HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140048 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20140211NC®ENR
North Carolina ,Deparfinent of Environmerif -arid Natural Resources
Division of`Water Resources
Water Quality Programs,
Pat McCrory Thomas A.. Reeder
Governor Director
February 11, 2014
Alexanderindustrial ParkAssociates, LLC�
Attn: Neil Morris
8310 Bandford Way
Raleigh,, NC- 27615,
John E. Skvarla, JII
D W R # 14- 0048';
Durham County
Al'exand'er Park
Dear,Mr. `Mor,ris
You have our approva'I for the impacts listed below for the purpose',described in your application dated
January 16, 2014 and received by the Division of.WaterlResources (Division) on January- 16,2014. These
impacts are covered, by the attached Water Quality General' Certification Numbers 3884,and 3886,and the
,conditions listed b�eloW. This certification is associated with the use of Nationwide Permit Numbers 12 and 14
once they are issued'toyou''b,y the U.S. Arrriy,Corps of Engineers. Please note that you should get any other,
federal, state orfocal permits ;before proceedin'gwith your project,'includingthose required, by,(but,hot
limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non - Discharge, and Water'Si pplyWatersh'ed regulations.
This approval'requires you °to follow the conditions listed` in the enclosed; certification and the following
,additional conditions:
1. The following,�impacts are hereby'approved provided that all of the, other,specific and' general,conditions of
the,Certification, General'Permit and /or, Buffer Rules are. met. No other impacts are - approved, including
incidenta_'I impacts.
Type of Impact
Tertiporary, ,
Wetland —'culvert,
'0.048 (acres),
G (acres),,
No e fiCarolina
North Carolina, Division of Water Resources 1628`Mad Servic6iCenter Raleigh, NC27699 -1628 Phone (919) ,79,1-4200
Internet www ncwaterguality orq ,Location -,3800 BarretttDnve, Raleigh, NC 27609 Fax (919) 788 -7159
An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled /,10 %'Post Consumer Paper
Alezaffder Park
D W Rt #1'4 -0048
Pagey2 of 4
73 ,(linear feet) .
0 (linear°feet),
Site 1- ,culvert
40, (linear'f,eet)
0 (linear-'feet)
Site 2'_.excavation
Buffers —.Zone, 1
5;683 '(square feet)
0 (square_feet)
-,Site 1— road crossing '
Buffers — Zone, 2
2,620 (squa_re feet),
0 (square feet)
Site 1- -road crossing,
Buffers— Zone 1
2,853 '(square feet)
0 (sguatefeet),
She.2; Waterline
Buffers = Zone, 2
1,651 (square feet)
Site 2 =water line
2. Stormwater'Management.Plan and Diffuse'Flow
The applicant has requested the,Divisi'on's review of the impacts, of this. development prior "to,submitting.a,
plan for stormwater management and cliffuse,flow. As,a result;°w'hen ihis,'additi'onal, information is
available for a complete review of this, project, it must be resubmitted with'the, appropriate fee to'the
DWR,Webscape Un'it(1650 Mail Sewice,Center, Raleigh 27699- 1'650)'. :Since the approval of'these
impacts is conditional, noim o il t ,nq'City /County of Durham approves the'Stormwater
Management ,Plan and �the,1DIVision - reviews and approVesthe diffuseflow'plan.
3'. No Waste; Spoil;'Solids,,or Fillof'Any Kind
No waste, spoil „solid`s, of fill of,anty kind sh °all occur in wetlands, waters, or riparian areas beyond the,
footprint of he impacts,depictedl in the'Pre- Co,nstruc'tion Notification: All construction activiti,es,'.incl.uding
the design ,,installation „operation,,and maintenance ofsediment and:erosion,'control BestM- anagerrient
Practices, shall be performed soihat novi'olations of'state water °q -ual_ity'standards;`statutes, or rules
4. Protective Fencing
The outside buffer, .wetland or water 'boundary 'and' a`long the construction corridor within these
boundaries ,approved under this authorization °shall ibe clearly marked, With oranges warning fencing, (or,
sirm`ilar high visibility °material),forthe areas,that havetbeen appcoVed to iinfr;ibge`within the buffer=, wetland
orwater, priorlo any land'disturbing,activities,t'o ensure compliance with 15 NCAC'02H .0500'.
5. This approval is..for,the purpose and design described in your application. The,`p'I'a_ns and specifications, for
this prdject,are incorporated by reference as part of the Certification an;d "Buffer Authorization. If you
change your project, you must notify`�the�Division.and yow'rnay'be required�tosubmit�a ,new�application
package with'the, ap,propr,iate fee. If the property'issold ,,,Ihe, ne(W own&,must be,given a copy,of this
app°r64 I'etter''and, General Certification,andli's responsible for,,complying with all conditions:
'6: This approval and its,conditions,are final and b'indingun less. contested.
D W R, #14-0048'
'page 3.6f'4
Thi° ,Certification and Buffer °Authorization can ',be contested,as provided. in Articles.1and 4 ofGeneral Statute,
150B by- filing;a written petition for an- adrriinistrative ,heaf"ing'to,the, Office of. Adrni'ni3trative =Heafirigs (hereby
knovvn,as,OAH),. A,petition for_m;rnay be obtained from :the'OAH,at http:% /www.ncoah.com� /,,or, by calling the,
•OAH'CI'erk's'Officeat (9,19) 43,1 -3000 for information.
With'inthirty ( 30), calend 'a_r`d'ays.of,rece'ipt,ofthis notice,,q petition must,be filed,with the OAH. A petitiohAs
considered filed when the or,'iginal.and,one�(I) copy along with any applicable.OAH filing fee.is received 'i_hAhe
oAH during,norinal office hours (Monday through Friday between 8:00arn'8nd.-5 00pm, excluding official state
The petition, may be faxed, to the OAH at x(919), 431=3100, provided ,the ori'ginal and one copy.,of the petition
along with any applicable OAH filing fee.is received by the OAH within five (5) business days following the
faxed transmission.
Mailing add'ressforthe,OAR:
lfsendin'g,by Fifstflass'Mail
via the US Postal °Service:,
O,ffice.of Administrative Hearings
67'14 Mail,Service� Center,
Raleigh; NC;27699 =6714
If sending`via de7ive�ry service
(e. -g. ,UPS, FedEx):
Office of Administrative Hearing_ s
1711 New Hope ,Church Abad
Raleigh,,'-NC 27609 -6285
One (1) copy of the petition, must `also be- served, to DE,N,R?,
Lacy0resnell', Geh&A Counsel ,
Departmentpf Environment and`Natural Resources,
1601 Mail Service Center
Raleigh; �NC 27699 =1601
Please send'one.(1) copy of the -`petition to,DWR.
If sending by Firsiflass.Mail
via the US.PostalrService.
Karen ,Higgin -t .
NC DEN'R= _D,WR— Mbscape,Unit
165GMa11 Service Center
,Raleigh; N,C 2•_7, 699 :1650
lf'sending'Jia deliveryservice
(e.g. UPS, ,FedEx):
Karen `Higgins
NC,DENR- DWR•— Webscape U'n'it
51`2, N., Salisbury Street
Raleigh,, NC 27604'
'This fetter completes the review,of the Division uncl& section 401 of1he Clean Water Act and the Reuse
Riparian Buffer Rules.as,des'cr,'ibed' iri 15A NCACO2B�.0233,. 'Please contact,C.he_rri Smith at'919- 791 -4251 or
cherri .sm'ith @ncdenr,.gov,if'you, have any questions or concerns.
Alexander Park
DW R, #1'4 -0048
Page, 4 of 4
Danny Smith
Supervisor, Water Quality Regional Operations Section
Enclosures: GC 3884 and GC 3886
cc:; 'U.S. Army Corps,of Engineers; Raleigh Regulatory Field Office; 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, St. 105;
Wake Forest, NC 27597
Bob Zarzecki; Soil & Environmental Consultants; 8412 Falls of Neu-se Road; Raleigh, NC 27615
,RRO DW,R 401 Files