HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131200 Ver 6_Year 2 Monitoring Report -12312021_20220104Tryon International Equestrian Center 2021 Monitoring Year 2 Report Polk County, North Carolina DWR# 20131200 v6 Data collected: November 2021 Submitted on: December 31, 2021 Prepared for: Prepared by: 2659 Sandy Plains Road Tryon, NC 28782 CLearWaLer An EnviroScience Company. An EnviroScience Company 145 7th Avenue W; Suite B, Hendersonville, NC 28792 Introduction The Tryon International Equestrian Center (Site) is located at the intersection of Pea Ridge Road and US Highway 74 northeast of Tryon in Polk County, North Carolina (Figures 1 and 2). A permit modification request (DWR 401 Water Quality Certification DWR#20131200 v6) resulted in a request for additional information in a letter dated August 27, 2018 and a Notification of Violation (NOV) issued March 29, 2018 (NOV-2018-WP-0002) sent by the NC Division of Water Resources. In order to satisfy the conditions of the permit modification and resolve the NOV, ClearWater Environmental, an EnviroScience Company (ClearWater) is conducting monitoring of a 200 ft stream reach adjacent to a 20 ft stream repair section. Odom Engineering PLLC (Odom) designed the repairs, which included streambank stabilization at a 60" RCP stormwater outlet, rock toe and slope stabilization with riparian seed mixture, and coir fabric placed on graded slopes. The purpose of monitoring is to ensure that the site continues to remain geomorphically stable following the repairs. This report serves as the second annual monitoring report (MY2) of three years of post -construction monitoring. Construction of the initial repairs were complete in the fall of 2019, and an as built geomorphic survey was performed on November 22, 2019. Following the As -Built survey, additional matting and live stakes were installed on April 30, 2020. In January 2021 additional stabilization measures were installed along the stream banks and below the 60" RCP stormwater outlet. A rock toe was installed along the inside meander bend of the stream bank, opposite of the stormwater outlet. The inside meander bend was regraded and stabilized with seed, straw, and matting. Additional energy dissipation measures were installed on the stream bank between the existing plunge pool and the stream edge. Erosion control wattles were installed along the stream side to prevent excess sediment entering the stream from the most recent work areas. Due to the installation of additional measures, geomorphic and photographic data collected in the fall of 2020 was not used for MY1. The bank stabilization work completed after the As -Built survey destroyed the original cross section pins and PVC monuments. The cross sections pins were reestablished, to the best of our ability, in the same locations as they were in the baseline survey. A survey was completed in July 2021 and submitted as MY1. Comparing existing conditions to the As -Built survey is a poor reference due to the additional stabilization work and resetting of cross section monuments; therefore, MY1 will serve as a new baseline moving forward. This annual monitoring report (MY2) documents the geomorphic condition of the channel adjacent to the stabilization efforts. Monitoring components include: geomorphic survey of stream dimension (cross sections) a longitudinal profile, and photographic reference points (photo -points) to visually document stream conditions. Please refer to Figure 3 for the location of monitoring features. Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 Report for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page i Table of Contents Introduction i Monitoring project success criteria 1 Methods 2 Geomorphic Surveys 2 Photographic Documentation 2 Results 3 Photographic Documentation Results 3 Geomorphic Monitoring 17 Conclusions 19 References 20 Attachment A • Longitudinal Profile Survey Visualization and Parameters • Cross -Sections 1-4 Survey Visualization and Parameters for MY1 and MY2 Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 Report for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page ii Monitoring Project Success Criteria The project success criteria is evaluated using Photo documentation, and Channel stability measurements that meet published guidelines for geomorphic assessment under section VI of the 2016 USACE Wilmington District Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update. If the repairs remain geomorphically stable through years one through three, the permit condition will be considered fulfilled. Channel Stability (Cross -sections, Longitudinal Profile Surveys): Minimal evidence of instability (downcutting, deposition, bank erosion, or an increase in fine substrates). Determination of success should indicate that there is no significant change from the As -Built dimension and longitudinal profile and should determine that any measurable changes are moving in a direction of stability rather than instability. Photo Documentation: Visual assessment should indicate no substation aggradation, degradation or bank erosion, should demonstrate success of planted riparian vegetation (riparian seeding and live stakes), effectiveness of erosion control measures, and the absence of developing instream bars. Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 1 of 10 Methods Geomorphic Surveys Stream surveys follow the methodology contained in the USDA forest service manual "Stream Channel Reference Sites (Harrelson, et al 1994). Both cross-section and longitudinal profile surveys were conducted on November 2, 2021. All monitoring locations are monumented with capped rebar and a PVC stake. The additional construction in 2020 resulted in cross section pins and monuments being reset. New monuments were placed, to the best of our abilities, in the same location as those in the 2019 As -Built monitoring. Geomorphic surveys were performed using a laser level, and laser sensor attached to stadia rod, and measuring tape. Permanent cross sections were established at four locations within the 200 ft reach to represent two riffles, one run and one pool. Cross section locations were established according to best professional judgement. Cross section data points were collected at all major changes in slope, including top of bank, bankfull, water surface and channel thalweg locations. A longitudinal survey was performed with data points collected at major changes in slope, including at the water surface and channel thalweg, head and tail of riffles, max pool depth and at bankfull or top of bank locations. Stream channel cross section dimensions and longitudinal profile slopes were calculated using "The Reference Reach Spreadsheet" version 4.3 L developed by Dan Mecklenburg. (Ohio Department of Natural Resources). A longitudinal survey will only be repeated during annual monitoring if visual assessment indicates significant incision or aggradation within the streambed. Photographic Documentation Photographic reference points (photo -points) were used to visually document stream conditions and included both a downstream facing photo and an upstream facing photo at each photo reference point. Photo -points were established at six (6) stations along the length of the 200 ft stream reach. The photographer will make a reasonable attempt to capture the same perspective in each photo -point location annually. Figure 3 includes the locations for all monitoring features. Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 2 of 10 Results Photographic Documentation Results Visual assessment was performed at the time of the MY1 Survey on July 2, 2021, as well as during the MY2 Geomorphic Survey on November 2, 2021. The visual assessment photos of MY1 and MY2 are included below for comparison. Photographs of the additional stabilization measures installed January 2021 and the current conditions of the live stakes installed April of 2020 are included in the subsequent section. Photo Points `•sog Z• - • ly. ;, Fes• [�^ 4 •4 . • . .. e .-'� ' ., O'710212?02 •o. ,� b o f Photo Point 1 Upstream: MY1 (7/2/2021) !.. : _ .:> - : ,� • .r7• • • .... -r! Y.. go ..,. , g�t..wsy 1- . •• 4', may,. - - ' .'•;�.ra .^P'.`' ;;�-.-�. tin -."wf •.... •.: },; .. '' fir. •:.pe,.• •y.asP�: _ �- ' ..: '.-" -rJ�lL L. L ..� • �:�• y. yam. > . . �.> Photo Point 1 Upstream: MY2 (11/2/2021) Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 3 of 10 Photo Point 1 Downstream: MY1 (7/2/2021) Photo Point 1 Downstream: MY2 (11/2/2021) Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 4 of 10 Photo Point 2 Upstream: MY1 (7/2/2021) Photo Point 2 Upstream: MY2 (11/2/2021) Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 5 of 10 Photo Point 2 Downstream: MY1 (7/2/2021) Photo Point 2 Downstream: MY2 (12/30/2021) Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 6 of 10 Photo Point 3 Upstream: MY1 (7/2/2021) Photo Point 3 Upstream: MY2 (12/30/2021) Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 7 of 10 Photo Point 3 Downstream: MY1 (7/2/2021) Photo Point 3 Downstream: MY2 (11/2/2021) Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 8 of 10 Photo Point 4 Upstream: MY1 (7/2/2021) 11/02/20.2.1 14'13 Photo Point4 Upstream: MY2 (11/2/2021) Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 9 of 10 Photo Point 4 Downstream: MY1 (7/2/2021) Photo Point 4 Downstream: MY2 (11/2/2021) Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 10 of 10 Photo Point 5 Upstream: MY1 (7/2/2021) Photo Point 5 Upstream: MY2 (11/2/2021) Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 11 of 10 Photo Point 5 Downstream: MY1 (7/2/2021) Photo Point 5 Downstream: MY2 (11/2/2021) Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 12 of 10 Photo Point 6 Facing Stormwater Outlet Pipe: MY1 (7/2/2021) Photo Point 6 Facing Stormwater Outlet Pipe: MY2 (11/2/2021) Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 13 of 10 Photo Point 6 Facing Stormwater confluence with UT to White Oak Creek: MY1 (7/2/2021) Photo Point 6 Facing Stormwater confluence with UT to White Oak Creek: MY2 (11/2/2021) Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 14 of 10 Additional streambank stabilization below the stormwater outlet and on the inside mend bend were installed in January 2021. Photographic documentation of the installed measures is presented below: Overview of additional stabilization measures (1/20/2021) Rock toe on inner bend, opposite of stormwater outlet (1/20/2021) Inner meander bend seed and matting (1/20/2021) Concrete block step structure installed below 60" RCP stormwater outlet (1/20/2021) Live stakes planted April 2020 on the outside meander bend have had a low rate of establishment. ClearWater recommends the installation of additional live stakes during the dormant season (December -March). Between MY1 and MY2 several riprap boulders washed into the stream bed on the outside meander bend in the vicinity of the concrete block step structure. The riprap stone was removed from the stream channel in order to prevent an unintentional change to the stream profile. Photos of the outside meander bend live stakes are included below: Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 15 of 10 Live stake installation on outside meander bend (4/30/2020) MY2 live stake survival is low and should be supplemented (12/30/2021) Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 16 of 10 Geomorphic Monitoring Four cross section surveys were performed during the November 2021 MY2 site visit. The geomorphic assessment was compared to MY1 data taken July 2021. Cross section comparison graphs and the longitudinal profile are included in Attachment A. The right pin of Cross Section 1 (XS1) was missing during the MY2 assessment. This area appeared to have been rematted since the MY1 site visit. The cross section pin was reestablished as close as possible to the same locations as the baseline survey. The MY2 survey of XS1 resulted in a similar profile to the one surveyed during MY1. Minor changes to the bank profile are possibly the result of replacing the original right pin. XS2 had additional stabilization work completed on the right bank since the MY1 survey. Slight aggradation (a few inches) was noted to the stream bed at XS2. This will be an area of interest during annual year 3 monitoring (MY3). XS3 and XS4 show very little change across the entire cross section. XS4 showed some very minor downcutting along the thalweg during MY1. This downcutting is not apparent during the MY2 survey and appears stable. The table below summarizes Geomorphic Data for the monitoring record: Bankfull Dimensions XS1 XS2 XS3 XS4 Riffle Run Pool Riffle Jul-21 Nov-21 Jul-21 Nov-21 Jul-21 Nov-21 Jul-21 Nov-21 x-section area (ft.sq.) 14.4 12.7 26.5 21.0 30.5 24.9 31.9 31.2 width (ft) 8.5 9.4 19.8 15.8 18.8 17.7 26.4 26.2 mean depth (ft) 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.2 max depth (ft) 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.7 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 wetted parimeter (ft) 11.3 12.5 22.9 19.3 21.7 20.5 27.8 28.1 hyd radi (ft) 1.3 1.0 1.2 1.1 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.1 width -depth ratio 5.0 6.9 14.8 12.0 11.6 12.5 21.8 22.0 In addition, photographic documentation of geomorphic cross sections are included below: Cross Section Photographs Cross Section 1 Facing Downstream (11/2/2021) Cross Section 1 Facing Upstream (11/2/2021) Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 17 of 10 Cross Section 2 Facing Downstream (12/30/2021) Cross Section 3 Facing Downstream (11/2/2021) Cross Section 4 Facing Downstream (11/2/2021) 130l20P1 13'23 Cross Section 2 Facing Upstream (12/30/2021) Cross Section 3 Facing Upstream (11/2/2021) Cross Section 4 Facing Upstream (11/2/2021) Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 18 of 10 Conclusions The overall geomorphic condition of UT to White Oak Creek appears to be stable within most of the project area. XS2 and the area around the concreate block stormwater outlet will continue to be an area of interest during MY3. Minor amounts of riprap mobilization was observed below the stormwater outlet structure and has been removed from the channel. Additional live stake planting is recommending along the outside meander bend below the stormwater outlet. As riparian vegetation continues to become established around the recently installed measures, it is expected that the stream will reach a new equilibrium and geomorphic conditions will move toward increased stability. MY2 indicates that the site generally meets performance standards. ClearWater will conduct the MY3 during the summer of 2022 and send the report to DWR for review. Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 19 of 10 References Harrelson, Cheryl C; C. L Rawlins; J.P. Potyondy. 1994. Stream channel reference sites: an illustrated guide to field technique. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-245. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 61 p. Dan Mecklenburg & Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Copyright 2006. "The Reference Reach Spreadsheet" version 4.3 L Tryon International Equestrian Center Monitoring Year 2 for repairs to UT to White Oak Creek December 2021 page 20 of 10 TIEC - UT to White Oak Creek Monitoring tr Se" F Mgnlo�iRK Legend Monitoring Reach TIEC Boundary Drawn by: AKT Date; 5.18.2020 CEC Project #747 Lei yen L., 4k Cam* 41‘ Polk County, North Carolina CLearWater An EnviroScience Company 145 7th Avenue West, Suite B Hendersonville, NC 28792 Vicinity Figure 1 TIEC - UT to White Oak Creek Monitoring 'whist do .". 1 AKT Date; 5.18.2020 CEC Project #747 / Polk County, North Carolina CLearWater An EnviroScience Company 145 7th Avenue West, Suite B Hendersonville, NC 28792 USGS Topographic Map Pea Ridge Quad Figure 2 TIEC - UT to White Oak Creek Monitoring 1 Stormwater Outlet 1 Photo Point 6 Photo Point 5 Legend - Monitoring Reach - Stormwater Infrastructure 1_ TIEC Boundary + Photo Points Cross -sections Drawn by: AKT Date; 5.18.2020 CEC Project #747 Aim + • Longitudinal Profile Reach 1Photo Point i Photo Point 2 IllPhoto Point 3 Photo Point 4 NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board A Polk County, North Carolina CLearWater An EnviroScience Company 145 7th Avenue West, Suite B Hendersonville, NC 28792 Monitoring Features Map Figure 3 Elevation (Feet Above MSL (Approx.)) Attachment A Cross Section Comparison Plots 842.5 842 841.5 841 840.5 840 839.5 839 838.5 838 837.5 TIEC - Repairs to UT to White Oak Creek MY2 - November 2021 XS1 0 5 10 15 20 Width (feet) Cross Section July-21 (MY1 New As -built) —Cross Section Nov-21 —Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions Jul-21 Nov-21 x-section area (ft.sq.) 14.4 12.7 width (ft) 8.5 9.4 mean depth (ft) 1.7 1.4 max depth (ft) 2.6 2.5 wetted parimeter (ft) 11.3 12.5 hyd radi (ft) 1.3 1.0 width -depth ratio 5.0 6.9 25 30 35 * Elevations are all correct relative to each cross section but may not be the exact elevation above MSL. Elevations were calculated based on a singular benchmark that is approximately 840 feet above MSL. Elevation (Feet Above MSL (Approx.) Attachment A Cross Section Comparison Plots 844 843 842 841 840 839 838 837 836 TIEC - Repairs to UT to White Oak Creek MY2 - November 2021 XS2 0 5 10 15 20 25 Width (Feet) Cross Section July-21 (NewAs-built) —Cross Section Nov-21—Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions Jul-21 Nov-21 x-section area (ft.sq.) 26.5 21.0 width (ft) 19.8 15.8 mean depth (ft) 1.3 1.3 max depth (ft) 2.5 2.7 wetted parimeter (ft) 22.9 19.3 hyd radi (ft) 1.2 1.1 width -depth ratio 14.8 12.0 30 * Elevations are all correct relative to each cross section but may not be the exact elevation above MSL. Elevations were calculated based on a singular benchmark that is approximately 840 feet above MSL. Elevation (Feet Above MSL (Approx,)) Attachment A Cross Section Comparison Plots 848 846 844 842 840 838 836 834 TIEC - Repairs to UT to White Oak Creek MY2 - November 2021 XS3 0 5 10 15 Cross Section July-21 (NewAs-Built) 20 25 Width (Feet) —Cross Section Nov-21 —Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions Jul-21 Nov-21 x-section area (ft.sq.) 30.5 24.9 width (ft) 18.8 17.7 mean depth (ft) 1.6 1.4 max depth (ft) 3.5 3.0 wetted parimeter (ft) 21.7 20.5 hyd radi (ft) 1.4 1.2 width -depth ratio 11.6 12.5 30 35 * Elevations are all correct relative to each cross section but may not be the exact elevation above MSL. Elevations were calculated based on a singular benchmark that is approximately 840 feet above MSL. Elevation (Feet Above MSL (Approx.) 840, 5 840 8395 839 8385 838 8375 837 8365 0 Attachment A Cross Section Comparison Plots XS4 TIEC - Repairs to UT to White Oak Creek MY2 - November 2021 �4E 5 10 15 20 25 Width (Feet) Cross Section July-21 (New As -Built) —Cross Section Nov-21—Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions Jul-21 Nov-21 x-section area (ft.sq.) 31.9 31.2 width (ft) 26.4 26.2 mean depth (ft) 1.2 1.2 max depth (ft) 3.0 3.0 wetted parimeter (ft) 27.8 28.1 hyd radi (ft) 1.1 1.1 width -depth ratio 21.8 22.0 30 * Elevations are all correct relative to each cross section but may not be the exact elevation above MSL. Elevations were calculated based on a singular benchmark that is approximately 840 feet above MSL. Attachment A Cross Section Comparison Plots TIEC - Repairs to UT to White Oak Creek MY2 — November 2021 Longitudin UT to White Oak Creek +bed water srf —•—bankfull x-section • riffle crest • pool ■ run a glide Channel Distance (ft) slope (%) slope ratio length (ft) length ratio reach 1.9 -- 200.0 (15.4 channel widths riffle 3 1.6 2.7 (0 - 12.6) 2.2 (-- - 1) pool 1.8 0.9 15.0 (0-7) 1.2 (---0.5) run 2.1 1.1 10.0 (0 - 3) 0.8 (-- - 0.2) glide 0 (0 - 5) 0 (0 - 2.6) 3.3 (1 - 2) 0.3 (0.1 - 0.2) pool -pool spacing (ft) p-p ratio 42.0 (15 - 43) 3.2 (1.2 - 3.3) * Elevations are all correct relative to the longitudinal profile but may not be the exact elevation above MSL. Elevations were calculated based on a singular benchmark that is approximately 840 feet above MSL.