HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00309_Well Construction - GW1_20211220 • �tfi LL GO NTRUCTIO RECORD WN-LI tot Intmill useonly! 1.WOU Contractor information, R a nad IV911 Cantraotor Name 2126-A NC Avon eaa,��ta►eehina,lan rntna,� e,, � ;`''t` n. n. Cannady Brothers WQ,If n t Inc. I� o it sue.Company Nsmc o e) 3� 2 Well Construcliao Pta'ntit N: $!)� � � List all applicable troll tansim tan purnt is(i.e.1110,Como%Maie,�'aManet,tiel 3,Well Use(cheek well use): a• R' in, ater Supply Welit Agtiuulhtrai ' M•'fo' V$ubiio Ovolhormal(Hcot(nglCoo)ing Supply) b6oldomial Watersuppiy(single) n, I n, I Is. IndustriaVCommemiel ®Residoolial Water Supply(shared) Non- ntot supply t.,4l: p n. L) ft. t 0 Monitnrin Millie m fh ft. ee on : Aqultcr Recharge Remediation Aquirer Storage and Recovory 03alinity,9arrter mom TO A WAIT= Aquifer Test Ostotmwatar 9ralnage v t• =11514 Exporimoninl Toohnology 13BubaMcnco Central ft. Owthermal(Closed Loop) OTIVOIT Oaelh al(H21tin in Rcwm) r3otlierfoolain,undoroll R a b rt J�'11 . /h 4.Date Wet"&)Completed-N��=-�-� Well ilkl Cat:,.,.. So.Well Localfonl n' 3 J ft. rrl S' V u n. O R. Fsoility/Owner Norm Facility lDx(if appilcoblo) Phytkal Addtest.Chy,end zip County fates[k colficalloa No.(PIN) 6b.Latitude and tettgkade in degrtWminutes/ee vwh or dedtm i deptes. (if wall held,eta Watts is wmotam) N W 6.1 nre rite wel► rtnanent or em rn ute o ouni ad Wait conaeator `""� rhic >k ) (GRl3Pe � tm �' it-a�gnitrg flt(r , I hm$),ctnj&that the umRhJ was rirm)murtrttcud In acrordeam 7,is this a repair to an exitfipg went DYOS or It� ulth 1 SA NCAC OIC,n100 or/SA NCAC OX.01at WOW Cmuinvilon SrWank and that a )/lilt isT+Mwfry111 outs vwn siWl consrnwloilglbrnta►fan and axp the nalmt ajrht-. -COIiY'll ij'MOMd.hoo.Rean p"a'Mad-to tM,ttrtLaarx+— -- rnpalr rynclor HI,vn,anb sevilmm of on the hacrt 4l thts f". . 23,Site dittgr»m or additional well dt:talbt B.For GeoprobelDPT or Clowd4.00p Godbenttal Wallis httvhtg the same You may use the book of this page to provide mWitional wil silo details or well construction,only I OW-t Is needed. Indlosto TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction dowils. You may also sttaeh additional Pages if"cowry. drilled: EMUMM 9,Total well depth►elow land utt'facoc ,.�„L�" 3ffD ...........:lltt.) 24a, �X,d} t Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well Finn multiple uvIle Usl oN depihs Vdowt faramptn Sfrjil0n'nnrl 1 My oonatntetlon to the following: 10.Slade Water level below top of C611481 i u (11.) olvialon of Water It"Ourm 1111bttlUltlon Preteens Unite ff ialer(rtmt it abolte casing,are."+" 1617 Mail Setwlea Cater,Raidgh.NC 27699.1617 11.Borehole diameterl / t (la..) Ub.jXJWXjOyAt In addition to t wing the form to the adtil'oas in 24a I L Well conbtrnetlen moithedt Rotary nbovo,also submit one copy of this;fbrm within 30 days of compktton of well (l.o.sugar,rotary,cable,direct push,etc.) consitUation to the tbI►owing: Oivbloa d Water 1imarces,1j"o igremad Isla tan Cotmol PhroArom, FOR WATER SUPPLY WE1,L8 ONLY; Iad Mail Service t..aitter,%l ilo.NC 27690.1636 13a.Yield(gpm) , Method of test: //� W Fnr NWIr A 1.1k 8 to addition to sendin the form to 'nte oddmus(es) above, nlaa subm tl ono copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.MoIntotton type: Ameuntt P completion of wall construction to Ithe county heshh dopartmant of the county /T 7 Y where constmoted. Fann OW-I North Umolina Deparimo l of 0nvirontnantU t2ttallly•Division of water itesourcos Revised 7-22-3016