HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180919 Ver 1_Year 2 Monitoring Report_2021_20220105ID#* 20180919 Select Reviewer: Erin Davis Initial Review Completed Date 01/05/2022 Mitigation Project Submittal - 1/5/2022 Version* 1 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* Type of Mitigation Project:* Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Harry Tsomides Project Information ID#:* 20180919 Existing ID# Project Type: DMS Mitigation Bank Project Name: Meadow Brook County: Yadkin Document Information O Yes O No Email Address:* harry.tsomides@ncdenr.gov Version:* 1 Existing Version Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: Meadowbrook_100024_MY2_2021.pdf 22.41MB Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Signature Print Name:* Harry Tsomides Signature: * /y ta"m;� ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & r r RESTORATION Mr. Harry Tsomides NCDEQ— Division of Mitigation Services 5 Ravencroft Dr., Suite 102 Asheville, NC 28801 December 21, 2021 RE: Dear Mr. Tsomides, Ecosystem Planning and Restoration, LLC 1150 SE Maynard Road, Suite 140 Raleigh, NC 27511 Phone: (919) 388-0787 www.eprusa.net Ecosystem Planning and Restoration (EPR) has reviewed the comments on the Draft MY2 Monitoring Report provided December 7, 2021. The comments have been addressed as described below and the Final MY2 Report and electronic deliverables have been revised in response to this review. • A vegetation plot success summary table would be helpful to add to the report (plot/criteria met(Y/N)/ Tract mean %) o Vegetation plot success is summarized in Table 7. Cells that are shaded orange are not meeting the interim performance criteria and cells that are green are meeting the interim performance criteria. In MY2, 100% of the vegetation plots are meeting the performance criteria. • The Adaptive Management Plan was noted in the write up however it is not indicated whether or not the planting itself met the plan specifics (quantities, species, locations, etc). Please indicate accordingly and detail/explain any deviations if they occurred. o This has been clarified in the report document. The supplemental planting was conducted according to the submitted AMP and no deviations from the plan specifics (quantities, species, locations, etc.) were reported. • Table 11 Activities — Completion/delivery dates should be blank if the milestone has not occurred yet. o Completion/delivery dates for milestones that have not been completed have been removed from Table 11. • Thank you for EPR-s wetland reporting, and providing wetland data despite the project being stream -only for credit. This will help determine the no net loss of wetland function as you note. o Noted. Groundwater data from MB GW1 will continue to be collected in MY3. ""`�—j Providing ecosystem planning and restoration services to support a sustainable environment �— Ecosystem Planning and Restoration, LLC ECOSYSTEM 1150 SE Maynard Road, Suite 140 Raleigh, NC 27511 - PLANNING & r r RESTORATION Phone: (919) 388-0787 www.eprusa.net • Note: Additional photos of the stream crossing located near Sta. 33+00 have been added to the photolog per the IRT comments and requests from 2021. An additional Photo Point will be added in MY3 to show this crossing. Digital Support Files • Please submit point features representing where beaver dams had existed. o A shapefile showing the locations of the two beaver dams that were removed in 2021 has been added to the electronic submittal. The points have been added to the CCPV. • Please submit a feature depicting the 20ft of Toe Erosion along Meadow Brook Reach land display this feature in the CCPV. o A shapefile showing the 20 ft. of to erosion along Meadow Brook Reach 1 has been added to the electronic submittal. The polyline feature has been added to the CCPV. • Please include polygon features characterizing the MY2 random veg plots. o The polygon features for the MY2 random vegetation plots are included in the MB_ASB_VegMonitoringPlots shapefile along with the fixed plots. • Please include all historic monitoring data in the veg tool input, including dead stems. o All historic vegetation monitoring data has been added to the vegetation tool input file, including dead stems. This information will be included in the input file moving forward. • Please include the data for MB2 STR. o A spreadsheet containing the data for MB2 STR has been added to the electronic deliverable files. If you have any questions regarding the Final MY2 Monitoring Report, please contact me at 919-388-0787 or via email at clones@eprusa.net. Sincerely, Cidney Jones, PE & CFM ""`�—j Providing ecosystem planning and restoration services to support a sustainable environment �— Monitoring Year 2 Report Final Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project Yadkin County, North Carolina Yadkin River Basin, Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03040101 Data Collection Period: Submission Date: August 2021— November 2021 December 2021 NCDEQ Contract No. 7184 DIMS ID No. 100024 RFP No. 16-006993 USACE Action ID No. SAW-2017-01509 NCDWR ID: 2018-0919 Prepared For: Prepared By: NC Department of Environmental Quality Ecosystem Planning and Restoration Division of Mitigation Services 1150 SE Maynard Road, Suite 140 217 West Jones Street; 3rd Floor Cary, NC 27511 M,rpoorconsery«e5 Raleigh, NC 27603 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT SUMMARY..........................................................................................................1 1.1 Goals and Objectives...........................................................................................................................1 1.2 Performance Criteria...........................................................................................................................1 2.0 MONITORING DATA ASSESSMENT....................................................................................7 2.1 Stream Monitoring..............................................................................................................................7 2.1.1 Stream Dimension......................................................................................................................7 2.1.2 Stream Profile.............................................................................................................................8 2.1.3 Channel Stability.........................................................................................................................8 2.1.4 Stream Hydrology.......................................................................................................................9 2.2 Riparian Vegetation Monitoring..........................................................................................................9 2.2.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data.....................................................................................................10 2.3 Wetland Hydrology............................................................................................................................10 3.0 REFERENCES....................................................................................................................17 TABLES TABLE 1. PROJECT MITIGATION QUANTITIES AND CREDITS.. TABLE 2. GOALS, PERFORMANCE AND RESULTS ................... TABLE 3: PROJECT ATTRIBUTES TABLE .................................. FIGURES ........................................................ 2 ........................................................ 4 .................................................... 6 FIGURE 1. PROJECT VICINITY MAP........................................................................................................................12 FIGURE 2. CURRENT CONDITION PLAN VIEW(CCPV)........................................................................................13 Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project IraMonitoring Year 2 Report - FINAL Yadkin County, North Carolina DMS Project ID #100024 APPENDICES Appendix A: Visual Assessment Data Table 4. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Table 5. Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Vegetation Photo Log Photo Log Appendix B: Vegetation Plot Data Table 6. Vegetation Plot Data Table 7. Vegetation Performance Standards Summary Table Appendix C: Stream Geomorphology Data Cross -Sections with Annual Overlays Table 8. Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 9. Cross Section Morphology Monitoring Summary Appendix D: Hydrologic Data Table 10. Bankfull Event Verification Figure 3. Monthly Rainfall Data Precipitation and Water Level Hydrographs Appendix E: Project Timeline and Contact Information Table 11. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 12. Project Contacts Table Appendix F: IRT Correspondence Meadow Brook Adaptive Management Plan February 2021 Email: MB GW#2, March 9,2021 Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project IraMonitoring Year 2 Report - FINAL Yadkin County, North Carolina DMS Project ID #100024 1.0 PROJECT SUMMARY Ecosystem Planning and Restoration, PLLC (EPR) implemented the Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project (Project; Site) for the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) to provide 3,409 stream mitigation credits (SMCs) in the Yadkin River Basin, Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03040101. The Project restored and enhanced 3,437 linear feet (LF) of two perennial unnamed tributaries (UT) to South Deep Creek within a 11.2-acre conservation easement. Mitigation assets are listed in Table 1. The Site is located in DMS Targeted Local Watershed 03040101130020. Project location is shown in Figure 1. The Site was historically utilized for agricultural use. As such, streams and existing wetlands in the Project area were adversely impacted by direct cattle access, farming activities, and stream channelization. The Site is situated on once active pastureland in a WS-III Watershed that is 57% agricultural land, 33% forest, 6% developed open space, and 3% herbaceous land. Prior to construction activities, both Project streams were incised, straightened, and suffered from significant cattle damage. The adjacent wetlands were similarly trampled, heavily grazed, routinely mowed, and drained by multiple ditches and the channelization of the Project streams. Pre -construction, or pre-existing, Site conditions are provided in Table 3 and the Baseline Stream Data Summary Tables in Appendix C. Photos and a more detailed description of Site conditions before restoration are available in the Mitigation Plan (Final version submitted September 2018). 1.1 Goals and Objectives The Project goals were established based on an assessment of Site conditions and restoration potential with careful consideration of the stressors identified in the Upper Yadkin Pee -Dee River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP) Report (NCEEP, 2009) and Yadkin Pee -Dee Basinwide Water Quality Plan (NCDWQ, 2008). These goals and objectives are presented in Table 2. Site construction was completed in June 2019, and the as -built survey was completed in August 2019. Planting and baseline vegetation data collection was completed in January 2020. A detailed timeline of the Project activity and reporting history is provided in Appendix E. 1.2 Performance Criteria Project success criteria were established in accordance with the NCDEQ DMS Mitigation Plan Template (ver. 06/2017), and US Army Corps of Engineers — Wilmington District Public Notice: Notification of Issuance of Guidance for Compensatory Stream and Wetland Mitigation Conducted for Wilmington District (October 24, 2016). The monitoring plan for the Site will follow the same guidance as the NCDEQ DMSAnnual Monitoring Report Format, Data, and Content Requirement (October 2020). Table 2 details the success criteria that evaluate whether Project goals have been met throughout the monitoring period. For more detailed success criteria refer to the Final Mitigation Plan or the As -built Baseline Monitoring Report. Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project Monitoring Year 2 Report - FINAL Yadkin County, North Carolina Ir DMS Project ID #100024 Table 1. Project Mitigation Quantities and Credits Original Original Project As- Mitigation Original Original Component Mitigation built Thermal Restoration Priority Mitigation Mitigation Notes/Comments Plan Level Credits (reach ID, etc.) (ft/ac) Regime Level Ratio (X:1) (ft/ac) Category Full Channel Restoration, Planted Meadow Brook Buffer, Exclusion of 1304 1917 Warm R 1 1.00000 1,917.000 Reach 1 Livestock, and Permanent Conservation Easement. Full Channel Restoration, Planted Meadow Brook Buffer, Exclusion of 327 353 Warm R 11 1.00000 353.000 Reach 2 Livestock, and Permanent Conservation Easement. Full Channel Restoration, Planted Meadow Brook Buffer, Exclusion of 289 273 Warm R 11 1.00000 273.000 Reach 3 Livestock, and Permanent Conservation Easement. Habitat Structures, Meadow Brook Planted Buffer, 283 218 Warm El 1.50000 218.000 Exclusion of Livestock, Reach 4 Permanent Conservation Easement Full Channel Restoration, Planted UT to Meadow Buffer, Exclusion of 396 676 Warm R 1 1.00000 676.000 Brook Livestock, and Permanent Conservation Easement. Planted, excluded livestock, plugged Wetland A* 2.930 2.630 RR N/A 0.00000 0.00000 ditches, and encompasses section of Priority Level II Restoration reach. Planted, excluded livestock, plugged Wetland B* 2.230 2.000 RR N/A 0.00000 0.00000 ditches, and encompasses section of Priority Level II Restoration reach. Planted, excluded livestock, plugged Wetland C* 0.820 0.740 RR N/A 0.00000 0.00000 ditches, and encompasses section of Priority Level II Restoration reach. Planted, excluded livestock, and Wetland D* 0.100 0.090 RR N/A 0.00000 0.00000 encompasses section of Priority Level II Restoration reach. *Note: Wetlands are not currently part of the Project assets and are not generating mitigation credits Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project Monitoring Year 2 Report- FINAL Yadkin County, North Carolina Ir DMS Project ID #100024 Table 1. Project Mitigation Quantities and Credits (continued) Length and Area Summations by Mitigation Category Restoration Level Stream Riparian Wetland Non -Rip Wetland Coastal Marsh Warm Cool Cold Riverine Non- Riverine Restoration 3219.000 Re- establishment Enhancement Enhancement 1 145.333 Enhancement 11 Rehabilitation Preservation Creation Totals 3364.333 Total Base SMCs 3364.333 Credit Loss in Required Buffer -142.600 Credit Gain for Additional Buffer 187.600 Net Change in Credit from Buffers 45.000 Total Adjusted SMCs* 3409.333 *Credit adjustment for Non-standard Buffer Width calculation using Wilmington District Stream Buffer Credit Calculator (Updated 1/19/2019) Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project Monitoring Year 2 Report- FINAL Yadkin County, North Carolina DMS Project ID #100024 C M m M (1). o•�>— �o-0 VI a� f6 L L > U n ' C U 3 a+ ra c O k.0 h cu _ -a ao cuN w U Ca } 0 01+' ap >. 'n E E _6 O •C +' T C N C pto N> N }' � N} O C> N cu O 'o cuE cu E C N au O - 7 w C 0 Q N cu O l U E to m C 3 3 £ C cu U a) to M w O -0 C > CU 3 U cuv > N r6 fCa •t M }, l0 N N Q n a+ E cu U F L w Q N C N� O C 0 Q^ O cu d ' Q � � -6 -a U N >- V � .� ' N C� Q C C _M C N cu •N to 0 _E .0 cu 0 CU cu cu cu° _ cu uL E 3 M � m� 0 t �; N w N to U c E o U UM > N �° a, 7 > •Fn C^ cu-°6 dl N �--I -j C L ra ++ C 'O O �n > C N O N i T p cu(U a1 -0tCa 'O cu N C ra U-0 w-0 > E N E} C Mn Ma� i-a f6 O O a� E cuo > `» •c c c n 3 d Q N C fa D C� Q �+ �o N m n 1.0 E - ra cu C L M a1 a+ C N N rrj U > I� Lr�C w C O N O ^ L U o Q O 0 N CL O E td L° O tn a+ w `� o O cu ,� i ,� a ra N > to ra v on ra (J rn }' 'a chi c OJi 2 +' s Lu a- c •E � Q � to a� ° v U M ra a� �O.+ u .Q- C O C U N i O E 3 O� N N cu �> ,f6, c N N O au cu O �d.+ >M •— L a+ -O Q E a+ fa U 3 s cu i Q C •° Z Q C ._ N N ._ N -� i1 t N N U 3' M Q N C 7 6p E C Vi ;° g c f6 -0 o •° o •M CM ° '� '_ r6 0 '� c 0 c i an cu an O a� O O au CU 'a+ a� ra a� v c '� v�i •� .N Y N •Ocu N wo 6an 61E O "a a c v p aE °E1 ; ,v a au a t O �O E>co OO E Q- ap w a) �n C n cQE c N C t E O cuc O O O A n U+ O cu pc u cu cu 0 cu O O. X N > aw �n �n a� = -0 O >. w .'^ a� U c c M = ra CU n p +' a= `��° °T° 3 a�i ' c c m rn o° --a `° w E -a ° c � n v -0 Y OCU 'a O N 3 ° C a� = oc 3 3 C p a� C x 0 �n t c ra O O Q t c J ate+ H ■ U U ._ ■ ra a� ra U ra a rat ra ra a ra C C C C L C L E -a E +� 0 `� +� E 3 _0 0 a+ E 3 o ra o ra ra o o 0 a M v a cui a i Y bo ++ a0 Y M �a ap v W a+ f6 Y M v w Y E > > > > > N o � 3 � N o - - CU 3 � o aE, o °1 - °o °o w p aU' u mu N u cu c w a, w c a�i CU _o cu cu E ra .> w — c> w 3 ra .> : — c � .ra c >_ 3 r° c > an c a� t E n c t � E� t a� -0 rn O n a� '+� rn O a� 'p -0 a� y C CU +� c C a� E C n a� 0 • C n E ra D O ra ,� E p ra ra 2 ra p — ra w O ra r6 � �+ a+ c x rn ° r"a rn `� x ra v ra o a`, ° x E ra o > 'n a, E n to 2 E n 0 cu n E - n o c CU an E a' a, n p 0 W � �, v -0 an E •� an E ra o0 v an cu an E ra O '� 'n 'n °O N O O� '� O 'n N 0 •— O °O '� i a' 3 '6 o 3 a' c v 3 o a"i 3 .� v -o O 3 0 .� v 3 � a"i a'i o a, cu a'i N w E C v w a�i f6 E N w c w U 3 c w N w v c w ra v a� c w w v a� E w ra U ra O O 0 O cu cu O �� ,.�, v � cu � aca a o n o . . . o a o . . . . . . .f6 .fc6 .O ? _0 N M M _0 a, ° +� a, c CU CU lu I E .� u E -6 E ra U a1 N c°i Ncu 0 i r�6 o r6 in °' n Q 3 n raw a� n _' a 2 Y a a� v au C .E a� O OC U a� c OC W O OC m a4 Q co oA Q t." 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C Ln Q Z ra LL � i 0 Q U N cu 0 = O N Z 0 CU >. O to j C: U cu O C a Y V) O - 21 } 0 Q'_ LCL Table 3. Project Attributes Table Project Background Information Project Name Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project County Yadkin Project Area (acres) 11.2 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) 36.14139 / 80.81889 Planted Acreage (Acres of Woody Stems Planted) 11.2 Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Northern Inner Piedmont River Basin Yadkin Pee -Dee USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03040101 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14 digit 3040101130020 DWR Sub -basin 03-07-02 Project Drainage Area (Acres and Sq. Mi.) 1088 acres / 1.7 Sq. Mi. Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area <1% CGIA Land Use Classification Pasture (57%) and Deciduous Forest (26%) Reach Summary Information Parameters Meadow Brook UT to Meadow Brook Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 Reach 4 Length of reach (linear feet) 1304 327 289 283 396 Valley confinement (Confined, moderately confined, unconfined) Unconfined Unconfined Confined Confined Unconfined Drainage area (Acres and Square Miles) .93 sq mi / 595 ac 1.51 sq mi / 966 ac 1.73 sq mi. / 1107 ac 1.73 sq mi / 1107 ac .56 sq mi / 358 ac Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral Perennial NCDWR Water Quality Classification WS-III Stream Classification (existing) Incised E4 E4 E4 E4 E4 Stream Classification (proposed) C4 C4 B4c B4c C4 Evolutionary trend (Simon) IV FEMA classification AE Wetland Summary Information Parameters Wetland A Wetland B Wetland C Wetland D Size of Wetland (acres) 2.93 2.23 0.82 0.10 Wetland Type (non -riparian, riparian riverine or riparian non-riverine) Riparian Riverine Riparian Riverine Riparian Riverine Riparian Riverine Mapped Soil Series Dan River Sandy Loam Dan River Sandy Loam Dan River Sandy Loam / Clifford sandy clay loam Dan River Sandy Loam Drainage Class Well -drained Well -drained Well -drained Well -drained Soil Hydric Status Non-Hydric' Non-Hydric' Non-Hydric' Non-Hydric' Source of Hydrology Groundwater, precipitation, runoff, overbank flooding Groundwater, precipitation, runoff, overbankflooding Groundwater, precipitation, runoff, over bankflooding Groundwater, precipitation, runoff, overbank flooding Restoration or enhancement method (hydrologic, vegetative etc.) Vegetative* Vegetative* Vegetative* Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project Monitoring Year 2 Report -FINAL Yadkin County, North Carolina DMS Project ID #100024 Table 3. Project Attributes Table (continued) Regulatory Considerations Parameters Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Docs? Water of the United States - Section 404 Yes Yes USACE NWP 27 - ID# SAW-2017-01509 Water of the United States - Section 401 Yes Yes DWR 401 WQC No. 4134 -- ID # 2180919 Division of Land Quality (Erosion and Sediment Control) Yes Yes General Permit NCG010000 - ID # YADKI-2019-004 Endangered Species Act Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion Document; Appendix 7 in Mitigation Plan Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA or CAMA) No N/A N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes Yes Yadkin County Floodplain Development Permit— ID # 2018-1 Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A N/A *Wetlands are not being restored or enhanced for mitigation credit, but functional uplift is expected and there will be no net loss of wetland functions +Jurisdictional wetlands were identified on soils mapped as non-hydric 2.0 MONITORING DATA ASSESSMENT Monitoring Year 2 (MY2) data was collected in August, October, and November of 2021. Current Site conditions and monitoring data are described in the following sections to evaluate whether the Project is meeting the success criteria established in the Mitigation Plan. The monitoring plan for the Site will follow this guidance and the NCDEQ DMSAnnual Monitoring Report Format, Data, and Content Requirements (October 2020). 2.1 Stream Monitoring Stream monitoring involved field data collection to assess the hydrologic, hydraulic, and geomorphic functions of Meadow Brook and the UT. Monitored parameters, methods, schedule/frequency, and extent are summarized in Table 2. These monitoring parameters follow USACE guidance but will also allow for monitoring of other parameters to document Site performance related to the Project goals listed in Table 2. The locations of the established monitoring cross sections are shown in Figure 2 Current Condition Plan View (CCPV). 2.1.1 Stream Dimension Permanent cross sections were installed to monitor stream stability through dimension change. 13 permanent cross sections were installed across the Site; 10 on Meadow Brook and 3 on UT to Meadow Brook. 7 cross sections were installed in riffles and 6 were installed in pools. Each cross-section was monumented using a length of rebar and PVC pipe on both streambanks. The location and elevation of each pin was located and recorded to facilitate data comparison from year to year. Cross -sections were surveyed using a Topcon RL-H5A Self Leveling Laser Level. Reported data includes measurements of Bankfull Elevation (consistent with the Baseline As -Built Report), Bank Height Ratio (BHR), Low Top of Bank (LTOB) elevation, Thalweg Elevation, LTOB Max Depth, LTOB Cross Sectional Area, and Entrenchment Ratio (ER). BHR measurements were made by holding the bankfull area recorded in the Baseline As -built report constant and adjusting the bankfull elevation. All other geomorphic measurements were made by maintaining a constant benchmark bankfull elevation as recorded in the Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project Monitoring Year 2 Report- FINAL Yadkin County, North Carolina Ir DMS Project ID #100024 Baseline As -built report. Reference photos were taken of both streambanks every year to provide a visual assessment of any changes that may occur. The Year 2 monitoring cross-section survey indicates that the Project streams are geomorphologically stable. Due to continued herbaceous growth along the floodplain and streambanks, some cross sections appear to be aggrading slightly, but there is no concern of wide -spread channel instability. The channel vegetation that was noted in the MY1 report was not as prevalent in MY2, as shown in the cross-section photos provided in Appendix C. The channel vegetation is expected to become less of a problem in future monitoring years as the channels get more shade cover. Notes on specific cross -sections and actions to be taken in the next monitoring year are listed below. • Cross section 11 shows signs of aggradation primarily due to herbaceous vegetation laying in the stream channel. As stream shading continues to improve EPR expects a decrease in the amount of vegetation in channels site wide. • Cross sections 7 and 8 were impacted by downstream beaver dams where the water level had risen considerably. The beavers were trapped and both dams were removed in August 2021. At the time of the survey the water level had returned to normal, and the cross sections appeared stable. • Cross section 1 showed signs of aggradation from Baseline to MY1 but stabilized from MY1 to MY2. The changes shown in the cross section from MY1 to MY2 show the channel adjusted to be slightly deeper and narrower, which indicates adjustments toward stability rather than instability. • Cross sections 2, 8, and 13 showed minor geomorphological changes from Baseline to MY1 but stabilized from MY1 to MY2; while pool cross section 3 and 4 showed signs of adjustment from Baseline to MY1 the thalweg elevation remained consistent while the point bar continued to adjust from MY1 to MY2. All restored streams meet the success criteria as established in the Mitigation Plan and shown in Table 2. The cross-section plots, photos, and data summary (Table 9) are included in Appendix C. 2.1.2 Stream Profile A full longitudinal profile was surveyed for the entire length of the restored streams in August 2019 to document as -built conditions (EPR, 2020). This survey was tied to a permanent benchmark and includes thalweg, right bank, and left bank features. Profile measurements were taken at the head of each feature (e.g. riffle, pool) and at the max depth of pools and data are provided in the Baseline Stream Data Summary tables in Appendix C. As noted in the baseline report, there were some pools that had filled with some sediment that are expected to scour and flush throughout the monitoring period. The longitudinal profile will not be surveyed during annual monitoring unless vertical channel instability has been observed during monitoring and remedial actions or repairs are needed. 2.1.3 Channel Stabilitv Channel stability is assessed on a yearly basis using photographs to visually document the condition of the restored Project streams. Visual assessments of channel stability and in -stream structure condition were made throughout Monitoring Year 2, primarily after storm events. Visual assessments of bank stability and in -stream structures for each reach are provided in Appendix A. 16 photo points were established during baseline monitoring at which photographs are taken from the same location in the Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project Monitoring Year 2 Report - FINAL Yadkin County, North Carolina Ir DMS Project ID #100024 same direction each year. The location of the photo points are shown in the CCPV (Figure 2) and the photographs, which were taken on November 3, 2021, are provided in Appendix A. There is a short reach of bank erosion noted in Table 4, Appendix A. The point bar has scoured and there is localized bank erosion. This area was first noticed after a storm event in April 2020 but appeared to be healing during MY1 monitoring. This area is visible in Photo Point 1 and will be observed during the next monitoring year. This area is shown in the CCPV. With the exception of the area noted above, stream photo points and visual assessment indicate that all restored channels and in -stream structures are in good condition and performing as intended. No significant stream problem areas were observed. No channel manipulation, including vegetation or sediment removal, has been performed in this monitoring year. 2.1.4 Stream Hydrology Two (2) pressure transducers were installed, 1 each in Meadow Brook and the UT to Meadow Brook, to document stream flow and the occurrence of bankfull events within the monitoring period. The locations of these gauges are shown in the CCPV (Figure 2). Both gauges were installed in the downstream end of pools. The constructed bankfull elevation at each gauge was located and recorded, as well as the elevation of the downstream controlling grade. Each year, these elevations are compared with the gauge readings to determine whether the stream is flowing and if a bankfull event has occurred. Stream gauge, controlling grade, and bankfull elevations were re -surveyed in MY2 to address 2 concerns noted in MY1: a period of no flowing water in Meadow Brook (MB2 STIR) and to document any adjustments experienced due to numerous bankfull events recorded in 2020. This Project utilizes a tipping bucket rain gauge installed to accurately document rainfall at the Site. The rainfall data can be compared to the flow gauge data to verify that high flows at the Site are correlated with rainfall events. The monitoring gauges were downloaded regularly throughout Monitoring Year 2 and rainfall data is presented in the flow gauge plots in Appendix D. Rain gauge data from September 2, 2021 to the time of data collection is unavailable because the batteries in the data logger had expired. The batteries were replaced in November 2021 and the instrument is fully functioning. Flow gauge data from MY2 indicates that both Project streams met the established success criteria of 30 days or more of consecutive flow throughout the year. According to the gauge for Meadow Brook (MB2 STIR), the stream had constant flow throughout the year (at least 307 consecutive days) and the gauge documented 6 separate bankfull events. Gauge MB UT1 STIR, located in the UT to Meadow Brook, documented constant flow throughout the year (at least 307 consecutive days) and 4 separate bankfull events. The date and timing of these bankfull events generally correlated with significant rainfall events recorded by the tipping bucket rain gauge. 2.2 Riparian Vegetation Monitoring Riparian vegetation monitoring evaluates the growth and development of planted and volunteer vegetation across the Site. Monitored parameters, methods, schedule/frequency, and extent are summarized in Table 2. These monitoring parameters follow USACE guidance but will also allow for monitoring of other parameters to document Site performance related to the Project goals listed in Section 1. Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project Monitoring Year 2 Report - FINAL Yadkin County, North Carolina Ir DMS Project ID #100024 2.2.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data Six (6) permanent vegetation monitoring plots were established across the Site. The corners of the permanent vegetation plots were marked using steel t-posts and the location of each plot was surveyed during the as -built survey. The individual trees within each permanent plot were tagged and identified to facilitate repeat monitoring each year. In addition to the 6 permanent plots, 6 randomly placed vegetation plots are established each year and the location of these plots is recorded using GPS. All vegetation plots for MY2 are shown in the CCPV (Figure 2). Table 5 in Appendix A summarizes the results of a visual review of the conservation easement, mapping any bare areas, areas of low stem density, invasive species, or easement encroachments. Supplemental planting occurred March 2021 in response to low stem counts throughout much of the Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Site as observed during MY1. Supplemental planting procedures, locations, and species were detailed in the Adaptive Management Report submitted by EPR February 2021. The AMP is included in Appendix F. The supplemental planting was conducted according to the submitted AMP and no deviations from the plan specifics (quantities, species, locations, etc.) were reported. Year 2 vegetation monitoring occurred in August 2021 before leaf drop. Annual vegetation data was compiled and summarized using the DMS Vegetation Data Entry Tool in Appendix B. Planted stem counts for each plot ranged from 9 trees per plot (364 trees per acre) in Random VP-8, to 34 trees per plot (1376 trees per acre) in Fixed VP-4. The average density of planted stems from all 12 vegetation plots (permanent and random) was 19 trees per plot (762 trees per acre). As indicated by the high stem counts found in many vegetation plots, supplemental planting has succeeded in bringing the site back into compliance, exceeding the interim performance criteria of 320 stems/acre in MY3. Riparian herbaceous vegetation appears to be flourishing throughout the Site. In addition, no invasive vegetation was found. 2.3 Wetland Hydrology While no wetland mitigation credit was proposed as a part of this Project, efforts were taken to ensure that there was no net loss of existing riparian wetland function after construction. A preliminary jurisdictional wetland determination (PJD) and NCWAM assessment was completed prior to completion of construction to document the extent and functionality of the existing wetlands at the Site. The same assessments will be made after the monitoring period ends to document that there was no net loss of wetland functionality over the life of the Project. In addition, hydrophytic vegetation has been documented within vegetation plots that are located in planting Zone 2 (Riparian Wetlands). Fixed VP-1, Fixed VP-2, and Random VP-12 are split between riparian planting and upland planting, but the rest of the permanent and random vegetation plots are within the riparian wetland planting zone (Zone 2). Fixed VP-6 and Random VP-8 are located within the wetland treatment cell and planted with hydrophytic herbaceous and woody vegetation. Finally, as required by the 401/404 Permit, two groundwater gauges were installed in the existing wetlands at the Site. These data are provided in Appendix D but are not associated with success criteria for mitigation. The locations of the 2 wetland groundwater gauges are shown in the CCPV (Figure 2). The wetland gauges were downloaded regularly throughout the monitoring year. Groundwater Gauge 2 (MB GW2) was destroyed by high flows during a storm event and lacks data from January 21, 2021 through Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project Monitoring Year 2 Report - FINAL 10 Yadkin County, North Carolina Ir DMS Project ID #100024 the time of data collection. Per a conversation with USACE on March 9, 2021 (documented in Appendix F), there are no plans to reinstall MB GW2 at this time. The original purpose of the well was to demonstrate no net loss of wetland hydrology as a result of the stream restoration and the last two years of data have clearly shown that the riparian wetlands along Meadow Brook still have functioning wetland hydrology. MB GW1 will be left in place and the data from this well will continue to be included in annual monitoring reports. Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project Monitoring Year 2 Report - FINAL 11 Yadkin County, North Carolina Ir DMS Project ID #100024 ,4"f LP Pm s�—H 5 x x N 8 4 PL 49,ng7 Main 4pi 4ry O� 44 Ya7 ti 2 0 LU O z o } z 0 _Qwdn Rd [J} z 0 < W CL I N O ' N Ld Py wr _3yl h a P7:j % Jpuy p'jr qA n we ti l�r 4) V W 0 n . IS. 0 VI N _ a� n� o4b++u"O F O O O � O I— z U U U w O P%, =mo45 2r9ng < 0 U W U 2 z Ldco o j 0 C s o IL a 0N a N U 0 g U Q 4r (�I LL. oZ M radow 3 '°dr M w r v ay �% ti� 0 a s°r C) Wy� 4b z W n �j W 4 A Ld Z 0 0 LL _ a 4 N W N W U) O Ur �� r�411C1�j 0 4 C O O r LL J❑ 3 Ld TWM Ld J z—TmmmlQ Wo o 0)O o O CL m a� U d r Ld N N DO O XO N a..� U Co W p p ��so W ,Q z Nz° °QW way E U)O (U � U > N' m m O9 d N O � E m IY U ¢' C) Ld 1 0 � aNi U n�n 6 N Z W G-� N_ 0 Z:) LL ®® � O W U o z IL o } >- a z N z o Q 0 7 O N rn> U N U > E u [� z N O z x N O 1®IU u 0 Z o E O W m U m Ir w U E U (6 m N E (6 N O Of U) U) 0 • I " W O L O N � m (7 E C N � � W O LL a' O N N E m N N 70 m o N W z i� m w II L O W C N O � N N w U O _ CD J > t ao U d N N O ° o 0 O Q (A >�e!i Q 0 U-w 0— le,op "a .Vf* > V � rn C7 W x d N LL LL LL CL I I a z .� oW LO E LL ;r" N Z W O z o 19 (Y U) ZO o o /O LL Q' LL O z M 1 ® ® ® W M M MLLM O I-�--1 J 2 U { > i o E O { U C O N Q c LU > t .. m c c Q > r CL N - _ _ .8 .� W t;T a - S N , o N > \ ..; N � o o V •- I x o {,. a,. , I a r 0 Q z�Q iW •� E O LL- a� U O W • _1! � m m U :� u � b> U m LU U LL U t r w N N ._ 0)O 0 E 0 00 N Wdso ~ • LL o 0- U CO } Z > _., N o 0 0Zo p a u{ •_- F+ N 0 U J W Q way f� E m z a Y .,! d U N - NLL 0 > L C Ld p U LLJ .N � O N �.. C: ^ (n LL LL LL o . E N a.''- • - - 7 � w o c I-- Z > E m ✓� 1. W o z o EN o R U) U �••., o rn> p.2 O Z W U)U) Ld w u - 0 U 'V � �O (6 R.. N (n d N U) o N U) 0 0 Ld W Ld LL p LL.W m a Y — �? N O W 7 LY U_ p U o (6 C _ V J Ld o, 0 0 0 N z ds o O Ld w m U o Z �a O ^ fA � N O (6 O 0 2 } U - - O O >E. IU w a_ ''" U) o� � E N (n Li Li Li z S ,.. > �� , o Ld W 0 Ln LO NE Ld � Z a CL W 02 z r �U >o Dz Ld Lt1h _ LL LL LL U a 1 ® ®® z:. W 11 c w U) m c .o - (1) (n O N d O N N O O u1 U O d " U Z—TmmmlQ IL i 0 W 0 � • - � N i• U o W N u m w o LL a� Q of H d 3.0 REFERENCES Ecosystem Planning and Restoration (EPR). 2020. As -built Baseline Monitoring Report FINAL Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). DMS Vegetation Data Entry Tool, October 2020. https://ncdms.shinyapps.io/Veg Table Tool/ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). DMS Cross Section Tool V.1.0 2020. https://ncdms.shinyapps.io/XS APP/ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). Annual Monitoring Report Format, Data, and Content Requirements, October 2020. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2009. Upper Yadkin Pee -Dee River Basin Restoration Priorities. North Carolina Division of Water Quality. 2008. Yadkin Pee -Dee Basinwide Water Quality Plan. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. October, 2016. Wilmington District Public Notice: Notification of Issuance of Guidance for Compensatory Stream and Wetland Mitigation Conducted for Wilmington District. Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project Monitoring Year 2 Report - FINAL 17 Yadkin County, North Carolina Ir DMS Project ID #100024 Appendix A Visual Assessment Data Table 4. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Table 5. Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Vegetation Plot Photo Log Photo Log ■ ® o k k § d 2 § m 2 � �2 � ■ m � o � 2 � 2 CL o ■ © 0 w E § § \ 2 � @ 2 § ■ ■ > co o @ ■ m 3 2 ■ ■ o 04 �/ E� _ § §\ co g22 m m m k k J22 co2 \ \ $ CD \ \ I § 0 0 @ 0k0 \ \ J \ uo- § m 0 2 ? � � k CD E k@ IL k § / og o- j /f cu 0 E/ ° e 2 6 § = u \ § \ 2 0 % /%2 _ / ±2 cu C CU 2 E cu E E S m u 0)= § o ) \�% 2 )fE . @ o % \ = 'e = e \ § \\/ 7 \ \/2 / f \ \ \ 7 g § a)§ 2:o £f% \f f% 2 g e = # 7 = n e c 0 7 £ 2 \ zi \ \ cm ) k \ 2 E @ x $ 7 o c a) a) S o 2 m 7% CU E £ o §/ 2\§ \ 0 \ / $ \ \ U \ k 2 ƒ% m\ m\/ ok m\R k @ % L k 2 7 % ° ? v 0 LL P ? r k m / 3 m � m 0 0 7 � \ k In @ 2q( 2 . _ / \ J E / > \ \ / < CO 5 \ \ k \ @ / < > c 2 _ k # ® CD 0 § o U) Z■ ■ m 2 « � : 2 m � 0 2 2 ■ o © E J q ( \ � g 2 § ■ 2 cof o m # 2 ■ k � \ k/ E� _ § §\ co g22 m m \ k k @ m m ■«« k \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 2 I § 0 0 @ o 0 0 0 J\ uo § 2 \ 2 0 w � z k = c @ IL § % c 2 k § ) \ E �§ g 2 § \ 2% s / 0 f 3 » @ E . 2 0 7 6 § 2 cu \ • § \ /%£ § 0 / 7 U\cu 2 E f u E E m cu \ \ � 0 § cu �� £2& o = f e / x tGo $ \ \ a) a) ® j \ s m f = � 2:o £f% \ _ £\f f% a s e = # = n e /\ > f\\cm = f » . 4 ) E 0 7 \ fi/ k \\ � E o $ 7 ° § § 7 % £ ° @ x aoa / /_ / � � ° \ \ \ E ± % % ± 5 k e — > \ o m § ® ƒ \ e = R m\ m\/ o o§ m\ k § L k 2 \ 7 § @ ? v 0 LL wc a � r k m ƒ 3 m 0 m 0 0 7 2 � \ / m @ Im§ ■ k# ® o 0 § o U) Z ■ ■ m U) � �2 � ■ m � c 2 � 2 CL ■ o © E § § 2 � § ■ co > � k 2 § � �k E� _ § §\ co g22 m m \ k k @ m m ■«« �E2 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CO 2 � I § 0 0 @ \� o 0 0 0 J\ uo § I 2 ® 0 n w � k zCD 9 f n w 2 @ c IL § § cn e. § Em /\ 7 § \ \/ cu 2 0 7 § � \ n • § 0 / 7 U\cu 2 E f u Ecu E m el, \ \ � 0 § cu ( \ / 0 \ / / \ § ) \ f \ \ 7 ƒ / \ f = �o £f% .0 _� £\f f% 0ge = § #g =ne /\ m\\ f 2 / �\ \f�\ k 0 �E\ $ 7 ° § £ o @ x o c § o 2 m 7 % CU E §/ \\\ \ \ / $ \ \ k \ k ƒ% m\R m\ m\/ ok k L § k 2 \ 7 § @ v u k � w � r k ƒ 3 com 0 m 0 0 7 2 � \ / m @ 3«j ■ k # ® o 0 § o U) Z■ ■ m 2 : 2 m � c 0 2 �0 ■ o © E § § �2 § T § m co 2 > � 2 § � 2 § 2 no � \CD le E� _ § §\ co g22 m m \ k k @ m m ■«« k \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 2 I § 0 2 @ o 0 0 0 J \ U- § 2 0 \ 2 ® _ \ � z k co % =9cf @ IL § § cn E § g/ 2 2% / § \ fu » @ E . 6 2 \ ) 2 0 7 § c ' § \ /%£ ) ±/ 7 U\cu \ 2 m E cu E / ) \ / § u E o \ x \ / ® j m >o \� 0 cu f% a= o = # = n e /\ E\\ § / f 7/2 �\ \fi\ k \2 �E\ $ 7 ° § § 7 % £ o @ x aoa o c o 2 m E §/ e f o \ \ / cu $ k \ 5 0 \ k m\ m\/ ƒ% ok m\R k § L k 2 \ 7 § @ v u �k � r k a m ƒ 3 m 0 m 0 0 7 2 � \ / m @ Im§ Q . � / § ƒ E \ z \ \ 0 < CO5 c 0 k \ CU @ / < > c a � § « = J J y J y 0 g g g g g 2 a 0 a \ § ko 0 0 0 0 = g g g g g 2 0 0 0 0 0 � E 0 = 2 � 0 0 0 § $ $ ) . � \ \ % E \ k 2 0 } > \ % 2 E r_ \ /¥ \ \\ U\ _0 \« ƒf 0 = �\ %E \ / § % -0 Cl) m n = § E? \\ o ° = [ e q I \ \ § \ / o . -E\»° 72 \\ o cu \ / ƒ \ > E 7 7 � 0 0 [ a \ m / k 0 § § k > m -i « « 04 � � § « k / E w \ \ \ � « o = g 2 C) � E 0 2 2 cn ) 0 17 z E .& a 2 7 $ .g = m _ .0 a n 2 / E/ �\% E \ $ e»( 0 0$ E $ = n e \ g o e 0 0 0 0 m\\ 7 e « b 7- E a mo ® = 2 e= o= £ 3 » e n a E 2 0 b.m ¥ _ E z U � § _ & - 2 3 E 7\/ 7 $ e = \ m = \ y 7 \ § % ± / \ \ \ [ M k / W §) ® § E m ) } (7 %mo\)\§k ° 2/ƒ)\ E/ 3 E\ 7 E % q E ma ° ¥ E � ) \ \ a °° - 5 E E / $ ± 0 = \ � 1 .g E e = ¥ / / t e a = E S \ m $ .0 § \ / / £ / \ \ \ E E \ 2 \ / •- %o n a4 o= 2- m # o n 7» o t 4=» 'n o= m o 7 0 « � � k « � k 2 m � $ S coo m > k\ LULU Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project Monitoring Year 2 — Vegetation Plot Photo Log Veg Plot 1 Fixed — SE Corner (08/23/2021) Veg Plot 3 Fixed — SE Corner (08/06/2021) Veg Plot 5 Fixed — NW Corner (08/06/2021) Appendix A Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS No. 100024 Veg Plot 2 Fixed — SW Corner (08/23/2021) Veg Plot 4 Fixed — NW Corner (08/06/2021) Veg Plot 6 Fixed — N Corner (07/22/2021) ECOSYSTEM . PLANNING & RESTORATION Random Veg Plot 7 R— (08/06/2021) Random Veg Plot 9 R — (08/06/2021) Random Veg Plot 11 R — (08/06/2021) Appendix A Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS No. 100024 �t, ��v� $ � � ➢�ygr4 1 � � � f � d' tr N Random Veg Plot 8 R — (08/06/2021) Random Veg Plot 10 R — (08/06/2021) Random Veg Plot 12 R — NE Corner (08/23/2021) ECOSYSTEM . PLANNING & RESTORATION Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project MY2 - Photo Log Photo Point 1 — Reach 1, Sta. 0+00 Facing Downstream (11/3/2021) Photo Point 3 — Reach 1, Sta. 15+35 Facing Downstream (11/3/2021) Photo Point 5 — Reach 1, Sta. 21+50 Facing Downstream (11/3/2021) Appendix A Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS # 100024 Photo Point 2 — Reach 1, Sta. 11+90 Facing Downstream (11/3/2021) Photo Point 4 — Reach 1, Sta. 19+10 Facing Downstream (11/3/2021) Photo Point 6 — Reach 1, Sta. 24+50 Facing Downstream (11/3/2021) ECOSYSTEM . PLANNING & ' RESTORATION Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project MY2 - Photo Log Photo Point 7 — Reach 1, Sta. 28+20 Facing Downstream (11/3/2021) Photo Point 9 — Reach 2, Sta. 31+60 Facing Downstream (11/3/2021) Photo Point 11 — Reach 3, Sta. 34+80 Facing Downstream (10/21/2021) Appendix A Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS # 100024 Photo Point 8 — Reach 2, Sta. 29+70 Facing Upstream (11/3/2021) Photo Point 10 — Reach 3, Sta. 33+55 Facing Upstream (10/21/2021) Photo Point 12 — Reach 4, Sta. 36+90 Facing Downstream (10/21/2021) ECOSYSTEM . PLANNING & ' RESTORATION Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project MY2 - Photo Log Photo Point 13 — UT, Sta. 10+90 Facing Upstream (11/3/2021) Photo Point 15 — UT, Sta. 13+20 Facing Downstream (11/3/2021) Stream crossing fence repairs near Sta. 38+00 facing downstream (3/11/2021) Appendix A Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS # 100024 Photo Point 14 — UT, Sta. 10+90 Facing Downstream (11/3/2021) Photo Point 16 — UT, Sta. 14+90 Facing Downstream (11/3/2021) Stream crossing fence repairs near Sta. 33+00 facing upstream (3/11/2021) ECOSYSTEM . PLANNING & ' RESTORATION l .:�; e •fir -�N. - J• r Stream crossing on Meadow brooK Keacn L, near 5ta. JJ+UU Lacing downstream (1 U/21/2U21) Stream crossing on Meadow Brook Reach 2, near Sta. 33+00 facing upstream (10/21/2021) Appendix A ECOSYSTEM Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project PLANNING & DMS # 100024 A RESTORATION Site Overview Facing West (October 2021) Site Overview Facing East (October 2021) Appendix A ECOSYSTEM Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project PLANNING & DMS # 100024 A RESTORATION Appendix B Vegetation Plot Data Table 6. Vegetation Plot Data Table 7. Vegetation Performance Standards Summary Table O0. N m ¢ o Z � o ry x U ry ry ry ,�■on■� n n n■ �0■on■� n n vi■ �■m■� n n n■ �iemse �emse n n n■ n n n■ 1 ■ n E soo N20 0 § S $ 2 2 ƒ \ S k cc 0 k k o � } k / / a � "0 > CO w ■ I k § o 0 0 § o 0 0 § o o § 0 0 / / / / \ » » \ m » co w % 7 \ \ 2 � 2 U 2 - U t U E E \ \ \ \ \ to > I - r4m I m � I m ) r4 r4 \ \ \ \ § j § \ § j \ § \ } u o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s / / / / J a a a a m / ( \ ) Q \ = W _ E & - + � J 2 0 2 { 3t - - _ _ § \ \ \ a)\ \ w 2 « « 9 >I 9 I _ I m mr4 I r m § \ \ \ \ § § / § 2 § $ 3 \ \ G 0 [ [ _ [ m [ - a a a a ± § 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 / / / / R > » m » o » » } ) \ Ln 2 - t E E CL \ \ \ \ \tw > >) I m r4 I r4 r4r4 m m \ \ \ \ w � _ » w _ 3 0 \ _ E G m= m G S w G) \ _ \ Ln Ln ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) $ ,«§ Appendix C Stream Geomorphology Data Cross -Sections With Annual Overlays Table 8. Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 9. Cross -Section Morphology Monitoring Summary Cross Section Plots - MY2 XS1 - Reach 1 Rosgen Stream Type - C4 Station 10+87 - Riffle XS2 looking upstream XS2 looking downstream MYO I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Elevation - Based on AB Bankfull Area 1042.89 1043.43 1043.72 Bank Height Ratio - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 1.00 0.84 0.84 Thalweg Elevation 1041.08 1041.41 1041.29 LTOB Elevation 1042.89 1043.11 1043.32 LTOB Max Depth 1.81 1.70 2.03 LTOB Cross Sectional Area 19.79 14.06 15.02 Entrenchment Ratio >3.5 >4.52 >6.14 XS1 Riffle 10+87 1047 —As-Built - Dec 2019 1046 — MY1 - Sep 2020 MY2 - 2021 1045 — — — 1044 1043 Y 1042 > v Lu 1041 1040 1039 1038 1037 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Distance (ft) Appendix C Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS # 100024 Irajjj )))jj}��� ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION Cross Section Plot - MY2 XS2 - Reach 1 Rosgen Stream Type - C4 Station 16+08- Riffle XS2 looking upstream XS2 looking downstream MYO I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Elevation - Based on AB Bankfull Area 1040.55 1040.98 1040.94 Bank Height Ratio - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 1.00 0.78 0.99 Thalweg Elevation 1038.76 1038.94 1038.98 LTOB Elevation 1040.55 1040.52 1040.91 LTOB Max Depth 1.79 1.58 1.93 LTOB Cross Sectional Area 16.40 10.80 16.01 Entrenchment Ratio >3.31 >3.46 >3.75 XS2 Riffle 16+08 1045 -As-Built - Dec 2019 1044 -MY1 - Sep 2020 -MY2 - 2021 1043 1042 1041 1040 v Lu 1039 1038 1037 1036 1035 0 10 20 30 40 50 Distance (ft) Appendix C Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS # 100024 4„J.. ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION Cross Section Plot - MY2 XS3 - Reach 1 Rosgen Stream Type - C4 Station 16+48- Pool XS3 looking upstream XS3 looking downstream MYO I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Elevation - Based on AB Bankfull Area 1040.37 1040.90 1041.16 Bank Height Ratio - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 1.00 0.85 0.87 Thalweg Elevation 1038.05 1038.55 1038.59 LTOB Elevation 1040.37 1040.55 1040.82 LTOB Max Depth 2.32 2.00 2.23 LTOB Cross Sectional Area 18.32 14.08 13.89 Entrenchment Ratio - - - XS3 Pool 16+48 1046 -As-Built - Dec 2019 1045 -MY1 - Sep 2020 -MY2 - 2021 1044 1043 1042 1041 c� v Lu 1040 1039 1038 1037 1036 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) Appendix C Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS # 100024 Irajjj )))jj}��� ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION Cross Section Plot - MY2 XS4 - Reach 1 Rosgen Stream Type - C4 Station 17+38- Pool XS4 looking upstream XS4 looking downstream MYO I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Elevation - Based on AB Bankfull Area 1040.25 1040.78 1041.11 Bank Height Ratio - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 1.00 0.80 0.71 Thalweg Elevation 1036.83 1038.08 1038.09 LTOB Elevation 1040.25 1040.25 1040.25 LTOB Max Depth 3.42 2.17 2.16 LTOB Cross Sectional Area 27.86 18.48 15.31 Entrenchment Ratio - - - XS4 Pool 17+38 1045 -As-Built - Dec 2019 1044 - MY1- Sep 2020 - MY2 - 2021 1043 � 1042 1041 1040 ZZ c� v "' 1039 1038 1037 1036 1035 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) Appendix C Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS # 100024 Irajjj )))jj}��� ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION Cross Section Plot - MY2 XS5 - Reach 1 Rosgen Stream Type - C4 Station 21+77 - Riffle XS5 looking upstream XS5 looking downstream MYO I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Elevation - Based on AB Bankfull Area 1039.55 1039.65 1039.63 Bank Height Ratio - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 1.00 0.94 1.02 Thalweg Elevation 1037.61 1037.74 1037.76 LTOB Elevation 1039.55 1039.53 1039.68 LTOB Max Depth 1.94 1.79 1.92 LTOB Cross Sectional Area 20.68 18.54 21.67 Entrenchment Ratio >3.06 >2.90 >2.93 XS5 Riffle 21+77 1045 1044 -As-Built - Dec 2019 - MY1- Sep 2020 - MY2 - 2021 1043 1042 1041 1040 v "' 1039 1038 1037 1036 1035 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Distance (ft) Appendix C Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS # 100024 Irajjj )))jj}��� ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION Cross Section Plot - MY2 XS6 - Reach 1 Rosgen Stream Type - C4 Station 25+74 - Pool XS6 looking upstream XS6 looking downstream MYO I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Elevation - Based on AB Bankfull Area 1037.06 1037.03 1037.10 Bank Height Ratio - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 1.00 1.11 1.11 Thalweg Elevation 1034.33 1034.21 1034.17 LTOB Elevation 1037.06 1037.34 1037.41 LTOB Max Depth 2.73 3.13 3.24 LTOB Cross Sectional Area 21.82 26.18 26.27 Entrenchment Ratio - - - XS6 Pool 25+74 1042 1041 -As-Built - Dec 2019 -MY1 - Sep 2020 -MY2 - 2021 1040 1039 1038 1037 v Lu 1036 1035 1034 1033 1032 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Distance (ft) Appendix C Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS # 100024 Irajjj )))jj}��� ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION Cross Section Plot - MY2 XS7 - Reach 2 Rosgen Stream Type - C4 Station 29+50 - Pool XS7 looking upstream XS7 looking downstream MYO I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Elevation - Based on AB Bankfull Area 1035.65 1035.48 1035.56 Bank Height Ratio - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 1.00 1.09 1.01 Thalweg Elevation 1032.51 1031.82 1031.90 LTOB Elevation 1035.65 1035.80 1035.59 LTOB Max Depth 3.14 3.98 3.69 LTOB Cross Sectional Area 32.43 38.84 32.98 Entrenchment Ratio - - - XS7 Pool 29+50 1040 -As-Built - Dec 2019 1039 - MY1- 2020 - MY2 - 2021 1038 1037 1036 1035 c� v / Lu 1034 1033 / 1032 L _ 1031 1030 0 10 20 30 40 50 Distance (ft) Appendix C Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS # 100024 Irajjj )))jj}��� ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION Cross Section Plot - MY2 XS8 - Reach 2 Rosgen Stream Type - C4 Station 32+28 - Riffle XS8 looking upstream XS8 looking downstream MYO I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Elevation - Based on AB Bankfull Area 1034.63 1034.62 1034.61 Bank Height Ratio - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 1.00 1.09 0.97 Thalweg Elevation 1032.59 1032.01 1032.08 LTOB Elevation 1034.63 1034.85 1034.54 LTOB Max Depth 2.04 2.84 2.46 LTOB Cross Sectional Area 26.44 30.76 25.20 Entrenchment Ratio >3.23 >3.55 >3.43 XS8 Riffle 32+28 1040 -As-Built - Dec 2019 1039 - MY1- 2020 - MY2 - 2021 1038 1037 1036 1035 c� v "' 1034 1033 1032 1031 1030 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Distance (ft) Appendix C Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS # 100024 Irajjj )))jj}��� ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION Cross Section Plot - MY2 XS9 - Reach 3 Rosgen Stream Type - 134c Station 35+28 - Riffle XS9 looking upstream XS9 looking downstream MYO I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Elevation - Based on AB Bankfull Area 1032.62 1032.98 1032.72 Bank Height Ratio - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 1.00 0.85 0.99 Thalweg Elevation 1030.53 1030.65 1030.56 LTOB Elevation 1032.62 1032.62 1032.70 LTOB Max Depth 2.09 1.97 2.14 LTOB Cross Sectional Area 23.96 19.22 23.58 Entrenchment Ratio >3.87 >4.94 >4.22 XS9 Riffle 35+28 1039 1038 1037 1036 1035 •° 1034 c� "' 1033 1032 1031 1030 1029 —As-Built - Dec 2019 — MY1- 2020 — MY2 - 2021 — 1 \ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Distance (ft) Appendix C Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS # 100024 Irajjj )))jj}��� ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION Cross Section Plot - MY2 XS10 - Reach 3 Rosgen Stream Type - 134c Station 36+11- Pool XS10 looking upstream XS10 looking downstream MYO I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Elevation - Based on AB Bankfull Area 1032.85 1032.77 1032.70 Bank Height Ratio - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 1.00 1.07 1.05 Thalweg Elevation 1030.46 1030.19 1030.03 LTOB Elevation 1032.85 1032.95 1032.84 LTOB Max Depth 2.39 2.76 2.81 LTOB Cross Sectional Area 32.75 36.72 35.67 Entrenchment Ratio - - - XS10 Pool 36+11 1039 -As-Built - Dec 2019 1038 - MY1- 2020 - MY2 - 2021 1037 1036 1035 1034 v - "' 1033 1032 1031 1030 1029 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Distance (ft) Appendix C Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS # 100024 Irajjj )))jj}��� ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION Cross Section Plot - MY2 XS11- UT Rosgen Stream Type - C4 Station 11+25 - Riffle XS11 looking upstream XS11 looking downstream MYO I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Elevation - Based on AB Bankfull Area 1038.48 1038.87 1039.06 Bank Height Ratio - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 1.00 0.99 1.01 Thalweg Elevation 1036.60 1036.84 1036.99 LTOB Elevation 1038.48 1038.86 1039.07 LTOB Max Depth 1.88 2.02 2.08 LTOB Cross Sectional Area 15.54 15.40 15.69 Entrenchment Ratio >3.8 >5.23 >5.37 XS11 Riffle 11+25 1044 —As-Built - Dec 2019 — MY1- 2020 — MY2 - 2021 1043 — 1042 — 1041 — 1040 •° 1039 — c� v Lu 1038 1037 1036 1035 1034 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) Appendix C Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS # 100024 Irajjj )))jj}��� ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION Cross Section Plot - MY2 XS12 - UT Rosgen Stream Type - C4 Station 14+93 - Riffle XS12 looking upstream XS12 looking downstream MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS I MY+ Bankfull Elevation - Based on AB Bankfull Area 1037.08 1037.49 1037.39 Bank Height Ratio - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 1.00 0.86 1.03 Thalweg Elevation 1035.54 1035.67 1035.47 LTOB Elevation 1037.08 1037.23 1037.44 LTOB Max Depth 1.54 1.56 1.97 LTOB Cross Sectional Area 10.89 8.47 11.41 Entrenchment Ratio >4.4 >5.64 >6.53 XS12 Riffle 14+93 1043 -As-Built - Dec 2019 1042 -MY1 - 2020 -MY2 - 2021 1041 1040 1039 1038 a) "' 1037 1036 1035 1034 1033 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) Appendix C Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project �) ECOSYSTEM DMS # 100024 ja PLANNING & l RESTORATION XS13 looking upstream Cross Section Plot - MY2 XS13 - UT Rosgen Stream Type - C4 Station 15+72 - Pool �: V rr f w vz.. a XS13 looking downstream MYO I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Elevation - Based on AB Bankfull Area 1036.46 1037.27 1037.10 Bank Height Ratio - Based on AB-Bankfull Area 1.00 0.94 1.04 Thalweg Elevation 1033.32 1034.52 1034.62 LTOB Elevation 1036.46 1037.09 1037.21 LTOB Max Depth 3.14 2.57 2.59 LTOB Cross Sectional Area 19.55 17.77 22.91 Entrenchment Ratio - - - XS13 Pool 15+72 1041 —As-Built - Dec 2019 — MY1- 2020 1040 - - MY2 - 2021 1039 — 1038 1037 1036 c� v "' 1035 1034 1033 1032 1031 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Distance (ft) Appendix C Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project DMS # 100024 Irajjj )))jj}��� ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION �!0 )2)2 \|\|® ■ co :........ . MO .. ..... cl wl co 6 o co 2 \\\�k t t \\\\\\\\ --- ttttt ��5 - `2 -- - _ _: __ - - _;! e2! f® ({m _ _l - - ---o _ =_e:� uo _ - - - _ - - - {:\ - - , \ MO 5 Im tm7 ] ` `\ \ \ k § } ) �!0 U) °)\ )�\ < n co co co 4 co 2t[t; \\��k \\\\\\\\ --- - - - - - �2 >? _ 2ttt;«2! `2 _ =_e:� _: - - _ - _;! e2! f® ({} _ _--- -- - - - - - - _ _ /2f/ - {:\ - - - -- , - 2:1- a Im _ 2{{ \R om -9 mm tm7 ] ` `\ \ \ k § } ) �!0 U) °10 )�\ < n m CO m co 16 2 co :........ . .. ..... co 75 \\\\ --- ttttt 2t[t; >? _ 2]F t]F 2! \`2 -- - _ _: __ - - _;! e2! f® E _ _--- - - --- _ =_e:� J-) _ - {:\ - - - _ - a -o - - , _ 2E 3 \ i}! tm7 ] ` k § } 1.2 | �!0 U) °10 )�\ < n O■■■■■■i O■■■■■■k al 01111111 81111111 HIIIIIII 81111111 01111111 ;HIIIIIII :GIIIIIII 81111111 01111111 (a JIM 01111111 11111111 MINE 111111111 11111111` Bill 11 11111111 111111111 \����■■■�\���■■■■■\�����■���\���■■■�� Appendix D Hydrologic Data Table 10. Bankfull Event Verification Figure 3. Monthly Rainfall Data Precipitation and Water Level Hydrographs 2 ti N O CM I- to N CM to LO N CM LO M N CM N CM M M G1 W CM > > i N O � N N N N N N � N N N N 0) O O O O O O 0000 > CM � N N N N N a)N N N N O .... 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Project Activity and Reporting History Table 12. Project Contacts Table Table 11. Project Activity and Reporting History Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project - DMS ID 100024 Elapsed time since grading complete: 2 yrs 5 months Elapsed time since planting complete: 1 yr 11 months Number of reporting years: 2 Activity or Deliverable Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Institution Date Aug-17 404 permit date Oct-18 Final Mitigation Plan 2017 to 2018 Sep-18 Final Design — Construction Plans Dec-18 Site Earthwork Jan to June 2019 Jun-19 As -Built Survey Performed Aug-19 Aug-19 Bare root plantings - Jan-20 As -built Baseline Monitoring Report (Monitoring Year 0) 2019 Feb-20 Year 1 Monitoring Nov-20 Dec-20 Vegetation Replanting Mar-21 Mar-21 Beaver trapping and dam removal Aug-21 Aug-21 Year 2 Monitoring Oct-21 Dec-21 Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 6 Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring 1 = The number of reports or data points produced excluding the baseline Appendix E Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & • RESTORATION DMS # 100024 Table 12. Project Contacts Table Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project - DMS ID 100024 Designer Ecosystem Planning and Restoration, PLLC 1150 SE Maynard Rd. Ste 140 Cary, NC 27511 Primary project design POC Kevin Tweedy, PE (919) 388-0787 Construction Contractor Yadkin Valley Construction, Inc 2961 Old 60 Hwy Ronda, NC 28670 Construction contractor POC Brad Benton Survey Contractor Turner Land Surveying, PLLC PO Box 148, Swannanoa, NC 28778 Survey contractor POC Lissa Turner (919) 827-0745 Planting Contractor Foggy Mountain Nursery 797 Helton Creek Road Lansing, NC 28643 Planting contractor POC Glenn Sullivan Seeding Contractor Yadkin Valley Construction, Inc Contractor point of contact Seed Mix Sources Green Resource (Sourced through Swan Creek Farm Supply) 5204 Highgreen Court Colfax, NC 27235 Foggy Mountain Nursery Nursery Stock Suppliers Ecosystem Planning and Restoration, PLLC Monitoring Performers Stream Monitoring POC Russell Myers, EPR (828) 419-9752 Vegetation Monitoring POC Russell Myers, EPR (828) 419-9752 Appendix E Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & DIMS # 100024 j� r r l RESTORATION Appendix F IRT Correspondence Meadow Brook Adaptive Management Plan February 2021 Email: MB GW#2, March 9, 2021 ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION February 16, 2021 Kim Browning Mitigation Project Manager Department of the Army CORPS of Engineers Wilmington District 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-1343 Ecosystem Planning and Restoration, LLC 1150 S.E. Maynard Road, Suite 140 Cary, NC 27511 Phone: (919) 388-0787 www.eprusa.net Subject: Response to NCDMS Meadow Brook Mitigation Site — NCIRT Comments during 15 — day Adaptive Management Plan Review Dear Ms. Browning, Ecosystem Planning and Restoration (EPR) has reviewed the comments on the Adaptive Management Plan for Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project received on 2/12/2021. The comments have been addressed as described below to create the Final Adaptive Management Plan for Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project. USACE Comments, Kim Browning 1. Based on submitted monitoring data, it appears that vegetation growth has been negatively affected by excessive site hydrology. The proposed adaptive management plan includes replanting portions of the site with additional species that are more adapted to the hydrologic conditions but does not include any modifications to address the underlying issue. Was the increased hydrology due solely to a few storm events? I agree that replanting the site should be included as part of the adaptive management plan. Further, given how extensive the planting is, about 80% of the site, vegetation monitoring should be extended an additional year, and the resulting data will be important in assessing the success of the performance of replanted vegetation. If the site appears to be demonstrating a trajectory for success later in monitoring (MY4 or MY5), we may eliminate the extra year of monitoring at that time. It would have been beneficial to include hydrology gauge data and rain gauge data to document the excessive inundation on site, and to include species mortality rates. Additionally, please indicate the percentage of each species to be planted. The Corps supports moving forward with the supplemental planting. o In the pre -construction site conditions, the site contained 6 acres of jurisdictional wetlands with several more acres of drained hydric soils. Restoration activities included raising the existing stream bed to connect to the historic floodplain, restoring a meandering riffle pool morphology, and filling existing drainage ditches. All these activities improved the site wetland hydrology. The improved site hydrology is also likely due to higher than average rainfall. Most of the riparian floodplain area is now functioning as a wetland, which is a positive ecological development. o EPR hopes to avoid additional vegetation monitoring since these efforts were initiated so early in the project's post -construction monitoring phase. However, if required, EPR can conduct vegetation monitoring surveys in MY8 if the previous year's data do not indicate a trend towards success. No additional monitoring efforts are proposed. o Wetland and rain gauge data graphs from MY1 have been included in the Final AMP. o The maximum percentage of each species that will be planted is included in the Revised Vegetation Selection table attached to the Final AMP. DWR Comments, Erin Davis DWR appreciates the additional adaptive management plan information provided, particularly the Revised Vegetation Selection. We are ok with the proposed additional species and percentages. DWR is glad to see that random plots were incorporated into the initial monitoring plan, however, we would still like to request 2-3 random transects to demonstrate survival and diversity in MY3. o Per a phone conversation with Erin Davis on 2/16/21, the 2-3 random transects may be omitted from MY3 efforts as the spatial distribution of fixed and changing random plots are sufficient. 2. DWR understands that it was a wetter than normal year. However, regarding the "very thick herbaceous vegetation competition", have you identified which species are competing most with the planted woody stems? Are the species part of your seed mix or volunteers? Is this a situation that will influence selection/percentages of seed mix species on future sites? o EPR has not identified any single species which competed the most with the woody planted stems and whether these species were planted or volunteer. It is clear that soft rush Ouncus effusus), which was included in the original planting plan at 4%, has grown very thick in places. This species was already present on the site, however, and much of what is present on the site is likely volunteer growth. EPA Comments, Todd Bowers *Note: These comments were addressed in the Revised AMP submitted on 2/11/2021 I have reviewed the Adaptive Management Plan (AMP) for the proposed supplemental planting of the NCDMS Meadowbrook mitigation site to address the poor sitewide vegetation performance following the Monitoring Year 1 report of December 2020. In the MY1 Report, EPR was forthcoming in providing the data pertaining to unexpectedly high water table levels and vegetation mortality across much of the site following a year of higher than normal precipitation that produced an abnormally high number of bankfull events. I understand that sitewide supplemental planting needs to occur and that this - PRO UIDING ECOSYSTEM PLANNING AND RESTORAT/ON SER"CES TO SUPPORT A SUSTAINABLE ENWRONMENT - needs to happen as soon as possible to take advantage of the rapidly closing window of plant dormancy. With that in mind / offer the following suggestions to facilitate a better understanding of the corrective action to be undertaken. I recommend adding the wetland indicator status to the desired 8 species listed on page 2 of the AMP along with a clearer understanding of where these species will be planted. Since there are two distinct vegetation zones there should be some delineation between the two in species distribution. Poor performance was illustrated (vegetation problem area) for the upland areas too, so some consideration of wet condition tolerances needs to be considered for those areas as well. I also understand the urgency to address this problem, however the /RT should have been altered to this back in December so that we could have been a bit more proactive in addressing EPR's AMP and need to take immediate corrective action. I did not see the MY1 Report until the AMP was sent out for review so that may have caused some delay in turnaround for IRT approval. I understand that mortality was not just linked to wetter than expected conditions but rather that herbaceous vegetation competition was a contributing factor. If possible, I would like to know species mortality rates (diff between planted stems and those that survived) so that species with high mortality can be avoided or likewise those that have done well can be promoted. o Noted. These comments were addressed in the Revised AMP submitted on 2/11 /2021. WRC Comments, Olivia Munzer Comments on the additional species: 1. -Witch hazel is a FACU species. Make sure this species isn't planted in the consistently wet area. They state that the upland areas did mostly well, so where will they plant this species, as well as those listed as FAC. o The upland planting areas account for only around 0.9 acres throughout the site. In general, these areas did perform better than the riparian wetland areas but they will still be supplementally planted using the revised upland planting mix presented in the attachments. 2. - I'd prefer to see something other than tulip poplar on the list since it was originally planted (10%) and it will volunteer. o Tulip poplar is a successful native species that will likely thrive in the difficult site conditions. It is preferred that Tulip poplar will remain as part of the AMP. Comments on the 2018 planting plan — I realize / am late to comment on this, but for next time and to note on other projects: 1. - Remove cereal rye from temporary seeding. It is allelopathic. 2. - Add more pollinator species to the seed mix 3. - Riverbank wild -rye only occurs in mountains 4. - Switchgrass not commonly found in that part of the state (https://auth1.dpr.ncparks.gov/flora/species account.php) 5. - Festuca ovina var. duriuscala — it is an introduced species - PROWDING ECOSYSTEM PLANNING AND RESTORAT/ON SER"CES TO SUPPORT A SUSTAINABLE ENWRONMENT - 6. - Tall Fescue and Kentucky bluegrass as they can be invasive (https://www. invasive. org/species/grasses. cfm). 7. - Although persimmon can be found in a variety of habitats, it doesn't seem appropriate for riparian wetland. It is most commonly found in dry to mesic forests and edges. o Thank you for the comments on the 2018 planting plan. These will be taken into consideration on future projects. Note that there are several reasons that these species are included, and these can be discussed at a later date as needed. If you have any questions, please contact me at 925-337-1470 or via email at cjonesp_eprusa.net. Sincerely, Cidney Jones, PE & CFM - PRO UIDING ECOSYSTEM PLANNING AND RESTORAT/ON SER"CES TO SUPPORT A SUSTAINABLE ENWRONMENT - Ecosystem Planning and Restoration, LLC ECOSYSTEM 1150 SE Maynard Road, Suite 140 PLANNING & Cary, NC 27511 RESTORATION Phone: (919) 388-0787 Ira www.eprusa.net Adaptive Management Plan for Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project Revised February 16, 2021 The Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project (Project, Site) is a DMS Full -Delivery located in Yadkin County, NC. The site is currently in MY2 (2021). Riparian herbaceous vegetation that was established after construction appears to be flourishing throughout the Site. Additionally, no invasive species were noted within the conservation easement. All restored streams meet the success criteria as established in the Final approved Mitigation Plan (2018). The site has withstood multiple storm events in MY1 and has held up extremely well. EPR is proposing to conduct supplemental planting across a portion of the site in early 2021 during dormant season. Riparian vegetation monitoring evaluates the growth and development of planted and volunteer vegetation across the Site. Six (6) permanent vegetation monitoring plots were established across the Site. The individual trees within each permanent plot were flagged and identified to facilitate repeat monitoring each year. In addition to the 6 permanent plots, 6 randomly placed vegetation plots are established each year and the location of these plots is recorded using a GPS. All vegetation plot locations for MY1 are shown in the current conditions plan view (CCPV; Attached). The vegetation performance criteria, as established in the Final approved Mitigation Plan (2018), are listed below: • Vegetation success criteria of 320 native stems/acre in Year 3, 260 native stems/acre in Year 4 and 210 native stems/acre in Year 7. • Trees must average 7 feet in height at Year 5, and 10 feet in height at Year 7. • Any single species can only account for 50% of the required stems per monitoring plot. Data from MY1 is summarized in the table on the following page, Tables 6 and 7 from the MY1 Report are also provided in the attachments. 1IPage Ira. ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION Ecosystem Planning and Restoration, LLC 1150 SE Maynard Road, Suite 140 Cary, NC 27511 Veg Plot ID MY1 Stem Count MY1 Stems/AC Dominant Species Composition (%) VPF-1 8 324 25 VPF-2 21 850 18 VPF-3 5 202 29 VPF-4 9 364 22 VPF-5 13 526 31 VPF-6 3 121 67 VPR-7 1 40 100 VPR-8 6 243 33 VPR-9 8 324 25 VPR-10 3 121 67 VPR-11 4 162 50 VPR-12 11 445 36 Phone: (919) 388-0787 www.eprusa.net As indicated by the low planted stem count numbers found in many vegetation plots, much of the planted areas are not meeting the performance criteria. Six out of twelve of the riparian plots are already below the interim success criteria for density in year 3 and three more plots (shown in yellow) are not expected to meet the interim success criteria. Table 5 in Appendix A of the MY1 Report indicates that 8.80 acres of the 11.2-acre easement (78.6%) can be described as low stem density areas. The CCPV provided in the attachments shows the vegetation problem areas. The high woody species mortality documented in the MY1 Report is likely due to 2 reasons: Very thick herbaceous vegetation competition Very wet conditions (refer to site groundwater monitoring attachment) Supplemental planting efforts are currently being planned to re -plant certain areas of the site where mortality is high so that the site will meet the interim success criteria. This will include re -planting the available species included in the Final approved Mitigation Plan (2018) which were generally based on species suggested by Schafale and Weakly (1990) for Piedmont/Low Mountain Alluvial Forest and Schafale (2012) for Piedmont Alluvial Forest. The planting plan and planting zones from the plan set are provided in the attachments. Also, as part of these efforts, the planting contractor has suggested/requested using some additional native species that were not originally proposed in the Final approved Mitigation Plan (2018). The contractor is confident that these species will improve success. The additional species are listed in the table on the following page and revised vegetation plan tables are provided in the attachments. 2 1 P a g e Ira. ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION Ecosystem Planning and Restoration, LLC 1150 SE Maynard Road, Suite 140 Cary, NC 27511 Phone: (919) 388-0787 www.eprusa.net Cephalanthus occidentalis OBL Buttonbush Physocarpus opulifolius FACW Nine Bark Alnus serrulate OBL Tag Alder Hamamelis virginiana FACU Witch hazel Quercus michauxii FACW Swamp chestnut oak Liriodendron tulipirera FACU Tulip poplar Lindera benzoin FAC Spicebush Carpinus caroliniana FAC American Hornbeam Planting zones will loosely follow the zones shown in the Plans (Zone 1 along the streambanks, Zone 2 in the riparian wetlands, and Zone 3 in the Uplands). However within Zone 2, the FACW and OBL species listed in the table above will also be planted within areas of consistent standing water identified in the field. Also, approved species included in Zone 1 will be planted in these areas. The upland zone shown in the original planting plan generally did well and only accounts for 0.9 acres of planting. Individual species will be selected and planted per specific site conditions under the supervision of a qualified planting contractor. The maximum percent any species will encompass is provided in the revised vegetation plan in the Attachments. Green Ash will continue to be limited to 5% and the proposed diverse list will help ensure that no species is dominant. EPR is making every effort to address the vegetation issues reported above in MY2 (2021) with more wet tolerant species. As it is very early in the monitoring, EPR does not believe that additional monitoring is warranted at this time. 3 1 P a g e Ira. ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION Ecosystem Planning and Restoration, LLC 1150 SE Maynard Road, Suite 140 Cary, NC 27511 Phone: (919) 388-0787 www.eprusa.net Attachments for the Adaptive Management Plan for Meadow Stream Restoration Project 1. Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) — Figures 2, 2A — 2C from Final Monitoring Year 1 Report (Dec 2020) 2. Vegetation Plot Data —Table 6 from Final Monitoring Year 1 Report (Dec 2020) 3. Vegetation Performance Standards Summary Table — Table 7 from Final Monitoring Year 1 Report (Dec 2020) 4. Groundwater and Rain Data from MY1—from Final Monitoring Year 1 Report (Dec 2020) 5. Annual Rain Data Summary from MY1—from Final Monitoring Year 1 Report (Dec 2020) 6. Revised Vegetation Plan — Created for this AMP 7. Vegetation Selection Plan Sheet — Sealed construction plan set, identical content to Appendix 9 from Final approved Mitigation Plan (2018) 8. Vegetation Plan Sheets — Sealed construction plan set, identical content to Appendix 9 from Final approved Mitigation Plan (2018) 4 1 P a g e - U d' p y' hi rn W N N ) O O z -. - o X o N a W o zQ CO W 6zo z N 2 N N N N �x • - �� i LLLd O -, - - - - LL LL LL O W 7 T < O z a Q 0 E U) z Wog U z_ _ D U) O O M O N ; ; z O O O W - X X LMJ• ? _ ::) `4U O t U 0 LL r � . ti - � d � � � �, � ,,� • - C � LLI N O C (n a W 5 G, y .• rya- N rn 0 O LU U U 0-40 Z Q W W O °� N • \ Q � U) o W f -- O w O U t O- N 6 i W ak rt �i �a re J w N .t 000 N Woo U z� �0 0 0� m p Ill IL 0� g M U � LL a. O U `L U W L L s .J z W E W m N U)> ~ } O z zN d 0 F� Z N z W o� U z o o U) O L t — — �` .. z E E �0 0 w 0NOD u E Y in v°ri c u1 U) m Ld ♦e� C: >ar O ° U C `\ • (6 � - - > m U) d in c N O o w U U d Z�Q .i W LL� _ _ E O Li. a � m c m O ar � N f•' . � ) Q � � � N � to o W . _ _ . , - r .N W to J Q N U 2 U cLL I 0 fl N O w LL a. m0) N N O 0 O 0 ` L .E O O U W C7 F Q ZLd - .� •�- M N Q U J W LL to _ O to C � N (6 W .. 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Ol } _ N N 0 O ~ C N U C N U Q a N N a l6 E d O O m O I� Z c c L W L W Q O Z REVISED VEGETATION SELECTION MEADOW BROOK ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PLAN, FEB 2021 Zone 2 - Riparian Wetlands Vegetation -Riparian vegetation species shall be planted in the areas designated. The planting density will depend on availability of larger stock If bare -root stock are used then supplemental planting will be performed to reach 680 stems/acre. If larger stock are available, high risk areas will be targeted and a lower density will be installed. -All species will be planted according to the plans, details, and construction specifications. Not all of the species listed may be planted. A minimum of 6 species will be planted. Commercial availability may dictate which species and size are actually planted. Maximum Wetland Indicator Scientific Name Common Name % by Species Status Betula nigra River Birch 10% FACW Celtis laev@ata 5-04 €SSW Diospryos virginiana Persimmon 10% FAC Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash 5% FACW Wsocarpu Ninebark FA� Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 10% FACW Quercus nigra Water Oak 5% FAC Quercus phellos Willow Oak 5% FAC Ulmus americana American Elm 5% FACW Total 100% Zone 3 - Upland Vegetation -Riparian vegetation species shall be planted in the areas designated. The planting density will depend on availability of larger stock If bare -root stock are used then supplemental planting will be performed to reach 680 stems/acre. If larger stock are available, high risk areas will be targeted and a lower density will be installed. -All species will be planted according to the plans, details, and construction specifications. Not all of the species listed may be planted. A minimum of 6 species will be planted. Commercial availability may dictate which species and size are actually planted. wetiana maicator Scientific Name Common Name Maximum Status Carya glabra Pignut Hickory 10% FACU Carya tomentosa Mockernut Hickory 10% NI Geniis , ad n is Redbud 5°{t FACU Corpus florida Flowering Dogwood 15% FACU Diospyros virginiana Persimmon 15% FAC !kx epaea Arne"` '" He" 5-Ok FACU juniperus b4i�iana Eastern Red Cedar 5-Ok FACU Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar 15% FACU Seuwweed 5% U_RL Prunus seretina Black Cheer 5°Oe FACU Quercus alba White Oak 5% FACU Quercus falcata Southern Red Oak 5% FACU Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak 5% FACU NI = No indicator status Total 100% Z Z Z m w N w ?M, LL O W m° "> >>> >>>> i dS 0 0 o cL'iLLSS� E'� -a`Qa LLQLLLLQ �n cLLZLLLLLLULL�LLLLu¢ '0 LL(9 F� z 0 Z"d pOn/Q2.1 c�ynyiW m D) bE ' Ee Ee E' SE 9de _ ^ O W W LL g W W Ulm m ga 5� m a Z �1g$ m§a xagiN ;98mabv�33 ~ _ s onapa~m3� r # `o 2 8��, N p� �z LA w 4 W l$$& � �� 8 g ffi y � ��� a O O 7 z rc zm S � ffi z w ffi R '� .s �� �_� 2 5 W Y �JJ E yi' ' �' u m ' g c > m 1 t, } Z'E `og a 3s N�y�y r982m Xmm�susoos N��'`E m 'o>>oaaoo 0 Q o z § � E m ae ffi w LL u� u w LL LL u� E� ae m�i LL LL u LL� LL LL LL��� wa E w « EMU ffi 3R 1qW^ m 0 : ZZUm m €a y 5�yy y a n ELL";z E s ffi a c' c' 40W¢(9 wz�� 'Hid Z s 2 T-11 "� W rn u YY YY m E c Wiz. 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From: Jake Byers To: Brownina. Kimberly D CIV USARMY CESAW (USA); Davis. Erin B Cc: Cidnev Jones; Russell Myers; Tsomides. Harry; NCDENR NCEEP (Paul.wiesner(alncdenr.aov) Subject: Meadow Brook groundwater gage Date: Tuesday, March 9, 2021 11:38:55 AM Hi Kim, Good to speak with you this morning. Per our conversation, this email documents that USACE approves of not re -installing the washed out groundwater gage (MB GW #2) at the Meadowbrook site since current data already shows groundwater at or near the surface during 100% of the growing season. In -lieu of re -installing the gage, EPR will re -delineate the wetland boundaries (as already provided for in the approved mitigation plan) at the end of the monitoring period to document no loss of wetlands. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, -Jake ECOSYSTEM PLANNING s RESTORATION Jake Byers, PE Senior Water Resources Engineer 9 Old Weaver Farm Road Weaverville, NC 28787 828-348-8580 (office) 828-989-5592 (cell) 919-388-0789 (fax) www.eDrusa.net f min.