HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150416 Ver 1_Year 2 Monitoring Report_2021_20220119ID#* 20150416 Select Reviewer: Erin Davis Initial Review Completed Date 01/19/2022 Mitigation Project Submittal - 1/19/2022 Version* 1 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* Type of Mitigation Project:* Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Matthew Reid Project Information ID#:* 20150416 Existing ID# Project Type: DMS Mitigation Bank Project Name: Russell Gap County: Alexander Document Information O Yes O No Email Address:* matthew.reid@ncdenr.gov Version:* 1 Existing Version Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: Russell_Gap_100003_MY2_2021.pdf 15.97MB Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Signature Print Name:* Matthew Reid Signature: * Russell Gap Stream Mitigation Project Year 2 (2021) Monitoring Report FINAL DMS Project ID No. 100003, DEQ Contract No. 6980 USACE Action ID No. SAW-2017-00826, DWR# 20150416 Alexander County, North Carolina, Catawba River Basin: 03050101-120010 MY2 Data. Collection Period: January — October 2021 Submitted to/Prepared for: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 INTERNATIONAL Submission Date: December 2021 0 This document was printed using 30% recycled paper. Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. 797 Haywood Rd. Suite 2011 Asheville, North Carolina 28806 INTERNATIONAL January 7, 2022 Matthew Reid, Project Manager NCDEQ, Division of Mitigation Services 5 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 102 Asheville, NC 28801 Subject: Response to DMS Comments for DRAFT MY2 Report Russell Gap Mitigation Project, Alexander County DMS Project # 100003, DEQ Contract #6980, Catawba River Basin Mr. Reid: Office: 828.412.6101 Please find enclosed our responses to the NC Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) review comments dated December 17, 2021 in reference to the Russell Gap Mitigation Project - DRAFT MY2 Report. We have revised the draft document in response to the review comments as outlined below. Report Comments/Questions: • Please include IRT meeting minutes from the June 23, 2021 site visit in the appendix. Response: IRT meeting minutes have been included in Appendix F. • Please include encroachment discussed in section 1.4 Monitoring Results on CCPV. Response: The encroachment area has been added to the CCPV as a shapefile. • Section 1.4 states 64.4 inches of rainfall was observed for the project and the annual historic average is 56.1 inches. Figure 7 note states historic average annual rainfall is 52.51 inches while the observed project rainfall was 55.76 inches. Please review and revise as necessary. Response: These data have been reviewed and corrections made to Figure 7. • There is a discrepancy between growing season days listed in Section 1.4 and the note onTable 11 (227 vs 226). Please review and revise. Response: This discrepancy has been corrected on Table 11. • Table 2: Add the following to the table: o "Maintenance— repairs, live staking, bridge replacement— Nov 2020" o "Invasive Treatment — Jun/Oct 2021" Response: These items have been added to Table 2. • Table 2: Please add two lines directly under the Year 2 Monitoring line. The listed activity for one line should be Vegetation Monitoring, and the second line should be Stream Survey.Under the data collection column please include the date that each of these activities was completed. Please include this information in future monitoring reports. Response: Lines have been added as requested. I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. 797 Haywood Rd. Suite 201 1 Asheville, North Carolina 28806 Office: 828.412.6101 • CCPV: Include all areas that were repaired and replanted on CCPV. Response: Repair areas have been added to the CCPV. • Table 5 and 6: Please add dates to the tables to indicate when the field assessment was completed for the Stream Stability Assessment and Vegetation Assessment. The IRT has requested this information be included on these tables. Response: Dates have been added to Tables 5 and 6 as requested. • Table 5: R10b section is missing the assessed LF length amount. Response: The assessed LF length amount has been added for R10b to Table 5. • Table 6: Please include easement encroachment discussed on R26. Once this encroachment has been rectified for a monitoring year, it can be removed. Response: This easement encroachment is discussed in Section 1.4 Monitoring Results and Project Performance and is included on the CCPV. • Table 10: Table currently shows the MY2 data under MY1 2020. Please update table to separate MY1 and MY2 data. Response: The table has been updated as requested. • Please ensure the Monitoring Phase Performance Bond has been updated and approved by Kristie Corson before invoicing for Task 8. Response: The monitoring Phase Performance Bond has been updated and approved. IRT Meeting Minute Action Items: • The IRT recommended relocating the flow gauge on R11 to the upper 1/3 of the reach. According to the CCPV, this does not appear to have occurred. Does Baker intend to move the flow gauge? Response: The flow gauge on R11 was installed in its location due to steep topography at the top of the reach. The stream bed has a lesser grade where it is currently installed which was thought to be more effective in capturing flow. In addition to the flow gauge, a programmed camera was installed at the bottom of R11 at the end of MY2 to capture photographic evidence of flow in the channel during MY3. • The outer bend upstream of the R11 and R1 confluence had erosion and there were concerns of future alignment problems. Baker indicated that live staking and manual repairs would occur and be discussed in the MY2 report. Please update report with discussion on this issue. If erosion is still present, please update CCPV and Table 5. Response: Live stakes were installed on the right bank of R1 at SPA-1 (shown on CCPV) at the end of the 2021 growing season. Matting that had been displaced during flooding was repaired and re -staked. Live vegetation that had fallen into R11 was cut back to allow for flow in the design channel as to not undermine the right bank of R1 at SPA-1. Michael Baker Engineering, Inc ■UAJLIMA r_l-dtWr•_iiM 797 Haywood Rd. Suite 201 1 Asheville, North Carolina 28806 INTERNAT10NAL Office:828.412.6101 Table 5 shows SPA-1 on R1 as requested and the report has been updated. • IRT expressed concern with potential livestock access to the tops of R17 and R18. Baker was going to discuss options with the landowner. Please provide an update to these two areas. Response: The landowner is not interested in pursuing any further action beyond the original scope of the project. The area in question is outside of the existing and agreed upon project Conservation Easement. All fencing surrounding the original CE line on R17 and R18 is fully intact and functioning as intended. • Areas of bank erosion were noticed at the bottom of R4a. Manual repairs and live staking were to occur and updates included in MY2 report. Please update report with discussion on this section. If erosion is still present, please update CCPV and Table 5. Response: This area, SPA-2, was monitored for continuing erosion during MY2. Monitoring will continue during MY3. Maintenance and live staking will be implemented as needed. Table 5 shows SPA-2 on R4a as requested and the area is included on the CCPV and discussed in Section 1.4 Monitoring Results and Project Performance. Electronic Deliverables: • Please submit the features representing random veg plots as polygons rather than points. Response: Random veg plots for MY2 have been changed to polygons on the CCPV and shapefiles have been included with the electronic deliverables. • Please include features representing the scoured eroding area along R1 and R4a and displaythese segments in the CCPV. Response: These areas are shown as "Stream Problem Areas" on the CCPV and the shapefile has been included with the electronic deliverables. The reported cross section data cannot consistently be used to replicate BHR calculations. For example, cross section 17 has a reported LTOB elevation that exceeds the maximum elevation for that plot. As another example, cross section 23 reports a bankfull elevation that achieves the as - built bankfull area (BKF-ab) and a LTOB elevation that would produce aBHR other than what is reported. Also, the BKF-ab for cross section 23 may have been calculated before excluding points outside of the main channel but below the Low Bank Height elevation. Failing to exclude those points would include those regions in the cross sectional area and influence BKF-ab. Please ensure that the cross section data are reported such that these calculations can be replicated and resubmit the excel workbook. Response: Data has been reviewed and corrected as necessary to ensure that BHR calculations can be consistently replicated and the excel workbook has be re -submitted as requested. Please include the data used to create the flow gauge and monitoring well figures. The raw data folder was empty. Response: The raw data has been included in the folder as requested. Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. 797 Haywood Rd. Suite 2011 Asheville, North Carolina 28806 INTERNATI0NAL Office: 828.412.6101 As requested, Michael Baker has provided a written response letter addressing the DMS comments and two (2) hardcopies of the FINAL report, and the updated e-submission digital files will be sent via secure ftp link. A full final electronic copy with electronic support files have been included on a USB drive. Please do not hesitate to contact me (Jason.york@mbakerintl.com 828-412-6101) should you have any questions regarding our response submittal. Sincerely, Jason York Environmental Scientist /-- �Z� Enclosure: Final MY2 Report Russell Gap Mitigation Project TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT SUMMARY.......................................................................................3 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION...............................................................................................................................3 1.2 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES.............................................................................................................................3 13 PROJECT SUCCESS CRITERIA.....................................................................................................................4 1.4 MONITORING RESULTS AND PROJECT PERFORMANCE.............................................................................4 1.5 TECHNICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL DESCRIPTIONS...............................................................................5 1.6 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................6 APPENDICES Appendix A Background Tables and Figures Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Project Asset Map Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contacts Table 4 Project Attributes Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Figure 3 Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) Table 5 Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table 6 Vegetation Condition Assessment Stream Station Photo -Points Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Monitoring Gauges and Overbank Photographs Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Table 7 Planted Stem Counts by Plot and Species Appendix D Stream Geomorphology Data Figure 4 Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Table 8 Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 9 Cross -Section Morphology Data Summary Appendix E Hydrologic Data Table 10 Verification of Bankfull Events Figure 5 Wetland Monitoring Well Graphs Table 11 Wetland Hydrology Summary Data Figure 6 Flow Gauge Graphs Table 12 All Years Flow Gauge Success Figure 7 Observed Rainfall Versus Historic Averages Appendix F IRT Meeting Minutes MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 2 RUSSELL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT, DMS NO. 100003 YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT 1.0 PROJECT SUMMARY 1.1 Project Description Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. (Michael Baker) restored approximately 4,209 linear feet of existing stream, enhanced 8,857 linear feet of stream along Unnamed Tributaries (UTs) to Davis Creek, the East Prong Lower Little River, and UTs to the East Prong Lower Little River. Michael Baker also restored and/or enhance approximately 7.3 acres of riparian wetland in the Catawba River Watershed. The project is located in the Catawba River Basin, within the Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03050101-120010, which is identified as a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) in the NC Division of Mitigation Services'(DMS) 2009 Upper Catawba River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP) report. The Russell Gap Stream Mitigation project is located on an active cattle farm in Alexander County, North Carolina, 10 miles northwest of the Town of Taylorsville as shown on the Project Vicinity Map (Figure 1). Historic agriculture uses on the project site include cattle production, row crops, and apple orchards. These activities had negatively impacted both water quality and streambank stability along the project streams and their tributaries (Table 4). The project is being conducted as part of the NCDMS Full Delivery In -Lieu Fee Program and is anticipated to generate at close-out a total of 9,166.949 stream mitigation credits (contracted for 9,400) and up to 7.053 riparian wetland mitigation units (contracted for 4.0) (Table 1) and is protected by a 35.97-acre permanent conservation easement. 1.2 Goals and Objectives The goals of this project are identified below: • Establishment of geomorphically stable conditions along all project reaches, • Improvement of water quality by reducing nutrient and sediment inputs, • Restoration of natural stream and floodplain interactions, • Restoration and enhancement of riparian wetland functions, • Restoration and protection of riparian buffer functions and corridor habitat, • Improvement of in -stream aquatic habitat, and • Establishment of a permanent conservation easement on the entire project. To accomplish these goals, the following objectives were identified: • To restore appropriate bankfull dimensions, remove spoil berms, and/or raise channel beds, by utilizing either a Priority I Restoration approach or an Enhancement Level I approach. • To construct streams of appropriate dimensions, pattern, and profile in restored reaches, slope stream banks and provide bankfull benches on enhanced streams and utilize bioengineering to provide long-term stability. • Construct a correct channel morphology to all streams increasing the number and depths of pools, with structures including geo-lifts with brush toe, log vanes/weirs, root wads, and/or J-hooks. • Raise ground water levels in delineated hydric soils areas through the implementation of Priority I restoration and the filling of ditches. Wetland vegetation will also be planted. • Establish riparian buffers at a 50-foot minimum width along all stream reaches, planted with native tree and shrub species. • Establish a permanent conservation easement restricting land use in perpetuity. This will prevent site disturbance and allow the project to mature and stabilize. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3 RUSSELL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT, DMS NO. 100003 YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT 1.3 Project Success Criteria The success criteria and performance standards for the project will follow the North Carolina Interagency Review Team (NCIRT) guidance document Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update dated October 24, 2016 and as described in Section 7 of the approved Mitigation Plan. All specific monitoring activities will follow those outlined in detail in Section 8 of the approved Mitigation Plan and will be conducted for a period of seven years unless otherwise noted. Annual monitoring reports will follow the DMS document Annual Monitoring Report Format, Data Requirements, and Content Guidance from April 2015. The performance standards for the riparian buffer assets will be held in accordance with 15A NCAC 0213.0295(n)(2)(13) and 15A NCAC 0213.0295(n)(4), and annual monitoring reports will be submitted at the end of each of the seven monitoring years. 1.4 Monitoring Results and Project Performance The Year 2 monitoring survey data of the twenty-six permanent cross -sections indicates that these stream sections are geomorphically stable and are within the lateral/vertical stability and in -stream structure performance categories. Stream Problem Area 1 (SPA1) was identified on RI from approximately station 22+50 to 23+00 on the outer bend of the right bank where scour and erosion occurred in November 2020. This SPA makes up 1% of RI and was planted with live stakes to stabilize the bank during MY2. SPA2 is located on the left bank at the bottom of R4a and is approximately 30 feet of scoured bank making up 5% of R4a. All other reaches were stable and performing as designed and are rated at 100 percent for all the parameters evaluated (Table 5 in Appendix B). During Year 2 monitoring, the planted acreage performance categories were functioning well overall. The average density of total planted stems based on data collected from the 20 permanent and 9 random monitoring plots for the Year 2 monitoring conducted in October 2021 was 614 stems per acre (Table 7 in Appendix Q. Thus, the Year 2 vegetation data demonstrate that the Site is on track to meet the minimum success interim criteria of 320 trees per acre by the end of Year 3. No vegetation problem areas (VPAs) were identified as exceeding the reportable mapping threshold of 0.1 acres. Scattered stems of privet (Ligustrum spp.) and multiflora rose (Rosa mult flora) located throughout the site were treated with herbicide in June and October 2021 and follow up treatment is anticipated to occur in future monitoring years. A culverted crossing on Reach 1 was damaged during a high flow event in November 2020 following the completion of monitoring during MY 1. The culvert was replaced with a railcar bridge in May 2021. During MY2 the bridge is stable. IRT and DMS staff agreed that the bridge repair was functioning as intended during the June 2021 site visit. Storms during November 2020 also caused boulders in a structure at the confluence of Reach 15 and Reach 4 to become dislodged which created a small area of bank erosion immediately downstream on the left bank. The structure and bank were repaired during MY2 and is stable and functioning. A sink hole that formed on the right floodplain of Reach 11 was also filled during MY2. A Stream Problem Area (SPA1) was identified on the right bank of RI, upstream of the confluence with RI 1. Approximately 50ft of the bank were scoured and eroding. Repairs to matting and live stake planting was completed in October 2021. Approximately 100ft of RI I upstream from the confluence of RI was cleared of hanging bank vegetation to expose the intact stream bed to allow flow to follow the design channel. Vegetation on the right bank of RI was then pinned back with landscape fabric to expose the streambed. An automated camera was installed near the confluence of RI I and RI to capture photos of flow on the lower portion of RI 1. SPA2 on the left bank of R4a was identified as an area of bank scour and was monitored during MY2. Monitoring will continue during MY3 and maintenance and live staking will be implemented as necessary. During installation of easement boundary posts and signs an encroachment of approximately 577 square feet of mowing was noted on the right floodplam at the bottom of R26. This area is shown on CCPV Figure 313. The boundary is now clearly marked and will be monitored for future encroachments. This area will be re -planted during MY3. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 4 RUSSELL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT, DMS NO. 100003 YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT During Year 2 monitoring three separate post -construction bankfull events were observed (see Table 10 in Appendix E and the Overbank Photographs in Appendix B). They were documented using manual cork crest gauge readings and post -flood event site inspection photographs. Rain data and groundwater well inundation is also considered to determine the approximate date of bankfull events. Crest gauges located on R6 and R9 did not record an overbank event during MY2. Figure 6 in Appendix E demonstrates that rainfall in the past 12 months has decreased since its peak in November 2020. Rainfall since April 2021 has been lower than the historic averages five of seven months during the growing season. A total of 64.4 inches of rainfall was observed for the project which is greater than the annual historic average of 56.1 inches; however, 19.9 inches of rainfall were recorded in October and November 2020. All observed project rainfall was collected from the North Carolina Climate Office Weather Climate Database CRONOS station TAYL, located in Taylorsville, NC. During Year 2 monitoring, eleven of twelve automated groundwater monitoring wells met or exceeded the minimum hydroperiod performance criteria approved in the Mitigation Plan of 12% of the 227-day growing season (27 or more consecutive days). Four of five automated flow gauges met or exceeded the minimum 30-day performance criteria during MY2 (See Appendix E, Table 12). Flow gauge 2 on R14 was perched above the streambed during part of monitoring year due to minor localized scour. The gauge was adjusted to sit on the streambed in October 2021 and will be monitored for future scour in MY3. Summary information/data related to the Site and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report Appendices. Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the Baseline Monitoring Report and in the Mitigation Plan available on the DMS website. Any raw data supporting the tables and figures in the Appendices is available from DMS upon request. This report documents the successful completion of the Year 2 monitoring activities for the post - construction monitoring period. 1.5 Technical and Methodological Descriptions Stream survey data was collected to a minimum of Class C Vertical and Class A Horizontal Accuracy using a Leica TS06 Total Station and was georeferenced to the NAD83 State Plane Coordinate System, FIPS3200 in US Survey Feet, which was derived from the MY-1 Survey. The survey data from the permanent project cross -sections were collected and classified using the Rosgen Stream Classification System to confirm design stream type (Rosgen 1994 and 1996). The twenty permanent and nine annual random vegetation -monitoring quadrants (plots) were installed across the site in accordance with the CVS-DMS Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.1 (Lee 2007) and the data collected from each was input into the CVS-DMS Data Entry Tool v. 2.3.1 (CVS 2012). Nine automated groundwater monitoring wells were installed in the floodplain along Reach RI following USACE protocols (USACE 2005).Three additional groundwater monitoring wells were installed in the floodplain along R9. Flow gauges were installed on RI 1, R13, R14, R19 and R20 and an additional camera was installed on RI I to capture pictures of flow. Collective data will document that these intermittent streams continue to exhibit base flow for at least thirty consecutive day throughout each monitoring year. The gauges themselves are all Van Essen DI800 BARO Diver data loggers. Four manual cork crest gauges were installed on R1, R4, R6, and R9. All observed project rainfall was collected from the North Carolina Climate Office Weather Climate Database CRONOS station TAYL, located in Taylorsville, NC approximately nine miles south of the project at 35.9139,-81.19087. The specific locations of monitoring features, such as vegetation plots, permanent cross -sections, reference photograph stations, and crest gauges, are shown on the CCPV map found in Appendix B. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 5 RUSSELL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT, DMS NO. 100003 YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT 1.6 References Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) and NC Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). CVS-DMS Data Entry Tool v. 2.3.1. University of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC. 2012. Lee, M., Peet R., Roberts, S., Wentworth, T. 2007. CVS-DMS Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.1. North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services. 2010. Neuse River Basin Restoration Priorities. NC Department of Environmental Quality. Raleigh, NC. North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services. 2016. Neuse River Basin Restoration Priorities: Neuse- 01 Catalog Unit Update. NC Department of Environmental Quality. Raleigh, NC. North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services. 2017. Annual Monitoring Report Format, Data Requirements, and Content Guidance June 2017. NC Department of Environmental Quality. Raleigh, NC. North Carolina Interagency Review Team (NCIRT). 2016. Guidance document "Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update ". October 24, 2016 Rosgen, D.L. 1994. A Classification of Natural Rivers. Catena 22:169-199. Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildlands Hydrology. Pagosa Springs, CO. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2005. "Technical Standard for Water -Table Monitoring of Potential Wetland Sites," WRAP Technical Notes Collection (ERDC TN- WRAP-05-2), U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. Vicksburg, MS. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 6 RUSSELL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT, DMS NO. 100003 YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT APPENDIX A Background Tables and Figures 401010101 Wilkes County Alexander County Site Location 50101120010 030501\01120020 dw Alexander County Gr e 03040101 Site I nnntinn 1 Legend CConservation Easement Counties 14 Digit HUC Note: Site is located within targeted local watershed 03050101120010. Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map Russell Gap Project INTERNATIONAL 0 0.5 1 2 Miles Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Russell Gat) Stream Mitigation Proiect - NCDMS Proiect No. 100003 pl- �tttt � t�tt� tt tttt tttt ®a® tt t tt : 1 All stream stationing and restored footage numbers reported here, discussed in the report text, and shown in the as -built plan sheets use survey values. 2 The stream footage reported here uses the as -built streamcenterifne survey values and have all easement breaks removed from their totals. Buffer group values reported here are the creditable areas as allowed for each group as described in detail in the mitigation plan. 3 Credits reported here are taken directly from the approved mitigation plan Table 11.1 Table 1.1 Table 1.2 As -Built Centerline Length and Area Summations by Mitigation Category Overall Assets Summary Res aokion Level Stream (linear fie() lbpadan Wetland We") Wetland (acres) Credited Buffer (square fet) Riverine Non-l2iverine Reetorafiun 4,063 6.773 Enlanrement 0.559 Enhance—t l 5.760 Enhancement It "A6dl Creation preservation High Quality Prey MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSELL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT Asset Category Overall Credits Stream 9,166.949 RP Wetland 7.053 NR Wetland Buffer Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Russell Gap Stream Mitigation Project - NCDMS Project No. 100003 Elapsed Time Since grading complete: 22 months Elapsed Time Since planting complete: 21 months Number of Reporting Years': 2 Activity or Deliverable Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery 404 permit date N/A Dec-18 Mitigation Plan N/A Sep-18 Final Design - Construction Plans N/A Sep-18 Construction Grading Completed N/A Feb-20 As -Built Survey May-20 May-20 Livestake and Bareroot Planting Completed N/A Mar-20 As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report (MYO) Mar-20 Sep-20 Year 1 Monitoring Nov-20 Dec-20 Year 2 Monitoring Oct-21 Dec-21 Vegetation Monitoring Oct-21 Dec-21 Stream Survey Oct-21 Dec-21 Maintenance, Repairs, Live Staking May and Oct-21 Dec-21 Invasive Treatment June and Oct-21 Dec-21 Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 6 Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring ' = The number of monitoring reports excluding the as-built/baseline report MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSELL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT Table 3. Project Contacts Russell Gap Stream Mitigation Project - NCDMS Project No.100003 Designer 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 600 Cary, NC 27518 Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. Contact: Katie McKeithan, Tel. 919-481-5703 Construction Contractor 5616 Coble Church Rd Julian, NC 27283 KBS Earthworks, Inc. Contact: Kory Strader, Tel. 336-362-0289 Survey Contractor P.O. Box 148 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Turner Land Surveying Contact: (As -Built Only) David Turner, Tel. 919-827-0745 88 Central Avenue Kee Mapping and Surveying Asheville, NC 28801 (Existing Conditions and Monitoring Contact: Survey) Brad Kee, Tel. 828-575-9021 Planting Contractor 5616 Coble Church Rd Julian, NC 27283 KBS Earthworks, Inc. Contact: Kory Strader, Tel. 336-362-0289 Seeding Contractor 5616 Coble Church Rd Julian, NC 27283 KBS Earthworks, Inc. Contact: Kory Strader, Tel. 336-362-0289 Seed Mix Sources Telephone: Green Resources 336-855-6363 Nursery Stock Suppliers Telephone: 919-742-1200 Mellow Marsh Farm ArborGen Telephone: 843-528-3204 Monitoring Performers 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 600 Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. Cary, NC 27518 Stream Monitoring POC Katie McKeithan, Tel. 919-481-5703 Vegetation Monitoring POC Katie McKeithan, Tel. 919-481-5703 MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSELL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DIMS #100003) YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT Table 4. Project Attributes Russell Gao Stream Mitieation Proiect - NCDMS Proiect No. 100003 Project Name Russell Gap Stream Mitigation Project County Alexander County Project Area (acres) 35.97 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) 36.0091 N,-81.2139 W Planted Acreage (Acres of Woody Stems Planted) 29.67 Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Peidmont River Basin Catawba USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 3050101 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03050101-120010 DWR Sub -basin 03-08-32 Project Drainage Area (Acres and Square Miles) 2,227 acres / 3.48 square miles (at downstream end of R3) Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area 0.13% impervious area CGIA Land Use Classification 82.6% forested, 14.5% agriculture, 1.5% rural residential, 1.4% roadway Existing Reach Summary Information Parameters Reach RI Reach R2 Reach R3 Reach R4 Length of reach (linear feet) 2,142 288 388 2,245 Valley confinement (Confined, moderately confined, unconfined) Unconfined Unconfined Unconfined Unconfined Drainage area (Acres) 960 1,056 2227 806 Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral Perennial Perennial Perennial Perennial NCDWR Water Quality Classification C C C C Stream Classification (existing) E4 (incised) E4 (incised) E4 E4 Stream Classification (proposed) C4 C4 C4 B4c Evolutionary trend (Simon) IV - Degradation and WideningIII -Degradation III -Degradation IV - Degradation and Widening FEMA classification Zone X Zone X Zone X Zone X Existing Reach Summary Information Parameters Reach R4a Reach R5 Reach R6 Reach R7a Length of reach (linear feet) 299 256 631 155 Valley confinement (Confined, moderately confined, unconfined) Unconfined Unconfined Unconfined Unconfined Drainage area (Acres) 716 150 154 210 Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral Perennial Perennial Perennial Perennial NCDWR Water Quality Classification C C C C Stream Classification (existing) E4 C4b G4 E4b Stream Classification (proposed) B4c C4b B4 E4b Evolutionary trend (Simon) I -Stable System I -Stable System Degradation IV - Deg and Widening I -Stable System FEMA classification Zone X Zone X Zone X Zone X Existing Reach Summary Information Parameters Reach R7b Reach R8 Reach R9 Reach R10(AB) Length of reach (linear feet) 1,170 463 439 371 Valley confinement (Confined, moderately confined, unconfined) Unconfined Unconfined Unconfined Unconfined Drainage area (Acres) 288 333 358 17 Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral Perennial Perennial Perennial Perennial NCDWR Water Quality Classification C C C C Stream Classification (existing) E4b C4 E4b E4b Stream Classification (proposed) E4b C4 B4 E4b-C4 Evolutionary trend (Simon) III - Degradation I - Stable System IV - Degradation and Widening II - Disturbance FEMA classification Zone X Zone X Zone X Zone X MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSELL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT Existing Reach Summary Information Parameters Reach RI Reach R12 Reach R13 Reach R14 Length of reach (linear feet) 481 86 124 528 Valley confinement (Confined, moderately Confined, unconfined) Confined Unconfined Moderately Confined Confined (Upper) Unconfined Lower Drainage area (Acres) 17 115 21 22 Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral Intermittent Perennial Intermittent Perennial NCDWR Water Quality Classification C C C C Stream Classification (existing) 134a Eb C4 A4 Stream Classification (proposed) 134a C4b C4 E4 Evolutionary trend (Simon) III - Degradation IV - Degradation and Widenm' II - Disurbance IV - Degradation and Widenin FEMA classification Zone X Zone X Zone X Zone X Existing Reach Summary Information Parameters Reach R15 Reach R17 Reach R18 Reach R19 Length of reach (linear feet) 226 130 185 481 Valley confinement (Confined, moderately confined, unconfined) Unconfined Unconfined Unconfined Moderately Confined Drainage area (Acres) 19 26 24 22 Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral Intermittent Intermittent Intermittent Perennial NCDWR Water Quality Classification C C C C Stream Classification (existing) E4b E4b E4b 134a Stream Classification (proposed) E4b E4b E4b 134a Evolutionary trend (Simon) I - Stable System I - Stable System I - Stable System IV - Degradation and Widening FEMA classification Zone X Zone X Zone X Zone X Existing Reach Summary Information Parameters Reach R20 Reach R21 Reach R22 Reach R22a Length of reach (linear feet) 206 67 161 68 Valley confinement (Confined, moderately confined, unconfined) Confined Unconfined Moderately Confined Moderately Confined Drainage area (Acres and Square Miles) 9 33 3 3 Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral Perennial Perennial Perennial Perennial NCDWR Water Quality Classification C C C C Stream Classification (existing) A4a+ B4 B4 B4 Stream Classification (proposed) A4a+ B4 B4 B4 Evolutionary trend (Simon) III - Degrading I - Stable System II - Channelized II - Channelized FEMA classification Zone X Zone X Zone X Zone X Existing Reach Summary Information Parameters Reach R25 Reach R26 Reach R27 Length of reach (linear feet) 422 548 165 Valley confinement (Confined, moderately confined, unconfined) Moderately Confined Unconfined Moderately Confined Drainage area (Acres and Square Miles) 33 32 19 Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral Perennial Perennial Perennial NCDWR Water Quality Classification C C C Stream Classification (existing) 134a E4b E4b Stream Classification (proposed) 134a E4b E4b Evolutionary trend (Simon) III - Degrading I - Stable System I - Stable System FEMA classification Zone X Zone X Zone X Regulatory Considerations Parameters Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Does? Water of the United States - Section 404 Yes Yes PCN Water of the United States - Section 401 Yes Yes PCN Endangered Species Act Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA or CAMA) No N/A N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance No N/A N/A Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A N/A MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSELL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT APPENDIX B Visual Assessment Data 10 •� \� r t w �24 27 28 �• VP 16 _ _ • , � 526 stems/ac VP 1 �.i �,, ,' • �8 526stems/acIlk t NVO ? yS w a, r. '�� MY2 RVP 9 /•t9 x Mis:L '� 92 y 607stems/ac •` v FPS '! _ M11W34y xS "y x stems/ac _10 ws R1 ,. I a w6 Bank Scour r' F ' - e.�� �.. �, ., -y,._, /:; Live Staking and Repairs MY2 RVP 8 687 stems/ac A"fR11 -23 '(22 21 /' V P 17 890 stems/ac Monitoring Wells Monitoring Flow Gauges ♦ Monitoring Crest Gauges A Photo Points Stream Problem Areas MY2 Random Veg Poly - Vegetation Plots — Cross Sections QConservation Easement Approach — Restoration — Enhancement I — Enhancement 11 — No Credit Wetland Type ® Restoration ® Enhancement I N T E R N AT 1 0 N A L R13 1112 n13 'A14 VP3 • 768 stems/ac 1.6' s PG1 'S 24..-- . CG 1./3 �-'c.. XS ST 4 • 4 MY2 RVP 7 / 566 stems/ac h1W8 ' m18-' R12 M11W9 xS VPVP ems /ac 661 stems/ac 19 607 s L ,1 20 xs a' 20' FG2 L0 FG3' l9 4 t R14 �£ .fir 0 150 300 Figure 3A Feet Current Conditions Plan View Russell Gap Project .y y N' t I" av a . ...-� d* u 607 stems/ac +. MY2 RVP5 V71 566 stems/ac -1v 72 xs a +ss x-S a y a �t � is al +� Vk >4v �• r. VP6 4 at. . 445 stems/ac a�t•` ,S -�65 SPA2 Bank Scour y MY2 RVP 6 323 stems/ac Monitoring Wells Monitoring Flow Gauges \ ♦ Monitoring Crest Gauges A Photo Points Stream Problem Areas _ MY2 CE Encroachment MY2 Random Veg Poly - Vegetation Plots — Cross Sections Conservation Easement Approach — Restoration — Enhancement I — Enhancement 11 — No Credit Wetland Type ® Restoration ® Enhancement Michael Bakel mmmmE=� 0 150 300 Figure 3B Feet Current Conditions Plan View I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L Russell Gap Project E9 o ae ae ae ae Ss ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae E 9 o ae ae ae ae ae ae .... .... . acd. cci G J cv: C J 7 Z y — z is F F �a �a za^ za^ r � r ni ni L 9 c 2tR 9 El - 3 t 3 o U � U U U dI Eae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae � E � S ae ae ae ae ae ae � � ae ae ae ae ae a a S S G ii G ii s —s c A — z°�N z°�N _ F �a �a v •Ee m .E9 E � � a C C ni ni Al O °G° c o as r.5 c a c o,Ea r v o '� - a o v 3 o x o ,•, E ,•, �Z. m .5mo uu _N 59= 6ba Z �tSGn _ _ c fig 6bg tSn _ � $5 E Q.5 O 1O..1 a a U p G U G U c G U G d A' iz a ;a A dA"tee T U a U E9 �° ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae a° S ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae 0 � 5 S a � o 4 S a ffi o ci a � � ci a 7 7 F F a� �a � G d za� za^ E 5 E 5 H � H a 3 a 3 ni ni m m o o A _ o o a 22 IE E ob oSo c u o A E v .n�_ d o y.E c v o ,Eo v v'�' v c y tl -Mg o svIz E aP mZrtSn 33 —9—oS c 9�9Zr 33 v Q FF m Q.SOFO.��FF m mm m n C7 v�ma mm m U c U o U U m m w �° ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae a° S ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae s 5 0 � 5 S a a ffi o ci a � � ci a 7 7 F a� �a G G 9a+ zw5 za s 5 ME s 5 � „ a 3 a 3 ni ni WE Ix m o o A _ o ob76. .E o v v Q .SOFO.��FF m Q.SOFO.��FF m o mmm �n C7 �, ma mmm v: C)v�ma ��� o5am x ; a o x U RP U m m m w �° ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae a° S ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae s 5 0 � 5 S a a ffi o ci a � � ci a 7 7 IT 11 F a� �a � G v zap za^ s 5 s 5 � „ a 3 a 3 ni ni C Fi o C b o r Ix r — = w o — .. '� o — .. m O. M c A �. = v o o M E� c t sys a�P mZrtSn 33 —9— �o��S �_ 9��9Zr� 33 s��S �_ v Q .SOFO.��FF m Q.SOFO.��FF m mm m n C7 v�ma mmm v: C)v�ma G eq - O o�am v. U ip U �° ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae a° S ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae E 5 S � 5 S a a ffi o ci a � � ci a 7 7 F F a� �a G G 9a+ zw5 za s 5 s 5 � „ a 3 a 3 ni ni Ix m _.g go o aP mZrtSn 339�9Zr v rl lo lo 1 m mm m �C7�m a mm m � � C, x ; a � C,RP x U U E 5 S �° ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae a° � S 5 S ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae a a ffi o ci a � � ci a 7 7 F F a� �a G G 9a+ zw5 za s 5 s 5 � „ a 3 a 3 ni ni Ix m m o 0 A _ o o a 76. tog fi ME a u o A i d o c v � � o ,so v v c v o g - v 2 E v 3 Ei a�P mZrtSn 33 —9— �o��S �_ v Q .SOFO.��FF m Q.SOFO.��FF m mm m �C7�m a mm m ma .31 ��� o5am x ; a c", x U ip m m m w �° ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae a° S ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae s 5 0 � 5 S a a ffi o ci a � � ci a 7 7 ___ z7a z7a F a� �a G G 9a+ T�l za5 za 5 5 � a 3 a 3 ni ni C Fi o C b o r Ix r — = w — o .. m _ = w — o .. m m o� � � A _ o� a 1 � go .19 sm OR C,RP x U U �° ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae a° S ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae E 5 S � 5 S a a ffi o ci a � � ci a 7 7 F F a� �a G G 9a+ zw5 za s 5 s 5 � „ a 3 a 3 ni ni m m o b Gov "c go c S v-M o m Lv S c .s .s > E m �', 'o o Lv L ° °�j} m = `° t svS °o�S aP mZrtSn 33 —9—oS �_ 9�9Zr 33 �_ v Q.SOF O.� �F F lo lo l m mm m n 5 �, ma mmm v: C)�nm a U U m L!-. m w �° ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae a° S ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae E 5 0 � 5 S S a o S a ffi o ci a � � ci a 7 7 F a� �a G G 9a+ za5 za� s 5 s 5 � „ a 3 a 3 ni ni m o a "c 91 2. Gov c22 Gov 21 ig v v = c o v S o o° o3 a A '.5 c _ v S .5 S aP mZrtSn 3 3 —9— o �_ 9� 9 Zr 3 3 6,2ts � � � � C', 11611 x ; a � C', x U RP U Lu$ St U m m m w E 5 S �° ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae a° � S 5 S ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae a a ffi o ci a � � ci a 7 7 F F a� �a c G 9a+ za5 za s 5 s 5 � „ a 3 a 3 ni ni Ix m m o o A _ o b a "c �9 Gov c22 �o % Gov 22 �' a c c t svE aP mZrtSn 33 —9—oS c 9�9Zr 33 s�S c o�Gm x U RP U �° ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae a° S ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae s 5 0 � 5 S S a o S a ffi o ci a � � ci a 7 7 F a� �a G G 9a+ za5 za s 5 s 5 � „ a 3 a 3 ni ni m m o o A _ o o a Gov "c c� �1 �o % Gov �9 22 �' a v v c o = ob o S Es aP m -A v Q .SOFO.��FF m Q.SOFO.��FF m o5amo�Gm x U � U _ C °, �° ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae a° S ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae E 5 S 5 S s s s s s s a a ffi o ci a � � ci a 7 7 ___ z7a z7a F a� �a c G 9a+ zw5 za s 5 s 5 � „ a 3 a 3 ni ni m o A E o o _ v = E IE c o c S E a o x _.g m Lv S c .s .s > E m �', 'o m Lv s ° °�j} m = `° u�' t 3 o a�P mZrtSn 9��9Zr� svE 33 -9- �o��S c 33 v Q.SOF O.� �F F lo lo 1 m oil mm m �C7�m a mm m v: C U _ � U �' -' e3 =9 o � � a P �,�� 9 a d sa A' a � H o�am x mRp U U m m m w \� }�! \ \ } - � \\ k _ k J \ % / \\\ \/\\ \ \ /` /` k° ° : � ° - } 2 = � } » } / ) ) ; ) � ) ( } ) ) ) ) } ) / � 6 ° 3 \ � \ \ \ \ \ \ ƒ ƒ ( \ ƒ } )) � ƒƒ \ \ \ \ \ ! ) \ { ( ) \ � \ \ _ \ � \ \ �) ® )j \\} \§ s[« ® \ - \ - } %) )f ; ; %I/ §` &�« i\ \ \ / [ : [ = f � ) } » � \ ) f / / } } \ \ } \ \ \ i / \ � \ � § ; Russell Gap: MY2 Stream Station Photo -Points PP-1: Reach 13, view upstream Station 10+20. (Anril 1 q 9091) (April 15, 2021) k4l_ 4�. �• z b tooi , PP-5: Reach 14, view upstream Station 15+00. (April 15, 2021) PP-2: Reach 14, view upstream toward Reach 13 at Station ll�dq, (Anril I 9091) (April 15, 2021) 11 v.1`�uy111(April 15, 2021) �u�1V111V I vv� Russell Gap: MY2 Stream Station Photo -Points YY-"/: Reach 1, view upstream, at Station lU+LU. (April 15, 2021) PP-9: Keach 1, view upstream at Mation 15+UU. (April 15, 2021) YY-11: xeacn 1, view upstream at Jtatlon ZU+uu. (April 15, 2021) YY-8: Reach 1, view upstream Reach 1 at Station 13+00. (April 15, 2021) YY-lU: Reach 1, view upstream at Station 11+G5. (April 15, 2021) YY-1Z: xeacn 1, view downstream at Jtatlon ZU+uu. (April 15, 2021) Russell Gap: MY2 Stream Station Photo -Points YY-13: Reach 1, view upstream at Station zU+'/5. (April 15, 2021) YY-15: Reach 1, view upstream at Mation ZI+5U. (April 15, 2021) PP-17: Reach 1, view upstream at Station 24+20. (April 15, 2021) YY-14: Reach 1, view downstream at Mation LU+'/5. (April 15, 2021) YY-16: Reach 1, contluence of Reach 1 and Reach 11 at Station 22+75. (April 15, 2021) YY-16: xeacn 1, view of upstream at Jtatlon Zi+uu. (April 15, 2021) Russell Gap: MY2 Stream Station Photo -Points YY-19: Reach 1, view upstream Reach 12 at Mation 29+1U. (April 15, 2021) YY-Z1: Reach 11, view upstream at Station lU+ZU. (April 15, 2021) ee-z3: xeacn 11, view upstream at �!,tauon i z+ t D. (April 15, 2021) YY-ZU: Reach 1, view upstream at Mation 29+ZU. (April 15, 2021) YY-ZZ: Reach 11, view upstream at Mation 11+5U. (April 15, 2021) YY-Z4: xeacn 11, view upstream at Jtanon 14+5U. (April 15, 2021) Russell Gap: MY2 Stream Station Photo -Points PP-25: Reach 10A, view upstream at Station 10+50 (April 15, 2021) YY-2l: Reach lUA, view upstream at Station 1J+15. (April 15, 2021) ee-zy: xeacn 5, view upstream at station i i+uu. (April 15, 2021) YY-Z6: Reach WA, view upstream at Station 12+5U. (April 15, 2021) YY-M: Reach Iw, view upstream at Station 14+5U. (April 15, 2021) YY-3U: xeacn b, view upstream at Jtatlon 14+5U. (April 15, 2021) Russell Gap: MY2 Stream Station Photo -Points rr-3i: xeacn it, view upstream at station ii+uu. (April 15, 2021) rr-33: xeacn n, view upstream at -3tation iy+5u. (April 15, 2021) rr-3a: iwacii io, view upstream at 3tauou iu+l7u. (April 15, 2021) PP-32: Reach 6, view upstream at Station 17+50. (April 15, 2021) PP-34: Reach 18, view upstream at Station 12+00. (April 15, 2021) rr-317: iwacii I A, view upsu'eaIu at 3tatiuu Gu+uu. (April 15, 2021) Russell Gap: MY2 Stream Station Photo -Points rr-JI: 1[edcll ID, view Upsueaul aL 3miuI1 G1+IJ. (April 15, 2021) rr-Jy: nedcll ID, View UPNLIed111 dL JLdUUII GG+GJ. (April 15, 2021) rr -`i 1. 1\CdUll GU, VIUW UPMIUdul dL 3LClUUII -LUtOU. (April 15, 2021) rr-Ja: I-eacI1I13, view UUVVIISLI-ealll dL JLdUUII GG+UU. (April 15, 2021) rr-4U. nedcll ID, View UPNLIed111 dL JLdUUII GJ+JU. (April 15, 2021) rr-'3G. IXUdl.11 GU, VIUW UPAUedul dL JLd LlUll 11tJU. (April 15, 2021) Russell Gap: MY2 Stream Station Photo -Points 1 r -Yj. 1"ca"11 10, VIVVV UNaLlcalll aL OLauVll (April 15, 2021) PP-45: Reach 19, view upstream at Station 12+80. (April 15, 2021) 11 -,I . 1\ aUl 10, VIGVV UFaUGUlll UL JML1V11VIOTUV. (April 15, 2021) r r -YY. 1Vcacu 10, V1cvV UNaucalll aL .3LauV11 1lto�. (April 15, 2021) 11 -YV. Iwau11 10, Vlc VV Ufj3L1Ga111 aL OwUVll 10TLV. 11 -,U. 1\GUl.11 I—, VIUVV UFaUUU111 UL JLUUVll —XV. (April 15, 2021) Russell Gap: MY2 Stream Station Photo -Points r r -Yu. lmcauu 111, V1cVV uumnucalll aL nauuli c,Ytuu. (April 15, 2021) l l -Jl. l�cacll c.c.r-1, vlcvv uNaucaul al .�I.auull luTuu. (April 15, 2021) 11 -JJ. 1\I.— I—, VIUVV UtJaUGUlll UL JLUUVll O—VV. (April 15, 2021) I I -JV. 1\cal.11 111, ulc VV Up3 caul aL JLQLlull GJtf-J. (April 15, 2021) 11 -JL. 1\cal.11 LLC'1, Vlc Vv ul Upaucalll al JLQLlull 11t1J. (April 15, 2021) PP-54: Reach 25, view upstream at Station 10+10. (April 15, 2021) Russell Gap: MY2 Stream Station Photo -Points (April 15, 2021) (April 15, 2021) PP-57: Reach 713, view downstream at Station 33+00. PP-58: Reach 7B, view upstream at Station 33+20. (April 15, 2021) (April 15, 2021) PP-59: Reach 8, view downstream at Station 34+00. PP-60: Reach 8, view upstream at Station 37+00. (April 15, 2021) (April 15, 2021) Russell Gap: MY2 Stream Station Photo -Points PP-61: Reach 8, view upstream at Station 38+00. PP-62: Reach 9, view upstream at Station 39+20. (April 15, 2021) (April 15, 2021) PP-63: Reach 9, view upstream at Station 41+00. PP-64: Reach 9, view upstream at Station 42+00. (April 15, 2021) (April 15, 2021) PP-65: Reach 4A, view upstream at Station 13+00. PP-66: Reach 26, view upstream at Station 11+00. (April 15, 2021) (April 15, 2021) Russell Gap: MY2 Stream Station Photo -Points PP-67: Reach 4, view upstream at Station 11+10. PP-68: Reach 4, view upstream at Station 12+00. (April 15, 2021) (April 15, 2021) PP-69: Reach 27, view upstream at Station 11+60. PP-70: Reach 4, view upstream at Station 15+00. (April 15, 2021) (April 15, 2021) PP-71: Reach 4, view upstream at Station 16+10. PP-72: Reach 4, view upstream at Station 19+00. (April 15, 2021) (April 15, 2021) Russell Gap: MY2 Stream Station Photo -Points YY-YJ: Reach 15, view upstream at Station 11+UU. YY-75: Reach 4, view upstream at Mation 23+LU. (April 15, 2021) YY-YY: Reach 4, view upstream at Station 28+3U. (April 15, 2021) YY-'14: Reach 15, view upstream at Station 1:3+UU. (April 15, 2021) PP-76: Reach 4, view upstream at Station 25+00. (April 15, 2021) YY-M: Reach 4, view upstream at Station 28+UU. (April 15, 2021) Russell Gap: MY2 Stream Station Photo -Points YY-'19: Reach 4, view upstream at Station 3Z+UU. (April 15, 2021) PP-81: Reach 3, view upstream at Station 36+40. (April 15, 2021) YY-8U: Reach 3, view upstream at Station 33+00. (April 15, 2021) MY2 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Russell Gap - DMS Project #100003 Photo 1. Vegetation Plot 1 - (October 26, 2021) Photo 3. Vegetation Plot 3 - (October 26, 2021) Photo 2. Vegetation Plot 2 - (October 26, 2021). Photo 4. Vegetation Plot 4 - (October 26, 2021). Photo 5. Vegetation Plot 5- (October 26, 2021). Photo 6. Vegetation Plot 6- (October 26, 2021). MY2 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Russell Gap - DMS Project #100003 Photo 7. Vegetation Plot 7 - (October 26, 2021) Photo 9. Vegetation Plot 9 - (October 26, 2021) Photo 8. Vegetation Plot 8 - (October 26, 2021). Photo 10. Vegetation Plot 10 - (October 26, 2021). Photo 11. Vegetation Plot 11 - (October 26, 2021). Photo 12. Vegetation Plot 12 - (October 26, 2021). MY2 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Russell Gap - DMS Project #100003 Photo 13. Vegetation Plot 13 - (October 26, 2021) Photo 15. Vegetation Plot 15 - (October 26, 2021) Photo 14. Vegetation Plot 14 - (October 26, 2021). Photo 16. Vegetation Plot 16 - (October 26, 2021). Photo 17. Vegetation Plot 17 - (October 19, 2021). Photo 18. Vegetation Plot 18 - (October 19, 2021). MY2 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Russell Gap - DMS Project #100003 Photo 19. Vegetation Plot 19 - (October 19, 2021) Photo 21. Random Vegetation Plot 1- (July 30, 2021) Photo 20. Vegetation Plot 20 - (October 26, 2021). Photo 22. Random Vegetation Plot 2 - (July 30, 2021). Photo 23. Random Vegetation Plot 3 - (July 30, 2021) Photo 24. Random Vegetation Plot 4 - (October 26, 2021). MY2 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Russell Gap - DMS Project #100003 i� •� a .. .'.�:.i - �� �ti: - Photo 25. Random Vegetation Plot 5 - (October 26, 2021). Photo 27. Random Vegetation Plot 7 - (October 19, 2021) Photo 26. Random Vegetation Plot 6 (Transect) - (October 26, 2021). Photo 28. Random Vegetation Plot 8 - (October 19, 2021). Photo 29. Random Vegetation Plot 9 - (October 26, 2021). Russell Gap MY2 Monitoring Gauges and Overbank Photographs Monitoring Well 1. (October 19, 2021) Monitoring Well 3. (October 19, 2021) Monitoring Well 5. (October 19, 2021) Monitoring Well 2. (October 19, 2021) Monitoring Well 4. (October 19, 2021) Monitoring Well 6. (October 19, 2021) Russell Gap MY2 Monitoring Gauges and Overbank Photographs Monitoring Well 7. (October 19, 2021) Monitoring Well 9. (October 19, 2021) Monitoring Well 11. (October 19, 2021) Monitoring Well 8. (October 19, 2021) Monitoring Well 10. (October 19, 2021) Monitoring Well 12. (October 19, 2021) Russell Gap MY2Monitoring Gauges and Ovra\Photographs . m« °�- /^� - .A ( \- %1� . »J Flow Gag t Reach 11. (March 18,2021) Flow Gag 3 Reach 14.(MJc 1$2021) Flow Gag & Reach 13. (Marc !% 2021) Flom Gag % Reach 20. (Marc !$ 2021) Flow Gag % Reach 19. (March 18, 2 2/ Crest Gauge IReach t(October !%2021) Russell Gap MY2 Monitoring Gauges and Overbank Photographs Crest Gauge 1 R1. Crest Gauge 3 R4. BKF reading at 7.5 inches and 20.5 inches (June 14, 2021) Crest Gauge 4 R6. (October 19, 2021) Crest Gauge 2 R9. (October 19, 2021) Crest Gauge 3 R4. (October 19, 2021) APPENDIX C Vegetation Plot Data �o 7779 E a E E y E E c E E- I I II IIIII ...... .... APPENDIX D Stream Geomorphology Data Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 1 Year 2 Survey Collected: September 2021 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle I C 1 17.6 1 14.5 1.2 1.96 12.0 1.1 5.2 1282.60 1282.95 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 1, Cross -Section 1 1285 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1284 F 283 ...,----------------------- As -built w 282 MY1 MY2 o- BKF 1281 DMS BKF=1282.68' ---o-- MY2 BKF TWG=1280.72' ---o--- Floodprone 1280 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Station (ft) Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1282.68 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DIMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 2 Year 2 Survey Collected: September 2021 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF BKF Max BKF LTOB Feature T e BKF Area Width Depth De th W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev Elev Pool 22.6 16.1 1 1.4 2.0 1 11.5 1282.20 1 1282.40 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 1, Cross -Section 2 1285 1284 w 1283 r_ 0 M 1282 m w 1281 As -built MY1 o MY2 ---&-- BKF 1280 MY2 BKF ---&-- Floodprone 1279 ' 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station (ft) 60 70 MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 3 Year Survey Collected: September 2021 PON03031411-09,, V.; Looking at the ;Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF BKF Max BKF I LTOB Feature Type BKF Area Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev Elev Riffle C 22.2 17.4 1.3 2.4 1 13.7 1.0 4.7 1274.60 1 1274.60 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 1, Cross -Section 3 1278 1277-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o 1276 0 1275 y As -built w 1274 MY1 1273 +MY2 o- BKF DIMS BKF= 1274.51' 1272 MY2 BKF TWG = 1280.72' 1271 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 Station (ft) Note: ver UMJAK I request, DanK nelgnt ratio Tor myz nas peen caicuiateo using Tne DanKTWI elevation oT -I Z /4.b-I as oetermineo Trom Tne as -Duet bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 4 Year 2 Survey Collected: September 2021 Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elevliid Pool 34.1 14.1 2.4 3.9 5.8 --- 1274.00 1277 -------------------- 1276 1275 1274 c 0 w 1273 m w 1272 1271 1270 1269 0.00 10.00 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 1, Cross -Section 4 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 Station (ft) MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 5 Year 2 Survey Collected: October 2021 f y boo 0o ing a he Lett an c Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle C 38.1 19.6 1.9 2.7 1 10.1 1.1 3 1223.70 1224.18 1229 1228 1227 E 1226 c .21225 76 1224 w 1223 1222 1221 1220 0 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 3, Cross -Section 5 10 20 30 40 50 Station (ft) Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. 60 1223.82 as 70 80 MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 6 Year 2 Survey Collected: October 2021 Looking at the Left Bank Stream BKF BKF Max BKF LTOB Feature T e BKF Area Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev Elev Riffle B 25.3 13.7 1.8 3.0 1 7.4 0.90 1.6 1248.70 1248.40 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 4, Cross -Section 6 1256 1255 1254 1253 1252 c .2 1251 1250 w 1249 1248 1247 1246 1245 DIMS BKF = 1248.45' TWG = 1245.72' 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Station (ft) Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1248.45 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 7 Year 2 Survey Collected: October 2021 Feature Stream I Type BKF Area BKF I Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev 1 Riffle I B 1 25.4 1 14.9 1.7 2.6 1 8.8 0.90 2 1242.75 1242.50 1249 1248—�- 1247 1246 1245 0 is 1244 m w 1243 1242 1241 1 DIMS BI<F = 1242.57' 1240 TWG = 1240.16' 1239 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 4, Cross -Section 7 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Station (ft) Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1242.57 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 8 Year 2 Survey Collected: October 2021 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Feature Stream I Type BKF Area BKF I Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle I B 1 20.5 1 13.8 1.5 2.8 1 9.4 0.90 2.3 1238.50 1238.50 1245 1244 1243 1242 w r 1241 0 is 1240 m w 1239 1238 1237 1236 1235 0 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 4, Cross -Section 8 IV LU SU 4U 5U bU /U Station (ft) Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1238.62 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 9 Year 2 Survey Collected: October 2021 Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle B 17.9 13.8 1.3 1.9 10.7 0.9 2.8 1236.40 1 1236.67 1243 1242 1241 1240 w r 1239 0 w 1238 m w 1237 1236 1235 DIMS BKF = 1237' TWG = 1234.46' 1234 1233 0 10 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 4, Cross -Section 9 As -built MY1 MY2 o- BKF o- MY2 BKF o--- Floodprone 20 30 40 50 60 70 Station (ft) Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1237 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 10 Year 2 Survey Collected: October 2021 a Tab WIAwy1_- - Y,V-• - at Feature Stream I Type BKF Area BKF I Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle I B 1 20.2 1 12.2 1.7 2.5 7.3 1.0 2.6 1231.65 1231.70 1237 1236 1235 y 1234 01233 1232 w 1231 1230 DIMS BKF = 1231.6' 1229 TWG = 1229.12' 1228 0 10 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 4, Cross -Section 10 20 30 40 50 60 Station (ft) Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1231.6 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 11 Year 2 Survey Collected: October 2021 Feature Stream I Type BKF Area BKF I Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle I B 1 12.9 1 9.9 1.3 2.0 7.6 1.1 2.4 1229.43 1229.80 1234 1233 _ 1232 1231 0 1230 m w 1229 1228 1227 1226 0 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 4, Cross -Section 11 DIMS BI<F = 1229.7' TWG = 1227.42' 10 20 30 40 50 60 Station (ft) Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1229.7 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 12 Year 2 Survey Collected: September 2021 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Pool 11.0 13.1 0.8 2.0 1 15.6 1300.30 1300.20 1304 1303 w 1302 r_ 0 w 1301 m w 1300 1299 1298 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 6, Cross -Section 12 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Station (ft) MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 13 Year 2 Survey Collected: September 2021 Feature Stream I Type BKF Area BKF I Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle I B 1 8.8 1 7.5 1.2 1.7 1 6.4 1.1 6 1292.40 1292.40 1296 1295 y 1294 c 0 is 1293 m w 1292 1291 1290 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 6, Cross -Section 13 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Station (ft) Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1292.19 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 14 Year 2 Survey Collected: September 2021 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle B 16.4 11.5 1.4 2.4 1 8.0 1.1 4 1259.00 1259.00 1264 1263 1262 1261 c 0 1260 m LL' 1259 1258 1257 1256 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 7b, Cross -Section 14 As -built MY1 MY2 o-- BKF o-- MY2 BKF o-- Floodprone DIMS BKF = 1258.82' TWG = 1290.68' 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Station (ft) Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1258.82 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 15 Year 2 Survey Collected: October 2021 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Pool 13.4 14.6 0.9 2.0 15.8 1252.08 1251.80 MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Looking at the Left Bank Permanent Cross -Section 16 Year 2 Survey Collected: September 2021 Xs1 b rfb �' `- ML �TWW u [ Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Pool -- 1 11.5 11.4 1.0 1.8 1 11.2 1231.10 1231.30 MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 17 Year 2 Survey Collected: September 2021 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle C 14.3 12.9 1.1 2.1 11.7 1.1 6 1230.87 1231.05 1234 1233 i 1232 c 0 is 1231 m w 1230 1229 1228 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 9, Cross -Section 17 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Station (ft) Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1230.87 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 18 Year 2 Survey Collected: September 2021 :Q%'' IL Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Feature Stream I Type BKF Area BKF I Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle I E 1 4.5 1 6.8 0.7 1.1 10.2 1.0 2.2 1301.10 1301.30 1308 1307 1306 i 1305 0 1304 1303 w 1302 1301 DIMS BKF=1301.31' 1300 TWG=1300.04' 1299 0.00 10.00 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 11, Cross -Section 18 20.00 30.00 40.00 Station (ft) As -built MY1 MY2 o--- BKF o--- MY2 BKF o--- Floodprone 50.00 60.00 Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1301.31 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 19 Year 2 Survey Collected: September 2021 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Feature Stream Type JBKFArea BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle B 1 1.8 4.4 0.4 0.6 1 10.9 1.0 2.5 1309.18 1309.30 1315 1314 ^ 1313 0 1312 m w 1311 1310 1309 1308 0 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 13, Cross -Section 19 10 20 30 Station (ft) 40 Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1309.26 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DIMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 20 Year 2 Survey Collected: September 2021 Nat'M Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle B 0.6 3.1 0.2 0.3 1 16.3 1.0 10.3 1272.03 1272.34 Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1272.34 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 21 Year 2 Survey Collected: October 2021 Looking at the Left Bank Feature Stream I Type 1BKFArea BKF Width I BKF Depth I Max BKF Depth W/D I BH Ratio ER BKF Elev I LTOB Elev Riffle I E 6.5 8.6 0.8 1.6 11.4 1.0 3 1281.40 1281.50 1286 1285 1284 ------------------------------- 0 1283 M w 1282 1281 DIMS BKF = 1281.52' 1280 TWG = 1279.76' 1279 -k-- 0.00 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 19, Cross -Section 21 10.00 Station (ft) 20.00 As -built MY1 MY2 o- BKF o-- MY2 BKF o-- Floodprone 30.00 Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1281.52 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 22 Year 2 Survey Collected: September 2021 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Feature Stream I Type BKF Area BKF I Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle I E 1 1.7 1 4.7 0.4 0.7 1 12.8 0.9 2.6 1298.30 1298.30 1304 1303 1302 0 1301 1300 w 1299 1298 � DIMS BKF = 1298.35' TWG = 1297.62' 1297 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 20, Cross -Section 22 0 10 20 30 Station (ft) Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation 1298.35 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 23 Year 2 Survey Collected: September 2021 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank I Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle B 2.0 4.2 0.5 0.7 1 8.9 0.8 1.9 1260.44 1260.44 1267 1266 1265 1264 0 1263 m w 1262 1261 1260 1259 0 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 25, Cross -Section 23 10 20 30 40 50 Station (ft) Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1260.68 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 24 Year 2 Survey Collected: September 2021 Looking at the Left Bank Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle C 3.2 5.7 0.6 1 1.1 10.0 1.0 8 1287.10 1287.10 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 10b, Cross -Section 24 1289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1288 c 2-------------- 1287 As -built a) w MY1 t MY2 1286 --- BKF DMS BKF = 1287.14' TWG = 1285.98' --- MY2 BKF o Floodprone 1285 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station (ft) Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1287.14 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DIMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Permanent Cross -Section 25 Year 2 Survey Collected: September 2021 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Feature Stream I Type BKF Area BKF I Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle I C 1 4.1 1 6.7 0.6 1.2 11.0 1.1 5.7 1272.40 1272.64 1275 1274 1 � O J 1273 F::::) w I 1272 1271 + 0 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 12, Cross -Section 25 10 20 Station (ft) DIMS BKF = 1272.54' TWG = 1271.18' 30 40 50 Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1272.54 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT Figure 4. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlay Looking at the Left Bank Permanent Cross -Section 26 Year 2 Survey Collected: October 2021 Xs?G rtb­�'.,;.. � r Looking at the Right Bank Feature Stream I Type 1BKFArea BKF I Width I BKF Depth I Max BKF Depth W/D I BH Ratio ER BKF Elev LTOB Elev Riffle 1 19.6 14.3 1.4 2.4 10.4 1.0 2.7 1225.39 1225.50 1231 1230 1229 i 1228 0 1227 1226 w 1225 1224 1223 1222 Russell Gap Mitigation Site Reach 2, Cross -Section 26 —As-built MY1 MY2 a• BKF MY2 BKF a--- Floodprone 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station (ft) Note: Per DMS/IRT request, bank height ratio for MY2 has been calculated using the bankfull elevation of 1225.59 as determined from the as -built bankfull area. All other values were calculated using the as -built bankfull elevation. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. RUSSEL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT (DMS #100003) MY2 MONITORING REPORT cq ' o 0 0 0 0 c Op -n 0 0� 0 l� c9 M 0 O 0 0 o o C 6j A d a i. c � ❑ o o 0 0 0 ri 00 0 ri 0 c cj 0 o c 0 b � U en r� i. 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E ❑ o ,,; O i. 61 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 O o o O c 0 o c b � 0 U en M O ` Pr 0 C O O O O O O O A w U ro � m � o � v7 -d o CG •^� o _n c •o as A C9 � c 0 61 c ri 0 0 0 r O immn■ mmmm mmmm immn■ mmmm mmmm immn■ mmmm mmmm immn■ mmmm mmmm no0oo�0�■ i�o0ommn0n i0ms000mnoi noi�nie■ nonm�o0�n nonomo0on n0mnan■ noao0�na0i i�00ennaoi innnn■ nnnnnn nnnnnn innnn■ nnnnnn nnnnnn io0o�is0e■ n0oa0nnoi noomnin0i im0�nni■ i0onno0ovi i000�n00m0i 111119911■ 191919119111 119199909lII 111111111■ IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII 111111111■ IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII 111111111■ IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII 111111111■ IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII 191lIIIII■ 1919911911i1 I@i9911099i1 �e'e�vAao� �oe�eeeeeoe� �eaeeBeeean 191lIIl91■ IIII!lllllil IBllil1019i1 III@■1911 II I I■91119911 IIII■6911 II I I■66911111 199@■IIII II I I■11011111 I■IIIIIII IIII■IIII III @IIIII��III IIII■IIII III I■IIIIIII 911111��III I■Ilillll II01■fill II I 111019lllIII IIIIlill II I IIIIIIli,III I■Ilillli 1919■9i91 II I I■19i1111 911911��991 IIII■IIII III I■IIIIIII lIIIII��III IIII■IIII III I■IIIIIII I■IIIIIII IIIIII��III IIII■IIII III lIIIII��III IIII■IIII III I■IIIIIII lIIIII��III I■IIIIIII 1119■1911 II I 9111@I�,lII i■o'm000� iaoo�oaoi �� i ��0o�0■■aoi I!I!■IIII II I 119111lllIII I■IIlIIII APPENDIX E Hydrologic Data Table 10. Verification of Bankfull Events Russell Gap Stream Mitigation Project - NCDMS Project No. 100003 Date of Data Collection RI Manual Cork Crest Gauge #1 R9 Manual Cork Crest Gauge #2 R4 Manual Cork Crest Gauge #3 R6 Manual Cork Crest Gauge #4 Date of Bankfull Event Occurrence Method of Data Collection Year 1 Monitoring (2020) 6/1/2020 NA NA 1.25 ft. NA 5/28/2020 Manual cork measurement 11/5/2020 1.5 ft. NA 2.5 ft NA 10/30/2020 Manual cork measurement Year 2 Monitoring (2021) 6/14/2021 7.5 inches and 20.5 inches 3/25/2021 and 5/3/2021 Manual cork measurement 10/19/2021 1.1 ft. 10/7/2021 Manual cork measurement Now Manual cork crest gauge readings were corroborated with associated spikes in the automated Continuous Stage Recorder (see graph in Appendix E) and/or with photographs (Appendix B). MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT RUSSELL GAP STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT QMS PROJECT NO. 100003) m o K I I m UJ I W UJ I N O N I I N N � N N N N N O N N O � N N O N W N N C) CD N co N Cn N v o 0 N fa O � m 0 0 0 0 m o Q O K m UJ I W UJ I N 0 I I N n N CV N O � N n N N N O N N N \ O N � N N O N co N _ N p N N co a, O cq cq O N O m (� 4-0C CO y N _ N OC) o N � N N p �,�^^ p M co V = N O L L O 75 ^m W � V m N N N tV V V N CV N N LO N o0 0 m 0 0 0 0 m o Q O d m UJ I W UJ I O I I N n N N N � O N n N N N O N N_ \ � N O N N N O N co N m N O N M co rn O m cq 77 O 'L Co Co 0 ry y0 O ui o Q N O O O m 0 0 0 0 m o N 4J 4J � 4J K m UJ I W UJ I O I I I I N n N � O N n N N N O N N_ \ N O � N N N O N co N N O O N r N co O N O N I. fi N co = O> CO ,m N O ?� o 0 CC ui M N N� Q0 ^M O m o a O d m UJ I W UJ I N n N N � N O N n N N N O N N_ \ � N O N N N O N co N N � O N LO`V co O cq N O _ N _ m N �.�/ O �L m W (� 0 �1A� y Y / �O O N O N O I. fi M M CO W O N CV O Zn �n _ N N _ O N O N I s a m C7 GJ N O N O bD C N LO L 0 N N O C7 m 0 0 0 0 m o K m UJ I W UJ I O I I I I N n N � CV O N n N N N O N N � O N � N N O N W N N O co 0 � � N O — 0 m 0 0 0 0 m o K m UJ I W UJ I O I I N n N N � N O N n N N N O N N_ \ � N O N N N O N co N N � O N co 6, O cq O N .(a _ � N N �L co (� 0 o > m 0 0 0 0 m o 00 a d m UJ I W UJ I O I I I I N n N CV N p � N n N N N O N N� � O N � N N O N W N N p r cq co CO 0 rn N io �co _ m 0 CO (� �� y N 0 ON O m 0 0 0 0 m o a d m UJ I W UJ I O I I I I N n N N CV p � N n N N N O N N \ O N � N N O N co N N O r cq CO 0 rn N _ � = o N W O N L co (� 0 ry ci IQ m 0 0 0 0 m O O K m UJ I W UJ I O I I I I N n N N O N n N N N O N N \ � N O N N N O N W N N O m N O co N N O N N O N •CC _ N co L O �\ r ^m V 4 O a) O o ui N OM N (n ID O M W W O ^ O m O N N _ O N LL/ N O N s a m C7 N N pp C NO LO O N L 0 N LO r N C0 G C f6 y O N O N O O O O CDLO O LO O LO O �n O N O N M N N N bD W (ui) lie;uieb (ui) jolempunoig of yidoo 0 m 1D ti > O N IQ O � _ O � N O \ QO O ti � O N O pp N N o Up O � O Q C7 Z O w \ C7 Z o0 N of C7 m 0 0 0 0 m K m UJ I W UJ I O I I I I N n N N CV p � N n N N N O N N � N O N N O N co N N p N O a, cq O , N 00 N W v>� L m 0 0 0 0 m N Q O N 4J 4J � 4J K m UJ I W UJ I O I I I I N n N N O N n N N N O N N \ O N � N N O N W N N O N co N O cq O , N N W O m 0 0 0 0 �000 i ■III 0 ■III N O N 0 N I� N N p �v7 N N O N N � N W N O N p N co N O 67 � N O � r N zt a+ rL w N J C L- O 0 O Ln m Cj +o Q C O Z4 N r " N N J C LL O 0 V CL � 0 C7 LL J ~ N V) Ci � C W O O � J LL � C Ur I V) 0 cI W N O U w O w 2 00 Z Q � uU NO N V) U N N O N r w it V N O N (•ij) yjdaa aaleM aaejanS cn O O O O O Z H U w_ O a V) 0 U U Z U — w w a Z w w O C7 (D Q Z Z C7 w H W 0 c a m cO < J C J W J Q N W = oc v) U_ Q V) Lu a N O N 0 N I� N N p �v7 N N O LL LL N 0 N N W N O N p co N N 6LU Q N N O N r a+ n w N m O O O O O Z H U w_ O a 0 U H Z U W z � � w a Z w w O C7 C7 Q Z Z (7 w � H W � c a m cQ � J C J W J Q N W U Q V) N O N 0 N I� N N p �v7 N N O N N O O UU��cSypd`w + 0iT \vNNONONONN_NONON'7 �LCLI LLJUr \�n On oO O0 co rtw N J O W NON O M O N U w N N ^ c � O O Q MCL O wN0 UOO� Urn N N O O NLO Z-a a)0v .5i N o O a) 't O O C LO U 0�NpN�N�rNMNNNON0 UN N Eom NON O O O N N M O O O O O O NO Ilejuieb (,Ij) yjdaa aa;eM aaejanS cp m O O O O O Z H U w_ O o_ 0 U U Z w z � � w a Z w w O Z_ oC � C7 C7 Q Z Z (7 w E p w � � O_ m cQ � J C J W J Q N W U Q V) m O O O O O Z H U w_ O o_ 0 U U Z w z � � w a Z w w O Z_ oC � C7 C7 Q Z Z (7 w E p w � � O_ m cQ � J C J W J Q N W U Q V) N O N O I� N O M N N N O N O N N N L2 N O N O N N co N O � (V ON N N O • • • f� t v m O O O O O Z U W_ O O_ cLn G 0 U H Z U w w a Z w w O Z_ oC C7 C7 Q Z Z C7 w E cp W ti ;.cz � N 67 O CO � N 67 O sir � � M N A i i � M � N 7 y O U O O �--i N C\j N O O O O O O cz N a, O N O N N N M N M N M N N N N U S w cz 4, O G, O N y w N O y ro ro "' rA o N 67 N O.q ucc O d O C ro ~y O cc ro Co CU a' U N 3 ° 3 I a C �y N Q w ro ro 03 M v `n � 3 •� ro � a oz � N M ro ❑ o U u O N •�' V3 N U •O C � � u cnLr a I, M O O O O 3 c O Oli O c p w N O� M N d" CA ti 00 M ro ro w p N ` 3 ^' O O O O O O ❑ O W O O M co co o 7 a ro L" N N N N N w w j"TfCi a 0 N v N 6, icy N m Q a' N M d" in c c ro � 10 11) �I W I-4 W I-4 Uj (d id vim] IU U h y U ci Z CL a wLU Z Z O � a z � W L W Y � a a m � J J W J a W 2 of ULn _ Note: Historic average annual rainfall for Alexander County, NC is 56.11 inches, while the observed project rainfall recorded a total of 64.44 inches over the previous 12 months (Oct. 2020 - Oct. 2021). Project rainfall data was collected from the NC-CRONOS station TAYL. APPENDIX F IRT Meeting Minutes INTERNATIONAL Meeting Minutes Russell Gap Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project ID. 100003 DWR #20150416 INC DEQ Contract# 6980 USACE Action ID: SAW-2017-00826 Catawba River Basin: 03050101-120010 Date Prepared: July 1, 2021 Meeting Date, Time, June 23, 2021, 12:30 PM Location: On -site (Alexander County, NC) USACE —Todd Tugwel1, Kim Browning, Casey Haywood DEQ - Erin Davis Attendees: DMS — Matthew Reid, Melonie Allen, Paul Wiesner NCWRC —Olivia Munzer Michael Baker International (MBI) — Scott King, Katie McKeithan, Jason York Subject: IRT Credit Release Site Visit Recorded By: Jason York An on -site meeting was held on June 23rd, 2021 at 12:30 PM to review the as -built conditions for the Russell Gap stream mitigation project (Full Delivery) in Alexander County, NC. The purpose of the meeting was to inspect the as -built and MY1 (2020) conditions on the site as part of the IRT credit release process. Participants met at the railcar bridge crossing on Reach 1 and then inspected tributaries R11, R13, and R14 (see attached Project Asset Map for reference and reach labels). The channel and wetlands were then inspected on the lower half of R1. The group continued to the southern portion of the project and walked south along the farm road to R17 and walked back downstream in the easement along R6 and R7a. Participants then inspected the culvert at the head of R9 and the lower third of R4 paralleling Mt. Olive Church Rd and observed a structural repair at the confluence of R15 and R4. Next, the group drove up Mt. Olive Church road northeast to R4a and R26 where the lack of a marked easement boundary was discussed. Lastly, participants reviewed the concerns of the IRT and possible strategies to correct for existing and potential issues. Generally, the site is looking good for MY2 and much will be determined in future monitoring years depending on the success of vegetation and proper maintenance. Below is a list of notes and comments that were discussed at the walk-through: Summary Notes and Comments: • A culverted crossing on R1 was replaced with a railcar bridge after sustaining damage during heavy rains from tropical storms in late November 2020 (after MY1 reporting). This repair/installation was inspected and approved by all present. • Low flow was noted in the lower half of R11. Flow was visible at the location of mid -reach flow gauge and at the top of the reach. USACE staff suggested re -locating the flow gauge to the upper third of the reach. A sink hole in the right floodplain was filled during maintenance and the repair looks good. Additionally, the outer bend upstream of the confluence of R11 and R1 has some bank erosion that threatens to impact the alignment and hydrology of R11. Strategies to prevent this from happening were discussed. This problem area was damaged when the culvert on R1 failed during flooding in November 2020. We do not anticipate future erosion on R1 that will impact or change the alignment of R11 following the installation of the railcar bridge where the failed culvert was previously located. Live staking and manual repairs will be done to stabilize the outer bend of R1 upstream of the R11 confluence. This area will be discussed in the MY2 monitoring report. • Erin Davis from NCDWR observed a steep slope with little vegetation on the left bank of R14. This area will need to be re -seeded and stabilized. Kim Browning from the USACE and Erin Davis from NCDWR expressed concern about the impact dense populations of Juncus spp. may have on the density, diversity, and vigor of planted vegetation. These rushes are widespread in the R1 floodplain. MBI staff noted that the presence of Juncus likely minimized damage to the banks and floodplain and agreed to monitor the success of other vegetation in these locations. All wetlands on the R1 floodplain are functional. One auger test in a small area of low -growing vegetation revealed a small pocket of non-hydric soil near wetland well #7; however, it was determined in the field to be a minor spot of ditch filling (as clearly observable on old aerials) and additional pulls were hydric. All of the site's groundwater wells met the established hydrology success criteria in MY1 (2020). • R17 should be monitored to make sure it does not become more like a wetland area. The head of the culvert should be protected to ensure the stream continues to flow through the pipe. Erin Davis suggested that the tops of R17 and R18 culverts be inspected and fenced out to eliminate livestock access and potential sediment and nutrient inputs into the project. It should be noted that this area is outside of the conservation easement; however, MBI will discuss with the landowner. • CE signs were not hung on fence posts on site. This is a requirement and must be completed before credit will be released. MBI staff agreed that this was an oversight and plan to install all necessary signage as soon as possible. Photos of the installed conservation easement signage will be forwarded to DMS for review and approval. Upon receipt, DMS will request release of the MY1 (2020) project credits as proposed. • The culvert between the bottom of R8 and the head of R9 should be monitored for piping. • The structural repair at the confluence of R15 and R4 looked good. • R26 was missing CE signs and posts along the right bank. This area is not active pasture therefore fencing is not required; however, the easement boundary must still be clearly marked. No encroachments on the easement were noted despite the lack of signage. • The R26 portion of the easement should contain a "random" vegetation plot or transect during MY2. The invasive Princess tree, Pawlonia tomentosa, was observed along with other scattered invasive plants. This area should be treated in MY2. • Areas of bank erosion were noticed at the bottom of R4a which is an Enhancement I reach. Manual repairs and live staking will be completed to stabilize the banks and this location will be monitored for further damage during MY2 and included in the monitoring report. • Scattered populations of invasive vegetation were noted around the site. Multiflora rose, Privet, Honeysuckle, and Princess Tree were all observed and will be treated with herbicide in MY2. • DIMS staff requested that some survey pins be uncovered and photographed to confirm their installation in required locations. These photos will be sent to DIMS along with photo documentation of the installation of easement markers and posts where needed. Jason York, Environmental Scientist /-- �Z� Jason.york@mbakerintl.com 828-380-0118