HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140100 Ver 1_Application_20140130Corps Si�bmittal Covei• Sheet Ylease provide the follow�ing info: 1. Project Name Bridge 359 on SR 1531 (Lee Road) 2. Name ol�Property O��vner/Applicant: NC Departmciit oY Ti�nsportation 3. Name of Consaltant/Agent: N/A *Agcnt aWhoriznlion nceds to bc attnchcd. 4. Related/Previous Action ID number(s): 5. Site Address: N/A 6. Subdivision N�mc: N/A 7. Ciq�: C11'de 8. Count}�: Hay�vood 9. Lat: 35.53231 ° N Long: -82.93056 ° W (Appi•ox Pi•oject Center) 10. Quadrangle Name: Clyde (35082-E8-1'F-0241 I 1. W�tcrw�y: U"I� to Piacon River 12. Watershed: Frencli Broad River (060101061 13. Rcquested Action: X Natiai�vide Permit # 14 General Periuit # Jurisdictioual Detenniu�tion Request Pre-Application Request The following iuforivation �vill be completed by Corps oftice: t1ID: Prepare File Folder Assign nwilber in ORM Begiu Date Authorization: Sectiou 10 Section 404 Project Description/ Nature of Activit}�/ Project Purpose: Site/\T��aters Name: Key�vords: PAT MCCRORY GOVERNOR ��.� ,�� ,�;�.�� _�_,� > S"I'ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION �TIlU�l'�' 3�, Z��� Ms. Lori Beckwith, NCDOT Regulatory Project Manager U. S. Army Corps of I:ngineers I51 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-2714 ANTHONYJ.TA"PA SECRtTARl' Subject: Natiom��ide 14 Permit Application Replace Bridge No. 359 on SR 1531 (T.ee Road) over au Unnamed Tributai}� to tl�e Pigeon River with a Double B�rrel Reiuforced Concrete Box Culvert Haywood Cowity State Project No. 17BP.14.R.53 (DWQ Minor Peruiit Ree $240.00) Dear Ms. Beckwith: The North Carolina Department of Trai�spoi�tation (NCDOT) is proposing to replace the subject bridge. The e�isting 15' L Y 20.8' W tiuiber bridge ueeds ro be ieplaced due to deterioration and iusufficient widtl�. Tlie proposed replacement structtu�e will be a 2 a 8' W� T H x 44' L double barrel reinforced concrete boY cttivert (RCBC) on a 1 ll degree skew with a slope of 1.0%. Tlie road �vill be closed during constructiou; therefore an a�site detour is not required. Tl�e cubert is relatively flat (1.0 %) and will be buried one foot below tlie esistiug streanibed elevation. Baffles will be iustalled in the low flow barrel aud floodplain benches at the inlet aud outlet of the liigli flow barrel. This design �vill help maintain aquatic life passage, especially during periods of lo�a� tlow. I aui enclosing a PCN applicatiou, Rapanos Jurisdictional forin, EEP mitigation acceptauce letter, SHPO forms, plan sheets showing the proposed work, a marked couuty map, a USGS quad map aiid photographs. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USPWS) Couuty List aud d�e North Carolina Namral Heritage Database �vere checked for records of threatened and endaugered species. Tlie USPWS lists 47 species that have federal status for IIay�vood Couuty. Eiglit species, Carolina Northern Flying Sqairrel (Glnucon�7�s sabrinus coloralrrs), gray bat (�1lyolis grisescens), Indiana bat (bl��otis sod�dis), Appalachiail elktoe (Alasmidontn rnveneliano), spruce-iir moss spider (�1licrohe.z�tu•n montii�ngo), sivall �vhorled pogonia (/.soh•irr ntedeoloides), spreading aveus (Geum rndinhnn) and rock gnome lichen (Gynnrodermo linenre), are listed as eidier tlu•eatened or endangered. Althougli tlie Indiaiia bat is listed in the d�tabase, Uie U.S. Fish aud Wildlife h'aurteen�h Division Otiicc "felephone: (32S) �86-2141 253 \Ycbster Road. S}•Iva, North Carolimi 28779 Pas: (823) SR6-4043 Bridge No. 359 — H�}�vood County Page 2 Januaiy 30, 2014 Seivice does not consider Hay���ood County to be an liidi�ua bat coanty. Tl�e bald eagle (Holineelus ler�cocepl��dus) retains special protection under dte Bald aud Golden Eagle Protection Act. Tl�e Appalachian elktoe is the only listed species to occur witl�in a five mile radius. The Pigeon River upsh�eam ol Canton is designated critical hTbitat for the Appalachian elktoe. Although this reacli of the Pigeon River sapports a significant popidation there are no records for tlie Appalachian elktoe downstream of Canton. The Carolina northern flying squirrel, the rock gnome lichen, spruce-fir moss spider and spreading avens are species that are fouud iu habitats at relatively high elevation. The rock gnome lichen does occar at lower elevation iu some cases in deep gorges in areas of higli hnmidity usually on vertical rock formations. The elevation at the site is appro�imately 2600 leet ancl laeks vertical rock substrate. The project area is not charaeteristic of the Carolina tlying squinel, rock gnome lichen spruce-fir moss spider or spreading avens. The small w�horlcd pogauiT, according to tlie USFWS, generally occurs in open, dry, deciduous woods with acid soil. I-Io�vever, it is also known to oceui• iu a vaciery of habitats in Nortli Carolina, indttding along streatns. Tlte general landscape iu the vicinit}' of tlie bridge l�as been altered signilicantly by residential yards, pasture, cleariug of the riparian areT and road and drive���ay ii�tersectioiis. The area lacks liabitat characteristic of tlie small wliorled pogonia. The grap bat requires cave habitat year round and caves are lacking at the project site. The bridge itself is constracted of timber aud lacks the tliermal cl�aracteristics to make tl�e bridge au attractive roosting site for bats. No stainiug or guano was observed during the field scoping meeting. Tlie project is limited in scope. Erosion and sedimeutation control measures ��vill minimize impacts to downsh•eam aquatic habitat Tl�e habitat to be ciishu�bed for the project has beeu significanUy altered. Habitat for the listed species �nd for the bald eagle appears to be lacking at tlie project site. No tlueateued or endangered species were observed duriug tlie field scopiug process. For these reasons �nd tliose discussed aUove, we recommend a"uo effecY' deterinivation for threatened and endangered species. This project �vas revie�ved by NCDO"I"s Human Environment Unit in 2012 for potential affects to liistoric arcl�itecture and archaeology. It was deteriiii�ied tliat ueitlier archaeology nor liistoric architechire reqi�ired a survey (see atlached SHPO forms). NCDOT best mauagement practices w�ill be used to minimize aud control erosion and sedimentation on this project. The construction foremau will review all erosion control measures daily to ensure erosion aud sedimentation are beiug controlled effectively. lf the devices are not functionuig as inteuded, tliey �vill be replaced immediately with better devices. Bridge No. 359 — Ha}���ood County Page 3 January 30, 2014 Impacts to Waters of the United States The utmanled tribntary ofPigeon River (DWR Class: C) is shown on tlie USGS topograpl�ic map as a perennial stream. The channel is well defiued with a substrate primarily of cobble, gravel, sand aud silt aud is approximatel}' seven feet in �vidlh. The annamed tributary flows approximately 0.6 miles to tl�e Pigeon River. The Yigeon River meets the definitiai of a Traditional Navigable Water. Por tliese reasons, we believe tlie unnamed tributatry is Relatively Permauent Water aud is uuder tlie jurisdiction of tlie U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. lu order to construct die project, it will be necessaiy to iu�pact ��vaters of tl�e United States in the Frencli I3road River Basin (HUC 06010106). Specitically, NCDOT is requesting to replace Bridge No. 359 with a RCBC. Listed below is a summary of the proposed impacts. Site No. Esisting Condition Proposed Condition Net Impacts Site I � 5' L a 20.8' W 1'iuiber 2 a� 8' W � 7' H s 44'L ��, Bridge Double Barrel RCBC Site lA Free Flo���ing Stream Impeivious Dike and Flow �00' Diversion Natural Strearnbank and Eacavate & construct floodplaui Site 1B bench aud riprap adjacent 22' Riparian Area streambaiiks (lulet) Natural Sh�eTUibank and Eacavate & constrtict floodplain Site 1 C Riparian Area bench aud riprap adjaceut 32' streambanks (Outlet) Total Perma�ieut Streau� I�npacts for Culvert aa� Tot�l Perivanent Stream Impacts fm• Ploodplaiu Benclies and Baiilc Stabilizatiou SA' Total Tempm•a��� Lnpacts for Impe�vious Dilce and F'low Dive�sion 100' Permits Requested NCDOT is hereby re�uestii�g �uthorization under Section 40�1 of tlie Cleau Water Act to proceed with U�e construction project oiitlined above. By copy of tliis letter, I am asking Ms. Marla Chambers, Western DOT Review Coordinator, of the Nortl� Carolina Wildlife Resow�ces Conmiission (NCWRC) to connnent directly to you concerning the 404 Nationt�vide Permit request. I am Tlso requesting authorization under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act fi�om the North Carolina Departmei�t ofEin�ironment and Natur�l Resources (DENR), Division of Water Resources. ln addition, I am asking Ms. Chambers and Mr. Ben DeWit, Roadside Environmental Field Operations Engineer (NCDOT), to comment directly to me conceruiug this permit request. F3ridge No. 359 — Ha}ryvood County Page 4 Jauuary 30, 2014 If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mr. Josh De}�ton at (828) 488-2131 or me at (828) 586-2141. Your early revie�v aud cousideration will be greatly apprcciated. Siucercl}�, � /�J l ✓ /�/ / /�.. / ll%'� � `. . /(�=�1 ll;L---. Mark S. Davis Division 14 Environmental Supcivisor �nclosures cc: Ms. Amy Cl�apman, Division of Water Resources—DENR, Raleigh Mr. Keviu Barnett, Divisiou of Water Resources — DENR, Asheville Mr. Jason Mays, Biologist, US Fish and Wildlife Se�vice, Asheville Ms. n4arla Clilmbers, Western NCDO"1' Revie��� Coordinitor, NCWRC, Albemarle Mr. Josli Deytou, P�, Division 14 Bridge Managemei�t Eugineer, NCDOT, Biyson City Mr. Beu DeWit, 6I, Roadside Euvironmental Field Operations Engineer, NCDOT o��F W ATF9GG v r-'� r � , y O _ = Y � — Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWR project no. Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form A. Applicant Information 1. Processing 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: � Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or General Permit (GP) number: 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by lhe Corps? � Yes ❑No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): � 401 Water Quality Certifcation — Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certifcation — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorizalion 1e. Is this notification solely for the record For the record only for DWR 401 For lhe record only for Corps Permit: because written approval is not required? Certification: ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for miligation � Yes ❑ No of impacls? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. 1g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1h ❑ Yes � No below. 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concem (AEC)? ❑ Yes � No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Replace Bridge No. 359 on SR 1531 (Lee Road) over UT to Pigeon River 2b. Counly: Haywood 2c. Nearest municipality / town: Clyde 2d. Subdivision naine: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state 17BP.14.R53 project no: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: Norih Carolina Department of Transportalion 3b. Deed Book and Page No. N/A 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if Mark S. Davis, Division 14 Environmenlal Supervisor applicable): 3d. Street address: 253 Webster Road 3e. City, state, zip: Sylva, NC 28779 3f. Telephone no.: 828-586-2141 3g. Fax no.: 828-586-4043 3h. Email address: markdavis@ncdol.gov Page 1 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, specify: 4b. Name: N/A 4c. Business name N/A (if applicable): 4d. Slreetaddress: N/A 4e. Cily, state, zip: N/A 4f. Telephone no.: N/A 4g. Fax no.: N/A 4h. Email address: N/A 5. AgenUConsultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: N/A 5b. Business name N/A (if applicable): 5c. Streetaddress: N/A 5d. City, state, zip: N/A 5e. Telephone no.: N/A 5f. Fax no.: N/A 5g. Email address: N/A Page 2 of 11 B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identificalion no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): N/A 1 b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Lafilude: 35.53231 Longitude: -82.93056 1 c. Property size: N/A acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to Unnamed Tributary to the Pigeon River proposed projecl: 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: DWR Class: C 2c. River basin: French Broad River Basin (HUC 06010106) 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing condilions on the site and lhe general land use in the vicinily of lhe project at the time of this applicalion: The landscape is a mosaic of forest, fields and residential areas. The immediate vicinity of the bridge is priinarily residential with forested areas restricted primarily to a narrow riparian buffer. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the properly: N/A 3a List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermitlent and perennial) on the property: N/A 3d. Explain lhe purpose of the proposed projecl: To replace the existing substandarci bridge with an 8' x 7' x 44' double barreled reinforced concrete box culvert (RCBC). 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Road will be closed for conslruction. Erosion and setlirnentation rneasures will be installed. The existing bridge will be removed. The culvert will be phased constructed in the "dry". The right barrel of culvert will be constructed next to the exisling stream channel. The stream will be diverted lo ihe right barrel while lhe left barrel is constructeQ. Roadway will be reconstructed over the completed culvert and repaved. Track hoes, dump trucks, bulldozers, cranes, paving equipment, water pumps, sandbags, diversion pipe and various hand lools will be used to accomplish the work. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdiclional wetland or slream deferminations by the Corps or Stale been requested or obtained for this property / � Yes � No ❑ Unknown project (induding all prior phases) in the past? Comments: N/A 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what lype of determination was made? ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: N/A Name (if known): N/A Other: N/A 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and altach documentation. N/A 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for � Yes � No ❑ Unknown this project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes � No 6b. If yes, explain. Page 3 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were compleled below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ Wetlands � Streams - lributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland hnpacts If lhere are wetland impacts proposed on lhe site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction nwnber — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanenl (P) or (if known) DWR — non-404, other) (acres) Tem ora T W1 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A � Nos ❑ DWR N/A Wz � P� T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWR W3 ❑ P 0 T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWR W4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWR W5 ❑ P � T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWR W6 ❑ P � T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWR 2g. Total wetland impacts N/A 2h. Comments: N/A 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3 b. 3 c. 3 d. 3 e. 3f. 3 g. Stream impact Type of impac[ Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream length Permanent (P) or intermitlent DWR — non-404, widlh (linear Temporary (T) (INT)? other) (feet) feet) St � P❑ T Culvert UT to Pigeon River � PER � Corps � 44 ❑ INT � DWR S2 ❑ P� T Flow Diversion UT to Pigeon River � PER � Corps � 100 ❑ INT � DWR Floodplain � pER � Corps S3 � P❑ T Benches & Bank UT to Pigeon River � INT � DWR � ZZ Stabilization Floodplain � pER � Corps S4 � P❑ T Benches & Bank UT to Pigeon River � INT � DWR � 32 Stabilizalion S5 ❑ P � T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWR S6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWR 3h. Tot�l Permnnent Strenm �nd Tributary Imp�cts fm� Cuh�ert 44' To�al Permnnent Shram Impact for �loodplain Benches and B�nlc Stnbilizntion 54' Total Temporniy Impnet Pm• [mpervious Dil<e and P'lo�r° lliversion 100' Page 4 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 Deceinber 10, 2008 Version 3i. Comments: 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of lhe U.S. then individuall list all o en water irn acts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of impact number — waterbody Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or (if applicable) Tem orar T 01 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A N/A N/A 02 ❑P❑T 03 ❑P�T 04 ❑P❑T 4f. Total open water impacts N/A 4g. Comments: N/A 5. Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake construction ro osed, then com lete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Welland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose (acres) number of pond Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P2 5f. Total N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5g. Comments: N/A 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit reyuired? ❑ Yes � No If yes, permit ID no: N/A 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): N/A 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): N/A 5k. Melhod of construction: N/A Page 5 of 11 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWR) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, lhen individually list all buffer impacts below. If an impacts re uire miligation, then ou MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Other: Project is in which protected basin? N/A ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Bufferimpact number— Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) or for Slream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Tem ora T im act rec uired? 61 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A � Nos N/A N/A B2 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No 63 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No 6h. Total buffer impacts N/A N/A 6i. Comments: N/A Page 6 of 11 D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize lhe proposed impacts in designing project. The box culvert was designed to meet the hydraulic needs of the site. The culvert will be buried 1-foot into the stream subslrate and baffles will be installed in the low flow barrel to provide aquatic life passage during periods of low flow. Floodplain benches will be constructed at the inlet and outlet of the high flow barrel lo help maintain proper stream dimensions and profile. 1 b. Specifically describe rneasures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. In stream work will be performed in the dry using an impervious dike and pipe to divert the water around lhe work area. Appropriate BMPs according to the approved erosion and sedimentation control plan will be installed on the projecl prior to culvert installalion. 2. Compensatory Mitiyation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S, or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for �Yes ❑ No impacts to Waters of lhe U.S. or Waters of the State? 2b. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all lhat apply): � DWR �Corps ❑ Mitigalion bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this � Payment to in-lieu fee program (NCEEP) project? ❑ Permitlee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Miligation Bank: N/A 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and lelter) Type N/A Quanlity N/A 3a Comments: N/A 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval lelter from in-lieu fee program is altached. � Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: 441inear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: ❑ warm ❑ cool � cold 4d. Buffer miligation reyuested (DWR only): N/A square feet 4e. Riparian weUand mitigation requested: N/A acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4g. Coaslal (tidap welland miligation requested: N/A acres 4h. Commenls: 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of lhe proposed mitigation plan. N/A Page 7 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Re�ulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWR 6a. Will the projec[ result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer lhat requires ❑ Yes � No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identi(y the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer lhat requires mitigation. Calculate lhe amounl of mitigation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impact Total impact Multiplier Required mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 N/A N/A 3(2 for Catawba) N/A Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer miti�ation required: N/A 6g. If buffer mitiyation is required, discuss what type of miligation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, perinittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in-lieu fee fund). N/A 6h. Comments: N/A Page 8 of 11 E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified � yes � No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Proteclion Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: N/A 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? N/A 2b. Does lhis projecl require a Storrnwater Management Plan? � Yes ❑ No 2c. If lhis project DOES NOT require a Stonnwater Management Plan, explain why: 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of ihe plan: Project is covered by Individual NPDES Permil No. NCS000250. ❑ Certified Local Government 2e. Who will be responsible for lhe review of lhe Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ DWR Stormwater Program � DWR 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiclion is this project? N/A ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of lhe following locally-implemented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW apply (check all ihat apply): ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan wilh proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No altached? 4. DWR Stormwater Program Review ❑ Coastal counlies ❑ HQW 4a. Which of lhe following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply � ORW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑ Other: 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan wilh proof of approval been allached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. DWR 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 9 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWR Requirement) 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federaUstate/locap funds or the � Yes ❑ No use of public (federaVstate) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant lo the requirements of the National or State ❑ Yes � No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Flct (NEPA/SEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: N/A 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a. Is lhe site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Weiland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Welland Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an afler-the-fact permit application? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above yuestions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): N/A 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will lhis project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in � Yes � No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream waler quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to lhe above, submit a qualitalive or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with lhe most recent DWR policy. Ifyou answered "no," provide a short narralive description. This is a rural secondary road. The bridge is being upgraded to standard load limils and width. The bridge upgrade is not anticipated to have any significant impact on development. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimale ireatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of waslewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facilily. N/A 5. Endan�ered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or � Yes � No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with lhe USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act � Yes ❑ No impacts? ❑ Raleigh 5c. If yes, indicate lhe USFWS Field Offce you have contacted. � Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to detemiine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? US Fish and Wildlife Service Counly Lists, North Carolina Natural Herilage Database and field scoping site visit. Page 10 of 11 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirernent) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes � No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? N!A—There are no marine or estuarine communities within the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area tha[ ihe slate, federal or Uibal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation � Yes � No status (e.g., National Flistoric Trust designalion or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use lo determine whether your site would impact historic or archeoloyical resources? The project was reviewed for archeology and historic architecture by NCDOT's Human Environment Unit in 2012. It was determined that neilher archaeology nor historic arohitecfure required a survey (see attached SHPO forms). 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) Sa. Will lhis project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes � No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA reyuirements: FEMA requirements were laken into consideralion by lhe NCDOT Hydraulics Unit during the design of the bridge. 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? NC Floodplain Mapping Program M�rk S. Davis l / Divisiou 14 Em�iroimieutal Supervisor �� j��� � J ���� /, 3� /� _ ApplicanUAgenYs Signature Date ,� ApplicanUAgent's PfintOCl Name (AgenCs signature is valid only if an authorization letter trom Ihe applicant is provided.) Page 11 of 11 rY � Ecosystem PROGRAM Mr. Mark S. llavis NCDOT Division 14 F,nviroiimei�fal Supervisor Norih Caroli�ia Depar(inen[ of Trausportatiou 253 1Vebster Road Sylva, NoRh Carolina 28779 Dear Mr. Davis: January 23, 2014 Subjecl: EEP Mitigntion Acceptance T.etter. ����'���°�::s,"; JAfl 3 0 201r. ������'��;�;, .; , Division l4 Project, Replace Bridge 359 over U1' to the Yigeon River on SR 1513 (Lee ltoad), Hnywood Counly;AVBS Elementl7BP.14.R.53 The puipose of Ihis lelter is to uotify you that the F,cosystem P�iliancement Prograiu (GEP) will provide the compensatory stream mitigation for the subject project. Basecl on the iufonnation received o�� January 2S, 2014, the impacts are loca[ed in CU 06010106 of tlte French Broad River bas'in in tlie Southem Mounlains (SM) Eco-Regimi, and are as follows: 1� reneh 13ro�d Slremn \Vetlands Bnffer (Sq. Ft.) 06010106 Non- Coaslal S�q Co(d Coo� Wami Riparian RiU�n�n Mai�h Zone I Zone 2 Lupacts aa.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (feeUacres) This impact and associn[cd mifigation nee<t �vere under yrojected by lhe NCDOT in [he 2013 unpact data. EEP mill conmiit to i�uplement sufticie��t compensatory stream mitigation credits to oCf,et the impacts associated with diis project as delerniined by the regulatory agencies using die delivery timelinc listed in Section P3.c.iii of tl�e N.C. llepartmeut of Environment and Natura] Resources' Ecosyslem Enhancemei�t Progrnm LrLieu Fee I��stnunent da(ed hily 28, 2010. If the above referenced impac[ amounls fare revised, then this mitigation acceplance letter will ❑o longer be valid and a ncw mili�ntiou acceptance letter �vill be requirzd &om EEP. sazo. If you have any questions or ueed additionnl infunuation, please contact Ms. Beth Hanuon at 9 L9-7U7- Sincerely, � � Management Supervisor cc: \4s. Lori Bec},�vith, USACE — Asheville Reg�ilatory Field Oftice il9s. Amy Ch�pman, Division of \Vater Quality, 401/\VeUands Unit Mr. Josh Deyton, P.E., I�'CDOT— Division l4 Bridge Program Lngineer \4s. Linda Fitzpa�rick, NCDOT — YDEA File: SR 1513 — Bridge 359 — Division 14 RestoYr,�t9... Er2�a��... Pvotecti�c� Occ� Sta,te e�n NCDENR Nor�h Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Pmgram, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-707�8976 / hltp://porlal.ncdenr.orglcieb/eep Bridge 359 on SR 1531 (Lee Road) over UT to Pigeon River Haywood County, North Carolina ,,. �� � II 4`� c 1 � �r � 9 �� I �� �� '° __ -� 1�� -- --��_ �a_.� ���- x-- � �l�" _ /---.-- ----- - � _ - �--- _ -- _ .�j_%. __- ,c� � �//� a -_'Y. y l/// �..._ �ii $IYe 1 (Culvert) $Ite 1A (Flo�v � --SIYe 1C (Floodplain Bench & Riprap Stabilize) �j�/ X �� - -, ��� , l ;� �: �, ,;. j �r � ! rarr,^,sen uinr[•qan: 1i01,]VA+ fET0.IL f � � i �'�� IIEVi � � � � I Y.I _.--__ � y �n .. � ---?�1L �----. —=}___-_-____. ---------- ,______=__= =rj - c] � "''� LMh �.: SIt2 1B (Floodplain eench & Riprap Stabilize) � ol� �3�,�1�<. � ��✓ �:aa ��G/� L � N% L.� � 0^` W ^� LL � �--� � � Y � .Q L � � �^` • � O � � �U � � �� � o a� Z > o >; � � � � � � O �U a� � � o J � � � � � M � � _ � � � C O � Mlf7 \' / � Z � � � �ML W w � �� � N � N � O N � O � � � @ N � � N � E ° � a i a` in <n m � J I � V IM IN N IO 0 LA� W � � � 0^` W ^� LL � Y � � �I-� � � 1L� r � � � � Q � � �U �� � � L O N Z > o >; � � � ca � o ° � U � � � o J � � � r �' M � L� _ � � � � T0 V�/''/� V! 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RGPORT C0117PLF,TION DATG TOR APPRO\'ED JURISDICTIONAL DETER�IINATION (JD): B. DISTRICT O��ICE, f ILC NARIC, AND NU\I6ER: C. PROJECT LOCATIOY AND BACI{GROUND INPORINATION Bridge 359 on SR 1531 (Lee Ro�d) Sta[c: NC County/parish/borough: Hay�vood Ciq�: Clyda Center coordinates ol sile QaVlong in degree decimal lormat): Lal. 35.53231° N, Long. 82.93056° �V. Univcrs�l Transe�crsc Dlcrcalor: Nmne of neiarest wnterbody: U'P [o Pigeon Rivcr (Class C) Nnme of nenrest'I'rnditionnl Nnvignble Nnter (7NN) Into �ahich the lquntic rosou�ce llows: Pigeon River Name of watershed or Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC):06010106030030 � Check if map/diagram of rcvic�v nrca nnd/or po[cntial jurisdictionnl areas is/are availablz upon reques[. ❑ Check iColher sites (e.g., otTsite mitiga�ion siles, disposal sites, etc...) are lssocia[ed wilh Ihis actiou and are recorded ai a dillerent JD lbrm. D. REVIE\5' PERPORDiED �OR SITE EVALUATION (CHECIC ALL THA'I' APPLI'): � O(lice (Desk) De�erinination. Date: Oc[ober I I, 2013 � Pield Determination. Date(s): November 29,201 I SCCTION IL• SU\InIARY OF rINDINGS A. RHA S�CTION 10 DCT�RDIINATION OF JURISDICTION. 'I here �\re no "nnvignb[e iraters a�lhe U.S.° �vithin Rivers imd Harbors Act (RIiA)jurisdiction (as delined by 33 CFR pa�t 329) in tlie review area. [Reqr�iredJ �Watcrs subjcct to thc ebb and tlo�t� of Ihe lide. �Vaters are przsently used, or have been used in the pas�, or may be susceptible for use to transport inters(ate or foreign commerce. Explain: . 13. C\1'A SECTION 404 DETERn11NA7'ION OF JORISDICTION, There Are "�vn�ers ofdie U.S." �vithin Clenn \1'a�cr Ac[ (C\VA)jurisdiction (as defined by 33 CFR part 328) in the review area. �RequiredJ 1. �Ynters af the U.S. a. Indicnte presence otwnters oP U.S. in review nrea (check nll tl�nt npply): � ❑ TNIVs, includine territorial seas ❑ �Vetlands adjacent �o TNNs � Rclntively permanenl �vaters' (RP�Vs) Ihat tlo�v dirac�ly or indirectly into TNVVs ❑ Non-RPN�s tha[ flo�v direclly or indirectly into'IN\Vs ❑ Wetlands directly abufling 2PVVs tha� Ilo�v directly or indirectly into'I'NVVs ❑ VVetlnnds adjncent to but not dircctly abutting RPWs that tlo�r directly or indirecUy inlo'PN1Vs ❑ VVctlnnds ndjaccnt to non-RPAYs that flo�c directly or indirectly inlo TN�Vs ❑ Impoundments otjurisdictional �vaters ❑ Isolated (iniers�ate or intrasta�e) �vaters, including isolated �ceUands b. Identif�• (estimnte) size oP wnters of the U.S. in the review nren: Non-�cetland �rllzrs: 200 linear fee[: width (ft) 7 ancVor acres. lVetlands: acrzs. c Limits (boundsries) of jm�isdiction bnsed on: Esfablished by OHR'\Ij F,levation ofestablished OI RVM (if kno�vn): . 2. Non-regulnted �rnters/wetlnnds (checic if npplicnble):' ❑ Polentially I��risdictional �vn[ers and/or �vetlands were assessed within the rc��icw ama and deiermined to be notjurisdictional. E�plain: � Boxcs chccked below shall be supportcd by complcline the appropriatz scctions in Swtion III helow. � for puryoses of this form, nn RP\\' is defined ns a tribWnry �hnt is no� n"fNR' anA �hnt lypically �o�cs yenr-round or has eontinuoia �lo�r at least "setisonall}" (e.g., lypically 3 mon�hs). ' Suppotlin� AocumeNa�ion is peesrnted in Sec�ion IILF. SCCTION III: CR'A ANALI'SIS A. TN\Ys �WD 11'CTLANDS ADJACCNT'I'O TMVs The ngeneies will nssert jurisdiction orer TYVVs mid wetimids nJjncent to TN�S's. If the nqu�tic resow�ee is n TNVV, completc Seetion III,A.I nnd Scetion III.D.1. only; if ihe nquntic resource is a�veHand ndjncent to n TN�V, eomplete Sections III.A.1 nnd 2 nnd Seetim� IILD.1.; othen�•ise, scc Section III.B belo�v. I. TN\V Idcntify "I'N \V: Summnrize rntionale supporting dctcnninntion: 2. R'etlnndndjncentto'I'N�\' Summarizc rntionnle supporting conclusion thn� weUand is "adjacenC': 13. CHAIL�CTCRISTICS O!' TRI13U'I'ARY (THAT IS NO'1' A'I i��V) AND ITS ADJACCNT R'ETLANPS (If ANl'): This section smmm�rizes information regnrding chnracferistics of the tribufnry nnd its ndjncent �retlnnds, il;�n��, mid it hclps detcrminc �rhether or imf the sinndnrds Pm� jurisiliction estnblished undcr Rnpnnas hare bcen met. 'I'he ngencies will nssert jm�isdiction orer nou-unrignble tributnries of TNNs whcre the tributaries nre "rclntively permnnent �vnters" (RP�1's), i.e. tributnries Uint typicnlly Ilow� ycnr-rowid or hnre cantinuous flo�r nt lenst sensonnl�y (e.g., typically 3 monihs). A��•etlmid thnt directiy nbuts mi RP\V is nlsu jurisdictionnl. If tlie nquatic resow�ce is not n T�1\', bu[ hns yenr-round (peremiinl) ilow, sl<ip to Section III.D.2. If the nquatic resource is n weflmid directly nbuttiug n tributm�y with perenninl Oow, skip to Section IILD.4. A wetlnnd tlmt is ndjncent to but ihnt docs not directiy nbut nn RP\\' rcquires a significnnt necus ernhi�tion. Corps districts nnd �PA regions �vill include in tlie recm�d niq� nv�ilnble infm�inntimi Urot docwuenis ihe esistence of n significmit ne�us behveen n relntively permnuent tributnry thnt is not perenninl (nnd ifs ndjncent �retlands if niq') nnd n h�aditiounl narignble �rnter, eren though n significnnt neaus finding is not required ns a matter of la�r. If the wnterbody' is uot nn RPAV, or n wetlaud directly nbutting mi RPN, n dD will require ndditionnl dntn ta detcrmine if ihc �roterbody hns n significnnt ne�us witi� a TY�V. If the tributnry has ndjaeent ��•etlnnds, tlic significnut nesus evnluntion must consiAer thc tribufm��� in combinntion with nll of its ndjacent �L�etlnnds. This significnnt nesus evnluntion thnt combines, fa� mmlyticnl purposes, tlie tribidnry nnd nll of its ndjacent wetlnnds is used o•hether the reric�r m�en identified in ihe JD request is the tributary, m� its ndjncent �retlnnds, or both. If ihe JD corers n h'ibutnry �rith ndjncent rvetlnnds, complefe Section III.B.I for the tributnry, Section 111.B.2 for any onsite wetlnnds, and Sec[ion ]II.6.3 for nll ��•etlnuds ndjncent to thnt h•ibutary, both misite mid offsite. The determination whethcr n significant nesus esisfs is defermined in Section III.0 bclow. l. Charneteristics of non-TNR�s thnt (low directly or indirectlr into TN\5' (i) General Aren Condifions: \Va(ershed size: Piek List Dniinage area: Picl< List A��erageannunlrninfiill: inches Averagc annunl sno�vfall: inches (ii) Ph��sical Chnracteristics: (u) Relationship �rith TNVV: ❑ Tributni}� flows direcUy into TNVV. ❑ Tribufiq� Ilo�vs �hrough Pick List �ributaries before en�cring "CN\5�. Prolect �vaters are Picle List river miles from TNIY. Prolect �vnters arc Pid< List river iuiles fTom RP1V. Project �entcrs nre Picl< List aerial (siraight) iniles from TVAV. Project �vntcrs are Pick List aerial (straight) miles from RPII'. Projec� �vn[e�s crnss or serre as stnte boundnries. E�plain: . Identity �o�v route to "fNIV': . Tributaq� strenm order, if knuwn: ' No�e Ihn� (he Ins�ruclional Guidcbook contains aAditional infonnalion rtgnrAing snnles, Ai�chts, washcs, uid erosionnl fenhires' ocncrally mid in Ihe arid 11'est. ' flo�r roule can 6e described by idenlitying, e.g., Ieibutnry n, n�hich Ilo��s Ihrough the review nrz�, to �lo�c inlo lributuq� b. �vhich �hen Ilo��s info "I�N1V. (b) Gener�l "I'ribW�i�� Ch�r�c�erielics (check nll thnt npplr): Tributnry is: ❑ Natuml ❑ Artificial (man-mnde). F,�pinin: . ❑ �9nnipuln�ed (men-altered). Esplain: Tribufm�y properties wi�h respect lo lop o1 bnnk (cs�imnic): Arerngc ���idth: fee[ Avernge dep�h: feet Arerage side slopes: Pick List. Prim�vy tributtiry substrtue composi�ion (check nll thn� npply): ❑ Silts ❑ Smids ❑ Concretc ❑ Cobblcs ❑ Gr�vel ❑ A4uck ❑ 6cArock ❑ Vegetation. Typc/%cover: ❑ Othec Cxplain: . 'I'ribultvy condition/sta6ilit�� [e.g., highlp eroding, sloughing bnnks]. Explain: Presence ol runhif0e/pool comple�es. F.�plain: . Tribulaiy geometq�: Pici< List Tribwmy grndicnt (approximn�e arer�ge slope): % (c) Flo�r: Tribulnry provides for: Pick List Estinmte averagc numbcr of [lo�v erents in revie��� area/year: Piek List Dcscribe Flow regime: . Other informtition on dur.riion and volume: . Surface llo�v is: Pick List. Chnrncterislics: Subsurface flo�v: Yicic List. Expinin tindings: ❑ Dye (or other) �es� pedbrmcd: . "I'ribu�np� hos (check nll th�u apply): ❑ Qed and hanks ❑ OH\VM�' (chcck all indicntors �hat npply): ❑ clem�, naturnl linc imprzssed on �he bank ❑ chnnges in Ihe chm'nc�er ol'soil ❑ shelving ❑ rege�ation mattcA do�vn, benl, or absent ❑ leaf li�ler distwbcd or washed a�vay ❑ seAimen[ deposi�ion ❑ �vater staining ❑ other QisQ: ❑ Discontinuous OI-I11'�(.' Esplain: . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ the presencc oi litler nnd debris destruction of terresvial vegetalion the presence ol �erack linc scdimem soning scuur nnd�iple observed or predicled ilo�v erents nbrupt ch�mge in plant communiq� If 1'actors other than �he OHN�4 �vere us-ed to deienuine lateral e�tent of CNA jurisdiction (check all tha� apply): ❑ High Tide Line indicntcd b}�: ❑ n4ean High Water D4nrk indicated by: ❑ oil or sewn line nlong shore objects ❑ sun�cy �o nvnilnble da�um; ❑ fine shell or debris deposits ((oreshorc) ❑ physicnl morkings; ❑ physicnl markings/charneteristics ❑ vege�alion lines/changes in vegetntion q�pes. ❑ tidnl g;luges ❑ other Qist): (iii) Chemicnl C6arncteristics: Chnrne�erize �ributury (e.g., �veter color is clenr, discolored, oily filnr, �valzr qualil�e general �vatershed chnracteristics, ete.). Ezplain: Identify speci�ic pollutan�s,ifkno�vn: . °A natural or man-nnAe discoNinuity in �he OHR'M dnes imt neczssnrilv sever I��risdic�ion (e.a., where tlie slre.vu tempororil}� �ox�s underground, or �vherz �he OH\VM h;u been remored by �evelopment or ngricuhurnl prnciices). \Vhere �hert is fl brcak in lhe OH\VM Ihn� is unrelNed to Ihe �valerhody's Oow rcgimc (e.g., Ilo�e ovcr n mck outcmp or through n culvcrt), Ihe ngencies �vill look I'or indicnlors of Oon� nbove nnd below �he break. '16id. (ir) Biologicnl Chnrncteristics. Clmnncl supports (checic all Hint npply): ❑ Riparian wrridoc Charaeteristics (type, tjverage �vidlh): . ❑ AVeilmid fi�inge. Chnrncleristics: . ❑ Habitat (or: ❑ �cdernlly Lis�ed species. E�plain lindings: . ❑ Pish/spn�vn nrens. Explain findings: . ❑ Other em�ironmenlully-sensitive spccics. E�pinin f ndings: . ❑ Aqan�ic/�rildlife diversity. Hsplain fudings: . 2. Charneteristies of �retlnnds nAjncent to non-7'N\Y tiiat Ilon� directly or indirectlp into 9'NVV (i) Plq�sical Chnrnctcristics: (a) Genernl 1Vetland Charnetcristics: Propertics: Netlnnd size: acre�a \Vctlnnd lype. E�plein: . \VeUand quality. Bxplain: . Project �setlnnds cross or serve �c s�nte bnundaries. Esplain: (b) General Flo��° Relntionship �vith Non-TNVV: Plo�v is: Picl< List Esplain: . Surlace Flo�v is: Pick List Charactcristics: . Subsurface Ilo�v: Picla Lisf. Cspinin tindings: ❑ Dye (or other) test performed: . (c) NeU�nd Adj�eency DeterminNion wilh Non-TDIAV: ❑ DirecUy nbutting ❑ \bt direc�ly abWting ❑ Discrc�c a�ctland hrdrologic connection. 8splain: ❑ F.cologicaJ connec�ion. E�plain: . ❑ Separated b�� bcrudbarricr. Expinin: . (d) Proximih• (Reln�ionship) lo T1�lV Project �vetlnnds nre Ficl< List river miles IYnm T'N\V. Prolect �vuters m'e Pick List aerial (s�raight) milcs tTom "INN. Plo�v is Gom: Pick List. Eslimata approximn�c loc�tion ofwe�land as �vifhin tlie Pick List IlooAplain. (ii) Chemical Charncteristics: Characterize ���etland system (e.g., �va�cr color is cleor, bro�vn, oil film on surl'ace; �ramr qunlity; gencr�l �s°etershed charnctcristics; c�c.). Espinin: . ]denlitj� spccific pollu�nnts, if kno�vn: . (iii) Biologicnl Chnrncferistics. �Vetlnnd suppm•ts (ehecle oll t6nt npply): ❑ Ripnrian buticc Chnrac�eristics (q�pe, average �vidlh): . ❑ Vcgmntion [ppc/percent cover. Hspinin: . ❑ I Inbi�nt for: ❑ Federally Listed species. Gxplain findings: . ❑ Pisldspmvn arcas. Gxpinin findings: . ❑ Other enviramunlally-scnsilivc species. F.�pinin lindings: . ❑ Aquntic/�vildlifc diveisity. E�plain findings: . 3. Ch:u�neteristies of nll �reflnnds ndjncent to the tributary (if any) All �ceUand(s) being considered in �he cumulntive nnnlpsis: Piek List Appro�ima�el�� ( ) acres in totnl nre being consiclered in the cumulative analpsis. Por zach �veUand, specify Ihe follo�ving: Dircetiv abuts? (Y/Nl Size (in acresl Directly ubuts? (Y/N) Size (in ticresl Sunvnnrize overall biologicnl, chemicnl nnd phrsical fune�ions being perfonncA: . C. SICNI�ICANT NEXUS DGTCR�IINATION A significnnt nesus nnalysis �rill nssess the Oow chnr:uteristics nud funetions of the h'ibutnry itsel(nnd the fiinetions perfm�iued by any o�etlnnd.s ndjncent to the fribidm�y to determine if thep significnntip nffect H�e chemicnl, plq�sical, and biologicnl integrih� of n TNR', f nr ench of the Pollowiug situnfions, n significnnt nexus exists if ihe tributnry, in combinotim� �riHi nll of its adjacent wetlnuds, h��s more tlinn n speculntive or insubstnntinl e(fect mi the chemicnl, physicnl nnd/or biologicnl infegrily of n TN\\'. Considerntions �rlieu evalunting significnnt nexus include, but nre not limited to the volmnq dm�ntion, mid frequency of tlie flow of water in the tributnry and ifs prosimity to n TNR', nnd the funetions perfm�med by the tributnry nnd oll its adjncent weflands. It is not nppropriate to determine signi(icnnt nexus bnsed solely on niq� specific tiveshold of distance (e.g, behreen n iributary anA its adj�cent wetlmid m� between n tributnry nnd the TMV). Similnrly, Hie fnrt nn ndjncent wetland lies wifhin or outside of n Iloodpinin is imt solely detcrminntive of significnnt nesus. Drnw connections between the fentures documented nnd the effech on tl�e TN\1', ns identified in the Rnpmms Guidnuce nnJ Jiscussed in thc Insh�uctional Guidebool<. Rnctm�s to consider incluAe, for exnmple: • Does Ihe tri6utnq�. in combinntion �cilh its adjneeN �aellnuds (if nny), have �he capaci�y to carry pollumnts or �lood ���aters �o TNIVs, or �o reduee ihe amount ot pollutnnts or Flood �vn�eis renching a TNVV? • Dnes Ihe �ribWnq•, in combination ���itli its adjacen� �vetlnnds (il any), provide hahitnt and lifecycle supporl functions for fish and olher species. such ns �ieAing, nestiug, spa�vning, or mariug �roung for species ihnt are present in �he "PN1V? • Docs the tributaq�, in combination ���ith its acijucenl �ceUantls (if ony), hnvc �he cnpnciq� to �ransfer nutrien�s nnd orgnnic cnrbon thnt support do�vnstre�m toodwebs? • Does tlie �ribu�aiy, in combinn�ion ��°ith i�s ndjncent �vetlnnds (ifany), have other relationships �o the physical, chemical, or biological integrit�� of the TT1N? Note: the above list of cmisiderntions is not inclusivr nnd other functions obserred or lu�own to oceur should be documented bclow: 1. Significmrt nexus lindings fm� non-RP«'thnt has no ndjacent ���etlands nnd Oo�rs directly or indirectlr in[o'PN�Vs. Gsplain findings of presenec or absence ofsigniticant nesus belo�v, bnsed on Ihe tributary itself, �hen go lo Section I IID: . 2. Significnnt nesus findings for non-RP�V nnd its ndjncent �retlnnds, �rhere the non-RP�1' itows directly or indirectl,y into TN1Vs. lisplain �indings ot presence or absence ol significant nexus below, based on Ihe tributnry in combintition �vith nll of i�s t��l+�cent �retlnnds, then go �o Section IILD: . 3. Significnnt nesus findiugs fm• �retlands ndjaeent to an R7'�1' but thnt do not direcUy nbut tiic RP�V. F;�pinio findings of presence or nbsence of significant nexus belo�c, bnsed on tha tribwaq� in combinntion �vith all ol' i�s adjaceni �vetlands, �hen go �o Section III.D: . D. DCTCR�IINA'I'IO�S O� JURISDICTIONAL I'INDINGS. THC SUBdGCT \VATCRS/R'ETLANDS ARE (CHECIC ALL THAT APPL\'): I. TN\Vs nnd Adjneent Netlnnds. Check all thnt npply and proridc size estimates in revie�v area: ❑ TNNs: linenr feet widlh (ft), Or, acres. ❑ \Vetlands acljacenl lo "fNN's: neres. 2. RPR's Hint flow dircctly or indirectly into TN\Vs. � Tributaries of'I'NIVs ��°here �ribWnrics q�pically tlo�c year-round arejurisdictional. Proride data and ralionale indicating that tributniy is perennial:'Ihe Unnamcd Tribitlaiy to Pigeon River has a�vell-dzfined channel and is shu�vn on �he USGS map. ❑ Tribwaries of TMV where tributnries hnve continuous flo�v "scasonally" (c.g., q�pically Ihrec months cach ycar) are jw�isdictional. Data suppoi�ing Iliis conclusion is prorided a� Section I11.13. Provide rntionnlc indicating thn[ tributaq• flo�vs sensonally: . Provide estimntes for I��risdictional �vnters in the review area (cl�eck all thal apply): �"fribulap� �raters: 200 linear feel width (ti). 7 Q Otlier non-wetland waters: acres. Identify lype(s) oC �vaters: . 3, Non-RP�Vss thnt Oow directly or indirectly into TN�Vs. Q Waterbody tha( is not a TiV\V or an RP\V, but Flo«�s directly or indirectly into n TN\V, nnd it has a signiticant nesus �rilh a TN\\' isjurisdictional. Data supporting this conclusion is prorided at Sec[ion III.C. Providc estimntes forjurisdictional �vaters wi�hin the revie�v area (check nll thet apply): ❑ 'I'ributary �valers: linear Ceet ���idlh (li). ❑ Other non-�cetland �vaters: acres. Idenlitp typc(s) oi wntcrs: . 4. �5'etlnndsdirectly nbutting nn RPR'thnt Oow directly or indireclly into TA`R's. ❑VVeU�nds directly nbut 2PN and thus arejucisdictional as adjacent wetlands. ❑\VeUnnds directly obulling an RP1V where iributaries typically tlo�r yearroimA. Provide data nnd mtionale indicating tha( tributary is perennial in Scetion III.D.2, nbove. Providc rn�ionale indicating Ihat wetland is dircctly abutting nn RPVV: . ❑\VetlanAs directly nbutting an IiP\V �vhare tributaries typically (lo�v "seasonally." Provide data indieating that tributary is seasonal in Seclion llI.B and rationale in Sec�ion III.D.2, abore. Provide rationale indicating that �vetland is direclly abut[ing an RP\V: . Provide acreage es�imntes for lurisdiclional wellands in the review area: acres. 5. �Vetlnnds ndj�cent to but not directly nbufting �n RP\V that ilow direc�ly or indirectiy into TNR's. ❑AVe�lands �hnt do nol directly abut an RPN, but �vhcn considered in combinalion �vilh the tributaq� to �vhich they are adjacenl and �vitl� similarly si[uatcd ndjacent �vetlands, have a signiticnnt ne�us «°ith a"IT1�V arzjurisidictional. Dnta supporting this conelusion is provided at Section III.C. Provide acreage estimates forjurisdictionnl �vetlnnds in Ihe reriew nrea: acrzs. 6. �5'etlnnds ndjacent to non-RPR's that itow directly or indirectly into TNR's. ❑\Vetlnnds adlecent to such waters, and hnve when considered in cumbination wilh Ihe tributary to «�hich they are adl�+�ent nnd ���ilh similarly situated adacenl «�e�lands, have n signiticnnt nexus ���ilh n"INN arejurisAic�ional. Data supporting Ihis conclusion is providcd nt Sec[ion IILC. Provide estimates for jurisdictional wetlands in tlie revie�v aren: ac�es. 7, Impoundmentsofjurisdictionalwn[ers.' As a general mle, the impowidment of ajurisdiction�l tributary remnins jurisdictionnl. ❑ Dcmonstrnte Ihat impoundment �aas crea�ed from "waters of thz U.S.," or ❑ Demonstrnte thxt �rn[er mee�s the cri�eria for one of Oie categories presenled above ( I-6), or ❑ Demonstrtlle Ihat water is isolated �vilh a nexus �o commcrce (sce 6 bclo�c). C. ISOLATED �IN'PERSTATC OR INTRA-STATEJ �VATCRS, INCLUDING ISOLATGD �VETLANDS, THC USE, U6GRADATION OR DCSTRUCTION O� \VHICH COULD A�fECT INTERSTATB CO\I�IERCE, INCLUDING AM' SUCH \\'ATERS (CIIGCIC ALL THAT APPLI'):10 ❑�chich are or could be used by inlerslnle or foreign �ravelers I'or recreztional or other purposes. ❑ tinm �ehich fish or shellfish are or could be taken and sold in inters�ate or foraign commerce. ❑ which nrt or coidd be used for indus�rial purposes bp induslries in inte�stnte conuneree. ❑ Inlerslate isolated �valecs. Hsplain: . ❑ Othcr fnctors. 8xplain: . IAentify w�ter body and summarize rationnle supporfing determinnfion: AScc Foa�notz # 3. v To complele the a�iolysis reCcr lo lhe key in Section ILID.6 of tlie Instnic[ional Guidebook. 10 Prim� to nsser�ing ar declining CR'A jw�isdicfian bnsed solelc on this entegm�y, Cm�ps llistriets �vill rlernte Ihe nclian lo Carps and EPA IfQ fm� rerie�r consis(enf �vilh Ihe proress dcscribed in tlic Corps/F.PA Jlearornnr0�ui Regnrdiug Ctlil Ac(Jurisdiclion Fn(lo�viug Rnpmros. Providc cs�imatzs lor jurisdictionnl �cntcrs in �he rcvie�v nren (chcek nll �Imt apply): ❑ Tribmmy �vn�ers: linear feel �vid�h (fl). ❑ Olher non-���etland ���mers acres. Iden�ify q�pe(s) of �vaters: . ❑ VVetlnnds: ncres. �. NON-JURISDICTIONAL R'.\TCRS, INCLUDING \VETLANUS (CHCCIC ALI. TIIAT APPLI'): ❑ Lf poten�ial ���ellands were nssessed wi�hin �he rerie�v aren, thcse nrens did not meet lhe crileria in �he 19R7 Corps of F.ngineer VVctland Dclineation �4nnual �nd/or npproprin�e Regionnl Supplcmcnts. ❑ Revie�v nrea included isolated �valers �vilh no subst�mtinl nexas �o in�erstate (or foroign) commeree. ❑ Prior �o the Jan 2001 Supreme Courl decision in °SII'ANCC," �he review nrzn �vould hnvo beeu reguln�ed based solclv on thc "Migrntoiy 6ird 2ule" (�dBR). ❑ Nate�s do not meet thc "SigniGcant Nesus" standard, �vhere such a finding is requirzd forjurisAiction. E�pinin: . ❑ Olher:(explain,ifnot cnvered nbove): . Proride acrzngc cstima�es for non.jurisdictionol �voters in lhe review nren. �vhere thc sole poten(ial 6asis of jurisdiction is the b[BR Ihe�ors (i.e.. presence of migrn�oq� birds, presence of endangerzd species, use of �valer for irrigated ngrieulture), usiug best professional judgmcnt (check all tliat a�pply): ❑ Non-�vctland �va(ers (i.e., rivers, strenms): linear fee� ��°idth (ti). ❑ Lakcs/ponds acres. ❑ O�her non-we�lnnd �va�ers: neres. Lisl lype oCnyuatic resource: . ❑ \Vetlands: ncrzs. ProriAe aereage es�imates for nonyurisdic[ionnl �vn�ers in Ihe re��ic�v area Ihat do not meet the "Signifc�mt Nexus" s�nndard, �vherz such u finding is rcquircA forjurisdic�ion (check ell Ihat apply): ❑ Non-we�ltmd �vn�ers (i.c., rirers, streams): linem� feet, �vidth (Il). ❑ Lakes/ponds: ucrzs. ❑ Other non-�vetland �caters: nerzs. Lis[ type ot nqun�ic resouree: . ❑ \VeUands: acres. SGCTIOY IV: DATA SOURCBS. A. SUPPORTING DA'1'r\. Dntn revie�red fm� JD (eheelc nll ihnt npply - cliecked items shnll be included in cnse Gle and, �vhere checked mid requested. appropriatzly reference sources bclow): � �4aps, pinns, plots or pla� submitted by or on behnlfof the npplican�/consul�nnC . ❑ DNa shee�s prcpared/subinil�ed by rn-on behnlf of �he npplicnnt/consultnnt. ❑ Oflice concurs �vith dma shee�s/delinea�ion report. ❑ O(tice does not concur �vi�h da�a shoels/delincation repon. ❑ D;i�n sheets prepared by the Curps: . ❑ Corps nnvigablc �va�eis' stu<ly: . ❑ U.S. Geologicnl Sun�cti� Hydrologic Allas: . ❑ USGS NHD d�ta. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 Aigit HUC maps. ❑ U.S. Gcological Surre�� map(s). Cite scnle R qund nnme: . ❑ USDA N�i�urnl Rcsources Conservmion Service Soil Survey. Citntion: . ❑ Nn�ional �veUt�nds im•entoq� mnp(s). Cite name: . ❑ Sla�c/Local �vetlmid inven(oiy innp(s): . ❑ Ff;\4A/f IRn1 maps: . ❑ 100-yenr Ploodplain �lera�ion is: (Nationnl Geodectic Ver�icnl Dntwn of 1929) � Phoiogruphs: ❑ Aerial (Name C Dnte): . or � O�her (Nnmc �C Datc):Projcct si�c Octobcr I I, 2013 ❑ Prerious deterininn�ion(s). �ilc no. and date ol response leuer: . ❑ Applicablc/supporting case law: . ❑ Applicnble/suppor�ing scieniific li(enllure: . ❑ Olher infommtion (plensc spccity): . 13. ADDITIONALCODID�ICNTS'I'OSUPPORTJD: NO SURVEY R�QUIIiCD TORM PROJCCT INFORMA'I'ION Projecl No: {VBS No: 17BP.14.R.53 F. A. No: Federn! (USACE) Pernrit Req��rrec(? Projet! Trncking No. (br(rrrml [/seJ �2-�8-��g5 Coanry: Haywood Dncuurenl: MCC/Attnchment G F�uiding.� � State ❑ Federal � Yes ❑ Na Yeri�+il Type: N WP 14, 401 WQC, TVA Projec! Descriplioir: Replace Bridge No. 359 on SR 1531 (Lee Rd) over Jones Cove Creek witli a RCI3C structure on the existing locntion. Yroject length is npproximately 500 feet nnd the area of potential effects is approximately 200 feet from each end of Nie bridge and 50 feet from either end of the centerline of the roadway. There will be an ofP-site detour. The exisling bridge is 15 feet long by 20.8 feel wide and the new strucwre will be 16 feet long by 16 feet wide. SUMMARY OF CULTi)FtAL RESOURC�S R�VICW Brief descriplioir nf revlew nclivilies, re,rnlls of revieiv, niuf carcl�+sioit,s: Review of HPO quad maps, HPOweb GIS mapping, historic designations roster, and indexes was conducted on 8/31/12. Based on this review, there are no esisting NR, SL, LD, DE, or SS properties in the Area of Potential Effects (APE). The CRS also reviewed Ha�ryood County GIS and tax records which yielded one prope�Ty over the age oPfifty years old within the APB. This property is an 1893 frame farmhouse e�st of the bridge. There is also a barn that looks to be over fifty years old whose parcel is within the APE. According to Google Street View imagery, �he house does nol appear to be anything of outsmnding �rchitechiral interest or significance, and nppears to Iack integrity as well. All other properties within the APE are not yet over fifty ye�rs old. Bridge no. 359, although no� yet evalunred in �he NCDOT Historic Bridge Survey, is a standard bridge design thnt is indislinctive of any stylistic or engineering significance and is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Thus, a survey is not required for this project. Brref E,cplrnrtilioir of �v/ry !/re nvnilnGle i� jornrrnior+ provi�(es n relinble b�srs fa• rensarnbly predic�ifrg (hn! Nrere nre r�o tniir(enliJie�l hisroric pi�operlies i�r dee APG' HPO quad maps, HPOweb GIS mnpping, Haywood County [ax/propeity records, Google maps �nd Google Street View are considered valid rools for the purposes of determining the likelihood of historic resources being present. A swvey is not required for this project. SUPPORT DOCUMEN7'A7'ION See attached: Map(s), Google Strce� View images, Hay�vood County lax/property records, photo of Bridge No. 359. "Na Sun�ep Requved"/onn/or h7inor Tiw�sp�nnlian Piojetb a� Qunb/eAin rhe IOW Pmgyammnlic A3rc.mrm. NClJOT drthntnloKY & Hisloric Arshile�lure Groups �: ��• FINDING 13Y NCDOT CULTURAL Rti ' PROF�SSIONAL NO SURVGY REOUIRED ARCHAEOLOGY HlS"I'ORIC ARCHITECTURE (CfRCLE ONE) Resources Specialist - '�F---c-- - � 619 Slate Ro�id 15?i, Nodh Caroina Uriled St3tes AddIESS IS 3pPIUXIlpBIB ��31 �( �� z EA� � � �% 'ti r „ , , , ,,,,.:, � ' � e + , �� , BRIDGE NO. 359 ON LEE RD� RACING EAST� HAY�YOOD COUNTY� NC. COURTESY O� GOOGLC STRLCT VIEW. 'SVa Sunay Reyuiiaf"Jwm/w dfina T�orupo�mtion Piajeals as Quntr�eAin iGe 100] Proginmmnlic Agrrzmeur. A'COOTArtAUaoloRY �' llivorrc ArrAi�raeue Gioupt 12-08-0085 I � I+ � ,_�� � � � �� � ��� �l CA. 1893 HOUSE EAST O� 6RIDGE NO. 359� �ACING SOUTHEAST� FWY\VOOD COUNTY, NC. COURTESY OF GOOGLE STREET VIEN. � 668 Slaie RoaJ 1531, Norlh Cawfna, Uniled Slates ! . . ��� � is,a j i< a� [ �� LEE RD SHOWING CA. 1893 HOUSE, FACING SOUTHWEST� HAl'NOOD COUN'fY, NC. COUR7'ESY OF COOGLESTREET VIE�V. "A'o.Sv�rry RequiroA"Jami /m hlinur Trm�spamlian Prajrcls us Qunli/ed in Ifie 100] Frogrammnli: Agreemenl. NCUO]'Ard�ueulagy i Hitlo�rc Arrhiletlurc Grovps iz-os-ooss . 599 Slaie Noad 1531, Notlh Camhna, L'niled Slales //, .. .� ... ..,.. e BARN� DATE UNKNOWN� LEE ROAD� FACING SOUTH�YEST� HAYIVOOD COUNTY, �G COUR'f ESY OF GOOGLE S'fREET VIE�Y. "h'o Sune�� NeguvrJ"Jorm Jw M1fiuor Tmmponolion Frojens as Qunli�ed in lhe 200] Progrommmic dgrermtnl. �\'COOT Aahnrology 8- Hitmnc Ardiiiru�ve G�orrps •, ' �+ .: '' �"� ++i � ' ;�`�r J` ,'� , FJ4)i , ,4 . ;�1 .�. �, . 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T' ..�� `�P .' , �51 � �� � � �� T�+ �y . .� ��� . �"° .:k�rvT ' � . �. . � :f, ,r.�� �' '�� r � � 1 :i! .' • � � r; 1 r. `'. rr �a► � � � ; 3.,�� �� LJ � , �'.. • �lG�'� _ ����[ �j ��` -_ � , .. '^' , . r i �' a �� ' . '. r L.�� „��; �� . .� rn � m � a� ao � .� m � 0 0 3 a ra 2 Page ] of 2 P[[nted: 10 AOG 201P - Gy 0 Hay:ootl Coun[y NC Properry Record Cartl Page: 1 CAR� 1 OF 1 la% Yea[ : 2013 Oescripcion aa ois[riccs Pd[cel : B619-01-96E5 650 LEE P� F10 CLVDE FIRF, DIST - 0'd:lER INFORMI.TIOG - I - P0.0PERTV FACT�VS - � � - SALES INFORHATIO:! ' ACR: 98884 MiLLS. NN�DA BAReEa � Topography � �3Ce Sales Price Vld Bk/Fg 654 LQ¢ q0 I R 0.0LLIl:G � 06/11/Bp � N J80/99B CLYDE� !:C �B121 I I � Land Hk[ Adj SC[¢¢[s/ROads � I P PAV£0 I � � � - MISCHLLWiE0lI5 INFORIIATI011 - I - e^�IIW�GCE It1FORIWTIO'! - I - VAWE SW..NARV To�meM1ip : 06 CLY�¢ � oace 'lYpe Source Aopraisc[ � Assessed Nrrent Address : 650 LEC R� � O1/18/11 B :�G � L>nd . ]9,100 29,1OC Lantl Ose : � � Bldg . 56,900 56.90f tLOZhOOd : 06R019 OLD CLYOE Ro/LEE HD � � To[ qppz . 86,000 fi6,00f Nao : 86l"l.Ol � cefe[ . 0 C Class : R1 ReSmeNiIAL 1 I� � t:eC Taxable : 86,000 B6,OOC ve*arks: SiC/PF �-. LAe.v pATA --- A HiH TTPe 1 A HP XOY¢SITE PRIHARY To[al Fcees : 0.9] --� OULBUIL�Il:GS --- BL�Gq TYP6 HPN �25CRIFI'IO:! Prin[ed: l0 AOG 201i - by 0 CAM 1 OF 1 PazCCl : 86l]-01-9625 650 LEE RO Ovr12L ' 9BB85 HILLS, HffilDA BMRE@ @!iT -�------ V A L u E 5--"--"--- SI22 PiIC¢ GRAOE iP�J APPR OEF[R TA% 0.91 10,000 39,100 0 29.140 Lantl Totals ]9,100 0 ]9,300 YCAR EFF Yi RQIAPRS KO4F SiOSIES N2PA G0.O BNLT Bl1ILT COI1D PHYS FUi:C ECON - BOIL�INC �CSC0.SPTION � VPL NETHOO ; R OSE CO�E : � 0'dELLIFG OCNPAIICY � SF SIFGLE FA4ILV SYYLE : C0:1`/E:I[iOBAL :1BF STORIES : 1,50 HALL HEIGHT FOII�DATIp:I � PS PIERS;STO`!E E%TFAiOR NALL � AS[1.`.'iT05 SHINGLE VF BUILT / CPF 1'Y1 CONDITIOA : A AVCPAG[ GiAOE Dr �ESIC:1 FAROq BASEH[tll' ARFA : 168 tRiFI[�ISHEO ATT[C ARFA : i:0 Ail'IC FIN UPpER STORT : 2lB Sq FC @1FIG UPPER SiORV � NO noo�s / eo¢.s / < euce / xncF ax�xs : i/ o wo� eix: z FIREpL4CE SYPE/QII: FIREPWCE/iH0 SiORY/1 FINEpWCE OPE:�ICCS: 1 CHIYLEY�S): 1 AIR CO:ID FCT . SPRSN'61.FR pCT HEATII:4 TYPL' : tl il0'JE WIRFET FACi'OR 1 CC4PLEtE ' 100 o_scaier[o;+ : i.s/s/s REYMAS CARO 1 OUIBOILOICG VALpE End of Paqe 1 x3y+ood Comty i:c erooerty aerord card � E19 -• E11 E11 ♦-06r W �6 06 309 1 ♦--F8r-�5♦ ♦----E19U19---r@♦ I D10 C10C10 AA ol0! llb I i i P32 ♦ -030A3i -�C9♦ !EP F3} !196 , I A19 nia HA ' 496 r--F6r i �"_.�.__".BNAIa"____�___� B6 e6 OP I<9 �A% VALUE 0 Pa9e: 3 SCALe i5 1:169 http://tnaps.haywoocinanet/prc/8637019625_l .txt 8/31/2012 Nea[ed Sq FC - BUILOIl:G SECTI08 ��TAIL LN TYpE DESCRI4TIOY ARG VALOE pST P= FR 1 HA tW[N AFFA 9"16 49.�00 1.50 3 OP OPEH FORCH 145 1,500 1.00 ] OP OPEN FORCH 40 500 1.00 J AH ATTACHE� M�ITIO ]36 0 1.0p 5 GO GARAGE, IRlFINISH 309 2,200 1.00 6[P EN[WS¢� FORCN ll6 J,000 1.00 IJ�ST PICCIIRE �AiE : � �]4 � i,oso � - 60ILOIFG CONPUTATION RN 11J,9D PHYS D¢PR FUSC DEPR ECOH DEPfl i NYPLES¢ BO 100 Page 2 of 2 RCIlLD 56,900 ___"._"".__""___...._..."_._-_____.."._____.___"_" Entl of Page 3 http://maps.haywoodnanet/prc/8637019625_ l .tYt 8/31 /2012 NO SURVEY REQUIRED FORM PROJECTINFORMATION Yroject Na: 11%I35 No: F.A. Na: Fer(errrlPeirui! ReqrrireA? na 17BP.14.R.53 ❑a Can�tly: Do«,,,,e„r. Fr�nding: � Yes ❑ No Projec! Tracking No. (Infenm! Use) �12-08�0085 I � —� Haywood n�cc Ell/,�D sEr i � zoiz � State ❑ Federal �� Peir��ilType: unkno�vn �'° �v�o� Yrojed Dercizp/ron: NCDO'f' Division 14 intends to replace Bridge No. 359, a 15-foot (xouglily 4.G-metex� long reinfoeccd conccete box culvext, on SR ]531, Lee Road, ovec]ones Cove Crcek It is assumed d�at this bxidge will be xepinced on the e�cisting aGgtttnent and in the same bcauon. The new bridge is described as a, 16-foot (nearly 5-tnerex) bng nud 16-foot �vide eeinforced concrete box culvexL Fox the pueposes of this nrchaeological review, die APP, is 4lG fcet (nearly 126.8 meters) long, ]00 feet (30.48 meters) wide, and encompasses an area oE nearly I acxe (xoughly .4 hectares). Tennessee Valley Authoxity and United States Army Corps of Engineex pernvts axe anticipated. Tliis pcoject will utilize an off-site detour. SUMMAItY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIE\� Bdef dereripliar oJrauielv nc�ivitrer, rerulu o�revie�r5 nua raidrurau: A xevie�v of die maps and files arcVuved at the Nortl� Caxolina Office of Stare t�chaeology was conducted on August l4 (, 2012. No pxeviously idenUfied nrchaeological sites weee cecoxded in the vicinity of the proposed bridgc replaceinent No fi�ethex arcl�aeological invesugadon is eecommended for the bridge replacement pxoject as ct�xxendy described. Tlvs project shoidd be considexed to be complinnt witli Secuon 106 and NCGS 121-12(a). Should the bcidge xe�lacement project change fi�xthex aec6aeological consultation will be xcyuired. B>ief Eiplmrntiar oJ�v/� �l�e avni/rrGle n jornmtiat providet a rxlmG(e �nJif fa� reaJO�mG/y predic�rng thnt �hera nr� ao rutideutified lirJlaricprof�eitier is tGefll'E.• No previously xecoxded arc6aeological sires are located wid�in the curte��t APE. In 198G, atc6aeologists witli the Aic6aeological Laboxatory of Westexn Caxolinn University examined a 33 l:ilometer psoposed wastewater collecuon line that, in paet, paralleled Jones Cove Cxeek duough the curxently pcoposed pxoject acea. Accoxding to the report, all arcas along the theu pxoposed line wexe subject to visual inspecuou with areas of lvgl�er probability Ear archaeological ecsources bev�g subject to subsurface testie�g. 'I1ie area surrounding I3ridge No. 359 was not considexed an are� oE higher probabiG[y nnd, thereEore, it was noc subject to subsuiface iestit�g duruig die 1986 suLVey. An examinauon of the 1938 Haywood County lug6way mnp illustxares a handfiil oE stn�ctuxes ui the general aeea of I3ridge No. 359, but Jones Cove Cteck is not depicted and tlie scale of th�t mnp makes xelationsliips behveen landm�rks diFficalt to positively establish. Tl�e soils map fox Ha}nvood County inclicates that the creek Ges �vi[lw� a relauvely flat acea of Feequently Elooded soils, mhile sureounding areas aee sloped, stony, and subject ro erosion. AddiUOnally, as can bc seett iu tlie aerial �hotographs of die project aeea, sigtuficant landscape development has occurted in tlie areas surxoimciing Bridge No. 359. 'I7ius, the aircent APE, as defined nbove, is not co��sidexed to have a significant potenual for NItI-IP-axdiaeological cesources. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See at[ached: Aexial photogtaph; det�il of the Clyde, NC (1967) quacixanglc 7.5-nvnute series topographic map; NRCS web soil survey infonnntion (I�tto�//�vebsoilsume}�.nics.usda.gov/ac,_oo/). ••A'o S�vrey kequlnA"/mm fui A/lnor T�nn�pormrian Prolens av Ounli�ed Li Jie 1007 Progiamumuc AR�'�' rnenr. NCUO7'Aalmrolap� & Nivmir A�diilrolure firaup� FINDING BY NCDOT CULTURAI. RESOURCES PROFESSIONAL NO SURVEY ftF0U1RED ARCHAEOI,OGY HISTOIiIC ARCI IPl'F.CTUItP: (CIRCLG ONli� � oi-/2-/Z ..A'o 9uvey Required"/um�/nr M1firmr Trsui�poimnon Yrolrns nr Ounlifed iu ILz 200] P�ogrnmmalia dRrrruienr. NCDOT Ardmrology �C� flislortc Ard�imcmra Groupr P c� m '• � � � ��y, . .. �.�i ■ ^� , � `4 '�1 � 1A � �• ��4''; T+''1 {' �,_ ' ' _ � �> w' N � - � � ,�, � � •���, - n ' E; "" � , ' . - .- M� . � . • t. � L1''�,,.1 � Il:I_I!;L'�� . '�� .�, . , � . y4.� _ F+' .��� a ����Y%-. - 1 ..1 .. � 'f" � � �� s � � , ;; � . � � ,, ;� ���r,�,�; �� •o , t .r i � -. y., � �.e� ' - � � . .;�,�_ , �`�_ . 4 �: ��y- j.� { • 'E !�"� ,.+'� +¢�@�„'•. ` 4 . z • �. - ° _ : z„ . . -_., k. � �, � . . . ' .,�. . - . .., . '� � -`��' . _ t_ �.',c:� '-'� ^E�'. • ...' _ "`b� l�f� ;!3 �T.,., � . 9" 1�! ' f . , N 7� y ' : � .. - .:^_ Zf��.t: �. � � • ^��• � a ' . � �v.�� �-� p :� i :�ie... , ..�.•s�Trr�91� . .. '.. ' .. �\ �'��� .�•. . • ��� . � .'T '�� ��. _' � R . `�i �.� .'i t . ' ` • �� � ? • . �€ ' : e � ,+,. � �'�r.. �� P� i .5�,-��' 1 � �' � + � "r t � .66.SS.ZB � � � 0 � U C� zh NN¢` c° �N oM U 0 oZ �v m �C =m �v � �° .£S.SSRB � u� � � � Ot9 C6E 0>B f6E pZ8 Cfif 002 [6E G8L f5E GgL C6E OiL Cbf �.,�_ .>6.SS.ZB � � �• � \ O y �' rn A if �' � °_ � � .. . \ I- � �� .`��I - � �� � � = s k '� °g � � ' � 4. � � ,� � � I � �`` '� � � � �� � �-� � F�' 1' �� o � � �+ �� � " �= � ��. � :.��� . :$t_�. � . o T'O ���.1� � - ,. '� lio Z(� � � � . . � .. .: o � �m � � Nv 6 � � �U_�� � l� �� � .� �,.x � �, � a ' � . L _ N �-.;, � i. v z , '�5-: '� �aR ' � �$ . 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I O VICINITY MAP DET�� � m v x r e o' aI V\ � � � NCDOT CONTACT: o O JOSH DEYTON, PE % O HIGHWAY DIVISION 14 ' � BRIDGE MANAGER 0 �° i � P � m CLEARING ON THI$ PROJECT SHALL BE PERfORMED 3 �• • TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II. a � �� U GRAPHlC SCALES DESlGN DATA � Q�� 2o io 0 2o qp ADT z008 = 1200 � � PLANS DHV = % m0/m � � _ % � o a 20 70 0 20 40 j' — o/ • m� o y V= 35 MPH a o ^/ PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) (Vverliml = 20 MPH) Q°� O q y p q g ' TTST = DUAL ° � Q ( \ FUNC CLASS = LOCAL ° %% � PROFILE (VERTICAL) SUB REGIONAL TIER -U(J 0 IVTS HA YWOOD CO U1�TY LOCATION: BRIDGE 1V0.359 Ol�l SR 1531 OVER UNIVAMED TRIBUTARY TO PIGEOIV RIVER TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, PAVING, DRA7IYAGE, SIGNING, AND STRUCTURE n 0 0 N � � / � a Ze 70� -L- POC S1a.12+20.00 PROJECT LENGTH LENGTH ROADWAY PROIECT LENGTH STRUCTURES PROJECT TOTAL LENGTH PROJECT = 0.034 MILES = 0.000 MILES = 0.034 MILES �vQ 2� O� V� e` �o / � �g ��a 0� �/ �.Q �% � END PROJECT 17BP.14.R.53 -L- POC Sia. 14+00.00 ` TO SR 1523 END CONSTRUCTION -L- POC Sta.13+58.E v.mrro m rk an� m � THELOUISBERGERGROUP,Inc. 1001 L9aCe Avenue.5uite 400 Ra'e:gh,l:oM Caro9na 2]605 u��osono.: F-oeao IVII SIdYDARD SPEL/£(Gi/O.YS RIGHT OF IIAY DATE: DEAN D. HATFIELD PE LETTI VC DATE: �xn�rc� t.cw.vFert WILLIAM E. TILLITT. PE PAOJ£GT D£SIG.\" E\'GL\'FCp M'ORAULICS E�\'G7NEER ROADI{�IS' DESIGN En'GIREER PRGLIDIINARY PLANS ��ma� D/IQS/ON OF HIGHI{AYS STqTE OF NORTH CAROLLYA 0� IIOI y !�` C(� /� � • 4' �� 1�\�� � `ol rE O > aL :� R+:Ziq.O' Pi ='<i5}.9l' ] 59� �X�X 1.�'l.1591.59' / / / / o, / / / � eecirr / 'i Q lJ / O AViEUOfiE Y�LUGE 110. ._ 03 515 Po �9 ss acui cu� \t �� IIR251655' _ � — e�-i Lj C? � w I Y.GUEI A.GOUEZ I OB il6 PG 936 I � I I � iei r.o O JA(K 0'NEhL flA4EY UB J<IP4 691 1 &ll t BL AA /PR SPiIE �'�� �,�, �„�E , � �'� Q � / (P: • r �.} a Q rH �z000 30' io F? A16� A�P fr0 '1 1[E k�t� Sq �iV d6R � x C4 —x � 4,� � ; / acvoic avoy Rf5E1 fEFCE ��600 � k i30.00 -l- ]0.00=3E 30' 0.i 69I! io� e. .eo.uo i51]9-1- dSfA'R II�% ]J00'Fi Tl£ PRJPJS-9N FEM10E TO EXI$T.FEACE / �� / I:Oi i0 SGl£ r���=63.�.. P�Y:�55.)5� 0.1Si1;lG VAeJES 0'- 9' CHV:NfL� a r v` cuss , �+ —� fli YAP rwoo:wri eencn onui lOOYJ:IG OOwNSNfA`.1 cV.ss i P» v+r / ��� d5M0.i W 4 ��� � d 4 �4� k �0 1 iO:l O�'` CV35 I ilV fIJ O`l 31 SIOfE '£ PROP.35-&v FEACE � ex,sr.rercce �, STA.13t12.40 -L- PROP.2 lJ 8'X 7'RCBC GP. ELEV. 2563.84' SKEW III° / ��000�v,�, EF«�� CUS$ 1 !�P V. i tONS / [i. �S LV•- T33 «= �' � �� cc•e�n 6'0� � , x� uo -t- F GA4U 350 opp'p� T1'PF it-2 R a 58 60 -L- J4. 30' Yi ' % -L- PCC Sfo. /3A. rI60t {_ � 36A3-L_ �000'0.I 6969'Ri /l 4f 3 i0>:5 -CIA55 1 ilP iP➢ _Oil 1'1 StO:E FLOOOiUJN BF�:CH i/f PNP.CH-L( f£8Lf i0 fX�A.FfALE k�k A :� \X� � � MP1:DA BARREH VLLS DB 380 PL 993 CURVf DA7A FOR -1- Pl Slo /2+32.00 P/ Sfo /4+29,33 p=/2' 04' I7B'lR71 0= iz aa szz �Rn D= 4' 45' 00.0' D= 4 00' 00.0' L = 254J4' L = I40B7' r = i2�sa• r = �o�z R = 120623' R = 636b2" Se = OA4 Se = EX157. Ilf PROP.N'N fEtiCE IO £XIA.fEACE . , .� ^ O O N � H � �'1 � 2� O l.LM COYEN4N1 C1NF[H �8 �56 PG t)69 CONSTRUCTIOIf I7BP14R53 _I- PM CInIi1SRfJ1 END PROJECT I7BPJ4R53 IIP=15Rai' .: 3`.da.}1' /Sy� C9 /// � W ��\\ \ /� � \ +00 QO � / 4f � !� )E( 3o r sc.r.EF�o 4� io� r ( ,rec: � � Q 5]EDS ` Y.\'/ SNfEi l:O. 0.0M'.VAY Of$IGN HIO]AVlICS FNGI\'FFR E[IGIIIR[ INCODiPLE E PLANS . ., �« i. ..� . � PRL'LIh1IN RY PLANS n�or o aos+mvrno.� wceincrso n:au+cu aeemeeeo n:cu+eex �FAOGR55 [ILFGf w� �a riu � /� / BL-] 4f (� �YxiwA Q SiOMEflS z y p DB 5)0 PG 6�9 � iny4�55 tJ ' 4 [NALY o° � a� L> �J p p �� - - ex,oroso ec.A ir�cEs fl Q � ' /:/ / : / / Q � . ' SEE SHfET' S FOR PROFILE SEE SHEETS C-ITHRU C-6 FOR CULVERT PC4N5 FOR PROF/CE � THE LOUIS BEftGERGROUP, Inc COno':4 ICA11'la�aAVCn�d 5'ix9GJ f��5 P�'='��M1. !:C 2]fDSM1i22 :T AND OUTLET OF CULVERT ONLY. ) NAT�RAL BED MATEflIAI ANO USE [DE BOTTOU OF RCBC CELLS. CR IN SIZE TO C1A55 B RIP-RAP 'LEIAEN7 NATURnL BED IAATERIAL. 'T. WIDE. CAST SEPARATELY )OWELS. LOW SILL 19-°b UI � I'-0'CTSJ �e-•6 0� � r-o•cis.� ELEVATION VIEW - INLET � ° M •6 02 OOwEL ITYP.1 -- °� cu r-o•cTS. �I � �._�. '6 01 DOWEL ITYP.) i•-o•crs. � DOWELS IAAY BE PUSHED INTO GREEN CONCRETE � OOWELS AIAY BE PUSHED INTO GREEN CONCRETE AFTER SLAB HAS BEEN FLOAT FINISHED AFTER SLAB HAS BEEN FLOAT FINISHEO SECTION THRU 1'-0"SILL SECTION THRU 2'-0"SILL PRel.�ruNnRV PLANS 0o nor v=e rox m�sm��rnou PROJECT N0. 17BP.14.R.53 HAYWOOD COUNTY STATION; 13+12.40 —L— 6�qi10!iAL L`40P4ATMki A110 COUPOipilOYS .WdW IEGSESY(HLEQWSIIXLSLSfS3G—lA4LY�+'��A^.. i� i�fe]Z391 . _ irvnfN' f.�nY _AWE ��+/� � naiw rt______ _ .QSOe 39E;OlJ� �.-0��6 °�ilSES 59) 0]58 —.mfA.3i,�o -�L—�do ra____ _______ J._6iOLE�MEti![Sg etr. _ n n� nEIItM11fM.E=N�.J,A'UriN nruvx�� vmm a>xs_ .LL➢LYL- ]9 vc2 �u r�x�xlFLfEJ��.Jliff\4SilL0➢pN� xin� uiirs _ _SJ�OEi�-1rtY13_OL�19f11F¢GE�.111111:0]'f�Elodw�a xmH n�y{.lp�.¢WACSQGHfi.— srtE onia ha'rG+ ✓�a ...Pd1.S9.JlL . Swce — fl5➢E � � rN ________ a.o: ec.s� _6o;atJ�•n. �iwnyev.�_ rn��ar.� vnm___'—'—'— 51�eoi C'«slilco�l<� ISw� aa i�wf. F'(i� Pn1�Y �o�e�. a�wl .l' M�a m E��allrv� S�rvafve_____IlYd{A1L44\.IIN.Sl.!£LlWIISSlLlfil:ll-0' OeY�aPOfen�Nv lov Y..l�cCerats _Yd� COto cn St��civaa lQ mN Mrn Sl�ec-n i[ .)L[�___________.___._ uce »anm rc�.�b"_"—_— verua or a«a.m ___tw"__"— __ uae [�:�wrc<..—dl�."_'____o.�.. co�e"_".1� _ o-.a+d+�r.—us"—""'" k'eitticd FbeG Flc�ral�w �SEE MqP0.`UL F`IfqI.4AipN IAGFf vvice e oa�e��fe...1u_[ar.rrey..tt2._=ar�. p,�.p�k�rtnLUC(�,y�H[(�_vm.eNal(Lr:s FrhA ol lbfe_.2iA_F19v.�1A._Eff.Ii06��_SC�ca J.E$.qCQ— . . Ya:Gf}p]]f (Ol5l.lAS! IIOOD ♦^o.eu x� cav.—_ 25Li9_..--ilEl'.LISIFESW-.—_ K:r�d�obr Sv(e;e EUV. �Sd➢ff—..._ Mon'Me n� L�lf 0.9.601].00/ Gic�xl J11L W.M� Co.4.Q1Q99 Wto'rcE fro� .11Fl➢3UllTl.. fhcE SiW/ / Sfa�uf _..114LQf_SPttlH214QDJ1lIM019YF_ MeUraY EetG'daOt 1L\_ fUCUS}uOYAJy/.�I3c�PG+.—[4b_0.1di �.S.GV.lY1f�NOC��aY-Nd—lI�NUflbaOr%_11.1_ OESG'1 OATA x.a.�xcau.moa y�.ati.0 n.�w e.�.a<a �.a�..�.w�""___—'__-- NrbMV Oes'cn uelnilK�AS_YfSSKKiJ.1.0.Il0�QMIll.I211tS1i_ NEi r� n�vu�,59______ �ef'in icl.oler � Op . � p�5 _� py� .� C`��,1 trry� r,e� cw�o-d aiar curra P.rvks Sli� A 1)J9 0 N� ��N M\. 6a K �o X LSa NY. w a rox, r P��.a.r ve��<n—�+� NtHfYiccYy.rv 1 C��_�� M1vdQCrce�\�Miry.f/ 1 � T� ]IG b�S1Y1: f�'C� fJIN"W i RepfreG LLlbi Yroteclim_�15S1d2t2DY2lLSL _ ..—.__ FFOF4�ATWY i0 0E SHOM`i 0`i PLRiS Cea'�n� U�<nm�a..150— cl.x iraweMy ]Sy_ Ear. _35E96-_ s�:e n>aa� eiecnv�v ¢n c es. o-ex�r �� SS e.v. _�ssu'"— o.enwam� aawc.�o].t_o.r.:. rraw<N:r-1mu..+—. eia a7�:iTUn�wgM oi'+ � CULVERT SURVEY & HYDRAULIC DESIGN RFPORT K[.LiP1.91Y.Ni (F LR\YSPofliARN P'l6YYIK XOR�15 mw�uws wr PILC[ �M L Q l9. N�. SL-flil]SP—_ Frafrf 1:•....-1IBLIJl3.l..__ hol. Statkn _.3:.SI.1lLfII1.__.. �C<antY 1l�lliOQ� .— 51rl�w�NEiCd'h fe�F[ _ . S�rv.l'r�,�f9_ ��oM.�r.iuvL ea�.een _u�sv_—._ m��vs�z--_— vxo.�e.K<a s�.�.:nr. —.—�::as.z�ca�_"—'--_"— ry v.cc-. «w .n�n or eocc.or.._aJ@IeeYRUHrc _—_.�..—._ �.. _lun[ta�s_ �Rw:•'aHN Lo.a�lrn le 0.p.�W�N Stram lrcn Ebliq Gesirp..___ _ d �. lMM. IkY�t IB —6WJd.5HCE@I_PASE.iELfM[ _ ___ �_.._.tL9d6:3L52_QEL'IfII—_ CLr.�'S615'L ec��rv_ 1r�parmY trau'rq_ HG4L_ . . � li ; � _�_ , � � I d �z 2 ` � Ii t � ' � � � � i � � -,� � �' �� . F •..���.. � $ �4 � I � _ ' `I � �i � � . } �`\C !)('.�\ � � C �9 \ Ceso+eq� _l08\IBlll.]SHfI➢NLIOY ... Wt _ b bssl�EbY� �b'�+F— . - O i�almal wMw'i $¢�'[[l.&RI{QQ[,fE � L If Of E\O' 1i � .. n/ .. � � �' :.; UQ- E %l ` Y^-- i S ��' . ( . : vr.n..a en _—__ /�` _' J� �;�: N,......,_ . bl I: C��� ""'""'" ""i ""'_— ........,... .., ; ��i 8.... _.��'