HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070001 Ver 1_Stormwater Info_20070808BRL ENGINEERING 764.6 Eut Stsnlsp Btnst Four Oaks, NC 27624 (918)813-2168 August 8, 2007 t7']-OpO1 VZ, Ms. Annette Lucas Stormwater & Wetlands Coordinator NC Division of Water Quality -Central Office 2321 Crabtree Boulevard -Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Brian R. Leonard, PE, PIS Re: Stormwater Revisions For Lot 31 in Carriage Hills Subdivision, In City of Raleigh Dear Ms. Lucas: This revised submittal for the above referenced project is in response to our on-site meeting held with the Owner last week on 8/2/07. Revised documents are attached as stated at the bottom of this letter. Responses to your requests for the stormwater plan have been addressed according to our meeting and are described below: 1. Proposed contours are now shown on the Stormwater Plan as requested; 2. The level spreader length has been recalculated for 40' of grass and 20' of woods according to your field observation. This increased the level spreader length slightly and this has been revised on the plan; On behalf of the Owner, I would appreciate your review of this additional information. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, g ~ r BRL ENGINEERING ~~~ ~...~ ~~; ~, ~ ~ ;~~ Brian R. Leonard, PE, PLS ~,J~ ~' - 2007 t3RU1 Cc: Rob Shank ~,)Et~R - ~^/Al'~R QUA~l7Y YVZ:TL.1Np P:QD ST~~taltvAT~R BRARCN Attachments: Revised Stormwater Plan - 2 Copies (Half-Size Sheets) Revised Stormwater Calculations for Level Spreader Length -1 Copy REVISED DRAINAGE CALCULATI~JNS 1=oR REVISED LEVEL SPREADER LENGTH BUFFER VARIANCE FOR .LOT 31 I1~ CARRIAGE HILLS S'~IBI~IVISIDN in CITY OF RALEIGH, NC ,~ ~ BRL ENGINEERING 7046 East Stanley Street Four Oaks, NC 27524 ° Office: (919) 963-2608 • ~ . ,.. ~~\o~~~F~o ~!ti'; ~: •Q~ Nq~ :y , t4~-- S 4 ti ~~!~!~INEF-~' ~ ~~; O~ ''~~ENTZ ~'~~`~S~Slo7 '~~~nu<<i~~~~ • LEvEL SPQ-EAOF2 ~ESI~N By_ BfzL G~4~D7 ! _ - --- ~ESIG/.1 ---- i-Eff<Lt,Yc Tw.,~a~ Zoo? I : NGDENR LLVLJ SprLAdv G~;ola~cc , F~a ' r ~ETHe~o1c~~ ~"NL~EN12- LOCI ,SPr<Al~1Lr QMP N1Q.~.~o-~ Ckc~o{[r ~ M.vtl-, 2op7 ,VaTE % TAu-c i,s n /Se st OrwFf' 207 Vvsi.~.~ v$!st Yhc MerlL. '07 d+a ~ rwt Att. rJ; ^' i. t.+rr[nt uCdwR L ! wl SNL,_ I >)GS~,'1 {lrt~iSGS - ESS<r<"~~Q)'7 Sa^--.C a$ Lr~sS .5..-..~/G atS~j7 - li / ~ ~.A, _ .25 ~fC yy JMrJC/Vrlvs ~r<0. (oD/~' ~r~ss ~w<!c ~s~sc> QMI~ ~~I1• ~ .,, c^ v; . Also - A Fc!-<bwy wi/J .;~~ be r< j,.,rGt bct4~s[ a , t ~ t- t- J W V I..~ i ~) ~c u ~: /:2 Ld .~PStr<a-"'+ ~BnP r-to-,,,<I , Slcf:.~ 3~ 3~°7~ U l W LL1 LCD ' S T_ ,: U; U C^ ~{ GIOU IQyP<55 ~yS~G'^ wi/I L_ ~ bG /'<Avirl~ bCCa v.SC q / ~ . . •_ ~ . // / BM> ~r., J~+rs <tsG) r--,i// bL ~ri.'l: zc~ r~ S~"L'<x•~-, - << •:- fkc dcs~j~v SAa11 !1<si/ -, lac lrvGl .tp~Ladcr lc~~/l~, ~:~ ~~ c: ~~ Iti~~/c Jac Fly.,-. F...-, fhc <~l-rc !o-rte. 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LCY!l S rL~~~r CXrS'rin S<wCs G<SC'--'~G~ f- t"L<.t C<n...F.t ~C 6i1~S~/iJi/~~ a" / So `/~ r<I f; /f"t~ .S)`~~P _ "R~, ~i ~lSf Y Y~ /~G. ~~L ,~ 1~i .. ~lJ li ill / lsSc1 Tr t t l , - . .. - / i ~qvi rLOf .SIoFG L 87, ~:. f2"e1L sfr.., -.w) <r v(l BrP /.;er.,~) ' ~ / ScsY;.~+ 3c , 3~07~ G7 1`-- ~:,~st~d i ~xsa sl-f'< _ <'~ Fv ~•~o F ~C1~obStfv~/,.~ R<C~/i !!L~ L<~~J~ l3 L-C/L{S ri r ~k~Ll~ S,'r .+..~LrvlJ ~8!'1P /'l .. nv~~ I / GSL~~<fS ~rr FirGS~ta~ S«l;.n 3L~ 3~a7) - ~I b • )<d S;~<G 1,<• rc i'r--, L-vv t~t<s~3a3 I Pr.p~s<!J L~,~l~t, ~/~,~vp.JL / ~- ~ ~ / ~G(13LF/<fs~ f (YS~I LSL<"/cfs~ _ ~(LG/<~s SK ~^ ~ -~- L = ,~ ~F/L-~s)(J.ZB <rs) = ~-<rS sA y ~-tc-' a ~u ss~ s'~~ -___._. ~ ~ is ~ P°ss a' e u~LV•..u.t~tsl (~.ict~~~G S},yah • s t r r ~~ wL< { .w. fi~~ P1 1 Bn;° H~....1 Fwbr~~s~.nC 1li7 in 3Cr w~ ~w ~• yn ~w ~ Sld fl Y t n 1 d . ~, E~f / •, N° ~~ Pose - P ; /slot ^ 3c' - ` a/D7 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -LEVEL SPREADER WORKSHEET (112007) I. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name: Evy~e' `~A.~~AN~E - L~r 3/ iN C.+<t-SAGE Nrc~S <„E~~v~s,oN Contact Person: s~lA1J 1 FnNAt D r~}~t-,i r.~ AFpI•t~-.>`) Phone Number ~ 9l 5) 9~ 3 - z~oB Level Spreader ID: cal.. ~~•,~i ~ --,~+-- ~r, ~rst.l ~~ ~-t .~~ Level Spreader Length 2 7 ft. (perpendicular to flow) Drainage Area • ~' o. Z~ ac: (on-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) ~` Impervious Area fl. /s (G~~•) ac. (on-site antl off-site drainage to the level spreader) Forebay Area >Jo r ~F~ ~ ~ -' ~ ~<« ~<~ ~F. ~~<° ~ cu ft. (0.2% of the contributing impervious surface area) Maximum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope ~ ~r MA x % (6% for forestedlleaf littler cover, 8% for grass/thick cover) Max. Discharge from 1"/Hr Storm :U/k cfs ~ s~r«a~- o«-~-,~a t- "°, ~" lc~r~ st"~~" '~' ayo<ss ~l-V.. N.>,e.~'.~ Max. Discharge to Level Spreader ~ - ~ s cfs (Discharge rate from extended detention wetland or pond) Filter Strip/ gene-l-duffer Vegetation2~'~.r<si<d(~+~~~ L~ _r~-~•-~}(Grass/Thick ground cover or Forested) Filter Stripl ~er~e-4-Buffer Width , ,r~ z~ ft. (~ ~jF« z. ~< i = ~r' % ) -r, ~.-., e- s ~~-: ~ %r~-•~ ~FilterStnpl~ene-~BufferVegetation,S-~'~r-ss~„~ <<~:~ ~~~r..a~. T F,~~T ~,,F ~~~,~.,~..~ ~~~~1 ~F-,~-''•- ~ `,~.,,>., Filter Strip/ Zene--2-Buffer Width S~5' 4o ft. (~.,r~~ z-~< 2 - z~~) ~ ~ - G D ~t GMT L-.rwit~ ~~r 11rcw-~ A,uil Bypass Method Used N,T QE4 0 - u~,, sP,~•a~-~~-:;-.~.+ ~•- ~° rr Please include a worksheet for this. s t., r II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, please explain why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Applicants Initials iE~-~ RS A~,-~ t r-- AFT<-~fi~ E~ L Project Site was visited prior to designing level spreader system. B ~-~ Date of the Site visit. Please attach time-dated digital photos of existing buffer conditions. s~ 1. , s, , Level spreader length is at least: 13 ft. per cfs for thick ground cover /grass; OR 65 ft per cfs for 50- - ~ foot canopied forest with leaf litter; 50 ft per cfs for 100-foot forested buffer; 40 ft. per cfs for 150-foot forested buffer; OR a weighted average of the two vegetation types within the buffer/filter strip). E ~' L All ground cover types and their widths have been labeled on the construction plans. ee e- All contours have been depicted on the construction plans. ~` s~G N~ t~ G,~r.-• No structures are located in protected buffers (must meet no practical altematives criteria). e~ ~ No draws are located in the buffer or filter strip in the vicinity of the proposed level spreader. ~~~ Construction details for the level spreader have been provided. sR~ The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. N jR No practical altematives explanation + Variance request,;~l.evel Spreaders in Series only). Bypass method used: ,UrT /ZEQ'D - SFF <ECric~, S_ /lEvv~ ~~.dt- ' F,+~ •::s ~'ttlhd~ vst~ ~• N/a Bypass conveyance method is specified and construction details and calculations are provided. N/~ Alternative design option is specified and plan details and calculations are provided. N lJ/A Discharge to level spreader and subsequent filter strip is hydraulically and spatially separate from the bypass discharge. Construction details for the bypass and outlets are provided. ~ T!-,G Sti...-, ... ,.,Y~II~~~ ~/=-• ~S ~w-f a>r <. ~ar~2.-,tGI aGg.~'6Sf ~o ~0/ntG l^'~pG-v~,7o.~5 ,fvr•faLCS w~l~~^ ZO~G ~ O~ I'LL B/F~FG1-, d/G 9"w- n s.l«cf,L G1A dS~-+'/~ S« VAr1~QrtC I~L9./~S~ ~OIM. xcc-eesls~W:~~ L~ ~"""""""~ N1fld 1N3W39VNVW 831VMW801S w•s~oeo~ :•oH la3road 1ZiN,~;,, 809Z-£9s(st61~e~lNO ® ~a~'>'.~'', ioi~'s~icseis ~ii~i"si~nv~'s¢ rasNwoz BL9Z-LPSBLOi1NW~N N 1119 :AB mHJ3F~p YZSLZ ~N's~IpO ~~~ _' ~.qpg~{ ~ 3aW~n M ssoa -i~r1NO~ 'gyp - 31V1S 4'A1NN0'J'dIHSNM01 ~~ ~talueu 3pp3 6'Y(~L _ -IV 13'3dWV1'M SSON 'a3NM01N3Htlf1~ ~N'-0'J 3NVM'H`JI3ltlN ~31Y1S 4 ALN(10~'NMOl b0 Ally •we :AB ~Yao 9NIa33N19N31~18 ~ J NOIltlWaO~NIlNtl~ll tl/a3NM0 NolltlWa0jN1311S :N~o~s~~"~ BYO Loot •9~ 3NrY• :~Ya ''°•,,,,z~,,`"`~''~~ 0/S S77/H 391~/1/!/V9 N/ L~' 107 - 39Nd/1/VA 113d~n8 ~` ~ ~ i ~ ~W ~L~~ ,o ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ _ ~ C .,;.,. (1, ~- _- < -t O ~ ~` _ >~ p A I `~ 0. ' - -. 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