HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-00941_Well Construction - GW1_20220107 Feb 1519 05:43p Clearwater Well Drilling 828-622-7241 p,1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For In(emai Use Only: 1, cltl`,ontraetnrin ormation: ' �K W TER ZONES tt)cli Contractor Name FRO." TO DES RlrrtoN ell Cnntradnr Certification Numl+q Al -11,QIITRR CA ING ter mntli arced wells OR LIVER Ua Tieeb[e ,'nv� FROM TO DIAMETLR flfICfCN 3 MATERIAL Vlm)Cn;npnnv Name _ ft, fa t in. °l (� �' 1 16.INNER CASING OR 7Y►RING thormal etmN4ac Z.Well Construction Permit#: ` ( �J L-i `• o>t To nrAMLTt7t rnICKNtss MAT>rtuAL i,i.ct all npplic»,91c well ctuaanrctimr permits(l.e.l/1I:.CnrrMy,Sla1c,turiane e,ct.} Et. iL In. 3.IV Jl I(Se(check well use): 1t. B. Water Supply Well: i7.SCRBEN Mom TO DIAtrtliTF9i SLOTS= THICKNns MA7'MAL Agricultural �Memicipal/Puhkic 0R. ft- Geothermal(ticating(Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) ft. Industrial/Commercial LJ Residential Water Supply(shared) M GROAT Irrlantion Ttil-10—K TO MA tAL EMPLANonWnter Supply Well: monitoring Recovery it. ft. injection Wc11: - - ft. R. Aquifer Recberge E30roundwater Remediatinn Ig_SAND/GRAVEL PACK Ifa liable !Aquifer Storage and Rccovcr)' E)3alinity Barrier PROM I To I MATERIAL I otPLACEMENTMLTIrOn AquifcrTcst [3StnnnwatcrDrainage R_ n- Lxperimental Tectmology 13Suhsidence Control a. R. Geothermal(Closed Loop) [3Tracet 20.DRILLING LOG attach additionalrtltoels feacesaa +FROM TO DESCRIPTION lciibr.hrrdam,wits—k1 rAFiskp ded RGeothermal(Mcatin onBrip Realm) Other(explain under#21 Rermt,") / hi ft- (L A,DateWdl(s)Completed: WcI11Ds/ ft. M (t. lie WellLoriltion Q lacilitl?fAtincrlLartn Facility Elm fapplicahlr.) ILi';•= )_ 5 A&C" ( R. fir sir d AdAres<�Cyty,aitd 7. 1 ft ,If,-T`TZ1` Zl.fii;MARKB - Cou111Y Parcel Mernification No.(PfNi — -- 51).Latitude and longitude in degreeslminttleslsecendsordccimal degrees: 0'I well(dd,one latgnng is iti firicntj 6.Is(are)the well(s)l;�Permnnent or DTemporary Sig rut atcortiri d we contnivier Dme riv.utming rhts.;%,rm,I herrhv vellify that!he nv:U(s)rear(won)emstmaed tit aeaud'"Ce 7.is Miss repair to an existing well: Oyes or o via;l.fA.tit.''AC.'02C AIM nr 15A NCAC 02C.0100 Well<".nrlraninir 3tatdlmd mitt Am tr 1,t'Utn is o repo ic•r'Il oatlnm unm wn 1L ll.!oacurny Ofarmaliwrarn sprain the Beane rr(tha eapD nfthlt rereird har hftwproilded In dal well mwier. r.-!.wir under 621 rcma»un scrtlen or in,I(r0 dark afthta frirni. 2.3.Site diagram Or AddldDrinl tTY:II details: R.Pnr GeoprobetOPT or C.Insed-lAnp Geothermal Wells having the same Vou may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well w.risttrrction,only I CTW-1 is needed. fridicate TOTAL NUMBER orwclls oxistructiondetails. You may also attach additional pages ifneeessaly, drilled, ___.._. �VJ _ ) 1� iTTAI,1NgYRLICTTONS 9,lrotal well depth below land Surface. ( ma. rer,An_Wtus: SuhMh this form within 30 days of completion of well !%nr mnhiplc wr/Lc Utt a1i d rpllcs ifdiiffin r(rsamplc-_@100'mtd 2 a 100) construction to the following: in,Static water level below top of easing: (ft.) Division of Water Re_wtttrecs.Information Processing Unit, !(wah r luTe.ls.rhiry caring,rru 'I 1617 M24 Service Center,Raleigh.NC276"-1617 1I-%reholcdiameter: / (in.) 241b.For Iniectign Wdis: In addition to sending the form to the oddym in 24a 12 Well construction metb0d: (,(i! a1mve,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: 0 e.edge,rotary.cahk,direst pits[,,etc,) FOR WATER St:PPLIt�LLS()NLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, igh,i 1636 Mail Service Center,Ratc NC 2704-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method or test: 24c, &r Water SunWv&[ejection Well In addition to sanding the farm to the address(es) above. also submit one copy of this fort within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well crtrsstsuction to the county health department of the county whore constnrcted. Ilona M.I North Carolina rpnrtment of lin0ranmxtnt Onality-Diukinn of Water RoeourceA Rrvisat 2-22-2616