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GW1-2022-00931_Well Construction - GW1_20220107
Fob 1519 05,43P Clealwat©r Wall Drilling 828 622-7241 PA X,�ONS�'RT��TIUPI�tEGOR>R{GW a.) JFor interrint Llsc Only- Yvelt0wraeta lnf alion: 4 f�w tiNBS - - TIMN ?o IiSr,„RjlrrlON ,T.Well Col rautx Na+ne ra ff. %W Weil?nCinttme4frVedificcationnN/nmto(•`p�1 rQ `-istKil!'FRC SINts l'orrDul tdwelh OR1.(V$R fite e I AA Do Con,pnny'Namr. r('�1� ^� ..16.1NNBR C rrc ORr.al aaa 1.Well Coaetrnetion Permit 9; \ - D�•JG _ _7A Du •rn MAi Yam[. 00'71,alyrfitwhle welrctmanlerinn pamilr 11.n,UR:.Cmmry,Stele,Yarinner.,c1r.) N• k" _ in" 3.1VCit ILte(Cheek well live): n" to TV a tor SrpplyWell- �117. N T DA ]NATWIFAI. Agricultural tmioipal/Puhiic tl n. -- tt. in. Qeotnetmnl L•lcatitt »H upp ) PA (• B - ( g/CnnH 9 ty eaidcntinl WatcrSn I}• do Ic) Industrial/Commercial Residential Water Supply(shared) IS. Nnn-1RntSr Suppi�r V1'clln -- r-A iloring Reeavery ra tr on Well:ila Rechor$c [irmtndwntcr Rcmcdiatinn - L 1'AfcrStoragcnndftctnvcr} �$tGnityC;ntrirr "»Rota' rqhcr TcetStnnntyal5r I)toinagc -- n Experimental TechnnInp f3Subsideurx C:ontrat n. n. Crcnthermal(Closed I,,p) QTrm:ct RILL, .LOC 16 PROM lY? k r6t eta„_ CrcntGrxrnal(Hcatinr/CoalinR R.ca,rn Other cx tt�i»uttdertf?.1 [tcmnrks) rr;' s ie t,Dare Welt()Completed:_•„•Well IDN tr, rj`('p tt. M l AV, S s� Consffu.c hon u.Wc11 1..nraNn»: � - - -- t�r+ rt. �0 ---- �- M Q�,7yslrnl Addrece•Ci nd2ip ft, tr. - "�•4 1, '' Cauu+y � i'ntxol kkmificntion No.(PiDt) ,-,___-. �-••----..•-. .--.- -._-_'.. 51).I,Rntudc and t(InRltude in dcgroeslmhutteslseenrtds or decimal drL+rcas: - ----------------'•---•--;ram-.� r�, b (i;")?add.one lnMnng is:intiiNent) d + ;!' rtlRrntian: (�li '�l l( J PROCESSING UNF, 6.11(Rrt;)the well(s)0Pcrmnnent or orremporary rgaatnrc nrce-R fitvl 1 ontrnator ONE 1[v•uMinl,•rAh•;ornr,1 herehpcvHlfj!IhOl the 11.41(,)„qr AVOW)rrWtrMYr,1 ru r+cth.4oncr repair to an existing well: Ves or No xdrh l.f t.'WAC.,02C.01AU ar M,4,VCACA?C.rt?t10(Yell(:'r ngrnc7irnrSlawlanft mill rhrrt r: lfrhl�i.,•:,rriaair fi11 rmrknnnn volt"tensrmrlin+,irtfn,mn!lmrmrrlcrpini�r r!„•nnrrn't nfnc� rt'plr r+f1lr!t hr»n!hoc hrtY7 prDfid�Aln rh:wail nwlMr, r.;x+rr rnrdrr CZi remark urmut nr 4nllm Site diagram or lidditional well dtllalis: R.i7-nr CmpruhefillrT or Cinaed-1,»np Geothermnt Welin having the same 1'+tt+ntay u`.me hack of this pant:(o provide additional well site delaik or well ux)nstnrrrinn,enia I GW,1 is needed, Iltdicate TOTAL NUMBER ofurlls cnnstruetino dctails. You may WSO Rttach additional pnges if nocewry. dnu�rt:.,_�:.....------- •-------•-- ;xca�a+i��r.>tn5TS1!crroNs 7.lfatal wcltdeptlt bctttw[Find surface: 1lia, fnrAp Wells: Sllhmit dais farm within 30 dn)s of cornplalian of well 1•�rnrglllpet+rNlslivn!!d.!prlteiffiillcnenr(rrnmph`-d(nlTgtl'mrdSLnl,100') cnnalrlictinnto The following: A 0.Scoor water level 1►e(nir top of eoslog;,,._.,'0 __ (ft.) Division o(Water Relewrei%Information Prot,essiug Unit, ll'Mydrr'Ir:+•e11,•nb.rvd ertcing,oat• 1(,171M1ali Service Center,Raleigh.NC274".11617 t i.ltarchole dlarpCtcr: (- ` - In,) ( zAt/.Tor injection Wella: In additao�tt to sending the fotttr to rite tlddlt*t„)24n t?.1Vrlt rnnstnretlen Method. nbnve,nLso submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of welt (+c,mrac•mtap•.r d.k,dircet - -- coizi etinn m the following: 1=11,ate.) Division of Water Rracurces.underground Ordectton Contra)Program, q WATL R Si'PpT y W)r^1,L5 — 1136 Moil Rervia Center,Ratclg4,NC 27F994ts'3fi 13a.Yield(topaz) Method of test: 2.1r., r r ' t'r S{lp�r ak Fg(gSj)on We ts: In addition to Bonding the(torn to r_ the address(es) above; also submit. one copy of this form willlin 30 days At: ►►isinfectitm type, Amount completion of wdl construction to the county hcalto depnnracrn of the trtunty ` -- �ahnre exrntlnncted. I:nrm(iW . Norsk QnmtenniDcrnnmmlt nret-kdnmrnml C,+aall+y-nivi.vnn of Water nnsnnr¢s Rcoisdl2 h4.2a16 l