HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-00923_Well Construction - GW1_20220107 Feb 151905;43p ClearwaterWell Drilling 828-622-7241 P•1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECOR1�{GW-11 For 1n(cmn1 Use Only: I.WdI.Contrattor Information: I 14.WATER ONES PROM Tn aescRu'rtoN Well Coa mx Name In h ft. NC Well Contractor Certification Numher D I is.OUTER CASING for mold-ased wells OR I.tlIER If a ieebte To DIAMETER TI CKNISS Mug Y,L Company Name 16.INNER CASING Oft TttBINC (berme(closed 2.Well Construction Permit#: iatox I TO I DGMETER I TBtCKNESs I MATERIAL id all applicable we11 crtrxvtntctiott pa milx(i.c.J1/C.Cottitty,51ale,Yarla"Co,ctc.) Et. k. in. 3.NYclt llse(check well use): Water Sapply Nell: -17.SCRBEty FROM TO DIAME'rM 6tATS17.6 TNIcrsNtrss mATRIUAL Agricultural 0Mtmicipaypublic U rt. ft. in Geothermal(klcating(Contirtg Supply) E3Reqidenlial Water Supply(single) — h• h in. indus{rial/Commercial DResidential Water Supply(shared) t&GRO UT PIRi^atlOn FROM TO M"IERIAL SMVLAACEM'/E. rM D&AMOUNT .Yon.Yntcr Supply Vi'r.11: rt^ V R 1\ \�pc.� �4onitoring Recavery tnjeetinn Wcll: ft. R. Aquifu Recharge pGroundwaterRcmedistion 19 SAND/GitAVIsLPACK Ifo liable :Aquifer Storage and Recovefy [)$nllnity Barrier (+ROM TU hfA lAL IIttrLACEMENTMCr1N)n Aqu]ter Tcst 13Stnmtwater Drainage uxticrimental Technology [35uhcidenct Control tr. Geothermal((:lased Loop) Tracer 20.DRII.t 1NG LOG aaach Rildidaraldwis ifeacesstt pRO34 30 DESC IION color. wWmrk f� rltNI RiGI RGcoLliermal(Hearin C�lin>;Rcntm) ]] Other(explain under R21 Rernarlrs} ^` tt. ft ,V/ 4.(late Weil(s)Complete : ��-�"f Wclt Sa Well)_nentlon: U�Ci1�,� Facilitys'(laner Hamc 6acility tDil( applicable fi' (L iu k & ft R. ysical Addrecs,Ci(111 � ., tpnd ZIP 21.REMARKS C.omttY ifa l+atcel tdcmifeation No.(PIN) 5b.Latitude Find longitude in dcgreec/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees. - ii we11 fie cS lbone latiloor is ski ident) b t + 2.Certif n: 3 ^ �— I -,E lio _ t N1 (� �Y 6.Is(arc)the welt(s) Permanent or OTemporary Sian •ofCertifitxt Wel►Contmetor Date Iry s tag runs.;trm•1 bombs c�cxiJy that rho turJf/aj xqr lwenJ rxmsrrunc+l to a.�hrAa!rcc 7.It this a repair to an existing wen: E)Ycs or No writ! LSA ACAC'OJ.C..I1lOU Fir 1SA XCAC d1C.',OI110 Well 9tnulardr dart that a if dlJri..;�rcpatr.filloeudnnx•Fixcll.ronarnetianir;Tnrvna;iooant ripfairrthemniren('the t ynJOrferr'cur�lhaAhrt.'»prot9rktAJrithewr'i1nwl7er. r:�mr tinder n21 remarkv a cuair or on ilie hark of!lily forni. 23.'Site diagram or additional well details: R.Por Gmprohe(DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the saute )'on may use the back of this page to provide additions]well site details or wel) m.nsirnetion,anly I GW-1 is needed. hidicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells cimstruction details. You may also attach additional pages if Docessary. $UQMfTTAI.JNXRIIMONS 9-T41tal W911 depth below land Surface: o ( J 2Aa. 1 or Alt Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well l%ar 1x+dliplc vrtly tier&Nd rptJu ifdr,$'erenr(exaniok-JCl//0'and 1 1001 construction to the following: 10.$tot)c warp level below tap of casing: O Or-) Division of Water Ramurees,Information Processing Unit, //'xnh rlcrc!h'ahrlvt catfnR•tree"• 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh.NC 29699-1617 11.Borehole diometct: (in.j 2•11b.For IInlectiop Wcns: In addition to sending the form to We address in 24a 12.Welt construction method: chose,c submit one copy of this form 30 days of completion of well -- const[constructionioinn m within m the following (i c.mtge-,rnt:rrp.azbk,direct pusL,etc.1 MR WATER S+t:PPf Y WF.t.I 8 ONLY: Division of Water Resource%Underground Injection Contra]Program. t636 Mail Service Centor,RjkW%b,NC 27694-1636 13a.Viet (gpm) 2- Method of test: it 24c, For Wglcr SanDly&Faiectlon Welts: In addition to sanding the forth to the nddress(cs) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13A.Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the cormty health department of the county WhCfC C(itl.StrtlCtC'd. Donn Gw-I North Cmv4inaDepnnment of limironmrrtsl Or,aliiv.iNvismn of Water Remarcac Revised 2-22-2016