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Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan
December 2021
Table of Contents
1.0 Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Water Quality Monitoring ............................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Sampling Methods .................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Sampling Frequency and Schedule ....................................................................................... 3
2.3 Monitoring Parameters ........................................................................................................... 3
3.0 Monitoring Sites .......................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Basis for Locating Monitoring Sites ........................................................................................ 4
3.2 Subwatersheds and Locations of Monitoring Sites ................................................................ 4
4.0 Sample Analysis and Data Management and Evaluation .......................................................... 7
4.1 Laboratory Analytical Methods ............................................................................................... 7
4.2 Quality Assurance ................................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Record Keeping ...................................................................................................................... 8
4.4 Data Evaluation ...................................................................................................................... 8
4.5 Reporting of Monitoring Activity .............................................................................................. 8
5.0 Plan Revisions ............................................................................................................................ 8
Appendix A. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES for NPDES Quarterly Stormwater Monitoring
Sampling .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 3-1. Locations of Subwatersheds and Monitoring Sites .................................................................... 6
Table 3-1. Locations and Descriptions of Monitoring Sites .......................................................................... 4
Table 4-1. Laboratory Analytical Methods .................................................................................................... 7
1.0 Purpose
This Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan provides methods and procedures for the City of
Raleigh’s program for monitoring and assessing the quality of water in streams within the corporate limits
of Raleigh. Information gained from this program is used to help identify and eliminate sources of
pollution, track short-term and long-term trends, and, where possible, evaluate the effectiveness of
stormwater management efforts and programs conducted by the City.
2.0 Water Quality Monitoring
2.1 Sampling Methods
Stream water samples are fixed-interval grab samples collected at each of 18 monitoring sites. Samples
are collected by City staff accessing the monitoring site by wading into the stream from the bank, selecting
a target location upstream of the path of wading, typically near the center of the stream channel,
immersing monitoring probes in the stream flow for instrument readings, and dipping laboratory-provide
sample bottles in the stream flow to collect the water sample.
2.2 Sampling Frequency and Schedule
Stream water samples are collected on a quarterly basis, typically during March, June, September, and
December. A specific day of each quarter is assigned for sampling (for example, the first Tuesday of the
month representing the quarter). Scheduled sampling days sometimes are rescheduled due to inclement
weather or high stream flows that create safety concerns.
2.3 Monitoring Parameters
Stream water samples are analyzed for the following parameters by a North Carolina-certified laboratory:
ammonia nitrogen, calcium, copper, E. coli, magnesium, nitrate + nitrite, total hardness, total Kjeldahl
nitrogen, total phosphorous, total suspended solids, turbidity, and zinc. The following additional
parameters are measured at each monitoring site using calibrated field instruments: conductivity,
dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature.
3.0 Monitoring Sites
3.1 Basis for Locating Monitoring Sites
One monitoring site is located within each of 17 major subwatersheds within the corporate limits of
Raleigh, and two monitoring sites are located within the Crabtree Creek subwatershed. Monitoring sites
typically are located at the downstream-most accessible point of the subwatershed’s stream, intended to
represent water quality conditions of that stream and to detect pollutants originating from within that
subwatershed. Eighteen monitoring sites are monitored under this plan.
3.2 Subwatersheds and Locations of Monitoring Sites
The 18 monitoring sites have been assigned identification numbers. Their locations are described in
Table 3-1 and are shown on Figure 3-1.
Table 3-1. Locations and Descriptions of Monitoring Sites
Site ID
Subwatershed Location GPS Coordinates
BDB1 Beaverdam
Upstream of Stream Crossing at
Lassiter Mill Road
35.824327, -
BB2 Big Branch Upstream of Stream Crossing at Six
Forks Road
35.822435, -
BBS3 Big Branch South Downstream of Stream Crossing at
Rock Quarry Road
35.743251, -
CC4 Crabtree Creek Upstream of Stream Crossing at
Ebenezer Church Road
35.844080, -
CC5 Crabtree Creek Upstream of Stream Crossing at New
Bern Avenue
35.791152, -
HSC6 Hare Snipe Creek Downstream of Stream Crossing at
Glenwood Avenue
35.845063, -
HC7 House Creek Upstream of Stream Crossing at Blue
Ridge Road
35.833975, -
LBC8 Little Brier Creek Upstream of Stream Crossing at Globe
35.888878, -
Table 3-1. Locations and Descriptions of Monitoring Sites, continued
Site ID
Subwatershed Location GPS Coordinates
MC9 Marsh Creek Downstream of Stream Crossing at
Yonkers Road
35.799135, -
MC10 Mine Creek Downstream of Stream Crossing at
North Hills Drive
35.841761, -
PC11 Perry Creek Upstream of Stream Crossing at Perry
Creek Road
35.879842, -
PHB12 Pigeon House
Downstream of Stream Crossing at
Capital Boulevard
35.805135, -
RC13 Richland Creek Upstream of Stream Crossing at
Ebenezer Church Road
35.834144, -
RC14 Richland Creek
Downstream of Stream Crossing at
New Falls of Neuse Road
35.944962, -
RB15 Rocky Branch Upstream of Stream Crossing at South
Wilmington Street
35.759667, -
SC16 Sycamore Creek Upstream of Confluence with Turkey
35.847524, -
TC17 Turkey Creek Upstream of Stream Crossing at
Ebenezer Church Road
35.848419, -
WC18 Walnut Creek Upstream of Stream at Crossing at
Barwell Road
35.749240, -
Figure 3-1. Locations of Subwatersheds and Monitoring Sites
4.0 Sample Analysis and Data Management and Evaluation
4.1 Laboratory Analytical Methods
Water quality samples are analyzed at a North Carolina-certified laboratory for the parameters listed in
Table 4-1, which also provides the analytical methods and associated information.
Table 4-1. Laboratory Analytical Methods
Parameter Method Reporting
Total Phosphorus EPA 200.7 0.050 mg/L 250mL H2SO4 28 Days
Total Suspended
SM2540D 2.5 mg/L
1 L None 7 Days
Total Kjeldahl
EPA 351.2 0.20 mg/L 250mL H2SO4 28 Days
Nitrate + Nitrite EPA 353.2 0.10 mg/L 250mL H2SO4 28 Days
EPA 350.1 0.10 mg/L 250mL H2SO4 28 Days
Copper EPA 200.7 0.0020 mg/L 250mL HNO3 6 Months
Zinc EPA 200.7 0.1 mg/L 250mL HNO3 6 Months
Calcium EPA 200.7 0.1 mg/L 250mL HNO3 6 Months
Magnesium EPA 200.7 0.1 mg/L 250mL HNO3 6 Months
Total Hardness SM 2340B 0.662 mg/L 250mL HNO3 6 Months
Turbidity EPA 180.1 1.0 NTU 250mL None 48 Hours
E. coli SM 9223 B NA 120mL Sodium
8 Hours
4.2 Quality Assurance
Water quality samples are collected by City Stormwater Management Division staff with procedures and
protocols for sample collection and sample handling as outlined in the most recent version of the City’s
Standard Operating Procedures for NPDES Quarterly Stormwater Monitoring Sampling (Appendix A). All
laboratory-analyzed water quality samples are delivered to a North Carolina-certified laboratory that
follows protocols for preservation, equipment calibration and maintenance, analysis protocols, and
quality assurance and quality control.
4.3 Record Keeping
All records and data generated under this Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan are maintained
in electronic format. Field and laboratory data are summarized in spreadsheets. Internal laboratory
information, such as maintenance and calibration records, are maintained by the certified laboratory.
4.4 Data Evaluation
As new data are collected and records updated, the City evaluates each parameter for anomalies and
trends using graphical methods, and results are compared with North Carolina water quality standards
for surface waters (2B standards).
4.5 Reporting of Monitoring Activity
The number of samples collected, parameters analyzed, and trends in data from stream sites monitored
are reported in Raleigh’s NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report submitted to the North Carolina Department
of Environmental Quality Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources.
5.0 Plan Revisions
The City will review this plan annually as part of its data analysis and annual report process and evaluate
whether revisions to the plan are warranted. If revisions are warranted, the City will revise this plan,
document the revisions in the record below, and submit the revised plan to the North Carolina
Department of Environmental Quality Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources for review and
Document Revisions
The following table is a record of revisions to this document by the City’s Stormwater Management
Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan
Date Description of Revision(s) Reviser’s Name Reviser’s
December 2021
Updated monitoring site
map and sampling schedule;
revised plan outline and
edited for clarity Joyce Gaffney
January 2010
Calcium, magnesium, and
total hardness added to
monitoring parameters Amy Hathaway
June 2008 Original plan Amy Hathaway
Quarterly Stormwater Monitoring Sampling
July 2021
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NPDES Quarterly Stormwater Monitoring Sampling
July 2021
Produced by:
City of Raleigh Stormwater Management Division
Water Quality Section
Water Quality Section Supervisor Date
Stormwater Management Division Head Date
Standard Operating Procedures:
NPDES Quarterly Stormwater Monitoring Sampling
July 2021
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Date Rev. No. Document Changes/Updates
11/13/2007 SW-201 (A) Stream Sampling of Conventional Parameters
4/1/2012 SW-201 (B) Stream Sampling of Conventional Parameters
1/2017 SWM1 Quarterly Stormwater Monitoring Sampling
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction and Purpose.......................................................................................................................... 4
2.0 Pre-Field Preparation and Considerations ................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Personnel .................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Health and Safety ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Laboratory Coordination ........................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Equipment and Supplies ............................................................................................................................ 4
2.5 Calibration and Standardization ................................................................................................................ 5
3.0 Sampling Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 5
3.1 General Water Quality Sampling Overview ............................................................................................... 5
3.2 Site Considerations ................................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Sample Collection ...................................................................................................................................... 5
3.3.1 Physicochemical Measurements ............................................................................................................. 5
3.3.2 Grab Water Quality Samples ................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Sample Handling ....................................................................................................................................... 6
3.4.1 Sample Custody ....................................................................................................................................... 6
3.5 Recordkeeping and Documentation .......................................................................................................... 7
APPENDIX A. WATER QUALITY FIELD METER CALIBRATION AND CHECK FORM ........................................................... 8
APPENDIX B. CHAIN OF CUSTODY FORM ....................................................................................................................... 9
APPENDIX C. NPDES FIELD DATA FORM ...................................................................................................................... 10
List of Tables
Table 1. Collection Equipment ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Table 2. Laboratory Analytical Methods and Reporting Limits ..................................................................................... 6
Standard Operating Procedures:
NPDES Quarterly Stormwater Monitoring Sampling
July 2021
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Acronyms and Abbreviations
COC Chain of Custody
COR City of Raleigh
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
mg/L milligrams per liter
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
RL Reporting Limit
SOPs Standard Operating Procedures
WQS Water Quality Section
Standard Operating Procedures:
NPDES Quarterly Stormwater Monitoring Sampling
July 2021
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The purpose of this manual is to provide standard operating procedures (SOPs) to the Water Quality Section of the
City of Raleigh (COR) Stormwater Management Division for the collection and analysis of water quality samples
obtained during quarterly National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) compliance monitoring. This
manual details procedures for sample collection, handling, and in situ parameter measurements. The SOPs
outlined in this document are intended to serve as technical guidance for field personnel and to ensure consistent,
accurate water quality data are collected. All new and existing personnel who collect water quality samples should
familiarize themselves with the SOPs prior to sampling.
2.1 Personnel
The Environmental Specialist coordinates quarterly NPDES sampling. For safety, field work is conducted in teams of
two or more Stormwater personnel. Quarterly sampling is conducted by two teams of Water Quality Section staff.
2.2 Health and Safety
The following items should be discussed with staff before field work to minimize the risk of injury:
Pathogens: Urban waterways may harbor bacteria or other pathogens that are harmful to humans.
Caution should be exercised when handling water, sediment, or organic matter from sampling locations. If
needed, nitrile gloves can be used for sampling handling and are located in COR vehicles.
Visibility: Staff will be provided with high-visibility safety vests to be worn whenever working near traffic.
Sun and Heat Protection: Staff should use sunscreen and drink water when sampling in hot weather.
Insect Repellant: Staff will be provided with and should use repellant to protect against insect-borne
diseases. A thorough check for ticks should be performed after each field effort.
General Safety: Increased flow, turbidity, uneven terrain, debris, and other hazards may exist at sampling
sites. Field staff should use caution and always be aware of their surroundings. If conditions such as high
flows or inclement weather are present, sampling should be postponed.
2.3 Laboratory Coordination
Approximately four weeks before the intended sampling date, the Environmental Specialist will contact the
contracted laboratory to notify them of the upcoming field work. Sample bottles, coolers, and appropriate
documentation should be requested from the laboratory, including extra bottle sets. Once received, bottles should
be counted, verified for accuracy, and pre-labeled with site IDs if necessary. Ensure a plan is in place for
subsequent sample drop off at the contracted laboratory that accounts for sample hold times, including travel
2.4 Equipment and Supplies
Sampling supplies are inventoried and maintained by the Environmental Specialist. Each sampling group will
require an individual set of the materials listed in Table 1.
Standard Operating Procedures:
NPDES Quarterly Stormwater Monitoring Sampling
July 2021
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Table 1. Collection Equipment
Field Supplies
Sampling Bottles Extra Sampling Bottles YSI Pro Plus Meter
Spare Meter Batteries Cooler Ice
Field Data Form/iPad Waders
Supporting Supplies
Sunscreen Nitrile Gloves Hand Sanitizer
Insect Repellant First Aid Kit, Phone High-Visibility Vests
2.5 Calibration and Standardization
Meters used for in situ physicochemical monitoring must be calibrated in a controlled environment (ideally the
COR office) and a calibration record form (Appendix A) completed before sampling. The Environmental Specialist
should calibrate the meters no more than 24 hours prior to sampling. After each day of field work, a post-
calibration check will be conducted to ensure the meters were operating within the accepted range. The following
calibration standards must be met:
Dissolved oxygen post-sampling check value must be within +/- 0.5 mg/L of calibrated meter value
Specific conductivity post-sampling check value must be within +/- 10% µS/cm of calibrated meter value
pH post-sampling check value must be within +/- 0.2 SU of calibrated meter value
Data from an uncalibrated meter or a meter that failed the post-calibration check should not be used.
3.1 General Water Quality Sampling Overview
The following should be considered to ensure consistent and accurate water quality data are collected:
Representativeness. Water quality samples collected in sample bottles as well as in situ measurements
should be representative of site conditions (see Section 3.2).
Technique. Proper sampling and preservation techniques should be used to ensure data confidence.
Handling and Custody. Samples should be kept in COR custody until relinquishment to laboratory
personnel; all documentation of chain of custody (COC) should be kept on file.
Documentation. Proper identification of collected samples and thorough documentation of site
conditions are required. All data should be maintained in an electronic database.
3.2 Site Considerations
Sampling should not be conducted in standing or pooled water nor should samples be collected directly
downstream of outfalls. Care should be taken not to disturb the sediment in the immediate area of sampling and
to ensure sample collection occurs upstream of areas disturbed by Stormwater personnel.
3.3 Sample Collection
3.3.1 Physicochemical Measurements
The COR collects the following parameters in the field as in situ measurements:
Water temperature
Specific conductivity
Dissolved oxygen (mg/L and percent saturation)
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NPDES Quarterly Stormwater Monitoring Sampling
July 2021
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These physicochemical measurements are obtained with handheld multi-parameter meter sondes which
have been previously calibrated per Section 2.5. To collect data, sondes should be placed in a
representative location within the stream (Section 3.2) and maintained in position until readings stabilize.
Measurements should be recorded promptly upon meter stabilization, saved to the device, and recorded
on the field data form.
3.3.2 Grab Water Quality Samples
All water quality samples should be collected from approximately 6 inches below the surface in a sample
bottle provided by the laboratory. For grab sample collection, the sample container should be placed into
the stream perpendicular to the water’s surface then inverted so the mouth of the container faces
upstream without disturbing the streambed. Sample bottles are filled to the shoulder (or fill line in the
case of the E. coli bottle). General guidelines for sample volumes, preservatives, and other considerations
are listed in Table 2. Except for the E. coli sample, which is filled directly into the provided, sterile
container, all other pre-preserved containers (see Table 2) are filled indirectly. If pre-preserved, do not
place these containers within the stream to fill; instead fill pre-preserved containers using an intermediary
unpreserved sample container. If a sampling pole or intermediary container is needed, rinse the
intermediary container three times prior to collection.
Table 2. Laboratory Analytical Methods and Reporting Limits
Parameter Reporting Limit Units Method Max Hold Time Pre-preserved
Total Phosphorus 0.05 mg/L EPA 200.7 28 days Y H2SO4
Turbidity 1.0 NTU EPA 180.1 48 hours N Ice
Total Suspended Solids 2.5 mg/L SM 2450D 7 days N Ice
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.20 mg/L EPA 351.2 28 days Y H2SO4
Nitrate + Nitrite 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 28 days Y H2SO4
Ammonia as Nitrogen 0.10 mg/L EPA 350.1 28 days Y H2SO4
Copper 0.002 mg/L EPA 200.7 6 months Y HNO3
Zinc 0.10 mg/L EPA 200.7 6 months Y HNO3
Calcium 0.10 mg/L EPA 200.7 6 months Y HNO3
Magnesium 0.010 mg/L EPA 200.7 6 months Y HNO3
Total Hardness 0.662 mg/L SM 2340B 6 months Y HNO3
E. coli n/a MPN/100mL SM 9223B 8 hours Y* Na2S2O3
*E. coli is collected directly with the sterile container provided
3.4 Sample Handling
Immediately after collection, sample bottles from each unique sampling site should be placed in a labeled plastic
bag and sealed. All bottles should be placed in coolers on ice. Any samples not meeting temperature, hold time, or
preservation requirements or are otherwise not submitted in accordance with the SOP are subject to rejection.
3.4.1 Sample Custody
The Environmental Specialist is responsible for completion of the COC form (Appendix B). Proper COC
documentation must be filled out immediately after field sampling and kept with the samples. These
documents must be signed by the relinquishing party as well as the laboratory upon receipt.
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NPDES Quarterly Stormwater Monitoring Sampling
July 2021
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3.5 Recordkeeping and Documentation
Documentation for the COC (Appendix B) should be completed immediately after sampling; all sample identifiers,
dates, and collection times should be recorded. A PDF copy of the COC should be retained for COR records and
saved to the s: Drive in the appropriate folder.
Data collected using the field data form (Appendix C) are available on ArcGIS Online and should be
downloaded after sampling. Data are entered into the sampling database, NPDES_monitoring_site_data, on the
s:Drive, located at:
\\corfile\EngineeringServices\StormwaterManagement\PROGRAMS\Water Quality_211\Stream
In situ data saved to the meters should be extracted and downloaded in the office after each field day. These data
should be used to check and validate data from the field data form before entry into the database. Meter data
should be stored in the appropriate folder on the s:Drive, located at:
\\corfile\EngineeringServices\StormwaterManagement\PROGRAMS\Water Quality_211\Stream
monitoring\WATER QUALITY- MONITORING\MONITORING\NPDES\NPDES Monitoring Database\Pro Plus Exported
Upon receipt of analytical results from the laboratory, data should be entered into the sampling database and a
laboratory copy of the data should be stored in the appropriate folder on the s:Drive, located at:
\\corfile\EngineeringServices\StormwaterManagement\PROGRAMS\Water Quality_211\Stream
Standard Operating Procedures:
Quarterly Stormwater Monitoring Sampling
July 2021
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Date/Time:Notes:Calibrated by:Assigned to:Adjusted ValueTemp(°C) Temp(°C) Temp(°C)Chart DO pH 7 Stnd ValueDO %satpH 10DO mg/L pH 4DO Sensor Value = (Located in GLP menu - should be ~6.15 Au)Date/Time:Notes:Calibrated by:Assigned to:Temp(°C)Meter ReadingMeter ReadingChart DOCalibrated Value from AboveCalibrated Value from AboveMeter ReadingWithin +/- 0.2?Within +/- 10%?Within +/- 0.5?DO Sensor Value = (Located in GLP menu - should be ~6.15 Au)+/-10% Ranges for Specific Conductivity (µS/cm)Standard1005001,00010,00015,00050,000Range90 to 110450 to 550900 to 1,1009,000 to 11,00013,500 to 16,50045,000 to 55,000Specific Conductivity CheckInitial Reading% Sat mg/LpH 7 pH 10 pH 4DO Check pH CheckMeter Make/Model: Meter Serial #:Lot #/Expiry: Specific Conductivity CalibrationInitial ReadingMeter Make/Model: Meter Serial #:Lot #/Expiry: Pre-sampling CalibrationPost-sampling CheckMeter Make/Model: Meter Serial #:Lot #/Expiry: Initial ReadingAdjusted ValueInitial ReadingChart pHWater Quality Field Meter Calibration/Check SheetDO Calibration pH CalibrationAdjusted Value
Standard Operating Procedures:
Quarterly Stormwater Monitoring Sampling
July 2021
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Matrix *
Non Conformance(s):
Page: _____
of: _____Container Type: Plastic (P) or Glass (G)Phone:
Sample Disposal:
[ ] Dispose as appropriate
[ ] Return
[ ] Archive: ______________
[ ] Hold: _________________
CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY Analytical Request Document
Submitting a sample via this chain of custody constitutes acknowledgment and acceptance of the Pace Terms and
Conditions found at: https://info.pacelabs.com/hubfs/pas-standard-terms.pdf
Chain-of-Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT - Complete all relevant fields
Purchase Order # :
Quote #:
DW Location Code:
Turnaround Date Required: Immediately Packed on Ice:
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Rush: (Expedite Charges Apply)
[ ] Same Day [ ] Next Day
[ ] 2 Day [ ] 3 Day
[ ] 4 Day [ ] 5 Day
Field Filtered (if applicable):
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Analysis: ___________________
Date Time
* Matrix Codes (Insert in Matrix box below): Drinking Water (DW), Ground Water (GW), Wastewater (WW),
Product (P), Soil/Solid (SL), Oil (OL), Wipe (WP), Air (AR), Tissue (TS), Bioassay (B), Vapor (V), Other (OT)
Customer Sample ID
Comp /
Collected (or
Composite Start)Composite End Res
Collected By (signature):
Collected By (print):
LAB Sample Temperature Info:
Temp Blank Received: Y N NA
Therm ID#: _________________
Cooler 1 Temp Upon Receipt: __oC
Cooler 1 Therm Corr. Factor:___oC
Cooler 1 Corrected Temp: _____oC
LAB USE ONLY- Affix Workorder/Login Label Here or List Pace Workorder Number or
MTJL Log-in Number Here
Address: Container Preservative Type ** Lab Project Manager:
Report To: Email To:
** Preservative Types: (1) nitric acid, (2) sulfuric acid, (3) hydrochloric acid, (4) sodium hydroxide, (5) zinc acetate,
(6) methanol, (7) sodium bisulfate, (8) sodium thiosulfate, (9) hexane, (A) ascorbic acid, (B) ammonium sulfate,
(C) ammonium hydroxide, (D) TSP, (U) Unpreserved, (O) Other ______________Copy To: Site Collection Info/Address:
Analyses Lab Profile/Line:Customer Project Name/Number: State: County/City: Time Zone Collected:
/ [ ]PT [ ]MT [ ]CT [ ]ET Lab Sample Receipt Checklist:
Custody Seals Present/Intact Y N NA
Custody Signatures Present Y N NA
Collector Signature Present Y N NA
Bottles Intact Y N NA
Correct Bottles Y N NA
Sufficient Volume Y N NA
Samples Received on Ice Y N NA
VOA - Headspace Acceptable Y N NA
USDA Regulated Soils Y N NA
Samples in Holding Time Y N NA
Residual Chlorine Present Y N NA
Cl Strips: _____________________
Sample pH Acceptable Y N NA
pH Strips: _____________________
Sulfide Present Y N NA
Lead Acetate Strips: ___________
Lab Sample # / Comments:
Site/Facility ID #: Compliance Monitoring?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
# of
Billing Information:
Trip Blank Received: Y N NA
Received by/Company: (Signature) Date/Time:
Received by/Company: (Signature) Date/Time:
Table #:
Customer Remarks / Special Conditions / Possible Hazards:Type of Ice Used: Wet Blue Dry None SHORT HOLDS PRESENT (<72 hours) : Y N N/A
Packing Material Used: Lab Tracking #:
Radchem sample(s) screened (<500 cpm): Y N NA Samples received via:
FEDEX UPS Client Courier Pace Courier
Relinquished by/Company: (Signature)
Relinquished by/Company: (Signature)
Received by/Company: (Signature) Date/Time:Relinquished by/Company: (Signature)
Standard Operating Procedures:
Quarterly Stormwater Monitoring Sampling
July 2021
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