HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG040136_Stormwater Narrative_2022011312.14.2021
NCDEQ Land Quality Section
ATTN: Mr. Jim Farkas
512 North Salisbury Street
Archdale Building, Room, 6th Floor
Raleigh, NC 27604
RE: Post -Construction Stormwater Permitting
Water and Sewer Main Extension
Town of Rosman, NC
Dear Mr. Farkas,
Transylvania County and the Town of Rosman proposed to install a water main and sewer force main along
with a sewer pump station. The project lies almost entirely in NCDOT right-of-way. Traditional trenching work
will suffice for installation of the pipelines. No excavation or fill will occur in any WOTUS and all earth
disturbing work will fall outside of regulated waterways and buffers (shown on plans). Certain creeks, including
Catheys Creek, will be traversed using horizontal directional boring to avoid impacts to WOTUS and buffers.
Traditional erosion control methods will be applied and an Erosion Control permit has been applied for through
the Asheville Regional DEQ office (Fred Walker).
Please find attached to this letter a submittal package for Post -Construction Stormwater permitting under the
SWG040000 General Permit. A portion of the overall project passes through the HQW watershed of Catheys
Creek in Transylvania County. This corresponds to WLJFM `A' STA 114+00 - 136+00, the pump station, and
all of FM `B', as shown on Sheets C-5 - C-7 and Sheets C-14 - C-17.
The following is submitted to your unit for review:
- SWG04000 form
- Two sets of plans
- A check for $505
- A USGS map showing project location - a zoomed in version of the Rosman Quadrangle has been
We appreciate your attention to our project. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
James N. (Jay) Johnston, PE
High Country Engineering, PC
TELEPHONE: 828.230.4511 FAX: 828.348.5040 111 E. ChestruA Street, Asheville, NC 28801 L.,,°,,/