HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00274_Well Construction - GW1_20211213 . • Y'ttAAA•rtrtts+ ;tfNSalk ,�o RLGUnD, »f 1 of ntorna ae n y: I,Well Contractor inralmnationz — RS���l�.G. �annadv , well tlontmolor Non" h, <)ft. s 2126-A " e NC Well CwnnclorCorlVlliw WW++rnimc MVM Cinnady brothers Well i� llllnc , tnc D �, i InIn , � 'vc Camlmny Npmc 2,Well Constmetion Permlt Mt ..L..� ! List all appllcabk all eansiawdon prrnt ts fl.e, 1 , ouh6o,gate,t'arlame,etc.) h• t 3.Well ua(cheek wall use)z ater ups o t 1, 1 1• Agticullural � �Mw►io' Ui'ttblic w R, ��tl. Ooolho mal(HeatinglCooling Supply) ial WalerSupply(single) IndustriallCommeroiol ®Residential Water Supply(®hared) UT A A.r. Noa-W»tor supply Well, Monitorin _ Itt x►vcr� % ee Aquifoo Recharge �(yroundvtater Remodation Aquifer t;torngocnd Reoovety; 9atinityBbnier` t Aquifer Test aStotmwata lhoidage Q a f*• t c 9 Yw" Exporimonlni Toebnology subaidonao Control h Gootharmal(Closed loop) Qaathermal Hooti Cacti» Retunt . Ot ialn under N2l Remy s h. +'J R, A.Date Well(s)Completed,, • ;� "3 well 1DiJ t) h' ytl h. rh e h• er<•..a9 i kL Sa.WCII Locallont a; -� a, FocililylowwrNomo prsNi.ylgN(ifopnlrcebki h' Q h' � P deal AddMc bl and Zip b t Cam ✓ Cuunly -- pawl tdendiliad"No.(PIN) Sit.Latitade and longitude in degr vantinutwNaeumis or dedmatdeveesz (Irwell field,one tavlong is`uMctml) 2L n Certification:,, 3+/' . 5 3 a�,a ir! �y°ys, W �c oyn w stneturcoFUR- el Conaactar best 0.Islam)the Weil(B) pent or DTomporarl ►A�j.�lg'that r1ro neap!�+h�l caurnterrd in aeta*mv R1'atgnlag tAk Jbrnt, 7.1s th1A a repair to an eziotlntl went �Yas or �AIt< u9th $A NCA 02C.af00 or 1!t NCAC 01C.0lt10 Wall CoattrttNta+Sramfo►tds and that rt _ — -- ___ rnpy aJiblt..mOrd hm--been pm.MA�rI ro rta+rell_oarwr. -- 1J itchra n ntpal�,Jlli"out�io�,n ite!(tvturruNton 1 5rnratfort end explain rA®natrrre oJthe �.Site diagram or additional troll dcialb: - repair ruder N!l muse in+retina or oa the bock Qf Ihtr fern+. 8,For GttoprobelDi'T or Ctoard-Loop Ceotizermzlt Weals havl»g the ame You filar tun dw back of this page toi pzovido additional well site ddails or well conslnlciron,only I OW-1 is necdW, lndlemTOTAL NUMBER of wells eommuctlon details. You may also anaoh a"donal pages If necemry. 9.Tot �S tf.) 2Aa. " r 9.Total well depth below{and tut'tace; � Submit this ibtm within 30 days or camplotion of well F})r multlplp url/s list all depths l fdip>arcat fm'a e•dQtJNlI'anal I tNrl aonstntotion Mahe following. (R.) Divblon of Water tlet U t N intbn0000 Proming Ua% I tr abode cvtshgt,urc lave)below top of etlaingt 1Q.81aHc w 1617 MAN Seaviee Center,RnNo,PIC 2760%1617 (/Hater decal "�a" 11.Boreitok diaeaetert 1311 (In.) 24b, t in addition to Ise Abig the farm to the address In 24a above,also submit ono copy ar Ihis form within 30 days or completion or well 1%.Well coatltraotian mrXedt Rota! conai mlion to the tbllowing. (Lo.supt.rotary,cable,dlrocl path,etc.) pbrl"of Water Resourew undsrg�»d irjedlen C"Vol,Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY. 1636 man&n vlee Center'R%tetgb.NC 2760-1636 2, ,n �v nM ++„� b t zketia!I n In addition to Abrading the tbrm to 14 13a,Yield(gpm) b tv Motbod or teat: „ K above, also sobmij'ona�copY of this form within 30 days of tS..I.vA Amon»t. r - complalton of well cwnsttuctian to[the county hoailh department or the county 13b.DIA1nbWOO typo. where cmttucted. ' ees Rori+svl$•7a.�016 Fornt dW•i North Caroline Deponnwnt orEnith= mill Quality-Division or water Rmut