The State of North Carolina has issued State General Permits for animal facilities to operate in North Carolina. These
Permits meet both State and EPA requirements and provide coverage for the following types of facilities.
• AWG100000 - Swine Facilities
• AWG200000 - Cattle Facilities
• AWG300000 - Poultry Facilities with a liquid waste management system
You have recently been issued a Certificate of Coverage (COC) to operate your animal facility under one of these General
Condition II.24 of each of these Permits reads as follows:
The Permittee shall:
a. install, operate, and maintain devices on all irrigation pumps/equipment designed to automatically stop irrigation
activities during precipitation; or
b. commit to provide for the presence of the OIC, a designated backup OIC, or a person under the supervision of an
OIC or designated backup OIC at all times during the land application of waste so that in case of a precipitation
event, the irrigation activities will be stopped immediately. This commitment must be submitted in writing to the
Division on a form supplied by, or approved by, the Division. [G.S. § 90A-47]
Installation of devices or submission of alternate documentation shall be completed within 12 months of the
issuance of the COC for this General Permit. The Permittee shall maintain such devices according to the
manufacturer's instructions and warranties. This Condition does not apply to manure spreaders or other equipment
pulled by manned vehicles. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)1
Please check the box below that indicates your commitment to do one of the following.
❑ Within twelve (12) months of the effective date of a COC issued under this permit, I shall install, operate and maintain
devices on all irrigation pumps/equipment designed to automatically stop irrigation activities during precipitation.
This condition does not apply to manure spreaders or other equipment pulled by manned vehicles.
❑ I will commit to provide for the presence of the Operator in Charge (OIC), the designated backup OIC, or a person
under the supervision of an OIC or backup OIC at all times during the land application of waste.
"I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a
system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my
inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,
the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are
significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing
Facility Name Permit Number
Owner/Permittee Name and Title (type or print)
Signature of Owner/Permittee Date
Signature of Operator in Charge (if different from Permittee) Date
DTAS I E 1-21-2020
Director Environmental Quality
January 7, 2022
CERTIFIED MAIL NUMBER 7018 1130 0000 1612 8137
Mary Ann Hopkins
Whitecedar Dairy
8255 White Cedar Road
Browns Summit, North Carolina 27214
SUBJECT: Notice of Violation (NOV-2022-PC-0013)
Compliance Evaluation Inspection
Certificate of Coverage #AWC410013
Facility No. #41-13
Guilford County
Dear Ms. Hopkins:
On December 21, 2021, Division of Water Resources staff Caitlin Caudle conducted a
scheduled routine compliance inspection. A review of the subject facility reflected non-
compliance with the subject permit. The following violations were determined during the
1. Permit Condition 111.2 highly visible waste -level gauges shall be installed and
maintained in each lagoon/storage pond and waste levels are to be monitored
and recorded weekly. At the time of inspection, waste level gauges had been
resurveyed November 11, 2021, but no waste levels had been recorded for the
calendar year. Moving forward, please maintain a weekly record of waste
levels in the upper and lower storage ponds as discussed during the
2. Permit Condition 11.1 states "the collection, treatment, storage facilities, and the
land application equipment and fields shall be properly operated and maintained
at all times." At the time of inspection, animal holes were still present on the
lower storage pond and animal holes were found on the upper storage pond.
Please take steps to remove the nuisance animals and back fill the animal
holes. Continue to mow the embankments to discourage the animals from
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North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources
Winston-Salem Regional Office 1450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 I Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27105
Other Potential Violations and Concerns:
A. Permit Condition 11.16 states "the Permittee shall designate a certified animal
waste management system operator with a valid certification to be in charge of
the animal waste management system." At the time of inspection, a valid
operator was not designated. During the inspection the Operator Designation
Form was partially filled out. Please submit the completed Operator
Designation form as soon as possible and send a copy to Caitlin Caudle at
B. At the time of inspection, irrigation activities had occurred before irrigation had
been added to the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). Please
complete the enclosed rainbreaker form and return it to Ms. Caudle. Moving
forward, calibrate the irrigation reel before any further irrigation activities
and ensure that all irrigation activities are in compliance with the (CAWMP).
Your attention to the above mentioned items is greatly appreciated. If you have any
questions about this Notice, please contact Caitlin Caudle at the letterhead address and
phone number, or by email at caitlin.caudle@ncdenr.gov.
I DocuSigned by:<
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Lon T. Snider, Regional Supervisor
Water Quality Regional Operations Section
Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ-WSRO
Enc: Rainbreaker Form
Cc: WSRO Facility Files
NCDEQ-WSRO Animal Feeding Operations
Guilford Soil and Water Conservation District (electronic copy)
gapartmeM of Environmental quaky
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality j Division of Water Resources
Winston-Salem Regional Office 1450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 I Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27105