HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-00932_Well Construction - GW1_20220107 Feb 1519 05:43p Clearwatet•Well Drilling 828-622-7241 P.1 WELL C011TM�,7CTION RECORD(GW-11 Par Internal Use Only: 1,Wc1 Conn•atlar information: ►es.i� ��1 1 - 14.WATERLUNES iVcll Colinclor Name raovt Tn ntt s urrtoN Well Cnnrtagor Certification Nttmler 19.OUTER CASING for motli•cssed wells OR LNEA(ifanftfte Intom I M DIAt1 MR TUICKNESS MATERIAL i ft, I n. Company Namc (( ���^� 1� -16.WNEAt C DNG OR TURING thermal clored•too 2.Well Construction Permit#: 00WOt 1 + Os 1 a fqm." I TO IMMETER I TarcrcNEss MATERIAL i.Lct all q/yiirnh/e well cnnrtrnalon fxrrmirr(i.e.rllr Cnnn/y,.Hole,Yrtrigncc,cu.J EL (L. in. 3-WMI USe(check well use): it. ft. tn• WiterSapply Wet: 17.SCRBSN AgriCUlhlfal FROM TO DIA SLOTME THICKNESS MATMAL unicipol/Puhlic Q ft, ft. in. Geotherntai(Hcating(Coniing Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) ft. it. in. [ndusirial/Commercial Residrntial Water Supply(shared) I&GROUT Irti^allOn ^PRO O MATERM EMPLACEME!rTM DhA AUNT Non-'*Vnttr Supply Well. t ft. 0 Monitoring Recovery ft. fr. jectto Ad lnn Aquifer Rechar),c E3rroundwatcr Remcdiatinn ft• R. 19,SA NDlGiIAVI'sL PAC loanliable :AquiferStorage and Recovery [3snlinity Barrier PROM TO MNT—M L 6M1-LACEMENTMLTttOn AquitcrTeg ©StnrmwatcrDrainag: '~ ft. Experimental Tec)malogy []Subsidence Control Cicothermal(Closed Loop) [)Trace, 20.DRfLL1NG LOG fistinchadditional eessa fftettc.) Creothcnnal(Hestia oolitKg Rarrrn) Qdter(explain under tY21 Rcmarfks) FROM TO DNtntarma,Wmkt rat"Ktap ft. ft 4.Date Well(s)Completed:AA-m)—L Well IDY ft. -TOD fL S/u.well I.ncati n.. /� �1� ft. ft. �.k�I Ol ' trilih:'flx ertlamc . aeility[DO(ifanplicahir.) ft - fL R, R.UL AN P sirnl Address,Cit ,and lapSECM ft R 2t. MARKS It County Paroel identification No.(PN) i :vvt- 1 sm Sh.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (Oweli rVeld,oonne�llatilog is anificinrt) !f '„2. a fitytti 6.]$(am)the wdl(s)�Permnnent or CI'emporpry :ittnature nECerttricd Well ator Dme By nv Ming rlily;arm,I harry crrrlhr that 1hr twJl(..j awr fwerv)cYm rtuYed to octnrdnncr 7.is this it repair to an existing wet: :1-ees or No adrh LSA Al'AC 02( .OfOU ar 1SA N(.AC 01C.0200 Well C:rnrinrcnnn tilandoriLr emd Am n /;'rhos is a rrpoie,P//mrlkngtvrr uvll.onarvrttnn ir{fgrmotion mrr rr/�Intn the noun•r!fiha tap y of flifr rrcrrrri Aw hem proi4de f to Jhe wCi/mmer. rraoir under t111 remarks scrnnn rw na t/tc hack nffhis jnmr. 2;.Site diagram or additional well derails: R.ror Gcoprohe/DPT or CJnsed-1 onp Geothermal WOU having the some 1'nu may use HIC back of this page to provide additional well site details or we►l Mnsiniction,only i GW-1 is needed. indicate TOTAL.NUMBER oracils construction details. You may also attach additional pages if riocessary. 9-TAtat well dcptlt below land surface: 24a. For AH Wclis: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of'•yell rr,rm,dunleW•ravimqvd.Pulridgar,„rrxapw,-rmmp'ond�+1i1001 consttuctionto the foltowing: Ill,Static water level below top of casing:_ _ (R.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, 1/'s»arfure,Isrrlvrvemving, 1617 Mall Service Center,t12stcigh,NC27649-1617 fi.Borehole diameter.- 1 V -�� (in.) 24b.For Inicerign Wct)s: lit addition to Sending the form to die address in 24a 12.Welt construction method- ��ll� above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well (i c,AM %W faq.a*le,d irei,•t pitsk,ctc.) construction to the following: Division of Water Resources,Underground injection Control Program, FOR WATER Rt,PPI Y WRLI„s ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center•,Raleigh,14C 27699-1636 138.Yield(gptn) Method of test:bo Etc. Ger Wattr Sandy&fnlection Welts: In addition to sanding the form to Me addresses) above, also submit one copy of this font within 30 days of rib.Disinfection type: Amount: completion of%veil construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Vnun GW I North Camlina IDepnntnent of tinvironmental gnality-Aivismn of Water fresourcac Revised 2-22-tat b