HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0086975_Annual Report_20211115Board of Commissioners
Ed Wheatly, Chair
Mark Mansfield, Vice,Chair
Bob Cavanaugh
Chris Chadvdck
Robin V. Comer
Jimmy Farrington
Chuck Shinn
Mr. John Hennessy
DWR/SWPS/NPDES Expedited Permitting
Division of Environmental Quality
1617 Mail Service Center
SUBJECT: Annual Progress Report
NPDES Permit No, NCO086975
Carteret County, NC
Dear Mr. Hennessy,
County Manager
Tommy R. Burns, II
Clerk to the Board
Rachel B. Hammer
Carteret County operates and maintains a central water treatment plant on Laurel Road that supplies water to
the County water system. The treatment plant utilizes greensand filters and ion exchange filters to treat the
water. Backwash from the filters is discharged to Feltons Creek via NPDES Permit NC0086975. Monitoring
data indicates Carteret County will not be able to comply with the limit for copper (1.85 micrograms/liter) that
becomes effective November 1, 2022. Condition A.(3.) in the Permit requires the County submit annually a
written progress report to the Division describing actions the County plans to take to achieve compliance by
November 1, 2022. This letter is provided in compliance with Condition A.(3).
Several options have been explored and the chosen option is the Pilot Study by Purologix Water Services,
headed and tested by Mr. Russ Elmore, President and owner of Purologix Water Services. This option was
budgeted for and approved by the Carteret County Board of Commissioners.
The attached Pilot Study is to start in 2022. Carteret County will work toward the elimination of copper to reach
compliance by November 1, 2022.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to me.
Thank you,
jrl ommy Burns
Carteret County Manager
Carteret County Courthouse • 302 Courthouse Square •Beaufort, NC 28516.1898
www.carteretcou ntyn c.g ov
r (IR010d) 7M
105 Technical Ct.
Garner, NC 27529
Bill To
Carteret County WTP
534 Laurel Road
Beaufort, North Carolina 28516
Ship To
Pilot System I
Service Exchange
# 000689
Estimate Date
Expiration Date
Sales person
534 Laurel Road
Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Customer Email
252-241-4646 Customer Phone
Temporary Pilot system for copper removal from water softener discharge. NO BUILDING
September 13, 2021
October 13, 2021
RE210820-2 Rev 1
Russ Elmore
1 INSTALLSDI1" 1.00 4,684.50 316.20 4,684.50
Purologix SDI installation kit including all labor and materials.
Kit includes 1" PVC Hoses, Park Fittings, and PVC SCH 80
Sample Ports. Purologix will provide all installation materials
and labor including a PRV, PSI gauges, dual rotameters with
needle valves for flow balance and sample ports. The
systems will be configured as two (2) parallel trains with
three (3) GAC carbon tanks in series followed by two (2)
METS tanks for copper reduction. Each train will feature
sample ports between tanks, and also include a badger flow
totalizer to ensure flow balance in system. Include a rack
system in new metal bldg. to secure manifold piping and
secure tanks.
2 SDI GAC 1447
6.00 918.50 371.99 5,511.00
3.6 cubic foot tank filled with Calgon Centaur coconut shell
carbon having extra surface area for chloramine reduction.
1000 minimum iodine number. 14" Diameter x 47" Tall tank.
These tanks remain the property of Purologix Water Services
and are provided on a Rental Service Exchange Basis.
3 SDI METS 1447
4.00 2,475.00 668.25 9,900.00
SKU : 1447METS
3.6 cubic foot service DI tank filled with Specialty Media for
Metals Reduction. Media has been bench tested and
demonstrates the ability to remove Copper from brine
waste. 14" Diameter x 47" Tall tank with 1" porting for 10
GPM flow. These tanks remain the property of Purologix
Water Services and are provided on a Rental Service
Exchange Basis. Once exhausted, they will be analyzed for
Full TCLP and after passing, the media will be disposed of as
solid waste in a permitted landfill.
4 MEGA HIGH FLOW 1 um Pleated Single Layer 8.00 217.80 117.61
1 micron absolute rated MEGAFILTER Cartridge for
HOUSING. Cartridge is single layered and pleated for extra
high surface area and dirt loading capacity. Cartridge is
single open end 6" x 30" with an O-Ring seal. No NANO -AG.
5 MEGAFILTER Housing 4.00 1,204.50 325.22
The Purologix MEGAFILTER is a direct replacement for small
and inefficient 2.5" diameter and 4.5" diameter big blue filter
cartridges. The system offers the largest surface area
available for extended service life, higher flow rates, less
pressure loss, and a more cost effective solution. It is only
40" tall x 8" diameter. It includes inlet and outlet isolation
ball valves and a drain port with ball valve. Headers are 2"
SCH 80 PVC for High Flow industrial applications. The
systems feature multiple filtration solutions from chlorine &
chloramine reduction, suspended solids and particulate
reduction, taste and odor reduction, and even submicron
filtration with a dual layered 0.1 um absolute dual layer
cartridge with or without a PAC core. Your Purologix sales
person can help you choose the best cartridge for your
6 Pump Panel 2.00 2,188.00 295.38
SKU : Custom
Basic Duplex Pump Panel with Motor Starter, HOA, and level
controls. Core holes into top of water softener discharge
holding tank for liquid level controls.
7 MISC-INSTALL 2.00 3,135.00 423.23
10 GPM at 60-80 PSI corrosion resistant pump. Iwaki Mag
Drive or Similar complete with isolation valves and flanges.
8 MISC-INSTALL 1.00 5,500.00 371.25
Miscellaneous parts for installation - DI blind flanges, Mega
lug adapters bolt kits, Remove existing 6" spool piece and
check valve in valve vault in-between the existing Valve and
pipe flange at valve vault wall. Install blind flanges on the
valve and pipe leaving the valve vault. Remove DI pipe fitting
leaving Water Softener discharge holding tank and install
blind flange on end going to valve vault and adapt to pump
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hose and run into existing metal garage. ( Note: excavation
by others ) pipe to be on top of the ground after connection
to the DI pipe.
MISC-INSTALL 1.00 1,960.00 132.30 1,960.00
Install a 2" firehose discharge pipe on top of the ground
from the existing metal garage to the holding tank and run
up the side of tank in PVC pipe and discharge thru a hole cut
into existing grate on top of holding tank. Insulate pipe that
is exposed above ground. ( Note: excavation by others )
10 MISC-INSTALL 1.00 3,924.00 264.87 3,924.00
Supply approximately 200' of PVC electrical conduit from
existing electric bldg. on top of the ground and under
existing shed to the side of the existing garage. Inside the
garage run up the wall and across the ceiling to the new
Pump control panel on the far side of the garage with
necessary circuits for new pumps, control panel. Leave the
existing garage and cross on top of the ground to the top
water softener discharge vault for the liquid level controls.
Project Total 48,685.90
NC -Carteret County (6.75%) 3,286.30
Grand Total $51,972.20
All necessary excavation and removal of excess spoils
All Laboratory Analysis By Others including TCLP for non-haz disposal.
Batch pump control is TED. Customer signal or separate level control not included.
Determine the in-service life of the GAC for dechlorination
Achieve Total Chlorine levels less than 0.13 ppm (regulatory limit)
Determine the in-service life of the MET Media for Copper Reduction
Achieve Total Copper levels less that 2 micrograms/liter.
Get TSS Levels below regulatory requirements.
Eliminate use of Sodium Thoisulfate for Dechlorination.
Terms & Conditions
Purologix Water Services, Inc. Standard T&C's Of Sale Will Apply
Invoice Request For 50% Earnest Money Down Payment Will Follow
40% Balance Will Be Collected With Shipping to Site
10% Balance Will Be Collected After Successful Startup
Tank and Filter Exchange is Available for Pricing Quoted Above
ACH, PO, Cash, Check, BitCoin, VISA, MasterCard, AMEX & Discover Cards Accepted
QUOTE VALID FOR 30-DAYS (unless otherwise specified)
20% Restocking Fee for Order Cancellation.
Authorized Signature
The following is a list of items NOT normally included with our equipment or assembly and startup services. These services are only
included if specifically stated otherwise in writing:
a. Permits, building inspections, taxes or duties.
b. Indoor location for equipment with suitable heat, light and ventilation.
c. Civil or concrete work (by others).
d. Core drilling or wall penetrations.
e. Floor drains, adequately sized and located.
f. Weekend or non -day shift work.
g. Union or licensed plumbing labor or labor subject to prevailing wage determinations.
h. Water main.
i. Back -flow preventer(s).
j. Electrical load center(s).
k. MCC
I. Water heater(s).
m. Insulation or heat tracing.
n. Storage of equipment.
o. Demolition, disposal or other work related to existing equipment.
p. Field labeling of components or piping.
q. Installation
r. Safety Showers and Eye Wash Stations
s. Pressure regulators or Pressure Relief Valves if required.
t. Equipment Freight (PPD & Added)
u. Any required Rigging Equipment (forklift, picker, crane, etc.)
Purologix Standard Terms and Conditions of Equipment Sale
1. Acceptance of Term's - Buyer's acceptance of this quotation shall create a contract subject to and expressly limited by the
terms and conditions contained in this quotation and this page. Acceptance of offer may only be made on the exact terms
and conditions hereof and if additional or different terms are proposed by Buyer, such response shall constitute a
2. Revocation of Offer - This quotation shall be a firm offer and will not be revoked for a period of 30-Days after the quotation
date; thereafter it shall expire and be of no effect unless Seller, in its discretion, elects to honor Buyer's acceptance
subsequent to such period.
3. Prices, Taxes, and Payment — In addition to the price quoted or invoiced, the buyer is responsible for any taxes required by
Federal, State, and Local jurisdictions to include all fees, permits, duties, etc. Buyer shall pay for Products or Services and
required fees and taxes upon delivery and successful start-up of the system. No balance due shall exceed Net 30-Days
unless agreed in writing as a special term of sale. If customer is delayed in installation and start-up beyond 90-days from
time of delivery, then final payment will be immediately due.
4. Delivery and Shipment — All products shall be delivered to Buyers Location on Sellers Truck. Seller will make every
reasonable effort to ship the Products hereunder in accordance with the delivery date given in the quotation, provided that
Seller shall have no liability with respect to delays in delivery.
5. Right of Rescission - Buyer may cancel this contract within 3-days of the signing date by notifying the seller in writing.
Cancellation notification must be postmarked before midnight on the 3rd day after the contract is signed. In some special
cases, customer may be responsible for a 20% restocking fee on any custom equipment or special orders that are cancelled
or returned. Cancellation after this rescission period will be subject to the 20% restocking fee plus any additional progress
payments for project milestones that were substantially achieved.
6. Disclaimer of Expressed and Implied Warranties - The Products shall be covered by the applicable Manufacturers Limited
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Any model or sample furnished to the Buyer is merely illustrative of the general type and quality
of goods and does not represent that the Products will conform to the model or sample. Buyer's remedies under Seller
warranty shall be limited to repair or replacement of the Product or component which failed to conform to Seller's warranty.
Seller shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages or economic loss or property damage incurred by
7. Warranty for Parts and Labor — Installation materials, parts and labor services will have a 90-day limited warranty against
defects in parts or workmanship. Seller will repair or replace any defective components that are identified in writing within
90-days of installation and start-up, whichever is first. Seller shall not be responsible for any incidental or consequential
damages or economic loss or property damage incurred by Buyer after this initial warranty expires.
8. Agents, Etc. - No agent, employee or other representative has the right to modify or expand Manufacturer's or Seller's
standard warranty applicable to the Products or Services, or make any representations as to the Products or Services other
than those set forth in Seller's product literature and any such affirmation, representation or warranty, if made, should not be
relied upon and shall not form a part of this contract.
9. Governing Law - This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws (other than those pertaining
to conflicts of law questions) of the State of North Carolina.
10. Limit of Liability - The aggregate liability of Seller arising out of the performance or nonperformance of its obligations
under or in connection with this agreement, including any claims for indemnity shall not exceed and amount equal to
purchase price of this order. In no event shall Seller be liable for loss or damages to the facility in which the subject
equipment is located, or incidental, special or consequential damages of any other kind or nature. The provisions of this
paragraph shall prevail over any conflicting or inconsistent provisions contained elsewhere in this agreement, except to the
extent that such conflicting or inconsistent provisions act to further restrict or reduce Seller's liabilities under this agreement.
11. Exchange Services - If included, all SDI tanks remain the property of Purologix Water Services, Inc. and are provided on a
rental exchange basis. Customer grants full Access and Title to maintain, service, and remove tanks as required. Tanks are
rated to 80 PSI maximum working pressure and should be isolated at the feed water shut-off valve when not in
use. Backflow preventers and pressure reducing devices are by others. All accessories such as filter housings, hoses,
fittings, quality monitors, fixtures, UV lights, and other accessories belong to the client after installation. Any filters in the
system will be changed each time tanks are exchanged for an additional fee. UV systems will be serviced annually for an
additional fee. Customer can pay a monthly tank rental fee, or waive the rental fee and accept a 6-month minimum
exchange requirement. For Deionized Water Applications we guarantee 16 MEG/OHM minimum resistivity from any potable
water feed source.
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