HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110985 Ver 1_Certification of Completion_20140127A�tion IG Numk�er: SAW-2f�1Q�02D44 County: Joht�stvn Permittee: NCDaT 8-3864; Brid�e 40 crwer Neuse Ri�er in Smithfiefd, Johnstor� Countv, f�C. Qate Permit Issued: 011af12I]1� Prc�ject Manager: Tam S'�ef€ens L�pan campietion af the acti�ity authari�ed by this �ermit ar�d �ny mitigation required by the permit, sign this certifscatio� and return it tc� the fvilow�ng address: US ARMY GRPS (]F �NGINEERS WILMING�C3h� DISTICT Attn: Thomas 5teffens Washington Regulatc�ry Field C7ffice Past Ciffice Bc�x 10QD Washington, North Carfllina 27889 P}eas� no�e that yaur p�rmitted acti�vity is sub�ect to a eampliance inspection by a U.S. Army Cor�s of �r�gir�eers re�rresentative, If you fai� to cvmply with this permit you are suE�ject t� perm'st suspension, rnodification, Qr revt7Cation. I hereby certify tf�at thre v+rork a�tharized by the abov+e re#erenced permit has been camp��ted in �ccordance with the terrns and eonditEons of the said permit, and requireri mitigation was completed in �ccord�nce with the pe�mit canditiarrs. � I���--� r Z'# � � 5igr�atur� of Permit ee ❑ate NCDWQ Project No.: 2C11 iQ985 County; Johnstan Applicant; NCi7OT - - , Project iYame: _8rid�;c 40 on U5 70 Business — TlP Nn. B-3854 Date �f Issuance a#' 401 Water �uality Certificatic�n: Nc�Vember 15 2p1 I Certi�cate of Cnmpletion U�on cQm�lc:tiQn ofall work appruVe�i within the 44l Water Qraa�izy Certificatian or applicable But�er Rules, and an}+ subsequent mc�dificatinns, th� appticant is required to returr� this certificate tv the 4fl 1 Trans�o�-tati�n Permitking U�it, Narth Caro�ina Divisinn af Watcr Quality, 165� Mail Service �enter, f�alei��r, NC, 27699-1654. This torm rnay� be retw-�ed ta NCQWQ by the applicant, the applicanc's auillQ�i�ed a��nt, or the �rojeet en�ineer, lt is nc�t necessary to send certiticatcs frc�m all of thesc;, �#pplicant's Certe�ratio�r I, , hereby� staic that, tc� th� best af my abilitie�, due care ar�d diligence was used in th� c�bservati�an c�f t�e �onstruction such that tl�e c�nstruction wras o�served tr� be buiit witt�in suhstar�tial cornpliar�ce and intent otlhe 4�1 Watcr Quality Certification and Ba�fFer }��les, the apprraved �lans and speei�cations, and other suppo�ting materials. Si�nacure. ❑ate: .4gent's C-ert�'frcatian I, , her�k�y state that, to th� best �f rny abilities, dixe care and r�il��ence was used in the �rbservation of the consh-uct�on such that the constnaction was olaserved to be built wii.hin suhstantial cnmpliance an�f intenl af thG 4U 1 Water Quality Certification �.nd Suffer Rufes, the approved plans and spe�i�icatinns, �nd ather supportin� rnaterials. Si�natur�: Date: �:ngineer's Ce+rtifrcatiorr Parii�l ?C Final f, C�re� Il, i�cLarn�s , as a duly registered Arofessional En�ineer in the State of North Caroiina, having been authcari�ed to obse�ve (periodicall'y, weekly, full time) tl�e cc�nsauctinn of the pr�ject,far the Pertnfttee hereby� sta[e thaL, io Yh� best of my dt�ilities, ciu€; care; and dili�ence was used 'us th� ok�str�°tir�rr of the cptistruction such ti�at th� cnnstru�lion was nbserved Eca }�e builk within substantial co�rspliance and ir�tent of ihe 4i�1 Water Quality Certi�raLic�n and C3uffer Rule�, the appro�+ed p3ans and specificatinns, and othe;r suppc�rtin� rnaterza[s. c 5i�natuee _A�1 ^rc �1 ,_ Registratior� No. U32 l42 _`� i]ate lanuary '��. 2Q l4