HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0056561_Fact Sheet_20220104Fact Sheet NPDES Permit No. NC0056561 Permit Writer/Email Contact Gary Perlmutter, gary.perlmutter@ncdenr.gov: Date: January 4, 2022 Division/Branch: NC Division of Water Resources/NPDES Municipal Permitting Fact Sheet Template: Version 09Jan2017 Permitting Action: ❑X Renewal ❑ Renewal with Expansion ❑ New Discharge ❑ Modification (Fact Sheet should be tailored to mod request) Note: A complete application should include the following: • For New Dischargers, EPA Form 2A or 2D requirements, Engineering Alternatives Analysis, Fee • For Existing Dischargers (POTW), EPA Form 2A, 3 effluent pollutant scans, 4 2nd species WET tests. • For Existing Dischargers (Non-POTW), EPA Form 2C with correct analytical requirements based on industry category. Complete applicable sections below. If not applicable, enter NA. 1. Basic Facility Information: Facility Information Applicant/Facility Name: Town of Maggie Valley / Maggie Valley WWTP Applicant Address: 3987 Soco Road, Maggie Valley, NC 28751 Facility Address: 5320 Jonathan Creek Road, Waynesville, NC 28785 Permitted Flow: 1.0 MGD Facility Type/Waste: MAJOR Municipal; 100% domestic Facility Class: Grade III Biological Water Pollution Control System Treatment Units: A mechanical influent bar screen, Back-up manual bar screen, Flow selector basin, 2 rectangular aeration basins, 2 rectangular Aero-Mod clarifiers, 5 dual aeration blowers, 2 digesters, Chlorination, Chlorine contact basin, Sulfur dioxide dechlorination, Effluent flow monitoring, Belt filter press Pretreatment Program (Y/N) N County: Haywood Region Asheville Briefly describe the proposed permitting action and facility background: The Town of Maggie Valley has applied for an NPDES permit renewal at 1.0 MGD for the Maggie Valley WWTP, received by DWR September 28, 2020. Treatment units in the above table have been updated per the description in the application cover letter. This facility serves a population of approximately 4,500 residents. Treated Page 1of11 1/4/2022 2:12 PM domestic wastewater is discharged into Jonathans Creek, a class C;Tr water in the French Broad River Basin. The classification denotes Aquatic Life, Secondary Recreation, Fresh Water, and Trout Waters. The facility has a primary Outfall 001. The Town of Maggie Valley WWTP receives landfill leachate on a limited basis. The leachate is trucked and hauled to the Maggie Valley facility in 6,000-gallon loads. The leachate is unloaded at the headworks of the WWTP and is not to exceed 50,000 gallons per day. Town of Maggie Valley staff assists and monitors deliveries. The Town has a formal agreement to accept the leachate which requires annual testing of the leachate and states that the Town may refuse to accept the leachate at any point it wishes. To verify that the leachate contributions from the landfill are not considered significant, and to verify that the plant does not need to activate a pretreatment program, Special Condition A. (5.) Industrial Waste Survey has been added to the permit, requiring the Town to conduct an industrial waste survey within 180 days of permit issuance. 2. Receiving Waterbody Information: Receiving Waterbody Information Outfalls/Receiving Stream(s): Outfall 001 — Jonathans Creek Stream Index: 5-26-(7) Stream Classification: C;Tr Drainage Area (mi2): 55.8 Summer 7Q10 (cfs) 23 Winter 7Q10 (cfs): 27 30Q2 (cfs): 38 Average Flow (cfs): 110 IWC (% effluent): 6.3 2020 303(d) listed/parameter: No Subject to TMDL/parameter: Yes- State wide Mercury TMDL implementation. Basin/Subbasin/HUC: French Broad/04-03-05/06010106 USGS Topo Quad: E6SE Dellwood, NC 3. Effluent Data Summary Effluent data for Outfall 001 is summarized below for the period of April 2017 through April 2021. Table 1. Effluent Data Summary Outfall 001 Parameter Units Average Max Min Permit Limit Flow MGD 0.4 1.875 0.192 MA 1.0 BOD mg/1 5 26.1 0.5 WA 45.0 MA 30.0 TSS mg/1 5.8 26 2 WA 45.0 MA 30.0 NH3N mg/1 0.2 1.6 0.1 DO mg/1 5.9 9.4 3.35 Page 2 of 11 1/5/2022 9:07 AM Parameter Units Average Max Min Permit Limit Fecal coliform #/100 ml (geomean) 5.9 2940 2 (geometric) WA 400 MA 200 Temperature ° C 17 25 7 pH SU 6.4 7.3 6 6.0 < pH < 9.0 Total Residual Chlorine ug/1 All data < 13 DM 28 Total Silver ug/1 1.8 < 5 < 1 Total Hardness mg/1 45.6 100 5 TN mg/1 8.6 16.4 2.18 TP mg/1 2.9 5.5 0.37 MA -Monthly Average, WA -Weekly Average DM -Daily Maximum, DA-Daily Average, QA-Quarterly Average, AA -Annual Average. All silver data were non -detects at < 5, < 3 and < 1 ug/L with one detection at 1 ug/L. 4. Instream Data Summary Instream monitoring may be required in certain situations, for example: 1) to verify model predictions when model results for instream DO are within 1 mg/1 of instream standard at full permitted flow; 2) to verify model predictions for outfall diffuser; 3) to provide data for future TMDL; 4) based on other instream concerns. Instream monitoring may be conducted by the Permittee, and there are also Monitoring Coalitions established in several basins that conduct instream sampling for the Permittee (in which case instream monitoring is waived in the permit as long as coalition membership is maintained). If applicable, summarize any instream data and what instream monitoring will be proposed for this permit action: The current permit does not require instream monitoring. The Division has an Ambient Monitoring Station E6300000 located just downstream of the facility, approximately 450 feet from the outfall. Data from 2016 through 2018 were reviewed from AMS Station E6300000 and are summarized below. Table 2. NRBC Data Summary Parameter Units K2100000 Average Max Min Temperature ° C 12.7 23.3 4.7 DO mg/L 9.9 13.56 8.49 Conductivity µmhos/cm 56 144 39 Fecal Coliform #/100mL (ge 132 an) 68000 11 Downstream temperature did not exceed 29°C during the period reviewed [per 15A NCAC 02B .0211(18)]. As no upstream data was recorded, no data comparison could be made between downstream temperature and natural water temperature. Page 3 of 11 1/4/2022 2:12 PM Downstream DO was not less than 6.0 mg/L during the period reviewed [per 15A NCAC 02B .0211(6)]. Downstream fecal coliform did not exceed a geometric mean of 200/100mL, nor did it exceed 400/100mL in greater than 20% of the samples taken during the period reviewed [per 15A NCAC 02B .0211(7)]. Based on review of the Division's Ambient Monitoring System data, no instream monitoring requirement has been added to the permit at this time. Is this facility a member of a Monitoring Coalition with waived instream monitoring (Y/N): N Name of Monitoring Coalition: N/A 5. Compliance Summary Summarize the compliance record with permit effluent limits (past 5 years): The facility reported one fecal coliform limit violation in 2019. Summarize the compliance record with aquatic toxicity test limits and any second species test results (past 5 years): The facility passed 18 of 18 quarterly chronic toxicity tests as well as 6 of 6 second species toxicity tests from January 2017 to April 2021. Summarize the results from the most recent compliance inspection: The last facility inspection conducted in February 2019 reported that the facility was out of compliance with permit NC0056561, citing issues with influent and effluent sampling. A follow-up inspection was conducted in Sepember 2021 by the Asheville Regional Office (ARO). The ARO noted the sampling issues had been remedied, and the facility was in compliance with their permit. 6. Water Quality -Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Dilution and Mixing Zones In accordance with 15A NCAC 2B.0206, the following streamflows are used for dilution considerations for development of WQBELs: 1 Q 10 streamflow (acute Aquatic Life); 7Q10 streamflow (chronic Aquatic Life; non -carcinogen HH); 30Q2 streamflow (aesthetics); annual average flow (carcinogen, HH). If applicable, describe any other dilution factors considered (e.g., based on CORMIX model results): NA If applicable, describe any mixing zones established in accordance with 15A NCAC 2B.0204(b): NA Oxygen -Consuming Waste Limitations Limitations for oxygen -consuming waste (e.g., BOD) are generally based on water quality modeling to ensure protection of the instream dissolved oxygen (DO) water quality standard. Secondary TBEL limits (e.g., BOD = 30 mg/L for Municipals) may be appropriate if deemed more stringent based on dilution and model results. If permit limits are more stringent than TBELs, describe how limits were developed: The existing BOD limits are technology based effluent limits (TBELs) incorporated in the permit based on the results of a 1989 Level B model, which were confirmed later in 1996. No changes are proposed from the previous permit limits. Page 4 of 11 1/4/2022 2:12 PM Ammonia and Total Residual Chlorine Limitations Limitations for ammonia are based on protection of aquatic life utilizing an ammonia chronic criterion of 1.0 mg/L (summer) and 1.8 mg/L (winter). Acute ammonia limits are derived from chronic criteria, utilizing a multiplication factor of 3 for Municipals and a multiplication factor of 5 for Non -Municipals. Limitations for Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) are based on the NC water quality standard for protection of aquatic life (17 µg/L) and capped at 28 µg/L (acute impacts). Due to analytical issues, all TRC values reported below 50 µg/L are considered compliant with their permit limit. Describe any proposed changes to ammonia and/or TRC limits for this permit renewal: The current permit limits TRC to 28 µg/L as a daily max. The limits and have been reviewed in the attached WLA and have been found to be protective. No changes were made for TRC. The current permit does not set limits for ammonia Ammonia requirements have been reviewed in the attached WLA. Based on instream wastewater concentration -based calculations for ammonia toxicity, ammonia limits have been added to the permit as a monthly average of 12.6 mg/L and a weekly average of 35.0 mg/L. Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA) for Toxicants If applicable, conduct RPA analysis and complete information below. The need for toxicant limits is based upon a demonstration of reasonable potential to exceed water quality standards, a statistical evaluation that is conducted during every permit renewal utilizing the most recent effluent data for each outfall. The RPA is conducted in accordance with 40 CFR 122.44 (d) (i). The NC RPA procedure utilizes the following: 1) 95% Confidence Level/95% Probability; 2) assumption of zero background; 3) use of '/2 detection limit for "less than" values; and 4) streamflows used for dilution consideration based on 15A NCAC 2B.0206. Effective April 6, 2016, NC began implementation of dissolved metals criteria in the RPA process in accordance with guidance titled NPDES Implementation of Instream Dissolved Metals Standards, dated June 10, 2016. A reasonable potential analysis was conducted on effluent toxicant data collected between April 2017 through April 2021. Pollutants of concern included toxicants with positive detections and associated water quality standards/criteria. Based on this analysis, the following permitting actions are proposed for this permit: • Effluent Limit with Monitoring. The following parameters will receive a water quality -based effluent limit (WQBEL) since they demonstrated a reasonable potential to exceed applicable water quality standards/criteria: N/A • Monitoring Only. The following parameters will receive a monitor -only requirement since they did not demonstrate reasonable potential to exceed applicable water quality standards/criteria, but the maximum predicted concentration was > 50% of the allowable concentration: Total Silver* • No Limit or Monitoring: The following parameters will not receive a limit or monitoring, since they did not demonstrate reasonable potential to exceed applicable water quality standards/criteria and the maximum predicted concentration was < 50% of the allowable concentration: N/A • POTW Effluent Pollutant Scan Review: Three effluent pollutant scans were evaluated for additional pollutants of concern. (PPAs from 2019 and 2020)* o The following parameter(s) will receive a water quality -based effluent limit (WQBEL) with monitoring, since as part of a limited data set, two samples exceeded the allowable discharge concentration: N/A o The following parameter(s) will receive a monitor -only requirement, since as part of a limited data set, one sample exceeded the allowable discharge concentration: N/A o The following parameters will not receive a limit or monitoring, since they did not demonstrate reasonable potential to exceed applicable water quality standards/criteria and the maximum predicted concentration was <50% of the allowable concentration: Total Page 5 of 11 1/4/2022 2:12 PM Arsenic, Total Beryllium, Total Cadmium, Total Phenolic Compounds, Total Chromium, Total Copper, Total Cyanide, Total Lead, Total Nickel, Total Selenium, Total Zinc *Note: The Maggie Valley WWTP neglected to conduct their 2018 PPA, as is required in their permit, but did conduct sampling at the beginning of 2019 to satisfy this requirement. The current permit requires quarterly monitoring for total silver. Results for Total Silver included 20 non - detects and one detect at 1 µg/L (reporting limit = 1 µg/L). Effluent monitoring for silver has been increased from quarterly to monthly. With additional samples, the Division will have a more robust dataset to determine reasonable potential for total silver in the effluent. Should the facility report a detection of total silver greater than the allowable discharge concentration, the Town shall report to the Division and the permit may be reopened for inclusion of additional total silver requirements. If applicable, attach a spreadsheet of the RPA results as well as a copy of the Dissolved Metals Implementation Fact Sheet for freshwater/saltwater to this Fact Sheet. Include a printout of the RPA Dissolved to Total Metal Calculator sheet if this is a Municipality with a Pretreatment Program. Toxicity Testing Limitations Permit limits and monitoring requirements for Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) have been established in accordance with Division guidance (per WET Memo, 8/2/1999). Per WET guidance, all NPDES permits issued to Major facilities or any facility discharging "complex" wastewater (contains anything other than domestic waste) will contain appropriate WET limits and monitoring requirements, with several exceptions. The State has received prior EPA approval to use an Alternative WET Test Procedure in NPDES permits, using single concentration screening tests, with multiple dilution follow-up upon a test failure. Describe proposed toxicity test requirement: The permit requires quarterly chronic toxicity testing at 6% effluent concentration. No changes were made. Mercury Statewide TMDL Evaluation There is a statewide TMDL for mercury approved by EPA in 2012. The TMDL target was to comply with EPA's mercury fish tissue criteria (0.3 mg/kg) for human health protection. The TMDL established a wasteload allocation for point sources of 37 kg/year (81 lb/year), and is applicable to municipals and industrial facilities with known mercury discharges. Given the small contribution of mercury from point sources (-2% of total load), the TMDL emphasizes mercury minimization plans (MMPs) for point source control. Municipal facilities > 2 MGD and discharging quantifiable levels of mercury (> 1 ng/L) will receive an MMP requirement. Industrials are evaluated on a case -by -case basis, depending if mercury is a pollutant of concern. Effluent limits may also be added if annual average effluent concentrations exceed the WQBEL value (based on the NC WQS of 12 ng/L) and/or if any individual value exceeds a TBEL value of 47 ng/L. Table 3. Mercury Effluent Data Summary. Statistic 2019 2020 Number of Samples 2 1 Annual Average Conc., ng/L 2.3 2.38 Maximum Conc., ng/L 2.71 2.38 TBEL, ng/L 47 WQBEL, ng/L 190.1 Describe proposed permit actions based on mercury evaluation: Since no annual average mercury concentration exceeded the WQBEL, and no individual mercury sample exceeded the TBEL, no mercury limit is required. Since the facility is < 2.0 MGD, no MMP is required. Page 6 of 11 1/4/2022 2:12 PM Other TMDL/Nutrient Management Strategy Considerations If applicable, describe any other TMDLs/Nutrient Management Strategies and their implementation within this permit: N/A 7. Technology -Based Effluent Limitations (TBELs) Municipals (if not applicable, delete and skip to Industrials) Are concentration limits in the permit at least as stringent as secondary treatment requirements (30 mg/L GODS/TSS for Monthly Average, and 45 mg/l for BOD5/TSS for Weekly Average). YES If NO, provide a justification for alternative limitations (e.g., waste stabilization pond). N/A Are 85% removal requirements for BOD5/TSS included in the permit? YES If NO, provide a justification (e.g., waste stabilization pond). N/A 8. Antidegradation Review (New/Expanding Discharge): The objective of an antidegradation review is to ensure that a new or increased pollutant loading will not degrade water quality. Permitting actions for new or expanding discharges require an antidegradation review in accordance with 15A NCAC 2B.0201. Each applicant for a new/expanding NPDES permit must document an effort to consider non -discharge alternatives per 15A NCAC 2H.0105(c)(2). In all cases, existing instream water uses and the level of water quality necessary to protect the existing use is maintained and protected. If applicable, describe the results of the antidegradation review, including the Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) and any water quality modeling results: N/A 9. Antibacksliding Review: Sections 402(o)(2) and 303(d)(4) of the CWA and federal regulations at 40 CFR 122.44(1) prohibit backsliding of effluent limitations in NPDES permits. These provisions require effluent limitations in a reissued permit to be as stringent as those in the previous permit, with some exceptions where limitations may be relaxed (e.g., based on new information, increases in production may warrant less stringent TBEL limits, or WQBELs may be less stringent based on updated RPA or dilution). Are any effluent limitations less stringent than previous permit (YES/NO): NO If YES, confirm that antibacksliding provisions are not violated: N/A 10. Monitoring Requirements Monitoring frequencies for NPDES permitting are established in accordance with the following regulations and guidance: 1) State Regulation for Surface Water Monitoring, 15A NCAC 2B.0500; 2) NPDES Guidance, Monitoring Frequency for Toxic Substances (7/15/2010 Memo); 3) NPDES Guidance, Reduced Monitoring Frequencies for Facilities with Superior Compliance (10/22/2012 Memo); 4) Best Professional Page 7 of 11 1/4/2022 2:12 PM Judgement (BPJ). Per US EPA (Interim Guidance, 1996), monitoring requirements are not considered effluent limitations under Section 402(o) of the Clean Water Act, and therefore anti -backsliding prohibitions would not be triggered by reductions in monitoring frequencies. Currently, temperature monitoring is required at a frequency of 3/week and total residual monitoring is required at a frequency of 2/week. Per 15A NCAC 02B .0508, Grade III Water Quality Limited facilities shall monitor for temperature on a daily basis and total residual chlorine 3/week. As such, effluent temperature monitoring has been increased to daily and effluent TRC monitoring has been increased to 3/week. The Town of Maggie Valley requested monitoring frequency reductions for BOD5, Total Suspended Solids, NH3-N and Fecal Coliform in July 2021. Based on DWR Guidance Regarding the Reduction of Monitoring Frequencies in NPDES Permits for Exceptionally Performing Facilities, the last three years of the facility's data for these parameters were reviewed in accordance with the criteria outlined in the guidance. The facility meets the DWR guidance and 2/week monitoring frequency requirements for BOD5, Total Suspended Solids, NH3-N and Fecal Coliform has been included in the draft permit. For instream monitoring, refer to Section 4. 11. Electronic Reporting Requirements The US EPA NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was finalized on December 21, 2015. Effective December 21, 2016, NPDES regulated facilities are required to submit Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically. While NPDES regulated facilities would initially be required to submit additional NPDES reports electronically effective December 21, 2020, EPA extended this deadline from December 21, 2020, to December 21, 2025. The current compliance date, effective January 4, 2021, was extended as a final regulation change published in the November 2, 2020 Federal Register. This permit contains the requirements for electronic reporting, consistent with Federal requirements. 12.Summary of Proposed Permitting Actions: Table 4. Current Permit Conditions and Proposed Changes. Parameter Current Permit Proposed Change Basis for Condition/Change Flow MA 1.0 MGD No change 15A NCAC 2B .0505 BOD5 MA 30.0 mg/L WA 45.0 mg/L Monitor and Report 3/week No change to limits TBEL. Based on results of 1989 Level B model; DWR Guidance Regarding the Reduction of Monitoring Frequencies in NPDES Permits for Exceptionally Performing Facilities Monitor 2/week NH3-N Monitor and Report 3/week Add limits: MA 12.6 mg/L WA 35.0 mg/L Monitor 2/week WQBEL. 2021 WLA. DWR Guidance Regarding the Reduction of Monitoring Frequencies in NPDES Permits for Exceptionally Performing Facilities Page 8 of 11 1/4/2022 2:12 PM Parameter Current Permit Proposed Change Basis for Condition/Change TSS MA 30.0 mg/L WA 45.0 mg/L Monitor and Report 3/Week No change to limits Monitor 2/week TBEL. Secondary treatment standards/40 CFR 133 / 15A NCAC 2B .0406; DWR Guidance Regarding the Reduction of Monitoring Frequencies in NPDES Permits for Exceptionally Performing Facilities Fecal Coliform MA 200 /100m1 WA 400 /100m1 Monitor and Report 3/Week No change to limits WQBEL. State WQ standard, 15A NCAC 2B; DWR Guidance Regarding the Reduction of Monitoring Frequencies in NPDES Permits for Exceptionally Performing Facilities Monitor 2/week DO Monitor and Report 3/Week No change Surface Water Monitoring, 15A NCAC 2B. 0500 Temperature Monitor and Report 3/Week Monitor and Report Daily Frequency revised per Surface Water Monitoring, 15A NCAC 2B. 0500 PH 6-9 SU Monitor and Report 3/Week No change WQBEL. State WQ standard, 15A NCAC 2B Total Nitrogen Monitor and Report Quarterly No change Surface Water Monitoring, 15A NCAC 2B. 0500 Total Phosphorous Monitor and Report Quarterly No change Surface Water Monitoring, 15A NCAC 2B. 0500 Total Residual Chlorine DM 28 µg/L Monitor and Report 2/Week No change to limit Monitor and report 3/Week WQBEL. 2021 WLA. Surface Water Monitoring, Frequency revised per 15A NCAC 2B. 0500 Total Silver Monitor and Report Quarterly Monitor and Report Monthly Special Condition A.(4.) Effluent Total Silver Reopener Based on results of Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA); BPJ; increase monitoring to monthly without addition of limit. One detection at detection level (1 µg/L) and several non -detects at < 5, < 3, and < 1 µg/L - collect additional samples Total Hardness Quarterly Effluent and upstream monitoring No change Hardness -dependent dissolved metals water quality standards approved in 2016; Pretreatment facility Chronic Toxicity Chronic limit, 6% effluent No change WQBEL. No toxics in toxic amounts. 15A NCAC 2B Effluent Pollutant Scan Three times per permit cycle No change; conduct 40 CFR 122 in 2023, 2024, 2025 Page 9 of 11 1/4/2022 2:12 PM Parameter Current Permit Proposed Change Basis for Condition/Change Instream Waste Survey No requirement Add Special Condition A.(5.) To identify potential industrial contribution and verify landfill leachate acceptance does not require pretreatment program Electronic Reporting Electronic Reporting Special Condition Added language for new electronic reporting deadline December 21, 2025 In accordance with EPA Electronic Reporting Rule 2015 and Rule -Phase 2 Extension MGD — Million gallons per day, MA - Monthly Average, WA — Weekly Average, DM — Daily Max, QA — Quarterly Average, DA — Daily Average, AA — Annual Average 13. Public Notice Schedule: Permit to Public Notice: July 27, 2021 Per 15A NCAC 2H .0109 & .0111, The Division will receive comments for a period of 30 days following the publication date of the public notice. Any request for a public hearing shall be submitted to the Director within the 30 days comment period indicating the interest of the party filing such request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. 14. NPDES Division Contact: If you have questions regarding any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Gary Perlmutter at (919) 707-3611 or via email at gary.perlmutter@ncdenr.gov. 15. Fact Sheet Addendum (if applicable): Were there any changes made since the Draft Permit was public noticed (Yes/No): YES, in response to comments by the Asheboro Regional Office (ARO) with consultation with the Permittee. If Yes, list changes and their basis below: The system component list was changed to reflect clarification on the sludge handling system: • "2 sludge holding basins" was removed as these are digesters • 3 digesters was reduced to 2 16. Fact Sheet Attachments (if applicable): • Request for reduced monitoring frequencies with supporting data, 7/15/2021 • RPA Spreadsheet Summary • BOD and TSS Removal • Inspection Report, 9-23-2021 • Dissolved Metals Implementation/Freshwater • Waste Load Allocation Spreadsheet • Mercury TMDL Spreadsheet • PPAs Page 10 of 11 1/4/2022 2:12 PM • Toxicity Summary • Monitoring Report Violations summary • E-mail draft permit response from Lauren Armeni (ARO) Page 11 of 11 1/4/2022 2:12 PM Coco, Nick A From: Mike Mehaffey <mmehaffey@maggievalleync.gov> Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2021 11:32 AM To: Coco, Nick A Cc: Nathan Clark Subject: [External] Reduced Monitoring Attachments: Maggie Valley 3 Year Mean BOD 2018 2019 2020.pdf; Maggie Valley 3 Year Mean TSS 2018 2019 2020.pdf; Maggie Valley 3 Year Mean MFC 2018 2019 2020.pdf; Maggie Valley 3 Year Mean NH3-N 2018 2019 2020.pdf Follow Up Flag: Flag for follow up Flag Status: Flagged CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Nick Coco NPDES Municipal Permitting Unit NC DEQ / Division of Water Resources / Water Quality Permitting The Town of Maggie Valley WWTP would like to request a modification for reduced monitoring in our NPDES permit #NC0056561 for parameters BOD5, TSS, NH3-N and fecal coliform. All the approval criteria for reduced monitoring have been met for the Target Parameters. Attached is the data and statistical analyses for the Target Parameters. If any more information is needed don't hesitate to email or call. 828-400-9494. Thanks for your help. Mike Mehaffey (ORC) i Maggie Valley WWTP Effluent 2018 2019 2020 Date NH3-N (mg/L) Date NH3-N (mg/L) Date NH3-N (mg/L) 1/2/18 1.5 1/2/19 0.1 1/2/20 0.3 1/3/18 0.9 1/3/19 0.1 1/7/20 0.1 1/4/18 0.3 1/8/19 0.1 1/8/20 0.2 1/9/18 0.1 1/9/19 0.1 1/9/20 0.2 1/10/18 0.1 1/10/19 0.1 1/14/20 0.2 1/11/18 0.1 1/15/19 0.1 1/15/20 0.1 1/16/18 0.3 1/16/19 0.1 1/16/20 0.1 1/17/18 0.1 1/17/19 0.1 1/20/20 0.1 1/18/18 0.1 1/22/19 0.2 1/21/20 0.1 1/23/18 0.1 1/23/19 0.1 1/22/20 0.1 1/24/18 0.1 1/24/19 0.1 1/28/20 0.1 1/25/18 0.1 1/29/19 0.1 1/29/20 0.1 1/30/18 0.1 1/30/19 0.1 1/30/20 0.1 1/31/18 0.1 1/31/19 0.1 2/4/20 0.1 2/1/18 0.1 2/5/19 0.1 2/5/20 0.1 2/6/18 0.1 2/6/19 0.1 2/6/20 0.2 2/7/18 0.1 2/7/19 0.1 2/11/20 0.1 2/8/18 0.1 2/12/19 0.1 2/12/20 0.1 2/13/18 0.1 2/13/19 0.1 2/13/20 0.1 2/14/18 0.1 2/14/19 0.1 2/18/20 0.1 2/15/18 0.1 2/19/19 0.1 2/19/20 0.1 2/20/18 0.1 2/20/19 0.1 2/20/20 0.1 2/21/18 0.1 2/21/19 0.1 2/25/20 0.1 2/22/18 0.1 2/26/19 0.1 2/26/20 0.1 2/27/21 0.1 2/27/19 0.1 2/27/20 0.1 2/28/21 0.1 2/28/19 0.1 3/3/20 0.1 3/1/18 0.1 3/5/19 0.1 3/4/20 0.2 3/6/18 0.1 3/6/19 0.1 3/5/20 0.3 3/7/18 0.1 3/7/19 0.1 3/10/20 0.2 3/8/18 0.1 3/12/19 0.1 3/11/20 0.1 3/13/18 0.1 3/13/19 0.1 3/12/20 0.2 3/14/18 0.1 3/14/19 0.1 3/17/20 0.1 3/15/18 0.1 3/19/19 0.1 3/18/20 0.1 3/20/18 0.3 3/20/19 0.1 3/19/20 0.1 3/21/18 0.1 3/21/19 0.2 3/24/20 0.1 3/22/18 0.3 3/26/19 0.1 3/25/20 0.1 3/27/18 0.4 3/27/19 0.1 3/26/20 0.1 3/28/18 0.4 3/28/19 0.1 3/31/20 0.1 3/29/18 0.3 4/2/19 0.3 4/1/20 0.1 4/3/18 0.1 4/3/19 0.3 4/2/20 0.2 4/4/18 0.1 4/4/19 0.2 4/7/20 0.2 4/5/18 0.1 4/9/19 0.2 4/8/20 0.3 4/10/18 0.1 4/10/19 0.2 4/9/20 0.2 4/11/18 0.1 4/11/19 0.2 4/14/20 0.1 4/12/18 0.1 4/16/19 0.3 4/15/20 0.2 4/17/18 0.1 4/17/19 0.2 4/16/20 0.1 4/18/18 0.1 4/18/19 0.3 4/21/20 0.2 4/19/18 0.2 4/23/19 0.2 4/22/20 0.2 4/24/18 0.2 4/24/19 0.1 4/23/20 0.2 4/25/18 0.2 4/25/19 0.1 4/28/20 1.3 4/26/18 0.2 4/30/19 0.2 4/29/20 0.2 5/1/18 0.1 5/1/19 0.1 4/30/20 0.1 5/2/18 0.1 5/2/19 0.2 5/5/20 0.3 5/3/18 0.1 5/7/19 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Date Fecal Coliform 1/2/18 8 1/2/19 3 1/2/20 3 1/3/18 3 1/3/19 3 1/7/20 3 1/4/18 3 1/8/19 3 1/8/20 3 1/9/18 3 1/9/19 3 1/9/20 3 1/10/18 3 1/11/21 3 1/14/20 3 1/11/18 3 1/15/19 9 1/15/20 6 1/16/18 3 1/16/19 3 1/16/20 3 1/17/18 3 1/17/19 3 1/20/20 3 1/18/18 3 1/22/19 3 1/21/20 3 1/23/18 5 1/23/19 3 1/22/20 3 1/24/18 3 1/24/19 3 1J28/20 3 1/25/18 3 1/28/19 3 1/29/20 3 1/30/18 5 1/29/19 3 1/30/20 3 1/31/18 3 1/30/19 3 2/4/20 3 2/1/18 3 2/5/19 3 2/5/20 34 2/6/18 3 2/6/19 3 2/6J20 3 2/7/18 3 2/7/19 3 2/11/20 51 2/8/18 3 2/12/19 3 2/12/20 3 2/13/18 3 2/13/19 34 2/7.3/20 26 2/14/7,8 3 2/14/19 3 2/18/20 3 2/15/18 3 2/19/19 80 2/19/20 3 2/20/18 3 2/20/19 3 2/20/20 3 2/21/18 3 2/21/19 69 2/25/20 3 2/22/18 3 2/26/19 3 2/26/20 3 2/27/21 3 2/27/19 3 2/27/20 3 2/28/21 3 2/28/19 3 3/3f20 3 3/1/18 3 3/5/19 3 3/4/20 3 3/6/18 3 3/6/19 3 3/5/20 3 3/7/18 3 3/7/19 3 3/10/20 3 3/8/18 3 3/12/19 3 3/11/20 20 3/13/18 3 3/13/19 3 3/12/20 3 3/14/18 3 3/14/19 6 3/17/20 3 3/15/18 3 3/19/19 3 3/18/20 3 3/20/18 3 3/20/19 3 3/19/20 3 3/21/18 3 3/21/19 3 3/24/20 3 3/22/1$ 3 3/26/19 1200 3/25/20 3 3/27/18 3 3/27/19 6 3/26/20 3 3/28/18 3 3/28/19 3 3/31/20 3 3/29/18 3 4/2/19 3 4/1/20 3 4/3/18 3 4/3/19 11 4/2/20 3 4/4/18 3 4/4/19 3 4/7/20 3 4/5/18 3 4/9/19 3 4/8/20 3 4/10/18 3 4/10/19 3 4/9/20 3 4/11/18 3 4/11/19 3 4/14/20 3 4/12/18 5 4/16/19 3 4/15/20 3 4/17/18 160 4/17/19 3 4/16/20 3 4/18/18 3 4/18/19 3 4/21/20 3 4/19/18 3 4/23/19 3 4/22/20 3 4/24/18 40 4/24/19 3 4/23/20 3 4/25/18 3 4/25/19 3 4/28/20 3 4/26/18 3 4/30/19 3 4/29/20 3 5/1/18 3 5/1/19 3 4/30/20 3 5/2/18 3 5/2/19 3 5/5/20 3 5/3/18 3 5/7/19 3 5/6/20 3 5/8/18 3 5/8/19 3 5/7/20 3 5/9/18 3 5/9/19 3 5/12/20 40 5/10/18 9 5/14/19 3 5/13/20 3 5/15/18 83 5/15/19 3 5/14{20 3 5/16/18 3 5/16/19 3 5/19/20 3 5/17/18 3 5/21/19 3 5/20/20 3 5/22/18 3 5/22/19 6 5/21/20 9 5/23/18 3 5/23/19 3 5/26/20 3 5/24/18 3 5/28/19 6 5/27/20 3 5/29/18 3 5/29/19 11 5/28/20 3 5/30/18 693 5/30/19 29 6/2/20 3 5/31/18 3 6/4/19 34 6/3/20 3 6/5/18 3 6/5/19 17 6/4/20 67 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3 11/5/19 2940 11/4/20 3 11/6/1.8 3 11/6/19 49 11/5/20 3 11/7/18 3 11/7/19 3 11/10/20 34 11/8/18 3 11/12/19 3 11/11/20 3 11/13/18 3 11/13/19 3 11/12/20 3 11/14/18 3 11/14/19 11 11/17/20 3 11/15/18 3 11/19/19 3 11/18/20 3 11/19/21 3 11/20/19 3 11/19/20 3 11/20/18 3 11/21/19 3 11/23/20 3 11/21/21 11 11/25/19 3 11/24/20 3 11/27/18 3 11/26/19 1260 11/25/20 3 11/28/18 3 11/27/19 3 12/1/20 3 11/29/18 3 12/3/19 3 12/2/20 3 12/4/18 3 12/4/19 3 12/3/20 29 12/5/18 3 12/5/19 3 12/8/20 3 12{7/18 3 12/10/19 3 12/9/20 3 12/11/18 3 12/11/19 3 12/10/20 3 12/12/18 3 12/12/19 3 12/15/20 3 12/13/18 3 12/17/19 10 12/16/20 3 12/18/18 3 12/18/19 3 12/17/20 3 12/19/18 3 12/19/19 3 12/21/20 3 12/20/18 3 12/23/19 3 12/22/20 3 12/26/18 3 12/24/19 3 12/23/20 43 12/27/18 3 12/26/19 3 12/29/20 3 12/28/18 54 12/31f19 3 12f30/20 3 12/31/18 3 1/1/20 11 12/31/20 3 Geometric Mean Monthly Average Limit Target (1/2 Monthly Average Limit) Samples over 200% Weekly Average Limit (800)* * (no more than 20 samples) 5.692 mg/L 200 Cts/100m1 100.0 cts/100m1 Maggie Valley WWTP Effluent 2018 2019 2020, Date TSS (mg/L) Date TSS (mg/L) Date TSS (rng/L) 1/2/18 14.7 1/2/19 6 1/2/20 4.2 1/3/18 14.3 1/3/19 5.8 1/7120 4•9 1/4/18 9.4 1/8/1.9 5.1 1/8/20 5.8 1/9118 16.7 1/9/19 4.7 1/9/20 4.3 1/10/18 12.1 1/10/19 4.2 1/14/20 4.4 1/11/18 15.6 1/15/19 4.6 1/15/20 5.3 1/16/18 14.8 1/16/19 4.5 1/16/20 6.1 1/17/18 14.4 1/17/19 4.9 1/20120 4.4 1/18/18 17.9 1/22/19 9.2 1/21/20 10.4 1/23/18 10.6 1/23/19 5.3 1/22/20 7.1 1/24/18 11.1 1/24119 11.6 1/28/20 10.4 1/25/18 11.3 1/29/19 4.5 1/29/20 15.7 1/30/18 12.3 1/30/19 8.4 1/30/20 13.0 1/31/18 9.3 1/31/19 6.4 2/4/20 7.7 2/1/18 9.1 2/5/19 71 2/5/20 6.5 2f6/18 10.5 2/6/19 4.1 2/6/20 7.7 2/7/18 6.3 2/7/19 4.1 2/11/20 7.9 2/8/18 12 2J12119 4.2 2/12/20 7.5 2/13/18 8.4 2/13/19 10.2 2/13/20 6.7 2/14/18 8.8 2/14/19 6.7 2/18/20 9.6 2/15/18 5.2 2/19/19 8.5 2/19/20 10.1 2/20/18 6.3 2/20/19 8.5 2/20/20 6.1 2/21/18 4.7 2/21/19 8.6 2/25/20 5.2 2/22/18 3.4 2/26/19 10.2 2/26/20 7.7 2/27/21 6 2/27/19 9.4 2/27/20 7.7 2/28/21 6.5 2/28/19 11 3/3/20 7.7 3/1/18 6.7 3/5/19 11.3 3/4/20 8.7 3/6/18 5.9 3/6/19 22.7 3/5f20 7.3 3/7/18 7 3/7/19 6.3 3/10/20 6.0 3/8/18 7.2 3/12/19 7.8 3/11/20 5.1 3/13J18 9 3/13/19 7.8 3/12/20 6.7 3/14/18 11.5 3/14/19 7.3 3/17/20 6.8 3/15/18 12.4 3/19 f 19 2.6 3/18/20 5.1 3/20/18 7.2 3/20/19 8 3/19/20 2.8 3/21/18 10 3/21/19 5.7 3/24/20 7.1 3/22/18 9.8 3/26/19 6 3/25/20 6.7 3/27/18 9.7 3/27/19 6.8 3/25/20 7.7 3/28/18 6.6 3/28/19 5.9 3/31/20 10.0 3/29/18 12.5 4/2/19 7.5 4/1/20 7.2 4/3/18 7.5 4/3/19 6.4 4/2/20 5.9 4/4/18 8 4/4/19 6.5 4/7/20 5.2 4/5/18 6.6 4/9/19 4.7 4/8/20 7.9 4/10/18 10.8 4/10/19 3.3 4/9/20 4.8 4/11/18 7.4 4/11/19 2.5 4/14/20 7.5 4/12/18 10.2 4/16/19 6.5 4/15/20 5.3 4/17/18 10.3 4/17/19 4.9 4/16/20 8.2 4/18/18 7.4 4/18/19 4.2 4/21/20 9.3 4/19/18 7.4 4/23/19 2.9 4/22/20 9.1 4/24f18 10.5 4/24/19 4.1 4f23/20 9.3 4/25/18 9.3 4/25/19 3 4/28/20 11.8 4/26/18 6.4 4130/19 4.4 4/29/20 9.2 5/1/18 7.8 5/1/19 2.5 4/30/20 11.0 5/2/18 9.3 5/2/19 2.5 5/5/20 8.8 5/3/18 9 5/7/19 4 516/20 7.2 5/8/18 9 5/8/19 2.5 517/20 6.7 5/9/18 9 5/9/19 2.5 5/12/20 6.7 5/10/18 7.8 5/14/19 3.8 5/13/20 7.3 5/15/18 5.2 5/15/19 3.7 5/14/20 7•5 5/16/18 4.8 5/16/19 4.9 5/19/20 5.0 5/17/18 5.8 5/21/19 3.8 5/20/20 5.0 5/22/18 4.1 5/22/19 3 5[21/20 5.4 5/23/18 3 5/23/19 4.1 5/26/20 3.9 5/24/18 4.2 5/28/19 4.5 5/27/20 3.1 5/29/18 3.5 5/29/19 2_5 5/28/20 4.5 5/30/18 4.5 5/30/19 3.3 6/2/20 4•0 5/31/18 2.8 6/4/19 2.5 6/3/20 4.3 6/5/18 4.5 6/5/19 2.5 6/4/20 5.3 6/6/18 3.5 6/6/19 2.6 6/9/20 3.8 6/7/18 4.1 6/11/19 3.1 6/10/20 2.5 6/12/18 4.3 6/12/19 2.6 6/11/20 3.6 6/13/18 2.9 6f13/19 4.3 6/16/20 3•9 6/14118 3.6 6/18/19 2.5 6/17/20 4.3 6/19/18 2.5 6/19/19 3.3 6/18/20 3.5 6/20/18 2.5 6%20/19 2.6 6/23/20 3.4 6/21/18 3.6 6/25/19 2.5 6/24/20 2.8 6/26/18 2.5 6/26/19 3 6/25/20 2.7 6/27/18 2.5 6/27/10 2.5 6/30/20 4.6 5/28/18 3.6 7/2/19 3.6 7/1/20 2.6 7/2/18 2.5 7/3/19 3.1 7/2/20 3.1 7/3/18 2.6 7/5/19 3.3 7/7/20 3.9 7/5/21 2.5 7/9/19 6.9 7/8/20 3.4 7/10/18 2.5 7I10/19 2.6 7/9/20 2.5 7/11/18 2.8 7/11/19 3.2 7114/20 2.5 7/12/18 3 7/16/19 4 7/15/20 2.8 7/17/18 4.1 7/17/19 2.8 7/15/20 3.5 7/18/18 3.1 7/18/19 3.8 7/21/20 2.5 7/19/18 3 7/23/19 4 7/22/20 2.5 7/24/18 3.3 7/24/19 2.7 7/23/20 2.5 7/25/18 3.4 7/25/19 4 7/28/20 2.5 7/26/18 3.3 7/30/19 3.1 7/29/20 2.5 7/31/18 10 7/31/19 2.7 7/30/20 3.1 8/1/18 5.5 8/1/19 2.5 8/4/20 3.1 8/2/18 4.2 8/6/19 2.9 8/5/20 2.5 8/7/18 2.5 8/7/19 2.6 8/6/20 2.6 8/8/18 2.5 8/8/19 3.1 8/11/20 2.5 8/9/18 2.5 8/13/19 2.5 8/12/20 2.6 8/14/18 2.6 8/14/7.9 2.6 8/13/20 2.5 8/15/18 25 8/15/19 3.1 8/18/20 2.5 8/16/18 2.5 8/20/19 2.6 8/19/20 2.5 8/21/18 2.5 8/21/19 2.5 8/20/20 2.5 8f 22/18 2.5 8/22/19 2.5 8/25/20 2.5 8/23/18 2.5 8/27/19 2.5 8/26/20 2.5 8/28/18 2.5 8/28/19 2.6 8/27/20 2.5 8/29/18 2.5 8/29/19 2.5 9f 1f 20 3.2 8/30/18 2.5 9/3/19 2.5 9/2/20 2.8 9/4/18 2.5 9/4/19 2.6 9/3/20 2.9 9/5/18 2.5 9/5/19 2.5 9/8/20 4.0 9/6/18 3.6 9/10/19 2.5 9/9/20 4.1 9/11/18 2.5 9/11/19 2.5 9/10/20 4.5 9/12/18 2.5 9/12/19 2.5 9/15/20 4.1 9/13/18 2.5 9/17/19 2.5 9 f 16J20 3.6 9/18/18 2.5 9/18/19 2.5 9/17/20 4.1 9/19/18 2.5 9/19/19 2.5 9/22/20 4.5 9/20/18 3.6 9/24/19 2.5 9/23/20 5.9 9/25/18 2.5 9/25/19 2.5 9/24/20 3.8 9/26/18 2.5 9/26/19 3.2 9/29/20 6.0 9/27/18 3.4 10/1/19 4.7 9/30/20 8.0 10/2/18 2.7 10/2/19 5.8 10/1/20 7.4 10/3/18 2.5 10/3/19 7.1 10/6/20 9.0 10/4/18 2.5 10/8/19 7.7 10 f 7 f 20 9.6 10/9/18 2.5 10/9/19 7.6 10/8/20 6.4 10/10/18 2.5 10/10/19 6.2 10/13/20 8.6 10/11/18 3.5 10/15/7.9 8.6 10/14/20 12.2 10/15/18 2.5 10/16/19 6.2 10/15/20 7.4 10/17/18 3.5 10/17/19 6.2 10/20/20 7.8 10/18/18 2.5 10/22/19 5.4 10/21/20 6.9 10/23/18 2.5 10123/19 5.5 10 f 22f 20 6.3 10/24/18 2.5 10/24/19 6.3 10/27/20 3.9 10/25/18 2.6 10/29/19 4.5 10/28/20 4.3 10/30/18 3.4 10/30/19 4.5 10/29/20 7.8 10/31/18 2.6 10/31/19 4.5 11/3/20 10.7 11/1/18 2.5 11/5/19 5.8 11/4/20 16.2 11/6/18 2.5 11/6/19 5.1 11/5/20 8.2 11/7/18 3.5 11/7/19 6.1 11/10/20 5.9 11/8/18 2.6 11/12/19 8.7 11/11/20 2.5 11/13/18 3.5 11/13/19 8.9 11/12/20 4.4 11/14/18 3.7 11/14/19 11_2 11/17/20 7.5 11/15/18 4.2 11/19/19 7.3 11/18/20 7.7 11/19/21 3.4 11/20/18 3.9 11/21/21 3.0 11/27/18 9.8 11/28/18 8.8 11/29/18 4.9 12f4/18 5.1 1215/1$ 4.7 12/7/18 5.3 12/11/18 18.4 12/12/18 14.4 12/13/18 2.5 12/18/18 9 12/19/18 8.0 12/20/18 7.2 12/26/18 10.2 12/27/1$ 13.6 12/28/18 16.3 12/31/18 7.2 11/20/19 6.4 11/21/19 7.3 11/25/19 7 11/26/19 5.8 11/27/19 8.2 12/3/19 4.3 12/4/19 2.6 12/5/19 4.6 12/10/19 5.4 12/11/19 3.9 12/12/19 4.2 12/17/19 4.6 12/18/19 4.2 12/19/19 4.5 12/23/19 4.1 I2/24/19 5.5 12/26/19 6.6 12{30/19 3.2 12/31/19 3.1 11/19/20 11/23/20 11/24/20 11/25/20 12/1/20 12/2/20 tz/Vzo 12/8/20 12/9/20 12/10/20 12/15/20 12/16/20 12/17/20 12/21/20 12/22/20 12/23/20 12/29/20 12/30/20 12/31/2Q Arithmatic Mean Monthly Average Limit Target (1/2 Monthly Average Limit) Samples over 200°% Monthly Average Limit 7.5 5.5 4.2 . 9 6.0 5.4 _ 6.5 6.0 3.2 8.4 9.6 10.8 10.2 11.7 9.2 13.2 14.8 6.9 5.70 mg/L 30.0 mg/L 15.0 ma 0 Maggie Valley WWTP Effluent 2.018 2019 2020 Date BOD (mg/L) Date BOD (mg/L) Date BOD (mg/L) 1/2/18 2.0 1/2/19 6.8 1/2/20 9.3 1/3/18 4.2 1/3/19 4.1 1/7/20 9.9 1/4/18 6.3 1/8/19 5.0 1/8/20 2.3 1/9/18 7.3 1/9/19 2.7 1/9/20 2.7 1/10/18 4.2 1/10/19 4.3 1/14/20 5.4 1/11/18 3.2 1/15/19 5.4 1/15/20 5.3 1/16/18 4.2 1/16/19 4.5 1/16/20 3.4 1/17/18 9.2 1/17/19 5.6 1/20/20 3.3 1/18/18 7.6 1/22/19 5.2 1/21/20 3.5 1/23/18 5.8 1/23/19 5.2 1/22/20 2.9 1/24/18 9.3 1/24/19 6.7 1/28/20 5.5 1/25/18 3.7 1/29/19 26.1 1/29/20 3.4 1/30/18 4.5 1/30/19 3.4 1/30/20 3.8 1/31/18 4.9 1/31/19 4.2 2/4/20 7.6 2/1/18 4.7 2/5/19 4.8 2/5/20 4.9 2/6/18 2.6 2/6/19 2.8 2/6{20 2.2 2/7/18 7,2 2/7/19 2.4 2/11/20 2.6 2/8/18 6.9 2/12/19 3.4 2/12/20 6.6 2/13/18 7.7 2/13119 4.7 2/13/20 2.9 2/14/18 2.5 2/14/19 7.4 2/18/20 3.5 2/15/18 9.6 2/19/19 2.9 2/19/20 4.4 2/20/18 4.7 2/20/19 4.8 2/20/20 2.9 2/21/18 2.0 2/21/19 4.2 2/25/20 5.6 2/22/18 2.7 2/26/19 4.4 2/26/20 4.2 2/27/21 6.9 2/27/19 3.5 2/27/20 7.4 2/28/21 2.6 2/28/19 3.7 3/3/20 3.1 3/1/18 5.6 3/5/19 3.7 3/4/20 3.7 3/6/18 4.4 3f6/19 4.9 3/5/20 4.3 3/7/18 8.7 3/7/19 4.0 3/10/20 3.1 3/8/18 2.4 3/12/19 4.0 3/11/20 8.1 3/13/18 9.8 3/13/19 3.5 3/12/24 6.6 3/14/18 5.2 3/14/19 5.7 3/17/20 3.6 3/15/18 16.9 3/19/19 4.7 3/18/20 4.5 3/20/18 3.4 3/20/19 2.9 3/19/20 4.3 3/21/18 3.6 3/21/19 5.0 3/24/20 2.8 3/22/18 19.7 3/26/19 2.7 3/25/20 6.0 3/27/18 4.2 3/27/19 5.7 3/26J20 4.4 3/28/18 4.4 3/28/19 3.1 3/31/20 6.9 3/29/18 4.4 4/2/19 2.9 4/1/20 4.1 4/3/18 4.0 4/3/19 3.0 4/2/20 8.8 4/4/18 12.4 4/4/19 3.6 4/7/20 6.9 4/5/18 9.8 4/9/19 3.7 4/8/20 2.8 4/30/18 5.3 4/10/19 2.5 4/9/20 7.6 4/11/18 17.1 4/11/19 3.4 4/14/20 9.1 4/12/18 4.6 4/16/19 2.6 4/15/20 5.1 4/17/18 2.3 4/17/19 2.3 4/16/20 3.8 4/18/18 7.3 4/18/19 3.0 4/21/20 3.4 4/19/18 3.5 4/23/19 5.2 4/22/20 7.0 4/24/18 5.9 4/24/19 2.0 4/23/20 7.9 4/25/18 5.5 4/25/19 2.3 4/28/20 4.9 4/26/18 23.7 4/30/19 4.5 4/29/20 3.5 5/1/18 11.0 5/1/19 6.1 4/30/20 4.6 5/2/18 Si 5/2f19 4.6 5/5/20 5.5 5/3/18 2.1 5/7/3.9 2.8 5/6/20 5.2 5/8/18 4.1 5/8/19 2.4 5/7/20 5.5 5/9/18 4.2 5/9/19 3.7 5/12/20 6.6 5/10/18 2.8 5/14/19 2.9 5/13/20 3.9 5/15/18 3.5 5/15/19 6.1 5/14/20 4.9 5 f 16/18 2.2 5/16/19 2.9 5/19/20 4.5 5/17/18 3.3 5/21/19 5.2 5/20/20 3.1 5/22/18 2.2 5/22/19 6.1 5/21/20 4.6 5/23{18 2.3 5/23/19 3.5 5/26/20 3.1 5/24/18 2.3 5/28/19 2.5 5/27/20 4.1 5/29/18 4.9 5/29/19 7.4 5/28/20 3.3 5/30/18 2.2 5/30/19 3.2 6/2/20 10.2 5/31/18 2.0 6/4/19 6.8 6/3/20 7.3 6/5/18 2.2 6/5/19 6.7 6/4/20 21.2 6/6/18 4.7 6/6/19 4.4 6/9/20 15.9 6/7/18 2.2 6/11/19 2.1 6/10/20 2.0 6/12/18 4.4 6/12/19 2.5 6/11/20 17.5 6/13/18 2.5 6/13/1,9 3.0 6/16/20 2.5 6/14/18 3.2 6/18/19 8.0 6/17/20 7.3 6/19/18 2.2 6/19/19 4.0 6/18/20 20.7 6/20/18 2.2 6/20/19 3.8 6/23/20 13.8 6/21/18 2.7 6/25/19 3.4 6/24/20 2.8 6/26/18 3.4 6/26/19 6.9 6/25/20 3.1 6/27/18 2.0 6/27/10 6.9 6/30/20 2.6 6/28/18 2.0 7f2/19 2.1 7/1/20 2.1 7I2f18 4.7 7/3/19 2.1 7/2/20 3.0 7/3/18 2.3 7/5/19 3.1 7/7/20 2.7 7/5/21 7.7 7/9/19 12.4 7/8/20 3.3 7/10/18 7.4 7/10/19 13.9 7/9/20 2.2 7/11/18 2.8 7/11/19 2.0 7/14/20 3.2 7/12/18 2.2 7/16/19 4.7 7/15/20 2.2 7/17/18 3.7 7/17/19 2.7 7/16/20 2.3 7/18/18 3.4 7/18/19 2.3 7/21/20 4.4 7/19/18 6.9 7/23/19 3.2 7/22/20 2.6 7/24/18 2.9 7/24/19 2.1 7/23/20 2.0 7/25/18 3.5 7/25/19 2.1 7/28/20 3.1 7/26/1$ 3.6 7/30/19 14.0 7/29/20 2.3 7/31/18 3.1 7/31/19 7.9 7/30/20 2.0 8/1/18 3.8 8/1/19 8.0 8/4/20 2.5 8/2/18 5.1 8/6/19 3.8 8/5/20 2.1 8l7/18 2.2 8/7/19 4.0 8/6/20 2.0 8/8/18 8.4 8/8/19 2.5 8/11/20 2.3 8/9/18 2.4 8/13/19 2.0 8/12/20 3.1 8/14/18 2.1 8/14/19 12.3 8/13/20 2.0 8/15/18 2.0 8/15/19 14.7 8/18/20 2.3 8/15/18 2.0 8/20/19 2.4 8/19/20 2.3 8/21/18 2.2 8/21/19 2.3 8/20/20 2.0 8/22/18 2.0 8/22/19 2.1 8/25/20 3.0 8/23/18 2.0 8/27/19 11.7 8/26/20 2.0 8/28/18 2.3 8/28/19 2.1 8/27/20 4.3 8/29/18 2.0 8/29/19 2.0 9/1/20 2.7 8/30/18 2.0 9/3/19 2.2 9/2/20 2.4 9/4/18 2.4 9/4/19 2.5 9/3/20 2.2 9/5/18 9.7 9/5/19 20.7 9/8/20 3.3 9/6/18 2.0 9/10/19 20.5 9/9/20 2.7 9/11/18 2.6 9/11/19 2.1 9/10/20 4.1 9/12/18 3.9 9/12/19 10.3 9/15/20 3.7 9/13/18 6.2 9/17 f 19 23.1 9/16/20 3.4 9/18/18 2.0 9/18/19 16.5 9/17/20 2.1 9/19/18 2.0 9/19/19 2.4 9/22/20 3.8 9/20/18 2.0 9/24/19 9.9 9/23/20 5.3 9/25/18 2.7 9/25/19 2.5 9/24/20 3.0 9/26/1.8 24.3 9/26/19 3.0 9/29/20 4.1 9/27/18 2.2 10/1/19 3.2 9/30/20 3.4 10/2/18 2.3 10/2/19 2.8 10/1/20 5.6 10/3/18 3.5 10/3/19 4.2 10/6/20 3.7 10/4/18 2.0 10/8/19 5.4 10/7/20 4.0 10/9/18 6.9 10/9/19 6.3 10/8/20 3.9 10/10/18 6.2 10/10/19 7.3 10J13/20 3.4 10/11/18 2.2 10/15/19 6.1 10/14/20 2.0 10/16/18 8.5 10/16/19 10.6 10/15/20 25.1 10/17/18 5.7 10/17/19 5.0 10/20/20 4.1 10/18/18 4.6 10/22/19 4.5 10/21/20 5.1 10j23/18 4.6 10/23/19 3.1 10/22/20 3.5 10/24/18 7.4 10/24/19 3.5 10/27/20 4.1 10/25/18 7.1 10/29/19 2.0 10/28/20 4.6 10/30/18 6.7 10/30/19 4.4 10/29/20 3.8 10/31/18 2.2 10/31,/19 3.4 11/3/20 5.7 11/1/18 4.9 11/5/19 5.1 11/4/20 4.3 11/6/18 3.0 11/6/19 6.5 11/5/20 4.6 11/7/18 2.1 11/7/19 22.8 11/10/20 4.9 11/8/18 2.0 11/12/19 7.0 11/11/20 2.0 11/13/18 3.9 11/13/19 4.7 11/12/20 5.0 11/14/18 5.5 11/14/19 5.7 11/17/20 5.1 11/15/18 2.4 11/19/19 5.0 11/18/20 4.4 11/19/21 3.3 11/20/19 5.7 11/19/20 3.0 11/20/18 2.7 11/21/19 6.6 11/23/20 5.3 11/21/21 2.0 11/25/19 3.9 11./24/20 4.8 11/27/18 3.8 11/25/19 3.6 11/25/20 4.2 11/28/18 6.2 11/27/19 8.4 12/1/20 5.4 11/29/18 3.3 12/3/19 3.0 12/2/20 3.4 12/4/18 4.3 12J4/19 6.9 12/3/20 7.0 12/5/18 2.2 12/5/19 4.2 12/8/20 4.9 12/7/18 5.4 12/10/19 3.9 12/9/20 5.1 12/11/18 15.6 12/11/19 2.7 12/10/20 2.0 12/12/18 4.9 12/12/19 2.0 12/15/20 5.5 12/13/18 15.0 12/17/19 9.1 12/16/20 5.7 12/18/18 5.2 12/18/19 2.7 12/17/20 5.3 12/19/18 9.0 12/19/19 2.5 12/21/20 10.8 12/20/18 3.9 12/23/19 7.9 12/22/20 7.4 12/26/18 5.7 12/24/19 9.1 12/23/20 6.5 12/27/18 5.4 12/26/19 5.1 12/29/20 7.4 12/28/18 16.1 12/30/19 9.9 12/30/20 5.2 12/31/18 4.2 12/31/19 6.1 12/31/20 13.8 Arithmatie Mean 5.09 mg/L Monthly Average Limit 30.0 mg/L Target (1/2 Monthly Average Limit) 15.0 mg/L Samples over 200% Monthly Average Limit 0 Freshwater RPA - 95% Probability/95% Confidence Using Metal Translators MAXIMUM DATA POINTS = 58 REQUIRED DATA ENTRY Table 1. Project Information Facility Name WWTP/WTP Class NPDES Permit Outfall Flow, Qw (MGD) Receiving Stream HUC Number Stream Class ❑ CHECK IF HQW OR ORW WQS Maggie Valley WWTP III NC0056561 001 1.000 Jonathans Creek 06010106 C;Tr ❑ Apply WS Hardness WQC 7Q10s (cfs) 7Q1Ow (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) QA (cfs) 23.000 27.00 38.00 110.00 1 Q10s (cfs) 18.97 Effluent Hardness Upstream Hardness Combined Hardness Chronic Combined Hardness Acute 42.53 mg/L (Avg) 27.31 mg/L (Avg) 28.27 mg/L 28.46 mg/L Data Source(s) ❑ CHECK TO APPLY MODEL Table 2. Parameters of Concern Par01 Par02 Par03 Par04 Par05 Par06 Par07 Par08 Par09 Par10 Par11 Par12 Par13 Par14 Par15 Par16 Par17 Par18 Par19 Par20 Par21 Par22 Par23 Par24 Name WQS Type Chronic Modifier Acute PQL Units Arsenic Aquactic Life C 150 FW 340 ug/L Arsenic Human Health Water Supply C 10 HH/WS N/A ug/L Beryllium Aquatic Life NC 6.5 FW 65 ug/L Cadmium Aquatic Life NC 0.6473 FW 3.6275 ug/L Chlorides Aquatic Life NC 230 FW mg/L Chlorinated Phenolic Compounds Water Supply NC 1 A ug/L yTotal Phenolic Compounds Aquatic Life NC 300 A ug/L Chromium III Aquatic Life NC 130.1938 FW 1006.3486 ug/L Chromium VI Aquatic Life NC 11 FW 16 pg/L Chromium, Total Aquatic Life NC N/A FW N/A pg/L Copper Aquatic Life NC 8.7528 FW 11.8309 ug/L Cyanide Aquatic Life NC 5 FW 22 10 ug/L Fluoride Aquatic Life NC 1,800 FW ug/L Lead Aquatic Life NC 3.3776 FW 87.3242 ug/L Mercury Aquatic Life NC 12 FW 0.5 --11 Molybdenum Human Health NC 2000 HH ug/L Nickel Aquatic Life NC 41.3088 FW 374.0196 pg/L Nickel Water Supply NC 25.0000 WS N/A pg/L Selenium Aquatic Life NC 5 FW 56 ug/L Silver Aquatic Life NC 0.06 FW 0.3703 ug/L Zinc Aquatic Life NC 140.6355 FW 140.2832 ug/L 56561 RPA, input 6/16/2021 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS H1 Effluent Hardness Date Data BDL=1/2DL Results 1 10/10/2017 10 10 Std Dev. 2 2/20/2018 36 36 Mean 3 4/10/2018 20 20 C.V. 4 7/10/2018 30 30 n 5 10/9/2018 24 24 10th Per value 6 1/15/2019 30 30 Average Value 7 4/3/2019 < 5 2.5 Max. Value 8 7/9/2019 59 59 9 10/8/2019 80 80 10 1/6/2020 40 40 11 4/7/2020 75 75 12 7/7/2020 65 65 13 10/6/2020 70 70 14 1/12/2021 40 40 15 4/13/2021 100 100 16 4/6/2020 12 12 17 12/10/2019 36 36 18 3/12/2019 36 36 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Use "PASTE SPECIAL - Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 H2 Upstream Hardness 26.7782 42.5278 0.6297 18 11.40 mg/L 42.53 mg/L 100.00 mg/L Date Data BDL=1/2DL Results 1 10/10/2017 32 32 Std Dev. 2 2/20/2018 10 10 Mean 3 4/10/2018 6.1 6.1 C.V. 4 7/10/2018 12 12 n 5 10/9/2018 26 26 10th Per value 6 1/15/2019 30 30 Average Value 7 4/3/2019 < 5 2.5 Max. Value 8 7/9/2019 61 61 9 10/8/2019 14 14 10 1/6/2020 38 38 11 4/7/2020 10 10 12 7/7/2020 16 16 13 10/6/2020 12 12 14 1/12/2021 40 40 15 4/13/2021 100 100 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Use "PASTE SPECIAL. Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 25.5841 27.3067 0.9369 15 7.66 mg/L 27.31 mg/L 100.00 mg/L 56561 RPA, data - 1 - 6/16/2021 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Par01 & Par02 Arsenic Date Data BDL=1/2DL Results 1 3/12/2019 < 10 5 Std Dev. 0.0000 2 12/10/2019 < 10 5 Mean 5.0000 3 4/6/2020 < 10 5 C.V. (default) 0.6000 4 n 3 5 6 Mult Factor = 3.00 7 Max. Value 5.0 ug/L 8 Max. Pred Cw 15.0 ug/L 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Use "PASTE SPECIAL Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 56561 RPA, data - 2 - 6/16/2021 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Par03 Beryllium Date Data BDL=1/2DL Results 1 3/12/2019 < 1 0.5 Std Dev. 2 12/10/2019 < 1 0.5 Mean 3 4/6/2020 < 1 0.5 C.V. (default) 4 n 5 6 Mult Factor = 7 Max. Value 8 Max. Pred Cw 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Use "PASTE SPECIAL. Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 0.0000 0.5000 0.6000 3 3.00 0.50 ug/L 1.50 ug/L Par04 Cadmium Date Data BDL=1/2DL Results 1 3/12/2019 < 1 0.5 Std Dev. 2 12/10/2019 < 1 0.5 Mean 3 4/6/2020 < 1 0.5 C.V. (default) 4 n 5 6 Mult Factor = 7 Max. Value 8 Max. Pred Cw 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Use "PASTE SPECIAL. Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 0.0000 0.5000 0.6000 3 3.00 0.500 ug/L 1.500 ug/L 56561 RPA, data - 3 - 6/16/2021 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Par07 Total Phenolic Compounds Date Data BDL=1/2DL Results 1 3/12/2019 < 5 2.5 Std Dev. 2 12/10/2019 < 5 2.5 Mean 3 4/6/2020 < 5 2.5 C.V. (default) 4 n 5 6 Mult Factor = 7 Max. Value 8 Max. Pred Cw 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Use "PASTE SPECIAL. Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 0.0000 2.5000 0.6000 3 3.00 2.5 ug/L 7.5 ug/L Par10 Chromium, Total Date Data BDL=1/2DL Results 1 3/12/2019 < 5 2.5 Std Dev. 2 12/10/2019 < 5 2.5 Mean 3 4/6/2020 < 5 2.5 C.V. (default) 4 n 5 6 Mult Factor = 7 Max. Value 8 Max. Pred Cw 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Use "PASTE SPECIAL. Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 0.0000 2.5000 0.6000 3 3.00 2.5 pg/L 7.5 pg/L 56561 RPA, data - 4 - 6/16/2021 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Pall Copper Date Data BDL=1/2DL Results 1 3/12/2019 5 5 Std Dev. 2 12/10/2019 8 8 Mean 3 4/6/2020 8 8 C.V. (default) 4 4/11/2017 4 4 n 5 7/18/2017 5 5 6 Mult Factor = 7 Max. Value 8 Max. Pred Cw 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Use "PASTE SPECIAL. Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 1.8708 6.0000 0.6000 5 2.32 8.00 ug/L 18.56 ug/L Par12 Cyanide Date Data BDL=1/2DL Results 1 3/12/2019 < 5 5 Std Dev. 2 12/10/2019 < 5 5 Mean 3 4/6/2020 < 5 5 C.V. (default) 4 n 5 6 Mult Factor = 7 Max. Value 8 Max. Pred Cw 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Use "PASTE SPECIAL. Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 0.0000 5.00 0.6000 3 3.00 5.0 ug/L 15.0 ug/L 56561 RPA, data - 5 - 6/16/2021 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Par14 Lead Date 3/12/2019 < 12/10/2019 < 4/6/2020 < 5 5 5 BDL=1/2DL 2.5 2.5 2.5 Results Std Dev. Mean C.V. (default) n Mult Factor = Max. Value Max. Pred Cw Use "PASTE SPECIAL. Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 0.0000 2.5000 0.6000 3 3.00 2.500 ug/L 7.500 ug/L Par17 & Par18 Nickel Date Data 3/12/2019 < 12/10/2019 < 4/6/2020 < 10 10 10 BDL=1/2DL 5 5 5 Results Std Dev. Mean C.V. (default) n Mult Factor = Max. Value Max. Pred Cw Use "PASTE SF Values" then "I . Maximum points = 5 0.0000 5.0000 0.6000 3 3.00 5.0 15.0 56561 RPA, data - 6 - 6/16/2021 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS )ECIAL COPY" iata 18 Par19 Selenium 1 2 3 4 5 6 pg/L 7 pg/L 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Date Data 3/12/2019 < 12/10/2019 < 4/6/2020 < 10 10 10 BDL=1/2DL 5 5 5 Results Std Dev. Mean C.V. (default) n Mult Factor = Max. Value Max. Pred Cw Use"PASTE SPECIAL -Values then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 Par20 Silver 0.0000 5.0000 0.6000 3 3.00 5.0 ug/L 15.0 ug/L Date Data 3/12/2019 12/10/2019 4/6/2020 4/11/2017 7/18/2017 10/10/2017 2/20/2018 5/22/2018 7/10/2018 10/9/2018 1 /15/2019 4/3/2019 7/9/2019 10/8/2019 1/6/2020 4/7/2020 7/7/2020 10/6/2020 1 /12/2021 4/13/2021 1 1 1 5 5 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BDL=1/2DL 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 Results Std Dev. Mean C.V. n Mult Factor = Max. Value Max. Pred Cw Use "PASTE SPECIAL Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 0.7412 0.8750 0.8471 20 1.51 2.500 ug/L 3.775 ug/L -7- 56561 RPA, data 6/16/2021 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Par21 Zinc Date Data BDL=1/2DL Results 1 3/12/2019 29 29 Std Dev. 2 12/10/2019 71 71 Mean 3 4/6/2020 68 68 C.V. (default) 4 4/11/2017 26 26 n 5 7/18/2017 54 54 6 Mult Factor = 7 Max. Value 8 Max. Pred Cw 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Use "PASTE SPECIAL. Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 21.1967 49.6000 0.6000 5 2.32 71.0 ug/L 164.7 ug/L 56561 RPA, data - 8 - 6/16/2021 Maggie Valley WWTP NC0056561 Freshwater RPA - 95% Probability/95% Confidence Using Metal Translators MAXIMUM DATA POINTS = 58 Qw (MGD) = 1.0000 1Q1OS (cfs) = 18.97 7Q1OS (cfs) = 23.00 7Q1OW (cfs) = 27.00 30Q2 (cfs) = 38.00 Avg. Stream Flow, QA (cfs) = 110.00 Receiving Stream: Jonathans Creek HUC 06010106 WWTP/WTP Class: III IWC% @ 1Q1OS = 7.553606238 IWC% @ 7Q105= 6.313645621 IWC% @ 7Q1OW = 5.429071804 IWC% @ 30Q2 = 3.91908976 IW%C @ QA = 1.38951143 Stream Class: C;Tr Outfall 001 Qw= 1 MGD COMBINED HARDNESS (mg/L) Acute = 28.46 mg/L Chronic = 28.27 mg/L PARAMETER TYPE NC STANDARDS OR EPA CRITERIA _1 m REASONABLE POTENTIAL RESULTS RECOMMENDED ACTION Chronic Standa d Acute n # Det. Max Pred Cw Allowable Cw Arsenic Arsenic C C 150 FW(7Q10s) 340 10 EIH/WS(Qavg) ug/L ug/L 3--- 0 Note: n < 9 Limited data set 15.0 C.V. (default) NO DETECTS Acute (FW): 4,501.2 __ _ _ _ _ ------------------------------- Chronic (FW):2,375.8 Max MDL = 10 ______________________________________ Chronic (HH): 719.7 Max MDL = 10 No RP, Predicted Max < 50% of Allowable Cw - No Monitoring required Beryllium NC 6.5 FW(7Q10s) 65 ug/L 3 0 Note: n < 9 Limited data set 1.50 C.V. (default) NO DETECTS Acute: 860.52 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chronic: 102.95 Max MDL = 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No RP, Predicted Max < 50% of Allowable Cw - No Monitoring required Cadmium NC 0.6473 FW(7Q10s) 3.6275 ug/L 3 0 Note: n < 9 Limited data set 1.500 C.V. (default) NO DETECTS Acute: 48.023 Chronic: 10.253 Max MDL = 1 No RP, Predicted Max < 50% of Allowable Cw - No Monitoring required Total Phenolic Compounds NC 300 A(30Q2) ug/L 3 0 Note: n < 9 Limited data set 7.5 C.V. (default) NO DETECTS Acute: NO WQS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chronic: 7,654.8 Max MDL = 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No RP, Predicted Max < 50% of Allowable Cw - No Monitoring required Chromium III NC 130.1938 FW(7Q10s) 1006.3486 µg/L 0 0 N/A Acute: 13,322.8 --_ _ ---_ _ -Chronic:-2------------------------------- ,062.1 Chromium VI NC 11 FW(7Q10s) 16 µg/L 0 0 N/A Acute: 211.8 --_ _ ----_ _ --174.2-------------------------------- Chronic: Chromium, Total NC µg/L 3 0 Nate! n < 9 Limited data set 7.5 (: V _ (default) NO DETECTS Max reported value = 2.5 Max MDL = 5 a: No monitoring required if all Total Chromium samples are < 5 pg/L or Pred. max for Total Cr is < allowable Cw for Cr VI. Copper NC 8.7528 FW(7Q10s) 11.8309 ug/L 5 5 Note: n < 9 Limited data set 18.56 C.V. (default) Acute: 156.63 ____ _ ____ _ _ _______________________________ Chronic: 138.63 No value > Allowable Cw No RP, Predicted Max < 50% of Allowable Cw - No Monitoring required Cyanide NC 5 FW(7Q10s) 22 10 ug/L 3 0 Note: n < 9 Limited data set 15.0 C.V. (default) NO DETECTS Acute: 291.3 Chronic: 79.2 Max MDL = 10 No RP, Predicted Max < 50% of Allowable Cw - No Monitoring required Page 1 of 2 56561 RPA, rpa 7/22/2021 Maggie Valley WWTP NC0056561 Freshwater RPA - 95% Probability/95% Confidence Using Metal Translators Outfall 001 Qw= 1 MGD Lead NC 3.3776 FW(7Q10s) 87.3242 ug/L 3 0 Note: n < 9 Limited data set 7.500 C.V. (default) NO DETECTS Acute: 1,156.059 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chronic: 53.496 Max MDL = 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No RP, Predicted Max < 50% of Allowable Cw - No Monitoring required Acute (FW): 4,951.5 Nickel NC 41.3088 FW(7Q10s) 374.0196 µg/L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 0 15.0 Chronic (FW): 654.3 No RP, Predicted Max < 50% of Allowable Cw - No Note: n < 9 C.V. (default) Max MDL = 10 Monitoring required Nickel NC 25.0000 WS(7Q10s) µg/L Limited data set NO DETECTS Chronic (WS): 396.0 Max MDL = 10 Acute: 741.4 Selenium NC 5 FW(7Q10s) 56 ug/L 3 0 15.0 ___ _ ______ ____ ___________________________ Note: n < 9 C.V. (default) Chronic: 79.2 No RP, Predicted Max < 50% of Allowable Cw - No Limited data set NO DETECTS Max MDL = 10 Monitoring required Acute: 4.903 Silver NC 0.06 FW(7Q10s) 0.3703 ug/L 20 1 3.775 Chronic: 0.950 5 value(s) > Allowable Cw BPJ; increase monitoring to monthly without addition of limit. One detection @ detection level (1 ug/L) - collect additional samples Acute: 1,857.2 No RP, Predicted Max < 50% of Allowable Cw - No Zinc NC 140.6355 FW(7Q10s) 140.2832 ug/L 5 5 164.7 Monitoring required Note: n < 9 C.V. (default) Chronic: 2,227.5 Limited data set No value > Allowable Cw Page 2 of 2 56561 RPA, rpa 7/22/2021 Permit No. NC0056561 NPDES Implementation of Instream Dissolved Metals Standards - Freshwater Standards The NC 2007-2015 Water Quality Standard (WQS) Triennial Review was approved by the NC Environmental Management Commission (EMC) on November 13, 2014. The US EPA subsequently approved the WQS revisions on April 6, 2016, with some exceptions. Therefore, metal limits in draft permits out to public notice after April 6, 2016 must be calculated to protect the new standards - as approved. Table 1. NC Dissolved Metals Water Quality Standards/Aquatic Life Protection Parameter Acute FW, µg/1 (Dissolved) Chronic FW, µg/1 (Dissolved) Acute SW, µg/1 (Dissolved) Chronic SW, µg/1 (Dissolved) Arsenic 340 150 69 36 Beryllium 65 6.5 --- --- Cadmium Calculation Calculation 40 8.8 Chromium III Calculation Calculation --- --- Chromium VI 16 11 1100 50 Copper Calculation Calculation 4.8 3.1 Lead Calculation Calculation 210 8.1 Nickel Calculation Calculation 74 8.2 Silver Calculation 0.06 1.9 0.1 Zinc Calculation Calculation 90 81 Table 1 Notes: 1. FW= Freshwater, SW= Saltwater 2. Calculation = Hardness dependent standard 3. Only the aquatic life standards listed above are expressed in dissolved form. Aquatic life standards for Mercury and selenium are still expressed as Total Recoverable Metals due to bioaccumulative concerns (as are all human health standards for all metals). It is still necessary to evaluate total recoverable aquatic life and human health standards listed in 15A NCAC 2B.0200 (e.g., arsenic at 10 µg/1 for human health protection; cyanide at 5 µg/L and fluoride at 1.8 mg/L for aquatic life protection). Table 2. Dissolved Freshwater Standards for Hardness -Dependent Metals The Water Effects Ratio (WER) is equal to one unless determined otherwise under 15A NCAC 02B .0211 Subparagraph (11)(d) Metal NC Dissolved Standard, µg/I Cadmium, Acute WER*{1.136672-[ln hardness](0.041838)} • e^{0.9151 [In hardness]-3.1485} Cadmium, Acute Trout waters WER*{1.136672-[ln hardness](0.041838)} • e^{0.9151[In hardness]-3.6236} Cadmium, Chronic WER*{1.101672-[ln hardness](0.041838)} • e^{0.7998[ln hardness]-4.4451} Chromium III, Acute WER*0.316 • e^{0.8190[1n hardness]+3.7256} Chromium III, Chronic WER*0.860 • e^{0.8190[ln hardness]+0.6848} Copper, Acute WER*0.960 • e^{0.9422[ln hardness]-1.700} Copper, Chronic WER*0.960 • e^{0.8545[ln hardness]-1.702} Lead, Acute WER*{1.46203-[ln hardness](0.145712)} • e^{1.273[In hardness]-1.460} Lead, Chronic WER*{1.46203-[ln hardness](0.145712)} • e^{1.273[ln hardness]-4.705} Nickel, Acute WER*0.998 • e^{0.8460[ln hardness]+2.255} Nickel, Chronic WER*0.997 • e^{0.8460[ln hardness]+0.0584} Page 1 of 4 Permit No. NC0056561 Silver, Acute WER*0.85 • e^{1.72[ln hardness]-6.59} Silver, Chronic Not applicable Zinc, Acute WER*0.978 • e^{0.8473[ln hardness]+0.884} Zinc, Chronic WER*0.986 • e^{0.8473[ln hardness]+0.884} General Information on the Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA) The RPA process itself did not change as the result of the new metals standards. However, application of the dissolved and hardness -dependent standards requires additional consideration in order to establish the numeric standard for each metal of concern of each individual discharge. The hardness -based standards require some knowledge of the effluent and instream (upstream) hardness and so must be calculated case -by -case for each discharge. Metals limits must be expressed as `total recoverable' metals in accordance with 40 CFR 122.45(c). The discharge -specific standards must be converted to the equivalent total values for use in the RPA calculations. We will generally rely on default translator values developed for each metal (more on that below), but it is also possible to consider case -specific translators developed in accordance with established methodology. RPA Permitting Guidance/WQBELs for Hardness -Dependent Metals - Freshwater The RPA is designed to predict the maximum likely effluent concentrations for each metal of concern, based on recent effluent data, and calculate the allowable effluent concentrations, based on applicable standards and the critical low -flow values for the receiving stream. If the maximum predicted value is greater than the maximum allowed value (chronic or acute), the discharge has reasonable potential to exceed the standard, which warrants a permit limit in most cases. If monitoring for a particular pollutant indicates that the pollutant is not present (i.e. consistently below detection level), then the Division may remove the monitoring requirement in the reissued permit. 1. To perform a RPA on the Freshwater hardness -dependent metals the Permit Writer compiles the following information: • Critical low flow of the receiving stream, 7Q10 (the spreadsheet automatically calculates the 1Q10 using the formula 1Q10 = 0.843 (s7Q10, cfs) 0.993 • Effluent hardness and upstream hardness, site -specific data is preferred • Permitted flow • Receiving stream classification 2. In order to establish the numeric standard for each hardness -dependent metal of concern and for each individual discharge, the Permit Writer must first determine what effluent and instream (upstream) hardness values to use in the equations. The permit writer reviews DMR's, Effluent Pollutant Scans, and Toxicity Test results for any hardness data and contacts the Permittee to see if any additional data is available for instream hardness values, upstream of the discharge. If no hardness data is available, the permit writer may choose to do an initial evaluation using a default hardness of 25 mg/L (CaCO3 or (Ca + Mg)). Minimum and maximum limits on the hardness value used for water quality calculations are 25 mg/L and 400 mg/L, respectively. If the use of a default hardness value results in a hardness -dependent metal showing reasonable potential, the permit writer contacts the Permittee and requests 5 site -specific effluent and upstream hardness samples over a period of one week. The RPA is rerun using the new data. Page 2 of 4 Permit No. NC0056561 The overall hardness value used in the water quality calculations is calculated as follows: Combined Hardness (chronic) = (Permitted Flow, cfs *Avg. Effluent Hardness, mg/L) + (s7Q10, cfs *Avg. Upstream Hardness, mg/L) (Permitted Flow, cfs + s7Q10, cfs) The Combined Hardness for acute is the same but the calculation uses the 1Q10 flow. 3. The permit writer converts the numeric standard for each metal of concern to a total recoverable metal, using the EPA Default Partition Coefficients (DPCs) or site -specific translators, if any have been developed using federally approved methodology. EPA default partition coefficients or the "Fraction Dissolved" converts the value for dissolved metal at laboratory conditions to total recoverable metal at in -stream ambient conditions. This factor is calculated using the linear partition coefficients found in The Metals Translator: Guidance for Calculating a Total Recoverable Permit Limit from a Dissolved Criterion (EPA 823-B-96-007, June 1996) and the equation: Cdiss = 1 Ctotal 1 + { [Kpo] [Ssl1+a)] [10 6] } Where: ss = in -stream suspended solids concentration [mg/1], minimum of 10 mg/L used, and Kpo and a = constants that express the equilibrium relationship between dissolved and adsorbed forms of metals. A list of constants used for each hardness -dependent metal can also be found in the RPA program under a sheet labeled DPCs. 4. The numeric standard for each metal of concern is divided by the default partition coefficient (or site -specific translator) to obtain a Total Recoverable Metal at ambient conditions. In some cases, where an EPA default partition coefficient translator does not exist (ie. silver), the dissolved numeric standard for each metal of concern is divided by the EPA conversion factor to obtain a Total Recoverable Metal at ambient conditions. This method presumes that the metal is dissolved to the same extent as it was during EPA's criteria development for metals. For more information on conversion factors see the June, 1996 EPA Translator Guidance Document. 5. The RPA spreadsheet uses a mass balance equation to determine the total allowable concentration (permit limits) for each pollutant using the following equation: Ca = (s7Q10 + Qw) (Cwqs) — (s7Q10) (Cb) Qw Where: Ca = allowable effluent concentration (µg/L or mg/L) Cwqs = NC Water Quality Standard or federal criteria (µg/L or mg/L) Cb = background concentration: assume zero for all toxicants except NH3* (µg/L or mg/L) Qw = permitted effluent flow (cfs, match s7Q10) s7Q 10 = summer low flow used to protect aquatic life from chronic toxicity and human health through the consumption of water, fish, and shellfish from noncarcinogens (cfs) * Discussions are on -going with EPA on how best to address background concentrations Flows other than s7Q 10 may be incorporated as applicable: 1Q10 = used in the equation to protect aquatic life from acute toxicity Page 3 of 4 Permit No. NC0056561 QA = used in the equation to protect human health through the consumption of water, fish, and shellfish from carcinogens 30Q2 = used in the equation to protect aesthetic quality 6. The permit writer enters the most recent 2-3 years of effluent data for each pollutant of concern. Data entered must have been taken within four and one-half years prior to the date of the permit application (40 CFR 122.21). The RPA spreadsheet estimates the 95th percentile upper concentration of each pollutant. The Predicted Max concentrations are compared to the Total allowable concentrations to determine if a permit limit is necessary. If the predicted max exceeds the acute or chronic Total allowable concentrations, the discharge is considered to show reasonable potential to violate the water quality standard, and a permit limit (Total allowable concentration) is included in the permit in accordance with the U.S. EPA Technical Support Document for Water Quality -Based Toxics Control published in 1991. 7. When appropriate, permit writers develop facility specific compliance schedules in accordance with the EPA Headquarters Memo dated May 10, 2007 from James Hanlon to Alexis Strauss on 40 CFR 122.47 Compliance Schedule Requirements. 8. The Total Chromium NC WQS was removed and replaced with trivalent chromium and hexavalent chromium Water Quality Standards. As a cost savings measure, total chromium data results may be used as a conservative surrogate in cases where there are no analytical results based on chromium III or VI. In these cases, the projected maximum concentration (95th %) for total chromium will be compared against water quality standards for chromium III and chromium VI. 9. Effluent hardness sampling and instream hardness sampling, upstream of the discharge, are inserted into all permits with facilities monitoring for hardness -dependent metals to ensure the accuracy of the permit limits and to build a more robust hardness dataset. 10. Hardness and flow values used in the Reasonable Potential Analysis for this permit included: Parameter Value Comments (Data Source) Average Effluent Hardness (mg/L) [Total as, CaCO3 or (Ca+Mg)] 42.53 Based on DMR values Average Upstream Hardness (mg/L) [Total as, CaCO3 or (Ca+Mg)] 27.31 Based on DMR values 7Q10 summer (cfs) 23.0 NPDES Files 1Q10 (cfs) 18.97 Calculated in RPA Permitted Flow (MGD) 1.0 NPDES Files Date: 6/16/2021 Permit Writer: Nick Coco Page 4 of 4 NC0056561 Maggie Valley WWTP 6/16/2021 BOD monthly removal rate Month RR (%) Month RR (%) April-17 May-17 June-17 July-17 August-17 September-17 October-17 November-17 December-17 January-18 February-18 March-18 April-18 May-18 June-18 July-18 August-18 September-18 October-18 November-18 December-18 January-19 February-19 March-19 April-19 May-19 June-19 July-19 August-19 September-19 96.99 97.50 98.70 97.75 99.08 98.72 98.18 97.76 97.82 96.85 96.04 96.21 95.48 98.29 99.08 98.56 99.05 98.28 98.53 98.36 96.23 96.33 97.83 97.12 97.91 97.67 98.78 98.55 98.28 97.16 October-19 November-19 December-19 January-20 February-20 March-20 April-20 May-20 June-20 July-20 August-20 September-20 October-20 November-20 December-20 January-21 February-21 March-21 April-21 May-21 June-21 July-21 August-21 September-21 October-21 November-21 December-21 January-22 February-22 March-22 Overall BOD removal rate 98.40 97.27 97.25 97.05 97.39 98.88 98.64 98.12 97.37 99.18 99.01 99.08 98.03 98.99 98.08 98.67 97.17 98.64 98.89 97.94 TSS monthly removal rate Month RR (%) Month RR (%) April-17 May-17 June-17 July-17 August-17 September-17 October-17 November-17 December-17 January-18 February-18 March-18 April-18 May-18 June-18 July-18 August-18 September-18 October-18 November-18 December-18 January-19 February-19 March-19 April-19 May-19 June-19 July-19 August-19 September-19 95.86 96.02 98.39 98.38 99.14 98.69 98.05 96.46 94.36 91.30 94.51 95.06 95.88 97.15 98.93 98.85 99.02 98.79 99.21 97.76 93.97 94.40 95.23 94.38 96.43 97.92 99.43 99.20 99.32 99.50 October-19 November-19 December-19 January-20 February-20 March-20 April-20 May-20 June-20 July-20 August-20 September-20 October-20 November-20 December-20 January-21 February-21 March-21 April-21 May-21 June-21 July-21 August-21 September-21 October-21 November-21 December-21 January-22 February-22 March-22 Overall TSSD removal rate 98.07 97.61 98.00 94.33 96.88 98.89 98.34 98.26 99.15 99.24 99.03 98.99 98.03 98.65 97.66 98.13 98.04 98.86 99.03 97.49 NH3/TRC WLA Calculations Facility: Maggie Valley WWTP PermitNo. NC0056561 Prepared By: Nick Coco Enter Design Flow (MGD): Enter s7Q10 (cfs): Enter w7Q10 (cfs): 1 23 27 Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) Daily Maximum Limit (ug/I) s7Q10 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 1 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 1.55 STREAM STD (UG/L) 17.0 Upstream Bkgd (ug/I) 0 IWC (%) 6.31 Allowable Conc. (ug/l) 269 Cap at 28 ug/L. Same as current limit. Limit maintained. Fecal Coliform Monthly Average Limit: (If DF >331; Monitor) (If DF<331; Limit) Dilution Factor (DF) 23 Ammonia (Summer) Monthly Average Limit (mg NH3-N/I) s7Q10 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (MG/L) Upstream Bkgd (mg/I) IWC (%) Allowable Conc. (mg/I) 23 1 1.55 1.0 0.22 6.31 12.6 More stringent than current. Add limit. Ammonia (Winter) Monthly Average Limit (mg NH3-N/I) w7Q10 (CFS) 27 200/100m1 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 1 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 1.55 STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.8 15.84 Upstream Bkgd (mg/I) 0.22 IWC (%) 5.43 Allowable Conc. (mg/I) 29.3 Year-round limits. Apply summer limits. Total Residual Chlorine 1. Cap Daily Max limit at 28 ug/I to protect for acute toxicity Ammonia (as NH3-N) 1. If Allowable Conc > 35 mg/I, Monitor Only 2. Monthly Avg limit x 3 = Weekly Avg limit (Municipals) 3. Monthly Avg limit x 5 = Daily Max limit (Non-Munis) If the allowable ammonia concentration is > 35 mg/L, no limit shall be imposed Fecal Coliform 1. Monthly Avg limit x 2 = 400/100 ml = Weekly Avg limit (Municipals) = Daily Max limit (Non -Muni) 6/3/21 WQS = 12 ng/L Facility Name Maggie Valley WWTP/NC0056561 /Permit No. : MERCURY WQBEL/TBEL EVALUATION V:2013-6 Total Mercury 1631E PQL = 0.5 ng/L 7Q10s = Date Modifier Data Entry Value Permitted Flow = 3/12/19 2.71 12/10/19 1.83 4/6/20 2.38 2.71 1.83 2.38 No Limit Required No MMP Required 23.000 1.000 cfs WQBEL = 190.06 ng/L 47 ng/L 2.3 ng/L - Annual Average for 2019 2.4 ng/L - Annual Average for 2020 Maggie Valley WWTP/NC0056561 Mercury Data Statistics (Method 1631E) 2019 2020 # of Samples 2 1 Annual Average, ng/L 2.3 2.4 Maximum Value, ng/L 2.71 2.38 TBEL, ng/L 47 WQBEL, ng/L 190.1 Earth Environmental Services Iurphy, NC Name and Address of Iac lity Town of Maggie Valley 3987 Soco Road Maggie Valley, NC 871 Att; Mike Mehaffey Earth Environmental 75 Bison Lane Murphy, NC 28906 828-837-9543 (office) 828-644-4835 (lab) Lab ID# 352 Report Date 6/9/2021 Date and Time Received 71712020 10:25 AM Date and Time Sampled 7/7/2020 Effluent 8:00 AM Upstream 7:50 AM Sampler MIKE MEHAFFEY AMENDED REPORT FOR J-FLAG ON SILVER F04 7/7/2020 Test SILVER TOTAL PHOSPHOROUS TOTAL NITROGEN HARDNESS Effluent Sample Time Report Limit 1 8:00 2.1 .98 65 8:00 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 0.5 0.050 0.500 Units ug/L mg/L Date Method Analyzed Analyst EPA 2_8 7/15120 I TLT EPA 200.7 71/20 AND mg/L S 500-I O H 7 16/20 5.0 mg/L SM340 C 7/11/20 LKH BSC Test HARDNESS Upstream 16 Sample Time Report Limit 7:50 AM 5.0 Lab Supervisor: Wanda G, Ladd; EES - Murphy Certified By: Units Date Method Analyzed Analyst mg/L I SM2340 C 7/11/20 BSC Rogers &Ca[Lcott ENVIRONMENTAL Environmental Testing Solutions 351 Depot St. Asheville, NC 28801-4310 Project: Work Order: Reported: Sample Number 0070581-05 Sample Description Earth Environmental Services ft0720061vIVE collected on 07/07/ 08:00 Parameter Result General Chemistry Parameters Nitrate -Nitrite as N Total Kjeldaht Nitrogen Total Nitrogen TKI +Nitrate+Nitrite) Total Phosphorus as P Total Metals Silver PO Box 5655 0610812021 10:23 5.53 1.45 6.98 2.1 Reporting Limit 0.50 0.10 0.500 0.050 MDL L Units DF Analyzed 0.40 O.i0 0.397 0.023 Earth Environmental Services 0070581 06/08/21 10:23 Method Flag Analyst Batch m tL 5.00 07/13/20 '4:46 mgJL 1.00 07/16/20 12:49 m /L 5.00 07/16/20 12:49 ► iL 5.00 07/13/20 09:15 Ski 4500No3 -201 i EPA 351.2 Calculation SM 4500PE-2011 0.001 0.001 0,0005 mgei 1.00 07/15/20 12:09 EPA 200.8 Greenville, SC 29606 1 426 Fairforest Way Greenville, SC 29607 ELN LICH LKC ANB B0G0492 B0G0626 [CALCI BOG0571 TIT F30 i0512 main 8-64.232.1556 fax 864.232.6140 rogersandcalicott.com an employee -owned company TPage 5 of 12 This report may not be reproduced, except in fill, without written permission from Rogers & aJ1cott, Inc. Permit No. ,4/2ooji6 ( Outfall 4°- / Annual Monitoring and Pollutant Scan Month i"Ikrd k Year Facility Name: Town of Maggie Valley WWTP Date of sampling: 3 / 12 /2019 Analytical Laboratory: Earth Environmental Services; Environmental Testing Solutions; Rogers & Callcott ,e or; alai: ORC: Mike McHaffey Phone: 828-926-4 36I Parameter 8 in Ie p Type . ibi algxtcal Method Quaittxtation Level S le p Result , .a o IJruts`af Measurement Number of samples Ammonia (as N) Composite SM4500NH3F 0.1 0.1 mg/1 1 Dissolved oxygen Composite SM4500-0 G 0.1 7.2 mg/1 1 Nitrate/Nitrite Composite SM4500-NO3F 1.00 5.74 mg/1 1 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen Composite 351.2 0.10 1.20 mg/1 1 Total Phosphorus Composite SM4500-P-F 0.020 1.3 mg/1 1 Total dissolved solids Composite SM2540 C 10 144.5 mg/1 1 Hardness Composite 200.7 5.0 36 mg/1 1 Chlorine (total residual, TRC) Grab SM 4500 CL G 0.013 < 0.013 mg/1 1 Oil and grease Grab 1664A 5.0 ND mg/1 1 'Metals (total recoverable), cyanide and.total phenol Antimony Composite 200.8 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Arsenic Composite 200.8 10.0 ND ug/1 1 Beryllium Composite 200.8 1.0 ND ug/1 1 Cadmium Composite 200.8 1.0 ND ug/1 1 Chromium Composite 200.8 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Copper Composite 200.8 2.0 5.0 ug/1 1 Lead Composite 200.8 5,0 ND ug/1 1 Mercury Composite 1631 E 0.500 2.71 ng/L 1 Nickel Composite 200.8 10.0 ND ug/1 1 Selenium Composite 200.8 10.0 ND ug/1 1 Silver Composite 200.8 1.0 ND ug/1 1 Thallium Composite 200.8 0.5 ND ug/1 1 Zinc Composite 200.8 10.0 29 ug/1 1 Cyanide Grab SM4500 CN-E 0.005 ND mg/1 1 Total phenolic compounds Grab 420.1 0.005 ND mg/1 1 Volatile organic compounds Acrolein Grab 624 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Acrylonitrile Grab 624 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Benzene Grab 624 2.0 ND ugh 1 1 Bromoform Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 _ 1 Carbon tetrachloride Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Chlorobenzene Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Chlorodibromomethane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Chloroethane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 2-chloroethylvinyl ether Grab 624 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Chloroform Grab 624 2.0 4.0 ug/1 1 Dichlorobromomethane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,1-dichloroetha.ne Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,2-dichloroethane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Trans-1,2-dichloroethylene Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Form - DMR- PPA-1 Page 1 �1/G� 00 S6S�� Annual Monitoring and Pollutant Scan Permit No. / Outfall ' ( Month 476 !� Year c<ZD / Parameter Sample Type Analytical Method Quantitation Level Sample Result Units of Measurement Number of samples Volat)le organic compounds {Cant.] 1,1-dichloroethylene Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,2-dichloropropane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,3-dichioropropylene Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Ethylbenzene Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Methyl bromide Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Methyl chloride Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Methylene chloride Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Tetrachloroethylene Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Toluene Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,1,1-trichloroethane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,1,2-trichloroethane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Trichloroethylene Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Vinyl chloride Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Acid -extractable compounds P-chloro-m-creso Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2-chlorophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,4-dichlorophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,4-dimethylphenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,4-dinitrophenol Grab 625 20.0 ND ug/1 1 2-nitrophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 4-nitrophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Pentachlorophenol Grab 625 10.0 ND ug/1 1 Phenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,4,6-trichlorophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Base -neutral compounds Acenaphthene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Acenaphthylene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Anthracene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Benzidine Grab 625 80 ND ug/1 1 Benzo(a)anthracene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Benzo(a)pyrene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 3,4 benzofluoranthene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Benzo(ghi)perylene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Bis (2-chloroethoxy) methane Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Bis (2-chloroethyl) ether Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Bis (2-chloroisopropyl) ether Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 4-bromophenyl phenyl ether Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2-chloronaphthalene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Form - DMR- PPA-1 Page 2 Permit No. /1ICD3'4 ( Outfall # / Annual Monitoring and Pollutant Scan Month %/ - Year gel( 4-chlorophenyl phenyl ether Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Parameter Sample Type Allitilyti6id Method QiiantitatiOn Level Sample Result Units -Of Measurement Number of samples Base -neutral compounds (cunt.) Chrysene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Di-n-butyl phthalate Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Di-n-octyl phthalate Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 1,2-dichlorobenzene Grab 625 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,3-dichlorobenzene Grab 625 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,4-dichlorobenzene Grab 625 2.0 ND ug/1 1 3,3-dichlorobenzidine Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Diethyl phthalate Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Dimethyl phthalate Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,4-dinitrotoluene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,6-dinitrotoluene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 1,2-diphenylhydrazine Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Fluoranthene Grab 625 5.0 ND ugh 1 Fluorene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Hexachlorobenzene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Hexachlorobutadiene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Hexachlorocyclo-pentadiene Grab 625 5.0 - ND ug/1 1 Hexachloroethane Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Isophorone Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Naphthalene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Nitrobenzene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 N-nitrosodimethylamine Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 N-nitrosodiphenylamine Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Phenanthrene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Pyrene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 1,2,4,-trichlorobenzene Grab 625 2.0 ND ug/1 1 I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with a system to design to assure that qualified perdonnel properly gather and evaluat the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons that manage the system, or those persons directly responsibel for gathering the information, the information submitted is , to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. /V!' l!>--7 Authorized Representative name Si: - ture Q1441/. j . Form - DMR- PPA-1 Page 3 �Annual Monitoring and Pollutant Scan Permit No. 4.1 Oc 2J '5 a( Outfall % Month D Year alory Facility Name: Town of Maggie Valley WWTP ORC: Mike Mehaffey Date of sampling: 12/10/2019 Phone: 828-926-7970 Analytical Laboratory: Earth Environmental Services; Environmental Testing Solutions; Rogers & Callcott parameter Sample Type i 1yti-Al Method Q QUEintitatton Level Sample Result Units of Measurement Nunkbe of samples Ammonia (as N) Composite SM4500NH3F 0.1 0.2 mg/1 1 Dissolved oxygen Composite SM4500-0 G 0.1 5.96 mg/1 1 Nitrate/Nitrite Composite SM4500-NO3F 1.00 9.57 mg/1 1 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen Composite 351.2 1.00 ND mg/1 1 Total Phosphorus Composite SM4500-P-F 0.020 2.6 mg/1 1 Total dissolved solids Composite SM2540 C 20 170 mg/1 1 Hardness Composite 200.7 5.0 36 mg/1 1 Chlorine (total residual, TRC) Grab SM 4500 CL G 0.013 ND mg/1 1 Oil and grease Grab 1664A 5.0 ND mg/1 1 Metals (total recoverable), cyanide and total phenols Antimony Composite 200.8 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Arsenic Composite 200.8 10.0 ND ug/1 1 Beryllium Composite 200.8 1.0 ND ug/1 1 Cadmium Composite 200.8 1.0 ND ug/1 1 Chromium Composite 200.8 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Copper Composite 200.8 2.0 8.0 ug/1 1 Lead Composite 200.8 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Mercury Composite 1631 E 0.500 1.83 ng/L 1 Nickel Composite 200.8 10.0 ND ug/1 1 Selenium Composite 200.8 10.0 ND ug/1 1 Silver Composite 200.8 1.0 ND ug/1 1 Thallium Composite 200.8 0.5 ND ug/1 1 Zinc Composite 200.8 10.0 71 ug/1 1 Cyanide Grab SM4500 CN-E 0.005 ND mg/1 1 Total phenolic compounds Grab 420.1 0.005 ND mg/1 1 Volatile organic compounds Acrolein Grab 624 10.0 ND ug/1 1 Acrylonitrile Grab 624 10.0 ND ug/1 1 Benzene Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 Bromoform Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 Carbon tetrachloride Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 Chlorobenzene Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 Chlorodibromomethane Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 Chioroethane Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 2-chloroethylvinyl ether Grab 624 10.0 ND ug/1 1 Chloroform Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 Dichlorobromomethane Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 1,1-dichloroethane Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 1,2-dichloroethane Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 Trans-1,2-dichloroethylene Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 Form - DMR- PPA-1 Page 1 Permit No. -41C40515 Outfall / Annual Monitoring and Pollutant Scan Month Ile. Year OD/ r Parameter Sample Type Analytical Method Quantitation Level Sample Result Units of Measurement Number of samples Volatile organic compounds (Cont,) 1,1-dichloroethylene Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 1,2-dichloropropane Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 1,3-dichloropropylene Grab 624 2.0 ND . ug/1 1 Ethylbenzene Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 Methyl bromide Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 Methyl chloride Grab 624 4.0 ND ugh 1 1 Methylene chloride Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 Tetrachloroethylene Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 Toluene Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 1,1,1-trichloroethane Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 1,1,2-trichloroethane Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 Trichloroethylene Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 Vinyl chloride Grab 624 4.0 ND ug/1 1 ;Acid -extractable compounds P-chloro-m-creso Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2-chlorophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,4-dichlorophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,4-dimethylphenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,4-dinitrophenol Grab 625 10.0 ND ug/1 1 2-nitrophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 4-nitrophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Pentachlorophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Phenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,4,6-trichlorophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Base -neutral compounds Acenaphthene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Acenaphthylene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Anthracene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Benzidine Grab 625 80 ND ug/1 1 Benzo(a)anthracene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Benzo(a)pyrene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 3,4 benzofluoranthene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Benzo(ghi)perylene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Bis (2-chloroethoxy) methane Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Bis (2-chloroethyl) ether Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Bis (2-chloroisopropyl) ether Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate Grab 625 10.0 ND ug/1 1 4-bromophenyl phenyl ether Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2-chloronaphthalene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Form - DMR- PPA-1 Page 2 Permit No. Ale de 510 I Outfall t Annual Monitoring and Pollutant Scan Month �-�G-- Year o2D /q 4-chlorophenyl phenyl ether Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Parameter Sample Type Analytical Method Quantitation Level Sample Result Units of Measurement Number of samples Base -neutral compounds (cont.) Chrysene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Di-n-butyl phthalate Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Di-n-octyl phthalate Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 1,2-dichlorobenzene Grab 625 4.0 ND ug/1 1 1,3-dichlorobenzene Grab 625 4.0 ND ug/1 1 1,4-dichlorobenzene Grab 625 4.0 ND ug/1 1 3,3-dichlorobenzidine Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Diethyl phthalate Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Dimethyl phthalate Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,4-dinitrotoluene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,6-dinitrotoluene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 1,2-diphenylhydrazine Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Fluoranthene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Fluorene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Hexachlorobenzene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Hexachlorobutadiene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Hexachlorocyclo-pentadiene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Hexachloroethane Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Isophorone Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Naphthalene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Nitrobenzene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 N-nitrosodimethylamine Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 N-nitrosodiphenylamine Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Phenanthrene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Pyrene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 1,2,4,-trichlorobenzene Grab 625 2.0 ND ug/1 1 I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with a system to design to assure that qualified perdonnel properly gather and evaluat the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons that manage the system, or those persons directly responsibel for gathering the information, the information submitted is , to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. 4.‘"? (...411( Authorized Representative name ature 1 Zl2v2o Date Form - DMR- PPA-1 Page 3 Permit No. .Nb DDf 7 ( Outfall Annual Monitoring and Pollutant Scan Month Year Facility Name: Town of Maggie Valley WWTP Date of sampling: 4/6/2020 Analytical Laboratory: Earth Environmental Services; Environmental Testing Solutions; Rogers & Callcott ORC: Mike Mehaffey Phone: 828-926-7970 Parameter Sample Type Analytical Method Qua ntitation Level Sample Result Units of Measurement Number of samples Ammonia (as N) Composite SM4500NH3F 0.1 0.2 mg/1 1 Dissolved oxygen Composite SM4500-0 G 0.1 6.58 mg/1 1 Nitrate/Nitrite Composite SM4500-NO3F 1.00 11.6 mg/1 1 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen Composite 351.2 1.00 ND mg/1 1 Total Phosphorus Composite SM4500-P-F 0.020 3.4 mg/1 1 Total dissolved solids Composite SM2540 C 20 170 mg/1 1 Hardness Composite 200.7 5.0 12 mg/1 1 Chlorine (total residual, TRC) Grab SM 4500 CL G 0.013 ND mg/1 1 Oil and grease . Grab 1664A 5.0 ND mg/1 1 metals (total recoverable), cyanide and total phenols Antimony Composite 200.8 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Arsenic Composite 200.8 10.0 ND ug/1 1 Beryllium Composite 200.8 1.0 ND ug/1 1 Cadmium Composite 200.8 1.0 ND ug/1 1 Chromium Composite 200.8 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Copper Composite 200.8 2.0 8.0 ug/1 1 Lead Composite 200.8 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Mercury Composite 1631 E 0.500 2.38 ng/L 1 Nickel Composite 200.8 10.0 ND ug/1 1 Selenium Composite 200.8 10.0 ND ug/1 1 Silver Composite 200.8 1.0 ND ug/1 1 Thallium Composite 200.8 0.5 ND ug/1 1 Zinc Composite 200.8 10.0 68 ug/1 1 Cyanide Grab SM4500 CN-E 0.005 ND mg/1 1 Total phenolic compounds Grab 420.1 0.005 ND mg/1 1 Volatile organic compounds Acrolein Grab 624 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Acrylonitrile Grab 624 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Benzene Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Bromoform Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Carbon tetrachloride Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Chlorobenzene Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Chlorodibromomethane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Chloroethane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 2-chloroethylvinyl ether Grab 624 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Chloroform Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Dichlorobromomethane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,1-dichloroethane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,2-dichloroethane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Trans-1,2-dichloroethylene Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Form - DMR- PPA-1 Page 1 Permit No. ,/1/(e!J[%S . (p f Outfall I Annual Monitoring and Pollutant Scan Month Year 0,2.�i gample Analytical Parameter I Type Method j Quan on ! Level p e Result too Measurement umber of samples IVolatile organic compounds (Cont.) 1,1-dichloroethylene Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,2-dichloropropane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,3-dichloropropylene Grab 624 1.0 ND ug/1 1 Ethylbenzene Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Methyl bromide Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Methyl chloride Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Methylene chloride Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Tetrachloroethylene Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Toluene Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,1,1-trichloroethane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1, 1 ,2-trichloroethane Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Trichloroethylene Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 Vinyl chloride Grab 624 2.0 ND ug/1 1 :Acid -extractable compounds P-chloro-m-creso Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2-chlorophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,4-dichlorophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,4-dimethylphenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,4-dinitrophenol Grab 625 10.0 ND • ug/1 1 2-nitrophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 4-nitrophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Pentachlorophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Phenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,4,6-trichlorophenol Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 )Base -neutral compounds Acenaphthene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Acenaphthylene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Anthracene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Benzidine Grab 625 80 ND ug/1 1 Benzo(a)anthracene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Benzo(a)pyrene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 3,4 benzofluoranthene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Benzo(ghi)perylene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Bis (2-chloroethoxy) methane Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Bis (2-chloroethyl) ether Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Bis (2-chloroisopropyl) ether Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate Grab 625 10.0 ND ug/1 1 4-bromophenyl phenyl ether Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2-chloronaphthalene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Form - DMR- PPA-1 Page 2 Permit No. „l/et sas'f Outfall Annual Monitoring and Pollutant Scan Month Year 4-chlorophenyl phenyl ether Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Parameter Sample Tape Analytical Method Quantitatlon Level Sample Result I Units of 1 Measurement Number of samples Base -neutral compounds (cent 1 Chrysene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Di-n-butyl phthalate Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Di-n-octyl phthalate Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 1,2-dichlorobenzene Grab 625 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,3-dichlorobenzene Grab 625 2.0 ND ug/1 1 1,4-dichlorobenzene Grab 625 2.0 ND ug/1 1 3,3-dichlorobenzidine Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Diethyl phthalate Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Dimethyl phthalate Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,4-dinitrotoluene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 2,6-dinitrotoluene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 1,2-diphenylhydrazine Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Fluoranthene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Fluorene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/ 1 1 Hexachlorobenzene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Hexachlorobutadiene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Hexachlorocyclo-pentadiene Grab 625 10.0 ND ug/1 1 Hexachloroethane Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Isophorone Grab 625. 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Naphthalene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Nitrobenzene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 N-nitrosodimethylamine Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 N-nitrosodiphenylamine Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/1 1 Phenanthrene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/l 1 Pyrene Grab 625 5.0 ND ug/l 1 1,2,4,-trichlorobenzene Grab 625 2.0 ND ug/1 1 I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with a system to design to assure that qualified perdonnel properly gather and evaluat the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons that manage the system, or those persons directly responsibel for gathering the information, the information submitted is , to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. �1' Authorized Representative name Sign Date Form - DMR- PPA-1 Page 3 Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing and Self Monitoring Summary Magellan Terminal Holdings- Charlotte NC0005185/006 County: Mecklenburg Region: MRO Basin: CTB34 Fthd24Ac Begin: 10/1/2015 24hr ac monit epis NonComp: 7Q10: 0.0 PF: NA IWC: 100 Freq: A J F M A M J J A S 2017 >100 2018 - - >100 2019 - >100 2020 - - >100 0 SOC JOC: N D Magellan Terminal Holdings Greensboro NC0074578/002 County: Guilford Region: WSRO Basin: CPF08 Jan Apr Jul Oct Fthd24PF Begin: 1/1/2017 Acu Fthd 24hr PF Lim NonComp: 7Q10: 0.0 PF: 0.006 IWC: 100 Freq: A J F M A M J J A S 2017 >100 - - - 2018 >100 - 2019 >100 - 2020 >100 2021 Pass - >100 - - - Magellan Terminal Holdings-G'boro NC0003671/001 County: Guilford Region: WSRO Basin: CPF02 Jan Apr Jul Oct Fthd24PF Begin: 1/1/2017 Acu Fthd 24hr PF: 90 NonComp: 7Q10: 0.0 PF: NA IWC: 100 Freq: A J F M A M J J A S 2017 >100 - - - - 2018 >100 - - 2019 >100 - - - 2020 - - - Magellan Terminals - Charlotte/Souther NC0074705/001 County: Mecklenburg Region: MRO Fthd24Ac Begin: 9/1/2015 24hr LC50 ac monit e NonComp: 7Q10: 0 J F M A M J 2017 - - >100 2018 - - >100 2019 - - - >100 2020 - - - >100 0 0 SOC JOC: N D SOC JOC: N D Pass Basin: CTB34 PF: 0 IWC: 100 Freq: A J A S 0 SOC_JOC: N D Maggie Valley WWTP NC0056561/001 County: Haywood Region: ARO Basin: FRB05 Jan Apr Jul Oct SOC __IOC: Ceri7dPF Begin: 9/1/2017 chr lim: 6% NonComp: Single 7Q10: 23.0 PF: 1.0 IWC: 6.3 Freq: Q J F M A M J J A S 0 N D 2017 Pass >24(P) >24(P) Pass Pass Pass - Pass 2018 Pass - - Pass Pass Pass 2019 Pass - - Pass Pass 17(P) Pass 2020 >24(P) Pass - - >24(P) Pass - - Pass >24(P) - Pass - 2021 Pass - - Pass - - - - Leeend: P. Fathead minnow (Pimohales oromelas). H=No Flow (facility is active). s = Solit test between Certified Labs Page 70 of 120 MONITORING REPORT(MR) VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 05/28/21 Page 1 of 1 Permit: NC0056561 MRs Betweei 4 - 2017 and 4 - 2021 Facility Name: % Param Nam( % Major Minor: Region: % Violation Category:Limit Violation Program Category: % County: % Subbasin:% Violation Action: % PERMIT: NC0056561 FACILITY: Town of Maggie Valley - Maggie Valley WWTP COUNTY: Haywood REGION: Asheville Limit Violation MONITORING UNIT OF OUTFALL LOCATION PARAMETER VIOLATION FREQUENCY REPORT DATE MEASURE LIMIT CALCULATED VALUE Over VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 10-2019 001 Effluent Coliform, Fecal MF, MFC 10/19/19 3 X week #/100m1 400 432.47 8.1 Weekly Geometric Mean Proceed to NOD Broth, 44.5 C Exceeded United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA Washington, D.C. 20460 Water Compliance Inspection Report Form Approved. OMB No. 2040-0057 Approval expires 8-31-98 Section A: National Data System Coding (i.e., PCS) Transaction Code NPDES yr/mo/day Inspection 1 IN I 2 LI 3 I NC0056561 111 121 21/09/23 117 Type 181OI IIIIIIIIIII Inspector Fac Type 'PI 2011 21111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIII P6 Inspection Work Days Facility Self -Monitoring Evaluation Rating B1 QA Reserved 671I 761I 711 I 72 I N I 73 I 74 71 I I I I I I I I 180 Section B: Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected (For Industrial Users discharging to POTW, also include POTW name and NPDES permit Number) Maggie Valley WWTP U S Hwy 276 N Maggie Valley NC 28751 Entry Time/Date 10:00AM 21/09/23 Permit Effective Date 17/09/01 Exit Time/Date 12:00PM 21/09/23 Permit Expiration Date 21/03/31 Name(s) of Onsite Representative(s)/Titles(s)/Phone and Fax Number(s) /// Michael Lee Mehaffey/ORC/828-400-9494/ Seth Lewis Boyd/// Other Facility Data Name, Address of Responsible Official/Title/Phone and Fax Number Contacted Michael Lee Mehaffey,3987 Soco Rd Maggie Valley NC 28751 //828-926-0866/8289263576 No Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection (Check only those areas evaluated) Permit Flow Measurement Operations & Maintenar Records/Reports Sludge Handling DispoPollution Prevention Facility Site Review Effluent/Receiving Wate Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) (See attachment summary) Name(s) and Signature(s) of Inspector(s) Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date Timothy H Heim DWR/ARO WQ/828-296-4665/ Signature of Management Q A Reviewer Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date EPA Form 3560-3 (Rev 9-94) Previous editions are obsolete. Page# 1 31 NPDES yr/mo/day NC0056561 111 121 21/09/23 I17 Inspection Type 18 LI (Cont.) 1 Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) Tim Heim of the Asheville Regional Office performed a Compliance Inspection of Facility on September 23, 2021. Mike Mehaffey (PWD & ORC), Seth Boyd (BORC) and Jordan Davis assisted with the inspection. The facility appeared well maintained and operated at the time of the inspection, and in compliance with Permit NC0056561. The following items were noted at the time of the inspection: The only access road to the facility is experiencing significant erosion during flood events and the streambank supporting the road has the potential to become unstable. Access to the facility is critical and must be maintained. It is recommended that a professional engineer with appropriate experience be contacted to address this issue. The Asheville Regional Office may be able to assist with permitting and technical information. Page# 2 Permit: NC0056561 Inspection Date: 09/23/2021 Owner - Facility: Maggie Valley WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Operations & Maintenance Yes No NA NE Is the plant generally clean with acceptable housekeeping? • El El El Does the facility analyze process control parameters, for ex: MLSS, MCRT, Settleable II ❑ ❑ ❑ Solids, pH, DO, Sludge Judge, and other that are applicable? Comment: Permit Yes No NA NE (If the present permit expires in 6 months or less). Has the permittee submitted a new El ❑ ▪ ❑ application? Is the facility as described in the permit? • El El El # Are there any special conditions for the permit? El • El El Is access to the plant site restricted to the general public? • El ❑ ❑ Is the inspector granted access to all areas for inspection? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Aerobic Digester Is the capacity adequate? Is the mixing adequate? Is the site free of excessive foaming in the tank? # Is the odor acceptable? # Is tankage available for properly waste sludge? Comment: Yes No NA NE • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ Bar Screens Yes No NA NE Type of bar screen a.Manual ❑ b.Mechanical • Are the bars adequately screening debris? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the screen free of excessive debris? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Is disposal of screening in compliance? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the unit in good condition? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Aeration Basins Mode of operation Yes No NA NE Ext. Air Page# 3 Permit: NC0056561 Inspection Date: 09/23/2021 Owner - Facility: Maggie Valley WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Aeration Basins Yes No NA NE Type of aeration system Diffused Is the basin free of dead spots? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are surface aerators and mixers operational? El El • El Are the diffusers operational? • El El El Is the foam the proper color for the treatment process? • El El El Does the foam cover less than 25% of the basin's surface? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the DO level acceptable? • El El El Is the DO level acceptable?(1.0 to 3.0 mg/I) • El El El Comment: DO was tested at 3-6 mg/L at various points in the aeration basin during the inspection. Disinfection -Gas Are cylinders secured adequately? Are cylinders protected from direct sunlight? Is there adequate reserve supply of disinfectant? Is the level of chlorine residual acceptable? Is the contact chamber free of growth, or sludge buildup? Is there chlorine residual prior to de -chlorination? Does the Stationary Source have more than 2500 lbs of Chlorine (CAS No. 7782-50-5)? If yes, then is there a Risk Management Plan on site? If yes, then what is the EPA twelve digit ID Number? (1000- - ) If yes, then when was the RMP last updated? Comment: Yes No NA NE • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ De -chlorination Yes No NA NE Type of system ? Gas Is the feed ratio proportional to chlorine amount (1 to 1)? • El El El Is storage appropriate for cylinders? • El El El # Is de -chlorination substance stored away from chlorine containers? • El El El Comment: Are the tablets the proper size and type? Are tablet de -chlorinators operational? Number of tubes in use? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ • ❑ • ❑ Page# 4 Permit: NC0056561 Inspection Date: 09/23/2021 Owner - Facility: Maggie Valley WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation De -chlorination Comment: Effluent Pipe Is right of way to the outfall properly maintained? Are the receiving water free of foam other than trace amounts and other debris? If effluent (diffuser pipes are required) are they operating properly? Comment: Standby Power Is automatically activated standby power available? Is the generator tested by interrupting primary power source? Is the generator tested under load? Was generator tested & operational during the inspection? Do the generator(s) have adequate capacity to operate the entire wastewater site? Is there an emergency agreement with a fuel vendor for extended run on back-up power? Is the generator fuel level monitored? Comment: Yes No NA NE Yes No NA NE • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ Yes No NA NE • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ Page# 5 From: Armeni, Lauren E To: Coco, Nick A Cc: Armeni, Lauren E Subject: RE: Draft Permit Maggie Valley WWTP, NPDES Permit Number NC0056561, SIC Code 4952 Date: Monday, August 2, 2021 11:54:43 AM Attachments: image007.onq NC0056561 STFRPT 2021.DOCX.PDF 56561 Fact Sheet Draft full -LA comment.odf image004.png imaae006.onq Good Afternoon, Please see attached for a minor comment to the Fact Sheet, as well as the Staff Report. The only comment I have on the Draft Permit is relating to the system components list. The Draft Permit has "2 sludge holding basins" and "3 digesters". I asked Mike Mehaffey (ORC) about this, and he said the following: "There are only 2 digester basins. Digester #2 was expanded during the last expansion. It has 2 basins that share a concrete wall with large below the surface openings that tie them together. But is only counted as 1 basin." So it really should just say "2 digesters", and delete "2 sludge holding basins", because a sludge holding basin is the same thing as a digester. There are 2 digesters, and one of the digesters has 2 basins, but since they are hydraulically connected, it's counted as one digester. Thanks, Lauren Armeni Environmental Specialist — Asheville Regional Office Water Quality Regional Operations Section NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources 828 296 4500 office 828 782 0064 mobile Lauren.Armeni@ncdenr.gov 2090 U.S. Hwy. 70 Swannanoa, N.C. 28778 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. To accommodate these staffing changes, all DEQ office locations are limiting public access to appointments only. Please check with the appropriate staff before DocuSign Envelope ID: 7A089637-E096-45EB-BE15-7FDA3BC75188 Environmental Quality State of North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Quality Regional Operations Section Staff Report To: ® NPDES Unit ❑ Non -Discharge Unit Application No.: NC0056561 Attn: Nick Coco From: Lauren Armeni Asheville Regional Office Facility name: Maggie Valley WWTP Note: This form has been adapted from the non -discharge facility staff report to document the review of both non - discharge and NPDES permit applications and/or renewals. Please complete all sections as they are applicable. I. GENERAL AND SITE VISIT INFORMATION 1. Was a site visit conducted? ® Yes or ❑ No a. Date of site visit: 07/09/2019 (Toxicity split recently conducted on 07/20/2021 & 07/22/2021) b. Site visit conducted by: Mikal Willmer c. Inspection report attached? ['Yes or ® No (See Laserfiche for Inspection) d. Person contacted: Mike Mehaffey (ORC) and their contact information: 8( 28) 400-9494 ext. e. Driving directions: Take exit 20 for US-276 S off of I-40 W towards. Turn right onto US-276 S. then make a U-turn, and the driveway for the WWTP (5320 Jonathan Creek Road) will be on your right across a small bridge. 2. Discharge Point(s): Latitude: 35.59889 Longitude: -83.00639 Latitude: Longitude: 3. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: Jonathans Creek, Segment 5-26-(7) Classification: C, Tr River Basin and Subbasin No. French Broad/04-03-05/06010106 Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: River is protected for Class C uses. II. PROPOSED FACILITIES: NEW APPLICATIONS 1. Facility Classification: (Please attach completed rating sheet to be attached to issued permit) Proposed flow: Current permitted flow: 2. Are the new treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? n Yes or n No If no, explain: 3. Are site conditions (soils, depth to water table, etc) consistent with the submitted reports? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If no, please explain: 4. Do the plans and site map represent the actual site (property lines, wells, etc.)? n Yes n No n N/A If no, please explain: FORM: WQROSSR 04-14 Page 1 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7A089637-E096-45EB-BE15-7FDA3BC75188 5. Is the proposed residuals management plan adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If no, please explain: 6. Are the proposed application rates (e.g., hydraulic, nutrient) acceptable? n Yes n No n N/A If no, please explain: 7. Are there any setback conflicts for proposed treatment, storage and disposal sites? ❑ Yes or ❑ No If yes, attach a map showing conflict areas. 8. Is the proposed or existing groundwater monitoring program adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No n N/A If no, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 9. For residuals, will seasonal or other restrictions be required? n Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If yes, attach list of sites with restrictions (Certification B) Describe the residuals handling and utilization scheme: 10. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: 11. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): III. EXISTING FACILITIES: z AND RENEWAL APPLICATIONS 1. Are there appropriately certified Operators in Charge (ORCs) for the facility? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ORC: Michael Mehaffev Certificate #: 993639 Backup ORC: Thomas Corbin Certificate #: 987148 2. Are the design, maintenance and operation of the treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: Description of existing facilities: • Mechanical influent bar screen • Back-up manual bar screen • Flow selector basin • Two (2) rectangular aeration basins • Two (2) rectangular Aero-Mod clarifiers • Five (5) dual aeration blowers • Two (2) digesters • Chlorination • Chlorine contact basin • Sulfur dioxide dechlorination • Effluent flow monitoring • Belt filter press • Alkaline sludge stabilization facility Proposed flow: No Change. Current permitted flow: 1.0 MGD Explain anything observed during the site visit that needs to be addressed by the permit, or that may be important for the permit writer to know (i.e., equipment condition, function, maintenance, a change in facility ownership, etc 3. Are the site conditions (e.g., soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) maintained appropriately and adequately assimilating the waste? n Yes or n No ® N/A If no, please explain: FORM: WQROSSR 04-14 Page 2 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7A089637-E096-45EB-BE15-7FDA3BC75188 4. Has the site changed in any way that may affect the permit (e.g., drainage added, new wells inside the compliance boundary, new development, etc.)? n Yes or ® No If yes, please explain: 5. Is the residuals management plan adequate? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: 6. Are the existing application rates (e.g., hydraulic, nutrient) still acceptable? ❑ Yes or ❑ No ® N/A If no, please explain: 7. Is the existing groundwater monitoring program adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If no, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 8. Are there any setback conflicts for existing treatment, storage and disposal sites? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, attach a map showing conflict areas. 9. Is the description of the facilities as written in the existing permit correct? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: 10. Were monitoring wells properly constructed and located? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If no, please explain: FORM: WQROSSR 04-14 Page 3 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7A089637-E096-45EB-BE15-7FDA3BC75188 11. Are the monitoring well coordinates correct in BIMS? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If no, please complete the following (expand table if necessary): Monitoring Well Latitude Longitude O l el 0 I // O / // 0 I II O / // 0 I /I 12. Has a review of all self -monitoring data been conducted (e.g., DMR, NDMR, NDAR, GW)? ® Yes or ❑ No Please summarize any findings resulting from this review: 2018 - Did not conduct the effluent pollutant scan and received a Notice of Violation (NOV), but then conducted the scan in 2019 to satisfy this requirement. 2019 — Notice of Deficiency (NOD) was issued for a limit violation for fecal coliform. No other deficiencies or violations were issued during the permit cycle. Provide input to help the permit writer evaluate any requests for reduced monitoring, if applicable. 13. Are there any permit changes needed in order to address ongoing BIMS violations? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, please explain: 14. Check all that apply: ❑ No compliance issues ❑ Current enforcement action(s) ❑ Currently under JOC ® Notice(s) of violation ❑ Currently under SOC ❑ Currently under moratorium Please explain and attach any documents that may help clarify answer/comments (i.e., NOV, NOD, etc.) Has the RO been working with the Permittee? Is a solution underway or in place? Have all compliance dates/conditions in the existing permit been satisfied? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If no, please explain: 15. Are there any issues related to compliance/enforcement that should be resolved before issuing this permit? ❑ Yes ®No❑N/A If yes, please explain: 16. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: 17. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): An Industrial Waste Survey (IWS) is required to be submitted within 180 days of issuance of this permit. There is currently no Pretreatment Program. FORM: WQROSSR 04-14 Page 4 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7A089637-E096-45EB-BE15-7FDA3BC75188 IV. REGIONAL OFFICE RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, please explain: 2. List any items that you would like the NPDES Unit or Non -Discharge Unit Central Office to obtain through an additional information request: Item Reason 3. List specific permit conditions recommended to be removed from the permit when issued: Condition Reason 4. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules recommended to be included in the permit when issued: Condition Reason 5. Recommendation: ❑ Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office ® Hold, pending review of draft permit by regional office ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information n Issue n Deny (Please state reasons: ) DocuSigned/by: baWeetAA. n�b1lu/ld 6. Signature of report preparers cB17648770724E6... DocuSigned by: �� �022 Signature of Assistant Regional Supervisor: E397192DABFB4FF 8/2/2021 Date: FORM: WQROSSR 04-14 Page 5 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7A089637-E096-45EB-BE15-7FDA3BC75188 V. ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW ITEMS N/A FORM: WQROSSR 04-14 Page 6 of 6