Carolina - Itermlinen! of Environment and // uurNaturalItcsomccs- Divinion of Water Quality - 0ounduntcr Section 11ElI. CON I RAC( OR (INn1VInIfAt.) NAME. (pi Inn •e co CFI(Itrlcn ION II „2L1�, wF I.I. toll I II WI Olt COMrAN V NAME i`i 7 //er ruorlr n 1f.*) Pj7-Zyf1 5 IA I F \V ELI, (fcNS I PVC I IUN 1'F.RMI IN ASSUCIAlEI' V't) EF.IIMI IN if nitlicablcl OEa;'i titan Ic.... «, 1 .. ....... J,,,,............ ...._ .... I. \YEI 1. 11SE (Check Applicable Bus): Residential LYAfunicipal/Public LI Industrial I J Agricultural Ll \louiloiing LI Recovery 1_I (led Pump Water Injection LI Other U If Olhcr, List We 2. NV I: I. 1 I)(. -,A NIOI/! canecl lown:/ _.-. T‘fIm✓Ui L/e StilavVPl Wove. /lei (stir,I lane, I11(nlhr,'. Crnnnnmrh-, Snbditi inn', I in I ii , lip twit) c%/ 3051p4 'I'npogrnpllit/Land sctlinl; Llltidge 1.!Slope IT 'Valley 11i lat (tlrrrk np rrrgninv hnn.) Latitude/longitude of well location / �j /✓ 5°03' 1+7 W 83 11722 „ 1, OWNER- y / y/�.te`� (ilegvJmmnl.afs•nal+) AddlccS _37 (0 OW %/ WO ' , -- _--- I nliludciloupihulc ounce CI(JPSLJIupn)nap ur: map pr orrt or Poole Ina ) (dirk ho.) ( ,l r lion, L_1 tii) rloon 711t o„I'fn Formation Ut.clipliun' 4. I).\IF..I)RIII1°I)/r'0.2 07._._ 7U-- lZ- _�r/_G3s! � 5 MIA!.!WNW_ /L.2-_' tr. IMPS \\ II.I, WTI 1('I' I'.\I S I.111(i WTI 7 VP; I.I I1O I-f-- 7. SIAIle. WAlPRIP,VI'LIlclm)'fopof( r nnp,l_ o .-I''. ---- 0rn R W., -I " If Ab,i. r hill rl t'n•inpl N. IMI' (IF ('ASIINI L: -l- I' I.Abner I. mil Sin lice" •rp rf rn.lrrp In n(onlnl Mint briny. land *intone If ln1reaa-------- —_--_Q 7 .nloo(r In *urn (hone tnth l5A N1'AC lC.M IR. 0 1-).'IINI1)(p1,111): `,—lll'11101)UI' IR.1:IAlt _______ II). \VAl Pant LOIJFS (depth): _5-0 I.SZCla:l-IULJ skis C. II. rusirrfl'CaION: NIe 7E7 AMO1ltit rp/c"/ Show direction and distance in miles Gone at least \Wall'Ihicknrv! IWO Slate Roads or County Roads. Include the road 12. C'ASIIJt': Wirth Diameter i:rn�lcl/cr or Weight/Ft. rhLPI. Material numbers and common road names. From 0_._ Ih �/pp Q__.— -- Ft h .2J fOF'ree?1 nvc f10111 _._ f0 It. 11m1n Tn_ I1 -- 13. (lltOUI: Ikplh VInertial lethal I1om-- O. 1.0_02Q,-_- It. /14 117<an 1 Acel(Vi'_Q Irtout b u Et. _ - 14. SCREEN: 1)rpllr Diameter Slid Si:, Material items-- --- I0 El in. -- ---- iu. __------- rem TO _ fl.. -_in. __. in. 15. SAMtlerRAVP.I. PACK: I)rluh .'lire Material hnrnn Ti' Plant to fl. County vie v, ff .e 2� d X Pr, IG. RIIGiARKS: I In) IIPCPR'i CIrRI IPl' "IIIA F iIIIS WI l L W AS 'VI IS lltl/CIEl) IN ACCOIWANCR wall I5A NCAC 2C, WEI l. CONS I RUC( ION STANDARDS, AND'(( IAf A COPY OP'I711S RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED 701111? WELL OWNER „os SICNAI Iltl'.OF l' .IRSONCUIJSTR000NUlllEWELL UA1L1 Subunit the nl !phial to the I)irislon of \ranter Quality, (;nnmtlrvaler Section, 1636 Mall Service Center- Raleigh, NC ... (RV -I 1! F.V. 1)712Hul 11117✓l If NWO WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD CA 305102 North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resoutcesf�- Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CON1RACTOR (INV!VIiLAL) NAME (prim) `_ttWiNG VA Lei, \ iw1 CERIIFICAI ION ez,t/Oc WELL CON I RACI OR COMPANY NAME M1\L t- W eM CA c ; Woric3mom r IRO S S7-299I SLATE WELL CONS IRUC17ON PERM! Iu ASSOCIATED WI) FERMI 1H (if applicable (if applicable) I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential ILL- Municipal/Public IJ Induslial O Agricultural ❑ Monitoring El Recovery LJ I Teat Tung, Water Injection O Other Ll If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Neatest 1own:iiAvp\k Counly_{'iry�p vteguce_ (Sneel Name, Nurnberg, Community, Subdivision, Inc Ian., Zip Coale) 3. OWNI1I10 W(vJ(- Address f Z.d 3 5 frr�l'il h--rtiesuifl'e AR /7 B?O4 City kir town State Zip Code (Siren or Houle No.) Area rode- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 11- O. -04 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 305 6. DOES WELL. REPLACE EXISTING WELL/ YES LI NO ILl- 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: (Use "f" if Above 'lop of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS L FT. Above Land Sur Face• •'fop of erring ter coinnled at/or below bind mutate r mirth n a variance In accordance with I5A NCAC IC .0118. 9. YIELD (gprn): lfl MA TIIOU OF TEs'F 1112 10. WATER ZONES (depth): Topographic/Land setting Ultidge 613lope LlValley UFlat (check Appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degr een/m inutrs/recon ds) Latitudellongilude source:OGPSOTopographic map (check box) DRILLING LOU Formation Description From To 0 - IOr )0'— ;r5 36— SOS' II. DISINFECTION: Type\-r-tw 9_dJ1Q1-S Amount \S 12. CASING: Wall 'thickness or Weight/Ft. Material Front e s43(2) p✓� From From 13. GROUP: Material Method Flom E FL 11Da\c,vt r1, PrPSSure From Ft. 14. SCREEN: Diameter Slut Size Material Non r To Ft. in. in. horn _ To Et in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL, PACK: Depth Size From To It. Front To Ft. Depth Diameter To (.W I1 Ft. (01.15 To El. To Ft. Depth To 'To Depth Mnlet inl 16. REN1ARKS: LOCATION SKETGIS Show direction and distance in miles from at leas two Stale Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and common road names. •reset( ipc4 r-Iayesv2lie islicchnald let I DO I I FRFD Y CERTIFY THAT 1 i IIS WELL WAS COIJSIRUCIL'D IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND'111AT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO DIE WELL OWNER lz 1ornn SIUNA1UItL' OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING TILE WELL 1/Na -Oct BATE Suluuib the or Iginal to the Division of Willer Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27609-I616 filmic No. (919 73.1 3221, n!thin 30 days. GWI REV. 07/2001 nr v nllr l l; alga WELL IONS ItU( LION HECOltU Nolth Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Ounntdwnter Section %VELLCON I I(ACIOtt(INI/IV1ntIAl.) NAME (`p`ritr) 'J G1'vl(`'S\ fj 1�, CPU IricA I ION N-7I/04 CCEI.i, CON I RACI CUMrANY NAME tr11`e�%�,l,C (j],ctelC morn, N fb)il_` 1_t2Pi`1 514I E \\'EI.I, CONS I HOC' ION rEItMI IN ASSOCIA IEll \VI) I'EItIII'IN If n +plicnble) (if nurlicnhle 305910 I. \\'Pfl. tISE (Check Applicable Ilu.$): Residential ld- Municipal/Public Li Industrial LI Agricultural ❑ Monito' ing LI Recovery LI Heal Pump Water Injection LI Ober CI If Other, list Use 2. WELL I OCA.f 011: Nearest Efown: SS Comity L �1_----__ CEP-C1 Lout p11 (Churl Nam,. Numl•t. Community. Sol li%isian, I ot Ni.. 7ip Oulu) 3. OAVNIER: f-a:' Address pc acx. 4 yQ,- (Street or Route No.) _-- lira s s bjAh% rn_ Z15-9'02 Oily yr I own Stale 7ip Carle ( )- Arun unlit-- flume mmther (. DATE•. IRN,i ED 11- IrK -OR 5. TOrAI.Dlil'TII: 6. DOES \\'ELI. 11I?1'I.ACII !EXISTING WI'1.1 7 YES LI140 1.1 7. STATIC WATL'IL LIEVEEL Below Tip of radio,: JO'ET. (Hue "I-" it Ahm r'I ul+ nl Opting) 8. TOP UE l'ASIN(7 IS __. Fr. Above Lnnd SurIhce' •'r rl. rr reilt p Irt u+hunlyd el(or belay Inn) rat her teulvint n*donut IN +wrtndn¢e nil, 15A NCAC 2C .III IR. ""�� 9. YIELD (ppm): 5 MEl IIOD OF TES FAT ----_----- I(1. \VATI It ZONES (depth): II. DISINFECIION:'fypc_ hp k_ Amount 1,,S 12. CASING: Wall -thickness Ucplh Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0 Tn _11>' It iI SDCZt Enan fo Et. From "to Ft. 11. (iROtl f: lrpth Alnlclial`` rietinal From O To ,)p t Frsp[''C] -..__ y.V e sui: From do It ___ -_____— Id. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Site Material From Ti rt, in -_.--- in. from_.--- 'co rt. ill . 15. SAND/GRAVEI. PACK: Drpih Site r.burr inl .PyL Er ear 'fi 1:1 From To fl. 16. RI.rIARLS: 'lopogrnpllie/l.nnd satin); [Ridge ClSlope l h'allrry IJl blt (check npryrgoint Iws) Latitude/longitude of well location 5°[717..' nn,k1 8 3 ° OS. 6 Our redul inntrds^cruh) Latiludc/longitude source:D(i1'SOTopngtvide map (check boa) --' 1tGLCII ultlt.urit _[.uu From 'rn Formation Description _ LID' LIP' - r/5 1j5' — (93(-1' 2 rJ 0 c f' -s-,0-+— Luctamrsr,u (.7 Show direction and distance in miles hum at least two Stale Roads or County Roads. Include the road ambers and common road anima. VoS r'e7C) • tc,; I DO I IER Ent' CIF MY TIIAT 11IIS WEl.I. AVAS ('(INSI Rue. -I ED IN ACCORDANCE W lllt I SA NCAC 2C, W1E1.1. CONSI RUCI10N S FANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF 1IIIS luiCOIW IIAS BEEN PROVIDED101IIe WEILOWI IER ;wt., __ /`?'OrJ SIGNAI(MR IIF PERSON CONS IROGUING TRR WELL DATE' Submit the nr ightal to the Ph islon of Water Quality, (;intindwater Section, 1636111all Service Center - Raleigh, NC 21G"2•I621, Plume t+. (^ 1,)"}}t_21,,--,won )11 drys. OW-1 IIUV,U7/20UI NC 1)11'N!_I? _ MUU 305906 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Nottlt Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACT Olt (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) '3CtPv(PS Yam, l„l.` Cn CERTIFICATION 0 r-24I0(.( WELL CONTRACT OR COMPANY NAME x2x1 t .i)P(( rlr:ISin STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITN ASSOCIATED WQ PERMUTE (if applicable) (if applicable) PITONS N ff2X-)kST-:24S`(__ I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Don): Residential La- Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: la mel sU; xKI4 (Stmett b 19, I P Comnumity, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: Ni1P 1 ; Ssq h): vt'CS Address 77_70-SE1k;v'k 0r Nu.) (Sheet or Route No.) 41,141I-4 &d 3 o �zZ City or Town State Zip Code ( ) Ares code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED ID - OJ.-Ocl 5. TOTAL DEPTH: lac' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES LI NO LIL 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: _go.)' FI'. (Use "+" If Above Top or Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS I rt. Above Land Sur face* *Top of casing Iermlneled st/or below land indite requiter a valiance In accordance with 1SA NCAC IC .01111 9. YIELD (gpm): I METIIODOFTEST 1AI2 10. WATER ZONES (depth): County Clot) IL. DISINFECTION: Type L\-kpQJt(1<kS Amount IS 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Et. Material Front 0 To (6 1 Ft. (o.P5 SV)r.'( pU( From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material Method Front D To .20' Ft. poi" -Want DCP45ute From To F1. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Front To Ft. in. in. Front To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. Eton To Ft. 16. REMARKS: Topographic/Land setting ❑ILidge ❑Slope ET -Valley OFlat (check appmprisle box) Latitude/longitude of well location fl/ 34 `5q' 3l" t J 83 `SB' (degrees/minutes/recondx) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) I211.1 O 1 omtation Description p'PTi Front To �7 I F1 t (,n _ f, G>FJr — A'G LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at leas two State Roads or County Roads. Include r numbers and conunon road names. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT Tills WELL WAS CONSTRUCIED IN ACCORDANCE WITII ISA NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS IS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO TILE WELL OWNER io- a oq( SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING TILE WELL DATE Submit the et Iginal to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1;26 Mont Na. (71q) 713-3221, ttktdn 79 t!='.y+ OW -I REV. 07/2001 NC ✓ I)IVNLIf T It WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 306911 North Carolina - Dept intent of Envirmuneut and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) Ct nit zS Qt (A ` Con CERTIFICATION 0-7z/0N WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANYNAME r>1 11 e.� v)r,l1.,45 PItONEajY)`�S7'��'`'y STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION FERMITM ASSOCIATED WQ PERMITS (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential f Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: lii41,2sV;\le. County clay AriwyPC COUC'- (Sheet Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: DQI)Lie C�1�oSen Address 13 D W i p I 1 3 &n.e (Sheet or Route No.) oFJ >i I-1;awassee GA City or Town Stale Zip Code ( )- Arts code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLEDla- a3-oy 5. TOTAL DEPTH: I 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO ID- 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: .5D_Fr. (Use"+" if Above Top of Curling) 8. TOP OF CASING IS I FT. Above Land Surface* 'Top of cuing terminated aUnr below Land surface requites a variance In accordance with ISA NCAC IC .aM la. 9. YIELD (gpm): (s METHOD OF TEST LA ate 10. WATER ZONES (depth): II. DISINFECTION:Type/ peileis 12. CASING: Depth Diameter Front D To I3S' Ft. (07S From To Ft. Front To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Front O To .20 From To Ft. Amount IS" Wall Thickness or\Veight/Ft. Material S I2C 2 L P ✓C Material PnfFl( ad_ 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Front To Ft. itt. gist'' To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Front To Ft. From To Ft. Method clre°«u f e Slot Size Material ill. in. Size Material 16. REMARKS: Topographic/Land setting ❑Ridge l3slope Malley Mat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location /L/ 3500}' 5- 1(IR7'4S'O7 (degreedm inutesbeconds ) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DEPTH, DRILLING Loci From To AFoymation Description O- ID' )n' - IdO' I DD - 1555r LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and conunor(road names. N CO O CJI ad' r I DO I IEREBY CERTIFY TIIATTIIIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITS 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF TItlS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO TILE WELL OWNER SIUNA'IURE or PERSON CONSTRUCTING TILE WELL IZ -.2 S-OC/ DATE OC CD CD C Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. OW -I REV. 07/2001 NC UWII trt _ I4WU 307481 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (pant) AUY,\I tiO: )go \1 CERTIFICATION II 2378 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME /' of ( oil n!:)! At) �7' rums STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMITN (if applicable) (if applicable) WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential E rvluuicipal/Public ❑ Industrial 0 Agricultural El Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other 0 If Other, List Usc 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: fraye5ulll-e. County Cietr H-ob l� o u s t d l (Surer Name. Numbers, Continually, Subdivision, Lot Ho., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: kik I n 14 ddc3C S Address 7343 Sea breeae Dr (Street or Route No) Lakewnd-dt FL- 33,467 City or Town Stine Zip Code Ares code- Phone number 4 DATE DRILLED I (, .36/0 '-1 S. TOTALDEPTHl: Z 5 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO YY 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 30 Fr. (Use" t" If Above Top or Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS I /->, Fr. Above Land Sur face* *Top or mini tertnlnaled Mier below land lurks. regnh es a variance In accordant with 1 YIELD m : METHOD OF 7 Topographic/Land setting ❑Ridge OSlope ❑Valley OFlat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location it (darter/irritators/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:OGPSOTopogiaphic map (check box) pRILLIN_G_10S Formation Description flu .� G-let✓el Cr /A N•fe_ DEPTH From To <6 76 SA NCAC IC ellfl 9. (gp ) 'EST- 4 c 10. WATER ZONES (depth): 120 I I. DISINFECTION: Type 4 I e t Amount 6 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Dimmneler or W�eiehUFI. Material Front To_ Ft. G AE SVJ.EZ l G Front To Ft. ■ From To FL 13. GROUT: Depth Material �/ Method n From 0 To 26 Ft. for 'I- I ei'vd p✓ ^r /' From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Front To Ft. in. in. Front To Ft in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEI. PACK: Depth Size Fronk To Ft. Front_ T o Ft. Maim inl 7G 205 LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles [torn at least two Slate Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and conunon road names. 0 r� 16. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY TIIAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND TIIAT A✓C9PY OF THIS RECORD IS BEEN PROVIDED TO TILE WELL OWNER /736/cCl SIGNA7 URE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Wafer Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall Service Center- Raleigh, NC ,"re,.,,,,,t .,ur,r.,in.I,.:, OW -I REV. 07/2001 29591, WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) TARRY F. JONES CERTIFICATION # 3293 WE1.1. CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME CHEROKEE WELL DRILLING AND PUMP COMPANY. INC. PHONE # I828) 837-8008 STATE WELL CONSTRICTION PERMIT# nRrRa (if applicable) ASSOCIATED WO PERMIT# (if applicable) I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential El Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural O Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other 0 I [Giber, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: HAYESVILLE County CLAY SNEAKING CREEK - (Street Name, Numbers. Cnnmumity, Subdivision, tat No., Zip Cade) {, OWNER: DAVID HUDSON Address 549 SNEAKING CREEK DR (Street or Route No.) HAYESVILLE, NC City m Town State ( 828 )- 389-3453 Area Gale- Phone numhnr 4. DATE DRILLED 05-11-2004 28904 Zip Code 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 205' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 80' FT. (Use "I" if Above Top of Cn solo 3. TOP OF CASING IS 1 FT. Above Land Surf•Ice` *Top of eating terminated odor below land surface requires a variance In accordance with ISA NCAC 2C.011K 9. YIELD (gpm): 15 METHOD OF TEST AIR_____ In. WATER ZONES (depth): 160' II. DISINFECTION: Type CHLORINE 12. CASING: Depth Fronk To 98 Ft. From To Ft. Front_ To Ft. Amount 100 PPM Wall Thickness Diameter or WeighlTI. Material 61/8" SDR 21 PVC 13. (Amur: Depth Materal rront_0 To 20 Ft. CEMENT From To Ft. I4. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From To Ft. in. From To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL I'ACK: Depth Sirc Front To Ft. From To Ft. Method GRAVITY Slot Size Material in. Material 16. REMARKS: Topographic/Land setting , El Ridge ()Slope ❑Valley ®Flat (check appropriate box) Lalituddlongitude ofwell location I degrees/mintier/scamds) al it ode' !ono i l ode so tree:OC PSOTopographic map (check box) ;.._._. f)I?IT[I[ DRILLING LOG Front To Formation Descr ption O' TO 60' RED CLAY 60' tO 80' SAND 80' TO 9ff GRANITE SS' TO 205 GRANITE � G LOCATION SKETCH I =i Show di reef ion and disi once in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads. Include th—droaef i G; numbers and common road names. n' 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY TI[AT TI11S WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE Willi MA NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND MAT A CRPY OF THIS RECOIL IAS BEEN PROVIDED TO TILE WELL OWNER SIGNA14IRE OF p, SON CONSI' iCriN(i TIIE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 ;Mall Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1616I'hone No. (91.9) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-I REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 293454 North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) LARRY F. JONES CERTIFICATION # 3295 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME CHEROKEE WELL DRILLING AND PUMP COMPANY, INC. PHONE,/ (828) 837-8008 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,/ ASSOCIATED WQ PERMITS/ (if applicable) (if applicable) I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential El MunicipalPublic 0 Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring 0 Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: HAYESVILLE SNEAKING CREEK County CLAY (Street Name. Numbers, Community, Subdivision, lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: MERLE SINGER Address P.O. BOX 697 (Street or Route No.) HIAWASSEE, GA 30546 City or Town Slate Zip Code ( 706 ). 835-5492 Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 02-19-2004 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 505' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO El 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 21 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 1 FT. Above Land Surface' `Top of easing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in accordance with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): 2 METHOD OF TEST AIR 10. WATER ZONES (depth): 160' IL DISINFECTION: Type CHLORINE 12. CASING: 13. From 0 From From GROUT: From 0 Depth To 100 To To Depth To 20 Diameter FL 6 1/8" Ft. Ft. Ft. Material CEMENT Amount 100 PPM Wall Thickness or Weight/Et. Material SDR 21 PVC From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From To Ft. in. From To Ft. in. I5. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material To Ft. To Ft. From From Method GRAVITY Slot Size Material in. in. 16. REMARKS: Topographic/Land setting ❑Ridge ❑Slope ®Valley ❑Flat;,_ (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) i '{ Latitude/longitude sourcc:OGPSOTopographic:map (check box) DEPTH DRILLINGIjLOG From To Formation Desbription 0' TO 40' RED CLAY 40' TO 70' BROWN DIRT 70' TO 100' GRANITE 100' TO 505' GRANITE c O r Tax Q c'^ LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from afeast o two State Roads or County Roads. Include tFroaiz numbers and common road names. �'-\ c' v.)-) a z z x1 ±.";ITi [V rm AC1 N SNeHKI IG LRi r1Lb 1-1+41. Dc l DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE. Wfftl I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT t OPY OF TIIISJ2EC9i 1) HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER c1- TING THE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall SenIce Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-I REV. 07/2001 6. 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: teL) FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS FT. Above Land Surface' *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in accordance with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): MT I? OF TEST 10, WATER ZONES (depth): S. 11. DISINFECTION: Type py w tIl Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Enrrir(ter Weigh tJFt, at 'al From 0 To tk Ft. (04- From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth tFnal From b To` b Ft. of v 293343 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural�pp��� R�eesouu/rllces(�- DDiiivii�/sijoJn�of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) 2-4P-L-S a. 't • "24t1L CERTIFICATION ## 9-"N WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME WICKCV iL t U`5�-u-12t�-('( ' PHONE # i t) SC9— 1i SC r, STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential l7 Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCAT Nearest T (Street Name 3. OWNER:% ;seaLl Address � i -- City o; own State Zip Code 4 Area code- Phone number �—, II 4. DATE DRILLED k\Sb o` 5. TOTAL DEPTH: #5 4 DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 7 Topo c/Land setting Midge lope ❑Valley OFla (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location =_ (degrees/minutes/seconds) r^ t_ Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topograpjiic map (check box) DEPTH Frb To IS' 43' 43' Sa-4 ' From To Ft. i 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Sae Material From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: DRILLING LOG Format 1pn D¢$cnptlon 3C LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and common road names. 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WEL I\ OWNER �fd jet 4.1-C< SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 2. WELL LOCATI Neare (Street Na 3. OWNER: Address u n, Comm u ;, ubdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) (S`.or Router •.)� City or To State Zip Code Area code- Phone number ©� 4. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH: • 1 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: ‘bO FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 1 FT. Above Land Surface• `Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance In accordan with 1SA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): METHOD pF TEST 10. WATER ZONES (depth): Z% 11. DISINFECTION: Type 1tli Amount Wall Thickness Depth,Diameter orWei�t/Ft.Material From b To `I FL 4e - 4h 16o From To Ft. 12. CASING: 13 14 15 From To GROUT: Depth From 0 To 9ri Ft. MatMal Ft. E From To Ft. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in From To Ft. in. in. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Size Material Depth From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: 293333 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and �Natural `Resource 3�- ivision ofWaterQuality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print)(p�`) ` ")"_s CERTIFICATION rp ,O� t`u I_ WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME P'YYi6Zi(l) I k. L l (�` tC.-tl L1I06) PHONE p tj7/6)�7D ``l(G STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITM ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT® (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential I"Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use Topo c/Land setting I ❑Ridge CdSlope OValley ❑Flat ' (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location 2 _ . (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topogr (check box) :LD ILLIN Fr6m To Fo .90 at 99' , qq i `lbn phic map L(.. OG O C b c O G7� OT crn 1 rt cc 4 r-. LOCATION SKETCH a no Show direction and distance in miles from at33st ao two State Roads o Coun Roads. Include toadm z la numbers . . )•• on road. y G I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, LL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WE OWNER SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 293338 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resource ivision of Water Quality - Groundwater Section� -�[] ILA CERTIFICATION itAial WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) L/t tS a WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY -teeAf. Ili.W t—� PHONE ,/ i:' )3g1 _fib STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT,/ (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential 19 Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LO Nearest (Street Na 3. OWNER - Address 9b County ('� Subdivil'on, Lot No., Zip Code) Li (St a or Route N9.)) City oq Ti\wn Stae )- Zip Code 4. DATE DRILLEDt4, 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXIST NG WELL? YES ip NO Q 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT. _ (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS I FT. Above Land Surface• *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in accordance wit SA NCAC 2C 0115 9. YIELD (gpm): t Area code- Phone number 5. TOTAL DEPTH: ,da S METH p OF TEST Q 10. WATER ZONES (depth): 1 I. DISINFECTION: Type 12. CASING: Topographic/Land setting ❑Ridge OSlope ❑Valley OFla (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location in- (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topogra (cheek box) DEPTH P'ILLIN From To 0 S" I r Amount Wall Thickness Depth D)ja9eT,er ct(We pry From D To Jb Ft. (a ci �-CO From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Mlial . From b To Ft. From To Ft. 1 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From To Ft. in. From To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: Slot Size in. in. Material Size Material Tl I cription O -a c N2 Show direction and distance in miles from gleas 2 two State Roads or County Roads. I lude fhb ro numbers and common road names. • 'AV' z LOCATION SKETCH I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, LaL CONSTRUCTION STfjNDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO T L eDA-fc l�aL c C SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL D Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural �tResourc ivision of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME - (print) l�1�N�-fir.-k7 /`i CERTIFICATION # WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME\Vk Y .(E"stf USE/_\2.U✓(V3G) PHONE i 194 3 91SC STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT'S ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT'S (if applicable) (if applicable) WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential le/Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LO Nearest tToWn' (Street N 3. OWNER: Address 4 5 6 7 Number. Co City or own State Area code- Phone number DATE DRILLED Ptct TOTAL DEPTH: DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing:) FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS t FT. Above Land Surface` *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance In accordsaccordaingth 15A NCAC 2C .0118. QA-h.- 9. YIELD (gpm): U U M THOi� OF TEST 0 WATER ZONES (depth): ��� t ttoC 11. DISINFECTION: Type Wl-k 12. CASING: 13. Ma pal Ft. e From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. From 0 To 1a Ft. II?latngter From To Ft. b���. From To Ft. GROUT: Depth From C) To rla Amount Wall Thickness 29333 Agricultural ✓ 4 r Topohic/Land settin DRidge CgSlope ❑Valley (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well 1oc4(lon-; �`., — (degrees/minutes/seconds) rrt., L------____ Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Top graphic milk— — (check box) DEPTH From To t�I 1st qa ass' r Wetght/Ft. M feria] .�� 16. REMARKS: RILL Format' G lion c 3 cry r- r— '"o LOCATION SKETCH b mo Show direction and distance in miles from east= a two State Roads or County Roads. Include rog'� numbers and common road names. Ca) -4 _) a z (4 I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STAND�RDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TOT L OWNER // SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-I REV. 07/2001 293335 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and /Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) IJT LUS a1 • ' _kt t1‘.71 CERTIFICATION�y# 691737 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME W n t N1 PHONE Stf ) 31a -9 GC - STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) —/ , (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential H MunicipatfPublic 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCA tat, 3. OWNER. ts City or Town 014- to — -I Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH: %• I / 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO (3 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: ub FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS FT. Above Land Surface• *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. n ` 9. YIELD (gpm): 2t7 METHOD OF TEST ll. 10. WATER ZONES (depth): Zip Code II. DISINFECTION: Type V-TTrl Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness oj3 Dyh nt/Ft. vtat6e�ial Depth From C) To Ib3 Ft. From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Ma nal From I To la3 FLS`4.h From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Di eter t ft% From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: Material Topo ic/Land setting ❑Ridge lope ❑Valley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map... (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG To t Form n Description 35 �b31 From '3S ID3' 210 12, r I c- <r vo a �rn LOCATION SKETCH o ma Show direction and distance in miles from gjeash two State Roads or County Roads. IncludeM ro4 numbers and common road names. 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION 5,TANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO T WE L OWNER o/'SC 44lcl 10 62 SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL D TE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 --11__I 1 r ;; WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina -Department of Environment and Natural )R`ees urc s` WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME 293334 ivisionvio� ff Water Quality - Groundwater Section t tC---F-Gr___ CERTIFICATION NA PHONE # f*) MMISC STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential /Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LO AT Nearest To cg.C6S (Stye 3. OWNER: Address Coun asg84 City or .wn State Zip Code —)- Area code- Phone number n o 4. DATE DRILLED pig 5. TOTAL DEPTH: I 2' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES.1110 NO II 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: n FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 1 FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance In accordanJJ{{,,,with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. �1L 9. YIELD (gpm): 0 METHOD OF TEST 10. WATER ZONES (depth): ob Topographic/Lsetting ❑Ridge OSlope ' Valley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location:,- (degrees/minutes/seconds) ��` Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topogra 1iic r{iap _ _-__ (check box) DEPTH LLIN From To Forma on res ption 0 l5' 1s' n`+' rYt' 143' 11. DISINFECTION: Type 1-k l 12. CASING: Depthrm DiameIn Ft.(0'X'ter C From 0 To • From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth M tgria_I From D To TI Ft. c From To Ft. t 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From To Ft. in. From To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: Amount Wall Thickness Wei UFt. at 'a] Slot Size in. in. Material Material NZ LOCATION SKETCH o r" Show direction and distance in miles fromWleasc two State Roads or County Roads. Include the rota numbers and common road names. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO T WE L OWNER rC6A5 c / ,57l fry L tC SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL D TE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center -Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Divisionvi1of Water Quality - Groundwater Section �j WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME A(prin�t)0 (.� eke1 �c2 .� 1 ,�'�'e-,v CERTIFICATION a, CO WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME WIVE Ckk-1—g wLW CbQ..sL L'34 PHONE'S STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT'S ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT'S (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential ('Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring ❑ Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 293333 2. WELL LOCAT Ne (Street Name, Numbe 3. OWNER: Address City o Town State Zip Code Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO 1E 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 100 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS I FT. Above Land Surface' *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a 9. YIELD (gpm): 1 METHOD OIF TEST OtXX. variance In accordance with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. 10. WATER ZONES (depth):11 � ,,R o 11. DISINFECTION: Type Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Dept;Diateter or��Weight/Ft. aterial From 0 To a Ft. Co yb `�3� From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth M e(tai From 0 To 63a Ft.a.4,4st t From To Ft. 1 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From To Ft. in. From To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material To To Slot Size in in. Material From Ft. From Ft. 16. REMARKS: Topo Inc/Land setting ❑Ridge MSlope OValley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic (check box) DEPTHDRILLING 0 From Teo t Format! (1 Coal .(V C� at Map L7__ ption c 3 r"' LOCATION SKETCH a rn Show direction and distance in miles from UC.ttyj � lea two State Roads or County Road ssr Includeayle numbers and common road na I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION ST.9r1DARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO T WELL 0' C64s� c 96 IGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL D TE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center -Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural�ur�Reesourcess-Diiviissio)n offWater Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME p (�priint) C2' [JJ11 GeCt '� ' •'-'v""'� CERTIFICATION toy`/✓( WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME WflTESyt LSELL- 12-1U-di PHONE /. OM ODl /SS' STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT/0 ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT/. (if applicable) (if applicable) 293331 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential ET Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCA NearestT (Street Name, Numbers 3. OWNER: Address try oL `-C, ' \DS Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH: om' `'� 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: St> FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of casing terminated et/or below land surface requires a variance in accordance with I5A NCAC 2C .0118. Zip Code d4 9. YIELD (gpm): METHOD OF TEST Q33\' 10. WATER ZONES (depth): Vie-6 1 opographic/Land setting dge ❑Slope ❑Valley ❑Flat-i (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic: map -- (cheek box) DLUNG Format on Idsc'ption DEPTH From To , 0 l5 t P9b' 11. DISINFECTION: Type ,'C &k Amount 12. CASING: pi�p�er Wall Thickness e From b Depth, I Ft /n or�Weight/Ft.� aterial To From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth M tenal From D To il9 Ft t From To Ft. ( 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: Material c 0 Zr L7_ 7l rl c C) Fri LOCATION SKETCH — nc Show direction and distance in miles froGaet le4- two State Roads or County Roads. Incluo numbers and common road names. •• Cd rV I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION ANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE7ELL'" SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL ATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section Q.�{Q WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAMEp((prrin2t)` Iw\t^-OVIN` 5.�.�j VIA./S� CERTIFICATION ft O'f` S WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME *f€5'itU.t L %SEU _ .ate^��f�"t 1I rmaiti —qts STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITB ASSOCIATED WQ PERMITH (if applicable) (if applicable) 292710 PHONE I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential Di/Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural ❑ Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other ❑ If Other, List Use 1 2. WELL LOCATI Nearest Towtr5 County (Street Name, N 3. OWNER: Address hers, Comrnw(sity, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) co o� �tl;., -•J mit��i` 1 t `� City or ( )- - 1.'L n ID t or Sta o.) �I er • I Zip Code Area cede- Phone number 1 4. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH: ' / 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO H 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 40 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS FT. Above Land Surface' *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance In accordar)5� with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): 1 /a.. METHOD, OF TEST 'R-- 10. WATER ZONES (depth): \tog a. 11. DISINFECTION: Type 1/4.-14 Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth pipmit r Sr eight/Ft. M�Ee[ial From 0 To %% Ft. 16% lip aI (,, F'Y lJ From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth i Mate al From ID To �e6 Ft. `a' i From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth From To Ft. in. From To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. Slot Size in. in. Material 16. REMARKS: Diameter opographic/Land setting Ridge ❑Slope ❑Valley OFlat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DRILLING LOG To Forma ionDescription DEPTH From n 11 & 3Lc' 0 r LOCATION SKETCH -TT el_ Show direction and distance in miles from ant ast cm two State Roads or County Roads. Include t roag,r numbers and common road na es. v o -yam mo �m tit z to ma c7 --1 O I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRU_ CZ ON ST ARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TOT WE L 04r ThrO I to bi-- SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL D TE O N rn r Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center -Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources�- Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Sectioon(' Q WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print),�\AU-A.'9'\w S • S-\ CERTIFICAATTIION # b138 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME A'( �\11 w€� 1t&U-k 6 PHONE # IU76)�' I��S 292'70Q STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) / l . WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential C�' Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOC Ne. st To County r-1,, L.�,Is.-1- AT (Street Name, Numbers, Com 3. OWNER Address u (Street o Rqut I' _ , Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) City i as Area code- Phone number _ 4. DATE DRILLED \1�5 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 5 5 r / 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO I3 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: (00 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 1 FT. Above Land Surface* `Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in accords ce with I5A NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): METHOD OF TEST 1k112—. 10. WATER ZONES (depth): I-1�ri t No.) aOlc (p Zip Code 11. DISINFECTION: Type �Tki 12. CASING: Depth /Diameter From b To (oD Ft. l�'41t From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Mayt�nal From bTo SOD Ftu From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Amount Wall Thickness o_ Wei t. Kee From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: Material �opographic/Land setting Ridge ❑Slope OValley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DRILLING LOG To Formatign Description DEPTH From bti et 'Met' 31.1 t .ai 363t 3C'� Sit 4 ' LOCATION SKETCH .. 70 Show direction and distance in miles from aast two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and common road names. I I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED CONSTRRUU TION,STANDA, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RE A n;a ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WELL HASBEEN-PROVIDED -TO THE LL J R SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONS 'I 1i1C�'(,'iNG THE WELL �� ;i Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groun(giwat r Section, 1636 Mail Service;Sit 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. r - Raleigh, NC -1 REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division ofWaterQuality - Groundwater Sectionio WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAMES ((pr(print)W\�\ `�k-Ark -lb'on` Ce-to `� CERTIFICATION N: 1Q �+ � WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME filet AIE PHONE it fi 3g`t gj55 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT', (if applicable) (if applicable) 292707 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential L[f Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATI Neares o Topographic/Lan setting ❑Ridge ❑Slope gValley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location 3. OWNER: (degrees/minutes/seconds) Address C2 E ) t sc"r• 1� .Q� Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DRILLING LOG FormatiAn Description p� /City o 1.1 o)- Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED a-k 5. TOTAL DEPTH: k4, 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: PO FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 1 FT. Above Land Surface' *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. ,1Z 9. YIELD (gpm): a'C MET OD OF TEST 10. WATER ZONES (depth): Ps' 11. DISINFECTION: Type TN Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth 2� enQr eter W- eight/Ft. to 'a1 From b.To_' _ Ft. (.,74st �DQ„ i IL. From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Dept I1�Serial From_h To b F From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: OCATION SKETCH o Ni Show direction and distance in miles from at leas0 two State Roads or County Roads. Include roaG numbers and common ro d vammes. Ca.au W... I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUE I ED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WE CONSTR ION TANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE YELL R Agai SIGNATUREOFPERSONCONST14OCT1NgTHEWELL. , _QA1`— Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundtya4 I$ect[on;T636Mail Se nth -Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. 1J i'! I REV. 07/2001 i i � IIII WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural1Resourc Division��/of Water Quality - Groundwater SectiononJ WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) c1-us ei • ' • `-"�� CERTIFICATION # 39 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME FkPC( 4JLLLc i Nsacer u_wc„) PHONE M CMS O s— 115S STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT', 292705 ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential /Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural ❑ Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCA NearestTo .\ 3. (Street Name, Numbers 3. OWNER: Address C�)ACity orrTTo Sta Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH: Subdivision, Lot No., ip Code) ate$ Zip Code 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELLS YES 0 NO E 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: t FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 1 FT. Above Land Surface' *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance In accords with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): METHOp OF TEST 10. WATER ZONES (depth): `'aq 11. DISINFECTION: Type 12. CASING: Depth From C) To sa From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth From 0 To ei01,.. F From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: Topogr3lihic/Land setting ❑Ridge m Slope OValley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DEPTH D LLIN OG From To Formatio(l scnption b Set kc6,41 LOCATION SKETCH o Amount Show direction and distance in miles from at]�rast NZ Wall Thickness two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road 73 eter or Weight/Ft. ate al nurt�rets and common road names. J o Ft. It � �� x t•rl 1Em -t Sat rn-, m I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I 5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANQA���AND THAT A COPY GNATURE OF PERSONONSIS ETROU�ING T�HAS E`NELL PROVIDED TO TH>3 W»l L gWNER DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural`'yyI���� �RR+esourceess-- Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print)Arie PAS s t s'-P-"� 1., CERTIFICATION # a�sii WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME .Jk* �v(u� �ELLIE LL.C-L i'�C2 PHONE # jp�) aStI" (� STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) -.:. (if applicable) I. WELL USE(Check Applicable Box): Residential L7 Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring ❑ Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCAT Near4st To U-Xi (\ County n, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: Address (06\ -Poi- fiEs ZiF Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED Al 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 13 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 470 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in accordance with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): I 0 METHOD OF TEST 10. WATER ZONES (depth): V3-6 11. DISINFECTION: Type *T14 Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth From D To cis Ft. ie From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth M elial From 0 To 1. Ft. From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From To Ft. in. From To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. 5. TOTAL DEPTH: Ca tg— 29 703 Topogrptfc/Land setting DRidge �v Slope ❑Valley DFlat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To Formation ion F -rl rn co f U7 QW1 j12' LOCATION SKETCH 9 ma Show direction and distance in miles from tttleast� two State Roads or County Roads. Include/ roa� Diameter r Weight/Ft. ate,nal numbers and common road names. roD i4�� 'S Slot Size in. in. Material 16. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUC ItD IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANL}ARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO T WE L 0 24 e (SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONS'yRUCTING THE WELL I Ali D TE I Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Gto hhdµ'ater Section, 1636 Maid I' g Center -Raleigh, NC L 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. l' I, GW-1 REV. 07/2001 I 4 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and /Natural 11Resources - ivistrvlsio�n(off Water Quality - Groundwater Section �p WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME EEy((print) `l i ens Ck, t t 1LF+GF� p CERTIFICATION II 5/ / WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME s^n��4\L L L5'au k.`u-t. D3('t PHONE p fiU15 1-9155 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,/ ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT,/ (if applicable) — / (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential 13" MunicipaVPublic 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCAT Nea st , 0 ounty (Street N 3. OWNER Address Numbers, Cow ni , Subdivis •n Lot No., Zip Cade) Li 41 . ` (j. beet or ' — --s I. 1 r k City o C . ' State Zip Code sista Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED tS 5. TOTAL DEPTH: i= / 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ,U4 NO I 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: t4b FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS k FT. Above Land Surface' *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in accords��ryrycce with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): `td METHOD OF TEST 10. WATER ZONES (depth): \a� t II. DISINFECTION: Type `art{ 12. CASING: Depth Diameter From C To kb-3 Ft. 1Q4 From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth, From Z) To t"3 Ft. From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. Amount Wall Thickness or Weiglit/Ft. ate al 1 Q 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. 29270 2 I Top ographic/Lan'setting DRidge DSlope l Valley DFlat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To Fprmatlpt{Description 0 15' 15' tb3' IDS aD5' 'o A oC cf2 >> 0 A 7C aom LOCATION SKETCH a cnz Show direction and distance in miles from�t'leasty� two State Roads or County Roads Inclu --, numbers and common road names. a 5 r—f 16. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUW ED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WEL CONSTRUCTION STANDA$DS, ANDD `'T THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE frALL R 6SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL BATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-I REV. 07/2001 n^i 14 M Fr, `� =_.tt to 2. WELL LOCATION:' Nearest Town: BRASS TOWN - County CLAY OLD HWY64-BRASSTOWN h f i a I 292510I i WELL COIVSTRIJCTION R1tORD I '3 North Carolina - Department of Environment and N1atural Rdsrfurces + Division of *ater Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (prWt) LARRY F. JONES , ' r,Ii i l i 1 CERTIFICATION 0 3295 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME CHEROKEE WELL DRILLING AND PUMP COMPANY, INE. PHONE a (828) 831A008 I I ASSOCIATED WQ IIPERMIT# ' STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,/' (if applicable) 1 I, (If applieabl) - I Y I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential ® Municipalh'ublic O , 1ri ustnal ❑ Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Infection ❑ Other CI If other, List Use ITopographic/Landsetting LIRidge ®Slope ❑ValleyOHM ' (check appropriate box) (Street Name, Numbers, Cowntmity, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) Latitude/longitude of well location 3. OWNER: DON DECKER Address 642 MCCOMBS RD (Strut or Route No.) MURPHY, NC City or Town Stale ( 828 )- 837-5420 Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 1-18-2004 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 807' 28906 Zip Code , 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO El 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 180' FT. (Use "+" If Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP.QF CASING IS 1 FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of ening terminated ■uor below land surface requires a variance in accordance with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gum): 1/2 METHOD OF TEST AIR 10. WATER ZONES (depth): II. DISINFECTION: Type CLORINE 12. CASING: Depth From 0 To 90 Ft. From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material From 0 To 20 Ft. CEMENT Diameter 8 1/8" From To Ft. Amount 100 PPM Wall Thickness or Weight/Ft. Material 5DR 21 PVC 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From_______To Ft. in. From To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: ' Depth Site Material ' From To Ft. From To Ft. Slot Size in. iIL Method GRAVITY 16. REMARKS: I (degrees/minutes/seconds) -I Latitude/longitude source:OGPSOTopograpbic'map L, I (check box) I II DEPTH 1 DRILLING LOG , From "To Formation Description 0'TO20'I' '' BROWN DIRT II I ' 20'TO801 I':' SAND GRANITE 80 TO 807' `. I I GRANITE , 60TO80 U I b ll i !I r_' _ I ? rfl LOCATION SKETCH { ! ''-'a' Show direction and distance in miles from teeasea, two State Roads or County Roads. Included rote numbers and common road names. ria _C�a5y'CR I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL i CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND TIJ4t)j. COPY OF THIS RECORI? HAS BEtEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER ], I 9—/6 -0Y SI ATU PERSOPiC01�5fKUCIINC THE WELL ' DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Sectiod,16J$ Mall Service 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. i ' "' F ens GROUNDWATE ASHEVILLE REGj WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 2 9 31 n 1 North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) •DGW1 Q-S,`` L\, LC), I.scn CERTIFrF#,QATIONOU 1Y WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME i� ��� Ia70.ki art STATE WELL, CONSTRUCTION PERMIT$ ASSOCIATED WQ PERMITN (ifaplicable) (if applicable) PHONE N fs;251 5.1C 7-27i 7 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential 0---Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring ❑ Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: u rat) e S V i t i v County C Dna," &✓Vet (Street Name. Numbers, Lomnm,•: ;, S• hdivicion. Lot No.. Zip Code) 3. OWNER. Ron (MI corP Address PC) PCY 152 (Street or Route No.) n 3n _ ^ City or Town State Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED I - no 5. TOTAL DEPTH: .-Sag 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 1➢-- 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 1`., FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS I FT. Above Land Surface* 'Top or casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance In accordance with 1SA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): U METHOD OF TEST A. R. 10. WATER ZONES (depth): Zip Code II. DISINFECTION: TypeV\\-k c`ietia-s Amount \ri 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter/or Weight/Ft. Material a From f? To � YO' Ft. (G r cl-5 6 0i2 1 ,ot/r From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material / Method From h To &L" Ft. porAICcI1 d pr'Cret/' From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: Topographic/Land setting f ❑Ridge ❑Slope Ivlley ❑Efat:, � '1 " (check appropriate box) 1 atitnrlefinngitude of well Iocattom '! `-' ( C (degrees/minutes/seconds) • •dt cnurce:UliPSOTopo raphic ma��'--- j t Latituddlon .a.._ j tci,::<Mxl y ;ITII PRILLINtr 1,013. From To t n lion Description o � C) rm zm -= t' �rn LOCATION SKETCH, -o mo Show direction and distance in miles f rt af11bZ t two State Roads or County Roads. IncfQbe thread numbers and common road names. o 0 iftty cS Ville I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITI! 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF 7111S RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER I��t f/v cL /_ Sri-D</ SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE uu1 Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) lei -Hill, wa;i:: day:. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 /nf wTPTT i r!rTTll r\T TT /r/i^^ re1_._, a.a'11011\Vli11V1\ nJEA.AJKUJ 29310.E North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) \)cWv1ES \S. .2 1Snr1 CLATIFICATION a'24/04 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME ni I\P - kA a) f)f.ILn(3 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,/ PHONE,/ J41k) `537-)'Yi7 ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT,/ (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential Q- Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 . Monitoring ❑ Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other 0 If Other, List Use - 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: uA9 SC; ( I MokieclCY'race11I (Street Name, Numben, Community. Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER. RDk{E NIr_ks Address -30 Z Z A/C 661 County r \Ceq (Street or Route No.) ay-esuilIC NL ZS1Ct+ City or Town State Zip Code Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED / - a)- tt7y 5. TOTAL DEPTH: S/0' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO CD- 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: //7f7' FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Cuing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 1 FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance In accordance with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): (o METHOD OF TEST di le 10. WATER ZONES (depth): Topographic/Land setting ❑Ridge W&tope ❑Valley tFlat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well local on- (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:CIUPS❑Topog aphic m p —) (check box) yu?TH From To - /F)r 11. DISINFECTION: Type%i-h Pelle71 Amount /i 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or WeighUFt. Material From h To 02O' Ft. (o(.)S 5D1a/ pY- From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material Method From__O___ To olU r Ft. p7sf /-/Gi9 rJ P(PSSUr e From To Ft. 14. SCREEN. Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To : i. .... in. From To Ft. in. Size Material 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: DRILLING7UG. Fnrmatiou Description P O r- c rn LOCATION SKETCH _ m� C Show direction and distance in miles Croft at vr- two State Roads or County Roads. Include x (Rd numbers and common road names. F V i71(5 (jjr u I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER z (ti /iin YGcm) / - SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 293104 North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print, l)QYVIQ 5 . L,Jikn(1 CERTIFICATION M02Y,/ QU WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME 6Y)i\)P c L.DP (\ d fI(`r. nCD PHONE 8 {8I18) 537-2`kg 7 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/ ASSOCIATED WQ PERMITS/ (if applicable) (if applicable) br Be.): Residential D Municioal/Public 0 Industrial f_i 1. WELL USE (Check Aoohca.,,c .._.-,. _ Monitoring 0 Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water injectiotI ❑ Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: IAAgPSv Ik LeDry ic,(P County (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER. .75 GIMES SrvAh Address -61 \,Belle 33 \TC N ke_ (Street or Route No.) 2�nO� ` t3C. `i or Town State Zip Code Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED i-4-2 c/ 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 3L/S 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO 0-- 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 00 r FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS ( FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance In accordance with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. n 9. YIELD (gpm): 15 METHOD OF TEST IJ‘72 10. WATER ZONES (depth): 11. DISINFECTION: Type) --Pa c)eSI al-S Amount \ 5` 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material 4Fromt 1-)To 115t Ft.'tc„ b � ,<f21 pW- From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material Method From Q To D()' Ft. 4)tS-\invic'1 0CeSCItCe From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: n Agricultural I-- 1 )1 f9 I--� LEA 1 Topog h . and sea:dig: ❑Ridge SlopeOValley ht _— (check appropriate box) - rt- Latitude/longitude of well loc"cjtiott !; - ,, LEI.I1 (degrees/minutes/seconds) Fri Latitudc/longitude source:❑GPS❑To ographic (check box) DRILLING I,OQ Fnrmation Description DEPTH From To - ID CIGV 19Ft I CJEIt — 3L1S' m �m Cc LOCATION SKETCH -o '� Show direction and distance in miles fret& at two S to Roads or Coun Roads. Inch* thf0(§)d numb rs on road names. -- 2 I.- G VI DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 'Ft IS WELL ?JAL: w::sTPWtrrED ixr,.CCOI ANCE WITH i.5ANCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO TI IE WELL OWNER SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE U M' Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center -Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733.3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD n 3 3 1 0 3 North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natu Resources Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) e ece CERTIFICATION M24d3 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME 5 ?-%/v' LUPI 1 el PRONE # ea)) sy7-2n 2 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT" ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential 0--"Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION,: / / /7le-J6: l!,'- County Nearest [ Town: a/ / C` Cree Name, umbers, (Street Community, ity, Subdivision, Lot No.,dZip Code) 3. OWNER. %7ec'el/ pL/e744 ,4 %z5 Address 1=2-13 13?\uCC ems- S+ (Street or Route No.) kap. FL- �`lrl 12 City or Town State Zip Code Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED /-023 C) V 5. TOTAL DEPTH: `SOD 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO O."' 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: ?O FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS / FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires ■ variance In accordance with 1 SA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): / C METHOD OF TEST t' 10. WATER ZONES (depth): 3 b 11. DISINFECTION: Typo / f! Amount 47C 12. CASING: wail ihicknc6s Depth Diameter or WeighuFt From To G 7 FL 6- - From 6 % To e Ft. 6-25- fviat ria! , e9f) Sfe-e/ From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth ,ten I Method From %) To Ft. // e 744 fte_crkle e From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: Topographic/Land setting ❑Ridge ❑Slope OValley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location .tvjs `D>Z 3 > ' wr83 jY o25; 6 ' (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:LJGPS❑Topographic map (check box) NEPTH DRILLING 1.OG From To F,nrmatiou Description C -Jo c7ul r o CO C 0 { LOCATION SKETCH -a Show direction and distance in miles frt7m at Rzgi two State Roads or County Roads. Inch* thp' -Od numbers and common road names. o 2 a I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TILLS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND TIiAT A C )PY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER /-2.3-O`/ SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE _ Ts e i Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater SectIon, 1636 Mall Service Center -Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 tla WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and �NtJ Natural Resources v WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) Il l'•`�(1•( M1/4f��—.. WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME 296223 \\\��i�\]]]\\\\]����ivision of Water Quality - Groundwater Section p 11 11 II -. CERTIFICATION p# (2M�—s� l...t_.t PHONE f/UisIP07'97 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,/ ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT,/ (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential ll3 Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCAT es To �a�a.Lis� . t runty (Street Name, V mbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., ode) City or �o:et - tale ti ArA code- Phone number ��i� 4. DATE DRILLED I 5. TOTAL DEPTH: -/ 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO f� 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: LCD FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS FT. Above Land Surfaces *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. Ql.i1. 9. YIELD (gpm): 30 ME HOD OF TEST 10. WATER ZONES (depth): -eV 3. OWNER: Address-`-�- • S eet or u of vi Zip Code 11. DISINFECTION: Type 12. CASING: Dep Diameter From D To "C i Ft. tot(� From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Tp�LkM tfria1 11 �Metho FromOb Too`Y. ( F[. From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material To Ft. To Ft. Amount Wall Thickness qr Weigh �t 'a t. al From From 16. REMARKS: Topo c/Land setting ❑Ridge lope ❑Valley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG- -- - From To t Fodription LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from atu,;'_ two State Roads or County Roads. Include t tl a roa -' numbers and common road names. �l I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STAND S, AND THAT A COPY OF/EE THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THW&LL n SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL ATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Ceentteer' Raleigh, lREeig, 07/2001 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment andNatural Resources Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL ` v\ CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) `t 29I., 4, #IY\S. ,AS CERTIFICATION#V (C. Gr/`!13 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME Oxfik,lkl..L6G ,u3,L.A. �C4 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/ (if applicable) (if applicable) WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential Ili"/Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ❑ Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use PHONE 0g9-9/SS 2. WELL LOCAT Nearest T;A3 3. OWNER: Address City oJown Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 6 DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: OS FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS I FT. Above Land Surfaces *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in accordancf�pps�{{th I5A NCAC 2C .01I8. 9. YIELD (gpm): �_ MEAHQD OF TEST \-- 10. WATER ZONES (depth): MC) 11. DISINFECTION: Type TS l{ E Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depthp u eter r Weight/Ft. yb�la rial From To lJ Ft. bY`ft' •� Tx� From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth From b To Q-L.31 Ft From To Ft. Slot Size 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: Material Topogra�c/Land setting ❑Ridge QSlope OValley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) I DEPTH DRILLING LOG------ From To_ , Format'pn Description ry -r LOCATION SKETCH o Show direction and distance in miles from at lea two State Roads or County Roads. Include the rgaa numbers and common road names. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL 0 \ 49 t 4 SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL ATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 C C 0 296221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - DivisionYof Water Quality - Groundwater Section , -/fin WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print)(W I I-U b W\ S. :TT -EMS CERTIFICATION k/J`ia? WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME Ys A E5,1(1-I.F (..,Sec TbQjLU ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# PHONE a a Of applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential M Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring ❑ Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCAT 0 Nearest Town: (Street Name Numbers, unty -6 Q.. ubdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: Address Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH: / 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO M 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: r0 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS t FT. Above Land Surface• 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in accord•# e lestut, 15A NCAC 2C .0118.• l- 9. YIELD (gpm); l METHOD OF TEST 10. WATER ZONES (depth): q.ri 1lttt Zip Code 11. DISINFECTION: Type F (-i Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Wei t/Ft. From ii To 9C Ft. L VLF" •(0 From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth M eQ al From b To5 Ft(t 1/E( From _ To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. Topographic/Lan setting ❑Ridge ❑Slope alley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topograp)lic map. (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG Frpm t Forma anon Description r0� LId- lSlaaA/ O 1 Sb' i5br W-I 0 LOCATION SKETCH -‹ c Show direction and distance in miles fromast -- two State Roads or County Roads. Include the roai numbers and common road names. 7we r taq- p a 16. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WELL, CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 296219 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and .Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDMDUAL)NAM (Prr�i/n/t) Vv`\,U_\WC �S.. - t€EENINS CERTIFICATION �M,�j IVs WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAMET�I��A V�.�Z+w�i.71LlU..IrW-) PHONE 8) D t-�... STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITM ASSOCIATED WQ PERMITA (if applicable) / (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential I9 MunicipaUPublic 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL L Ne.rst (Street Name 3. OWN ddre City or Town ers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH: /a_ / 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I,] NO 63 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: / FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 1 FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance In accordsn� w,�ith ISA NCAC 2C .01t8. n; ^ 9. YIELD (gpm): 01} MEN 9D OF TEST l.<v-. 10. WATER ZONES (depth): \ %ct 11. DISINFECTION: Type -Tk 12. CASING: From b From From 13. GROUT: From From Depth peter To Ft. f `i " To Ft. To Ft. Dep M t a1 To ¶J Ft.C'AWIa4 C To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From To Ft. in. From To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size From To Ft From To Ft. Amount Wall Thickness or Weight/Ft. Material Slot Size in. in. Material 16. REMARKS: Topo c/Land setting ❑Ridge lope ❑Valley ❑Fiat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To Format Description o n4 c L 91:>5 ' O LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at IE @t two State Roads or County Roads. Include the wad numbers and common road names. 0 I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO T WELL OWNER SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Ism Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-I REV. 07/2001 296j9 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME �E,�((�i (print) V' \u1 -kt'm b.t WI"\ CERTIFICATION # d�on7 1 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME W RG?V/1 \X -. USEtU 121 LLA. �` STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# PHONE # 669bt3c69-9GS- ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential la Municipal/Public 0 Industrial ❑ Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: (Street Name, Numb (( 3. OWNER: `U` Address 012::. l •: eet or ". to o.) County unity, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 9,D ity or own Sin Zip Code Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH: VD-` 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YESQ NO 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: tQ FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance In accordance with I5A NCAC 2C .0118. n 9. YIELD (gpm): 90 METHO? OF TEST LA.1.-+^ \- 10. WATER ZONES (depth): 1 \ (DSS 11. DISINFECTION: Type Amount 12. CASING: From (] From Wall Thickness Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material Ft. Ce'/-k" �fni•lp 17V:. Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth M�ter�ial1 From D To Lt-a, Ft. c From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. Material 16. REMARKS: Topo phic/Land setting ❑Ridge GdSlope ❑Valley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DRILLING LOG Form1(tion Description DEPTH From To 0 \Lc' l4` ,2a51 C LOCATION SKETCH -yc r_" Show direction and distance in miles from atr ast two State Roads or County Roads. Include the roadE numbers and common road names. I 3:30 rn co 0 IV O I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE ILI.OWNER SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DA 1 I 54 C Ya')'I-f2o 1 ,LciAGIA r; —� CD Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 296180 North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (wino TARRY F. JONES CERTIFICATION # 3293 WE!.!. CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME CHEROKEE WELL DRILLING AND PUMP COMPANY, INC. PHONE # (828) 837-8008 STATE. WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WI) PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential ® Municipal/Public 0 Industrial ❑ Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water injection 0 Other 0 I f Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: HAYESVILLE County CLAY HWY 69 - WINDY RIDGE (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, let No., lip Code) 3. OWNER: MIKE 8 JEAN GORA Address 203 14TH ST., NE (Specs or Route No.) ATLANTA, GA 30309 City or Town Stale ( 828). 361-0873 Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 0S-10-2004 Zip Code 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 485' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO KI 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 120 FT. (use "r" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 1 FT. Above Land Surface* 'Tnp of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in accordance with ISA NCAC 2C .011a. 9. YIELD (gent): 39METHOD OF TEST AIR 10. WATER ZONES (depth): 475' II. DISINFECTION: Type CHLORINE Amount 100 PPM__ 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0 To 107 FL 81/8— SDR 21 PVC From To Fromm To 13. GROUT: Depth From 0 To 20 From To 14. SCREEN: Depth From To From To 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size From To Ft. From _ To Ft. Ft. Ft. Material Method Ft. CEMENT GRAVITY Ft. Diameter FL in. FL in. 16. REMARKS: Slot Size Material in. in. Material Topographic/Land setting K)Ridge ❑Slope #Valley ❑Flat Ichcck appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location 3459.725N/8349.833W (dcgrcedmi ntites/seennds ) Lai itudc/longitude source:K]GPSOTopographic map (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description` 0' TO 60' RED CLAY/FIL BOULD 60' TO 90' BLACK DIRT 90' TO 107' GRANITE 107' TO 485' GRANITE c n c LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at4east1= two Slate Roads or County Roads. Include road-�. numbers and common road names. "r 'O r"t r t/I= C)Cej C, 11K) HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A SJ/JPY OF T I US RECORD-t1AS BEEN PROVIDED TO TF IF. WELL OWNER `-- 2_ SAD Y —a SIGN/TIURE OF,13$RSON Z'ONS'VRUG LING TI IF WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall Servke Center - Raleigh, NC 27699.1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 94 , .� WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and` Natural Resources/�- Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) it 1A r t v S • Tat S/� CERTIFICATION NNpit DiSS WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME w ESVI L.E t.uS€�. b12l U.( AiG) PHONE # 1/1vo)2 9I -'- --- STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential 13/Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELLLOCA IN: Nearest 1L County S. (Street Name, Numbe. -• ity, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. O ' R: Addr • u e No. 31ba3 City or own State Zip Code Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH: er1- / 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO [H 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: a0 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS FT. Above Land Surface' *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .01I8. 9. YIELD (gpm): `fib METHQD OF TEST W k 10. WATER ZONES (depth): d6S 11. DISINFECTION: Type \AT4 12. CASING: Depth Dia From h To,9 Ft. 61 From To Ft. From To Ft. GROUT: Depth From 1) To Cad-- Ft. From _ To Ft. tfi Amount Wall Thickness or Wei`�t'/Ft. eri (2 SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. Topographic/Lansetting ❑Ridge ❑Slope Walley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic trap (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG To Forma on Description fit LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from two State Roads or County Roads. Include numbers and common road names. at least the sad 16. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2 , W CONSTRUCTION S ANDARDS,��/��,� �AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE L SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL A'] ER Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 294" 50 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and \N,,atturral' Resoourccees - Division �o—ffWater Quality - Groundwater Section �(f WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print)`'CA WAVY ,v \ S • \ �•-�.•�fy\S CERTIFICATION # �/7 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME \+r`T Ems. VIL.LF I.�C ( i d I'. PHONE # STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) ( 3e7-I5S— I, WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential M"Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LO Neare t To (Street Name, Numbers, Com'vision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: Address (S or Route No.) 4-tos3 or Town. 14 Si A. I Zip Code Area code- Phone number �,,I 4. DATE DRILLED 0 a "'C 5. TOTAL DEPTH: °i}O9' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO 13 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: `.7 , FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS ' FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in accordance with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): I b METHOD OF TEST Q'� 10. WATER ZONES (depth): L I 11. DISINFECTION: Type ViCR-k 12. CASING: From 0 Amount Wall Thickness Dep pjaineter or Wei t/Ft. To Ft. L074" bly . (p From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Dept From 0 To 1- Ft. From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: From To Ft. in. From To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. Slot Size in. in. Material Depth Diameter Topographic/Lan setting ❑Ridge ❑Slope lBValley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DRILLIN DEPTH From To , D t5 rl ,' 9651 Fo, atio D. , ton `1� a s. • lam_ • 1 LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and common road names. , ftt O` SJ t.2, Z r�% 16. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISA NCAC 2Cr WE CONSTl1CTION STANDARDS, A ID THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 294749 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resourceses- Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print)\\\LIAAVY\ 5J. T/EE ,\S CERTIFICATION #U739 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME Y3v1I�-E W€LLZ 'Qjj PHONE p ;RN) 3 SS STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential le/Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LO Near t To County (Street Name, Numbers, Community, SubdivisioneLot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: Address `1bD treet or ute No.) City o Town Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH: ct State Zip Code 4 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 1�J 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: `2 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 'I FT. Above Land Surfaces *Top of cuing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance In accordance with I5A NCAC 2C .0118. • 9. YIELD (gpm): l D METHOD OF TEST (alit 10. WATER ZONES (depth):3/rib3/rib' II. DISINFECTION: Type \\TA 12. CASING: De S� 1I D' ever From b To OTT Ft. �d� From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth ,t M tFria From To C Ft. From To Ft. l 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. Amount Wall Thickness rii tetghVFt. 9 Uo Material Topo ic/Land setting' ❑Ridge Slope OValley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DRILLING LOG Forma Description DEPTH From To 0 I �t l -t O LOCATION SKETCH .� tl Show direction and distance in miles from at least cn two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road CR cn d� Z numbers and common road names. 16. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUC I bD M ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WE CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE »'EL SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 294748 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural R�esouu�rces - Division - Doff Water Quality - Groundwater Section ��,[(� WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (prriint)) W1I 1-YAS-Ts� Y"S CERTIFICATION #O 0 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME 11 7���-�-�% i,SEU.- I I U✓IOOS PHONE # IDPDI 3ft 9(sC STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential El MunicipalPublic ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATI, Neazest 0 County Cr0\ (Street N; Numbers, a rn ity, Subdivision Lot o. Zip Code)/ 3. OWNER. .__ Li %_ Address et or Ro t-wx) ca4_3q. � Zip Code ry Area code- Phone numbe 4. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH: S a • i I � 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ID NO El/ 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: it) FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS I FT. Above Land Surface" *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance In accordan ith ISA NCAC 2C .OI IS. 9. YIELD (gpm): METHOD OF TEST 10. WATER ZONES (depth): q4- 11. DISINFECTION: Type TcTN Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth/'2 'Diameter or W ''ght/Ft. �NL{,-teria7il From To l0?) Ft. \O. t(-1i �_ .1,4 , M E E V From To Ft From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Ma 'a] Qt A .M et,o From C) To G ?) , Ft. Qy� N From To Ft. 1 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From To Ft. in. From To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. Slot Size in. in. Material 16. REMARKS: Topographic/Lanetting ❑Ridge ❑Slope [BValley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) _ Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topoglaphic map - (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG _ - - From Tq . Form ion Description 0 141 l ‘-5- r 53 dA 6 0 O LOCATION SKETCH 9 i Show direction and distance in miles from at leas�j , C two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road-• numbers and common road names. G i 1 6- 46, • I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUC1ED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WE CONSTRUCTION ST ARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE L ynAc SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL A • t, Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 294744 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section �(% WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAMEt��,,((priJrint)kTW�'`i-31- � `S • k�vN'"t xs �p CERTIFICATION Mcp99C�u WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME CNvv t€5dtlLC >���� �Ki LL.Lr�Aa PHONE,/ ( ) 3Dl— 165 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,/ ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT,/ (if applicable) (if applicable) I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential I' Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use "-- — �"-" 77. 2. WELL LOCAT Neatest To ( County Qi a_ ity, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) Topo tc/Land setting ❑Ridge lope ❑Valley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location 3. OWNE (degrees/minutes/seconds) Addres 0�4�. Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) note l` XS t w rl SUle - Zip Code Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH: e 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES p NO d 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 440 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS j FT. Above Land Surfaces *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance In accord.eel rith ISA NCAC 1C .0118. • 9. YIELD (gpm): �.''1 Mi5TI-I�Op OF TEST ��• 10. WATER ZONES (depth): 11. DISINFECTION: Type Wilk Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth 99t�" toter or W� QigQ. toht/Ft. l From fi To t Ft. (Pro �3�Y From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth r.SE. oisaLµ- From TOSS Ft.C9� ►a s�Q From To Ft. MaL 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From To Ft. in. From To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size From To Ft. From To Ft. Slot Size in. in. Material Material 16. REMARKS: DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To, i Format* n Description f (�,� aoS »sS ' 4 • 0 O LOCATION SKETCH C� Show direction and distance in miles from at least =.'o two Stag Roads or County Roads. Include the ro.v1 nm numbers . nd common road names. ^ i czq I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2 WE CONSTRUCTIO STANDARDS,�AT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TOT VIER SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DA Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 294'743 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and, Natural -\ Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section j �Q WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) V '.L MCt� S' --rEC' S„ v� CERTIFICATION ##9 '�`]c_ WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME Wa" J\LLE ��Wtc-tl i r") PHONE # f )UD `�-1I` S STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential /Municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ❑ Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use I,- 2. WELL LOCAT Neaccst To (Street 3. OWNE Address City ( tr ounty Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) elfr Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 3 5. TOTAL DEPTH: i. 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EX ST NG WELL? YES C) NO EV 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: �j� FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS l FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance In accordanyq Ith 1SA NCAC 2C.0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): 1 �a- M THQp OF TEST am'-" 10. WATER ZONES (depth): pCZ' 11. DISINFECTION: Type Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness From U Depth [2 p{neter or Wet t/Ft. Mate r} I To (.0i Ft. � (4'rQatIp From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Dept4 ^ M�tetial From 0 To ton Ft.epy+t cIJ+JI) From To Ft. t 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From To Ft. in. From To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. Zip Code Slot Size in. in. Material Ir. Topographic/Lan setting `, ❑Ridge ❑Slope alley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DEPTH From To O NI t L4' bb' l0`1' tV1' Lab' 1b ' •Set59' DRILLING LOG Formatipn Description LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads. Include the* numbers and common road names. l�. (w� cr yi tota 16. REMARKS: 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WEL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE yIELL SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL ATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-I REV. 07/2001 294741 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural ' 'Resources rL'vision of��Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME s�,,(spaarrrint) C`( , t'\ IIC.ILELL� CERTIFICATIIONN 09739 qC WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME * R 1cs\ALLC LLU'3Gt PHONE q j(.V O) ag i - I (5v STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential El/MunicipatPublic 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCA Near (Stre County me, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) Topographic/L.agtsetting ❑Ridge ❑Slope pB'VValley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location 3. OWNE (degrees/minutes/seconds) Address Jai ... Latitude/longitude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG City •r To n ` 1 bS1tat Zip Code From Toss Forma tiop scri [ on k Li ' 144S' orRuq lq Np.) C_/K�C _9 Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED ..]J 5. TOTAL DEPTH: kLit J 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES IGIL NO IFI 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing 14r) FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) O 8. TOP OF CASING IS l FT. Above Land Surface' - 3 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a n_ -9 variance In accordagce w ISA NCAC 2C .0118. . r. 9. YIELD (gpm): ` ME,TirIOL1 OF TEST r" 10. WATER ZONES (depth): \3,-<<- LOCATION SKETCH tv ,— Show direction and distance in miles from at least o two State Roads or County Roads. Include the roads u, numbers and co on road names. Q , 11. DISINFECTION: Type * (Fit Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness p pramcter or W= , t/Ft. ate 'al From b Tot Ft. b Kt (i 1Lta• From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth M serial \t . From d To S( Ft. it h�.L From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: fQ I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WEL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT_AGCOPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE f7✓ELL f¢3r4r /MGF{A-- d SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL (DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mill Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV-07/200I! WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 294046 North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resoutces - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section pp WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAIVE (print),'Qvr''P 5 'h, I tTh 1S(Trn CERI'IFICAt ION M 94O WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME VYI1WWO ( LOP -a dT.11. ri✓lg PHONE M Jr)a$17-29% STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION I'E.R.IIT/I ASSOCIATED WQ PP.IIarITM if applicable) if nplicnble� �acrerwmusmamM�elrsaear mmI eea�traml I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential El--"Municipal/Public D Industrial 0 }Agricultural ❑ Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other 0 If Other, List Use I 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: .\IAv1€ S V; )) Q County C/at/ /'„6✓ &a a L/ Ant Lei / (Street Name, Numbers, Connouoity. Subdivision, Lot No.. Zip Code) 3. OWNER. Draw:, s 0'1 BOLL\aY1 Address (Street or Moore No.) City or Town State Zip Code ( )- Arer code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 3- X o DC4 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 34S' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO itv 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: /922__hf. (Use "✓' if Move of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS t FT. Above Land Surface'. •'top of using terminated attor below !and s':r face req tilt en a v.rl.nre In accordance with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (Eon,): _- 3 METHOD DETEST 4: IC 10. WATER ZONES (depth): I I. DISINFECTION: TypetA t pt? IIP*S Amount IS 12. CASING: Wall 'thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material J From 0 To Ito' Ft. (p,.?S SOV2l DVr From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material From Q To ID' Ft. pOf+inn d Front To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slut Size Maletial From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Method Ft. From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: Topographic/Land setting ❑Ridge ©elope ❑Valley ❑Feat (check appropriate box)' Latitude/longitude of well location N .5°leII r^7&'tt'22H (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:LIG1'SOTopogtaphhc map (check bo :) Yyn rll 1.1i;ILLI NQI OQ Front To r'arntatiun .;c;aiption C — /O' G/oy /Do' JCS'''. Grow .' e• c_ LOCATIQNSKF>"fRJ az Show direction eitd diciance in zniies fr9ra atr`ars two State (toads or County Roads. I:" * c the road numbers and common road names. CL?// S41 ch I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1711S WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WI111 I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF 11115 RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER 3-.76-oy (,LZC-e SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE ens, Submit the original to the DI%Islon of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Ceenterl Raleigh, NC N001 276'19-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 day. ASSOCIATED WQ PERMITN WELL CONSTRUCTION 1tECORU North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (pr6d) �inW1 Q.7 (� D, �i`jpn CER TIFICAT ION N?4104 437- WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAa1F,��l1\o I� , P)I_ (1r V1: �PHONE N filed a`�c+7 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERAtITN Aif dicnbic) if applicable) wol01 �1A0la���a 294086- I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential Ca Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial 0. /(g icultural 0 WELL Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ hs i eat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List U,`\ 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: 1-1 A� e Sv i I1?fee e (Street Nam e,�urnbera, Crnnnwni4Y. Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) County C1ar{___ \v 3. OWNER ken Address ctvenzr (Street or Route No.) City or Town State Zip Code ( )' Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 3- IC -cU 5. TOTAL DEPTH: (64' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 0- 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: in r FT. (Use "✓' if Above Top of Caing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS ) FT. Above Land Surface' •Top of casing terminated aVnr below laud Ira face requlsef a ..rt.nre In accordance with ISA NCAC 2C .01IP.9. YIELD (gpt10' j00 M; ruOD OF TTSF ,; 2 I0. WATER ZONES (depth): II. DISINFECTION: Type\1-\A 1)0\4 '' t� 12. CASING: Depth Diameter From 0 To ,3& ' Ft. 6', Lri From To Ft. Front To Ft. _ 13. GROUT: Depth Material Method From C To , /2' FL url/anel pce;ci/, ro From To Ft. / 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. in. Front To Ftin. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Amount Wall Thickness or WeighUfl. NI 'alai numbers and common road names. /ifs Topograpl \c/Laldsttttttr: ❑Ridge ❑Slop_ (check opp opnattbnu) Latitude/longitu a of well location &esi'33"1WB °?A'o" (degree s/ u u n u tad sec o n d e) Latitude/longitude sourcc:U01'S❑Topographic map (check Ito :) f;yn 11I )=));1LLINt�I JQ Front To 1'nnnatiou Description - ' 4% — ' 2•6114, CTITaI_�,_ =o Front To From To Ft. Ft. LOCA'f'IQN isaci1 a ;;:-4 ,- Show direction di:rr (.'::lance in miIes fr. dt#eglt two State Roads or County 1t00d3. L• c tl)'ta tjad Pen 4tnc/s. s/tee c 16. REMARKS: I DO IIEItEBY CERTIFY TIIAT 'DES WELL WAS CONSTRUCITD IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND TIIAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD IIAS BEEN PROVIDED TO TT IE WELL OWNER ,S 0 • n'� DATE SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall Service Center - Raleigh, NC 2709-I6361'honc No. (919) 7t1-3111, within 39 days. GW-I REV. 07/2001 L 294917 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Reso s - Division ofWaterQuality - Groundwater Section WELL cONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) T' Halm. _ v(1 G() t 2 CERTIFICATION $ 3) 7 5j WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME �(4 €722 W Ec. LE (CC(14CD -L NG PHONE I VC») 7 . -Z/G6 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ASSOCIATED WQ PERMITS if appBashi* (If ropllcable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box); Residential 63" Municipal/Publie ❑ Industrial 0 Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ❑ Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection C Other 0 If Other, List Use WELL LOCATI, Nearest Town:I-66u NI County DOG SRaNe l D. 35 2 ce d 2_ 'Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) ),ANER: \) C6 n(/ r ' o c f? Address ?410i )ne ?,wrs-[ RD (Stint or Route No.) < 2ar ,tun( NC, 7 8902 "VTitres-(A0 Zip Code Area code. Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED_ 3—Zc- -o'/ 5. TOTAL DEPTH. ( SSA 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ' NO ❑ 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing; (Use "+" If Above Top of Culrta) S. TOP OF CASING IS ? FT Above Land Surface` *Top of colon terminated ,blur below laud surface requires a vadeoes In noontime with ISA NCAC 2C .011a.: 9. YIELD (gpm); -;(J METHOD OF TESTA 1(' 10. WATER ZONES (depth): I75 11. DISINFECTION: Type ii 12, CASING: Depth Diameter FromI00 To Ft Fromh2& To4-P Ft, From_ To_, Ft, Amount - it o7 Wall Thickness or W eight/Ft. torial VC +41?27 PVC 13. GROUT: Depth Material From % ('J To 0 Ft rnitnP717 From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From, To Ft.__In. From______, To Ft.,__,jn 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: From From Dcptb Size To Ft. To Ft. Method Slot Size Material in. in Material Topographic/Land setting 7 CIRidge °Slope OValley Mat i (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitdde of well location N3S2,2.366 CO to 83°510 394 (degnei/miauu�ei oads) Latitude/longitude source:t . QPSQTopographicmap (theca box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0 t SAr 1 - <L. — %5 $5- 95 9S - /85 R6CCPV YC[ww c-r-a v aeotud oJe.s NHtC-L) ,?ors. (c2^L,v<T LOCATION SKEZCIj Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads. Include the_oad numbers and common -mad -names. O P v. G+- N rr 16. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISA NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRU }ON STAND AND AND THA'f,4COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER 3- 2- cif SIGNATURE OP PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mall Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 clays. OW-1 REV. 07/2001 WELL (ZONSTRUCfON RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural ResourcAs - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section w1tLL coNTRACToit 02ND1VWDVAL) NAME (print) FR e A(z_ P. V/cc-o2 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME 13 warts W ELL— Dig(LL(N(ro TMC, CERTIFICATION a !'75 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMTr# ifapplicablel ASSOCIATED WQ PERMITS, 4_(if applicable) PHONE a` lid 7yS-T/66 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential el/Municipal/Public C Iitdustria) ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring 0 Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Igiection Cl Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: if e� VtLLE County CA -2 t1 S+ic q-(G µ ro Cer-c c _. (Steer Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, tot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER; EM'R€ £S4ELMaw Topographic/Land setting DRidga Ballope ❑Valley ❑Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitdde of well location A/3562 `.399 W 0834:37.r/yl Address //62lieu67E .L ‘ :( a!minu—wssiecoads) '/ (streetnrRouteNo.) LailNde/Iongitudesouroe:20PSOTopographic.mao 1taYCS Ir/I_ F /v/c 7 POFir/ ?check box) City or Town Stets Zip fie— � DIMLING LOG C82�- 38or— 26we From i To "tie Description Area code. Phone eumM. i 0 G /J/re(Jie aY41reree Rack 1 WATER ZONES (depth). 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES C NO p' /So ----Lac__ 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing; C33 �rT 3s 3 SO n (vie Nell Above Top of Casing)' 4 pp - ..52( S. TOP OF CASINO IS ___ . _ FT Above Land Surface *Top of cuing terminated aver below land suefaee requires a variance In accordance will; ISA NCAC SC.011a,: 9. YIELD (gpm): t METHODOF TBST e R,_ O.� 11. DISINFECTION: 12, CASING: Depth From 7U To C, 5 Ft. pOmL -To Ft 15 Tot ? , Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth FroO To C) Ft. Ft 14, SCREEN; Depth Diameter From. To From.__�-To 15, SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth: Size From To Ft, From To Ft.__ Type From To ZVST` 16. REMARKS: /— a Amount. - Wall Thickness Diameter or Wel t/Ft, Material STEC-L 01/k 5.1221 Pvc G Vet SD R 77.5 Pvc- Material Method C "tn1G—!v'T' QR Slot Size Material in, in, Material 294915 Ga /lock w/y2 Sceck Rock DAke or1 __ flank ao ✓ c* ,ex,,,s% .CCtzeac r?.ck Da ec azaYr7 c/r W ,ewer • �— — 0 o LOCATION SKI Show direction and distance in miles from a9east.er two:State Roads or County Roads, Include the aE? . numbers and common road names. C- CI -o (no f ( rn r N n" J u I DO HERSBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISA NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OP TT.(IS 11ECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO TEE WELL await- - - Oy SIGNATURH OP PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, Within 30 days, OW-1 REV. 07/2001