HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060447 Ver 3_Year 1 Stream Relocation Monitoring Report_2021_20211230 sy STAT Staff Review Form NORTH CAROLINA Envlronm¢ntcl Qvoray Updated September 4,2020 Staff Review Does this application have all the attachments needed to accept it into the review process?* Yes No ID#* Version* 3 20060447 Is this project a public transportation project?* Yes • No Reviewer List:* Sue Homewood:eads\slhomewood Select Reviewing Office:* Winston-Salem Regional Office-(336)776-9800 Does this project require a request for payment to be sent?* Yes No Project Submittal Form Please note:fields marked with a red asterisk *below are required. You will not be able to submit the form until all mandatory questions are answered. Project Type:* For the Record Only(Courtesy Copy) New Project Modification/New Project with Existing ID More Information Response Other Agency Comments Pre-Application Submittal Re-Issuance\Renewal Request Stream or Buffer Appeal Is this supplemental information that needs to be sent to the Corps?* Yes No Project Contact Information Name: Kelli Garcia Who is submitting the information? Email Address: garcia@mcadamsco.com Project Information Existing ID#: Existing Version: 20060447 3 20170001(no dashes) 1 Project Name: Olde Towne Master Plan Community-Stream Relocation Is this a public transportation project? Yes No Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? Yes No Unknown ...................................... County(ies) Wake Please upload all files that need to be submited. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document OldeTowneStreamRelocation_MY1 Report_2021.pdf 12.24MB Only pdf or kmz files are accepted. Describe the attachments or comments: DWR#20060447 v3 USACE#SAW-2006-20287 Sign and Submit By checking the box and signing box below, I certify that: • I,the project proponent, hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true,accurate,and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. • I,the project proponent, hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. • I agree that submission of this online form is a"transaction"subject to Chapter 66,Article 40 of the NC General Statutes(the"Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66,Article 40 of the NC General Statutes(the"Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature;AND • I intend to electronically sign and submit the online form. Signature: Submittal Date: 12/30/2021 Is filled in automatically. sr. P' rs: II= n . , 4-4111114,0111im- V .°5' lig 'Xi Pe • _ _ _ _ 4— ,_ � _ s - - - .! - _�_- ""+sue~ r_y : • • -- '- _ 11• _ lam �- o 44 ,..................,..,..:,..: 011111.011.111.111111.111111: STREAM AND VEGETATION MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION / HLE-18020/ DECEMBER 2021 IA MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA STREAM AND VEGETATION MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT PROJECT NUMBER: HLE-18020 PREPARED BY: REBECCA STUBBS, PE KELLI GARCIA, PE DATE: DECEMBER 2021 1 1 MCADAMS 2905 MERIDIAN PARKWAY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27713 NC Llc. # C-0293 MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 Project Location and Description 2 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives 2 2.0 CHANNEL STABILITY ASSESSMENT 3 2.1 Channel Stability Success Criteria 3 2.2 Stream Assessment Summary 3 3.0 VEGETATION CONDITION AND COMPARISON 4 3.1 Vegetation Success Criteria 4 3.2 Visual Vegetation Assessment Summary 4 4.0 CONCLUSION 5 4.1 Adaptive Management 5 4.2 Year 1 Monitoring Summary 5 5.0 REFERENCES 6 Appendix A: Site Maps Figure 1: Site Vicinity Map Figure 2: Site Stream Relocation Vicinity Map Figure 3: As-built Survey Map Appendix B: Stream Data Appendix C: Site Photo Log creating experiences through experience 2905 Meridian Parkway,Durham,NC 27713/919.361.5000 J MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Location and Description The Olde Towne Stream Relocation project is a permitee-responsible mitigation project located north-east of the intersection of S. New Hope Road and Rock Quarry Road in Raleigh, North Carolina. As part of the development of the 574-acre Olde Towne master planned community. Rock Quarry Road south of the S. New Hope Road intersection was widened,creating 351 linear feet of impact to an unnamed tributary(UT)to Big Branch.The Olde Towne Stream Relocation project realigned and restored 369 linear feet of UT to Big Brach impacted by the widening of Rock Quarry Road. The constructed channel departs from the historic channel alignment approximately 650 feet south-east of the intersection and reconverges with the historic alignment approximately 250 feet south-east of the intersection, downstream of the proposed impacts. Approximately 230 feet downstream of the restored reach, UT to Big Branch passes through a culvert beneath Rock Quarry Road, daylighting south of the road in the floodplain of Big Branch (DWR stream index number 27-34-11). UT to Big Branch is located in the Neuse River Basin USGS Hydrologic Unit 03020201 and local Walnut Creek watershed 12- digit HUC 030202011101 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives The purpose of this Stream and Vegetation Monitoring Report is to assess the success of the stream restoration project. The monitoring plan evaluates the success of the Site and is based on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Stream Mitigation Guidelines (2016) and the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation (November, 2011). Monitoring of the Site will occur annually for three (3)years. Construction of the Stream Restoration project occurred in February and March of 2021. Riparian buffer planting took place from April to June 2021 following construction of the restored stream channel. Riparian buffer planting activities included permanent wetland and riparian seeding, stream plantings, and live stakes within the project limits of disturbance. The restored stream was designed to have natural channel dimension, pattern, profile, and vegetation based on regional data. The stream was relocated and connected to the surrounding forested floodplain using a "Priority One" restoration approach. of grading the channel so that bankfull stage(incipient flooding)was at the elevation of the existing floodplain area with minor floodplain grading to provide sufficient flood prone area width to dissipate hydraulic energy during bankfull and greater flood events. This geomorphic condition will be sustained by increased sinuosity, creation of a stable slope, and grading appropriate channel depth and width for stability, thereby reducing bankfull shear stress and velocity. Stream longitudinal profile and bedform diversity were improved with the design of riffle and pool sequences and incorporation of log structures for habitat diversity and grade control. The streambanks and surrounding floodplain will be planted extensively with native riparian and wetland vegetation to establish a native forested riparian plant community. creating experiences through experience J MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT 2.0 CHANNEL STABILITY ASSESSMENT 2.1 Channel Stability Success Criteria Stream geometry will be considered successful if the geometry, profile,and sinuosity are stable or reach a dynamic equilibrium. It is expected that there will be minimal changes in the designed cross sections, profile, and/or substrate composition. Changes that may occur during the monitoring period will be evaluated to determine if they represent a movement toward a more unstable condition (e.g. down cutting, or bank erosion) or are minor changes that represent an increase in stability (e.g. settling, vegetative changes, etc.). Deviation from the design ratios will not necessarily denote failure as it is possible to maintain stability and not stay within the design geometry. Channel stability will be reflected in the surveyed permanent cross sections,evaluation of bank stability and cover, evaluation of in-stream structure performance and any previously collected monitoring data. The general trend should reflect a stable or slightly decreasing riffle cross sectional area whereas pools may increase and yet be considered relatively stable. Normally the constructed channel will adjust (especially in a sand dominated bed) but it will need to function without significant degradation (bed scour), aggradation (mid-channel bars), or bank erosion. The Bank Height Ratio (BHR) as determined by cross section surveys, shall not exceed 1.2 and the Entrenchment Ratio shall be no less than 2.2 within the restored reach. The stream shall remain stable over the three-year monitoring period as indicated by visual surveys and cross sections. 2.2 Stream Assessment Summary Channel stability monitoring activities for Year 1 were conducted during May 28, 2021 (As-built survey), July 7, 2021, and December 17, 2021. Visual stream assessments were performed during each visit and geometric parameters were collected during the May 2021 and December 2021 field visits. Overall, the stream system appears stable and is not migrating toward lateral or vertical instability. Cross Section 1 was selected and surveyed at a riffle location at approximately station 0+86.Geometry comparison from May 2021 to December 2021 shows the cross section has widened and deepened (see Appendix B). Morphological data for Year 1 at Cross Section 1 has resulted in an entrenchment ratio 4.2 and bank height ratio (BHR) of 1.3. Cross Section 1 has a stable entrenchment ratio, however a BHR of 1.3 is greater than 1.2 which suggests this cross section is functioning, but at risk. In July it was observed that the right bank had sloughed off and the channel bottom was widening mostly likely due to lack of established bank vegetation and surrounding construction stressors. In December, bank erosion was not observed, however the channel had deepened from bed scour. Visual monitoring observed rack lines close, but slightly below the top of bank suggesting bankfull is not accessing the floodplain at this location.As displayed in Appendix C Site Photo Log, Cross Section 1 appears to be migrating to an inline pool. Within the designed compound bend, immediately upstream and downstream of Cross Section 1 a typical riffle cross section was observed. Cross Section 2 was located further downstream of the restored reach at station 2+42 at a pool. Bankfull indicators were observed at this location and established floodplain vegetation was abundant. As reflected in the stream data, sediment deposition has occurred at this cross section on the outside meander bend (left bank). As banks were stable throughout the reach,the influx of sediment is most likely due to active surrounding construction and upstream erosion. Directly upstream and downstream of Cross Section 2 are two stable pools displaying typical function and geometry such as bed scour and greater average depths. Cross Section 2 exhibited an entrenchment ratio of 7.7 and BHR of 1.0. Morphological data for cross section 2 is included in Appendix B. creating experiences through experience J MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT Visual stream assessments were performed along the entirety of the restored reach.A few areas of bank instability were noted in Monitoring Year 1. These areas were concentrated in the upper portion of the restoration reach, approximately station 0+55 to 1+10 and 1+50 to 2+00. At the time of the monitoring baseline condition, it was observed that banks appeared taller than bankfull in this section (0+55 to 1+10 and 1+50 to 2+00). With exception to station 1+75, this stretch displayed no sign of streambank erosion and no implications of downcutting as the stream bed did not appear deeper in dimension compared to the as-built survey. Moderate right bank scour was observed at station 1+75 at the entrance of pool (see Photo Log in Appendix C).The right bank at this station has eroded some and has deposited into the middle of the channel. At this station and the outside meander bend (right bank)of the pool has bare vegetation and bankfull indicators were located inside the banks. Lastly, multiple fallen trees were observed in the downstream portion of the reach around stations 3+15 and 3+45. Additional stream assessment observations reflect the stream reach's stability. Evidence of bankfull was observed along most of the design reach. During the December 2021 site visit,the base flow of the stream was observed to have good clarity. Additionally,during the July 2021 visit, signs of wildlife,such as dragonflies and frogs, migrating to the stream were noted. Lastly, log structures used for grade control along the reach are performing as designed, maintaining approximately 6-inches of drop across each structure. 3.0 VEGETATION CONDITION AND COMPARISON 3.1 Vegetation Success Criteria Vegetative success criteria will be based on the visual monitoring conducted twice annually. If there are no significant bare areas or areas of dead vegetation at the end of the monitoring period, the project will be considered successful. If any bare areas or areas of dead vegetation are noted during any of the visual inspections, they will be addressed with supplemental seeding at that time. 3.2 Visual Vegetation Assessment Summary Monitoring Year 1 vegetation assessment activities were conducted on December 17, 2021. Since the May 28, 2021 as-built survey,floodplain vegetation growth has flourished and stabilized in the downstream portion of the reach (downstream of station 2+00). Downstream of station 2+00, post-construction plantings have also resulted in densely vegetated stream banks. Floodplain vegetation is present in upstream portion of the reach, namely the left bank and its floodplain. However, bare vegetation has been observed on the right bank and its floodplain since the as-built survey from approximately station 0+30 to 2+00. This is most likely due to longer sun exposure compared to the rest of the site. In this area, the right bank vegetation is sparse, streambank vegetation has established along the toe of slope, but the rest of the right bank is bare and dead temporary vegetation was observed on the right floodplain. There are no signs of permanent vegetation growing in this area. Another area of concern for vegetation is over the historic channel where a channel plug was constructed. Floodplain vegetation has not established in this area as erosion control discharge from the on-going improvements to Rock Quarry Road has concentrated in this area. However, signs of growth are present with many seedlings sprouting. At the time of the July 7, 2021 visit, approximately 50%of the live stakes had budded. Unfortunately, most did not appear to have survived as observed in December 2021. Live stakes were mainly installed in the floodplain area and close to the top of bank. creating experiences through experience �'A MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT 4.0 CONCLUSION 4.1 Adaptive Management A major contributing factor for the stability issues observed in the restoration reach is poor vegetation establishment in the upstream portion of the reach around stations 0+30 to 2+00. It is recommended that permanent seeding be reapplied to the floodplain and constructed streambanks per the construction plans, and that erosion control matting be installed as needed. In the areas of instability (approximately stations 0+30 to 2+00 and 3+65 to project tie), McAdams recommends that live stakes be replanted in the dormant season per the plans and installed on the stream banks per the approved plans. It is anticipated that seeding and planting will withstand the surrounding construction stressors and provide greater stability in the restored channel. In addition to the above remediations, McAdams recommends removing bank slough deposits from the channel at station 1+75 and restaking matting on the right bank. Permanent seeding and live stakes should be applied in this area per the plans. Lastly, it is recommended that fallen trees be removed from stations 3+15 and 3+45 to prevent the development of debris jams which may cause excessive aggregation within the channel. These actions should address the instability issues that have been observed in the first monitoring year. 4.2 Year 1 Monitoring Summary Aside from the areas of instability noted,the stream system appears stable and is not migrating toward lateral or vertical instability. Evidence of floodplain connection and activation along most of the restored reach. Deviation from the design ratios at the surveyed cross sections does not necessarily denote malfunction; rather,the stream has experienced bedform morphology as it moves toward establishing a dynamic equilibrium, and the previously established cross sections are no longer located at representative riffle and pool sections. To provide a better representation of stability of the entire project reach an additional riffle and pool cross section will be added for future monitoring years. McAdams will continue to monitor the impact of upstream and surrounding construction activities on the restored channel. creating experiences through experience J MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT 5.0 REFERENCES North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) 2004. Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration.Available at internet site: https://erp.unc.edu/files/2014/12/buffer-restoration.pdf. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) November 7, 2011. Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation. The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. May 2021. Olde Towne As-Built Monitoring Report. US Army Corps of Engineers April, 2013.Stream Mitigation Guidelines. creating experiences through experience APPENDIX A SITE MAPS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT Rd m 1 cie Strickland Rd - � r? 1 o me s� r �4 �i•� o1„,.%' ` L a 2 m N o e c 9- of alegh-Durham ° o Ra Intl Airport :,, Lynn Rd Z ;u o o b e SAS_ VV 49//tar°ok Rd o a ��9F William B. E c .2- e Um stead F@ ± a S ',Rd - State Park William stead m ci e�° E Miilbrook Rd State Park n I ¢ 4ii1'' 8llal s .. 1 4 "PO, a Wee 0O Pk*y C/Bn Ede a 'Pa or I, z CST O‘ Q' z o° 1 ,� a Lake:,.ne jrt -_ -- • data a .. - r ,�` I • tr b o ,A^ .b o _- n i ✓r .b 2 S� b ICF m at9�'ta -_=Mwv Be,,,@tNAMRof S"latj. St o -.1 q;,e ''-1 �haP °.1 NCO . AL GlascockSt - Ca L Gbofharn S f l Chapof Hill Rd V cr Raleigh y co - l • o.. Qa r`+. o °ote v '4. , ,. 6i,.y C y ,z Rd 1 e� ? •n o Q• A �• � .� c. , ¢ o \e, + c c a pkwy 5F_0 4 f`— E a c� — 26 rr, s h __eel Sryo�ad cn )° 17 cam Scy°^Rd �' Ri w o`cam R• kQ0arryRtl re` t C, 4144 6 c. s ICI. it US�o a °c 8atye8r'dgand /YN, G� U , b b pe/Iny Rd y� '=. r m ? ` Rd w �� a �c �a -ti,l Garner ar C PA -" : . c o rs o To'r-Tryr P°c bs)p y Ro E G.,hej A"�J'c Pa 9IPY E 'Pa o 9-J n bet - . o,' limber Dr Ttd,--- OrE ` c _ a\P` m �� PROJECT AREA 2 s 9 J `ik m ;f DptimrstarmRd• phm,�tF arm Rd �� a Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri ° Japan, METI, Esri China(Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri(Thailand), NGCC, (c) 6 b rt ari i r... ,, OpenStreetMap contributors,and the GIS User Community 0 1 2 'l FIGURE 1. VICINITY MAP Miles OLDE TOWNE MASTER PLAN COMMUNITY 1 inch=2 miles RALEIGH, WAKE COUNTY, NC VERSION: 1 DATE: 12/22/2021 MCADAMS JOB NO: HLE-18020 DRAWN BY: Garcia X:\Projects\HLE\HLE-18020\Storm\Wetlands\Project Tasks\IP\IP Figures\01_HLE18020_Vicinity Map.mxd,12/22/2021 6:25:09AM,Garcia S _ 3 O e„o o ,,. ° .� '.e O DracenaD 'Psp o cob n - 3 o or '' 5 o04 c w u m ° f Ounrobin C, rwo°d Dr m a C! rtp! u 'lo e 'anthorp Ter it Ln m m u Mlllr°y O �+`� 3 4�! n Maybrook crossing Dr a ' ¢7 S *4 _ a -_ Lands _ C,.. c - °� Maybrook Ot I A - c C 2 O A3 3 v sf ^oro c' - :'. Lilymount Dr 2 let 6J Lockwood FoP'I Fc Cr N -0 h Vt° Erinridge Rd a, -- o- 'sop Loop - - I ro 8Antls View Dr -' a° 3 0 Wa/nU Ovet\° G 0 1 STREAM RELOCATION END Roc, O0a' .o.pa. :arwell Rd Royal Acres Rd ee-a �� STREAM RELOCATION START s°9 pace Ave ,` Chasteal Trl t Ci r s F o ° ..- Quitman Trl V OLDE TOWNE DEVELOPMENT Hurmax Ln PROJECT AREA 9 y Carnelian Or o` u o o n 3 Y ` - O 3 .t` Chipstone Dr U I - - - - - - Cowan Lri gorwell Park Dr _ O` AdvanGs S° 8 °of Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT 1?;NRCan, Esri, a C° °m°� Japan, METI, Esri China'(Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri(Thailand), NGCC°('c)`"I a e° , OpenStreetMap cont'r'ib,utors,and the GIS User Community " 0 250 500 1,000 J FIGURE 2. STREAM RELOCATION VICINITY MAP Feet OLDE TOWNE MASTER PLAN COMMUNITY 1 inch= 1,000 feet RALEIGH, WAKE COUNTY, NC VERSION: 1 DATE: 12/22/2021 MCADAMS JOB NO: HLE-18020 DRAWN BY: Garcia X:\Projects\HLE\HLE-18020\Storm\Stream Relocation\Monitoring\01_HLE18020_Vicinity Map.mxd, 12/22/2021 6:53:48 AM,Garcia .. 4., ,,,,, , ,,,,___, O !!:11.J1 2 _ .0.4 z GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS IS A SURVEY OF AN EXISTING PARCEL(S) OF LAND. THIS IS AN �� VOI SITE - \I/ \I/ \I/ AS-BUILT SURVEY OF RELOCATED STREAM. �G� \ 2. BEARINGS FOR THIS SURVEY ARE BASED ON B.M. 2020, PG. 2003-2015 Q p OFL THE WAANCE COUNTYAE REGISTRY. MCA CAMS J� C/j- � � \V � � � 3. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. �� Q� I 4. ZONING: R-10-CU <c,� 9�p� \ I/ /°1/dl/ 6. FLOOD 5. AREA NOTE:Y THIISAPROP PROPERTY TE GEOMETRY. NOT LOCATED IN A SPECIAL FLOOD \I o-Uds The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. /Po / HAZARD ZONE. IT IS LOCATED IN ZONE "X" AS DEFINED BY F.E.M.A r? /�/dl F.I.R.M COMMUNITY PANEL #3720172200J DATED MAY 02, 2006. 2905 Meridian Parkway \I/ /O��dl 7. REFERENCES: B.M. 2020, PG. 2007 Durham, NC 27713 �/al __ OF THE WAKE COUNTY REGISTRY. \�V 07 o o�/81 PIN: 1722-84-6081 F \ 8. UTILITY STATEMENT �y\ s\ 07 ___- ✓ THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEEN LOCATED FROM FIELD phone 919. 361. 5000 VICINITY MAP / I:\ \ 6 SURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE SURVEYOR MAKES fax 919. 361. 2269 sF n NO GUARANTEE THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN COMPRISE (NOT TO SCALE) y END OF STREAM RESTORATION \ 6 8 ALL SUCH UTILITIES IN THE AREA, EITHER IN SERVICE OR ABANDONED. license number: C-0293, C-187 O� THE SURVEYOR FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE UNDERGROUND 6/ STATION: 3+69.56 ✓ UTILITIES SHOWN ARE IN THE EXACT LOCATION INDICATED ALTHOUGH HE `� O DOES CERTIFY THAT THEY ARE LOCATED AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE \y + \ r� O www.mcadamsco.com L FROM INFORMATION AVAILABLE. THE SURVEYOR HAS NOT PHYSICALLY cp. ! o LOCATED THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. / �1 ! 9. THIS SURVEY PERFORMED AND MAP PREPARED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A \ �,0 � (A 3 TITLE REPORT. THIS SURVEY SUBJECT TO ANY FACTS AND EASEMENTS WHICH MAY BE DISCLOSED BY A FULL AND ACCURATE TITLE SEARCH. \ \ \ ( \ \ \ 0 20 CLIENT \ / \ \ \ o \\ A ` � 8 NAME r (Jd // \ \\ C' •HW \\ _ _ - - ADDRESS O \ O r \\ \ \ / \ \ w I n \ _ \°� \�\ \ \\ \ , ., , \� \ I \\ ADDRESS I \ \ \�°� \\ // __--- \,, _ _ PHONE: XXX. XXX. XXXX iiik Alislif \ \o \ \ o\° \� °>\ \ \ ,' ( (B.M.202Q PG.2007) ° \ \I \ \ v \ _�� \ \ \ \ •HW \ ` \ CROSS SECTION 2(POOL) \ \ O\ \ \\ \ a' \ _ %$ '� \' STATION: 2+46.39 LOG SILL STRUCTURE _\--: i=1pW.- \ �\ \\ ..i ` :!Wei POINT DESCRIPTION ELEVATION 20HW .� �� 4 \ \irA 3,c ar00 � •��,��,,u,--�;."'` AL� •-�1%!M!'� 1 GROUND 190.66 \ `v NA \ \ \\ '��� �:r��. �� ��w� _, '� 2 GROUND 190.79 °,r \ \ \ \ i 3 TOP OF BANK 190.68 i 4 EDGE OF WATER 190.27 LEGEND \ \ , \ \� 1\ s 5 TOE OF SLOPE 189.54 Tool PROPERTY LINE N \ \ \� `' ys N. % 11 s B I \11 6 THALWEG 189.29 o I L.�..I 5 \ \ _is �js - - - 7 TOE OF SLOE 189.63 - - - - - - RELOCATED STREAM CENTERLINE N \ \ \ \\\\ \ N� SET IRON PIPE TBM ° \ o N:724131.35 \' 8 EDGE OF WATER 190.02 � > �6 HW HARDWOOD TREE O \ \\\o \ \ h E:2128351.99 Z: 190.93 9 TOP OF BANK 190.83 \ \ Q Q �\ \ \ \\ \ SET IRON PIPE TBM N�' r1 11'� ° I 10 GROUND 190.92 \\ o\ N:724124.22s �� �,� 10 \ \T I� °> 11 GROUND 190.9 Z \ E:2128338.00 N. 0 v. +� 9 A N \ \� \\ W: 190.63 . r., 7, 8 0 7O m �� \ J F a J V 1 .� 6 As SF -SF W O> \� \ \ z O 0\ Jl \ \ - 2 3�4 \yyS\ rF \F I/ SF vro�ON \ O ` \ `\ �� CROSS SECTION 2 \�s �2+ � \ \ U �� \ I- _ \ , \ \ Dl\ \ OH W IjG a�1��D �s �•� RELOCATED STREAM CROSS SECTION 1(RIFFLE) Z CENTERLINE \ p[ `O 0 �, �, �, �,,C \ ► rA ` \ STATION:0+90.60 U 0 \\ 22 Hw \ LL I `O \ • DESCRIPTION ELEVATION \ \\ \ \ N ll) Z \ �° ��� TA °> �� \ GROUND 194.26 O \ � c �'� \ GROUND 194.42 Z \I \ \k \1/ \I .� \ O L it t7 \ \ /��/ rA °> \ �� N TOP OF BANK 194.46CC LJJ\ \ \� 4 / �° `�\ EDGE OF WATER 193.87 J°> \ `\ TOE OF SLOPE 193.56Q \\ \\ \ ®HW \,q \<° W 2 c, x \ \V �° \ \ \ THALWEG 193.51 \ \ \ \6' s \\\ \ °> X\ TOE OF SLOE 193.65Q\ O 2.,' �� �*I/\ c N \ 8 EDGE OF WATER 193.85 \ \ � N \ ,s °� SET IRON PIPE TBM 9 TOP OF BANK 194.74 \ N:724050.02 \ `V \ `V `� 1 0 E:2128460.58 \'''' 10 GROUND 194.82 Q\ \ � �s� � \ ��.. Z: 194.86 \' \\\ \\\ _____a_ LD \ \ \11 Nil GROUND 194.78 sz. 9/p 0� \ \ \ \\ \�/ \I/ \I, .1, \ \/d 4O0- . 89• .io N \ '-' °> \ - �, N\ \ \ \ 3 6 /lD \ \ � p� \ A ` \ CROSS SECTION 1 2 OK 5 t TP TP/LDS ,. \ °' v N A /�� 1� \ \V A _ 1 4 LD V \ ,�j """""���jjj 4h44P/L.. \ �y L-�, \l� \ or\ \i \Ii if' \ _T c P/LD TP \\\ O� \ \ \\ -SET IRON N:724039 86 cc �G �� TC /LD T �� N N � �0 \ \\ \ \I/ E:2128452.36 \ \ ` T P<° N 0 1� \ \ Z: 194.32 \ G/ \ \ �lCTp � \\ N /P ` \ �\ \ vV vtr V vtr 6 t\ he ����� \ °' V O \ \ ---- \ \ `� \ C` `�\N Jr , o \T Tp/� NN N \ \ (o (.3� C N `)/ \��A `I/ A `)/ \ O *\l/ rC r�/gyp \N \ \ \ O\ \ �\,\CIS/ 20 H W TC \ \ \ \ '\` \ \ H \ -PC Tp� \\ ` N 0 H W \\ TC \Tp/�D\ Vv A \ 4 Hv \ �\\\1/ `I SLOG SILL STRUCTURE rc, \ 9 H W \ 'v., v `'\ (/ V `V 1'. H W H w �. g v ` �\ \ '\ \ ,s• \ ----------\ N N \\ \ \ \ .\ \l/ \ \l/ \IIIIHW a ` \ \ VA\ \\ vV vl/ /4,3s/ v(r START OF STREAM RESTORATION REVISIONS v \ \ � ° \ STATION: 0+00.00 a \ \v\\ \\1x I \ I �v v �v \\ J NO. DATE NJ .--1 \ \ \l/ \ \ ‘ \ \l/ \l/ \l/ \I NJ 3 \ \ \ \ \I/ �\ \\\ 1/\ °\ °� PLAN INFORMATION r. \ \ \ \,, .0 \ \ �•""""'„�, PROJECT NO. HLE18020 w I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE AS-BUILT SURVEY SHOWN HEREON %.`�,N CARO7'‘. IS BASED ON AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY MADE UNDER MY .`� ��• �/ '�. FILENAME HLE18020-STREAM-ASB 5 SUPERVISION AND ACCURATELY REPR ENTS THE PHYSICAL : �,O CHECKED BY SMH `° `\ ES THEREON AT T TIME HIS SURVEY. i,e �y•: SEAL DRAWN BY ATC :r L-4620 �: a r - - SCOTT MELIN, L -462 �.20 - : =,C SCALE 1"=20' 5/10/21 % s• .. SUR`�.• \, DATE �'�.,cOTT•::M: ••NP�,.�`� DATE 4/30/2021 U 2 0 SHEET U O N. GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 40 Li w 1OF1 = 1 inch=20 ft. „, N O d X APPENDIX B STREAM DATA OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT Olde Towne Stream Relocation Site Monitoring Year 1 Report • Raleigh, North Carolina • December 2021 OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION CROSS-SECTION: 1 RIFFLE Year-0 Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Station (ft) Elev. (ft) Station (ft) Elev. (ft) Station (ft) Elev. (ft) Station (ft) Elev. (ft) 0.00 194.26 0.00 194.26 1.53 194.42 0.30 194.16 3.58 194.46 3.45 194.26 5.09 194.10 3.80 194.16 5.99 193.87 4.00 194.06 6.31 193.56 5.00 193.16 6.54 193.51 5.20 192.78 7.02 193.65 6.00 192.36 7.28 193.85 6.50 192.06 9.18 194.38 7.00 192.06 10.72 194.74 8.00 192.11 11.96 194.82 8.50 192.78 12.99 194.78 9.00 192.96 10.00 193.56 10.70 193.76 11.20 194.26 la MCADAMS Olde Towne Stream Relocation Site Monitoring Year 1 Report • Raleigh, North Carolina • December 2021 XS-1 Riffle 195.00 194.50 _ . _ . _ . 194.00 - 193.50 co v 193.00 w 192.50 192.00 Year-0,2021 - • -Year-0,Bkf f Year-1,2021 - - -Year-1,Bkf 191.50 - 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 Station (ft) Width from Stream Left to Right CROSS SECTION PLOT-LOOKING DOWNSTREAM YEAR-1, 2021 SURVEY DATA CROSS-SECTION: 1 PROJECT OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION FEATURE: RIFFLE TASK CROSS SECTION DATE 12/17/2021 CREW KG Summary Data Year-0 Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Bankfull X-sec area (sf) 2.4 9.9 Bankfull Width (ft) 5.9 6.4 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.4 1.0 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.0 1.7 Width/Depth Ratio 14.4 6.4 Entrenchment Ratio 4.6 4.2 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.3 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 194.46 193.76 D50(mm) --- D84(mm) --- MCADAMS Olde Towne Stream Relocation Site Monitoring Year 1 Report • Raleigh, North Carolina • December 2021 OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION CROSS-SECTION: 2 POOL Year-0 Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Station (ft) Elev. (ft) Station (ft) Elev. (ft) Station (ft) Elev. (ft) Station (ft) Elev. (ft) 0.00 190.66 0.00 190.66 2.67 190.79 3.80 190.66 4.18 190.68 4.00 190.46 5.19 190.36 4.50 190.16 5.37 190.27 5.00 190.26 6.19 190.06 5.80 190.28 6.43 189.54 6.00 190.36 7.73 189.29 6.70 190.36 9.17 189.63 6.90 190.21 9.51 190.02 7.00 190.01 10.36 190.09 8.30 190.26 11.73 190.83 9.00 190.41 14.04 190.92 10.00 190.56 17.24 190.90 10.80 190.66 la MCADAMS Olde Towne Stream Relocation Site Monitoring Year 1 Report • Raleigh, North Carolina • December 2021 XS-2 Pool 191.20 190.80 - • - • - • - • - • 190.40 - - 190.00 w 189.60 189.20 - Year-0,2021 - • -Year-0,Bkf (Year-1,2021 - - -Year-1,Bkf 188.80 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 Station (ft) Width from Stream Left to Right CROSS SECTION PLOT-LOOKING DOWNSTREAM YEAR-1, 2021 SURVEY DATA CROSS-SECTION: 2 PROJECT OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION FEATURE: POOL TASK CROSS SECTION DATE 12/17/2021 CREW KG Summary Data Year-0 Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Bankfull X-sec area (sf) 6.3 2.3 Bankfull Width (ft) 9.0 7.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.7 0.3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.5 0.7 Width/Depth Ratio 12.8 21.9 Entrenchment Ratio 6.0 7.7 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 190.79 190.66 D50(mm) --- D84(mm) --- W MCADAMS APPENDIX C SITE PHOTO LOG OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT a MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT SITE PHOTO LOG July 9, 2021 4I a 9 � � k m: z N��.��S'r r RYA 'xfe � s r s., . ''' -.;>2.'—•4:4,:fa.:,,I,.(17A40%;;:i472.-146. Igii.:411-4,:tw.„4- ,, ,',1 '2.,ifit,,,:"fi- ....4-*;'w .',,.,,:1-4. °i sx e 1 _ r eprr : f l 1!'''1jTi:'..",..'.)..'.;A:',','-'"''-'Y''1,'r--.."...-...' :- F' :. .��° <, '- ' �`,.`' �,..: ; t 4 r.7 , f'` ; � gyp `., sr iL v��- s fir 7 ': • Figure 1. Project Crest Gage (View Downstream).Approximately Sta 1+65. '! ,• 1 �.: III ',_ay .,.'.....,, ,-,,,,,q,,...., „. :- , ,,f:.„*t,.. ,i.... . 4-ul 4.i „ ,..-...,v,..- ' - _ ,,42.. 24.47.„.....-.r,,,. : ,1,lyry 1 _ !•=i :, 1. ' yy4lii Iv i A i F"I _ .. ,.. _,. ,,,,..-- .,........ , ... .4:11,. _ .......... ..,0016.4 , -„.0 : 4 ...,.,,r tiosilw ,„ ,. , _._,.,... .,),... . . ., ...,.,*.. _ . .3.. .....46,,, 4,...„ ...„ .. .......„. ... ... it.,..„.00, .w .. Figure 2. View Upstream at Project End:Approximately Sta 2+65 to 3+75. Live stakes planted from top of bank into floodplain area. Evidence of bankfull and floodplain flows. Log sill drop performing nicely. creating experiences through experience 2905 Meridian Parkway,Durham,NC 27713/919.361.5000 la MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT F..:- �; ..ray.,.....„ . ._- 5e -X:, � .i.,,;.- .1.0. . . ,. , .,:. :;..., ., , ... ,,.,iiiw ,r : . . =-.:4 4!„ . : -' . .-- 5 t� r i n P r f' ` ram. 4 , � ,t!. rag • L B i x � � .. ,f,:. +F" V• ri fir,. i . Ids .f ,- ,G,�, e ti a ,�y ,, ti ° f � kk Figure 3. View Downstream:Approximately Sta 0+30. Floodplain sediment deposition observed. 4. r A , erg@ pf^. f p '+'qo'`' .e4 -r 'w : -1 0 "*11111001 •4:4,v.4 ' 1 - . -ir .. _s' y �A " ' . .„......„....,,,. ..,..,-,-#3, • , .• .... . .i,,:..r:.'..:'...;,litit: .!i, ' .tooki::,-.141 " :..� a �+'- aR. 3 `a,+,' - Sd�l .. fll .r � f. „�;:?'v Tdc F''� / _ p - MBA�. .� x lit i eit r. • ..: r' ' ; . x 3:� $ b :ti-w • f d�}, r9 gi G,�e:� k� � g A ayp � ^- �.i+t. �f i � � ,�',yp, ` ' '" .�r _ ' -x ` :; ark'" ,-c .*�':- �' ` '� ` •. a i{L" ' r_ ka'b !°n xa tr� ¢ .-...t a'" r r " y :1-il `.i4 - ,. ! .ram" °.:'' ,`..1 x. �,• d 5 n - � Spy sl . '' r� 'S p - Figure 4. View Downstream:Approximately Sta 0+50 to 0+70. Bare permanent riparian vegetation on right bank floodplain. creating experiences through experience 2 of 13 al MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT 4c _ �d. ,.......b ... , �w5.a _ l'a c •61 2 f r,'ate sa: .,,, �jr++`• . - . . . .. t I .. ,. .ziv.„.„,: . , : y ' �,.c .moo„ "�-.?. .:.:> � . ��yF � . � I k , � � • .„. _ A ak ., .,.,,,, , ,� .nab w Le _ f' =a. _ .. R �g`<` b I- ,� w� ih -�S.J^I R T , Y a • � � b u .3�" �d ,4 ^ x 'i ,fit. s I. �"�5�� � . ' gym�,x y +k` .Y n'"` ,te` � Figure 5. View Upstream Cross Section 1: Approximately Sta 0+50 to 0+90. Channel banks, especially left, have steepened and instream vegetation is sparse. ' �s -41 < Fallen tree - Y F. , '--. -,- -*...;;W----- k "-'" ''•;•— " "Ata#Tirrr,Z "' 17 '. . ,-.- it Af._-- Ayy''I��! .� -, .:,._ 1 ) ��'`-� '`R? _ "�Lla ,apt .t. • k,,,,*"..,.- ,A fiqt."*'''''' ' ..4 ar ::;17,.,,- yip u * r N ll t A �I � � 41 /f! 'yy. � [t Alin v < � � i + �u6t Figure 6. View Downstream:Approximately Sta 2+45 (XS-2 Pool). Fallen tree diverts bankfull flows over toward channel plug. creating experiences through experience 3 of 13 JJ MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT f S r h ' i `,. 3 OP - a�-'r yv t; . '-..:ole''' r r r '� � �Y V OMB i!/ �" j —fs' � - tr �. i .ip Figure 7. View Downstream: Beginning of existing channel plug. Mo„•.,. a it V i L3 a C AV _Ytia g t, k . '.. f ! Via' X t Y4i 1 I _ - '`,, -s "i'.}4 ' '' ,+ Ji 9 f>'' - ry Y - �, •sue ty 1 ?,y . :. ;tea. A Figure 8. View Upstream. End of existing channel plug. Channelized flow forming and scouring underneath causing bank erosion at the stream tie in (see figure below). creating experiences through experience 4 of 13 J MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT • • S�" Figure 9. Beginning of installed channel plug. Floodplain runoff has scoured underneath silt fence, eroded channel banks and dislodged erosion control matting. creating experiences through experience 5 of 13 J MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT DECEMBER 17, 2021 g 6� J� ' o� _ � n ap,up hr It ii��� : ! w fry ,,..--,11, ,. 1 : 4 i 1r1 r �> r iF . \ ., ,/ 3rr „s i of � ,a 1 I f ' r 1\ ,t, �, f 1� i{{'u11,06! 3 }?y.r fir,.[ 77 1, •= T I ! It-If,- : .. r ��f( C ' ''' ,� '' �1. ""5`^� f f'I� ` r4 iI I i, ,s 'yr,; , r j ��y�lj) J, � y�'`R 7 PI Y s x t l�"{ h` }fi i '� I s,9 �.i, =- ,,:.-�Y � ?� .a � �•� . " � � r s Yam[' ( �! y} p- N._, [ 44or a�y� Y ,„ �V r ors { �,50 .,A4t Z 2 v i ';, j� •r.4ka 1!Tf..,..„,_,. ,,,,,,,„,.....„ Agc, °,„ ',. ,. ✓� `vT + z..1 ��Y'r fhrY1 .1 -� s` .A.. 1 .' ! .r I� 1 •" 4.& ;1 I' ,gyp'a `� Y 'MII� r� >t e �Y `; �rI e7; ° a ��� 3ylC • P it $'p ,irk "s d 46�, $y� MI IN 5' `.A ; -I J $ LC, Ir. F YE asp , -`, °� t s' r m" , ;��"L14�/�jy�///ter," '0 hRl ' 5. A. �c.i j ` , . Ifs e.3 f�h F . --.._ f --,-,-_,-,, loc-i.,r, 40,,..---- *----ti,,k,,,,,-r - r! �;Fi d 2 ��s: h rig e, ��� f � �� /� as� b � . Figure 11. Cross Sectionl—Riffle (Approx. STA 0+90).View downstream. 1� lea 1 {i1 • i�Ti a 'I f�� ;: K7- 4 4; 1, 1 E ',.ii� UM, ��\r\''h1 . :i14F`' -1: IT t fr;41,J.,t- ifiliLA ,. -iiit 1 i '1 ite.., - '',!:, -r,,, . , tii .,.!, 1 ..0,.t,Li., c v,Ire:. ,,.., - , . y� ; . z�1� ,,T i f Yk ��+1'.``�G f 'SV,rvF lit �1�1 till,-.,. 1 - i' 'r�. Y ' .„-„,„ 1. :.: 3 r1,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,..„.„:„ �f 4 M dr.& r I ` ifi+°'r r � l�g 7 1,4 tea ... • i * .�• Y %fti .�mirp '. ° ,Em$it 1n f '� Y s +. t X,yy✓ :y y fait te~ _ ��a -•k• C„ i s l t (' s.; , __,.., -r,,, %40.4,11x,„*... -,,,.. .i . ln��' r �5k I� R.,� �t 4 1 •, 41 `• � ��S\5 f` .l� i f - �^"-- i cam• •- v a�' w.mac .▪.-" t _,,.. 'trP.f r:f t:- ' " , i - ---447,'" r 3w ✓r ,i r �' I .- / ,,;1 -ern �, � -A--- Figure 12. Cross Section 1—Riffle (Approx. STA 0+90). View upstream. creating experiences through experience 6 of 13 J MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT �E 1', aS '�c A- :_if 5 �A' d :�R/ .. ,4r .. LR- r » r } � . 3 � � ,Y "'HHH `.. V"'�f' trid F - rR fqi•?. /'__ ON \ti - > It ir ° ;, s r 4:0-ilire '''..0tifiA7,...M',,K.N--"Alai:..7 '''.'1`..•"''''.(/ .---'''rotk,ri'i--'121,:.-4 p raw • _,gt.,f f 1 *\ :;t&( 1 T,S,:. ,,, Icn Figure 13. Cross Section 1—Riffle (Approx. STA 0+90). Left streambank. k..:,:: ,,:v,,, —.., ,, , . ,.:,;,,,,,„ ,,e_... fi:,-1..:.,y,,,,..,::.!. .;.;,,,, '-.-.,„-( ,..,,,sy,-;4---.', (i. ;,-,1....;4'.7_,,,,-- ---ki.. X,' sIf:4_-.. k'' . ' ','- ;''.. ."7.;i...Flki.w.,',e,-',..-4, -.:: ''.;),.i'-:=4/,-L,--71...': , 1-.4'\1‘ t, IA A t i �,,11 yi „,1,4r:-...N*.-F-. -,;::, --r"-fr .(:4P.:;,k,-k-1,4..-:' ,.- ,o, . — ri: '''i -*Aio... ,,.,,,,i „.:,,,-,,,,,0: ,,,,,, , 7--„, .4,,,;.,t,t4,-,,,,,,, - . ,. ,,... ,,..; _,\:.,, n__,-,--\\. ,, ,, ,,,,,.,- ---,,,,,,, „!,,, .,,, . ,Ii,', .r--A.---- -**44?-1.41.4,,.. ,--..----,- /--,- ,N., ., : ; ,'-',`;',,-- -TT II _ � k..:',-,,tic � d /� }I �r6 is • r3 .4. 1. s "fir ii , .; _ /IT ,,,, ,.),,,, ,i. ,.,', ',;-'; )‘',t-- - Alp %�,N to 1 A et. YI n ' Iy / �Se I , 6 t 1 r Apr .ri. 'cam 11Hv"•n Vt + `.r. .r,„,. ti"la'3Afic �. �,�v,,: �a . .nR.mti., .a . �.i Figure 14. Cross Section 1—Riffle (Approx. STA 0+90). Right streambank. creating experiences through experience 7 of 13 J MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM ,li RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT y� �� F M r��tf Pa � � h ��la�e � �$ �r f it/r, (,. \ it �� r-.ai e Ya ((�� n , 5� i 'f s 'i .: li� /y aJ j d I� ', 7,f�� x'��k 14' I g IF it k' r�1 ,use ,' re 'i i d *JJJyyy 1 a F $ 4y— • 4' n �.Are ' ' . • a,� p "Q s F �1 k I �+ 'ts= � r -doff i e �—` i � �./ } ' tea. ‘. i • _,..f,, , , ,,,, _ , /,, i_ .._ , : -4-'-r ,N,L.,''''•,,,.—.. q 4 t: • ,,g,• - + -_ It- 01101 C -e r� Figure 15. Cross Section 2—Pool (Approx. STA 2+45). View downstream. r .; 4 k t ,ems 1 iI � c ry ' if y S • ti* A J N L rP 1_J ii""II � \ .0 1 } I i_ Figure 16. Cross Section 2—Pool (Approx. STA 2+45). View upstream. creating experiences through experience 8 of 13 JJ MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT btu I y a ly y�4i, , 4,, 1%' + 1} 4 kti ,..,;1.,,. ,.' sa. :d i s 3 '� .{, r ,.'t• i '' T `9 n11 E, aei y cat ' , - /JM,_ ' F` rt-a /! 18, Axe \ R � h L #) a�.,., :m.''''---i--"--kri•••i,--., r it , l` o { vt i r , saw ^` { i' Idsr / 3"a eAb •ILL i 1 I Figure 17. Cross Section 2—Pool (Approx. STA 2+45). Left streambank. ../ ,. . ; e t h xl I FT?,`� - 1 y.,! :ion !f( r: rr as ?53 a,3 y5 !4 :,.,�1b 7..... x 'i! IF �'. `�1�k I �.t7TPP • i�'A'x`-'1.-.s, t it '� f .�` g ti �' t a. _= 6;li:�$. f o',> 'ram li � +` ,�- �, »4 'y " r - e 1, h iw'�"' iid ' � � 1 ° . �°` ill l + . r - w.'•11,0, - ���'F'�, it dad,tri:t \ ffJJa�� '` -s v��' • `� ��- e 1F f i / valAt `' �� III I. l 4l ¢ S ,A'..••-.•'-'.,,'1' •"_-7_. ,i-„ y _ i ' i 1•l• B S . .._; t\i1t„Irpi/ilO.r'A.,:. FBI' 1 /i 4,.4,\'. „, _*')W,'"' er i ' r?A J/7'4 ' J 11 r,4\9\'•*4-'0, A ., .I,. ,-4 . ,-ii,.:e-.;.„'i„1H.,,,,,',,, ..-p,...:.•. ,,4- dry 0y,.,.-l'4,,,.1i-t7,.. ,; v r A _41 1 ... /'' Figure 18. Cross Section 2— Pool (Approx. STA 2+45). Right streambank. creating experiences through experience 9 of 13 J MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT k jIli "�' ,tr,t-l .g.e'. �� f • i. \ _ -�~ sx jam.. A 5 ,.. rt ` :/. ice ' "4 Figure 19. Sparse herbaceous floodplain vegetation (Approx. STA 2+00).View upstream is dj :,a tii : E -,t ..1 i. f' ) liti c9 ���s�' 'u it I } �r 7'' , l k b i ' � -t£ r ' a r i! ,,, '�Y r , ,14-: �, : ,,,4.1,..,,,,,,,1,.-1•,,..,,,,11.;T„. :,--....,-__ Alt-ez., -,.`1-2,,--.-,-- ...17.:-„, ..i for P-,a:::Eilto et,-,,-.,.1%.-7x..Ar-_',...V4A-Ni-.--- '\ ---)---` -.--,,pt, ..-,k:,- 1 lt.W- n 9P R }� 3 '1,---,-", ,, „f a �y ' t," ,0" hi,L, . .,,,,f,-,.. k.-ke,ii .._,: . p +i Figure 20. Right bank slough and sparse vegetation (Approx. STA 1+75). View upstream. creating experiences through experience 10 of 13 JJ MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT ;d`� -e "c' _z'� ;° lt• 3, Nrs y- v § +9 tt , r[ ir .i otrila 1,,v,„ . t t`k i'�` 1i f�, - '� t\ 1 - "Li,° ���'' I dot 4 b� `'."—'1'—' Yj 1 I 'I ''-d'' I „, r- r fi sr ' 11: f 7r !I `�ry. d-is Yrc y -' n ' ` t' s- ,'; 'vj '' . k^- s.? s •,t1 r 5 '�� \v � r ''Asp' ,,y ' '. -• } ? fir+ i� a'4 ...t.,; �a ', :: "�� `fir+ t .. 1 \� I # .,-, 4,...... n r+""' ±. w- -' , � y� { - -' h ¢ f 1'k 3- ,�XX�$\,4, ro:- €�,� x � d ��, x4�' -re�g t `� -- '( ,:- , _ rlk41 -, yr �;y r -, I 4 Figure 21. Established floodplain vegetation near downstream stream relocation tie in. . gib ri r kr sa! J �' , '' .,yr 44:11 tirf ,, � � t ,I 1 i ; Pl, ri, r *,; ti fl �fpf' ,„ , . F., '1,11.1,,,'7, 1,',,',,Z.:;•,•-yt-i::',..'`,,,.?,;,...,,,,.-•.,, 1--,...r.: •,"•.,4,,,',.,a, • '... '� � - F � •0 i r1" K&. ''''' �i - j Y• °"rl r l r r \ - • .��, `'a' . - L8 pr ,etr , cK 1 t'_ ¢ ,^ �i� - •v p , ,...h!'. 1.:(- -,'.' '".;.-":',.P- re,?'--,'le.M.'4",,,rt._.,,,,—_,,,,,..„..,;:,,, r. '' ,'z1'' rt4'1 'r1k+tiK t"''fr•- ` '\ F' �� ,, "`-.1 ''� 5` � '€ r t ' , .e, ypr!' i '-lci'.."'`,"I.' ',:-1---..t. 7 9y q . -ikto-P- 1,-, ,,,,t; ',...-t-r..:14,•„.7, :' _,--:,:vr:',.x,i,,,'',`"1,7144,,,,:,‘,tt,1-, 4.!:,-,-,•:„Ttitrl-v., ,,k, )• t -1,:....- vi x.,-.1,..f. .,i_, ,.. �l • S < } ,. ,--,.7,_.- p1 !T'V i p�� � fir J c. '' '.\ J - '{ 1 h t v Figure 22. Sparse right bank floodplain vegetation from Approx. STA 1+60 to 0+30. View upstream. creating experiences through experience 11 of 13 JJ MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT ' $a'4 � � ' °` s red 4,, .- ‘-'0..„-kA-4, t,-,--..2_,-.,..- e°,,,r105.',„„e-44,,T---77:,, :.'•-!-..6'-brki',',..:e.-"'',:. -,-_4 " " a ,tvt v "-. � �,kt rp r� � �gg� �s�`yi' �l � ,aa•1 'end \\ '� �'��, -1',•,fit$..-`-t-NA •• '_. . -1.01.*AL,',1"./0.44t/P,`,Aq.._k -1,....rft f.._. .". ,,.A- _,__ .... i. _.... firI irt H 'i.� � kif, r "fir �--.... ��4 �, . '7'4-4;60Er.4,---0"7"--F,-- ='"-, 44,..,.01.----,,--10,1mi '''--:‘ 1,ft.'41... 1MISMF.,(‘ ., ..---Z -,,:•,,-7--' , .. i : A\te, iv, 's ,, voitz mi.--_,„,...,-7 ,v,-' „,,,..., ----7\„4:i '0,ktfivir,,-, „ .,,.,, ... . y,,. „, e04.,..0_, Gam f.i� R t 1J1JJJ � 1�i )r ,,,,,t __ ,,es,,,,..1,... „ . . ,...,k1 Veirt-'-----:-A 4-itifte il 04,,,,,,,,,,,, „......,,.. _,,...., , , „..„-- ., ,,..,.....,. „,„ - ,,,.; „, ,,, ,,,,„,,,=_,,,.,, _ , . , ,......,„,, ,, 4. . ,k - Figure 23. Evidence of bankfull intercepting floodplainp. ((Approx. STA 2+20)..View upstream. 11� �, 1,`.'!0,, ,r rn:Fri k .s. I , ' . j� it •:q ; tic,'rs ,E,,I ♦ ', '' t,�' Tl ri Ip. � - � . i ' `! 'a 40010. - fie,_-�,, , ,e � 1.� 4 1 x �t ram .� i'14-4.. \ g f ; x Figure 24. Fallen trees near downstream stream relocation tie in (Approx. STA 3+15 to 3+45). creating experiences through experience 12 of 13 la MCADAMS OLDE TOWNE STREAM RELOCATION > MONITORING YEAR 1 REPORT \ i� � k1'��! � • { �' ��- -a � a ,,.t-�%a rti�'�i �`,A;;,,..-1-"� y af. - 'v Ss Ae ., x. `ir :y '-"w� ;fir \ �. ,e F 4 a a'-rx �. �,' �®` � fiA � sr r(ff`.a +���� " .�" -� �� � tea �' f .s4 l n»+ t 1...1 i4.-.L/','r ' - f•,,, ,,, 1? -' •,, „:;..t.:417',u4„,‘.;;_;','"' '',-4,,iyn-,..."::. __,...--'•,_pit,- 4q5�7 AN a Log SiII #2L. ¢ ..t. ,. -%.'-7-:,1,V,0;:, -Wt,.4"A', ......"*ILL:--t7.- •.,-'‘ -j.' 'F.''`,„t L.., - -'!V; :f14'44,;r,,''f'.0''',,, ,••til 't k it -.4-.-,'-',47",',..--,-0 i,..i... ,,,,,,,t,...!'....4.41.,' * ,,,eg.i. . 4, ,,,.„--,07.,;,,,,, f',...„,- \,_ 4 d;r y�XX qq ry�`'��,� yq `- ' "; � ;Sf i b'�a� y�I" �n,�%t `ski.� ' r, .,-,.„....„,,,,,,„,..,,'.71-1,;:6 7 3,'; seittit4....k.`,44,... a w � ,�.� `,. a b`,4,' w 1 5 Y r r,�f de i , � �� Tx 6 c' .r " r a r �'. � ',i t 3�f u V l� �til�i Figure 25. Log Sill #2. View Upstream. ",l F gaP yr rg. a.f�i 1, h 9 1 9 ,�)! 1 A l Log Si II #3 Ry , ,r--� r) P' . , 1 J T. y ram--±V • p4. " .. .0 '°yam Figure 26. Log Sill #3. View East. creating experiences through experience 13 of 13