HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140111 Ver 1_Application_20140103���W �T��'� a � Office Use Only: 1 t � � Corps action fa no. � r �' � ° '` DWQ project no. Form Versipn 9.0 November 2008 Pre-Canstruction Noiification tPCN) Farm A. Applicant tnformation 1. Processing 'f a. Type{s) of approval sought frorn the Carps: ❑ S�ction 404 Permit � Section 10 Rermit 1 b. Specify Na#ionwEde Permit (I�WP} number: or General Permit (GP) number. 1 c, Has the NWP or GP r�umber been aerified by the Corps? � Yes 1d. Type(s} of approva! soug�t from the DWQ (check aEP that apply}: � 401 Wa�er Quality Certification — R�gular ❑ Non-404 Jur�sdictional General Permit Q 401 Water Quality Cer#ification —�xpress ❑ Riparian Buff�r Authorization i e_ !s this notification soi�ly for tha record For �he record only for DWQ 409 becau�e wriften appro�al is no# required? �ertificatian: � Yes � No 1f. !s paymen# into a mitigation bank or irt-li�u fee program prapased for mitigation of impac#s? If so, attach the accep#ance ietter fram rriitigation bank or in-lieu fee �rogram. 1g. Is the project loca#ed in any of NC's twenty coastal counti�s. If yes, answer 1h beEow. ❑ No For the record only for Corps Permit: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes � No � Yes 1 h. Is the projeet loca#ed within a NC aCM Area of Enviroramental Concern (AEC)? � Yes 2. Project Information 2a. I�arne of project: Maintenance Dredgir�g Hatt�ras-Ocracoke State Ferry Channel 2b. Cou�ty: ryy�� 2c. Neares# municipaiity / town: Oeracake 2d. S�bdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.l.P. or state �� 71�4� projeet no: 3. Owner Infcsrmation 3a. Name on RecorcE�d �eed: NCDOT F�rry Division 3b. Deed B�ofc and Page IVo. N1A 3c, Resp4nsible Party (for LLC if .,,,,,�„�„H�„�. Lance Winsfow 3d. Street address: 8550 Shipyard Road 3e. City, s#ate, zip: Manns Harbor, NC 27953 3f. Telephone no.: 252-473-3461 3g, Fax no.: 252-473-1�94 3h. �mail address: lwinslow@ncdot.gov ❑ Na ❑ No Page 1 of 12 PCEV Form — Versian 1.0 Navember 20fl8 Version Secti�or� A. Applicant Information, cont'[nuec! 4. Applicant Informati�n (�f ciif#erent from owner} 4a. Appl�cant is: � Agent ❑ Other, specify: 4b. fVame: Lance Winslow 4c. Business �na�ne N!A (if applicable): 4d. Street acldress: 8550 Shipyard Road 4e. Gity, state, zip. Manns Harbor, NC 27953 4f. 7elepf�pne no.: 252-473-3461 4g. Fax no.: 252-473-1490 4h. Emaii address: Iwins�ow@ncdot.gov 5. AgentlConsuftant Ir�fc�rmatian (if appiicab#e) 5a. Nam�: NIA 5b. Business name {if appticabE�): 5c. Street address: 5d. Ci#y, s#ate, zip: 5e. Tefephone no.: 5f. Fax no.; 5g. Email address: Page 2 of 12 PCN Form — Nover�ber 2QQ8 Version B, Pr€aject Ir�formation and Pr�or Project Mistory 1. Prqperty �dentification 1a. Property identifcatisan no. (tax PIN or pareel i[l): 1b. Site coprdinates (irr decimal degrees): 1 c. Praperty size: 2. Surtace 1Naters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, riuer, etc_) to prqposec� project: 2b. Water Quaiity Classification af nearest receiving water: 2c_ Riv�r basin: NIA 35.191796'N - 75.78Q978`W 40.a acres Pa►nlico Sbund Pamfico Sound 3. Prnjeet Description 3a. �escribe the existing canditions on the site and tite general land �se in the vicinity of the project at fh� time o# this application: Th'rs properiy is used by the N.C. Ferry piaision to transfer automobiles and passengers frnm Hatteras to Ocracake Island, 3b. List the total estimated acr�age of all existing wetiands on the property: 1.0 acres 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (int�rmittent arrd p�renniaf) on the praperty: a 3tl. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: To perfiorm maintenance dredging in the state maintained chann�ls and Ferry Basins at the Hatteras-0cracoke Ferry Operations. Spoil wifl b� pumped into the approved spoil sites as shown on attached drawings. 3e. Describ� ihe overaP� project in detaii, including the type of equipmen# to be used: Ferry Division brecfge Caralina will pertorm maintenance dredging to a!!ow the safe passag� of ferrries from Hatt�ras to Ocracoke. There is approximately 7�,0{30 cubic yards to be r�moved. Sam� mater�al will be placed on the beach to protect the hairpin tum on Qcracoke as previously completet! and as required in fhe fVational F'ark Service (NPS) Special Use Permit. �he spoiR si#e on Ocracoke will hofd this materiaf. A dr�dge, excavator, barges, tug boat, and bulldozer wiii be used for si#e preparation and to perForm the dr�cfging aetivities. 4. Jurisdictional Determina#ions 4a. Have jurisdi�tional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requ�sted or obtained for this property 1 praject (incluclir�g all prior phases) in the past? 4b. lf #he Corps made the jurisdictional determination, wha# type of determination uvas made? ❑ Y�� i� �o ❑ Unknown ❑ Preliminary ❑ Fir�af 4c. If yes, wha deiineated the jurisdickional areas? AgeneylConsultant Company: Nama �if known): Other: 4d. !f yes, fist the da#es of the Gorps jurisdictiana� deterrrainations or State deierminaticans and attach dc�cumentatian. 5. F'ro�ect Histary 5a. HaWe permits or certifications been requested c�r obtained for tl�is project (including all �rior phases) in the past? ��'es 5b. Ef yes, ex�alain in detail accordir�g #t� "help file" instructions. CAMA major permit 561 Ex. 4-3Q-2p1� COE Ger�era! Permit 291 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? 6b. !f yes, explain. ❑ `res ❑ No �1 . ❑ Unknown Page 3 of 12 PCN Form — Uersion 'I.0 Novemb�r 2[}08 Version B. Praject InformatEOn and Arior Project Mistory �age 4 of 12 PCN Farm — November 2008 Version C. Propfls�d Impacts Inventory 1. lmpacts Summary 1 a. Wfaich sections were completed belflw for your project (check all #hat appPy); [] Wetlands ❑ 5#reams - tribuiaries [] Bui#ers � Open Waters ❑ Pond Cdnstruction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts propased on the site, th�n complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b_ 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Vlietland impact Type af jurisdic#ian numb�r — Type of Type af wetfand Forested �Carps - 4d4, 1Q Area of impact (acres) F�rmanent (P} or ir�pact (if kr�own} DWQ — non-404, ather) Tem ora T W'f ❑ P[] T ❑ Yes ❑ No � Corps � QWQ W2 ❑ P�] T ❑ Yes ❑ Na � Carps ❑ DWC2 W3 � P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ No � C�rps ❑ DWQ W4 [] P� T ❑ Yes � No � pWQ W5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes [] No 0 Corps ❑ DWfli W6 ❑ P[] T [� Yes ❑ I�o � Corps Q DWQ 2g. Total wetland imp�cts 2h. Cornments: 3. Stream lmpacts If there are perenniai or interrnitten# stream impacts {including temporar�r impacts) proposed an the site, then comp�ete this question for al! stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. Stream impact Type of Stream name Perennial (PER) or Average stream width (feet) �mPaGf nurnber- impact intertnittent (fNT)? length Permanent (P) or (lir�ear feet) Ter�porary {T) �� ,❑ P [� � [] PER ❑ INi S2 ❑ P,❑ T ❑ PER ❑ INT 53 ❑P[]T []PER ❑INT 54 � P � T [� PER ❑ INT S5 ❑ P�] T [] PER ❑ INT S6 ❑ P 0 T ❑ P�R ❑ W�' 3g. Total stream �nd tributary impacts 3h. Comments: Page 5 af 12 PGN Farm — Version 1.0 Nowember 2�p8 Version C. �Froposed Irnpacts Inventory, cantine�ed Page 6 of 12 PCN Form — FVovember 2�08 Version C. �ropased Er�pacts Inventary, continued 5, Pond or Lake Construction If ond o� lak� construction ro ased, then com Ie#e the c#�art below. 5a. 5b. 5c, �d. 5e. Wetland Imp�cts {acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond !a Propc�sed t�se or (aCras) nurnber purpose of pond Flooded Fi]!�d �xca�ated Flooded Fillet! Excavate�l Fiooded P1 F'2 5f. Total 5g- Comrr�ents: 5h. Is a dam high hazard perm�t required? ❑ Y�s ❑ f�a If yes, permit !D no: 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres}: 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method o# construction: 6. Buffer Impacts {for DWQ} If praject will impact a proteeied riparian buffer, then complet� the chart belovv, lf yes, then indi�idu�lly list ali buffer impacts below. If an irn acts re uire miti ation, then ou MUST fill out Section p o# this form. 6a. ❑ N�use ❑ Tar Pamlieo ❑ Other: Proj�ct �s in which protec#ed basin? 0 Catawba ❑ Ftandleman �b. 6c. 6t�. 6e. 6f. gg, BufFer impact n�amber — Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact (square Zone 2 irnpact F'ermanent (P) for frrrpact Stream name mitiga#ion #eet) (square feet} ar Tem�orary �equired? B1 ❑P[]T ❑Yes [�No B2 ❑P�T QYes ❑No B3 ❑P❑T []Yes ❑No 6h. To#al bu�Fer smpacts Bi. Comments: Page 7 of 12 PCN Farm — November 2008 Version D. lmpact Justification and Mitigation 1, Avoidanee and Minimizatian 1 a. Specifically describe measures taken to a�Qid or mini�nize th� proposed impacts in designing pro�ect. � b. SpecificalPy describe measUres taken to a�oid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. 2. Compensaiory Mitigat�on for Impacts ta VYa#ers of the U.S. or Wat�rs of the State 2a. Does �he project requir� Compensa#ory Mitigation for ❑ Yes � No i�-r�pacts to Waters of the l�.S. or Wa#ers of the State? 2b. If yes, rni�igation is required by (check aN that apply): [] !]WQ j] Corps ❑ Mitigation banlc 2c. If yes, wuhieh rrkitigatian optiorr wiff be used for this praject? ❑ Paymer�t to in-li�u tee program ❑ Permitt�e Respor�sible MitigatEOn 3. Cot'npleie if EJsing a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name afi Mitigation �ank: NIA 3b. Cre�f#s Pur�hased (attach receipt and letter) Type Quantity 3c. Comments: 4. C�ornplete ii Making a Payment to In-iieu Fee Program 4a. Approva� letter from in-lieu �ee program is attached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream ra�itigation requested: finear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, strea� temperature: warrn, cool, eold 4d. Bufi�er mitigatior� requesied {ClWQ oraly): square feet 4e. �tiparian we#land mitigatian rec�uested: acres 4f_ �ton-riparian wetland mitigatiora reques#ed: acres ��. Coasta! (tidal) we#land mitigatior� requested: acres 4h.. Camments; 5. Gomplete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a perrr�ittee r�sponsible mitigatian plan, provide a descrip#ian of ihe proposed mitigatian p[an. NIA Page 8 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.0 Novemb�r 2008 Versifln D. Impact Justi#ication and Mrtiga#ior�, con#inued 6. Buffer Miti�ation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — req�ired by DWQ 6a� Will #F�e proj�e# result in an impact within a proiected riparian bufFer that requires I�] Yes � f�o buffer mitigation? 6b. if yes, then identify the square feet of impaci to each zone of the riparian bufFer that requires mitigatican, Galcu�at� the amount of mftiga#FOn required. Zone Fteason for impact Total impact Muftiplier Required mitigatior� (square feet) (square feet) Zone i 3(2 for Catawba) Zor�e 2 1.5 Totai buffer r�itigation required: 6c. If bufiFer mitigation is required, discuss whai type of mitigatian is proposed (e.g., paym�nt ta pri�ate mitigation bank, pere�iitee respQnsible riparian bufFer restoration, payment into ara appro�ed in-fieu fee fund). 6d. Comm�nts. Page 9 of �2 PCN Form — No�ember 2008 Version - E. Stormuvater FVlanag�ment and Diffuse �low Plan (required by DWQ) f. niffuse Flow Plan 1 a_ Does the proteci include or �s it adjacenf to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Ripa�ia� BufFer Proteetion Ru1es? � Yes ❑ No 1 b. Ifi yes, t#�en is a diffuse flow plan included? ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Determination if the Pro"ect Re uires a S#ormwater Mana emen# Rlan 2a. Does the project require a Nan-404 Jurisdictional General �ermit? ❑ Yes � No 2b, Is the project subject to Generaf Certification 3704 or 37�5? � y�s � N� 3. De#errnination of Stormwater RgvFew Jurisdi�tion 3a. ls this praject subject to any of the following state-implemenied stormwater ❑ Coasta! counties man�gement programs (check all that apply}? ❑ F1QW [] ORW If sa, attach one copy o� the approva� letter frc�m the pWQ and one copy of the ,� Sessian Law �005-246 apprc,ved stnrmwater manageme�t pfan. � D���r: 3b. Ir� which local go�ernment's jurisdiction is this �roject? 3c. Is #his iacal govemment certified to implerr�ent a state stormwater program? [j Yes ❑ No I� so, attach one capy of the approval fetter from the Iocal gcsvernment and qne eopy of the approved stormwater management pEan (or or�e capy of the approved Stormwater ertanagement plan starr�ped as app�oveci). 4. �nformation Re �ired fc�r DW�Q 4U1 Unit Stormwater Review �4a. W'hat is the o�erall ercent im erviousness accordin #a the most curre�t sit� lan? NIA 4b. Does this project contain any areas that meet the �riteria far "high density" per 0 Yes � No Ger�eral Certificatiarts 3704 ancf 3705? 4c. lf the sit� is o�er 24% imperv�ous and/or cor�tains high den�ity areas, then pro�ide a brief narratiVe description of the storrnwater managemenk plan. NIA 4d. H'a5 a campleted BMP SuppRement Form with a!I required iterns beer� suEamitted for each starmwa#er BN1P? ❑�`es � f�o Page 1 Q a� 12 PCN Form — Version 1.D No�ember 20Q8 Version �. Supplementary InfQrma#ion 7. �nvironmental Documen#ation (DWQ Requirerr�en#) 3a. �oes th� proJect inWOive an expendit�re of public (federallstatellocal) funds or the � yes ❑ No use of public (federallstate) lar�d? 1 b. If you answer�d °yes" to the above, does th� proaect require preparatian of an er�vironmenta8 dncument p�rsuant to th� requirements of the �Vatior�al or State ❑ Yes � No (North Carolina} Enwironmer�taR Policy Act {NEI',AISEPA)? 1 e. If you answered "yes" ta the abo�e, has the document review been finalized by th� State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the I�EPA dr SEPA f na9 appro�al letter.} ❑ Y�s ❑ No Gomments: 2. Violations (DWQ R�c�u�irement} 2a. Is the site in uialation of DVI+Q Wetland Rules (15A �ICAC 2H .05Qa), Isoiated Wet�and Rules (15A NGAC 2H .131�0), DWQ SurFace Water or Wetland S#andards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparia� BufFer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200}? 2b, �s this an after-t�e-fact p�ra�it application? 0 Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes° to one or both of the above queations, pro�ide an exp�anation of the violation(s): NIA 3, Cumuiativ� Impacts (DWQ Requirement� 3a. Will this project {based an past and reasonably anticipated future impacts} result in Q Yes � Na additional develapment, which could �mpact nearby downstream wat�r quafity? 3b. kf yau answered "y�es" i4 the abave, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulatiue im�act analysis in accordance with the ra�ost recent DWQ policy. If you answered "na," prowide a shork narrative descript�on. �JIA d, Sewage Dispasal (DWQ Requirementj 4a� Clearly detail the ultimate treatrnent methads and dispQSition (non-discharge or discharge} of wast�watee generated fram the propased projec#, or available capacity flf the subject facility. lVIA Page 11 of 12 PCN �orrn — Versian 1.Q N+�vember 20D8 Version F. Supplementary fnformation, continued 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical HabitaE (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project accur in or near an area with federally protec#ed species or ��Q habitat? � Yes 5b. Have yau checked wikh the USFWS concerrring Endangered Species Aci impacts? ❑ Yes � No ❑ Raleigh 5c. If yes, incPicat� #he USFVIIS Field Office you haue contacted. ❑ Asheville 5d. What data sourCes did you use to determtne whether your si�e would impact Endangereci Species or desfgnate�d Critical Ffabitat'� As the past C4� permit, and the curren# CAMA permit, the spoil site is manikored by the NPS for E�d�nger�d shore birds. Also, there are S�a turtles presen# in the area frorn time to time. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Ccsrps R�quirernen#} 6a. Will ihis project acc�r in or near an area designated as essen#iaf fish habitat? ❑ Yes � Np 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site wt�uld impact Essential Fish Ffabitat? 7. Historic ar Prehistoric Gulturai Resources {Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal ar triba� go�ernments have designaked as having historic or c�lkural preservation [] yes � No status (e.g., National Historic Trus# designation or prop�rties significant ir7 IVorth Carolina histQry and archaealagy)? 7b. What data sources dicf you use to determine whether your site wcruld impac# historic or archeologica! resources? 8. Flooci Zor�e l]es�gnation {Carps Requirem�nt) 8a. Wil! t�is project oecu� in a FEAAA-desfg�nated 100-year filoodplain? � Yes � No Sb. If yes, explain ho►nr project m�ets FEMA re+�uirements: 8c. What sour�e(s) did you u�e to make the flot�dplain determination? Lance Winslow (,� , f _ f ��/ 213f 14 Applican�`Agen#'s Prir�ted Name Appficant/Agent's 5igr�ature {Ag�nfs signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant Date is rovided. Page 12 of � 2 PCN Form — No�ember 20Q81/ersion ..-- - - -��------ .. - --� - ----- > � = s $ 8 8 -€ 6 3 8€ g�' � - - - ` �t;� :' � \� . . _ i �� �Z; � � r� \� `��- �,`�� _ � � �\i` ^ .✓ � ��sr � �`�� i �,. , .w'�'',..:- � . . � -- � �iry.. 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